Artigo Markett Shiping Carriers Options

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The value of market switching options for combination carriers

Roar Aadland
Clarksons Research

Steen Koekebakker
Agder University College

Sigbjrn Sdal
Agder University College

This version: May 28, 2004

Abstract: The paper derives a real options model of flexibility and applies it to shipping, valuing the option to
switch between the dry bulk market and wet bulk market for a combination carrier which is able to operate in both
markets. The model is a mean-reverting (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck) version of a standard entry-exit model under

stochastic prices. A fixed cost is incurred every time switching takes place. The estimated value of flexibility is

related to historical price differentials between combination carriers and exclusive oil tankers of comparable size.
It is concluded that new combination carriers are likely to enter the market in a few years unless a shift in current

market trends takes place.

Keywords: Investment, uncertainty, flexibility, real options, bulk shipping.

Corresponding author: Sigbjrn Sdal, Agder University College, Serviceboks 422, N-4604 Kristiansand,
Norway. Email:; Phone: 47-38-14-15-22; Fax: 47-38-14-10-27.

Acknowledgements: This research has been supported by Agder Maritime Research Foundation, Norway.

1. Introduction
In maritime economics, the fleet of combination carriers, which are hybrid vessels
designed to carry either wet or dry cargo, has traditionally been the factor that linked
the freight markets for tankers and dry bulk vessels. In times of strong transportation
demand for oil relative to other dry bulk commodities, the combined fleet would
switch to the tanker market and increase supply in the short run until increased
newbuilding activity and subsequent deliveries restored the market balance. Thereby
it acted as a mechanism to integrate the two markets. In the absence of extreme supply
and demand imbalances, as in the tanker market in the early 1980s, such swing
tonnage ensured that the freight rate differential between the tanker and dry bulk
markets did not diverge very far from some long-term average.

Consequently, combination carriers do not have a market of their own they take
advantage of events in the dry and liquid bulk markets. In theory this leaves a ship
owner with two types of real options: an option to switch between the tanker market
and the dry bulk market when there is a rate advantage to be gained, and an option to
reduce ballast time by carrying dry and liquid cargoes on alternate voyage legs
(triangulation). The latter ability to lift 'backhaul' cargoes out of areas where
competing conventional vessels depart unladen represents a competitive advantage.
However, following the introduction of the oil/bulk/ore (OBO) design in 1966, the
capacity of the combination carrier fleet outgrew the availability of combined-carrier
voyages and so this competitive advantage was lost (Stopford, 1997). Moreover, the
presence of a large combination carrier fleet ensured that surplus capacity was
transmitted between the tanker and dry bulk markets, making the two markets highly
integrated and thereby reducing the value of the option to switch between them. As so
often happens, therefore, the concept became a victim of its own success. Having
reached a peak of around 48.3 million deadweight tons (DWT) in 1979, comprising
about 9.4% of the total bulk ship fleet, the fleet of combination carriers shrank
gradually to 117 vessels of 11.7 million DWT in December 2003, or 1.9% of the total
bulk ship fleet (Clarksons Research, 2004). Figure 1 shows the development of the
combo fleet since 1970.

<Figure 1 inserted here>

There are currently no combination carriers on order in the world, illustrating how the
vessel type has fallen out of favor with the shipping community. However, recent
market trends make it natural to ask whether the fleet of combination carriers is now
down to a level where the value of flexibility for such vessels once again is about to
exceed the cost. There is a tendency of increasing freight differentials between the dry
bulk and wet bulk markets. Quoted newbuilding prices also indicate shrinking average
price differentials between combination carriers and comparable specialized vessels.
These trends which are described in more detail in the empirical part of the paper,
work in favor of combination carriers.

Motivated by the development just described, the objective of this paper is to assess
the value of the flexibility of combination carriers in a formal real options framework
under stochastic prices. We will only be considering the flexibility to switch between
these markets for the longer run, rather than switching between oil and dry bulk
freights during the same (triangular) voyage. This is consistent with what is observed.

The required technical tool is a (real options) entry-exit model as in Dixit (1989), but
one based on mean-reverting, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck prices as opposed to geometric
Brownian prices used by Dixit. The model is developed in Sect. 2, and represents a

separate theoretical contribution of the paper. Section 3 contains the empirical
analysis, estimating the value of flexibility under various assumptions that seem
reasonable from historical data. Section 4 concludes that combination carriers are
likely to enter the market within a few years if current market trends are sustained.

2. The model
Value of flexibility characterizing the combination carrier fleet arises from freight rate
differentials between the two markets. As long as the freight rate processes satisfy
certain charactertistics, an optimal policy will consist of switching to the other market
as soon as the freight rate there exceeds the freight rate in the current market of
operation by a certain amount. The objective of this section is to determine the
expected and discounted benefit from such a policy, relative to staying in one market
all the time. If the value of flexibility exceeds the extra price one will have to pay, it is
natural to conclude that the combination carrier is a better buy than a single-role ship.

Suppose a new combination carrier is acquired at time t, and starts to operate in the oil
market because freight rates in this market are relatively high. The freight rate,
interpreted as the flow of net revenue, equals pw(t). A different revenue, pd(t), would
have been obtained if the ship instead had been operating in the dry bulk market at the
same time. The freight rate differential, p(t)=pd(t)pw(t), is assumed to follow a
continuous and autonomous It process

(1) dp = p dt + p dz

Here dt is the time increment and dz is a standard Wiener process. The drift and
volatility parameters, p and p, may depend on p but not on explicit time, t. For a
market with free entry it is reasonable to assume that the freight rates do not drift very
far apart in the long run, so p can be expected to be more negative the higher p, and
more positive the lower p.

Future cash flows are discounted at a constant rate . The discount rate can be seen as
the sum of a real interest rate, r, a rate of depreciation, , and a possible adjustment
for risk. The depreciation rate embodies all lifetime considerations for the ship. The
interpretation could be deterministic or stochastic. The deterministic interpretation
assumes an infinite lifetime but net earnings from operation decreases at rate . By a
stochastic (Poisson) interpretation there could be a constant probability per unit of
time that the ship sinks or exits for another reason, thereby cutting off the cash flow;
see Dixit and Pindyck (1994).

Following the methodology of Sdal (2002), the expected net present gain from
switching once to the dry bulk market and remaining there, becomes

(2) P (t ) = E p( s )e ( s t ) ds

This is an important variable in the further description of the model, showing the gain
from a switch as well as the opportunity cost of a return to the oil market.
A fixed cost, F+, applies when switching from the oil market to the dry bulk market. A
similar fixed cost, F, applies when returning. There may also be an additional fixed
cost flow, c, arising from possible more expensive operations in the dry bulk market.
(This would be negative if dry bulk operations are more costly.)
The autonomous character of this model implies that the optimal policy consists of
switching to the dry bulk market whenever the freight rate differential p(t) reaches
some fixed value, pH, and switching back whenever some lower value, pL, is reached.
Unless fixed operating costs differ highly, pL will be negative and pH will be positive.
The development over time for a ship starting out in the oil market is illustrated in
Fig. 2, where switching occurs twice: from wet to dry bulk at time t1 and back again at
time t2.
<Figure 2 inserted here>
Assume for a moment that the current freight rate differential equals pL. The ship
owner, knowing all the above but not yet the exact optimal values for pL and pH,
decides to switch according to the given policy. The expected net present value of
flexibility arising from switching, denoted WL (as the starting point is pL), becomes
(3) WL = Q( p L , p H )( PH F + c / + Q( p H , p L )(c / F PL + WL ))
Q(pL,pH)E[e-T] is the expected discount factor when moving from pL to pH, and T is
the (stochastic) first-hitting time. Q(pH,pL) is the similar expected discount factor in
the opposite case, while PL and PH are expected and discounted values for the
differential as given by the integral in (2). The discount factor function takes on
values between zero and one, and it depends on the process characteristics; see Dixit
et al. (1999) for a discussion.
Eq. (3) can be explained as follows: No additional earnings are obtained as long as the
ship remains in the oil market. This continues until pH is hit. The starting point is pL,
so the discount factor Q(pL,pH) reduces the value of future revenues and costs by the
appropriate amount. The net present gain from remaining in the dry bulk market
equals PH. The switching cost, F+, and the additional fixed cost of operating in this

market, c/, are subtracted. There is also an option to return to the oil market. The
ship returns as soon as the freight rate differential equals pL. The discount factor,
Q(pH,pL), reduces the value of future gains. One gain consists of (possibly) lower
fixed costs (c/). The switching cost F must be paid, and the net present revenue PL
is subtracted as the ship returns to its default cash flow. (Remember that PL is
typically negative as the ship should not return to the oil market unless there is a gain
from doing so.) Right afterwards, the status of the ship is exactly as at the initial point,
so the value of further options, WL, is simply added.
Suppose now that the initial freight rate differential no longer happens to be equal to
pL, but rather a lower, fixed value p0. Then the value of flexibility, W0, becomes
(4) W0 = Q( p 0 , p L )WL
as more discounting applies when pH is farther away. The following obviously also
holds for p0<pL<pH:
(5) Q( p 0 , p H ) = Q( p 0 , p L )Q( p L , p H )
Re-arranging (3) and using (4) and (5), W0 can be written
Q( p 0 , p H )(PH F + c / + Q( p H , p L )(c / F PL ) )
(6) W0 =
1 Q( p L , p H )Q( p H , p L )

Eq. (6) states the value of flexibility contingent on the specific switching policy
(pL,pH). The maximum value of the option is given by the maximum of W0 as a
function of pL and pH. The discount factor function must be identified in order to
determine this optimum for specific processes.

For an autonomous It process (1), the expected discount factor Q(p1,p2) i.e., when
moving from p1 to p2 is found by solving the equation

(7) 1
2 p2 Q' ' ( p1 , p2 ) + p Q' ( p1 , p2 ) Q( p1 , p2 ) = 0

where primes denote derivatives with respect to the first argument; see Dixit et al.
(1999). Let the freight rate differential be given by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
(8) dp = (m p)dt + dz

where m is the long-run mean, is a mean-reverting speed parameter, and is a

measure of volatility. Setting p=(mp) and p=, the Appendix finds the following
general solution to (7):

(9) Q ( p L , p H ) = K 1 M ( p L ) + K 2U ( p L ) ,
1 2
where M ( pL ) = KummerM , , 2 (m pL ) ;
2 2

1 3 2
U ( pL ) = ( pL m) KummerM 1 + , , 2 (m pL )
2 2

and K1 and K2 are arbitrary constants. KummerM() is the confluent hypergeometric

function, which has the following series representation (Slater 1960):

( + 1) z 2 ( + 1)( + 2) z 3
(10) KummerM ( , b, z ) = 1 + z+ + + ...
b b(b + 1)2! b(b + 1)(b + 2)3!

The two constants are determined by two boundary conditions: Q(p1,p2)=1 if p1=p2,
and Q(p1,p2)0 as |p1p2|. As shown in the Appendix, the expression for the
discount factor depends on whether the motion is upward or downward. Assuming
pHpL, the two parts can be written as follows:

M ( pL ) R U ( pL ) M ( p)
(11a) Q ( pL , pH ) = , R = lim
M ( pH ) R U ( pH ) p U ( p )

M ( pH ) R +U ( pH ) M ( p)
(11b) Q ( pH , pL ) = , R + = lim
M ( pL ) R +U ( pL ) p + U ( p )

The discount factor function is too complicated for deep analytical investigations, but
it is clearly symmetric around the mean i.e., Q(mx,m+x)=Q(m+x,mx) for any real
x. This is intuitive as the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is symmetric around m. Some
other properties are discussed in the Appendix.
The expected price differential at time s (>t), starting from pt at time t, equals

(12) E ( ps ) = m + ( pt m)e ( s t ) ;

see Dixit and Pindyck (1994, p. 74). Inserted into (2) this implies

m p m
(13) Pi = E p s e ( s t ) ds = + i , i = L, H
t pt = pi +

The value of flexibility for a switching policy (pL,pH) is found by inserting (11) and
(13) into (6). The optimal policy follows from maximizing W0 with respect to pL and
pH. The final result, W0opt=W0(pLopt, pHopt), will depend on the current freight rate
differential, p0. If W0opt exceeds the difference in vessel prices (including all
irreversible costs, and discounting over the life-cycle), the combination carrier is
expectedly more profitable than the oil tanker.
A comparison between combination carriers and dry bulk carriers can be carried out
similarly, imagining a new combination carrier starting out in the dry bulk market.
The symmetry of the model ensures that no new computations will be needed.

3. Empirical analysis

Fleet and freight rate data

As mentioned in the introduction, the combination carrier fleet has shrunk so much
that it has little influence on the relative level of freight rates in the dry bulk and wet
bulk markets. This is illustrated in the graph below, plotting the average spot earnings
(or timecharter equivalent spot freight rates) of a 1990/91-built Capesize bulk vessel
and a Suezmax tanker. These vessels have similar cargo carrying capacity in practice
(around 140,000 metric tons).
<Figure 3 inserted here>
Figure 4 plots the freight rate differential based on the same data; i.e., the difference
between the two curves in Fig. 3.
<Figure 4 inserted here>
A casual look at the graphs suggests that since about 1994, freight rates in the two
markets for bulk vessels around 150,000 DWT have not been as closely correlated as
in the first part of the sample. This latter part of the sample coincides with an
accelerated decline in the combo fleet size, as shown in Fig. 1. The hypothesis that the
fleet of combination carriers is no longer sufficient to integrate the two bulk markets
is strengthened by the observation that average tanker freight rates have been
significantly higher than bulker rates since 1998 even though 80% of the combination
carriers, on average, have traded in oil during the same time period; see Fig. 5.
Accordingly, even a large shift of combination carriers into the tanker markets has not
prevented the divergence of freight rates in the two markets.
<Figure 5 inserted here>
Ironically, the decreasing number and corresponding inability of combination carriers
to maintain a highly integrated bulk market increases the value of their flexibility to
switch between markets. The lower the correlation of freight rates in the tanker and
dry bulk freight markets, the higher is the value of the switching option embedded in
the design of the combination carrier.
Constructing a vessel that can carry both crude oil and dry bulk cargoes such as coal
and ore is a more complex undertaking than building a standard bulk vessel. This
results in a higher initial investment, as illustrated in Fig. 6, which compares the
newbuilding price of a combination carrier, a Suezmax tanker, and a Capesize bulk
carrier during the period January 1993 to December 2003.
<Figure 6 inserted here>
The cost differential has been shrinking over the last decade, and in December 2003
the quoted price for a combination carrier was $7 million higher compared to a tanker
of the same size, and $10 million higher compared to a standard bulker design. This
represents premia of 14% and 21%, respectively. It should be noted that since no
combination carriers have been ordered over the past few years, the quoted prices are
the best estimate of shipbrokers. They may not reflect the actual cost of ordering.
In addition to the higher initial investment, there are costs related to switching
between the wet and dry bulk freight markets. These primarily relate to cleaning of
the holds and cargo restrictions in an initial time period after the switch. The
switching costs are varied parameterically in the empirical analysis.
Assuming the price differential can be described by the stochastic process in (8), the
discrete time equivalent is an AR(1) process given as
(14) pt = A + Cpt 1 + t

where C>1 implies mean reversion and is a normally distributed error term.
Estimated parameters from this regression are given in the table below.

Table 1: Estimated parameters from the autoregression in (14)

Parameter Coefficients Error t Stat p-value
A 243.1 127.40 1.9 0.056
C 0.955 0.011 87.3 0

The standard deviation of the residuals is 3070.58. The constant term in the regression
is positive, but barely significantly different from zero. This means that the data
reveals huge uncertainty with respect to differences in freight rates between the two
markets in a normal situation. It also suggests varying this parameter over a wide
parameter space in numerical experiments aiming to quantify the switching flexibility.
The relationships between the parameters in the discrete time model in (14) and the
continuous time version in (8) are given by

ln A
(15a) =

(15b) m=C
1 e

(15c) = S2
1 e 2

where S is the standard deviation of , and is the time between observations. Setting
=1/52, using the parameter estimates in Tab. 1, and assuming 330 sailing days per
year, the annualized parameters in equation (8) are given by estimated parameters
= 2.38782335 , m = 4,268,085.62 and = 7,475,335.98 .

Ship valuation
The analysis will show that the model is sensitive to some variables, including those
estimated above. In order to set the results into perspective, it is therefore convenient
to start the discussion with a simple argument that does not apply real options tools.
Suppose that the combination carrier could move freely between the two markets at
any time. Based on historical data, what would be the average net gain of doing so
instead of operating an exclusive oil tanker? (This means to compute the sum of the
areas bounded by the zero-line and the curve segments above this line in Fig. 5.) The
average annual gain when measured over the entire period 1990-2004 turns out to be
$515.000, or $5.15 mill. in net present value if the discount rate is 10 percent. The
average price quote for the combination carrier was $55.5 mill. in 2003; the price of
the Suezmax tanker was $47.5 mill. The price differential $8.0 mill. is higher than the
estimated net present value difference just estimated. However, the annual gain from
free switching increases to $554.000 if only considering the last 5 years (1999-2003),
and to $1.283 mill. if only considering the last 2 years (2002-2003).
These calculations indicate that a closer look at combination carriers is worthwhile.
The numerical analysis below will support this conclusion, in addition to shedding
light on what parameters are the most critical. Table 2 contains the base case data set.

Table 2: Base case data

Parameter Base case value Range of variation
m ($ per year) 4,268,085.62(= 12 m ) 0 m
($ per year) 7,475,335.98(= )
($ per year) 2.38782335(= )
(annual rate) 0.10 0.05 0.15
F+ & F ($) 40,000 0 200,000
c 0
p0 0 6m 0

The estimate m was unreliable and we argued that this be varied within a broad
spectrum. The simple mean freight rate differential in the raw data set is $5,259 per
day, which on a yearly basis corresponds to somewhat less than 12 m . Therefore the
base case mean value is set at m = 12 m ($6,467 per day with 330 sailing days per
year), but the spectrum from 0 to m is studied. This assumption can also be supported
by equilibrium arguments. For competitive markets it is reasonable to expect that
average prices get fairly close to average costs in the long run. The average
newbuilding price differential between the Suezmax oil tanker and the Capesize bulk
carrier was approximately $11.2 mill. (51.4 versus 40.2) over the period 1990-2003,
moving down from $13.0 to $9.4 mill. between the first and the second half. On
average, this corresponds to just three years of extra earnings in tanker trades when
m = 12 m . Value of flexibility is decreasing in m, so the base case assumption is
probably conservative with respect to expected profitability of combination carriers.
The volatility and drift parameters estimated above, and are kept unaltered. The
base case discount rate is set at 10 percent, but discount rates ranging from 5 percent
to 15 percent have been studied. The base case can be seen as the sum of 5 percent
expected annual return and 5 percent expected depreciation. The latter corresponds to
roughly 20 year expected life-time for the ship.
The default value of both switching costs is $40,000. This corresponds to 3-4 days
with cleaning etc. More extensive switching operations might be needed in case of
long transit, so switching costs up to $200,000 in both directions have been studied.
Differences in operating costs between the markets are included in the spot earnings
data, so we set c=0 throughout the entire analysis. Effects of short-term market
conditions are considered by varying the initial freight rate differential between 6m
and zero.
Table 3 sums up the value of flexibility for several switching cost assumptions. The
impact of switching costs is significant in the base case scenario (F+=F=$40,000),
but more so for the optimal policy than for the overall value of flexibility. The value
of flexibility is close to $4.6 mill., or 23 percent less than what would be obtained
with free switching (F+=F=0). Both switching costs must be increased to $200,000 to
cut in half the value of flexibility when comparing with the free switching option.

Table 3: Option value and switching policy for various switching costs
F+ & F Value of pL pH
($) flexibility ($) ($ per day) ($ per day)
0 5,658,945 0 0
20,000 4,970,878 3,366 3,906
40,000 4,585,911 4,169 5,047
60,000 4,274,272 4,716 5,889
80,000 4,004,949 5,140 6,587
100,000 3,764,894 5,490 7,198
200,000 2,827,114 6,694 9,608

Even low switching costs have significant impact on the optimal policy, imposing a
drag in both directions. In the base case scenario, a combination carrier currently
transporting oil should shift to dry bulk when the freight rate differential exceeds
$5,047 per day. If already being in the dry bulk market, the ship should not leave that
market until the rates there are $4,169 lower. The reason for the asymmetry lies in the
(long-run) mean differential, favoring the oil market. This makes the ship owner more
inclined to switching to tanker trades than the other way around. The asymmetry gets
increasingly more significant as the switching costs increase.
Table 4 shows how the mean freight rate differential affects the value of flexibility.
The empirical analysis did not provide credible estimates here. By splitting up the 14-
year data period in shorter sub-periods, it is evident that there is a downward trend in
this variable. (This could also be shown by expanding to a two-factor model in which
the long-term differential was also made stochastic.)

Table 4: Option value and switching policy for various freight rate differentials
Mean freight rate Value of pL pH
differential ($ per day) flexibility ($) ($ per day) ($ per day)
0 12,162,437 4,600 4,600
3,233 (= 4 m )
7,727,759 4,382 4,822
6,467 (= 12 m ) 4,585,911 4,169 5,047
9,700 (= 34 m ) 2,534,522 3,962 5,276
12,934 (= m ) 1,304,789 3,761 5,507

The mean freight differential has minor impact on the switching policy. The value of
flexibility increases almost ten-fold by reducing the mean from $12,934 to zero. The
switching points, or the freight rate band of in-action, move to the left with only $8-
900 per day, from (3,761;5,507) to (4,600; 4,600).
The average quoted price differential was $8 mill. when comparing a combination
carrier and a Suezmax tanker in 2003. The value of flexibility in Tab. 4 is close to this
level for m = 14 m , which from the equilibrium arguments mentioned above seems
more reasonable as a future estimate than the base case assumption (m = 12 m ) .

Table 5 shows the influence of the discount rate. The results here can be summed up
easily because frequent switching eliminates most second-order effects. First, the
optimal policy is hardly influenced at all by discounting. Second, the value of
flexibility decreases in almost exact proportion to the discount rate. For example,
increasing it from 10 to 15 percent decreases the option value with one third, from
$4.586 mill. to $3.076 mill.
Table 5: Option value and switching policy for various discount rates
Discount Value of pL pH
rate (%) flexibility ($) ($ per day) ($ per day)
15.0 3,076,245 4,172 5,050
12.5 3,680,398 4,171 5,049
10.0 4,585,911 4,169 5,047
7.5 6,094,106 4,168 5,046
5.0 9,108,954 4,167 5,045

Table 6 demonstrates that the initial freight rate differential has little impact on the
value of flexibility. The optimal policy is obviously not affected, so all thresholds in
the two rightmost columns are identical. A spectrum of initial values, ranging from 0
to $77,602 dollars per day in favor of oil freights have been studied to show the effect
of mean reversion.

Table 6: Option value and switching policy for various initial freight rates
p0 Q(p0,0) Value of pL pH
($ per day) flexibility ($) ($ per day) ($ per day)
77,602 (= 6m ) 0.86 3,952,670 4,169 5,047
51,734 (= 4m ) 0.88 4,025,723 4,169 5,047
25,867 (= 2m ) 0.91 4,156,109 4,169 5,047
0 1.00 4,585,911 4,169 5,047

For the first row of results, the discount factor is 0.86, implying 14 percent value
reduction. The discount rate is 10 percent, so this corresponds to 16-18 months of
waiting. The discount factor difference between the two first rows is only 2 percent
(0.86 versus 0.88), which translates into a couple of months. Thus it would usually not
take long for the freight rate differential to decrease from $77,000 to $52,000.1
The value of flexibility decreases in direct proportion to the initial discount factor. For
example, the result in the third row ($4.156 mill.) is 9 percent lower than that of the
last row ($4.586 mill.). This corresponds to 10-11 months of delay. The difference
could be decisive for whether one should buy a combination carrier or an oil tanker.
Similar comparisons as all of those above can be made between combination carriers
and dry bulk carriers. Since the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is symmetric, this
requires no further complex analysis. Nor does it add much to the results above, as
long as the two shipping markets are linked by a fairly competitive newbuilding

Measuring expected times to move by the discount factor in this way is a shortcut that neglects
second-order effects. More complex methods are needed for exact estimates; see Dixit (1993).

market. Just as low freight rates in the oil market relative to dry bulk encourages
newbuilding of oil tankers relative to combinations carrier, it tends to make make an
oil tanker a better choice than a bulk carrier (and likewise the other way around).

4. Conclusions
The main conclusion can be summed up as follows: Combination carriers, with the
capability of transporting dry bulk as well as wet bulk commodities, are about to
become profitable once again. Hardly any such ships have been built for several
years, but current market trends are working in their favor. This mainly includes
decreasing correlation of freight rates and decreasing vessel price differentials. Unless
a change in these trends occurs, and unless the real prices of new combination carriers
turn out to be significantly higher than the quoted prices, such ships are likely to enter
the market within a few years.
The possibility of triangulation, which has not been studied here, may represent
another option for combination carriers in the future even if it is not a very valuable
one with the current trade patterns for bulk commodities.
The empirical analysis indicated that profitability of combination carriers is greatly
influenced by several factors among which some are more transparent than others.
The expected long run mean differential (m) seems equally as decisive as volatility
and correlation of freight rates. Within reasonable limits (see Tab. 3), the switching
costs could be somewhat less important.
The observed increase in freight rate volatility over time implies that the empirical
analysis may well have underestimated overall values of flexibility. In order to check
the robustness of the results, similar numerical experiments were undertaken based on
shorter sub-periods. Focusing on the 5-year period 1999-2003, which is obviously the
most interesting one, two effects work in opposite directions. Volatility is higher but
the mean freight rate differential is also higher. This motivates a follow-up study more
than a revision of the conclusions just made. Such a follow-up study ought to be based
on a two-factor model where the mean freight rate differential is made endogenous in
a long-term stochastic equilibrium setting.

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Appendix. The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck discount factor

This appendix derives the general solution to the differential equation (7) for an
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (8), using the result to determine the discount factor
(11a,b). To simplify notation, set p1=x and Q(p1,p2)=y(x), and define the variable
(A1) z = a( x m)

where a and are arbitrary constants. This implies

(A2) = a ( x m) 1 = a 1 / z ( 1) /


d 2z
(A3) 2
= a ( 1)( x m) 2 = ( 1)a 2 / z1 2 /

dy dy dz
(A4) = = a 1 / z ( 1) / y ' ( z )
dx dz dx


d 2 y d 2 y dz dy d 2 z
(A5) 2 = 2 + 2
= 2 a 2 / z ( 2 2) / y ' ' ( z ) + ( 1)a 2 / z 1 2 / y ' ( z )
dx dz dx dz dx

Replace Q'(p1,p2) with (A4) and Q'(p1,p2) with (A5) in eq. (7). By collecting terms,
(A5) simplifies to the following when =2:
(A6) 2a 2 zy ' ' ( z ) + (a 2 2z ) y ' ( z ) y ( z ) = 0

Then set a=/2, divide with 2, and (A6) simplifies to a standard form,
(A7) zy ' ' ( z ) + (b z ) y ' ( z ) y ( z ) = 0 ,

where b= and =/2. This is the Kummer equation, whose simplest solution is the
Kummer function or the hypergeometric function of the first kind, KummerM(,b,z),
as characterized by (10); see Slater (1960). This fixes the first part, M(pL), of the
general solution (9).

The argument z=(xm)2 in the Kummer function suggests a linearly independent

solution of the form (xm)KummerM(,c,z), where and c are constants. By
differentiating this function and picking appropriate values for and c, using the same
procedure as above, the second part of the solution is obtained i.e., U(pL) in (9).
The discount factor for upward motions, Eq. (11a), is determined by imposing
appropriate boundary conditions. This requires a two-step procedure. First, a
conditional discount factor function is derived, describing the discount factor when
moving from pL to pH (>pL) without hitting a certain value p<pL first. Then let p,
which implies (mp). Since the process is continuous, any finite value pH will be
hit before p with probability one, so Q(pL,pH) is reached in the limit.
The appropriate boundary conditions are Q(pH,pH)=1 and Q(p,pH)=0, reflecting that
no discounting takes place if pL has already hit its destination pH, whereas the
destination is never hit before p if starting out at (or sufficiently close to) p. Hence,
(A8) K 1 M ( p H ) + K 2U ( p H ) = 1 ; K 1 M ( p ) + K 2U ( p ) = 0

Solving (A8) for K1 and K2, inserting into (9) and letting p gives the desired
result (11a). The solution with downward motion, Eq. (11b), is derived similarly.
As mentioned in the text, the discount factor is symmetric around m. Numerical
analysis confirms that the mean-reverting properties of the process are reflected in the
discount factor. For example, Q(mx1,m+y1)> Q(mx2,m+y2) when x1, x2, y1 and y2
are positive numbers satisfying x1+y1=x2+y2, x1>x2 and y1>y2. Thus mean reversion
reduces the amount of discounting for a given distance the farther away from the
mean the point of departure is located.
Figure 7 plots the discount factor Q(pL,pH) for the base case data in the text. The
starting point is pL = 6m as in the first row of Tab. 6. The destination, pH, varies
from pL and upwards. The discount factor Q(6m ,0) = 0.86 from the first row of Tab.
6 is indicated with the horisontal and vertical lines. The figure illustrates clearly the
effect of mean reversion. The curve is flat and the discount factor close to one for low
values of pH because of the drift towards the mean. The curve gets steeper for
increasingly higher pH as mean reversion makes it less likely that pH will be hit soon.
Eventually, it approaches the horizontal axis as the probability of ever reaching the
destination point vanishes for high enough pH.

Figure 1. Combo fleet trends. Source: Clarksons Research (2004).
60.0 12.0%

50.0 10.0%

40.0 8.0%
million DWT

30.0 6.0%

20.0 4.0%

10.0 2.0%
Combo fleet % of bulk fleet
0.0 0.0%
Figure 2. Market switching.



Wet bulk Dry bulk Wet bulk

operations operations operations
t1 t2

Figure 3. Daily spot earnings (135,000-150,000 DWT). Source: Clarksons Research (2004).

70 000
Earnings ($ per day)
60 000

50 000
Dry bulk
Wet bulk
40 000

30 000

20 000

10 000

Figure 4. Daily spot earnings differential. Source: Clarksons Research (2004).
Earnings differential ($ per day)
50 000
40 000
30 000
(Dry bulk rates > Wet bulk rates)
20 000
10 000
-10 000
-20 000
(Wet bulk rates > Dry bulk rates)
-30 000
-40 000
-50 000














Figure 5. Share of combination carriers trading in oil. Source: Clarksons Research (2004).

100 %
Share of combination carriers
trading in the oil market
80 %

60 %

40 %

20 %


Figure 6. Comparison of newbuilding prices. Source: Clarksons Research (2004).

Price ($mill.)



140K DWT Combined Carrier

150K DWT Suezmax
170K DWT Capesize
Figure 7. The discount factor function.
Q pL,pH





-2 10 7 -1 10 7 0 1 10 7 2 10 7


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