A Study On Consumer Survey Marketing in Three Axis Plate Pro Industry Karur

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Consumer research technique in which a questionnaire is used to gather information

from a sample of consumers. The questionnaire may be sent directly to the sample group
through the mail, or the information may be obtained through in-person or telephone

A market survey is an objective and systematic collection, recording, analysis. and

interpretation of data about existing or potential markets for a. product/service. This
definition will be better understood by looking at them Objectives of a market survey.

Customer satisfaction surveys are a highly effective method of gaining feedback from
your customers and play a vital role in measuring, managing and improving customer loyalty.

Definition: The study of the spending characteristics and purchasing power of the
consumer who are within your business's geographic area of operation; a research method for
defining the market parameters of a business. .

Market survey--where you actually speak to members of your target audience--are an

important part of market research. You can choose to hire a company to do it for you, but
conducting the interviews yourself will most likely give you a much better idea of the needs
of your target audience and will provide you with insights that you might not otherwise have

If you're going the do-it-yourself route, you'll probably want to act as the focus group
moderator. As the moderator, you'll want to encourage an open-ended flow of conversation
and be sure to solicit comments from quieter members, or you may end up getting all your
information from the talkative participants only. Also, when conducting any type of survey,
whether it's a focus group, a questionnaire or a phone survey, pay particular attention to
customers who complain or give you negative feedback. You don't need to worry about the
customers who love your product or service, but the ones who tell you where you're going
wrong provide valuable information to help you improve.
Telephone interviews: This is an inexpensive, fast way to get information from
potential customers. Prepare a script before making the calls to ensure you cover all your
objectives. Most people don't like to spend a lot of time on the phone, so keep your questions
simple, clearly worded and brief. If you don't have time to make the calls yourself, hire
college students to do it for you.

Direct-mail interviews: If you want to survey a wider audience, direct mail can be
just the ticket. Your survey can be as simple as a postcard or as elaborate as a cover letter,
questionnaire and reply envelope. Keep questionnaires to a maximum of one page, and ask no
more than 20 questions. Ideally, direct-mail surveys should be simple, structured with
"yes/no" or "agree/disagree" check-off boxes so respondents can answer quickly and easily. If
possible, only ask for one or two write-in answers at most.

Fax/e-mail interviews: Many of the principles used in direct-mail interviews also

apply to these surveys. One exception: Never send an unsolicited fax that is more than one
page. Give clear instructions on how to respond, and be appreciative in advance for the data
you get back.

Market Survey Basics

Market research describes the gathering and analysis of market data, such as
consumer preferences, trends in market prices and the presence of competing products. A
market survey can describe any study that gathers information directly from consumers by
asking them questions about their preferences, habits and experiences. The purpose of a
market survey is to provide business managers with insight about their target customers, such
as how much money they spend on certain types of products, whether they use competing
products and the interest level for new products.

Types of Market Surveys

Market surveys can be administered in several ways. Paper surveys or questionnaires

that businesses hand out in public or mail to consumers are common forms of market surveys.
Businesses such as restaurants and service companies often use questionnaires to gather
feedback about consumer experience. Some businesses conduct oral market surveys over the
phone, while others conduct surveys electronically via email, on official websites or through
third-party websites dedicated to market surveys.
Benefits of Surveys

Market surveys help businesses make better decisions about the types of products and
services they offer, prices, how to deal with competitors and whether to enter or exit markets.
Analysis of market surveys can prevent a business from making a costly mistake such as
launching a new product or service that doesn't fulfill a need in the market, getting into a
market that is saturated with competitors and setting prices too high or too low. Surveys can
help entrepreneurs assess the viability of new ideas.

Limitations of Surveys

The effectiveness of market surveys can be limited by a variety of underlying factors.

The manner in which market researchers phrase survey questions can have a large impact on
the way consumers respond, so researchers that pose leading questions can get skewed
results. In addition, consumers may not always answer truthfully, and they may feel pressured
to answer in a certain way to please researchers.

For most companies, customer satisfaction ratings can have powerful effects. Firstly,
they help focus employees on the importance of fulfilling and exceeding customer
expectations. Secondly, when satisfaction ratings dip, they warn of potential problems that
can affect future revenue.

Customer satisfaction metrics assist with understanding exactly how happy (or
unhappy) your customers are. Research from 1Financial Training Services found that 96% of
unhappy customers dont complain, but 91% of those actually leave and never come back.
This is astounding and shows how important it is to understand and use customer satisfaction
surveys within your company.

What is a Customer Satisfaction Survey?

An effective customer satisfaction survey has 5-10 questions that relate to the service
delivery, customer experience and overall satisfaction.

The purpose of this type of survey is to gauge how satisfied your customers are. A
happy customer is extremely valuable to your company. Happy customers come back and
make repeat purchases; they have higher customer lifetime values and are less likely to defect
to competitors.
On the flipside, an unhappy customer is a nightmare. They are more likely not to
continue to buy from you, and even worse, they tell lots of people about their bad experience.
A study by the White House Office of Consumer Affairs found that a dissatisfied customer
will tell between 9-15 people about their experience. Around 13% of dissatisfied customers
tell more than 20 people.

Customer satisfaction surveys help you identify the overall level of satisfaction and
assist with finding your happiest and unhappiest customers. Feedback from a survey gives
you the opportunity to follow up with your happiest customers (to turn them into advocates),
and your unhappiest customers (to fix problems and retain their business).

The most effective customer satisfaction surveys use rating scales. Asking customers
to answer questions on a rating scale of 1-10 means you can track satisfaction over time. This
helps when you want to measure changes in satisfaction to see if the initiatives you
implemented have had a positive or negative impact on satisfaction.

Additionally, surveys should be personalized and branded, so that customers know

what they are filling out. They should be accessible across all web, tablet and mobile devices.
These strategies have been proven to increase survey response rates so you can get more
customer feedback.

The end goal of a customer satisfaction survey is to get actionable customer feedback
that you can use to improve the overall customer experience. The best companies in the world
focus heavily on creating amazing customer experiences. To create amazing experiences, you
first need to measure and track customer satisfaction. Surveys are the best way to do that.

Why customer satisfaction is important

If youre still not convinced that measuring customer satisfaction is important, here
are some additional research statistics.

In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 71 percent responded that they
found a customer satisfaction metric very useful in managing and monitoring their
businesses. (Marketing Metrics, 2010).
In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer
satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of
business strategy (The Future of Business: The Essentials, 2005).

Price is not the main reason for customer churn, it is actually due to the overall poor
quality of customer service (Accenture global customer satisfaction report, 2008).

The perfect survey starts with knowing what you want to ask customers. Since I
recommend limiting your survey to a maximum of 10 questions, make sure keep them
concise and each question has a strong purpose.

For example, at Client Heartbeat we ask a total of six questions.

Four of the questions relate to customer experience; value, user experience, support,
education. These four key areas are what we want to be consistently delivering good service

By keeping a finger on the pulse of the key areas important to your business, you can
keep track of satisfaction and quickly find customers that give you low scores.

The fifth question we ask resolves around a customers overall satisfaction. This is
important to gauge an overall rating and gives insight into how they really feel about the

The final question brings in some theory from the Net Promoter Score. We ask how
likely they would be to recommend us to friends and colleagues. This question alone
identifies our customer advocates, shows us who are just passively happy and who are
unhappy or at risk.

Three things are critical to successful satisfaction surveys. You must send them to the
right people, you must add a personal touch and you must use company branding.

Why? Because this all builds trust and assists with getting your customers to actually
fill out the surveys. Traditional online survey tools will get between 10-15% survey
participation (response rates). Thats pretty dismal. Client Heartbeat gets over 60% survey
response rates, and one of the key reasons we can do that is we focus on the three critical
Think about it for a second. How likely are you to fill out a survey that doesnt
address you by name (no personalization), doesnt say where its coming from (no brand),
and probably should have been sent to your managing director.

Get these critical factors handled and youll definitely improve response rates and get
more actionable customer feedback.

This will make or break your efforts in measuring and improving customer
satisfaction. If surveys dont have the ability to track and trend satisfaction, throw them away

How can you improve satisfaction if you cant measure it against your last survey?

Choose a customer satisfaction tool that gives you the ability to track and trend
satisfaction from one survey period to the next. Use this to measure changes in satisfaction
across your company as a whole, and across customers on an individual level.

Use the actionable insight to identify the causes for dips or spikes in satisfaction. If a
customer gave you a rating of 10 today, and six in three months time, a customer satisfaction
tool must be able to tell you that the score dropped by four points.

Close the loop with additional comments

Your surveys should close the loop. What I mean by that is they should ask and
encourage customers to leave additional feedback based on the score they gave. For instance,
if they gave a poor rating, you should ask them to leave comments as to why. If they gave
you a positive rating, ask them for a testimonial!

This valuable feedback can be passed around the office to your employees so you can
proactively address the customer problems, or share in the success of the customer

Consumer survey marketing plays a major role for the growth of the company in the
modern market scenario. The basic idea of this study is to find the consumer survey
marketing towards the products. The needs have to be recognized and necessary steps have to
be taken to make the changes.

India is growing rapidly and changes are dynamic. People are changing, the
preference and the demand is changing. The market also has to change accordingly.

The purpose of consumer survey marketing is not only for retaining the customers but
also attracting new customers and increasing the sales also creating and maintenance of brand

In this competitive market the level of consumer satisfaction decides the success of
any product and any company. The night consumers have to be targeted and the right strategy
should be implemented at the right time. This will give the desired results.


The main objective is to determine the current consumer survey marketing levels of the
customers with regards to THREE AXIS PLATE PRO INDUSTRY AT KARUR

To study and analyze consumer shopping survey marketing towards THREE AXIS
To assess the survey marketing level of different type of customers shopping at
To identify what type of strategies are suitable for the company to reach the targeted
To find out the factors which influence the consumption of the products in THREE
To identify effective a advertising sources which are influencing customer purchasing
To find out how the consumers spent their incomes, time on the purchasing of the

Consumers Sentiment toward Marketing (CSM) is a factor consider by researchers to

measure how well consumers will perceive social media marketing. CSM is defined
as a concept which refers to the general feelings that consumers have for marketing
and the marketplace (Lawson et al. 2001as cited by Mady 2011).
An individuals perception of the overall marketplace plays a major role in whether or
not they are motivated to partake in consumption activities (Mady 2011). In order to
create a successful marketing campaign via social media, a consumer must be open to
the technology.
Consumer technology readiness is defined as peoples propensity to embrace and use
new technologies for accomplishing goals in home and work (Parasuraman, 2000 as
cited by Mady 2011, 195).
Consumer technology readiness is important for retailers to remember when
marketing on social networks because if their intended target market does not use
social media, is not familiar with it, or perceives it negatively, then their social media
marketing will be unrewarding. Analysis of technology readiness can determine if
marketing via interactive advertising would be a good fit for a retailers target market.
Studies also found that within these VBCs many new forms of social interactions are
taking place such as Electronic Consumer to Consumer Interaction (eCCI), which are
interactions between consumers of e-services (Georgi and Mink 2012).
The chance to mingle with other people is a fundamental part of the consumer
experience and social networking sites have become a way in which consumers can
interact with one another and retailers (Georgi and Mink 2012).
Because of eCCI, consumers are playing a more dominant role in influencing each
other with their consumption decisions. Georgi and Mink (2012) came up with the
concept of Consumers feel more engaged with products and companies when they
have the option to submit feedback (Mangold and Faulds 2009).
Accordingly, it is important for retailers to be aware of the quality of their social
media presence even when consumers are the creators of their marketing because it is
increasingly influencing how consumers shop.
Consumer activities of consumption, participation, and production are not related to
just one motivation according to Heinonen (2011), who concluded that consumer
activities are a combination of a variety of motivations.

Research comprise defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or

suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and
reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they
fit the formulating Hypothesis.

In short, the search for Knowledge through Objective and Systematic method of
finding solutions to a problem is Research.

The survey technique is intended to secure one or more items of information from a
sample of respondents who are representatives of a larger group. The information is recorded
on a form known as questionnaire. As data are gathered by asking questions from persons
who are believed to have desired information, the method is known as questionnaire


It can secure both quantitative and qualitative information directly from the
It is the only method of directly measuring attitudes and motivations.
It is quite flexible in terms of the types of data to be assembled, the method of
collection or the timing of research.


According to D. Slessinger and M. Stephenson in the Encyclopedia of social sciences

define research as the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of
generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in
construction of theory or in the practice of an art.


1. Exploratory Research,
2. Descriptive Research.


Exploratory research studies are also termed as formulate research studies. The main
purpose of such studies in that of formulating a problem for more precise investigation or of
developing the working hypothesis forms an operational point of view.


Diagnostic Research studies determine the frequency with something occurs or its
association with something else.

In this project, information pertaining to customer needs satisfaction and their


There are two types of data. Source of primary data for the present study is collected
through questionnaire and answered by consumers of Automobiles. The secondary data is
collected from journals, books and through Internet search.


The data that is collected first hand by someone specifically for the purpose of
facilitating the study is known as primary data. So in this research the data is collected from
respondents through questionnaire.


For the company information I had used secondary data like brochures, web site of
the company etc. The Method used by me is Survey Method as the research done is
Descriptive Research.


Selected instrument for Data Collection for Online survey is Questionnaire.


Under this method, list of questions pertaining to the survey are prepared consumers
of Automobiles. Questionnaire has structured type questions as well as unstructured type
questions. Structured objective type questions are prepared for the respondents with fixed
response categories. Some of the questions are of multiple-choice type. The questions have
more than one alternative.


The survey method was adopted for collected the primary data. Survey research
is systematic gathering of data from respondent through questionnaire.


The data for this research study was collected by survey technic using interview
method guided by questionnaire.


Questionnaire and personal interviews are the methods that I have used for
collecting the data.


Who is to be surveyed? The marketing researcher must define the target population that will
be sampled.

The sample Unit taken by me: 100 respondents of different age group, different
gender and different profession.

Consumers of Automobiles, 100 nos


. My scope is limitation to one Branch (THREE AXIS PLATE PRO INDUSTRY AT
KARUR.). The scope of the study is to identify the consumer survey marketing towards Big
Bazaar. It is aimed at enlightening the company about different steps to be taken up to
increase the share of with regard other competitors and also to make the company to provide
better customer services.
The scope of the study is only confined to the area covered under Hyderabad and only
confined in studying about the consumer survey marketing THREE AXIS PLATE PRO


Time has been a major constraint throughout the study as it has been only for duration
of 2 months.
As this survey was restricted to karur this cannot be stated as an in depth research on
this subject.
Enough care is taken in formulating the questionnaire; still some errors may creep in.
The consumer survey marketing varies according to different products.
Quality verses price was not taken into the consideration.
The project is based on the interview methodology by a stared questionnaire and the
personal skills of the person undertaking the project affect the results.


(i) Internet sites containing information on survey & marketing are browsed.
(ii) Sample survey was conducted.
(iii) Data was thoroughly checked for error.

(i) Once the primary data have been collected, they are edited inspected, corrected
and modified.
(ii) Tabulation bring similar data together and totaling them in meaningful
(iii) Questionnaires are edited. The responses are thoroughly checked in home for
incorrect, inconsequential or contradictions categories are developed only often
the replies has been reviewed. This review provided a feel for the pattern of
answers and thus determine what categories best represent the answers.
(iv) The collected data are placed into an order. Percentages of respondents answered
similarly are calculated and placed in a table. Then this is interpreted. This
involved drawing conclusion from the gathered data. Interpretation changes the
new information immerging from the analysis into information that is pertinent or
relevant to the study.




THREE AXIS PLATES is proud to take the credit for introducing food serving
bioplate concept in some of the European Countries. The company is managed by
thorough professionals with qualifications and experience in the field. It is a 100%
export oriented unit, and its products have been exported since 2006. Founder
G.R.RAJAVEL PILLAY. Managing Director, R. Raja Perumal Samy Presently
the company has an in house production capacity of about 50 million bio plates per
annum, which is upgradeable to 70 millions.
THREE AXIS PLATES uses this natural, renewable and biodegradable raw material to
convert it into value added, environment friendly products. The company has pioneered
an unique mechanical process to manufacture this traditionally hand crafted cottage
industry product. This has now helped to mass-produce products of high standards, that
maintain all the above said features in addition to high quality, hygiene and superior
finish.The Employees Working for 300Above.

As someone who has a sincere concern for the well being of this world and its future
generations, the typical eco friendly range of products of THREE AXIS PLATES are here
for you not only to stand out different, but also to set a fine example for others and to
make your humble contribution towards a greener and cleaner earth.

Three Axis Plates products are already being exported to the following countries and the
list is growing steadily



We are proud to bring you our range of natural, sustainable plates and bowls, made
from the fallen leaves of the areca palm tree. These 100% biodegradable plates and
bowls are durable, lightweight and require minimal processing from tree to table: the
fallen palm leaf is gathered, washed in spring water, then heat-pressed into shape (this
also sterilises the leaf) no chemicals, waxes, dyes or additives are used!
Palm Leaf Plates are a stylish and unique alternative to other disposable tableware on
the market. They are stronger and more natural than corn starch, sugar cane, Paper
Plates& bamboo plates, and they wont harm our environment.
This cottage industry provides a source of income for many families in South Asia,
making Palm Leaf Plates a responsible decision for your family, their families, and our
environment. What better way of utilizing natures gift of fallen leaves! This is truly
natures tableware.

Awards of Three Axis Plate Industry:

Eco-Mark by BIS for its Bagasse based products.

Central Pollution Control Board and National Productivity Council have selected the
company as a Model unit in the field of Waste Minimization among pulp and
Paper Platesindustries.
SPIs Effluent Treatment Plant has been selected by Central Pollution Control Board
for carrying out studies and data collection for preparation of Minimal National
Standards (MINAS) for large pulp and Paper Platesindustry group.
SPIs waste reduction schemes have been included in the World Bank Data Base
on Waste Minimization.
Awarded Indo German Green tech Award for Environment Excellence for the
SPI was awarded First Prize at All India Farmers fair for the year 2004-2005for its
significant efforts towards farm forestry.
SPI was adjudged as the Efficient Unit in energy conservation by CII for the year


Paper Platescrockery House will be a unique business in TamilNadu as well as in India. It

will clearly attract most of the customers because they prefer to use designable & hygienic
products at competitive price.


Corporate vision is a short, succinct, and inspiring statement of what the organization intends
to become and to achieve at some point in the future. Our vision is To become one of the
most well-known Paper PlatesPlates Manufactures in Bangladesh by providing quality and
innovative products at competitive price to meet the requirements of the customers

The Mission Statement is a crucial element in the strategic planning of a business
organization. Our mission is:

To provide the quality and innovative products at competitive price to meet the
requirements of the customers.
Contribute to the success and satisfaction of our customers and focusing on-in-time
Co-operation, teamwork and partnerships.
Continuous learning
Honesty, fairness, integrity, and respect.

Company goals and objective:

The goals & objectives of our company will be as follows:

Our main objective will be to capture the large percentage of the market in one year of
starting the business and retain it in the long run as well.
Our goal will be to provide products of high caliber and retain market and increase
profitability and ensure success.


Strategic Planning & Strategic Objectives.

Quality assurance system.
Continuous improvement in Productivity, Quality, Cost Reduction &
Technology up gradation.
Process 1 system development in all functions such as production, Maintenance.
Marketing, Finance Management & inventory Management etc.
Adopting modern management practices (TPM, JIT) * People involvement.


Three Axis PlatePlants, Thirupure, Ravaged and Orissa (India) are committed to:
Comply with applicable Environmental Legislations. Prevention of pollution.
Continual improvement in Environmental Performance.
A forestation through Social and farm forestry supported by colonel technology.
Cleaner technologies and processes & Conservation of Resources.
Reducing pollutants in discharged water Reducing particulate emissions.


In Continuous pursuit on organizational excellence by maximizing overall plant effectiveness

and achieving total customer satisfaction, the organization is committed to

Achieve zero accidents, zero defects and zero breakdowns.

Continuous reduction in cost of production.
Involve all employees in systems and process improvement through teamwork.
Create a clean and safe working environment.


Thirupure is located on the slopes of the Eastern Ghat in the southern part of Tamil
Nadu bordering the state of Tamil Nadu and its geographical position 83-25 East
Longitude and 19-10 North Latitude. Its average height above the mean sea level is
758 feet.
The township has a population of about 25,000 and has a self-sufficient marketing
complex, including Employees Multi-purpose Co-operative society, a sub- post office
and Telegraph office, a branch post office, a police outpost and has two banks viz.,
State Bank of India and Indian overseas Bank. The township has two schools and
places of worship of all major faiths. Singapore Road Railways Station on the Raipur,
Walter Section of south eastern Railway station and is at a distance of 2km from the
plant and all passenger and express trains halt here.

The Plant established at Thirupure is unique because :

It is the only Plant in the world producing both rayon grade pulp, wood-basedPaper
Platesand bagasse based Paper Plates Plates.
The level of control instrumentation is relatively high.
SPI is the first Plant in the world to use for bagasse pulp bleaching.
The Plant features a unique pile building system for preventing deterioration of stored
bagasse fiber. Bagasse fiber fed to the digester has a high fiber pith ratio(more than
SPIs farm forestry scheme ensures that raw material is cultivated and replenished.
SPI is the driver for good forestry management and manages socio-forestry nurseries
for cultivation and distribution of plant saplings.
The Plant has a well equipped laboratory to monitor various water and air pollution
control measures including AOX level.



Paper Plates Items such as Paper cups, saucers, Glass, Paper Plates plates is finding
extensive usage these days for serving eatables in parties, functions and social
gatherings. Paper Plates are the most commonly used disposable crokery in India.
Paper Plates consists of sheet materials and are comprised of bonded small discrete
fibers which are usually cellulosic in nature and are held together by secondary bonds
most probably the hydrogen bonds. Paper Plates is made in a wide variety of types
and grades to serve many functions. Writing and printing Paper Plates constitute
approx 30% of the total
Production. The balance except for tissue and toweling is used for manufacturing
Paper Platesboards used primarily for packaging or for Paper Plates Items. Paper
Platesboard differs from Paper Platesin that it generally is thicker, heavier, and
less flexible than conventional Paper Plates Plates.
Disposable Paper Platesplates and saucers as the name suggests are made out of
special quality Paper Platesreinforced with polythene sheets to make it leak proof.
These products are conveniently used for serving eatables during family functions,
eating chats and snacks, fruits, sweets etc.
Most of the sweet shops use it for serving their customers with dry as well as wet
sweets/ namkeens. The caterers utilize it during parties and social functions. These are
a convenient replacement for crockery and utensils.
These have many advantages over conventional crockery/ Plates utensils. Whereas
conventional utensils need care in handling, have to be cleaned before and after use
need lot of space for storage and are difficult to handle these products are light in
weight, are disposable after use, cheaper and can be stored easily.
These are very cheap as compared to convention utensils. The Paper Platesplates and
bowls are made by fusing two layers of good quality Paper Plates with a sheet of
polythene. The product can be in any desired shape and size depending upon the die
employed for manufacture. The quality of Paper Platesused is generally of importance
as it should be firm enough to maintain the shape and hold the weight of the eatable
served in it.


These products have an urban as well as rural market. These products are mostly used
during social functions, religious gatherings, parties, marriages, outings, in sweet
shops, by caterers etc. The products have many advantages and are hence preferred as
compared to standard utensils/crockery for serving eatables. They can easily be
disposed off after use and hence save a lot of labor as far as cleaning/drying of
utensils are concerned. These are easily transportable and easy to handle. In our
country people are religious and organize functions throughout the year all such
occasions call for social gathering and celebrations with meals, snacks sweets being
served. Further, our vast population organizes marriages, celebrates birthdays and
other family functions on a regular basis. Sweet shops and small eateries can be
found at every street corner and all such joints use these disposable plates and bowls.
Thus keeping in view the culture of the people and the habits there is a vast market
for the products not only in urban areas but also in rural areas.


How The process of manufacturing is not very complicated. The product is

manufactured using the specific die. The Paper Platesand the polythene sheets are
previously cut to size or can also be purchased as per the production requirement. The
specific die is mounted on the press and the die is heated to the desired temperature.
The two layers of Paper Platesand the polythene sheets are placed in between the
male-female die parts and pressure is applied so that the product takes shape. The
formed product is next removed and another set is loaded. The machine is an ordinary
press with one fixed platform and another moving plunger.
The movement of the plunger is through hydraulic mechanism. The formed products
are collected and the edges are trimmed to give it a proper shape. The plates and
bowls are packed separately and stocked for dispatch. Know how is available with the
machinery suppliers. The machinery is all indigenously available. The production
capacity envisaged is 30000-40000 nos per day per machine on two shift basis for 300
days per year.


The main plant and machinery required comprise

Double die press with dies. Electrically operated. - 1 no
Bag sealing machine - 1no.
Weighing scales.
The total cost of machinery is estimated to be Rs.0.50 lakhs.
The unit will also require miscellaneous assets such as furniture, fixtures, storage
facilities etc. the total cost of these is estimated to be Rs. 0.20 lakhs.
The total requirement of power shall be 3 HP. The unit will need water for general

Raw material and Packing Material:

The basic raw materials for the unit are good quality scrap Paper Plates& polythene
sheets. For packing the unit will require polythene bags and hessian sacks. The cut to
size Paper Platesis readily available in two varieties thick and thin at Rs.35/- per kgs.
The plastic film costs about Rs. 100/- per kgs. The total cost of production works out
to Rs. 18/- per 100 nos of bowl. Land and Building For smooth operation of the unit,
it will require 225 sq. ft of built up area. The space can be taken on rental basis.

Land and Building:

For smooth operation of the unit, it will require 225 sq. ft of built up area. The space
can be taken on rental basis.

Scope and Market Potential:

Paper Platescups and plates are made from mill board, grey board, kraft Paper Plates
Plates, grease proof Paper Platesand other Paper Plates Platess, printed and given the
desired shape and are extensively use. The disposable nature of these cups and plates
not only obviates the need for washing and cleaning but also save loses due to
breakages that normally occur while using porcelain or glass wares. Paper Platescups
& plates find extensive usage for serving eatables in parties, functions, social
gatherings, etc., catering departments of railways, airlines and other establishments
also amount for a major share of the demand of cups and plates.

Manufacturing process:
Paper Platescups and plates are normally made as per the specifications of the
customer. The Paper Platesis first printed on a printing press, the printed part is then
cut to size and given shape by die cutting. The bottom part and upper part of the cup
are then assembled to a cup shape in screw press. For plates, the Paper Platesis cut to
the required size of circles. The cut circles are pressed in a screw press for obtaining
desired design and shape. For wax coated cups & plates are put in wax coating

Market Potential:
Because the Paper Platescup manufacturing industry is in a boom consumer products
in India, the requirement of drinking items like Tea, Coffee, Cool Drinks for
Railways, Functions, Hotels, Festivals, Meetings, household appliances, domestic
applications as well as for replacement of plastic cups, Glass items. There is a big
tremendous requirement of day-to-day life.

Location, Land and Building:

The unit is proposed to be located at Thirumarady panchayath in Thirumarady
Village. Building is available on rent and has been assigned in establishing the unit.
But it requires additional maintenance works The amount invested for civil work on
construction of building for office, common amenity, well etc is Rs 100000/-. The
door number assigned to the unit is 10/492A.

Machinery & equipment:

Details are shown in the annexure. The plant and machinery proposed to be installed
in the unit are Indigenous and some of them are locally fabricated. Total cost of
machinery and equipment to be purchased is evaluated as Rs 917000/-

Installed capacity of production

The unit is proposed to be operated in 300 days per annum (25 days in a month). As
per the capacity of machinery to be installed and by considering production wastage
the monthly production is worked out in the following table.

Basis & Presumptions:

1. Two shifts of 16 hours a day, 24 days a month is presumed. Efficient machines and
workers are also presumed.
2. Minimum 2 month period is considered for achieving full capacity utilization.
3. Labour rates are as per the prevailing rates.
4. An average interest rate of 14% is considered.
5. The estimates are drawn for a production capacity generally considered techno-
economically viable for model type of manufacturing activity.
6. The information supplied is based on a standard type of manufacturing activity viable
for model type of manufacturing activity.
7. Costs in respect of machinery and equipment, raw materials and the selling prices of
the finished products etc. are generally prevailing at the time of preparation of the
project profiles and may vary depending upon various factors.

Production details and process of Manufacture:

The process of manufacturing poly coated Paper Platespurchased from market then
cut in the required sizes, fabricates outer shell then put in the bottom mould pressed
and pasting and keep it in the final Paper Platescup mould. After making the cup
checked random pieces for customer requirement and then packed by plastic cover in
100 Paper Platescups in a set.

The process of manufacture consists of the following operations and procedures.

1. PE Coated Paper Platesroll
2. Cut to Board size
3. Single/Multi Color Printing
4. Ups forming (die cutting)
5. Bottom reel
6. Paper Platescup wall forming
7. Cup Bottom Shaping
8. Paper PlatesCup Knurling and Curling
9. Inspection and Finishing
10. Testing Random Sample
11. Packing and Delivery
Raw material Requirement:

All the raw materials required by the unit are available throughout the year. The raw
material can also be procured from the nearby districts and from other states. The
stock and procurement period proposed in this scheme is for a period of 12 days. The
details of requirement for 70% capacity utilisation in the unit are tabulated as below.

Users Of Paper PlatesPlates

This Paper Platescup manufacturing project profile views the use of drinking Tea and
Cool Drinks. The Paper Platescup finds extensive use in Railways, Functions,
Festivals, Hotels, Meetings, household appliances, and domestic applications. Our
product ranges from 50 ml to 250 ml, this cup manufacturing unit will be set-up as a
small-scale unit.
Now our people and government have the awareness to control the pollution and all
are engaged to use the eco-friendly products. Each plastic cup can take 50-80 years to
decompose and that are ruining the nature as well human lifetime.

After completing my project and collecting vital informatation and facts I came to the
following conclusion. Consumers look for quality while purchasing a particular brand. The
second important parameter is price as the consumers look for economy. Company is not
conducting any promotional campaign to make consumers aware about product Consumers
are looking better offer and schemes which the company and looking for extra benefit in the
product. Most of the consumers are satisfied with the staining action of THREE AXIS
PLATE PRO INDUSTRY AT KARUR. Offers and schemes are the most important
promotional activities which affect consumer buying behavior followed by the advertisement
THREE AXIS PLATE PRO INDUSTRY. Students are generally purchasing sachet for
short term use. Consumers can switch to some other brand if they are not getting quality and
extra benefits in the products.


Company should focus on advertisement as it makes consumer aware about

the product.
Company should give more schemes and offers to the consumers.
Company should do more promotional campaigns.
Company should regularly do market research to know the changing needs
and demands of consumers. This will also help in better understanding of
consumer behavior.
Company should improve the quality so that it can compete with its biggest
can acquire more customers.
Company should try to retain the customers by creating loyalty among the
existing customers as brand switching is very common today.

Concepts of MarketingPhilip kotler, Marketing Management, 11th edition,

prentice hall of India Pvt Ltd.
Philip kotler & Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, 9th Edition, Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd.
G.C. Beri, Marketing Research 3rd edition, Mc Milan India Ltd.
C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology.




A study on consumer survey marketing in

1. Name
2. Age
a) Below 30 years
b) 31-40 years
c) 41-50 years
d) Above 50 years

3. Distribution of respondents by gender?

a) Male
b) Female

4. How long you have been working here?

a) Less than 5 years [ ]

b) 5years 10 years [ ]

c) More than 10 years [ ]

5. How did you come to know about three axis plate pro industry ?

a) Advertisement

b) Colleagues references

c) Friends/relatives references

d) Any other specify

6) How frequently do you visit three axis plate pro industry?

a) Once in a week

b) Twice in a week

c) Once in every 15 days

d) Once in a month

7) What is the main purpose of purchase?

a) Personal Usage / consumption

b) Traveling Agency

c) Any other

8) You prefer to go in three axis plate pro industry?

a) Family members

b) Spouse

c) Friends

d) Others

10) What is the reason behind purchasing in three axis plate pro industry?

a) Good satisfaction over products

b) Reasonable prices

c) More offers

d) Any others

11) How do you rate the pricing of products at three axis plate pro industry?

a) Expensive

b) Competitive

c) Affordable

d) Reasonable

12) Why do you prefer to shop in three axis plate pro industry?

a) Availability of adequate stock

b) Convenience of location and timing

c) Offers and discounts

d) Variety of products

13) What more facility would you like to get at three axis plate pro industry?
a) Membership Card

b) Discount Card

c) Free packing Offers

d) Lucky draw Offer

14) How often do you ask for Assistance from store staff in selecting your Purchase?

a) Almost Always

b) Frequently

c) Sometimes

d) Never

15) How is your overall experience in three axis plate pro industry?

a) Excellent

b) Good

c) Poor

16) Would you visit three axis plate pro industry again?

a) Sure

b) May be

c) Never

17) Do you suggest any one to shop at three axis plate pro industry?

a) Yes

b) No

18) How, do you suggest to three axis plate pro industry management to making present three
axis plate pro industry to more attractive?

a) To maintain quality products

b) Reasonable prices

c) Giving more offers and discounts

d) Convenience

19. Mention your satisfaction level for following elements

1) Highly satisfied

2) Satisfied

3) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

4) Dissatisfied

1 Location () () () ()
2 Operating time () () () ()
3 Parking facility () () () ()
4 Cleanness of store () () () ()
5 Spacious shop floor () () () ()
6 Easy to locate product () () () ()
7 Quality product () () () ()
8 Promotion offers () () () ()
9 Price of the product () () () ()
10 Staff helpfulness () () () ()
11 Flexibility in payment mode () () () ()
12 Return of value for money () () () ()

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