Model Color: Blending Oils and Enamels Highlighting With Acrylics

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Feathering is the main technique used in acrylics

for shading and highlighting Colores

Layers can beacrlicos para
either solid for covering modelismo - Acrylic colors for miniatures - Acrylifarben fr Modellbau
or transparent
for gradual color build up


Feather 4

Feather 3

Layer 3

Feather 2
218 colores permanentes, de muy alta Feather 1
The range contains a selection of military colors with equivalencies to RAL, Layer 2
Malmittel: Eine Reihe von Malmitteln knnen die Eigenschaften der Farben
218 couleurs permanentes, haute pigmentation,
This is the blending technique used with oils and enamels
Mediums: De Model Color Sikkerhed: Model Color er fremstillet i overensstemmelse med Europiske
Fourth increase
pigmentacin, para maquetas, RLM and FS values, as well as metallic Basecoat colors, glazes, transparent and Layer 1
verndern. Glaze Medium verdnnt die Farbe und verzgert die Trocknungszeit; pour les modles, les miniatures et modles Diffused
serie Area
bevat een aantal me- Third increase
Second increase
sikkerheds regulativer og certificeret efter U.S. ASTM D-4236, der begge
fluorescent colors. The transparent colors can beFigure
miniaturas y modelismo applied directly for the tinting
es ist perfekt fr Mischungen und im Gebrauch mit Pigmenten. Mit Metallic diums, geformuleerd om garanterer at produktet ikke indeholder nogen ingredienser som kan vre

First increase
Color 1 Color 2
of headlights and signal lights; when diluted with Gloss Medium, these colors Medium bekommen die Farben einen Perlmutt- oder Metall-Effekt, whrend Introduction: Model Color sont des couleurs acryliques trs haute de eigenschappen van de skadelige for helbred eller milj.
are ideal for tinting airplane or car windows (smoked glass). The glazes are Crackle oder Chipping Medium, zwischen zwei Schichten Model Color pigmentation, a base de leau et une formule spciale pour lapplication kleuren te modificeren, Modelcolor markedsfres i en 17 ml. flaske med drbe dispenser.
Introduccin: Model Color es una gama de colores de alta opacidad used for a quick shading of the figure or model. angebracht, bewirkt, dass die Deckschicht Risse und Sprnge entwickelt. avec pinceaux sur de miniatures et maquettes de rsine, plastique et mtaux. Glaze Medium verdunt de
y pigmentacin, a base de agua, especialmente formulados para ser Mediums: The Model Firnis: Die Model Color Lacke knnen mit dem Pinsel oder einer Airbrush Les couleurs stendent facilement aussi bien pour couvrir de grandes Figure
kleur, vertraagt het drogen (218 ) --,
aplicados a pincel en maquetas y miniaturas de resina, plstico o metal. Los Color range includes Blending with acrylics is mainly the result of a visual effect angebracht werden. Sie trocknen schnell und werden nicht durch Luftfeuch- surfaces que pour tracer les dtails les plus fines. Toutes les couleurs peuvent en wordt gebruikt voor Figure ,
colores se extienden fcilmente sin ocultar los detalles ms finas de las figuras a series of Mediums tigkeit beeinflusst (no tack). Einmal vom Lack geschtzt, widerstehen die tre mlanges entre elles, et la peinture peut tre dilue avec de leau ou le Blending Oils and Enamels
schaduwen en blenden, het Colores acrlicos para modelismo
o vehculos. Todos los colores son miscibles entre s y secan mates sin dejar which have been for- Top Highlight Farben auch Anwendungen
Second decrease
First decrease von lfarben, Lacken und Lsungsmitteln. diluant Vallejo Thinner ref. 70.524. Pour larographe, on recommande diluer is perfect om te gebruiken Highlighting with Acrylics
; Acrylic colors for miniatures
rastro de la pincelada; se pueden diluir con agua o Vallejo Thinner ref. 70.524. mulated to customize Sicherheit: Model Color wird in bereinstimmung mit den europischen les couleurs avec 50% Airbrush Thinner ref. 71.261. En cas derreur on peut met pigmenten. Met Metal-
Third decrease Feathering is the main technique used in acrylics
Para aerografa, se recomienda diluir el color al 50% con Airbrush Thinner ref.
71.261. Los posibles errores se pueden corregir inmediatamente con agua o
the properties of the
colors. Glaze Medium
D-4236: eine Garantie, dass
hegestellt und hat das Sicherheitszertifikat ASTM
keine schdlichen Stoffe verwendet werden,
corriger immdiatement avec de leau ou alcool. Une fois la peinture sche,
couleurs sont permanentes et impermable leau.
les for shading licand
Medium krijgen de kleu-
highlighting Layers can be either solid for covering or transparent
ren een parelmoerof metallic glans. Crackle of forChipping
gradual colorMedium,
build up aangebracht
Acrylfarben fr Modellbau
Basecolor Basecoat

Feather 4

alcohol. Una vez secos, los colores son permanentes e impermeables. dilutes the color and welche eine Gefahr fr die Gesundheit des Anwenders oder der Umwelt La gamme contient une slection de couleurs militaires avec des quivalences tussen twee lagen Model Color, veroorzaakt scheuren en barsten in de toplaag. : Vallejo Model Color , -

Feather 3

La gama contiene una seleccin de colores militares con sus equivalencias a delays drying time; it darstellen knnten. aux valeurs RAL, RLM et FS, ainsi que des couleurs mtalliques, glaures, Vernis: Model Color vernissen kunnen Layermet
3 penseel of airbrush worden

Feather 2 -- , -
Feather 1
RAL, RLM, y FS y tonos metalizados, transparentes, fluorescentes y ptinas. is used for shading Deepest Shadow Model Color ist erhltlich in 17ml. Flschchen mit Tropfen-zhler. transparentes et des couleurs fluorescentes. Les couleurs transparentes aangebracht. Ze drogen snel en Layer 2
laten geen vingerafdruk achter (no , .
Basecoat Layer 1
Los colores transparentes se pueden diluir con Mdium Brillante para and blending, and peuvent tre appliques directement pour la teinture des phares et des feux de tack). Een vernis wordt gebruikt als laatste, beschermende laag, of tijdens ,
aplicar sobre pticas de vehculos, y las patinas se emplean para efectos de
sombreado sobre la maqueta.
perfect for working
with pigments. With
Shading with Acrylics Shading with Acrylics
signalisation; lorsquil sont dilu avec Gloss Medium ces couleurs sont idales
pour les parebrises teinter, des vitres davions et les fentres des voitures. Les
het schilderproces om speciale effecten te bereiken. Figure
worden bv. gebruikt om de effecten van vocht, of van gladde en buigzame
Gloss of Satin Vernis .
218 colori permanenti, ad alta pigmentazione,
Mediums: La gama incluye una serie de Mediums formulados para modificar Metallic Medium the glaures sont utilises pour un ombrage rapide de la figure ou modle. oppervlakken, als in leer en canvas, te simuleren. Eenmaal beschermd door Vallejo Thinner ( 70.524).
las propiedades de los colores. Glaze Mdium diluye los colores y retrasa colors acquire a pearly or metallic sheen, and Crackle or Chipping Medium, per miniature, figurini e modellismo Mediums: La gamme Model Color comprend une srie de Mdiums qui ont een vernis zijn de kleuren bestand tegen olieverf, enamels en washes op , (1:1)
su secado para efectuar veladuras o mezclas con pigmentos. Con Metallic applied between two coats of Model Color, will cause the top coat to develop t formules pour personnaliser les proprits des couleurs. Glaze Medium basis van oplosmiddelen. Vallejo Airbrush Thinner ( 71.261).
Blending with acrylics is mainly the result of a visual effect
Medium los colores adquieren un efecto nacarado y metalizado, y con el fissures and cracks. Introduzione: Model Color una gamma di colori ad elevata opacit e dilue la couleur et retarde le temps de schage; il est utilis pour lombrage Garantie: Model Color wordt vervaardigd volgens de Europese veilig- .
Mdium de Craquelar o Chipping Medium, empleado entre dos capas de Varnishes: Model Color varnishes can be applied by brush or Airbrush. They pigmentazione, a base di acqua, appositamente formulato per essere et de mlanges et pour travailler avec des pigments. Avec Metallic Medium heidsvoorschriften en bezit de Amerikaanse ASTM D-4236 certificatie, een .
Top Highlight First decrease
Model Color, se consigue el cuarteado del color de la superficie. dry rapidly and do not leave fingerprints (no tack). Once protected by a varnish, applicato a pennello sui modelli e miniature in resina, plastica o metallo. I les couleurs acquirent un lustre mtallique, et Crackle ou Chipping Medium, garantie dat het product geen bestanddelen Second decrease bevat die schadelijk kunnen zijn Vallejo Model Color
Barnices: Los barnices se pueden emplear a pincel o aergrafo. El secado es the colors will resist oil paints, enamels and solvent based washes. colori si stendono facilmente senza occultate i dettagli pi fini delle figure o del
This is the blending technique used with oils and enamels
applique entre deux couches de modle en couleur, provoquera des fissures voor de gezondheid van de gebruiker en deThird omgeving.
decrease military - RAL, RLM FS, ,
muy rpido, y no deja huellas dactilares (no tack). Una vez protegido con los Safety: Model Color is manufactured in accordance with European safety veicoli. Tutti i colori sono miscibili tra loro e seccano senza lasciare traccia della
Fourth increase dans la couche de finition. Model Color wordt geleverd in een flesje van 17ml. met druppelaar. , .
Third increase Basecoat
barnices, los colores resisten leos, esmaltes o lavados al disolvente. regulations as well as the US ASTM D-4236 certification, a guarantee that the Diffused Area
pennellata; Essi possono essere diluite con acqua o diluente Vallejo rif. 70.524.
Second increase
Vernis: Les vernis peuvent tre utiliss avec les pinceaux ou larographe ,
First increase
Seguridad: Model Color se elabora conforme a la normativa Europea y cuenta product does not contain any ingredients which might be harmful to the health Color 1 Per luso ad aerografo, Color diluire
2 il colore al 50% con diluente Airbrush ref. 71.261. Le schage est trs rapide et ne laisse pas dempreintes de doigts. Une fois Vallejo Gloss Medium
con la certificacin norteamericana ASTM D-4236, garantizando as que no se of the user or to the environment. Eventuali errori possono essere corretti immediatamente con acqua o alcool.
protges par le vernis, les peintures sont rsistante lapplicationDeepest
218 permanente farver, megetFigure pigmenteret og ( ).
emplean sustancias nocivas que podran implicar un riesgo para la salud del Model Color is presented in a 17ml. bottle with eyedropper. Una volta asciutti, i colori sono robusti e impermeabili. polish, et mme trbenthine pure et de nettoyages lgers lalcool. .
Shading with Acrylics
specielt udviklet til modeller og miniaturer
usuario y del medioambiente. La gamma comprende una selezione di colori militari con le loro equivalenze
Scurit: Model Color est fabriqu conformment aux normes de scurit
Shading with Acrylics : Vallejo Model Color (-
Model Color se presenta en un frasco de 17ml. con cuentagotas. RAL, RLM, e FS insieme ai toni metallizzati, trasparenti, Figurefluorescenti e filtri. europennes et porte la certification ASTM D-4236 de EEUU, une garantie que ), - -
218 permanente Farben, hoch pigmentiert Blending Oilstrasparenti
I colori and Enamels vengono applicati direttamente sulle ottiche dei veicoli le produit ne contient pas dingrdients qui pourraient tre prjudiciables la Introduktion: Model Color, er et program af dkkende og . Vallejo Glaze Medium ,
echnique used with oils and enamels
Fourth increase und speziell formuliert fr Modellbau
previamente diluiti con il Medium Brillante Highlighting
e i filtri vengono with Acrylics
utilizzati per effetti di sant de lutilisateur ou lenvironnement. hjpigmenterede acryl/vand baserede farver, er specielt fremstillet , This
is the,
blending technique
used with oils
and enamels
Fourth increase
ombreggiatura sui modelli e i figurini. Model Color est prsent en flacon de 17ml. avec un comptegouttes. til pensel pfring p modeller og miniaturer figurer af resin, plast og metal. , , , .
Diffused Area218 permanent colors,Thirdhighly
Second increase
und Miniaturen. Feathering Medium:
is the main technique
La gammaused in acrylics
include un numero di medium formulati per modificare le Farverne dkker let uden at skjule de sm detaljer p figurer eller kretjer. Vallejo Metallic Medium ,Diffused

Third increase
for shading and highlighting Second increase
and especially formulated
First increase for models propriet dei colori. Il Glaze Medium diluisce i for
Layers can be either solid for covering or transparent
ritarda la loro essicca-
build up Alle farver kan blandes indbyrdes med hinanden, trrer op til en mat ensartet . Vallejo Crackle Medium
Color 2 First increase
Color 1 Color 2

and miniatures

Feather 4

Einleitung: Model Color sind opake und hoch pigmentierte Acrylfarben Featherzione per effettuare velature o miscele con pigmenti. Con il Metallic Medium i Een serie van 218 kleuren, hoog gepigmenteerd, overflade uden spor af penselstrg, og kan fortyndes med vand eller Vallejo , .


Layer 3

Basecoat auf Wasser-basis, die speziell fr die Verwendung mit Pinseln an Feather 2 colori assumono un effetto perlescente e metallico, e con il Medium Crackle fortynder nr. 70.524. Til airbrush, er det anbefalet at fortynde farverne med 50% : Vallejo Model Color , Basecoat
Introduction: Model Color, is a range of opaque and highly pigmented Modellen und Miniaturen aus Kunststoff oder Metall entwickelt wurden. Die
Feather 1
o Chipping impiegato tra due strati di
Layer 2
Model Color consente di ottenere una voor modelbouw en miniaturen Airbrush fortynder nr. 71.261. Eventuelle fejl kan rettes med det samme med . Basecoat
Figure acrylic water-based colors, especially formulated for brush application
Basecoat Layer 1

Farben haben eine hohe Deckkraft und verteilen sich auf der Oberflche ohne screpolatura della superficie del colore superiore. vand eller alkohol. Nr farverne er trret, er de vandfaste og permanente. ,
Figure Figure Model Color Varnishes pu essere Figure
on models and miniatures of resin, plastic or metal. The colors cover extremely Details der Miniaturen zu verdecken. Alle Farben knnen miteinander gemischt Varnishes: usato con il pennello o Introductie: Model Color, opaque en hoog gepigmenteerde acryl Programmet indeholder en rkke militre farve som er afstemt efter RAL, RLM Figure
Oils and Enamels

Feathering Blending Oils and Enamels

well and extend easily without concealing the most minute details of the figures werden und trocknen schnell zu einer matten Oberflche ohne Pinselspuren laerografo. Lessiccazione molto veloce, e non rimangono le impronte kleuren op waterbasis, speciaal geformuleerd voor penseel, voor het og FS skalaen, s vidt som metalfarver, lakker, transparente og fluorescerende : Vallejo Model Color
Highlighting with Acrylics Layering
Highlighting with Acrylics
or vehicles. All the colors can be mixed with one another and dry to a mat, even zu hinterlassen. Die Farben knnen mit Wasser oder mit Vallejo Thinner (Ref. digitali (Nessun segno). Una volta protetti con Varnishes, i colori resistono a schilderen van miniaturen en maquettes van kunsthars, plastic en metaal. farver. De transparente farver kan pfres direkte for at tone lyger eller ,
finish without leaving traces of brushstrokes; they can be diluted with water 70.524) verdnnt werden. Fr den Gebrauch mit einer Airbrush wird empfohlen oli, smalti o lavaggi a solvente. De kleuren laten zich vloeiend aanbrengen en bestrijken grote oppervlakken signallys. Fortyndet med Gloss Medium, er disse farver ideelle til at tone fly US ASTM D-4236, ,
main technique used in acrylics Blending with acrylics is mainly the result ofColor
a visualeffect
ding andor highlighting
Vallejo Thinner ref. Layers can be either solid for covering or transparent
die Farben im Verhltnis 1/1 mit Airbrush Thinner (Ref. 71.261) zu verdnnen. Sicurezza: Model rea- zonder zichtbare penseelstreken en zonder de details van de kleinste eller bilvinduer (rgfarvet glas). Glaze farverne kan bruges til en hurtig toning af ,
Feathering is the main technique used in acrylics
70.524. For airbrushing for gradual color build up Eventuelle Fehler knnen sofort mit Wasser oder Alkohol korrigiert werden. lizzato secondo gli standard miniaturen te bedekken. Alle kleuren kunnen met elkaar gemengd en naar en person eller model. for shading and highlighting
4 First decrease
Layers can be either solid for covering or transparent
it is recommended to Wenn die Farbe vollstndig getrocknet ist, ist sie permanent und wasserfest.Top Highlight europei e ha la certificazione Second decrease wens met water of Vallejo Thinner ref. 70.524 verdund worden, of verdund Mediums: Modelcolor serien indeholder en serie af mediums som er fremstillet for gradual color build up

Feather 4

dilute the colors with Die Farbpalette enthlt eine Auswahl von militrischen Farbtnen mit Zuord- degli Stati Uniti ASTM D-4236, worden voor Airbrushgebruik met 50% Vallejo Airbrush Thinner ref. 71.261. til at ndre farvernes egenskaber. Glaze Medium fortynder farven og forsinker

Layer 3 Third decrease -

Feather 3

50% Airbrush Thinner ref. Layer 2 nungen zu RAL, RLM und Federal Standard, sowie auch metallische, trans- garantendo cos che nessuna Fouten kunnen meteen gecorrigeerd worden met water of alcohol. Eenmaal trretiden, den er brugt til toning og blanding og perfekt til at arbejde med . Layer 3

Basecolor Basecoat Feather 2
asecoat 71.261. Possible mis- Layer 1 parente und fluoreszierende Farben. Die Model Color Transparent-Farben sostanza nociva che potreb- droog zijn de kleuren watervast en permanent. pigmenter. Med Metallic Medium fr farverne en perlemors eller metallic glans. Vallejo Model Co- Feather 1 Layer 2
takes can be corrected
trocknen glnzend auf und lassen den bemalten Untergrund durchschimmernsie bere rappresentare un rischio De kleurenreeks bevat een serie van militaire kleuren met hun equivalente Crackle eller Chipping Medium pfrt mellem 2 lag modelcolor, vil f det lor 17- Basecoat Layer 1
immediately with water werden unverdnnt fr Fensterscheiben, Laternen, Scheinwerfer usw. verwen- Deepest Shadow
per la salute degli utenti e Figure RAL, RLM en FS referenties, evenals metallic, fluorescente en transparante verste lag til at krakelere.
or alcohol. Once dry, the
glnzender und transparenter. Durch Beimischung von Matt-Medium (Ref. 540) Shading
det und sie werden durch Beimischung von Glanz-Medium (Ref. 470) noch
Modelwith ColorAcrylics
lambiente venga utilizzata. kleuren en patinas. De transparante kleuren worden direct aangebracht voor Lak: Model color lakker kan pfres med pensel eller airbrush. De trrer hurtigt . Figure
Layering Shading with Acrylics
colors are waterproof si presenta in una koplampen en verlichting; verdund met Gloss Medium zijn deze tinten ideaal og giver ingen fingeraftryk. Efter lakkering vil modelcolor modst oliefarver,

and permanent. kann dagegen eine matte Transparenz erreicht werden. bottiglia da 17ml. e contagocce. voor het kleuren van vliegtuig- of autoramen (getint glas). emalje farver og fortynder baserede washes.
is mainly the result of a visual effect
Colores acrlicos para modelismo - Acrylic colors for miniatures - Acrylifarben fr Modellbau

Model Color Equivalencias / Equivalencies

Colores acrlicos para modelismo 70.810 70.811 70.960 70.898 FS35042-ANA607 70.887 FS34088-ANA613 70.924 FS34127-RLM83 70.893 FS34079 70.894 RLM80 70.921 70.873 70.983 FS30145 70.825 70.935 70.934 70.938 70.936 FS RAL RLM ANA GUNZE HUMBROL REVELL TAMIYA TESTOR
Prpura Real Violeta Azul Violeta Azul Marina Oscuro Marrn Violeta Uniforme Ruso WWII Verde Americano Cam. Verde Oliva Uniforme Ingls Tierra Tierra Mate Al. Cam. Pardo Claro Naranja Transparente Rojo Transparente Azul Transparente Verde Transparente COLOR COLOR
Acrylic colors for miniatures Royal Purple 45 Blue Violet 46 Violet 47 Dark Sea Blue 48 Brown Violet 93 Russian Unf. WWII 94 US Dark Green 95 Cam. Olive Green 96 English Uniform 141 US Field Drab 142 Flat Earth 143 Ger. Cam. Pale Brown 144 Transparent Orange 185 Transparent Red 186 Transparent Blue 187 Transparent Green 188 30 35 1 X22 1561 70.510 193 80 360 X28 1734 70.920 85
20 49 2 X21 1560 70.520 192 72 29 87 XF52 70.921 141
27001 1405 70.521 191 83 XF60 70.923 117
Mediums y auxiliares / Mediums & auxiliary products 135 70.522 194 34127 83 159 70.924 94
1026 70.730 206 25 56 XF8 70.925 52
70.951 FS37925-RAL9016-RLM21 70.919 70.842 FS17925 70.820 70.807 70.899 FS35048 70.965 RAL5000 70.925 70.979 FS34052-RAL6007 70.897 RAL7022-RLM70 70.896 70.980 70.826 FS30097 70.985 RAL8017 70.871 FS30051-RAL8027 70.941 38903 2005 70.733 207 43 20 32 1501 70.926 33
Blanco Blanco Imprimacin Blanco Brillo Blanco Pergamino Azul Oxford Azul Prusia Oscuro Azul de Prusia Azul Intenso Al. Cam. Verde Osc. Verde Bronzeado Al.C. Verde Extra Osc. Verde Negro Al. Cam. Pardo Medio Marrn Rojizo Marrn Cuero Oscuro Sombra Tostada 38901 70.737 210 44 61 35 XF15 1516 70.927 19
White 1 Foundation White 2 Gloss White 3 Offwhite 4 Oxford Blue 49 Dark Prussian Blue 50 Prussian Blue 51 Blue 52 G. Cam. Dark Green 97 Bronze Green 98 G.C. Extra Dark Green 99 Black Green 100 Ger. Cam. Med. Brown 145 Hull Red 146 Leather Brown 147 Burnt Umber 148 27004 70.800 180 31670 70.928 6
70.540 70.470 70.521 70.520 54 92 1582 70.801 174 35095 15 14 52 2715 70.930 53
Medium Mate Medium Brillante Medium Metlico Barniz Mate 31433 3012 70.804 36 30111 70.940 138
Matte Medium 189 Glossy Medium 190 Metal Medium 191 Matte Varnish 192
104 350 XF17 70.807 49 35177 109 70.943 61
8012 70.814 34 19 200 X17 70.944 39

70.918 RAL9001 70.928 FS31670 70.837 70.917 70.930 FS35095 70.809 70.839 70.962 70.886 RLM02 70.830 FS34086-RAL7009 70.821 70.884 FS36357 70.872 FS30099 70.822 RLM61 70.993 70.883 FS37150-RAL9002 23 23 60 36 1705 70.817 26 4006 70.945 42
Hueso Carne Clara Arena Clara Beige Azul Oscuro Azul Real Azul Ultramar Azul Mate Gris Verdoso Verde Alemn WWII Al. Cam. Beige WWII Gris Piedra Marrn Chocolate Al. Cam. Pardo Negro Gris Blanco Gris Plateado 100 70.818 136 87 51 96 70.946 32
Ivory 5 Light Flesh 6 Pale Sand 7 Beige 8 Darkblue 53 Royal Blue 54 Ultramarine 55 Flat Blue 56 Green Grey 101 G. Fieldgrey WWII 102 Ger.C. Beige WWII 103 Stone Grey 104 Chocolate Brown 149 Ger. C. Black Brown 150 White Grey 151 Silvergrey 152 30475 313 121 1706 70.819 124 31350 3000 70.947 29
70.510 70.522 70.596 70.597 325 129 301 1730 70.820 4 37038 9005 22 12 33 XF1 1583 70.950 169
Barniz Brillante Barniz Satinado Medium Veladuras Retardante 87 57 70.821 103 37925 9016 21 11 34 5 XF2 1768 70.951 1
Glossy Varnish 193 Satin Varnish 194 Glaze Medium 195 Drying Retarder 196
61 70.822 150 1018 99 XF3 2717 70.952 11
34095 6020 82 70.823 86 4 4 69 12 X8 1514 70.953 15
30266 615 70.824 128 32246 327 153 XF7 1705 70.956 25
70.916 70.949 70.952 RAL1018 70.806 70.963 RAL5019-RLM24 70.964 70.900 FS35164 70.903 FS36176 70.816 70.971 70.972 RLM78 70.973 70.907 70.989 70.990 FS36375-RAL7001 70.905 FS35237
Amarillo Arena Amarillo Claro Amarillo Limn Amarillo Lasur Azul Medio Azul Militar Azul Francs Azul Americano Unif. Luftwaffe WWII Verde Gris Plido Verde Azul Plido Verde Gris Medio Azul Gris Claro Gris Cielo Gris Plido Gris Azul Claro 331 110 XF55 70.825 144 619 70.957 31
Sand Yellow 9 Light Yellow 10 Lemon Yellow 11 German Yellow 12 Medium Blue 57 Field Blue 58 French Mirage Blue 59 Intermediate Blue 60 Luftwaffe Unf. WWII 105 Green Grey 106 Light Green Blue 107 Light Sea Grey 108 Pale Grey Blue 153 Sky Grey 154 Light Grey 155 Blue Grey Pale 156 30097 70.826 145 39 68 53 X16 70.959 44
70.523 70.598 70.400 70.524 16 38 60 X15 70.827 77 45 47 50 1508 70.961 67
Mscara Lquida Medium Craquelar Masilla Plstica Diluyente 31400 71 84 70.829 130 5019 24 88 52 98 X13 2702 70.963 57
Liquid Mask 197 Crackel Medium 198 Plastic Putty 199 Thinner 200
34086 7009 70 92 79 70.830 102 96 79 XF18 70.964 58
6025 70.833 80 5000 230 70.965 51
36118 603 70.836 161 316 130 1596 70.968 83
70.858 70.915 70.953 RLM4 70.948 70.943 FS35177 70.902 FS35231 70.901 RAL5024 70.906 70.885 70.986 FS36440 70.987 70.881 70.904 FS35189 70.870 FS36270 70.991 FS36231 70.992 FS36173
Amarillo Hielo Amarillo Intenso Amarillo Mate Amarillo Dorado Azul Gris Azul Azur Azul Pastel Azul Plido Verde Pastel Marrn Cubierta Gris Medio Verde Amarillo Gris Azul Oscuro Gris Marina Medio Gris Marina Gris Neutral 5012 70.841 65 89 50 97 70.969 73
Ice Yellow 13 Deep Yellow 14 Flat Yellow 15 Golden Yellow 16 Grey Blue 61 Azure 62 Pastel Blue 63 Pale Blue 64 Pastel Green 109 Deck Tan 110 Medium Grey 111 Yellow Green 112 Dark Blue Grey 157 Medium Sea Grey 158 Dark Sea Grey 159 Neutral Grey 160 17925 1 22 4 X2 1745 70.842 3 34090 26 2 61 1524 70.970. 72
71.261 71.262 73.212 73.213 44 62 85 1737 70.843 133 67 65 55 XF21 70.971 106
Diluyente Aergrafo Flow Improver Ablandador Calcas Fijador Calcas 8002 344 113 83 1785 70.846 139 78 70.972 107
Airbrush Thinner 211 Flow Improver 212 Decal Medium 213 Decal Fix 214
1001 36 74 70.847 123 89 1562 70.973 108
611 70.850 81 312 120 1716 70.974 76

70.815 70.955 70.927 70.845 70.841 RAL5012 70.844 70.961 70.840 70.880 70.879 RAL8000 70.988 FS30277 70.978 RAL7028 70.836 FS36118-ANA603 70.869 FS36152-RAL7012-RLM75 70.868 70.867 RLM74 Ptinas / Glazes 88 48 XF26 1571 70.855 205 195 363 70.975 89
Carne Base Carne Mate Carne Oscura Carne Dorada Azul Andrea Azul Profundo Azul Cielo Turquesa Claro Gris Caqui Marrn Verde Marrn Caqui Amarillo Camuflaje Gris Londres Gris Basalto Verde Marina Oscuro Azul Gris Oscuro 76 70.858 13 34 103 70.976 120
Basic Skin Tone 17 Flat Flesh 18 Dark Flesh 19 Sunny Skin Tone 20 Andrea Blue 65 Deep Sky Blue 66 Sky Blue 67 Light Turquoise 68 Khaki Grey 113 Green Brown 114 Khaki 115 Dark Yellow 116 London Grey 161 Basalt Grey 162 Dark Seagreen 163 Dark Bluegrey 164 17038 2 21 7 X1 1747 70.861 170 30257 70.977 125
7021 70.862 168 7028 70.978 116
76 53 X10 1795 70.863 179 34052 6007 70.979 97
56 99 XF56 1781 70.864 178 8023 27 9 80 70.981 131
73.214 70.853 70.832 70.831 27002 1401 70.865 177 30109 13 73 331 XF9 70.982 137
Medium de Desgaste Ptina Blanca Ptina Verdn Ptina Ocre 66 333 123 XF24 70.866 165 30145 186 381 1701 70.983 143
70.860 70.911 70.805 70.851 70.966 70.808 70.838 70.970 FS34090 70.923 70.882 70.914 70.976 70.866 RLM66 70.994 FS36076 70.995 RAL7016 70.862 RAL7021 Chipping Medium 215 White Glaze 201 Verdigris Glaze 202 Tan Glaze 203
Carne Medio Naranja Claro Naranja Alemn Naranja Intenso Turquesa Azul Verde Esmeralda Verde Oscuro Uniforme Japons WWII Amarillo Piedra Ocre Verde Amarillo Caqui Gris Verde Gris Oscuro Gris Alemn Gris Negro 74 58 81 XF4 1584 70.867 164 30108 8011 47 160 383 XF64 70.984 140
Medium Fleshtone 21 Light Orange 22 German Orange 23 Bright Orange 24 Turquoise 69 Blue Green 70 Emerald 71 Deep Green 72 Japan Uniform WWII 117 Middlestone 118 Green Ochre 119 Buff 120 Grey Green 165 Dark Grey 166 German Grey 167 Black Grey 168 36152 7012 75 106 47 XF66 70.869 162 8017 70.985 146
Colores fluorescentes / Fluo colors 36270 306 64 75 XF12 1725 70.870 158 36440 53 128 374 XF53 1741 70.986 110
Colores metalizados / Metallic colors 30051 8027 70.871 147 331 164 70.987 111
30099 98 XF10 1540 70.872 149 30277 336 187 1704 70.988 115
30219 628 310 119 70.874 134 196 371 70.989 154
79 310 118 382 1742 70.876 132 36375 7001 70.990 155
70.956 FS32246 70.817 RLM23 70.910 70.909 FS31302-RAL3020 70.969 70.891 70.942 70.974 70.913 FS33434 70.912 FS33245-RAL1011 70.847 RAL1001 70.819 FS30475
27043 70.878 173 36231 40 70 1729 70.991 159
Naranja Escarlata Rojo Claro Bermelln Verde Verde Medio Verde Claro Verde Azul Ocre Amarillo Marrn Amarillo Arena Oscura Arena Iraqu 70.854 70.855 70.730 RAL1026 70.733 FS38903-RAL2005
Clear Orange 25 Scarlet 26 Orange Red 27 Vermillion 28 Park Green Flat 73 Intermediate Green 74 Light Green 75 Green Sky 76 Yellow Ochre 121 Tan Yellow 122 Dark Sand 123 Iraqui Sand 124 70.950 FS37038-RAL9005-RLM22 70.861 FS17038 70.997 70.996 8000 81 26 86 XF49 70.879 114 36173 68 27 70.992 160
Negro Negro Brillante Plata Oro Ptina Marrn Ptina Negro Amarillo Fluo Naranja Fluo
Brown Glaze 204 Black Glaze 205 Yellow Fluo 206 Orange Fluo 207 37150 9002 311 28 1733 70.883 152 36076 335 85 302 X18 1579 70.994 166
Black 169 Glossy Black 170 Silver 171 Gold 172
36357 70.884 104 7016 32 67 78 XF63 1592 70.995 167
74 23 70.885 109 9 16 94 X12 1744 70.996 172
2 301 32 339 1749 70.886 101 8 11 90 X11 1790 70.997 171
34088 613 52 155 66 1711 70.887 93 55 95 70.998 175
70.947 FS31350-RAL3000 70.908 70.957 ANA619 70.946 70.827 70.954 70.857 70.833 RAL6025 70.977 FS30257 70.877 70.856 70.824 FS30266-ANA615
34096 6006 70.888 92 10 12 93 XF6 1551 70.999 176
Bermelln Oscuro Rojo Carmn Rojo Mate Rojo Oscuro Verde Lima Amarillo Verde Oliva Dorado A. Cam. Verde Claro Amarillo Desierto Marrn Dorado Ocre Marrn A.C. Ocre Naranja 70.735 70.736 70.737 FS38901
Dark Vermillion 29 Carmine Red 30 Flat Red 31 Dark Red 32 Lime Green 77 Yellow Green 78 Golden Olive 79 G.C. Bright Green 80 Desert Yellow 125 Goldbrown 126 Ochre Brown 127 G.C. Orange Ochre 128 70.878 FS27043 70.801 70.998 70.999 Verde Fluo
34084 78 66 66 XF62 1711 70.889 91
Oro Viejo Latn Bronce Cobre Magenta Fluo Azul Fluo Cross reference are given to identical or similar colours, however no guarantee of accuracy can be given.
34129 6003 102 45 1716 70.890 90
Old Gold 173 Brass 174 Bronze 175 Copper 176 Magenta Fluo 208 Blue Fluo 209 Green Fluo 210
82 70.891 74
34083 6008 70.892 87
Colores metalizados al alcohol / Metallic colors in alcohol base 34079 64 116 67 XF13 1710 70.893 95
80 70.894 96
70.926 70.814 70.859 70.804 70.850 70.967 70.968 70.922 70.929 70.829 70.981 70.876
Rojo Rojo Tostado
Rojo Negro Rojo Beige
Oliva Medio
Verde Oliva Verde Oliva Oscuro Verde Uniforme Marrn Claro Rojo Amaranth
Marrn Naranja
Arena Marrn
34092 73 30 XF57 70.895 88 Sguenos en / Follow us on:
Red 33 Burnt Red 34 Black Red 35 Beige Red 36 Medium Olive 81 Olive Green 82 Flat Green 83 Uniform Green 84 Light Brown 129 Amaranth Red 130 Orange Brown 131 Brown Sand 132 70.865 70.864 70.863 70.800 7022 70 54 77 70.897 98
Acero Engrasado Acero Natural Gris Metalizado Metal Azul 35042 607 79 77 70.898 48
Oily Steel 177 Natural Steel 178 Gunmetal Grey 179 Gunmetal Blue 180 70.790 70.791 70.792 70.793 35048 5 15 54 X3 1511 70.899 50 /vallejocolors
Plata Oro Oro Viejo Oro Rico 35164 70.900 59
Colores transparentes / Transparent colors Silver Gold Old Gold Rich Gold 5024 79 93 70.901 63
35231 70.902 62
70.835 70.803 70.944 70.958 70.920 70.823 FS34095-RAL6020-RLM82 70.892 FS34083-RAL6008 70.895 FS34092 70.843 70.874 FS30219-ANA628 70.875 70.818 36176 42 144 79 1720 70.903 60
Rosa Salmn Rosa Marrn Rosa Antiguo Rosa Uniforme Alemn Alemn Cam. Luftwaffe Oliva Amarillo Verde Acorazado Marrn Corcho Tierra Oscura Marrn Beige Cuero Rojo
35189 157 70.904 157 ACRYLICOS VALLEJO, S.L. Ref. CC070 - Rev.14
Salmon Rose 37 Brown Rose 38 Old Rose 39 Pink 40 German Uniform 85 Luftwaffe Cam. Green 86 Yellow Olive 87 Gunship Green 88 Cork Brown 133 Tan Earth 134 Beige Brown 135 Red Leather 136
35237 308 127 1728 70.905 156 08800 Vilanova i la Geltr
70.939 70.828 70.834 70.937 70.794 70.795 70.796 70.797 3 19 31 X7 1503 70.908 30
Barcelona (Spain)
Humo Madera Caoba Madera Natural Amarillo Transparente Oro Rojo Oro Verde Oro Blanco Cobre 31302 3020 3 174 330 1503 70.909 28
Smoke 181 Woodgrain 182 Natural Woodgrain 183 Transparent Yellow 184 Red Gold Green Gold White Gold Copper 131 70.910 27
Tel. +34 93 893 60 12
33245 1011 70.912 122 Fax +34 93 893 11 54
70.802 70.945 RAL4006 70.812 70.959 70.975 70.890 FS34129-RAL6003 70.889 FS34084 70.888 FS34096-RAL6006 70.982 FS30109 70.940 FS30111 70.846 RAL8002 70.984 FS30108-RAL8011 Debido a la impresin en cuatricroma, los colores en esta carta de colores pueden variar de los colores originales, y su reproduccin es tan 33434 66 63 89 XF59 1706 70.913 121
Rojo Sunset Magenta Rojo Violeta Prpura Verde Militar Verde Refractario Marrn Oliva Gris Oliva Marrn Rojo Marrn Cuero Marrn Caoba Marrn Mate 1 Posicin del Color en el expositor de la gama completa de 223 referencias.
solo orientativa. / Due to the printing process, the colors reproduced in this colorchart are to be considered as approximate only. and may 27 94 88 70.914 119
Sunset Red 41 Magenta 42 Violet Red 43 Purple 44 Military Green 89 Refractive Green 90 USA Olive Drab 91 Olive Grey 92 Cavalry Brown 137 Saddle Brown 138 Mahogany Brown 139 Flat Brown 140 Position of the color in the complete display unit containing 223 references.
not correspond exactly to the originals. 9001 21 41 10 2709 70.918 5

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