Checklist of Emergency Procedures r3

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LET CHECKLIST OF EMERGENCY, ABNORMAL AND NORMAL PROCEDURES L410 UVP - E20 LET Kunoviee 686 04 Kunovico Czech Republic L 410 UVP-E20 L 410 UVP-E20 CHECKLIST OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (CHECKLIST OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Using of Check tne of omergeney recede e4 Cates o aga ssve and ching pages ae: Engine eo Ea nica <0. Mar 196 Cockpit or cabin re 2 — a oes Front uggege compartment te ea eas e res Rear boggage compartment fre es aoe 5 aan Boh generators operate. Es Emergency descent es Page ‘Change No. Engine four ding ako-ot a) 1 Engine flue dng missed epprosch es et 3 et ° ‘Shui information heen conte wth that nthe Approved Fgh Manual, £2 3 ‘ho AFM shoul ike procedoncs, aumen fl e7 ° es 1 i ei ag TTT L 410 UVP-E20 (CHECKLIST OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES USING OF CHECK LISTS OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 4. The Check Lists of Emergency Procedures contain the abbrovited names of necessary procedures, For moro dels refer 10 the Conesponding part Of Ariane Fight Manual The sequence ‘of procedures Is mandatory or by exe members 2, The row acy In emergency situation fs drectod by instuctons of pltn-comsand lems marked ( @ ) are of top importance and, in an emeraency case ust be execied atthe presenbee sequence thout waste of tno. there enough ime, ne pict command shal intut the oop road coresponding Check itt recheck th pcceduos seed ‘cote ne (..) means that respective data or condions are to be reported iar 6 L 410 UVP-E20 (CHECKLIST OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ENGINE FIRE 1. Engine on re DETERMINE The following tems ae vali for engine on te: © 2, Fuel top cock / Emergency trot ver shor (© 5. MANUAL FEATHER push-button Pus 4 Fuel fee eock SHUT © 5. Heating lover ‘SHUT (DOWN) (© 6 EXTINGUISH. -PRIM push baton Pus 7c. OLE apc. FEATHER 9, DC GENERATOR and AC GENERATOR oFr nthe fre continues: 10. EXTINGUISH. SEC. push-button ust ‘1. ENGINE STARTING, TELU, FUEL PUMP oteut breakers oFr 42 Landon he neers suitable airprt COCKPIT OR CABIN FIRE 1. Oxygen masks (goggles protecting against smoke) PUT ON 2, FASTEN SEAT BELTS cet breaker on 8 Descent INTIATED AS REQUIRED 4, Souren of fre DETERIAINE 5. Potable extrgusher FIRED (oont) Cree wT L 410 UVP-E20 CHECKLIST OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 6. cocspit windows OPEN you have nt 1 i oxtinguishig tho fo 7. Pexorm athe landing onthe nearest serodrome or forced lading. FRONT BAGGAGE COMPARTMENT FIRE (¢ 1, BAGGAGE COMPARTMENT EXTINGUISHING handle PULL snd HOLD 2. FASTEN SEAT BELTS crcl breakor oN 3. Descent INMATED AS REQUIRED 4. View windows ‘OPEN REAR BAGGAGE COMPARTMENT FIRE (ti vata only for rear Baggage compartment aecessibe fom outs) © 1. FIRE EXT. BAG, COMP. push baton Push 2, FASTEN SEAT BELTS ccut breaker oN 23.Descent INITIATED AS REQUIRED 4.Coxkpt windows ‘OPEN ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKE-OFF (wing flaps 18" Boiow V, epeed Abort notte off ‘Above V, speed: © 1. TCL ofboth engines Maximum ake of power (eon) Sep 2 rr ie L 410 UVP-E20 CHECKLIST OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES © 2.Fated engine DETERMINE © 5. Landing gear ata theft ve 4. Featheing prope of inoperative engine Heck {@)if te automat feathering oyce has nol been accomplished MANUAL FEATHER o inoperative engine ust TELU UH + Ri rout breakers OFF (0) fhe automat feathering cyte has not been feathered even ‘aor ove measures had taken hen Pt ofthe inoperative engine FEATHER 5. Awspeed min. Vp= 84 KIAS (188 kv IAS) 6. Atheight of 5 (10.7 m) sot MaxtuUMt CONTINGENCY POWER 7. AUT. BANK CONTROL ste OFF 8. Agpeod at height of ‘0 minutes paint or use cof max contingency power 0. Flape st a haightof 0 minutes pit or use cof max. contingency power RETRACT 10. Avepeed 00 KAS (185 kev IAS) 11. operative engine FIND OUT PARAMETERS, ‘The following toms at valid for noparative engl: {97 KAS (180 km AS) sata. ue 49, Fuel etop cock Emergency hot lever Hur (cont) ag TT L 410 UVP-E20 (CHECKLIST OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 14, DC GENERATOR and [AG GENERATOR suites oF 18, ENGINE STARTING, IU, FUEL PUNP crcut oakers oF ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKE OFF (wing flaps 0°) peed: ‘Above V, speed: 4. TCLofboth engines ‘Maximum ake of power © 2.Faled engine DETERMINE © 3 Landing oar ator take-off up © 4 Festhering propel efincperatve engine cHeck (a) Ifthe automat fetharing cyte has not been accamplched [MANUAL FEATHER of nopeatve engine Push TELULH + RH excl roars oFF (0) If te automatic feathering ce has no been ealnered oven ‘ater above measures had taken thet PL ofthe inoperative engine FEATHER 5. Alepeed rin. Ve = 94 KIAS (175 kr IAS) 6. At eight of 35 (10.7 m) set MAXIMUM CONTINGENCY POWER 7 AUT. BANK CONTROL ston OFF (cont) ‘Sep2ame eS L 410 UVP-E20 (CHECKLIST OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 8. Aapood at ahoightof ‘10 minutes pnt or use of max, contingency power 100 KAS (185 kv 1AS) 9. Inoperatve engine FIND OUT PARAMETERS, “The following toms aro valid for inoperative engin: 10701 role 11. Fuel stopcock / Emergency tet ver nur 12. DC GENERATOR and [AC GENERATOR outchos oF 18. ENGINE STARTING. IELU, FUEL PUMP cect breakers oFF ENGINE FAILURE DURING MISSED APPROACH Maximum ako power cocintermoditecontngenoy © 1. TCL ofboth engines power © 2.Arspeea tin. 88 KIAS (155 kr 14S) © 3. Wing taps w © 4.Landing eae up © 5 Featheing proper of noperatve engine Heck (a) ifthe automat feathering eel has nt been accomplished: MANUAL FEATHER of nperatve engine Pus IELULH+ RH oot reokors OFF (cont) es LCT 10 L410 UVP-E20 ‘CHECKLIST OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (@)1 tho automati ttter ebove measures had taken then PCL ofthe inoperative engine FeaTHen Aiespows min Va = 06 KIAS (155 kr IAS) [AUTO BANK CONTROL switeh oFF ‘Airspeed at height of 400 (122m) above runway: 97 KIAS (180 kv IAS) Wing faps at height of ‘a0 (122 m) above runway AeTAACT 100 KIAS (105 kh IAS) FIND OUT PARAMETERS. Alespaed Inoperatve engine 1, DC GENERATOR LH.ALH, Equipment not marked by yellow step 2, Discharging curont of batteries 4, Time to battory discharge Place for landing L410 UVP-E20 (CHECKLIST OF EMERGENCY PROCEDURES BOTH GENERATORS INOPERATIVE CHECK SWITCHING.ON, sWrTcH OFF and then back ON ort FIND OUT AMPERES, GIVEN IN Fig. 1 see below The folowing 0 12.704 tue m Final voago 200 18, Foo sop cook) Emergancy trot ever seur © Operation gg 14 00 GENERATOR and Tine AG GENERATOR sches orF inin) 16, ENGINE STARTING, EWU, “ FUEL PUMP ctcult breakrs or ole ° © 10 20 80 40 60 60 70 60 00 100 110 charging erent (A) Fat iar 96 me Sep 287 L410 UVP-E20 L410 UVP-E20 (CHECKLIST OF ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ‘CHECKLIST OF ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont) Engine shutdown in fight ae Falure of one section of pneumatic atrame de-icing... ABS Missed approach with one engine ineperalve AB Total faire of pneumatic aiframe de-icing 18410 In fight engine stating AB2. Falur of pneumatic de-eng timer relay 1610 ‘Spontaneous IELU intervention AB, Failure of electric windshield heating B10 Miimum oll pressure. ABs Propellor de-icing fare 10 Meta chips inthe ot ABS Static pressure hea tature aan Use of emergency fuel contro cet AB4 Pitot pressure head fare, ABA Failure of automatic switch of fue transfer from wing ip tanks AB-4| ABs ‘Should information herein confit with that inthe Approved Fight Minimum fol pressure ‘Manual the AFM shout oko procedence, Feature of one 0.6. Ganerator aos Fela of one A.C. Generator 86 List OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Feilure of ne 36V AC. inverter. 188 en Feature ofthe 115 ACHOO He Inverter 198 Dates of eriginal issue and changed pages are: Flue of the batery circu a0 ORG. o Mae 198 Baltery overheating 987 cuance 1 o ep2508 Emergency extension of wing flaps 18 101 Hance? @ ‘ee 2507 Wing taps retracting faiure AB Extension of one ABC tab ding take-off 08 Page Change No Emergency extension of anna gear A058 ‘AB ABA 2 Dette te on one whee 189 AB Ue ABAD 2 Emergency braking 88 (cont) cory (2) Ape 28107 ‘Ape 25107 (2) ABA L410 UVP-E20 (CHECKLIST OF ABNORMAL PROCEDURES ENGINE SHUTDOWN IN FLIGHT Engine huidown s permitted only al enginefengine's eystem faire or at pilot's training. Operating engine INTERMEDIATE CONTINGENCY POWER ORASRECURED Feild engi Tet, ee MANUAL FEATHERING push-buton(uness alomatc feathering has aeady taken place) PusH Fue sop cock / Emergency thot ever. sur [DC GENERATOR anid AC GENERATOR ewthes, oF ‘Mtr the gas generator has stopped: FUEL PUMP and WING TIP TANKS cult break. oFF ENGINE STARTING, IELU cieuit breaker switches. OFF Po. FEATHER MISSED APPROACH WITH ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE Operating engine. Maximum contingency power L410 UVP-E20 (CHECKLIST OF ABNORMAL PROCEDURES IN FLIGHT ENGINE STARTING ENGINE STARTING circuit breaker etch on TELU creat breaker switch on FUEL PUMP and WING TIP TANKS (Frequred) ecuit breaker oN “The next sequence i the same asin ground starting During the stating cyele, shite of al except the most essential electcal equipment “Maximum ate for in fight engine staring is 13,000 (4,000 m) Recommended airspeed is between 108 fo 119 KIAG (200 and 220 kite 1S), maximum airspeed is 162 KIAS (300 knit IAS). It fying at an ambient temperature of+5°% (41 °F) or lower, without any antbiing adalvesin the fue te recommended to re-stat the engine not later than 2 minutes atterithas stopped, PROP FEATHERING, AUT BANK CONTROL switch (conrl pane!) cor intermediate contingency power and cect breaker (overhoad panel) OFF, thon ON Propeller of inoperative engine FEATHER Climb at arspowd 4 KIAS (155 kr IAS) ‘SPONTANEOUS IELU INTERVENTION Fons, ey 8) At alitudes up to 2,300 (700 m) AGL (eve) Lancing gear we ToL ‘maich with the TOL poston ofthe correctly working engine cme oe al atch with the TCL. posiion ofthe correctly werking engi aa IELU cxcuit breaker (appropiate engine). oF Alrpecd. 97 KIAS (180k IAS) ie inecessary adjust engine power Fraps: RETRACTED aa Aspeed 100 (185 rh AS 362 - ~@) Aprasior ‘apr 2sio7 (2) ABA

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