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how to use the latest massage accessory
by Sophie Meyer

Page 116 Les Nouvelles Esthtiques May 2006


U sing accessories to perform massage has become a major trend at beauty care
institutes and spasperhaps the most popular accessory being stones or gems. But
the industry has now moved beyond stone therapy, or massage with gemstones, and al-
lowed a new therapy to emerge. Bamboo massage is the newest rage in Europe. Gil Amsallem
demonstrated this technique at last years International Congress of Esthetics in Paris.
This body, face and limb massage is performed with bamboo stalks of varying lengths and
diameters, always used in pairs. The feel-good massage produces remarkable sensations.
From the tips of the fingers to the base of the thumb, the hand is an absolutely perfect
system for massage. But when an accessory extends our fingers or gives our hands new ways
of expression, we enter a new dimensionthat of sensory massage, says Amsallem. 4

May 2006 Les Nouvelles Esthtiques Page 117

spa|bamboo massage

Amsallem has been a basic kine-

siotherapist for 23 years. He likes to
combine all of his experience in the
Bamboo massage satisfies two major various forms of manual therapy,
needs: relaxation and well-being. from lymph drainage to reflexology
and traditional or vigorous massage,
into his massage approach. He is
also the creator of the concept of
sensory massage, which involves
a balanced combination of massage
techniques that work synergistically
to accomplish the same goals. His
massage technique soothes, helps
work out tension and provides re-
laxation and relief. It also activates,
revitalizes, energizes and provides a
booster effect ... all without com-
promising the pleasurable feeling
massage can provide.
Bamboo symbolizes suppleness
and resilience, straightforwardness
and simplicity. The bamboo massage
1 2 has an elegant style as the stalks con-
form perfectly to the bodys silhouette
and allow the therapist to contour or
resculpt a clients body.

Triple action
When you massage with bamboo
stalks and warm essential oils, youre
actually performing three things at
the same time. Bamboo massage
provides drainage, relaxation and
reshaping, simultaneously.
The effect on circulation is im-
mediate because of the pressure (roll-
ing, sliding) of the bamboo on the
3 4 body. Muscles are relaxed and areas
of tension are dispersed. Petrissage
works best on the larger muscle tis-
sue areas, such as the glutes, thighs
and waist. The bamboo stalks are
easy to maneuver as they slide, roll
and pivot on the muscle contours
to reshape the silhouette.
This specific rolling and slid-
ing technique has a direct effect on
lymph, blood and interstitial fluids
because it promotes drainage and
tissue regeneration.
You can also lift the face with
small rods or stimulate the reflex
5 6 continues

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spa|bamboo massage

surfaces of the feet and hands.

Bamboo massage creates a wave
Bamboo massage is a unique of well-being in the clients body as
the stalks are used with vibration
technique that promotes lymph and percussion techniques.
drainage and helps resculpt the body.
The value of bamboo
Bamboo rods and rollers are mar-
velous tools for working the chan-
nels and corridors of muscles and
tendons; they make circulation
more uniform and relax muscles.
The various diameters of the bam-
boo stalks will enable you to exert the
precise degrees of pressure at each
vascular intersection point (fold of
the groin, back of the knee, etc.) and
every contour of the body. The rod
accessory helps stimulate the reflex
areas of the hands, feet and face.

The principle
7 8 Essentially, bamboo massage satis-
fies two major needs: relaxation
and well-being. The massage ben-
efits cellulite reduction because it
stimulates circulation. This mas-
sage may vary from slow to fast,
from light to deep, from fluid to
structural and from rhythmic to
static. All of the techniques com-
bine pressure, speed, duration and
breadth of contact. Bamboo mas-
sage ends with a rest period beneath
a warm blanket.

Massage techniques
9 10 Effleurage and light or deep sliding
strokes work on the nervous system
and help move fluids; petrissage
movements are used to shape mus-
cles and move their fluids; and light
or deep pressure and compression
techniques are used for reflex areas
and fluids. In addition, the massage
uses friction, pulling strokes, and
percussion moves, specifically for
the skin, tendons and bones; traction
and stretching moves for muscles and
joints; and vibration techniques for
joints and tendons, and for fluids in
and around joints.
11 12 continues

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spa|bamboo massage

Bamboo massage effects

Reduces tension
The speed and pressure of the strokes with Makes skin more supple
Relieves tightness in muscles and
the bamboo stalks should be varied constantly tendons
from slow to fast and from light to deep. Restructures the silhouette
Stimulates the flow of blood and
Relaxes the body and mind
Regenerates and revitalizes

Massage procedure
After carefully applying massage oil,
gently roll bamboo rods of different
lengths over your clients entire body.
Always begin the massage with the
largest-diameter bamboo stalk and
progress to a more precisely targeted
approach with the smaller sizes.

Big stalks
1. Begin with the client in the prone
13 14 position (face down) and select a
thick or large stalk of bamboo to
work with. Roll and apply pressure
on soles of the feet.
2 and 3. Slide and roll bamboo from the
Achilles tendon to the back of the knee.
4 and 5. Make long, sliding strokes
from knee toward the buttocks,
longitudinally and transversely on
the thigh.
6. Bend the leg and lightly roll bamboo
the on back of knee to drain fluids.
7. Use long strokes with pressure to
shape and smooth the buttocksslide
and pivot from light to deep.
15 16 8 and 9. Slide bamboo and use spiral
strokes. Use pressure at the waist and
along the sides.
10. Slide and use spiral strokes on the
cervical plexus.

Little stalks
11. Select two smaller bamboo stalks
to work with. Smooth and sculpt the
ankles with two bamboo rods.
12 and 13. To shape and sculpt the leg,
use two bamboo rods: (12) on the calf
and (13) on back of the thighs.
14. Shape the gluteal fold with alternat-
ing, deep sliding strokes with a rod.
17 18 continues

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For the sensation to be as

pleasant for your clients as a
manual massage, you must
achieve perfect mastery of
the bamboo accessory.
15 and 16. Slide back and forth on the spaces between
ribs with a bamboo rod, up to shoulder blade.
17. Apply pressure and turn the rod end on the
19 20 shoulder reflex points.
18. Pinch and roll the skin between two small-diam-
eter bamboo rods along the spinal muscles.

The flip side

19. Have the client turn over to the face up posi-
tion. Proceed in the same manner as with client
in prone position. Begin with large-diameter
bamboo and then move to smaller diameters.
Shape and smooth the outside of the thigh,
changing speeds and pressure (place a pillow
beneath the legs for optimum comfort).
20. Use sliding strokes on the rib cage furrows
to relax tissue.
21 22 21 and 22. Pinch, lift and roll with two rods, on
thighs and abdomen. The pinch should be firm
but not painful.
23. Slide and roll the rods on the hands and
in the spaces between fingers. This movement
should be fluid.
24. Lift the face with two small-diameter rods,
working gently.
25. Stimulate various facial energy points.
26. Final stage: Smooth the forehead with slow,
regular strokes.

23 24 Bamboo massage is a unique technique that pro-
motes lymph drainage and helps resculpt the body.
The speed and pressure of the strokes with the
bamboo stalks should be varied constantly from
slow to fast and from light to deep. This calls for
careful attention on the spa therapists part. For
the sensation to be as pleasant for your clients as a
manual massage, you must achieve perfect mastery
of the bamboo accessory. LNE

This article was reprinted with permission from Les

Nouvelles Esthtiques, French edition. For more in-
formation, contact Gil Amsallem through his website,
25 26 or e-mail him at

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