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Happy Solar Eclipse SCORPIO NEW MOON of October 23, 2014

We have arrived to the next pit stop of transformation and the Solar Eclipse Scorpio New Moon of October 23rd at 5:55 pm EDT is here, when we are called to
create an alignment and harmony between our feelings and actions by speaking and acting on our truth and nothing but the soulful and heartful truth of how we

The time is NOW. Goddess is rising. Her greatest gift is Presence.

She is the Earthood of our essential inner equilibrium. The inner womb of cosmic creation that pulsates fervently deep within us and helps us to connect with our
inner rhythm and the rhythmical cycles of Nature, Mother Earth, Cosmos.

Infused with the Scorpio archetype theme, the intensity and raw necessity of being fully in the present moment is highlighted. The intense focus on the present

Whatever is resurfacing right now that frightens us is ready to be released. When all masks of politeness, almost-truths, and razzle-dazzle are stripped away, what
would remain? The real hardcore or gentlecore YOU. The truth of you. Your truth of what you need, desire. That. The realization of that state of consciousness
is its goal. For you to embrace the true undeniable you.
ou are here: Home Astrology REBIRTH: Pluto Stations Direct and a New Moon in Libra 2014
New Moons and Full Moons often influence us for the 3 days before and 3 days after the actual event.
New Moon at 22 of Scorpio
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 2:09 p.m. PDT
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 5:09 p.m. EST
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 10:09 p.m. GMT
Written by Anne Reith, Ph.D. on 10 November 2012
This months New Moon on Tuesday, November 13, finds both the Moon and Sun in conjunction (0) at 22 of Scorpio. To further clarify how this New Moon will
impact you on a personal level, locate 22 of Scorpio in your birth/natal chart. The issues associated with that house are going to be most affected by this New
Moons presence.
As with all New Moons, this one in Scorpio offers us an opportunity to set new intentions and have new emotional starts. Scorpio is a fixed water sign. Its energy is
emotional, and its focus is passionate and intense, akin to a laser beam. As with all astrological signs, there is a higher and lower expression of the energy
associated with Scorpio. Its higher expression is the ability to focus energy in strong, passionate, willful, energetic ways toward the accomplishment of whatever it
deems to be important. When Scorpio is on a mission, nothing will interfere with the accomplishment of this goal! The lower expression, though, manifests when
the energy of Scorpio hinders us from knowing when to let go, release, surrender, and turn something over to the Divine. The expression Let go and let God is a
critical lesson for this sign. And this is the energy that we all will be dealing with at the time of this New Moon in Scorpio. We all need to learn to find the balance
between (a) focusing on our goals, setting our intentions, and using that laser-like focus to achieve our objectives and (b) knowing when to use prayer,
visualization, surrender, and detachment from a specific objective.
And this is not your ordinary New Moon in Scorpio! It is also a Solar Eclipse. This means that the energy of this New Moon is magnified tenfold! For many of us,
this extra-powerful New Moon is marking a time of major endings and beginnings. Old energy grids are being reconfigured and rebooted. Old programs erased.
New templates emerge. Because this Solar Eclipse is happening during a Scorpio New Moon, it is likely that we will be exploring our deepest desires, worst fears,
and our cosmic destiny. Often this will be a time of wrapping up (or resurfacing) of issues addressed 19 years ago when the Solar Eclipse occurred at the same
degree. In this case, that would be November 13, 1993. If you can, think back to what was important in your life then. Where in your life are you ready to go to the
next level, particularly in the issues associated with the house in your natal chart where this New Moon is occurring?
Many planets are changing directions or signs in the next 7-10 days, and several aspects between planets will influence our lives in powerful ways:
On the same day as the New Moon (Tuesday, November 13), Mercury backs into Scorpio, which will deepen our perceptions and support the psychological
awareness that is the hallmark of a Scorpio New Moon. That same day, Mercury will square (90) Neptune. The presence of spiritual Neptune will support the deep
healing energy inherent in a Scorpio New Moon. It will help all of us to let go, engage in dialogue about spiritual matters, and be supported through caring words
and tender thoughts.
Both Neptune and Chiron (an important asteroid associated with healing) end their 5-month retrograde phases and begin moving forward again on Saturday,
November 10 and Wednesday, November14, respectively. They have been in retrograde since June 4 (Neptune) and June 11 (Chiron). What has changed for you
since then? What are you drawn to do now. Over the next few weeks, many of us will very likely feel drawn to take big steps in our spiritual lives and in our
healing of any issues that block us from that progress (e.g., physical, emotional, mental, spiritual).
On Thursday, November 15, there is an important but awkward aspect called a quincunx (150) between Saturn and Uranus. This same aspect will return two more
times on April 12 and October 4, 2013. The slow moving energy of this aspect will encourage us to explore how and when to shift from being dutiful and
disciplined (Saturn) to being independent and original (Uranus). Both ways of operating are useful, but learning how to effectively navigating between them is the
challenge we are now being given by the cosmos. Do your best to be aware of these rapidly changing signals, and keep making adjustments, as needed. You are
being given the opportunity over the next year to perfect your dance between order and freedom by learning how to be more adaptable.
On Friday, November 16, Mars moves into Capricorn for a 6-week stay. Although this placement of Mars can arouse competitive urges and lead to struggles over
authority and control, Mars enjoys being in Capricorn because it supports commitment and the pursuit of ambition and recognition. It can also provide us with the
capacity to overcome any difficulties and stick to tough tasks.
An aspect occurring the next day (Saturday, November 17) will provide a soft sextile (60) between Mars and Neptune. This will encourage gentle persuasion and
acts of creativity and compassion. An hour later, the Sun will conjoin (0) Mercury, which will provide us with insights and help us communicate more effectively.
Then on Wednesday, November 21, the Sun leaves the sign of Scorpio and enters its home sign of Sagittarius. Although this has traditionally been known as a
month of excess and overreaching, the true purpose of the Sag energy is to broaden our horizons. We are being asked to venture out of our comfort zones through
times on April 12 and October 4, 2013. The slow moving energy of this aspect will encourage us to explore how and when to shift from being dutiful and
disciplined (Saturn) to being independent and original (Uranus). Both ways of operating are useful, but learning how to effectively navigating between them is the
challenge we are now being given by the cosmos. Do your best to be aware of these rapidly changing signals, and keep making adjustments, as needed. You are
being given the opportunity over the next year to perfect your dance between order and freedom by learning how to be more adaptable.
On Friday, November 16, Mars moves into Capricorn for a 6-week stay. Although this placement of Mars can arouse competitive urges and lead to struggles over
authority and control, Mars enjoys being in Capricorn because it supports commitment and the pursuit of ambition and recognition. It can also provide us with the
capacity to overcome any difficulties and stick to tough tasks.
An aspect occurring the next day (Saturday, November 17) will provide a soft sextile (60) between Mars and Neptune. This will encourage gentle persuasion and
acts of creativity and compassion. An hour later, the Sun will conjoin (0) Mercury, which will provide us with insights and help us communicate more effectively.
Then on Wednesday, November 21, the Sun leaves the sign of Scorpio and enters its home sign of Sagittarius. Although this has traditionally been known as a
month of excess and overreaching, the true purpose of the Sag energy is to broaden our horizons. We are being asked to venture out of our comfort zones through
exploration and/or education.
Later that same day (Wednesday, November 21), Venus enters Scorpio, where it remains until December 17. Luckily, the presence of Venus in Scorpio while the
Sun is in Sagittarius will help curb the typical Sag tendencies to overspend with regard to money or energy. Venus in Scorpio is traditionally a placement of
jealousy, mistrust, and scrutiny. We are being encouraged to dig more deeply into our psyches and discover assets and resources that arent being fully utilized.
Additionally, Venus in Scorpio has the added benefit of intensifying our desires, including our sexual feelings, which can add a delightful energy to our intimate
relationships. But all desires will be intensified, sexual and otherwise!
On Thanksgiving Day here in the United States (Thursday, November 22), Venus trines (120) Neptune, which can support Venus in Scorpio by creating a dreamy,
spiritual energy. The planets Venus and Neptune symbolize two facets of love: personal and universal. This free-flowing trine puts Scorpionic desires into a larger
perspective, where fulfilling one persons needs will not leave another person wanting. Theres enough love and approval for everyone with this open-hearted
Then next day (Friday, November 23), an electric and potentially dramatic square (90) occurs between Mars and Uranus. Best-laid plans may need to be reworked
as unexpected events emerge on the day after Thanksgiving. Both individually and socially, we may feel and see rebellion against order and rules. But this aspect
can also bring insights and innovation that are surprisingly useful. But then on Saturday, November 24, a sweet stabilizing sextile (60) between Mars and Saturn
will calm things down. It is likely we will feel motivated to take action that is practical, productive, and proficient.
Overall, this New Moon in Scorpio and Solar Eclipse is super-charged! We are being asked to find a balance between intention and faith, focus, and surrender.
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, so we may need to purge the old before we begin anew. We are also being asked to be mindful of our motivations, to heal what needs to
be healed, and to use our power wisely. Bring your love and wisdom to whatever situation is calling for healing and transformation. We are being reminded that we
always have power, we always have choice, and we all have something important to offer. So at this time, it may be helpful to remember the beautiful prayer of
Saint Francis of Assisi: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt,
faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be
understood as to understand; to be loved as to love.

Its going to be a lovely day! In fact it will be a lovely few days! We have a week of powerful energy shifts and seasonal changes. The Autumn Equinox (equal day
and equal night) we had yesterday, September 22, brings in the new season with the message of equality and balance.
Ascending From Hell
Today, September 23, 2014, Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, stations direct and that means we can now see clearly everything and everyone we must
release and move on from. We must do this so we can re-birth into new and thriving life. It is time for us to put behind the people, relationships and situations that
clearly are dead because there was no mutual effort to purge the negativity and create positive new life. Now you must go forward with new life alone. It wont all
happen today as the Universe gives us a chance to hurriedly do what we should have done under Pluto retrograde since April 14, 2014, but as Pluto gains strength
in its direct (forward) motion over the next two weeks you will see changes occurring.
What evil, coldness, callousness and cruelty have you been perpetrating on someone since April 14, 2014? Where have you been being a malicious, rapacious
person, facilitating and watching situations of hellish torture in situations while refusing to do the right thing? Now come the consequences.
Did you refuse to stop playing cruel games and hurting someone you have hurt for a long time. You had these last 5 months to see the damage you were doing, to
hear the cries and see the painful wounds you were causing. What did you do to brig healing? Did you do nothing, thinking things will continue for as long as YOU
want the to continue. The Universe is about to show you what an arrogant fool you are and what a major, irreparable loss you are now going suffer due to your
cruelty and insistence on abusing torturing someone or failing to act and do the right thing in a situation. You see, that person will go now while you sit and think
that they are waiting around for you to continue the game.
Conversely, did you wait on someone for a long time, hoping and praying they would be fair, balanced and just to you? Were you praying for justice, love, a relief
from the torture and pain? Were you afraid of being destroyed as the relationship or situation got SO bad? Now, you see you must leave because they are not
changed or changing and you can (and will) leave. You have seen the face of evil.
Love, Sex and Pregnancy
If you are a woman who has been taken to the darkness in life due a man, the above applies. By the October 8 lunar eclipse in Aries, you will be gone, if not before.
If you have left before then, that day will bring only what may be an agry final shutting of the door as you ut yourself out (luunar rclipse) and cut all emotinal
strings connecting you to this man. N worries! A new man will come in with the strong and masculine New Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 23 (and you
will finally get lots of LOVE and SEX, too under all that masculine Scorpio energy!). You will finally arise from the hell and into a heavenly situation or
relationship, just as Persephone was able to ascend from hell where Pluto kept her imprisoned, repeatedly raping her while her aloof cold uncle, the god Zeus dd
nothing about it.
Interestingly enough, it was Ceres, the goddess of pregnancy, mothering, nurturing and the harvest who secured her daughter Persephones release. This is a clue to
what is coming with the New Moon. Once out of the darkness, there is rebirth. Not only that, there is a baby to be conceived, birthed and nurtured for some of you
after surviving a deadly and barren relationship for a very long time. Many babies will be conceived this autumn season ad born next summer 2015!
Pluto is about control, cruelty, darkness, death, foulness, the stench of what is rotten. Some people became extraordinarily cruel and cold these last five (5) months
at the expense of another person. We all had five (5) months since April 14, 2014, to clean up those kinds of relationships in our life. Pluto direct symbolizes the
god Pluto releasing Persephone (his niece!), who he spent months raping and cruelly holding hostage in the darkness of Hades. Pluto direct symbolizes her begin
able to ascend and live in the beautiful, clean light again. It symbolizes her healing. I can only imagine how grateful she was to know love and light again in her
life, to eat and sleep without pain and fear to walk the Earth in gentleness and joy after such body-destroying, soul-killing hell.
Examine Your Life and Chart
More specifically look in your natal chart to see in which house Pluto in Capricorn is transiting. The direct station today means issues concernign that house wil
relationship, just as Persephone was able to ascend from hell where Pluto kept her imprisoned, repeatedly raping her while her aloof cold uncle, the god Zeus dd
nothing about it.
Interestingly enough, it was Ceres, the goddess of pregnancy, mothering, nurturing and the harvest who secured her daughter Persephones release. This is a clue to
what is coming with the New Moon. Once out of the darkness, there is rebirth. Not only that, there is a baby to be conceived, birthed and nurtured for some of you
after surviving a deadly and barren relationship for a very long time. Many babies will be conceived this autumn season ad born next summer 2015!
Pluto is about control, cruelty, darkness, death, foulness, the stench of what is rotten. Some people became extraordinarily cruel and cold these last five (5) months
at the expense of another person. We all had five (5) months since April 14, 2014, to clean up those kinds of relationships in our life. Pluto direct symbolizes the
god Pluto releasing Persephone (his niece!), who he spent months raping and cruelly holding hostage in the darkness of Hades. Pluto direct symbolizes her begin
able to ascend and live in the beautiful, clean light again. It symbolizes her healing. I can only imagine how grateful she was to know love and light again in her
life, to eat and sleep without pain and fear to walk the Earth in gentleness and joy after such body-destroying, soul-killing hell.
Examine Your Life and Chart
More specifically look in your natal chart to see in which house Pluto in Capricorn is transiting. The direct station today means issues concernign that house wil
now get unstuck adn move forward. If it aspects planets in a house trine it, expect good things to occur in matters regarding those houses, In the opposite (180)
house and the square (90) house expect challenges on those issues, being initiated by the issues of the house where Pluto is transiting.
So for example, if Pluto in Capricorn is stationing direct in your 6th house, the 2nd, 4th, 8th, 10th houses are involved in a very positive manner. This is
AWESOME work, career and financial news! The 6th house is the house of work routines, health and hygiene and care of domestic animals. You can expect that
your health will now improve, medical issues will finally be resolved in the next few months. Your work routines have likely become organized and uncluttered
while you sat immobilized and unable to move forward with your work. Now you will be able to proceed. Doors will magically open. People will start offering new
opportunities in a new place.
The 2nd house(120) will evidence progress in gaining income and your moneymaking ideas. This will be aided by the fact that Pluto in Capricorn will be trine
your 2nd house of earned income. You will be getting a job if unemployed and money will start flowing, maybe even in dramatically high amounts. If you have
been waiting for money from a legal settlement relating to an old job (2nd house) that you lost under Pluto retrograde, the money will come now. You will have
your finances restored.
The 4th house (60) will receive good energy and something about home and family will now move forward. Maybe you will buy a house or apartment and/or
make a new home and family of your own (starting a new family of origin). Maybe you will start your revived career making money from home. The New Moon in
Libra reminds, though sign a prenuptial agreement, first before marrying as it is only logical. You do not want to be screwed out of basic necessities that come
with home and family in the future. Anyone who refuses to sign one or plays games around signing it is intending to harm you in the future!
The 8th house(60) will receive a positive push, bringing in someone who will share heir financial resources with you in a committed relationship, sharing of sex
and intimacy on an emotional and spiritual level, shared benefits in finances due to being a couple, personal psychological improvement, deepened spiritual life and
more involvement with spirituality and shared comfort dealing with death and loss.
The 10th house (120) of public name and reputation and career/vocation is also therefore involved. You dedication to organizing and uncluttering your work life
and clarifying your intentions and goals around work will pay off in a glowing manner.
Here is a likely scenario: now under Pluto direct you will do your daily work (6th house) from the firm foundation and solid structure of home. Your family
(children and animals) may either be part of the work or will be present as you work. Your calling and vocation has something to do with counseling and/or
spirituality in some form and you are able to do it from home. It is work that will build an outstanding and ethical name for you in the public and in your field. Your
bank account will flourish from it, and your home, marriage and family will benefit from it.
Anyone who has been a passive or active hindrance, obstacle or detriment to your income, health, name and reputation or work life is also getting cleared out as
Pluto stations direct. They do not want to actively support you? The they are gone, baby, gone!
Behind the scenes you have worked hard on your 6th house stuff during Pluto retrograde because it was all that was left to you when everything else was stripped
away and you were forcibly isolated without work, money and career (as well as other things. Your professional reputation will be boosted high as career
opportunities lift you just as high and the losses took you low. Light and life is being restored to you via work. It will bless you financially, as well as in public and
personal name and reputation. Everyone who laughed at you will be scowling and ashamed in the dark shadows as you rise into the light you deserve. Oh, hey! If
you have Pluto in the 6th then Jupiter in Leo is transiting your 1st house and that means you will certainly be in a glorious and positive spotlight.
People with Capricorn in the 6th house, be careful of jealous malicious people, with a smile on their face, who want to get close to you now because some
of them have bad intentions and only want to learn where you might be vulnerable and how they can kick you out of the positive and adoring spotlight
you most certainly deserve.
Live in the positive light of day now!. Reap the harvest of balance in love, marriage and money that is now coming your way.
A Clean Slate New Moon in Libra
On Wednesday, September 23, 2014, the Sun enters the relationship sign of Libra sets the stage for the upcoming eclipses in October, and the focus is heavy upon
relationship issues and finding a sense of self in the process. Pluto has been retrograde for five (5) months, which means its energy has been weakened. Now, that
this powerful little planet moves forward, the coming week or seven days afterwards offers a final opportunity for heavy relationship heavy breakthroughs,
dramatic relationship changes, and serious realizations about the other person in the relationship (who they really are, what they really mean/meant to your life)
what you are losing by losing them, what you are gaining by leaving them).
To help make these dramatic relationships changes, heavy relationship breakthroughs and serious realizations easier and more balanced (Libra loves balance!),
there is a lovely new moon at 1 degree of Libra at 2:14 AM EDT in the USA/ 8:14 AM CEST in Central Europe on Tuesday September 24, 2014.
The New Noon is a time of new beginnings, and this Venus ruled moon in Libra deals with issues around marriage, justice and money/finances in particular, and
in general around relationships with others.
Despite how foul and dark things have been between you and the person you ave loved the New Moon in Libra is a divine spiritual message that you have the
opportunity to apologize and making things right, and get a clean slate for the present and future. Apologize and commit get engaged or married finally and stop
abusing the other person, Under the New Moon in Libra (the relationship, love and marriage sign) the other person is much more likely to forgive you and accept
your offer of a balanced and committed future.
Act from your heart, not your head, because your head has really screwed up things. Venus-ruled Libra show us that the heart is what matters.
New Moon in Gemini
May 20, 2012
By Maharani Rutan
Abstract by Leslie Hale& Lee Stillwaters
On May 20, 2012, a beautiful ring will appear in our skies with the Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini. The new moon will create a
beginning and solar eclipse will heighten the effect. This wonderful symphony will occur at approximately 07:47am EST and 3:47 am
PST. The eclipse will occur in 0 degrees Gemini. It will be an amazing reset button for many.
The stunning part of the Annular Solar Eclipse happens when both planets the sun and the moon are in lined at the exact position. The
line of the planets will cause a ring due to the placement and the size of the moon which will appear as a fire in the sky. Even though
the moon will enter our skies while the sun raises, those in the United States will not see it until the early afternoon in the United
States. This type of eclipse has not happened for 18 years in the United States and another like this will not occur until October 14,
2013. The eclipse will begin its journey in Southeast China and continues its journey from California to Northern western Texas at
8:39 pm.
This is the third series of eclipses that have affected mutable signs since December 2010 read about it here. Those that will have
direct impact from this eclipse will be those that have planets at 25 to 30 degrees in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius and those that
have early planets in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces).
The May 20th Solar Eclipse in Gemini takes place on the same day as the Sun enters Gemini. The timing of the Solar Eclipse takes
place in the very 1st degree ofthe mutable sign of Gemini, so thoseborn on or near May 20th, September 20th, November 20th, and
February 20th are likely to experience the effects of theeclipse more significantly. Solar Eclipses represent new beginnings, so those
born with planets or house cusps in the first 5 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, or Sagittarius are more likely to begin newprojects,
opportunities, andpursuitsin their lives. Lee Stillwaters
Those most affected by this eclipse will be Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces, or others who have a personal planet in their
natal chart the eclipse is hitting. Leslie Hale
The effects of this eclipse can be felt as early as 5 days before (May 15, 2011). The discomfort of the energy of the eclipse will be felt
by everyone; however, the intensity of the eclipse depends upon the house that the eclipse falls in your astrological chart. Every
eclipse has a significant bearing on revolution in our lives for at least 6 months; therefore, early born Geminis as well as those that
have primary planets in Gemini may feel this effect more so than ever as well as late mutable signs.
This eclipse does not single out Geminis or just mutable signs, it will affect many especially those that are in relationships that are
poisonous in nature. Every eclipse is relationship oriented whether it is romantic, family, business or associates it has no bearing. I
would suggest a consult Leslie Hale to see how this eclipse will affect your interpersonal relationships in general and set up a 6 month
in-depth reading with me.

There are a total of three 6 months in-depth reading since each eclipse is unique in its own prospective. I especially emphasize
mutable signs (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittariuss) as well as Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Pisces). However, celestial
transformation will not narrow to having a sun sign in the signs mentioned above, if you chart has the sun, the moon, or any houses in
the above mentioned sign there will be definite transformation. What is yet to be determined is the journey which one will be on this is
why I suggest a paired reading with an Astrologer.
The first eclipse of the summer occurs on May 20, at 0 degrees of Gemini. It is a solar eclipse, and Gemini is the natural ruler
of the third house of communications and rules speech, travel, and younger people, making these areas our focus. The eclipse
squares Neptune, creating a potential for deceptive communication and situations, or lack of clarity in events, as well as water
related weather events. Leslie Hale.
To be able to understand how we are affected by the planets, a glimpse of Astrology 101 may be necessary. For example this eclipse
will affect my 12th house. The 12th house in astrology focuses on looking at the past to build a foundation for the future. When a
person has Gemini in the 12th house this often represents solitude. When true ideas arrive when we are alone and the difficulty begins
when we are misunderstood. The 12th house also represents family and difficulties with family members or association of the family.
Often related to siblings or relatives, even debt of karma owed to family members. Those that have Gemini in the 12th house operate
on intuitive impulses rather than thinking things through. They are highly psychic and flow with creativity where the public and public
speaking becomes a president in their lives. The 12th house is also where Neptune tends to reside which is the most misunderstood
house this means that most people with Gemini in their 12th house naturally feel alone and vulnerable. To be able to understand the
affects of this eclipse I would suggest you make an private appointment with my recommended astrologers here. Or go to my page
where you can find a list of Astrologers for you to choose from.
Eclipses often have a long life and the energy of an eclipse can last for months, sometimes years to come. Eclipses are like
guideposts and by looking at where the eclipses fall in your chart astrologers can get an idea of what the focus in your life will
be over the year to come. Leslie Hale
In ancient times eclipses were considered as omens and difficulties during the time of the eclipse and often in the current time it is as
equally thought of. Eclipses usually trigger majordevastationsuch as negative weather patterns which could be such things as floods,
earthquakes, and snow storms. Often it is seen as irritable time for even humans the energy could create unrest politically, financially
and even emotionally. The solar eclipse is an eye opener or a nudge as I had mentioned to realize that world we once knew is
changing, either we change with it fight it.
Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, an overall positive transit but things may be blown out of proportion. Astrologer Celeste Teal calls this
eclipse, Property Agreements, and writes, For the USA, a treaty may be involved. Visiting ambassadors. There are troubling
uncertainties, and unsettling times. An underestimation of efforts risks failure. Mars overhead shows quarrels and conflicts, warlike
themes and/or military involvement. Mercury shows complicated situations and communication obstacles over high cost matters:
prosperous potential. Concerns: finance and material. Crime rate changes, railway or mechanical accidents. Risky speculation.Leslie
The eclipse in early Gemini is definitely geared towards development through confidence and strives; there is a need to ask our selves
what have we done to get where we need to go? And what more is needed to get where we want to go? It is time to gather material,
form a plan, and make choices. Because the evidence to form plans in our lives are so scattered the tendency to be frustrated could
make it difficult to make choices. This is very similar to the eclipse felt also in December 2010. Read about it here.
The eclipses do not have to all be destructive; eclipses can bring new social position, and a need to take inventory to make
enhancements to stability. It is a time for maturity, inhale information and acquire knowledge of the spiritual and knowledgeable
information and people. And exhale the importance of sustainability and stability. If in a career there was a great deal of effort and
hard work than definitely the heavens will promote you, however, if it was revolving around just getting by then the angle of the
eclipse will show you the direction your lacking.
Solar energy is peripheral, shielding, apologetic, active and echoed and expressed from within our life force. This eclipse is
particularly objective and purpose oriented and our ideals and resolve can be enhanced and intensified. We begin to deeply consider
our contributions in the world, and the full expression of our humanity.
This 6-month period is a time to focus on career status, social status and endeavors. This particular Eclipse chart places a huge
planetary emphasis in one area of the Zodiac Gemini; however, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius are highly emphasized guarding against
out-of-control patriotism, misunderstandings and over-sensitivity about boundaries. Tiny details can over-run long-term goals.
Along with the solar eclipse the heightened new moon will bring a new beginningto set out a passage of new projects and endeavors.
The energy is just in the right place to bring growth, development and creating a physical world which one calls their own. The
restless will for the impulse to take action and begin something new, be it a small change in the way you approach your daily routine,
or a whole new path on your journey through life. The energy is right for making spur-of-the-moment moves and following your
instincts. This is the time to act from your heart and trust. Know that the Cosmos will support you as long as your intentions are true.
What do you want to create in your life? What vision do you wish to manifest? The new begins a new cycle. It is the seed of the
beginning lunar cycle. The chart of the New Moon is the key to influences in the coming lunar month. The New Moon is an asking
(invocative) time, and a time to formulate what our needs are according to the opportunities available (through Gemini this month).
The moon in Gemini is the sign of the Twins, on one side is the physical aspect of your life and on the other is youre emotional.
Study, Trim, Acquire, Gather, and most of all communicate. Open your self up for the most powerful conversations; get together with
groups, brainstorm. After all the information is collected make a new beginning, but be sure to bounce ideas back and forth with
Geminis are quite impulsive, bright, imaginative, resourceful, inventive, visionary and deadly in their creative power. Geminis are
known for the astuteness and its the most analytical signs but they are strangely corky and impersonal at times. Sometimes the
energy is such a nuisance its best to ignore it at times. Their famous question is but why? when sometimes there are no answers.
The energy between the moon and eclipse may cause need to continually express feelings. Arriving to a quick logical solution for any
emotional problem and will jump right in to provide a helpful opinion. Emotional feelings are not consistent and often switch
between on again and off again. This could make people appear fickle or two-sided, but is it you or them. Be open-minded. The flip
side of this energy may be that the urges of being super friendly in communication and a need to stay in touch with your mother or a
female guardian becomes a must.
No matter how it is analyzed. The new moon focuses upon action. Take this time and relax because we are in for a bumpy ride. There
will be 2 eclipses this summer. Both in mutable signs. Therefore, this is just a beginning of a bumpy ride. But it does not have to be.
The Gemini moon stimulates curiosity. Interesting ideas appear constantly, like doors opening up to reveal other doors. Now is the
time to make connections, perhaps via e-mail or telephone. Explore your garden, learn from it, but dont plant.
The Moon in Gemini also brings time of communication and flexibility. People may feel very loquacious and inquisitive. This is a time
to pursue academic interests and to take care of communications both verbal and written. Like the Twins that symbolize Gemini,
people may be able to see both sides of a problem, but they may also be fickle and restless, unable to make up their minds. Caution
needs to be taken to avoid saying something in haste that will be regretted later.
The eclipse can be a very difficult time even when things are perfect. Appreciate the gifts that have been bestowed upon you by the
cosmos. Namaste the name of the sun embrace the difficulties and ask for forgiveness when frustrations have over come humility.

The Sanskrit mantras can be difficult to pronounce but it is a powerful source of energy on levels of sounds through us and the
creator. For the Solar Eclipse it is suggested that mantra of Surya be chanted every morning and every night for the entire transit (6
Om Surya Namaha

(OmSurya Namaha)
Also I suggest to purchase a Yellow candle carve your name on it and anoint it with sandalwood or frankincense oil and chant the
following chant: I ask to find the inner light of my creativity I wish for the universe to help me achieve the recognition that I desire.
I pray that I may find the strength to take chances with my creativity.
Since, moon in Gemini- gracious, sharp, conscious, coherent, and changeable. The Airy Gemini Moon gives our heart wings of
happiness sociable chats, sociable visits, neighborhood interest and a bit of change-your-fickleness.
You may also choose to recite a mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that with all applications of psalms and
mantras achieving the desired result is depended upon the quality of intention, and when it comes to finding a satisfying relationships
and success, it is of the greatest importance to begin with a clear understanding of what your goal should be. The mantras can be hard
to pronounce for many but it is a powerful source of energy the mantra for Gemini moon is:
OmVeshnu Namaha
(OM Vesh nu Na Ma Ha)
Remember the 12 aspirations. Dont forget to cross the ones you have already accomplished and make new ones. Dont forget to
manifest matters concerning materialistic things at this time. And most of all dont forget to light a white candle that day carve your
name on the candle anoint the candle with Frankincense oil and chant Psalm 65 three times. If you should have any other questions
regarding the new moon please feel free to contact me or the Solar Eclipse, please feel to contact me.
This solar eclipse I will be doing 6 months in-depth reading to prepare us for the finale at the beginning of July when things are set in
stone until this fall.
Being a Vedic reader does not make me an Astrologer. Vedic reading is focused geared towards transformational changes which
embarked by actions and reactions. One ounce of prevention brings solace understanding of the future.
For the best advice I would suggest you make an appointment with Leslie Hale and get a read on the effects of the two eclipses. After
you have had a complete reading on the transitions of the eclipse you may set up an appointment with me to have an in-depth reading
done (6 months). I especially recommend for Geminis and Sagittarius to have two readings done, both in May and June especially if
you have Gemini in your chart and if you are mutable sign.
I will be accepting appointments for in-depth readings at a reduced price as early as 22 of May to be scheduled for June 03 on wards.

unar Eclipse 2010

Full Moon in Gemini
On December 21, 2010 at 3:17 am EST, 12:17am PT we will have a Total Lunar Eclipse as well as the Winter Solstice at 7:04am EST,
4:40am with the full moon in Gemini at 29 degrees. For the first time in a long time the visibility will be prominent in eastern Asia,
Australia, northwestern Europe, Africa and all of America.
People with mutable signs(Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgos), will have difficulties unscrambling their self-image from their
emotions, failing to recognize that someone or something is not what it appear and it is all a self image or a mirage rather than a
emotional commitment. During the eclipse the sun and the moon will play a significant role in the messages which are being delivered
by this eclipse. It is time to use these messages to make over something that is ended and start to build something new. Often times
it means to continuously think over things until you are totally exhausted and finally make that choice with coherent thinking.
Many people will change their plans of the future by taking the time to look at all the things that have not worked in their lives to
reach new goals. Especially to look at what has held them back for so long to obtain their sublime bliss. Since the eclipse falls in ruler
of Sagittarius/ Gemini we are seeking the truth through contemplation. However, there needs to be consideration made that the
eclipse is also in squaring Jupiter (Luck and expansion) and Uranus (change) the theme could bring some unexpected adjustment
without warning and with it will come a new way of thinking which will be encompassed by compassion and spirituality.
This eclipse brings extraordinary prospects to bring to surface how we are with one another and questioning if our acts or reactions
have met the higher good for all. The eclipse energy brings Jupiter to focus where we bring spirituality into our lives and really clean
up our act. With Sagittarius also in the mix we are looking for the truth and seeking stability.
Eclipses always come in pairs-keeping in mind for everything that ends there are always a new beginning. This is the first series of
eclipses which will capture the heart and soul of Sagittarius and Geminis. During this time something could very well end and plan
begin anew and may manifest for the partial solar eclipse on June 01, 2011.
Mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgos) or those who have mutable signs in their charts will be obsessed to do things
that interfere with our emotional satisfaction or chasing after their desires while wasting their talents and skills trying to balance a war
between their emotions and their ambitions.his eclipse will also re-stimulate to some degree the issues were raised during the solar
eclipse in 2001. According to Vedic astrology during this eclipse it triggers Rahu (Confusion) and Ketu (Anger) to aspect the sun.
Therefore, many unforeseen and sad events are possible all around the world. Geminis are also the rulers of worries and thus causing
situations to be a bit out of control. However, Rahus placement (Jupiter) will make things slight bit tolerable. If you would like to refer
back to when this kind of energy may have felt like look back at January 09, 2001, November 2003, April 2004 if you can remember
that far back.
I can recall in January 2001, I woke up from illusionary relationship and accepted that I must move my self to a higher calling which is
to re-examine what I was doing and where I was going. I tapped into my energy source of my own psyche which I was so afraid of for
so long and opened the doors of the unexpected and not to fear the unknown. While letting go of people who are no longer beneficial
to me. I began to share my gifts which have been given to me through higher calling that I had thrown away for 9 years previous.
Dismissing everything that was righteous to escape into the unknown which I called vacuum years later. I decided to go back to school
leaving behind a very profitable career to reach for my dream instead of living in a dream of others.
Since this eclipse is geared toward, learning, educational, communication and seeking the truth. That was path which was unseen at
the time of the eclipse but was not discovered much later on. In 2003, I again changed my major in college during the eclipse and
changed it again in 2004 eclipse. The eclipses were all about starting something new when the old was getting boring. It was also
about exploring the depths of relationships which were mentally, physically and spiritually exhausting me while serving others and
finding a median. Whatever, I grasped during the eclipses I was always led to leave things that were never useful and spiritual. If it
meant I left friends and relationships to have a higher calling than that is what the eclipses did. Look back and see how career, money
and relationships transformed you? And are you prepared to do it again? If you are are you learned? Or will you do something with
pride and knowledge or will you repeate the same mistakes?This eclipse falls in areas of communications whether it is news about your
next door neighbor, your ex or global events it will most defiantly get your attention. Everyone will be talking it may even feel like you
have information overload. Sagittarius also rules learning, teaching and travel. But it could also mean publishing and writing it is
about upgrading already learned skills however, it can be quite negative people who are born within 5 days before and after December
21st may be affected by this eclipse which may bring some issues to the surface. But dont forget we will all be affected one way or
another since its hard not to have at least one mutable sign in your chart. At the same instance the eclipse urges you to expand your
work or go on a vacation. But having this during retrograde may impose some problems.
When a lunar eclipse occurs, the earth is passing between the Sun and the Moon, creating a Full Moon as we experience every month
but in this case, the alignment is perfect the occultation of the Moon complete. The intensity of the Full Moon is great, yet she is
totally covered for about an hour by the earths shadow. You might even see violet, orange and possible blue moon. The Sun and
Moon are occupying opposite Astrological signs, therefore emphasizing the particular polarity inherent in those signs. During the
period of occultation, the Moons supportive light is temporarily we may experience a crisis of need, and the particular sort of lack
depends universally upon the astrological sign in which the eclipse occurs, and personally upon the natal astrological house (realm of
influence), as well as the major aspects made to natal planets.
This eclipse is predominantly relationship oriented and our associations with others can be severed, challenged, or suddenly welded
together as the shock calls one to action. This eclipse centers on the home and family. We may be deeply considered about our
feelings and needs within the context of the house, sign and planetary aspects affected. To fully appreciate the potential in the lunar
eclipse, we must explore both houses and signs that are brought into play. Where the Moon (Gemini-communication and fickle-
mindedness) is we can confront our demons, old habits and fears, and where the Sun (Sagittarius-truth and learning) is we may find
the means to embrace a release from whatever bondage we experience in life through our creative efforts. In any event, there are
opportunities for deeper understanding, and finding a balance in our lives.llow the heavy burdens of the past months to drop away.
You should swim like a light being and an angel of the heavens, in the harmonious seas of bliss and peace. I strongly suggest taking
your aspirations that you have made last month and cross them out one by one. Remember never beg for your aspirations.
It is my suggestion to bring out those aspiration papers again and cross off the ones you have already have changes and make new
ones. Also I suggest to purchase a Yellow candle carve your name on it and anoint it with sandalwood or frankincense oil and chant
the following chant: I ask to find the inner light of my creativity I wish for the universe to help me achieve the recognition that I
desire. I pray that I may find the strength to take chances with my creativity. Along with Psalm 7 every night until the next new
moon phase this will be January 3, 2011.
Since, moon in Gemini tends to be Friendly, Witty, Aware, Rational, and Flighty. The Airy Gemini Moon gives our heart wings of
delight friendly chats, neighborly visits, community interest and a bit of change-your-mindedness.ou may also choose to recite a
mantra every morning until the next moon cycle. Remember that with all applications of psalms and mantras achieving the desired
result is depended upon the quality of intention, and when it comes to finding a satisfying relationships and success, it is of the
greatest importance to begin with a clear understanding of what your goal should be. The mantras can be hard to pronounce for many
but it is a powerful source of energy the mantra for Gemini moon is:The intention of this mantra is to call upon the God of protection
and harmony to give you internal and external peace without uncertainties.
Please note these are general tendencies, and highly recommend that you make an appointment with Lee Stillwaters to find out how
this eclipse will affect you. Most of the time Astrology is a guide to what is coming in the future and Astrologers are able to give you a
glimpse of what you can expect. At the same time Vedic readings are also quite important because it uses the aspects of the sun,
moon, karma, dharma, destiny and spiritual inclinations to predetermine what is about to come so that you can modify your life to
have the most benefits from the eclipse.
I will be offering 6 months personal in-depth reading starting the 22nd. Which will be encompassing areas of life that may not be
touched upon by an Astrologer and Astrologer will touch upon areas which I am not able to uncover. Together you can amplify the
best of both worlds and create a destined path of your choice.
Additionally please note I am not a Astrologer nor claim to be one and the conditions of this information is completely general so that
you can get a basic notion of what you can expect. Vedic reading encompasses a basic notion of how we live in the physical world and
how we can change our destiny to be written in pencil never a pen.
Wishing a safe journey through the lunar eclipse and a wonderful holiday season.

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