Introduction Panel - Metalwork Gallery: Inkwells and Penboxes: Caskets and Boxes

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Introduction panel Metalwork Gallery

Metalwork has been one of the principal means throughout history for craftsman to express their
skills and imagination. In Islamic societies, metal objects served a utilitarian function and were used
in almost every aspect of daily life. The manufacture of metal wares was usually a family tradition,
passed down from one generation to the next. Most of these objects were made of metals such as
brass, bronze, or copper.

Certainly linked to previous non-Islamic dynasties such Coptic and Sassanian

The status of metalware and its art in the Islamic world. Function wise

The tradition of metalwork, and its history prevalent Muslim producers link to previous non-Islamic

The techniques used highlight famous ones

The most common methods employed for decoration were punching, chasing and bossing, tracing,
engraving and inlay.

The decoration found on these metalware

Cataloguing via storyline (typology): Objects made for Religious and Domestic use

These objects purposes were twofold; they were used in both domestic and religious settings. Based
on these categorisations, the objects consist of lighting implements such as lampstands, oil lamps
and candlesticks, perfume vessels such as incense burner, mirrors, ewers and jugs, as well as bowls
and cups.

Lighting implements: lampstands, oil lamps, candlesticks

Perfume vessels: incense burner, perfume flasks,


Ewers and jugs: pitchers

Bowls, cups, goblets;

Inkwells and penboxes:

Caskets and boxes:

Further breakdown based on decoration


Vegetal ornaments: curling scrolls and arabesques, blossoms and foliations

Animals and imaginary creatures

Epigraphic bands: figural scripts

Thematic repertoire: representations of pleasure and pastime (banqueting scenes, dancers and
musicians, hunting scenes, falconry), cosmic and terrestrial cycles (Labours of the month, planets and
zodiac, and scenes of princely image in cosmic setting), epics, legends and religious themes.

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