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FORUM: Peace and Security Council

QUESTION OF: Nature of Defence Cooperation to be formed in ASEAN
CO-SUBMITTERS: Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia
SIGNATORIES: USA, Japan, Australia, China, Thailand

We, The Peace and Security Committee,

Remembering the founding principles and purposes of ASEAN;

Recognising the importance of ASEAN member states possessing the responsibility to safeguard
the nation interests and importance of respecting the sovereignty of member nations to preserve
peace and stability in the region;

Noting that ASEAN member states have different capabilities and capacities in being able to
participate in defence cooperation with regards to the areas of concern as defined below;

Noting that the interests of each ASEAN member state needs to be preserved without dictation
and imposition from other states;

Acknowledging the Five Power Defence Arrangement between the nations of the United
Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore;

Cognizant of the need to combat terrorist acts that impose a threat on regional stability and

Recalling the invocation of North Atlantic Treaty Organisations Article 5 on the 12th of
September 2000.


Section 0: Definitions

1. DEFINES justified defense cooperation to be limited to the following areas of concern:

a. External aggression in ASEAN,
b. ASEAN-ASEAN AggressioTo enable screen reader support, press shortcut
c. Peacetime

Section I: External Threats on ASEAN Members

2. DECLARES that an act of aggression on one or more of the ASEAN member nations is deemed
to be an armed attack against all member nations when an act of aggression has been made on:
a. The territory of any of the ASEAN member states, namely Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia,
Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam,
b. The forces, vessels, or aircraft belonging to any ASEAN member nation, when in or over
these territories in which occupation forces of any of the member states are stationed at

3. DECIDES that in the event of an act of aggression on any member nation, all other
nations are to supply appropriate aid and intervention within reason and capacity and of
their own volition, such as but not limited to
a. Humanitarian assistance,
b. Military defence cooperation,
c. Diplomatic advice and guidance
d. Emergency Response Teams

Section II: Aggression Within ASEAN

4. DECIDES that in the event a member nation launches aggression against another
member nation that all involved parties have their ASEAN membership suspended,

5. DECIDES that to invoke clause 2 of this declaration, a consensus has to be reached

amongst the remaining member nations,

6. DECIDES that should agression continue, or in the case whereby ASEAN is unable to
come to a consensus on the issue, that it be brought up to the International Court of
Justice for further resolution,

Section III: Terrorism

7. DECLARES that member nations are to partake in intelligence sharing in the case
whereby terrorist attacks are launched on a member state through
a. Joint conventions for purposes such as, but not limited to
i. Sharing best practices,
ii. Future planning,
8. ENCOURAGES countries to form military alliances of their own volition to further the
stability and security of the region with regards to defence in particular,

9. ENCOURAGES the participation of ASEAN in joint military exercises with the

following considerations where applicable:
a. The effect of the exercise on the region,
b. The effect of such exercises on national security,

10. STRONGLY RECOMMENDS the conducting of anti-terrorism exercises in ASEAN

member states so as to:
a. Allow member states to be better prepared for any attacks on them
11. URGES all ASEAN states to closely monitor their countrys cyberspace, to ensure:
a. protection of military and governmental information
b. the restriction of spread of radical ideas originating from extremist groups
c. Protection of their citizens data and identity

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