Mexico Is A Nation Where Affluence

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Teacher: Pasin Gonzalez Author: Coriangela Cumarin

Puerto la Cruz, july 2017



Mexico is a nation where affluence, poverty, natural splendor and urban blight
rub shoulders. Comprised 0f 31 states and one federal district, Mexico is home to the
worlds largest population of Spanish speakers. From the temples of Chichen Itza, to
the beaches of Cancun or the bustle of Mexico City, this country boasts a diverse
landscape and rich history.
Profile Country

Official Name: United Mexican States

Form Of Government: Republic of federated states/ Democracy Republic

Capital: Mexico City

Population: 120,286,655

Official Language: Spanish

Area: 758,449 square miles (1,964,375 square kilometers)

Literacy: More than 93.5% over the age 15 years can read and write

Religion: Christians (Roman Catholic 89%)

History: Mexico was conquered and colonized by the Spanish from the 16th Century

Currency: 1 Peso=100 centavos

Flag Colors: Green, white and red.


Limits: in the southern portion of North America. It is bordered to the north

by the United States; to the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; to the southeast
by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and to the east by the Gulf of Mexico.
The border between Mexico and the USA is the second longest border in the world
and is about 3,155km/2,000 miles long.

Mexico has mountains in the eastern and northern parts of the country,
rainforests in the southern and eastern parts and deserts in the West. Most of the
bigger cities are located in the southern parts of the country. There are low
coastal plains, high-rugged mountains and a high tableau in the centre of the country.
The climate varies from tropical climate to desert climate. Mexico has four time

Mexico is situated on the Ring of Fire, the worlds most prominent volcano
and earthquake region. However, the volcanos on Mexico's Baja California, a popular
tourist destination, are mostly dormant. The peninsula to the west of mainland
Mexico is called Baja California. This peninsula is the largest peninsula in the world.
Over 120 species of cactus are growing there.

The highest peak in Mexico is a volcano and is the third largest in Northern
America. It is called Pico Orizaba or 'Volcan Citlaltepetl' and is 5,636m/18,491ft


The Olmec people, Mexico's first complex society, emerged in the

southeastern part of the country around 1200 B.C. They were later followed by the
Maya, the Toltec, and the Aztec peoples. Mexico's ancient societies built great cities
and huge pyramids, created remarkable works of art, and even studied the stars and
planets to determine when to plant crops and hold ceremonies.

In the early 1500s, the Spanish arrived in Mexico. The Aztec people got sick
from smallpox and other diseases that the Spanish brought with them. The Spaniards
also seized and destroyed the Aztec capital, called Tenochtiln. The Spanish ruled
Mexico until 1821.

The National Symbols

The flag is shows three bands in green, white and red. The emblem on the
white ground shows an eagle standing on a cactus with a snake in the beak. The
colours of the Mexican flag stand for independence, unity and religion. The legend
describes, that the Aztec settled and built their capital city which they named
Tenochtitlan, which is today Mexico City, on the place where they saw and eagle
sitting on a cactus, eating a snake.

The lyrics of the national anthem of Mexico was written by Francisco

Gonzalez Bocanegra and the music composed by Jaime Nun Roca. His verses talk
about battles and defenses to the country.

Governments and Politics

The United Mexican States are a federation whose government

is representative, democratic and republican. The 1917 constitution
of Mexico provides for a federal republic with powers separated into independent
executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Historically, the executive is the
dominant branch, with power vested in the president, who promulgates and executes
the laws of the Congress.

Three parties have historically been the dominant parties in Mexican politics:
the National Action Party, Institutional Revolutionary Party, and Mexican
Revolution. These are left and right political parties.
Respecting its international policies, Mexico is one of the founding members
of several international organizations, most notably the United Nations. Also is
considered a regional power. The relations of Mexico are focus primarily on the
United States, its northern neighbor, largest trading partner.


The Mexican Armed Forces have two branches: the Mexican Army (which
includes the Mexican Air Force), and the Mexican Navy. The Mexican Armed Forces
maintain significant infrastructure, including facilities for design, research, and
testing of weapons, vehicles, aircraft, naval vessels, defense systems and
electronics; military industry manufacturing centers for building such systems, and
advanced naval dockyards that build heavy military vessels and advanced missile


Mexico is a country with great problems and great potential. It is rich in

natural resources, like oil, silver, copper, and agricultural products. But political and
economic failings have kept much of the population in poverty. The Mexico-United
States border is the largest economic divide on Earth. For many Mexicans, the best
chance for a better life lies in the much more prosperous United States. Hundreds of
thousands of Mexicans come to the U.S., legally and illegally, each year in search of


The telecommunications industry is mostly dominated by Telmex (Telfonos

de Mxico), privatized in 1990. The Mexican satellite system is domestic and
operates 120 earth stations. There is also extensive microwave radio relay network
and considerable use of fiber-optic and coaxial cable. The use of radio, television,
and Internet in Mexico is prevalent.

Energy production in Mexico is managed by state-owned companies:

the Federal Commission of Electricity and Pemex. The largest hydro plant in Mexico
is the 2,400 MW Manuel Moreno Torres Dam in Chicoasn, Chiapas, in the Grijalva
River. This is the world's fourth most productive hydroelectric plant. Mexico is the
country with the world's third largest solar potential.

Science and technology

The National Autonomous University of Mexico was officially established in

1910, and the university becomes one of the most important institutes of higher
learning in Mexico. UNAM provides world class education in science, medicine, and


Mexico has traditionally been among the most visited countries in the
world according to the World Tourism Organization and it is the most visited country
in the Americas, after the United States. The most notable attractions are
the Mesoamerican ruins, cultural festivals, colonial cities, nature reserves and the
beach resorts. The nation's wide range of climates, from temperate to tropical, and
unique culture a fusion of the European and the Mesoamerican make Mexico an
attractive destination.


The roadway network in Mexico is extensive and all areas in the country are
covered by it. Mexico was one of the first Latin American countries to promote
railway development, and the network covers 30,952 km (19,233 mi). Mexico has
233 airports with paved runways; of these, 35 carry 97% of the passenger
traffic. The Mexico City International Airport remains the largest in Latin America
and the 44th largest in the world transporting 21 million passengers a year.
People y Culture

Mexico is the product of a rich Indian heritage, three centuries

of Spanish rule, and a shared border with the world's richest country, the United
States. Today, most Mexicans are mestizos, which means they have a mix of Indian
and Spanish blood. Throughout its history, Mexico has been home to great artists.
The Maya and other Indians made impressive murals, sculptures, and jewelry.
Modern Mexican artists include great painters, photographers, sculptors, and

Mexicans are known as very friendly and welcoming foreigners, they are
really fond of kids. Mariachi are the popular musicians who play folk music. They
mainly use string instruments, but also trumpets are sometimes played. The groups
are often invited to play at birthday parties, weddings and other family celebrations.

In relation to the Mexican language, the country has the largest Spanish-
speaking population in the world with almost a third of all Spanish native speakers.
Also Mexico has stood out for its music, telenovelas and cinema. Famous Mexican
are among many others: the actress Selma Hayek, the guitarist Carlos Santana and the
soccer players Javier Hernandez and Guillermo Ochoa.


The 92,924,489Catholics of Mexico constitute in absolute terms the second

largest Catholic community in the world, after Brazil's. 47% percent of them attend
church services weekly. The feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patron saint of
Mexico, is celebrated on December 12 and is regarded by many Mexicans as the most
important religious holiday of their country.

Mexican cuisine is known for its intense and varied flavors, colorful
decoration, and variety of spices. Most of today's Mexican food is based on pre-
Columbian traditions, including Aztec and Maya, combined with culinary trends
introduced by Spanish colonists.

Chocolate, chilies and corn come originally from Mexico. One dish many of
you will know is 'chilli con carne', a spicy mince meat dish with beans.

Other typical Mexican food:

guacamole: avocado dip made with mashed avocados, salt and lime or lemon
juice, often also with chilli peppers
tortilla: Mexican corn or wheat flour flatbreads are eaten with almost every
dish. They are prepared and eaten with meat, cheese, potato or vegetables
nachos: tortilla chips often served hot with melted cheese or spicy mince
sauce, usually eaten as a snack
pan de muerto: sweet bread roll baked for the 'Day of the Dead' which is
celebrated on 1 and 2 of November

The main staple food is corn and rice, fruits and vegetables, chicken, pork, beef,
lamb and along the coastal regions also seafood. Chile peppers are usually among the
main ingredients in many Mexican dishes.


The Estadio Azteca, regarded as one of the iconic football stadiums in the
world, hosted the 1970 and 1986 World Cup finals and was the main venue of the
1968 Summer Olympics.
Mexico City hosted the XIX Olympic Games in 1968, making it the first Latin
American city to do so. The country has also hosted the FIFA World Cup twice,
in 1970 and 1986.

Mexico's most popular sport is association football. It is commonly believed

that football was introduced in Mexico by Cornish miners at the end of the 19th
century. The Mexican professional baseball league is named the Liga Mexicana de
Beisbol.. In 2013, Mexico's basketball team won the .Americas Basketball

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