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7/22/2017 January10:Thisweek'sKnowyourEnglishTheHindu

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Know your English

S. Upendran
JANUARY 10, 2016 19:13 IST

What is the meaning and origin of keep/hold someone at bay?

(R Janani, Mysore)

The bay in the expression has nothing to do with the sea. In this context, the word refers to the howling of dogs and wolves. It
comes from the French abaiier meaning to bark. During a hunt, sometimes the exhausted prey that the hounds are pursuing
makes its last stand by turning around and facing the pack. The confused dogs, instead of rushing towards the animal, stay
back and keep barking. By turning around and facing its enemy, the prey succeeds in keeping the dogs at a safe distance if
only, temporarily. Nowadays, the expression to keep/hold someone at bay is mostly used to mean to keep someone at arms
length. You dont allow the unwanted individual to get too close to you and create problems. The expression can be used with
things as well.

At the meeting, Malathy succeeded in keeping her anger at bay.

The terrorists held the soldiers at bay for several days.

What is the difference between a mistake and a blunder?

(K Ganesh, Hosur)

Mistake is the more common of the two. When you say that you have made a mistake, it suggests that you have made an
error, and you end up with a totally unexpected result. A mistake can be made deliberately or accidentally; it can be minor or
major. A blunder, on the other hand, is usually an error that we make because of carelessness or clumsiness. Dictionaries
define it as a careless and embarrassing mistake. It is much more serious than a mistake for you have misjudged
someone/something quite badly. The word comes from the Norse blundra meaning shutting ones eyes.

Increasing taxes just before the elections was a political blunder.

It was a mistake on my part to have invited Naresh to dinner.

Does the word underwhelmed exist?

(SK Udaya, Hyderabad)

Yes, it does; it came into the language about seventy years ago, and quite a few dictionaries list it. In terms of meaning,
underwhelmed is the opposite of overwhelmed. When you say that something underwhelms you, what you are implying is
that it does not in any way excite, impress or interest you. It carries with it a sense of disappointment. One can be
underwhelmed by people as well.
My kids loved it, but I was underwhelmed by the new Stars Wars movie.

John doesnt care about cricket. He is underwhelmed by the prospect of meeting Kohli.

How is the word awry pronounced?

(R Ananth, Madurai)

The a in the first syllable sounds like the a in amount and china; the second syllable rhymes with the words dry, cry and
fry. The word is pronounced e-RY with the stress on the second syllable. When you say that your plans went awry, what you
mean is that things did not go the way you had expected them to.
Whenever things go awry at home, my mother gets blamed.

The word can also be used to mean not in the correct position.
It was a windy day. The heros hat and tie were awry. 1/3

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