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The teacher writes the words that the students have acquired.

She wants students make two

groups and two line in front of the board.
T: Now, do you want to play a game?
WC: Yess!
T: Then, let me explain the game. As you see there are words on the board. You are already
familiar with them, right? What is your group name?
S1: Berries (and the teacher writes that group name)
T: What is the other groups name?
S2: Body builders
T: I wrote your group names. I will say the synonyms of words on the board and you are
going to answer respectively. The person that knows first is going to be winner and that group
will gain ten points. After that you are going to go to end of the turns, the other two people
will come. And it will continue until words finish. Did you understand me?
S3: Yes, teacher.
T: Then start with the first two students. Slither?
S4: Slide!
T: Well done S4 your group got ten points. You can go back of the turn. Bound?
S6: Bounce!
S7: [Bounce!]
T: Class, Who said it first?
WC: S7 teacher!
T: Hmm, then other group ten points.
And the game continues until all words are done.
T: Thank you all, children. You were so successful.

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