Tyrael - Background

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Tyrael does not remember his previous life well, apart from the day he boarded the Thunder

that took him to his new life.

Tyrael trained upon the Mobile Fortress Monastery the Phalanx like many recruits of the Imperial
Fist, Following the same training as the rest, going through the training, trials and battles of 10th,
9th and 8th company, Tyrael's Brothers quickly noticed his care for his follow Brothers and High
Piousness to the Emperor. when the day came to join 7th Company to train as Tactical Marines
Tyrael was instead Trained under Apothecary Andor, Tyrael spent the next few centuries tending to
his Brother in the 7th company, later becoming the Command Squads Apothecary

Tyrael Earned the sight of the Death watch during the campaign on Hive World Gonra, where the
4th, 5th and 7th Company engaged the Iron Warriors, as the battle neared the end the 7th
Command Squad broke into the Hives Governors Palace from the Rear as the rest of 7th Company
engaged form the Front, it was here that the legend began, for the command squad came face to
face with the Daemon Primarch Perturabo, the fighting was fierce, the rest of Tyraels Brothers layed
dead and the 7th Captain Critically wounded at his feet, The Primatch Advanced upon him but a
random event suddenly took place on the world, Genestealers and Genestealer cultist rose up from
across the world, the Captain would tell you a story of how Tyrael fought both the Primarch and the
Genestealers off while Dragging him out of the Palace and killing a Broodlord that blocked his path
back to the Thunder Hawk. creating a legend

In truth it was the Daemon Primarch who killed the Genestealers while Tyrael dragged the captain
out and engaging only the Genestealers that chased after him, the Broodlord Ambushed Tyrael he
thought that this is how it would end but he was saved, saved by the Daemon, he got back up and
dragged the Captain out, Tyrael swore he saw the Primarch Grin at him as he left the Palace, he
never told anyone the truth of that day, and now with the false Legend Created it was only short
time later he was recruited in the the Death Watch, Tyrael is still haunted by the Grin of the Daemon
Primarch to this day

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