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Jataka parijat ..

Moon 2
Ch-2, Shloka-75 of Jataka Parijat [Shri V Subramanya Shastri-Ranajn Publication-New
The main purpose of the post is to understand the Shloka correctly with its wide/multi-
purpose interpretation wrt Moon as malefic or benefice; here the malevolent effect is
thru karaka tatvas of Moon
Learned and Scholars are humbly requested to share their experience and insights

Moon [when malefic] causes weakness-paleness-pallor or may be jaundiced [paandu],

watery ailments like heavy cold to pneumonia or sinus or catarrh [or urination-urine
track- my view], phlegm causes inflammation etc due to venereal indulgence and also
[with above result in addition] anxiety or aghast [regular fever and loss of weight or
hunger etc- my view] due to number of female goblins and demonises

For venereal indulgence with others at least more than one partner is meant here [and
for that should Venus weakness should also be counted?]; this venereal indulgence
may be frequent and regular this is but natural that any thing in excess is poison;
Some people are healthy though having two-three partners legal or illicit and sex is
frequent and regular course and some nativities are troubled as said here for sex
indulgence with even one partner when Moon is malefic is what is said here.

Now when this Moon becomes malefic or gives malevolent results and when it is
benefice/strong or gives benevolent results see the following Shloka Ch-2,
Shloka- 62

The moon is strong [or benevolent] if in Cancer, Taurus, her own weekday, own D3,
D2, and D9, at the end of the sign; when aspected by benefice planet, at night, in 4H,
in his passage to southern path to equator. The Moon is strong in all nakstras/ Rashi
end except Ashlesha, Jyestha and Revati [29+/-30]. Moon when aspected by all
planets bring to men a royal destiny
MOON is malefic if not having above proposition or dignities

[Ch-2 Shl-49 Jataka Parijata] The Moon determines the character of ones heart,
ones understanding, royal favour, mother and affluence.

We for the time being leave the rest part of goblin effect

NOW due to venereal indulgence above sufferings caused is to be seen with practical
charts we have to find pls remember both things have to be checked venereal
indulgence and [malefic] Moon troubles.

Many times we see that instead of physical trouble we might see the defamations-
litigations-huge monetary loss etc for the Moon as malefic see the following myths

Myths Part -----

In the farthest past there was a clash of Daxa Dharma and Shiva Dharma. Moon
married to 27-daughters of Daxa Prajapati and Moon gives more love and marital
bliss to Rohini the wife where Moon is exalted and could not give equal marital stand
to others and one Revati wife complained to Daxa Prajapati and Daxa Prajapati
warned Moon to give equal marital bliss to all as it is the sati pati dharma; but Moon
failed and is cursed by Daxa Dharma to be completely waned.

Moon goes to the shelter of mritunjaya maha vidya of lord Shiva Dharma and got the
ultimate bliss and blesses; got the nature of waxing and waning for every month.

This curse and bliss myths of the Moon also signifies why Moon is given importance to
represent karma imprints representing both Sinful karma and holy karma of human
birth being balanced to be consumed and given a chance to birth in human race.
BPHS gives importance to D9 Moon for past life karma and Karma Vipak Samhita
talked past life wrt 108 star quarters and this may be the base.

Now astrologically, this Moon may not give the justice to dharma element of love and
other intimate relations; does this means that Moon can not give good results alone
when it is required to represent dharma of relations like marriage, love, sexual-marital
bond or other extra intimate relations please. Does Moon require support of other
strength like paxabala and its depositor etc?

---- Hemant Bhatt 2017

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