Syllabus Asl100

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ASL 100: American Sign Language I Course Syllabus

Instructor: Stevie Naeyaert

Office Hours: posted at CM 1103
Course Title: American Sign Language I
Course Number: ASL. 100
Credit Hours: 4
Phone: (810) 762-0470
Prerequisite: great attitude

Course Description

In this course, students will study the basic structure of American Sign Language
through interaction and storytelling. Reading assignments will emphasize the life and
culture of American Deaf people. Students will also retell ASL stories in front of the class

Course Outcomes
After successful completion of this course, students will
Engage in basic conversation with others about activities, families, and
Incorporate Deaf Culture group behaviors while interacting.
Narrate ASL Folklores.

Teaching Methods

In this class, we will utilize several different teaching methods. One will be the Direct
Method Approach. With this method, you will be immersed in ASL 4 hours a week to
maximize your language learning. There will be no Spoken English used at all. In the
beginning, we will use some Written English forms but after a few weeks - we will be
using written English as little as possible for a full immersion experience. We will also
use the Interactive Learning Method where you will engage in authentic conversations
in pairs and/or groups. This approach requires you to be an active learning - you will be
expected to use ASL with your instructor and all classmates while in the classroom.
Required Materials

Signing Naturally: Units 1-6 Student Workbook

Book includes 2 DVDs.

Sign up for a GoReact account.

Log in to your ASL 101 Blackboard shell often. All course

materials, announcements, assignments, quizzes, and
Discussion Boards will take place there.

Tentative Course Schedule (subject to change)

W1 Introduction and introducing W9 Discuss relationships and

yourselves immediate family

W2 Colors, numbers, letters and W 10 Discuss relationship variations and

identifying others extended family

W3 Language background, identifying W 11 Discuss family events and

space common holidays

W4 Describing others, sharing tidbits W 12 Discuss chores and errands &

about others calendar terms

W5 Describing location and talking W 13 Discuss leisure activities and

about where you live weekend trips

W6 Talking about who you live with W 14 Talking about everyday activities /
and your pets Gum Story

W7 Prep: AutoBio & Timber Story W 15 Prep: Trip Presentation & Gum

MidT AutoBio / Timber Story Final Trip Presentation / Gum Story

Student Evaluation Plan
Assignment or Percentage
Assessment Description: of Final
Method: Grade

Short quizzes assessing students comprehension of

ASL. Instructors will sign ASL words, phrases,
Comprehension sentences, and or paragraphs. . Students will be
Assessments expected to either translate them into written ASL,
perform as instructed in ASL, and/or reply back using

Students will be assessed on ASL skills in one or both of

the two ways:
Production 1-2 minute narratives in front of the class and/or
Assessments engage in a dialogues with classmate(s).

See attached Production Assessment Rubric.

Students will retell two ASL Folklore as told by a native

Deaf signer.
See attached Storytelling Rubric 30%

For ASL 101, students will retell two stories. Each stories
are worth 15% of the final grade.

Workbook Assignments

Discussion Board Assignments

Homework 10%
Deaf Event (1)

See Homework Assignments for descriptions of each


Grading Chart
100% - 93 % A 4.0
92% - 85% B+ 3.5
84% - 80% B 3.0
79% - 75% C+ 2.5
74% - 70% C 2.0
69% - 65% D+ 1.5
64% - 60% D 1.0
65% - 0% F 0.0
Homework Assignments

Workbook assignments
Your instructor will assign workbook assignments after each class session. It is
imperative that you complete your assignments on time as the next lesson builds
on what you complete at home.
There are extra copies of the student workbook and DVDs in the ASL Lab and at
MCC Library.
You will complete the workbook in ASL. 102 so if you plan on continuing classes,
dont sell your workbook.

Reaction Papers
Your instructor will assign some reading materials from the internet.
Write two well-written replies to those and post on the course Blackboard
Discussion Board.
Be sure to cite and reference your sources

Deaf Event
Attend at least one deaf function/event where the majority of participants are
Your instructor will announce possible events to attend
Observing sign language interpreters do not count
Bumping into deaf people at work, restaurants and/or shopping centers
do not count.
Post your observations on the Deaf Event Discussion Board on Blackboard

College / Program / Course Policies

Program Requirements
This is for students planning to enroll in the SLIE Program: The Sign Language
Interpreter Education program requires one year of American Sign Language study
before beginning program courses. This includes taking and successfully passing ASL
101 with a 2.5 or above, ASL 102 with a 3.0 or above, and ASL 111 Deaf Culture with a
3.0 or above.For more information, visit:

College Student Policies

For information on various college policies such as Academic Integrity and Americans
with Disabilities Act, visit

Course Make-up Policy

Quizzes require the instructor and/or student to engage in using ASL and take
considerable time to administer. Make-ups for missed quizzes are not given in this
course. The lowest comprehension quiz score will be dropped. The greatest chance of
success is to attend classes and take all quizzes.

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