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San Fran Hotseat Notes (2017)

They opened the hotseat with a video of Tyler on bootcamp. He kept repeating hypnotically "100 percent commit, 0 percent
pressure. 100 percent lead, 0 self judgement. Zero Self judgement. Zero Self-Judgement." Be happy you even approached. Be
happy, who the fuck would have the balls to do that? Be happy about it.

Be carefree and loose. Tyler walked with one girl and held her hand super natural. He stayed in set so long talking about the gayest
shit ever. Complete shit, I need to lower the bar. He was just questions and stories and hypothetical situations.

Be as much relaxed as possible. LEAD into the cab. He pulled a black stripper with his ex Carlee.

Tyler enjoys his physicality. He does it for himself, not the girl. He finds it funny too. Don't pretend you have a good vibe when you

The best approaches have zero mental friction. So work with your current emotion and commit 100 percent.

Then Tyler talked about the new concept he employs in his game, and that is what? vs. how?

He talked about this in a recent video. Basically, he doesn't ask himself if he is going to approach or not(that takes energy to decide
and therefore drains willpower), but he assumes he is going to approach and asks himself how. Not yes or no, how. Am I going to
give her the back hand shake? Am I going to walk straight up to her? Claw her in?

This is purely promotion oriented thinking. What is she gonna say? Vs. How do I get in there?

Verbal Vommit! Questions are completely random, there is no connecting theme and there does not have to be.

He would spend so much time joking. He was not asking for compliance, he was "assuming the sale."

Buy into your own reality. Love what you say. Talk about what I love. Tyler talks about Eckhart Tolle, Meditation, Travel, Teaching,
Health, Books etc. Shit that you think no gurl would be into, but because he loves it she is drawn in.

Verbal Escalation.
There was a video where Tyler was talking to an HB9 named Paula. Julien saw that Tyler wasn't pushing the set hard enough so he
decided to steal Paula. Tyler picked her up and walked away to the bar. Then Madison pointed out how Tyler didn't escalate
physically, but he started pushing the set verbally.

Verbal escalation goes from I to You to We. At first they were talking about themselves, then Owen would throw out you
statements like you're sexy or you're smart, and finally he verbally escalated to We. "We should run away to Africa and have 11

Just a little subtlety of game.

Later in that video Tyler is doing streetgame and getting blown out hard. He just laughs it off. Very silly and goofy. Tyler makes
rejections funny.

Another secret of game, is that rejections actually pump you up into state more than good reactions, if you let them. Tyler just
sings and laughs to keep his state going.

Brad makes rejections funny by saying "Last chance for love."

Julien says "But I have a lot of money???" in trying for rapport tonality.

No judgement. Tyler commands, leads and persists. Very decisive in his actions and forward movement. You must be dominant to
get women. You can't get her if you can't handle her. She pushes your buttons to see if you'll be a beta faggot and submit.

"Come. Let's go." Owen leads hard. No asking, commanding. His leading frame is so fucking solid and strong. This fiery latina was
giving him hella shit about his appearance, being very rude but he stayed unreactive. He kept his cool. He dealt with all her shit,
plus promoters trying to fuck her. He is a real man.

"There was never a second that she didn't know Tyler would pull her hair and spank her ass." - Madison

Julien changes the topic so much. He passed her tests, got physical, leaned into her ear. Get 4 different style wings.

Julien just uses his sense of humor and gets the girls emotional blueprint.
If you are feeling awkward go to talking about yourself, screening logistics, say anything, captivate them, go on tangents, get deep
so they can't answer their phone(talk about death so they won't feel okay answering their phone).

No girl will pick up while you are talking about your dead aunt.

If you have an insecurity, flip it on them when they bring it up. "What is it about young guys that intimidates you?"

Then we got into some exercises.

1. Free non-association. Stare at a point on the wall and say a bunch of nouns that don't relate. "Dog. House. Africa. Vaccuum. Red.
Orphan. Truck. Dolphin. Power. New York. Eyeball." I was alright, but Kevin from SF Inner Circle was suprisingly good at it. He
came off good at game, so there is probably an association there.

2. Say a sentence and start your next sentence with a word from the first sentence. "I like dogs. Dogs are very heartwarming. Very
fat girls like chocolate. Girls date black guys. Black is the color of doom. Doom was a great game. Great things happen over time...."

3. "Sex with me is like..." Pick an object and make it funny. Great party game btw. Sex with me is like a watch because it has three
hands. Sex with me is like a watch because you look at it every hour. Sex with me is like a watch because you own several.

It doesn't have to make sense, this is just to get you in the zone and having fun.

At this point Tyler actually got to the hotseat and took over for Sam and Madison.

At first he talked about Decision Making Fatigue.

It isn't whether to approach, it is how. This saves energy. Not judging yourself whatsoever also saves energy. Trying burns energy
as well, so be congruent, and SAVE ENERGY!

He also said that every guy should research mental disorders so that they can know what the girl they are dating has.

I really love the way Tyler ran this hotseat as opposed to the one I saw a month later in LA. He graded all of his interactions on five

Clarity of Intent
"All promotion oriented. Not wishy washy, he is there to fuck them. Or he is there to have a great time. Or he is there to make the
girl laugh."
"Do I look like I've been there before? Do I look like I've had girls of this caliber before?"
Buyer Seller Dynamic
Is he trying at all? Does he look like he is choosing her or is she choosing him? You must choose her.
Is he faking it? Hodling back? No, he is being real.
Self Amused vs. Reaction Seeking
Hot girls will not give you an inch, all of your emotions must be self generated or you will fail.

Read PIMP by Iceberg Slim.

Condom free sex is the reward for a relationship.

Go. Fail. Learn. Eventually get a number. Flake. Repeat. One number sticks, day 2. Learn how to date. Keep going. Fuckbuddy
acquired. Eventually you will have a rotation and maybe even a sole or primary girlfriend.

Don't be afraid to take up a girls time and space. Assume her time and space, you getting her is more important that whatever she
was going to do. If you don't take up her time and space you will never get her.

Emotional stability. How your energies react. Family values.

Go intense, then back up. Repeat.

Read Focus by Daniel Goleman, author of emotional intelligence and social intelligence.

You can focus on the opportunity of getting the girls, or on avoiding the pain of trying. I want to fuck. I want to have fun. I want to
party. I want to meet her. I want to build a connection with her. There is a dick behind the energy.

I don't want to feel dumb. I want to get this over with etc.
Two different intents, focus on positive intents and yield to them.

Congruently own whatever you have or are. Do not lie about pickup, that makes it weird. I think that pickup is the shit, so own it
and make other people feel insecure with my passion. Energy is more important but make it relateable.

"Take so much action it overwhelms the thinking mind." You never know which girl is open to meeting a new guy. Be your own
inner coach. Feeling down, fuck that. Tyler made a committment to open all for 30 minutes and he ended up getting laid off his
second open. Talk yourself into it. Tyler was tired as fuck and not in a social mood.

Proof that state does not matter. State became the new mind virus. You won't always be on. Tyler just embraced it. Cannot rely on
state or social momentum.

Ozzie even opens with "I'm feeling kind of low today." He owns where he is at and never lies about it. Focus on action over state.
The girl doesn't even know what is going on. He just puts her in a trance by blasting her with emotions and escalation. He changes
topics like mad.

Julien is a fan of Julien. Tyler thinks that it is funny to talk about meditation, eckhart tolle, business, books, eating healthy, etc. and
he laughs inside because it is absurd that they actually listen, but they do listen because he is so into it himself.

Julien is super fucking polarizing! He opens hard, asks questions, commands her, laughs, and starts talking about whatever the
fuck he wants to or whatever will make him laugh, but in no calculated order, he just does it all in the moment. He literally talks
about stupid fucking shit, and he laughs at himself. His game is more to make himself feel good than for the girl. He does not care
about the impression he is making, and that is why the girls all get attracted. Big baby. #TrollingLife

Julien messes with people for his own amusement. He carried around a dog bone and told girls fetch it amongst other edgy
commands and jokes, and this makes him laugh even if he isn't laughing on the outside. He uses inside jokes from his life and it
amps his state, and the girl doesn't even have to know the joke because it isn't for her to laugh, it is for Julien himself.

Julien pushes his own buttons. Overwhelms girls with 90/10 talking ratio. He assumes their time and space, overwhelms them
and sets the rhythm by talking so much, but also breaking rapport tonality and short sentences. "Tell me now." Another command
that he uses but also that amuses him.

Inside joke>Inside joke>Inside joke>Inside joke>Juliens joke

Meaning it makes no fucking sense to anybody but him. Does not let them in on the joke, AT ALL!

"Where are you going?"

"X place"
"Don't go to X place"

Or even "Don't you fucking go to X place" with a statement of empathy afterwards if necessary. Not important what he says
though, just how he says it and the place that it comes from.

He switched topics on this one girl so fucking crucial, it was sad but funny. She asked a question and he just interjected really
strongly his own question with Breaking Rapport Tonality. He set the rhythm, not her.

Self amusing as he is leading things forward. Jeffy calls it party dong, leading, blabbering about shit and being physical.

Physical = not afraid to touch her and fun at the same time.

Call these dingbat hoes an hour later to make me a real person in their eyes. Madison calls girls five minutes after getting their
number in daygame to solidify the connection and have them save his number so he is not just some random number.

Madison loves flakes. It is his opportunity to show that he is "that guy" and not some needy beta. He will just text back "k, cool

Open to 2 flakes per girl, assuming you actually want them.

Madison recommends Jeffys "Execute The Program."

Read Persuasion by Robert Cialdini. Anthony Robbins, David and now Madison have all recommended it. Madison said that he
learned from that book that if you get someone to do you a favor they will like you more than if you did them a favor. This is
because they rationalize their behaviour as a sign that they must like you.
Homework from Madison: Get people to do you a favor.

The way Madison did this was to say something like "Hey, could you google map this address and send me a screen cap? My phone
doesn't have data right now but I can still text, thanks." He would eventually get them to his house, and this made it easier because
there is a connection and some investment.

Tyler showed a video which demonstrated the use of assumed familiarity and persistence. He was on a wall and grabbed a girl
walking to the restroom.

"I missed you." And he went for the kiss, vibe was playful. Treat her like your girlfriend. She would lean away from him when he
would try to kiss her and he would just joke and try again five seconds later. They seriously fucking follow their emotions.
Emotions get them to do things that they would not otherwise do.

Tyler takes girls to Whole Foods for his first date while he grocery shops.

Game = pumping her head with feelings. Joke and backoff. Playing to win! Anticipate great reactions. Handle your girls needs. Be
comfortable being the dad and overwhelming them.

Just fucking talk a lot. Talk about things that elevate their emotions. Aggressive but not desperate. If the aggressiveness stops then
her emotions go down. Close but don't need the close.

How do I raise my own emotions? Do what I think is funny.

Be proactive about closing. Extract her for the pull funnily and cooly. Complete assumption of the close plus humor.

False dichotomy, a funny way to disqualify yourself. "I'm too shy."

In this video, we find Julien in a bar talking to girls. He starts talking to a girl nearby and having fun. Julien is not worried about
shit. No eagerness to pull. Still the north pole, icy pimpgod. Not all on her kissing her, he keeps pushing her away verbally and
sometimes physically. That is what Melissa responds to.

Acting like a butthurt girl game.

He had this girl thinking he was actually butthurt when he was creating drama. She wouldn't get on her knees in the middle of the
bar for him, and she wouldn't admit that he is the most attractive man she has ever been with so he was acting like it mattered to
him. She said "Top 5" and he was like "okay you can leave" as he cut off eye contact and pulled away physically. Romantic.

He made her chase like a dog. The first time I saw this I was so shocked. She needed him so bad. Nobody should be that good at
game lol.

Sexual hook point: allow it to happen.

That was the last video in the hotseat. Tyler started talking about how to train your girls to become better.

First, you must get her to take ownership. After Carlee left Tyler she started smoking, drinking and going back to her old
behaviours because Tyler did not get her to own it for herself. She was always doing it for him, not for herself. She eventually
realized that all the shit he had her doing was great and got back on it, but she reverted back to bad patterns because he did not
make her 'own' the behaviour.

Second, bring her around self-help self-actualized type friends of yours. Seeing the gap in her life and your friends lives will make
her feel left out, and nobody wants to feel left out. She will want to improve. Inspire her by making it fun.

Make it fun, and make her feel left out if she does not improve herself.

Third, you are the fun example.

Show value to get mentors. Don't go for the low hanging fruit(Tyler), go for someone not visible(Ozzie). Madison, not Tyler. People
want Tyler because he has the image, when Madison is better than him and Ozzie is just as good. Go for Derek if anything.

Don't pay for status, pay for Ozzie. Go for the right mentors. (I would even add paying your local inner circle guy or just asking him
to take you under his wing for a bit.)

Tylers new mentor is Glenn Ackerman. He could have went for Tony Robbins, but while Tony Robbins was building his companies
and doing advertising, Glenn was improving his coaching skills by teaching people.
Plus, why get mentored by Tony if you don't have Awaken The Giant Within down? (Why get mentored by Julien if you down't have
PIMP and SHIFT down?)

So go for the hidden gems like Glenn and Ozzie and people in your immediate range. Go for Inner circle guys to teach you.

Go for people you can get to. Make your own crew, make your own party. At least have something going on before you get a mentor
or they will see no drive in you or no reason to even consider you as a student.

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