25 PTE Essay

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1-Do you think consumers should avoid over packaged

products or is it the responsibility of producers?

Today, over packaged products are flooding the markets. Since over packaging cost the consumers as well as
the environment, there is an urgent need to curtail its usage. It is believed that it is a producers responsibility to
shun such packaging techniques. This will be shown by analyzing cost savings and curtailing environmental
To begin with, over packaging often shoots up products price significantly. This means less packaging will pull
the price downwards. For example, McDonald packs their burgers in a paper wrap then put it in a cardboard
container and then hand it me to customers in a paper bag. Instead, if they only put it in a box, it will reduce the
price of the burger. When looking at this example it is obvious that responsible steps by producers to cut down
on excess packaging expense is not only plausible but also mutually beneficial.
In addition, over packaging is a major catalyst of environmental damage as it augments co2 emission. So It is
producers responsibility to minimize harm to the ecosystem. For instance, box packaging cost trees which not
only costs buyers and sellers but the whole planet. So it is the best interest of everyone to make minimal use
packaging. This clearly shows that manufacturers should avoid over-packaging of goods.
This analysis establishes that cost saving and curtailing environmental damage is mutually profitable. In a
nutshell, it is producers responsibility to avoid excess packaging by taking necessary steps. It is recommended
that they must willingly make necessary changes for the betterment of the everyone.

2- Many people think that regions affect successful person. What is your
opinion about native region and accomplished persons influence on the
region he belongs to
Whether ones success is very much dependent on his or her native regions is a debatable topic. This essay
will express complete disagreement with this statement and will offer reasons for this viewpoint.
To begin with, a variety of reasons can be offered to explain why I am not in favour of this. Foremost among
these, I believe that achieving success in life depends on many factors such as determination, discipline, clear
visions of your goals and ambitions, motivation and most importantly hard work. Moreover, support from friends
and family around you would also play an important part in your journey to success. Although there is no doubt
that being in a good and cohesive environment is beneficial, a person who is disciplined and determined to
achieve his goals will find ways to his success no matter where they are.
Firstly to accomplish anything in life required immense hard work and commitment. Success means earning
respectable position, monetary gains and secured future. Industrious as a key has a lions share in achieving
success and remarkable position in the society. Moreover, people those who have marked themselves as
examples for others have burnt the midnight oil for reaching at desired positions. To illustrate, people like, Bill
Gates, Ratan Tata, APJ Abdul Kalam and list goes other eminent personalities are the perfect cases of
successful leaders in their respective fields.
To wrap up, the connection between people belong to native regions and accomplished forks have a very small
or trivial effect in overall success stories of any person. Basic fundamentals will remain static and identical to
earn respectable position in this universe.

3-The environment we five in is in danger due to various

global problems. What are the underlying causes? Who
is responsible to combat this? What measures?
No one can overlay the fact that the planet we live in is at serious threat. Increasing number of natural
calamities like Tsunami, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes have given us repeated warning signals.
Government, corporates and individuals must work in coalition to fight this by fostering organic lifestyle.
To begin with, Urbanization and industrial revolution are the major factors that severely damage our
environment. Vast deforestation to accommodate people moving in cities has fueled global warming. Moreover,
enormous carbon emission by factories and automobiles has polluted the atmosphere.
In order to bring positive change; companies, government authorities and individuals must work in harmony
with nature. The government has power and influence to enforce stringent laws to minimize the extent of CO2
emission. Companies must act in E responsible manner.
To overcome the problem, first step is to create awareness among people about the risk we are facing.
Secondly, there must be heavy penalties to offenders polluting the environment. Furthermore, government
must promote the use of alternative or renewable sources of energy and provide subsidies on it. Individuals can
use recyclable products and reuse them. Until these measures dont hurt companies and individuals pockets
they will keep doing things to increase their profits.

All in all, its a teamwork as we are all in the mess together. We simply cannot afford to damage the future of
our next generations. We must put collective efforts to in order to save the planet.

4- Nowadays Television has become an essential part of

life. Medium to spread news & awareness and for some
it acts like a companion. What is your opinion about
The invention of Television around two decades back opened wide frontiers for transmission of visual
communication and awareness.Since then the research and development on this has never paused, and today
we have 3D and curved televisions available as well. In fact, it will be hard to find any domestic family without
watching TV as a part of their daily life. It has helped in making the world a smaller place to live in by making all
sorts of shows, latest news update and information in all areas via a wide range of channels.
Television provides a wide range to channels to choose from on tourism, travel, foods, lifestyle, news, general
knowledge, movies, music, reality show and many more. In fact, the information is so useful that many people
plan their holiday based on a show on tourism, they try to cook new items by following the recipe shown,
become aware of all sorts of happenings in the world and least to mention the craze about sports event. For
many, TV is almost indispensible as they believe it to be a friend which is always there when needed.
Television is a great time waster. We no longer have enough time for hobbies, other outside amusements like
theatres, movies, sports got ignored. People have grown addicted to television, often neglecting the necessary
and more important things like meals, sleep, and even work. The more the viewer watches television, the lazier
they become. The TV glues them to the set instead of allowing them to go out. Television prevents people from
communicating with each other which had caused the harm to the relationship between family members.
Families sit and watch television at dinner instead of talking with each other.
Finally, it is our duty to limit anything in too excess. The benefits which TV has brought into our daily lives
cannot be denied.

5- Companys top level authorities should get their

Employees in decision-making process. Discus
Organizations involve employees in decision making
process of their products and services. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of both.
Employees in decision-making
Top level managers are always in need of delegation to make day to day decisions. Deploying employees in
decision making can be risky at times. Many higher level authorities feel that employees should be utilized to
do what they are initially hired to do. On the contrary, others want to push them to responsible positions of
decision making. Both sides will be critiqued before reasoned conclusion is found.
Today many hold the idea that employees involvement in the decision-making process may damage the
company. For example, various factors need to be considered prior to making any decision. An un-hedged risk
may lead to substantial losses. This exemplifies that only a mature manager should participate in decision
making of the firm.
Conversely, involving employees in decision making may bring out the inside hidden talent for the benefit of the
company. Say for instance, often it is the employees who deal with chests directly and know exactly what
initiatives will best serve the organization. Thus, it goes without saying that authorities must back employees
and push them in a role of decision making.
All in all, after diligently analyzing these two point of views, it is believed that employee participation in decision-
making with the support of management is be beneficial to the company. Its is felt that, advantages of
employees involvement is decision making outweigh the disadvantages.

6- Successful sportsstars and glamorous film stars are

a role model for youngsters. Do u support it or not?
Role Model For Youngsters
Today, many youngsters follow celebrities like sports and movie stars as their role models. This can be seen on
all over social media. It is disagreed to follow successful sports person or glamorous movie star. This will be
shown by taking into account immoral acts of these sports personalities and derogatory roles played by film

To begin with, recently many cases have been published of athletes using illegal steroids. This may influence
their innocent followers negatively. For example, few years ago, Lance Armstrong, 7 times winner of Tour de
France was found guilty for using performance enhancer drugs. It goes without saying that, youngsters must be
discouraged to follow such sport stars.

Furthermore, its often seen that glamorous film stars play derogatory roles in movies. For instance, Sanjay
Dutt, a famous actor from Indian cinemas often plays a roles of mafia and villain: taking drugs, robbing banks
and living a lavish lifestyle. This sets a bad example for adolescents. It is obvious from this example that
movies stars shouldnt be ideal role models. Thus, youngsters admiration of these personalities should not be

This analysis proves that, all successful sports stars and film stars may not be ideal role models. In a nutshell,
youngsters should not be supported to follow these jazzy personalities blindly. It is recommended to teach
youth to follow virtuous characters.
7-PTE Academic sample essay role of government to
protect citizens from tobacco
Tobacco, mainly in the form of cigarettes is one of the most widely used
drugs in the world. Over a billion adults legally smoke tobacco every day.
The long term health costs are high- for the smokers themselves, and for
the wider community in terms of health care costs and lost productivity.Do
Governments have a legitimate role to protect citizens from the harmful
effects of their own decisions to smoke, or are such decisions up to an

Tobacco is one of the most widely-used drugs of the world. Over a billion adults legally smoke tobacco every
day. Tobacco is slowing taking a billion people in the world towards doom. The long term health costs are high
for smokers, who suffer from various heart and lung diseases, reduced concentration and continually
diminishing immunity.

Non-smokers, accompanying smokers or those who are in their close vicinity, also become Passive smokers
and bear the toll of various inevitable diseases as they inhale the smoke which has an ill-effect on their
respiratory systems. Thus, the health costs are highfor smokers themselves, and for wider community in
terms of health care costs and lost productivity.

There has been awareness among people from many years, about the ill-effects of smoking and various
campaigns run by the government, NGOs and local bodies to encourage people to quit smoking but the result
have not been impressive. The solution is to nip the problem in the bud. School authorities and parents should
keep a close eye so that children dont start to smoke because they think it is cool. They should be made
aware about the harmful effects of smoking.
Government could play a vital role too. Smoking should not be high-hand in advertisements and movie
commercials which have a huge impact on people. It could levy high taxes on tobacco products to keep people
away from its reach. Rules for checking children buying such products should be made stringent.

The onus to protect from such products also lie on individuals as will-power always does the trick. The
knowledge of importance of being healthy has to be realized from within. It goes a long way to check the
problem. Thus, the solution requires both legitimate action of Government and strong individual decisions to
eliminate the problem.

8- Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. Whats

your opinion? Good or bad?
Large shopping malls are spreading their wings all around the globe by replacing traditional small shops. It is
becoming apparent in all urban areas. It is agreed that, mall culture should be promoted but, not at the cost of
small shops. This will be analyzed by looking at how convenience and economic benefits has made them most
preferred choice of customers.
To begin with, the infrastructure of big malls facilitates consumers to shop conveniently. For example, malls are
equipped with large parking spaces, lavatories, food courts, air conditioning, and entertainment areas which
makes them much more desirable than small shops. One can spend an entire day with their family or friends as
there is something for everyone. Looking at this example it is clear why malls are preferred over shops. Thus,
they are considered better from all aspects by the majority of shoppers.
Moreover, malls are proven good for the economy as they can generate more income, create many
employment opportunities. For instance, sheer size and variety of products attract many people. Consequently,
malls earn lot of income as well as generate mass employment opportunities. This proves why they are
replacing small shops. From this one can conclude that uptrend in mall culture is definitely better.
This analysis proves that significant economic benefits and ease of shopping experience have made malls
desirable over traditional shops. In a nutshell, albeit there are some benefits of small shops, the advantages of
large malls outweigh them. So it is predicted that this changing trend will continue in near future.

9- In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory.Do you agree

with the notion of compulsory voting?

If it is compulsory in democratic society, what conclusions can we draw

about Nature of democracy?
Compulsory voting in a democratic society is undeniably a controversial topic as it raises a question: how democratic a
nation will be with or without compulsory voting. This system has many benefits to the nation, if it is implemented in a
right manner. In this essay we will discuss the nature of democracy with few examples of compulsory voting.
Democracy is also known as republic, is a governing system where the citizens of the country vote to one of the several
parties competing for the Presidents position. If only 30% of the people vote then outcome of the election will be unfair,
as those who did not vote may not like the party that won the election. For instance, In America, Bill Clinton won when
mere 34% of the total population voted. Similarly in India on an average only 50 to 55% of the people vote and rest have
to accept the rules drafted by the unwanted members of the parliament.
Turning to the compulsory casting of vote, in Australia casting vote is compulsory since last 80 years. Almost 90% of
public participate and there is a little fine for those who dont participate. Moreover, in South American nations like Peru
and Bolivia there are harsh punitive action against those who dont vote. For example, Non Voters are barred from
accessing their own bank accounts for up to 3 months. This is the reason there are some people who are against
compulsory voting.
In a nutshell it can be said that compulsory casting of vote is an imperative step in a democratic society, however its
implication in a friendly manner is of vital importance. So compulsory voting is mandatory for a democracy to be a

10- PTE Academic sample essay recent invention that

has changed society
Any recent invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to


In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions such as antibiotics,
air planes and computers. What do you think is the most important of
them? Why? Greatest invention in the last 100 years, medicine, science or
It is evident how life has changed since technology has been introduced in the human life. When we think about
technology mostly the first thing that comes to our mind is the image of a computer. Technological advancements such as
computers have been designed and created with the only purpose to help humans and make their lives easier. Computers
have become indispensable in any workplace where they are basically considered a compliment for people to help them on
developing their activities. In fact, computers are the greatest invention of all time because they have multi-tasking
features that can minimize your work, they can display and let you manipulate stored information, and they are used in
almost all fields for any purpose.
First of all computers have multi-tasking features that can minimize the work you have to do. For example, computers
avoid you having to calculate any result on doing math, the only thing you must do is to type the information needed and
your work is done. Secondly, computers can display and let you manipulate stored information. In other words, you dont
need to use paper in order to store any information on shelves. You dont even have to rewrite a whole paper because you
did a mistake or you have to add more information to the written form. You can have as many files as you can in your
computer and organize them the way you like it without having to use any extra material or space.
Finally, computers are used in almost all fields for any purpose such as entertainment, education, and any type of job. For
example, you can use computers to play video games, watch movies, listen to music or chat on the internet for
entertainment. In education or any job you can use them for video conferences, Power Point presentations or just using
their basic features discussed in the first point. Therefore computers are the greatest invention of all time because they
reduce your time consumption on your activities, you can save your information and edit it any time, and they let you do
almost everything you need. Computers have become the most powerful tool ever created.

11- It is usually foolish to get married before completing your

studies and getting established in a good job? Do you agree or
foolish to get married
Many people get married even before getting settled in their career. This can be seen in many universities and offices. It is
argued that getting married while studying or before getting a stable job can be arduous at times. This will be shown by
analysing how it can afflict a persons studies and unestablished employment.
To begin with, responsibility of a spouse can augment persons chores to a greater degree. Say for an instance, a married
person has to take out some time of his studies to spend with his spouse, whereas a single person can focus on his studies
and has an advantage to score high grades. When looking at this example it is clear that, marriage is a hindrance for a
student. From this it can be concluded that its better to delay marriage and focus on academics.
Furthermore, initial stages of work life are usually gruelling. One has to spend considerable amount of hours to get
established in a good job. For example, a person settling up in a job may have to travel to different locations or branches.
If the spouse is dependent, it can be tough to be flexible to cater to the demands of workplace. When looking at this
example it is obvious that it is foolish to get married prior to getting a stable job.
These analysis prove that, its beneficial to complete studies and have a steady job before getting married. As that adage
goes, a person who chase two rabbits catch none. In a nutshell, it is recommended that one must first settle in their own
life before adding up a responsibility of a spouse.

12- Parents should be held legally responsible for their

childrens acts. What is YOUR opinion? Support it with
personal examples.
Parents responsibility often, kids behave in an unacceptable manner. Sometimes in a way, that is not taught by
parents. It leads to a moot question that, who is responsible? Since, several studies on developmental
psychology have found that children are, essentially, a blank slate. So I think that parents should be held legally
responsible for their childrens acts. By taking this into account, we will analyze how kids learn things by
observing and by teaching of the parents.
To begin with, it is said that, children are like a sponge; they absorb and imitate everything they observe. For
example, in a developing stage, child learns language, culture, manners by observing his parents. So, if
parents speak in an abusive way, it is most likely that child will observe and imitate their use of profanity. This
example clearly proves that parents are responsible for that kids coarse language. Thus, they must be legally
bound for kids acts.
Moreover, its parents duty to teach social behavior to their children and to discipline them. Say for instance, if
kid goes to neighbors house and bring home couple of toys he liked, its parents responsibility to discipline him
and teach him not to take anyones anything without permission. This clearly exemplifies that there is obvious
link between parents teaching and their childrens acts. Thus, parents must be legally liable their childrens act.
These analyses prove that kids act in a way they are brought up by their parents and based on the things they
are exposed to. In a nutshell, parents are solely responsible for kids acts. I advocate that it is necessary to
make it legal.

13- Marketing strategy for some companies offers and

discounts, for some it is reputation. Should consumer
goods companies concentrate special discounts and
offers to promote their products or they should focus
on reputation? What do you think is more important?
(here they are asking our Opinion)
Marketing strategy plays a crucial role in the growth of a firm. Many companies face this moot question that, whether to
focus on offers and discounts or to build stronger reputation. I would advocate to invest in special discounts and offers on
regular intervals. This will aid in grabbing attention of more consumers and foster companys turnover periodically.
To begin with, companies have to spend on advertising to promote special offer campaigns. For example, when Nestle
promotes its Maggie noodles at special discounted price, it will attracts more buyers than its standard price advert. This
proves that Nestle will not only promote their product but also build a reputation in the market.
Moreover, short-term discounts can boost up revenues of the company. Take for instance, Start ups usually hit the market
hard with weekly or monthly offers. This strategy generates excess revenues for that short period. This example evidently
shows that special offers can effectively contribute to the growth of a company. From this it can be said that the former
strategy can kill two birds in one shot.
In a nutshell, concentrating on discount and offers strategy will reap more benefits as it also contributes to publicity of the
companies. Thus, its in the best interest of the company to promote their products in this manner. Therefore, I strongly
believe adoption of this strategy will lead to expeditious progress.

14- PTE Academic writing sample essay in past 100

years ,which is most important invention
In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions such as antibiotics,
air planes and computers. What do you think is the most important
invention of them? Why? Greatest invention in the last 100 years, medicine,
science or technology?
It is evident how life has changed since technology has been introduced in the human life. When we think
about technology mostly the first thing that comes to our mind is the image of a computer. Technological
advancements such as computers have been designed and created with the only purpose to help humans and
make their lives easier. Computers have become indispensable in any workplace where they are basically
considered a compliment for people to help them on developing their activities. In fact, computers are the
greatest invention of all time because they have multi-tasking features that can minimize your work, they can
display and let you manipulate stored information, and they are used in almost all fields for any purpose.
First of all computers have multi-tasking features that can minimize the work you have to do. For example,
computers avoid you having to calculate any result on doing math, the only thing you must do is to type the
information needed and your work is done.
Secondly, computers can display and let you manipulate stored information. In other words, you dont need to
use paper in order to store any information on shelves. You dont even have to rewrite a whole paper because
you did a mistake or you have to add more information to the written form. You can have as many files as you
can in your computer and organize them the way you like it without having to use any extra material or space.
Finally, computers are used in almost all fields for any purpose such as entertainment, education, and any type
of job. For example, you can use computers to play videogames, watch movies, listen to music or chat on the
internet for entertainment. In education or any job you can use them for videoconferences, PowerPoint
presentations or just using their basic features discussed in the first point.
Therefore computers are the greatest invention of all time because they reduce your time consumption on your
activities, you can save your information and edit it any time, and they let you do almost everything you need.
Computers have become the most powerful tool ever created.

15- Extreme sports like skiing, rafting, diving should be

banned. Agree or disagree? Argumentative /
persuasive/ opinionated type essay
Today, extreme sports are making headlines, sometimes for making world records and on few occasions to
create awareness of potential dangers. Banning these sports is strongly disagreed as it will deprive an athlete
from freedom of choice and it is also deterring for the economy.
To start with, in todays liberal era, a person has the freedom to choose their choice of sports or recreational
activities. For instance, smoking and drinking are the major causes of deaths and yet they are not banned. On
the contrary, sports like skiing and rafting cause very few casualties. When looking at this example it is clear
that depriving these players of their passion is unfair.

Moreover, these sports attract many spectators from around the world who contribute to the economy as it is a
booming niche industry. For example, mountain biking championships in New Zealand attracts many tourists,
which create an influx of international currency for the economy. This exemplifies that the government should
promote such sports and clearly outline the safety guidelines for the participants. All in all, banning is not the
After analysing these examples, it can be concluded that such sports should be encouraged with proper
facilities and safety measures instead of imposing a ban on them. It has now been shown that banning extreme
sports will deprive athletes and economy from their respective benefits. So it is highly recommended to
encourage these sports with financial and infrastructural assistance.

16- Many people think that regions affect successful person. What is your
opinion about native region and accomplished persons influence on the
region he belongs to
Whether ones success is very much dependent on his or her native regions is a debatable topic. This essay
will express complete disagreement with this statement and will offer reasons for this viewpoint.
To begin with, a variety of reasons can be offered to explain why I am not in favour of this. Foremost among
these, I believe that achieving success in life depends on many factors such as determination, discipline, clear
visions of your goals and ambitions, motivation and most importantly hard work. Moreover, support from friends
and family around you would also play an important part in your journey to success. Although there is no doubt
that being in a good and cohesive environment is beneficial, a person who is disciplined and determined to
achieve his goals will find ways to his success no matter where they are.
Firstly to accomplish anything in life required immense hard work and commitment. Success means earning
respectable position, monetary gains and secured future. Industrious as a key has a lions share in achieving
success and remarkable position in the society. Moreover, people those who have marked themselves as
examples for others have burnt the midnight oil for reaching at desired positions. To illustrate, people like, Bill
Gates, Ratan Tata, APJ Abdul Kalam and list goes other eminent personalities are the perfect cases of
successful leaders in their respective fields.
To wrap up, the connection between people belong to native regions and accomplished forks have a very small
or trivial effect in overall success stories of any person. Basic fundamentals will remain static and identical to
earn respectable position in this universe.

17- Does television removes our loneliness or not?

Television is a source of entertainment and news. There is a TV-set in nearly every house, which is watched
daily. People are attracted by TV for many reasons: some watch movies and shows, others search for news
and educational programs, still others cannot imagine their leisure time without a TV-screen which is full of
attractive programs. There is real life and there is TV-life under influence of which viewers fall. Under the name
of Reality TV viewers expect something as real life on TV.
Reality television is a genre of television programming which generally is unscripted, documenting actual
events over fiction, and featuring ordinary people over professional actors. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality_tv).
Reality TV has appeared following the creation of television broadcasting in the 1940s. Everything has started
with such shows as Candid Camera (1948). Reality TV programs are rapidly developing and gaining more
and more popularity changing contents of the programs according to time changes: participants become more
opened to the viewerswhich attracts constant interest to reality shows. The most popular reality TV shows
today are: The Bachelor, Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire, Survivor. All over the world, on multiple TV-
channels, millions of people are watching the products of reality TV. Reality shows are covering most valuable
aspects of life: family relationships, love, Money. Main purposes of those shows are either fun, or competition
It is not difficult to produce a reality show it is also less expensive and more profitable. The truth is that reality
shows are based on an improvisation by non-actors but according to a story, half-fiction set by creators. There
is no 100% reality. The goal of a producer is to make something more popular then before in order to attract
more audience and continuous popularity.

18- PTE Academic sample essay student need to travel

Value added by travel in Education. Is travel a necessary component of
education or not ? Will student sitting at home have more knowledge?


Student travel to study is over rated, we have brilliant scholars who studied
locally. Is travel really required for higher studies?
The development of society is going towards a globalised world where education is an essential foundation for
personal, social and economic success. International studies are becoming a new trend for young people as a
way to expand their education beyond their traditional education style. It is agreed that adding a foreign
qualification has become an integral part of higher studies. This argument is proven by looking at how it widens
peoples perspective and helps them with better career opportunities.
Studying abroad helps student increase their awareness about different cultures of the world. This will
contribute in creating individuals with a broader understanding of issues concerning todays society rather than
limiting them in a scope of home education system. For example, universities have a large community of
students both from the local area and all around the globe. The diverse academic community enhances the
quality of learning by providing wider spectrum of opinions and expertise. This example clearly shows that
international education enhances outlook and sharpens self-awareness. Therefore, we can say that travelling is
an important element of education.
Moreover, acquiring a globally recognized qualification or degree opens the doors for international job market.
The students gain more knowledge and expertise when abroad and apply them to situations requiring
international interactions. Also, employers look for the graduates with international experience either by
studying or working abroad. Thus, we can say that international studies add value to a students education.
In conclusion, it can be said that travelling to foreign countries for higher studies is a key to succeed in this
globalised world.

19- Some people argue Laws changes human behavior

whereas some disagree. Do you agree with it?
Argumentative / persuasive/ opinionated type essay.
PTE essay Laws changes human behavior
Law is the only way to exercise control over the public to maintain peace. People usually behave in a way that
is in accordance with the law. It is true that human behavior is governed by legislations. Strict lasso makes
better countries & people respond to a situation in an orderly manner.
To begin with, countries with the strict laws have minimal crime rate. For example, in Singapore smuggling
drugs is a criminal offence and one has to face death penalty and therefore such activities hardly take place
there. This exemplifies that laws can alter peoples behavior. Thus, there is an obvious link between laws and
human behavior.
Furthermore, in The UAE, kissing in public is a punishable offence. Every citizen of this country is aware of the
law and its hard to find anyone breaking the law and it is the culture of the country. This example clearly shows
that the absence of law may create an unfavorable environment for the smooth functioning of the society.
Therefore, legislations definitely affect our behavior.
To summarize, the above analysis establishes that there is a strong positive correlation between law and
human behavior. It has been proven that many countries use lass as a major tool for reforms. It is expected
that lawmakers will continue to use it for the betterment of the society in future.

20- People usually mix their private and professional

life. What are the pros and cons of this?
PTE essay private and professional life
Some people state that Employees should keep their private lives and personal activities as separate as
possible from workplace .Others say that private and professional lives must go hand in hand to foster the
growth of an individual as well as the company. The issue is a controversial one as both the methods has its
own pro and cons. I would say that private lives can be mingled with professional lives up to a limit that will not
harm the productivity at work.
Firstly, the employees that work in a company will have better relations if they share their personal lives with
each other. It fosters a positive feeling and understanding amongst colleagues at work. This will help them to
work in groups and thus the work can be solved in a quicker and in an effective way. But, if there is too much
interaction regarding private lives in office, it would lead to no work and only gossips that would hamper the
work as the employees will be busy discussing their private lives and personal activities at workplace. Thus the
efficiency of employees will decrease. Hence, mixture of both lives must be balanced.
Secondly, If a person keeps himself/herself aloof from other colleagues he may not find his workplace a better
place to work. This may have a negative effect on him and thus his productivity may decrease. He/She may
have some personal problems due to which he lacks concentration in his work. But as he has no one
discusses, he keeps to himself the problem that may hamper his work. In this case he cannot share his work
load amongst other people. This in turn may have a negative effect on his performance. However, if the
colleagues have better relationships with people around he can discuss the problems and can get better help
and suggestions which may be helpful to him without affecting his work.
To conclude, Private and Professional life must be in proportion at workplace so that people do work and in
addition have fun. This will have a positive effect on employees.

21- The mass media, including TV, radio and

newspapers, have great influence in shaping peoples
ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Give reasons for your answer.
Mass media has significantly changed our cognitive pattern. This is very apparent in our daily lives and our
surroundings today. It is strongly agreed that peoples ideology is massively influenced by TV, Radio &
Newspaper. This will be proven by analysing boa these mediums have shaped peoples ideas about lifestyle
and habits.
To begin with, mass media constantly bombard people with adverts, world news, trends, and fashion etc. The
viewers get captivated and try to imitate that. For instance, TV & newspapers often cover the lifestyle of
celebrities in a jazzy manner and consequently most youngsters try to act, dress and talk like them. This
example clearly show the influence of mass media is constantly changing our lifestyle and perceptions. Thus,
mass media plays a great role in shaping ones ideas.
Moreover, many people rely on weather prediction of mass media so that they can dress accordingly. For
example, Melbourne city is well known for its capricious climate. So to hedge against the risk people check
weather predictions before going out. Thi, habit of checking weather conditions is a clear example of impact of
mass media as well as our growing dependence on it. Thus, TV, radio and newspapers have contributed in
moulding peoples habits.
This analysis proves the influence of various mass mediums in altering peoples lives. In a nutshell, there is
strong positive correlation between mass media and peoples ideology. It is expected thats these channels will
dominantly keep influencing human thinking.

22- PTE Academic writing sample essay In under

developed countries, tourism has disadvantages and
can be said the opposite as well
In recent decades, low cost airfare has made international travel easier and many countries have, therefore, developed their
tourism industries into key sectors of their economies. While it is clear tourism brings obvious benefits to the countries
that host tourists, it is also true to say it may bring disadvantages as well.
Undoubtedly, there are significant benefits that tourism brings to a country. First, a thriving tourist industry implies an
increasing need for a variety of services such as hotels, transport, restaurants, and entertainment. This results in a
considerable number of jobs being created for people who lack a college education and also the development of the
infrastructure needed to accommodate visitors. Moreover, tourism is a green industry that, unlike factories, generates a
low level of pollution. In fact, because beautiful natural landscapes are often places that tourists come to see, a country
will often be sure to maintain the landscape in order to keep it attractive for tourists.
Despite the benefits, there are aspects of tourism that may prove harmful to a country. For instance, a country may suffer
from the loss of their traditional culture. This is caused by people in a country changing their lifestyle, customs, and
language in order to more effectively serve visitors or because they become influenced by foreign countries. This can
cause stress in a traditional society and could even lead to animosity towards tourists. In addition, because tourists often
carry expensive objects like cameras and are unaware of their surroundings, they make good targets for theft. Crime also
increases as a result of the increases in drugs and prostitution that caters to some vacationers.
In summary, global tourism is greatly beneficial to an economy and environment of a country. However, it can be
detrimental in several ways. To my way of thinking, a country should seek to develop its tourism industry because it can
bring steady jobs to many people without their need for higher education and without the risk of environmental damages.

23- PTE Academic essay sample international travel and

International travel and tourism makes people
prejudiced rather than broad-minded. What are its
causes and what measures can be taken to solve this
It is irrefutable that international travel and tourism has taken mammoth
dimensions. Unfortunately, sometimes, international tourism creates tension
rather than understanding between people from different cultures. In this
essay I intend to delve into the causes of this situation and suggest some
ways forward.

The most important reason why some are opposed to international tourism is
that tourists may unknowingly show disrespect for local culture. For instance,
we generally cover our heads in a religious place. A tourist may not do so or
take his shoes inside a temple. This may offend the local people. Sometimes,
youngsters may be attracted towards the western culture which the tourists
bring with them and many may find this as a threat to the local culture.
Moreover, the tourist dollar may not be helping the local people. We all know
that tourists stay in five star hotels and enjoy the best facilities. They may be
taking two showers a day where as the local people may not have enough
water to drink. This has been the case in Shimla which is a very popular hill
station in Himachal Pradesh India. On top of that, when tourists buy souvenirs
from local artisans, they bargain a lot. The poor artisans, who look up to
tourists for their livelihood, end up earning the bare minimum. Finally, tourism
creates pollution, which helps nobody. We are all suffering the consequences
of global warming.
The solutions are not simple. We cannot discourage tourism. It is the
backbone of many economies of the world. First of all, the tour operators
should take the onus of guiding the tourists about the main things of local
culture. Secondly, the tourists should stay with locals as paying guests. This
would be a win-win situation for both. Local people would earn and the tourist
would taste the local culture. Finally, ecotourism should be promoted. For
example, if an elephant ride is possible, the tourist should avoid using car.
After all a good tourist is one who takes away nothing but photographs and
leaves behind nothing but footprints.
Summing up, international travel and tourism do have a downside to it but
many steps can be taken to lessen the negative effects.
24- With technology speeding up, more and more young
people begin to use mobile phones and the Internet, but
old people have little chance to be exposed to them. What
ways could mobile phone and the Internet be useful to old
people? How can old people be encouraged to use this
new technology?

use of mobile by elder people

It is irrefutable that the young generation today are technophiles and are very
comfortable with mobile phones and internet whereas the elderly are uneasy
with the latest technological devices. This essay shall delve into how the
mobile phone and internet could be useful for the senior citizens and ways to
encourage them to use such technology.

Mobile phones and internet could be beneficial to old people in various ways.
To begin with, we all know that a major problem the elderly face is of social
isolation. Nuclear families predominate these days and even in nuclear
families, children have to leave their parents to seek greener pastures abroad.
Through these technologies the elderly can connect with their kith and kin who
live far away from them. For example, through the internet, they can chat with
their grandchildren and also see them through web camera.
Furthermore, the elderly face a lot of health problems. Through mobile phone
they can any time call the ambulance or their relatives and get timely medical
help. Through the internet they can get consultation of any doctor in any part
of the world by showing their digital x-ray or MRI scan. Another advantage of
such technology to the elderly is that they can entertain themselves through
these gadgets. They have a lot of free time and they can listen to religious
hymns, visit sacred and holy places on the net which they cant otherwise visit
because of failing health. They can also do net-banking, online shopping and
also book their rail tickets and air tickets online.
There are a lot of ways to motivate the elderly to use these equipments.
Firstly, they can be made aware of the various ways such things can help
them. The government and NGOs can open free training centres to appraise
them with this technology. Grandchildren can teach their grandparents about
these gadgets. Too many features on mobile phones deter the elderly from
using them. So, user-friendly models could be made especially for them.
Finally, these gadgets could be made available to the elderly at subsidized

25- Some people think that students benefit from going to

private secondary schools. Others, however, feel that
private secondary schools can have a negative effect on
society as a whole. Discuss both these views and give your
own opinion.
In order to choose the right type of secondary school, you need to weigh all of
the options open to you. It is a highly debated issue whether private
secondary schools are good or bad for society. In the following paragraphs, I
intend to delve into the pros and cons of private secondary schools.

On the positive side, most of the private schools offer smaller classroom size
and so the child can receive more individual attention from teachers. It is a
well known fact that secondary education is very important because in most
cases the career is based on secondary school subjects. Secondly, private
secondary schools offer better academic and extracurricular programs. As a
result there are lower drop-out rates. Finally, there is less on-campus violence
in private schools as compared to government schools. This is because
students realize that their parents are spending huge sums of money on their
schooling and so they are more serious in studies.
On the downside, there is less diversity in private schools as compared to
public government) schools. As a result children will meet fewer peers from
diverse backgrounds because of the tuition fee. Secondly, private secondary
schools dont conform strictly to educational regulations. So you have to do a
lot of effort to select the right school for your child.
Finally, these schools are very expensive and consequently increase the gap
between the rich and the poor. The children from affluent backgrounds can
afford these schools and get quality education because of which they get into
the best universities for higher education. The disadvantaged children of poor
backgrounds find it very difficult to compete with them in all spheres of life. So,
these create an imbalance in society.
Summing up, private secondary schools are providing quality education and
are a boon for society. However, they should have some relaxation in fees for
the meritorious students of poor backgrounds so that their disadvantages are

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