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People v. Gonzales / G.R. No. 80762 / March 19, 1990 open to door.

open to door. Ah Chong asked who the person was, twice,

but did not reply until the cha ir was struck above his knees.
FACTS: Fausta Gonzales, Augusto Gonzales, Custodio In a fit of panic and confusion and believed that he was being
Gonzales Sr., Custodio Gonzales, Jr. , Nerio Gonzales and attacked, he grabbed his knife and stabbed the intruder who
Rogelio Lanida were all found guilty of murder for killing Lloyd turned out was his roommate, Pascual. He died after and Ah
Peacerrada. All of them except for Custodio Sr. withdrew Chon was charged of murder.
their appeal. The decision of the trial court was based on the
testimony of witness Jose Hunto ria. Huntoria said that ISSUE: Whether was guilty?
appellant was also one of the attackers of the deceased.
Appellant maintained that he was asleep at the moment. The RULING: The Supreme Court decided that it was mistake of
trial court and the Court of Appeals rejected appellants fact. Ah Chong thought that the person behind the door was
defense of alibi. an intruder. The SC was convinced that he acted in good faith
and was defending himself. There was no malice and he only
ISSUE: Whether appellant was guilty. protected h is life and property.

RULING: The Supreme Court found Huntoria to be an PEOPLE v. OANIS / G.R. No. L-47722 / July 27, 1943
unreliable witness. Huntoria admitted during cross-
examination that he cannot determine the group of people FACTS: Policemen, Antonio Oanis and Alberto Galanta,
stabbing t he deceased. He failed to point definitely that received information regarding whe reabouts of the criminal
appellant also did the crime. As stated in Arts. 3 and 4 of the Anselmo Balagtas who is with Irene Requinea. Once, on t he
Revised Penal Code, for one to be criminally liable, an act location, Oanis and Galanta found a man with his back
should be committed. The SC found no sufficient proof that towards and started sho oting him. The man found to be
appellant has acted. Lastly, the SC found Huntoria was an Serapio Tecson, Requinea s paramour. Oanis and Galanta
interested witness as he was also the tenant of the deceased. gave the trial court contradictory testimonies which they did
His testimony was sought to ingratiate himself with the not believe and held them guilty of homicide through reckless
deceased s family. The SC found appellant s guilt not proven imprudence.
by reasonable doubt thus acquitting him.
ISSUE: Whether Oanis and Galanta was guilty.

RULING: The Supreme Court said that the most important

People v. Silvestre / December 14, 1931 / G.R. No. L-35748 fact was that Tecson was shot wit h his back towards the
respondents. Even though they acted in mistake of fact an d
FACTS: Romana Silvestre was found guilty by the trial as honest performance of their duty, they found respondents
accomplice to arson with Martin Atienza as the principal. guilty of murder. The SC said that both men had time not to
Silvestre and Atienza were illicit partners and they were use violent means. Tecson was not resi sting or showing signs
charged of adultery by Domingo Joaquin, Silvestre second of defense. Also, both men committed treachery making it a
husband. After pleading to Joaquin, he dropped the charges qualifying circumstance to murder. Their arguments of
and Atienza lived in another barangay. Silvestre still secretly mistake of fact and honest performance was held as
met with Atienza with the pretense of meeting her son from mitigating circumstances.
his first husband Nicolas de la Cruz. On the day of the
incident, Atienza burned the de la Cruz house with Silvestre Diego v. Castillo
silently watching. A.M. No. RTJ-02-1673 August 11, 2004

ISSUE: Whether Silvestre was an accomplice. FACTS:

January 9, 1965: Crescencia Escoto contracted
RULING: An accomplice means doing nothing on the crime marriage with Jorge de Perio, Jr., both Filipinos,
itself but cooperated by executing acts before or after the solemnized before then Mayor Liberato Reyna of
crime. The Supreme Court found mere presence and silence Dagupan City
do not constitute cooperation. She did not encouraged February 15, 1978: Jorge filed a Decree of Divorce in
Atienza to do the act. The SC reversed the decision on Texas
Silvestre while they affirmed the decision on Atienza. June 4, 1987: Crescencia Escoto using the name
Lucena Escoto married Manuel P. Diego before the
Rev. Fr. Godoy, parish priest of Dagupan City
The sister of Manuel P. Diego filed a criminal case of
US v. AH CHONG / G.R. No. L-5272 / March 19, 1910
bigamy against Escoto
FACTS: Because of recent bouts of burglaries, Ah Chong kept RTC: Acquittal since state failed to prove guilt
a knife under his pillow fo r protection. On the day of the beyond whisper of a doubt and gave credence to the
incident, he also placed a chair in front of the door for further defense of the accused that she acted without any
protection. He was awakened when someone was trying to malicious intent for believing in good faith that her
marriage was already annulled by a foreign US v. MARASIGAN / G.R. No. L-9426 / August 15, 1914
An administrative case is filed against Judge Silverio FACTS: Filemeno Marasigan struck and slashed the hand of
Q. Castillo for Knowingly rendering an unjust Francisco Mendoza after a scuf fle. As a result of the fight
judgment under Article 204[7] of the Revised Penal Mendoza received three wounds, two in the chest and one in
Code the left hand, with his middle finger of the left hand was
rendered useless. Marasigan asserts that he should be given a
ISSUE: W/N Castillo should be liable against Article 204[7] of new trial as the useless middle fing er would be healed
the Revised Penal Code through a surgical operation.

HELD: NO. Regional Trial Court Judge Silverio Q. Castillo is ISSUE: Whether Marasigan should be allowed to be given a
FINED P10,000 with a STERN WARNING that a repetition of new trial based on his contention.
the same or similar acts will be dealt with more severely
RULING: The Supreme Court ruled that the offended party is
The law requires that: not obliged to offer himself to surigical operation. It does not
(a) the offender is a judge; matter whether the finer can be used again but the fact that
(b) he renders a judgment in a case submitted to him for his fin gered as rendered useless because of Marasigan s act.
decision; The SC denied Marasigan s petition
(c) the judgment is unjust;
(d) he knew that said judgment is unjust

even assuming that a judge erred in acquitting an

accused, he still cannot be administratively charged
lacking the element of bad faith, malice or corrupt
As a matter of public policy then, the acts of a judge in
his official capacity are not subject to disciplinary action,
even though such acts are erroneous.
Good faith and absence of malice, corrupt motives or
improper considerations are sufficient defenses in which
a judge charged with ignorance of the law can find
error committed by respondent Judge being gross and
patent, the same constitutes ignorance of the law of a
nature sufficient to warrant disciplinary action

PEOPLE v. CAGOCO / GR No. L-38511 / October 6, 1933

FACTS: The RTC found Francisco Cagoco guilty of killing Yu

Luon in a treacherous manner when he hit him on the back of
his head and fell down causing a laceration on h is neck.
During the incident, Cagoco was not quickly caught but was
apprehended when he was place on a line. Yu Yee, the
victims father, along with 2 witnesses pointed him without
hesitation. They also identified him through his facial
features. Cagoco argued that there was doubt on whether he
was the attacker and if he was, the crime committed was only
physical injuries and not murder.

ISSUE: Whether Cagoco committed murder.

RULING: The Supreme Court found the testimony of all the

witnesses to be credible especi ally when Yee picked him in a
group of eleven. On whether he should be guilty of murder,
the SC said that even if there was no intention to kill, he
acted in a treacherous manner. He was found guilty of murd
er with treachery becoming a qualifying circumstance. His
contention of killing with without bad faith only becomes a
mitigating circumstance.

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