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n Hedges
Fuzzy Sets - Hedges
Adriano Joaquim de Oliveira Cruz NCE e IM, UFRJ Examples

@2001 Adriano Cruz NCE e IM - UFRJ Fuzzy Sets Hedges 2

Hedges - Characteristics The hedge very

n Hedges behave like adverbs and n Zadeh defined the hedge very as the square
adjectives, they modify the meaning of of the membership function.
nouns (very tall, near 35). n Very: very A(x)=[A(x)]2
n Hedges change the shape of
membership functions. n Very intensifies the membership function.

n Hedges are heuristic. n very A(x)<=A(x)

n The definition of the hedge functions n Points representing absolute inclusion (1.0)
are arbitrary or exclusion (0.0) do not change.

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The hedge very The hedge somewhat
n Zadeh defined the hedge somewhat as the
square root of the membership function.
n Very: somewhat A(x)=[A(x)]1/2

n Very dilutes the membership function.

n somewhat A(x)>=A(x)

n Points representing absolute inclusion (1.0)

or exclusion (0.0) do not change.

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The hedge somewhat Hedges very - somewhat

Medium Height
n Very intensifies the membership function.
0.9 Somewhat Medium Height

0.8 n Somewhat has the opposite effect.


0.6 n The powers (2, 1/2) are arbitrary choices


n The power 3 is sometimes used as the hedge
n A number in the range 2 to 3 is used as the

hedge slightly.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

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Applying hedges The Commutability of hedges
n Hedges can be applied in different
n very alto(x) <= alto(x)
n Not very high = not (very high)
n not very alto(x) = 1 - [alto(x)]2
n very not high = very (not high)

n very not high <> not very high n very not alto(x) = [1 - alto(x)]2

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The Commutability of hedges Commutability of hedges

1.2 n Very and somewhat are the only
hedges that are commutative.
n Somewhat very alto = very somewhat

very tall
n This is against the rules of language
not very tall
very not tall
160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200

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Around and Close Around e Close
n Around and close are hedges used to 1
sc alar = 50
approximate scalars. 0.9 around s calar = 50
clos e sc alar = 50

n If age is around 50. 0.7


n If age is around middle age. 0.4

n If age is close to 50. 0.2


n Is age is close to middle age. 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

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Below Below
n Below should be applied to functions n Let A = A(x)
that increase in the universe of n Below A = not GREQ (A)
n GREQ(A) = A(x) for x < x*
n Below is not the same as not! n . =1 for x >= x*
n If age is below around 35. n x* = min(x | A(x) = 1) (leftmost value of
X with membership = 1)
n if height is below medium.

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Greater or Equal Below = Not Greater or Equal
1.2 1.2

Medium Height
Greater or Equal Medium Height
1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
Medium Height
Below Medium Height
GrEq Medium Height
0 0
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

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Above Above
n Above should be applied to functions n A = A(x)
that decrease in the universe of n Above A = not SMEQ (A)
n SMEQ(A) =1 for x < x*
n If age is above around 35.
n Above is not the same as not!
n if height is above short.
n . = A(x) for x >= x*
n x* = min(x | A(x) = 1) (leftmost value of
X with membership = 1)

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Smaller or Equal Above
Medium Height
Smaller or Equal Medium Height
1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.2 Medium Height
Above Medium Height
0 SMEQ Medium Height
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 0
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

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Intensifying - positively
n Positively increases the values of the
membership function when (x)>=0.5
and diminishes all the values when (x)
n It approximates the values to 0 and 1,
therefore reducing the fuzziness.

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Intensifying - positively Intensifying - positively
Positively Tall

2 A2 ( x ) if A ( x ) 0. 5

pos A ( x ) =
1 2 (1 A ( x )) if A ( x ) > 0. 5



80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

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Diluting - generally Diluting - generally

n Generally diminishes the values of the
membership function when (x) >= 0.5
and increases all the values when (x) 0.5 2 (0. 5 A ( x )) 2 if A ( x ) 0.5
gen A ( x ) =
<0.5 0.5 + 2 ( A ( x ) 0. 5) if A ( x ) > 0.5

n It moves the values away from 0 and 1,

therefore increasing the fuzziness.

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Generally In Between
n In between A and B = Norm(above A
Generally Tall
and below B)
n Norm((x)) = (x) / max((x))
n Norm (not SMEQ(A) and not GREQ(B))



80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

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From A to B
n From A to B = GREQ(A) and SMEQ(B)

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