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Renal effects of critical illness

Patrick T Murray and Michael R Pinsky

INTRODUCTION sion and injury are commonplace in the ICU,

including systemic hypoperfusion (shock), the
Acute renal failure (ARF) is broadly defined as effects of mechanical ventilation,'~enal vasocon-
deterioration of renal function over days to weeks, striction in patients with cirrhosis and sepsis,14,15
a common occurrence in intensive care unit (ICU) increased intra-abdominal pressure,lh and a vari-
patients; incidence and mortality estimates vary ety of nephrotoxins (endogenous and exogenous).
according to ARF definition and associated mor- Because renal hypoperfusion plays a role in the
bidities.'-"he mortality of ARF is 50-80% in ICU pathogenesis of prerenal azotemia and ATN, and
populations, and has not declined significantly shock is common in critically ill patients who
since the initial marked benefit of acute dialysis develop ARF, much attention is paid to optimiza-
therapy, despite numerous advances in renal tion of renal perfusion, attempting to prevent or
replacement technologies and critical care over ameliorate ARF in the ICU. This chapter reviews
several decade^.^ Although multiple system organ the effects of critical illness on renal perfusion and
failure (MSOF) and other comorbidities contribute function, and the impact of renal insufficiency on
to its high mortality rate, ARF independently outcome in the ICU.
increases morbidity and m~rtality.~"he mecha-
nisms by which ARF contributes to nonrenal organ
dysfunction and death are incompletely under- RENAL PERFUSION AND FUNCTION
stood. Emerging data suggest that isolated renal
ischemia-reperfusion injury causes injury and dys- The ludneys perform a variety of homeostatic
function of distant organs in experimental ARE9-" functions, including regulation of fluid and elec-
Apart from obviously lethal ARF sequelae such as trolyte balance and tonicity, excretion of endoge-
severe hyperkalemia, the identities and precise nous and exogenous wastes and toxins, and
effects of 'uremic' toxins have not been identified, several endocrine functions such as the synthesis
particularly in ARE Accordingly, it is likely that of erythropoietin (EPO) and renin and the activa-
renal replacement therapy in its current form is tion of vitamin D. Much of the homeostatic and
only a partial solution to the multisystem problems detoxification work of the kidneys is done through
caused by ARF. high-volume hemofiltration and selective filtrate
Prevention or early diagnosis and amelioration reabsorption or modification. The best global
of ARF are clearly the preferred approaches to index of renal function is the glomerular filtration
diminishing the contribution of renal dysfunction rate (GFR), which is normally in the range of
to adverse outcomes in critically ill patients. Most 100-125 ml/min. Of the 150-180 L filtered daily,
ARF in ICU patients is caused by either prerenal only a small fraction (Slyc, 1.5-1.8 L) typically
azotemia (reversible renal insufficiency due to appears as urine output (UOP). This is consistent
renal hypoperfusion) or acute tubular necrosis with the concept that, beyond filtration, the major
(ATN).ATN results from a variety of ischemic and renal homeostatic function is the selective mass
nephrotoxic insults, often in additive or synergistic reabsorption of filtered fluid and electrolytes, apart
combination.'? Multiple causes of renal hypoperfu- from toxic nitrogenous wastes. Urine volume is

determined by the requirement to excrete daily relative importance of solute retention vs fluid
obligate solute load (electrolytes and nitrogenous overload are unknown, but it seems clear that the
wastes) in appropriately concentrated urine. higher minimum urine output target used in criti-
Assuming maximal urine-concentrating ability cally ill patients is justified. Of course, urine output
(1400 mOsm/kg), the minimum daily urine output must be assessed in context, relative to fluid intake,
required to excrete the average daily solute load is extrarenal fluid loss. diuretic use. svstemic
, ,
400 ml, below which positive solute balance and dynamic parameters, and overall fluid balance.
azotemia develop, thus the standard definition of Nonetheless, it is probably appropriate to use
oliguria (<400 m1/24 h). In terms of monitoring graded levels of oliguria, along with markers of
urine output, if urine is maximally concentrated GFR, to define the presence and severity of acute
(1.4 mOsm/ml), and excretion of 10 mOsm/kg/ renal dysfunction. his approach underlies the
day (700 mOsm/day in a 70-kg person) is required recently proposed RIFLE criteria (risk, injury, fail-
to avoid solute retention, this mandates urine out- ure, loss, end-stage) suggested for ARF definition
put of 500 ml daily (21 ml/h or 0.3 ml/kg/h). Of by the ADQI group3 (Fig. 4.1).
course, if solute appearance increases (patient size, The kidneys normally receive 20-25% of cardiac
hypercatabolism, hyperalimentation) or maximal output (CO), although their combined weight is
urinary concentrating ability is diminished (renal less than 1% of total body weight, resulting in the
dysfunction, age), higher urine volumes are highest tissue perfusion in the body. Basal renal
required to maintain adequate solute excretion. oxygen consumption is 400 p m o l / ~ i n / l O Og of
Since such conditions are more the rule than the kidney, but this high value results in an arteriove-
exception, it seems more appropriate to expect nous oxygen content difference of only 1.7 vol%.In
solute retention at urine outputs below the more The vast majority of renal oxygen consumption is
typical ICU monitoring target of 0.5-1.0 ml/kg/h utilized to support tubular sodium reabsorption.
(840-1680 ml/day). Of course, urine output targets As illustrated in Figure 4.2,18 the kidneys are
must be sufficient to control fluid balance as well unique in having physiologic supply-dependent
as solute excretion, so higher UOP values may be oxygen consumption. Decreasing renal oxygen
required for patients with large obligate fluid delivery results in decreased oxygen consumption
intakes. In a large study of 13 152 ICU patients, throughout a wide range,19 because diminished
Le Gall and colleagues found that mortality GFR and sodium filtration requires proportion-
increased with urine output below 750 m1/24 h, or ately less tubular oxygen consumption for reab-
above 10 L/day.I7 The cause-effect relationship sorptive work, and arteriovenous 0, content
between oliguria and adverse outcome, and the difference is unchanged down to a renal blood


\ GFR criteria"

lncrease creatinine x 1.5

or GFR decrease>25%]

lncrease creatinine X 2
or GFR decrease >SO%
Urine output criteria

UO c0.5 mllkglh
x 6h

UO <0.5 ml/kg/h
X 12 h
/, High

\ lncrease creatinine x 3
or GFR decrease >75%
UO < 0.3 ml/kg/h
x 24 h or
Anuria ,2 I High

Loss \ Persistent ARF = RRT >4 weeks

I "Abrupt (1-7 days)
Sustained (>24 hours)

End-stage renal diseaseb

I RRT >3 months

Figure 4.1 RIFLE class~ficationsystem for acute renal failure. A new graded classification system has been proposed to 'stage'
acute renal dysfunction, proposed by the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) consensus group, incorporating levels of oliguria
in addition to fractional serum creatinine elevation. The more severe of the GFR or UOP criteria is selected to determine ARF
severity. a Serum creatinine increments must be abrupt (within 1-7 days) and sustained (>24 h). Persistent ARF = 1-3 months
of renal replacement therapy (RRT). ESRD = >3 months or more of RRT. (Reproduced with permission from Kellum et aL3)

viability is reached, oxygen extraction increases,

and arteriovenous 0, content difference widens,
500 - -5 events which normally occur much sooner during
hypoperfusion of other organs. Finally, as maximal
-4 oxygen extraction is exceeded (below a renal blood
flow of 75 ml/min/ 100 g of kidney tissue), anaer-
-3 obic metabolism, ATP depletion, and ischemic
tubular injury ensue. This phenomenon of physio-
-2 logic supply dependence of renal oxygen con-
a-v O2difference sumption throughout a wide range of oxygen
-1 delivery underlies the distinct difference in renal
tolerance of ischemic insults; renal artery cross-
I , , I , , , , I
-0 clamp is better tolerated than insults of similar
0 200 400 600 800 duration in the cerebral, coronary, or mesenteric
Renal blood flow circulations, but profound renal ischemia does
(m1/100 g kidney X min) cause ischemic injury.
Renal blood flow (RBF) is approximately 1.1
Figure 4.2 Renal oxygen consumption. Decreasing renal L/min (20-25% of CO), providing renal plasma
oxygen delivery results in decreased oxygen consumption flow (RPF) of 605 ml/min (assuming hematocrit of
throughout a wide range, because diminished glomerular fil- 45'%).20There are three main determinants of RBF:
tration rate (GFR) and sodium filtration requires proportion-
ately less tubular oxygen consumption for reabsorptive work. 1. cardiac output (CO)
As renal blood flow is progressively decreased, renal oxygen 2. renal perfusion pressure (RPP)
consumption follows a triphasic pattern: Stage 1: renal oxy- 3. renovascular resistance (RVR),which is prima-
gen consumption is decreased and arteriovenous (a-v) 0, rily regulated by glomerular hemodynamic
content difference is unchanged down to a renal blood flow
factors (afferent and efferent arteriolar tone).
of 1 5 0 ml/min/100 g of tissue. Stage 2: as renal blood flow
and oxygen delivery decrease further below 1 5 0 ml/min/100
g, GFR ceases but the minimum threshold for supporting RBF = RPP/RVR
parenchymal oxygen consumption and viability is reached,
oxygen extraction increases, and a-v content difference RPP is the difference between renal arterial
widens. Stage 3: Finally, as maximal oxygen extraction is (inflow) and venous (outflow) pressures. Outflow
exceeded (below a renal blood flow of 75 rnl/min/100 g of
pressure is negligible under normal circumstances,
kidney tissue), anaerobic metabolism, ATP depletion, and
ischemic tubular injury ensue. (Reproduced with permission
but may be increased by venous return impedance
from Valtin H, Schafer JA: Renal function. Mechanisms pre-
from extremely raised intrathoracic pressure
serving fluid and solute balance in health. Little, Brown and (mechanical ventilation, discussed below) b r intra-
Company, Boston, 3rd edn, 1995. In: Chapter 6: Renal hemo- abdominal pressure (see discussion of abdominal
dynamics and oxygen consumption (figure 6 4 , page 105); compartment syndrome in Ch. 5). Thus, RPP is
adapted from several papers.) proportional to mean arterial pressure (MAP) for
practical purposes. The primary site of renovascu-
lar resistance is the afferent arteriole (Fig. 4.3).
flow of 150 ml/min/100 g of tissue. This contrasts Afferent arteriolar resistance is modulated by sev-
with other organs (notably myocardium, brain, eral influences, both intrinsic (autoregulation) and
and intestine) in which progressively increased 0: extrinsic (neurogenic, paracrine, e n d o ~ r i n e ) . ~ ~ . ~ '
cbxtraction is required to maintain basal 0, con- Autoregulation maintains RBF (and GFR) over a
sumption and aerobic metabolism when delivery wide range of MAP levels by modulation of affer-
dcbcreases. For example, the myocardium has the ent arteriolar resistance. RBF increases by only 10%
highest 0, consumption in the body, associated when MAP increases by 50% from 100 to 150
with a much higher basal arteriovenous oxygen mmf-Ig (Fig. 4.4).20,22-2Thi~ regulatory process is
content difference of 11 vol%, so that decreased achieved by modulation of afferent arteriolar tone
coronary flow rapidly leads to anaerobic metabo- by two influences: a local myogenic reflex in the
l i ~ r n .In
' ~ contrast, as renal blood flow and oxygen afferent arteriolar wall ( i n ~ r e a ~ estretch
d causes
Ji-livery decrease further below 150 ml/min/100 g, reflex vasoconstriction) and a process called fubu-
( ;l:K ceases but the minimum threshold for sup- loglomrrular feedback (TGF) (Figs 4.5 and 4.6)." The
110rting parenchymal oxygen consumption and TGF mechanism functions as follows: the macula

els below 80 mmHg. RBF and GFR decrease l i l t -

early below 70-80 mmHg, and RBF ceases at a lil'l'
of 30 mmHg (the critical closing pressure of t l : ~
renal circulation; see Fig. 4.4).
Of course, GFR is not solely determined by rend
plasma flow. The renal circulation is unique in tt8.1.

turing postcapillary (efferent) in addition to prcL.

capillary (afferent) arterioles. The efferent arteriolcb
is the second major site in the renal circulation
which determines renovascular resistance (see Fig
4.3). The rate at which a portion of RPF traversts.i 1
the filtration apparatus (GFR) is determined by tllc- ;
balance of hemodynamic (Starling) forces in tht, 1
glomerular capillary (GC). Since the hydrostatit. :
Figure 4.3 Renovascular resistance sites. The hydrostatic and oncotic pressures in Bowman's space are ordl
pressure profile in the canine renovascular tree is shown. The
narily negligible, the net filtration pressure (NFI') .
bulk of renovascular resistance occurs at the afferent and driving the GFR is the balance of intracapillary
efferent arterioles. (Reproduced with permission from Valtin
hydrostatic and oncotic pressures (Fig. 4.7). Early
H, Schafer JA: Renal function. Mechanisms preserving fluid
and solute balance in health. Little, Brown and Company,
in the GC, hydrostatic pressure dominates and
Boston, 3rd edn, 1995. In: Chapter 6: Renal hemodynamics NFP and GFR are maximal. NFP progressively
and oxygen consumption (figure 6-1,page 97); adapted from diminishes as hydrostatic pressure falls and
another chapter.) oncotic pressure increases (by hemoconcentration),
resulting in cessation of filtrate formation beforv
blood enters the efferent arteriole (Fig. 4.8). The
densa is a chloride-sensing nephron segment distal fraction of renal plasma flow which is filtered is
to the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle called the filtration fraction (FF):
(TALH); increased chloride delivery past the
TALH results in afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction
due to TGF, which normally serves to defend FF (%) = GFR (ml/min)/RPF (ml/min)
intravascular volume, by limiting GFR when salt
excretion is excessive (see Fig. 4.6). Conversely, FF is normally approximately 520% (GFR 125
when renal perfusion, GFR, and tubular chloride ml/rnin - RPF 605 ml/min), determined by the bal-
concentration decrease, TGF and afferent tone are ance of afferent and efferent arteriolar resistance
down-regulated. However, these mechanisms act (Fig. 4.9). Both afferent and efferent tone arc
to maintain RBF only in the range of 80-90 mmHg, increased by catecholamines, and back pressure
and autoregulation fails precipitously at MAP lev- from efferent resistance partly offsets decreased GC

Flgure 4.4 Autoregulation of renal blood

flow (REF). Autoregulation maintains REF.
and glomerular filtration rate (GFR), over a
wide range of mean arterial pressure (MAP)
levels by modulation of afferent arteriolar
resistance. RBF increases by only 10%
when MAP increases by 50% from 1 0 0 to
1 5 0 mmHg, but decreases precipitously
when MAP falls below 70-80 mmHg.
(Reproduced with permission from Vander
Al:Renal physiology, 5th Edn, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1995. In: Chapter 2: Renal blood
flow and glomerular filtration (figure 2-4,
page 34).)

Macula Densa


Figure 4.5 The juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) and tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF). The JGA consists of three components:
(1)the granular cells (JG), which secrete renin; (2) the macula densa; and (3) the extraglomerular mesangial cells (EGM). (A)
The effect of increasing salt (NaCI) delivery to the distal nephron (macula densa) increases levels of adenosine in the JGA inter-
stitium, causing adenosine 1receptor (A1AR)-mediated constriction of the afferent arteriolar smooth muscle cells. (B) The
effect of decreasing salt delivery to the macula densa increases vasodilatory PGE, (made by cyclooxygenase-2, COX-2) in the
JGA, along with renin release from granular cells (stimulated by PGE, receptor subtype EP4), resulting in vasodilation. (Repro-
duced with permission from Schnermann J.>l)

hydrostatic pressure due to catecholamine-induced tors, and lacks the AT, receptors which release
afferent constriction, helping to augment FF and vasodilatory nitric oxide (NO) and partly reverse
preserve GFR. In contrast, angiotensin I1 preferen- angiotensin 11-induced constriction in the afferent
tially constricts the effererlt arteriole, markedly arteri~le.~'
Various combinations of altered afferent
increasing filtration fraction; this occurs because the and efferent arteriolar tone can change RBF and
efferent arteriole has only vasoconstrictorAT, recep- GFR, sometimes in opposite directions (see Fig. 4.9).
I , capillary



Figure 4.7 Net filtration pressure (NFP) and glomerular I

tration rate (GFR). The NFP determining the GFR in the rcri
corpuscle is the glomerular capllary hydraulic pressure (P,
minus Bowman's capsule hydraulic pressure (P,,) m i n ~
glomerular capillary oncotic pressure (n,,).
with permiss~onfrom Vander AJ: Renal physiology, 5th e d
McGraw-Hill. New York, 1995. In: Chapter 2: Renal blood flc
Figure 4.6 Single nephron GFR (snGFR) regulation by tubulo
and glomerular filtration (Figure 2-1, page 29).)
glomerular feedback (TGF). An increase in single nephron
GFR (I results
] in an increased rate of chloride delivery to the
macula densa (2), act~vatingTGF and afferent arteriolar vaso-
constriction, resulting in decreased single nephron GFR (3).
(Reproduced wlth permission from Valtin H, Schafer JA: Renal NFP
function. Mechanisms preserving fluid and solute balance in
health. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 3rd edn, 1995.
In: Chapter 6: Renal hemodynamics and oxygen consumption
(figure 6-5, page 103).)

It is important to understand the renal hemo-

dynamic responses to shock. In response to
hypotension, baroreceptor stimulation increases
sympathetic outflow. Sympathetic outflow also
indirectly activates the renin-angiotensin- 0 0
aldosterone axis, through beta-adrenoceptor- 0 50% 10
stimulated renin release from the juvtaglomerular Capillary length
apparatus (JGA) in the afferent arteriolar wall (see
Fig. 4.5). Renin release from the JGA is also stimu- Figure 4.8 Net filtration pressure (NFP) forces along
lated locally by decreased afferent arteriolar glomerular capillary in humans. The forces involve(
stretch, and by autoregulation-dependent stimula- glomerular filtration change as renal blood flow moves f
tion from the macula densa, sensing decreased the afferent to the efferent end of the glomerular cap111
distal salt delivery. Together, these influences aug- Although the glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure (
ment filtration fraction, which tends to preserve favoring filtration remains essentially unchanged ( 6 0 ml
GFR relative to decreased renal blood flow. In this at the afferent end; 5 8 mmHg at the efferent end), and
hydraulic pressure in Bowman's capsule is unchanged I
setting, the combination of diminished RBF
1 5 mrnHg), oncotic pressure in the glomerular capil
(inflow) and increased filtration fraction (outflow) (11,,j increases from 2 1 mmHg to 3 3 mmHg: thus
results in concentration of unfilterable plasma pro- falls from 2 4 mmHg at the afferent end to 1 0 mmHg a
teins and increases glomerular capillary oncotic efferent end. (Reproduced with permission from Vande
pressure; thus, NFP falls and glomerular filtration Renal physiology, 5th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York, 199E
ceases earlier in the GC. The blood which traverses Chapter 2: Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration (Fi
the efferent arteriole and peritubular capillaries 2-2, page 30). Data also from Table 2-1, page 29.).

Afferent Glornerular Efferent

arteriole capillary arteriole


tk c , t RBF

c 4 PGC t RBF
4 Efferent-

4 Afferent- + Efferent-
arteriolar arteriolar
resistance resistance

Figure 4.9 Effects of afferent- and efferent-arteriolar constriction on glomerular capillary hydraulic pressure (P,) and renal
blood flow (RBF). RBF is altered additively by changes in total renal arteriolar (afferent and efferent) resistance, irrespective of
site. Constriction of either the afferent (B) or efferent (C) arterioles decreases RBF, with additive effects of constrict~ngboth
together (D). Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure (P,,) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) are differentially affected by
increases in afferent tone (B, decreases P ,, and GFR) vs efferent tone (C, increases P,, and GFR). Simultaneous constriction
of afferent and afferent arterioles tends to decrease RBF, P,., and GFR, but efferent constriction helps maintain ,P, and GFR
in this setting (D), by increasing filtration fraction. (Reproduced with permission from Vander AJ: Renal physiology, 5th edn.
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995. In: Chapter 2: Renal blood flow and glornerular filtration (Figure 2-3, page 32).)

has a higher oncotic pressure, increasing resorp- tion are maladaptive in congestive heart failure
tion of sodium and water in the proximal tubule, a (CHF). The renal vasoconstrictor and salt-retaining
phenomenon called glornerulotubular bala?lce (Fig. effects of catecholamines and the renin-
4.10). In the setting of systemic hypoperfusion, the angiotensin-aldosterone axis are antagonized by
pressor effects of catecholamines and angiotensin activation of a variety of vasodilators (atrial natri-
I1 also act to preserve systemic and renal perfusion uretic peptide (ANP), kinins, prostaglandins) and
pressure, and the same hormones promote sodium natriuretic substances (prostaglandins, ANP).
reabsorption throughout the nephron (angiotensin Stimulation of afferent arteriolar release of
11 both directly and via aldosterone). In addition, vasodilator prostaglandins by catecholamines and
renal blood flow distribution is shifted from the angiotensin I1 partially offsets renal vasoconstric-
superficial to the juxtamedullary nephrons, further tion in shock: thus, the adverse renal hemo-
facilitating salt retention (see below). In severe dynamic effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
hypotension, nonosmotic vasopressin release has drugs (NSAIDs) in patients with systemic hypo-
both pressor and fluid (water)-retaining effects.2s perfusion and renal vasoconstriction. ANP is
Thus, the renal effects of the systemic pressor released in response to atrial stretch, and helps
response to hypotension and hypoperfusion act to relieve the maladaptive salt retention and
preserve GFR (by augmenting filtration fraction), increased afterload caused by the other active
and maximize salt and water retention to maintain hormonal systems in CHF.
intravascular volume. All of these systemic and There is a further level of sophistication in the
renal responses are of course highly appropriate in design of the renal circulation which underlies the
response to a classic cause of shock and prerenal remarkable fluid-retaining capacity of the kidney.
azotemia such as major hemorrhage, but increased Solute and water retention are favored by the
systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and salt reten- unique design of the intrarenal circulation. The


, Efferent Peritubular

Figure 4.10 Glomerulotubular balance. Glomerulotubular balance is maintained by changes in filtration fraction (FF) and result.
ing Starling forces in the proximal tubulae and peritubular capillaries. If glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increases without I;
change in renal plasma flow {RPF) (Step 1 ) (e.g. afferent dilation with efferent constriction), then FF Increases and more plasni&
water is filtered. This hernoconcentrates plasma proteins in the peritubular capillaries, raising plasma oncotic pressure (n.1..
while hydrostatic pressure in the peritubular capillaries (PC)is falling (due to efferent constriction) (Step 2). These changes
peritubular capillary Starling forces favor ~ncreasedreabsorption of sodium and water in the proximal tubule (Step 31. Thttr,
although an unchanged fraction (approximately two-thirds) of the glomerular filtrate continues to be reabsorbed, the amor~~rf
reabsorbed is greater, in proportion to the increase in GFR and FF. (Reproduced with permission from Valtin H, Schafer jA:
Renal function. Mechanisms preserving fluid and solute balance in health. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 3rd edn. 1995.
In: Chapter 6: Renal hemodynamics and oxygen consumption (figure 7-10, page 141).

majority of nephrons are cortical (90%), but 10% described above is not homogeneous throughoul
are located deeper in the juxtamedullary the kidneys. Although the kidneys are the mo*f
region.~s,20,:9Juxtamedullary nephrons have a dif- perfused organs in the body, this statement applia
ferent efferent circulation than their superficial only to the cortex, not the medulla. The medullr
counterparts. Specifically, in cortical nephrons the receives only 6% of total renal blood flow
efferent arteriole branches into a peritubular capil- (0.3 ml/min/g vs 5 ml/min/g to the cortex), ant
lary network, which subsequently forms the renal exists in a baseline hypoxic state (PO, 10 mmHg v!
venous system. In contrast, juxtamedullary effer- 30 mmHg in cortex), despite containing two sitn
ent arterioles form long hairpin vessels called the where a large proportion of tubular work and okv
vasa recta, which penetrate deep into the medulla gen consumption occurs (the '5,' distal segment u
and supply the thick ascending loops and distal the proximal tubule, and the TALH) (Fig. 4.12). I t i
proximal tubules of the deep nephrons (Fig. 4.11). not surprising that medullary hypoperfusion w ~ t l
The hairpin nature of the vasa recta is important to predominant injury of the TALH and 53 segment i
maintain the medullary solute concentration gra- among the recognized models of ischemic ATN.
dient, which permits maximal urinary concentra-
tion. However, the combination of major tubular
oxygen consumption and countercurrent exchange RENAL EFFECTS OF SHOCK AND
of oxygen between vasa recta limbs makes the VASOAC'TIVE DRUGS
deep medulla a very hypoxic environment under
normal circumstance^.^^ Although renal oxygen It is obvious that many cases of ARF in the ICU '11
consumption is driven largely by reabsorption of caused by prerenal azotemia, which is decrease
filtered sodium, as discussed above, the relation- GFR resulting from diminished renal perfusior
ship between oxygen delivery and consumption often associated with shock. Prerenal azotemia

Distal convoluted Juxtamedullary
tubule \. , ,Glomerulus nephron Superficial nephron

- .

Figure 4.11 Superficial (cortical) and juxtamedullary nephrons and their vasculature. In cortlcal nephrons (90%) the efferent
arteriole branches into a perltubular capillary network, wh~chsubsequently forms the renal venous system. Juxtamedullary
nephrons (10%) have a different efferent circulation than their superficial counterparts. Juxtamedullary efferent arterioles form
long hairpin vessels called the vasa recta, which penetrate deep into the medulla and supply the thick ascending loops and
distal proximal tubules of the deep nephrons. (Reproduced with permission from Valtin H, Schafer JA: Renal function. Mechanisms
preserving fluid and solute balance in health. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 3rd edn, 1995. In: Chapter 1:Components of
renal function (figure 1-2, page 5); adapted from Reference 2 9 and other sources.)

marked by decreased renal blood flow, renal vaso- ~ e n a perfusion

l has not been documented to be of
constriction, increased filtration fraction, and avid etiologic significance in the development of ATN
salt and water reabsorption, through the mecha- in critically ill humans, apart from some clearcut
nisms described above. In patients with prerenal insults such as surgical aortic crossclamp before
azotemia, complete reversal of shock can normal- ICU transfer. However, although other docu-
ize renal perfusion and function. Persistent mented etiologic factors such as circulating
systemic and/or renal hypoperfusion with unre- nephrotoxins (drugs, pigments, cytokines), acido-
versed prerenal azotemia may result in ischemic sis, and hypoxemia coexist in this population, it
renal injury and ATN. It is unclear to what extent seems likely that ischemic (i- reperfusion) injury
ATN is caused by ischemic injury in critically ill plays an important role in the pathogenesis of
patients, an assumption which underlies most of much ATN in the ICU. Furthermore, since the
the therapeutic approaches to the prevention or vasoactive therapies which are used in the hemo-
therapy of ARF over the past several decades. dynamic management of ICU patients may also
Systemic hypotension with shock is certainly a alter renal blood flow, optimization of renal perfu-
common precursor of ATN in humans, prerenal sion and function is a major endpoint in resuscita-
azotemia often precedes ATN, and decreased renal tion. Taken together, available data suggest that
perfusion (renal vascular crossclamp, high-dose optimization of renal perfusion is an important
norepinephrine infusion) is a recognized model of cornerstone of attempts to prevent and treat ARF
renal injury in animals. Nonetheless, decreased in the ICU.

Blood flow AT- <+=*

Renal vein ,"' Renal artery

Figure 4.12 Medullary oxygen consumption. The renal cortex is highly perfused and well oxygenated, apart from medullcir)r
rays (supplied by medullary venous blood). Cortical blood flow IS over double the medullary blood flow (per gram of tissue).
tissue PO, in the cortex is up to five-fold higher in the cortex. Poor medullary oxygenation is caused by a combination of 0,
consumption by the thick ascending loop of Henle, and countercurrent oxygen exchange in the vasa recta. (Reproduced wllh
permission from Brezis and R ~ s e n . ~ ~ ) .

Although improving renal perfusion may Renal effects of 'low-flow' shock (low CO
reverse prerenal ARF (by definition), and diminish states)
ischemic contributions to the pathogenesis of ATN,
it is auite conceivable that i n manv cases ATN Decreased CO due to hypovolemia or cardiac J p
develops despite appropriate resuscitation and function diminishes renal perfusion both directlv
adequate renal perfusion. Zager and colleagues and indirectly. Decreased CO not only directlv
have shown in an endotoxemic rat model of septic lowers RBF (via inadequate CO, RPP, or both) b11t
ARF that paired combinations of insults (renal also activates a number of renal vasoconstrictt~r
crossclamp, systemic endotoxin, aminoglycoside, systems which increase RVR. Baroreceptor stin111-
temperature elevation) cause azotemia and renal lation resulting from decreased CO activatc..i
pathologic findings of ATN, but these insults indi- neurohumoral responses (sympathetic nervorn
vidually cause no renal dysfunction or injury." We system, renin-angiotensin system, and vaso.
suspect that this synergistic injury model accu- pressin secretion) that have opposing effects on
rately reflects the pathogenesis of much ARF in the renal perfusion, tending to augment RPP but aiwl
ICU: Other ex~eiimentaldata have shown that cause renal vasoconstriction. Any intewentio~r
endotoxin, tumor necrosis factor, and numerous restoring CO and systemic perfusion thereforv
other inflammatory mediators are directly cyto- augments renal perfusion by reversing the afor11-
toxic to renal endothelial and tubular ~ e l l s . ' ~ , ~mentioned
~-~~ influences. Volume loading to preverrt
Although ARF may be prevented or ameliorated hypovolemia is probably the most effective pnL-
by judicious use and monitoring of nephrotoxic ventive measure to avoid prerenal azotemia .PI
drugs, and perhaps evolving cytoprotective and well as ischemic and nephrotoxic ATN. As dis-
anti-inflammatory therapies, the major focus in cussed elsewhere in this book, there are a variety of
ARF prophylaxis and therapy remains optimiza- tools to guide fluid and vasoactive drug managrQ-
tion of renal ~erfusion.The urimarv causes of renal ment in the ICU. It is important not to administcv
hypoperfusion differ between the major types of excessive fluid to avoid complications such as pul
shock, and therapies vary accordingly. monary edema, intra-abdominal hypertension.

and poor wound healing with subcutaneous may adversely affect tissue perfusion by creating
edema. It remains unresolved whether crystalloids excessive cardiac 'afterload' in the presence of sig-
or colloids are the preferred fluids to use to nificant myocardial dysfunction (pre-exisiting or
maintain adequate preload and renal function in acquired), in addition to any potential adverse
hypovolemic shock. effects on regional blood flow distribution (see
The choice among available inotropes or below).
vasodilators to improve renal function in patients
with renal hypoperfusion secondary to CHF is
similarly unclear. It is clear that the use of Renal effects of 'high-flow' (vasodilatory)
inotropes to achieve supranormal cardiac output shock
and oxygen delivery does not improve renal func-
tion in critically ill patients?%nd of course fails to Although not generally regarded as a controversial
improve or increase m ~ r t a l i t y . ~Gattinoni
,~' and critical care issue to the same degree as oxygen
colleagues studied 762 ICU patients and found no delivery strategies, the appropriate MAP and RPP
difference in mortality or renal function (creati- target for titration of hemodynamic support is
nine, urine output) with either supranormal another area of clinical uncertainty. Importantly,
CO/oxygen delivery or maintenance of mixed the logic for defending renal perfusion pressure
venous oxygen saturation (S,O,) 270% with with vasoactive agents presumes both pressure-
dobutamine vs control managementM.Hayes and dependent renal flow and flow-dependent renal
colleagues found (in 100 ICU patients) that supra- function. Standard recommendations have tradi-
normal oxygen delivery (dobutamine) vs control tionally suggested that fluids and vasoactive drugs
resulted in increased mortality (54%vs 34%):' and should be titrated to maintain an MAP 260
this approach has fallen out of favor in the mmHg.37,38 In the recent trial of goal-directed ther-
management of critically ill patients. However, as apy in early septic shock, the target MAP range of
discussed in Chapters 1 and 5, there is a grow- 65-90 mmHg was (along with other parameters)
ing interest in early goal-directed therapy of sep- associated with improved outcome, but renal func-
tic shock, including the use of transfusion and tion was not a reported endpoint in this study.36
inotropes to optimize oxygen delivery;" it is Although generally accepted as the target MAP in
unknown if this approach will reduce the shock resuscitation and perioperative manage-
incidence of ARE ment, 60-65 mmHg is on the steep portion of the
The commonsense approach of using fluids and renal autoregulation curve (see Fig. 4.41, and is
vasoactive drugs to achieve an adequate cardiac associated with a precipitous decrement in RBF
output, based on assessment of available hemody- and GFR from normal, in dogs and healthy human
namic and tissue perfusion markers (cardiac filling subjects.
pressures, thermodilution or other cardiac output The data demonstrating that 80 mmHg is the
measurements, venous oxygen saturation), lower autoregulatory threshold in the renal circu-
rttmains the primary approach to the prevention lation are primarily derived from animal stud-
and reversal of ARF due to prerenal azotemia. ies.?2-26 Limited human data are consistent with
Itowever, restoration and maintenance of ade- prior experimental findings in animals, but defini-
quate intravascular volume and CO does not guar- tive data from healthy humans are lacking." Stone
antee adequate renal perfusion. Renal blood flow and Stahl demonstrated that hemorrhage in
is only optimized when CO is adequate and renal healthy humans, which decreased MAP from 80 to
pcrfusion pressure is sufficient to distribute an 67 mmHg, was associated with a 2070 decrement of
,\ppropriate proportion of systemic oxygen deliv- RBF and a 30% fall in GFR;" this study did not
tbryto the kidneys. This requires a renal perfusion control for the contributory effects of decreased
pressure above the lower autoregulatory thresh- blood volume and CO on renal perfusion, how-
old. It is particularly important to balance these ever. It is certainly true that autoregulation extends
fiirtors when systemic vasodilators are used for predominantly over a high range of MAP (80-180
nfterload reduction to augment CO in CHF; exces- mmHg), impeding hypertensive renal injury,
sive vasodilation may lower MAP and RPP below rather than truly protecting against decrements in
tht. renal autoregulatory threshold and negate RPP, RBF, and GFR. In patients with chronic hyper-
some of the potential benefit of increased CO. Con- tension, in whom the curve is right-shifted, this
vc,rsely, the use of vasopressors to support perfu- problem is probably exacerbated, but current rec-
s1on pressure in patients with vasodilatory shock ommendations for hernodynamic management do

not account for this potential issue. In contrast, There are some precise experimental data exan)I11
young healthy patients commonly have low nor- ing the role of perfusion pressure in the pathogt.11
mal baseline MAP and RPP values which are asso- esis of renal dysfunction in CPB patients. Anini.
ciated with shock and renal hypoperfusion in studies support the concept that RBF during ( ' 1 '
others. Apart from hypertension, other comorbidi- is dependent on renal perfusion pressure:' ~ I I !
ties, drugs, and other therapies may impair gesting loss of autoregulation, but pressor-indut 1.

autoregulation. For example, experimental data increased MAP does not augment renal perfus16I
suggest that angiotensin-converting enzyme if pump flow is low.42Similarly, small studiei I
(ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers on-pump CABG (coronary artery bypass gr,)l
may specifically impair autoregulation of GFR (but patients suggest that increasing MAP by augmtvl
not renal blood flow) by blunting efferent arterio- ing pump flow or adding a pressor in the presolitd
lar tone (Fig. 4.13).25In addition, it appears that of normal flow increases renal perfusion, but pn-4
RBF autoregulation is impaired by conditions such sor use is ineffective for this purpose when pull1 '
as sepsis and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).41-" flow is low.43,"There has not been a trial of higill!
Furthermore, if renal injury does result in ATN, vs lower renal perfusion pressure for the previ.114
experimental data suggest that autoregulation is tion of perioperative ARF in CABG patients at rr,q
lost, and that RBF becomes linearly pressure- and this was not examined as an endpoint in a 11.ln4
depenclent,1,'3~'qresulting in recurrent ARF with which showed improved cardiovascular , , I I ~
subsequent hypotension. Limited human biopsy neurologic outcomes.41 i
data support the hypothesis that fresh ATN lesions Uncertainty regarding the potential a d v ~ ~ 4
develop with subsequent hypotension and hypo- renal effects of pressors is greatest in septic sIitit.l(
perfusion insults in humans with ATN..'"hus, patients. In septic shock, recent consensus resoli~
maintenance of adequate MAP is important not mendations have suggested adoption of the ~ : \ f l
only for prevention of renal injury/ATN but also target from the early goal-directed therapy protld
its supportive management, in which maintenance col (265 mmHg) for initial resuscitation, with I I ~
of adequate RPP may become even more critical specific guidance for later-phase pressor titration 1
than in the presence of uncomplicated prerenal CO is normal or elevated in the majority 14
azotemia. patients with fluid-resuscitated septic shol4

0 Control

120 -
-+A II antagonlst I00 -
-e -
u u
110- 9
t! d
z + Control
100- a
80 -
rn rn A II antagonlst s
a a
90 - 70 -

Renal artery pressure, mmHg Renal artery pressure, mmHg

Figure 4.13 Angiotensin II and autoregulation of glomerular f~ltrationrate (GFR). Reducing perfusion pressure is assocl*lla
w ~ t hpreserved renal blood flow (RBF) (A) and GFR (6) in control dogs (open squares), until autoregulation falls below 1 0 5 rno.b{
(REF) or 80 mmHg (GFR). RBF and GFR are expressed as a percentage of control values. In dogs receiving intrarenal infu<,~q
of angiotensin II antagonist (closed symbols), baseline REF is higher (A), and REF autoregulation is maintained. In
autoregulation of GFR is impaired by intrarenal angiotensin II antagonist (B, closed c~rcles),falling below 1 0 5 mmHg. (Rcl~r(
duced with permission from Hall et a1.35 In Rose BD, Post TW: Clinical physiology of acid-base and electrolyte disorders, .,e
edn. McGraw-Hill. New York, 2001. Chapter 2, page 41, figure 2-8.)

Prerenal azotemia in septic shock is caused by a lack of a tool to measure blood flow in ICU
wide-ranging variety of derangements, including patients. Of the available techniques to assess renal
hypovolemia (venodilation, capillary leak), vaso- herfusion, p-aminohippuric acid (PAH) clearance
paresis causing refractory hvpotension and is not a valid method to assess renal plasma flow,
decreased RPP, and relative myocardial depression because tubular PAH extraction is impaired in crit-
(CO and stroke work are less than they should be, ical illness, CPB, postrenal transplantation, and
suggesting myocardial depression). In addition, ATN.j3 In fact, it has never been documented
occult renal vasoconstriction is a major cause of whether or not renal autoregulation is intact in
renal hypoperfusion in septic shock (see animal or human sepsis, and (if so) over what
be lo^).'^,^^,^^ Clinically, refractory arteriolar vaso- MAP/RPP range. Similarly, the choice of vasopres-
paresis with pressor-resistant hypotension domi- sor is largely a matter of personal preference,
nates management. In many patients, despite without guidance from definitive prospective
adequate preload and ventricular function, refrac- studies. Specific clinical scenarios and drug char-
tory hypotension develops with vasodilatory acteristics-may lead to particular choices ( e g . nor-
shock. The role of MAP/RPP in the pathogenesis epinephrine for dopamine-refractory vasodilatory
of ARF in the ICU has not been explicitly evaluated shock, phenylephrine for vasodilatory shock with
in a prospective trial, and experimental data are arrhythmias on dopamine or norepinephrine).
. . The
limited. In experimental sepsis models, it is clear hypothesis that higher perfusion pressures might
that administration of pressors to animals with prevent or reverse renal dysfunction in resusci-
inadequate fluid resuscitation is harmful, increas- tated patients with septic shock is untested by
ing the incidence of ARF and cardiovascular comparative clinical trials. There has only been one
f a i l ~ r e . ~ q r e g g i a rand
i colleagues showed in randomized trial comparing the effects of cate-
volume-resuscitated endotoxemic pigs that admin- cholamine pressor agents on renal function in
istration of pressors to raise MAP from about septic shock; Martin and colleagues found that the
50 mmHg to about 60 mmHg resulted in increased use of norepinephrine was an effective pressor
cardiac output and renal blood flow. In this study, alone, and reversed shock refractory to high-dose
the use of higher doses to achieve MAP values of dopamine, resulting in increased urine output, but
about 70 mmHg did not seem to improve renal GFR was not meas~red.~%everal other descriptive
perfusion, resulting in further increased cardiac studies have documented improving urine output
output but also increased renovascular resistance in patients treated with n~repinephrine,'~ but only
and unchanged renal blood flow.49This is perhaps a few also measured GFR, and none of these
surprising in view of the fact that 60-70 mmHg is included comparison groups. Desjars and col-
on the descending limb of the renal autoregulation leagues showed that initiation of norepinephrine
curve, as discussed above (see Fig. 4.4).22-26 In any in 22 of 25 septic shock patients increased MAP (54
case, it is unlikely that the threshold MAP to opti- to 80 mmHg), UOP (23 ml/h to 66 ml/h), and cre-
mize renal perfusion is identical in animals and atinine clearance (29 ml/min to 71 ml/min) after
humans, so these experimental data are of limited 24 hours of norepinephrine the rap^.'^ Martin and
relevance. More important is the concept that the colleagues similarly found that norepinephrine
use of alpha-adrenergic agonists in the presence raised MAP in 24 patients refractory to fluids and
of fluid-resuscitated, hyperdynamic, vasodilatory dopamine a n d / o r dobutamine, reversed oliguria
shock with refractory hypotension results in in the majority (20/24), and was associated with
improved renal perfusion, rather than precipitat- increasing creatinine ~learance.'~ Redl-Wenzel and
ing ARF. This was best shown in elegant studies by colleagues studied 56 septic shock patients refrac-
Bcllomo and colleagues, who clearly demonstrated tory to fluids and d ~ ~ a m i n e l d o b u t a m i n eand
in canine endotoxemic shock that norepinephrine found that increased MAP (56 to 82 mmHg) was
increased renal blood flow, not only increasing per- associated with increased creatinine clearance over
fusion pressure but also lowering renovascular 48 hours (75 ml/min baseline, 89 ml/min 24 hours,
c~limicresistance and critical closing p r e s ~ u r e . ~ ~ 102 ml/min 48 hours).5hMore recently, LeDoux
Clinical studies of patients in septic shock sug- and colleagues found that titration of norepineph-
gcst that renal function and urine output improve rine to raise MAP from 65 mmHg to 85 mmHg in
once MAP is increased above 60 mmHg by the use 10 patients resulted in significantly increased car-
of catecholamine vasopressor therapy. These stud- diac output, but no change in urine output (GFR
itss are of poor quality (see recent extensive was not mea~ured).~' Although recommendations
r t ~ ~ i e w s ) , ~however,
'-~? and were hampered by the for titration of catecholamine pressor therapy to

MAP targets of 60-70 mmHg have become routine, similar effects of adding vasopressin to norep),
these are clearly not evidence-based guidelines. nephrine or other pressors, we favor a direct
Vasopressin is emerging as an alternative pres- glomerular hemodynamic effect of vasopressin ,I$
sor for vasodilatory shock, and may have some the explanation for improved UOP in human sep-
advantages over catecholamines with respect to tic sho~k.~~-~"hisis further supported by t h ~
renal function. Vasopressin is a peptide hormone recent work examining the effect of vasopressin O I ~
synthesized in the hypothalamus, stored in the systemic and renal perfusion in septic animal^.^' "
posterior pituitary gland, and secreted in response Guzman and colleagues showed in a canine endo-
to increased plasma osmolality, baroreflex activa- toxemia model that vasopressin increased ren,\l
tion (hypotension, hypovolemia), and other non- blood flow towards baseline values, whereas nor.
osmotic s t i m ~ l i .Vasopressin ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~activates renal epinephrine titrated to similar systemic hemody-
collecting duct V, receptors (increased tubular namic parameters did not.n In endotoxemic rats,
water reabsorption 'ADH', antidiuretic hormone), vasopressin or L-canavanine (an inhibitor of
and vascular V, receptors (vasoconstriction). Initial inducible nitric oxide synthase) improved ren,~l
reports of successful use as a rescue agent in function, whereas norepinephrine titrated to sinii-
patients failing standard vasopressor therapy were lar MAP did In septic sheep (cecal ligatiolr
followed by data showing that vasopressin defi- and puncture), vasopressin therapy (alone or in
ciency (failure to adequately increase circulating combination with norepinephrine) improved uririr
vasopressin concentrations in response to output, renal histology, and survival compared 11,
hypotension), rather than altered vascular vaso- control or norepinephrine therapy.79 Vasopressin
pressin responsiveness, was the underlying cause seems to be a promising drug to improve ren,il
of this phenomenon.63,b4Landry and colleagues function in vasodilatory shock, but in view of the
have also demonstrated clinical utility of vaso- potential for adverse effects on systemic a n ~ l
pressin for reversal of refractory vasodilation post- regional perfusion (notably skin necrosis anil
cardiac bypass, which is a clinical syndrome with mesenteric ischemia), definitive outcome trials art*
many similarities to septic There is also required before recommending routine use in prc,.
an extensive literature suggesting advantages of sor-requiring vasodilatory shock. The 2000 subjt.c-t
vasopressin over epinephrine in cardiac arrest VASST trial of vasopressin vs norepinephrinoj
r e s u ~ c i t a t i o n .Emerging
~ ~ , ~ ~ data suggest that vaso- placebo in septic shock is past 50% enrollment, ant1
pressin deficiency plays a role in septic shock and should provide the required data to determinr
in post-CPB hypotension. A small study suggested safety and effectiveness (Dr Keith Walley plfr*
that prophylactic vasopressin administration comm).
reduces post-bypass hypotension and use of other Concerns for use in septic shock include potrn.
vas~onstrictors.~~ tial for V,-stimulated water intoxication/hypo~.r,~.
Data with regard to the effects of vasopressin on tremia (not observed to date) and V,-stimulatcr).
renal function in septic shock are p r o m i ~ i n ~ . ~ ~pulmonary
,~' arterial, coronary, cerebral, and mescm
These data suggest that vasopressin may augment teric vasoconstriction. Pulmonary hypertensioq
GFR not only by raising MAP and RPP but also by was not seen in any of the septic or other vasodiln-,
increasing glomerular efferent arteriolar tone and tory shock patients studied by Landry and c.01-j
filtration fraction, compensating for the counter- leagues or Tsuneyoshi and colleagues, and in tlrei
regulatory effect of septic afferent arteriolar vaso- preliminary report by Pate1 and colleagues p11l4
constriction. Most compelling is in-vitro work that monary artery pressures were lower in septiti
demonstrates an exclusive (preferential) efferent patients treated with vasopressin than norepincp
arteriolar constriction by vasopressin in renal rine.7*7bExtrapolation from the cardiac arrest lit(
glomerular mi~rovessels.~' This effect would tend ature suggests that coronary and cerebr
in vivo to increase glomerular hydraulic pressure perfusion should not be compromised by va,
and GFR, and may explain the frequent observa- pressin any more than by epinephrine or other C,
tion that this agent increnses UOP in septic shock, echolamines. As noted above, there is ongorr
despite an anticipated ADH effect of water conser- concern regarding potential effects of vasopress
vation/antidiure~is.",~~,~~ Preliminary data from a on mesenteric perfusion. Although mesentc~
prospective, blinded study by Pate1 and colleagues ischemia was not specifically addressed l
suggest that vasopressin increases UOP and GFR Tsuneyoshi et al's study, they did find that of th,+
compared with norepinephrine titrated to similar patients treated with vasopressin for septic s h ( ~
systemic endpoint^.^^ Since other data showed those that survived had decreased levels of lact,~

from baseline (a marker of more adequate systemic pressor therapy if hypotension is refractory to
perfusion or improved liver function) compared to fluids and perhaps inotropic support. The literature
those that did not, and no correlation was found does not provide a precise MAP target to achieve
between vasopressin infusion and development of this goal, apart from specific circumstances such as
lactic acido~is.'~ More recent studies have not pro- aiming for 65 mmHg in protocol-driven resuscita-
vided consistent conclusions regarding the effects tion in early septic ~hock.'"~"t appears that a min-
of vasopressin therapy on splachnic perfusion in imum MAP target of 60-70 mmHg is appropriate
human septic shock, perhaps in part due to differ- for drug titration in patients with vasodilatory
ences in perfusion measurement techniques and shock requiring pressors. However, some patients
vasopressin dosing. Improved splachnic perfusion with myocardial dysfunction may require lower
was found in human septic shock studies of terli- MAP targets (less afterload), whereas others (with
pressin by Morelli and colleague^,^': and of vaso- prior hypertension in particular) may benefit from
pressin by Dunser and colleague^.^' Similarly, a higher renal perfusion pressure. Titration of
vasopressin therapy in ovine sepsis improved therapy to individual response may require
splanchnic perfusion and ~urvival.'~ On the other modifications of published protocols or guidelines.
hand, some studies in a n i m a l ~ ~ ? , ~ %humansR4
suggest that vasopressin may cause splanchnic Optimization of glomerular hemodynamics
hypoperfusion in septic shock. Of course, these Beyond provision of adequate CO and systemic
concerns must be balanced against the known sys- oxygen delivery, and maintenance of optimal RPP,
temic and regional adverse effects of conventional reversal of local renal vasoconstrictor influences is
catecholamine vasopressors, which have been the third potential therapeutic component ensur-
well-described to cause arrhythmias and regional ing renal perfusion in shock. As discussed above,
tissue ischemia (by vasoconstriction and hyperme- renal vasoconstriction occurs in shock, through
tabolism) in human sepsis, particularly in the multiple mechanisms. Even in septic shock and cir-
splanchnic circulation. Recent literature also high- rhosis, two states marked by diminished SVR and
lights the known potential for pressor therapy (cat- hypotension, renal vasoconstriction occurs and is
echolamines, vasopressin, or both in combination) well documented to be the cause of hepatorenal
to cause or contribute to skin necrosis in vasodila- syndrome. Specifically, in hepatorenal syndrome
tory In particular, peripheral intra- ARF occurs in cirrhotic patients with normal kid-
venous administration increases the risk of skin neys but profound renal vasoconstriction, which
necrosis;85accordingly, only central vein adminis- critically impairs renal perfusion and glomerular
tration is recommended. Based upon available filtration; renal effects of chronic liver disease are
data, the use of vasopressin for vasopressor further discussed in Chapter 5. Renal vasoconstric-
support in septic shock potentially represents the tion is also thought to play a role in the patho-
first major advance in this area since the introduc- genesis of septic ARF, along with hypovolemia
tion of catecholamine agents for this purpose. (septic venodilation, capillary leak) and impaired
Results of the VASST trial are eagerly awaited. systemic oxygen delivery, leading to development
Meanwhile, the design of therapeutic regimens of prerenal azotemia. Indeed, some evidence
incorporating vasopressin should utilize every suggests that much septic ARF is in fact severe,
available tool to optimize systemic and regional unreversed prerenal azotemia, without apoptosis
perfusion and ensure full benefit is obtained from or necrosis on a~topsy.~"hese data suggest that
this innovation. septic ARF can have a purely hemodynamic,
Taken together, the literature suggests that main- vasoconstriction-mediated etiology, without apop-
tenance of adequate renal perfusion pressure is an tosis or necrosis, akin to hepatorenal syndrome. In
important goal in optimizing renal blood flow, par- combination, additive or synergistic nephrotoxic
ticularly in critically ill patients in whom autoreg- insults (inflammatory mediators, pigments, drugs,
ulation of RBF and GFR is probably impaired etc.) may then precipitate ATN when prerenal
(sepsis, CPB, chronic hypertension, ACE inhi- azotemia is not effectively prevented or reversed.
bitors). Whether the benefit of any pressor in The relative importance of selective renal vaso-
improving renal function is caused by increased constriction and regional hypoperfusion vs sys-
global renal blood flow, alterations in renal blood temic hypoperfusion or nephrotoxin exposure in
flow distribution, or some other pressure- causing ARF in critically ill patients has not been
dependent mechanism is unclear, but it is agreed precisely defined. Theoretically any agent which
that patients with vasodilatory shock require offsets renal vasoconstriction might decrease the
incidence of prerenal azotemia and ATN in high- which actively transfer sodium into the lumen, i
risk patients. It seems preferable to adopt a Indeed, the phenomenon whereby TGF-mediatcrl 1
prophylactic strategy for prevention or reversal afferent arteriolar constriction shuts down GFR iri !
of vasoconstriction-induced prerenal azotemia, the presence of ATN has been termed 'acute ren,il 1
reversing an often clinically inapparent contri- success','" because hypovolemic death rvould
butor to the pathogenesis of ATN, rather than the alternative outcome.
attempting to intervene after frank renal injury has Vascular contributions are important not only
occurred. This concept, though theoretically attrac- in the initiation of ATN and the subsequent
tive, remains unproven at this time. Increased vasoconstrictor-mediated decrement in GFR but
renal vascular resistance mav be reversed bv also in extension and maintenance (see Chs 5 anrl
use of generalized renal vasodilators, or by 8). ATN also involves inflammatory mediator.;,
specific pharmacologic antagonists of known renal reactive oxygen species formation, and leukocy t t -
vasoconstrictor substances. Although the latter infiltration, all of which further damage the kid-
approach has been shown to increase renal per- neys. Current strategies to prevent or treat XRF hv
fusion and GFR in experimental ARF, with increasing renal perfusion may be ineffective OI
positive results using pharmacologic antagonists even harmful in the presence of established Alit:
of endothelin, leukotrienes, thromboxane, and with ATN, because the phenomenon of physio-
platelet-activating factor, definitive clinical studies logic supply-dependency of renal oxygen cori
have not been performed with any of these sumption dictates that increased RBF and C;I.ii
agents in critically ill humans. Of note, endothelin accordingly increase 0, consumption. If rt.n,it
antagonism increased the rate of ARF in chronic vasodilators are to prove successful in ARF prt--
renal insufficiency (CRI) patients receiving vention and therapy, it is important that thr-v
radiocontrast in a placebo-controlled favorably affect intrarenal blood flow distribution
The former approach is best represented by the and the balance of regional O2 delivery and con
use of dopaminergic agonists and other vasodila- sumption. Importantly, the potential for imbalanr ( *
tors for renal vasodilation in high-risk patients, an between oxygen supply and delivery in t l i v
approach which has proven unsuccessful in medullary circulation suggests that the use of ri>n.~l
numerous clinical vasodilators is not without risk in ARF patient5
Prolonged or severe prerenal azotemia may lncreased cortical blood flow favors glomerular 111
result in ATN, caused by ischemia alone or in com- tration, but inadequate medullary blood flow n\,lv
bination with nephrotoxic insults. When ATN continue to deprive the S, and TALH segmerita
develops, decreased GFR results from a combina- (which must absorb this filtrate) of the necessailv
tion of renal vasoconstriction and parenchymal oxygen and nutrient supply to simultaneously p t - r -
renal injury.' Several mechanisms probably account form reabsorptive work and remain viable. T1\14
for the decrease in GFR in ATN, including the may explain the failure of low-dose dopamine a~itl
direct results of tubular injury (intratubular a variety of other renal vasodilators to achieve bt-11-
obstruction by necrotic tubular cell debris and efit in ARF prophylaxis or therapy studies to dnttl,
'backleak' of glomerular filtrate through damaged despite the documented capacity to increase 13131.
tubular epithelium) and a major functional ele- It is possible that current resuscitation endpoint*
ment - renal afferent arteriole vasoconstriction via d o not optimize renal perfusion, by failing to r.or*
tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF). The effect of rect reversible septic myocardial depression, n i l i i *
TGF is to decrease RBF and GFR in ATN as follows: ing for an inappropriately low renal perfusrtln
afferent arteriole vasoconstriction is an adaptive pressure, and leaving renal vasoconstrictor intllw
response to the increased delivery of solutes to the ences unopposed, which results in the commo
macula densa in the distal tubule, preventing mas- occurrence of uncorrected prerenal azotemia. .\
sive saline loss past injured proximal convoluted mentioned above, uncorrected prerenal azotc1111
tubule and loop of Henle segments which have is the common substrate for synergistic rclll,r
become incapable of reabsorptive work. If normal injury and ATN,'2,94and recurrent hypoten5ritr
glomerular filtration of 150 L/day of isotonic exacerbates renal injury in established ATN ,
saline has continued in the presence of impaired Therefore, although not guided by a comprt.h~s
tubular sodium reabsorption, the adverse implica- sive, evidence-based approach, the use of f l 1 1 1 ~
tions are obvious. r he-problem of inappropriate and vasoactive drugs to optimize systemic . \ I
salt-wasting is exacerbated by the loss on cellular renal perfusion remains the mainstay of our eifc I
polarity in injured/apoptotic renal tubular cells, to prevent and reverse ARF in critically ill patitv~t

EFFECTS OF MECHANICAL VENTILATION ON 2 11 days, p = 0.005).'" Similarly, Ranieri and col-

RENAL FUNCTION leagues showed that a 'lung-protective' mechani-
cal ventilation strategy (lower tidal volume, higher
Positive pressure mechanical ventilation alters PEEP) caused less systemic and intrapulmonary
renal perfusion and function through a variety of inflammation than standard management,I0' along
me~hanisms.~%levationof intrathoracic pressure with fewer patients with organ system failure,
impedes venous return from the periphery, and including markedly fewer with renal failure ( p
may result in hypovolemic shock in patients with c0.04) at 72 hours.'@' This topic is further dis-
diminished effective arterial blood volume, partic- cussed in Chapter 7. In summary, recent develop-
ularly in the initial post-intubation period. Even in ments have shown us that a combination of
the absence of frank hypovolemia with hypoten- appropriate hemodynamic support and lung-
sion, positive pressure ventilation alters a variety protective ventilatory strategies is the best current
of neurohormonal systems. Positive pressure ven- approach to minimize ventilator-induced renal
tilation stimulates increased sympathetic outflow, dysfunction.
activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
axis, and nonosmotic vasopressin release, while
suppressing ANP release. These effects lead to sys- EFFECT OF RENAL INSUFFICIENCY ON
temic and renal vasoconstriction, decreased renal FUNCTION OF OTHER ORGANS AND
blood flow and GFR, and fluid retention (salt and OUTCOME IN THE ICU
water) with oliguria. Increased pressure in the infe-
rior vena cava and renal veins may also play a role The mortality of ARF remains high, but it has often
in ventilator-induced renal dysfunction and fluid been said that modern ICU patients die 'with
retention. Other data suggest that a shift of rather than of' ARE The precise contribution of
intrarenal perfusion from cortex to medulla is a 'uremia' to their morbidity and mortality has been
zontributor to the salt-retaining/oliguric effects of difficult to dissect, in part because severity of ill-
positive pressure ventilation?',96 but this has not ness scores have perfomed poorly in prediciting
wen a consistent finding9' ARF outcome. It is unclear how best to predict or
Small studies have shown that fluid administra- stratify mortality in patients with ARF in the ICU,
iong6and the use of vasoactive drugs, including but there is sufficient evidence to doubt the predic-
iopamine (5 pg/kg/min) or fenoldopam (a pure tive value of scores such as APACHE 11 and
f a s ~ d i l a t o r ) , ' "can ~ ~ ,ameliorate
~~~ the renal hypo- APACHE 111, which seem to underestimate mortal-
1t.rfusion and decreased GFR associated with ity in the presence of ARF.105~10h Predictive scores
bositive pressure ventilation and positive end- designed specifically for ICU patients with renal
xpiratory pressure (PEEP). However, hemody- fail,ure, such as the Cleveland Clinic Score and the
amic and neurohormonal mechanisms may not Liano Score, have better accuracy, but may not be
ts the major cause of ventilator-induced renal applicable to other medical center^.'"^^"^ Renal
Ijt~ry.A growing body of evidence suggests that failure-specific severity of illness scoring systems
IC pro-inflammatory effects of positive pressure have been validated to predict prognosis in ICU
rl~til~ltion, particularly with (lung-) injurious ven- ARF, accounting for both severity of renal failure
I,ilorv strategies, may be a source of acute renal and associated MSOF, but it is not known if these
~jr~rv.'"' "'"mai and colleagues elegantly demon- systems perform accurately outside Of the institu-
rotid in a rabbit model of acute lung injury that tions in which they were d e v e l ~ p e d . ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~
I i l l jurious ventilatory strategy led to increased It is becoming more apparent that increasing
.utis rim1 failure, with pathologic evidence of prevalence of septic ARF is the major impediment
11.11 tubular cell (and intestinal) apoptosis, and to improving ARF survival. For example, a recent
;t~~liz,int lung epithelial cell necrosis.I0' They fur- prospective multicenter ICU study of ARF found
v r iii-~nonstratedthat plasma from rabbits venti- that subjects with septic ARF had a far higher
~ v lwill1 injurious strategy induced increased unadjusted mortality rate (74% vs 45%, p <0.001)
tllltc~s~s w11c.n incubated with cultured rabbit than those without sepsis.lm Another prospective
1n111101 rcnal tubular cells. In the ARDSNET study of septic surgical ICU patients found that in-
krl V O ~ ~ I I Trial, I I ~ , in addition to improved sur- hospital mortality was 5770 in those with ARF vs
!*it ,111ti vimtilntur-free days, the low tidal vol- 2870 w i t h o ~ t . ' ~These
" findings are in agreement
rv ~ ; ~ I ) hncl I I O marc days without circulatory, witli the practical experience of every intensivist
I ) : \ I I . I ~ \ o I ~ , and renal failure (renal: 20 -C 11 vs 1R and ncphrologist. Patients witli hemodynaniic

instability are at greatest risk for developing ARF, a tendency to develop volume overload , i ~ r t l
are more difficult to provide renal replacement hyponatremia. A variety of other clinically appi r .
therapy for, and are most likely to die. Patients ent biochemical and acid-base disorders ,il.\o
with septic shock, along with those with cardio- develop in ARF patients, apart from accumulatlc~~~
genic shock, remain our greatest management of nitrogenous wastes, azotemia, and ureml,l
challenge, driving the current trends in ICU tech- Other effects of renal dysfunction are more sub111e
nology for RRT. Although MSOF and other co- Elimination of many drugs, metabolites, J L I ~
morbidities contribute to its high mortality rate, nephrotoxins is impaired in the presence of ren,~l
ARF independently increases morbidity and mor- impairment. Nonrenal elimination (hepitrr
tality. Studies in patients with radiocontrast metabolism) of drugs may also be suppres>t.~l.
nephropathy and ARF post-cardiac surgery have The loss of proximal tubular function also prtS-
found that ARF independently increases mortal- vents vitamin D hydroxylation at the la-positicln,
More recently, Metnitz and colleagues found contributing to hypocalcemia (along with hypvr-
that severe ARF requiring renal replacement ther- phosphatemia). Vitamin D may also play ,111
apy increased the risk of in-hospital death to a immunoregulatory role. Similarly, renal tubr1lt.u
degree beyond that expected based on severity of play a role in the removal of pro-inflammatory
illness scores.' Clermont and colleagues demon-
strated that acute renal failure carries a higher
cytokines and the production of anti-inflamn1.1.
tory cytokines. As detailed in Chapter 7, rel~,~l
odds ratio of death in critically ill patients than ischemia-reperfusion injury may even cause acltlv
chronic renal failure with end-stage renal disease lung injury.lO,llOther data suggest that Al<i.
(ESRD), and this was unaccounted for by severity causes injury to a variety of other distant organ%"
of illness ~ c o r i n gAPACHE
.~ I11 scoring predicted Interstitial renal cells produce EPO, with dt.11.
outcome accurately in patients without renal fail- ciency causing anemia and perhaps contributilq
ure, overestimated mortality in critically ill ESRD to multiple organ dysfunction (decreased oxygtLti
patients, but underpredicted mortality in those delivery, EPO receptors on end-organs such as tliu
developing ARF after ICU admission. ARF brain), and EPO therapy may even improve out-
patients had a higher mortality than ESRD patients come. Our attempts at renal replacement ther.111~
even if they did not similarly require dialysis. probably fall far short of the goal of compensat~llg
Taken together, these and other studies have found for the loss of diverse renal functions. M ~ j t e
that we lack a severity of illness scoring system sophisticated techniques may provide better dc.irtt*
which accurately predicts ARF outcome in ICU RRT in the future; a bioartificial renal tubule ass14
patients, and this is an impediment to appropriate device containing human proximal tubular cells rri
stratification of multicenter, prospective trials in already entering phase I1 trials."@"3 While ot~r
this population. RRT options evolve, prevention (see Ch. 5) 11r
Many of the effects of ARF are difficult to iden- amelioration (see Ch. 8) of ARF in the ICU 1s a
tify and quantify independently. It is obvious that major goal to improve outcome in critically 111
problems such as refractory hyperkalemia, pul- patients.
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