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Lawrence P. Morin and Ruth I. Wood
Copyright 2000 by Lawrence Morin and Ruth Wood

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS consistent anatomical definition and nomenclature for areas in the brain.
This reduces confusion in the scientific literature. The series of atlases
Many people and organizations contributed to the construction of this compiled by Paxinos and colleagues has had a major impact on stan-
atlas. Their support is gratefully acknowledged here. We thank Jane dardization of the neuroanatomical nomenclature. Most laboratories
Blanchard for superb tissue sectioning and histologic staining, Craig have at least one well-worn copy of a brain atlas for their particular
Panner for editorial assistance, Charles River Laboratories for providing animal model. The most popular brain atlas [Paxinos and Watson, 1986]
hamsters used in this atlas, and Dr. Sarah W. Newman for encouraging for the most popular species in neuroscience research (rat) was cited
us to pursue this project. Support for this work was provided by grants about 1400 times in 1996 alone [Science Citation Index].
from Academic Press and from the National Institutes of Health:
NS22168 (to LPM), HD32669 and MH55034 (to RIW). The world of hamster neuroscience research has been empty of useful
stereotaxic atlases, either contemporary or dated. In contrast, investiga-
tors studying the rat have been blessed with an excellent series of brain
INTRODUCTION atlases, including those by de Groot [1959], Pellegrino [1979], Swanson
[1999], and Paxinos and Watson [1998]. The brain of the golden ham-
Hamsters in neuroscience research. ster is fairly similar to that of the rat, and most neuroscientists who use
Since the capture in 1930 of a single female and her pups from Aleppo, hamsters, including the two authors, have relied on rat brain atlases for
Syria [Murphy, 1985], the golden or Syrian hamster has emerged as an anatomical divisions and nomenclature. However, a rat atlas is not
important animal model for neuroscience research. In many aspects of adequate for hamster research. Rat stereotaxic coordinates are useless
physiology and behavior, hamsters provide a significant contrast to mice for surgery in the hamster because the dimensions and architecture of the
and rats. The hamster is particularly valuable for studies of circadian hamster brain differ from that of the rat. As a result, hamster neurosci-
rhythms and vision, reproduction and aggression, and taste and smell. In entists determine their own coordinates by trial and error. (A number of
the past 20 years, the number of papers published using hamsters in hamster neuroscientists have contributed their own coordinates for
neuroscience has doubled, and hamsters are one of the top dozen animal selected brain regions; see APPENDIX.) Moreover, the nuclear bound-
models in brain research today, according to the Medline database. As aries and nomenclature for brain regions in the rat do not necessarily
their use in neuroscience research has expanded, knowledge of hamster correspond to similar structures in the hamster.
neuroanatomy has also increased.
The value of a quality hamster brain atlas is manifold. In addition to the
Why a hamster brain atlas? practical value of providing accurate 3-dimensional coordinates for
A stereotaxic brain atlas is an indispensable tool for neurobiology re- stereotaxic surgery, an atlas is a repository of information about brain
search. Brain atlases serve several important functions. First, an atlas structure. As new information becomes available, atlases must be
provides stereotaxic coordinates for precise placement of chemicals, revised to incorporate and reflect the newer data. One need only look at
lesions, and devices in the brains of experimental animals. Secondly, an the editions of the Paxinos rat atlas to see several regions of the brain in
atlas is a pictorial synopsis of a large body of literature that has evalu- which there have been changes in apparent structure across the evolution
ated both the structure and function of the brain. A good atlas represents of the atlas. Compare, for example, the pretectal region in the second
the consensus of many neuroscientists. Finally, an atlas provides a and third editions. The latter shows a new pretectal nucleus (MPT) and

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a rearrangement such that the nucleus of the optic tract now overlies the equal or exceed that which has existed for the rat [Johnson et al, 1988;
posterior pretectal nucleus (PPT). The changes in structure represent the Botchkina and Morin, 1995a, 1995b; Kalsbeek et al, 1993; Morin and
authors reinterpretation of the anatomy based on new data that has Blanchard, 1995, 1997; Meyer-Bernstein and Morin, 1996]. Studies of
emerged. In addition to changes within a particular atlas over time, hamster rhythm physiology and biochemistry lag far behind those of the
certain aspects of the available literature are interpreted differently by rat. At least part of the reason for the dearth of research into hamster
different neuroscientists, leading to different identification of the same functional neuroanatomy has been the absence of a detailed hamster
brain structures. One example of this is a large region lateral to the atlas. In the future, we hope that the presence of a stereotaxic atlas will
posterior commissure and medial to the anterior pretectal nucleus. This make the hamster a more accessible research model.
is unidentified in the Paxinos and Watson atlas [1998], but is considered
to be part of the superior colliculus by Swanson [1999]. The Paxinos A history of hamster brain atlases
and Watson atlas is conservative in this instance, electing to remain The most recent approach toward a hamster brain atlas consists of a
neutral, rather than apply a name that they apparently consider unsub- series of sections cut largely through the hypothalamus, plus a few
stantiated. Our data from hamsters suggests that this particular region scattered sections as far caudal as the gracile nucleus in the caudal
has features that warrant its inclusion as one of the pretectal nuclei. We brainstem. These were compiled by Charles W. Malsbury and published
have called it the commissural pretectal area. as 14 line drawings in a chapter of the book, The Hamster: Reproduction
and Behavior, in 1985 [Malsbury et al, 1985]. A total of 59 brain struc-
Another major reason for a hamster atlas concerns marketing. The tures are identified (compare with over 800 structures labeled in the
hamster has many merits as a laboratory rodent. Each of these can be Paxinos and Watson atlas). Dr. Malsbury had previously prepared A
marketed for its own sake. For example, there is a long and substantial Schematic Stereotaxic Atlas of the Golden Hamster Brain which was
history of hamster use for the study of visual system development and abstracted in the 1977 JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychol-
regeneration [Schneider, 1970; Tiao and Blakemore, 1976; Finley et al, ogy. This atlas identified 57 structures and covered a region extending
1978; Rhoades and Chalupa, 1978; So et al, 1984; Botchkina and Morin, from just rostral to the anterior commissure to the level of the posterior
1985b; Speh and Moore, 1993]. Visual system development continues hypothalamus. One sagittal section was included. Dr. Malsbury made a
to draw investigators to the hamster because of the large amount of significant contribution by providing the first accurate hamster atlas
scientific effort that has provided a solid foundation for further research based on the skull landmarks of lambda and bregma in the same hori-
in this species. Unfortunately, this same logic often works contrary to zontal plane. He also provided lateral and rostro-caudal stereotaxic
the use of the hamster as a preferred animal model. An example from measurements. Other hamster atlases known to us include a brief report
the field of circadian rhythm research demonstrates the point. The rat by Collins [1969] and those of Knigge and Joseph [1968] and Smith and
has been the prevailing species for the study of rhythm anatomy, physi- Bodemer [1963]. The former used a different skull orientation and the
ology, and biochemistry [Klein et al, 1991]. In contrast, the hamster has latter inaccurate anterior-posterior coordinates. None provided histo-
wonderfully clear and easy to measure circadian behavioral rhythms logic material for identification purposes. A thorough list of atlases for
[Pittendrigh and Daan, 1976; Nelson and Takahashi, 1991]. Thus, there many vertebrate species compiled for The David Kopf Instruments
has been a large research effort devoted to the behavioral investigation Company does not identify any additional for the hamster.
of hamster circadian rhythms [Morin, 1985]. Only recently has the
degree of anatomical research on the hamster circadian system begun to

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A note on nomenclature: Morin and Wood meet Paxinos and Species differences between rat and hamster constitute a second major
Watson reason to depart from the Paxinos and Watson nomenclature. Certain
Although an atlas of the rat brain is not adequate to describe the detailed brain areas are significantly different in the rat and hamster. For ex-
anatomy of hamster brain, it is evident even from a casual comparison ample, in the medial preoptic area, the hamster has a magnocellular
that there are substantial similarities between the two species. Rather subdivision within the lateral portion of the medial preoptic nucleus
than developing a unique set of names and abbreviations for structures in [MPNmag; Maragos et al, 1989] but lacks the well-known sexually-
the hamster brain, we have chosen to follow closely the nomenclature dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area that has been described for the
used in the rat stereotaxic atlas of Paxinos and Watson [1998], the most rat.
widely-used atlas in rat neuroscience research. In this manner, we hope
to facilitate communication between neuroscientists using rats and Finally, where Paxinos and Watsons abbreviations occasionally depart
hamsters. from common usage in the American neuroscience community, we have
adopted the more familiar terms. Paxinos and Watson have performed a
However, it was not possible for us to follow the rat nomenclature tremendous service by standardizing the names and abbreviations for
exactly. In this hamster atlas, there are three principal reasons for structures in the rat brain, and the Introduction to their atlas presents an
deviating from the names and abbreviations of Paxinos and Watson: lack excellent discussion of their system. However, in certain instances, their
of research, species differences, and common usage. In the first in- nomenclature has not been adopted. Ultimately, an atlas must strike a
stance, many regions of the hamster brain have not been studied inten- balance between dictating and reflecting the terminology. To accommo-
sively. Where no specific data is available for the hamster, we have tried date the idiosyncrasies of common usage, we have occasionally departed
to avoid applying rat nomenclature to comparable subnuclei in hamster from the regular system of nomenclature offered by Paxinos and Watson
brain. One example is the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST). [1998]. The suprachiasmatic nucleus is an example. Although Paxinos
Even in the rat neuroscience community, there is substantial debate and Watson denote this nucleus by SCh, it is most often referred to as
concerning what should be identified as what (7 separate sets of nomen- SCN in both the scientific literature and in conversation. Hence,
clature for BST are discussed in the chapter entitled, Amygdala and SCN is used in this atlas.
Extended Amygdala by Alheid et al [1995]) As many as 20 different
subdivisions have been identified in the rat BST [Ju and Swanson, A new angle on hamster neuroanatomy: flat skull coordinates vs
1989]. Only 6 subdivisions of this nucleus have been described for the plane of section
hamster [Gomez and Newman, 1992]. The basic architecture of this In the preparation of this atlas, we became aware of a subtle, though
nucleus is similar in rats and hamsters, but it is clear that divisional important difference in the neuroanatomy of the rat and hamster. Most
orientation, size, and location may be substantially different between atlases of the rat use the flat-skull orientation (bregma and lambda in the
species. It would be inaccurate to apply the rat nomenclature to hamster same horizontal plane) for both stereotaxic coordinates and coronal brain
BST. We hope that future research will clarify the anatomy of BST and sectioning. This offers tremendous benefits in terms of repeatability in
other nuclei in the hamster. However, in the meantime, we have used a both stereotaxic surgery and analysis of brain sections. Unfortunately,
more conservative parcellation in keeping with the current state of this is not easily accomplished in the hamster.
Although the overall architecture of the rat and hamster brain is similar,

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the orientation of their brains within the skull is not equivalent. We and
others use the flat-skull orientation for stereotaxic surgery in hamsters.
However, the hamster brain is not commonly sectioned in this same
plane. Instead, the hamster brain is typically cut perpendicular to the
ventral surface, thereby producing sections equivalent to the rat brain.
In the rat, the ventral brain surface is roughly parallel to the flat-skull
orientation, but the same is not true for the hamster brain. The typical
plane of section for the hamster brain is approximately 10 from the
vertical plane in a flat-skull orientation (see Figure 1A). Hence in our
photomicrographs, the reference tracks to mark the vertical plane appear
to move caudoventrally.

In the preparation of coronal sections for this atlas, we elected to section

the brain perpendicular to the ventral brain surface, the angled plane of
section, rather than perpendicular to the skull surface, the flat-skull
plane of section. This choice facilitates comparison with the rat, and
reflects common usage in the hamster neuroscience community. How-
ever, there are some drawbacks to this approach. First, it is difficult to
block the brain consistently at 10 from the flat skull orientation. We
find that brain blocking is the biggest source of error in producing
consistent coronal sections. In addition, using an angled plane of section
creates some difficulties in describing stereotaxic coordinates. Specifi- massa intercalata (I) is 3.0 mm. The dorsoventral stereotaxic coordi-
cally, the anterior-posterior coordinates must be adjusted for tissue depth nate (XY, Figure 1B) is indicated by the column of numbers along the
(see below). left and right sides of the grid (Figure 1C). For I, the dorsoventral
coordinate is -8.0 mm. The dimensions of the atlas grid have been
Stereotaxic reference system adjusted to account for the slight difference between XY (the dorsoven-
For each atlas drawing, the mediolateral and dorsoventral distances in tral stereotaxic coordinate) and XZ (the dorsoventral dimension in the
mm are indicated by numbers along the top and sides of the grid (see section. As is shown in Figure 1B, XZ forms the hypotenuse of a right
Figure 1C for example). The number at the upper right of each atlas triangle with XY = cos 10 * XZ. The anterior-posterior stereotaxic
drawing (Figure 1C) corresponds to the distance (WZ) from bregma (W, coordinates (WY, Figure 1B) for structures at different tissue depths are
Figure 1B) to the plane of section at the skull surface (Z). listed on each atlas drawing in the column at the far right (Figure 1C).
All coordinates for stereotaxic surgery in this atlas use bregma as the The anterior-posterior coordinate (WY) is equal to WZ-(sin 10* XZ).
zero-reference point. The mediolateral and dorsoventral coordinates for That is to say, more ventral structures are reached by more rostral entry
stereotaxic surgery are identical to the distances indicated on the atlas points in the skull (Y, Figure 1B). Thus, the anterior-posterior coordi-
grid. For example, in Figure 1C, the mediolateral coordinate for the nate for I is +0.7 mm. Unfortunately, no atlas can be entirely accurate

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for all animals at all brain locations. Based on the results of a number of animal was removed from the stereotaxic instrument and perfused with
stereotaxic surgeries, we estimate that the stereotaxic coordinates pre- phosphate-buffered saline, followed by 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1M
sented in this atlas are within 0.5 mm of the target sites. This error is sodium phosphate buffer (PB, pH 7.4). Each brain was cryoprotected in
comparable to that of other rodent stereotaxic atlases. 30% sucrose and carefully blocked. The brains were then moistened in
the sucrose solution, firmly wrapped in plastic film, placed in an airtight
Animals bottle and frozen at -80C. Prior to sectioning, the caudal end of the
Animals used for atlas material were normal adult male golden hamsters still-frozen brain was attached to a sliding block microtome freezing
weighing about 135 gm. Experience has shown that hamster skull stage with Cryofreeze. Sections were cut at 30 um from rostral to
growth does not stabilize until the animal achieves a body weight of caudal, with the knife cutting from dorsal to ventral. Individual sections
about 135 gm. Experience has also shown that surgical precision along were collected into microcentrifuge tubes containing PB, and stored at
the vertical axis is most reliable if made with respect to brain, rather than 4C until staining. Every fourth section was stained for cresyl violet,
to skull, surface. Unfortunately, brain-surface measurements are impos- acetylcholinesterase, and NADPH-diaphorase (NADPHd). For cresyl
sible to include for all anterior-posterior and medial-lateral coordinate violet and acetylcholinesterase, sections were stained on gelatin-coated
combinations. In this atlas, stereotaxic coordinates are referenced to slides. NADPHd was stained on free-floating sections. Sections were
bregma. However, we recommend that investigators use the dorsoven- dehydrated in 100% alcohol, cleared in xylenes, and coverslipped with
tral coordinates in this atlas to determine an appropriate dorsoventral Permount.
position relative to the brain surface for their particular area of interest.
Nissl stain
Stereotaxic surgery Mounted sections were rinsed in 100% ethanol for 15 min, rehydrated in
Hamsters were deeply anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and a graded alcohol series and stained with 0.4% cresyl violet for 5 min.
placed in a Kopf stereotaxic instrument using standard Kopf pointed Cresyl violet stain was made as follows: 110 ml 1% cresyl violet acetate
earbars. The incisor bar was placed behind the incisors, and adjusted in (Kodak), 150 ml 0.1 M sodium acetate and 130 ml 0.1 M glacial acetic
the vertical plane until the cranial landmarks, lambda and bregma, were acid. Excess stain was washed out with several changes of deionized
level. A row of 5 holes extending rostrocaudally was drilled through the water and the tissue was dehydrated to 95% alcohol, then differentiated
skull at 1 mm intervals, 1mm lateral to the midline. The vertical coordi- in acidified 95% alcohol (1 ml glacial acetic acid in 250 ml 95% alco-
nate of the dura below the first hole was measured, and then penetrated hol). A final rinse series included fresh 95% alcohol followed by two
with a sharp needle. A blunt 21 gauge needle was lowered to a depth of changes of 100% alcohol and 4 changes of xylene. Tissue was
3 mm below the dura. This absolute vertical coordinate was used when coverslipped with Permount.
dropping the needle through each of the remaining skull holes. These
needle tracks provide a series of reference points that permit an accurate Acetylcholinesterase histochemistry
assessment of subsequent changes in brain shape, and adjustment of Mounted sections were incubated overnight in the dark at room tempera-
stereotaxic scale during the atlas production. ture in the following solution: mixed in this order, 50 mM sodium
acetate, 2 mM cupric sulfate, 10 mM glycine, 4 mM acetyl thiocholine
Perfusion and histology iodide, with pH adjusted to 5 with acetic acid. After incubation, slides
Immediately after the needle was withdrawn from the last hole, the were rinsed briefly in water and developed in 1% ammonium sulfide for

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1-2 min. Slides were rinsed in several changes of distilled water (ap- Abbreviations
proximately 15 min total), dehydrated and coverslipped with Permount. Although the nomenclature used for the hamster brain does occasionally
depart from the rat nomenclature of Paxinos and Watson (see A note on
NADPH diaphorase histochemistry nomenclature, above), the system of abbreviations used here follows
To visualize NADPHd, free-floating sections were stained in individual that of Paxinos and Watson [1998]. Hence, fiber tracts are denoted in
wells of a 96-well tissue culture plate. Sections were rinsed once in lower case on the left hemisphere, nuclear groups and cortical areas
0.1M PB and then incubated in 0.1% B-NADPH and 0.01% nitroblue begin with a capital letter and are labeled on the right hemisphere.
tetrazolium chloride with 0.3% Triton X-100 for one hour at 37C with Subnuclei are likewise indicated with capitals (MeAD for anterodorsal
gentle agitation. The reaction was stopped by rinsing in 0.1M PB. medial amygdaloid nucleus, for example).
Sections were mounted on gelatin-coated slides, air-dried, and
coverslipped as described above. The basis of delineation of structures in this atlas
Throughout the preparation of this atlas, we have relied on the atlases of
Photography Paxinos and Watson [1998] and of Swanson [1999] for detailed analysis
Slides were placed on a Northern Light Precision Illuminator (Model of the rat brain. Atlases of the rat brain have been particularly valuable
B90). Digital images were captured in color using a SVMicro CM65 for regions of the hamster brain that have not been studied in detail, such
digital camera (Sound Vision Inc.). Each coronal photographic plate as the hippocampus and cerebellum. In addition to the specific publica-
presents adjacent half-sections stained for cresyl violet and acetylcho- tions listed below, we have utilized published and unpublished data from
linesterase. our own laboratories using tract tracing and immunohistochemistry to
examine the connections and transmitters of selected regions of the
Drawings hamster brain. In addition to the sections stained for cresyl violet,
Drawings were created from ink tracings of the illustrated cresyl violet- acetylcholinesterase, and NADPH diaphorase which are depicted in the
stained half-section. Tracings were individually scanned into a com- atlas, we have completed staining for calbindin, calretinin, neuN, and
puter as bit-mapped files, then converted to vector diagrams using parvalbumin. Moreover, a recently published atlas of the hamster
CorelOCR-TRACE8 software. The tracings and digitized brain sections serotonergic and ascending median or dorsal raphe pathways to the level
were brought into CorelDraw8 and overlayed. All further alterations and of the anterior commissure has provided a good deal of experience
additions were made using CorelDraw8. A mirror image of each traced toward the present endeavor [Morin and Meyer-Bernstein, 1999].
half-section was created and merged with the original to create a sym- Helboe et al [1999] have also provided a 15-section atlas based upon
metrical, full-coronal drawing. In this manner, the final drawings are that of Collins [1969]. We have also been aided by an excellent series of
somewhat simplified from the actual sections because they do not cresyl violet-stained sections and drawings by Dr. Sarah W. Newman, of
present left-right asymmetries in the brain. Furthermore, because each the Department of Psychology at Cornell University.
photographic plate is comprised of images from two adjacent sections,
the two sides are not symmetric. Fiber tracts in each drawing are indi- Olfactory system
cated with solid lines, while nuclei are denoted by dashed lines. Ap- The anatomy of the hamster olfactory system, including the olfactory
proximate boundaries between cortical regions are indicated by dotted bulbs, anterior olfactory nucleus, and related structures, is according to
lines. the description of Davis and Macrides [1981].

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Basal ganglia and basal forebrain and Blanchard [1999] depict medial thalamic nuclei, including
Few studies report on the anatomy of the hamster basal ganglia. anteromedial, central medial, gelatinosus, mediodorsal, paracentral,
Newman and Winans [1980a & b] described the connections of hamster parafascicular, parataenial, paraventricular, precommissural, reticular,
nucleus accumbens and olfactory tubercle. Recently, Johnson and Wood reuniens, rhomboid, and ventromedial nuclei. The lateral posterior
[1999] compared the anatomy of the ventral striatum in rat and hamster nucleus is presented in Ling et al [1997] and Morin and Blanchard
with a variety of immunohistochemical markers. Based on these studies, [1997]. The intramedullary area is described in Morin and Blanchard
it appears that the overall architecture of the basal ganglia in hamster is [1997]. Refer to Halsell [1992] for illustration of the parafascicular and
similar to that of the rat. However, detailed information on fine struc- ventral posteromedial nuclei. Morin et al [1995] and Morin and
ture, particularly for dorsal striatum, is lacking. Blanchard [1997] have detailed the dorsolateral geniculate, ventral
lateral geniculate, and intergeniculate leaflet.
Septum and Hypothalamus
The cytoarchitectural descriptions of Maragos et al [1989] are used here Cortex
as a basis for the nuclei in the medial preoptic area [MPOA]. The Divisions of agranular insular cortex have been described for the ham-
hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus is described in Morin and ster by Reep and Winans [1982a and b]. Further details of insular cortex
Blanchard [1993]; the suprachiasmatic nucleus, subparaventricular zone are presented in Yamamoto and Kitamura [1990]. Newman and Winans
and retrochiasmatic area are presented in Kalsbeek et al [1993] and [1980a and b] illustrate entorhinal and perirhinal cortex in a series of
Morin et al [1994]. Nuclei of the lateral septum and anterior hypothala- schematics describing connections of the nucleus accumbens. Auditory
mus, particularly the nucleus circularis, have been studied in the hamster and somatosensory cortex are described in Morin and Blanchard [1997].
brain by researchers interested in the neurobiology of agonistic behavior, Areas of the visual cortex have been identified based on projections
including Ferris et al [1990]. from thalamic visual nuclei in comparison with equivalent structures in
the rat brain, as described by Sefton and Dreher [1995].
Amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
Nuclei of the hamster amygdala are as described in Gomez and Newman Raphe complex
[1992]. Details of the central amygdaloid nucleus are presented in The dorsal and medial raphe in the hamster are described by Morin and
Halsell [1992]. Additional information is provided by Kevetter and Blanchard [1991] and Meyer-Bernstein and Morin [1996].
Winans [1981] and Lehman and Winans [1982]. For the bed nucleus of
the stria terminalis, we consulted with Dr. Jennifer Swann of the Depart- Midbrain
ment of Biological Sciences at Lehigh University. The nomenclature we Finley et al [1978] and Rhoades et al [1989a and b] have described the
adopted is slightly modified from Gomez and Newman (1992), and organization of the hamster superior colliculus. The pretectal nuclei are
resembles that of Alheid et al [1995] for the rat. described by Morin and Blanchard [1997, 1998].

Thalamus Brainstem
Different investigators have studied individual thalamic nuclei in the A general description of dorsal brainstem anatomy is provided by Brin-
hamster brain. However, there is no comprehensive overview of tha- ing and Smith [1996]. The anatomy of the nucleus of the solitary tract
lamic anatomy. Reep and Winans [1982], Morin et al [1994], and Morin has been studied in detail by Whitehead [1988, 1990]. The location of

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the gracile and cuneate nuclei are shown in Davis and Kream [1993]. Collins TB, Jr. (1969) Stereotaxic coordinates of the brain of the golden
Refer to Bruce et al [1987] for the spinal trigeminal nucleus and to hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Psychol. Rep. 25:102.
Halsell [1992] for a description of the parabrachial nucleus in hamster Davis BJ and Kream RM. (1993) Distribution of tachykinin- and
brain. Several cranial nerve nuclei are shown by Travers et al [1995]. opioid-expressing neurons in the hamster solitary tract: an immuno
and in situ hybridization histochemical study. Brain Res. 616:6-16.
Visual system Davis BJ and Macrides F. (1981) The organization of centrifugal
The retinal projections to the pretectum and visual thalamic nuclei projections from the anterior olfactory nucleus, ventral hippocampal
(lateral geniculate and posterior thalamic nuclei have been described by rudiment, and piriform cortex to the main olfactory bulb in the
Morin et al [1992] and Morin and Blanchard [1997]. Visual cortex is hamster: an autoradiographic study. J. Comp. Neurol. 203:475-493.
based on unpublished material (Morin and Blanchard) showing neurons deGroot J. (1959) The Rat Forebrain in Stereotaxic Coordinates.
projecting to the dorsal lateral or ventral lateral geniculate or lateral Noord-Holland U.M.: Amsterdam.
posterior nucleus. Ferris CF, Gold L, De Vries GJ, and Potegal M. (1990) Evidence for a
functional and anatomical relationship between the lateral septum
and the hypothalamus in the control of flank marking behavior in
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INDEX OF ABBREVIATIONS AHi amygdalohippocampal area 29-36, 68-69
AID agranular insular cortex, dorsal part 7-14, 67-69
Abbreviations used in this atlas are listed in alphabetical order. Each AIP agranular insular cortex, posterior part 15-32, 67
abbreviation is followed by the structure name and the number of the AIV agranular insular cortex, ventral part 10-14, 68-69
figures on which the abbreviation appears. alv alveus of the hippocampus 32-33
AM anteromedial thalamic nucleus 22-25, 61-62
Amb ambiguus nucleus 55-57, 65
3 oculomotor nucleus 37-39, 59-60 AMV anteromedial thalamic nucleus, ventral part 24-26
3n oculomotor nerve or its root 36, 63 AOB accessory olfactory bulb 2
3V 3rd ventricle 18-35, 59-62 AOD anterior olfactory nucleus, dorsal part 4-7
4 trochlear nucleus 40, 60 AOE anterior olfactory nucleus, external part 2
4V 4th ventricle 40-57, 59-64 AOED anterior olfactory nucleus, external part, dorsal subdivision 4
6 abducens nucleus 48-49, 60-62 AOEL anterior olfactory nucleus, external part, lateral subdivision 3
6n abducens nerve 49 AOEV anterior olfactory nucleus, external part, ventral subdivision 4
7 facial nucleus 50-54, 63-66 AOL anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral part 3-7, 64
7n facial nucleus or its root 46-48, 63-66 AOM anterior olfactory nucleus, medial part 4-8, 59-62
8n vestibulocochlear nerve 47-52, 69 AOP anterior olfactory nucleus, posterior part 9-11, 61-62
8vn vestibular root of the vestibulocochlear nerve 49 AOT nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract 22-23, 68
10 dorsal motor nucleus of vagus 55-58, 59-61 aot accessory optic tract 35-36
12 hypoglossal nucleus 56-58, 59-60 AOV anterior olfactory nucleus, ventral part 5-7, 61
AP area postrema 58-61
A APir amygdalopiriform transition area 31-37
AAA anterior amygdaloid area 22-23, 66-68 apmf ansoparamedian fissure 56-58. 64-67
ac anterior commissure 19-20, 59-62 APT anterior pretectal nucleus 30, 33-36, 64-66
aca anterior commissure, anterior part 10-18, 63-65 APTD anterior pretectal nucleus, dorsal part 31-32
Acb accumbens nucleus 10-11 APTV anterior pretectal nucleus, ventral part 31-32
AcbC accumbens nucleus, core 11-16, 62-66 Aq aqueduct (Sylvius) 36-39, 59-62
AcbSh accumbens nucleus, shell 11-16, 61-66 ar acoustic radiation 29-32, 65-68
aci anterior commissure, intrabulbar part 1-9, 62-66 Arc arcuate hypothalamic nucleus 28-35, 59-61
ACo anterior cortical amygdaloid nucleus 22-28, 69 asc7 ascending fibers of facial nucleus 50
acp anterior commissure, posterior part 18-22, 67-69 AStr amygdalostriatal transition area 23-30
Acs5 accessory trigeminal nucleus 46-47 Au primary auditory cortex 28-39
Acs7 accessory facial nucleus 49-50 AV anteroventral thalamic nucleus 22, 63
AD anterodorsal thalamic nucleus 22-25, 63-64 AVDM anteroventral thalamic nucleus, dorsomedial part 23-26, 62-
AH anterior hypothalamic area 23-27, 60-62 64

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AVPe anteroventral periventricular nucleus 18, 59 CA3 field CA3 of the hippocampus 24-36, 59-69
AVVL anteroventral thalamic nucleus, ventrolateral part 23-24, 62-65 Cb1 cerebellar lobule 1 45-48, 59-62
Cb2 cerebellar lobule 2 43-47, 59-64, 66-68
B Cb3 cerebellar lobule 3 43-49, 59-68
B basal nucleus (Meynert) 25-27, 68-69 Cb4 cerebellar lobule 2 44-49, 59-69
BAC bed nucleus of the anterior commissure 20, 61 Cb5 cerebellar lobule 3 44-50, 59-69
Bar Barringtons nucleus 45-47, 63 Cb6 cerebellar lobule 6 49-55, 59-64
BIC nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus 37-42 Cb7 cerebellar lobule 7 51-57, 59-68
bic brachium of the inferior colliculus 37-41, 67 Cb8 cerebellar lobule 8 51-62
BLA basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part 24-27, 69 Cb9 cerebellar lobule 9 51-64
BLP basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, posterior part 28-35, 69 Cb10 cerebellar lobule 10 51-56, 59-64
BLV basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, ventral part 28-29, 69 CC central canal 58
BMA basomedial amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part 23-27 cc corpus callosum 17-27, 59-69
BMP basomedial amygdaloid nucleus, posterior part 27-31, 69 Ce central amygdaloid nucleus 23, 28, 69
bp brachium pontis (stem of middle cerebellar peduncle) 38-42 CeC central amygdaloid nucleus, capsular part 24-27
bsc brachium of the superior colliculus 27-34, 62-69 CeM central amygdaloid nucleus, medial part 24-27
BST bed nucleus of the stria terminalis 65 cg cingulum 14-33, 61-62
BSTAI bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, anterointermediate part 17- Cg cingulate cortex 20-23, 59-63
19, 63-64 Cg1 cingulate cortex, area 1 7-19, 59-62
BSTAL bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, anterolateral part 17-19 Cg2 cingulate cortex, area 2 14-19, 60
BSTAM bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, anteromedial part 17-19, CGA central gray, alpha part 45-46, 61-62
62 CGB central gray, beta part 45-46, 61-62
BSTAV bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, anteroventral part 17-19, CGM central gray, medial part 47, 59-60
62-64 CGPn central gray of the pons 46-48, 61-62
BSTIA bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, intraamygdaloid part 27- CIC central nucleus of the inferior colliculus 42-44, 59-65
29 cic commissure of the inferior colliculus 40-43, 60-63
BSTPI bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, posterointermediate part CL centrolateral thalamic nucleus 25-29, 63-64
20-23, 61-64 Cl claustrum 11-25, 66-68
BSTPL bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, posterolateral part 20-22 CLi caudal linear nucleus of the raphe 38-41, 59-60
BSTPM bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, posteromedial part 20-23, CM central medial thalamic nucleus 23-30, 59-62
60-63 CnF cuneiform nucleus 38-43, 65-66
Cop copula of the pyramis 54-58, 63-69
C cp cerebral peduncle 29-39, 61-68
CA1 field CA1 of the hippocampus 25-37, 59-69 CPT central pretectal nucleus 31-33, 61-64
CA2 field CA2 of the hippocampus 25-35, 61-69 CPu caudate putamen (striatum) 12-30, 63-69

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Crus 1 crus 1 of the ansiform lobule 49-56, 64-69 DRC dorsal raphe nucleus, caudal part 44-46, 59
Crus 2 crus 2 of the ansiform lobule 54-58, 64-69 dsc dorsal spinocerebellar tract 56-58
csc commissure of the superior colliculus 34-39, 59 DT dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract 34-36
ctg central tegmental tract 39 DTg dorsal tegmental nucleus 43-45, 60-61
Cu cuneate nucleus 56-58, 63-65 dtg dorsal tegmental bundle 33-42, 63
cu cuneate fasciculus 64 dtgx dorsal tegmental decussation 38, 59-61
Cx cerebral cortex 5-6 DTM dorsal tuberomammillary nucleus 33
DTr dorsal transition zone 8, 61-62
D DTT dorsal tenia tecta 8-12, 59-60, 62
D3V dorsal 3rd ventricle 22-30
DA dorsal hypothalamic area 28-29, 59 E
DC dorsal cochlear nucleus 49-53, 66-68 E ependyma and subependymal layer 1-16, 62-64
DCIC dorsal cortex of the inferior colliculus 40-44, 60-65 ec external capsule 13-31, 58-59
DEn dorsal endopiriform nucleus 8-33, 66-69 ECIC external cortex of the inferior colliculus 39-44, 60-67
df dorsal fornix 20-21, 59 Ect ectorhinal cortex 40-43
DG dentate gyrus 24-39, 59-69 ECu external cuneate nucleus 53-58, 64-66
dhc dorsal hippocampal commissure 60-61 eml external medullary lamina 27-28, 65
DI dysgranular insular cortex 14-22 EPl external plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb 1-6, 60-64
Dk nucleus of Darkschewitsch 34-36, 60 EPlA external plexiform layer of the accessory olfactory bulb 3-5
dlf dorsal longitudinal fasciculus 33-35 EW Edinger-Westphal nucleus 34-38, 59
DLG dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus 24-33, 68-69
DLi dorsal linear nucleus of the raphe 39 F
DLL dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus 43, 66-67 F nucleus of the fields of Forel 32-33, 63-65
dlo dorsal lateral olfactory tract 3-5 f fornix 19-34, 59-63
DLPAG dorsolateral periaqueductal gray 33-41, 61-63 fi fimbria of the hippocampus 22-31, 63-68
DM dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus 28-32, 60-62 Fl flocculus 48-55
DMPAG dorsomedial periaqueductal gray 34-41, 59-60 fmi forceps minor of the corpus callosum 11-15, 63-68
DMSp5 dorsomedial spinal trigeminal nucleus 55-56, 65-66 fmj forceps major of the corpus callosum 30-42, 63-69
DMTg dorsomedial tegmental area 44, 60-64 fr fasciculus retroflexus 29-35, 60-62
DP dorsal peduncular cortex 9-10, 59, 62-63
DpG deep gray layer of the superior colliculus 35-40, 60-66 G
DPGi dorsal paragigantocellular nucleus 49-53, 60-62 g7 genu of the facial nerve 48-49, 60-62
DpMe deep mesencephalic nucleus 34-42, 61-66 gcc genu of the corpus callosum 15-16, 59-62
DpWh deep white layer of the superior colliculus 35-39, 60-64 GI granular insular cortex 13-29
DR dorsal raphe nucleus 39-43, 59-61 Gi gigantocellular reticular nucleus 60-61

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GiA gigantocellular reticular nucleus, alpha part 49-54, 60-62 IMLFG interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, greater
GiV gigantocellular ret nucleus, ventral part 54-58, 60-63 part 34-36, 61-62
Gl glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb 1-6, 59-65 In intercalated nucleus of the medulla 55-56, 60
GlA glomerular layer of the accessory olfactory bulb 3-5, 62-64 InCo intercollicular nucleus 36-39, 62-66
GP globus pallidus 24-28, 66-69 InG intermediate gray layer of the superior colliculus 34-39, 60-66
Gr gracile nucleus 58-62 Int interposed cerebellar nucleus 47-53, 63-64, 67
gr gracile fasciculus 60-62 IntA interposed cerebellar nucleus, anterior part 65-66
GrA granule cell layer of the accessory olfactory bulb 2-5 IntD interposed cerebellar nucleus, dorsal part 52-53
GrO granular cell layer of the olfactory bulb 1-6, 59-64 IntP interposed cerebellar nucleus, posterior part 50-51, 63-66
InWh intermediate white layer of the superior colliculus 34-39, 60-66
H IO inferior olive 59-62
hbc habenular commissure 30-31, 59 IOD inferior olive, dorsal nucleus 56-58, 63-64
HDB nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca IOM inferior olive, medial nucleus 57-58
61-66 IOPr inferior olive, principal nucleus 55-58
hf hippocampal fissure 28-39, 62-69 IPAC interstitial nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commis-
sure 16-23, 67-68
I IPA interpeduncular nucleus, apical subnucleus 39
I intercalated nuclei of the amygdala 24-29 IPC interpeduncular nucleus, caudal subnucleus 36-39, 59
I5 intertrigeminal nucleus 44-46, 66 IPDL interpeduncular nucleus, dorsolateral subnucleus 38-39
I8 interstitial nucleus of the vestibulocochlear nerve 49 IPDM interpeduncular nucleus, dorsomedial subnucleus 36-39, 59-60
IAD interanterodorsal thalamic nucleus 23, 60-62 IPF interpeduncular fossa 59
IAM interanteromedial thalamic nucleus 24-29, 59-63 IPI interpeduncular nucleus, intermediate subnucleus 38-39, 63
ic internal capsule 20-34, 65-69 IPL interpeduncular nucleus, lateral subnucleus 38-39, 61
icf intercrural fissure 53-56, 64, 66-69 IPl internal plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb 1-5, 60-64
ICj islands of Calleja 10-16, 66 IPR interpeduncular nucleus, rostral subnucleus 37-38, 59
icp inferior cerebellar peduncle 48-50, 65-68 IPRL interpeduncular nucleus, rostrolateral 36-37, 60
IF interfascicular nucleus 35-37, 59 IRt intermediate reticular nucleus 49-64
IG indusium griseum 13-30, 59 IS inferior salivatory nucleus 49-50
IGL intergeniculate leaf 24-34, 68-69
IL infralimbic cortex 10-13, 59-63 J
ILL intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus 40-43, 66-67 Jx5 juxtatrigeminal area 46
IMA intramedullary thalamic area 29-31
IMD intermediodorsal thalamic nucleus 26-28, 59 K
IMLF interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus 34-35, KF Kolliker-Fuse nucleus 43-44

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L LSI lateral septal nucleus, intermediate part 12-20, 59-63
La lateral amygdaloid nucleus 24-33, 69 LSO lateral superior olive 66
LAcbSh lateral accumbens shell LSS lateral stripe of the striatum 13-23, 67
Lat lateral (dentate) cerebellar nucleus 50-53, 67-69 LSV lateral septal nucleus, ventral part 14-20, 61-63
LC locus coeruleus 44-47, 63-64 LT lateral terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract 33-36, 68
LD laterodorsal thalamic nucleus 24-28, , 65-67 LV lateral ventricle 13-33, 63-69
LDM laterodorsal thalamic nu subnucleus, medial part 26-29, 64 LVe lateral vestibular nucleus 47-51, 64-66
LDTg lateral dorsal tegmental nucleus 41-45, 61-63 lvs lateral vestibulospinal tract 49, 63
LDTgV lateral dorsal tegmental nucleus, ventral part 43-44, 63
LEnt lateral entorhinal cortex 33-43 M
lfp longitudinal fasciculus of the pons 40-43, 60-65 M motor cortex 19-30, 59-66
LH lateral hypothalamic area 23-33, 62-65 M1 primary motor cortex 8-18, 63-69
LHb lateral habenular nucleus 25-30, 60-63 M2 secondary motor cortex 7-18, 59-67
LHbM lateral habenular nucleus, medial 30 m5 motor root of the trigeminal nerve 43-47, 66-67
LHbL lateral habenular nucleus, lateral 30 MA3 medial accessory oculomotor nucleus 34-36, 59-60
Li linear nucleus of the medulla 56-57 mcp middle cerebellar peduncle 42-48, 66-69
ll lateral lemniscus 40-44, 63-66 MCPC magnocellular nucleus of the posterior commissure 31-33, 61-
LM lateral mammillary nucleus 34-35, 62-63 62
lo lateral olfactory tract 2-22, 63-69 MD mediodorsal thalamic nucleus 24-30, 60-62
LOT nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract 22-23, 67-68 MdD medullary reticular nucleus, dorsal part, 65
LP lateral posterior thalamic nucleus 27-33, 64-67 ME median eminence 30-33, 59
LPAG lateral periaqueductal gray 33-43, 60-64 Me5 mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus 37-47, 63-64
LPB lateral parabrach nucleus 63-65 me5 mesencephalic trigeminal tract 37-47, 64-65
LPBC lateral parabrach nucleus MeAD medial amygdaloid nucleus, anterodorsal part 25-26, 67-68
LPBC lateral parabrach nucleus, central part 43-46 MeAV medial amygdaloid nucleus, anteroventral part 25-26, 67-68
LPBE lateral parabrach nucleus, external part 43-46 Med medial (fastigial) cerebellar nucleus 48-52, 62-64
LPBI lateral parabrachial nucleus, internal part 45 MEnt medial entorhinal cortex 39-45, 68-69
LPBS lateral parabrach nucleus, superior part 43-44 MePD medial amygdaloid nucleus, posterodorsal part 27-30, 67-68
LPBV lateral parabrachial nucleus, ventral part 45-46 MePV medial amygdaloid nucleus, posteroventral part 27-28, 67-68
LPGi lateral paragigantocellular nucleus 54-58, 63-65 mfb medial forebrain bundle 12-33, 61-64
LPO lateral preoptic area 18-22, 63-66 MG medial geniculate nucleus 32-36, 67-68
LR4V lateral recess of the 4th ventricle 49-55, 64 MGM medial geniculate nucleus, medial part 34-36
LRt lateral reticular nucleus 65-66 MGP medial globus pallidus 25-28, 66
LRtPC lateral reticular nucleus, parvicellular part 67 MHb medial habenular nucleus 24-30, 60
LSD lateral septal nucleus, dorsal part 14-20, 59-62 Mi mitral cell layer of the olfactory bulb 1-6, 60-64

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MiA mitral cell layer of the accessory olfactory bulb 3-5 on olfactory nerve layer 1-2, 61-62
MiTg microcellular tegmental nucleus 39-41, 66-67 Op optic nerve layer of the superior colliculus 33-39, 59-66
ML medial mammillary nucleus, lateral part 34 OPT olivary pretectal nucleus 31-33, 63-65
ml medial lemniscus 28-67 ORB orbital cortex 7-10, 59-67
mlf medial longitudinal fasciculus 36-62 ot optic tract 24-33, 63-69
MM medial mammillary nucleus, medial part 34-35, 59-62 OV olfactory ventricle (olfactory part of the lateral ventricle) 1-12
MnPO median preoptic nucleus 18-20 OVLT organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis 17
MnR median raphe nucleus 40-44, 59 ox optic chiasm 18-23, 59-62
MO medial orbital cortex 8-9
Mo5 motor trigeminal nucleus 43-46, 65-66 P
mp mammillary peduncle 35-37, 61-62 P5 peritrigeminal zone 44
MPAG medial periaqueductal gray 33-38, 60 Pa paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus 23
MPB medial parabrachial nucleus 43-46, 64-66 Pa4 paratrochlear nucleus 40-41, 61-62
MPBE medial parabrachial nucleus, external part 44 Pa6 paraabducens nucleus 48-49, 61-62
MPN medial preoptic nucleus 19-22, 60-61 PaAM paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, anterior magnocellular
MPNmag medial preoptic nucleus, magnocellular part 22 part 21-23
MPO medial preoptic area 18-22, 60-63 PaDC paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, dorsal cap 24-25
MPT medial pretectal nucleus 32-33, 60-61 PAG periaqueductal gray 32, 60
MRe mammillary recess of the 3rd ventricle PaLM paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, lateral magnocellular part
MS medial septal nucleus 15-19, 59 24-25, 60
MT medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract 35-36, 64-65 PaMM paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, medial magnocellular
mt mammillothalamic tract 25-34, 61-63 part 24-26, 60
mtg mammillotegmental tract 31-39, 60-62 PaPA paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, anterior parvicellular part
MTu medial tuberal nucleus 29-32, 63-64 24-25
MVe medial vestibular nucleus 48-56, 61-64 PaPe paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, periventricular parvicellular
MVeMC medial vestibular nucleus, magnocellular part 65-66 part 24-27
PaPo paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, posterior part 26-27, 61-
N 64
NC nucleus circularis 24-25 PaR pararubral nucleus 36-38, 64
NDB nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca 14-21 PaS parasubiculum 41-44, 67-69
NOT nucleus of the optic tract 32-34, 66 PBG parabigeminal nucleus 39-40
PBP parabrachial pigmented nucleus 35-37, 63
O PC paracentral thalamic nucleus 25-30, 62-64
O nucleus O 46 pc posterior commissure 31-33, 59-61
oc olivocerebellar tract 56-58 pcf precommissural fornix 20-21, 61-62

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PCGS paracochlear glial substance 67 PoT posterior thalamic nuclear group, triangular part 33-36, 66
PCRt parvicellular reticular nucleus 47-58, 63-66 PP peripeduncular nucleus 34-36
pcuf preculminate fissure 45-49, 59-69 ppf prepyramidal fissure 54-69
PDTg posterodorsal tegmental nucleus 46-47, 60 PPT posterior pretectal nucleus 32-33, 61-63
pd predorsal bundle 49-51, 59 PPTg pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus 39-43, 64-65
Pe periventricular hypothalamic nucleus 22-31, 59 PR prerubral field 32-35, 62-63
PeF perifornical nucleus 28-32, 63 Pr prepositus nucleus 49-54, 59-62
PF parafascicular thalamic nucleus 30-32, 60-64 Pr5 principal sensory trigeminal nucleus 43-46, 66
PFl paraflocculus 51-55 Pr5DM principal sensory trigeminal nucleus, dorsomedial part 47-48,
pfs parafloccular sulcus 48-55 67
PH posterior hypothalamic area 28-35, 59-61 Pr5VL principal sensory trigeminal nucleus, ventrolateral part 47-49,
Pir piriform cortex 8-32, 65-69 67
PiRe pineal recess 31, 59 PrC precommissural nucleus 30-31, 60-61
PL paralemniscal nucleus 39-42, 66 prf primary fissure 46-51, 59-69
PLCo posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus 26-33, 69 PRh perirhinal cortex 33-41
plf posterolateral fissure 52-55, 59-63 PrL prelimbic cortex 7-13, 59-63
PLi posterior limitans thalamic nucleus 29-35, 66 PrS presubiculum 39-42, 68
PM paramedian lobule 56-58, 64-69 psf posterior superior fissure 49-53, 55, 59-63, 66-69
pm principal mammillary tract 34 PT paratenial thalamic nucleus 21-24, 61
PMCo posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus 29-37, 69 PtA parietal association cortex 28, 65-69
PMD premammillary nucleus, dorsal part 33-34, 60-62 pv periventricular fiber system 31-32, 59-60
PMnR paramedian raphe nucleus 40-43, 60 PVA paraventricular thalamic nucleus, anterior part 21-26, 59-60
pms paramedian sulcus 56-58 PVP paraventricular thalamic nucleus, posterior part 27-31, 59-60
PMV premammillary nucleus, ventral part 33-35, 61-62 py pyramidal tract 44-58, 59-62
PN paranigral nucleus 35-37, 60
Pn pontine nuclei 38-43, 59-65 R
PnC pontine reticular nucleus, caudal part 45-48, 61-64 Rbd rhabdoid nucleus 39-43, 59
PnO pontine reticular nucleus, oral part 40-44, 61-65 RCh retrochiasmatic area 26, 59
PnR pontine raphe nucleus, 59 Re reuniens thalamic nucleus 22-30, 59-61
PnV pontine reticular nucleus, ventral part 45-48, 60 ReIC recess of the inferior colliculus 59
PO paraolivary nucleus 44-49, 63-65 rf rhinal fissure 7-43, 60-69
Po posterior thalamic nuclear group 25-31, 63-67 Rh rhomboid thalamic nucleus 25-29, 59-60
PoDG polymorph layer of the dentate gyrus 28-38, 68-69 RI rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus 32-
PoMn posteromedian thalamic nucleus 29-30, 59 33, 60-63
Post postsubiculum 36-44, 66-69 ri rhinal incisura 7-10

 Back to Start Page Page 19

RIP raphe interpositus nucleus 45-49, 59 SI substantia innominata 21-26, 66-68
RLi rostral linear nucleus of the raphe 34-38, 59 Sim simple lobule 45-47, 50-52, 66-69
RMC red nucleus, magnocellular part 35-38, 62-64 SimA simple lobule A 48-49
RMg raphe magnus nucleus 45-53, 59 SimB simple lobule B 48-49
Ro nucleus of Roller 56-58, 59-60 simf simplex fissure 48-49
ROb raphe obscurus nucleus 51-58, 59 SL semilunar nucleus 10-12, 60-61
RPa raphe pallidus nucleus 47-57, 59 SM nucleus of the stria medullaris 24, 64-65
RPC red nucleus, parvicellular part 35-38, 61-64 sm stria medullaris of the thalamus 21-24, 60-65
RPO rostral periolivary region 41-43, 65 SNC substantia nigra, compact part 33-37, 65-67
RR retrorubral nucleus 39-40 SNL substantia nigra, lateral part 36
RRF retrorubral field 38-39, 63-65 SNM substantia nigra, medial part 35
rs rubrospinal tract 38-58, 63-66 SNR substantia nigra, reticular part 33-38, 64-67
RSA retrosplenial agranular cortex 24-38, 59-66 SO superior olive 44-48, 63-65
RSG retrosplenial granular cortex 24-36, 59-64 sol solitary tract 50-58, 62-64
Rt reticular thalamic nucleus 22-29, 62-69 SolC nucleus of the solitary tract, central part 58, 60
RtTg reticulotegmental nucleus of the pons 40-46, 59-63 SolD nucleus of the solitary tract, dorsal part 57-58, 61-63
RtTgP reticulotegmental nucleus of the pons, pericentral part 41-43, SolM nucleus of the solitary tract, medial part 52-58, 60-64
60-61 SolVL nucleus of the solitary tract, ventrolateral part 53-58, 62-65
RVL rostral ventrolateral reticular nucleus, 65-66 SON supraoptic nucleus 23-24
SOR supraoptic nucleus, retrochiasmatic part 25-28, 63-65
S sox supraoptic decussation 24-26, 59-62
S subiculum 32-41, 61-69 Sp5 spinal trigeminal nucleus 50-58, 65, 68
S1 primary somatosensory cortex 12-28, 65-69 sp5 spinal trigeminal tract 47-58, 63-68
S2 secondary somatosensory cortex 17-28 Sp5C spinal trigeminal nucleus, caudal part 67
s5 sensory root of the trigeminal nerve 42-46, 66-68 Sp5D spinal trigeminal nucleus, dorsal part 48-54, 66
scc splenium of the corpus callosum 28-29, 59-62 Sp5I spinal trigeminal nucleus, interpolar part 67
SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus 24-25, 59-60 Sp5O spinal trigeminal nucleus, oral part 67
SCom subcommissural nucleus 32 SPF subparafascicular thalamic nucleus 31-35, 60-63
scp superior cerebellar peduncle 32-35, 42-50, 61-66 SPTg subpedencular tegmental nucleus 41, 63-64
sf secondary fissure 54-58, 60-63 SpVe spinal vestibular nucleus 50-55, 64-66
SFi septofimbrial nucleus 20-21, 60-61 st stria terminalis 19-28, 65-69
SFO subfornical organ 22 STh subthalamic nucleus 29-33, 65-67
SG suprageniculate thalamic nucleus 34-36 str superior thalamic radiation 29-32, 66-68
SGe supragenual nucleus 48, 61 Su3 supraoculomotor periaqueductal gray 37-40, 60-63
SHi septohippocamal nucleus 13-16 Su5 supratrigeminal nucleus 44-46, 65

 Back to Start Page Page 20

Sub submedius thalamic nucleus 26-29, 60-62 VCP ventral cochlear nucleus, posterior part 50-52, 69
SubB subbrachial nucleus 37-39, 67 VDB nucleus of the vertical limb of the diagonal band of Broca 59-
SubCA subcoeruleus nucleus, alpha part 45-46, 63 60
SubCD subcoeruleus nucleus, dorsal part 44-46, 63 VeCB vestibulocerebellar nucleus 64
SubCV subcoeruleus nucleus, ventral part 44-46 veme vestibulomesencephalic tract 48
SubG subgeniculate nucleus 30-33, 68 VEn ventral endopiriform nucleus 20-30
SubI subincertal nucleus 28-31, 62-64 vhc ventral hippocampal commissure 21-23, 59-64
SuG superficial gray layer of the superior colliculus 33-39, 59-66 VL ventrolateral thalamic nucleus 24-26, 62-67
SuM supramammillary nucleus 33, 59 VLG ventral lateral geniculate nucleus 29-32, 68-69
SuMM supramammillary nucleus, medial 34 VLL ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus 40-42, 65-67
SuML supramammillary nucleus, lateral 33-34, 60-63 VLPAG ventrolateral periaqueductal gray 43, 62-63
sumx supramammillary decussation 33-34, 59 VLTg ventrolateral tegmental area 41, 61-65
SuVe superior vestibular nucleus 46-49, 64-67 VM ventromedial thalamic nucleus 25-31, 62-65
VMH ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus 27, 31-32, 60-62
T VMHL ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, lateral part 28-30
TeA temporal association cortex 40-43 VMHM ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, medial part 28-30
tfp transverse fibers of pons 38-43, 60, 63-65 vn vomeronasal nerve layer 3-5, 59, 62
TS triangular septal nucleus 20-21, 59-61 VP ventral pallidum 12-18, 61-68
ts tectospinal tract 39-61 VPL ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus 25-31, 66-68
tth trigeminothalamic tract 40-44, 60-63 VPM ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus 26-33, 64-67
Tu olfactory tubercle 10-19, 59-68 VPPC ventral posterior thalamic nucleus, parvicellular part 29-31,
Tz nucleus of the trapezoid body 44-49, 62 62-63
tz trapezoid body 46-49, 60-62, 67-68 VRe ventral reuniens thalamic nucleus 28-30, 60-61
vsc ventral spinocerebellar tract 42-58, 63-66
VTA ventral tegmental area 36-39, 60-64
U VTg ventral tegmental nucleus 42-44, 60
uf uvular fissure 58, 60-62 vtgx ventral tegmental decussation 35-38, 59-62
unc uncinate fasciculus 47-49 VTT ventral tenia tecta 8-10, 60-62

V1 primary visual cortex 29-42, 67-69 X nucleus X 51-58, 65
V2L secondary visual cortex, lateral part 32-44 Xi xiphoid thalamic nucleus 25-27, 59
V2M secondary visual cortex, medial part 29-44, 60-69 xscp decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle 38-41, 59-63
VC ventral cochlear nucleus 47-49
VCA ventral cochlear nu, anterior 69

 Back to Start Page Page 21

Y nucleus Y 67

ZID zona incerta, dorsal part 29-32, 65-67
ZIL zona incerta, lateral part 28-34, 66-67
ZIM zona incerta, medial part 24-28, 62-65
Zo zonal layer of the superior colliculus 33-39

 Back to Start Page Page 22


Over the years, neuroscientists using hamsters in their research have accumulated stereotaxic coordinates for the particular brain regions that they
study. These were obtained by trial and error, and have been tested in studies of lesions, tract-tracing, and intracerebral stimulation. Different labora-
tories use hamsters of different age/weight, sex, or strain according to the demands of a particular experiment. Accordingly, the stereotaxic coordi-
nates are tailored to the specific hamsters used. A number of hamster neuroscientists have generously contributed their stereotaxic coordinates to
supplement those presented in the atlas. Coordinates for different brain regions are listed below, along with information about the hamsters under

Unless specified in the column marked Special note, stereotaxic coordinates are based on the following standard conditions. Units are in mm.
Lambda and bregma are in the same horizontal plane. Bregma is the reference point for AP and ML coordinates; the DV coordinate uses dura as the
reference point. The entry is vertical (no angle).

Age/Wt Sex AP ML DV Procedure Investigators Special note

>135 gm M +0.6 3.2 -6.8 micropipette LP Morin et al

Anterior pretectal nucleus (APT)

>135 gm M -1.8 3.0 -3.7 micropipette LP Morin et al 20 angle

Basolateral amygdala
120 gm M -0.7 3.9 -7.4 electrode MN Lehman & SS Winans

Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST)

>135 gm M +0.9 2.3 -4.95- 5.1 micropipette LP Morin et al 10 angle
200 gm M +1.1 1.2 -5.5 electrode HF Urbanski et al for anterior BNST

Central pretectal nucleus (CPT)

>135 gm M -1.9 1.0 -3.5 micropipette LP Morin et al
>135 gm M -1.9 1.9 -3.8 micropipette LP Morin et al 20 angle

Corpus callosum (cc)

100-130 gm M -1.5 3.0 tract tracing YC Diao & KF So

 Back to Start Page Page 23

Age/Wt Sex AP ML DV Procedure Investigators Special note
Corticomedial amygdala
120 gm M -0.3 2.9 -7.5- 7.8 electrode MN Lehman & SS Winans

Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH)

110-120 gm M -0.0 1.4 -7.2 electrode J LeSauter & R Silver

Dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (DLG)

>135 gm M -1.8 3.3 -4.0 micropipette LP Morin et al
>135 gm M -1.8 4.8 -3.7 micropipette LP Morin et al 20 angle

Dorsal raphe (DR)

>135 gm M -4.5 1.6 -4.8 micropipette LP Morin et al 20 angle
>135 gm M -4.2 1.7 -5.15 Hamilton syringe LP Morin et al 20 angle

Intergeniculate leaflet (IGL)

110-120 gm M -1.4 3.2 -5.2 electrode J LeSauter & R Silver
110-130 gm M -1.8 3.3 -4.3 micropipette LP Morin et al
>135 gm M -1.8 4.8 -3.8 micropipette LP Morin et al 20 angle
>135 gm M -1.8 2.8 -4.6 Hamilton syringe LP Morin et al

Intramedullary thalamic area (IMA)

>135 gm M -1.8 3.0 -3.6 micropipette LP Morin et al

Lateral hypothalamus (LH)

>135 gm M +0.6 1.6 -6.5 micropipette LP Morin et al
>135 gm M -0.2 1.3 -7.2 Hamilton syringe LP Morin et al

Lateral posterior thalamic nucleus (LP)

>135 gm M -1.8 2.2 -3.4 micropipette LP Morin et al

Lateral septum (LS)

120-160 gm F +3.1 0.6 -4.3 micropipette DM Nance & GA Myatt 10 angle

 Back to Start Page Page 24

Age/Wt Sex AP ML DV Procedure Investigators Special note
Lateral ventricle (LV)
>135 gm M +0.4 2.2 -3.8 Hamilton syringe LP Morin et al DV measured from bregma
110-120 gm M +1.1- 1.5 1.3 -3.0 J LeSauter & R Silver for rostral LV
110-120 gm M +0.6 1.5 -3.0 J LeSauter & R Silver for caudal LV

Medial amygdaloid nucleus, anterior (MeA)

110-120 gm M +0.5 2.6 -7.9 micropipette DM Gomez & SW Newman DV measured from skull
110-120 gm M +0.5 2.6 -7.9 micropipette DM Gomez & SW Newman DV measured from skull
M +0.5 2.8 -7.7 micropipette LM Coolen & RI Wood DV measured from skull

Medial amygdaloid nucleus, posterior (MeP)

110-120 gm M -0.5 2.7 -8.0 micropipette DM Gomez & SW Newman DV measured from skull
M -0.1 2.8 -7.95 electrode D Parfitt, LM Coolen, RI Wood DV measured from skull

Medial geniculate nucleus (MG)

>135 gm M -2.2 3.0 -4.5 micropipette LP Morin et al

Medial preoptic nucleus, magnocellular subdivision (MPNmag)

M/F 0.1 -7.4- 7.6 lesion/ tract tracing JM Swann et al DV measured from skull
AP = (bregma-lambda)*0.28

Medial pretectal nucleus (MPT)

>135 gm M -2.0 1.2 -3.2 micropipette LP Morin et al 20 angle

Median raphe (MnR)

>135 gm M -4.5 2.3 -6.5 micropipette LP Morin et al 20 angle
>135 gm M -4.2 2.3 -6.85 Hamilton syringe LP Morin et al 20 angle

 Back to Start Page Page 25

Age/Wt Sex AP ML DV Procedure Investigators Special note
Medial septum (MS)
>135 gm M +1.0 1.0 -3.8 micropipette LP Morin et al 10 angle

Nucleus of the optic tract (NOT)

>135 gm M -1.9 2.85 -3.4 micropipette LP Morin et al 20 angle

Reuniens thalamic nucleus (Re)

>135 gm M +0.5 1.0 -5.5 micropipette LP Morin et al 10 angle

Olivary pretectal nucleus (OPT)

>135 gm M -1.9 2.4 -3.3 micropipette LP Morin et al 20 angle

Parabigeminal nucleus (PBG)

>135 gm M -4.0 2.3 -5.0 micropipette LP Morin et al

Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (Pa)

180-200 gm F -0.25 0.3 -7.3 lesion TJ Bartness et al

Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, lateral (PaLM)

>135 gm M +0.4 1.8 -6.3 micropipette LP Morin et al 10 angle

Paraventricular thalamic nucleus (PVT)

110-120 gm M +0.7 0.2 -4.9 J LeSauter & R Silver

Periaqueductal gray, dorsal (DPAG)

70 d/124 gm F -4.2 0.4 -4.7 electrode O Floody DV is relative to skull surface

Periaqueductal gray, ventral (VPAG)

70 d/124 gm F -3.4 0.5 -5.4 electrode O Floody DV is relative to skull surface

Posterior limitans nucleus (PLi)

>135 gm M -1.9 1.9 -3.5 micropipette LP Morin et al
>135 gm M -1.8 3.1 -3.6 micropipette LP Morin et al 20 angle

 Back to Start Page Page 26

Age/Wt Sex AP ML DV Procedure Investigators Special note
Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPT)
>135 gm M -1.8 1.8 -3.6 micropipette LP Morin et al

Stria terminalis (st)

110-125 gm M +0.2 2.0 -5.1- 5.5 electrode WF Maragos & SW Newman

Superior colliculus (SC)

110-210 gm M/F +1.5* 1.5 stim. electrode DP Northmore et al AP coordinate is relative to
>135 gm M -3.3 2.2 -2.4 micropipette LP Morin et al 20 angle

Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)

M +0.8 0.1 -7.9 electrode J LeSauter & R Silver
110-130 gm M +0.6 1.1 -7.7 micropipette LP Morin et al 10 angle
>135 gm M +0.6 1.3 -7.7 micropipette LP Morin et al 10 angle
>135 gm M +0.4 1.6 -7.95 Hamilton syringe LP Morin et al 10 angle
3-5 mo. M +0.7 0.2 -8.0- 8.2 rec. electrode S Yamazaki & M Manaker nose bar at -2 mm
3-5 mo.* M +1.0- 1.2 0.2 -7.9- 8.1 rec. electrode S Yamazaki & M Manaker tau-mutants,
nose bar at -2 mm

Subparaventricular area
>135 gm M +0.4 1.7 -7.1 micropipette LP Morin et al 10 angle

Ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (VLG)

>135 gm M -1.8 3.3 -4.7 micropipette LP Morin et al
>135 gm M -1.8 4.8 -4.4 micropipette LP Morin et al 10 angle

Ventral tegmental area (VTA)

70 d/124 gm F -2.4 0.6 -7.3 electrode O Floody DV is relative to skull surface

 Back to Start Page Page 27

For Apple Macintosh computers, Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 requires a
A STEREOTAXIC ATLAS of THE GOLDEN HAMSTER BRAIN Power Macintosh or compatible computer, Apple System software 7.1.2
First Edition CD-ROM or better, 6 MB RAM, and 80 MB hard disk space.

Lawrence P. Morin Ruth I. Wood

XXXX University of Southern California USING THE CD-ROM
XXXX Keck School of Medicine
XXXX 1333 San Pablo Street BMT 304 Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 must be installed on your computer
XXXX Los Angeles, CA 90033 to view the CD-ROM Atlas correctly. If Acrobat Reader 4.0 is not
already installed on your computer, use the provided installer to copy the
software to your computer.
The PDF file, GHB1.pdf contains the main atlas file. Start this up
All of the text, schematics, and photomicrographs included with the using Adobe Acrobat Reader until you reach the Title Page/Start Page.
printed stereotaxic atlas are provided on this CD-ROM edition in From here, you can click on any of the text headings to go into the atlas.
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). This format can be conve- The CD-ROM atlas is a 250 page pdf document that is fully bookmarked
niently viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 which is pro- and supplied with built-in navigation tools.
vided on this CD-ROM for Macintosh OS and Microsoft Windows.
Acrobat Reader can be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe web Each of the coronal sections can be accessed via a sagittal reference
site at <> to provide compatibility with other section that displays the locations of the 58 coronal sections. Clicking on
operating systems such as LINUX, Solaris, SunOS, or OS/2. the numbers of each section will change the view to the labeled sche-
matic corresponding the that section. From there, one can navigate easily
Coronal sections are represented by 58 labeled schematics, 58 unlabeled to the corresponding photomicrograph and unlabeled schematic.
photomicrographs, and 58 unlabled schematics. Sagittal sections include
11 labeled photomicrographs. In addition to providing a navigable and This whole thing is under construction. There will be better stuff later,
printer friendly format via PDF, we have also included the original like trouble shooting guide, etc.
CorelDraw8 files of the coronal sections for more precise manipulations.


For IBM PC compatible personal computers, Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0

requires an Intel i486 or Pentium based computer, Microsoft Windows
95, Windows 98, or Windows NT (with service pack 3), 16 MB RAM,
and 80 MB of hard disk space.

 Back to Start Page Page 28


This schematic drawing of the hamster brain depicts the approximate location of the 58 coronal sections used in this atlas along the rostrocaudal axis.
The drawing traces the outline and major structures of a Nissl-stained section located 0.8 mm from the midline. Note the difference in angle of the
plane of section versus the dorsoventral coordinate in a flat skull orientation (vertical line at bregma). This angle is discussed in the Introduction (A
new angle on hamster neuroanatomy...), and is essential for calculating accurate stereotaxic coordinates in the anterior-posterior plane.

 Back to Start Page (Select number to view corresponding coronal section)

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 7.3

FIGURE 1 Bregma 7.3 mm

1 1 7.5

2 EPl
2 7.7


3 IPl 3 7.9


4 4 8.1

5 5 8.3

6 6 8.5

7 7 8.8

8 8 9.0

9 9 9.2

10 9.4
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 5.9

FIGURE 2 Bregma 5.9 mm

1 1 6.1

2 2 6.3


3 3 6.5

4 4 6.7
lo E/OV


5 5 6.9

6 6 7.1

7 7 7.3

8 8 7.5

9 9 7.8

10 8.0
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 5.5

FIGURE 3 Bregma 5.5 mm

1 1 5.7

2 2 5.9


3 IPl EPlA
GrO 3 6.1
Mi MiA

4 GrA
AOEL 4 6.3
aci AOL

5 EPl 5 6.5

6 6 6.7

7 7 6.9

8 8 7.1

9 9 7.3

10 7.5
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 5.2

FIGURE 4 Bregma 5.2 mm

1 1 5.4

2 2 5.6


3 vn GlA 3 5.8

dlo AOED
4 6.0


5 lo
E/OV 5 6.2


6 6 6.4

7 7 6.6

8 8 6.8

9 9 7.0

10 7.2
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 4.9

FIGURE 5 Bregma 4.9 mm

1 1 5.1

2 2 5.3


3 3 5.5

4 lo EPl
4 5.7

aci Mi AOM

5 GrO
5 5.9

6 6 6.1

7 7 6.4

8 8 6.6

9 9 6.8

10 7.0
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 4.6

FIGURE 6 Bregma 4.6 mm

1 1 4.8

2 2 5.0

3 3 5.2

4 4 5.5


5 lo
GrO 5 5.7
aci AOL


6 Mi
6 5.9

7 7 6.1

8 8 6.3

9 9 6.5

10 6.7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 4.3

FIGURE 7 Bregma 4.3 mm

1 1 4.5

2 M2
2 4.8


3 3 5.0

4 (ORB)
4 5.2

5 5.4


6 6 5.6

7 7 5.8

8 8 6.0

9 9 6.2

10 6.4
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 4.1

FIGURE 8 Bregma 4.1 mm

1 1 4.3

2 M2 2 4.5


3 (M1) 3 4.7


4 4 4.9

5 ri
5 5.1
aci AOM

6 AOP 6 5.3

7 7 5.5

8 8 5.7

9 9 5.9

10 6.1
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 3.8

FIGURE 9 Bregma 3.8 mm

1 1 4.0

2 M2 2 4.2


3 3 4.4


4 4 4.6

5 5 4.8
rf DP



6 lo
AOP 6 5.0

7 7 5.2

8 8 5.4

9 9 5.6

10 5.8
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 3.2

FIGURE 10 Bregma 3.2 mm

1 1 3.4

2 2 3.6



3 3 3.8


4 4 4.0


5 ri 5 4.2
6 aca Acb 6 4.4

lo ICj

7 Tu 7 4.7

8 8 4.9

9 9 5.1

10 5.3
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 2.9

FIGURE 11 Bregma 2.9 mm

1 1 3.1

2 2 3.3

Cg1 (M1)

3 3 3.5

fmi PrL
4 4 3.8

5 IL
5 4.0

rf E/OV
6 DEn
6 4.2

7 SL 7 4.4

8 8 4.6

9 9 4.8

10 5.0
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 2.6

FIGURE 12 Bregma 2.6 mm

1 1 2.8


2 2 3.1


3 3 3.3


4 fmi 4 3.5

5 E/OV 5 3.7

6 3.9
7 mfb VP 7 4.1

8 8 4.3

9 9 4.5

10 4.7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 2.4

FIGURE 13 Bregma 2.4 mm

1 1 2.6


2 (M1)
2 2.8

3 3 3.0
fmi (S1)

4 4 3.2

5 LV 5 3.4
SHi Cl


6 AcbC
6 3.6
7 7 3.8
lo mfb

8 8 4.0

9 9 4.2

10 4.4
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 2.1

FIGURE 14 Bregma 2.1 mm

1 1 2.3


2 2 2.5

3 Cg2 3 2.7


4 ec 4 2.9


5 LV
5 3.1


6 AID 6 3.3
rf AcbSh DEn AIV

7 aca NDB Pir

7 3.5

8 VP
8 3.7

9 9 3.9

10 4.1
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DV AP
0 1.8

FIGURE 15 Bregma 1.8 mm

1 1 2.0

M2 (M1)

2 2 2.2

3 3 2.4
cg S1

fmi Cg2

4 ec
4 2.6

5 SHi 5 2.8


6 MS
AIP 6 3.0
aca AcbC
aca ICj
Pir 7 3.2
lo mfb


8 Tu
8 3.4

9 9 3.6

10 3.8
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rostral View Coronal Photo View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 

 Rostral View Labeled Schematic View Sagittal Reference View Unlabeled Schematic Caudal 
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This schematic drawing of the hamster brain depicts the approximate location of the 11 sagittal photomicrographs, labeled Figures 59-69, used in this
atlas. The drawing traces the outline and major structures of a coronal section corresponding to Figure 25.

 Back to Start Page (Select number to view corresponding sagittal photomicrograph)

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