Unit 201 Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care

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Outcame 1 Understand why communication is important in adult social care settings

1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate:

- to express emotions: fear, anger, pain, joy, love.
- to get or to give: views, wishes, information for all kind of reasons.

1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult social
care settings:
- the way in which I communicate will be different depending on the person with whom
Im communicating and the purpose of the communication. In one way I communicate
with the person Im supporting and in others way I communicate with their family and
friends and also with my colleagues or other professional. Communication must be clear
and efficiently in speaking and in writing to elide errors and mistakes. When I write a
report and this report is going to be used to give information to other professionals in my
place of work, I must write in a factual way.

1.3 Explain why it is important to observe individuals reactions when communicating

with them:
- when I talk with a person it is like an interaction and it is important to watch the
effects so I can detect any problems and dealt with. It is important to see if the other
person understands me and my way of communication. If the other person does not
understand me, I must be able to communicate without always having to use words. I can
use facial expression, body language, position, gesture. So it is very important to observe
individuals reactions, to understand what people are feeling and how I can help. And,
also, I will be able to improve my own skills when I communicate with someone.

Outcome 2 Understand how to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and
preferences of an individual:

2.1 Explain why it is important to find out an individuals communication and language
needs, wishes and preferences:
- I must be able to communicate with the people I support in the best way for them,
because not everyone communicates in the same way. People have a wide range of
communication needs that involve different factors (sensory ability, cultural background,
language, learning disability, physical ability), and it is my responsibility, as a
professional, to make sure that my communication skill meet the needs of the people
(service users) I support.

2.2 Describe a range of communication methods:

- for someone with a hearing impairment (a hearing aid): I ensure that: working
properly, fitted correctly, working batteries, clean. I must sit in a good light so the
service user can hear me or he can read my lips, not to far away and I speak clearly, but
not to shout.
- for someone with a visual impairment: I provide to them glasses or contact lenses. I
must be sure that these are clean and that they are the correct prescription.
- for someone with learning disability: I will adjust my methods of communicating and I
will take account of the level of disability. From cares plan I will have the information
about the service user to know the level of understanding he has. And I will know how
simply and how often I need to explain things.

Outcome 3 Understand how to reduce barriers to communication:

3.1 Identify barriers to communication:

- not giving people proper space and time to speak;
- noisy or crowded space;
- sitting too far away or invading personal space;
- poor or unwelcoming body language;
- language;
- cultural background.

3.2 Describe ways to reduce barriers to communication:

- make the person feel comfortable and relaxed;
- smile and maintain a friendly facial expression;
- use gestures and pictures;
- speak clearly, listen carefully;
- repeat information as often as necessary;
- judge appropriate level of understanding;
- make sure that I respond at the right level.

3.3 Describe ways to check that communication has been understood:

- first and direct way is to ask someone to recap on what we have discussed;
- listen effectively: communication is a two-way process. I can communicate as much
information as I like, but if no one is listening and receiving the information, I am
wasting my time. Also I have to listen and this is the key as a professional support
- using body language: I let people know that I am really listening to what they are
saying and I am understanding what they trying to communicate.
- using questions: I can use closed question with answer yes or no, or open question
with answer more than yes or no.

3.4 Identify sources of information and support or services to enable more effective
- a piece of assistive technology;
- a speech and language therapist who is expert and can advise on any kind of
specialized communication needs;
- interpreter;
- NRCPD (National Registers of Communication Professionals working with Deaf and
Blind People);
- Alzheimers Society and Stroke Society and other Organisations.

Outcome 4 Understand confidentiality in adult social care settings

4.1 Define the term confidentiality:

- means not sharing information about someone without their knowledge and agreement
and ensuring that written and electronic information cannot be accessed or read by people
who have no reason to see it.

4.2 Describe ways to maintain confidentiality in day to day communication:

- I will not chatting about work with friends or family;
- I do not discuss one person I support with another whom I also support.

4.3 Describe situations where information normally considered to be confidential might

need to be shared with agreed others:
- medical information may be passed to a hospital, to a residential home or to a private
- information may be required by a tribunal, a court or by the ombudsman;
- information may be required by the police.

4.4 Explain how and when to seek advice about confidentiality:

- if I am in a situation where I am not sure about how or if to maintain confidentiality,
then I must to discuss with my manager.

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