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Chromatography is a technique used to
separate the components of mixture based on
differential migration caused by mobile phase
over a stationary phase

Gas Chromatography
* Gas liquid chromatography is a
chromatographic technique that can be
used to separate volatile organic compounds.
* It consists of
a flowing mobile phase
an injection port
separation column (the stationary phase)
an oven
a detector.
Gas Chromatography Components
Device or instrument designed to detect
the presence of particular object or
substance .
It is a transducer which transform
physical & chemical properties of analyte
into signal.
Characterstics of an ideal Detector
The detectors senses the individual
components as they leave the column. The
detector output after amplification is traced
on recorder.
The duration of intervals is usually a
single second or even less than that.
Hence the detector is considered to be
the brain of the instrument. Detectors are
divided into two principal groups
Bulk property / Concentration
dependent detectors:
The signal is related to
Concentration of solute in the detector
Does not usually destroy the sample eg.
Mass Flow dependant detector
The Signal is related to
rate at which solute molecules enters
the detector
Usually destroys the sample eg. FID,
Characteristic Of Ideal Detector
Adequate sensitivity: Dedector
response per unit concentration of
analytes in (mg/ml). Range of 10 -8 to10-15 g
Large linear range .It is the
concentration range over which signal is
directly proportional to the amount of
Good stability and reproducibility.
A temperature range from room
temperature to at least 400 c.
High reliability and easy of use.
A fast response time that is
independent of flow rate.
Non destructive of sample.
Linear response to solutes that extends
over several order of magnitude
Linear Large Dynamic Range
Low Limit of detection and
Univeral Response
Functions out put and choice of Detector
Function of detector is to sense and
measure the small amount of separated
components present in the carrier gas
stream leaving the column .
output :
The out put from the detector is feed
to a device which produces a trace called
chromatogram .
Depends on
1.The concentration level to be measured
2.Nature of separating components .

GC-Thermal Conductivity Detector(TCD)

Also known as Katharometer
Responds to all compounds- Universal
The TCD will respond to any substance
different from the carrier gas as long as its
concentration is sufficiently high enough.
Adequate sensitivity for many compounds
Good linear range of signal
Simple construction
The TCD consists of an electrically
heated filament in a temperature-
controlled cell.
Under normal conditions there is a
stable heat flow from the filament to the
detector body.
When an analyte elutes and the
thermal conductivity of the column
effluent is reduced, the filament heats up
and changes resistance.
This resistance change is often sensed
by Wheatstone bridge circuit which
produces a measurable voltage change.
The column effluent flows over one of
the resistors while the reference flow is
over a second resistor in the four-resistor
Thermal Conductivity Basics

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