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Weekly Edition 34
23 August 2007
(Published on the UKHO Website 16 August 2007)


I Explanatory Notes. Publications List

II Admiralty Notices to Mariners. Updates to Standard Nautical Charts
III Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings
IV Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions
V Amendments to Admiralty Lists of Lights and Fog Signals
VI Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals

Mariners are requested to inform the UK Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, Taunton,
Somerset TA1 2DN immediately of the discovery of new dangers, or changes or defects in aids
to navigation and of shortcomings in Admiralty charts or publications. Copies of form H 102,
which is a convenient form on which to send in a report, may be obtained gratis from any
Admiralty Distributor or the reproduction at the end of Section VI of the Weekly Edition of Notices
to Mariners may be used. A copy of the form, which may be used as a pro forma, is also printed
in the Mariners Handbook (NP 100). Reports can also be made through the UKHO website.
In addition to postal methods, the following additional communication facilities are available:

Notices to Mariners Website Web:

Searchable Notices to Mariners Web:
Urgent navigational information: Fax: +44(0)1823 322352 Telex: 46464
Phone: +44(0)1823 353448
Other navigational information: e--mail:
General enquiries: e--mail:
General Website Web:
Other matters: Fax: +44(0)1823 284077 Telex: 46274

British Crown Copyright 2007. All rights Reserved. Permission is not required to make analogue copies of these
Notices, but such copies may not be sold without the permission of the UKHO. Permission to sell copies of the Notices
or to make digital copies can be obtained from the Senior Licensing Manager, Intellectual Property Branch, UK
Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset TA1 2DN, United Kingdom

For UKHO use only 207434




The Weekly Notices to Mariners (NM) updates for paper Charts and Publications can be accessed
through the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) website or, the
searchable NM website The latest digital NM Weekly update is available 7
days prior to the paper publication date; there are no subscription fees for access to the UKHO Notices
to Mariners Website.

NB: The NM database includes historical NM data from 1 January 2000, for NMs prior to 2000 the
Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners (NP234B-00) must be used.

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Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 6.0 or later). Reader software can be obtained by clicking on the
Adobe Icon on the NM page, or direct from the Adobe website (


Enter the website and select the search option that you require following the
on screen instructions:

Search NMs by - Chart Number only

Search NMs by - Chart Number + Previous NM Number/Year
Search NMs by - Chart Number + Between Previous and Present Dates
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To view the NM, NM Note or full-colour NM Blocks, click on the relevant link.


Enter the website, and then select Notices to Mariners. This will give you
access to the following range of Notice to Mariners services:
- Admiralty NM Web Search
- Notices to Mariners
- Weekly NMs
- NM Blocks
- Annual NMs
- Cumulative NM List


For further details of the online NM facilities please see the NM Guidance Notes on the Website,
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If you experience any difficulties, please contact the UKHO Helpdesk on:
Tel: +44 (0) 1823 337900 Ext.5030
Tel Direct: +44 (0) 1823 723366
Fax: +44 (0) 1823 251816


This Admiralty Notices to Mariners Bulletin (ANMB) is published by the UK Hydrographic
Office (UKHO). The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency accepts that both the paper and
digital forms of the ANMB comply with carriage requirement for Notices to Mariners within
Regulation of the revised Chapter V of the Safety of Life at Sea Convention, and the
Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations, both of which came into force 1 July

While every effort is made to ensure that the data provided through the Notices to Mariners
service is accurate, the user needs to be aware of the risks to corruption of data. It is important
that the user should only use the data on suitable equipment and that other applications should
not be running on the users machine at the same time. Users should exercise their
professional judgement in the use of data, and also consult the Mariners Handbook (NP100)
for further details.

The user needs to be aware that there is a possibility that data could be corrupted during
transmission, or in the process of display or printing on the users equipment, or if converted
to other software formats, and is accordingly advised that the UKHO cannot accept
responsibility for any such change, or any modifications or unauthorised changes, made by
licensees, or other parties.



Weekly Notices are dated for the Thursday appropriate to the week they are issued on the United Kingdom
Hydrographic Office website.

Charts and Positions

The notices in Section II give instructions for the updating of standard nautical charts and selected thematic charts in
the Admiralty series. Geographical positions refer to the horizontal datum of the current edition of each affected chart
which is stated in the notice alongside the appropriate chart number. Positions are normally given in degrees, minutes
and decimals of a minute, but may occasionally quote seconds for convenience when plotting from the graduation of
some older-style charts. Where Leisure Products are referred to different horizontal datums from the standard
nautical charts for that geographical area, positions in the notices cannot be plotted directly on these products. Bearings
are true reckoned clockwise from 000 to 359; those relating to lights are from seaward. Symbols referred to are those
shown on chart 5011. Depths and heights are given in metres or fathoms and/or feet as appropriate for the chart being
updated (abbreviated where necessary to m, fm and ft respectively). Blocks and notes accompanying notices in Section
II are placed towards the end of the section.

Temporary and Preliminary Notices

These are indicated by (T) or (P) after the notice number and are placed at the end of Section II. They are printed on
one side of the paper in order that they may be cut up and filed. To assist in filing, the year is indicated after the notice
number and an in-force list is published monthly. Information from these notices is not included on charts before
issue; charts should be updated in pencil on receipt.

Original Information
A star adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the notice is based on original information.

Further guidance
The Mariners Handbook (NP100) gives a fuller explanation of the limitations of charts. Annual Notice 9 gives the
UKHO policy for the promulgation and selection of navigationally significant information for charts. Details of chart
updating methods can be found in NP294, How to Keep Your Admiralty Charts Up-to-date. All users are advised
to study these publications.

When a light is affected by a notice its Light List number is quoted. The detailed amendment to the List of lights is
given in Section V and may be published in an earlier edition than the chart-updating notice. The entire entry for each
light amended will be printed (including minor changes) and an asterisk (*) will denote which column contains an
amendment. In the case of a new light, or where a new sequence is added below the main light, an asterisk (*) will
appear under all columns. All Section V entries are intended to be cut out and pasted into the book. It is emphasised
that the List of Lights is the primary source of information on lights and that many alterations, especially those of a
temporary but operational nature, are promulgated only as corrections to the List of Lights. Light positions should
be regarded as approximate and are intended to indicate the relative positions of lights only. Charts should be
consulted for a more authoritative position. The range of a light is normally the nominal range, except when the
responsible authority quotes luminous or geographical range.

Radio Signals
When a chart-updating notice is issued for information that is also included within Admiralty List of Radio Signals, the
appropriate volume reference number is quoted, followed in parentheses by the number of the Weekly Edition
containing (in Section VI) the corresponding amendment to the service details.
The amendments in Section VI should be cut out and pasted into the appropriate volumes.

Sailing Directions
Amendments to Sailing Directions are given in Section IV. Those in force at the end of the year are reprinted in the
Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners. A list of amendments in force is published in Section IV of the Weekly
Edition quarterly.
For volumes of Sailing Directions maintained by Continuous Revision, amendments may be cut out and
pasted/corrected directly in to the book. Alternatively, and for the remaining volumes of Sailing Directions maintained
by Supplement, it is recommended that amendments are kept in a file with the latest list of amendments in force on
top. The list should then be consulted when using the parent book to see if any amendments, affecting the area under
consideration, are in force. It is not recommended that amendments be stuck in the parent book, or the supplement of
Sailing Directions maintained by supplement.

Radio Navigational Warnings

See Note at the start of Section III.



Updating information is published by Weekly Notices to Mariners supplemented by radio warnings for items of
immediate importance. It should be borne in mind that they may be based on reports which cannot always be verified
before promulgation, and that it is sometimes necessary to be selective and promulgate only the more important items
to avoid overloading users; the remainder being included in revised editions of the charts and publications concerned.

Laws and Regulations

While, in the interests of the safety of shipping, the UK Hydrographic Office makes every endeavour to include in its
publications details of the laws and regulations of all countries appertaining to navigation, it must be clearly
(a) that no liability whatsoever can be accepted for failure to publish details of any particular law or regulation, and
(b) that publication of the details of a law or regulation is solely for the safety and convenience of shipping and
implies no recognition of the international validity of the law or regulation.

Reliance on Charts and Associated Publications

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on Admiralty charts and other publications, it
should be appreciated that it may not always be complete and up-to-date. The mariner must be the final judge of the
reliance he can place on the information given, bearing in mind his particular circumstances, local pilotage guidance
and the judicious use of available navigational aids.

Charts should be used with prudence: there are areas where the source data are old, incomplete or of poor quality. The
mariner should use the largest scale appropriate for his particular purpose; apart from being the most detailed, the
larger scales are usually corrected first. When extensive new information (such as a new hydrographic survey) is
received, some months must elapse before it can be fully incorporated in published charts. On small scale charts of
ocean areas where hydrographic information is, in many cases, still sparse, charted shoals may be in error as regards
position, least depth and extent. Undiscovered dangers may exist, particularly away from well-established routes.

Satellite-derived Positions and Chart Accuracy

Mariners must not assume that charts which are referred to WGS84 Datum, or those for which shifts to WGS84 Datum
are provided, have been surveyed to modern standards of accuracy. On some charts, owing to the age and quality of
some of the source information, the charted detail may not be positioned accurately with respect to the horizontal datum,
and therefore positions obtained from Global Navigation Satellite Systems such as GPS should not be relied upon in
conjunction with that particular chart. In such areas mariners are advised to use other methods to determine their
position, particularly when navigating close to the shore or in the vicinity of dangers. For further details, see Annual
Notice to Mariners No 19 and The Mariners Handbook (NP100), Chapter 2. This applies to both paper and digital
(ARCS and ENC) versions.

Admiralty Charts affected by the Publication List

Admiralty Chart

INT 1290
INT 1471
INT 1751
INT 3173
JP 70
JP 77
JP 80
JP 87
JP 93
JP 108
JP 151
JP 1065
SC 5905
SC 5906

Admiralty Publication

NP 8
NP 286(3)

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



Admiralty Charts published 23 August 2007

Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio Catalogue page

~1557 South China Sea, Zhuhai Gang, Gaolan. 1:20,000 47 88

214950N. 215990N., 1130780E. 1131550E.

Additional to existing chart cover, provides large-scale coverage of

the approach channel and port installations in Zhuhai Gang. The
chart is referred to WGS84 Datum.

Admiralty Leisure Tough Charts published 23 August 2007

Chart Title and other remarks Scale Edition

SC5905 Chichester to Dungeness. 1st Edition

5905.1 Approaches to Selsey Bill. 1:46,875

5905.2 The Looe Channel. 1:46,875
5905.3 Outer Owers. 1:46,875
5905.4 Approaches to Bognor Regis. 1:46,875
5905.5 Approaches to Littlehampton. 1:46,875
5905.6 Worthing to Shoreham-by-Sea. 1:46,875
5905.7 Shoreham-by-Sea to Brighton. 1:46,875
5905.8 Brighton to Newhaven. 1:46,875
5905.9 Newhaven to Beachy Head. 1:46,875
5905.10 Beachy Head to Royal Sovereign. 1:46,875
5905.11 Approaches to Sovereign Harbour. 1:46,875
5905.12 Bexhill to Hastings. 1:46,875
5905.13 Hastings to Rye Bay. 1:46,875
5905.14 Approaches to Rye. 1:46,875
5905.15 Approaches to Dungeness. 1:46,875
5905.16 Chichester Harbour Entrance. 1:20,000
5905.17 Littlehampton Harbour. 1:6,250
5905.18 Shoreham Harbour and Approaches. 1:15,000
5905.19 Newhaven Harbour. 1:5,000
5905.20 A Brighton Marina. 1:5,000
B Sovereign Harbour. 1:15,000
C Rye Harbour. 1:25,000

A new product extending the Admiralty Tough Chart coverage.

All charts are on ETRS89 Datum which is WGS84 compatible.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



Admiralty Leisure Tough Charts published 23 August 2007 (continued)

Chart Title and other remarks Scale Edition

SC5906 Firth of Clyde. 1st Edition

5906.1 Isle of Arran Southern Approaches. 1:125,000

5906.2 Firth of Clyde Southern Approaches. 1:125,000
5906.3 Isle of Arran Northern Approaches. 1:125,000
5906.4 Pladda to Holy Island. 1:46,875
5906.5 Ayr to Troon. 1:46,875
5906.6 Irvine Bay and Approaches to Ardrossan. 1:46,875
5906.7 Ardrossan to Isle of Bute. 1:46,875
5906.8 Approaches to Great Cumbrae Island. 1:46,875
5906.9 Rothesay to Kip. 1:46,875
5906.10 Kyles of Bute. 1:46,875
5906.11 Kilbrannan Sound. 1:46,875
5906.12 Kilbrannan Sound Northern Approaches. 1:46,875
5906.13 Bute Sound. 1:46,875
5906.14 Inchmarnock Water. 1:46,875
5906.15 Approaches to East Loch Tarbert. 1:46,875
5906.16 A Sanda Island. 1:30,000
B Lamlash Harbour. 1:36,000
5906.17 A Ardrossan. 1:7,500
B East Loch Tarbert. 1:6,250
5906.18 A Approaches to Largs. 1:25,000
B Rothesay Bay. 1:10,000
5906.19 A Approaches to Kip Marina. 1:25,000
B Approaches to Holy Loch. 1:46,875
5906.20 A Kyles of Bute Northern Part. 1:25,000
B Burnt Islands. 1:5,000

A new product extending the Admiralty Tough Chart

coverage. All charts are on ETRS89 Datum which is WGS84

Reproductions of Japan Coast Guard Charts

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Japan Coast Guard Charts)

Chart Published Title and other remarks Scale Folio Catalogue page

JP70 2/08/07 Nippon, Honshu South Coast, Omae Saki to Ise Wan. 1:200,000 53 96
335700N. 350700N., 1361500E. 1382300E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



Reproductions of Japan Coast Guard Charts (continued)

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Japan Coast Guard Charts)

Chart Published Title and other remarks Scale Folio Catalogue page

JP77 02/08/07 Nippon, Honshu-S Coast, Shikoku-S Coast, Seto Naikai, Kii 53 98
Suido and Approaches. 1:200,000
330212N. 341700N., 1340200E. 1361000E.
Hidaka Ko. 1:20,000
335023N. 335323N., 1350637E. 1351037E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

JP80 2/08/07 Nippon, Honshu South Coast, Nojima Saki to Omae Saki. 1:200,000 53 96
341000N. 352200N., 1380700E. 1401300E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

JP87 15/07/04 Nippon, Honshu South and East Coasts, Tokyo Wan to 53 96
Inubo Saki. 1:200,000
343600N. 354900N., 1392000E. 1412700E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

JP93 2/08/07 Nippon, Honshu South Coast, Daio Saki to Shio-no-Misaki. 1:200,000 53 98
331500N. 342400N., 1352400E. 1373200E.
Approaches to Kinomoto Ko. 1:70,000
334700N. 335424N., 1360300E. 1360900E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

JP108 2/08/07 Nippon, Shikoku South Coast, Muroto Saki to Ashizuri 53 96

Misaki. 1:200,000
322800N. 334000N., 1322700E. 1343200E.
Kami-Kawaguchi Ko. 1:10,000
330150N. 330235N., 1330250E. 1330352E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



Reproductions of Japan Coast Guard Charts (continued)

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Japan Coast Guard Charts)

JP151 2/08/07 Nippon, Kyushu and Shikoku, Bungo Suido. 1:125,000 53 98

323512N. 332212N., 1312751E. 1324851E.

One of a series of dual badged new charts of Japanese waters

published by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic
Department, Japan Coast Guard and printed at the United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office.


Admiralty Charts published 23 August 2007

Chart Title and other remarks Scale Folio Catalogue page

~123 India East Coast, Approaches to Hugli River. 1:150,000 43 76

Includes changes to depths, buoyage, and general amendments

throughout, from the latest Indian Government Charts.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 357(P)/06

is cancelled.

~2568 Scotland North Coast, Harbours in the Orkney Islands. 6 40

A Stromness and Hoy Sound. 1:12,500
B Lyness and Flotta Marine Oil Terminal. 1:12,500
C Bay of Houton. 1:12,500

Includes changes to depths from the latest Orkney Islands Council


~2680 International Chart Series, Baltic Sea Poland, Gdynia and Gdask. 10 48
INT1290 A Gdynia. 1:10,000
B Gdask. 1:12,500

Includes amendments to depths, coastline, lights and buoyage.

(A modified reproduction of INT1290 published by Poland).

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 3617(P)/06

is cancelled.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



Admiralty Charts published 23 August 2007 (continued)

Chart Title and other remarks Scale Folio Catalogue page

~2990 International Chart Series, France North Coast, Le Havre and 16 28

INT1751 Entrance to Chenal de Rouen. 1:15,000

Includes a new approach channel, changes to depths, waiting areas

and port developments. (A modified reproduction of INT1751
published by France). The chart is now referred to WGS84 Datum.

Note: This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by

Notice 1984(P)/07.

~3853 United States, Gulf of Mexico, Tampa Bay to Key West. 1:500,000 83 138

Includes details of the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area and Naval

Training area in the vicinity of the Florida Keys. General
amendments have also been made throughout.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 2868(P)/04

is cancelled.

Reproductions of Japan Coast Guard Charts

(Publication dates of these charts reflect the dates shown on the Japan Coast Guard Charts)

Chart Published Title and other remarks Scale Folio Catalogue page

JP1065 2/08/07 Nippon, Honshu South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, 53 96
Tokyo. 1:15,000

This partial new edition is limited to include changes to the

Tokyo West Passage, dredged areas and depths. A
reclamation area south east of Tokyo airport has also been

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notices

1652(T)/07 and 1787(T)/07 are cancelled. This chart remains
affected by Notices 3630(T)/06, 3634(T)/06, 3635(T)/06,
3638(T)/06, 4011(T)/06 and 1786(T)/07.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



Admiralty Publications

NP No. Title and other remarks Date Remarks

NP8 Pacific Coasts of Central America and United States Pilot. 23/08/07 New edition correct to 22/3/2007.
(Eleventh Edition 2007). First amendments in Week 34/07.
This edition supersedes the Pacific
Coasts of Central America and
United States Pilot (Tenth Edition
2004) which is thereby cancelled.

NP286(3) Admiralty List of Radio Signals. 23/08/07 Corrections accrued whilst the
Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services and Port Operations. publication was in the press, from
Week 26/07 to Week 34/07
Part 3: Mediterranean and Africa. inclusive, along with new
(including Persian Gulf). information are issued in Section
Edition 2007/08. VI of the Weekly Editions of
Admiralty Notices to Mariners
Commencing with this weeks
The 2006/07 edition of NP 286(3)
is thereby cancelled and replaced
by the 2007/08 New Edition.

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



New Editions of Admiralty Charts

Charts to be
Chart Title and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN

124 International Chart Series, Netherlands, Noordzeekanaal including 124

INT1471 Imjuiden, Zaandam and Amsterdam. INT1471
Part A. 1:15,000
Part B, Continuation of Noordzeekanaal. 1:20,000

Includes amendments to lights, coastline and depths throughout.

562 International Chart Series, Mediterranean Sea, Spain East Coast, 1:10,000 562
INT3173 Valencia. INT3173

Includes new surveys and amendments to dredged depths, buoyage

and lights. (A modified reproduction of INT3173 published by

869 Sweden West Coast, Hunnebostrand to Uddevalla and 1:50,000 869


Includes limits of the Strmstad and Lysekil Vessel Traffic Service

and updating of buoyage and lights. (A modified reproduction of
Swedish Chart 933).

3146 Scotland West Coast, Loch Ewe. 1:12,500 3146

Includes depths from a recent UK Government survey.

4789 Canada, Qubec/Quebec, Fleuve Saint-Laurent/St.Lawrence River, 1:40,000 4789

Batiscan au/to Lac Saint-Pierre.
Port de Trois-Rivires. 1:15,000
Port de Bcancour. 1:15,000

Includes changes to depths and general amendments throughout. (A

modified reproduction of Canadian Chart 1313).

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.


Admiralty Charts

Chart to be On publication of
WITHDRAWN Main Title New Chart/New Edition

123 India East Coast, Approaches to Hugli River. ~123

652 Japan, Shikoku South Coast, Okino Shima to Muroto Saki. JP108

951 Japan, Shikoku East Coast and Honsh South Coast, JP77, JP93
Muroto Saki to Miki Saki including Kii Suid.

Note: This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected

by Notice 3002(T)/07.

952 Japan, Honsh South Coast, Miki Saki to Omae Saki JP70
including Ise Wan.

953 Japan, Honsh South Coast, Omae Saki to Tky Wan. JP80

994 Japan, Honsh South Coast, Owase Wan. JP93

995 Japan, Plans on the South Coast of Shikoku. JP108

2568 Harbours in the Orkney Islands. ~2568

2680 International Chart Series, Baltic Sea Poland, Gdynia and ~2680
INT1290 Gdask. INT1290

2990 International Chart Series, France North Coast, Le Havre ~2990

INT1751 and Entrance to Chenal de Rouen. INT1751

3360 Japan, Honsh South Coast, Shima to Inub Saki JP87

including Tky Wan.

3853 United States, Gulf of Mexico, Tempa Bay to Key West. ~3853

JP1065 Nippon, Honshu South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, JP1065

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.


Catalogue of Admiralty Charts (NP 131), 2007 Edition, Part 1 refers.

The following amendments to Admiralty Chart Agents appointments have been made:

Change to Name and Address Details:

CANADA VANCOUVER OSI Geospatial Inc. Tel: +1 778 373 4611

#400 4585 Canada Way Fax: +1 778 373 0027
Burnaby, BC Email:
V5G 4L6

The following ACA Admiralty Distributors (Paper & Digital) have been appointed:

Insertion of new Address and Contact Details:

ITALY GENOVA ITS Tel: +39 010 5973304

Servizi Marittimi & Satellitari Fax: +39 010 5973332
Nautical Charts and Publications Email:
Molo Ponte Morosini, 43 Website:
16126 Genova


RC Last issue date Reissue Date

RC1 26th October 2006

RC2 26th July 2007

RC3 28th September 2006

RC4 21st June 2007

RC5 15th March 2007

RC6 14th September 2006

RC7 29th March 2007

RC8 9th August 2007

RC9 20th July 2006

RC10 5th July 2007

RC11 30th October 2003

~ denotes chart available in the ARCS series.



(1) Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 2.8

(2) British Isles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 2.15
(3) North Russia, Norway, The Froe Islands and Iceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.15 2.16
(4) Baltic Sea and Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16 2.17
(5) North Sea and North and West Coasts of Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium . . . . . . . . 2.17 2.19
(6) France and Spain, North and West Coasts, and Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20
(7) North Atlantic Ocean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20
(8) Mediterranean and Black Seas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20 2.23
(9) Africa, West Coast and South Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.24
(10) Africa, South and East Coasts, and Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(11) Red Sea, Arabia, Iraq and Iran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.24
(12) Indian Ocean, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Burma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.24 2.25
(13) Malacca Strait, Singapore Strait and Sumatera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(14) China Sea with its West Shore and China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 2.28
(15) Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.29
(16) Korea and the Pacific Coasts of Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.30
(17) Philippine Islands, Borneo and Indonesia except Sumatera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.30
(18) Australia and Papua New Guinea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.31 2.35
(19) New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(20) Pacific Ocean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(21) Aleutian Islands, Alaska and West Coast of North America including Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.35
(22) West Coasts of Central and South America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.36
(23) Antarctica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.36
(24) East Coast of South America and The Falkland Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(25) Caribbean Sea, West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.36 2.39
(26) East Coast of North America and Greenland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.39 2.40
(27) T & P Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.41 2.48

Wk34/07 2.1


Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio
3707* 2.9 3 3764 2.17 9
3708 2.25 47, 48, 50 3765 2.17 7, 9
3709 2.26 47, 50 3766 2.24 43
3710 2.26 47, 50 3767 2.25 42, 43, 45
3711 2.26 48, 50 3768 2.37 83
3712 2.27 50 3769 2.37 83
3713 2.20 27 3770 2.37 83
3714(P)/07 2.42 27 3771 2.38 83
3715 2.20 27 3772 2.38 83
3716 2.16 10 3773 2.38 83
3717(T)/07 2.42 40 3774 2.38 83
3718* 2.9 7, 8 3775 2.38 83
3719 2.17 10 3776 2.21 27
3720 2.24 34 3777 2.21 27
3721* 2.9 1 3778 2.21 27
3722* 2.10 2, 3 3779 2.35 89
3723 2.20 19 3780 2.16 14
3724 2.15 12 3781* 2.11 4
3725 2.29 53 3782* 2.24 40
3726 2.29 53 3783 2.27 47
3727 2.29 54 3784 2.39 86
3728 2.29 53 3785 2.22 31
3729(T)/07 2.43 55 3786* 2.11 1
3730(T)/07 2.43 53 3787 2.22 26
3731(T)/07 2.44 53 3788* 2.12 1
3732(T)/07 2.44 53 3789* 2.12 6
3733(T)/07 2.44 53 3790 2.22 28
3734* 2.10 350 3791* 2.22 28
3735 2.31 66 3792 2.28 50
3736 2.31 66 3793* 2.23 28
3737 2.31 66, 67 3794 2.23 26
3738 2.32 66, 67 3795 2.39 78, 79, 80
3739 2.32 66, 67 3796* 2.23 27
3740 2.32 67 3797 2.30 48
3741 2.33 63, 66, 67, 68 3798 2.28 52
3742 2.33 67 3799 2.28 50
3743 2.34 63, 64 3800 2.16 14
3744 2.34 64 3801 2.18 9
3745 2.34 65 3802 2.30 56
3746 2.34 65 3803 2.28 50
3747 2.35 65 3804* 2.13 3, 5
3748 2.35 66 3805* 2.14 3
3749(T)/07 2.43 47 3806* 2.15 3
3750(T)/07 2.41 10 3807 2.39 79
3751(T)/07 2.41 10 3808 2.30 59, 60
3752(T)/07 2.41 7, 9 3809 2.16 13
3753(T)/07 2.45 66 3810 2.18 9
3754(T)/07 2.46 66 3811 2.20 18
3755(T)/07 2.46 66 3812 2.40 78
3756(T)/07 2.47 67, 68 3813 2.35 90
3757(T)/07 2.47 63 3814* 2.18 7, 9
3758(T)/07 2.47 71 3815 2.19 7, 9
3759(T)/07 2.48 71, 72 3816* 2.36 96, 97
3760(P)/07 2.48 71 3817 2.40 81
3761 2.36 83 3818 2.36 98
3762* 2.10 1, 7 3819 2.40 80
3763* 2.11 1, 7 3820 2.23 26

2.2 Wk34/07


Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio
3821 2.40 79
3822* 2.19 7, 9
3823 2.72.8 16, 47, 53, 83, 90

Wk34/07 2.3


Admiralty Chart No. Notices

Notices Admiralty
Admiralty Chart
Chart No.
No. Notices

18 3721 1527 3733T

44 3805, 3806 1555 3708, 3823
110 3764 1596 3791
120 3810 1603 3792
122 3764 1606 3718
139 3801 1607 3718
186 3776, 3778 1610 3762, 3763
189 3796 1630 3764, 3765
196 3778 1631 3814, 3815, 3822
200 3777, 3778 1648 3823
219 3789 1760 3712
272 3752T 1775 3816
323 3763 1872 3765
343 3709, 3710 1874 3765
344 3709 1892 3762
374 3761 1908 3820
525 3823 1942 3789
536 3762 1954 3789
651 3823 1957 3723
825 3766, 3767 1962 3708, 3711, 3712
827 3767 1968 3708, 3711
830 3767 1975 3718
854 3712 2006 3784
876 3798 2013 3707
897 3779 2035 3788
903 3719 2045 3788
907 3787 2126 3804
911 3719 2146 3823
914 3794 2182A 3814, 3815
941B 3808 2182B 3752T
990 3728 2182C 3789
996 3823 2183 3784
1040 3790 2220 3804
1046 3783 2223 3750T
1091 3790 2249 3789
1092 3796 2250 3789
1094 3811 2255 3786
1095 3790 2268 3786
1098 3823 2327 3800
1117 3811 2347 3823
1118 3811 2367 3780
1119 3789 2411 3803
1121 3804, 3805 2419 3803
1178 3722 2420 3781
1183 3718 2449 3762, 3763, 3765
1217 3823 2451 3762
1234 3789 2452 3784
1239 3789 2594 3716
1272 3785 2595 3719
1288 3818 2610 3786
1289 3818 2615 3788
1338 3797 2635 3804
1346 3707 2704 3781
1372 3711 2724 3804
1398 3767 2865 3817
1406 3762, 3763 2879 3823
1408 3814, 3815, 3822 2959 3729T
1410 3722 3026 3709, 3710, 3711
1411 3805 3027 3809
1415 3805 3044 3802
1422 3752T 3045 3802
1443 3776 3124 3813
1449 3713, 3714P, 3715 3168 3751T
1468 3805 3192 3769, 3774
1478 3722 3200 3816
1483 3713, 3714P, 3715 3233 3799
1503 3814, 3822 3328 3720
1504 3814 3373 3823
1513 3791 3488 3708

2.4 Wk34/07


Admiralty Chart No. Notices

Notices Australian
Admiralty Chart No. Notices
Chart No.
3489 3708, 3711 Aus 819 3735, 3736
3508 3724 Aus 840 3737
3518 3717T
3678 3793
3681 3793 New Zealand
3702 3728 Chart No.
3706 3808
3727 3783 NZ 45 3759T
3791 3782 NZ 5214 3758T
3848 3768 NZ 5215 3758T
3849 3770, 3771 NZ 6153 3760P
3850 3771
3851 3773, 3775 Japanese
3854 3771, 3772 Notices
4024 3816 Chart No.
4121 3749T
4127 3749T JP 67 3726
4213 3816 JP 135 3727
4603 3741 JP 1056 3732T
4604 3741, 3756T JP 1061 3725, 3730T
4620 3738, 3741, 3748 JP 1065 3730T
4621 3741 JP 1083 3731T
4622 3741, 3742, 3756T JP 1265 3727
4640 3759T
4648 3759T International
4731 3812 Notices
Chart No.
4748 3795
4749 3819 INT 24 3816
4750 3819 INT 552 3708
4763 3795 INT 553 3708, 3711
4764 3795 INT 603 3741
4785 3821 INT 604 3741, 3756T
4792 3807 INT 620 3738, 3741, 3748
4920 3823 INT 621 3741
Q 6403 3734 INT 622 3741, 3742, 3756T
INT 640 3759T
Australian INT 648 3759T
Notices INT 1041 3789
Chart No. INT 1042 3752T
Aus 28 3757T INT 1043 3814, 3815
Aus 81 3744 INT 1044 3752T
Aus 136 3745 INT 1060 3789
Aus 151 3747 INT 1061 3804
Aus 152 3747 INT 1062 3804, 3805
Aus 154 3746 INT 1331 3716
Aus 235 3753T INT 1332 3719
Aus 236 3753T INT 1333 3719
Aus 237 3753T INT 1416 3764, 3765
Aus 238 3753T INT 1418 3814, 3815, 3822
Aus 244 3754T INT 1472 3764
Aus 245 3754T INT 1473 3764
Aus 246 3754T INT 1474 3765
Aus 252 3755T INT 1479 3810
Aus 332 3743 INT 1501 3789
Aus 366 3735 INT 1502 3789
Aus 376 3737 INT 1509 3814, 3822
Aus 378 3737 INT 1510 3814
Aus 379 3738, 3739 INT 1511 3762, 3763
Aus 388 3742 INT 1561 3718
Aus 416 3743 INT 1562 3718
Aus 417 3743 INT 1564 3763
Aus 426 3735 INT 1600 3789
Aus 519 3740 INT 1601 3789
Aus 520 3740 INT 1606 3804
Aus 521 3741 INT 1608 3805
Aus 522 3741 INT 1609 3722
Aus 621 3739 INT 1611 3722
Aus 818 3735 INT 1617 3781
INT 1663 3805

Wk34/07 2.5


Admiralty Chart No. Notices Admiralty Chart No. Notices
Chart No.
INT 1704 3762
INT 1725 3786
INT 1729 3788
INT 1740 3762
INT 1741 3762
INT 1750 3823
INT 1752 3823
INT 1855 3811
INT 1856 3811
INT 2812 3720

2.6 Wk34/07

Source: UK Hydrographic Office.

Chart Previous Update Details

525 New Edition Substitute the accompanying note, CHARTS 1098, 1217, 2881, 3005 AND 3853:
06/10/2005 POSITIONS, for existing note, CHARTS 1098, 1217, 2881 and 3005: POSITIONS,
centred on 24 491N., 82 137W.

651 2955/07 Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP151, as follows:

North: 33 2220N. East: -

South: 32 3520N. West: 131 2785E.
Amend reference in E border at latitude 32 3750N. to read, Adjoining Chart JP108.

996 2200/07 Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP77, joining the following positions:

34 1680N., 134 4200E. (W border)

34 1680N., 135 2718E.
33 4430N., 135 2718E.
33 4430N., 136 1018E.
33 0200N., 136 1018E.
33 0200N., 134 4200E. (W border)
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP93, as follows:

North: 34 2380N. East: 137 3218E.

South: 33 1480N. West: 135 2418E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP70, as follows:

North: 35 0680N. East: 138 2318E.

South: 33 5680N. West: 136 1518E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP80, as follows:

North: 35 2180N. East: 140 1318E.

South: 34 0980N. West: 138 0718E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP87, as follows:

North: - East: -
South: 34 3580N. West: 139 2018E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 951, in position 33 0780N., 136 3950E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 952, in position 33 5320N., 138 1950E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 953, in position 34 1000N., 140 1360E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 3360, in position 34 3650N., 140 5320E.

1098 4112/06 Substitute the accompanying note, CHARTS 525, 2881 AND 3853: POSITIONS, for
existing note, CHARTS 525, 2866 AND 2881: POSITIONS, centred on
24 540N., 80 528W.

1217 737/07 Substitute the accompanying note, POSITIONS, for existing note, centred on
22 235N., 81 405W.

1555 3708/07 Insert magenta limit and chart reference, 1557 (see Note - POSITIONS), as follows:

North: 21 5990N. East: 113 1550E.

South: 21 4950N. West: 113 0780E.
Insert accompanying note, CHART 1557: POSITIONS centred on
21 5725N., 112 2400E.

Wk34/07 2.7

Source: UK Hydrographic Office.

Chart Previous Update Details

1648 1538/07 Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP108, as follows:

North: 33 4000N. East: 134 3200E.

South: 32 2800N. West: 132 2700E.
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP77, joining the following positions:

33 5254N., 135 270E. (N border)

33 4450N., 135 270E.
33 4450N., 136 100E.
33 0220N., 136 100E.
33 0220N., 134 020E.
33 5254N., 134 020E. (N border)
Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP93, as follows:

North: - East: -
South: 33 1500N. West: 135 2400E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 652, in positions:

32 2850N., 134 3700E.

33 3800N., 132 3050E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 951, in positions:

33 0750N., 136 3950E.

33 5200N., 134 1000E.

2146 3283/07 Amend chart number to read, 2990 (see Note - POSITIONS), centred on:
INT 1750 49 2526N., 0 0004W.
49 3120N., 0 0087E.

2347 2732/07 Insert magenta limit and chart number, JP87, as follows:

North: 35 4900N. East: 141 2700E.

South: 34 3600N. West: 139 2000E.
Delete magenta limit and chart number, 3360, in position 34 3800N., 141 2200E.

2879 3283/07 Amend reference to read, 2990, in position 49 2519N., 0 0063W.

INT 1752 Plan B, Tancarville to Rouen
Substitute accompanying note, CHART 2146: POSITIONS, for existing note, CHARTS
2990 & 2146: POSITIONS, centred on 49 3070N., 0 5040E.

3373 2200/07 Amend reference in S border at longitude 140 477E. to read, Adjoining Chart JP87.

4920 1751/07 Substitute accompanying note, CHARTS 1499, 2531 and 2940: POSITIONS, for
existing note, CHARTS 1499, 2430, 2531 and 2940: POSITIONS, centred on:
50 590N., 124 000W.
Substitute accompanying note, CARTES 1499, 2531 et 2940: POSITIONS for existing
note, CARTES 1499, 2430, 2531 et 2940: POSITIONS, centred on:
50 590N., 122 400W.
Delete magenta chart limit and chart reference, 2430 (see Note POSITIONS), in position
53 285N., 135 530W.

2.8 Wk34/07

3707* ENGLAND - West Coast - Solway Firth - Robin Rigg Offshore Windfarm - Buoyage. Maritime limit.
Source: Northern Lighthouse Board & Ode Ltd

Chart 1346 [ previous update 2301/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert legend, See NM 3651(P)/07, centred on: 54 4420N., 3 4200W.
D;f Fl.Y.5s, from: (a) 54 4564N., 3 4452W.
to: 54 4588N., 3 4551W.
Delete maritime limit, pecked line, joining: (a) above
54 4721N., 3 4024W.
54 4637N., 3 3857W.
54 4364N., 3 4208W.

Chart 2013 [ previous update 2301/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to buoyage,
maritime limit and legend, centred on: 54 454N., 3 420W.

3718* ENGLAND - Thames Estuary - Fishermans Gat - Depths.

Source: Port of London Authority

Chart 1183 (INT 1561) [ previous update 3577/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 69 51 3509N., 1 2251E.

Chart 1606 [ previous update 2058/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 69 51 3509N., 1 2251E.
depth 67 (a) 51 3485N., 1 2289E.
depth 78 and extend 8m contour SW to enclose (b) 51 3458N., 1 2328E.
Delete depth 74 , close NW of: (a) above
depth 84 , close SE of: (b) above

Chart 1607 (INT 1562) [ previous update 2909/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 69 51 3509N., 1 2251E.
depth 67 (a) 51 3485N., 1 2289E.
Delete depth 71 , adjacent to: (a) above

Chart 1975 [ previous update 3577/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 67 (a) 51 3485N., 1 2289E.
Delete depth 72 , close SW of: (a) above

3721* ENGLAND - South Coast - Falmouth - Inner Harbour - Visitors Yacht Haven - Depth. Legend.
Source: Falmouth Port Notice 5/07

Chart 18 [ previous update 2309/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 14 (a) 50 09237N., 5 03867W.
Delete legend, 20m (2000), adjacent to: (a) above

Wk34/07 2.9

3722* WALES - West Coast - The Smalls North-westwards - Off Smalls TSS - Wreck.
Source: MRCC Milford Haven

Chart 1178 (INT 1611) [ previous update 3131/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

85, Wk 51 4748N., 5 5241W.

Chart 1410 (INT 1609) [ previous update 3030/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

85, Wk 51 475N., 5 524W.

Chart 1478 [ previous update 447/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

85, Wk 51 4748N., 5 5241W.

3734* SCOTLAND - West Coast - Gareloch - Military practice area.

Source: FOSNI

Chart Q 6403 [ previous update 3051/06 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert limit of practice area, firm blue line, joining: 55 5926N., 4 4609W.
55 5926N., 4 4173W.
Delete former limit of practice area, firm blue line, joining: 56 0010N., 4 4630W.
56 0010N., 4 4427W.
55 5926N., 4 4427W.

3762* ENGLAND - South Coast - Dungeness South-eastwards - Fog signal.

Light List Vol. A, 2007/08, 0871
Source: Trinity House Notice 35/07

Chart 536 (INT 1740) [ previous update 3759/06 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Bell, at CS3 light-buoy 50 5204N., 1 0220E.

Chart 1406 [ previous update 3577/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Bell, at CS3 light-buoy 50 520N., 1 022E.

Chart 1610 (INT 1511) [ previous update 3577/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Bell, at CS3 light-buoy 50 5204N., 1 0220E.

Chart 1892 (INT 1741) [ previous update 3341/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Bell, at CS 3 light-buoy 50 5204N., 1 0220E.

Chart 2449 [ previous update 3577/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Bell, at CS 3 light-buoy 50 5204N., 1 0220E.

Chart 2451 (INT 1704) [ previous update 3355/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Bell, and associated symbol, fog signal, at CS3
light-buoy 50 5204N., 1 0220E.

2.10 Wk34/07

3763* ENGLAND - South East Coast - Ramsgate Eastwards - South Falls - Fog signal.
Light List Vol. A, 2007/08, 0987
Source: Trinity House Notice 35/07

Chart 323 (INT 1564) [ previous update 3343/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Bell, at Mid Falls light-buoy 51 1863N., 1 4699E.

Chart 1406 [ previous update 3762/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Bell, at Mid Falls light-buoy 51 186N., 1 470E.

Chart 1610 (INT 1511) [ previous update 3762/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Bell, at Mid Falls light-buoy 51 1863N., 1 4699E.

Chart 2449 [ previous update 3762/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Bell, at Mid Falls light-buoy 51 1863N., 1 4699E.

3781* IRELAND - West Coast - Blacksod Bay - Carrigeenmore - Light-beacon.

Light List Vol. A, 2007/08, 6270.5
Source: Commissioners of Irish Lights

Chart 2420 (INT 1617) [ previous update 3026/07 ] OSI DATUM

Amend light-beacon to, VQ(3)5s3M 54 0656N., 10 0339W.

Chart 2704 [ previous update 3585/07 ] OSI DATUM

Amend light-beacon to, VQ(3)5s3M 54 0656N., 10 0339W.

3786* ENGLAND - South Coast - Weymouth Bay - Redcliff Point Southwards - Buoyage.
Source: National Oceanography Centre

Chart 2255 (INT 1725) [ previous update 3482/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

E;f Fl(5)Y.20s 50 3740N., 2 2464W.
Delete former Ef; Fl(5)Y.20s
50 3770N., 2 2414W.

Chart 2268 [ previous update 1269/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

E;f Fl(5)Y.20s 50 37397N., 2 24638W.

Chart 2610 [ previous update 3482/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

E;f Fl(5)Y.20s 50 3740N., 2 2464W.
Delete former Ef; Fl(5)Y.20s
50 3770N., 2 2414W.

Wk34/07 2.11

3788* ENGLAND - South Coast - Christchurch Bay - North Head - Buoyage.

Source: National Oceanography Centre

Chart 2035 (INT 1729) [ previous update 2995/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Ef Fl(5)Y.20s 50 4248N., 1 3518W.
Delete former Ef Fl(5)Y.20s
50 4272N., 1 3692W.

Chart 2045 [ previous update 2995/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Ef Fl(5)Y.20s 50 4248N., 1 3518W.

Chart 2615 [ previous update 3482/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Ef Fl(5)Y.20s 50 4248N., 1 3518W.

3789* SCOTLAND - Orkney Islands - The North Sound - Mull Head Eastwards - Depth.
Source: Anglian Sovereign

Chart 219 (INT 1060) [ previous update 3542/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Substitute depth 191 enclosed by 20m contour for depth 23 59 228N., 2 478W.

Chart 1119 (INT 1501) [ previous update 3542/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 191 enclosed by 20m contour and extend approximate
30m contour W to enclose (a) 59 2281N., 2 4779W.
Delete depth 23, close E of: (a) above

Chart 1234 (INT 1600) [ previous update 3542/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 191 enclosed by 20m contour and extend approximate
30m contour W to enclose (a) 59 2281N., 2 4779W.
Delete depth 23, close E of: (a) above

Chart 1239 [ previous update 3542/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Substitute depth 191 enclosed by 20m contour for depth 23 59 228N., 2 478W.

2.12 Wk34/07
3789* SCOTLAND - Orkney Islands - The North Sound - Mull Head Eastwards - Depth. (continued)

Chart 1942 (INT 1502) [ previous update 3542/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 191 enclosed by 20m contour and extend approximate
30m contour W to enclose (a) 59 2281N., 2 4779W.
Delete depth 23, adjacent to: (a) above

Chart 1954 (INT 1601) [ previous update 3542/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 191 enclosed by 20m contour and extend approximate
30m contour W to enclose (a) 59 2281N., 2 4779W.
Delete depth 23, adjacent to: (a) above

Chart 2182C (INT 1041) [ previous update 3542/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Substitute depth 191 enclosed by 30m contour for depth 23 enclosed by
30m contour 59 228N., 2 478W.

Chart 2249 [ previous update 1475/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 191 enclosed by 20m and approximate 30m contours 59 2281N., 2 4779W.

Chart 2250 [ previous update 3542/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 191 enclosed by 20m contour and extend approximate
30m contour W to enclose 59 2281N., 2 4779W.

3804* SCOTLAND - West Coast - Firth of Clyde - Heads of Ayr Westwards - Buoy.

Chart 1121 (INT 1062) [ previous update 3633/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Ef Fl.Y DZ 55 262N., 4 502W.

Chart 2126 [ previous update 716/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Ef Fl.Y.10s DZ 55 2620N., 4 5024W.

Chart 2220 [ previous update 4289/06 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Ef Fl.Y.10s DZ 55 2620N., 4 5024W.

Chart 2635 (INT 1061) [ previous update 3356/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Ef Fl.Y DZ 55 262N., 4 502W.

Chart 2724 (INT 1606) [ previous update 3633/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Ef Fl.Y.10s DZ 55 2620N., 4 5024W.

Wk34/07 2.13

3805* IRELAND - East Coast - Approaches to Dublin - Lambay Island to Breaches Shoal - Depths.
Source: Geological Survey of Ireland
Note: Former Notice 1975(P)/04 is cancelled.

Chart 44 [ previous update 3481/07 ] OSI DATUM

Insert depth 58 and extend 10m contour E to enclose (a) 53 2840N., 6 0018W.
depth 67 (b) 53 2834N., 6 0229W.
Delete depth 75 , close W of: (a) above
depth 72 , close W of: (b) above

Chart 1121 (INT 1062) [ previous update 3804/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth 58 and extend 10m contour E to enclose (a) 53 284N., 6 002W.
depth 183 enclosed by 20m contour 53 167N., 5 597W.
Substitute depth 39 enclosed by 5m contour for depth 46 enclosed by 5m
contour 53 197N., 6 014W.
Delete depth 75 , adjacent to: (a) above

Chart 1411 (INT 1608) [ previous update 3633/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth 58 and extend 10m contour E to enclose (a) 53 2841N., 6 0024W.
depth 39 and extend 5m contour N to enclose (b) 53 1968N., 6 0137W.
depth 183 enclosed by 20m contour 53 1670N., 5 5967W.
Delete depth 75 , close W of: (a) above
depth 46 , close S of: (b) above

2.14 Wk34/07
3805* IRELAND - East Coast - Approaches to Dublin - Lambay Island to Breaches Shoal - Depths. (continued)

Chart 1415 (INT 1663) [ previous update 2899/07 ] OSI DATUM

Insert depth 78 enclosed by 10m contour 53 1592N., 6 0470W.
depth 68 53 1643N., 6 0539W.
depth 86 enclosed by 10m contour 53 1723N., 6 0525W.
depth 183 enclosed by 20m contour 53 1668N., 6 5961W.
depth 177 enclosed by 20m contour 53 1738N., 6 0030W.
depth 43 enclosed by 5m contour 53 1895N., 6 0132W.
depth 39 (a) 53 1950N., 6 0131W.
depth 39 and extend 5m contour N to enclose (b) 53 1968N., 6 0131W.
depth 183 enclosed by 20m contour 53 1904N., 5 5965W.
depth 181 enclosed by 20m contour 53 2006N., 5 5904W.
depth 197 enclosed by 20m contour 53 2152N., 6 0257W.
depth 73 (c) 53 2033N., 6 0554W.
Delete depth 46, close S of: (a) above
depth 53, close S of: (b) above
depth 8, close NE of: (c) above

Chart 1468 [ previous update 3481/07 ] OSI DATUM

Insert depth 58 and extend 10m contour SE to enclose (a) 53 2840N., 6 0018W.
depth 183 enclosed by 20m contour (b) 53 1904N., 5 5965W.
53 1668N., 5 5961W.
depth 68 (c) 53 1643N., 6 0539W.
depth 39 enclosed by 5m contour 53 1968N., 6 0131W.
Delete depth 75 , close NW of: (a) above
depth 22, close E of: (b) above
depth 8, close N of: (c) above

3806* IRELAND - East Coast - Drogheda - South Bull - Diffuser. Outfall. Depth.
Source: Drogheda Port Company

Chart 44 [ previous update 3805/07 ] OSI DATUM

Diffuser for depth 15 (a) 53 4288N., 6 1393W.
Insert outfall, , joining:
53 4286N., 6 1472W. (shore)
(a) above

3724 NORWAY - South Coast - Approaches to Tvedestrand - Jesyskjr, Grviktangen, Sagesund, Furysund &
Rkenestangen - Lights. Submarine cable. Anchorage area. Marine farm.
Light List Vol. B, 2007/08, 2750, 2767, 2768, 2770, 2772
Source: Norwegian Notices 13/769/07, 13/773-776/07 & Norwegian Chart 7

Chart 3508 [ previous update 2697/06 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to lights,
submarine cable, anchorage area and marine farm, centred on: 58 3585N., 8 5953E.

Wk34/07 2.15

3780 NORWAY - West Coast - Ringvassya North-westwards and Westwards - Depths. Rock.
Source: Norwegian Chart 88

Chart 2367 [ previous update 3122/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 19 and extend 20m contour N to enclose (a) 70 0843N., 18 2931E.
(b) 70 0394N., 18 2513E.
depth 15 and extend 20m contour W to enclose (c) 69 5630N., 18 0820E.
depth 6 with seabed character, R, and extend 20m contour NW
to enclose 70 0676N., 18 2418E.
depth 18 enclosed by 20m contour 69 5676N., 18 0573E.
Delete depth 38, close S of: (a) above
depth 28, close S of: (b) above
depth 30, close ESE of: (c) above

3800 NORWAY - West Coast - Approaches to Tysfjorden - Depths.

Source: Norwegian Chart 140

Chart 2327 [ previous update 3380/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 33 (a) 68 167N., 16 071E.
Delete depth 90, close N of: (a) above

3809 NORWAY - West Coast - Hardangerfjorden - Onarheimsfjorden - Depths.

Source: Norwegian Chart 20

Chart 3027 [ previous update 1639/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Insert depth 56 with seabed character, R 59 5754N., 5 4162E.
Delete depth 89 with seabed character, R , adjacent to: (a) above

3716 SWEDEN - West Coast - The Sound - Landskrona - Channel limit. Coastline. Depths. Dredged areas. Light.
Wind turbines. Beacons.
Light List Vol. C, 2007/08, 2326
Source: Swedish Notice 4105/07 & Swedish Chart 922

Chart 2594 (INT 1331) (plan C, Landskrona) [ previous update New Edition 05/04/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert the accompanying block of new plan C, Landskrona, showing
amendments to channel limit, coastline, depths, dredged areas,
light, wind turbines and beacons

Chart 2594 (INT 1331) [ previous update New Edition 05/04/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM
Amend sector at light, Oc(2)WRG.7s4m12-8M, as follows: 55 5170N., 12 4767E.
G 265-338(73)

Remaining sectors unchanged

2.16 Wk34/07

3719 SWEDEN - West Coast - Malm - Malm Oljehamn and Approaches - Light. Legend.
Light List Vol. C, 2007/08, 2388.1
Source: Swedish Notice 168/4230/07

Chart 903 (INT 1333) [ previous update 3493/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light-beacon to, Oc.6s35m13M 55 3788N., 13 0185E.
legend to, 2Oc 1322 55 410N., 12 558E.

Chart 911 [ previous update New Edition 26/07/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Oc.6s13M 55 37884N., 13 01850E.
legend to, 2Oc 1322 - 3122 55 3920N., 12 5928E.

Chart 2595 (INT 1332) [ previous update 3285/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light-beacon to, Oc.6s35m13M 55 3788N., 13 0185E.

3764 NETHERLANDS - Approaches to Europoort - Bollen van Goeree Northwards - Maas West Anchorage -
Source: Netherlands Notice 28/389/07

Chart 110 (INT 1473) [ previous update 2736/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

51 5690N., 3 4550E.

Chart 122 (INT 1472) [ previous update 3481/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

51 5690N., 3 4550E.

Chart 1630 (INT 1416) [ previous update 3577/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

51 5690N., 3 4550E.

3765 BELGIUM - Westerschelde - Wandelaar Northwards - Buoy.

Source: Belgian Notice15/133/07 and Netherlands Notice 31/427/07

Chart 1630 (INT 1416) [ previous update 3764/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

G;f Fl(2+1)Y.10s Br & W S 1 51 2675N., 3 0292E.

Chart 1872 [ previous update 3343/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

G;f Fl(2+1)Y.10s Br.& W S1 51 2675N., 3 0292E.

Chart 1874 (INT 1474) [ previous update 3378/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

G;f Fl(2+1)Y.10s Br.& W S1 51 2675N., 3 0292E.

Chart 2449 [ previous update 3763/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

G;f Fl(2+1)Y.10s Br & Ws1 51 2675N., 3 0292E.

Wk34/07 2.17

3801 BELGIUM - Westerschelde - Approaches to Antwerp - Lillo - Lights.

Light List Vol. B, 2007/08, 0364.8, 0365.1
Source: Belgian Notice 15/137/07

Chart 139 (Panel B) [ previous update 3544/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, 2F.RRG (a) 51 1793N., 4 1767E.
light to, 2F.RRG, close SE of: (a) above

3810 NETHERLANDS - Westerschelde - Gat Van Ossenisse - Depths.

Source: Netherlands Notice 30/418/07

Chart 120 (INT 1479) [ previous update 3379/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Substitute depth 39 for depth 43 51 2218N., 3 5434E.

3814* NORTH SEA - United Kingdom Sector - Horne & Wren Gas Fields Eastwards -
Submarine pipeline.
Source: Tullow Oil UK Limited

Chart 1408 [ previous update 3577/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: (a) 52 540N., 2 451E.
( Well)
(b) 52 542N., 2 359E. ( )
legend, Gas, along: (a)-(b) above

Chart 1503 (INT 1509) [ previous update 3511/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: (a) 52 5399N., 2 4510E.
( Well)
(b) 52 5418N., 2 3586E. ( )
legend, Gas (see Note), along: (a)-(b) above

Chart 1504 (INT 1510) [ previous update 2411/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: (a) 52 5399N., 2 4510E.
( Well)
(b) 52 5418N., 2 3586E. ( )
legend, Gas (see Note), along: (a)-(b) above

Chart 1631 (INT 1418) [ previous update 3508/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: (a) 52 5399N., 2 4510E.
( Well)
(b) 52 5418N., 2 3586E. ( )
legend, Gas (see Note), along: (a)-(b) above

Chart 2182A (INT 1043) [ previous update 3630/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: (a) 52 540N., 2 451E.
(b) 52 542N., 2 359E. ( )
legend, Gas, along: (a)-(b) above

2.18 Wk34/07

3815 NETHERLANDS - West Hole East-south-eastwards - Off Brown Ridge Traffic Separation Scheme - Wrecks.
Source: Netherlands Notice 30/415/07

Chart 1408 [ previous update 3814/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

23, Wk 53 0567N., 3 2400E.
PA 53 0570N., 3 2300E.

Chart 1631 (INT 1418) [ previous update 3814/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

23, Wk 53 0567N., 3 2400E.
PA 53 0570N., 3 2300E.

Chart 2182A (INT 1043) [ previous update 3814/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
23, Wk (a) 53 057N., 3 240E.
, adjacent to: (a) above

3822* NORTH SEA - United Kingdom Sector - Thames Gas Field Eastwards - Deep Water Route via DR 1 Buoy -
Fog signal.
Light List Vol. A, 2007/08, 2333
Source: Trinity House Notice 29/07

Chart 1408 [ previous update 3815/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Whis, at DR1 light-buoy 53 067N., 2 407E.

Chart 1503 (INT 1509) [ previous update 3814/07 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Whis, at DR1 light-buoy 53 067N., 2 407E.

Chart 1631 (INT 1418) [ previous update 3815/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete fog signal, Whis, at DR1 light-buoy 53 067N., 2 407E.

Wk34/07 2.19

3811 SPAIN - North Coast - Puerto de Ferrol - Approaches to La Graa - Lights.

Light List Vol. D, 2007/08, 1698, 1698.2, 1698.4
Source: Spanish Notice 29/215/07

Chart 1094 [ previous update 3646/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl(4)R.11s 43 2817N., 8 1586W.
light to, Fl(3)R.9s 43 2823N., 8 1581W.
light to, Fl.R.2s 43 2842N., 8 1553W.

Chart 1117 (INT 1856) [ previous update 3646/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl(4)R.11s13m1M 43 2817N., 8 1586W.
light to, Fl(3)R.9s13m1M 43 2823N., 8 1581W.
light to, Fl.R.2s9m1M 43 2842N., 8 1553W.

Chart 1118 (INT 1855) [ previous update 3646/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl(4)R.11s13m1M 43 2817N., 8 1586W.
light to, Fl(3)R.9s13m1M 43 2823N., 8 1581W.
light to, Fl.R.2s9m1M 43 2842N., 8 1553W.

3723 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN - Arquiplago dos Aores - Ihla Graciosa - Vila da Praia Eastwards - Coastline.
Light. Restricted area.
Light List Vol. D, 2007/08, 2672.5, 2672.7
Source: Portuguese Notice 6/177/07

Chart 1957 [ previous update 3525/07 ] WGS84

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to coastline,
light and restricted area, centred on: 39 0288N., 27 5771W.

3713 ITALY - East Coast - Approaches to Porto di Malamocco - Obstruction.

Source: Italian Notice 14.11/07

Chart 1449 (plan A, Porto di Malamocco) [ previous update 1479/07 ] MONTE MARIO 1940 DATUM
Obstn 45 21074N., 12 20879E.

Chart 1483 [ previous update 3058/07 ] MONTE MARIO 1940 DATUM

Obstn 45 2107N., 12 2088E.

3715 ITALY - East Coast - Porto di Malamocco - Legend.

Source: Italian Notices 1.17/06, 2.22(T)/06, 1.37/07, 2.21/07 & 13.16/07

Chart 1449 (plan A, Porto di Malamocco) [ previous update 3713/07 ] MONTE MARIO 1940 DATUM
Amend legend to, Works in progress (see NM 3714(P)/07), centred on: 45 2004N., 12 2120E.

Chart 1483 [ previous update 3713/07 ] MONTE MARIO 1940 DATUM

Amend legend to, Works in progress (see NM 3714(P)/07), centred on: 45 1950N., 12 2050E.

2.20 Wk34/07

3776 ITALY - East Coast - Golfo di Manfredonia - Data buoy.

Source: Italian Notice 14.9/07

Chart 186 [ previous update 2636/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Pf Fl(5)Y.20s ODAS 41 327N., 16 024E.

Chart 1443 (plan, Approaches to Barletta and Manfredonia) [ previous update 3277/07 ] MONTE MARIO 1940 DATUM
Pf Fl(5)Y.20s ODAS 41 3267N., 16 0260E.

3777 ITALY - East Coast - Giulianova Eastwards - Restricted area.

Source: UK Hydrographic Office

Chart 200 [ previous update 3547/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete limit of restricted area, and associated legend, Entry
Prohibited, joining: 42 429N., 14 031E.
42 449N., 14 014E.
42 451N., 14 020E.
42 432N., 14 037E.

3778 ITALY - East Coast - Rodi Garganico Northwards - Obstructions. Legend. Note.
Source: Italian Notice 13.12/07

Chart 186 [ previous update 3776/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, Obstructions (see Note), between: 41 578N., 15 493E.
41 578N., 15 564E.
the accompanying note, OBSTRUCTIONS, centred on: 40 265N., 15 540E.
Delete legend, Works in progress (2006), centred on: 41 580N., 15 477E.

Chart 196 [ previous update 1239/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, Obstructions (see Note), between: 41 578N., 15 493E.
41 578N., 15 564E.
the accompanying note, OBSTRUCTIONS, centred on: 42 565N., 18 535E.
Delete legend, Works in progress (2006), centred on: 41 570N., 15 463E.

Chart 200 [ previous update 3777/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, Obstructions (see Note), between: 41 578N., 15 493E.
41 578N., 15 564E.
the accompanying note, OBSTRUCTIONS, centred on: 41 540N., 14 370E.
Delete legend, Works in progress (2006), centred on: 41 580N., 15 375E.

Wk34/07 2.21

3785 TURKEY - Black Sea Coast - Giresun - Lights.

Light List Vol. E, 2006/07, 5791.5, 5792
Source: Turkish Notice 27/112/07 and Turkish Hydrographic Office

Chart 1272 (plan D, Giresun) [ previous update 3653/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl.G.9m3M 40 5516N., 38 2274E.
light to, Fl.G.5s9m10M 40 5506N., 38 2268E.

3787 ITALY - West Coast - Civitavecchia and Salerno with Approaches - Marine farms.
Cautionary note.
Source: Italian Notice 14.G19008/07

Chart 907 [ previous update 1360/07 ]

Insert accompanying note, MARINE FARMS within title panel, E of

3790 GREECE - Aegean Sea Coast - Nsos Anfi, South Coast - k. Petrdhia - Light.
Light List Vol. E, 2006/07, 4275
Source: Greek Notice 6/129/07 and Greek Hydrographic Office

Chart 1040 [ previous update 3268/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Fl.R.3s9m5M 36 206N., 25 462E.

Chart 1091 [ previous update 3015/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Fl.R.3s9m5M 36 206N., 25 462E.

Chart 1095 [ previous update 3015/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Fl.R.3s9m5M 36 206N., 25 462E.

3791* GREECE - Aegean Sea Coast - Saroniks Klpos - Peirais - rmos Keratsinou - Buoy.
Source: Greek Hydrographic Office

Chart 1513 [ previous update 2724/07 ] ED50 DATUM

GofY or GoY Fl(2)10s 37 5747N., 23 3379E.

Chart 1596 [ previous update 2724/07 ] ED50 DATUM

GofY or GoY Fl(2)10s 37 57481N., 23 33775E.

2.22 Wk34/07

3793* GREECE - Krti - North Coast - Rthimnon North-westwards and Westwards - Buoyage.
Source: Greek Hydrographic Office

Chart 3678 [ previous update 2018/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Ef Q(5)Y.20s 35 245N., 24 272E.
35 226N., 24 275E.
35 223N., 24 274E.

Chart 3681 [ previous update 5588/05 ] ED50 DATUM

Ef Q(5)Y.20s 35 245N., 24 272E.
35 226N., 24 276E.
35 223N., 24 275E.

3794 ITALY - West Coast - Golfo di Pozzuoli - Mooring buoys. Restricted areas. Obstructions.
Danger line.
Source: UK Hydrographic Office
Note: This update will be included in a New Edition of Chart 908 to be published on 6 September 2007.

Chart 914 [ previous update 3058/07 ] ED50 DATUM

R and associated circular anchoring prohibited area, ,
centred on: 40 4932N., 14 0569E.
40 4913N., 14 0520E.
legend, Obstructions, and associated danger line, centred on: 40 4892N., 14 0484E.

3796* GREECE - West Coast - Nisdhes Oinosai - Nsos Skhiza Eastwards - Buoy.
Source: Greek Hydrographic Office

Chart 189 [ previous update 1975/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Gf Fl.Y.3s (target) 36 433N., 21 472E.

Chart 1092 [ previous update 2138/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Gf Fl.Y.3s (target) 36 433N., 21 472E.

3820 ITALY - West Coast - Golfo di Policastro - Obstructions.

Source: Italian Notice 14.5/07

Chart 1908 [ previous update 3566/07 ] ED50 DATUM

Insert legend, Obstructions (see Note), centred on: 39 5730N., 15 3475E.
the accompanying note, OBSTRUCTIONS, centred on: 40 225N., 15 235E.

Wk34/07 2.23

3720 GABON - Cap Lopez Southwards - Barre des Portugais Westwards and South-westwards - Submarine
Source: French Notice 28/47/07

Chart 3328 (INT 2812) [ previous update 2866/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: 1 169S., 8 470E.
( Baliste)
1 193S., 8 503E.
( Eyena-Hylia)
1 306S., 8 497E.
( Mandaros)
1 334S., 8 486E.
1 340S., 8 486E.
1 349S., 8 478E.
( Barbier)

3782* QATAR - Ras Laffa- n North-eastwards - Submarine cable.

Source: Dolphin Energy Ltd

Chart 3791 [ previous update 3381/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine cable, , joining: 26 0214N., 51 4452E.
(N border)
25 5926N., 51 3742E.
25 5926N., 51 3363E.
25 5908N., 51 3295E.
25 5862N., 51 3238E.
25 5683N., 51 3123E.(shore)

3766 INDIAN OCEAN - Andaman Islands - Middle Andaman Island, East Coast - Rock.
Source: Indian Notice 14/384/07

Chart 825 [ previous update 1998/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

12 359N., 92 581E.

2.24 Wk34/07

3767 INDIAN OCEAN - Andaman Islands - Rutland Island, South Coast - Light. Landmark.
Light List Vol. F, 2006/07, 1211
Source: Indian Notice 14/385/07

Chart 825 [ previous update 3766/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Fl(3)15s10M 11 207N., 92 368E.

Chart 827 [ previous update 2344/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

Fl(3)15s10M 11 207N., 92 368E.

Chart 830 [ previous update 3579/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Fl(3)10M 11 203N., 92 370E.

Chart 1398 [ previous update 1998/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

LtHo (disused)(10) for Fl(3)15s9m10M 11 2072N., 92 3670E.

3708 CHINA - South Coast - Approaches to Hong Kong - Dangan Dao South-eastwards - Wreck.
Source: Chinese Notice 27/836/07

Chart 1555 [ previous update 2539/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Rep (2007) PA 21 448N., 114 312E.

Chart 1962 [ previous update 3262/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Rep (2007) PA 21 448N., 114 312E.

Chart 1968 [ previous update 3427/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

PA 21 448N., 114 312E.

Chart 3488 (INT 552) [ previous update 2150/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

PA 21 448N., 114 312E.

Chart 3489 (INT 553) [ previous update 2896/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

PA 21 448N., 114 312E.

Wk34/07 2.25

3709 CHINA - South Coast - Zhujiang Kou - Chuanbi Shuidao - Wreck.

Source: Chinese Notice 51/972(T)/02
Note: Former Notice 164(T)/04 has been cancelled.

Chart 343 [ previous update 3479/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

22 4235N., 113 4120E.

Chart 344 [ previous update 3248/07 ] BEIJING 1954 DATUM

22 4235N., 113 4120E.

Chart 3026 [ previous update 3479/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

22 4235N., 113 4120E.

3710 CHINA - South Coast - Zhujiang Kou - Fanshi Shuidao North-eastwards - Works. Wreck.
Source: Chinese Notices 26/807/07, 26/819/07 & 26/821/07

Chart 343 [ previous update 3709/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert legend, Works in progress (2007), orientated NW/SE,
between: 22 3880N., 113 4680E.
22 3650N., 113 4830E.
Rep (2007) PA 22 3599N., 113 4797E.

Chart 3026 [ previous update 3709/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Rep (2007) PA 22 3599N., 113 4797E.

3711 CHINA - South Coast - Approaches to Shanwei - Daxingshan Jio Eastwards and South-eastwards - Wrecks.
Source: Chinese Notice 25/782/07

Chart 1372 [ previous update New Edition 08/06/2006 ] BEIJING 1954 DATUM
PA 22 3348N., 114 5720E.

21%, Wk 22 3245N., 114 5955E.

2.26 Wk34/07
3711 CHINA - South Coast - Approaches to Shanwei - Daxingshan Jio Eastwards and South-eastwards - Wrecks.

Chart 1962 [ previous update 3708/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

22 3350N., 114 5725E.

21%, Wk 22 3230N., 114 5960E.

Chart 1968 [ previous update 3708/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

22 335N., 114 572E.

21%, Wk 22 322N., 114 596E.

Chart 3026 [ previous update 3710/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

PA 22 3350N., 114 5715E.

21%, Wk 22 3235N., 114 5952E.

Chart 3489 (INT 553) [ previous update 3708/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

22 335N., 114 572E.

3712 CHINA - South Coast - Nanao Dao Southwards - Leman Liedao - Wreck.
Source: Chinese Notice 40/738(T)/02
Note: Former Notice 5719(T)/05 has been cancelled.

Chart 854 (plan, Approaches to Shantou) [ previous update 3262/07 ] BEIJING 1954 DATUM
Rep PA 23 225N., 117 070E.

Chart 1760 [ previous update 3427/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Rep PA 23 225N., 117 070E.

Chart 1962 [ previous update 3711/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Rep PA 23 225N., 117 070E.

3783 THAILAND - Gulf of Thailand Coast - Northern Approaches to Ao Sattahip - Chong Khram - Mooring buoy.
Source: Thai Notice 83/2550/07

Chart 1046 [ previous update 3280/07 ] INDIAN 1975 DATUM

R 12 4291N., 100 4888E.

Chart 3727 [ previous update 1400/07 ] INDIAN 1975 DATUM

R 12 4291N., 100 4888E.

D;f 12 4355N., 100 4877E.

Wk34/07 2.27

3792 CHINA - East Coast - Inner approaches to Shanghai - Changxing Dao - Changxing South-eastwards -
Source: Chinese Notices 29/912-913/2007

Chart 1603 [ previous update New Edition 12/07/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert legend, Works in progress (2007), orientated NW/SE, centred
on: 31 2219N., 121 4185E.

3798 CHINA - Yellow Sea Coast - Qingdao Gang - Nei Gang North-westwards - Buoy.
Source: UK Hydrographic Office

Chart 876 [ previous update 3627/07 ] BEIJING 1954 DATUM

Amend No 206 light-buoy to, Q.R 36 0460N., 120 1331E.

3799 CHINA SEA - Tai-wan - Lan Y - Kai-yan Kang - Light.

Light List Vol. F, 2006/07, 4725.5, 4725.55
Source: Taiwanese Chart 04524

Chart 3233 [ previous update 3369/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Amend light to, Fl.R.4s & Fl.G.4s 22 0340N., 121 3008E.

3803 CHINA - East Coast - Minjiang Kou - Buoyage.

Source: Chinese Notices 28/855-856/07 & 28/867/07

Chart 2411 [ previous update 1878/07 ] BEIJING 1954 DATUM

GqV VQ(6) D19 for Ib] Fl.G.4s D19 26 0788N., 119 3828E.
Ib] Fl(2)G.6s D3 from: 26 0521N., 119 4595E.
to: 26 0520N., 119 4622E.

Gd\ Fl(3)R.10s D6 from: 26 0531N., 119 4421E.

to: 26 0532N., 119 4400E.

Ib] Fl.G.4s D7 from: 26 0553N., 119 4350E.

to: 26 0550N., 119 4350E.

Gd\ Fl(3)R.10s D16 from: 26 0734N., 119 3907E.

to: 26 0743N., 119 3897E.

Gd\ Fl.R.4s D20 from: 26 0782N., 119 3806E.

to: 26 0782N., 119 3792E.

Chart 2419 [ previous update 2835/07 ] BEIJING 1954 DATUM

Ib] Fl(2)G.6s D3 from: 26 0521N., 119 4595E.
to: 26 0520N., 119 4622E.

Gd\ Fl(3)R.10s D6 from: 26 0531N., 119 4421E.

to: 26 0532N., 119 4400E.

2.28 Wk34/07

3725 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Keihin Ko - Tokyo Ku and Approaches - Routeing measures.
Depths. Buoyage. Reclamation area. Restricted area. Light. Light-beacon. Radar beacons. Pilot boarding
place. Wreck. Fouls. Notes.
Light List Vol. F, 2006/07, 6427
ALRS Vol. 2, 2007/08: 84150, 84151 (33/07) & Vol. 6(4), 2007/08: (35/07)
Source: Japanese Notice 31/1008/07

Chart JP 1061 [ previous update 2677/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block A, showing amendments to routeing
measures, depths, buoyage, reclamation area, restricted area,
light, light-beacon, radar beacons, pilot boarding place, wreck
and fouls, centred on: 35 327N., 139 513E.
the accompanying block B, showing new navigational
instruction notes, centred on: 35 254N., 140 001E.

3726 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Keihin Ko - Tokyo Ku and Kawasaki Ku - Depths. Foul.
Reclamation area.
Source: Japanese Notice 31/1009/07

Chart JP 67 [ previous update 3396/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths, foul
and reclamation area, centred on: 35 3140N., 139 4800E.

3727 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Kanmon Ko - Wakamatsu Passage - Section 5 - Depths. Coastline. Piers.
Source: Japanese Notice 31/1010/07

Chart JP 135 [ previous update New Chart 10/05/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths,
coastline, piers and legend, centred on: 33 5620N., 130 5050E.

Chart JP 1265 (plan, Wakamatsu) [ previous update New Chart 10/05/2007 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to depths,
coastline, piers and legend, centred on: 33 5620N., 130 5050E.

3728 JAPAN - Nansei Shoto- - Okinawa Shima - Nakagusuku Wan - Kuba Saki Southwards - Light.
Light List Vol. F, 2006/07, 4753.4
Source: Japanese Notice 31/1023/07

Chart 990 (plan B, Yonabaru Wan) [ previous update 2679/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Iso.R.6s11m5M 26 1592N., 127 4900E.

Chart 3702 [ previous update 2679/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Iso.R.6s11m5M 26 1592N., 127 4900E.

Wk34/07 2.29

3802 RUSSIA - Pacific Ocean Coast - Vladivostok - Approaches to Gavan Likhternaya - Lights.
Light List Vol. F, 2006/07, 7450, 7450.01
Source: Russian Notice 30/4511/07

Chart 3044 [ previous update 2255/07 ] PULKOVO 1942 DATUM

Amend light to, F.Y.18m1M (a) 43 0874N., 131 5426E.
light to, Oc.Y.6s37m1M, close ENE of: (a) above
legend to, F.Y, centred on: 43 0870N., 131 5397E.
legend to, Oc.Y, centred on: 43 0868N., 131 5388E.

Chart 3045 [ previous update 5443/06 ] PULKOVO 1942 DATUM

Amend light to, F.Y.18m1M (a) 43 0874N., 131 5426E.
light to, Oc.Y.6s37m1M, close ENE of: (a) above
legend to, F.Y, centred on: 43 0830N., 131 5160E.
legend to, Oc.Y, centred on: 43 0822N., 131 5080E.

3797 BRUNEI - Fairley Patches Westwards - Submarine cable.

Source: UK Hydrographic Office
Note: Former Notice 4237(P)/04 is cancelled.

Chart 1338 [ previous update 3436/07 ] TIMBALAI 1948 DATUM

Insert submarine cable, , joining: 4 585N., 114 100E.
(W border)
4 586N., 114 105E.
4 593N., 114 122E.
( )

3808 INDONESIA - Nusa Tenggara - Lombuk South Coast - T. Pangga Southwards - P. Sophialouisa - Light.
Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 1299.2
Source: DG SeaComm

Chart 941B [ previous update 2642/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Fl(2)12M 8 553S., 116 001E.

Chart 3706 [ previous update 2412/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Fl(2)10s20m12M (a) 8 553S., 116 001E.
Kk, close SE of: (a) above

2.30 Wk34/07

3735 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Bustard Head - Light.

Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 2964
Source: Australian Notice 14/589/07

Chart Aus 366 [ previous update 3052/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Amend light to, Fl(2)10s19M (a) 24 014S., 151 458E.
Delete sector at light as follows: (a) above
R 188 - 220 (32)

Chart Aus 426 [ previous update 3053/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Amend light to, Fl(2)19M 24 014S., 151 458E.

Chart Aus 818 [ previous update 3052/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl(2)10s102m19M (a) 24 0133S., 151 4585E.
Delete sector at light as follows: (a) above
R 188 - 220 (32)

Chart Aus 819 [ previous update 3515/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl(2)10s102m19M (a) 24 0133S., 151 4585E.
Delete sector at light as follows: (a) above
R 188 - 220 (32)

3736 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Fitzroy River - Rocky Point - Buoy. Depth.

Source: Australian Notice 14/590/07

Chart Aus 819 [ previous update 3735/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Bd Fl.R.3s (a) 23 3053S., 150 4669E.
Delete depth 09 , close N of: (a) above

Chart Aus 819 (plan, Fitzroy River) [ previous update 3735/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Bd Fl.R.3s (a) 23 3053S., 150 4669E.
Delete depth 09 , close N of: (a) above

3737 PAPUA NEW GUINEA - South Coast - Daru - Light-beacon.

Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 3470
Source: Australian Notice 14/591/07

Chart Aus 376 [ previous update 3316/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

TFl.25s 9 037S., 143 131E.

Chart Aus 378 [ previous update 2397/07 ] AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC DATUM

TFl.25s 9 038S., 143 130E.

Chart Aus 840 [ previous update 2272/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

TFl.25s6m8M 9 0367S., 143 1306E.

Wk34/07 2.31

3738 PAPUA NEW GUINEA - South Coast - Yule Island - Light.

Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 3465
Source: Australian Notice 14/592/07

Chart Aus 379 [ previous update 2734/07 ] AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC DATUM

Amend range of light to, 14M 8 496S., 146 321E.

Chart 4620 (INT 620) [ previous update 2955/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Amend range of light to, 14M 8 496S., 146 321E.

3739 PAPUA NEW GUINEA - South Coast - Haidana Island - Light-beacon. Light.
Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 3463.4
Source: Australian Notice 14/593/07

Chart Aus 379 [ previous update 3738/07 ] AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC DATUM

TFl.R.5s (a) 9 274S., 147 018E.
Fl.R.5s6m4M, close SW of: (a) above

Chart Aus 621 [ previous update 2750/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

TFl.R.5s6m4M, from: 9 2753S., 147 0169E.
to: 9 2735S., 147 0188E.

3740 PAPUA NEW GUINEA - North East Coast - Tufi Northwards - Kanawetu (Hall) Point - Light.
Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 3428
Source: Australian Notice 14/595/07

Chart Aus 519 [ previous update 2198/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl(2)6s20m9M 9 024S., 149 189E.

Chart Aus 520 [ previous update 1513/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl(2)6s20m9M 9 024S., 149 189E.

2.32 Wk34/07

3741 PAPUA NEW GUINEA - North East Coast - Cape Ward Hunt - Light. Landmark.
Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 3422
Source: Australian Notice 14/597/07

Chart Aus 521 [ previous update 3459/06 ] WGS84 DATUM

Fl.4s69m10M (a) 8 0377S., 148 0763E.
Lt Ho (disused), close W of: (a) above

Chart Aus 522 [ previous update 4999/05 ] WGS84 DATUM

Fl.4s69m10M (a) 8 0377S., 148 0763E.
Lt Ho (disused), close W of: (a) above

Chart 4603 (INT 603) [ previous update 1809/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
{ 8 038S., 148 076E.

Chart 4604 (INT 604) [ previous update 3434/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
{ 8 038S., 148 076E.

Chart 4620 (INT 620) [ previous update 3738/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Fl.10M 8 038S., 148 076E.

Chart 4621 (INT 621) [ previous update 2955/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Fl.10M 8 038S., 148 076E.

Chart 4622 (INT 622) [ previous update 2955/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Fl.10M 8 038S., 148 076E.

3742 PAPUA NEW GUINEA - North Coast - Cape Gourdon and Cape Croisilles - Lights.
Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 3401.6, 3401.8
Source: Australian Notice 14/601/07

Chart Aus 388 [ previous update 1026/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend range of light to, 12M 4 509S., 145 482E.
4 231S., 145 194E.

Chart 4622 (INT 622) [ previous update 3741/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
Amend range of light to, 12M 4 509S., 145 482E.
4 231S., 145 194E.

Wk34/07 2.33

3743 AUSTRALIA - Western Australia - Geelvink Channel - Shoal Point - Light. Radar beacon.
Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 1739
ALRS Vol. 2, 2007/08: 87490
Source: Australian Notice 14/603/07

Chart Aus 332 [ previous update 2803/07 ] AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC DATUM

Amend range of light to, 19M (a) 28 035S., 114 124E.
radar beacon to, Racon(O), at light (a) above

Chart Aus 416 [ previous update 2803/07 ] AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC DATUM

Amend range of light to, 19M (a) 28 035S., 114 125E.
radar beacon to, Racon(O), at light (a) above

Chart Aus 417 [ previous update 2803/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend range of light to, 19M 28 035S., 114 125E.

3744 AUSTRALIA - Western Australia - Geraldton - Maintained channel.

Source: Australian Notice 14/604/07

Chart Aus 81 [ previous update 3602/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend maintained depth to, 124m, centred on: 28 4649S., 114 3583E.

Chart Aus 81 (plan, Port of Geraldton) [ previous update 3602/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Amend maintained depth to, 124m, centred on: 28 4644S., 114 3591E.

3745 AUSTRALIA - South Australia - Spencer Gulf - Eastern Shoal - Recommended anchorage.
Source: Australian Notice 14/605/07

Chart Aus 136 [ previous update 1860/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

33 0560S., 137 4476E.

3746 AUSTRALIA - Victoria - Port Melbourne - Williamstown Northwards - Light-beacons.

Light List Vol. K, 2007/08, 2357, 2357.05
Source: Australian Notice 14/607/07

Chart Aus 154 [ previous update 3287/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Amend light to, Iso.G.4s & F.G 37 5104S., 144 5451E.
light to, Iso.R.4s & F.R 37 5111S., 144 5442E.

2.34 Wk34/07

3747 AUSTRALIA - Victoria - Western Port - North Arm - Depths.

Source: Australian Notice 14/609/07

Chart Aus 151 [ previous update 3392/07 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 108 (a) 38 1998S., 145 1419E.
(b) 38 2020S., 145 1381E.
Delete depth 127 , close NNE of: (a) above
depth 102 , close W of: (b) above

Chart Aus 152 (plan, Hastings Bight) [ previous update 3392/07 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth 104 38 19280S., 145 13890E.
depth 119 (a) 38 19510S., 145 14330E.
depth 106 (b) 38 19893S., 145 13613E.
Substitute depth 99 for depth 10 38 1752S., 145 1437E.
depth 103 for depth 108 38 1837S., 145 1433E.
depth 98 for depth 10 38 1852S., 145 1424E.
depth 103 for depth 104 38 1939S., 145 1457E.
depth 145 for depth 149 38 1969S., 145 1397E.
Delete depth 123 , close NNE of: (a) above
depth 128 , close SE of: (a) above
depth 109 , close N of: (b) above

3748 PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Solomon Sea - Cape Ward Hunt North-eastwards - Danger line.
Source: UK Hydrographic Office

Chart 4620 (INT 620) [ previous update 3741/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
PD 7 490S., 148 340E.

3779 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - West Coast - California - San Diego Bay - North Island - Coronado -
Light List Vol. G, 2006/07, 3707.4, 3707.5
Source: US Notice 30/18773/07

Chart 897 [ previous update 1436/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Q.Y A 32 4164N., 117 0986W.

Q.Y B 32 4180N., 117 0994W.

3813 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - West Coast - Oregon - Cutler City North-westwards - Depths.
Source: US Notice 31/18520/07

Chart 3124 [ previous update 2579/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert depth 8 enclosed by 10fm contour 44 579N., 124 040W.
Substitute depth 5 enclosed by 6fm contour for depth 11 44 573N., 124 038W.
depth 9 enclosed by 10fm contour for depth 13 44 599N., 124 023W.

Wk34/07 2.35

3818 CHILE - Patagonian Channels - Golfo Corcovado and Canal Moraleda - Depths.
Source: Chilean Chart 8400

Chart 1288 [ previous update 2281/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert depth 26 enclosed by 50fm contour 43 433S., 73 130W.
depth 42 enclosed by 50fm contour (a) 43 481S., 73 151W.
depth 82 enclosed by 10fm contour (b) 44 107S., 73 448W.
depth 85 enclosed by 10fm contour 44 374S., 73 278W.
Substitute depth 15 enclosed by 20fm contour for depth 17 enclosed by
20fm contour 44 243S., 73 260W.
Delete depth 72 with seabed character, Sh, adjacent to: (a) above
depth 50, close S of: (b) above

Chart 1289 [ previous update 500/06 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert depth 26 43 433S., 73 130W.
Substitute depth 42 for depth 72 with seabed character, Sh 43 481S., 73 151W.

3816* SOUTHERN OCEAN - South Orkney Islands - Laurie Island Northwards and Coronation Island North-
eastwards - Depths. Rock.
Source: RRS Ernest Shackleton

Chart 1775 [ previous update 3898/06 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Insert depth 11 enclosed by 20fm contour 60 3895S., 44 3450W.
depth 26 60 3872S., 44 3408W.
depth 40 60 3803S., 44 3233W.
Rep (1930) ED 60 2111S., 45 0942W.

Chart 3200 [ previous update 1480/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

ED 60 210S., 45 100W.

Chart 4024 (INT 24) [ previous update 247/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM
60 210S., 45 100W.

Chart 4213 [ previous update 1480/07 ] COMPATIBLE WITH WGS84 DATUM

Insert depth 20 and extend 30m contour N to enclose 60 390S., 44 345W.
60 210S., 45 100W.

3761 MEXICO - Caribbean Sea Coast - Approaches to Veracruz - Buoy. Radar beacon.
ALRS Vol. 2, 2007/08: 95508 (33/07)
Source: Mexican Notice 6/120/07

Chart 374 (plan B, Approaches to Veracruz) [ previous update 3611/07 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM
FZp LFl.10s (a) 19 1135N., 96 0344W.
FZp LFl.10s PA and associated radar beacon, Racon(A),
adjacent to: (a) above

2.36 Wk34/07

3768 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Florida - Tampa Bay - Port Manatee Channel - Buoyage.
Light List Vol. J, 2006/07, 3157.6, 3157.7
Source: US Notice 30/11416/07

Chart 3848 [ previous update 286/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Gd Fl.R.6s 4 27 3940N., 82 3597W.

Ib Fl.G.4s 5 27 3943N., 82 3574W.

Gd Fl.R.4s 6 27 3935N., 82 3581W.

Ib Q.G 11 27 3824N., 82 3405W.

Gd Q.R 2, from: 27 395N., 82 360W.
to: 27 3935N., 82 3621W.
Amend designation of light-buoy to, 7 27 3907N., 82 3526W.
designation of light-buoy to, 8 27 3902N., 82 3530W.
designation of light-buoy to, 9 27 3863N., 82 3461W.
designation of light-buoy to, 10 27 3858N., 82 3466W.
designation of light-beacon to, 12 27 3808N., 82 3398W.
Th Q.G.12ft 7 27 3815N., 82 3390W.

3769 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Texas - Neches River - Port Arthur North-eastwards -
Stewts Island South-westwards - Wreck.
Source: US Chart 11343

Chart 3192 (Panel C) [ previous update 3236/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

29 5795N., 93 5138W.

3770 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Texas - Laguna Madre Eastwards - Brazos Santiago
North-north-eastwards - Fish haven.
Source: US Notice 31/11301/07

Chart 3849 [ previous update 3551/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

(8) 26 315N., 97 092W.

Wk34/07 2.37

3771 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Texas - Freeport South-south-eastwards - Danger line.
Source: US Notice 31/11321/07

Chart 3849 [ previous update 3770/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Natural gas leak Rep (2007) 28 350N., 95 120W.

Chart 3850 [ previous update 3554/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Natural gas leak Rep (2007) 28 350N., 95 120W.

Chart 3854 [ previous update 3553/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Natural gas leak Rep (2007) 28 350N., 95 120W.

3772 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Louisiana - Calcasieu Pass South-south-eastwards -
Source: US Notice 31/11330/07

Chart 3854 [ previous update 3771/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

{ 28 424N., 93 040W.

3773 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Louisiana - LOOP Deepwater Port South-westwards -
Source: US Notice 31/11340/07

Chart 3851 [ previous update 3555/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

33, Well 28 226N., 90 160W.

3774 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Texas - Neches River - McFadden Bend Cutoff -
Source: US Notice 31/11343/07

Chart 3192 (Panel C) [ previous update 3769/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Obstn PA 30 0108N., 94 0112W.

3775 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Alabama - Mobile Point South-south-eastwards -
Source: US Notice 31/11360/07

Chart 3851 [ previous update 3773/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

{ 30 008N., 87 587W.

2.38 Wk34/07

3784 WEST INDIES - Virgin Islands - Saint Thomas - West Gregerie Channel Westwards - Mosquito Point South-
westwards and Sandy Point Northwards - Depth. Buoyage.
Source: US Chart 25649 & US NM 12/25649/05

Chart 2006 [ previous update 4337/04 ] WGS84 DATUM

Ib Fl.G for Ab 18 1926N., 64 5832W.

Chart 2183 [ previous update 1895/06 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert depth 79 18 19898N., 64 56803W.
Ib Fl.G.25s 3 for Ab 3 18 19255N., 64 58300W.

Chart 2452 [ previous update 1969/05 ] UNDETERMINED DATUM

Ib Fl.G.25s for Ab 18 1930N., 64 5844W.

3795 CANADA - Nova Scotia - Cape Breton Island, North East Coast - Approaches to Sydney Harbour - Fog
Source: Canadian Notices 7/4013/07, 7/4015/07 & 7/4022/07

Chart 4748 [ previous update 3058/06 ] NAD83 DATUM

Delete fog signal, WHIS, at light-buoy 46 184N., 60 078W.

Chart 4763 [ previous update 4236/06 ] NAD83 DATUM

Delete fog signal, WHIS, at light-buoy 46 184N., 60 078W.

Chart 4764 [ previous update 3018/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Delete fog signal, WHIS, at light-buoy 46 184N., 60 080W.

3807 CANADA - Saint Lawrence River - Port de Montral - le Verte Westwards and le Sainte-Hlne South-
eastwards - Buoyage. Beacons.
Source: Canadian Notice 7/1310/07

Chart 4792 [ previous update 2845/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

GdFl R MT68
45 34 298"N., 73 29 365"W.

Kj 45 30 302"N., 73 31 531"W.
45 30 292"N., 73 31 534"W.

Kh 45 30 300"N., 73 31 510"W.
45 30 288"N., 73 31 513"W.
IbFl G MT69 from: 45 34 067"N., 73 30 114"W.
to: 45 34 139"N., 73 30 043"W.
IbFl G MT67 45 34 192"N., 73 29 540"W.

Wk34/07 2.39

3812 CANADA - Gulf of Saint Lawrence - Esquiman Channel - Quebec - le Plate - Light.
Light List Vol. H, 2006/07, 1894
Source: Canadian Notice 7/4021/07

Chart 4731 [ previous update New Chart 07/06/2007 ] NAD83 DATUM

Amend light to, Fl.15s74ft13M 50 451N., 58 454W.

3817 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - South Carolina - Charleston Southwards -
Fish haven.
Source: UK Hydrographic Office

Chart 2865 [ previous update New Edition 22/02/2007 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert limit of fish haven, dotted line, joining: (a) 31 435N., 79 576W.
(existing limit)
(b) 31 435N., 79 557W.
(c) 31 420N., 79 557W.
(d) 31 420N., 79 576W.
(existing limit)
10 for (13), within: (a)-(d)above
Delete former limit of fish haven, dotted line, joining: (a) above
(d) above

3819 CANADA - Nova Scotia - New Brunswick - Bay of Fundy - Saint John Harbour - Data buoy.
Light List Vol. H, 2006/07, 4081
Source: Canadian Notices 7/4116-4117/07

Chart 4749 [ previous update 3417/06 ] NAD83 DATUM

Pf Fl(5)Y ODAS/SADO 45 1226N., 66 0108W.

Chart 4750 [ previous update 328/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

PlFl (5) Y ODAS/SADO 45 12 156"N., 66 01 048"W.

3821 CANADA - Saint Lawrence River - Chenal du Nord - Cap Tourmente Southwards - Buoy.
Source: Canadian Notice 7/1317/07

Chart 4785 [ previous update 2756/07 ] NAD83 DATUM

Dd V2 47 0438N., 70 4487W.

2.40 Wk34/07

3750(T)/07 BALTIC SEA - Gotlands Eastwards - Klints Bank South-eastwards - Measuring instruments.
Source: Swedish Notice 163/4168(T)/07
1. Measuring instruments marked by three orange buoys and a spar buoy with yellow flags have been temporarily established
in position 57 2008N., 19 5585E.
2. Former Notice 2959(T)/07 is cancelled.

Chart affected - 2223

3751(T)/07 SWEDEN - East Coast - Stockholms Skrgrd - Sdertlje - Sdertlje Kanal - Works.
Source: Swedish Notice 164/4181(T)/07
1. Work to replace two lock gates in Sdertlje lock will take place between 14 June and 1 October 2007. The canal will be
closed at certain times.
2. Between 30 May and 1 October 2007 the following restrictions apply:

Maximum ships beam 17 metres.

All vessels with a beam of more than 16 metres must request a special permit (except liners).
All vessels without bow thrusters and with a beam of more than 14 metres must request a special permit.
* Vessels and barges with a beam exceeding 12 metres, fitted with fixed, vertical or diagonal fenders, must
request a special permit before entering the lock.
* Indicates new or revised entry.
3. Further information on planned closure times and restrictions is available from and
Sdertlje VTS.
4. Former Notice 1889(T)/07 is cancelled.

Chart affected - 3168

3752(T)/07 NORTH SEA - Danish Sector - Siri Oil Field North-eastwards - Submarine pipeline.
Source: Danish Notice 29/631(T)/07
1. A submarine pipeline has been damaged in position 56 2993N., 4 5627E.
2. Mariners are requested to exercise caution and maintain a distance of at least 500m (027M).
3. An isolated danger mark, Fl(2)5s, has been deployed in position 56 2998N., 4 5627E.
4. The repair work is expected to last until the end of September 2007, although delays may occur due to adverse weather

Charts affected - 272 - 1422 (INT 1044) - 2182B (INT 1042)

Wk34/07 2.41

3714(P)/07 ITALY - East Coast - Porto di Malamocco - Works. Restricted areas. Lights.
Reclamation area.
Source: Italian Notices 1.17/06, 2.22(T)/06, 1.37/07, 2.21/07 & 13.16/07
1. Works are in progress on the construction of tidal control barriers on both banks of the Porto di Malamocco
(45 1980N., 12 2050E. approx.)
2. Two restricted areas, which are prohibited to vessels not engaged in the construction work, have been established. The areas
are bounded by the following positions:

a. 45 20015N., 12 19210E.(shore)
* 45 20110N., 12 19005E.(light)
45 20118N., 12 19090E.
45 19890N., 12 20200E.
45 19755N., 12 20740E.
45 19650N., 12 20915E.
45 19465N., 12 20150E.
45 19560N., 12 19768E.
45 19890N., 12 19940E.(shore)
b. 45 20190N., 12 19840E.(shore)
45 20230N., 12 19870E.
45 20050N., 12 20550E.
45 20065N., 12 20560E.
45 20025N., 12 20720E.
45 19915N., 12 20650E.
45 19955N., 12 20430E.
45 19990N., 12 20445E.
45 20162N., 12 19773E.
* 45 20080N., 12 19710E.
* 45 20150N., 12 19390E.
* 45 20220N., 12 19415E.
45 20291N., 12 19153E.
* 45 20310N., 12 18925E.
* 45 20335N., 12 18910E.(shore)
* Indicates a new or revised entry.
3. The areas affected by the works are marked by yellow buoys and light beacons.
4. Lights, marking reclamation works, have been established in the following positions:

Fl.Y.16m (temp) 45 19620N., 12 19775E.

Fl.R.20m 45 19715N., 12 20700E.
5. Vessels navigating in the Porto di Malamocco and the area close by must remain at least 50m from the area affected by the
works and must proceed at the minimum speed to retain manoeuvrability.
6. The works are expected to be completed at the end of 2012.
7. Charts 1449 and 1483 will be updated when full details become available.
8. Former Notice 1478(P)/07 is cancelled.

Charts affected - 1449 - 1483

3717(T)/07 OMAN - Approaches to Port Sultan Qa- boos - Ras Kalbu- h Westwards - Buoy.
Source: Omani Notice 6/11(T)/07
1. The Ras Kalbuh port-hand light-buoy, Fl(3)R.10s, charted in position 23 3757N., 58 3511E. has been removed.

Chart affected - 3518

2.42 Wk34/07

3749(T)/07 CHINA - South Coast - Hong Kong - Lamma Channel - Deep Water Bay - Restricted area.
Source: Hong Kong Notice 14/18(T)/07
1. A restricted area, entry prohibited, has been established for a period of approximately 16 months, from 11 May 2007. The
area, marked by yellow light-buoys, is bounded by the following positions:

22 14228N., 114 10490E. (shore)

22 14184N., 114 10525E.
22 14131N., 114 10533E.
22 14077N., 114 10524E.
22 14025N., 114 10509E.
22 13972N., 114 10496E.
22 13921N., 114 10478E.
22 13881N., 114 10439E.
22 13851N., 114 10390E. (shore)
2. Blasting operations are taking place on Brick Hill.
3. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution.

Charts affected - 4121 - 4127

3729(T)/07 JAPAN - Honshu- - East Coast - Onahama Ko - Works. Restricted area.

Source: Japanese Notice 31/1035(T)/07
1. A restricted area, entry prohibited, has been established, until 29 February 2008, within an area bounded by the following

36 5539N., 140 5465E.

36 5530N., 140 5483E.
36 5516N., 140 5472E.
36 5525N., 140 5454E.
2. Breakwater extension works are taking place in the above area.

Chart affected - 2959

3730(T)/07 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Keihin Ko - Tokyo Ku - Section 4 - Works.
Restricted area.
Source: Japanese Notice 31/1036(T)/07
1. A restricted area, entry prohibited, has been established, until 7 January 2008, within an area bounded by the following

35 33 181"N., 139 47 486"E. (shore)

35 33 354"N., 139 48 252"E.
35 33 039"N., 139 49 178"E.
35 32 380"N., 139 49 522"E.
35 32 235"N., 139 49 520"E.
35 31 046"N., 139 48 233"E.
35 31 308"N., 139 47 392"E.
35 32 005"N., 139 47 475"E. (shore)
2. Runway construction works are taking place at Tokyo International Airport in the above area.

Charts affected - JP 1061 - JP 1065

Wk34/07 2.43

3731(T)/07 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Yokosuka Ko - Section 1 - Dredging area.
Source: Japanese Notice 31/1037(T)/07
1. Dredging works are taking place, until 31 May 2008, within an area bounded by the following positions:

35 17 28"N., 139 39 47"E.

35 17 38"N., 139 39 36"E.
35 17 38"N., 139 39 26"E.
35 17 46"N., 139 39 22"E.
35 17 53"N., 139 39 25"E.
35 17 50"N., 139 39 32"E.
35 18 01"N., 139 39 39"E.
35 17 42"N., 139 39 42"E.
35 17 33"N., 139 39 54"E.

Chart affected - JP 1083

3732(T)/07 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Mikawa Wan - Kinuura Ko - 5 Go Chi - Dredging area.
Source: Japanese Notice 31/1038(T)/07
1. Dredging works are taking place, until 12 November 2007, within an area bounded by the following positions:

34 51 16"N., 136 56 40"E.

34 51 06"N., 136 56 47"E.
34 51 00"N., 136 56 43"E.
34 50 58"N., 136 56 47"E.
34 50 46"N., 136 56 37"E.
34 50 50"N., 136 56 30"E.
34 50 57"N., 136 56 35"E.
34 51 07"N., 136 56 32"E.
2. Former Notice 3401(T)/07 is cancelled.

Chart affected - JP 1056

3733(T)/07 JAPAN - Kyu- shu- - West Coast - Hirado Shima South-westwards - Wreck.
Source: Japanese Notice 31/1043(T)/07
1. A wreck exists in position 33 0680N., 129 1783E.

Chart affected - 1527

2.44 Wk34/07

3753(T)/07 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Moreton Bay - Brisbane River - Depth information.

Source: Australian Notice 15/653(T)/07
1. Available depths and under keel clearances (UKC) as at 12 July 2007:

Metres UKC/Remarks
Moreton Bay:
North East Channel 55 Channel not maintained
* North West Channel 149 18 (NW FWY)
(over 280m width) - 235 (NW2-3)
- 21 (NW3-12)
Spitfire Channel 150 15
(over 280m width)
East Knoll Bypass Channel 69 14
East Channel 150 15
(over 300m width)
Main Channel (M8 - M9) 100 18

Brisbane River:
Entrance Beacons and Bar 140 146
Fisherman Islands to Swing 140 13
Pelican Banks Reach to Hamilton 91 06 - 09 depending on draft
Reach and tide
Alongside all berths - 03
* Indicates new or revised entry.
2. Former Notice 3662(T)/07 is cancelled.

Charts affected - Aus 235 - Aus 236 - Aus 237 - Aus 238

Wk34/07 2.45

3754(T)/07 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Gladstone - Depth information.

Source: Australian Notice 15/654(T)/07
1. Available depths as at 5 July 2007:

Metres Remarks
Sea Channels:
* Wild Cattle Cutting 161
* Boyne Island Cutting 161
Boyne Island Extension Channel 90
* Golding Cutting 161
* South Bypass Channel 71 Except in the vicinity of S 10 light-beacon where
depth is 61 metres.
Gatcombe Channel 163
Gatcombe Bypass Channel 125
Inner Channels:
Auckland Channel 158
Auckland Bypass Channel 68
Barney Point Eastern Approach 135
Barney Point Western Approach 115
Clinton Channel 160
Clinton Bypass Channel 106
Clinton Swing Basin 106
Targinie Channel 106
Targinie Swing Basin East 106
Targinie Swing Basin West 90

Boyne Smelter Wharf 150
South Trees East Wharf 128
South Trees West Wharf 128
Barney Point Wharf 150
Auckland Point No 1 Wharf 113
Auckland Point No 2 Wharf 113
Auckland Point No 3 Wharf 113
Auckland Point No 4 Wharf 114
Clinton No 1 Wharf 188
Clinton No 2 Wharf 188
Clinton No 3 Wharf 188
Fishermans Landing Wharf No 2 129
Fishermans Landing Wharf No 4 112
Fishermans Landing Wharf No 5 112
* Indicates revised entry.
2. Former Notice 3401(T)/06 is cancelled.

Charts affected - Aus 244 - Aus 245 - Aus 246

3755(T)/07 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Whitsunday Group - Pioneer Bay - Wreck.

Source: Australian Notice 15/656(T)/07
1. A 137m timber cabin cruiser has sunk in position 20 15891S., 148 42097E. (WGS84 Datum).
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.

Chart affected - Aus 252

2.46 Wk34/07

3756(T)/07 PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Nuguria Islands North-eastwards - Solomon Islands - Tulun Islands East-
south-eastwards - Scientific instruments. Buoyage.
Source: Australian Notice 15/660(T)/07
1. Observation buoys exist as follows:

Name Position (WGS84 Datum)

No 5 2 0089S., 156 0134E.
No 6 5 0198S., 156 0139E.

Charts affected - 4604 (INT 604) - 4622 (INT 622)

3757(T)/07 AUSTRALIA - Northern Territory - Darwin - Depth information.

Source: Australian Notice 15/662(T)/07
1. Available depths as at July 2007:

Berths Metres
East Arm 0-300m 122
East Arm 300-600m 125
East Arm BLB 116
2. Available depths as at December 2004:

Berths Metres
No 1 Iron Ore 117
No 2 Fort Hill East 91
No 2 Fort Hill West 102
No 3 Stokes Hill East 66
No 3 Stokes Hill West 64
No 4 Stokes Hill East 31
No 4 Stokes Hill Middle 28
No 4 Stokes Hill West 43
3. Former Notice 5332(T)/06 is cancelled.

Chart affected - Aus 28

3758(T)/07 NEW ZEALAND - North Island - East Coast - Whangarei Harbour - Lort Point - Beacon.
Source: New Zealand Notice 16/162(T)/07
1. The isolated danger beacon in position 35 4985S., 174 3030E. has been destroyed and is temporarily marked with a
yellow buoy.
2. Mariners are advised to exercise caution when navigating in the area.

Charts affected - NZ 5214 - NZ 5215

Wk34/07 2.47

3759(T)/07 NEW ZEALAND - North Island - West Coast - Western Cook Strait - Works.
Source: New Zealand Notice 16/163(T)/07
1. The semi-submersible drilling rig, Ocean Patriot, will be undertaking drilling operations in the following position, until
further notice:

Hector 1 39 508S., 173 435E.

2. Two anchor-handling vessels, Far Grip (call sign LGRO) and Pacific Wrangler (call sign 9V6218), will assist in operations
and act as supply vessels for the duration of the drilling.
3. The Ocean Patriot (call sign V7EL6) will monitor VHF channel 16.
4. All vessels should pass 5 nautical miles clear of the rig.

Charts affected - 4640 (INT 640) - 4648 (INT 648) - NZ 45

3760(P)/07 NEW ZEALAND - South Island - North Coast - Queen Charlotte Sound - Tory Channel - General
Source: New Zealand Notice 16/165(P)/07
1. Direction to Pilots, Masters pursuant to Section 650C (3) (a) of the Local Government Act 1974.
2. All ships transiting Tory Channel, operating at a speed of less than 15 knots shall, in lieu of the 10 minute broadcast as set
out in the Marlborough District Council Navigation Bylaws 2002 Part 3.3 (iii), make the broadcast to ALL SHIPS based on
the following criteria:
a) For Inward Bound vessels:
When on an arc of 3 nautical miles to seaward centred on East Head Light (41 1262S., 174 1940E.), make a
broadcast on Channel 19 VHF advising of the intention to transit Tory Channel inward bound and providing the ETA
at the Controlled Navigation Zone boundary as well as at East Head, at the ships anticipated speed. Subsequent
broadcasts, confirming or amending ETA, are to be made at intervals not exceeding 10 minutes.
b) For Outward Bound vessels:
When abeam of Te Uira-Karapa Point (Clay Point) east light (41 1420S., 174 1523E.), make a broadcast on
Channel 19 VHF advising all ships of the intention to transit Tory Channel outward bound and providing the ETA at
the Controlled Navigation Zone boundary as well as East Head, at the ships anticipated speed. Subsequent broadcasts,
confirming or amending ETA, are to be made at intervals not exceeding 10 minutes.
3. The above broadcasts may be repeated on Channel 16 VHF.
4. Any significant changes in ETA must be promulgated to all ships.
5. For ships operating at speeds of greater than 15 knots, the provision as set out in the Marlborough District Council
Navigation Bylaws 2002 Part 3.3 (iii), shall apply.
6. Nothing in this direction relieves the Master of any other obligations and requirements set out in the Marlborough District
Council Navigation Bylaws 2002.

Chart affected - NZ 6153

2.48 Wk34/07
To accompany Notice to Mariners 3778/07

On Chart 186

Numerous concrete structures have been
placed on the seabed north of Rodi Garganico
(41 557N., 15 533E.). The purpose of
these obstructions is to discourage illegal
trawl fishing activities.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3778/07

On Chart 196

Numerous concrete structures have been
placed on the seabed north of Rodi Garganico
(41 5568N., 15 5330E.). The purpose of
these obstructions is to discourage illegal
trawl fishing activities.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3778/07

On Chart 200

Numerous concrete structures have been
placed on the seabed north of Rodi Garganico
(41 557N., 15 533E.). The purpose of
these obstructions is to discourage illegal
trawl fishing activities.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3787/07

On Chart 907

Marine farms exist within the area of this chart.
They may not all be shown individually and
their positions may change frequently. Marine
farms may be marked by lit or unlit buoys or
beacons. Mariners are advised to avoid these
structures and their associated moorings.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3820/07

On Chart 1908

Numerous concrete structures have been
placed on the seabed in Golfo di Policastro
between positions 40 022N., 15 298E.
and 40 029N., 15 375E. The purpose of
these obstructions is to discourage illegal trawl
fishing activities.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3823/2007

On Chart 525

CHARTS 1098, 1217, 2881, 3005 AND 3853:

Positions on chart 525 differ from those on
charts 1098, 1217, 2881, 3005 and 3853 by
varying amounts; positions should be
transferred by bearing and distance from
common charted objects, not by latitude and

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3823/2007

On Chart 1098

CHARTS 525, 2881 AND 3853: POSITIONS

Positions on chart 1098 differ from those on
charts 525, 2881 and 3853 by varying
amounts; positions should be transferred by
bearing and distance from common charted
objects, not by latitude and longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3823/2007

On Chart 1217

To agree with larger scale charts and chart
3853 within the area covered by chart 1217,
positions should be transferred by bearing and
distance from common charted objects, not by
latitude and longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3823/2007

On Chart 1555


Positions on chart 1555 differ from those on
chart 1557 by varying amounts; positions
should be transferred by bearing and distance
from common charted objects, not by latitude
and longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3823/2007

On Chart 2879


To agree with smaller scale chart 2146, which
is referred to European Datum (1950),
positions read from chart 2879 must be
adjusted by 006 minutes NORTHWARD and
008 minutes EASTWARD.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3823/2007

On Chart 4920

CARTES 1499, 2531 et 2940: POSITIONS

Positions sur carte 4920 diffrent de celles sur les cartes
1499, 2531 et 2940 par des distances diverses; les
positions doivent tre transferes selon leur direction et
distance des objets clairement indiqus et non par leur
latitude et longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3823/2007

On Chart 4920

CHARTS 1499, 2531 and 2940: POSITIONS

Positions on chart 4920, differ from those on charts 1499,
2531 and 2940 by varying amounts; positions should be
transferred by bearing and distance from common charted
objects, not by latitude and longitude.

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3707/07. Image Size (mm) 152 by 179.3

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3716/07. Image Size (mm) 154 by 176.5

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3723/07. Image Size (mm) 109.1 by 196

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3724/07. Image Size (mm) 110.5 by 168.4

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3725/07. Image Size (mm) 164.1 by 241.7

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3725/07. Image Size (mm) 154.1 by 251.2

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3726/07. Image Size (mm) 252.4 by 80.2

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3727/07. Image Size (mm) 62 by 93.7

To accompany Notice to Mariners 3727/07. Image Size (mm) 103.3 by 156.3


See N.M. 13/07. Messages printed below are all in force on 13 August 2007. It is recommended that this reprint should be kept
in a file or book divided into areas, followed by subsequent weekly reprints. Only the most convenient Admiralty Chart is
quoted. For those series originated by other authorities only selected important warnings are reproduced.

Weekly Edition 34, 23 August 2007 (published on the UKHO Website 16 Aug 2007).

(1) Navarea I (NE Atlantic) Weekly Edition 34

NAVAREA I warnings in force 13/8/07: 2005 series: 402. 2007 series: 019 035 050 099 128 162 167 168 170 174 178 180 182
184 187 189 191.

186 Cancelled.

187 DOVER STRAIT Inshore Traffic Zone. Royal Sovereign Shoals south-eastwards. Chart BA 536. Light-buoy,
Fl(2)Y.10s, established 50-41.66N 000-30.87E.

188 Cancelled.

189 SOUTHERN NORTH SEA. Outer Gabbard. Chart BA 1630. Outer Gabbard light-buoy, 51-57.8N 002-04.2E, fog
signal, Whis, permanently discontinued.

190 Cancelled.

191 RIGLIST. Correct at 130600 UTC Aug 07.

Southern North Sea: 51 to 55N.

53-44.5N 003-37.1E Ensco 72
53-49.3N 000-34.6E Noble Julie Robertson
NEW 54-00.9N 001-17.8E GSF Labrador
54-16.7N 002-59.4E Noble Lynda Bossler
54-24.3N 002-39.1E Ensco 85
54-25.9N 007-18.0E Noble Ronald Hoope
54-47.6N 000-08.8W GSF Galaxy 2

North Sea: 55 to 60N, East of 5W and the Baltic Sea.

55-33.5N 005-08.2E Maersk Endeavour
56-26.5N 002-42.1E Rowan Gorilla 7
56-41.7N 005-25.6E Noble George Sauvageau
56-43.3N 001-18.6E GSF Arctic 4
56-56.0N 002-09.7E Ensco 101
56-57.3N 001-26.3E J.W.McLean
57-12.2N 001-17.0E Noble Ton van Langeveld
57-12.5N 001-14.8E Transocean John Shaw
57-15.5N 000-28.8E GSF Arctic 3
NEW 57-17.5N 000-32.9E Sedco 712
57-25.2N 001-13.9E Ocean Nomad
57-53.0N 001-23.7E Ocean Guardian
57-54.0N 000-36.6W Borgsten Dolphin
58-01.4N 001-55.1E Maersk Giant
58-18.1N 001-42.4W Stena Spey
58-23.8N 000-05.7E Ocean Princess
58-35.1N 001-44.3E West Epsilon
58-42.8N 001-38.0E Ocean Vanguard
59-21.0N 001-33.2E GSF Arctic 2
59-22.0N 001-57.3E Bredford Dolphin
59-34.6N 001-55.5E Deepsea Bergen
59-39.4N 002-16.7E Deepsea Delta


Norwegian Sea: North of 60N, East of 5W.
60-21.9N 004-13.2W Paul B Loyd Jnr
60-43.8N 003-39.4E Deepsea Trym
60-47.1N 003-33.4E. Songa Dee
60-50.0N 003-36.2E West Venture
60-52.3N 003-08.1W Sedco 714
NEW To Bay of Biscay Byford Dolphin
61-02.6N 003-36.0E Bideford Dolphin
61-04.7N 001-59.4E Transocean Arctic
61-05.5N 003-41.2W Transocean Rather
61-14.7N 001-22.2E Transocean Prospect
61-20.5N 002-00.0E Borgland Dolphin
63-29.8N 005-23.0E West Navigator
64-00.8N 005-16.8E Transocean Leader
64-17.7N 007-07.2E Transocean Winner
64-46.3N 006-42.5E West Alpha
65-00.9N 006-26.3E Scarabeo 5
NEW 65-05.1N 006-40.9E Transocean Searcher
NEW 66-03.9N 008-14.4E Stena Don
71-15.2N 022-19.1E Polar Pioneer

South and West Coasts of the British Isles.

50-54.1N 008-46.0W Petrolia
54-20.1N 011-03.2W Sedco 711

a. Rigs are protected by a 500 metre safety zone.
b. ACP - Adjacent to Charted Platform.

2. Cancel 185/07.

Cancel 153/07. ANM 3100/07 refers.

Cancel 156/07. ANM 3341/07 refers.
Cancel 158/07. ANM 3577/07 and Section VI amendments in Week 32/07 refer.

(2) Navarea II (E Atlantic) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea II warnings in force 13/8/07: 2007 series: 271.
279 to 292 received.

(3) Navarea III (Mediterranean) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea III warnings in force 13/8/07: 2007 series: 129 326.
331 to 334 received.

(4) Navarea IV (NW Atlantic) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea IV warnings in force 13/8/07: 2007 series: 196.
223 to 229 received.

(5) Navarea V (W Atlantic) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea V warnings in force 13/8/07: NIL.
695 to 718 received.

(6) Navarea VI (SW Atlantic) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea VI warnings in force 13/8/07: NIL.
248 to 258 received.


(7) Navarea VII (SE Atlantic) Weekly Edition 34
Edited Navarea VII warnings in force 13/8/07: NIL.
116 to 118 received.

(8) Navarea VIII (Indian Ocean) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea VIII warnings in force 13/8/07: 2006 series: 441.
442 to 453 received.

(9) Navarea IX (Persian Gulf, Red Sea, NW Arabian Sea) Weekly Edition 34
Edited Navarea IX warnings in force 13/8/07: 2007 series: 050 055.
Nil received.

(10) Navarea X (Australia, New Guinea) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea X warnings in force 13/8/07: NIL.
008 received.

(11) Navarea XI (Malacca Strait, China Sea, N Pacific) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea XI warnings in force 13/8/07: NIL.
333 to 350 received.

(12) Navarea XII (NE Pacific) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea XII warnings in force 13/8/07: NIL.
192 to 195 received.

(13) Navarea XIII (NW Pacific) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea XIII warnings in force 13/8/07: NIL.
053 to 055 received.

(14) Navarea XIV (SW Pacific) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea XIV warnings in force 13/8/07: NIL.
Nil received.

(15) Navarea XV (SE Pacific) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea XV warnings in force 13/8/07: NIL.
120 to 127 received.

(16) Navarea XVI (E Pacific) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Navarea XVI warnings in force 13/8/07: NIL.
182 to 189 received.

(17) Hydropacs (Pacific, Indian Ocean) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Hydropacs in force 13/8/07: 2006 series: 524 1049 1812.
1360 to 1404 and 1408 to 1411 received.

(18) Hydrolants (Atlantic, Mediterranean) Weekly Edition 34

Edited Hydrolants in force 13/8/07: 2006 series: 1394.
1370 to 1405 received.




NP 7A South America Pilot Volume IV 2 For vessels of appropriate draught, a DW route

(2007 Edition) (11.12a) leads from position 3415S 13655E to join
the recommended track (11.12) SE of Shoalwater
Trinidad -- Radix Point to Galera Point
Mud volcano
107 Paragraph 11.12 6 line 1 For Buffalo Reef Read Buffalo
After Paragraph 4.38 6 line 4 Insert: Rock
Caution. A mud volcano with a least depth of Paragraph 11.12 6 lines 5--6 Replace by:
18 m (6 ft) is located within an area bounded by a The track continues NE to the S end of the DW
radius of 200 m in position 10227N 60552W. route at 3415S 13655E (11.12a), or the
Mariners are advised to exercise caution and avoid the recommended track at position 3406S 13710E.
area. Paragraph 11.12 7--8 Replace by:
Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Works Notice 04/07 7 The recommended track then leads generally NE, as
(HH. 670/550/02) [34/07] shown on the chart, passing (with positions from
Tiparra Reef (3404S 13724E)):
NW of Tiparra Reef, a bank of sand, 2 miles in
NP 8 Pacific Coasts of Central America and extent, with depths of less than 5 m over it. A light
United States Pilot (2007 Edition) (metal pile) is exhibited, from a drying ledge
lying on the S of the bank, at about mid-length.
Mexico -- Ensenada Racon SE of SG1 Light Buoy (safe water) (8 miles
NNW), Clan Macdougall Shoal lies 6 miles
247 WNW, thence:
After Paragraph 7.147 1 line 3 Add: 8 SE of SG2 Light Buoy (port hand) (16 miles
Ensenada Light Buoy (31490N 116388W). NNE), which lies 12 miles SE of Shoalwater
Point Beacon (S cardinal). Shoalwater Point
Mexican Notice 3/55/07 (chart Aus 778), 2 miles NW of the beacon,
(HH. 623/445/04) [34/07] which is low and off which the coastal bank
dries up to 1 miles offshore has depths of
less than 10 m up to 6 miles offshore. A light
NP 13 Australia Pilot Volume I (2005 edition) (11.10) is exhibited from the point.

Queensland -- Karumba Mooring buoys Deep--water route

96 1 From position 3415S 13655E, the deep--water
Paragraph 2.86 1 lines 1--4 Replace by: route leads generally NNE then NE as shown on the
1 Anchorage. An anchorage area for small vessels, chart, between a bank with depths less than 15 m and
marked by light buoys (special) and No 25 Light Clan Macdougall Shoal (11.12), passing (with positions
Beacon (port hand), lies on the NW side of the river. from Tiparra Reef (3404S 13724E)):
E of Cape Burr (51 miles W); Port Neill (11.70) is
Australian Notice 15/641/07 located to the N of the cape, thence:
(AA 276639) [34/07] W of DW1 Light Buoy (starboard hand) (20 miles
W), marking the N end of a bank with a least depth
South Australia -- Spencer Gulf Directions; of 149 m.
deep--water route 2 The track then continues NE passing:
NW of DW2 Light Buoy (starboard hand)
345 (16 miles WNW); depths less than 15 m lie
Paragraph 11.2 1 Replace by: 1 mile ENE of the buoy, thence:
1 The offshore route leads from a position S of SE of Clan Macdougall Shoal (11.12) (14 miles
Neptune Islands (3516S 13606E) for a total of NW), thence:
about 125 miles NE to a position 12 miles SE of NW of SG1 Light Buoy (safe water). The
Shoalwater Point, using either the recommended track deep--water route joins the recommended track
or the DW route, shown on the chart. (11.12) 6 miles NE of the buoy.
Paragraph 11.7 1 Replace by:
1 From a position S of Neptune Islands (3516S
13606E), the offshore route (11.12) leads 98 miles
NE to a position W of Cape Elizabeth (11.103) to join
the recommended track shown on the chart.

4.1 Wk34/07

351 NP 24 Black Sea and Sea of Azov Pilot

Paragraph 11.62 4 lines 2--4 For preferred route Read (2006 Edition)
recommended track
Turkey -- Adalar passage Isolated danger buoy
Paragraph 11.82 3 lines 9--10 For preferred route Read 101
recommended track Paragraph 2.327 5 line 8 Replace by:
...dangerous rocks, lies 1 mile NNE. A light buoy
361 (isolated danger) marks the NE side of
Paragraph 11.132 1 lines 2--3 For preferred route Read Grnmeyen Kayalklar. Thence:
recommended track
Paragraph 11.132 1 lines 5--6 Delete Turkish Notice 30/132/2007
(SDD 2007000 056549) [34/07]
After Paragraph 11.132 2 line 5 Add:
W of SG3 Light Buoy (starboard hand) (10 miles
S), moored 5 cables W of the western edge of NP 25 British Columbia Pilot Volume I
Middle Bank, thence: (2004 Edition)
Paragraph 11.132 4 lines 5--6 Replace by:
In the area W of Yarraville Shoals, the
Strait of Georgia -- Calm Channel Landmark
recommended track is additionally marked by three
light buoys (lateral), whence track continues NE, 287
passing (with positions from Point Lowly Light Paragraph 7.380 including heading Replace by:
Paragraph 11.134 4 line 6 For preferred route Read
recommended track
British Colombia Coast (South Portion) 17th Edition
Australian Hydrographic Office
(HH. 078/050/04) [34/07]
(Australian Charts 777; 778) [34/07]

NP 27 Channel Pilot (2005 Edition)

NP 14 Australia Pilot Volume II (2004 Edition)
Plymouth -- Hamoaze Directions
New South Wales -- Port Kembla
Leading lights 122
After Paragraph 4.229 7 line 8 Add:
Mariners should note an obstruction with 82 m over
Paragraph 12.41 2 lines 6--11 Delete it 2 cables E of the head of Yonderberry Jetty.
Paragraph 12.41 3 lines 1--2 Delete
HMS Roebuck
Port Kembla Notice 25/07/07 (SDD 2007000 055998) [34/07]
(AA 267136) [34/07]
NP 47 Mediterranean Pilot Volume III
NP 20 Baltic Pilot Volume III (2006 Edition) (2005 Edition)

Finland -- Maarianhamina and approaches Italy -- Brindisi Waiting area

263 Paragraph 11.62 1 Replace by:
After Paragraph 6.292 1 line 8 Add: 1 Mariners should note the following designated
Caution. The channel depth of the track on the areas:
alignment (090) of Druvan Beacon has shoaled to a Anchorage NW, centred 2 miles WNW of Punta
depth of 50 m between 60038N 19465E and a Penne (40410N 17562E) in depths of 21 to
position 24 miles E. 51 m, as shown on the chart. For use by vessels up
to medium size, excluding those carrying
Finnish Notice 20--21/356/2007 dangerous or pollutant cargoes.
(SDD 2007000 057322) [34/07] Anchorage SE, centred 5 miles ESE of Capo di
Torre Cavallo (40385N 18013E) in depths of
34 to 46 m, as shown on the chart.
Waiting area BR1, centred 2 miles ESE of Capo
di Torre Cavallo, established (2007) to
accommodate vessels complying with UN
resolution inspection requirements.

Italian Notice 14.7/2007

(SDD 2007000 053982/053852) [34/07]



Vol A Edition 2007/08. Weekly Edition No. 34, Dated 23 August 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 33, dated 16 August 2007.
A0020 SEVEN STONES Lt V 50 0364 N Fl(3)W 30s .. 23 Red hull, light tower (fl 05, ec 45) x 2, fl 05, ec 195.
(TH) 6 0433 W amidships Shown 24 hours. Range 15M & not
12 shown 24 hours (P) 2007
- .. Horn(3) 60s .. .. .. (bl 2, si 2) x 2, bl 2, si 50
- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 50280
A07834 - Chichester Bar 50 4592 N Fl(2)R 10s 7 4 Red beacon Tide gauge. Being rebuilt 820m S (P)
0 5646 W 2007
A07835 - West Pole Beacon 50 4571 N Fl WR 5s 10 W 7 & on black metal pile W321-081(120), R081-321(240).
0 5649 W R 5 Being rebuilt 870m NNE (P) 2007
A20504 Remove from list

A20505 Remove from list

A5658 - Lts in line 180. Front 50 1150 N F W 17 4 Pile structure, red and Discontinued (T) 2007
5 2617 W white lantern
A56581 - Lts in line 180. Rear. 110m 50 1144 N F W 23 4 Pile structure, red and This light standalone whilst front
from front 5 2617 W white lantern (A5658) discontinued (T) 2007
A80644 Remove from list

Vol B Edition 2007/08. Weekly Edition No. 34, Dated 23 August 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 33, dated 16 August 2007.
B0455 Hoek Van Ouwerkerk 51 3691 N Iso WRG 6s .. .. .. R267-306(39), W306-314(8),
3 5833 E G314-009(55), W009-012(3),
G012-067(55), W067-0685(15),
B1152 Arngast 53 2888 N F WRG 30 W21 Red round tower, white W135-142(7), G142-150(8),
8 1089 E W10 band, 2 galleries W150-152(2), G152-1746(226),
R16 36 R1805-191(105), W191-213(22),
G17 R213-225(12),
G 7 W(10M)286-303(17),
TE 2007
- .. Fl WG 3s .. .. .. fl 08.
- .. Fl(2)W 9s .. .. .. fl 08, ec 22, fl 08, ec 52.
Vis 1774-1805(31)
- .. Oc W 6s .. 20 . . ec 1.
Vis 1764-1774(1) leading sector
B2602 - Ary 58 5991 N Oc(3)WRG 10s 21 W11 White lantern G3545-356(15),
9 4756 E R 8 W356-0185(225),
G 8 R0185-0435(25),
* *

5.1 Wk34/07

Vol B Edition 2007/08 continued.

B2678 - Vittenskjul 58 5559 N Iso WRG 6s 21 W 8 White lantern G2235-2525(29),
9 3679 E R 6 W2525-2585(6),
G 6 R2585-3515(93),
B26826 - FOSSINGFJORD. Risy. E 58 5497 N Iso WRG 4s 4 W 7 White lantern G127-1355(85),
point 9 3191 E R 5 W1355-1455(10),
G 5 R1455-271(1255), W271-280(9),
* *
B2716 Knubbehausen 58 4886 N Fl WRG 5s 11 W 8 White lantern fl 07.
9 2871 E R 6 14 R0325-042(95),
G 6 G042-1655(1235),
R2595-278(185), G278-326(48),
- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 64740
B2842 - Rivingen 58 1821 N Fl WRG 5s 11 W 6 White lantern on R3395-3465(7),
8 3499 E R 4 framework structure W3465-349(25),
G 4 G349-1645(1755),
W1645-178(135), R178-189(11)
B2862 - Sundholmen. N Point 58 1559 N Iso WRG 4s 8 W 5 White lantern G0685-078(95), W078-079(1),
8 3063 E R 3 R079-205(126), G205-306(101)
G 3
* *
B37695 Remove from list

Vol C Edition 2007/08. Weekly Edition No. 34, Dated 23 August 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 33, dated 16 August 2007.
C04895 - Hamneskr 57 5376 N LFl W 15s .. 11 Lattice mast (P) 2007
11 2795 E 8
* * *

C0502 - Mitholmarna 57 5800 N Fl(4)WRG 12s 7 W 7 White lantern G027-037(10), W037-041(4),

11 4370 E R 5 R041-154(113), G154-204(50),
G 4 W204-207(3), R207-219(12)
* *
C0503 - Vinterholmen 58 0190 N Fl WRG 3s 11 W 8 Metal framework tower W018-021(3), R021-189(168),
11 4690 E R 5 G189-197(8), W197-205(8),
G 4 R205-335(130), G335-018(43)
* *
C0890722 - Viger. Ldg Lts 231. Front 55 2832 N Iso W 2s 8 6 Red % on mast Vis 15 each side of rangeline.
10 3172 E 6 Shown 24 hours. Irreg (T) 2007
C0890723 - Viger. Ldg Lts 231. Rear. 55 2798 N Iso W 2s 13 6 Red + on mast Vis 15 each side of rangeline.
1000m from rear 10 3099 E 12 Shown 24 hours. Synchronized with
front. Irreg (T) 2007
C1725 - Vindeby Havmllepark. NW 54 5840 N 2 Fl(3)Y 10s 6 . . Post Synchronized. (P) 2007
11 0690 E 7
* * * * * * * *
C26645 - Oie. S Mole. Head 54 1464 N Fl G 4s 6 4 Green mast fl 1
13 5442 E 4
* * * * * * * *

5.2 Wk34/07

Vol C Edition 2007/08 continued.

C2665 - Oie. N Mole. Head 54 1466 N Fl R 4s 6 4 Red mast fl 1
13 5443 E 4
* * * * *
C310035 - Morskoy Kanal. Paromnyy 54 3804 N F Bu .. 1
19 5527 E
* * * * * * * *
C4530 Remove from list

C67105 Trnan 59 0846 N Fl(2)WR 6s 11 7 Red lantern, white stripe R183-194(11), W194-183(349)
13 2562 E
- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 64080

Vol D Edition 2007/08. Weekly Edition No. 34, Dated 23 August 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 33, dated 16 August 2007.
D155748 - Puerto de Pedrea. E Dock. W 43 2694 N Q R .. . . Red structure TE 2007
side 3 4623 W
D15876 - Pontoon. NE Corner. Lts in 43 2784 N Q W .. 1 Red and white post Irreg (T) 2007
line 194. Front 5 0371 W
D15877 - Protection Breakwater. S Head. 43 2774 N Iso W 4s .. 1 Red and white post TE 2007
Lts in line 194. Rear 5 0375 W
D16647 - Drsena de Porcilln. Entrance. 43 3236 N Fl R 5s 9 1 Red post on red and fl 05.
S side 7 0213 W white round tower TE 2007
* *
D19165 ODAS 7003 42 0735 N Q(5)Y 20s .. 3 Yellow superbuoy (fl 05, ec 05) x 4, fl 05, ec 155
9 2388 W
* * *
D249245 - Fishing Harbour. Muelle 35 5360 N Fl(3)R 9s 5 1 Red post (fl 05, ec 15) x 2, fl 05, ec 45
Alfau. Head 5 1810 W 3
* * * * * * * *
D6002 - N Breakwater. Head 34 0300 S Fl G 2s 5 2 Yellow hut Irreg (T) 2007
18 2100 E
D76805 Ra's-e Ny Band. 27 0760 N Fl(2)W 10s .. 10
Southeastwards 53 0000 E
* * * * * * * *

Vol E Edition 2006/07. Weekly Edition No. 34, Dated 23 August 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 33, dated 16 August 2007.
E0370 - Punta de la Baa 40 3345 N Fl(2)W 12s 27 12 White round tower, fl 1, ec 2, fl 1, ec 8
0 3954 E black bands
* * * *
E0380 - El Fangal 40 4742 N Fl(2+1)W 24s 20 12 White round tower, red fl 1, ec 15, fl 1, ec 45, fl 1, ec 15
0 4611 E band
* * * *

5.3 Wk34/07

Vol E Edition 2006/07 continued.

E039614 - Dique de Poniente. Head 41 1260 N Fl(3)R 10s 9 1 Red truncated (fl 05, ec 15) x 2, fl 05, ec 55.
1 4390 E pyramidal tower Vis 122-032(270).
3 Works in progress marked by yellow
buoys close by (T) 2007
E5285 Solodunova 45 0763 N Fl(2)R 12s 27 15 Red and white round Vis 310-150(200)
33 3129 E metal tower
- Reserve light .. .. .. 6
* * * * * * *
E5330 Mys Meganom (Mehanom) 44 4750 N Fl(3)W 15s 99 25 White 8-sided stone (fl 04, ec 27) x 2, fl 04, ec 84.
35 0490 E tower Vis 238-109(231)
* * * * *
E5834 Eek (Khairsis) Adas 41 1406 N Fl R 5s 30 10 White metal framework fl 1
29 1358 E tower
- .. AIS
* * * * * * * *
E58496 - BARINAK. W Breakwater. 36 1769 N Fl G 5s 13 6 Concrete tower fl 03
Head 30 0911 E 13
* *
E633415 - Houmet Souk. Fishing Port 33 5342 N Fl R 5s 7 7
10 5141 E
* *
E63358 - Houmet Souk. Fishing Port. 33 5400 N FG 4 1 Beacon
No 9 10 5125 E
E6344 - Canal d` Adjim. W Channel 33 4210 N Fl(2)W 9s 4 7 .. fl 15, ec 15, fl 15, ec 45.
10 3630 E Vis 340-250(270)
E63524 - S Jetty. Head 33 5531 N Oc R 15s 12 6 Red conical tower ec 05
10 0655 E 5
* *
E63567 - No 4 34 2021 N Fl R 4s 4 4 Red & on red beacon fl 1
10 1138 E

Vol F Edition 2006/07. Weekly Edition No. 34, Dated 23 August 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 33, dated 16 August 2007.
F0957 Narasapur. Antervedi 16 1904 N Fl(2)W 15s 29 27 White square masonry fl 04, ec 34, fl 04, ec 108
81 4353 E tower, red bands
-- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 79173
* * * * * * * *
F1213 Little Andaman Island Hut Bay 10 3580 N FR .. . . Pole Shown sunset till about 22:00 hrs (T)
Harbour. Breakwater. N Head 92 3364 E 2007
F16741 PULAU KARIMUN BESAR 1 0873 N Q(9)W 15s 6 4 $ on yellow beacon, (fl 03, ec 07) x 8, fl 03, ec 67
(I) 103 1913 E black band
* *
F19993 Sibatik Island. E 4 0990 N Fl(2)W 10s 42 20 White tower fl 1, ec 15, fl 1, ec 65
117 5392 E 40
* * * * * * * *
F19994 Sibatik Island. W 4 1000 N Fl W 6s 18 12 White beacon fl 1
117 4100 E 15
* * * * * * * *

5.4 Wk34/07

Vol F Edition 2006/07 continued.

F21098 Halmahera. Pulau Yiew 0 4365 N Fl(2)W 10s 45 20 White tower fl 1, ec 1, fl 1, ec 7
(I) 129 0850 E 40
* * * * * * * *
F3717963 - Donghai Bridge. Opening. No 30 4346 N FR .. 3
L1 121 5849 E 3
---- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 81788. Located
41m N on W side of bridge
---- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 81789. Located
122m S on E side of bridge
* * * * *
F371833 - Jinshan Hangdao 30 3372 N Mo(A)W 6s .. . . Red v on pillar buoy, Safe Water Mark
121 2154 E red and white vertical
-- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 81765
* * * * * * * *
F425435 Remove from list. Replaced by light buoy

F435495 - Gamcheon Hang. Fairway 35 0206 N LFl W 10s .. 11 Red v on pillar buoy, Ra refl. Safe Water Mark. Marks TSS
129 0123 E red and white vertical separation zone
--- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 82890
* * * * * * * *
F4458605 Sokch'o Hang. A 38 1227 N Fl(4)Y 8s 5 7 Yellow spar Marks bridge under construction.
128 3558 E 1 Unreliable (T) 2007
* *
F4458606 Sokch'o Hang. B 38 1225 N Fl(4)Y 8s 5 7 Yellow spar Marks bridge under construction.
128 3558 E 1 Unreliable (T) 2007
* * * * * * * *
F46596 Lu-kang Po-ti 24 0277 N Fl R 4s .. .. .. TE 2007
120 2240 E
* *
F63565 - Uraga Suido Koro. Traffic 35 1977 N Iso W 4s .. 10 Red v on pillar buoy, Ra refl
Route Centre. No 6 139 4282 E red and white vertical
---- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 84120
* * * * * * * *
F6802 Erimo Misaki 41 5555 N Fl W 15s 72 22 White tower
143 1461 E 14
- .. Ramark .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 84510
* * * * * *

Vol G Edition 2006/07. Weekly Edition No. 34, Dated 23 August 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 33, dated 16 August 2007.
G47505 - James Island. 2A 47 5435 N Fl R 25s 6 3
124 3863 W
* * * * * * * *
G5437 - LIONS GATE BRIDGE 49 1889 N F WRG 63 14 Bridge structure G303-304(1), W304-306(2),
123 0835 W R306-307(1).
Shown 24 hours. F W and F Y lights
mark bridge towers
* * *
G5438 - LIONS GATE BRIDGE 49 1895 N F WRG 63 14 Bridge structure G303-304(1), W304-306(2),
123 0828 W R306-307(1).
Shown 24 hours
* *

5.5 Wk34/07

Vol H Edition 2006/07. Weekly Edition No. 34, Dated 23 August 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 33, dated 16 August 2007.
H00546 - Lapointe Rock 63 2160 N Fl W 6s 14 10 Orange U on square fl 1.
68 1439 W tower Seasonal

H0925 Fortune Bay. N Wharf. SW 46 1973 N F WRG 6 9 Red and white U, on R265-280(15), W280-282(2)
corner 62 2102 W square framework tower indicates preferred channel,
5 G282-291(9).
* * * *

Vol J Edition 2006/07. Weekly Edition No. 34, Dated 23 August 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 33, dated 16 August 2007.
J1109 - Coast Guard Station. S 40 3677 N Fl G 4s .. 3 Pole
Entrance 74 0362 W
* *

J13057 - 39 3670 N Horn 17s .. .. .. bl 3.

75 3490 W Private
- .. Racon .. .. .. ALRS Vol 2 Station 97040
* *
J50628 Remove from list

J51325 Remove from list

Vol K Edition 2007/08. Weekly Edition No. 34, Dated 23 August 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 33, dated 16 August 2007.
K13661 - Atapupu 8 5958 S Fl R 2s 7 7 Red & on red beacon fl 05.
124 5124 E TE 2007
K1594 - Pulau Maluku 3 1603 S Fl(2)W 10s 31 16 White metal lattice fl 05, ec 15, fl 05, ec 75
(I) 127 0488 E tower
* * * * * * *
K33734 Pulau Ram 0 5080 S Fl R 3s 12 6 Red & on red beacon fl 04
131 1108 E 6
* * * *
K4706 - Navula Point 17 5317 S Fl R 2s 6 8 White concrete beacon fl 02.
177 1488 E 6 Reported TE 2007

Vol L Edition 2007/08. Weekly Edition No. 34, Dated 23 August 2007.
Last Amendment: Weekly Edition No. 33, dated 16 August 2007.
L00184 - YTRE STEINSUND. 61 0250 N F R 4 5 Post Shown 9/7 to 28/5. Floodlit
Kjeholmen 4 4430 E 3
* *

5.6 Wk34/07

Vol L Edition 2007/08 continued.

L0104 - Fjrlandsfjord. Veganeset 61 1273 N Iso WRG 4s 8 W47 Framework tower R181-184(3), W184-1975(135),
6 3407 E R29 6 G1975-294(965), W294-304(10),
G29 R304-357(53), W357-0075(105),
Shown 9/7 to 28/5
* * *
L04353 - Grommeholmen. E side 61 5256 N QG 4 4 Lantern on post Shown 9/7 to 28/5
5 1941 E
* *
L0524 - Indre Honningsvg. Ldg Lts 62 1153 N FR 13 4 Post R1085-1135(5).
112. Front 5 1224 E Shown 9/7 to 28/5
* *
L05241 - Indre Honningsvg. Ldg Lts 62 1150 N FR 23 4 Post R1085-1135(5).
112. Rear. 171m from front 5 1242 E Shown 9/7 to 28/5
* *
L2149 Trosundet. N Troholmen 65 4815 N Oc(2)WRG 8s 27 W58 . . G002-005(3), W005-0155(105),
12 3105 E R41 R0155-1725(157),
G38 W1725-1895(17),
Shown 29/7 to 8/5
* * *
L2150 - Storskjr (Tangsundet) 65 5078 N Iso WRG 6s 3 W54 White lantern G225-234(9), W234-243(9),
12 3551 E R37 4 R243-3565(1135),
G35 W3565-006(95),
Shown 29/7 to 8/5
* * * * *
L2151 - Aspviksundet 65 5210 N Oc(2)WRG 8s 3 W52 White lantern G002-0125(105),
12 3807 E R36 4 W0125-0265(14),
G33 R0265-1565(130),
Shown 29/7 to 8/5
* * * *
L2152 - Plholmen 65 4878 N Oc(2)WRG 8s 7 W 6 Framework structure R0395-050(105), W050-062(12),
12 2974 E R 4 G062-0795(175),
G 4 R0795-0845(5),
Shown 29/7 to 8/5
* *
L2158 - Tjtta. Juldagan 65 5074 N Iso WRG 6s 6 W 6 Cairn G0015-009(75),
12 2275 E R 4 W009-0235(145),
G 4 R0235-162(1385), W162-165(3),
W1745-177(25), R177-197(20),
Shown 29/7 to 8/5
* *
L2160 - Rosygalten 65 5164 N Oc(2)WRG 8s 6 W 7 Tripod G1655-177(115), W177-188(11),
12 2159 E R 5 R188-197(9), G197-2435(465),
G 4 W2435-249(55),
Shown 29/7 to 8/5
* *

5.7 Wk34/07

Vol L Edition 2007/08 continued.

L2171 - Skjelfiskholmen 66 0090 N Iso WRG 6s 5 W 5 .. R022-0295(75),
12 2382 E R 4 W0295-031(15), G031-059(28),
G 3 R059-131(72), W131-1455(145),
Shown 29/7 to 8/5
* *
L2174 - Lauvya. NE Point. 66 0191 N Iso WRG 6s 3 W 7 White lantern G069-082(13), R082-253(171),
Lauvysundet 12 3232 E R 5 W253-2675(145),
G 4 R2675-2725(5),
W2725-277(45), G277-306(29).
Shown 29/7 to 8/5
* *
L2216 - Lkta. E Point. Langneset 66 0899 N Oc WRG 6s 10 W99 White lantern R1985-201(25),
12 4826 E R76 W201-2675(665),
G72 R2675-277(95),
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* * *
L2232 - Alsyvgen 66 1279 N Iso WRG 4s 3 W 7 White lantern R207-219(12), W219-230(11),
12 4787 E R 5 4 G230-3415(1115),
G47 W3415-350(85), R350-062(72).
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* * * *
L2250 - NE Point. Engelsholmen 66 1323 N Oc WRG 6s 13 W11 White lantern G126-160(34), W160-1665(65),
12 3662 E R 9 3 R1665-1735(7),
G 8 W1735-217(435),
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* *
L22517 - Lomyodden 66 1892 N Fl WRG 5s 7 W72 White lantern, concrete fl 07.
12 4782 E R52 base G0305-054(235),
G49 3 W054-0655(115),
G1485-214(655), W214-221(7),
R221-237(16), W237-2455(85),
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* * * *
L2258 - Sjona. Eggelysa 66 2374 N Iso WRG 4s 30 W 8 . . G313-316(3), W316-3235(75),
12 4538 E R 6 R3235-031(675),
G 5 G031-0405(95),
W1075-164(565), G164-167(3),
W167-175(8), R175-1945(195),
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* *
L22686 Skogsholmen. N Point 65 4944 N Iso WRG 6s 3 W 5 White lantern on G056-0575(15),
12 0264 E R 4 concrete column W0575-0635(6),
G 3 R0635-181(1175), W181-189(8),
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* *
L22713 Lysthusy. E side. Sklvr 65 5149 N Iso WRG 6s 5 .. .. G170-1755(55),
12 1084 E W1755-1775(2),
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* *

5.8 Wk34/07

Vol L Edition 2007/08 continued.

L2273 - Langneset 65 5257 N Iso WRG 6s 6 W 6 .. G0095-0305(21),
12 1506 E R 5 W0305-0315(1),
G 4 R0315-201(1695), G201-206(5),
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* *
L2274 - Buya 65 5581 N Iso WRG 6s 10 W 7 Cairn R059-0695(105),
12 1828 E R 5 G0695-186(1165), W186-192(6),
G 5 R192-2235(315),
W2235-228(45), G228-014(146),
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* *
L22746 - Springen 65 5470 N Oc(3)WRG 12s 5 W 6 Tripod R020-040(20), G040-1175(775),
12 1225 E R 5 R1175-216(985),
G 4 G216-2325(165),
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* *
L2275 - Trettholmen. SE side 65 5594 N Iso WRG 6s 4 W 6 White lantern G1115-123(115),
12 1129 E R 5 W123-1365(135),
G 4 R1365-1565(20),
G168-356(188), W356-0025(65),
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* *
L22753 - Dragan 65 5568 N Oc(2)WRG 8s 3 W63 White lantern R044-058(14), G058-1705(1125),
12 1026 E R44 3 W1705-1725(2),
G41 R1725-184(115), G184-202(18),
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* * *
L2280 - Geitholmen. S Point 65 5906 N Oc WRG 6s 5 W10 White lantern G2265-2315(5),
12 1386 E R76 3 W2315-010(1385),
G72 R010-0305(205),
W0305-034(35), G034-046(12),
W046-049(3), R049-063(14).
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* * * * *
L2281 - Hestysund. Bukskjret 66 0029 N Oc WRG 6s 4 W 8 Tripod G3415-0005(19),
12 1591 E R 6 R0005-114(1135), W114-119(5),
G 6 G119-1995(805),
Shown 1/8 to 5/5
* *
L3373 - rstein Bridge. N side 68 4117 N FR .. 05
17 3289 E
* * * * * * * *
L3374 - rstein Bridge. S side 68 4116 N FR .. 05
17 3288 E
* * * * * * * *
L6377 - Tri Ruch'ya. Ldg Lts 324. 68 5686 N FG 31 2 Red U, white stripe on
Front 33 0006 E framework tower
* *

5.9 Wk34/07

Weekly Edition No. 34 dated 23 August 2007

VOLUME 1, PART 1, NP 281(1), 2007/08

Published Wk 28/07
(Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 32 dated 9 August 2007)


Delete and replace by diagram on page 6.2
Montenegro MSD (HH080/010/14 -- E45) 34/07

PAGE 60, DENMARK, DENMARK JRCC, contacts table, row 3, column 2, E--MAIL, line 3, Kattegat MRSC.
Delete and replace by:
Admiral Danish Fleet (HH080/003/18 -- E14) 34/07

PAGE 141, MONTENEGRO, BAR (YUW) remotely controlled from the Bar Radio Control Centre in Dobr Voda, header &
contacts table.
Delete header and contacts table and replace by:

BAR (4OB) remotely controlled from the Bar Radio Control Centre in Dobr Voda
420113N 190887E MMSI 002620001 DSC VHF MF
OBS Diagram page 56
422453N 183690E MMSI 002620002 DSC VHF

Bar Radio & MRCC +382(0)85 313088 Bar Radio & MRCC +382(0)85 313600
+382(0)85 9833
CALL: Bar Radio E-MAIL: barradio@cg.yu
NOTE: Montenegro MRCC is located at Bar Radio/4OB

Montenegro MSD (HH080/010/14 -- E45) 34/07

PAGE 141, MONTENEGRO, POLLUTION REPORTING, contacts table, row 2.

Delete row and replace by:

Bar Radio & MRCC +382(0)85 313088 Bar Radio & MRCC +382(0)85 313600
+382(0)85 9833

Montenegro MSD (HH080/010/14 -- E45) 34/07


Delete row and replace by:

Bar Radio & MRCC +382(0)85 313088 Bar Radio & MRCC +382(0)85 313600
+382(0)85 9833

Montenegro MSD (HH080/010/14 -- E45) 34/07

5429N 036W, Whitby.
Delete Whitby and replace by:


HM Coastguard (HH080/001/30 -- E24) 34/07


14 16 18 20

MRCC Koper DSC VHF MF MMSI 002387010 & 002387020
DSC VHF MMSI 002780200
+385 51 312255 VHF Ch 10 MRCC & MRSC
RT MF 2182 kHz
+386(0)5 6632108 VHF All stations monitor VHF Ch 16
Ch 16 Inmarsat C (AOR-E) 423816510=MRCC X
Digital Selective Calling (DSC)
S L O V E N I A Band DSC Voice SITOR
46 46
Rijeka VHF Ch 70 Ch 16
DSC VHF MMSI 002380200 MF 21875 kHz 2182 kHz 21745 kHz
VHF Ch 04 (Rab) HF4 42075 kHz 4125 kHz 41775 kHz
VHF Ch 81 (Savudrija)
VHF Ch 20 (Susak)
HF6 63120 kHz 6215 kHz 6268 kHz
VHF Ch 24 (Uck`) HF8 84145 kHz 8291 kHz 83765 kHz
HF12 125770 kHz 12290 kHz 12520 kHz
HF16 168045 kHz 16420 kHz 16695 kHz

45 45

Hr Mr Offices MRSC VHF Ch 10

MRSC Zadar
DSC VHF MMSI 002387400 & 002387401
MRSC Sibenik DSC VHF MMSI 002387500 & 002387501
Celevac (Zadar)
VHF Ch 28 MRSC Split DSC VHF MMSI 002387030 & 002387040
44 MRSC Ploce 44
Sv Mihovil (Otok Ugljan)
VHF Ch 07 MRSC Dubrovnik DSC VHF MMSI 002387800 & 002387801

Labistica (Split)
Bar MRCC (Montenegro)
VHF Ch 21
DSC VHF MF MMSI 002620001 & 002620002

Split +382 85 313088

DSC VHF MMSI 002380100 E-mail: msd.mrccbar@cg.yu
43 Vidova Gora (Otok Brac) Bar 43
VHF Ch 23 VHF Ch 20 (Dobra Voda)
VHF Ch 24 (Obosnik)
Hum (Otok Vis)
MF 17204 2182 2191 kHz
VHF Ch 81
E-mail: barradio@cg.yu

42 Dubrovnik
VHF Facilities at:
Uljenje (Poluotok Peljeac) Ch 04
Gu l f o f
Srdj (Dubrovnik) Ch 07
M a n f re d o n i a
Island Lastovo Ch 85


41 41


VHF Ch 18 85
MF 2182 kHz
40 40
Strait o f Ot ran to
Gulf of Taranto

14 16 18 20



PAGE 229, UNITED KINGDOM, HUMBER (COASTGUARD MRCC), VHF table, row 6, column 1, Whitby.
Delete Whitby 5429N 036W and replace by:
Ravenscar 5424N 030W

HM Coastguard (HH080/001/30 -- E24) 34/07

VOLUME 1, PART 2, NP 281(2), 2007/08

Published Wk 28/07
(Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 32 dated 9 August 2007)


PAGE 72, CANADA (Arctic Coast, Atlantic Coast and Saint Lawrence River), IQALUIT (NUNAVUT) (CANADIAN COAST GUARD),
contacts table, row 2.
Delete row and replace by:

+1(1)867 9795269 (MCTS Operations)

+1(1)867 9795724 (NORDREG Operations) +1(1)867 9794264 (MCTS & NORDREG Operations)
+1(1)867 9795260 (Officer--in--Charge)

Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

PAGE 78, CANADA (Arctic Coast, Atlantic Coast and Saint Lawrence River), QUBEC (CANADIAN COAST GUARD), contacts
table, row 3, column 2, E--MAIL.
Delete and replace by:
Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

PAGE 79, CANADA (Arctic Coast, Atlantic Coast and Saint Lawrence River), S. ANTHONY (CANADIAN COAST GUARD), RT
(MF) table, row 4, TRAFFIC LISTS.
Delete Traffic Lists: 2582 kHz: 0142 0542 0942 1342 1742 2142.
Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

PAGE 81, CANADA (Arctic Coast, Atlantic Coast and Saint Lawrence River), SYDNEY (CANADIAN COAST GUARD), VHF table,
row 11, after HOURS OF WATCH.
Delete Ch 16 26: H24 and replace by:
Ch 16 26 70: H24
(former amendment 28/07)
Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

PAGE 82, CANADA (Great Lakes), PRESCOTT (CANADIAN COAST GUARD), contacts table, row 1, column 3, DSC VHF
Delete DSC VHF (Planned) and replace by:
Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07


Delete and replace by:

Cardinal1 Ch 16 26 27 70 444747N 752547W

Cobourg Ch 16 27 70 85 440403N 781263W
Cornwall1 Ch 16 70 85 450101N 744378W
Fonthill Ch 16 26 27 70 430316N 791873W
Gananoque1 Ch 16 85 442398N 755843W
Kingston Ch 16 24 26 70 441572N 764057W
Orillia2 Ch 16 26 70 443467N 791767W
Trafalgar Ch 16 24 70 432968N 794378W
HOURS OF WATCH: All channels in use at time: H24
TRAFFIC LISTS: In English: Ch 26 (Cardinal, Kingston, Orillia); Ch 27 (Fonthill, Coburg); Ch 85 (Cornwall, Gananoque): 0035 0435 0835 1235 1635 2035
In French: Ch 85 (Cornwall, Gananoque); Ch 26 (Cardinal, Kingston): 0145 0545 0945 1345 1745 2145
2 1 April--31 December

Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

PAGE 82, CANADA (Great Lakes), SARNIA (CANADIAN COAST GUARD), contacts table, row 1, column 3, DSC VHF (Planned).
Delete DSC VHF (Planned) and replace by:
Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

Delete and replace by:

Grande Pointe Ch 11 12 16 70 85 422343N 822427W

Kincardine Ch 11 16 27 70 85 440700N 814168W
Leamington Ch 12 16 27 70 85 420417N 823992W
Port Burwell Ch 12 16 24 70 85 423490N 803625W
Rondeau Ch 12 16 70 85 422537N 815080W
Sarnia Ch 11 16 24 70 85 430175N 821113W
HOURS OF WATCH: All channels: H24
TRAFFIC LISTS: Ch 85 (Kincardine, Leamington, Port Burwell, Sarnia): 0005 0405 0805 1205 1605 2005 (1 April-- 31 December)

Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

PAGE 82, CANADA (Great Lakes),THUNDER BAY (CANADIAN COAST GUARD), contacts table, row 1, column 3, DSC VHF
Delete DSC VHF (Planned) and replace by:
Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

Delete and replace by diagram on page 6.5
Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

90 85 80 75

50 50
Thunder Bay Canadian Coast Guard - Great Lakes Network

DSC VHF MMSI 003160031 Marine Communications & Traffic Service Centres (MCTS)
CALL: Thunder Bay Coast Guard Radio
VHF Ch 12 85* KEY:
T/L 0145 then every 4h : MCTS Centre
Horn : Remote site
Ch 24*
Channel marked with an* : Traffic List channel in English
26* : Traffic List channel in French and English
NOTES 1. All MCTS stations and remote sites maintain H24 watch on VHF Ch 16
2. H24 watch maintained on DSC Ch 70 (apart from Gananoque)

Bald Head Trenton JRCC

Ch 27*
+1 613 9653870

+1 613 9657190

Sault Sainte Marie
Ch 11 24* Prescott
DSC VHF MMSI 003160029
Killarney CALL: Prescott Coast Guard Radio
Ch 24* (1 Apr - 31 Dec)
T/L 0035 then every 4h, in English
Silver Water T/L 0145 then every 4h, in French
Digital Selective Calling (DSC)


Ch 11 27* Pointe au Baril

Band DSC Voice SITOR Ch 26* Cornwall
Ch 85* (15 Mar - 31 Dec)
VHF Ch 70 Ch 16
MF 21875 kHz 2182 kHz 21745 kHz Cardinal
Ch 26*
45 Ch 26* 27 (15 Mar - 31 Dec) 45
HF4 42075 kHz 4125 kHz 41775 kHz Wiarton
HF6 63120 kHz 6215 kHz 6268 kHz Ch 26*
HF8 84145 kHz 8291 kHz 83765 kHz Ch 26* (1 Apr - 31 Dec)
Meaford Gananoque
HF12 125770 kHz 12290 kHz 12520 kHz
Kincardine Ch 85* Ch 85* (15 Mar - 31 Dec)
HF16 168045 kHz 16420 kHz 16695 kHz Ch 11 27 85* Cobourg
Ch 27* 85 Kingston
(1 Apr - 31 Dec) Ch 24 26*
DSC & RT (VHF) Sarnia Ch 24
(vessel antenna 10m above DSC VHF MMSI 003160030
Port Burwell
water level) CALL: Sarnia Coast Guard Radio Ch 12 24 85* Fonthill
VHF Ch 11 24 85 Ch 26 27*
PRESCOTT (1 Apr - 31 Dec)
T/L 0005 then every 4h, (1April - 31Dec)
SARNIA Rondeau
Grande Pointe
OVERLAP AREA Ch 11 12 85 Ch 12 85

Ch 12 27 85*
(1 Apr - 31 Dec)

90 85 80 75

Delete and replace by:

Bald Head Ch 16 27 70 474990N 844760W

Churchill Ch 16 26 584570N 935765W
Horn 484913N 872133W
Ch 16 24 70
Killarney1 455808N 812937W
Meaford Ch 16 70 85 443093N 803400W
Pointe au Baril Ch 16 26 70 453383N 801930W
Sault Sainte Marie Ch 11 16 24 70 463218N 843500W
Silver Water Ch 11 16 27 70 455408N 825492W
Thunder Bay Ch 12 16 70 85 482603N 891801W
Tobermory 450970N 812992W
Ch 16 26 70
Wiarton 444483N 810673W
HOURS OF WATCH: All channels in use at the time: H24
TRAFFIC LISTS: Horn, Sault Sainte Marie, Killarney: VHF Ch 24 Churchill: VHF Ch 26 & RT (MF) 2582 kHz:
Wiarton, Pointe au Baril, Tobermory: VHF Ch 26 0155 0555 0955 1355 1755 2155
Bald Head, Silver Water: VHF Ch 27
Meaford, Thunder Bay: VHF Ch 85:
0145 0545 0945 1345 1745 2145
1 Operational 1 April--31 December

Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

Delete and replace by:

Alert Bay 503520N 1265547W

Ch 16 26 71 83A
Cape Lazo 494240N 1245168W
Discovery Mountain 501942N 1252227W
Port Hardy Ch 16 70 71 83A 84 504158N 1274188W
Texada Island 494178N 1242612W

Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

Delete and replace by:

Barry Inlet Ch 11 16 26 83A 523450N 1314522W

Calvert Island 513535N 1280072W
Ch 11 16 70 83A 84
Cumshewa 530955N 1315978W
Dundas Island Ch 16 22A 70 71 83A 84 543127N 1305492W
Kitimat Ch 11 16 83A 540333N 1283785W
Klemtu Ch 11 16 70 83A 84 523475N 1283375W
Mount Dent Ch 16 83A 84 551297N 1295930W
Mount Gil Ch 11 16 26 70 83A 531577N 1291170W
Mount Hayes Ch 11 16 70 71 83A 84 541720N 1301882W
Naden Harbour Ch 11 16 22A 70 71 83A 84 535730N 1325650W
Rose Inlet Ch 11 16 26 70 83A 521330N 1311290W
Van Inlet Ch 11 16 26 83A 531513N 1323252W
HOURS OF WATCH: All channels: H24
NOTE: VHF Direction Finding Advisory Service: A VHF/DF advisory service is available for ships in difficulty from receiver sites located at Mount Hays, Dundas Island,
Cumshewa, Van Inlet, Naden Harbour, Barry Inlet, Mount Gil, Klemtu and Calvert Island. Position and/or bearing and distance information may be provided for use at
the discretion of the recipient.

Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07


Delete and replace by:

Eliza Dome Ch 16 26 70 74 83A 495240N 1270722W

Esperanza 495053N 1264837W
Ch 16 83A
Estevan Point 492298N 1263200W
Holberg Ch 16 26 70 74 83A 503840N 1280757W
Mount Ozzard Ch 16 22A 26 70 74 83A 84 485757N 1252950W
Nootka Ch 16 74 83A 84 493560N 1263687W
Port Alberni Ch 16 26 74 83A 491312N 1244872W

Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

Delete table and replace by:
Vancouver Ch 12 16 26 83A 491708N 1230673W
Watts Point
Ch 12 16 26 70 83A 4938 90N 1231260W
493890N 12312 60W
Howe Sound
HOURS OF WATCH: All channels: H24

(former amendment 28/07)

Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

PAGE 90, CANADA (Pacific Coast), VICTORIA (CANADIAN COAST GUARD), VHF table, rows 1 & 2.
Delete rows 1 and 2 and replace by:

Annacis Island Ch 16 26 70 74 83A 491158N 1225515W

Bowen Island Ch 11 16 70 74 83A 84 492068N 1232322W

Canadian Coast Guard (HH080/023/11 -- E17) 34/07

VOLUME 2, NP 282, 2007/08

Published Wk 13/07
(Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 33 dated 16 August 2007)

PAGE 77, INDIA section. PAGE 90, CHINA section.
Insert: 81910 Yuan Yuan Sha Lt Float.
Delete position and replace by: 311896N 1214282E
Narasapur Point Lt Racon 161900N 814360E 79173
Chinese Notice 30/926/07 (HH080/019/15 -- E19) 34/07

Indian Notice 15/07 (RSDRA2007000056378) 34/07


VOLUME 6, PART 1, NP 286(1), 2007/08 VOLUME 6, PART 3, NP 286(3), 2007/08

Published Wk 32/07 Published Wk 34/07

(Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 32 dated 09 August 2007) (First amendments to publication dated 23 August 2007)

PAGE 244, UNITED KINGDOM, MOSTYN DOCK AND RIVER DEE Notices accrued while this volume was in the press, from Week 27/07
PILOTS, Pilots and Port. to Week 33/07, are herewith re-issued along with new information
Delete HOURS section and replace by:
HOURS: Inward-bound vessels: VHF Ch 14: From 1h before the scheduled pilot
boarding time until vessel is berthed
Outward-bound vessels: VHF Ch 14: From the sailing time until 1h after pilot RECORD OF AMENDMENTS
has disembarked Weekly Notices to Mariners (Section VI)

(former amendment 32/07) Insert:

Port of Mostyn Notice 16/2007, (RSDRA2007000056295), 34/07
This edition was published in week 34/07. The first
Weekly Notice to Mariners was issued in week 34/07.
PILOTS, Pilots and Port, after PROCEDURE section. UKHO, 34/07
(1) In addition to the pre-arrival and arrival reports stated in PROCEDURE, vessels are Insert new section:
also required to transmit safety broadcasts as follows:
(a) Inward-bound:
(i) Proceeding inbound from North Rhyl Lt buoy, a safety broadcast on VHF EXPANDED INSPECTION NOTIFICATION:
Ch 14 notifying other vessels that they are proceeding inbound (1) Under European Union (EU) Directive 2001/106/EC, the EU has introduced
(ii) At the Prestatyn Lt buoy (532151N 32850W), prior to entering the S legislation whereby Expanded Inspections (EI) on high risk vessels are required. Such
Hoyle Channel, a safety broadcast on VHF Ch 14 vessels must have an EI, carried out by an EU member of the Paris Memorandum of
(iii) At the NE Mostyn Lt buoy (532150N 31781W), prior to entering the Understanding (MOU) region, every 12 months. This new legislation came into eect
Mostyn Channel, a safety broadcast on VHF Ch 14 on the 22 July 2003.
(b) Outward-bound: (2) Expanded Inspections are required for the following high risk vessels.
(i) Prior to leaving the berth, in order to enter the Mostyn Channel, a safety (a) Oil tankers over 15 years old and over 3000 GT
broadcast on VHF Ch 14 (b) Gas and chemical tankers over 10 years old
(ii) At the E Hoyle Lt buoy (532205N 32111W), prior to entering the S (c) Bulk carriers over 12 years old
Hoyle Channel, a safety broadcast on VHF Ch 14 (d) Passenger ships over 15 years old (excluding those covered by the EU Ferry
(2) Vessels should maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF Ch 14. Directive)
(3) High risk vessels that have not been subject to an EI within the last 12 months in
the Paris MOU region must report to the Port State Authority of the vessels next port
of call, stating that the vessel is eligible for an EI.
(former amendment 32/07)
Port of Mostyn Notice 16/2007, (RSDRA2007000056295), 34/07 (4) Information must be provided 3 days before the expected time of arrival, or before
leaving the previous port if the voyage is expected to take less than 3 days.
(5) The report that the vessel is eligible for an EI can be made by facsimile or telephone,
by the Owner, Master or Agent, and can be combined with the port arrival notification.
VOLUME 6, PART 3, NP 286(3), 2006/07 (6) The Port State Authority will contact the vessel to confirm whether or not the
authority will undertake an EI.
Published Wk 34/06
(7) Failure to report to the Port State Authority that a vessel is eligible for an EI is an
(Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 26 dated 28 June 2007) (8) Participating EU countries:
Belgium Latvia
Cyprus Malta

Denmark Netherlands
Estonia Lithuania
Finland Portugal
France Romania
Germany Slovenia
Greece Spain
Ireland Sweden
Italy United Kingdom

(9) Further details of the legislation may be found at

UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency, (HH080/001/30 - E23), 34/07

6.8 Wk34/07

PAGE 51, CYPRUS, GENERAL NOTES, after EUROPEAN COUNCIL (4) Information must be provided 3 days before the expected time of arrival, or before
DIRECTIVE 2002/59/EEC section. leaving the previous port if the voyage is expected to take less than 3 days.
Insert new section: (5) The report that the vessel is eligible for an EI can be made by facsimile or telephone,
by the Owner, Master or Agent, and can be combined with the port arrival notification.
(6) The Port State Authority will contact the vessel to confirm whether or not the
EXPANDED INSPECTION NOTIFICATION: authority will undertake an EI.
(1) Under European Union (EU) Directive 2001/106/EC, the EU has introduced (7) Failure to report to the Port State Authority that a vessel is eligible for an EI is an
legislation whereby Expanded Inspections (EI) on high risk vessels are required. Such oence.
vessels must have an EI, carried out by an EU member of the Paris Memorandum of (8) Participating EU countries:
Understanding (MOU) region, every 12 months. This new legislation came into eect Belgium Latvia
on the 22 July 2003.
(2) Expanded Inspections are required for the following high risk vessels. Bulgaria Poland
(a) Oil tankers over 15 years old and over 3000 GT Cyprus Malta
(b) Gas and chemical tankers over 10 years old Denmark Netherlands
(c) Bulk carriers over 12 years old
(d) Passenger ships over 15 years old (excluding those covered by the EU Ferry Estonia Lithuania
Directive) Finland Portugal
(3) High risk vessels that have not been subject to an EI within the last 12 months in
France Romania
the Paris MOU region must report to the Port State Authority of the vessels next port
of call, stating that the vessel is eligible for an EI. Germany Slovenia
(4) Information must be provided 3 days before the expected time of arrival, or before Greece Spain
leaving the previous port if the voyage is expected to take less than 3 days.
Ireland Sweden
(5) The report that the vessel is eligible for an EI can be made by facsimile or telephone,
by the Owner, Master or Agent, and can be combined with the port arrival notification. Italy United Kingdom
(6) The Port State Authority will contact the vessel to confirm whether or not the
(9) Further details of the legislation may be found at
authority will undertake an EI.
(7) Failure to report to the Port State Authority that a vessel is eligible for an EI is an UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency, (HH080/001/30 - E22), 34/07
(8) Participating EU countries: PAGE 101, GREECE, GENERAL NOTES, after EUROPEAN COUNCIL
Belgium Latvia DIRECTIVE 2002/59/EEC section.
Insert new section:
Bulgaria Poland
Cyprus Malta
Denmark Netherlands
(1) Under European Union (EU) Directive 2001/106/EC, the EU has introduced
Estonia Lithuania legislation whereby Expanded Inspections (EI) on high risk vessels are required. Such
Finland Portugal vessels must have an EI, carried out by an EU member of the Paris Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) region, every 12 months. This new legislation came into eect
France Romania
on the 22 July 2003.
Germany Slovenia (2) Expanded Inspections are required for the following high risk vessels.
Greece Spain (a) Oil tankers over 15 years old and over 3000 GT
(b) Gas and chemical tankers over 10 years old
Ireland Sweden
(c) Bulk carriers over 12 years old
Italy United Kingdom (d) Passenger ships over 15 years old (excluding those covered by the EU Ferry
(9) Further details of the legislation may be found at
(3) High risk vessels that have not been subject to an EI within the last 12 months in
the Paris MOU region must report to the Port State Authority of the vessels next port
UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency, (HH080/001/30 - E22), 34/07
of call, stating that the vessel is eligible for an EI.
PAGE 78, FRANCE (Mediterranean Coast), GENERAL NOTES, after (4) Information must be provided 3 days before the expected time of arrival, or before
EUROPEAN COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2002/59/EEC section: leaving the previous port if the voyage is expected to take less than 3 days.
Insert new section: (5) The report that the vessel is eligible for an EI can be made by facsimile or telephone,
by the Owner, Master or Agent, and can be combined with the port arrival notification.
(6) The Port State Authority will contact the vessel to confirm whether or not the
EXPANDED INSPECTION NOTIFICATION: authority will undertake an EI.
(1) Under European Union (EU) Directive 2001/106/EC, the EU has introduced (7) Failure to report to the Port State Authority that a vessel is eligible for an EI is an
legislation whereby Expanded Inspections (EI) on high risk vessels are required. Such oence.
vessels must have an EI, carried out by an EU member of the Paris Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) region, every 12 months. This new legislation came into eect continued on next page
on the 22 July 2003.
(2) Expanded Inspections are required for the following high risk vessels.
(a) Oil tankers over 15 years old and over 3000 GT
(b) Gas and chemical tankers over 10 years old
(c) Bulk carriers over 12 years old
(d) Passenger ships over 15 years old (excluding those covered by the EU Ferry
(3) High risk vessels that have not been subject to an EI within the last 12 months in
the Paris MOU region must report to the Port State Authority of the vessels next port
of call, stating that the vessel is eligible for an EI.

continued on next column

Wk34/07 6.9

(8) Participating EU countries: (3) Vessels must contact the Maritime Security Forces (MSF) on VHF Ch 16 within a 5
Belgium Latvia n mile radius of the Checkpoint (293500N 485300E). See GENERAL NOTES.
(4) Vessels should contact the Terminal on VHF Ch 16, 5h before arrival at the Fairway
Bulgaria Poland Lt buoy (see also NOTES).
Cyprus Malta (5) Pilot boards in position 292000N 490300E (in the vicinity of the Fairway Lt
Denmark Netherlands buoy).

Estonia Lithuania NOTES:

Finland Portugal (1) Vessels unable to contact the Terminal by VHF at the stated time may contact the
Terminal when approaching the pilot boarding position.
France Romania (2) It has been reported that pilot boards in the vicinity of buoy 14 (293832N
Germany Slovenia 485018E) unless specifically requested to board elsewhere by the vessels Master.
Greece Spain
Ireland Sweden Suraj Das, Barwil Unitor Ships Service, Iraq, and Mike Wallbanks, Inchcape Shipping Services,
Italy United Kingdom (RSDRA2007000049871, RSDRA2007000050810 and RSDRA2007000050983), 34/07

(9) Further details of the legislation may be found at PAGE 135, IRAQ, before UMM QAR/KHAWR AZ ZUBAYR HARBOUR
CONTROL entry.
UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency, (HH080/001/30 - E22), 34/07 Insert new entry:
Delete PROCEDURE section and replace by:
Pilots and Terminal
(1) Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels. CONTACT DETAILS:
(2) Notice of ETA: Vessels should send ETA 24h prior to arrival at the pilot boarding VHF Frequency: Ch 16; 12 14
(3) Vessels should contact Khorramshahr CRS on VHF Ch 16 on arrival at the pilot
boarding position to obtain berthing information.
(4) Pilot boards in position 295021N 484710E.
HMS ECHO, 34/07
PAGE 135, IRAQ, after GENERAL NOTES section. (1) Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels.
Insert new entry: (2) Notice of ETA: Vessels should send ETA to the Terminal 72h, 48h and 24h prior
to arrival stating the following information:
(a) Vessels name and call sign
AL BARAH TERMINAL (AL BAKR 2941N 4849E (b) Port of registry
TERMINAL) (c) Flag
Pilots and Terminal (d) IMO No and Ocial No
(e) NRT and GT
Pilots (g) Masters name
VHF Frequency: Ch 16; 12 14 (h) Crew list
(i) Destination
Terminal (j) Purpose of voyage
VHF Frequency: Ch 16; 12 14 (k) ISPS level
(l) ISSG No
(3) Vessels must contact the Maritime Security Forces (MSF) on VHF Ch 16 within a 5
n mile radius of the Checkpoint (293500N 485300E). See GENERAL NOTES.
(4) Pilot boards in position 292000N 490300E.
Suraj Das, Barwil Unitor Ships Service, Iraq, (RSDRA2007000049871 & RSDRA2007000050810),
(1) Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels over 1585m draft.
(2) Notice of ETA: Vessels should send ETA to the Terminal 72h, 48h and 24h prior
to arrival stating the following information: PAGE 139, ITALY, GENERAL NOTES, after EUROPEAN COUNCIL
(a) Vessels name and call sign DIRECTIVE 2002/59/EEC section.
(b) Port of registry
Insert new section:
(c) Flag
(d) IMO No and Ocial No
(f) LOA and beam (1) Under European Union (EU) Directive 2001/106/EC, the EU has introduced
(g) Masters name legislation whereby Expanded Inspections (EI) on high risk vessels are required. Such
(h) Crew list vessels must have an EI, carried out by an EU member of the Paris Memorandum of
(i) Destination Understanding (MOU) region, every 12 months. This new legislation came into eect
(j) Purpose of voyage on the 22 July 2003.
(k) ISPS level
(l) ISSG No
continued on next column continued on next page

6.10 Wk34/07

(2) Expanded Inspections are required for the following high risk vessels. (8) Participating EU countries:
(a) Oil tankers over 15 years old and over 3000 GT Belgium Latvia
(b) Gas and chemical tankers over 10 years old
(c) Bulk carriers over 12 years old Bulgaria Poland
(d) Passenger ships over 15 years old (excluding those covered by the EU Ferry Cyprus Malta
Directive) Denmark Netherlands
(3) High risk vessels that have not been subject to an EI within the last 12 months in
the Paris MOU region must report to the Port State Authority of the vessels next port Estonia Lithuania
of call, stating that the vessel is eligible for an EI. Finland Portugal
(4) Information must be provided 3 days before the expected time of arrival, or before France Romania
leaving the previous port if the voyage is expected to take less than 3 days.
(5) The report that the vessel is eligible for an EI can be made by facsimile or telephone, Germany Slovenia
by the Owner, Master or Agent, and can be combined with the port arrival notification. Greece Spain
(6) The Port State Authority will contact the vessel to confirm whether or not the Ireland Sweden
authority will undertake an EI.
(7) Failure to report to the Port State Authority that a vessel is eligible for an EI is an Italy United Kingdom
oence. (9) Further details of the legislation may be found at
(8) Participating EU countries:
Belgium Latvia UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency, (HH080/001/30 - E22), 34/07
Bulgaria Poland PAGE 213, MOROCCO, after TANGER (TANGIER) entry.
Cyprus Malta Insert new entry:
Denmark Netherlands
Estonia Lithuania TANGER-MDITERRANE (TANGER-MED) 3554N 530W
Finland Portugal Pilots and Port
France Romania
Germany Slovenia
Greece Spain
VHF Frequency: Ch 06
Ireland Sweden
Port Control
Italy United Kingdom Call: Tanger-Med Port Control
(9) Further details of the legislation may be found at VHF Frequency: Ch 16; 12 14
Port Authority
UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency, (HH080/001/30 - E22), 34/07 Telephone: +212(0)39 330997
+212(0)37 669293
Fax: +212(0)39 330974
DIRECTIVE 2002/59/EEC section. E-mail:
Insert new section: Website:
(1) Under European Union (EU) Directive 2001/106/EC, the EU has introduced
(1) Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels of 50m LOA and over.
legislation whereby Expanded Inspections (EI) on high risk vessels are required. Such
(2) Notice of ETA: Vessels should advise ETA directly or via agent to Port Control 24h
vessels must have an EI, carried out by an EU member of the Paris Memorandum of
prior to arrival, or on departure from last port if less than 24h distant.
Understanding (MOU) region, every 12 months. This new legislation came into eect
(3) Pilot boards in the following positions:
on the 22 July 2003.
(a) 355540N 52970W
(2) Expanded Inspections are required for the following high risk vessels.
(b) 355470N 53160W
(a) Oil tankers over 15 years old and over 3000 GT
(c) 355000N 51750W
(b) Gas and chemical tankers over 10 years old
(c) Bulk carriers over 12 years old
Bernard Mathelin, TMSA & TMSA Website, (HH080/011/07 - E39), 34/07
(d) Passenger ships over 15 years old (excluding those covered by the EU Ferry
(3) High risk vessels that have not been subject to an EI within the last 12 months in
the Paris MOU region must report to the Port State Authority of the vessels next port
of call, stating that the vessel is eligible for an EI. DIRECTIVE 2002/59/EEC section.
(4) Information must be provided 3 days before the expected time of arrival, or before Insert new section:
leaving the previous port if the voyage is expected to take less than 3 days.
(5) The report that the vessel is eligible for an EI can be made by facsimile or telephone, EXPANDED INSPECTION NOTIFICATION:
by the Owner, Master or Agent, and can be combined with the port arrival notification. (1) Under European Union (EU) Directive 2001/106/EC, the EU has introduced
(6) The Port State Authority will contact the vessel to confirm whether or not the legislation whereby Expanded Inspections (EI) on high risk vessels are required. Such
authority will undertake an EI. vessels must have an EI, carried out by an EU member of the Paris Memorandum of
(7) Failure to report to the Port State Authority that a vessel is eligible for an EI is an Understanding (MOU) region, every 12 months. This new legislation came into eect
oence. on the 22 July 2003.

continued on next column continued on next page

Wk34/07 6.11

(2) Expanded Inspections are required for the following high risk vessels. (8) Participating EU countries:
(a) Oil tankers over 15 years old and over 3000 GT Belgium Latvia
(b) Gas and chemical tankers over 10 years old
(c) Bulk carriers over 12 years old Bulgaria Poland
(d) Passenger ships over 15 years old (excluding those covered by the EU Ferry Cyprus Malta
Directive) Denmark Netherlands
(3) High risk vessels that have not been subject to an EI within the last 12 months in
the Paris MOU region must report to the Port State Authority of the vessels next port Estonia Lithuania
of call, stating that the vessel is eligible for an EI. Finland Portugal
(4) Information must be provided 3 days before the expected time of arrival, or before France Romania
leaving the previous port if the voyage is expected to take less than 3 days.
(5) The report that the vessel is eligible for an EI can be made by facsimile or telephone, Germany Slovenia
by the Owner, Master or Agent, and can be combined with the port arrival notification. Greece Spain
(6) The Port State Authority will contact the vessel to confirm whether or not the Ireland Sweden
authority will undertake an EI.
(7) Failure to report to the Port State Authority that a vessel is eligible for an EI is an Italy United Kingdom
oence. (9) Further details of the legislation may be found at
(8) Participating EU countries:
Belgium Latvia UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency, (HH080/001/30 - E22), 34/07
Bulgaria Poland
Cyprus Malta PAGE 319, SPAIN (Mediterranean Coast), GENERAL NOTES, after
Denmark Netherlands EUROPEAN COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2002/59/EEC section.
Estonia Lithuania Insert new section:
Finland Portugal
(1) Under European Union (EU) Directive 2001/106/EC, the EU has introduced
Germany Slovenia
legislation whereby Expanded Inspections (EI) on high risk vessels are required. Such
Greece Spain vessels must have an EI, carried out by an EU member of the Paris Memorandum of
Ireland Sweden Understanding (MOU) region, every 12 months. This new legislation came into eect
on the 22 July 2003.
Italy United Kingdom
(2) Expanded Inspections are required for the following high risk vessels.
(9) Further details of the legislation may be found at (a) Oil tankers over 15 years old and over 3000 GT
(b) Gas and chemical tankers over 10 years old
UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency, (HH080/001/30 - E22), 34/07 (c) Bulk carriers over 12 years old
(d) Passenger ships over 15 years old (excluding those covered by the EU Ferry
PAGE 296, SLOVENIA, GENERAL NOTES, after EUROPEAN COUNCIL (3) High risk vessels that have not been subject to an EI within the last 12 months in
DIRECTIVE 2002/59/EEC section. the Paris MOU region must report to the Port State Authority of the vessels next port
Insert new section: of call, stating that the vessel is eligible for an EI.
(4) Information must be provided 3 days before the expected time of arrival, or before
leaving the previous port if the voyage is expected to take less than 3 days.
EXPANDED INSPECTION NOTIFICATION: (5) The report that the vessel is eligible for an EI can be made by facsimile or telephone,
(1) Under European Union (EU) Directive 2001/106/EC, the EU has introduced by the Owner, Master or Agent, and can be combined with the port arrival notification.
legislation whereby Expanded Inspections (EI) on high risk vessels are required. Such (6) The Port State Authority will contact the vessel to confirm whether or not the
vessels must have an EI, carried out by an EU member of the Paris Memorandum of authority will undertake an EI.
Understanding (MOU) region, every 12 months. This new legislation came into eect (7) Failure to report to the Port State Authority that a vessel is eligible for an EI is an
on the 22 July 2003. oence.
(2) Expanded Inspections are required for the following high risk vessels. (8) Participating EU countries:
(a) Oil tankers over 15 years old and over 3000 GT Belgium Latvia
(b) Gas and chemical tankers over 10 years old
Bulgaria Poland
(c) Bulk carriers over 12 years old
(d) Passenger ships over 15 years old (excluding those covered by the EU Ferry Cyprus Malta
Directive) Denmark Netherlands
(3) High risk vessels that have not been subject to an EI within the last 12 months in
Estonia Lithuania
the Paris MOU region must report to the Port State Authority of the vessels next port
of call, stating that the vessel is eligible for an EI. Finland Portugal
(4) Information must be provided 3 days before the expected time of arrival, or before France Romania
leaving the previous port if the voyage is expected to take less than 3 days.
Germany Slovenia
(5) The report that the vessel is eligible for an EI can be made by facsimile or telephone,
by the Owner, Master or Agent, and can be combined with the port arrival notification. Greece Spain
(6) The Port State Authority will contact the vessel to confirm whether or not the Ireland Sweden
authority will undertake an EI.
Italy United Kingdom
(7) Failure to report to the Port State Authority that a vessel is eligible for an EI is an
oence. (9) Further details of the legislation may be found at

UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency, (HH080/001/30 - E22), 34/07

continued on next column

6.12 Wk34/07


SERVICE and replace by diagram on page 6.14

UKHO Chart 142, 34/07

VOLUME 6, PART 4, NP 286(4), 2006/07

Published Wk 35/06

(Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 32 dated 9 August 2007)


A New Edition of this volume is in the press and will be published shortly


VOLUME 6, PART 5, NP 286(5), 2006/07

Published Wk 36/06

(Last Amendments: Weekly Edition No. 27 dated 5 July 2007)


A New Edition of this volume is in the press and will be published shortly


Wk34/07 6.13

V6(2)TARIFA V002 16/07/07

6 50 40 30 20
Limits of Vessel Traffic Service Gibraltar

10 Gibraltar 10
Dique Queens Hr. Mr.
Algeciras Norte
Lloyds Gib. Radio


Pta. Carnero
Radar Surveill


5 15 W
Tarifa VTS
n e
Z o
f f i
36 I n s h o r e. T r a 36

it of


n e Pta. Almina
Z o Ceuta
5 58 W

c Tanger-Mediterrane
f i
a f
T r
r e
I n s h o
50 50

Cap Spartel MOROCCO

6 50 40 30 20

6.14 Wk34/07
Printed in the United Kingdom for the UKHO
H.102 (Aug. 2004)

(for instructions, see overleaf)

Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ref. No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name of ship or sender: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address of sender: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Tel/Fax/Telex No./ e-- mail address of sender (if appropriate): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

General locality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Position. Lat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

British Admiralty Charts affected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edition dated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Position fixing system used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Datum set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Latest Weekly Edition of Notice to Mariners held . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ENCs affected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Latest Update disk held, week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Publications affected (Edition No., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . date of latest supplement, page and Light List No. etc.)


Details:-- -

A replacement copy of Chart No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is required, but see 4 overleaf.

Signature of observer/reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Forwarding information for British Admiralty Charts and
Hydrographic Publications
1. Mariners are requested to notify the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2DN,
United Kingdom, when new or suspected dangers to navigation are discovered, changes observed in aids to navigation, or
corrections to publications are seen to be necessary. The Mariners Handbook (NP 100) Chapter 8 gives general instructions. If
practicable the Mariner should contact the originating hydrographic office when navigating on non--UKHO ENCs. The
provisions of international and national laws should be complied with when forwarding such reports.

2. This form and its instructions have been designed to help both the sender and the recipient. It should be used, or followed
closely, whenever appropriate.
Copies of this Form may be obtained gratis from the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office at the above address or principal
Chart Agents (see Annual Notice to Mariners No. 2).
3. When a position is defined by sextant angles or bearings (true or magnetic being specified) more than two should be used in
order to provide a check. Distances observed by radar and the raw readings of the navigation system in use, should be quoted
wherever possible.
Latitude and longitude should only be used specifically to position the details when they have been fixed by astronomical
observations or GPS and a full description of the method, equipment and datum (where applicable) used should be given.
4. Paper charts: A cutting from the largest scale chart is the best medium for forwarding details, the alterations and additions
being shown thereon in red. When requested, a new copy will be sent in replacement of a chart that has been used to forward
information, or when extensive observations have involved defacement of the observers chart. If it is preferred to show the
amendments on a tracing of the largest scale chart (rather than on the chart itself) these should be in red as above, but adequate
details from the chart must be traced in black ink to enable the amendments to be fitted correctly.
ENCs: A screen dump of the largest scale usage band ENC with the alterations and additions being shown thereon in red.
5. When soundings are obtained The Mariners Handbook (NP 100) should be consulted. The echo sounding trace should be
marked with times, depths, etc., and forwarded with the report. It is important to state whether the echo sounder is set to
register depths below the surface or below the keel; in the latter case the vessels draught should be given. Time and date
should be given in order that corrections for the height of the tide may be made where necessary. The make, name and type of
set should also be given.
6. Modern echo sounders frequently record signals from echoes received back after one or more rotations of the stylus have
been completed. Thus with a set whose maximum range is 500m, an echo recorded at 50m may be from depths of 50m, 550m
or even 1050m. Soundings recorded beyond the sets nominal range can usually be recognised by the following:
(a) the trace being weaker than normal for the depth recorded,
(b) the trace passing through the transmission line,
(c) the feathery nature of the trace.
As a check that apparently shoal soundings are not due to echoes received beyond the sets nominal range, soundings should
be continued until reasonable agreement with charted soundings is reached. However, soundings received after one or more
rotations of the stylus can still be useful and should be submitted if they show significant differences from charted depths.
7. Reports which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld. Shortcomings should be stressed
and any firm expectation of being able to check the information on a succeeding voyage should be mentioned.
8. Reports of shoal soundings, uncharted dangers and navigational aids out of order should, at the mariners discretion, also be
made by radio to the nearest coast radio station. The draught of modern tankers is such that any uncharted depth under 30
metres or 15 fathoms may be of sufficient importance to justify a radio message.
9. Port information should be forwarded on Form H.102a together with Form H.102. Form H.102a lists the information
required for Admiralty Sailing Directions and should be used as an aide memoire. Where there is insufficient space on the
form an additional sheet should be used.
10. Reports on ocean currents should be made in accordance with The Mariners Handbook.
Note. An acknowledgement or receipt will be sent and the information then used to the best advantage which may mean
immediate action or inclusion in a revision in due course. When a Notice to Mariners is issued, the senders ship or name is
quoted as authority unless (as sometimes happens) the information is also received from other authorities. An explanation of
the use made of contributions from all parts of the world would be too great a task and a further communication should only be
expected when the information is of outstanding value or has unusual features.
H.102a (April 1990)


(To accompany Form H.102)

Name of ship or sender: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ref. No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

............................................... Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Principal activities and trade.

Latest population figures and date.
Number of ships or tonnage
handled per year.
Maximum size of vessel handled.
Copy of Port Handbook
if available.

Designation, depths, holding ground,

shelter afforded.

Authority for requests.

Embarkation position.

Entry and berthing information.

Tidal Streams.
Navigational aids.

Number available and

max. hp.

Names, numbers or positions.

Depths alongside.
Heights above Chart Datum.
Facilities available.

Containers, lighters,
Ro--Ro etc.
Brief details and
max. capacity.
Hull, machinery and
Ship and boat yards.
Docking or slipping
Give size of vessels
handled or dimensions.
Hards and ramps.
Salvage, lifeboat,
Coastguard, etc.
Fuel with type and quantities
Fresh water with rate
of supply.
Provisions .

Ship chandlery,
compass adjustment,
tank cleaning,
hull painting.

Road, rail and air
services available.
Nearest airport or airfield.
Port radio and information
service with frequencies
and hours of operating.
Designation, address
and telephone number.
Information and facilities
for small craft (eg yachts)
visiting the port.
Yacht Clubs, berths, etc.
Photographs (where permitted)
of the approaches, leading
marks, the entrance to the
harbour, etc.
Picture postcards may also
be useful.

Signature of observer/reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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