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Ark Grand Gaia Chronicles Guide

Tags: ark ggc grand gaia chronicles guide



Jan 25, 2016 Last edited: Feb 1, 2016 #1

This Grand Gaia Chronicles (henceforth shall be abbreviated as GGC) is surprisingly easy.
The overall fight, according to my personal observation, is tanking damage to win. That
being said, forget about building a nuking squad. It is impossible to nuke the Lv 3 fights
like the other GGCs. A big thank you for @Picione and @Sr20 for the heads up during this

P.S. This is my first attempt on writing a GGC guide based on personal observation, not
based on datamining script. Please inform me if there is a certain threshold or trigger that
you find during the fight. I will update it and credit those who do. Thank you in advance

So without further ado, let's get on with the guide:

1st Fight: Ark and friends (Ruby Batch).

Fujin your mitigator and your BB fill on hit unit.

The whole fight hinges on your squad strength to tank damage.
Do not worry about dealing out damage, all of them will eventually commit suicide.
You can inflict ailments like sickness, weakness, and injury. However during the fight
Rinon will cleanse and null those ailments. After the buff is gone (three turns) you
can inflict it again unless Rinon re-buff the team.

2nd Fight: Ark, Yuura, Dion

First phase: Ark 6* form:

Dion is the main damage dealer in this fight.
Yuura will have 0% HP but you can't kill him.
HoT will counter Yuura's DoT.
Ark does not do anything.
Sometimes (for my personal run, only once. Need further verification) Dion will
reflect damage. Do check Dion's buffs from time to time. Activate burst healer
unit AFTER your units are done with attacking animation.
After 4 turns, Yuura will commit suicide. (credits to @greenpuck )
Dion will dish out several AoE at once.
At 25% HP or below (credits to @greenpuck ) Dion will commit suicide too.
Activate UBB 75% Mitigation before this happens because of the reason below.
Grahdens 7* LS will help tremendously.
Ark will transform to his 7* form and then do massive AoE.
Second phase: Ark 7* form:
Keep tanking damage for 3 turns and maintain your mitigator BB gauge.
When Ark on the 4th turn (credits to @greenpuck ) does not do anything, be
wary because the next turn Lucius (based on the lore) will nuke Ark and your
team simultaneously. The nuke will wipe your buffs and disregard Leader Skill
first (LS Lock), afterwards the damage settles. In all probability, it will wipe Ark
along with your whole team.
Bring a unit whose Extra Skill is Angel Idol (Ex: Charla, Ivris, Selena). If
you choose this route, then you must maintain their HP to always be
above 20% from the start of the second fight (From the first phase until
the end of second phase). The reason is to save the buff for Lucius' nuke
at the end. The Extra Skill activates only when the units' HP hits below
20%. Thus effectively circumvents the buff wipe.
Equip your unit(s) with the appropriate sphere. Spheres which have %
chance to heal HP from being Hit, Extra Mitigation when guarding and/or
the % chance to reduce damage. Beiorg sphere (Occult upgraded from
RC6 Beiorg raid drops), Pentalocus (Michele GQ sphere), Hado Lagulizes
are recommended (JP name, I don't know the GL name. The effects are
30% all stat and extra mitigation when guarding), and Vermillion (or
Phoenix Crown for GL players) are the kind of spheres you need. If you
choose this route then pray that RNG will be nice to you (for the %
chance activates) when you guard all of your units. Do remember to
restore your unit(s) who has the extra mitigation when guarding spheres
HP to maximum or close to avoid the wipe.
Use UBB HP Shield. Lucius, Grybe, and Zephyr offer this buff (credits to
@Sr20 ). Guard several units just to be safe.

For the Squad Building Guideline. TL;DR? Check this suggestion (credits to @greenpuck )

Lead Unit:
HP & Def Boosting LS is the main thing you should prioritize.
Chance to Heal when Taking Damage
Chance to reduce received damage
Extra mitigation after receiving X damage
Elemental reduction
Sub Units
Mitigator is mandatory
BB fill on hit unit
Healer (Burst healer and HoT healer)
Def buffer and Stat to Def Converter (thanks for pointing this out @greenpuck )
Stat Debuff Null unit (credits to @greenpuck )
Extra mitigation for elements
HP Buffer
Injury inflicting units.
ATK Down Debuff inflicting units.
Cleanser (as always)
Null ailments is nice but not mandatory
Friend Unit
HP & Def Buff should be prioritized
Basically a unit who will make your squad more tanky

My clearing squad was: Laberd Lead + Grahdens 7* Friend, Reinhart, Charla, Isuterio, and
The Spheres are mostly GGC spheres and Collaboration reward spheres. No high-end RC6

ThisHerbert, qiusef and greenpuck like this.

greenpuck THE KINDRED


Jan 25, 2016 Last edited: Jan 25, 2016 #2

Great stuff @Visovence . Some additional tips / observation from my few runs clearing it

Key considerations
Key skill effects required for this trial (via Squad Builder) - Highlighted in RED.
Squad + Key skill effects (via Squad Builder)
Reed GGC Sphere and/or Unit with Angel Idol Effect when HP < 20%

Fight 1
Keep up Nulls Stats Debuff skill effects every turn and stack with DEF + STATS to DEF
convert skills and you'll be good.
Take ark to 50% or close and you will clear.
Other units other than Ark himself tends to do heavy damage going through 50% HP.
Fight 2
Yuura will leave fight on 4th Turn.
Dion will leave fight when HP < 25%.
ARK will evolve to 7* and hits really hard for 3 turns. UBB mitigation if you need. You
can survive without it too if you're using Grah Lead.
ARK will not attack on 4th turn after evolution. Lucius (not in battle) will debuff and
attack ARK and your squad with endless.
Various validated way to survive the above
My method, i brought Selena for HoT and also for her Extra Skill with Angel
Idol < 20% HP. I also have Farzen on Reed GGC sphere, plus Grah's SBB. Selena
survived without even using her angel idol with 3k hp left when defending.
sr20wrx's method: UBB HP Shield of any unit. e.g. Zephyr, Grybe, Lucius himself.
Other methods i thought of - Balgran / Iris LS skills that increase mitigation on
guard. Not tested so far.

Key Reward
3 Gems
ARK's Twin Holy Rings Sphere

Good Luck Summoners! and share your other methods too.

ThisHerbert and Visovence like this.

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