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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2017) 32: 403405

doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfw448
Advance Access publication 16 February 2017

In Focus

Smoking and chronic kidney disease: seeing the signs through

the smoke?
Steven Van Laecke and Wim Van Biesen
Renal Division, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium

Correspondence and offprint requests to: Wim Van Biesen; E-mail:

In this issue of Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Xia et al. || causeeffect relationship [2]. In recent years, rather consistent
report the results of a meta-analysis assessing the relation be- || findings from animal models and in vitro studies can help us to
tween smoking and chronic kidney disease (CKD) [1]. Their || decipher why smoking could harm the kidneys.
findings are based on 15 prospective cohorts including a total of || Smoking promotes the development of kidney fibrosis, lead-
more than 65 000 incident CKD patients. The summary relative || ing to a faster decline of kidney function. Recently, standardized
risks for incident CKD and end-stage renal disease were 1.27 || exposure to cigarette smoke accelerated tissue kidney injury in a
[95% confidence interval (95% CI), 1.191.35] and 1.51 (95% || rodent nephrectomy model in line with increased expression of
CI, 1.241.84), respectively, for ever-smokers, increasing to || molecular fibrosis markers and decreased expression of the
even 1.34 (95% CI, 1.231.47) and 1.91 (95% CI, 1.392.64) for || anti-fibrotic microRNA miR-29b-3 [3]. Many processes that are
current smokers. Remarkably, there was no association between || critically involved in fibrogenesis in kidneys are negatively af-
smoking and proteinuria. Although these observations might
|| fected by smoking such as endothelial function, oxidative stress,
appear to be confirmatory in nature, they highlight two import- || activation of growth factors such as angiotensin-II and
ant questions. One pertains to the biological rationale of the
|| endothelin-1, impaired lipoprotein metabolism and insulin re-
link between smoking and kidney disease, and what we can || sistance [4]. As cigarette smoke contains thousands of often
learn from these with regard to progression of kidney disease in
|| toxic chemicals, most of which have not been tested individu-
general. The other pertains to the astonishing fact that still || ally, it seems likely that many compounds exert negative effects
today, few nephrologists seem to be really concerned about the
|| by mostly classical mechanisms. Undoubtedly, nicotine is one
smoking habits of their patients, and little effort is done to tackle || of the key players in this orchestra. Nicotine has vasoconstrict-
the problem. || ive properties, which explain a transient rise in blood pressure
|| and decrease of glomerular filtration rate and renal blood flow
|| after exposure in healthy adults [5]. It induces epithelial and
THE BIOLOGICAL CONNECTION BETWEEN || endothelial damage, has pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidant
SMOKING AND KIDNEY DYSFUNCTION || properties and activates fibroblasts in many organs [6, 7]. The
|| kidney contains nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, and blocking
The observed relationship between smoking and incident CKD || of these receptors is recognized to be potentially nephroprotec-
raises questions about causality. In the past, these findings were || tive [8]. Nicotine promotes mesangial proliferation and in-
most often regarded as being at least partially confounded by || creases production of extracellular matrix in murine models of
coexistence with risk factors such as lower socio-demographic || glomerulonephritis and diabetic nephropathy [9]. Other poten-
status, obesity, hypertension and sedentarism considering the || tially relevant compounds of cigarette smoke are glycotoxins
frequent clustering of smoking with this spectrum of confound- || such as advanced glycation end products (AGEs), serum con-
ing factors. Nowadays, the concept of smoking as an intrinsic || centrations of which are increased in smokers [10]. AGEs medi-
nephrotoxic factor is becoming more generally accepted. The || ate a faster progression of CKD, especially in patients with
current systematic review by Xia et al. [1] fuels this assumption || diabetes [11]. Also, altered patterns of DNA methylation of
by the finding that the risk of developing CKD decreases with || genes involved in the epithelial to mesenchymal transition,
the time elapsing after smoking cessation or increases with cu- || renal fibrosis and a more rapid decline of kidney function are
mulative exposure, which suggests a dose-dependency of the || being observed in smokers [12]. As these hazardous epigenetic

C The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press

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on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved.
alterations take many years to recover, this can explain ongoing || general CKD patients is scant. Few nephrology symposia or
negative effects despite previous smoking cessation and unfav- || congresses have smoking-related topics on their agenda. This
ourable outcomes in former smokers [13, 14]. Overall, the
|| inertion and apathy towards smoking cessation stands in sharp
aforementioned mechanisms explain why, despite comparable || contrast with the promising results of cessation programmes. In
kidney function, native kidney biopsies of former or current
|| the setting of primary care, a nurse-led interventional education
smokers show a higher degree of glomerulosclerosis, fibrous in- || programme for high-risk patients resulted in a significant 31%
timal thickening of small arteries and arteriolar hyalinosis than
|| decrease of active smoking [26]. Strategies focussing on high
those of never-smokers [15]. It seems likely that these early || risk groups, such as patients with diabetes or with CKD, can
histological alterations in smokers will translate into a later || thus be effective. It can be argued that investing in implementa-
faster decline of kidney function and development of CKD. || tion of established lifestyle changes in the broad population,
Mitochondrial damage in the kidneys of mice exposed to || such as reduction of salt intake and tobacco use, will have a sub-
cigarette smoke during pregnancy can explain why maternal || stantial impact on population health. A systematic review eval-
smoking in humans is associated with reduced growth of || uated the effects of anti-tobacco campaigns, concluding that
fetal kidney on serial nuclear magnetic resonance imaging || such campaigns can substantially increase negative attitudes
even after correction for fetal volume [16, 17]. Maternal smok- || about smoking, reduce initiation of smoking among youth and
ing is also a well-established risk factor of low birth weight, || promote smoking cessation among active smokers [27].
which is a recognized risk factor for the development of || Increasing taxes on tobacco products leads to reduced con-
CKD [18]. || sumption, especially in youths, with a 1% price increase
There are arguments from experiments in rodents to believe || leading to 0.57% decrease. Efforts to reduce smoking can thus
smoking might aggravate ischaemia-reperfusion injury by || be effective, especially when there is a combination of an indi-
enhancing oxidative stress, leading to an increased risk of acute ||| vidualized approach through targeted interventions by health-
kidney injury (AKI) [19]. Also, in observational studies active || care workers, and a societal approach through general
smoking increases the incidence or severity of AKI [20, 21]. || measures. Both the political as the healthcare community need
Rather perplexingly, however, contradictory effects were || thus to translate the existing knowledge and evidence to the real
observed for the principal compound nicotine. In a mouse || world [28].
model of sepsis and AKI, nicotinic agonists abrogated renal || To conclude, evidence suggests a role of smoking on the inci-
leukocyte infiltration, attenuating AKI [22]. || dence and progression of CKD, irrespective of the original na-
|| tive disease. Most likely this takes place through classical
|| pathways involved in fibrogenesis. Most important, the solid evi-
FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE, OR TO THE || dence of a substantial negative impact of smoking should lead
|| the nephrological community to take action. Unfortunately, the
|| relevance of this problem is hidden in the smoke screen pro-
The reported increased relative risk for progressive CKD associ-
|| duced by the pharmaceutical industry, which is trying to keep
ated with smoking in this meta-analysis is an impressive 50% || the problems relating to their products on the agenda and in the
[1]. Besides the negative impact on CKD, smoking also expo-
|| scope of awareness, rather than a lifestyle problem such as
nentially contributes to cardiovascular risk in patients with || smoking. It will take intellectual bravery and leadership to keep
CKD, adding further insult to the injury. In a recent Japanese
|| the focus on the right spot.
cohort study including more than 35 000 persons, smoking was ||
associated with a doubled risk for overall and cardiovascular ||
mortality, even after adjusting for age and other major cardio- ||
vascular risk factors [23]. In the SHARP cohort, current smok- ||
ing was associated with a 36% enhanced risk for vascular events || None declared.
[24], pointing out that smoking cessation would reduce the risk ||
for such an event twice as much as statin use. Despite this con- || (See related article by Xia et al. Cigarette smoking and chronic
vincing evidence of harm, the nephrology community still || kidney disease in the general population: a systematic review
seems poorly motivated to tackle the problem. The prerequisite ||
|| and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Nephrol Dial
of non-smoking for transplant candidates is still a matter of de- || Transplant 2017; 32: 475487)
bate [25], with more than 50% of transplant centres reporting ||
that they transplant current smokers. Although few studies ||
have specifically addressed the role of pre-transplant tobacco ||
exposure on post-transplant outcomes, in retrospective studies, ||
tobacco exposure is associated with a decrease in patient [haz- || 1. Xia J, Wang L, Ma Z et al. Cigarette smoking and chronic kidney disease in
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Best Practice guideline does not preclude waitlisting smokers || ure. Kidney Int 2011; 80: 516523
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[25], and other guideline groups do not even address the issue. || causes epigenetic changes associated with cardiorenal brosis. Physiol
Research on smoking cessation strategies and its impact in || Genomics 2016

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4. Orth SR. Smoking and the kidney. J Am Soc Nephrol 2002; 13: 16631672 || 18. White SL, Perkovic V, Cass A et al. Is low birth weight an antecedent of
5. Ritz E, Benck U, Franek E et al. Effects of smoking on renal hemodynamics || CKD in later life? A systematic review of observational studies. Am J Kidney
in healthy volunteers and in patients with glomerular disease. J Am Soc || Dis 2009; 54: 248261
Nephrol 1998; 9: 17981804 || 19. Speeckaert MM, Delanghe JR, Vanholder RC. Chronic nicotine exposure
6. Jensen K, Nizamutdinov D, Guerrier M et al. General mechanisms of || and acute kidney injury: new concepts and experimental evidence. Nephrol
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7. Arany I, Hall S, Reed DK et al. Nicotine enhances high-fat diet-induced oxi- || 20. Tervo L, Makela S, Syrjanen J et al. Smoking is associated with aggravated
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8. Jain G, Jaimes EA. Nicotine signaling and progression of chronic kidney dis- || syndrome. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2015; 30: 16931698
ease in smokers. Biochem Pharmacol 2013; 86: 12151223 ||| 21. Parolari A, Pesce LL, Pacini D et al. Risk factors for perioperative acute kid-
9. Hua P, Feng W, Ji S et al. Nicotine worsens the severity of nephropathy in || ney injury after adult cardiac surgery: role of perioperative management.
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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2017) 32: 405407

doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfx006
Advance Access publication 27 February 2017

Glomerular filtration rate estimating equations: practical, yes,

but can they replace measured glomerular filtration rate?
Rajiv Agarwal
Indiana University School of Medicine and Richard L. Roudebush Veterans Administration Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN, USA

Correspondence and offprint requests to: Rajiv Agarwal; E-mail:

Filtration of toxins is an important function of the kidney and || was by Cockcroft and Gault [1]. Cockcroft and Gault measured
estimation of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) has long been || creatinine clearance in 249 hospitalized patients between the
a focus of assessment and management of patients with kidney || ages of 18 and 92 years. Using a regression equation, they
disease. However, measurement of glomerular filtration re- || related serum creatinine to creatinine clearance. They reasoned
mains cumbersome and expensive, therefore GFR is commonly || that generation of creatinine is dependent on age, weight and
estimated. An early attempt to estimate the filtration function || sex and that creatinine clearance was inversely related to serum

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA 2017.

This work is written by a US Government employee and is in the public domain 405
in the United States.

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