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Business Plan

Hannah Bell
Urshita Bhagat
Georgina Smith
Skyler Zurn

Event Planning & Management

Film Festival
Communications 497T
Spring 2015
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................... 3
Event Description .......................................................................................................................... 4
WHO ............................................................................................................................................ 4
WHAT........................................................................................................................................... 5
WHEN .......................................................................................................................................... 6
WHERE ......................................................................................................................................... 6
WHY ............................................................................................................................................. 7
How ............................................................................................................................................. 8
SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 9
Strengths ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Weaknesses ............................................................................................................................... 9
Opportunities ........................................................................................................................... 10
Threats ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Organization & Management .................................................................................................. 11
Urshita Bhagat ......................................................................................................................... 13
Hannah Bell.............................................................................................................................. 16
Georgina Smith ....................................................................................................................... 18
Skyler Zurn................................................................................................................................. 20
Marketing Strategies .................................................................................................................. 22
Supporter, Partner & Sponsor Marketing ............................................................................. 22
SWEA LA ................................................................................................................................ 22
SWEA, OC ............................................................................................................................. 22
Swedish Press........................................................................................................................ 22
Swedish Center, San Diego ............................................................................................... 22
Consulate of Sweden, San Diego ..................................................................................... 23
House of Sweden ................................................................................................................ 23
UCLA, Scandinavian Section ............................................................................................. 23
SACC-LA ............................................................................................................................... 23
SACC-SF ................................................................................................................................ 23
Maria Montazami ................................................................................................................ 23
SWECal Magazine ............................................................................................................... 24
Social Media Marketing ......................................................................................................... 24
NBFF Swedish Spotlight Facebook Page.......................................................................... 24
1|Swedish Spotlight 2015
Swedish Spotlight Email ...................................................................................................... 24
Swedish Twitter ..................................................................................................................... 24
Swedish Instagram .............................................................................................................. 25
Personal Social Media Accounts ...................................................................................... 25
Supporters, Partners & Sponsors Profiles .................................................................................. 26
SWEA LA ................................................................................................................................... 27
SWEA OC .................................................................................................................................. 29
Swedish Press ........................................................................................................................... 31
Swedish Center ....................................................................................................................... 33
Consulate of Sweden, SD ...................................................................................................... 35
Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, LA ............................................................... 37
SWECal Magazine................................................................................................................... 39
House of Sweden .................................................................................................................... 41
Candy Vixen Bar Buffet .......................................................................................................... 43
T.A.Rivard Incorporated ......................................................................................................... 45
Timeline ........................................................................................................................................ 46
Location Selection...................................................................................................................... 52
Financial Proforma ..................................................................................................................... 54
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................... 55

2|Swedish Spotlight 2015

The Newport Beach Film Festival has often been imitated but never duplicated; a
celebration of luxury and extravagance, it is surely one of a kind. The Newport Beach Film
Festival took place from April 23rd to April 30th, 2015. This festival takes place over a one
week period, showing over 350 films with over 50,000 attendees.

We were honored to show the Swedish spotlight movie for 2015, Blowfly Park; directed by
Jens stberg. As this was his first feature film, it was a thriller to both his Swedish and
American enthusiasts. The movie was presented at the Triangle Theaters in Costa Mesa on
April 28th, and the after party extended to the HD Buttercup at SOCO also in Costa Mesa.
The film was attended by over 200 guests who thoroughly enjoyed embracing the Swedish
culture in its fullest.

As a team, our pleasure was to represent the Swedish culture and its heritage in music,
photographs, music and film. We took delight in our wonderful supporters, partners and
sponsors. The Swedish American Chamber of Commerce Los Angeles, and SWEA LA and
OC, House of Sweden, SWECAL Magazine all contributed to our successful night. We also
notified Swedish meet-up groups on Facebook and other mediums to spread awareness of
this cultural event.

As a team, we decided on three specific marketing strategies we would use throughout our
campaign. First, we created strong relationships with the Swedish community, utilizing online
and media resources we targeted the Swedish heritage by connecting with them
personally and with their culture. Second, we created event awareness throughout the
Orange County, Los Angeles, and Inland Empire communities by using; personalized
marketing through email, word of mouth marketing, out of home advertising, and digital
media advertising. Creating lasting relationships with outside sources to develop a support
system within the arts community of Orange County.

3|Swedish Spotlight 2015

Our intended target audience for the Swedish Spotlight of the Newport Beach Film was
individuals between the ages of 21 and 60. Although a wide age range, we attempted to
narrow in particularly on a demographic of people who are either film and movie
enthusiasts or those whom are interested in the Swedish culture. We chose to extend our
outreach to potential attendees from the Southern California area, specifically residing in
Orange County and LA County. In an attempt to match the general upscale class of the
event, we made it a point to reach out to fashionable businessmen and women fitting into
the wealthy class of Newport Beach and other surrounding areas

In regards to the individuals attending based on their overall interest in cinema and foreign
films, this event is an excellent opportunity for them to expand to their list of film festivals
attended. Many film and movie enthusiasts are interested in the act of creating similar
works themselves, and these attendees will find the event to be beneficial for them in a
networking aspect. By being in a social environment with other likeminded individuals who
are involved in the creative process of the film being shown, attendees will feel a
connection and an involvement with the foreign film community.

Southern California has a surprisingly large Swedish community. This is an opportunity for
those who either have Swedish heritage, are Swedish expats currently living in America, or
who simply have an interest in the Scandinavian culture to come and enjoy an annual
event celebrating Swedish heritage.

One of our main outlets for communicating with the Swedish community was through a
Facebook group titled Swedes in LA made up of around three thousand group members,
many of which whom post and like within the group actively.

The event as a whole celebrates European culture and therefor the spectrum of attendees
expands beyond just the Swedish Spotlight. This opens the door for Italian, French, and
German attendees.

Following the film screening, the after event has the potential to attract an even broader
group of individuals. Anyone who enjoys entertainment, an eclectic selection of hors
doeuvres, aesthetically pleasing artwork, and an elegant social atmosphere will be
attracted to this event.

Another list of attendees to consider is the supporters, partners, and sponsors and their
representatives selected to be involved with the event. Not only that, but any individuals

4|Swedish Spotlight 2015

who have attended the Newport Beach Film Festival in the previous years are likely to be
potential returning attendees.

We were given the task to research all potential supporters, partners, and sponsors and to
inquire their potential involvement in the event. Initially, we reached out to Swedish
organizations and companies located in Los Angeles and Orange County. Our main focus
was to lock in sponsorship with Swedish-related companies, but we also looked into several
other non-related businesses that we thought might be an interesting addition to our team.

Our strategy for communicating with sponsors was to research their contact information
and call them at a reasonable day and hour. With knowledge of their e-mail address as
well, we used this as our secondary contacting option. We were very on top of staying in
touch in order to ensure a locking-in contract. If potential sponsors did not respond within a
few days of our initial calls or emails, we reached out again in order to show our interest. Of
course, we made sure to go about this in the least most obnoxious way possible, attempting
to remain professional.

The Newport Beach Film Festival is an eight-day multicultural event that offers a variety of
new, critically acclaimed, and international cinema to Orange County. The Newport
Beach Film Festival was founded in 1999 with the ultimate goal of bringing people together
to appreciate classic and contemporary film from around the world.

This years 2015 Newport Beach Film Festivals movie screening was held at the Triangle
Square Cinemas and the film selected was Blowfly Park, directed by Swedish director
Jens stberg. The Swedish spotlight was a part of the European showcase, which took
place on Tuesday, April the 28th. An invitation to both the film screening and the after party
were extended to all of our supporters, partners, and sponsors. The Swedish American
Chamber of Commerce of LA, SWEA OC, and SWEA LA all were attendees to our screening
and post event. The relationships that we built with these individuals over the past few
months ended up being crucial to the overall success of our screening because they
played an important role in spreading the word of our event to the Swedish communities in
Southern California. Inside of the Theatre, a giant red carpet was laid out besides a large
Newport Beach Film Festival sign in which guests could stand besides and have their photo
taken. Several photographers from each spotlight, including our two photographers,
crowded near the sign in order to meet the photo needs of all the attendees. The members
of our team stood outside of the entrance to our screening room breaking off ticket stubs
for the attendees and engaging in lighthearted conversation with the individuals as they
entered. To the left of the theatre doors stood a table dressed in a black curtain. We
decorated the table with a bouquet of purple flowers, our personalized trifolds, and an
array of Blow Pop candy lollypops as a pun to go along with the movie title. (ie. Blowfly Park
vs. BlowPop). We were prepared for any movie, after party, or directional related questions

5|Swedish Spotlight 2015

that came our way. Inside the screening, the majority of the seats were filled, leading us to
believe that our methods of outreach were a success. After the last few attendees sat
down into their seats, our designated pre-film entertainer made his way up to the front of
the auditorium and began to play his bassoon, which is a wood wind instrument, for the
audience. It seemed as though the audience thoroughly enjoyed the subtle background
music. Shortly after, the founder of the festival, Gregg Schwenk, and our team members
made their way to the center of the room to make announcements. The leader of our
group thanked our supporters, partners, and sponsors for all of their help in making the
event possible. Shortly after, another group member of ours had the opportunity of reading
aloud a short message that the director of the film, Jens, had emailed to us. This special
addition was a sentiment that helped makes the experience feel special and personal.
Lastly, Gregg said some final words to leave the audience with including some background
information on the festival and directions and information about the upcoming after event.
Afterwards, we quietly exited the theatre before the film began.

Our post event took place at HD Buttercup located in the SOCO district in Costa Mesa.
After the screenings of the all the films in the European showcase, the attendees traveled
less than ten minutes away to the after party location. There were several food venders
provided, a caricature artist, a DJ booth, and an open bar ensuring that all entertainment,
beverage, and food desires were met throughout the evening. One of our partners, Candy
Vixen, attended the after event and set up their table which was filled with aesthetically
pleasing treats and candies for the attendees to choose from. Candy Vixen was a hit
amongst attendees. Also, the many photographers and videographers from each spotlight
attended the after party and made sure to take several photos of the artwork, vendors,
attendees, and party in general.

The Newport Beach Film Festival is an annual event that occurs at the end of April. This year
it began on April 23rd and continued until the 30th. The European showcase took place this
year on Tuesday, April the 28th.

The Newport Beach Film Festival, although its specific location varies annually, typically
tends to stay in or closely around the outskirts of the city of Newport Beach. This year, the
screenings for the European showcase took place at Triangle Square Cinemas in Costa
Mesa, California. The after party took place at HD Buttercup located in the SOCO district,
which is also in Costa Mesa. The two locations were fairly close to one another, creating an
easy 10-minute drive for the attendees.

Regarding outreach, we extended invitations far beyond the borders of Newport Beach.
Anywhere within Southern California we considered fair game. Although Los Angeles can

6|Swedish Spotlight 2015

be a bit of a commute, we decided that it was not too far of a distance for a special event
that takes place once annually. The distance seems especially unimportant perhaps for
those who celebrate and appreciate Swedish culture, due to the fact that in Southern
California there are few Swedish cultural festivals that take place. We became members of
a Facebook group in attempt to promote the event to as many Swedish individuals as
possible. The group exposed our message to over three thousand Swedish individuals living
in LA.

Not only LA, but also we extended our invite to individuals in Orange County, San Diego,
and even Santa Barbara through Facebook. We knew that not only members of the
Swedish community be interested, but also perhaps young film enthusiasts. With this in mind,
we contacted a member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority from Cal State Fullerton who sent
out a mass post on her sisterhoods Facebook page. Even though the m majority of the girls
viewing that post probably were not Swedish, this actually turned out to be quite a
successful endeavor because several of the girls attended.

Our supporters, partners, and sponsors locations also came into play regarding outreach
due to the fact that we had sponsors in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Orange County. The
array of locations helped spread the word of the festival to individuals in these surrounding
areas instead of just in Newport Beach.

Film Festivals create opportunities for not only filmmakers to present their works of art but for
filmgoers to experience the magic. Film festivals take place all over the world and offer a
wide variety of different types of movies.

The Newport Beach Film Festival brings an 8-day celebration of film and culture to the city
of Newport, and in a sense feels as though it strengthens the community bond. It is a great
opportunity for film lovers to enjoy the cinema.

One reason why one might want to attend the festival is for networking opportunities. It is a
good environment for discussing ideas with other likeminded individuals, some of which are
involved in the film industry. Directors, writers, and filmmakers often attend these sorts of
events. It is a good place to exchange business cards or social media information in order
to create a lasting connection or get your foot in the door.

The Newport Beach Film Festivals mission states: The Newport Beach Film Festival seeks to
bring to Orange County the best of classic and contemporary filmmaking from around the
world. Committed to enlightening the public with a first-class international film program as
well as providing a forum for cultural understanding and enriching educational
opportunities, the Festival focuses on showcasing a diverse collection of both studio and
independent films.

7|Swedish Spotlight 2015

None of this could have been made possible without the support and help from our
supporters, partners, and sponsors. It is of utmost importance that an event is greatly
advertised. Outreach through word of mouth and social media is one of the most
important factors of all. Our group knew that before getting too excited about additions to
the after party, we had to make sure that our seats would be filled for our screening and
that people in the Southern California area were aware of the event about to take place.

In order to make things happen, we contacted SWEA LA, SWEA OC, Swedish Press, Swedish
Center of San Diego, the Consulate of Sweden in San Diego, the Swedish American
Chamber of Commerce, SweCal Magazine, TA Rivard INC, the House of Sweden, and
Candy Vixen Bar Buffet; all of which accepted to help us out in regards to the festival. We
were very grateful to have these individuals spread awareness through newsletters and by
email or social media blasts. Through our sponsors newsletters and email blasts we were
able to share our eye catching save the date along with any general information about the
festival, as well as a discount code.

Our sponsors and supporters helped spread awareness before the event to our target
audience of film lovers or Swedish individuals in the Southern California area. We were
given a very generous donation from TA Rivard INC of two thousand dollars, which was
used towards the general wellbeing of the festival. Candy Vixen provided the after party
with a beautifully arranged candy display that was quite the hit.

We also contacted a few other organizations and individuals, such as Orange County
Massage, Maria Montazami, and Newport Beach Orthopedic, who were unable to make
donations or help spread awareness at this time.

We were actively posting on our own Facebook page in order to aid in the awareness of
our event. We frantically sent out requests to like the page to all of our individual personal
Facebook friends and ultimately increased the like count on our own page by 200.
Through Facebook we were able to reach a younger audience of individuals.

8|Swedish Spotlight 2015

The Newport Beach Film Festival is one of the only film festivals in Southern California
that caters to the Swedish and Scandinavian culture. It is a great opportunity for the
Swedes and Scandinavians to come together, network, and celebrate their culture.
Our supporters, partners and sponsors are very involved in the Swedish and
Scandinavian communities, and we are able to reach out to a much wider
audience than before. Moreover, some of our supporters, partners and sponsors
have already worked with us in the past, and they were well-prepared during the
core outreach period.
The Swedish Spotlight has been running for several years now; this gives us a head
start on outreach. There are already communities in the area who are aware of the
Spotlight from previous years. This allowed us to be ahead of previous years.
The tickets to the screening and post gala were highly affordable, and discount
codes were also available. The prices made the event even more easily accessible
to the masses, and this is a selling point we pushed with our family and friends.
All the members in the group worked relentlessly during the planning, organizing,
and execution of the Swedish Spotlight
The location of both the screening and the post gala were well-placed. In the grand
scheme of things, the Triangle Square Cinemas is easily accessible for Orange
County and Los Angeles County. The post gala was a couple minutes away from the
screening in a nice, urban setting.

The Swedish and Scandinavian community is not obscure in Southern California, but
it definitely is not as large as other communities. This may have had some effect on
our screening numbers.
We had a $0 budget, which sometimes made it difficult to find and keep supports,
partners or sponsors. Not having a monetary compensation for their services or
outreach may have caused some of the cancelations or unresponsiveness.
We did not have a Swedish person in our group who could connect on a personal
level with our Swedish supporters, partners and sponsors.

9|Swedish Spotlight 2015

The 16th Scandinavian Film Festival Los Angeles was held in January 2015. While this
festival posed a potential threat, it was also be an opportunity. Those interested in
Scandinavian film may also be interested in Swedish film, which is something we
Orange County and Los Angeles is a melting pot of people. However clich, this
stands, and many are interested in learning about a new culture given the chance.
This is also something we leveraged.
Since this Spotlight is relatively new, there was and still will be much room for
improvement and growth. There were new groups of our target audience we were
able to reach out this year, and next year will surely be able to find even more
people to contact.

The Scandinavian Film Festival of Los Angeles posed a potential threat, but it can
also be seen as an opportunity. Almost any and all film festivals in the area posed a
potential threat to our number of attendees.
The screening and post gala fall on a Tuesday night. Since the much of our target
audience has a full-time career, this may have deterred some from attending.
Some of the non-Swedish speakers may not be willing to read subtitles during an
entire motion picture.
Any other major events happening on the same day or around the same time as our
event posed a threat.
Last-minute cancellations posed a threat to the success of our event.

10 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
The Swedish Spotlight Team consisted of four members: Urshita Bhagat (Team Leader),
Hannah Bell, Georgina Smith, and Skyler Zurn. Every member had their own strengths and
shortcomings, and jobs were divided according to individual strengths.

Urshita is organized and is very detail-oriented. She was appointed team leader in the
beginning of the semester. Throughout the semester, she kept the team on track with all
assignments, outreach, and whatever else needed to be done. She did all the organizing,
compiling, and synthesizing of information for class and for communications to our
supporters, sponsors and partners.

Hannah was appointed in charge of the social media for the Swedish Spotlight. She has a
lovely and warm personality, and this translated into great social media posts for our
Facebook page. She was also instrumental in contacting some of our supporters, partners
and sponsors. She was in charge of locking down one of our photographers for the event,
as well as acquiring a very generous donation towards the success of the Swedish Spotlight.
She also helped create some of our graphics in the beginning of the semester.

Georgina has a very outgoing personality, and she was great at building relationships. She
was vital in creating, building and maintaining relationships with some of our supporters,
partners and sponsors. She has a go-getter personality, and was willing to do everything it
took to have our event a success. She also reached out to the director of our film, and
because of her, we were able to read a letter from the director at the screening of our film.
She also locked down one of our photographers for our event.

Skyler is confident and also extremely talented at creating and building relationships. She
was also vital in contacting our supporters, partners and sponsors. She kept on top of all
assignments and always gave her best, whether in class, outside of class, or during the
event. She was the main person responsible for contacting and locking down Candy Vixen,
which was a huge hit at our post gala.

The entire team became great friends over the course of the semester, and we were very
comfortable with working with one another. We held each other accountable for the things
that needed to be done, and we tried to have as much fun as we could. We met up at
least once a week outside of class time, and other communication occurred over text or
Google Docs. Appreciating and respecting one another was essential to our teams

11 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
We would like to also provide the future access to our e-mail account which helped us
keep organized throughout the semester. The account is
and the account password is swedishspotlight2015. We encourage the future Swedish
teams to look through our e-mails and the relationships created with supporters, partners
and sponsors. We would also suggest creating an Instagram account for the spotlight, as
our team could not gain access to the one already created. It could prove to be a useful
tool in promotions along with Facebook and Twitter.

Individual biographies and resumes are included in the following pages.

12 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Urshita Bhagat
Urshita Bhagat was born in a small hospital in the heart of the entertainment capital of India,
Mumbai. She lived there with her mom, dad, and extended family in a modest, one-
bedroom apartment for the first two years of her life.

At two and a half years of age, Urshita and her parents moved to the United States of
America because her father received a job offer in an American IT company. For the next
four years, Urshitas fathers work moved the small family up and down the eastern coast of
the US.

Finally, at six years of age, Urshita and her parents settled in California, which was, ironically
enough, home of the US entertainment capital, Hollywood. In California, Urshita attended
several different elementary, middle, and high schools, along with her little brother, since
circumstances still forced the family to move every couple of years.

This constant refresh and restart of people and scenery had both negative and positive
effects on Urshitas upbringing. She met many different people on a constant basis and was
forced to learn how to deal with numerous different personality types. Urshita had always
been interested in the psychology behind personality types, and the constant moving is
most probably from where this fascination stems. However, it also caused an already shy girl
to become even shyer and shyer with each move. Moreover, it was a severe blow to her
self-esteem when it inevitably became more and more difficult to make and keep friends as
she got older.

It was around high school when Urshita was first intrigued and grew interested in the glamor
world, through the movie The Devil Wears Prada. She started to dream about how amazing
it would be to work behind the scenes at such high-scale events, such as event planning for
the top fashion magazines. However, Asian parents are known for their stereotypical
strictness, and Urshitas parents were no less strict. According to her parents wishes, she is
now pursuing her degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in Information
Systems. She is also pursuing a minor in Public Relations, with a small side-dream of planning
wedding and dance shows.

It was also around high school when Urshita started to dance. Her parents, strict as they
were, never stopped her from pursuing hobbies. She started off throwing herself into jazz,
dipped her toes in contemporary, went up to her neck in hip hop, and finally, fully
submerged herself into Bollywood and Kathak (Classical Indian) dance. Dance was the sole
factor that increased Urshitas self-esteem from the pitiful low level it used to be. After about
five years of dance training, Urshita started to teach Bollywood and Kathak at various
studios to all age groups, from 4 to 40.

After dance, was a year of event planning. Urshita got to partially live her dream while she
was the Event Coordinator for the Indian Student Association at CSU Fullerton. The smallest

13 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
events she organized were mixers scattered throughout the year, and the largest event she
co-organized was the cultural show at the end of the school year.

Urshita is currently attempting to make her way into the wedding and event planning
industry. She has very recently joined a private event company, and she is hoping to work
with them soon. She is also doing bridal and party henna for this event company.

Urshita has always had many, many hobbies and interests growing up. She has always been
busy doing one thing or the other, but she wouldnt have it any other way. It is her firm belief
that busy people get things done; idle people, more often than not, stay idle.

14 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Urshita K. Bhagat
13440 Rose St., Cerritos, CA 90703
562 964 6510 |

Seeking a position that will utilize my skills and offer the chance for advancement as well as allow me the opportunity to
gain additional skills and experience.

Knowledge of computer operating systems and file directories
Proficient in all Microsoft applications, including Access and Visual Studio
Intermediate knowledge of SQL databases
Primary knowledge of C++ and Java
Capable of planning and executing events, such as cultural shows and various college mixers
Possesses work ethic, self-discipline, and dedication
Capable to work with people in an energetic, uplifting, and positive manner
Capable of working independently and as part of a team

California State University Fullerton Fullerton
Information Systems Management, Public Relations August 2010 Present
Cerritos High School 12500 E. 183rd St, Cerritos, CA 90703
High School Diploma GPA: 3.46 September 2008 June 2010

Henna Dil Se Henna Artist April 2015 Present (Artesia, CA)
Molina Healthcare Junior Database Administrator July 2013 November 2014 (Long Beach, CA)
ANGL Sales Associate June 2012 January 2013 (Cerritos Mall, Cerritos CA)
Arya Dance Academy Dance instructor August 2011 April 2012 (various locations)
Aeropostale Seasonal Sales Associate June 2011 August 2011 (Cerritos Mall, Cerritos CA)
Quest Learning Center Summer School Tutor Summer 2011 (Artesia, CA 90701)

CSUFs Indian Student Association Executive board August 2012 May 2013 (CSU Fullerton)
Events Director and Co-head of Events Committee
CSUFs Indian Student Association Culture Show January 2011 April 2013 (CSU Fullerton)
Participant for three consecutive years
Adopt & Shop Kennel Assistant January 2012 December 2012 (Lakewood Mall, CA)
Cerritos High School Dance/Drill Team Member, dancer June 2009 June 2010 (Cerritos, CA)
Drop Zone Volunteen School year 2008 2009 (Cerritos, CA)
Arcadia Public Library Library Assistant Summer 2008 (Arcadia, CA)

15 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Hannah Bell
Hannah is a fourth year Communications/Public Relations major at Cal State University of
Fullerton. She was born in Los Alamitos California and was raised by her grandmother and
grandfather. She attended Los Alamitos High School where she was active in the advanced
womens choir and a member of the track and cross-country team, as well as an outside-
of-school commitment to competitive junior Olympic level springboard diving for the Pacific
Diving club in Cerritos, California. She is experienced with working together in a team but
also obtains the drive and independence to work and succeed individually.

Hannah has done front deskwork for a total of five years, two of which were at a Dr. Ulmer
Dermatology in Long Beach, California and three following years at T.A.R. Construction in
Riverside, California. She also has had two season retail jobs, one at Pac Sun at the Brea
Mall and another at Stella Laguna Beach Boutique at the Irvine Spectrum Mall. Her previous
employment at both offices and in the retail environment has taught her exceptional
communication and sales skills.

Also, for the past two years she has also worked on her business and networking skills by
walking dogs in Newport Beach, California. Initially, she had an agreement to housesit and
dog-sit for only one family, but as time went on more and more families inquired about her
business and this escalated into Hannah occasionally caring for four different families dogs.

She is a music festival enthusiast who has been to several concerts and festivals all over the
world over the past few years, her favorite being Festival Musique et Arts Osheaga located
in Montreal, Canada. She tries her best to maintain a healthy lifestyle and attends a
workout class daily called Pure Barre, which is a 55-minute total-body-work-out. Much of her
free time has been spent partaking in volunteer work at the Someone Cares soup kitchen in
Costa Mesa, California.

16 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Hannah M. Bell
555 N. Commonwealth Avenue
Fullerton, California
Cell: 562-833-4177


To obtain a position which will allow me to utilize and strengthen my communication, social
networking, and researching abilities. Seeking a challenging experience to gain more
knowledge and develop my social skills even further while also contributing my innovative
and imaginative ideas.


2011-Current BA Communications/Public Relations

California State University of Fullerton, Fullerton, California

2008-2011 High school Diploma,

Los Alamitos High School, Los Alamitos, California

Work History

2010-2013 Office Assistant ULMER DERMATOLOGY Long Beach, CA

2008-2010 Office Assistant T.A.R. INC. Riverside, CA

17 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Georgina Smith
Georgina Smith was born on January 23rd, 1988. She was born in Shepperton, a small town
near London, United Kingdom. Her parents separated at a young age, and her mother
remarried. At the age of ten, Georginas mother moved her family to the United States,
because of a job opportunity her step father received. Her family first moved to Richmond,
Virginia for a year and then found their permanent home on the west coast in the sunny
Orange County.

Georgina graduated high school in 2006, and traveled multiple times back and forth
England, sometimes staying for year long periods. After moving out of her parents house at
19, Georgina has supported herself ever since. Georgina started taking courses part time at
Saddleback community college beginning in 2008. She supported herself attending college
by working at a local grocery store, Trader Joes. It was around this time that she started
practicing Yoga.

In 2011 Georgina became an American citizen, though she continues to hold both
passports, this was a huge step in her life. She organized a giant America party for her
friends and family to celebrate with.

After five years at community college, graduated with an Associate's Degree in Liberal
Studies. Georgina transferred to California State University, Fullerton in 2013 and began to
study Public Relations. She lives with her best friend who is also a student at CSUF. They both
live in Laguna Hills and attend the Irvine Campus, with is ten minutes away from their house.

In the last two years Georgina has pursued her dreams of becoming a yoga teacher. She
took her month-long, intensive yoga teacher training at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm
in Grass Valley, California. With yoga, Georgina discovered her passion and what makes her
most happy.

Georgina still continues to work at Trader Joes full time and teaches four yoga classes a
week. She teaches Stand Up Paddleboard yoga and LA Fitness. She works about 30 hours a
week at Trader Joes to maintain health insurance, as well as taking 12 units and teaching.

Georgina hopes to use her degree in PR to coincide with her yoga teaching and eventually
open her own business. She is seeking an internship that will help her advance her yoga
abilities. Georgina currently uses PR with social media marketing for her promotion of her
yoga business.

This year 2015, is a big year for Georgina. Not only is she graduating CSUF with her
Bachelor's, and two weeks later she is marrying her partner of eight years in a small
ceremony in Laguna Beach. For a honeymoon, Georgina is traveling back to England to
see her family with her Husband. She and her husband hope to travel together before
returning to California to go live in Joshua Tree.

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Skyler Zurn
Skyler was born in Santa Cruz, California and then moved to Denver, CO when she was 13
years old. When telling people where she grew up she hardly mentions Northern California
because Denver means so much to her growing up as an adult. She spent 12 years of her
life heavily involved in theatre and was in over 20 productions. Musical theatre was apart of
her growing up and contributes to the outgoing, enthusiastic, and outspoken traits she has
taken on now. Her and her two sisters, Haylee and Cassidy, spent their childhoods creating
and putting on several shows and musical numbers each year for holidays. As a child, Skyler
was always known as dramatic and enthusiastic and he dad had a hard time getting her to
stop talking.

Her parents divorced when she was 6 years old and she has done the back and forth ever
since. Her father stayed in California when her mother moved to Denver, so she would
spend most breaks going back and forth from Denver and Santa Cruz. Because of this, she
has a diverse group of friends pretty much all over the country.

Family vacations and reunions were a huge part of her growing up process and every
summer she looked forward to the yearly vacation to Okoboji, Iowa and her bi-yearly trips
to various states around the US for her very LARGE family reunions. Family is very important to
her and gives her the support she needs on a daily basis. Her family consists of many
religious roles within the Christian church and during family reunions, worship was
mandatory. She missed out on the drunken uncle or crazy aunt that every person tends
to have in her family. Who knows, maybe one day she will be considered the crazy one. Her
father, on the other hand, got her very interested into comic books and fantasy novels as a
child and she still continues to typically only enjoy fiction and fantasy novels.

Now to describe herself she says, Think Emma Stone, without the bangs. She tries to keep
things interesting and add a little color to life. She would like to think she maintains a positive
attitude and takes on leadership roles within certain positions of her life. Encouraging her
peers and fueling their strengths makes her happy because it makes for a better work
environment. Happiness is contagious. In the near future, she hopes to achieve the goal of
become a casting director or talent agent. Both are different, but she is seeing what path
life leads me closest too. Being a Talent coordinator for a major talk-show would be an
absolute dream for her as well.

New York is the place she sees herself ending up after college. The fast paced and driven
environment of the city is what she is drawn to. The city setting motivates dedication and
hard work from the entrainment industry and everyone in it and everyone is constantly
moving, which is something she enjoys. With an extensive past in the theatre and
entertainment world, she could not imagine herself anywhere else. In all that she does, she
tries to have fun, be passionate, inspire, and create.

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21 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Supporter, Partner & Sponsor Marketing
When considering marketing strategies, integrating ourselves in the Swedish community was
a vital first step to the process. We first looked at past binders looking for partners we had
been consistently working with for a number of years. We knew that these partners would
be easy to communicate with first due to their prior knowledge of the event. Our group also
focused on groups local to our geographic range and that would reach audiences in our
proper demographic. We were very aware that our audience would be very interested in
the Swedish Culture or of the Swedish decent. After we reached all of our obvious partners,
we then moved onto groups that our predecessors have contacted in the past but didnt
have to opportunity of working the event. Our group quickly researched all Swedish media
outlets and newspapers and made routine phone calls to keep a solid communication.
Much of our communication with our sponsors was through our Swedish Spotlight email; that
way all members of the group could access any email and see the progress. Our plan was
to stay persistent and positive to all potential partners and remind them of the wonderful
opportunity they are being presented. Below are the businesses and organizations we
made a plan for prior to creating contracts:

SWEA, LA has a weekly newsletter, a website, and a Facebook page we can utilize to
spread the word about the spotlight and the event. They have 25 members on their
Facebook group and about 200 members in total in this chapter.

SWEA OC has a quarterly newspaper and a website. We can attempt to get the save the
date in to the newspaper and other information on their website. They have a total of 150

Swedish Press
The Swedish Press is a month newspaper in English and in Swedish. They also have a
Facebook and Twitter account. We can utilize the newspaper to run the save the date and
multiple press releases about the Swedish Spotlight and the film festival in general. They
reach 646 people on Facebook and 154 on Twitter.

Swedish Center, San Diego

Swedish Center has a Facebook page which we can utilize to run the save the date and
other information as we receive it. Through their Facebook page, we can reach out to 393

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people. They also have email blasts, which we can use to send information to their
subscribed members.

Consulate of Sweden, San Diego

The Consulate has a Facebook page, which we can use to post save the dates and other
information about the spotlight and the event. Through their Facebook page, we can
reach out to 691 people. They also have newsletters that are sent to their members, which
we can use as well.

House of Sweden
House of Sweden is our newest partner and we have just recently come in contact with
them and started coming up with arrangements. They are going to have us be a part of
their "activities" calendar highlighting Scandinavian events in southern California. One of
the Scandinavian organizations with which she corresponds e-mailed her a flyer
announcing "The 2015 Swedish Spotlight," so she will add this to her website and also add
our Spotlight to the calendar of events

UCLA, Scandinavian Section

Through this group we can reach out to a younger crowd of people who are interested in
Scandinavian culture. They have a Facebook page and a group, and they do email blasts
as well. These are both avenues we can utilize in spreading the word. Their Facebook pages
reach 53 people.

The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram profiles, as well as a website, all of which we can utilize. We can have them put
information about the spotlight and the event on their website and on their social media
profiles. They reach out to 2,151 people on Facebook, 501 people on Twitter, and 310
people on Instagram. They also have emails which reaches about 3,000 people.

The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in San Francisco and the Silicon Valley has
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter profiles, as well as a website, all of which we can use to
outreach to our target audience. They can put information about the spotlight and the
event on their website and their social media profiles. They reach 1,005 people on
Facebook, 402 people on Twitter, and 48 people on Instagram.

Maria Montazami
Maria is a public figure with a blog and two Facebook profiles. We can have her write a
blog post about the spotlight and the festival in general. We would also want her and her
daughters to attend the event to boost attendance. On both Facebook pages combined,
she reaches over 400,000 people.

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SWECal Magazine
SWECal is an online Swedish magazine. They have newsletters that reach about 100 people.
They also have a Facebook page with 243 people and a Twitter account with 24 people.
The newsletters, the magazine itself, and the social media profiles can all be used to
promote the spotlight and the festival. Ingered will also post an article on her website
promoting the event as well as the Save the Date in an ad space. Next year ask about
post-event coverage.

Social Media Marketing

In order to reach our target audiences we also had to personally promote the event
through our own outlets as well. This way we could ensure progression of outreach and
reach the proper audiences. Below are the social media outlets we had available and how
we utilized them or advice on how to utilize them in the future.

NBFF Swedish Spotlight Facebook Page

Our Swedish Spotlight page is a great resource for us to reach out to our audience that is
directly interested in our spotlight. We can post whatever we want, whether it be a cultural
article, news about the film, pictures of last years event, introductions of our team and
more. Our partners are sending links out to possible attendees so that they can like and
share the event page. It is important to send out links and our press releases as well as ads
for audiences to have easy access to our promotional material and raise awareness of the
page. We will also use Facebook to post the pictures after the event and have people
share and like them.

Swedish Spotlight Email

This is a great way for us to all follow the communication line between us and our
supporters, partners and sponsors. If a team member does not have access at the time to
an important email, any one of us can continue the communication. It puts all of our
information in one easy, accessible place. Our partners can share this email with other
interested partners and it is obvious who and what they are trying to get in contact with. By
sharing this email we are giving off a professional and organized appearance.

Swedish Twitter
Our team unfortunately had no access to the Twitter account this semester so this media
outlet was useless to us. Teams in the future should get the access to this account right
away or start one within the first week to gain followers. Instead, we will start the hashtag
#swedishspotlight2015 on our personal twitter accounts to create a buzz and show
evidence of this spotlight among the Twitter community. We can directly tag Newport
Beach Film Festival with this hashtag to correlate the two events together.
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Swedish Instagram
We also had no access to an Instagram account. We recommend to our predecessors to
start one within the first week of the class to gain a following. For now, we plan to
compromise by using the hashtag #swedishspotlight2015 to raise awareness and lead to
further hyperlinking. By getting the name out there with effective pictures, we will be utilizing
Instagram to our best ability.

Personal Social Media Accounts

Each of our team members sent out weekly blasts promoting the film festival on our own
personal social media accounts. We sent out invites to both the Newport Beach Film Festival
Official Page and our Swedish Spotlight 2015 page. By promoting it on our personal pages
we had our local friends and family share the page and attend our spotlight.

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Profiles of all our approved and active supports, partners and sponsors are included in the
following pages.

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Contact Person: Kristina Hall
Phone Number: 1-847-525-2590
Type of Organization: Non-profit Women's Association
Team Contact Name/Number: Georgina Smith / (949)891-4772

Full Description of Organization:

The SWEA organization stands for Swedish Women Education Association where
Swedish speaking women in the Los Angeles can find community to celebrate Swedish
heritage. SWEA was founded in 1979 and has become as global non-profit organization
which connects woman to Swedish culture. They are active in over 40 countries and have
over 8,000 members.

Why are we working with them?

SWEA LA represents a large Swedish community in Southern California. They represent a key
audience for reaching our target market. SWEA LA has proven to be an important
supporter and partner in the past and we look forward to working with them

Size of Organization:
Over 200 active members

Geographic Reach:
The geographic reach is centralized in Los Angeles and spread throughout Los Angeles

Social Media Outreach:

Through the Facebook page of SWEA LA, we can promote our Swedish Spotlight every
week since March.

Size of Social Media:

Facebook: 806

What are they doing for the event?

We can promote the Swedish Spotlight through the SWEA LA Facebook page and their
weekly newsletter, SWEA-Brevet every week until the upcoming film festival.

27 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
What are we doing for them?
In return of their support, we will include their logo on all collateral material for Swedish
Spotlight and give their members a $5 discount code if they visit our Spotlight. At the
screening we will give them a shout out.

Special Notes:
They have two Facebook pages, one for paying members and one for everyone.

28 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Contact Person: Annie Andersson
Phone Number: (949) 400 4499
Type of Organization: Women's Association
Team Contact Name/Number: Georgina Smith / (949) 891-4772

Full Description of Organization:

SWEA O.C. is the Orange County version of SWEA LA and is part of the worldwide
international organization and network for women connected to Sweden. Through events
and activities, they connect women of Sweden in Orange County. They promote Swedish
culture and traditions and support other organizations related to Sweden.

Why are we working with them?

As SWEA L.A., SWEA O.C. is a crucial key for reaching our target audience in California. As
their members most likely are living in the county, there is a high likability that they will visit
the Swedish spotlight because it is local to them. Annie also also provided contact to Maria
Montazami, the Swedish Housewife. In addition, they are a crucial key for spreading the
awareness and excitement of our spotlight through word-of-mouth and personal contacts.

Size of Organization:
Over 200 active members.

Geographic Reach:
Orange County and surrounding areas.

Social Media Outreach:


What are they doing for the event?

Annie has provided us contact with Maria Montazami as well as giving information and
giving out information out on the weekly newsletter. Annie said that 30 members would be

Key Deadlines:
The newspaper comes out four times a year, whereas the issues relevant for us are the
February and April issues. Have to receive the material wanted in the newspaper before
January 15th. The April issue will be due on April 15th and will be coming out within a week

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What are we doing for them?
In return of their support, we will include the logo of SWEA on all of the collateral material of
the Swedish Spotlight. In addition, we will give their members a $5 discount code to those
who want to attend our spotlight. We are also providing tickets to Annie and Maria.

Special Notes:
Annie prefers to be contacted via phone. She finds these to be the easiest and most
convenient forms of communication. SWEA OC does not have an official Facebook

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Swedish Press
Contact Person: Birgitta Lauren
Phone Number: (310) 433-5885
Address: Box 4302, Blaine WA 98230, USA
Type of Organization: Media
Team Contact Name/Number: Georgina Smith / (949)891-4772

Full Description of Organization:

Swedish Press was founded in 1929 and is a monthly newspaper in English and Swedish
about Swedish related materials, such as traditions, business, sports, the latest trends and

Why are we working with them?

By advertising and make them write articles about our Swedish Spotlight in their magazine,
we can create buzz and awareness about the Spotlight. Their target audience has primarily
been in North America, but lately they have gained a lot of readers in California and they
are continuing to expand in this part of the United States.

Size of Organization:
We do not know the exact number of memberships or subscriptions the Swedish Press has in

Geographic Reach:
Primarily North America, but their readers have expanded since a lot of the content can be
read online. Our contact person Birgitta Lauren is located in Los Angeles.

Social Media Outreach:

Through their Facebook- and Twitter-account we can promote our Swedish Spotlight as
often as possible until April 28th.

Size of Social Media:

Facebook: #475
Twitter: #116

What are they doing for the event?

Swedish Press has a monthly newspaper that comes out every month except in January.
The information is due on the 5th the month before each issue month, so for the February
number (which is the nearest possible) we have to submit the material to Lauren before
January 5th. For this issue we are planning to advertise, but we are still waiting for the
specifications, so we may have to remind Lauren this week, so we can provide our co-
workers who are designing the advertisement with right information as soon as possible. In

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addition, we can promote our Swedish Spotlight in their Mars issue as an advertisement as
well, and in their April issue as an editorial.

What are we doing for them?

In return of their support, we will include their logo on all of the collateral material of Swedish
Spotlight. Give Bridgitta a shout out during the screening. We will also have their newspaper
available for the visitors of our Spotlight to collect and have a look at.

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Swedish Center
Contact Person: Katarina Keane
Phone Number: 619-209-6170
Email: /
Address: San Diego, CA
Type of Organization: Cultural Organization
Team Contact Name/Number: Georgina Smith / (949) 891-4772

Full Description of Organization:

The Swedish Center was founded by a group of American-Swedish community leaders in
2006 to continuously promote Sweden and Swedish interests amongst present and future
generations. They focus on academic exchange, cultural and scientific enrichment, and
proactive involvement in the Swedish communities. Their board members are representative
from Consulate of Sweden and the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce.

Why are we working with them?

Katarina Keane is our contact person and can help us reach out to the members of
Swedish Center and the Swedish American Chamber of Commerce. There was a huge
interest in our Swedish Spotlight in previous years, and many members drove out from San
Diego to the event. We can maximize their interest in Swedish events by reaching out to
their members. Keane has also provided the contact information of schools in San Diego
who we have contacted for promotion purposes.

Size of Organization:
Swedish Center has 150 members on their mailing list, and more on their social media

Geographic Reach:
San Diego area

Social Media Outreach:

Swedish Center has a Facebook page we can utilize for social media blasts and outreach.

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Size of Social Media:
Facebook: 397

What are they doing for the event?

They will post regularly about our Spotlight, the film, and ticket information. We can further
promote our Swedish Spotlight through the email blasts of Swedish Center which have a
flexible deadline. These outreach options can be done every week until the festival.

What are we doing for them?

In return, we will give their members a $5 discount code to use when buying tickets for our
Swedish Spotlight. We will also include their logo in our tri-fold and the official program.
Moreover, we will thank them on our social media outlets.

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Consulate of Sweden, SD
Contact Person: Katarina Keane
Phone Number: 619-209-6170
Email: /
Address: 8880 Rio San Diego Dr., Suite 800, San Diego, California
Type of Organization: Governmental Organization
Team Contact Name/Number: Georgina Smith / (949) 891-4772

Full Description of Organization:

The Consulate of Sweden, San Diego represents Swedes in San Diego and the surrounding
areas. They provide routine and emergency services to Swedish citizens. They aim to
provide assistance to Swedes, promote Swedish interests and increase a sense of belonging
in the community.

Why are we working with them?

The Consulate of Sweden has much of the same interests as we do. We both strive to
promote cultural experiences and camaraderie within the Swedish community of Southern

Size of Organization:
We do not know the exact number of memberships or subscriptions the Consulate of
Sweden has in total.

Geographic Reach:
San Diego, and the surrounding areas

Social Media Outreach:

The Consulate of Sweden has a Facebook page, which we can use to regularly posts
festival updates, spotlight screening information, ticket information, and more.

Size of Social Media:

Facebook: 690

What are they doing for the event?

Keane will regularly post updates about the spotlight screening and the festival on the
Consulate of Sweden Facebook page. She is extremely helpful and is very up to date with
posts. She is flexible with her post timings.

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What are we doing for them?
In return, we will include their logo in the official program, as well as in our spotlight tri-fold.
We will also give them a $5 discount code for their members to use when buying festival
tickets. Moreover, we will give them a shout out on our social media outlets.

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Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, LA
Contact Person: Jacob Neckmar
Phone Number: (310) 622 3616
Address: 1041 N Formosa Avenue, Formosa Building, Room 215, West Hollywood, CA 90046
Type of Organization: Chamber of Commerce
Team Contact Name/Number: Georgina Smith / (949) 891-4772

Full Description of Organization:

The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles (SACC-LA) is a non-profit
organization founded in 1988. It is one of 20 local chambers that operate under SACC-USA
across the United States. SACC-LA aims to create business opportunities between Swedish
and American companies and talent. It serves to create connections between people and
enable innovative and creative idea exchanges. SACC-LA is the only Swedish organization
in Los Angeles with this purpose, and SACC-USA is the largest organization of its kind outside
of Sweden.

Why are we working with them?

SACC-LA has many important and influential contacts in the same geographical location
we are targeting with our outreach. Their current membership demographic matches with
the type of people we want to reach out to for our spotlight. They are the largest
organization of its kind for Swedish immigrants and Swedish-Americans. The SACC-LA also
has events and a newsletter which we can utilize for reaching members directly.

Size of Organization:
Totaling up all the social media connections, we have about 3,200 connections through
SACC-LA (leaving room for error for those individuals who are connected to SACC-LA via
multiple platforms). We do not know the exact number of memberships or subscriptions
SACC-LA has in total.

Geographic Reach:
Los Angeles County and the surrounding areas. They are also involved with the other
Swedish American Chamber of Commerces in the US.

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Social Media Outreach:
The SACC-LA communicates with their members through their website, Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and LinkedIn. They also have a weekly newsletter called Finally Friday which
goes out to their members every Friday. We will be able to utilize their their social media
outlets as well as their newsletter to inform their members about the spotlight.

Size of Social Media:

Facebook: 2,152
Twitter: 502
Instagram: 311
LinkedIn: 248

What are they doing for the event?

The will use their social media accounts to promote our spotlight event. SACC-LA will also
include media blasts, updates, Save the Date flyers, ticketing information, and promotional
codes in their weekly newsletter, Finally Friday. They are also raffling tickets to their
members for further promotion of the event.

What are we doing for them?

We will include their logo in the official program as well as in our tri-fold. We will provide
them with a discount code for their members. We will make posts thanking SACC-LA on
social media outlets to cross-market their business to our audience. We are also giving them
four tickets to raffle and to use for themselves.

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SWECal Magazine
Company Contact: Ingegerd Landstrm
Contact Phone Number: 310 623 7546
Contact Email:
Contact address: Los Angeles
Team Contact Name/Number: Skyler Zurn / (408) 393 7775

Full Description of Organization

SWECal Magazine is an online magazine about topics related to the Swedish Culture,
located in Southern California, particularly the Los Angeles area. It was founded by
Ingegerd Landstrm a few years ago but she has not done any particular marketing for the
magazine yet. Most of the content is in Swedish, but they are trying to contribute with more
articles in English as well. For now, there are a few articles in English under the English
heading on their website and things can also be translated using the google settings.

Why are we working with them?

We want to work with SWECal Magazine since their readers are a part of our target
audience. Ingered has been marketing her magazine through the involvement with events
such as this and a collaboration will benefit both parties, thus, we can reach some of our
target audience and SWECal can create awareness around their magazine.

SWECal sends out newsletters once a month that we will be able to promote Swedish
Spotlight and she is working on an article to cover the event. It seems as if she has more
businesses working with her website that are Swedish based which is also good to be
associated with.

Size of Organization
They have a few hundred email addresses that will receive their Newsletters and a good
number of website viewers monthly.

Geographic Reach
Southern California, particularly Los Angeles Area.

Social Media Outreach

For social media, they have a Facebook-page(SWECal Magazine) which they are posting
on a few times per month.

Size of Social Media:

Facebook: 243

39 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
What are they doing for the event?
Through the monthly newsletter of SWECal, Ingegerd will write an article containing the
details of the event and promote it to her viewers. She has also placed an ad on her
website and added our event to the website Event Calendar. She will attend the event and
possibly write a post event coverage article to hopefully entice her viewers for next year.

What are we doing for them?

In return of their support, we will include their logo on all of the collateral material of Swedish
Spotlight. In addition, we will provide the readers of the newsletters with a $5 discount code
to use if they want to buy tickets to our Swedish Spotlight. We have also given Ingegerd 2
tickets to attend the event because of her kindness and help. She may want to hand out
promotional flyers but details are to be further discussed.

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House of Sweden
Contact Person: Suzan Hagstrom
Phone Number: 619-758-0532
Address: Balboa Park, San Diego, CA
Type of Organization: Cultural Club/ Non-profit
Team Contact Name/Number: Georgina Smith / (949) 891-4772

Full Description of Organization:

The House of Sweden is located in San Diego's beautiful Balboa Park. The House of Sweden
is part of a mini-United Nations within the park. Each house, or cottage, represents a
different country. The House of Sweden is a 501-(c3) nonprofit, charitable organization that
promotes education, culture and world peace.

Why are we working with them?

The House of Sweden is a group of people dedicated to preserving and educating the
public about Swedish culture. The House of Sweden interested in sharing the culture within
the San Diego community.

Size of Organization:
200 members

Geographic Reach:
San Diego and surrounding areas

Social Media Outreach:

Facebook page, linked to the Balboa Park pages

Size of Social Media:

Facebook: 110

What are they doing for the event?

The Swedish Spotlight has been added on to the April activities calendar for the House of
Sweden. A flyer has been e-mailed out to members with information on the upcoming

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What are we doing for them?
We have added the House of Sweden logo to our official program and tri fold and are
offering the organization $5 off coupon code.

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Candy Vixen Bar Buffet
Contact Person: Desiree Bolanos
Phone Number: (714) 514- 3362
Address: 2221 E. Winston Rd. Suite S Anaheim CA 92806
Type of Organization: Specialty food
Team Contact Name/Number: Skyler Zurn / (408) 393 7775

Full Description of Organization

Candy Vixen is a family owned business located in Anaheim, CA. The business is run by two
sisters Desiree and Vanessa Bolanos. The two sister specialize in making candy buffets and
dessert bars for events. These events range from child parties to corporate meetings. There
candy buffets and dessert bars are beautifully arranged and designed with an assortment
of different candies. Our attendees will look forward to curing their sweet tooth after the
event. Because of the great reviews from past years and other events, we are excited to
have Candy Vixen back on board.

Why are we working with them?

We are continuing the tradition of having Candy Vixen apart of the event because they
have been a huge hit in the past and past photographers have gotten great pictures of
their arrangements. We are lucky that they continuously partner with the Swedish Team.

Size of Organization
Small business but good size outreach with and effective website and good amount of Yelp

Geographic Reach
Southern Ca, Los Angeles/ Orange County

Social Media Outreach

We have promoted on Candy Vixens website with pictures from past years event. They
may post some pictures after this years spotlight, however we are not using them for official
social media outreach.

43 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Size of Social Media:
Facebook: 630
Twitter: 143

What are they doing for the event?

They will provide a beautifully stylized Candy Bar that is color coded to the theme of our
event. All of our attendees should be able to enjoy this candy.

What are we doing for them?

We will give them advertisement space in our tri-fold and free advertisement on our social
media pages. In the past we have provided them lovely pictures of their buffets and we will
hopefully be able to continue this year.

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T.A.Rivard Incorporated
Contact Person: Timothy Rivard
Phone Number: (909) 208-1485
Address: 8884 Jurupa Road, Riverside, California 92509
Type of Organization: Pipeline Construction Company
Team Contact Name/Number: Hannah Bell / (951)360-8596

Full Description of Organization

TA Rivard inc is a company that specializes in Water, Sewer, Pipeline, and Power Line
construction throughout southern California.They are a small company and perform jobs all
throughout the state.

Why are we working with them?

Timothy Rivard is a foreign film enthusiast who has offered to generously donate to the
Newport Beach Film Festival Swedish Spotlight. We believe that their donation will come in
handy. We are working with TA Rivard Inc because they have offered a generous amount
asking for nothing in return.

Size of Organization
TA Rivard inc is a small company (20-50 employees)

Geographic Reach
All over Southern California.

Social Media Outreach


What are they doing for the event?

They have offered us a generous donation which we will put into the after event.

What are we doing for them?

We are providing them with the satisfaction of helping out a non-profit organization.

45 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
A detailed, month-by-month timeline for the Spring 2015 semester follows in the subsequent

46 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Dec 2014
~ January 2015 ~ Feb 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1st Class Meeting

25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Teams Created

47 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Jan 2015
~ February 2015 ~ Mar 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Team meeting
Contacted SWEA OC
and Swedish Press

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Team Meeting

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Sent out invites to FB Team meeting /
page and NBFF Rough Sponsor list
official page

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Posted a brief first Contacted SWEAOC
facebook post Called all potential
announcing the dates sponsors
of the festival

48 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Feb 2015
~ March 2015 ~ Apr 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Get the save the date Excel Approved by Updated the facebook Sent out information
to SWEA LA/OC and Mia cover photo to and greeting email to
Swedish Press so represent this years all approved contacts
they can add it to their spotlight with an attached Save
April newsletter the Date
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Posted a Swedish Swedish Center Significant increase in Team Meeting Meeting Gregg at
meatball recipe for posted Save the Date social media following NBFF
National Meatball day Consulate of Sweden
posted materials on
FB pages and mailing
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Request all Logos in House of Sweden Sent out title of film to
Vector format from receives info to post interested sponsors
potential in their April via email
partners/sponsors newsletter. Team meeting
Team leader sends
contact info to AJ
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Send all Promotional Trifold materials
material to SWECAL/ deadline
SCOC before April 1 Finally Friday weekly
so Ingered and Jacob newsletter from
can write a SACCLA with
newsletter. SACC LA information sent to
Finally Friday their subscribers
29 30 31 Notes:

49 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Mar 2015
~ April 2015 ~ May 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4
The title of the film is Finally Friday weekly SWEA LA posted on
announced to the newsletter from website and FB page
public and on the SACCLA
Facebook page Became a member of
Tickets on sale/ DJ the Swedes in LA
equipment FB group
communication All sponsor logos
need to be submitted
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Team meeting Received discount Swedish Center Called Ingered to
codes posted ticket/event check up on
Updated FB profile link and discount newsletter
picture to personally code Go to Print day NBFF
designed movie Consulate of Sweden Event Page created
poster SD posted
ticket/event link and
discount code
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ingered posted NBFF Timeline and Swedish Center Post/like/tweet Team
newsletter on Swecal Checklist due posted invitation meeting
picture with discount
Consulate of Sweden
SD posted invitation
picture with discount
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Posted the festival Sent out week Movie trailer posted Opening Night/
trailer on the before email with all on FB Photographer shot list
Facebook page information and final trifold created needed
reminders and approved by
sponsor panel team lead
reported and

50 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
approved by team
26 27 28 29 30 Notes:
Swedish team Posted a day before European Showcase Thank you post on FB Closing night Next year make use of Twitter
volunteered for post on FB and Post Gala Candy Vixen posted and Instagram.
helping Irish Spotlight pictures from gala
Apr 2015
~ May 2015 ~ Jun 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Team meeting Uploaded pictures to Tagged Candy Vixen
FB thanking them for
being apart of
Swedish Spotlight

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Team meeting Business Plan due

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 Notes:

51 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
The screening of the Swedish spotlight and European spotlights were held at Starlight
Triangle Square Cinemas in Costa Mesa. Triangle Square Cinemas is located on Harbor and
19th street in Costa Mesa. The theater is close in proximity to the end of the 55 freeway and
Newport Blvd making to accessible location for attendees traveling by freeway. The
theater is in a busy location surrounded by restaurants, bowling alley and gym. On a
weekend the parking garage can get full so parking across the street is a option. Since the
Swedish Spotlight was on a weekday there was plenty of parking on the 2nd floor. Valet
parking is also available on the first floor. The theater size was big, the chairs were not the
most comfortable and the sound quality was good.

The European spotlight gala was held at HD Buttercup located at 3305 Hyland Ave, Costa
Mesa, CA 92626. The 40,000-square-foot showroom exhibited luxurious furniture that provide
entertainment to browse through whilst at the Gala. Sponsored by Stella and Titos, the gala
had two bars providing guest with an open bar. The gala was about ten minutes away
from theatre. Many guest were confused on the location, so a map was provided on the
back of the tri-fold.

The space in HD Buttercup was tight because furniture was everywhere on the floor. Every
inch was covered in chandeliers, rugs, couches, tables and many more household items
that priced for thousands of dollars. The style of the furniture made it feel luxurious and
glamorous. This also provided entertainment in itself browsing the many items in the store.

The restaurants were all outside which was cramped and rather dark compared to the
beautifully lit showroom. There was not many places to sit and eat because people were in
line waiting for food. The trash cans were located really far away from this area too.

A visual of the European Showcase post gala layout follows on the next page.

52 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
53 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5

54 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
1. Swedish Spotlight Logo .... 56
2. Swedish Save the Data with movie name ..... 57
3. Swedish Spotlight e-invite 58
4. NBFF Pitch Letter 2015 .. 59
5. Swedish Spotlight Press Release 2015 ..... 60
6. Swedish Spotlight Sponsors List .. 62
7. European Showcase Flyer .......... 66
8. European Showcase Timeline 67
9. European Showcase Performers and Vendors Checklist .. 69
10. Newport Beach Film Festival Photo 2015 ....... 70
11. Online copy of all pictures of the Swedish Spotlight 2014 . 71
12. Flash drive of all photos of the Swedish Spotlight 2015 ... 71

55 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
56 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
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58 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
July 20, 2017

Newport Beach Film Festival

4540 Campus Dr.
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Member Phone

Company Name
Attn: Contact Name

RE: Newport Beach Film Festival Sponsorship Swedish Spotlight

To Whom It May Concern/Contact Name:

From April 23rd 30th, 2015, the 16th annual Newport Beach Film Festival will showcase over
350 films from across the globe and host a wide array of multicultural activities. Celebrated as
Orange Countys premiere film event, the Newport Beach Film Festival attracts over 55,000
attendees from around the world who come together to experience the ultimate cinematic
experience along the pristine coastline of Southern California.

Each year the Festival hosts nightly International Spotlight events in Newport Beach. The
Swedish Spotlight will pay homage to the film industry and celebrate the extensive Swedish
history and culture whose influence has inspired many aspects of art across all mediums. The
evening will feature a film screening, followed by a gala celebration of Swedish film, food and
culture. We will toast the evening away with a diverse crowd of filmmakers, actors, and film

We invite you to partake in this amazing evening as an official partner of the Newport Beach
Film Festival Swedish Spotlight. The evening will provide opportunities for brand recognition
and media coverage targeting a unique niche demographic.

If you are interested in participating as a partner of the 2015 Newport Beach Film Festivals
Swedish Spotlight cultural celebration, please do not hesitate to contact me at (562) 964-6510 or
via email at


Urshita Bhagat
Swedish Spotlight
NBFF Overview
59 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5



Festival Will Spotlight the Regional Premiere of Flugparken Followed by a

Gala Celebration

Newport Beach, Calif. (April 2015) On Tuesday April 28th, 2015 the 16th annual

Newport Beach Film Festival will present its Swedish Spotlight, an evening celebration

of Swedish cinema and culture. The event will feature the Regional Premiere of the

highly acclaimed film Flugparken followed by a festive post-screening gala.

Flugparken tells the story of a former hockey player (played by award-winning actor

Sverrir Gudnason) who loses his grip on reality and spirals into a world of violence.

Supported by a highly talented cast, Gudnason delivers a truly moving performance

that constantly has the audience wondering what will happen next. Cinematographer

Mns Mnsson creates a visually stunning atmosphere that will impress even the most

discerning cinephile. Gudnasons stellar lead in the film earned him the award for Best

Actor at the Swedish Film Awards for the second year in a row. Flugparken is directed

by Jens stberg with performances by Sverrir Gudnason, Peter Andersson and

Malin Buska.

The Festival continues a strong tradition of presenting the very best in Swedish

cinema. Flugparken is a must-see for any film enthusiast that enjoys stunning

cinematography and superb acting, stated Gregg Schwenk, CEO of the Newport Beach

Film Festival.

The Spotlight film Flugparken will screen on Tuesday, April 28th at 7:45pm at

Triangle Square Cinemas (1870 Harbor Boulevard in Costa Mesa, CA 92627) and

60 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Wednesday April 29th, 2015 at the Island Cinema (999 Newport Center Dr, Newport

Beach, CA 92660). Tuesdays post-screening celebration will take place at 10:00 p.m.

at SOCO Courtyard (3303 Hyland Ave, Costa Mesa, CA 92626).

The event will include select tastings from top Orange County restaurants,

traditional entertainment as well as multiple DJs. Hosted bar by Stella Artois Beer,

Rmy Cointreau and Titos Handmade Vodka.

The Swedish Spotlight is supported by PBS SoCal, SOCO, The Consulate of

Sweden San Diego, The Swedish American Chambers of Commerce Los

Angeles, Swedish Press and SWEA.

Admission to the Swedish Spotlight film and the post-screening party is $45.00.

Post-screening party only is $25.00.

For ticket information and updates visit

About The Newport Beach Film Festival

Celebrated as one of the leading lifestyle film festivals in the United States, the Newport
Beach Film Festival seeks to bring to Orange County the best of classic and
contemporary filmmaking from around the world. Committed to enlightening the public
with a first-class international film program, a forum for cultural understanding and
enriching educational opportunities, the NBFF focuses on showcasing a diverse
collection of studio and independent films from around the globe. The 16th annual
Newport Beach Film Festival runs April 23rd April 30th and will spotlight over 350 films
from around the world.
Festival Contact
Cory Ceizler
Quartararo & Associates (Q&A)
(818) 497-7750

Swedish Spotlight Event Contact

Name: Urshita Bhagat
Phone: (562) 964-6510

61 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Swedish Showcase Sponsor Master List
Name of Company Team Sponsorship Type of
Phone Contact Email Company Website
Company/Partner Contact Contact Goal Company

Swedish Women's
Educational 310- info@expectingfitness Promotion/
Association Los Tina 433- .com / Georgina Outreach/
Angeles (SWEA 5885 Attendance
Swedish Women's
Educational 949- Promotion/
Annie swedeannie@hotmail. Women's
Association 400- Georgina Outreach/
Andersson com Association
Orange County 4499 Attendance
310- http://www.swedishpr Outreach/ Ad
Birgitta infor@expectingfitnes
Swedish Press 433- Georgina space/ Port Media
5885 usa event
Swedish Center, 629- Promotion/
Katarina / http://www.swedishce Community
San Diego 209- Georgina Outreach/
Keane sandiego@consulate Organization
California 6170 Attendance

UCLA, 310- Promotion/

Arne lunde@humnet.ucla.e http://www.scandinav Cultural
Scandinavian 857- Georgina Outreach/
Lunde du Organization
Section 8512 Attendance

The Swedish-
Oscar 622- Promotion/ Governmental
Chamber of Skyler
Holm 3617 m Outreach Organization
Commerce, Los

62 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Swedish Showcase Sponsor Master List
Name of Company Team Sponsorship Type of
Phone Contact Email Company Website
Company/Partner Contact Contact Goal Company
The Swedish-
Chamber of Michaela michaela.alesta@sac Promotion/ Governmental
781- Skyler
Commerce San Alestam Outreach Organization
Fanicisoco &
Silicon Valley

310- Promotion/
SWECal Ingegerd ingegerd.landstrom@ http://www.scecalmagazi
623- Skyler Event Magainze
Maggazine Landstrm
7546 Coverage

Anna anna@mariamontazm and
Maria Montazami Skyler Public Person
Wesselink m Promotion of

Newport 949-
Catharina Support/ Orthopedic
Orthopedic 244- Skyler
Gerken Promotion Institute
Institute 5887

Santa Monica
Ad Space/
College, Corsair Skyler Magainze
http://www.isabeladrian. and
Isabel Adrian Skyler Public Person
com/ Promotion of
David david@circletalentage http://www.audreynapole
Audrey Napoloin Skyler and work at DJs

63 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Swedish Showcase Sponsor Master List
Name of Company Contact Team Sponsorship Type of
Contact Email Company Website
Company/Partner Contact Phone # Contact Goal Company
Attend the
Vasa Order of / http://www.vasaorder. event,
America (VOA) Jane (888) 376- Fraternal
Nancy Kingston: net/officers.cfm?lodg Hannah Sponsor, Help
Glenn T. Seaborg Warden 7916 Society e=719 Spread
No. 719
Cecilia (703)628- cecilia.browning@hous
House of Sweden Georgina Promotion Celebrity
Browning 6517
This individual
Timothy (909)208- foreign film,
TA Rivard Inc. n/a Hannah Construction
Rivard 1485 and would be
willing to make
a donation.

Sponsor our
Positive Sweden/ event, help to Swedish
Sasch- Hannah
North America spread Organization

Outreach, Nordic
Silicon VIkings Hannah sponsor, Integration
Olsson m
promotion Organization

Outreach, Sweden
Swedish Center of Erik sandiego@consulateof http://www.swedishce
Hannah sponsor, Promoting
San Diego Norwaki
promotion Organization
Mobile Massage
forevermobilemassage Massage Massage
Therapy Newport 949.874.4544 Skyler tables at event Company
Kingsburg http://www.kingsburg- Promotion/Out
Jann (559) 897- Business
Chamber of chamber-of- Urshita reach amongst
Coles 1111 Federation

64 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Commerce contacts

Neighbors Abroad Bruce Promotion of International Urshita
of Palo Alto Wilnern event Organization
Swedish Showcase Sponsor Master List
Name of Company Contact Team Sponsorship Type of
Contact Email Company Website
Company/Partner Contact Phone # Contact Goal Company
Scandinavian Promotion, Nordic
Jane www.scc-
Cultural Center of Urshita Outreach, Culturual
Santa Cruz Attendance Organization
American Cultural & Scandinavi ScanCenter@calluther Promotion, Historical
Historical an Center Outreach Organization
http://www.swedish Culture
Kjell Outreach,
Silicon VIkings Urshita Integration
Olsson Member silicon-vikings/ Organizaiton
Swedish American Promotion,
Central Association Inga Outreach, Swedish Urshita
of Southern Francis and member Organization
California attendance

Congress of
Swedish American Ted http://www.sveadal. Promotion, Urshita Local
Patriotic League Olsson org/ outreach

Swedish Club of
www.scandinavius. Promotion, Owner of
San Francisco and Urshita
Linda com/swedishclub/ outreach Swedish Hall
the Bay Area
Swedish Cultural Promotion,
Heritage Foundation outreach, Urshita Council of
of Northern member
California attendance

Swedish Society of Harold haroldcarlson@earthlin Promotion, Swedish

San Francisco Carlson outreach Organization

65 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
66 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Newport Beach Film Festival
Movies: 7:00pm, 7:15pm, 7:30pm, 7:45:00pm
Triangle Square Cinemas
1870 Harbor Boulevard
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

TIME Tuesday April 28th, 2015

All European team members arrive at Triangle at 4-5 pm

5:00 PM Triangle Theater
-German Spotlight Flower arrival: MDs Florist Majestic Design (626) 445-
6:00 PM
- Italian Vidographer/ Photographer Arrival
- Set up table and place items on seats in theater
6:15 PM -German Entertainment arrival (Linda Herrman) (562.431.1257)
-German videographer arrival (949.632.5747)
-German Photographer Arrival (949-842-6010)
- French team photographers arrival (contact Janice 626 757 0347)
Italian/ German/ French Guest Arrival
- Swedish media arrival (Contact: Skyler 408 393 7775)
6:30 PM
- Swedish photographers arrival (Contact: Georgina 949 891 4772)
- Swedish videographer arrival (Contact: Georgina 949 891 4772)
- Swedish bassoon player arrival
- Swedish will call tickets (Contact: Urshita 562 964 6510)
-Set up IAMLA Table (Italian)
Melanie gives guests tickets/ has extra list at Will-Call
7:00pm -Swedish guest arrival
French Team & Gregg welcome
-French film Begins: Love at Fight Fight
7:15pm -Swedish team bassoon player plays
-German Film begins: Who AM I?
7:30pm Swedish team Bassoon player stops playing - Gregg and team welcome
-Italian Film begins: Do You Remember Me?
7:45pm Swedish Film Begins: Flugparken

67 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Triangle Theater Team: Urshita (S), Hannah (S), Melanie (I), Andrea (I),
Marion (F), JC (F)
Gala Team: Georgina (S), Skyler (S), Jamie (I), Cheyenne (I), Kim (F), Janice
-German team members take floral arrangements to SOCO Courtyard
8:30pm Vendors arrive at SoCo Gala
At gala location:
- Dj Arrival
- Set up
-European super team helps with set up at gala
- Italian Ice Sculpture Arrival
-Italian Caricature Artist Arrives
- Media Arrival
*All performers that require a CD, please provide CD during check in*
-All DJs to be at their designated area - sound check
9:35pm -DJ by Stage
-All vendors set up and ready to do
-Urshita(S) and Melanie(I) make sure tables are clear throughout night
-Georgina(S) and Cheyenne(I) check in with photographer and videographer
throughout night
-Skyler(S) checks in with Candy Vixen throughout night
- Jamie(I) checks on Caricature Artist throughout the night
- French team check in with photographer through the night
-All vendors/performers departs
-Guests depart and head for parking lot
*All arrangements are to be sent back to Florists*

68 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
European Showcase Performers/Vendors Checklist
Swedish Screening
1 6 ft table for magazines
1 linen
1 music stand for bassoon player

Italian Screening:
1 6 ft table for passing out materials
1 linen
1 small table for set up

French Screening
2 6 ft table for magazines and macarons
1 linen

Candy Vixen (Swedish)
1 6 ft or 8 ft table
1 linen

DJ (Germany)
DJ booth with table
Rane TTM57 DJ mixer
QSC K10 for monitor.

Ice Sculpture (Italy)

1- 4ft table
1 - linen (preferably black)

Caricature Artist (Italy)

3 chairs

69 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
70 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5
Swedish Spotlight & Showcase
2015 Pictures
Online copy of all photographss can be found at:

Included in this binder is a flash drive with a copy of all the photographs as well.

71 | S w e d i s h S p o t l i g h t 2 0 1 5

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