Pargonian 27th Pioneers Rules

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Pargonian 27th Pioneers Rules

Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to any two of the following Characteristics, Ballistic Skill or

Willpower or Toughness, +3 Ballistic Skill, +3 Toughness, 3 Perception, +4 Intelligence.


Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Guard, Imperium, War), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Operate
(Surface), Security, Tech-Use +20, Trade (Technomat).

Talent: Bombardier, Hatred (Mutant?) Nerves of Steel, Rapid Reaction, Sprint, Technical Knock.

Hated Enemy (Mutant?): A Pargonian may be required, at the GMs discretion, to attempt an
Ordinary (+10) Willpower Test in order to restrain themselves from attacking without mercy
when that enemy is sighted.

Bred for War: A Pargonian must attempt a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test in order to go against
the rules and regulations of the Imperial Guard.

Demolitionists: Gain a +10 bonus to Tech-Use tests made for demolitions.

Sappers: Gain a +10 bonus to Tech-Use and Trade (Technomat) Tests when constructing or
disassembling a structure.

Wounds: Normal Starting Wounds

Favoured Weapon: Basic Flamer, Heavy Missile Launcher


2 Grenade Launchers (Per Squad)

1 Cyclopes Demolition Vehicle (Per Squad)

1 Auspex (Per Squad)

M36 Lasgun - Auxiliary Grenade Launcher

4 Charge Packs

Suit of Light Carapace Armour

Deadspace Earpiece


9-70 Entrenching Tool



3 Frag Grenades

3 Krak Grenades

2Kg Demolition Charge


Poor Weather Gear

2 Knife


Set of Basic Tool

Mess Kit and Water Canteen

Blanket and Sleep Bag

Rechargeable Lamp Pack

Grooming Kit

Set of Identity Disc

Uplifting Primer

4 Weeks Rations


Home World: Fortress World - 3

Commanding Officer: Choleric - 2

Regiment: Grenadier - 4

Training Doctrine: Demolitionists - 4

Training Doctrine: Sapper - 3

Draw Back: The Few - -5

Extra Kit (Already added to Kit)

Chrono - 2

9-70 Entrenching Tool - 3

Additional Knife - 2

2 weeks worth of additional ration packs - 3

Auspex for the Squad - 10

Additional 1Kg Demolition Charge

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