Ees440 - Final Unit Planner 3

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EES440 Unit Planner 1

PST Names: Alycia Lourdes and Shannon Borg

Topic: Solids, Liquids and Gases
Year Level: 4

Table 1. Unit outcomes

Victorian Curriculum (Learning Areas, Strand, Sub-strand, Content description):
A change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat (VCSSU059)

Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties These properties can influence their use (VCSSU060)

Concepts (number C1, C2 ) and Skills (number S1, S2 ):

C1: Investigating how solids and liquids respond to changes in temperature
C2: Classify solids, liquids and gases under fixed conditions according to generalisation about shape and volume
C3: Identify observable properties including appearance, smell and feel of solids, liquids and gases

S1: With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and predict what might happen based on prior knowledge (VCSIS065)
S2: Safely use appropriate materials, tools, equipment and technologies (VCSIS067)
S3: Use a range of methods including tables and column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and trends (VCSIS069)
S4: Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings (VCSIS070)
S5: Reflect on an investigation, including whether a test was fair or not (VCSIS071)
S6: Represent and communicate observations, ideas and findings to show patterns and relationships using formal and informal scientific language (VCSIS072)
Unit outcomes: (Consider: Content, Skills/processes, Science as a Human endeavour, Other domains)

Science as a Human endeavour

Students will be able to
Consider how the use of materials including solids and liquids can affect the environment in different ways
EES440 Unit Planner 2

Table 2. Linking concepts Teachers need to clearly identify big ideas, key concepts and their representations, at the planning stage of a topic
to representations in order to guide refinement of representational work
Teacher background knowledge (needed to teach the unit)
In this teaching sequence the terms solid, liquid and gas are explored. Solids may be hard, they often have a fixed shape; it may be possible to bend them or
tear them. They do not change shape or volume. Liquids can be poured; they fit the shape of the container they occupy; they may feel wet. Liquids change shape
not volume. Some substances, such as powders are more difficult to classify however they are solid. Gases take up the shape of the container, spreading out to
fill it completely. They change shape and volume. Also need to understand why adding or removing heat can cause a change of state between a solid and a liquid.

CONCEPTS REPRESENTATIONS mapped to the phenomenon how are they LIKE and NOT LIKE the phenomenon?
C1 In lesson five (elaborate) the students observe and investigate changing states. Students will observe and describe the properties
Investigating how liquids of each substance. They will write a description of the substance including the shape and whether they are solid or liquid
and solids respond to OBSERVE. Prior to heating the substances students make PREDICTIONS. This information will be recorded in a table. They will
changes in temperature then write a small report EXPLAINING and describing how the test was fair. The result after heating and how they decided the
substance was a liquid.
Students may find that some solids will not melt as quickly as others

C2 In lesson three (explore/explain) the students explore whether is it always a substance if it can be poured? The students had to
Classify solids, liquids and describe and draw to highlight the shape and any special characteristics of each substance. Using a table, the students will
gases under fixed PREDICT what will happen to the shape of the substance when each container is tipped over. Students describe and draw their
conditions according to observations. They may use words such as pour and flow.
generalisations about Student will find that some solids may move further than a liquid, for example the marbles
shape and volume

C3 In lesson two (explore) the students had to observe different liquids. With the person next to them they would verbally describe,
Identify observational explain and compare the similarities and differences between each substance. Then record the information in a table.
properties including Students will notice that some liquids move faster then others
appearance, smell and feel
of solids, liquids and gases
EES440 Unit Planner 3

Table 3. Assessment Assessment tasks, representations included How this assessment contributes to learning
DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT Students in the first lesson were given different types of liquids in This assessment contributes to learning as it allows for
Usually in the Engage lesson containers to hold, smell etc. us to get a good grasp on what the students already
This was to get a grasp on their knowledge prior to this learning know and that allows us to potentially alter upcoming
program lessons to fit their learning needs (simplify lessons or
challenge them more)
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Throughout the 6 weeks of teaching, formative assessment will be This assessment contributes to learning as it
(Assessment for) adamant. encourages the students to take what they think they
(Assessment as) Lesson two involves students identifying different liquids and in their know and compare it to what actually happened in
Usually in the Explore, own words describing what they are noticing and difference between whatever experiment we are conducting that week.
each liquid. Formative assessment will be shown here as while Students become interesting in how a prediction does
Explain and Elaborate
students are conducting their observations we will be circulating the not turn out like it is supposed to and engages them to
lessons classroom listening to their observations and ideas learn more about their misconception so that it will not
Lesson 3 involves students identifying the certain solids can also pour happen again.
e.g. sugar.
Students will conduct experiments and document their findings
answering questions such as
What did you notice about the shape of each substance?
And Did some substances pour faster than others?
Lesson 3 students will be observing the changing of state from solid to
By conducting a Predict Observe Explain sequence, whilst explaining
we will be documenting their thoughts and ideas as they discuss as a

SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Throughout the second last lesson students will be given a worksheet Summative Assessment is a strong contribution for
(Assessment of) at the end of the lesson, with questions compiling of not only what learning as it allows for teachers to see what students
Usually in the Elaborate and they learnt on that day but also what they have been learning through have learnt throughout their unit. It enables teachers to
Evaluate lesson the entire unit, see what students really got out of the unit they are
During the last lesson there will be a recap lesson where we go teaching. This is a contribution as the feedback from the
through any misconceptions we think the students might have and students allows the teacher to know what they should
then give them another worksheet at the end of that lesson. engage in for future reference.
Students also compile sentences after each lesson to be used in their
representational approach of a picture story book
EES440 Unit Planner 4

Table 4. Unit Overview (Structure from Primary Connections unit overview)

Phase/ Science outcomes Literacy and/or Lesson Summary Assessment
Lesson maths outcomes opportunities
INTRODUCTION Keep students
Lesson 1 As a class, brainstorm any words, terms or phrases that relate to the topic solids, liquids individual
(Engage) and gases. Generate discussion. classification in
Give each student a K-W-L Chart and ask them to use this information and fill out the their workbook
K and W column. and use it to
1.1 Solids,
assess student
liquids and Then hand out a science workbook to each of the students and explain what it will be learning.
gases used for.
Any worksheets, observations, questions, reflections, illustrations etc. will be recorded
into this book.

Drawing on information from the PowerPoint presentation ask students questions such
What is a solid?
A change of state What is a liquid?
between solid and liquid What is a gas?
can be caused by adding Can a substance be more than one state?
or removing
heat (VCSSU059) **Encourage students to give examples of their own experiences. For example when
you boil water in the kettle steam comes out liquid into a gas OR when you put water
in the fridge it turns into ice liquid into a solid.

Have a short discussion.


Students will be divided into small groups of three. Using their science workbooks they
will draw a three-column table labelled: solid, liquid and gas.
Give each group a list of items to classify
Students are to cut the items and paste them into one of the three columns. Any
items they are unsure of they are to put in a separate group.

**Encourage students to spend time discussing the items so that all group members
agree on the classification.

As a class, ask students to explain how they decided an item was classified as a solid,
Use a range of methods liquid or gas. Compare students answers.
including tables and Were there any differenced between the categories?
column graphs to
EES440 Unit Planner 5

represent data and to Which substances were most difficult to classify? Why?
identify patterns and
Introduce the representational approach Picture storybook
Each lesson the students will be given a sentence starter. For example things I think I
know about the properties and uses of materials are

The students need to add to the sentence and draw an image. They will complete a page
each lesson.
(Explore} Have a brief discussion about what the students learnt in the previous lesson. observation notes
What do we know about solids, liquids and gases? about the students
participation in
1.2 Finding Interactive Website Activity Solid, liquid or gas? group discussion
out about
On the floor, organise several different liquids in clear containers with lids tightly closed.
Natural and processed Liquids include:
materials have a range of Tomato sauce
physical properties
Cooking oil
These properties can
influence their Honey
use (VCSSU060) Water
Dishwashing liquid
Give students a worksheet (table) to record their observations. Then ask the students to
observe the samples carefully. The can:
Shake, twirl or tilt the sample
Hold it up to the light
Remove the lid and smell the sample
After they have made observations about each sample, discuss the similarities and
Use a range of methods differences. Ask the students:
including tables and How did you know what the substance was?
column graphs to What makes it a liquid?
represent data and to
identify patterns and Do all liquids move the same?
trends (VCSIS069) Keep a record of
HOW RUNNY IS IT? the students
Students can test how runny each liquid is by placing a small quantity on an inclined observations and
board. statements about
How long does it take for each liquid to reach the bottom? the similarities and
EES440 Unit Planner 6

Why do some liquid move faster than others? differences of each


Get students to paste their observations into their workbooks and then pack up. Clean
the entire area.
(Explore/ What did we learn last lesson when observing the different liquids? (Liquids can look,
Explain} smell and act different)
What do we know about liquids?
always a Several different containers are filled with different substances and place on the floor.
liquid if it The substances include:
can be Peanut butter
poured? Marbles
Uncooked rice
In their workbooks, students produce a detailed drawing of the shape and any special
characteristics using labels and annotations.
Students will predict what will happen to the shape of the substance when each
container is tipped on its side with its lid removed
One at a time, each student will tip the container
With guidance, identify They will then describe and draw their observations using their workbooks and the
questions in familiar provided worksheet
contexts that can be **Encourage students to use language such as: pour, flow, change shape and hold its
investigated scientifically shape.
and predict what might
happen based on prior DISCUSSION
knowledge (VCSIS065) They may also indicate how far each substance went. Ask questions such as:
What do you notice about the shape of each substance?
Use a range of methods
including tables and Can solids be poured?
column graphs to EXPLAIN
represent data and to VENN DIAGRAM
As a class, draw a Venn diagram on the whiteboard. Venn Diagram
identify patterns and
trends (VCSIS069) Students need to explain how the three categories solid, liquid and gas are different
EES440 Unit Planner 7

Compare results with but sometimes have the same or similar properties Draw in workbook Students
predictions, suggesting illustrations and
possible reasons for REPRESENTATIONAL APPROACH observations
findings (VCSIS070)
Make sure drawings are detailed including annotations and tables are pasted into
workbooks. Clean up the classroom.

Lesson 4 RECAP Observe students

(Explain} Discuss what students have learnt in the previous lessons. Ask questions such as: ability to answer
What can you tell me about matter? questions and
Give me an example of matter students can point to objects around the room involvement in

Students observe a lit candle. They describe and record their observations about the
candle, paying particular attention to changes that are taking place.
Students are challenged to discover and record as many observations as they can
about the burning candle information will be recorded in workbooks.
Direct students attention to additional observations such as colours, shapes, smell
and size of the parts of the candle.
Students observe and describe movements and changing that are taking place.
Ask questions such as:
Where does the runny wax come from?
What is interesting about the flame?
What does the flame need to stay alight?
What part of the candle is burning?
The students have to think of their own examples of a solid, liquid and gas to create a flip
They need to carefully draw using colour and annotations and then explain using
illustrations what would happen when heat is added and removed. For example:
water (liquid) + heat = steam (gas).
Students then write down as many facts as they know about a solid, liquid and gas.


Students pack up their things and make sure the area is tidy.
EES440 Unit Planner 8

(Elaborate} With the person next to them, students will have a short chat about what they did in the
previous lesson. Key aspects include:
Can a solid be poured?
1.4 What happened to the shape when each substance was tipped?
States As a group, talk about what they will be doing this lesson

Prepare six small, clear containers (same size), each containing approximately one table
spoon (same quantity) of one of the following substances:
A change of state Butter
between solid and liquid Cooking oil
can be caused by adding Sugar
or removing Chocolate
heat (VCSSU059) Using their workbooks and the sheet provided, students observe and describe the Worksheets and
properties of the substances. They need to: workbooks will be
Identify the substance used as a form of
Write a description of the substance including shape and whether they are a solid or assessment
Compare results with Ask the students:
predictions, suggesting Which of these substances would be solid when heated?
possible reasons for
findings (VCSIS070) To ensure a fair test:
Same quantity of each substance identical containers
The containers are placed in the tub of hot water at the same time

Before the containers are placed in the hot water the students make predictions.
They have to decide on a method to discover if the substance is a liquid
Use a thermometer to record the temperature
The containers are then placed in the hot water

Record results using worksheet

Reflect on an DISCUSSION
investigation, including In workbooks, students write up a small report. They describe:
whether a test was fair or How the test was fair?
not (VCSIS071) The results after heating
How they decided that a substance was a liquid

To get students thinking, ask the question: What will happen to each of the substances if
EES440 Unit Planner 9

they are placed in a freezer?


Students pack up the area.

Lesson 6 Explain to students that they will be doing this lesson.
(Evaluate) Completing the Learnt column in the KWL chart Ability to answer
Experiment discussion
Quiz questions

They will need to complete the quiz under test conditions
Allow suitable amount of time for students to answer questions

Students will conduct a small experiment Making Slime
Make sure all students know the safety instructions
Allow time for students to conduct the experiment and successful make the slime
Get students to verbally explain what is happening at each stage
Recap on everything students have learnt

KWL K-W-L chat

The students will need to complete the KWL chart
Allow time for students to fill in all the information they have learnt over the
sequence of lessons


Celebration Showcase of students work


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