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special report

Taft and Pickwick*

Sleep Apnea in the White House
John G. Sotos, MD

As President of the United States from 1909 to 1913, William Howard Tafts minimum body mass
index was 42 kg/m2. This article presents evidence that he suffered from obstructive sleep apnea,
manifested by excessive daytime somnolence, snoring, systemic hypertension and, perhaps,
cognitive and psychosocial impairment. As president, Tafts hypersomnolence was severe and
obvious, but never prompted official discussion of his fitness to govern. Within 12 months of
leaving office, Taft permanently lost over 60 pounds. His somnolence resolved. As Chief Justice
of the United States from 1921 to 1930, he was not somnolent. President Tafts case illuminates
historical puzzles of his performance as President, raises public awareness of sleep apnea, and
informs discussions of presidential disability and the 25th Amendment to the Constitution of the
United States. (CHEST 2003; 124:11331142)

Key words: disability evaluation; hypersomnolence; obesity; obstructive sleep apnea; public policy; United States
Constitution; William Howard Taft

Abbreviations: OHS obesity hypoventilation syndrome; OSA obstructive sleep apnea

I have lost that tendency to sleepiness which made me dency. Because OSA can cause hypersomnolence,
think of the fat boy in Pickwick. My color is very much psychosocial difficulties, and neurocognitive de-
better and my ability to work is greater. fects,5 it is appropriate to ask whether Taft was
William Howard Taft disabled by his illness. I will, therefore, also describe
President of the United States how his inner circle and his physicians reacted to his
June 28, 19091,2
manifestations of OSA. Tafts relationship to Sir
William Osler is particularly instructive, since Osler
W illiam Howard Taft was President of the United
States from 1909 to 1913, and Chief Justice of was one of the few physicians of the era attuned to
the medical implications of sleepiness in obese pa-
the United States from 1921 to 1930. Despite this
unequalled record of achievement, Taft is remem- tients.
bered, if at all, for being the fattest president. His
obesity has become a staple of quiz shows and trivia
games, a humorous sweetener that generations of Materials and Methods
historians have sprinkled through bland lectures.3 I examined multiple published works about Taft and his times,
Tafts obesity was not a humorous sprinkle. I will plus items from the 700,000 documents in the William Howard
present evidence that Taft suffered from a serious Taft papers held by the Library of Congress.1 As all Taft scholars
complication of obesity, severe obstructive sleep have found, the candid, contemporaneous observations of Tafts
closest White House aide, Major Archibald Butt,6 proved espe-
apnea (OSA),4 before and throughout his Presi- cially valuable. I could not locate Tafts medical records.

*From Apneos Corporation, Palo Alto, CA.

Manuscript received June 24, 2002; revision accepted March 3,
2003. Tafts Professional Life
Reproduction of this article is prohibited without written permis-
sion from the American College of Chest Physicians (e-mail: Taft was born in 1857. Before becoming president in 1909, he had been an attorney, a judge, Solicitor
Correspondence to: John G. Sotos, MD, Derom Apneos Corpo-
ration, 2033 Ralston Ave, #41, Belmont, CA 94002-1737; e-mail: General of the United States, civil governor of the Philippine Islands and, under President Theodore CHEST / 124 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 2003 1133

Roosevelt, Secretary of War. Taft won the 1908 sitting in church where the Fickle Goddess sleep
Presidential election easily, but had a stormy admin- wouldnt come worth a cent and so I was doomed to
istration and was soundly defeated for re-election in listen to one of the dryest [sic] sermons I ever
1912. On leaving office, he became Professor of Law heard.11(p40)
at Yale. In 1921, President Warren Harding fulfilled Evidence of excessive somnolence appeared as
Tafts lifelong dream and appointed him to the early as 1900.12 Taft was 43 years old and living in the
Supreme Court as Chief Justice. Taft spent 9 happy Philippines when a typhoon struck in the night,
and productive years on the bench, resigning his shaking his house, uprooting trees, and sounding like
position just 5 weeks before dying in 1930. the bombardment of heavy artillery.13(p106 107)
Tafts terrified wife awakened him only with great
difficulty. He got to a chair, but was quickly asleep
Tafts Adult Health Into Middle Age: again, and snoring. When re-awakened, he fell asleep
1874 to 1903
yet again. Years later, his wife was still upset over the
Taft was 5 feet 11.5 inches tall,7,8 although he episode.14
seemed taller in person.9,10(p245) Figure 1 shows his Seven months earlier, Taft had weighed 275
adult weights. pounds.8 His weight increased rapidly in the Philip-
In college, Tafts sleep tendencies were, to his pines15 and soon exceeded 300 pounds.13(p161) Four
occasional dismay, normal. He wrote home about months after the typhoon, Taft wrote about the

Figure 1. Adult weights of William Howard Taft. Born in 1857, Tafts adult height was 71.5 inches.
A body mass index of 40 kg/m2 is considered severe obesity. Circles are known weights. Arrow indicates
June 28, 1909, the day Taft wrote of his Pickwick-like tendency to sleep. Secondary sources report
weights from 297 to 332 pounds the year preceding.

1134 Special Report

tropics: ones appetite is very strong at meals, and
ones desire to sleep is also great.16 He spent
adequate time in bed,17(p132) drank little alcohol, and
did not smoke.11(p375,1072),18(p 50),19

Tafts Health as Secretary of War:

1904 to 1908
After suffering a near-fatal rectal abscess, Taft
returned to the United States in early 1904 to
become Secretary of War. Though removed from the
tropics, he was still somnolent, sometimes snoring in
meetings with President Roosevelt.20
Taft had insight into his problem. In October
1905, he promised his wife: I will make a conscien-
tious effort to lose flesh. I am convinced that this
undue drowsiness is due to the accumulation of flesh
. . . were I appointed to the bench I fear I could not
keep awake in my present condition.11(p286),21 He
claimed to sleep very well at night.22
Two months later, Taft began a diet prescribed
by Dr. Nathaniel E. Yorke-Davies of London,22
plus a program of physical culture.18,23 Over 5
months, Tafts weight dropped from 320 to 255
Taft maintained his reduced weight into Septem-
ber 1906, but by July 1907 he weighed 284 pounds
and was becoming noncompliant with Yorke-Davies
diet.25 As the 1908 Presidential election neared,
Tafts weight reached 297 pounds.26 During the
campaign, he fell asleep on speaking platforms, while Figure 2. Undated photograph of Taft. The distinct floor
driving on the street, and while dining out.17(p195) shadows suggest it is daytime. Reprinted with permission from

Tafts Health as President: 1909 to 1913 and resume the conversation, only to repeat the
performance in the course of half an hour or so.34
Taft was 51 years old and weighed between 300 The White House butler would leave the last few
and 332 pounds on his inauguration day.27,28 Despite courses of dinner in front of the sleeping Taft rather
his continuing physical culture program,29,30 Taft than awaken him. The doorman, who was the last
weighed 300 pounds his entire presidency. Pres- servant to leave, would eventually collect the dishes.14
sured to diet by his wife and doctor,29 he freely Taft frequently fell asleep in the middle of the
indulged his appetite during his frequent travels days businessat his desk, at a public affair, or
outside the White House.31 while signing commissions.31 Publicly, he slept at
As President, Taft could fall asleep anywhere, the opera,6(p617) at funerals,6(p85) and, invari-
anytime (Fig 2).32 He fell asleep during conversa- ably,6(p769) in church. He fell asleep while playing
tions with the Speaker of the House,6(p18) the Chief cards6(p548),35 and while sitting upright in his
Justice of the Supreme Court,6(p613) and the wife car,6(p504,638,659),36 even an open car on Fifth Avenue
of the French ambassador.6(p540) He napped in New York City.37 On a cross-country drive his
before11(p463) and after33 a mid-morning meeting great bulk would lunge from side to side as the car
with the President of Mexico. Senator James Watson turned or jolted over street-car tracks and crossings,
observed: Most of the time [Taft] simply did not yet he would never wake.6(p504) He could sleep
and could not function in alert fashion . . . Often while standing.6(p76) Two photographs of Taft at a
when I was talking to him after a meal his head Naval review in November 1911 show him standing
would fall over on his breast and he would go sound with face relaxed and eyes apparently closed
asleep for ten or fifteen minutes. He would waken (Fig 3).11(p610),38 CHEST / 124 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 2003 1135

Figure 3. Taft asleep on his feet? The relaxation of Tafts facial muscles is apparent when compared
to those of the other men in the picture. A second photograph taken at the same event also shows Taft
standing with his eyes apparently closed.11(p610) At far right is Secretary of the Navy George Meyer, and
to his right, Major Archibald Butt. Reprinted with permission from Howe.38

Tafts somnolence was more trying to his guests14 it is noteworthy that Taft would sleep in a separate
and intimates than to himself. When his wife scolded room from his wife when particularly tired.29
him over his bad habit, Taft would only reply Taft could work for long stretches,41 but generally
Now, Nellie, you know it is just my way.14 Possibly spent but a few hours a day in his office.32 He
for this reason, Nellie called him sleeping awakened at 7 am.17(p224),27,29 Retiring after midnight
beauty.11(p74),13(p8),39(p31) She also prodded him provoked comment from Butt.6(p206,309,651,796) Re-
awake when necessary17(p175) and covered for him in markably, given the pressures of the presidency, Taft
conversations.14,39(p162) The ever-present Archie Butt was sleepless only twice.6(p169),42 Taft himself de-
would stay near Taft in public, inconspicuously scribed sleeplessness as an exception.43 Aside from
awakening him with a hard nudge,6(p769) by dropping a vague single episode of sleep talking,6(p34),44 and
an object,6(p535) or with his old trick, a coughing profuse nocturnal sweating during hot Washington
spell.6(p770) Butt took this seriously, feeling it as much
summers,42,45,46 I found no descriptions of Tafts
his duty to protect him from such situations as to
guard his person from anarchists.6(p85)
Tafts obesity produced other complications. In
Early in his term, Tafts somnolence improved,6(p179)
as noted in the introductory quotation.2 Taft ascribed October 1910, he developed gout at the summer
the improvement to his exercise program, which White House in Massachusetts.6(p543544,788) A Boston
made him harder without weight loss. Within physician, Dr. James Marsh Jackson,47,48 evaluated Taft
months, however, the somnolence returned.6(p267) and found the Presidents systolic blood pressure was
To stay awake, Taft would balance his eyeglasses on 210 mm Hg.49 Jackson thought Tafts heart was weak-
his finger end; when sleep overtook him, the finger ened and in a very bad state.6(p547548) Butt spoke
became limp, the glasses would topple and wake with Jackson:
him up.32
I told [Jackson] how the President had a way of dropping
Taft continued to snore as President.6(p769),31 Butt
to sleep as he was writing or playing cards, and he shook
describes an evening in which the President wanted
his head in such a way as to cause chills to run up and
some music from the Victor [but] greatly marred its down my spinal column. . . . I then urged on [Jackson] the
effect by snoring noisily through it.6(p535) On at least utmost secrecy in turn in regard to this matter, and I tried
one public occasion, Butt had concerns that the to bring to his mind the result of the condition of the
sleeping Taft would fall into heavy snores.6(p85) country should such a state of affairs become knownto
Because partial sleep deprivation worsens snoring,40 say nothing of the fatal results to the Presidents political

1136 Special Report

future if any hint of invalidism should even be whispered. was mentally declining.11(p1074) By 1928, he consid-
He said he would not mention it to anyone.6(p547548) ered himself an invalid.11(p1077)
Jackson advised weight loss,6(p543) but Taft did not Tafts final illness began with bladder problems in
lose weight. A year later Butt wrote, he pants for January 1930. A medical bulletin was issued when he
breath at every step.6(p775) In January 1912, the resigned from the Supreme Court on February 3,
writer Henry Adams had a chance street encounter 1930: For some years Chief Justice Taft has had a
with the President and wrote the following: very high blood pressure, associated with general
arteriosclerosis and myocarditis. Together with these
[Taft] gave me a shock. He looks bigger and more conditions he had a chronic cystitis. He has no fever
tumble-to-pieces than ever, and his manner has become and suffers no pain. His present serious condition is
more slovenly than his figure; but what struck me most the result of general arteriosclerotic changes.59 There
was the deterioration of his mind and expression. [He] is
are indications, however, he had cancer.17(p466) Taft
ripe for a stroke. He shows mental enfeeblement all over,
and I wanted to offer him a bet that he wouldnt get
died on March 8, aged 72 years.11(p1074 1078)
through his term.50

Rumors about the Presidents health began Did Taft Have Sleep Apnea?
circulating.6(p808) Butt knew Taft needed help, but
was powerless: Taft had three major risk factors for OSA60: he was
male, severely obese, and had a short. . . generous
He looks terribly. His flesh looks like wax, and his lips are neck.39(p28) His size-54 pajamas had a neck size of 19
thin, and he is getting those unhealthy bags under his eyes. inches.61 His body habitus exhibited central obesity
I begged him to see a specialist, for I felt sure that all his
drowsiness was due to some toxin in his system . . . His
(Fig 4).
response was a slap on the back, followed by: Archie, you Taft had two signs of OSA: excessive daytime
go to hell! I will not be hauled around by specialists! somnolence and snoring. He may also have been
[Secretary of the Navy] Meyer has been talking to you, I polycythemic: his face was described as ruddy13(p161)
know.6(p839) and florid.6(p159),9,39(p28) Systemic hypertension is a
known complication of OSA,62 albeit common in the
Butts chronicles end in April 1912, with his death
aboard SS Titanic.

Tafts Health after the Presidency:

1913 to 1930
In March 1913, Taft, then 55 years old, left the
White House at his peak lifetime weight: 335 to 340
pounds.51 He later recalled: I was nervous and
fretful, and for a month I found it hard to sleep.19
He then began a weight loss program directed by Dr.
George Blumer, Dean of the Yale Medical School. A
year later, Taft weighed 264 pounds.52 He retained
that weight, approximately, until the end of his life.
Tafts hypersomnolence resolved. As President, he
had been a poor reader [who] soon gets tired and
goes to sleep.6(p657) As a Yale professor, however,
Taft prepared his many addresses and articles him-
self, without a research assistant.7 He stayed awake
in church.7 As Chief Justice (from 1921 to 1930),
some of his colleagues often dozed in court, [but]
Taft was now always alert to everything going
His systolic blood pressure improved by 40 to 50
mm Hg,53,54 but he experienced intermittent atrial
fibrillation, treated with digitalis.5558 Gout con-
tinued to trouble him17(p291,359); more than 30 uric
acid calculi were removed from his bladder in
1922.11(p1073),53 As early as 1925, Taft noticed that he Figure 4. Taft in 1908. Courtesy of the Library of Congress. CHEST / 124 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 2003 1137

general population. Most importantly, Tafts somno- and signing documents, he would be classified as
lence correlated with his weight. Tafts remarkable having severe OSA syndrome.4
weight loss after the presidency produced an equally
remarkable improvement in his somnolence, blood Was Taft Disabled?
pressure and, likely, survival.
In October 1910, President Taft was 53 years old, Disability is traditionally judged according to the
weighed 330 pounds, and snored. With these data, requirements of an occupation.72 Taft recognized
the model of Viner et al63 predicts a 97% chance that that judges should not be somnolent or sleep on the
Taft had sleep apnea, defined as an apnea-hypopnea bench,11(p529),21 but as President dismissed his own
index 10/h. hypersomnolence as just my way.14
The nature of Tafts sleeping difficulty in 1913 is No formal definition of Presidential disability ex-
unclear. Although OSA may masquerade as insom- isted during Tafts era. Only in 1967 did the 25th
nia,64 heart failure is another possibility, given Tafts Amendment to the US Constitution define a dis-
weak heart and panting for breath at every step. abled president as one unable to discharge the
Sleep disturbances such as orthopnea, paroxysmal powers and duties of his office. The Amendment
charges the Vice President and Cabinet to judge
nocturnal dyspnea, Cheyne-Stokes respiration,65 and
disability. Thus, in applying the modern standard to
central sleep apnea66 are associated with heart fail-
Taft, the reactions of persons around him must be
ure. Any combination of hypertension, obesity, and
OSA could have caused heart failure. The reasons for Among Tafts inner circle, Archie Butt and Sena-
his transiently decreased somnolence in June 1909 tor Watson expressed concern over Tafts sleepiness,
are unclear; there are reports of exercise without as perhaps did Secretary of the Navy George
weight loss improving sleep apnea.67 Meyer.6(p839) Watson explicitly links Tafts sleepiness
Taft lacked the cardinal manifestations of two and lack of executive ability with overeating, and
other syndromes causing excessive daytime somno- seems to suggest a related memory dysfunction.34
lence: periodic leg movements of sleep and narco- Yet, Tafts biographers do not record accusations
lepsy. A third cause, the obesity hypoventilation of disability from either politicians or the public.
syndrome (OHS), cannot be excluded without blood Instead, amusement was a common reaction to Tafts
gas measurements. Most patients with OHS have sleeping spells, even from persons familiar with the
sleep apneas, but the defining feature is hypoventi- demands of the presidency. When Taft slept through
lation while awake and asleep. Taft lacked other music that would wake anyone but a dead man, his
signs of OHS, such as cyanosis6(p839) and pedal Attorney General joked: He must be dead.6(p535)
edema.6(p789) Watson himself told a just-awakened Taft: Mr.
OHS has been known as the Pickwickian syn- President, you are the largest audience that I ever
drome since 1956.68 Before (and after) the noso- put entirely to sleep in all my political experience.34
logic separation of OSA from OHS in 1965,69,70 it In earlier years, even Theodore Roosevelt, seeing his
was common to call any sleepy obese patient Pick- hand-picked successor asleep and snoring, would
wickian. Biographers have entertained whether Taft only beam the more, like a mother pleased to see a
had Pickwickian syndrome,39(p126),71 but more child at peace.20 A present-day politician describes
strongly hold that a psychological need to escape Tafts public naps [as] the stuff of legend, without
anxiety and strife caused his sleepiness.39(p126),44 This questioning his fitness for office.73 Despite Archie
seems unlikely because Tafts somnolence was ini- Butts efforts, the public knew of Tafts hyper-
tially distressing,21 was involuntary,32 correlated bet- somnolence,11(p763) as intimated by doggerel in Life
ter with his weight than his happiness, and was so magazine encouraging Roosevelt to re-enter politics:74
profound that other psychopathology would likely
have been manifest. Teddy, come home and blow your horn,
The sheeps in the meadow, the cows in the corn.
Thus, I conclude that OSA is the most probable
The boy you left to tend the sheep
explanation for Tafts hypersomnolence. Except for Is under the haystack fast asleep.
periods associated with successful dieting (1906 to
mid-1908, and perhaps briefly in 1909), he was likely Butt initially believed Tafts sleeping ability was an
afflicted from approximately 1900, when he started asset, enabling the President to catch these little cat
gaining weight in the Philippines, into 1913, when he naps on trains and between interviews.6(p1718) He
started his post-presidency weight loss. He appears continued to believe this, even after speaking with
to have become symptomatic at approximately 300 Dr. Jackson.6(p613) Finally, 3 years into the adminis-
lb. Based on Tafts history of falling asleep during tration, Butt realized Tafts sleepiness was pathologic
tasks requiring active attention, such as card playing and vainly begged him to see a specialist.6(p839) Butt,

1138 Special Report

however, never expressed [written] concerns that som-
nolence undermined the Presidents effectiveness.
Thus, despite Tafts extraordinary hypersomno-
lence, there is no evidence that anyone in his inner
circle, or in politics, questioned his ability to dis-
charge presidential powers and duties. By modern
Constitutional standards, Taft was, therefore, not

Medical Science, Taft, and the Physicians

Sleep apnea was not a recognized clinical entity in
Tafts era. Although case reports of sleepy obese
patients existed,75,76 the significance of hypersomno-
lence was generally unknown. However, William
Osler, the leading physician in the English-speaking
world in the early 20th century, was an exception.
Osler knew the case reports, and his textbook77
popularized Dr. Christopher Heaths observation78
that patients in these reports resembled a severely
obese, hypersomnolent boy named Joe in Charles
Dickens 1836 novel The Posthumous Papers of the
Pickwick Club. By 1905, Osler had seen a case
himself,77 and earlier had described obstructive ap-
neas in sleeping children,79 including their behav-
ioral sequelae.80 Figure 5. Program from the Taft-Osler dinner of March 11,
1905. Reprinted with permission from the Alan Mason Chesney
Osler and Taft maintained a warm, but mostly Medical Archives of The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.84
long-distance friendship from 190281 until Oslers
death in 1919.82 Osler had multiple opportunities to
observe Taft from 1904 to 1905 (Fig 5),83,84 years
when Taft would have been somnolent as Secretary Was Taft Impaired?
of War. Although Osler gave medical advice regard-
ing Tafts daughter,17(p160),85 their correspondence If not disabling, to what extent did sleep apnea
does not mention Tafts health or sleepiness. Osler impair Tafts performance as president? Sleep apnea
resided in England during Tafts presidency; thus, is associated with several cognitive impairments,
one of the few physicians able to appreciate the including difficulties in attention and psychomotor
Presidents symptoms did not have access to the function, memory and learning, and executive and
President. frontal lobe function.91 In severe sleep apnea, these
Taft had a doctor-patient relationship with some decrements appear substantial and of a size that
30 physicians during his life, including White House might be expected to produce deleterious conse-
physicians Matthew DeLaney86,87 and Cary quences for everyday function.91 Moderate sleep
Grayson.6(p445,449) Whether they learned of the Butt- apnea imparts 50% of the psychomotor decrement
Jackson conversation is unknown. Dozens more phy- associated with hypnosedative use.92
sicians were socially acquainted with Taft, including Historians note a perplexing contrast between
W. W. Keen,88 who had operated on President Tafts presidential buffetings and his exceptional
Grover Clevelands maxillary cancer in 1893; Harvey government service before and after the
Cushing89; and S. Weir Mitchell,90 the dean of presidency.39(p14) Tafts clear, strong mind in col-
American medicine, who himself had a long interest lege93 and the Philippines,94 and his exceptional
in sleep medicine.76 intellectual productivity after the Presidency93 con-
Apart from James Marsh Jackson, no physician trast with presidential characterizations of thinking
mentioned Tafts somnolence, although most of with only half of his normal clarity11(p812,822) and of
Tafts health-related correspondence occurred dur- mental enfeeblement.50
ing his nonsomnolent post-presidential years. Nev- Beyond intellect, politics requires an exacting as-
ertheless, it appears that physicians close to Taft did sembly of careful speech, thinking on ones feet,
not regard him as disabled. memory, and understanding of human nature. Spe- CHEST / 124 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 2003 1139

cific defects of verbal fluency,95 mental flexibility,96 References
and working memory97 may occur in sleep apnea. 1 Taft WH. William H. Taft papers. Washington, DC: Library
The politics of the presidency left Taft baffled, of Congress, 1969 [henceforth cited as Papers]
foggy, and bewildered.10(p232),11(p856),98 Even his 2 Papers. William Howard Taft to Charles P. Taft, June 28,
brother called him a very poor politician.15 With a 1909
naive inability to judge the sound of words in private 3 Carnes MC. William Howard Taft. In: McPherson JM, ed. To
the best of my ability: the American Presidents. New York,
conversation, as well as in public utterances,10(p230)
NY: Dorling Kindersley, 2000; 188 194
President Taft made politically self-damaging re- 4 Sleep-related breathing disorders in adults: recommendations
marks so often41 that he was called Mr. Malaprop for syndrome definition and measurement techniques in
and Taft the Blunderer.10(p213227,232) By contrast, clinical research; The Report of an American Academy of
Taft demonstrated no little artistry subduing a Sleep Medicine Task Force. Sleep 1999; 22:667 689
political foe in the Philippines.94 In college, Taft had 5 Day R, Gerhardstein R, Lumley A, et al. The behavioral
a decided aptitude for undergraduate politics41; morbidity of obstructive sleep apnea. Prog Cardiovasc Dis
1999; 41:341354
and what is more remarkable, Taft out of office was 6 Butt AW. Taft and Roosevelt: the intimate letters of Archie
a man of good political judgment.10(p234) One sena- Butt, military aide. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran,
tor wrote of the ex-President, If Mr. Taft could have 1930
done as well when in office as he talks while out of 7 Hicks FC. William Howard Taft, Yale Professor of Law &
office he would never have been defeated for re- New Haven citizen: an academic interlude in the life of the
twenty-seventh President of the United States and the Tenth
election.99 Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. New Haven, CT: Yale
These striking contrasts suggest OSA interfered University Press, 1945; 80, 99, 117
with Tafts conduct of the presidency. Assessing the 8 Taft WH. Application to the Provident Savings Life Assur-
precise effect will require a more detailed medico- ance Society of New York, February 1, 1900. [Available at
historical analysis, however, because Taft disliked William Howard Taft National Historic Site, Cincinnati, OH]
9 White WA. The autobiography of William Allen White. New
interpersonal conflict and the contentious politics of York, NY: Macmillan, 1946; 403, 426
the Presidency tormented him. Nevertheless, given 10 Thompson CW. Presidents Ive known and two near Presi-
Tafts profound hypersomnolence, it seems doubtful dents. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1929
he fully commanded as president the extraordinary 11 Pringle HF. The life and times of William Howard Taft. New
executive skills he demonstrated as chief executive of York, NY: Farrar & Rinehart, 1939
12 Papers. William Howard Taft to Charles P. Taft, September
the Philippines and of the Supreme Court. 12, 1900
13 Taft HH. Recollections of full years. New York, NY: Dodd,
Tafts Place in History Mead & Company, 1914
14 Parks LR, Leighton FS. My thirty years backstairs at the
Because of his severe OSA, Taft likely experienced White House. New York, NY: Fleet Publishing Corporation,
1961; 114, 120 121
unrelenting mental and physical fatigue each day of 15 Taft HD. Memories and opinions. New York, NY: Macmillan,
his presidency. Fortunately for the nation, these 1942; 108, 114, 116
burdens did not unbalance him. He adhered to his 16 Papers. William Howard Taft to Harriet C. Herron, January
bedrock principle of reverence for the law93 and 19, 1901
made significant accomplishments during his admin- 17 Ross I. An American family: the Tafts; 1678 to 1964. Cleve-
land, OH: World Publishing, 1964
istration. Unfortunately for Taft, however, his unrec- 18 Barker CE. With President Taft in the White House. Chi-
ognized sleep apnea probably impaired mental fac- cago, IL: A. Kroch and Son, 1947
ulties critical for political success and contributed to 19 Mr. Taft on diet loses 70 pounds. New York Times. Decem-
his political reputation as an inept bungler. ber 12, 1913; page A1
When Taft died in 1930, there was an enormous 20 Sullivan M. Our times: Volume 3; Pre-War America. New
York, NY: Charles Scribners Sons, 1940; 1718
outpouring of grief and tribute. The public had long 21 Papers. William Howard Taft to Helen Herron Taft, October
forgotten his presidential bumblings, replacing them 9, 1905
with admiration and fondness for a man who gave 35 22 Papers. William Howard Taft to N. E. Yorke-Davies, Decem-
unswervingly honest years to public service. Now, an ber 9, 1905
additional facet of William Howard Taft emerges: his 23 Papers. William Howard Taft to N. E. Yorke-Davies, Decem-
ber 31, 1905
perseverance and ultimate triumph against appetite, 24 Papers. William Howard Taft to N. E. Yorke-Davies, April 16,
obesity, and sleep apnea. 1906
25 Papers. William Howard Taft to N. E. Yorke-Davies, July 18,
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: I thank Drs. David Burton, Philip 1907
Smith, and Alan Schwartz, as well as Cynthia Du Puy, Jacqueline
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