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Big Data

Three big trends have shaped application development over the last several years: cloud, agile,
and DevOps. In 2017, were going to see these trends hit data in a big way. We already see the
effect of cloud in architectures that separate compute and data. Cloud-based blob stores like S3
have become the new data lake for many organizations. Agile practices will increasingly
influence the work of data engineers and data scientists, enabling them to benefit from fast
feedback cycles and continuous delivery of value. Finally, well see database administrators
leverage DevOps practices to automate deployment and orchestration of their data services,
assisted by offerings like Pivotal Cloud Foundrys data services that enable developer self-
service through automation.


At Bloomberg, our position in the global capital markets pushes us to understand the unique
requirements of extreme network and systems availability. However, many companies across a
diverse set of industries do not yet (fully) appreciate these requirements. As more and more
organizations move their mission-critical systems to the cloud, we anticipate there may be a
number of large scale incidents in 2017 (e.g., service outages, DDOS attacks, etc.) that cause
businesses to realize the importance of implementing a multi-cloud strategy. It is our belief that
enterprises will need to spread their chips around and utilize multiple cloud providers to
achieve best-of-breed availability.
2017 will see In-Memory Data Grids (IMDG) become an integral part of the cloud-native
application ecosystem. While IMDG use has historically been rather nicheserving markets
with a need for complex, real-time event processing, such as fraud detectionin 2017 the role
they play in highly distributed, self-adapting cloud-native applications will bring them into the
mainstream. Whether used to aggregate collections of bounded-context data, or serve as a
layer in a CQRS pattern, a simplified consumption and programming model will make IMGD use
accessible to the mainstream developers.

COntinuous Integration

Everyone involved in application development agrees that continuous integration (CI) is a really,
really good idea. Yet, if surveys are to be believed, only about 40% of organizations have
continuous integration in place. Management hungers for the benefits of DevOps and cloud-
nativedelivering quality software to production more frequently to drive availability and
innovation. Putting CI in place is the first, necessary requirement, so, hopefully this means the
60% that lacks CI will put it in place this year, putting them further along the path of delivering
better software.

Data Science

In 2017, enterprises will increasingly migrate away from centralized, shared-service data
science organizations in favor of embedding data scientists directly in business units and even
making data scientists part of software development project teams. This will lead to better
software that leverages data science to support intelligent features, such as personalized
recommendations and intelligent automation.

Service design will turn mainstream, so that other peoplebeyond designerswill know it, and
begin to embrace and use it. Service design is a variety of UX design that considers the entirety
of a users experience by mapping it out and linking it to all sorts of service systems; sounds,
kiosks, signage, softwareanything really. Its been around for 25 years within the design and
business communities and is now moving into software. At Pivotal, we have a strong practice of
Service Blueprinting with a focus on linking software layers to user experience.

1. Cheap computing everywhere

The first Raspberry Pi became available in 2012 for $35, and made it possible to put a cheap
Linux computer in practically anything bigger than a candy bar. The Raspberry Pi Zero,
announced in November, cuts the price of ubiquitous computing sevenfold and almost fits in a
matchbox. It follows the $9 CHIP computer released in September. Expect to see new
applications everywhere in 2016.

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2. High level programming languages on embedded systems

Relatedly, writing software to control drones, vending machines, and dishwashers has become
as easy as spinning up a website. Fast, efficient processors like those on the Raspberry Pi are
turning JavaScript into a popular embedded programming languageunthinkable less than a
decade ago.

3. More hardware startups

2014 was a year of dramatic hardware exits: GoPro went public; Google acquired Nest, which
acquired DropCam; Apple bought Beats by Dre; Facebook took Oculus; and Samsung snagged
SmartThings. 2015 saw FitBit go public, but has otherwise been slower, and the stock market
hasn't been encouraging to IPOs.

Nevertheless, new technologies and the falling cost of hardware development should continue
to make hardware attractive to founders and investors, especially in rich problem spaces like
logistics and productivity. Synthetic biology is also starting to show up in the startup scene: in
June, IndieBio's first class demoed everything from lab robots to test-tube rhino horn.

4. Big companies see the light

It used to take a big, well-capitalized corporation with an army of engineers and its own factory
to develop a novel consumer product or industrial machine. Hardware is still harder than the
software, but it's getting easier and more digitized, and much of the product development
process is now within reach of agile startups. Big companies have noticed their new
competitors, but in the last few years, only a bold handful like Procter & Gamble and Walt
Disney have started to reorganize themselves to be as fast as the startups that are popping up
around them, with unified teams handling industrial design, software development, and

Trends identified in a 1982 article were increasing miniaturization and archival ability,
increasing software costs, increasing software independence, user empowerment through new
software technologies, shorter computer-system life cycles, and more rapid development and
support of services. Most of these trends continue today.
Current trends in hardware and software include the increasing use of reduced
instruction-set computing, movement to the UNIX operating system, the development of large
software libraries, microprocessor-based smart terminals that allow remote validation of data,
speech synthesis and recognition, application generators, now in fourth-generation languages,
computer-aided software engineering, object-oriented technologies, and artificial intelligence.
The computer industry and its products continue to undergo dynamic change. Software
development continues to lag behind hardware, and its high cost is offsetting the savings
provided by hardware.
The future of hardware is quite shaky because of the troubles between software and
hardware computer engineers and now that software could not keep up with hardware,
hardware may be declining as software will take over.
Example we always see the upgrade of software and but hardware still the same. The
more software upgrade becomes more easy to use and maintained.
Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." ICT refers to technologies
that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to Information
Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes
the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.

In the past few decades, information and communication technologies have provided society
with a vast array of new communication capabilities.

For example, people can communicate in real-time with others in different countries using
technologies such as instant messaging, voice over IP (VoIP), and video-conferencing. Social
networking websites like Facebook allow users from all over the world to remain in contact and
communicate on a regular basis.

Modern information and communication technologies have created a "global village," in

which people can communicate with others across the world as if they were living next door.
For this reason, ICT is often studied in the context of how modern communication technologies
affect society.

Data that is (1) accurate and timely, (2) specific and organized for a purpose, (3)
presented within a context that gives it meaning and relevance, and (4) can lead to an increase
in understanding and decrease in uncertainty.
Information is valuable because it can affect behavior, a decision, or an outcome. For example,
if a manager is told his/her company's net profit decreased in the past month, he/she may use
this information as a reason to cut financial spending for the next month.

Two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only
exchange (encode-decode) information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share
meaning. In general, communication is a means of connecting people or places. In business, it is
a key function of management--an organization cannot operate without communication
between levels, departments and employees.

The purposeful application of information in the design, production, and utilization of
goods and services, and in the organization of human activities.
Technology can be described in the following ways:

Tangible: blueprints, models, operating manuals, prototypes.

Intangible: consultancy, problem-solving, and training methods.
High: entirely or almost entirely automated and intelligent technology that manipulates ever
finer matter and ever powerful forces.
Intermediate: semiautomated partially intelligent technology that manipulates refined matter
and medium level forces.
Low: labor-intensive technology that manipulates only coarse or gross matter and weaker

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