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Pollution is a serious issue affecting our planet today,

yet many people continue to turn a blind eye thinking
that its not that serious.

Pollution is described as the addition of substances to

the environment faster that the environment can
dispose, recycle, decompose, or store in a harmless

There are different types of pollution and includes

water, soil, air, and sound pollution and all these
continue to cause major problems. In our quest to
better, our lives we forget or rather ignore the
negative impacts such deeds can have on the

Mostly the cities where there is a lot of population are

most affected. The fumes that emanate from factories
and vehicles not only make it difficult to breathe but
affect the ozone layer. The garbage, honking, blaring
music are all menaces that we should aim to reduce
for a better planet.

The biggest paradox is that the more we pollute the

environment the riskier it becomes for us to live in it.
Pollution affects our health, which lowers our quality
of life significantly.

Poisonous chemicals emitted in factories are

dangerous and exposes us to various elements that
cause cancer. Garbage scattered all over increases
the chance of us getting a variety of epidemic

The major problem brought about by pollution is

global warming which has resulted to changes in the
global climate patterns. We can no longer predict on
what to expect on the different seasons unlike before.
Things are so bad that life on earth in general is under
great risk.

According to scientists, its not too late to take action

we can take measures to prevent any further damage
and adopt better waste disposal measures for a better

Each one of us needs to be responsible in protecting

the environment. We can all do things better to ensure
we safeguard our human race for our benefit and our
future generations. Simple things such as saving
electricity, fuel, using biodegradable materials,
recycling, among others count in reducing pollution.

We should all aim to better our planet by the simple

things we do. Take action now.

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