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Okinawan Shuri Ryu Karate Manual

Last Updated: 10/13/2015

Shuri Ryu Karatedo
Okinawan Shuri Ryu Karatedo
Shu : To Learn From Tradi!on
Ri : To Transcend or Go Beyond
Ryu : Style or Par!cular School of Thought

The roots of Shuri-Ryu are in Okinawa, especially in the Shuri-Te karate of Ankoh Itosu and
Choki Motobu and the Hsing Yi Chuan of Tung Gee Hsing. Robert Trias, the styles founder,
trained with Tung Gee Hsing, who had cross-trained with Choki Motobu earlier in the Oki-
nawan village of Kume Mura. Tung Gee Hsing taught Trias Hsing Yi (the Intellectual Fist)
and Shuri Karate Kempo.

Later Trias studied with Hoy Yuan Ping, Gogen Yamaguchi, Roy Oshiro, Yasuhiro Konishi,
Makoto Gima, and several other teachers. Konishi awarded Trias with the 9th Dan in 1964
and was a prominent student of both Choki Motobu and Gichin Funakoshi. Gima was a
prominent student of Funakoshi and awarded Trias the 10th Dan in 1983. Both, Konishi
and Gima helped Trias reconstruct the old Shuri-Te system of Okinawan karate with some
modica!ons, hence a new name for the system was designated Shuri-Ryu. Shuri-Ryu also
incorporated some Naha katas and methods.

Robert Trias, the rst person to teach karate in the United States in 1945 in Phoenix, Arizo-
na. He opened the rst karate school in the na!on in 1946 and formed the rst karate or-
ganiza!on, the United States Karate Associa!on, in 1948. Other styles of karate related to
the Trias-line are Shorei-Goju-Ryu and Shorei-Ryu. In addi!on to the punches, blocks, and
kicks of karate, Shuri-ryu also incorporates joint locks, take-downs and throws, and kobudo
(tradi!onal weapons).

Shuri-ryu also has several short combina!ons. These include: 26 ippons (ippon kumite ka-
ta), which are performed to develop form and power; 10 taezus (taezu naru waza) which
are performed to develop speed and uidity; 30 kihons which are performed to develop
gh!ng technique; and 8 sente mo!ons (thousand hands techniques). In addi!on, there
are addi!onal training exercises including form sparring (kata kumite), focus stance spar-
ring (kime dachi kumite), free exercise (jiju undo), and free sparring (jiju kumite). One of
iden!fying features of Shuri-ryu is the use of the Shuri st in lieu of a standard st. Instead
of curling the index nger when making the st, the index nger is laid at, and the thumb
pushes down on the nger, resul!ng in a !ghter st. Another feature of Shuri-ryu is the po-
si!on of the thumb of the knife edge strike or block. The thumb and forenger form a j
so that the hand may be used in a variety techniques (ridgehand, spearhand, open-hand
throat strikes, etc.) without changing the thumb posi!on.
Robert Trias
Robert A. Trias (19231989) was a U.S. karate pioneer, founding the rst karate school in the main-
land United States. He also developed Shuri-ryu karate, an eclecc style with roots in the Okinawan Shuri-
te tradion.

Life Before Karate

Trias was employed by Southern Pacic Company as a boilermaker appren!ce from 193739 and a boiler-
maker from 1939-42.

Introduc!on to Karate
While serving in the United States Naval Reserve as a Metalsmith First Class (M1c) during World War II, Rob-
ert Trias was sta!oned on or around Tulagi in the Solomon Islands from June 1944 to November 1945, and
was a Navy champion middleweight boxer. There he met Tung Gee Hsiang, a Chinese missionary of Chan
(Zen) Buddhism. Hsiang oKen watched Trias work out and imitated his boxing footwork, and he asked to
prac!ce with Trias. Trias refused because Hsiang was "just a !ny liMle guy," but Hsiang was persistent and at
last Trias agreed to spar with him. Hsiang gave Trias "the biggest thrashing of his life" and Trias then asked
Hsiang to instruct him in the mar!al arts.

Hsiang taught Trias some xingyiquan as well as some Okinawan Shuri-Te karate, which Hsiang had learned
from Choki Motobu in Okinawa. Later, Trias studied with Hoy Yuan Ping whose lineage was from the Teshin
Shinjo School of Kempo Jujutsu in Japan. Trias also held a 6th dan black belt in Kodokan Judo,and studied un-
der Yaju Yamada. Trias was also mentored by Yasuhiro Konishi and Makoto Gima.

Karate in the U.S.

In late 1945, shortly before Trias leK the Navy in January of the following year, he began teaching mar!al arts
in his backyard. He later opened the rst karate school in the United States mainland in Phoenix, Arizona in
1946. Trias served as an ocer of the Arizona State Highway Patrol from 1946-1961u!lizing his self-defense
knowledge on duty and teaching his fellow ocers. In 1948 he founded the United States Karate Associa-
!on (USKA), the rst karate organiza!on on the US mainland. Through his pioneering eorts in Karate, he
became the United States' liaison with Korea, Japan, China, and Okinawa for many years. Jointly with John
Keehan, Trias hosted the rst actual na!onal karate tournament, called the 1st World Karate Tournament, at
the University of ChicagoFieldhouse in 1963 in Chicago, IL. This event was re!tled the USKA Na!onals in 1966
and the USKA Grand Na!onals in 1968.His rules for tournament compe!!on are s!ll used today with only
slight varia!on.

Trias' style was known as Shorei-Goju ryu, Shorei-ryu and Shuri-ryu. Many US organiza!ons claim to trace
their roots to him and the USKA, including the United States Karate-Do Kai, Professional Karate Commission,
United States Karate Alliance, Interna!onal Shuri-Ryu Associa!on, and Kondo No Shokai.
Career Accomplishments
Robert Trias was responsible for the following accomplishments in developing karate in United States:
1955 - Wrote the rst rules for karate compe!!on.
1955 - Conducted the rst karate tournament.
1958 - Wrote the rst textbook.
1959 - Made the rst instruc!onal lm.
1963 - Conducted the rst world karate championships.
1968 - Conducted the rst professional karate tournament.

Death and Legacy

Trias died on July 11, 1989 of cancer leaving the Shuri-ryu system to his daughter Roberta Trias-Kelley, inheri-
tor of Shuri-Ryu and Menkyo Kaiden, and precipita!ng a struggle for succession within the USKA.] Trias is bur-
ied in Sec!on 35, Site 112 of the Na!onal Memorial Cemetery of Arizona in Phoenix.

Robert A. Trias (1923-1989), known by some as "the father of Karate in America", founded the rst karate
school in Arizona. He developed Shuri-ryu karate with its roots in the Okinawan tradi!on.

While serving in the United States Navy during World War II, Robert Trias was sta!oned in the Solomon Is-
lands. There he met Tong Gee Hsing, a Chinsese missionary of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, who oered to teach
Trias some mar!al arts in exchange for lessons in American boxing. Hsing became O'Sensei's teacher and
taught him Hsing-I, as well as some Okinawan karate, which Hsing had learned from Choki Motobu in Okina-

O'Sensei held a 6th dan black belt in Kodokan Judo and studied under Yju Yamada.

When Robert Trias leK the Navy, he began teaching mar!al arts in his backyard in Phoenix, Arizona. Later he
opened his rst karate school in Phoenix. Robert Trias served as an ocer of the Arizona State Highway Pa-
trol for a number of years u!lizing his self-defense knowledge.

Grandmaster Trias died in 1989 of cancer leaving the Shuri-ryu system to his daughter Dr. Roberta Trias-
Kelley, inheritor and Menkyo Kaiden.

July 10, 1944 became 1st dan under Hsing

Konishi promoted Trias to 9th dan in July 16, 1964

Gim promoted Trias to 10th dan in 1983

I shall conduct myself in a manner which will reect credit

upon myself and society.

I shall be loyal to my school and to the art it teaches.

I shall be honest and exercise integrity with the purpose of

developing coopera!on and trust with my fellow karate-ka
and my teachers.

I shall exercise restraint in the use of my karate knowledge,

employing it only in fair compe!!on or in defense of my
life, my family, or my country.


Recognizing Shuri-Ryu
Low stances
Seiken thrust
Fist - index nger under thumb
Hip rota!on
8 Back sts: 4 arm - 4 shoulder
5 Major blocks
Head snaps
Thousand hand exercise
High rising block
Teeth clenched
Wide eyed stare
Eight faces
All kicks, blocks & strikes 90% circular
Kicks - forward & reverse of all
12 Detailed punches: 6 long - 6 short
Block - punch - cover
Block - punch - shiK - cover
Te-katana & te-uke covers
Relaxed body un!l end of technique
Form sparring
Ippons - Kihons - Taezus
Men!on of Matsurmura, Motobu, Hsing, Trias,
Pine tree:
a) Black with sun - chief instructor
b) Black - Dan standards
c) White - Basic standards
The Shuri Ryu Patch

KYU Pine Tree Patch DAN Pine Tree Patch Chief Instructor Pine Tree Patch

The Shuri-Ryu Patch

Three Roots of the Pine Tree - Power, Speed and Form / Body, Mind, Spirit. Trunk- Strength, Longevity and Endur-
ance (Character).

Branches - Growth and Progress also it is referred to represent the 12 meridians Individual Branches - refer to belt lev-
els white, yellow, blue, green, purple, brown, and the top is black.

Red Sun - Sun gives life to the system. The colors on the seal represent.

White - Purity.

Black - Steadfastness and stubbornness of a karate-ka.

Green - Everlas!ng.

Red - Courage.

Circle - Everything returns to the source.

The pine tree patch is worn on the leK sleeve two inches above the sleeve end not on the crease, set so it can be seen
from the front with the arm hanging naturally. The dierent patches stand for levels of skill and knowledge.
Shuri Ryu Kata
Kata (forms) are formal exercises of a series of techniques performed in sequence and
arranged to geometric paAerns. They include all the various hand, foot and body shiBing tech-
niques used in kicking, punching and blocking. The katas were conceived centuries ago and were
devised by masters in an.quity and have been handed down from the past.

Tai Kyoku Kata (First Basic Steps / Body Side Forms)

The Tai kyoku exercises were created by Gichin Funakoshi and his son Yoshitaka (Gigo) as basic introduc-
tory movements in prepara!on for the more advanced Pinan (Ping an) (Heian in Japanese and Chan an's
in Okinawan. It is believed they were introduced by Chen Yuen Ping in 1644. Tai kyoku translates as rst
basic steps, also known as body side forms.

There are 22 movements and 8 aAacks

Wunsu Kata (Strong Arm-Dumping Form)

The originator of Wunsu is not known. It is believed that it was; named and composed by Okinawan mar!al
ar!sts as a tribute to the Chinese emissary Wanshu who was in Okinawa around 1685. Through !me and
dierence in transla!on the kata has also become known as: Wansu, Ansu, Unsu and Unshu. The kata strong-
ly emphasizes the use of leK and right arm punches, for which reason it is called Strong Arm form. Tatsuo
Shimabuh (now deceased) later referred to the kata as Dragon Boy or dumping form.

Wunsus hidden physical movement occurs when the rst right forward punch is executed. The punch is
"hidden" slightly behind the right kidney with the thumb side away from the body. Execute a forenger
knuckle punch (keiko ken tsuki) that glides forward alongside the body with a sharp twis!ng mo!on (thumb
facing straight up). Delay the twist un!l the last possible moment. The theory behind the hidden punch is
that while the normal punch (seiken) cannot be executed at close quarters, and takes a long !me to reach
the opponent, the forenger punch can, as it does not require a full twist. (In the regqular performance of
this kata, execute at this point a middle punch (seiken tsuki) , the keiko ken tsuki being kept as a hidden or
secret movement op!on.)

The symbolic hidden movements take place during the beginning and ending of the kata. The rst one, at the
beginning, is where the right hammer-st is executed to the leK extended open hand. This meanss, "Karate is
my secret." The second movement immediately follows the rst movement, when the leK open hand is
on top of the right st just before the hands are brought back to the chest (both hands open), meaning, "I
bear no weapons." The third symbolic movement is on the last leK edge-of-hand block, as the leK hand is
brought back towards the right hand into a praying (gasho) posi!on, meaning, "I ask forgiveness and accept
responsibility for my ac!ons".

Mudra Code: I bring no evil, I bear no weapons

There are 38 movements and 11 aAacks

Anaku kata (Swallow on the Beach and Pivo!ng Form)

Anaku (ananku) means a swallow or small bird walking and turning (over looking the ocean). It is also known
as expression pivot and turning form. Head snapping (before turning) and te and tekatana ukes should be
strong and obvious when performing this kata. The kata origin is unknown, however it is believed to have
been recomposed by Chotoku Kyan in Okinawa around 1895. He died in 1946.

The hidden movement in Anaku is the scan execu!on of the middle leK augmented block on explana!on 31.
The scan is held for approximately 15 seconds (with a wild and wide eye stare and teeth !ghtly clenched) in a
medita!ve pose. The Chinese transla!on is called szu-chi, and the Okinawans call it shin-chin taisha, which
means to hold the breath in a medita!ve pose for incredible lengths of !me. Shin chin taisha is also lmown as
dead breath, and when done in a prolonged medita!ve siUng pose (mokuso), with hands in praying posi!on
(gasho), a heat sensa!on will be felt in the lower stomach as the body begins to violently vibrate and almost
rises from the pose.

Mudra Code: A reec.on of self and the desire to rise above ideals and disciple oneself by good thoughts,
words, and deeds.

There are 33 movements and 8 aAacks.

Nai Han Chi Kata (Sho) (Iron Horse-Missing Enemy Form)
Each movement of a kata or form has a prac!cal applica!on, usually a block and a counter- aMack. Within
every kata, and this one in par!cular there are hidden or symbolic movements that have both prac!cal and
symbolic interpreta!ons. In this kata, the beginning symbolic movements mean, "I gather within me all forc-
es of earth. I look up and ask the heavens for perfec!on of self. I ins!ll its force and energy (re and earth
elements) into my body."

The origin of the three (3) Naihanchi katas is unknown. We do know for a fact that they were prac!ced as
one single kata by Okinawan Shuri-ryu Master Sokon Matsumura around 1825. Naihanchi was, however,
handed down to Matsumura from earlier !mes. We can assume that Naihanchi is well over one hundred and
seventy years old, possibly da!ng back to the era of Tode Sakugawa, Suekata Chogun and Ito Gusukuma.

Around 1895, Master Choki MIotobu popularized Naihanchi by daily performing the three forms as only one
kata at least ve hundred !mes. The three Naihanchis, performed as one, became known as Motobu's Kata,
and he is said to have stated many !mes, "There is only one kata necessary to develop and excel in Karate,
and that is Naihanchi as one." Motobu's favorite hand form when performing Naihanchi was the forenger
punch (keiko ken zuki).

Because of its length and degree of diculty, the kata is now divided into three sec!ons for teaching purpos-
es. A point of interest with this form is that although it was developed by Shuri-ryu stylists, it has become an
interna!onal form that is performed in almost every major style of Karate, Taekwon do and Kempo today.
The form was developed as a defense against four to eight opponents, with the performer pinned against a
wall defending to the right, leK or from the front, but never from the rear. The original name for this kata is
Naihanchi, which means "Iron Horse," but it is more commonly referred to as Iron Horse-missing Enemy
form. Other names for this kata are Naifunchin, Teki and Chulgi.

Mudra Code: Bring all forces of earth into your body and obtain peace, tranquility, and ul.mate reality.

There are 49 movements and 17 aAacks

Sanchin Kata (Original Pupil Breath and Three Conicts Form)
The ancient Chinese name for this kata was Erh-lu-chuan. It was also called San schich or Chi shich. It was
known in Okinawa as Bodhidharma's "Ju hachi rakan shoukyo," which means the eighteeen hand teclmiques
of movement used in training by students, using theories of intrinsic energy and abdominal breathing for de-
fea!ng their opponents. Rakan is an older student, who is skilled in the art. The same term in Buddishm Ara-
hant means a sage of wisdom who evolved from the bondage of passions or emo!ons. It is also referred to as
the "Three baMles of life" (three conicts), which are birth, survival and death.

When performing either San-chin or Ten-sho katas, use both the hard and loud (ibuki or wai-chai) and the
soK and quiet (nogare or neichai) exhaling methods. In loud breathing, open the mouth wide while exhaling,
placing the !p of the tongue between the teeth while forcing the air out with a loud audible sound. In soK
breathing, exhale quietly and calmly, with the mouth par!ally open and with the !p of the tongue between
the teeth, while soKly forcing the air out.

San-chin's hidden and symbolic movement occurs when the arms rst cross the sts (called sankai-gasho).
The movement indicates "principles of universal knowledge in a psychological form." In China this is called
Hsing. The Japanese call it In, while in India it is called mudra in. It is interes!ng to note that almost all of the
movements in San-chin kata are mudra. The circular movements of the en!re kata indicate the return to the
source, or rebirth, theory. The hands become instruments of the will, and the arms crossing are subject to a
harmonious will. The inhaling and the raising of the body show a desire to rise above ideals, while the lower-
ing of the body signies life's failures.

One of the highlights of the system is the "breathing katas. " Breath is the vital fuel needed to sustain life,
and when vigorous physical and mental breathing is experienced, more blood sugar is required to keep the
pace. If the blood does not have sucient oxygen, exhaus!on sets in. To minimize exhaus!on and obtain
maximum results, the breathing procedure men!oned here must be used :
Inhale by taking a deep breath into the lower stomach through the nose.
Momentarily prac!ce dead breath (shin shin tai sha), visualizing the hung sound for storing the air (energy).
The en!re body should at this point be !ght and under extreme surface tension (soKness and tension with
pliability). Slowly start releasing (exhaling) by blowing. Push and force all the air out through the mouth, ex-
pressing the hahh or sooo sound, which will release all the air (power) completely from the en!re abdominal
Sanchin Extended:

3 conictsbirth, survival, death / 3 mindsconscious, sub-conscious, super conscious / 3 forcesbody-

physical, mind-mental, heart-spirit / 3 jewelsdharma-teaching, sangha-prac!ce, buddha-enlightenment / 3
breath levelschest, stomach, lower stomach / 3 naturesmeaning, explana!on, principle / 3 sensessee,
hear, feel / 3 kiaisbefore, during, aKer / 3 methodssee without looking, know without thinking, do with-
out eort / 3 waysyin, yang, both / 3 forms, - san-chin, san-mitsu, san-sei

Mudra Code: Comple.on of a life cycle and return to the source, life starts again.

There are 47 movements and 8 aAacks

Empi Sho Kata (Flying Swallow or First Elbow Form)

The ying swallow form has a compara!vely short history in comparison with other forms. The form was be-
ing performed in Okinawa around 1895, however its composer is unknown. The kata is referred to as Empi.
(ying swallows) or rst elbow form.

The hidden movement is executed during explana!on (3) when the right st, in tekata na-uke posi!on, is
brought back with a hidden right dragon st punch that is next directed directly into the opponent's groin.

Mudra Code: I will uphold universal spiritualiza.on (moral and spiritual uprightness) through adherence
to all laws, jus.ce, charity, and honesty.

There are 34 movements and 10 aAacks

Tsue Sho (Way of the Bo Form)

There are XX movements and XX aAacks
Bassai Dai Kata (Breaking the Giant Enemies Circle or Breaking
Through the Fortress Form)
The Bassai (basai) or Patsai katas were believed to have originated and been composed strictly for King
Oyado Mari of the Ryu kyu Islands (Okinawa), for his personal body guards' use in saving his life against ene-
my encounters. The katas were being taught by Kosaku Matsumura, in Tomari, Okinawa, around 1869. The
forms were the favorite of Chotoku Kyan (1870-l946) and Choki Motobu (1871-1945).

There are now in existence four (4) basic Bassai forms, which are:
1) Bassai Sho- breaking the small fortress.
2) Bassai Dai - breaking the great fortress.
3) Bassai San - penetra!ng the mountain fortress.
4) Bassai Tomari - thunder in the forest.

They are also known as "Breaking the giant enemy circle forms." The hidden and symbolic interpreta!ons in
Bassai deal with the ruler elements, when both hands, palm down, are brought back to shoulder level, with
the forearms perpendicular to the oor, just before the execu!on of the double st-back strikes: "I bring the
bea!ng waves upon my body (blood ow), and release the heated steam (breath) that turns into a burning
re in my lower stomach (saika tanden)."

Mudra Code: Strong convic.ons in the intrinsic goodness of all mankind and the nature of life
and in the values of love, charity, faith, and loyalty.

There are 55 movements and 19 aAacks

Go Pei Sho (Advanced Tearing Peacock or Kuju Ku Form)
Go Pei Sho represents a peacock preparing to defend itself. As it slowly opens its wings, it goes into a series
of wing-striking and clawing aMacks that are intended to blind the aMacker.

Go Pei Sho was inherited from the Chinese movements of Master Li Tsun I, of the Hopei School, also called
Goka Ta Ken, from which stemmed Okinawan Karate. The kata was later restored to its present and original
form by Master Robert A Trias. Since it is basically Chinese in movement, it was rst known as Hopei-sho.

Go pei sho' s beginning hidden and symbolic movement is that of a peacock slowly opening it's wings and
preparing to aMack. The symbolic meaning pertains to the water ruler element, which means, "Through my
nger!ps I receive streams of energy that I will direct deep into my lower stomach, which must ow uninter-
rupted throughout my en!re body." The interpreta!on involves releasing oneself from two opponents who
have grabbed one by the shoulders. The performer, using both hands as !ger claws, rips at the opponents'
eyes. The other meaning of the same movement is two arm blocks against an opponent who is reaching for
performer's neck.

Mudra Code: Do away with dualism and confusion, allow only immovable serenity to prevail.

There are 56 movements and 23 aAacks

Dan Enn Sho ( CuUng and Clawing Through the Fire or Tsume
Dan Enn Sho represents ve of the twelve animal styles of the Hsing yi system (feel of the mind or intellectual
st). The movements of the eagle, hawk, snake and !ger are very obvious. Dan Enn Sho, like Go pei Sho, was
inherited from the movements of the Chinese Master Li Tsum Yi (Tsun i) of the Hopei school. The Hopei
schools were also called Goka Ta Ken, from which stems all Okinawan Karate.

The kata was later restored to its present and original form by Master Robert Trias.

It is believed that this kata was named aKer Lord Sho Ebb (Enn Sho) of Tama and Nakac Jin castles in Okinawa
by Nogunto Otomo, who at the !me was placed in jurisdic!on of both castles by King Sho Hashi. It is also re-
ported that the Enn Kan Hi castle (home of the Otomo clan, in Saski-ki village) could have been a link in the
naming of this form.
Forms used are: Chicken (cock) head, Crane beak, Snake head, Hawk claw, Tiger claw and Eagle claw.
Dan enn sho's hidden and symbolic interpreta!on is right before and just aKer the kiai in the last movements
of the kata, meaning "I reach out with my hand for the divine force and obtain reality and self-libera!on. I
gather passive energies (yin-chi), press them into my lower stomach, and reach enlightenment." The inter-
preta!on involves a side neck release, locking and turning the opponent's arms with a hand twist and lock.

Dan Enn Sho Animals: Chicken/Cock, Crane, Snake, Hawk, Tiger, Eagle, Swallow, Ostrich, Monkey, Iguana,
Bear, Dragon, Horse.

Mudra Code: The white crane spreading its wings. The open arms represent pa.ence and tranquility. The
hands reach out for divine force in order to obtain reality and self-libera.on

There are 39 movements and 12 aAacks

Nan Dan Sho (Smoth Water, 24 Steps, Dicult Victory Form)

The origin of this kata is unknown, although it was prac!ced in the Okinawan villages of Shuri and Tomari
years ago. Its original name is basically Chinese -"Nandan sho" (Smooth water and Dicult victory form ). It
may be noted that Nanda was the half brother of Gautama, the historical buddha. The Japanese call the kata
"Nijushoshi," meaning twenty-four(24) steps.

Nan dan sho's hidden and symbolic movements pertain to the Earth ruler element, which deals with the body
and the usage of all types of breath. The interpreta!on is in the beginning movements, which means, "I take
all forces and energies from earth and bring them into my body. When my body returns to earth, I give back
to earth my body, mind and spirit, and all energies and forces I took while on earth"

Mudra Code: Gathering of all forces and energies from earth and bringing them into the body. When the
body returns to earthgive back to earth body, mind, spirit, and all other energies and forces taken from
the earth.

There are 51 movements and 16 aAacks

Kan Ku Sho (Flowing Lagoon - Sky Form)
The originator of Kanku Sho is not known. It is believed that the kata was named and composed by Okinawan
students in honor of a Chinese mar!al ar!st who was in Okinawa around the year 1765.
It can be assumed that the kata is well over 200 years old. It is prac!ced interna!onally, and its name, "Kan
ku sho," means Sky observa!on (small) form; however, it is far more commonly referred to as" Flowing la-
goon and looking at the sky form." Other katas with similar movements are Kusanku (kusokun) and Kanku dai
(sky observa!on great form ).

The hidden physical movement is when the performer drops to the oor, with the ngers of both hands
poin!ng to each other while the performer slowly scans the en!re heavens, leK to right (in shin chin taisha
medita!ve pose), and then sharply turns the head to face the opponent.

Mudra Code: The perfect balance of yin and yang.

There are xx movements and xx aAacks

Nai Han Chi Kata (Ni) (Iron Horse-Missing Enemy Form 2)

The second part of the Nai Han Chi Kata

There are xx movements and xx aAacks

Nai Han Chi Kata (San) (Iron Horse-Missing Enemy Form 3)

The third part of the Nai Han Chi Kata

There are xx movements and xx aAacks

Te-Katana (Sai Form)

There are xx movements and xx aAacks
Ten Sho (Thousand Hands - Heaven Breath Form)
There are three (3) "Ten" katas. ("Ten" literally means "heaven, sky, air, heaven's will, or nature.") The rst
kata is named Tensho, which means "mo!on of hands," but is oKen referred to as "The Kata of the Uni-
verse," "Thousand hand and heaven and breath form" and "Earth reec!ng Heaven form."

Ten sho resembles the sudden awareness of the false-self to the real self. In it lies true existence. Truth
exists in many forms, but only through serious study and con!nuous prac!ce (thousands of !mes) will it
reveal its true nature. Ten sho expresses a triple nature:
1) A subtle inner meaning (teaching or Dharma)
2) An outer explana!on (prac!ce or Sangha)
3) A divine principle (enlightenment or Buddha) within the state of nothingness (Sunyata) or emp!ness.
This triple nature is oKen referred to as" The Three Jewels."

When performing Ten sho, use both the hard and loud (ibuki) and soK and quiet (nogare) breathing meth-
ods (yin-chi), as developed through the breathing exercises. The stomach must be extremely tense, with
rapid and strenuous body movements of great physical strength and spiritual concentra!on, with instant
relaxa!on and dropping of the hips. The Chinese call this Pi-chi, which will generate, control and direct the
energy ow throughout the body. Pi-Chi was also used by Tibetan Lamas ("Tu-mo" in Tibetan) to generate
heat within their bodies for the purpose of transferring this heat or energy to another body.

When performing the interpreta!ons with an opponent, the hands must rotate in either direc!on (like a
ball) when making contact with his hands or arms. Always move with, and control, the opponent's move-
ment (as in trapping hands) without breaking contact with said movement.

Ten sho's hidden symbolic movement takes place when the arms rst cross and the sts, at the moment,
are turned toward the body (called basa ran kongo). The movement shows "the vast knowledge which de-
stroys passion" and "the impenetrable truth of universal wisdom." As in San-chin, breath inhaling (raising
of the body) shows a desire to rise above ideals, while exhaling (lowering of the body) represents the per-
former's failures in life. Most of the movements are mudra, and knowledge gained through Ten sho should
ow through the mind like water.
One of the highlights of the Okinawna system is the "breathing katas." Breath is the vital fuel needed to sus-
tain life, and when vigorous physical and mental breathing is experienced, more blood sugar is required to
keep the pace. If the blood does not have sucient oxygen, exhaus!on sets in. To minimize exhaus!on and
obtain maximum results, the breathing procedure men!oned here must be used :

Inhale by taking a deep breath into the lower stomach through the nose.
Momentarily prac!ce dead breath (shin shin tai sha), visualizing the hung sound for storing the air (energy).
The en!re body should at this point be !ght and under extreme surface tension (soKness and tension with
pliability). Slowly start releasing (exhaling) by blowing.
Push and force all the air out through the mouth, expressing the hahh or sooo sound, which will release all
the air (power) completely from the en!re abdominal region.

Finally, the following points should be noted in performing the Ten Sho kata:
1. All hand movements are done with tension under breath
2. The pelvis rises with each inhala!on
3. All middle block posi!ons must have the elbows inside of the rib cage, and the st must be slightly outside
of the shoulders
4. Relax (exhale) and drop hips aKer each arm movement

Mudra Code: Harmony is peaceone with the universe.

There are xx movements and xx aAacks

Shudo-So (Monastery Monk - Advanced Breathing Exercise)

This kata was developed by Grandmaster Robert A Trias from the breathing exercises of Shaolin Monks as
used in moving Chan media!on.
Shuri Ryu Ippons
Ippons begin and end with a block as they respond to an aAack and follow through with a prear-
ranged form of defense. The techniques were designed primarily to develop POWER and FORM.
Ippons improve ability in body turning, shiBing, stepping and changing direc.on.

Ippon Kumite Kata

Ippon Kumite Kata #1
1. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK high block
2. Execute a right forward kick to the groin
3. Step forward into a right forward stance and execute a right edge of hand strike to opposite clavicle
4. Execute a leK then right punch to the solar plexus
5. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK low block

Ippon Kumite Kata #2

1. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK high block
2. Execute a right forward kick to the groin
3. Step forward into a right forward stance and execute a right hammer strike to opposite clavicle
4. Execute a leK then right punch to the solar plexus
5. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK low block

Ippon Kumite Kata #3

1. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK high block
2. Execute a right forward kick to the groin
3. Step forward into a right forward stance and execute a right leopard strike (palm up) to throat
4. Execute a leK then right punch to the solar plexus
5. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK low block

Ippon Kumite Kata #4

1. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK high block
2. Execute a right forward kick to the groin
3. Step forward into a right forward stance and execute a right ver!cal punch to solar plexus
4. Execute a leK then right punch to the solar plexus
5. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK low block

Ippon Kumite Kata #5

1. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK high block
2. Execute a right forward kick to the groin
3. Step forward into a right forward stance and execute a right heel of hand strike (!ger st) to the chin
4. Execute a leK then right punch to the solar plexus
5. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK low block
Ippon Kumite Kata #6
1. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK high block
2. Step forward with the right foot into a 45 degree horse stance grabbing aMackers right wrist and execute a
right edge of hand strike to the bicep
3. Remain in 45 degree horse stance and execute a right knife hand strike to aMackers neck. (S!ll holding
aMackers wrist)
4. ShiK into a right forward stance and execute a leK then right punch to the solar plexus
5. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK low block

Ippon Kumite Kata #7

1. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK high block
2. Step forward with the right foot and execute a heel stomp to top of aMackers right foot
3. Step forward with the right foot into a 45 degree horse stance grabbing aMackers right wrist and execute a
right edge of hand strike to the bicep
4. Remain in 45 degree horse stance and execute a right knife hand strike to aMackers neck. (S!ll holding
aMackers wrist)
5. ShiK into a right forward stance and execute a leK then right punch to the solar plexus
6. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK low block

Ippon Kumite Kata #8

1. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK high block
2. Sweep aMackers right leg with the right foot and simultaneously execute a right elbow strike to the chin
3. Remain in a leK forward stance and execute a leK then right punch to the solar plexus
4. Execute a leK low block

Ippon Kumite Kata #9

1. Step forward into a right 45 degree horse stance and execute a right downward hammer st strike to
aMackers bicep
2. Pivot body 90 degrees (back towards aMacker) into a hanmae stance and lock opponents arm under your
right arm
3. Execute a leK hammer strike to the groin, followed by a leK elbow strike to the stomach
4. Step with the leK foot in front of the right
5. Pivot 180 degrees (clockwise) to a leK forward stance
6. Execute a leK then right punch to the solar plexus
7. Execute a leK low block

Ippon Kumite Kata #10

1. From a standing posi!on raise right hand to crane posi!on and kiai
2. Leap forward into a horse stance and execute a leK low thrust punch to the groin
3. Remain in kiba dachi and execute a right knife hand strike (palm up) to aMackers neck
3. Execute a leK then right punch to the solar plexus
4. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK low block
Ippon Kumite Kata #11
1. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK high block
2. Execute a right back of hand strike to the side of the neck
3. Execute an leK uppercut punch to the chin followed by a leK side kick to the groin
4. ShiK back and execute a leK side kick to aMackers groin
5. Step down with the leK foot into a leK forward stance and execute a leK then right punch to the solar plex-
5. Execute a leK low block

Ippon Kumite Kata #12

1. AMacker steps in with a 2 handed grab
2. Step back with right foot into a leK forward stance and execute a double hammer st strike to aMackers
3. Grab wrists and execute a right thrust front kick to the groin
4. Step forward into a right forward stance and execute a leK then right punch to the solar plexus
5. Step back into a leK forward stance and execute a leK low block

Ippon Kumite Kata #13

1. Step back with leK foot into a right forward stance and execute a right high block
2. Grab aMackers arm with right handstep into a leK 45 degree horst stance
3. Raise aMackers arm and execute a leK edge of hand strike under aMackers arm to aMackers neck
4. Execute a right then leK punch to midsec!on
5. Step back into a right forward stance and execute a right low block

Ippon Kumite Kata #14

1. AMacker executes a right punch
2. Step leK into a wide horse stance and catch the aMack in the crook of the right arm
3. Pivot 90 degrees on the right foot into a side horse stance and execute a forearm strike to aMackers elbow
4. Execute a right and leK punch to the solar plexus
5. Step back into a leK forward stance and execute a leK low block

Ippon Kumite Kata #15

1. AMacker steps in with a 2 handed grab
2. Step back into a leK forward stance and execute a double hammer st strike to aMackers wrists
3. Grab wrists and simultaneously execute a double hammer strike
to aMackers ears and a right knee to the groin
4. Step forward into a right forward stance and execute a leK and right punch to the solar plexus
5. Step back into a leK forward stance and execute a leK low block
Shuri Ryu Kihons
Kihon kumite emphasizes the combina.on Power, Form, Speed and Fluidity. It is prac.ced as the
founda.on and introduc.on to techniques used for and in sparring. Kihons improve ability in body
turning, shiBing, stepping and changing direc.on.

Kihon Kumite Kata

Kihon Kumite Kata #1
1. Step out into right front stance and execute an augmented middle block
2. From the extended posi!on execute right high twis!ng punch, then execute leK twis!ng punch
3. Remain in right front stance and execute right low block

Kihon Kumite Kata #2

1. Step out with your leK foot into a forty ve degree horse stance and execute right palm heel deec!on
2. Pivot 45 degrees right into a right front stance and execute leK twis!ng punch
3. Pull your right foot back and execute right roundhouse kick
4. Pull your kicking leg all the way back to a leK front stance and execute leK low block

Kihon Kumite Kata #3

1. Step out with your leK foot into a forty ve degree horse stance and execute leK push block
2. Pivot 45 degrees leK into a leK front stance and execute right Isshin ryu strike
3. Pivot 90 degrees right into a right front stance and execute leK hammer strike
4. Remain in right front stance and execute right low block

Kihon Kumite Kata #4

1. Step out with your leK foot into a forty ve degree horse stance and execute two arm palm heel deect
2. Pull hands to your right hip and execute right knee strike, before the leg steps down pivot 45 degrees right
3. Step down into a right forward stance and execute right low knifehand, then execute right low block

Kihon Kumite Kata #5

1. Step forward into a leK front stance and execute leK high block
2. Bring your right st back to your forehead with palm facing out and execute right backst
3. Immediately execute leK twis!ng punch
4. Remain in leK front stance and execute leK low block

Kihon Kumite Kata #6

1. Step forward with your leK foot into a leK front stance and execute right palm deec!on
2. Pivot 90 degrees right into a right front stance and execute leK upward elbow, then execute leK horizontal
elbow strike
3. Step back into leK front stance and execute leK low block
Kihon Kumite Kata #7
1. Step forward with your leK foot into forty ve degree horse stance and execute two arm palm deec!on
2. Flip you leK hand palm in and make a large circle with both hands and meet them on your right knee
3. Bring the right leg all the way back to leK forty ve degree front stance and execute leK low block

Kihon Kumite Kata #8

1. Step forward into right front stance and execute leK palm deec!on
2. Execute leK knee strike, as the foot hits the ground execute right upward elbow strike
3. Step back into leK front stance and execute leK low block

Kihon Kumite Kata #9

1. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK low block
2. Execute right front kick as the kicking foot lands in a right front stance execute right twis!ng punch
3. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK low block

Kihon Kumite Kata #10

1. Step out into a leK front stance and execute right palm deec!on
2. Execute right stomp side kick, immediately shiK 90 degrees right and land in a right front stance
3. Dip into a right jungle stance and execute a leK dragon st punch
4. Rise up into a right front stance and execute right low block

Kihon Kumite Kata #11

1. Step out with your leK foot into a forty ve degree horse stance and execute right palm deec!on
2. Pivot 45 degrees right into right front stance and execute leK twis!ng punch
3. ShiK 45 degrees leK back into a forty ve degree horse riding stance and execute right twis!ng punch
4. Step back into leK forty ve front stance and execute leK low block

Kihon Kumite Kata #12

1. Immediately execute a right inside crescent kick, without puUng your foot down execute a right snap side
(blade) kick
2. As your foot hits the ground pivot right into a right front stance and execute leK twis!ng punch
3. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK low block

Kihon Kumite Kata #13

1. Step out into a leK front stance and execute right palm deec!on
2. Simultaneously thrust your right hand forward in a throat strike and execute back stomp kick
3. Remain in leK front stance and execute leK low block
Kihon Kumite Kata #14
1. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK low swimming deec!on
2. Step forward into a natural stance facing forty ve degrees leK, and execute right palm heel strike
3. Execute right front stomp kick, pivot and pull your right foot to the back into a leK front stance
facing forward and execute leK low block
Kihon Kumite Kata #15
1. Step out with your right foot 90 degrees leK into a horse riding stance and execute right hammer block
2. Then execute right low back elbow, immediately execute right high back elbow
3. Step right foot straight back and pivot 90 degrees right into right front stance and execute leK twis!ng
4. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK low block
Shuri Ryu Taezus
Taezu naru waza (con.nuous mo.on) begin and end with a block. Taezus are designed primarily to
develop SPEED and FLUIDITY. Without taezu technique, a student tends to develop a powerful col-
lec.on of movements which will not ow. Taezu will improve ability in body turning, shiBing, step-
ping and changing direc.ons with proper speed and uidity.

Taezus Naru Waza

Taezu Naru Waza #1
1. Step back into a leK front stance and execute a leK high block
2. Step forward into right front stance and execute knife hand strike to aMackers leK clavicle
3. Execute leK twis!ng punch, then execute right twis!ng punch to heart
4. Chamber hands and execute double snake strike to aMackers eyes
5. Pull both hands back to cross block and come to right cat stance
6. Immediately execute a right front kick bring right leg back into a back into a leK front stance and execute a
leK low block

Taezu Naru Waza #2

1. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK high block
2. Step forward into a right forward stance execute a right hammer strike to aMackers right shoulder
3. Chamber hands and immediately thrust them out in a two arm spearhand with leK hand on top
and right on boMom. Palms are facing each other
4. Chamber hands and execute double snake strike to aMackers eyes
5. Pull both hands back to cross block and come to right cat stance
6. Immediately execute a right front kick bring right leg back into a back into a leK front stance and execute a
leK low block

Taezu Naru Waza #3

1. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK high block
2. Step forward into right forward stance simultaneously grabbing, or trapping aMackers right punch, with
your leK hand and execute an palm up leopard strike to aMackers throat
3. Pull both hands back to chamber then execute a simultaneous right ver!cal punch and leK roundhouse
4. Chamber hands and execute double snake strike to aMackers eyes
5. Pull both hands back to cross block and come to right cat stance
6. Immediately execute a right front kick bring right leg back into a back into a leK front stance and execute a
leK low block
Taezu Naru Waza #4
1. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK high block
2. Step forward into right front stance and execute right ver!cal punch to solar plexus
3. Execute leK low thrust punch, then execute right high twis!ng punch to aMackers jaw
4. Pull both hands back to the leK side of your head right nger!ps over leK nger!ps, palms facing each oth-
er. Then execute a double knifehand strike to temple and neck of aMacker
5. Chamber hands and execute double snake strike to aMackers eyes
6. Pull both hands back to cross block and come to right cat stance
7. Immediately execute a right front kick bring right leg back into a back into a leK front stance and execute a
leK low block

Taezu Naru Waza #5

1. Step 45 degrees leK and forward into a half face front stance and execute right hammer block to aMackers
2. Execute right horizontal backst, pivot into right front stance
3. Immediately execute a simultaneous right middle block and leK thrust punch
4. Pivot into forty-ve degree horse riding stance and execute right elbow strike
5. Pivot back into right front stance and execute two arm thrust punch leK hand over right palms down or
side by side
6. Chamber hands and execute double snake strike to aMackers eyes
7. Pull both hands back to cross block and come to right cat stance
8. Immediately execute a right front kick bring right leg back into a back into a leK front stance and execute a
leK low block

Taezu Naru Waza #6

1. Step back into a leK front stance and execute low swimming deec!on then execute right high block
2. Drop your right hand to your hip and execute two arm spearhand
3. Push with leK hand and step through to right front stance and execute right rising punch
4. Meet both hands side by side, palms up. Flip hands toward your chest and then immediately shoot them
out in double snake strike
5. Pull both hands back to cross block and come to right cat stance
6. Immediately execute a right front kick bring right leg back into a back into a leK front stance and execute a
leK low block

Taezu Naru Waza #7

1. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK high block
2. Immediately execute right middle block then execute right ver!cal backst
3. Step up turning 90 degrees into a formal stance and pull to stack hand and immediately execute right hori-
zontal backst
4. Step down to forty ve degree horse riding stance, immediately sweep your right leg back and simultane-
execute right horizontal knifehand
5. As the right foot hits the ground execute two arm palm heel smash
6. Step back into leK front stance and execute leK low block
Taezu Naru Waza #8
1. Execute a right inside crescent kick, without puUng your foot down execute right snap side(blade) kick
2. Step forward into right shadow stance and execute right backst, then immediately execute leK swimming
3. Step leK foot back into right front stance and simultaneously execute two arm palm heel smash
4. Step back into a front stance and execute leK low block
3. Execute leK high twis!ng punch, then execute right high twis!ng punch
4. Immediately execute leK low twis!ng punch, then execute right low twis!ng punch
5. Meet hands side by side with palms facing up, ip hands toward your chest and immediately shoot them
out in a snake strike
6. Pull hands back to chest in snake posi!on to a right cat stance
7. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK low block

Taezu Naru Waza #9

1. Step back with right foot into leK forward stance. LeK downward pushaway block to opponent's right
punch. Execute a right high block to opponent's leK punch
2. Step forward into right forward stance, LeK punch to head, Right punch to head
3. Remain in forward right stance. LeK punch to groin, Right punch to groin
4. Double snake head strikes to eyes
5. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK low block

Taezu Naru Waza #10

1. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK high block
2. Step forward into right front stance and execute right rising punch
3. Pull right st back to forehead with palm facing out, immediately execute right backst
4. Meet hands side by side with palms facing up, ip hands toward your chest and immediately shoot them
out in a snake strike
5. Pull hands back to chest in snake posi!on to a right cat stance
6. Step back into a leK front stance and execute leK low block
Shuri Ryu Sente
Sente exercises came from the teaching of the Chinese style Pa Kua (Ba Gua), one of the three
main styles of China. Pa Kua is known for its circular movements. When prac.cing Sente exercises
it is important to u.lize Yin and Yang theory (push, pull method) with your hand strikes. These ex-
ercises can be done weaponless or with a weapon Bo or oar (Eiku).

Thousand Hand Rice Exercises

Sente #1
Start in heels together stance
1. Step across your leK side with your right foot into a forward stance (facing 90 degrees to your leK) right
hand in chamber to your right ear (palm away) leK hand extended towards your rear. Turn counterclockwise
and pull your right foot back to heels together stance (facing your rear). Deliver a right horizontal strike to
your leK hand at neck level Repeat, nishing in the same posi!on you originally started

Sente #2
Start in heels together stance
1. pull into a right crane stance while simultaneously delivering a right underarm palm heel strike into your
leK palm
2. Step with your right foot into a kiba dachi and deliver a right overhead shuto to aMackers clavicle

Sente #3
Start in ready stance. Step out right foot to kiba dachi
1. Execute a overhead right shuto strike to aMackers clavicle
2. Execute a horizontal right shuto (palm down) to aMackers right side of neck
3. Execute a horizontal right shuto (palm up) to aMackers leK side of neck

Sente #4
Start in ready stance. Step out right foot to kiba dachi
1. Right push away parry
2. Right back of hand parry
3. Circle your right hand head high into a right horizontal shuto strike into your palm at hip level
4. Execute a right overhead shuto to aMackers clavicle

Sente #5
Start in ready stance. Step out right foot to kiba dachi
1. Execute a right downward shuto strike across aMacker towards your leK knee
2. Execute a right downward shuto strike across aMacker towards your right knee
3. Execute a horizontal right shuto (palm up) to neck
4. Execute a horizontal right shuto (palm down) to neck
5. Right overhead shuto strike to aMackers center
Sente #6
Start in ready stance. Step out right foot to kiba dachi
1. Execute a right downward shuto strike across aMacker towards your leK knee
2. Execute a right downward shuto strike across aMacker towards your right knee
3. Execute a horizontal right shuto (palm up) to neck
4. Execute a horizontal right shuto (palm down) to neck
5. Right elbow strike to the rear
6. Right hook hand strike to the throat

Sente #7
Start in ready stance. Step out right foot into right forward stance
1. Right push away parry
2. Right back of hand parry
3. Double palm heel strikes (palms up) to chin and (palms down) to midsec!on
4. Execute a right downward shuto strike across aMacker towards your leK knee
5. Execute a right downward shuto strike across aMacker towards your right knee
6. Pull into a right crane stance while simultaneously delivering a right underarm palm heel strike into your
leK palm
7. Step with your right foot into a kiba dachi and deliver a right overhead shuto to aMackers clavicle

Sente #8
Start in ready stance. Step out right foot into right forward stance
1. Double palm heel strikes (palms up) to chin and (palms down) to midsec!on
2. Turn counterclockwise 90 degree into leK back stance with double leK parry (palm up)
3. Turn clockwise 180 degree into right back stance with double right parry (palm up)
4. Turn counterclockwise 90 degree (front) into kiba dachi execute a right downward diagonal shuto strike
towards your leK knee
5. Execute a right downward diagonal shuto strike towards your right knee
6. Right horizontal shuto strike (palm up)
7. Right horizontal shuto strike (palm down)
8. Right overhead shuto strike to aMackers center
Performance Categories
Ippon Kumite Katas (Body Power)
Taezu Naru Wazas (Speed -Fluidity)
Kihon Kumite Katas (Power-Speed-Form)
JiJu Undo (Free Exercise)
Kime Dachi Kumite (Stance Sparring)
Kata - Kumite (Form Sparring)
Kata (Pre-arranged Form)
JiJu Kumite and Sessen Kumite

Undo Chikara 9 Moving Forces

1. Breath (ki or Chi) control - Releasing of air and the yell. Energy contro, we breathe for energy

2. Applied Pressure (Appaku) - Apply pressure to caro!d arteries, costal nerves, hollow of throat, solar plexus,
underarms and wrist

3. Joint bending (Tsugime or Kansetsu) - ngers, wrists, arms, shoulders, ankles, against all joints

4. Striking vulnerable and paralyzing areas (Utsu or Kobushi Ate) - Includes locking hand to throat, wrist
crooked to chin, mirror hand to groin, palm of hand to jaw, nger hand to eyes, knuckle strikes to body, ges-
ture kicking and elbow strikes

5. Absorbing and controlling pain and/or punishment (Kote) - involves extreme yelling, releasing of all air, kiai
and kote-aite prac!ce with partner

6. Holding (osae komi) and grappling (Ne) - marriage with all holds and controlling opponent's body and limbs

7. Throwing (nage) and sweeping (Ashi) - sweeping kicks to ankles and knee fold, kicking with haku geri,
throws such as osoto gari, tai otoshi, uchi gari, kubi nage and Ogoshi, etc

8. Choking (jime) and rendering unconciousness by neck choking, striking to the caro!d arteries, costal nerve,
hollow of throat, solar plexus, underarms and wrists

9. Counters (kaeshu) to all of the above

Kogekimethods of and advancing

1. Step Thru
2. Sacricial
3. Step and Slide
4. Boxers Step or Close the Gap
5. Foot Replacing Foot
6. Step Across
7. Step Behind

8 Facial Expressions

1. Condence
2. Contempt
3. Solemn
4. Shock
5. Fear
6. Friendly
7. Anger
8. Unconcerned

Kata Interpreta.on
Mental / Spirital / Universal
1. Mina BunkaiFull interpreta!on
2. Goshindo Bunkai Self Defense
3. KaeshuCounters
4. Haikai / KatamariKilling Blows

Reverse KatasHantei (self) / Kagami (mirrorwith opponent)

Body Forms

SnakeBreath Strenght (nishi-kin)

TigerBone Strength (Shotepalm); (Tore-te Finger) Kokoken
CraneSpirit/muscle Strength (Tsurakin / Kokuto-kin)
DragonBody Strenght (Onikin)
LeopardInner/Outer StrengthHanuchi-kin

6 long/short punches
1. Seiken zukifront punch
2. Tate-zukiver!cal punch
3. Urajikinupper cut
4. Kadge-zukihook punch
5. Odgikinupward punch
6. Swimukiswim punch (over the top)

3 levels of blocking
1. Wrist
2. Elbow
3. Armpit

1. Block-to-block
2. Block-to-break
3. Block-to-strike
3 Time when to AAack
1. Before (sen)
2. During (sen no sen)
3. AKer (go no sen)

8 Types of AAack
1. Direct AMack
2. Counter AMack
3. Surprise AMack
4. Hit and Run AMack
5. Defensive AMack
6. Circle AMack
7. Passive AMack
8. Sacrace AMack

3 Ways of Breathing
Nagari 1in through nose, out nose
Nagari 2in through nose/mouth, out nose/mouth
Ibukiin nose / out mouth
17 Stances in System
1. Fudo dachiheels together

2. Hachiji dachispread out stance

3. Hange tsu dachiwide hour glass stance (Sanchin 3)

4. Heisoku dachiaMen!on stance

5. Kake dachihooked cross stance

6. Kiba dachistraddle stance

7. Kokutsu dachilayout stance (Snake)

8. Ko neko dachilayout cat stance

9. Mitsurin dachijungle stance (Leopard)

10. Neko-ashi-dachicat leg stance

11. Sanchi dachihour glass tance

12. Shiko dachistand up squat stance

13. Shiro haku tsuru dachiwhite swan stance

14. Shiro kozuru dachiwhite stork stance

15. Shiro tsuru dachiwhite crane stance

16. Sochin dachidiagonal straadle stance , hour glass ( sanchin 2)

17. Zenkutsu dachiforward stance

Major Arts:
1. Swordsmanship
2. Spearmanship
3. Archery
4. Horsemanship
5. Swimming with Armor

Minor Arts: (One piece weapons)

1. JiMe (Sai)
2. Sta (Bo)
3. War Fan (Gum bai)
4. Eiku

Collateral Arts: (two piece weapons)

1. Nun-chaku
2. Kama
3. Tonfa
And others

Unarmed Arts:
1. Karate 2. Judo 3. Aikido 4. Karube 5. Kempo 6. Sumo 7. Jujitsu 8 . Wrestling (and others)

Occult Arts:
Flower Arranging
Art / Pain!ng
MitsumeWide-eyed Stare
AtemiVital point striking
Kuzu shibreaking balance
Morotetwo hands
Nuki-teFinger !p
Seir Yutooxjaw shuto
Te-uke2 clenched rsts
Te katana uketop open, boMom clenched
Mu-shinno mindedness
Gashopraying posi!on
Fumi-komi-geriFoot Stomp
Osoto Garimajor outside Sweep
Kosoto Gariminor outside sweep
Oiechi GariMajor inside sweep
Koiechi GariMinor inside sweep
Seizasite down in kneeling posi!on, back straight, palms on thighs
Mokusoclose eyes, clear mind, prepare
Reito bow
English Japanese Okinawan

1 Ichi Tea ch

2 Ni Tar ch

3 San Mee ch

4 Shi Yuu ch

5 Go Ichi ch

6 Roku Mud ch

7 Shichi Nana ch

8 Hachi Yar ch

9 Ku Kukunu ch

10 Ju Too

20 Ni-ju
21 Ni-ju-ichi
100 Hyaku
200 Nihyaku
1000 Sen
2000 Nisen
10000 Ichiman

Japanese (daiji) numerals

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100 1000 10000
Rank Requirements


Pinnacle of Karate




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