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Galgotias University, Greater Noida

FALL Semester 2017-2018

Course Handout
Date:10 /07/2017

This document gives specific details regarding the course.

Course Code : CSE311

Course Title : Design and Analysis of Algorithm
Instructor-in-Charge : Mr. S.P.S. Chauhan

Course Description:
This course provides elementary introduction to algorithm design and include the topics:
mathematics foundation, divided-and-conquer, dynamic programming, greedy methods, NP-completeness
complexity, approximation algorithms, randomized algorithm etc. At the end of this course student should
be able to understand the concepts and skills of algorithm design, implemental some well-known
algorithms and analyze the performance of algorithms.
Scope & Objective:
Theobjective of this course is.
Existing algorithm and Develop efficient algorithms for simple computational tasks.

Reasoning about the correctness of the algorithm.

Behaviors of Algorithms and the notion of tractable and intractable problems.
Text Books:
T1 Thomas H. Coreman, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest, Introduction
to Algorithms, Printice Hall of India.
Reference Books:
R1 RCT Lee, SS Tseng, RC Chang and YT Tsai, Introduction to the Design and analysis
of Algorithms, Mc Graw Hill, 2005.
R2 E. Horowitz & S Sahni, "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms",
R3 Berman, Paul, Algorithms, Cengage Learning.
R4 Aho, Hopcraft, Ullman, The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms Pearson
Education, 2008

Course Plan:

Lecture Learning Objectives Topics to be Reference

No. covered Chap./Sec.
1-3 Introduction: Algorithms, Analyzing Introduction Ch. 1,2 of
algorithms, Complexity of algorithms T1
4-5 Growth of functions, Performance Analysis of Ch. 3 of T1
measurements . Algorithm
6-10 Sorting and order Statistics - Shell sort, Sorting algorithms Ch. 2,6,7,8 of
Quick sort, Merge sort, Heap sort, T1
Comparison of sorting algorithms, Sorting in
linear time.
11-13 Divide and Conquer with examples such as Divide and Conquer Ch. 4,15,33
Sorting, Matrix Multiplication, Convex hull Technique of T1
and Searching.
14-18 Greedy methods with examples such as Greedy Algorithms Ch. 1 6
Huffman Coding, Knapsack, and Minimum and Example , 2 3 , 2 4 of
Spanning trees Prims and Kruskals T1
algorithms, Single source shortest paths -
Dijkstras and Bellman Ford algorithms.
19-20 Dynamic programming with examples such Dynamics Ch. 15,25 of
as Knapsack, All pair shortest paths Technique And T1
Warshals and Floyds algorithms Example
21-26 Resource allocation problem. Backtracking, Backtracking, Ch. 35
Branch and Bound with examples such as Branch and Bound of T1
Travelling Salesman Problem, Graph with examples
Coloring, n-Queen Problem, Hamiltonian
Cycles and Sum of subsets.
27-29 Red-Black trees, Advanced Data Ch.13 of T1
30-32 B Trees, Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Advanced Data Ch.18,19 of
Heaps. Structures T1

33-36 Algebraic Computation, Fast Fourier Selected Topics Ch. 30,32 of

Transform, String Matching T1
37-42 Theory of NP-completeness, Approximation NP Problems Ch.34,35 of
algorithms and Randomized algorithms. T1

Evaluation Scheme:
Mode of Evaluation: Quiz/Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination

Theory Laboratory
Components Internal* SEE Internal SEE Theory and
Marks 50 50 50 50 laboratory
Total Marks 100 100
Scaled Marks 75 25 100

EC Evaluation Duration Marks Date &Time Nature of

No. Component (100) Component
1. CAT-I* 90 mts. 50 (30) SCSE Notice Board Closed Book
2. CAT-II* 90 mts. 50 (30) SCSE Notice Board Closed Book
3. SEE 3 hrs. 100 (50) SCSE Notice Board Closed Book
4. Assignment(s)/Quiz* 20(100) See Note** Closed Book
**Note: A total of two quizzes will be conducted in the Lecture hour.
Teaching Pedagogy: Black Board, Power Point Presentations, Internet Resources, Student
Exercises, and Group Tasks for solving industrial conceptual design problems.

Chamber Consultation Hour: To be announced later

Notices: All notices concerning this course will be displayed on the Notice Board of SCSE
and will also be available online at course Website.

Make-up Policy: Make-up is granted only for genuine cases with valid justification and
prior permission from the Dean/Program Chair.

(S. P. S. Chauhan)

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