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Serial Topic Hours Outcome

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1. Definition of Vikrithi Vijnana 1 What is Vikrithi Vijnana,
and its importance importance of knowing it
2. Importance of Nidana 1 Relevance of nidana panchaka
Panchaka in diagnosis
3. Nidana definition, types, 3 What is Nidana, types of
synonyms, hetu sankara nidana mentioned in
Ayurvedic classics
4. Poorvaroopa definitions, 1 Knowledge regarding
synonyms, types, Poorvaroopa Poorvaroopa and types
5. Roopa definitions, synonyms, 1 Knowledge regarding roopa
6. Upasaya definitions, types 2 Upasaya and types

7. Samprapti definitions, 2 Samprapti and its types

synonyms, types
8. Definitions of Vyadhi, 5 What is Vyadhi, synonyms,
synonyms, types, mishrita types according to different
lakshanas of Vyadhi, Acharyas
Vyadhinam gourava, laghava,
Vyadhi Ashraya
9. Kriyakala dosha dhatu 6 What is Kriyakala, knowledge
sammurchana, description; regarding dosha dooshya
kupitanam doshanam shareere sammurchana
paridhavaka karma
10. Causes of Kshaya and Prakopa 1 What are causes of Dosha
of Doshas Kshaya and Prakopa
11. Concept of Srotas types, 3 What is Srotas, types of Srotas
causes and lakshanas of and Lakshanas of Srotodushti
12. Concept of Ama, Sama and 4 What is Ama, what are its
Nirama Dosha, Dooshya and Lakshanas, what is Samata
Mala Lakshanas and Niramata
13. Sadhyasadhyata of Vyadhi 1 1/2 Sadhyasadhyata of Vyadhi in
14. Upadrava Lakshana and 1 1/2 Knowledge regarding
Arishta Lakshana Upadrava and Arishta
15. Dhatu Pradoshaja Vikara, 1 Knowledge regarding
Mala, Upadhatu and Indriya Pradoshaja Vikaras
Pradoshaja Vikara
16. Janapadodhwamsa 2 What is Janapadodhwamsa
Karana, How and Oupasargika Roga and
Janapadodhwamsa their description
diseases are manifested,
Oupasargika Roga
17. Ashta Nindita, Ashta 2 What are Ashta Mahagadas,
Mahagada, Santarpana and Ashta Nindita and
Apatarpanaja Vikaras Santarpanaja and
Apatarpanaja Vikaras
18. Dosha Dhatu Mala Vriddhi 2 Identification of Vriddha and
Kshaya Lakshanas Ksheena Lakshanas of Dosha,
Dhatu and Malas
19. Trividha Pariksha 1 Trividha Pariksha and its
Darshana etc details
20. Aptopadeshadi Trividha 2 Three fold examination
Pariksha Aptopadesha etc detailed
21. Chaturvidha Pariksha 2 Knowledge regarding four
folds of examination
22. Ashtasthana Pariksha, 3 Knowledge regarding eight
Shadvidha Pariksha folds of examination and
Shadvidha Pariksha
23. Dasavidha Pariksha 4 Knowledge regarding
Dasavidha Pariksha and
clinical relevance
24. Dhatu Gatatwam Uttana and 11/2 Knowledge about Uttana,
Gambhira; Antarvega and Gambhira, Antarvega,
Bahirvega Avastha; Dosha Bahirvega, Dosha Paka and
Paka and Dhatu Paka Dhatu Paka
25. Doshanam Koshtat 1 Causes regarding the
Shakhabhigamanam and vice movement of Doshas from
versa Koshta to Shakha and from
Shakha to Koshta
26. Dosha Gati Niroopana 1 Knowledge regarding Dosha
27. Rogamarga 1 Knowledge regarding
Rogamarga and diseases
affecting different
28. Ojo Vyapat, Ojo Visramsa and 2 Knowledge regarding
their Lakshanas and diseases identification of Ojo Vyapat,
manifested out of them and Ojo Visramsa and knowledge
regarding immunity regarding immunity and its
29. Nanatmajatwa and 1 Knowledge of Samanyaja and
Samanyatwa of Vyadhi; 80 Nanatmaja Vikaras
types of Vataja Nanatmaja

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