High-Rise Structure Analysis and Design

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Siu Chi Kong (120554182)

Adriansyah Siregar (160388677)
Nicola Simonini (160600720)


1. Model Assumption
Firstly, the computer model of the core is created, then the deflection, natural period and inter-storey
drift of the core model is calculated. The frame is then added to the core to stiffen the core. The
deflection, natural period and inter-storey drift of the whole structure (with frame and bracing) is
calculated and compared with the outcome of the core model to determine the contribution of different
components to the stiffness of the building. All the load is assumed to be lump on the core of the building
but not distributed across the frame. The frame only provides extra stiffness to the core to limit the
lateral deflection of the core. Four model is created to analysis the contribution of different structural
components to the stiffness of the building.

Quasi static equivalent modal method is used in this report for calculating the inter storey drift of our
building. Firstly, modal analysis of the model is carried out in GSA. The deflection and natural period
of the model is checked to ensure the output of the model is accurate. The mode shape, period of each
mode and deflection of each mode from GSA is then used in the calculation of modal mass and ground
acceleration. After the modal mass of all mode shape is larger than 90% of the total mass, the base shear
is calculated by modal mass and spectral acceleration. After that, force distribution up to the building
is calculated and put back in GSA for static analysis. The nodal displacement from the static analysis is
the used in the calculation of interstorey drift (see appendix X).

1.1 Nodal Loadings Input and Element Mass to the Core

Dead Load = 12kPa Imposed Load = 2.5kPa Services and partitions = 1kPa
Total load = (Dead Load + Imposed Load + Services and partitions) x Floor area
= (12kpa+2.5kpa+1kpa) x (30mx30m10mx10m)
= 12,400kN

Nodal mass elements are created from the load input

Nodal Mass = Load input gravity
= 12,400000N 9.81m/s2

1.2 Material and section properties

1. Core : Short term concrete 10000x7000 Iyy= 218.83 m4
2. Column : Steel UC356x406x634 Iyy= 0.002748 m4
3. Beam : Steel UB610x229x101 Iyy= 0.0007578 m4
4. Bracing : Steel UB356x171x67 Iyy= 0.0001946 m4
Plastic section modulus of beams and columns is compared to ensure that the column is stronger than
the beam.
2. Core Model
The core of the building is considered as a
cantilever with a fix end. The cantilever
consists of 41 nodes and 40 elements. The
height of each storey is 4m.

2.1 Assumptions
The core is 10mx10m square with 3m
space for the door so we assume that the
cross-section of the core is 10m x 7m
rectangular hollow section with 0.5m
thickness so they got roughly the same
second moment of area (simplification).

3.0 Core with Frame Model

3.1 Simplification made for converting 3D structure into a 2D model

The frame at the front and the back of the core is simplified into one frame on the left-hand side of the
core and the core is considered to be connected with the frame of the building by pin. The second
moment of area (I) of the beam and column member would be doubled because two frame is combined
into one. The frames have the same horizontal displacement with the core and both will restrict the
lateral movement of the building but the frame will provide very little or no moment restrain to the core.
The column on the right-hand side of the core represent the columns directed connected to the core. The
second moment of area (I) of the beam and column member would be quadrupled because 4 columns
and beams is combined. The beam are assumed to be rigidly connected to the column and will provide
moment resistance to the core so they are considered to be fixed.

3.0 Core with Modified Frame Model

New columns and beams are added to the model to increase the stiffness of the structure. The floor
plan and model above show the new design of modified frame.

4.0 Core with Modified Frame and Bracing system

Bracing system is added on the top and middle floor to provide extra stiffness to the building.
2.2 Comparison between Analytical and Numerical Solution (From GSA)
Force with magnitude of 12400kN is applied on each node of the core model and deflection output from
the model is compared with the analytical solution for checking.

2.2.1 Validation for deflection

Deflection result from GSA

= 43.25m

Analytical Solution

Deflection of cantilever under load P at any point

The maximum deflection of the 40 storeys high model is equal to the sum
of deflection caused by the load acting on each storey according to the
principle of superposition (see appdenix X).

= (3l-ai )

I = 218.83m4 E = 2.8x1010
P = 12400kN ai = Y-coordinate of the model
L = 160m
= 42.8

2.2.2 Validation for Natural Period

Analytical solution 1: simplified method of Eurocode 8

T1 =Ct H3/4
Ct=0.085 and H=160m
T1=0.085 x 163/4

Which have a huge different from the value output by the software. It may because all the load is applied
on the core without the support of the frame. The stiffness of the core is relatively low compare with a
frame structure. Moreover, the height of the structure is very large. This result in the structure having a
very low frequency and since T=1/f, if the frequency is small, the period of the structure become very

Rayleigh Method is then used to get more accurate approach for estimating the natural period.

Analytical solution 2: Rayleigh Method (see appendix X)

n n
T=2( wi i )(g fi i )
i=1 i=1

T=2(2.5x1011 )(9.818.9109 )
T= 10.66s

The output of natural period obtained from GSA is that T = 10.71s

2.3 Modal Analysis

The mode shapes are obtained from the modal

Mode Shapes analysis from GSA. They do not show the actual
displacement; however, they show some possible
1st Mode 2nd Mode
deformations of the structure subjected to the
3rd Mode 4th mode
dynamic motion. Number of modes that need to be
45 taken into analysis are based on the percentage of
40 total modal mass to the total actual mass. If the
mode shape included to calculate the modal mass
35 does not exceed 90% of the total mass, then the
higher modes should be included.
Number of storeys


25 2.31 Calculation of modal mass

=1 ]
20 =
m = 126448kg
= nodal displacement of each mode from GSA
The above equation is used to calculate the modal
0 mass of the all modes. To include 90% of the total
-2.000 -1.000 0.000 1.000 2.000 mass, four modes are taken into account. (see
Displacement appendix X).

[ 2 ] = 0

2.32 calculation of base shear

Fb = Sd (Tn) mn

The above equation is used in calculation of base shear. The value of Sd is divided by q, because 95
return period earthquake is considered instead of 500 return period earthquake. According to Eurocode
8, q is equal to 3.

Sd (Tn) = Spectral acceleration / 3 mn = Modal mass of each mode (see part 2.31)
,30 =


From the result ,30 < 180, respond spectrum of ground type D is then modified and used to obtain
the value of spectral acceleration Sd (see sectionX).
Modal Mass Period Ground Acceleration Base Shear
Mode Shap
(kg) (s) (m/s^2) (N)
1 3.152E+07 10.710 0.098 3.092E+06
2 9.903E+06 1.763 0.752 7.452E+06
3 3.490E+06 0.660 1.655 5.777E+06
4 1.823E+06 0.358 1.655 3.017E+06

Core with Frame

Modal Mass Period Ground Acceleration Base Shear
Mode Shap
(kg) (s) (m/s^2) (N)
1 3.212E+07 8.937 0.098 3.151E+06
2 9.396E+06 1.689 0.784 7.363E+06
3 3.430E+06 0.650 1.655 5.679E+06
4 1.806E+06 0.355 1.655 2.990E+06

Core with Modified Frame

Modal Mass Period Ground Acceleration Base Shear
Mode Shap
(kg) (s) (m/s^2) (N)
1 3.301E+07 7.000 0.098 3.239E+06
2 8.760E+06 1.531 0.866 7.583E+06
3 3.280E+06 0.622 1.655 5.429E+06
4 1.762E+06 0.346 1.655 2.916E+06

Core with Modified Frame and Bracing System

Modal Mass Period Ground Acceleration Base Shear
Mode Shap
(kg) (s) (m/s^2) (N)
1 3.320E+07 6.79 0.098 3.257E+06
2 8.662E+06 1.515 0.871 7.547E+06
3 3.234E+06 0.6108 1.655 5.354E+06
4 1.731E+06 0.3446 1.655 2.866E+06

Intersteory Drift

Maximum Interstorey Drift

Core Only 0.9182
Core with Frame 0.0039
Core with Modified Frames 0.0023
Core with Modified Frames and bracing system 0.0022
Core with frame
Core with modified frame
Full system









0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008


Input model

GSA Modal Analysis

Interstorey drift

drv < 0.005h

Since element attached to the structure is not specified, the above equation is used for the limitation of
interstorey drift for conservative reason.

The importance class of the building is considered to be class III since it is 40 storey and may have
serious consequences if collapse. The value of v is equal to 0.5 for a class III building.

h = 4m

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