6th Thompson Syllabus

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Welcome to 6th Grade Language Arts & Social Studies

Joliet Elementary 2017-2018

Mrs. Thompson
(406)962-3541 ext. 229
lthompson@joliet.k12.mt.us or mtlindsay@ymail.com
Website: lmthompson.weebly.com

This year you can expect to read a variety of fiction and non-fiction including novels,
short stories, dramas, poetry, and essays. These writing pieces will model the different
writing styles we will be working on ourselves. Writing assignments will include timed
responses, journal writing, essays, critiques, and creative pieces. Vocabulary, spelling,
and grammar assignments will also be an important part of this class. Because we are
a community of learners, please also expect to work periodically in group situations and
to present information to your peers in groups or individually.
Please understand that at-home reading is expected and is a component of our course.
You will be held accountable for at-home reading by various methods.
Our major units of study will include but are not limited to:
Narrative writing
Expository writing (descriptive, explanation, comparison and contrast,
Technical writing (friendly letters, thank-you notes, instructions, web pages)
Persuasive writing/Speech writing and delivery
Short stories
Sentence Fluency and Construction
Vocabulary and Spelling
Standard grammar and mechanics

Daily Classroom Procedures

Be seated in your assigned seat.
Have all daily supplies out.
Sharpen pencil.
Raise hand if you would like the teachers attention.
Be productive.
Remain in your seat unless told otherwise.
Please remain seated until you are dismissed by the teacher.

Raising your hand

Raising your hand indicates that you would like my attention. Please hold all questions
until ALL instructions have been given out. Once you are working independently or
within groups, please feel free to raise your hand at any time as long as questions
and/or comments are related directly to the task at hand. Otherwise, please hold your
thoughts and speak to me after class, at the end of the day, or the very next morning.

Sharpening your pencil

If your pencil point should break, you should sharpen your pencil with the least amount
of disruption possible. Please wait to sharpen your pencil until I have completed
teaching my lesson and/or talking to the class as a whole.

Group Work
During some lessons there will be opportunities to work in pairs/group. Sometimes I will
allow students to select their partners, while most of the time I will be assigning students
to pairs/groups. I ask that everyone respect one another when working together.
Please do not express disappointment or disapproval of other students within the class.
In addition, all students are expected to contribute to the activity with no one person
taking charge of the entire group, and no students relying on other students to do all the
Grade Scale
A 90 100 %
B 80 89 %
C 70 79%
D 60 69 %
F 59 % or below

This is the grading scale set forth by the Joliet School District, and will be used for my

Grading Policy
Each quarter there will be formal tests, quizzes (announced and unannounced),
warm-up activities, daily work, classwork, and homework assignments. There will also
be other types of informal assessments to periodically check for understanding. District
wide assessments will also be administered throughout the year.
Infinite Campus
You are able to see your up-to-date class average at any time on the Infinite Campus
website. You must obtain a username and password from the main office. Check this
site often to see if you are missing assignments in Language Arts/Social Studies.

Completing class homework is essential to success in 6th grade. Expect homework in
each subject at least 3 if not 5 days a week. Homework is not a punishment, but a
valuable tool to help your student succeed. All assignments should be labeled with the
students first and last name, classroom #, date, and assignment title.
Parents, your child will always receive written and oral directions for all class work,
homework, and tests. Time will be given each Monday to write down all their daily
assignments in their planner.

Students are expected to come to class prepared every day with their homework,
binder, textbook, spiral notebook, and several sharpened pencils. Bringing the above
list of materials, completing all assignments, and a willingness to learn and participation
is crucial for success.

Excessive absences should be avoided. In the event of an absence, the student is
required to make up class and homework assignments. It is the responsibility of the
student to absent work. Any student that is absent should check with me immediately
upon their return to school. If needed absent work help will be given during study hall,
recess, before and/or after school.

Late Assignments/Missed Work

Any assignments not received on or before the due date are considered late. In order to
receive credit for any missed assignments, students must have an excusable absence,
tardy, or early dismissal. It is the students responsibility to check with the teacher
regarding any late/missed assignments and their due date.

Cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic grade of
zero. This includes copying homework, classwork, test answers, talking during a test or
quiz, allowing someone to copy your work, and trying to pass off someone elses work
as your own.
Behavior Expectations- SOAR
Safe- Be Safe.
Organization- Be responsible and prepared.
Accountable- Be happy and work hard.
Respect yourself, others, and your school.

Violations Of The Above Behavior Expectations Will Result In One or More Of The
Following Consequences:
Loss of privilege/Behavior Think Sheet
Parent Contact
Office Referral

Consequences will be given out on an individualized basis according the violation that
has occurred, the severity of the violation, and how often the violation has been a
problem within the classroom.

Verbal Praise
Classroom Choices
Class Games
Class/Team Activity

Learning and fun go hand ----even in my class! Games, group activities, skills, and
concepts are intermingled in my classroom. Be sure to follow the SOAR expectations in
order to take advantage of all the avenues to learning that are available. The amount of
freedom and choice you have is up to you!!

I have read the class syllabus, I understand the classroom rules and expectations.

___________________ _____________________ _______

Print Name Signature Date

I understand the classroom rules and expectations. I agree to support you and your efforts in
achieving a successful year.

___________________ _____________________ _______

Print Name Signature Date

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