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Adjudicator Code of Conduct

1. Introduction

1.1. This Code of Conduct details ACTDUs policies for adjudicators. The ACTDU is
committed to providing professional services of an outstanding quality, and to
creating a safe and respectful working community. ACTDU adjudicators must
be familiar with this Code and adhere to its guidelines.
1.2. This Code of Conduct is not a comprehensive guide of all ethical and practical issues
adjudicators may face. In dealing with problems not detailed in this Code,
adjudicators are expected to use common sense and their best moral judgement.
Where possible, they should contact the Committee sfor clarification or

2. Key Terms

2.1. An adjudicator is any person contracted by ACTDU to provide services relevant to

the objectives of the organisation. adjudicators will normally be paid for their
services, however may at times provide unpaid services while still being bound
by this Code.
2.2. A client is any student participating in a ACTDU activity (including but not
limited to the Schools Debating Competition and any Development
Workshops), the parents of any such student, or school staff members directly
responsible for the participation of such students in ACTDU activities.
2.3. A community member is any other person located on the premises at which a
ACTDU activity is being held, whether during the event or before or after the
event while ACTDU adjudicators or Committeemembers are present.
2.4. An adjudicator is considered to be executing their duties at any time during which
they are:

(i) Located on the premises at which a ACTDU activity is being held and
they are completing a rostered shift or are located on the premises
immediately before or after a rostered shift
(ii) Located on the premises at which a ACTDU activity is being held, while
not completing a rostered shift, but would be considered by the average
reasonable person to be a representative of ACTDU
(iii) Located within 100m of the premises at which a ACTDU activity is
being help, including before and after the activity, and would be
considered by the average reasonable person to be a representative of

3. Notice of a Breach

If an adjudicator is alleged to have breached this policy, the Committee will issue a
Breach Notice to the adjudicator as soon as practicable after the breach is alleged to
have been committed.
3.1. The Notice must include:
(i) Details of the alleged breach and how the breach violates this Code
(ii) Details of the penalties that may apply to the adjudicator under this Code
(iii) An invitation to the adjudicator to provide a written explanation for the
alleged Breach within seven days of the Notice being received
3.2. If the Committee accepts this explanation then the Notice will be rescinded, no
disciplinary action will be taken, and no record of the alleged breach will be
3.3. If the Committee does not accept this response, or if no response is provided,
then the Committee may apply penalties as set out in this Code.

4. Category A Breach

4.1. Failure by an adjudicator to adhere to the following requirements will result in notice
of a Category A Breach being issued to the adjudicator.
4.2. An adjudicator must not:
(i) Consume, be affected by the prior consumption of, or be found to
possess alcohol or illicit drugs during the execution of their duties
(ii) Consume, or be observed by clients or community members to be in
possession of, tobacco products during the execution of their duties
(iii) Carry firearms or other weapons during the execution of their duties
(iv) Engage in any form of sexual harassment of other adjudicators, clients,
or community members during the execution of their duties
(v) Engage in violent, intimidating or threatening behaviour during the
execution of their duties

(vi) Discriminate against or harass other adjudicators, clients, or community
members on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion,
disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or membership of
other protected category during the execution of their duties
(vii) Engage in any form of conduct which is deemed by the Committee to be
so offensive as to bring ACTDU into disrepute
4.3. If an adjudicators is found to have committed a Category A Breach, then the
Committee may:
(iv) Dismiss the adjudicator, or
(v) Apply any lesser penalty at the discretion of the Executive.

5. Category B Breach

5.1. Failure by an adjudicator to adhere to the following requirements will result in notice
of a Category B Breach being issued to the adjudicator.
5.2. An adjudicator must not:
(viii) Fail to report a conflict of interest with a client and continue to adjudicate
a debate involving the client while being aware of the conflict.
Relationships constituting conflicts of interest include:
a. Having been enrolled at the same school as a client within
the preceding 36 months
b. Being a relative of a client (including step-relatives and
c. Being in an intimate relationship, or having previously
been in an intimate relationship, with a client
d. Being, or having been, a paid or unpaid coach of a client
e. Having been a member of a debating team alongside a
f. Any other relationship which the average reasonable
person would deem conflictual
(ix) Engage in behaviour not consistent with the professional image of
ACTDU, and that would be deemed by the average reasonable person to
be offensive, during the execution of their duties. Such behaviour
includes but is not limited to swearing, yelling, and making rude or
disparaging remarks or gestures
(x) Fail to arrive at a rostered venue to complete their shift without providing
the relevant Duty Officer with at least 60 minutes notice of their inability
to do so
5.3. If an adjudicator is found to have committed a Category B Breach, then the
Committee may:

(vi) If this is the first Category B Breach committed by the adjudicator,
remove the adjudicator from one or more of their future rostered shifts,
(vii) If this is the first Category B Breach committed by the adjudicator, and
the adjudicator is not currently rostered to complete future shifts, resolve
to provide the adjudicator with one or more fewer shifts than they would
otherwise receive in the next roster to be released, or
(viii) If this is not the first Category B Breach committed by the adjudicator,
dismiss the adjudicator, or
(ix) Apply any lesser penalty at the discretion of the Committee

6. Category C Breach

6.1. Failure by an adjudicator to adhere to the following requirements will result in notice
of a Category C Breach being issued to the adjudicator.
6.2. An adjudicator must not:
(xi) Execute their duties while in breach of the ACTDU Dress Standards
(xii) Fail to arrive at a rostered venue to complete their shift without providing
the relevant Duty Officer with at least three hours of notice of their
inability to do so
(xiii) Arrive at a rostered venue to complete their shift less than five minutes
prior to the scheduled start of the ACTDU activity
(xv) Fail to complete all their duties including:
a. Finalising all debates, and
b. Offering oral adjudications, and
c. Providing sufficient individual feedback

6.3. If an adjudicator is found to have committed a Category C Breach, then the

Committee may:
(x) If this is the first Category C Breach committed by the adjudicator, issue
a Formal Warning to the adjudicator, or
(xi) If this is not the first Category C Breach committed by the adjudicator,
and the adjudicator has previously received a Formal Warning, remove
the adjudicator from one or more of their future rostered shifts, or
(xii) If this is not the first Category C Breach committed by the adjudicator,
and the adjudicator has previously received a Formal Warning, and the
adjudicator is not currently rostered to complete future shifts, resolve to
provide the adjudicator with one or more fewer shifts than they would
otherwise receive in the next roster to be released, or
(xiii) Apply any lesser penalty at the discretion of the Committee

7. Transfer of Penalties

Although this Code governs adjudicators only while they are providing services directly
to ACTDU in the carrying out of an ACTDU activity, any penalties applied by the
Committee under this code may in some circumstances be served at other times.
7.1. The Committee may demand that a penalty applied under this Code shall be served
during the course of a separate ACTDU activity to the one during which the
breach occurred
7.2. If ACTDU has been charged by another organisation with the responsibility of
managing the roster for an activity of that organisation, then the Committee may
demand that a penalty applied to an ACTDU adjudicator under this Code must
be served during such an activity
7.3. If all ACTDU activities have been included in a year and a adjudicator has yet to
fully serve a penalty applied under this code at the conclusion of the year, the
Committee may demand that all or part of the remainder of the penalty be served
the following year after the resumption of ACTDU activities


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