Peroxyesters Product Bulletin

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Peroxyesters Product Bulletin

INTRODUCTION A. Thermal Homolysis

Peroxyesters offer the widest range of activity Thermal homolysis to form free radicals is the most
among all the classes of organic peroxides avail- important commercial reaction of t-alkyl per-
able. They are used extensively as initiators in free oxyesters. It proceeds by two different mecha-
radical polymerization reactions. Commercially nisms:
available peroxyesters can be classified as follows:
O R1 O R1
A. t-Alkyl esters of peroxycarboxylic acids:
R C OO C R2 RC O + O C R2
R' C OO t-R R3 R3
O R R1
B. t-Alkyl esters of monoperoxydicarboxylic acids:
R C OO C R2 R + CO2 + O C R2
R R3
HO C R' C OO t-R

The thermolysis mechanism for a particular per-

C. Di(t-Alkyl) esters of diperoxydicarboxylic acids:
oxyester depends on the molecular structure, pri-
O O marily electronic and steric effects. A convenient
rule of thumb for determining the relative likelihood
t-R OO C R' C OO t-R that multiple bond cleavage (including decarboxyla-
tion) will occur simultaneously with oxygen-oxygen
D. Alkylene diesters of peroxycarboxylic acids: bond cleavage compares the stability of the R radi-
cal that is produced by decarboxylation of the acy-
loxy radical. The more stable the R radical, the
R C OO R' OO C R more likely the t-alkyl peroxyester will decompose
by a multiple bond mechanism. Among the com-
E. OO-t-Alkyl O-alkyl diesters of monoperoxy- mercial peroxyesters only the esters of peroxyacetic
carbonic acids: and peroxybenzoic acids decompose by a mecha-
nism that initially gives acyloxy and alkoxy radicals,
O after which decarboxylation or -scission often oc-
R'O C OO t-R curs. These reactions can be shown as follows:

Physical properties and thermal stabilities of com- O

mercially available peroxyesters are described in
the attached Tables 1 and 2. R C O R + CO2

R1 2
The common reactions of monoperoxyesters are 2 1
R C O R + C O
described below. The diperoxyesters react in a
similar manner. R3 R3
The same factors that determine overall thermal
stability of the peroxyester determine the scope and
extent of these reactions.

Arkema Inc. 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3222 1-800-558-5575 or
B. Induced Decomposition the reaction is usually expressed in terms of the
Free radicals can react with a peroxyester in sev- half-life at a specific temperature. The half-life is
eral ways. The most common point of attack is the the time required for decomposition of one-half of
oxygen-oxygen bond: the peroxyester. For purposes of comparing the
reactivities of the peroxyesters, the temperatures at
O O which the half-lives are one-hour and ten-hours re-
R' C OO CR3 + R'' R' C O R'' + O CR3 spectively, in various solvents, are determined.
Because the rate of generation of free radicals from
a peroxyester is directly related to the rate of de-
Many other radical induced reactions of specific
composition of the peroxyester, half-life data can
peroxyesters have been described in the literature.
provide guidance in selecting the optimum per-
Induced decomposition is usually undesirable be-
oxyester for a specific application.
cause the peroxyester decomposes without a re-
sulting net increase in the number of free radicals.
Several factors must be considered when using
The occurrence of induced decomposition de-
peroxyester half-life data for this purpose. One is
creases with peroxide concent ration, especially in
that half-life data apply to thermal decompositions
the presence of radical scavengers (i.e., ethyleni-
rather than activated decompositions of per-
cally unsaturated monomers).
oxyesters. A second factor is that peroxyester half-
life data can vary somewhat in different solvents
C. Activated Decomposition
owing to polar effects and/or induced decomposi-
Certain metal ions react with peroxyesters to pro-
tion effects, especially in the absence of free-radical
duce free radicals. While not as efficient as thermal
scavengers. In the presence of an ethylenically
homolysis, this promoted decomposition can be
unsaturated monomer, induced decomposition be-
used to broaden the temperature range in which the
comes relatively insignificant and first order kinetics
peroxyesters can be utilized.
are generally observed. The published half-life data
on peroxyesters provide relative comparisons of the
Acids can promote the ionic decomposition of per-
activities of different peroxyesters in similar applica-
D. Rearrangement
Table 3 lists some peroxyesters along with data on
Some peroxyesters undergo a rearrangement reac-
activation energies and one-hour and ten-hour half-
life temperatures.
R' C OO CR 3 R' C O C O R'' The major products from the decompositions of per-
R oxyesters are carbon dioxide, aliphatic and aro-
matic hydrocarbons, alkenes, ethers, tertiary alco-
a-cumyl peroxyesters derived from aromatic per- hols, carboxylic acids and ketones such as acetone
oxycarboxylic acids or unbranched aliphatic per- and acetophenone. Generally, the amounts of
oxycarboxylic acids undergo this rearrangement these decomposition products are decreased when
reaction whereas a-cumyl peroxyesters derived peroxyesters are decomposed in the presence of
from di- or tri- a-branched aliphatic peroxycarboxylic ethylenically unsaturated monomers.
acids undergo thermolyses to form free radicals.
E. Hydrolysis
t-butyl peroxyesters are somewhat less stable to A. Facilities
hydrolysis than the analogous non-peroxidic esters, Peroxyesters should be stored apart from other
and may hydrolyze to regenerate an acid and a hy- non-peroxide chemicals, preferably in an isolated
droperoxide under certain conditions (i.e., alkaline location. Buildings should be well ventilated.
conditions). Freezer chests or walk-in refrigerators should be
used to store the less stable peroxyesters. Con-
HALF-LIFE DATA tainers of peroxyesters should be stacked so as to
In very dilute solutions, decompositions of t-alkyl allow good air circulation.
peroxyesters follow first order kinetics. The rate of

Arkema Inc. 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3222 1-800-558-5575 or
B. Storage Temperatures and Stability fire occurs, Class B extinguishers (dry chemical,
Peroxyesters are stable at their recommended stor- foam or carbon dioxide) can be used. In case of
age temperatures. At higher temperatures loss of fire involving large quantities of peroxyesters, the
assay and decomposition will occur. Frozen per- area should be evacuated and the fire fought with
oxyesters can be thawed by allowing them to warm water from a safe distance.
at a temperature not above the maximum recom-
mended. C. Contamination
Various contaminants, particularly oxidizing and
When stored at or below the maximum recom- reducing agents, strong acids and bases, and metal
mended storage temperature, commercial per- salts, can cause decomposition of peroxyesters,
oxyesters and their formulations will experience no often suddenly and with autoignition of decomposi-
significant change in active oxygen content for a tion vapors.
period of six months after delivery. Customers
should carefully control their inventories and use D. Containers
older product first to assure desired peroxide activ- Liquid peroxyesters should be stored in their origi-
ity in end-use applications. nal plastic containers. They should not be stored in
glass bottles or other containers that could shatter
A Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature while handling or during decomposition. The plastic
(SADT) is provided for each commercial product. containers used for shipping liquid peroxyesters
This is the lowest temperature at which product in a should be drained, flushed, and discarded in a
typical package will undergo decomposition. The manner that prevents re-use.
reaction can be violent, usually rupturing the pack-
age, dispersing the peroxide, liquid, and gaseous E. Spills
decomposition products considerable distances. If a liquid peroxyester is spilled, inert absorbent ma-
The heat generated might autoignite flammable va- terials should be used to soak up the spill. The ab-
pors. There is generally a period of time after the sorbed material should be dampened with water
SADT is reached before the decomposition be- and disposed promptly. For solid peroxyesters, the
comes vi olent. The length of time depends upon spilled material should be dampened with water and
how much the SADT is exceeded, which can swept up with non-sparking tools, then disposed
greatly accelerate the decomposition. promptly. In either case, the area of the spill should
be washed with detergent and water. The sweep-
The emergency temperature is 10C/18F below ings should be disposed in accordance with local,
the SADT. Under no circumstances should prod- state or federal regulations.
ucts be exposed to temperatures at or above the
emergency temperature. Planned preventative ac- DISPOSAL
tion should occur when this temperature is reached. Dilution followed by incineration is the recom-
If the SADT is reached, immediately evacuate the mended disposal method for small quantities of
area and implement the facility emergency re- both refrigerated and ambient storage peroxyesters.
sponse plan. If decomposition occurs, it should be Due to current environmental regulation, this
observed from a safe distance, taking only those method has become the preferred method of liquid
measures necessary to preserve life and nearby organic peroxide disposal. Dilution of the peroxide
property. to an active oxygen content of less than 1% in a
satisfactory solvent is recommended. Fuel Oil #2 or
HANDLING PRECAUTIONS common hydrocarbons are the most widely used
solvents. Dilution should be done by adding the
A. Heat organic peroxide slowly to the solvent with mild agi-
If a peroxyester is heated above the SADT, its rate tation to facilitate mixing. During incineration, dilu-
of decomposition increases in an accelerating man- tion ensures that there will be negligible heat contri-
ner. (See discussion above.) bution from the peroxide portion of the solution.

B. Fire Dilution is not generally accepted for disposal of

Peroxyesters burn vigorously and are difficult to solid organic peroxides and solid peroxide formula-
extinguish. The usual precautions for flammable tions. Due to solubility limitations, incineration as
solids and liquids should be observed. If a small

Arkema Inc. 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3222 1-800-558-5575 or
is or as a water-wet slurry is the recommended skin or eye contact with a peroxyester or its decom-
disposal method. position products, wash skin with plenty of soap and
water, flush eyes immediately with water for at least
Incineration by an approved waste disposal facility 15 minutes and get medical attention. If swallowed,
has the advantage of providing rapid and complete do not induce vomiting; call a physician. If possible,
decomposition along with the elimination of decom- provide the MSDS to the attending physician. The
position products. Incineration without dilution is an Rocky Mountain Poison Control Center can provide
accepted means of disposal for all peroxides and is additional assistance 24 hours a day (1.303.623.
often the preferred method for large quantities. Dis- 5716).
posal must comply with federal, state and local
regulations. SOLUBILITY
Liquid Peroxyester are soluble in most organic sol-
For assistance with proper and safe disposal of per- vents and insoluble in water.
oxyesters, please contact the Arkema Inc. Organic
Peroxide Regulatory Safety Specialist via the cus- AVAILABILITY
tomer service hotline (1.800.558.5575). Peroxyesters stored at ambient temperatures are
warehoused nationwide for immediate shipment by
TOXICITY common carrier. Those peroxyesters that must be
Prior to handling a specific peroxyester, the Material stored and transported under refrigeration are held
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for that product should in Arkema plant sites throughout North America and
be reviewed for current and up-to-date information shipped on refrigerated trucks from each location to
on toxicity and recommended personal protective provide delivery service to most points in the United
equipment. States and Canada, and to major ports and border
crossings for export.
Appropriate, up-t o-date first aid information is avail-
able on the MSDS for each peroxyester. In case of

For additional information on shipping schedules, prices and samples, or to place an order, contact:

Arkema Inc. Customer Service

2000 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
TEL: 1.800.558.5575
FAX: 215.419.5455

Technical Information
Peroxyesters are only one of many classes of organic peroxides manufactured by Arkema. Product bulletins
are available covering:

Diacyl Peroxides Dialkyl Peroxides

Ketone Peroxides t-Alkyl Hydroperoxides
Peroxydicarbonates Diperoxyketals

More detailed information on the use, handling and storage of organic peroxides is contained in additional bro-
chures available on the Internet at Also available for loan are a number of safety films
and videos tailored for various audiences. For assistance with technical literature and questions, contact a Cus-
tomer Service Representative at 1.800.558.5575.

Arkema Inc. 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3222 1-800-558-5575 or
Table 1 Commercial Arkema Pe roxyesters
Active 5 Gal. Gal.
Pkg. Pkg.
Assay Oxygen
Net Net
Commercial Peroxide Structure and % % Wt. Wt.
Name Name Molecular Weight Form Diluent by wt. by wt. Lbs. Lbs
a-Cumyl O
Peroxy- Solution OMS 74-76 3.87-3.97 35 28
188M75 t-C9H19 C OO C(CH3) 2-C6H5
a-Cumyl O
Peroxy- Solution OMS 74-76 4.48-4.60 35 28
288M75 t-C6H13 C OO C(CH3) 2-C6H5
Luperox hydroxybutyl O
Solution OMS 74-76 4.10-4.22 35 28
610M75 Peroxy- t-C9H 19 C OO C(CH3 )2CH2 CH(OH)CH3
Luperox t-Amyl Peroxy- O
Solution OMS 74-76 4.58-4.71 30 28
546M75 neodedanoate t-C9H19 C OO t-C5H11
Luperox Amyl Peroxy- O
Solution OMS 74-76 6.29-6.46 30 28
554M75 pivalate t-C4H9 C OO t-C5H11
Liquid None 95 min. 6.6 min. 35 28
575 O
t-Amyl Peroxy-
2-ethyl CH 3(CH2) 3CH C OO t-C5H11 Solution OMS 74-76 5.14-5.28 35 24
hexanoate C2H5
Luperox Phthalate
Solution 74-76 5.14-5.28 N/A 24
575P75 Plasticizers
Luperox t-Amyl Peroxy- O
Liquid None 95 min. 7.3 min. 40 32
TAP benzoate C6H5 C OO t-C5H11
Luperox t-Amyl O
Solution OMS 59-61 6.46-6.68 35 28
555M60 Peroxyacetate CH3 C OO t-C5H11
O Liquid None 95 min. 6.2 min. 30 28
10 t-Butyl Peroxy-
Luperox neodecanoate t-C9H19 C OO t-C4H9
Solution OMS 74-76 4.85-4.98 30 28
Luperox t-Butyl Peroxy- O
Solution OMS 74-76 6.80-6.98 30 28
11M75 pivalate t-C4H9 C OO t-C4H9

Arkema Inc. 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3222 1-800-558-5575 or
Table 1 Commercial Arkema Pe roxyesters (continued)
5 Gal. Gal.
Active Pkg. Pkg.
Assay Oxygen Net Net
Commercial Peroxide Structure and % % Wt. Wt.
Name Name Molecular Weight Form Diluent by wt. by wt. Lbs. Lbs
Liquid None 97 min. 7.2 min. 35 28
26 O
Peroxy-2-ethyl- CH 3(CH2) 3CH C OO t-C4H9 Solution OMS 50-54 3.70-3.99 30 24
Luperox C2H5
Solution DOP 50-54 3.70-3.99 35 28
t-Butyl O Solution OMS 74-76 8.96-9.20 35 28
Luperox acetate CH3 C OO t-C4H9
Solution OMS 49-51 5.93-6.18 35 28
t-butyl O
Luperox P Peroxy- Liquid None 98 min. 8.1 min. 40 32
C6H5 C OO t-C4H9
00-t-Amyl 0-(2-
Ethyl) Monoper- CH 3 (CH 2 ) 3CH O C OO t-C 5 H 11 Liquid None 92 min. 5.6 min. 35 20
oxycarbonate C 2H 5
Luperox O
Solution OMS 74-76 6.73-6.91 35 28
TBICM75 Monoperoxy- (CH3)2CH O C OO t-C4H9
00-t-Butyl O
Luperox 0-(2-Ethylhexyl) CH 3(CH2) 3CH O C OO t-C4H9 Liquid None 95 min. 6.2 min. 35 28
TBEC Monoperoxy-
Carbonate C2H5

Polyether Poly-
Luperox O Ethyl
t-butyl Peroxy- Liquid 49-51 3.32-3.45 35 N/A
JWEB50 R O C OO t-C4H9 Benzene
carbonate n

2,5-Dimethyl- O CH 3
Luperox 256
CH 3(CH2) 3CH C OO C CH 2 Liquid None 90 min. 6.7 min. 35 28
hexanoylperoxy) 2

hexane C2H5 CH 3

OMS-odorless mineral spirits

DOP-dioctyl phthalate

Arkema Inc. 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3222 1-800-558-5575 or
Table 2 Peroxyesters Physical Properties
Half-Life Maximum
SADT Flash Point Melting/ ( o C) Storage
Commer- oC oF Freezing Bulk Ea Temp.
Viscosity 10 1
cial oC oF Point, Density (Kcal/
(container size) hr. hr. oC oF
Name ( o F) (lb/gal.) (CPS) mole)
Luperox 15 59
54 130 < -108 7.83@32 oF 37.6@32 oF 27a 38 56 -18 0
188M75 5 gal
Luperox 20 68
51 124 < -108 7.92@32 oF - 28 a 43 60 -18 0
288M75 5 gal
20 68
Luperox 39 102 < -108 7.24@15 oF - 28 41 58 -10 14
610M75 5 gal
Luperox 25 77
52 126 < -80 7.25@32 oF 9.2@32 oF 29a 46 64 -10 14
546M75 5 gal
Luperox 30 86
45 114 < -45 7.23@32 oF 3.3@32 oF 28 a 55 74 -7 20
554M75 5 gal
Luperox 45 113
71 160 < -80 7.54@77 oF - 35b 75 92 10 50
575 5 gal
Luperox 45 113
50 122 < -80 7.16@68 oF 2.73@77 oF 35b 75 92 10 50
575M75 5 gal
Luperox 45 113
71 160 < -80 7.82@68 oF 5.67@77 oF 35b 75 92 10 50
575P75 5 gal
Luperox 75 167
43 110 24 8.34@77 oF - 32b 100 122 38 100
TAP 1 gal
Luperox 74 165
23 91 < -20 oC - - 33 100 120 38 100
555M60 5 gal
Luperox 27 80
60 140 < -78 7.5@32 oF - 28a 48 66 -10 14
10 5 gal
Luperox 27 80
60 140 < -108 7.26@32 oF 8.2@32 oF 29a 48 66 -10 14
10M75 5 gal
Luperox 29 84
11M75 39 103 -2 7.09@32 oF 2.8@32 oF 28a 58 76 0 32
5 gal
Luperox 42 107
64 147 < -22 7.42@77 oF 3.8@68 oF 34b 77 95 10 50
26 5 gal
Luperox 54 129
48 118 < -22 6.84@77 oF 2.2@68 oF 34 b 77 95 15 60
26M50 5 gal
Luperox >65 >149
78 173 < -22 7.76@77 oF 12.0@68 oF 34 b 77 95 15 60
26P50 1 gal
Luperox 82 180 >38 >100 -14 6.83@77 oF - 33c 102 123 38 28

Arkema Inc. 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3222 1-800-558-5575 or
Table 2 Peroxyesters Physical Properties
Half-Life Maximum
SADT Flash Point Melting/ ( o C) Storage
Commer- oC oF Freezing Bulk Ea Temp.
10 1
cial oC oF Point, Density Viscosity (Kcal/
(container size) hr. hr. oC oF
Name ( o F) (lb/gal.) (CPS) mole)
1 gal

Luperox 79 174
>38 >100 -22 7.42@77 oF 1.4@68 oF 33c 102 123 38 100
7M75 1 gal
63 145
Luperox P 89 192 47 8.67@77 oF 7.7@68oF 32 c 104 125 38 100
5 gal
Luperox 65 49
64 147 < -108 7.74@68 oF 5.25 @73oF 37 b 99 117 30 86
TAEC 5 gal
Luperox 60 140
60 140 -65 7.26@77 oF 2.1@68oF 33d 99 118 38 100
TBICM75 5 gal
Luperox >75 >167
101 214 -76 7.73@77 oF - 32 c 100 121 38 100
TBEC 1 gal
Luperox 70 158
22 72 < 32 8.02@77 oF 6.14@77 oF 34 f 100 119 38 100
40 104
Luperox 52 125 < -4 7.7@77 oF 50.6@68oF 32 c 73 91 10 50
256 5 gal

SADT- Is Self-Accelerating Decom position Half-life in:

Temperature by A.S.T.M./U.N. method or a trichloroethylene d benzene
by Heat Accumulation Storage Test (HAST) b dodecane e acetone
c decane f ethylbenzene

Arkema Inc. 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3222 1-800-558-5575 or
Table 3 Selected Low Temperature Peroxyesters

Table 3 Selected Low Temperature Peroxyesters

K, First Or-

Rate Con-

Temp., o C

Temp., o C
E Activa-


10 Hour

1 Hour
Temp. T

Trade Name Chemical Name Concentration oC Hrs.

40 8.25 0.0840
A. Luperox a-Cumyl Peroxy-
0.2M (TCE) 50 1.95 0.356 27 56 38
188M75 neodecanoate
60 0.66 1.05
40 32.5 0.0213
t-Butyl Peroxy-
B. Luperox 10 0.2M (TCE) 50 8.08 0.0858 28 66 48
60 2.08 0.333
49 22.8 0.0304
t-Amyl Peroxy-
C. Luperox 554 0.2M (TCE) 60 5.33 0.130 28 74 55
70 1.55 0.446
49 31.2 0.0222
D. Luperox t-Butyl Peroxy-
0.2M (TCE) 60 7.35 0.0943 28 76 58
11M75 pivalate
70 2.12 0.327

Remember the Rules for Safety

Safe use of organic peroxide initiators

q Leave room for cool air circulation in storage. q Control the temperature of all equipment.
q Rotate inventory: first in, first out. q Protect your eyes and skin.
q Know your plants emergency procedures. q Read the label and material safety data sheet
q Take only what you will be using. (MSDS) for every peroxide you use.
q Clean up spills. Dispose of them properly. q Keep peroxide away from flames and sparks.
q Avoid contamination.

These are the keys to safe handling of peroxides. When care is taken, cross-linking elastomers and polyolefins
with peroxides will be a problem-free and safe procedure.

Emergency Response Numbers

CHEMTREC 800.424.9300
From Canada 202.483.7616

Arkema Inc. 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3222 1-800-558-5575 or
Worldwide Office and Manufacturing Locations
Office: Arkema Inc., 2000 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19103, Ph: 1.800.558.5575, Fx: 1.215.419.7413
Plant: Arkema Inc., 18000 Crosby -Eastgate Rd., Crosby, TX 77532, Ph: 1.800.526.5544, Fx: 1.281.328.4052
Plant: Arkema Inc., 3289 Genesee St., Rte 63, Piffard, NY 14454, Ph: 1.585. 243.0330, Fx: 1.585.243.2649
Office: Arkema Canada Inc., 700 Third Line, Oakville, Ont., L6J 5A3, Ph: 1.905.827.9841, Fx: 1.905.827.7913
Office: Arkema Iniciadores S.A. de C.V., Rio San Javier No. 10 Fracc., Viveros Del Rio, Tlalnepantla, Edo de Mexico CP 54060,
Ph., Fx:
Plant: Luperox Iniciadores S.A. de C.V., Km. 6.5 Carr. Nanchital-Las Choapas, El Chapo, Ixhuatlan del Sureste, Ver., Mexico 96360,
Ph. 52.921.216.07.39, Fx: 52.921.216.07.42
Office: Arkema Brasil Quimica, AV. Ibirapuera, 2033-Moema CEP:, 04029-901, S. Paulo, SP, Brazil, Ph: 55.11.5056.8522, Fx: 55.11.5051.4738
Plant: Arkema Brasil Quimica, Rio Claro Plant Av. Pennwalt, 1001, Dist. Industrial, CEP 13505-650, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil,
Ph: 55.19.3522.5302, Fx: 55.19.3527.0300


Office: Arkema, 4-8 cours Michelet, La Defense 10, 92091 Paris La Defense Cedex, France, Ph: 33.1.4900.8080, Fx: 33.1.4900.8396
Plant: Arkema, 121 route de Lille, 62218 Loison sous Lens, France, Ph: 33.3.2177.4200, Fx: 33.3.2177.4300
Arkema GmbH, Niederlassung Gunzburg, Densinger Strasse 7, 89312 Gunzburg, Germany, Ph:, Fx:
Arkema S.r.l., Piazza Donegani 5/6; I-15047, Spinetta-Marengo, Italy, Ph: 39.0131.215.111, Fx: 39.0131.216.262
Office: Arkema Shanghai Representative Office, Unit 2801-06, Hong Kong Plz., 283 Huai Hai Rd. (M), Shanghai 200021, P.R. China,
Ph: 86.21.6386.3028, Fx: 86.21.6390.6266
Plant: Arkema Changshu, Fushan, Haiyu Town, Changshu City, Jiangsu 215522, China, Ph: 86.512.5232.2688, Fx: 86.512.5232.2788
Office: Arkema Peroxides India Pvt. Ltd., Balmer Lawrie House, 628 Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai 600018, India,
Ph:, Fx:
Plant: Arkema Peroxides India Pvt. Ltd., Semmankuppam, Cuddalore 607005 India, Ph: 91.4142.239.901, Fx: 91.4142.239.900
Office: Arkema Yoshitomi Ltd., 4-9 Hiranomachi, 2-chome, Chuo-Ku, Osaka 541-0046, Japan, Ph: 81.6.6201.2646, Fx: 81.6.6232.0910
Plant: Arkema Yoshitomi Ltd., 955 Koiwai Yoshitomi-machi, Chikujo-gun, Fukuoka 871-0801, Japan, Ph: 81.979.23.8945, Fx: 81.979.23.4381
Office: Arkema, Room 1401, Leema Bldg., 146-1 Soosong-dong, Chongro-Ku, Seoul, Korea, Ph: 82.2.3703.6711, Fx: 82.2.736.7175
Plant: SEKI-Arkema, 8B 16L Chilseo Industrial Complex, Haman-Gun, Kyoungnam, Korea 637940, Ph: 82.55.587.8060, Fx: 82.55.587.8062

IMPORTANT: The statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein are believed to be accurate as of the date hereof. Since the condi-
tions and methods of use of the product and of the information referred to herein are beyond our control, ARKEMA expressly disclaims any and all liability as to
any results obtained or arising from any use of the product or reliance on such information; NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE,
INFORMAT ION PROVIDED HEREIN. The information provided herein relates only to the specific product designated and may not be applicable when such
product is used in combination with other materials or in any process. The user should thoroughly test any application before commercialization. Nothing con-
tained herein constitutes a license to practice under any patent and it should not be construed as an inducement to infringe any patent and the user is advised to
take appropriate steps to be sure that any proposed use of the product will not result in patent infringement.

Before handling this material, read and understand the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for additional information on personal protective equipment and for
safety, health and environmental information. For environmental, safety and toxicological information, contact our Customer Service Department at
1.800.558.5575 to request an MSDS or visit our website at

Arkema Inc. is committed to the American Chemistry Councils Responsible Care and Product Stewardship initiatives.

2005 Arkema Inc. All rights reserved. Luperox is a registered trademark belonging to Arkema Inc.

Arkema Inc. 2000 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-3222 1-800-558-5575 or

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