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A: Do you enjoy /going on dates?

B: Yes. I find dates /to be a lot of fun.

A: What's so fun/about them?
B: They give me /the opportunity /to get to know/ someone better.
A: So you always /have fun on dates?
B: Not always./ I don't always like/ the person/ I'm on the date
A: Why not?
B: My date /may not be my type.
A: So then/ why would you ask them /out in the first place? (j)
B: I didn't realize /until after our date/ that they weren't /my type.
A: Sounds like a huge /waste of time/ to me.
B: Now that I think about it,/ it really is sometimes./


A: Do you enjoy /in'di/ going on dates /deit/?

A: What's /z/ so fun/about them?
B: They give me /the opportunity /,pr'tju:niti/ /to get to know/
someone better.
B: Not always/ [':lweiz]./ I don't always like/ the person/ I'm on the
date with/ [wi]/.
B: My date /may not be my type/ [taip]/.
A: So then/ why would you / [wud ju:] ask them /out in the first
[f:rst] place? (j)
A: Sounds like a huge [hju:d] /waste [weist] of time/ to me.

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