MLQ-Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire PDF

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Me Gunner Reais ci MLQ Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Leader Form (5%-Short) MyName: Mevandiya Gorman, Date: Organization IO # Leader ID #: ‘This questionnaire is to describe your leadership style as you percaive it, 'Please answer all tems on this answer sheet. If an item is irretevant, or if you are unsure or do not know the answer, leave the answer blank. Forty-five descriptive statements are listed on the folowing pages. Jildge how frequently each statement fis you. The word “others" may mean your peers, cleats, dtect reports, supervisors, andlor all ofthese individuals, se the following rating scale: Wot at all” Once ira while Semeumes Fairy often — Frequently, b not always: 0 4 2 3a “ 4 | provide others with assistance in exchange for thec efforts, { re-examine citical assumptions to question whether they dre appropriate | fail to lnterfere und probiems become serous, _ | ecus atention en iregulates, mistakes, exceptions, and deviations fom standards, | avoid geting involved when important esis erise ‘ak about my most important values and bate, | am absent when needed... oe | seek cifering perspectives when saling problems. 9. tk optimistcaty about the future : 10. ies pride in others for being associated wth me sn Sep wee gs we SOPpw re kak Boe eQeue8@ beeLEEL or eer a 1. aiscuss in specie terms wha is responsible for achieving performance targets 12. wait for tings to go wrong before taking action. 12, | Lak entrsiasticaly about what needs to be eecomplshed 14, speciy the importance of having a stiong sense of purpose 15. (spend ime teaching and coaching ann @+O¢ge aac Ba ae copyright© 1985 by Bernard M. Base and Bruce J, Avollo. All ighls reserved Continued => aoe oy Mind Gircen ne. P.0, Box 62S, Pao Alo, CA 4908, (8) 424-0683 Wot ata Once ina ‘Sometimes Falely Frequently, while often not always 0 i 2 3 4 16, t make clear wnt one can expect to receive when pesiormance goals we achieved 17. (show that am a em baliever inf aint broke, dot IL 18. {go beyond selinteres or the good of he grouP. : 19. treat others as individuals rather than just as @ member of a grou 20. dernonstrate thal problems must become chronic befor take action, 21, Lactin ways tht bull eters spect fr Me nism | concentrate my ful attention on desing wth mistakes, complaints, and failures. I consider the moral and ethical consequences of decisions... keep tack ofall mistakes... I display 2 sense of power and confidence. 26, Laviculate a compeling vision ofthe future 21. Udiect ny attention toward fates to meet standards, 28, Lavold making decisions — om 29, Leonsider an nciicual as havieg dierent needs, abies, and aspirations trom ots. 30. I got others to look at problems fern many diferent ANB nnn 31, help others ta develop thelr strengths. ven 32. I suggest new ways of ooking at how to complete assignments... 33, | delay responding to urgent questions. 34. emphasize the importance of having a collective sense of mission. 35, express satisfaction when ethers mes expectations. 36. I express confidence that goats willbe achieved... vs 37. | Lamettectve in mestng others jobelated needs num a 38, (use mathods of feaderchip that ate saitying BRBS 39. I getters todo more than they expected to 60. 40, | ametfectve i representing others to higher authori. 41. work wth others fn a satisfactory way. 42. olghton others! desire to succeed. son 43, | amettectve in mesting ergenizational requirements. 44, Uncrease others willingness (0 ty APG cnn - 45, [ead a group that Is efecve Scoring the MLQ Directions: Match the rating number (0-4) withthe appropriate question. ‘Then, add the column for each question and divide by the number of items fo calculate an average for cach subscale. Bebe : Idsatizd Intense (tributed) Contingent Reward Yasar Yowescae “0 0 3 al 3 ns 3 a 3 a 4 . iis 3 ns_4 #53 3.25 S ealzed Infivence (behavior) Management by exeepion-Active Yous ‘aussie 46 3 2 as 2 m 2 a oo ima 3 oS co 3 Inspirational Motivation Management by exception-Pasive ‘sme ® 4 as 3 ms 4 ao 4 — 3.75 Intellectual Stimulation Yasar en 3 3 sot #2 3 a Individualized Consideration Yours us 2 #93 a 3 “Bi 2 2.5 Pe Eifectiveness ey

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