Dancing: Work To Wrap Up This Week On US 95

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$1 | LahontanValleyNews.com Serving Churchill County Since 1903 | Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Work to wrap up
this week on US 95 DANCING
force awakens
Water flowing into and Ames Construction Co., dug
the desert; Fallon up the highway to install the
culverts south of Pasture Road.
guardsmen called up A separation of three miles ex-
tends from the first to the fourth
By Steve Ranson culvert.
sranson@lahontanvalleynews.com Larry Bogey, NDOTs residen-
tial engineer, said about 26 people
The installation of four concrete from both the state and Ames
triple-box drainage culverts on Construction are on site, and he
U.S. Highway 95 south of Fallon agrees the project should be done
will be completed by Friday. by Friday. Mitigating potential
Spokeswoman Meg Ragonese of flooding with the installation of
the Nevada Department of Trans- culverts is a first for Bogey.
portation said work began Thurs- This is the first one I know we
day over a three-mile stretch on have done out here in about 15 to
U.S. 95, the main north-south 16 years, he said.
highway that extends in-state Ragonese said the culverts will
from the Oregon border to South-
ern Nevada. Crews from NDOT US 95, 16

[ [
View these Facebook videos by the LVN editor to check out
the Lahontan Reservoir, V-line spillway and culvert work.
X http://bit.ly/2nqrGyQ
X http://bit.ly/2nCCvNK
X http://bit.ly/2lYbsjn

Which detour do I take?

Motorists have options when heading south of Fallon
By Steve Ranson the inconvenience until Friday in
sranson@lahontanvalleynews.com trying to find a secondary route,
either heading south or north out
Heading south on U.S. High- of Fallon.
way 95 out of Fallon may pres- So, lets look at two options
ent some interesting challenges although there may be others
since the Nevada Department of like traversing the dirt roads
Transportation closed the main over the hills and through the ALY LAWSON / LVN
north-south artery to Las Vegas valleys. NDOT is promoting the Dancing with the Stars winners Taryn Lenon and Jefrey Horne claimed both the judges trophy and
last week for the installation of use of U.S. 95 Alternate through Peoples Choice award with their Star Wars routine on Saturday night at Churchill County High School.
Naturally, motorists will feel DETOUR, 17 SEE PAGE 14 FOR STORY AND MORE PHOTOS

Local 2 Wellness 10
Military 4 Lifestyle 18 The importance of Congressman Amodei
pulling over for discusses proposed
Volume 114, Issue 21, 28 pages High: 73 Low: 42 emergency vehicles Interstate
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