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I hereby assure that the work, which is being presented in this seminar report entitled AIDING
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF
TECHNOLOGY in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING submitted in the Department of
Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee is an authentic record of my original
work carried out under the guidance of Dr. Amit Kumar Dhiman, Associate professor,
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.
I have not submitted the matter embodied in this seminar report for the award of any other degree.


Place: Roorkee Enrollment No.15515015

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.


Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee-247 667, India


I express my sincere thanks and gratitude towards my esteemed guide, Dr. Amit Kumar Dhiman,
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Roorkee, Roorkee, for his constant encouragement, moral support and inspiring guidance with great
solemnity and sincerity. I truly feel privileged to have joined under him.

I sincerely thank Dr. C.B. Majumdar, Professor and Head, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, for the support and guidance given by him to
carry out this work to the best.

I offer my profuse gratitude to other members and research scholars and friends of P.G. Research
Lab 5, Department of Chemical Engineering for providing all the resources to complete this work

Last but not the least, it is owed to the blessings of my parents and God that I have come up with
this work in due time.

(Neeraj Kumar Kanaujia)

Enrolment No. 15515015


The present work is based on the numerical simulation of the pulsatile flow past a pair of side-by-
side circular cylinder in an unconfined domain for a Newtonian fluid. Seeing the application of
fluid having a Prandlt number, Pr = 50, is chosen for the present work. The simulation has been
carried out for the mixed convection aiding buoyancy situation for two fixed Reynolds number (Re
= 1 and 50). The other physical control parameter are Richardson number, Ri = 0, 0.5 and 1,
amplitude, A = 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 and Strouhal number, St = 0, 0.1, 1 and 2. The current work also
involve the study of 72 cases along with the 5 test (upstream, downstream, width, grid and time
dependence test) conducted in order to optimize the computational domain. The influence of the
amplitude (A) and Strouhal number (St) on the kinetic study of streamlines and isotherm has been
presented. On the other side, the effect of the pulsation component (A and St) on drag coefficient
and average Nusselt number is revealed. The investigation of the characteristics of the vortex
formation in the downstream of the cylinders is done with the help of plots of power spectrum
density of the drag coefficient, lift coefficient and Nusselt number with the pulsation frequency.
Comparison of the above study has been done with the constant free stream velocity (non-pulsatile).
Average Nusselt number is continuously increasing with the Strouhal number for all A till it reaches
to the steady case at Re =1 whereas at Re = 50 it is found more than the steady case (non-pulsating)
and decreases with the increase in the St. Total drag coefficient (CD) is found increasing with Ri at
both Re ie. at 1 and 50 because the addition of extra force (buoyancy) into the flow which interns
increases the both form and viscous drag on the cylinder.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................v
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................ vii
NOMENCLATURE ............................................................................................................. viii
Chapter - 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................1
1.1 Theoretical background ..................................................................................................1
1.2 Pulsatile flow and its applications ..................................................................................2
1.3 Heat transfer mode ..........................................................................................................2
Chapter - 2 Motivation and objectives .................................................................................4
Chapter - 3 Literature review ..............................................................................................5
Chapter - 4 Problem Statement and Numerical Formulation .........................................10
4.1 Problem statement ........................................................................................................10
4.2 Boundary condition ......................................................................................................11
4.3 Numerical Methodology ...............................................................................................12
Chapter - 5 Results and Discussion.....................................................................................16
5.1 Resolution studies .........................................................................................................16
5.2 Benchmarking of the results .........................................................................................21
5.3 Fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics ..................................................................22
5.3.1 Streamlines pattern .................................................................................................22
5.3.2 Thermal pattern ......................................................................................................37
5.3.3 Power spectrum density .........................................................................................38
5.3.3 Drag coefficient and Nusselt number.....................................................................41
Chapter - 6 Conclusion and Scope for future work ..........................................................45
6.1 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................45
6.2 Scope for future work ...................................................................................................46
References .............................................................................................................................47


Figure Title Page No.


1. Schematic of 2-D computational domain for upward flow past

a pair of side-by- side circular cylinder ................................................................ 13
2. Schematic of (a) whole computational grid (b) enlarged view
around pair of cylinders ........................................................................................ 14
3. Streamline contours in the vicinity of cylinders at Re = 1, Ri = 0 and
n = 1 for various cases of A and St....................................................................... 24
4. Streamline contours in the vicinity of pair of cylinders at Re = 1, Ri
= 0.5 and n = 1for various cases of A and St ........................................................ 25
5. Streamline contours in the vicinity of cylinders at Re = 1, Ri = 1 and
n = 1for various cases of A and St........................................................................ 26
6. Streamline contours in the vicinity of cylinders at Re = 50, Ri = 0
and n = 1for various cases of A and St ................................................................. 27
7. Schematics of streamline contours in the vicinity of cylinders at Re
= 50, Ri = 0.5 and n = 1 for various cases of A and St......................................... 28
8. Streamline contours in the vicinity of cylinders at Re = 50, Ri = 1
and n = 1 for various cases of A and St ................................................................ 29
9. Isotherms around the cylinders at Re = 1, Ri = 0 and n = 1 for various
cases of A and St .................................................................................................. 31
10. Isotherms around the cylinders at Re = 1, Ri = 0.5 and n = 1 for
various cases of A and St ..................................................................................... 32
11. Isotherms around the cylinders at Re = 1, Ri = 1 and n = 1 for various
cases of A and St .................................................................................................. 33
12. Isotherms around the cylinders at Re = 50, Ri = 0 and n = 1 for
various cases of A and St...................................................................................... 34

13. Isotherms around the cylinders at Re = 50, Ri = 0.5 and n = 1 for
various cases of A and St...................................................................................... 35
14. Isotherms around the cylinders at Re = 50, Ri = 1 and n = 1 for
various cases of A and St...................................................................................... 36
15. Power spectrum density (PSD) of CD at Re = 50, Ri = 1, n = 1 and
Pr = 50 for different values of A and St ............................................................... 38
16. Power spectrum density (PSD) of CL at Re = 50, Ri = 1, n = 1 and
Pr = 50 for different values of A and St ............................................................... 39
17. Power spectrum density (PSD) of Nu at Re = 50, Ri = 1, n = 1 and
Pr = 50 for different values of A and St ............................................................... 40
18. Variation in total drag coefficient (CD) with Strouhal number (St)
for different values of A at Re = 1 (a-c) and corresponding enlarged
views (a1-c1) ........................................................................................................ 41
19. Variation in Nusselt number (Nu) with Strouhal number (St) for
different values of A at Re = 1 (a-c) and corresponding enlarged
view (a1-c1) .......................................................................................................... 42
20. Variation in total drag coefficient (CD) and Nusselt number (Nu)
with Strouhal number (St) for different values of A at Re = 50 ........................... 43


Table Title Page No.


1. Upstream dependence (XU) test For Re = 1, Ri = 0 and 1,

Pr = 50, St = 0, 0.1 and 2.0, A = 0.2 and 0.8 and n = 1 ....................................... 16
2. Downstream dependence (XD) test For Re = 50, Ri = 0 and 1, Pr
= 50, St = 0, 0.1 and 2.0, A = 0.2 and 0.8 and n = 1 ........................................... 17
3. Width dependence (Xw) test For Re = 50, Ri = 0 and 1,
Pr = 50, St = 0, 0.1 and 2.0, A = 0.2 and 0.8 and n = 1 ....................................... 18
4. Grid dependence test For Re = 50, Ri = 0 and 1, Pr = 50,
St = 0, 0.1 and 2.0, A = 0.2 and 0.8 and n = 1..................................................... 19
5. Time dependence test For Re = 50, Ri = 0 and 1, Pr = 50,
St = 0, 0.1 and 2.0, A = 0.2 and 0.8 and n = 1..................................................... 20
6. Validation of the present results for non-pulsatile flow with
Srinivas et al. [10] ............................................................................................... 21
7. Validation of the present result for pulsatile flow with
Qamar et al. [19].................................................................................................. 22


Symbol Parameter Units

English Symbols
CP heat capacity
D diameter m
P Pressure Pa
h heat transfer coefficient W.m-2.K-1
L Total length of the domain m
k thermal conductivity of the fluid W.m-1.K-1
FD Drag force per unit length of the obstacle N m-1
XD downstream length m
XU upstream length m
t time s
T temperature K
T temperature of the fluid at the inlet K
Tw temperature of the surface of the cylinder K
U average velocity m/s
Ux , Uy - and -components of the velocity m/s
X, Y horizontal and vertical coordinates m
CDF friction drag coefficient dimensionless
CDP pressure drag coefficient dimensionless
CD total drag coefficient dimensionless
Gr Grashof number dimensionless
n power-law index dimensionless
Nu average Nusselt number dimensionless
p pressure dimensionless
Pr Prandtl number, Pr = (Cp )/k dimensionless
Re Reynolds number, Re = DU / dimensionless

Ri Richardson number dimensionless
St Strouhal number dimensionless
Greek Symbols
thermal diffusivity, = k/(Cp m2.s-1
thermal expansion coefficient K-1
size of the CV clustered around semi-circular m
density of fluid kg.m-3
dynamic viscosity Pa.s
temperature dimensionless
B blockage ratio dimensionless

Chapter 1

1.1 Theoretical background

Industrializations is one of the main reason to make India as a fastest growing country. Researcher
are contributing a lot to making this possible. CFD simulation is also getting lots of importance in
the research, which enable us to get correct information about any project in very less cost without
making any experimental setup. The experimental and computational analysis around a bluff body
accounts for a remarkable part in the history of the computational fluid dynamics. Already in this
area, lots of the studied has been carried out related with the flow around the bluff body. Despite
this, there are a lot of voids still remain to be filled. A bluff body like circular cylinder involve a
complex phenomenon of vortex shedding and separation flow despite its simple shape. Multiple
cylinder in the closed proximity make the flow phenomenon even more complex than a single
circular cylinder, which have a lot of application in the industrial pint of view. Flow around two
circular cylinders in a side-by-side configuration can be found in numerous engineering application
such as chimney stacks, tube bundles in heat exchangers, overhead power line bundles, bridge piers
and chemical reaction towers, adjacent skyscrapers and off shore oils and gas engineering structure.
A side-by-side arrangement of two circular cylinders is an elementary example of an array of
multiple cylindrical structures. Therefore, it is important to study flow around two side-by-side
circular cylinders for Newtonian fluids at various range of Reynolds, Richardson number with
varying value of amplitude and Strouhal number. When the direction of buoyancy force is in same
direction as that of direction in which there is flow, then it has to increase the heat transfer rate. If
the flow direction is opposite that of the buoyancy or natural induced heat transfer, then it will
decrease the heat transfer rate. Due to the flow in an unconfined domain heat and momentum
transfer is affected by only the physical parameters (is affected by walls too in confined flow
system) which provide the actual heat exchange and hydrodynamic behavior around the cylinders.

The flow of a real fluid past a bluff body creates some physical phenomenon like boundary
layer formation, wake generation, separation of the flow because the fluid possess viscosity which
creates the frictional force between the fluid layer. The flow problem involving Re << 1 and Re >>

1 can be analytically solve whereas, the intermediate range are little bit difficult to analyse .
Numerical and experimental ways available for such type of problems.

Pulsatile flow has got a very important consideration in making an artificial lung. Along
with the flow and heat transfer application, flow past a bluff body has got very importance in the
field of biomedical engineering. Lots of disease like asthma, chronic lung disease, and pulmonary
fibrosis has become the cause of death at a large scale in India and in other country like U.S. [1, 2].
The only alternative to get rid of these problems is an artificial organ because of scarcity of donor
[3]. Total artificial lung (TAL) has got a vital acceptance as an alternative for a lung disease patient.
In the artificial lung, there has been found the phenomena like flow past a micro cylindrical fibbers.
And it is well known when the fluid flow via a bluff body there creates low pressure zone
downstream of the body and together with the formation of vortex as this cause it becomes very
important to study the flow behavior. So this area also need a lot of research to be done.

1.2 Pulsatile flow and its applications

However, lots of application of the constant flow can be seen in many engineering application
consists of flow and heat transfer system. The other type of flow can be (a) oscillating flow, and (b)
pulsatile flow. A fluid flow, having no net mean velocity in any direction, and oscillating back and
forth about a fixed point with a frequency, is called oscillating flow. On the other side, an oscillating
velocity is superimposed with the translating velocity is pulsatile flow.

Pulsatile flow is mainly found in the biological system (for example, human heart). In the
respiratory system (in human body) exchange of gas through the surface of the lungs and circulation
of the blood in the cardio vascular system are the wonderful example of pulsatile flow. Other
application of pulsatile flow are found in oceanic loading, reciprocating engines, IC engines, pulse
combustor etc.

1.3 Heat transfer mode

There can be found three types of heat transfer mode in the any fluid flow and heat transfer system.
(a) Natural convection (b) Forced convection and (c) Mixed convection. Whenever there is a change
in the density due to the temperature variation within the fluid, natural convection heat transfer

mode phenomenon start. However, forced convection heat transfer requires an external mean like
pump. In a mixed convection heat transfer, both natural and forced convection are dominant.

Further, mixed convection are of two type (a) aiding buoyancy (b) opposing buoyancy.
When fluid flows past a heated bluff body, aiding buoyancy mixed convection takes place. When
fluid flows past a cooled body, opposing buoyancy mixed convection takes place. The physical
significance of the Richardson number (Ri) is indication of the heat transfer mode within the

Ri = 0, implies forced convection heat transfer

Ri > 0, implies mixed convection with aiding buoyancy

Ri < 0, implies mixed convection with opposing buoyancy

Chapter 2

Motivation and objectives

Studies of the pulsatile flow past a pair of cylinders are relatively rarely compared with those of
steady flow past two cylinders. When two circular cylinders are placed in a steady flow, the
interference effect between them has a significance effect on the vortex shedding flow from the
cylinders. The flow generated by vortex shedding around a vibrating cylindrical body can have very
significant differences from that around a fixed one. Moreover, the combination of pulsatile/
oscillatory flow with heated cylinder would further results in altering the fluid dynamics
significantly. During mixed convection it is necessary to add the contributions of free and forced
convection in assisting flows and to subtract them in opposing flows. Therefore, it is important to
understand the heat transfer characteristics of mixed convection around cylinders. As no previous
studies have been reported for this fundamental class of fluid mechanics problem involving fixed
heated cylinders under pulsatile flow environment, it is the purpose of this study to fill this void.
This study finds its application also in the case of Total artificial lung (TAL). However, present
study is carried out at Reynolds number, Re = 1 and 50 but TAL operates at low Reynolds number
(< 20) so this study can be considered as a generalized study with TAL is one of its motivations.

The objective of the present study is to numerically investigate the characteristics of the
pulsatile flow over two identical heated circular cylinders in a side-by-side arrangement for
Reynolds number 1 and 50 and Pr = 50 under the aiding buoyancy condition in an unconfined
domain, then to further understand the underlying mechanism. The main results of concern are flow
and heat transfer characteristics, variation of drag coefficients and Nusselt number with Ri, A and
St, analysis of power spectrum density (PSD) of the drag coefficient, lift coefficient and Nusselt

Chapter 3

Literature review

From the literature, it was found that Acrivos [4] was the first to study the problem of combined
convection from bodies for the cases, Pr 0 and Pr and obtained the Nusselt number. Hatton
et al. [5] study the problem of combined convection from horizontal cylinder for air with special
emphasis on hot wire anemometry. Heat transfer measurement were conducted for Reynolds
number (Re) 45, Rayleigh number (Ra) 10 for various flow direction and an experimental
correlation, for forced and natural convection, were given. In this order, Badr [6] studied problem
of laminar mixed convection from a horizontal cylinder considering the limitation of Reynolds
number 1< Re <40 and Grashof number up to Gr = 5 Re2 for air (Pr = 0.7) and result for average
Nusselt number were plotted and compared with experimental results of literature [5].

In concern with combined convection Badr [7] further studied problem of heat transfer from
an isothermal horizontal circular cylinder when the force flow is imposed either vertically upward
(parallel flow) or vertically downward (contra flow). In parallel flow and contra flow study was
carried out at Reynolds number of 5, 20, 40 and 60 and Reynolds number 5, 20, 40 respectively at
different values of Grashof number in each situation for Pr = 0.7 and find that an increase in the
Grashof number causes to decrease in the wake length for parallel flow while in contra flow same
gets bigger and Nusselt number is found to decrease to an extent, further increase in, Grashof
number, results increase in Nusselt number.

Singh et al. [8] executed the simulation for flow through an insulated vertical channel with
a built-in circular cylinder considering air (Pr = 0.7) as working fluid for Re =100 at different extent
of buoyancy added/opposed to the flow ie at different Ri. At critical Richardson number Ri = 0.15,
vortex shedding stop completely. And for Ri < 0.15, broadening of wake was observed, whereas
for Ri > 0.15, attached twin vortices and separation delays were observed.

Patnaik et al. [9] conducted numerical simulation of vortex shedding past a circular cylinder
under the influence of aiding and opposing buoyancy they employed Galerkin weighted residual
formulation for spatial discretization and Runga-Kutta for time integration scheme. For low

Reynolds number (Re = 20 - 40) vortex shedding could be triggered intimidating opposing
buoyancy (with cooled circular cylinder) and results wide wake while aiding buoyancy (with heated
circular cylinder) narrows the wake due to delayed separation.

Srinivas et al. [10] studied effect of buoyancy for a heated cylinder in power-law fluids for
physical parameter Re = 1-40, Ri = 0-2, Pr = 1-100, power-law index (n) = 0.2-1.8. They find that
wake size shows similar trends as that seen in pure forced convection regime (Ri = 0) which
decreases with increasing Richardson (Ri) and/or Prandlt number (Pr). Drag and heat transfer
increases with increase in shear thinning tendency and decrease in shear-thickening tendency of the
fluids. The pressure coefficient decreases with the increase in Reynolds number (Re) and Prandlt
number (Pr) and with decreasing Richardson number (Ri) and have moderate effect of power-law
index (n).

Furthermore, Gandikota et al. [11] performed simulation regarding aiding and opposing on
two dimensional laminar flow across a circular cylinder with physical parameter -0.5 Ri +0.5 ,
50 Ri 150 and blockage ratio (B) =0.02 (confined domain) ,0.25 (unconfined domain) . They
reported that vortex shedding stops completely and stream line becomes symmetric in the
downstream after a critical Ri at a particular Re, for both blockage ratio. In aiding buoyancy flow
situation separation point goes far away from the stagnation point, consequently shrining of wakes
take place and vice versa. They also find that the surface average Nusselt number (Nu) increase
with lower gradient before the critical Ri, with higher gradient after it.

Dhiman et al. [12] conducted steady mixed convection heat transfer to Newtonian and
power-law fluids from a heated square cylinder. Semi-explicit finite volume method with non-
uniform grid was used for simulation. Momentum and energy equation were solved numerically
over the ranges 1 Re 30, 0.7 Pr 100, 0 Ri 0.5 and 0.8 n 1.5 in a unconfined domain
and it was found that for 10 Re 30 and for all values of Prandlt number vortex behind the
cylinder diminishes gradually as Ri increases up to Ri = 0.5. Along with this, average Nu number
decreases with increase in power-law index for Re = 5 and 30 for both forced and mixed convection.

The above literature gives idea of flow and heat transfer around a single circular cylinder,
in regards with the aforementioned literature few researcher have worked considering multiple bluff
bodies. An experimental attempt to study the flow behavior of side-by-side circular cylinder in

steady cross-flow was done by Sumner et al. [13] for gap ratio, T/D = 1.0 6.0, and Reynolds
number, Re = 500 3000. They reported different flow patterns at different T/D ratio for two and
three cylinder arrangement.

Moreover, Chaitanya and Dhiman [14] conducted the numerical simulation for non-
Newtonian power law fluids around a pair of side-by-side circular cylinder in an unconfined domain
with physical parameter Renyolds number: 1 Re 40, power law index: 0.4 n 1.8, gap ratio:
1.5 T/D 4.0, Pr = 50. They reported that shear-thinning fluids have more heat transfer tendency
than Newtonian fluids and shear-thickening fluids with least heat transfer tendency for 1.5 T/D
4.0, 1 Re 40. It was also showed that the flow and heat transfer retain steady behavior for shear
thinning fluids for 1 Re 40 whereas for the Newtonian fluids and shear-thickening fluids heat
transfer and flow shows the unsteady behavior above the critical Reynolds number.

In this sequence, Daniel and Dhiman [15]investigated mixed convection aiding buoyancy
vertical flow around a pair of side-by-side circular cylinder in a unconfined domain for a Non
Newtonian fluid. They performed this investigation with physical parameter Re = 1-40, Ri = 0, 0.5,
1, Power law index (n) = 0.2 1, Prandlt number (Pr) = 50 for a transverse gap ratio of 1.5 with a
wonderful finding which shows augmentation in heat transfer with an increase in Reynolds and
Richardson number and also find the steady state behavior for pseudo plastic fluid (shear thinning
fluid, n<1) for all Ri values in whole range of Re (1-40).

Sarkar et al. [16] performed the upward cross flow and heat transfer phenomenon through
two identical square cylinders at Re = 100. They presented the effect of buoyancy on Strouhal
number, force coefficients and Nusselt number at the various location of second cylinder while
fixed location of first cylinder. For the steady flow maximum heat transfer was occurring at the
bottom face of the cylinder with the maximum average Nusselt number at Ri = 1.0. An increase in
average Nu with increasing the transvers spacing was also found at Ri = -0.25.

Existence of pulsatile flow could be seen in many application such as power generation,
offshore exploration and marine hydrodynamics and many more. Total artificial lung is one of the
best example showing the application of pulsatile flow in the field of bio-medical engineering which
motivate a lot of researchers. In concern with TAL (total artificial lung) Lin et al. [17]
experimentally determined the phenomenon of vortex formation behind a single and multiple

cylindrical fibers for laminar flow under pulsatile flow condition. Moreover, Zierenberg et al. [18]
investigated mass transport flow past a circular cylinder with pulsatile flow imposed at inlet. This
investigation has been performed for ranges Reynolds number: 5 Re 40, Womersley parameter:
0.25 4, Amplitude: 0.25 A 0.75, Schmidt number: Sc = 1000. They found that a pair of
vortices oscillate in strength and size with and A. The time-average Sherwood number was
observed for various Womersley parameter (). Time average Sh decreases with increasing A for
= 0.25, and increases with increasing A for = 2 and 4. It was also found that drag force increase
with increasing with Re, A frequency of the pulsatile flow. Qamar et al. [19] motivated by TAL
(total artificial lung) performed a numerical calculation regarding pulsatile flow past an oscillating
and stationary cylinder. The flow behavior through the cylinder was studied, associated drag and
vorticity magnitude across the cylinder were computed for Re 5, 10 and 20. The study went to an
end with: CD decreases for increasing amplitude, increase in vorticity was observed up to 246 %
with amplitude for every Re.

Experimental study have been performed by Ho Ji et al. [20] to know the influence of
pulsation frequency on heat transfer from a heated square cylinder at fixed amplitude of A = 0.05,
Reynolds number Re= 350 and 540. The range of the frequency of the square cylinder was taken
between 0 to 60 Hz with blockage ratio 0.1, 0.125, 0.167. The shedding frequency (fs) of vortices
for non-pulsating flow was obtained. Heat transfer from the square cylinder was is substantially
enhanced within the lock-on-regime.

In context of square cylinder, Numerical simulation were carried out by Yang Yu et al. [21]
in regards with experimental study done by literature [20]. The flow and heat transfer characteristics
was procured in a heated square cylinder for pulsatile laminar flow at Re = 100 by using a finite
volume method based on pressure-implicit. The effect of amplitude (0.2 < A < 0.8) and frequency
(0 < fp < 20 Hz) of imposed flow on streamlines, vorticity patterns, drag coefficient, vortex shedding
frequency and heat transfer enhancement are showed.

Al-Sumaily and Thompson [22] started their investigation to know the impact of porous and
non-porous medium on heat transfer with pulsating flow past a circular cylinder. They used Navier-
Stokes equations for non-porous medium and Darcy-Brinkmann-Forchheimer momentum for
porous medium in order to solve the conservation equations. They investigated the variation of

Nusselt number (Nu) with Strouhal number (St) and amplitude (A) for porous as well as non-porous
medium, as the Reynold number (Re) was changing from 1 to 250. For non-porous medium, it was
also shown that the Nusselt number was less than that of the steady flow (non-pulsatile flow) for
Re < 10 while for Re > 40 it was more than steady flow.

Chapter 4

Problem Statement and Numerical Formulation

4.1 Problem statement

The 2-D unconfined computational domain for numerical investigation of heat transfer and flow
behavior for mixed convection aiding buoyancy situation for a Newtonian fluid along with the
applied boundary condition is shown in Figure 1. The pulsatile flow is imposed at the inlet in
positive y-direction with a constant temperature maintained at . The time dependent velocity is
given by V(t) = V0 (1+A sin (2ft)) ,where V0 is the time-average velocity, A is the amplitude of
pulsatile flow and f is the frequency of the imposed pulsatile flow. The temperature of the circular
cylinder is kept constant at w. Total length of the domain along y-direction is L (=XU + XD), where
XU is the upstream length and XD is downstream length and W is the width of the computational
domain along x-direction. The center to center distance between two cylinders is 1.5D with D as
the diameter of the each cylinder. All length (L, W, D) are in dimensionless form.

Assuming the flow to be unsteady, laminar, and incompressible and considering the
Boussinesq approximation the conservation equations in a dimensionless form can be shown in the
following form [7, 12, 23].

Continuity equation:

+ =0 (1)

Momentum equation along X-direction:

(UU) UV U P 1 2 U 2 U
+ + = + ( + ) (2)
X Y t X Re X2 Y2

Momentum equation along Y-direction:

(UV) VV V P 1 2 V 2 V
+ + = + ( + ) + Ri (3)
X Y t Y Re X2 Y2

2-D unsteady state Energy equations:

(U) (V) 1 2 2
+ + = ( + ) (4)
t X Y RePr X2 Y2

The mathematical variables in Equations 1 to 4 are in dimensionless form and are expressed as

u v x y p tV0
U= ; V= ; X= ; Y= ; P= ; = ; t = ;
V0 V0 D D V02 w D

V0 D cp Gr g(w )D
Re = ; Pr = ; Ri = =
k Re2 V02

4.2 Boundary condition

The numerical solution of the present problem is computed by above equations (1-4) by
incorporating additional constraint on the boundary of the computational domain. Boundary
condition is assigned by using Ansys workbench 15.0 at the various boundary of computational
domain and described below:

At the inlet boundary,

At time, t = 0

Pulsation Velocity, V(0) = V0, U=0; Pressure, p

= 0; temperature, = ;

At time t > 0,

An isothermal time dependent fluid flow is employed along positive Y-direction. The expression
of pulsatile time dependent velocity is shown below along with other Dirichlet boundary condition

V (t) = V0 (1+A sin (2ft)), U=0, = 0; (5)

At the both vertical boundaries, there is no frictional force between the fluid layer present due to
absence of wall effect and so it is a slip boundary and hence boundary condition assigned by
commercial grid generation tool Ansys workbench is symmetry and the mathematical expression
of Dirichlet and Newman boundary condition is given below :-

= 0, = 0, =0 (6)

Assuming the zero diffusion flux, Dirichlet boundary condition at the exit of the computational

= = =0 (7)

Both heated cylindrical bluff bodies are isothermal (300k) and considered as no slip bodies.

U = V = 0, = 1; (8)

The total drag coefficient (CD) is the addition of form drag (pressure drag) and skin drag (frictional
drag) while, total lift coefficient is the summation of these drag and defined as

1 2 1
= + = 0.502
= 0 + 0

1 2 1
= + = 0.502
= 0 +

Where CDP and CDV are the drag coefficient due to the form drag and skin drag respectively.
Similarly, CLP and CLV represent the lift coefficient due to the same. FD is the drag force acting on
the surface of the bluff body in the direction of the flow while FL is the lift force acting in the
perpendicular direction of the flow.

4.3 Numerical Methodology

The present work starts with the creation of grid on a commercial grid tool Ansys workbench
followed by the numerical simulations which are executed on computational fluid dynamics solver
Ansys fluent 15.0. Excellent description for grid generation for a pair of cylinders is available in
literature [15] and uses the same methodology to generate the mesh in this present work. The
generated grid involves both uniform as well as non-uniform distribution of cells which possess

360 numbers of control volumes on each cylinder. Minimum distance between the cells is 0.01D,
located near the cylinders while maximum distance between the cylinders is taken 1D on the edge
of the computational domain.

slip boundary

left cylinder right cylinder

1.5 D


V(t) = V 0 (1+ASin(2 ft ) )
pulsatile flow

Figure 1. Schematic of 2-D computational domain for upward flow past a pair of side-by- side
circular cylinder

To solve the incompressible flow equations two dimensional, pressure-based solver has
been employed along with unsteady and laminar solver on a collocated non-uniform grid

arrangement. Boussinesq density model is used to solve the mixed convection buoyancy problem.
The convective terms involve in the momentum and energy equations is discretized by second order
upwind scheme. The semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equations (SIMPLE) is incorporated
to solve the Pressure-velocity decoupling.

The Gauss-Seidel iterative scheme is used to solve the system of linearized algebraic
equations with AMG (algebraic multi grid) solver in consequence to reduce the time taken by
simulation. In the steady flow, the absolute convergence criterion for continuity, X-velocity and Y-
velocity is taken as 10-12 and same for energy is taken as 10-15 while in the unsteady flow residual
is set to 10-20 for all equations.







-40 -1.5

-20 0 20 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
(a) (b)

Figure 2. Schematic of (a) whole computational grid (b) enlarged view around pair of cylinders

Figure 2 shows the computation grid along with the enlarged view of the computational grid
around the cylinders. This grid is made in such a way to have low skewness so that the error
generated because of the grid becomes negligible. Grid is divided in the two part one is coarse and
other is fine. Grid exactly in the downstream, upstream and around the cylinders are made very fine
to make the computation results reliable and errorless. The minimum size of the cells on the cylinder
is 0.01D and maximum size taken is 1D at the extreme of the computational grid. Around the
cylinder, the grid size varies from 0.01D to 0.03D in all direction. Then it is extended to 0.08D up
to a length of 20D in all sides (upstream, downstream, left and right of the cylinders).

Chapter 5

Results and Discussion

5.1 Resolution studies

The purpose of this study is to define the dimensions and number of control volume of the
computational domain so that a reliable result can be obtained.

Table 1. Upstream dependence (XU) test For Re = 1, Ri = 0 and 1, Pr = 50, St = 0, 0.1 and 2.0,
A = 0.2 and 0.8 and n = 1

Physical % Deviation % Deviation

Ri A St XU = 60D XU = 50D XU = 40D
Parameter (50D and 60D) (50D and 40D)
0 0.2 0 CD 8.0461 0.0261 8.044 0.1504 8.0561
Nu 1.7966 0.0779 1.7952 0.0501 1.7961
0.1 CD 8.0592 0.0434 8.0627 0.2307 8.0813
Nu 1.7914 0.0223 1.7918 0.0781 1.7932
2 CD 8.1487 1.2713 8.0464 0.1914 8.0618
Nu 1.7946 0.0111 1.7944 0.0780 1.7958
0.8 0 CD 8.0461 0.0261 8.0440 0.1504 8.0561
Nu 1.7966 0.0017 1.7952 0.0501 1.7961
0.1 CD 8.3556 1.3869 8.2413 1.5677 8.3705
Nu 1.7459 0.0458 1.7451 0.1662 1.748
2 CD 8.0754 0.0346 8.0782 0.4580 8.1152
Nu 1.7909 0.0167 1.7912 0.4410 1.7991
1 0.2 0 CD 12.9524 0.0177 12.9547 0.0733 12.9642
Nu 2.1903 0.0045 2.1904 0.2191 2.1952
0.1 CD 12.9881 0.0838 12.999 0.0177 13.0013
Nu 2.1888 0.0046 2.1889 0.0274 2.1895
2 CD 12.9682 0.0292 12.972 0.0054 12.9727
Nu 2.1905 0.0593 2.1918 0.0365 2.191
0.8 0 CD 12.9524 0.0177 12.9547 0.0733 12.9642
Nu 2.1903 0.0046 2.1904 0.2191 2.1952
0.1 CD 13.5331 0.1888 13.5587 0.1195 13.5425
Nu 2.1668 0.0138 2.1671 0.0277 2.1677
2 CD 13.0549 0.4107 13.0015 0.1615 13.0225
Nu 2.1897 0.1188 2.1871 0.0823 2.1889

This study here is performed for a pair of side-by-side circular cylinder in a vertical
unconfined domain. Schematics of this non-uniform computational grid has been already shown in
literature [15] Figure 2. The current examination involves the dependency tests of upstream (XU),
downstream (XD), width (XW), time step (t) and grid. The effect of upstream length on physical
output parameter Drag coefficient (CD) and Nusselt number (Nu) has been shown for Ri = 0 and 1,
St = 0, 0.1 and 2, A = 0.2 and 0.8, Pr = 50 and n = 1 (Table 1).

Table 2. Downstream dependence (XD) test For Re = 50, Ri = 0 and 1, Pr = 50, St = 0, 0.1 and
2.0, A = 0.2 and 0.8 and n = 1

Physical % Deviation % Deviation

Ri A St XD = 60D XD = 70D XD = 80D
Parameter (60D and 70D) (70D and 80D)
0 0.2 0 CD 1.5770 0.6253 1.5672 0.0766 1.5684
Nu 16.0133 1.3365 15.8021 0.1943 15.8328
0.1 CD 1.6516 0.4118 1.65843 0.1827 1.6554
Nu 16.9449 0.0254 16.9492 0.0242 16.9451
2 CD 1.57 0.5888 1.5793 0.0063 1.5792
Nu 15.8044 0.6637 15.91 0.0572 15.9009
0.8 0 CD 1.577 0.6253 1.5672 0.0766 1.5684
Nu 16.0133 0.2058 15.9804 0.9236 15.8328
0.1 CD 2.0737 0.1497 2.0706 0.0289 2.0712
Nu 17.3373 0.0121 17.3394 0.2209 17.3011
2 CD 1.6126 1.230 1.593 0.0816 1.5917
Nu 16.6771 1.4718 16.4352 0.0012 16.4354
1 0.2 0 CD 2.165 0.4221 2.1559 0.3804 2.1641
Nu 16.899 0.1647 16.8712 0.3384 16.8141
0.1 CD 2.2593 0.0487 2.2582 0.0575 2.2595
Nu 17.1522 0.1176 17.1724 0.0087 17.1739
2 CD 2.1688 0.1243 2.1715 0.0092 2.1717
Nu 16.8853 0.1703 16.8566 0.0006 16.8567
0.8 0 CD 2.165 0.1243 2.1559 0.3804 2.1641
Nu 16.8990 0.1702 16.8712 0.3384 16.8141
0.1 CD 2.4358 0.0902 2.438 0.1354 2.4347
Nu 18.2612 0.1072 18.2808 0.0366 18.2741
2 CD 2.2225 0.0988 2.2247 0.2517 2.2191
Nu 16.4313 0.0006 16.4312 0.0006 16.4311

This test is carried out for the three different length of the upstream length XU = 40D, 50D
and 60D. It is conspicuous from the Table 1. that the maximum percent relative deviation for drag
coefficient (CD) and Nusselt number (Nu) between upstream lengths, XU = 40D and 50D is found

1.5677% and 0.4410% respectively, while it is found 0.4% and 0.1188% between upstream lengths
(XU) 40D and 50D.

Table 3. Width dependence (XW) test For Re = 50, Ri = 0 and 1, Pr = 50, St = 0, 0.1 and 2.0, A
= 0.2 and 0.8 and n = 1

Physical % Deviation % Deviation

Ri A St XW = 60D XW = 50D XW = 40D
Parameter (60D and 50D) (50D and 40D)
0 0.2 0 CD 1.5734 0.3956 1.5672 0.9380 1.5819
Nu 15.9141 0.7088 15.8021 0.6164 15.8995
0.1 CD 1.6405 1.0811 1.65843 0.1731 1.6613
Nu 16.8989 0.2968 16.9492 0.0425 16.9564
2 CD 1.6074 1.7793 1.5793 1.5576 1.6039
Nu 15.9776 0.4249 15.91 0.0572 15.9009
0.8 0 CD 1.5734 0.3956 1.5672 0.9379 1.5819
Nu 16.0412 0.3805 15.9804 0.5062 15.8995
0.1 CD 2.0654 0.2511 2.0706 0.6520 2.0841
Nu 17.3233 0.0928 17.3394 0.1817 17.3709
2 CD 1.5946 0.1004 1.593 0.5901 1.5836
Nu 16.54 0.6377 16.4352 0.7660 16.5611
1 0.2 0 CD 2.1596 0.1716 2.1559 1.0390 2.1783
Nu 16.888 0.0996 16.8712 0.2880 16.9198
0.1 CD 2.2528 0.2391 2.2582 0.5447 2.2705
Nu 17.141 0.1828 17.1724 0.1264 17.1941
2 CD 2.1657 0.2671 2.1715 0.4651 2.1816
Nu 16.8451 0.0682 16.8566 0.0985 16.8732
0.8 0 CD 2.1596 0.1716 2.1559 1.0390 2.1783
Nu 16.888 0.0996 16.8712 0.2881 16.9198
0.1 CD 2.4153 0.9311 2.438 0.5045 2.4257
Nu 18.1134 0.9157 18.2808 0.5279 18.3773
2 CD 2.2179 0.3057 2.2247 0.2742 2.2308
Nu 16.4345 0.0201 16.4312 0.1132 16.4498

Increase in the upstream length beyond 50D does not give a significant change in physical
output parameter rather it increases the computational time and effort. Hence to save the
computational time and effort the optimum upstream length is chosen to be XU = 50D.

The effect of downstream length (XD) on the physical output parameter has been shown in the Table
2. for Re = 50, Ri = 0 and 1, St = 0, 0.1 and 2, A = 0.2 and 0.8, Pr = 50 and n = 1. The maximum
percent relative deviation between downstream lengths 60D and 70D is 1.230 % and 1.4718 % and
between downstream lengths 70D and 80D is found 0.3804 % and 0.9236 % for drag coefficient
and Nusselt number respectively. This time again, it can be seen that increasing the downstream
length from 70D and 80D gives very little change in the results. Hence the optimum downstream
length is selected as 70D.

Table 4. Grid dependence test For Re = 50, Ri = 0 and 1, Pr = 50, St = 0, 0.1 and 2.0, A = 0.2
and 0.8 and n = 1

Total Total Total

Physical number of number number
Ri A St % Deviation % Deviation
Parameter cells of cells of cells
(76926) (114000) (184138)
0 0.2 0 CD 1.5670 0.0128 1.5672 0.1276 1.5692
Nu 15.9802 1.1271 15.8021 0.1088 15.8193
0.1 CD 1.6512 0.4360 1.65843 0.2551 1.6542
Nu 17.0526 0.6101 16.9492 0.1103 16.9305
2 CD 1.5702 0.5762 1.5793 0.5129 1.5712
Nu 15.9707 0.3815 15.91 0.5826 15.8173
0.8 0 CD 1.567 0.0128 1.5672 0.1276 1.5692
Nu 15.9802 0.0013 15.9804 1.0081 15.8193
0.1 CD 2.0725 0.0918 2.0706 0.0241 2.0711
Nu 17.5006 0.9297 17.3394 0.1788 17.3084
2 CD 1.597 0.2511 1.593 0.0251 1.5926
Nu 16.5142 0.4807 16.4352 0.1679 16.4628
1 0.2 0 CD 2.1641 0.3804 2.1559 1.0947 2.1795
Nu 17.0513 1.0675 16.8712 0.0563 16.8807
0.1 CD 2.2573 0.0399 2.2582 0.1461 2.2615
Nu 17.3373 0.9602 17.1724 0.1945 17.139
2 CD 2.1682 0.1520 2.1715 0.0276 2.1721
Nu 17.0075 0.8952 16.8566 0.2148 16.8204
0.8 0 CD 2.1641 0.3804 2.1559 1.0947 2.1795
Nu 17.0513 1.0675 16.8712 0.0563 16.8807
0.1 CD 2.4316 0.2625 2.438 0.2584 2.4317
Nu 18.1472 0.7308 18.2808 0.1936 18.3162
2 CD 2.2178 0.3102 2.2247 0.1124 2.2222
Nu 16.6279 1.1971 16.4312 0.2477 16.3905

Wall effect is negligible for constant flow through a pair of side by side circular cylinder
after increasing its width (XW) beyond 30D [14]. In this present study, imposed flow at the inlet of
computational domain is pulsatile rather than constant, so to get entire information of flow behavior
and heat transfer, test has been carried out for different width lengths (XW) of 40D, 50D and 60D.
The distance between the two vertical boundary has been fixed after performing the width
dependence test for Re = 50, Ri = 0 and 1, St = 0, 0.1 and 2, A = 0.2 and 0.8, Pr = 50 and n = 1. The
maximum percent relative deviation between width length 40D and 50D is noted as 1.5576 % and
0.7660 % whereas this deviation between 50D and 60D is found 1.7793 % and 0.9157 % for CD
and Nu respectively.

Table 5. Time dependence test For Re = 50, Ri = 0 and 1, Pr = 50, St = 0, 0.1 and 2.0, A = 0.2
and 0.8 and n = 1

Ri A St Physical Parameter t = 0.005 % Deviation t = 0.001

0 0.2 0 CD 1.5734 0.3956 1.5672

Nu 15.9141 0.7087 15.8021
0.1 CD 1.6405 1.0811 1.65843
Nu 16.8989 0.2968 16.9492
2 CD 1.6074 1.7793 1.5793
Nu 15.9776 0.4249 15.91
0.8 0 CD 1.5734 0.3956 1.5672
Nu 16.0412 0.3805 15.9804
0.1 CD 2.0654 0.2511 2.0706
Nu 17.3233 0.0929 17.3394
2 CD 1.5946 0.1004 1.593
Nu 16.54 0.6377 16.4352
1 0.2 0 CD 2.1596 0.1716 2.1559
Nu 16.888 0.0996 16.8712
0.1 CD 2.2528 0.2391 2.2582
Nu 17.141 0.1829 17.1724
2 CD 2.1657 0.2671 2.1715
Nu 16.8451 0.0682 16.8566
0.8 0 CD 2.1596 0.1716 2.1559
Nu 16.888 0.0996 16.8712
0.1 CD 2.4153 0.9311 2.438
Nu 18.1134 0.9157 18.2808
2 CD 2.2179 0.3057 2.2247
Nu 16.4345 0.0201 16.4312

So, an optimum width (XW) of 50D (more than 30D [14]) for pulsatile flow is selected for this
present numerical investigation.

Grid dependence studies are carried out to optimize the spectral resolution to ensure the
high accuracy in results with minimum computational effort. This test is performed for three
different computational grid G1, G2 and G3 containing 76926, 114000 and 184138 number of cells
with 156 ( = 0.02D), 316 ( = 0.01D) and 628 ( = 0.005D) number of control volume on the
cylindrical surface respectively (Table 4). Maximum percent relative deviation between G1 and G2
are found as 0.5762 % and 1.1271 % while between G2 and G3 are 1.0947% and 0.5826 % for CD
and Nu respectively. Accordingly, the optimum grid G2 ( = 0.01D, 316 CVs and 114000 cells) has
been chosen for the present computational investigation.

Finally, time test for grid G2 (with optimum upstream (XU = 50D), downstream (XD = 70D)
and width (XW = 50D)) is conducted for two separate time step (t = 0.005 and 0.001) in order to
ascertain the time independency at Re = 50, Pr =50 (Table 5). The values for C D and Nu obtained
for the time step test (t = 0.005 and 0.001) are appreciable and found in good agreement to one
and other. To save the computational time non-dimensional time step (t) 0.001 is considered for
the present study.

Table 6. Validation of the present results for non-pulsatile flow with Srinivas et al. [10]

Re = 1, Pr = 50, n = 1
Total drag coefficient (CD)
Ri Present work Srinivas et al. [10]
0 10.1943 10.3262
1 15.1049 15.1969

Nusselt number (Nu)

Present work Srinivas et al. [10]
0 2.6871 2.6970
1 2.9764 2.9976

5.2 Benchmarking of the results

The numerical investigation has been started after accomplishment of the comparative study of the
present work with the one found in the literature [10, 19]. The result obtained herein are presented

in the Table 6 and 7. This study consist of the validation of the solver against the benchmark cases
[7] (Table 6) and validation of the UDF (user defined function) (Table 7) generated in the C++.

Table 7. Validation of the present result for pulsatile flow with Qamar et al. [19]

Re Total drag coefficient (CD)

Present work Qamar et al. [19]
5 4.3763 4.4512
20 2.1932 2.2352

Table 6 exposed the present result (CD and Nu) along with that available in literature [10] for Re =
1, Ri = 0, 1, Pr = 50 and n =1 in the situation of flow past a single cylinder in a vertical unconfined
domain with constant inlet flow (non-pulsatile flow). The maximum percent relative error is found
1.2773 % and 0.7072 % for drag coefficient and Nusselt number respectively.

The reliability of UDF has been proved after validation of the few results of drag coefficient
at Re = 5 and 20 for horizontal flow past a single cylinder placed in an unconfined domain found
in literature [19] (Table 7). The comparative study shown in the Table 7 indicate a satisfactory
results for drag coefficient with the maximum percent relative error 1.6826 %. Thus, the results
obtained in this present numerical investigation are reliable and found in good agreement with
previous work available in literature.

5.3 Fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics

5.3.1 Streamlines pattern

The flow pattern (instantaneous) in the vicinity of pair of side-by-side circular cylinder has been
characterized by analyzing the stream line contours (Figures 3 7) for Re = 1 and 50 and Ri = 0
and 1 for various combination of A and St. Flow behavior and heat transfer around the pair of side-
by-side cylinder in vertical unconfined domain for constant inlet flow (St = 0 in equation 5) can be
seen in literature [15]. At low Reynolds number, streamlines contours are same as observed behind
single cylinder whereas at higher Reynolds number coupled effect in the streamlines is also seen
because two cylinder are mounted in closed proximity.

22 Influence of A and St on the flow patterns at Re = 1

The topology structure around the pair of cylinders for forced convection (Ri = 0) at Re = 1 is
shown in the Figure 3 for 0.2 A 0.8, 0.1 St 2. All the flow structure shows the steady
symmetric pattern for entire A and St at this Reynolds number. Figure 3 (a, d, g) shows that increase
in St at A = 0.2 causes to decrease the width of the closed region between the two separation lines.
The effect of pulsation in the imposed flow creates the symmetric vortex pair in the downstream of
the cylinders even at Re = 1 which is seldom observe at low Reynolds (Figure 3b). However, in
Figure 3(i), it can be seen that vortex cover the broad area asides of the both cylinder due to
combined effect of high A and St. The steady symmetric pattern is retained at this Reynolds number
even after the addition in the buoyancy ie. increase in Ri (Figure 4). It is also clear from the Figure
4 that the pulsation amplitude and frequency causes slight change in the behavior of streamlines
from the case of Ri = 0 (forced convection) however, the change dominates when the pulsation
amplitude and frequency is higher.

When the Richardson number is increase to 1 (Ri = 1) (Figure 5) a circulated vortex asides
the both cylinder (revolving in the opposite direction) is observed at St = 2, which is found
increasing with amplitude. This circulated vortex play a huge character in the enhancement of the
heat transfer because of the continuous movement of the cooler chunks into the contact of the hotter
one, consequently creating the temperature gradient due to the positive pressure gradient in the
downstream of the cylinders. Whereas, at low frequency, St = 0.1 and 1.0, this effect is observed in
a little extent.

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1
6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

Figure 3. Streamline contours in the vicinity of cylinders at Re = 1, Ri = 0 and n = 1 for various

cases of A and St

Increase in St at A = 0.2 causes to decrease the width of the closed region between the two
separation lines. The effect of pulsation in the imposed flow creates the symmetric vortex pair in
the downstream of the cylinders even at Re = 1 which is seldom observe at low Reynolds (Figure
3b). However, in Figure 3(i), it can be seen that vortex cover the broad area asides of the both
cylinder due to combined effect of high A and St.

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1
6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

Figure 4. Streamline contours in the vicinity of pair of cylinders at Re = 1, Ri = 0.5 and n = 1for
various cases of A and St

The steady symmetric pattern is retained at this Reynolds number even after the addition in
the buoyancy ie. increase in Ri (Figure 4).

It is also clear from the Figure 4 that the pulsation amplitude and frequency causes slight
change in the behavior of streamlines from the case of Ri = 0 (forced convection) however, the
change dominates when the pulsation amplitude and frequency is higher.

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

Figure 5. Streamline contours in the vicinity of cylinders at Re = 1, Ri = 1 and n = 1for various

cases of A and St

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1
6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

Figure 6. Streamline contours in the vicinity of cylinders at Re = 50, Ri = 0 and n = 1for various
cases of A and St

For forced convection (Ri = 0) at Re = 50 time periodic flow behavior is analyzed excluding
for the case reported in Figure 6 (c, e, f) which is showing single bluff body periodic pattern. This
similar pattern is also observed in literature [14, 15]. When the natural convection mode of heat
transfer is added to the system already having a forced convection heat transfer mode (to make heat

transfer mixed convection aiding buoyancy) ie. increase in the Richardson number suppress the
length of the wake formation in the rear of the cylinder (Figures 6 (g, h and i) 8( g, h and i)).

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

Figure 7. Schematics of streamline contours in the vicinity of cylinders at Re = 50, Ri = 0.5 and n
= 1 for various cases of A and St

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1
6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

Figure 8. Streamline contours in the vicinity of cylinders at Re = 50, Ri = 1 and n = 1 for various
cases of A and St Influence of A and St on the flow patterns at Re = 50

The instantaneous snapshot of steady and unsteady topological streamline pattern is presented in
the Figures 6, 7 and 8 at Re = 50 showing the influence of the A and St with respect to Ri. For
forced convection (Ri = 0) at Re = 50 time periodic flow behavior is analyzed excluding for the
case reported in Figures 6 (c, e and f) which is showing single bluff body periodic pattern. This

similar pattern is also observed in literature [14, 15]. When the natural convection mode of heat
transfer is added to the system already having a forced convection heat transfer mode (to make heat
transfer mixed convection aiding buoyancy) ie. increase in the Richardson number suppress the
length of the wake formation in the rear of the cylinder (Figures 6(g, h and i) 8 (g, h and i)). This
suppression of the wake is more at the higher frequency with respect to lower frequency. Also
increase in the Richardson number causes the instability in the streamlines which make the
separated double body steady pattern to a double body periodic pattern (for instance, Figures 6c, 7c
and 8c).

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1
6 6 6
0.05 0.05 0.05

4 4 4
0.55 0.55
2 2 2

0.95 0.95 0.95

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

6 6 6
0.05 0.05 0.05

4 4 4

0.55 0.55 0.55

2 2 2

0.95 0.95 0.95

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0

6 6 6
0.05 0.05
4 4 4

0.55 0.55 0.55

2 2 2

0.95 0.95 0.95

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

Figure 9. Isotherms around the cylinders at Re = 1, Ri = 0 and n = 1 for various cases of A and St

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1
6 6 6
0.3 0. 3
5 5
4 4 0. 3
0.05 4 5 0.05
0.55 0.55
2 2 2 0.55

0.95 0.95 0.95

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

6 6 6

5 0.35

4 4 4
0.05 0.05 0.05
0.55 0.55 0.55
2 2 2

0.95 0.95 0.95

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

6 6 6
0. 3

0. 3
5 0.35 0.05

4 4 4
0.05 0.05 0.05
0.55 0.55 0.55
2 2 2

0.95 0.95 0.95

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

Figure 10. Isotherms around the cylinders at Re = 1, Ri = 0.5 and n = 1 for various cases of A and

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1
6 6 6
0. 3 0.35 0.35
4 4 4
0.05 0.55 0.05 0.55 0.05
2 2 2

0.95 0.95 0.95

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

6 6 6
0. 3


4 4 4
0.05 0.05 0.05
0.55 0.55 0.55
2 2 2

0.95 0.95 0.95

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0

6 6 6



4 4 4
0.05 0.05 0.05
0.55 0.55 0.55
2 2 2

0.95 0.95 0.95

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

Figure 11. Isotherms around the cylinders at Re = 1, Ri = 1 and n = 1 for various cases of A and St

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1
6 6 6

4 4 4

0.25 0.16
2 0.16 2 2
0.25 0.25
0.48 0.48 0.48

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

6 6 6
0.16 0.16 0.16
4 0.25 4 0.25 4

2 2 2
0.48 0.48 0.48

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0

6 6 6
0.16 0.16 0.16
0.25 0.25 0.25
4 4 4

2 2 2
0.48 0.48 0.48

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

Figure 12. Isotherms around the cylinders at Re = 50, Ri = 0 and n = 1 for various cases of A and

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1
6 6 6
4 0.16 0.16 4 4

2 0.25 2 2
0.48 0.16 0.25
0.25 0.48
0 0 0.48 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
(d) A0.16
= 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A0.16
= 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A0.16
= 0.8, St = 1.0
6 6 6
0.16 0.16

4 4 0.25 4 0.25

2 0.48 2 0.48 2 0.48

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A0.16
= 0.8, St = 2.0
6 6 6
0.16 0.16 0.16
4 4 0.25 4 0.25

2 0.48 2 0.48 2 0.48

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

Figure 13. Isotherms around the cylinders at Re = 50, Ri = 0.5 and n = 1 for various cases of A
and St

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1
6 6 6

4 4 4

0.16 0.16
2 0.25 2 0.25 2 0.16
0.48 0.25
0 0 0 0.48

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

6 6 6
0.16 0.16 0.16
4 0.25 4 0.25 4 0.25

2 2 2
0.48 0.48 0.48

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0

6 6 6
0.16 0.16

4 0.25 4 0.25 4 0.25

2 0.48 2 0.48 2 0.48

0 0 0

-2 -2 -2
-4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4

Figure 14. Isotherms around the cylinders at Re = 50, Ri = 1 and n = 1 for various cases of A and

5.3.2 Thermal pattern

The isotherms for the two values of Reynolds number (1 and 50) is shown in the Figure 9 14 with
the varying value of the A and St. All the isotherms shown here are for the same values of
dimensionless temperature for various combination of A and St for different Ri values at Re = 1
similarly the isotherm have same values of dimensionless temperature for Re = 50. The isotherm at
low Reynolds number is showing the behavior like single bluff body which at Re = 50 shows a
separated double body pattern. These isotherms are instantaneous and also are showing an unsteady
behavior because of the pulsation effect in the inlet stream.

All the isotherm are found in similar dimension, except for the case A = 0.8 and St = 0.1,
this is just because of higher amplitude at lower frequency in the imposed flow Figures (9, 10, and
11). It can also be analyzed by seeing the respective Figures of isotherm at Re = 1 that the inclusion
of aiding buoyancy narrowed the isotherms in the downstream of the cylinders. At Re = 50 the
separated double body unsteady pattern is observed and the isotherm found is dispersed at St = 0.1,
whereas the dispersion in the isotherms is obtain more when the mixed convection is happening
Figures (12, 13, 14). The other reason behind this dispersion is increase in the inertial force upon
the viscous forces, again which enhances the heat transfer rate. The isotherm at higher frequency is
found symmetric with mid plane of X = 0 in nature and have a long tail in the flow direction which
is shown in Figures (12 14, d i, respectively).

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1
1200 1200 1200

1000 1000 1000


800 800 800

600 600 600

400 400 400

200 200 200

0 0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

18000 18000

15000 15000
12000 12000 12000
9000 9000 9000
6000 6000 6000
3000 3000 3000
0 0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0
60000 60000 60000

50000 50000 50000

40000 40000 40000
30000 30000 30000
20000 20000 20000
10000 10000 10000
0 0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
St St St

Figure 15. Power spectrum density (PSD) of CD at Re = 50, Ri = 1, n = 1 and Pr = 50 for different
values of A and St

5.3.3 Power spectrum density

Power spectrum density of drag coefficient, lift coefficient and Nusselt number has been presented
in Figures 15, 16 and 17 with the Strouhal number at Re = 50. PSD explain the stability of system
and also provide the information about the vortex shedding. In Figure 15 only one peak is observed

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1
4.8 30 70

4 60

3.2 20
1.6 10
0.8 10
0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0
0.5 3 18

0.4 2.5

2 12
1 6
0 0 0
0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0

0.15 1.5 4


0.1 1

0.05 0.5

0 0 0
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
St St St

Figure 16. Power spectrum density (PSD) of CL at Re = 50, Ri = 1, n = 1 and Pr = 50 for different
values of A and St

at all cases of the A and St and the peak found at the corresponding frequencies are exactly same
as that of frequency of imposed pulsatile flow. At St = 2.0 there is a lot of zigzag in the graph
which is revealing the instability of the system. In Figure 16 (b - i), there are two dominant peak is
seen at the two frequency whereas one frequency is found in Figure (16a). These peaks are coming
around the imposed pulsatile frequency and other one is almost near the frequency of the shedding
vortices. The pulsatile frequency is almost twice the shedding vortices. The shedding frequency is
of more strength at higher A (respective Figures at St = 0.1, 1 and 2). Pulsatile frequency is the first
harmonic of the shedding frequency. Similar kind of phenomenon has been observed in the PSD of
Nu (Figure 17).

(a) A = 0.2, St = 0.1 (b) A = 0.4, St = 0.1 (c) A = 0.8, St = 0.1

2E+06 2E+06 2E+06
PSD of Nu

1.5E+06 1.5E+06 1.5E+06

1E+06 1E+06 1E+06

500000 500000 500000

0 0 0
0 0.001 0.002 0 0.001 0.002 0 0.001 0.002

(d) A = 0.2, St = 1.0 (e) A = 0.4, St = 1.0 (f) A = 0.8, St = 1.0

80000 80000 80000
PSD of Nu

60000 60000 60000

40000 40000 40000

20000 20000 20000

0 0 0
0 0.001 0.002 0 0.001 0.002 0 0.001 0.002

(g) A = 0.2, St = 2.0 (h) A = 0.4, St = 2.0 (i) A = 0.8, St = 2.0

60000 60000 60000
PSD of Nu

45000 45000 45000

30000 30000 30000

15000 15000 15000

0 0 0
0 0.001 0.002 0 0.001 0.002 0 0.001 0.002
St St St

Figure 17. Power spectrum density (PSD) of Nu at Re = 50, Ri = 1, n = 1 and Pr = 50 for

different values of A and St

(a) Ri = 0 (b) Ri = 0.5 (c) Ri = 1.0
14 14 14

13 13 13
12 A = 0.2 12 12
A = 0.4
11 A = 0.8 11 11

10 10 10

9 9 9

8 8 8

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

(a1) Ri = 0 (b1) Ri = 0.5 (c1) Ri = 1.0

11 13.2

8 13

7.8 10.6
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
St St St

Figure 18. Variation in total drag coefficient (CD) with Strouhal number (St) for different values
of A at Re = 1 (a-c) and corresponding enlarged views (a1-c1)

5.3.3 Drag coefficient and Nusselt number Variation of total drag coefficient (CD) with Strouhal number (St) at different
Richardson number (Ri)

The total drag force consist of two type of force acting on the cylinder, form drag and viscous drag.
The component of these forces in the direction of the flow is drag while the force acting in the
perpendicular direction is the lift force and subsequently coefficient of these force is drag and lift

The monotonic progress of the CD with St for different A is shown in the Figure 18 and 20 at
Reynolds number 1 and 50 respectively. The CD is found increasing with Ri at both Re ie. at 1 and
50. This is because the addition of extra force (buoyancy) into the flow which interns increases the
both form and viscous drag on the cylinder.

(a) Ri = 0 (b) Ri = 0.5 (c) Ri = 1.0

2.2 2.2 2.2

2 2 2

1.8 1.8 1.8

1.6 1.6 1.6

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

(a1) Ri = 0 (b1) Ri = 0.5 (c1) Ri = 1.0

1.8 2.03 2.2

1.79 2.19

1.78 2.18

1.77 2.17

1.76 1.98 2.16

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
St St St

Figure 19. Variation in Nusselt number (Nu) with Strouhal number (St) for different values of A
at Re = 1 (a-c) and corresponding enlarged view (a1-c1)

The value of the total drag coefficient is found to be decreasing with Strouhal number for
the pulsatile fluid flow and it tries to achieve the values found for non-pulsatile flow ie. the steady
flow. In general, it is also clear from the Figures 18 and 20 that total drag coefficient is higher for
higher pulsation amplitude (A) at a particular pulsation frequency (St) whereas it is vague at St = 1

(Figure 18 (b1)) for buoyancy added flow (CD for different A does not have a general trend ). The
value of the CD is observed to be decreasing with St at Re = 50 for all Ri and have the same influence
of A as it is seen in the case of Re = 1 except at St = 0.

(a) Ri = 0 (b) Ri = 0.5 (c) Ri = 1.0

2.4 2.4 2.4

2.2 A =0 2.2 2.2

A = 0.2
A = 0.4
2 2 2

A = 0.8

1.8 1.8 1.8

1.6 1.6 1.6

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

(d) Ri = 0 (e) Ri = 0.5 (f) Ri = 1.0

18.5 18.5 18.5

18 18 18

17.5 17.5 17.5


17 17 17

16.5 16.5 16.5

16 16 16

15.5 15.5 15.5

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
St St St

Figure 20. Variation in total drag coefficient (CD) and Nusselt number (Nu) with Strouhal
number (St) for different values of A at Re = 50 Variation of average Nusselt number (Nu) with Strouhal number (St) at different
Richardson number (Ri)

The influence of the Amplitude (A) and Strouhal number (St) on the average Nusselt number at Re
= 1 and 50 is presented in a graphical manner in the Figures 19 and 20 respectively. The addition
of the buoyancy in fluid flow shows a positive effect in the average Nusselt number at the both
Reynolds number. The heat transfer from the cylinders in the effect of pulsation is lower than the
non-pulsatile flow (steady flow). Average Nusselt number is continuously increasing with the

Strouhal number for all A till it reaches to the steady case at Re =1 whereas at Re = 50 it is found
more than the steady case (non-pulsating) and decreases with the increase in the St. For aiding
buoyancy average Nusselt number becomes less than that of non-pulsatile flow for St > 1 at Re =
50. The value of the average heat transfer is obtained minimum for highest value of A at Re = 1,
whereas for Re = 50 it is maximum for the highest value of A. It is also clear from the Figures 19
and 20 that the change in average Nusselt number is found increasing with increase in A at all
frequency which is same as that is observe for the drag coefficient. Almost similar behavior of
Nusselt number is found in a confined channel [22].

Chapter 6

Conclusion and Scope for future work

6.1 Conclusion

The upward flow against the gravitational force in a two dimensional domain with the pulsatile
flow imposed at the inlet is employed. The parametric study of the influence of the amplitude (A =
0.2, 0.4, and 0.8) and Strouhal number (St = 0, 0.1, 1 and 2) on the total drag coefficient and Nusselt
number has been shown in a graphical way for Reynolds number, Re = 1 and 50 and Richardson
number, Ri = 0, 0.5, 1 for a fluid having Prandlt number, Pr = 50. The massive finding of this work
is as follows:-

i. CD is found increasing with Ri at both Re ie. at 1 and 50. The value of the total drag
coefficient is found to be decreasing with Strouhal number for the pulsatile fluid flow and
it tries to achieve the values found for non-pulsatile flow ie. the steady flow.
ii. Total drag coefficient is higher for higher pulsation amplitude (A) at a particular pulsation
frequency (St) whereas it is vague at St = 1 for buoyancy added flow (C D for different A
does not have a general trend) while, CD is observed to be decreasing with St at Re = 50 for
all Ri and have the same influence of A as it is seen in the case of Re = 1 except at St = 0.
iii. Average Nusselt number is continuously increasing with the Strouhal number for all A till
it reaches to the steady case at Re =1 whereas at Re = 50 it is found more than the steady
case (non-pulsating) and decreases with the increase in the St.
iv. For aiding buoyancy average Nusselt number becomes less that non-pulsatile flow for St >
1 at Re = 50. The value of the average heat transfer is obtained minimum for highest value
of A at Re = 1, whereas for Re = 50 it is maximum for the highest value of A.
v. The change in average Nusselt number is found increasing with increase in A at all
frequency which is same as that is observe for the drag coefficient.
vi. The power spectrum density of CL showing the instability at amplitude A = 0.8, stable for
A < 0.8.

6.2 Scope for future work

This present work is concerned with the investigation of only gap ratio of 1.5D and a fluid with a
Pr = 50 at only two Reynolds Re =1 and 50. Further research can be extended in the following

i. A similar study can be performed for fluids with different Prandlt number (Pr) and variation
in heat transfer and flow behaviour with A and St could be analyse.
ii. Numerical investigation with various gap ratio could be done and enhancement in the heat
transfer for every case could be analyse.
iii. A similar study can be performed for oscillating cylinder along with the pulsatile flow which
may increase heat transfer from the cylinder due to oscillation of the cylinder.
iv. The study can also performed taking more than two cylinders or for staggered arrangement.


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