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The rapidly new innovations being introduced on a daily basis and new

breakthroughs and discoveries being applied into society to improve our everyday lives,

the strain on our ability to continually manage and dispose of our waste has become an

issue that is slowly but surely creeping into our personal lives. The difficulty in assessing

the amount of actual waste that our society produces becomes difficult, especially with

the growth of poverty and urbanization in third world countries leaving the less

fortunate to be left with no other choice than to actually settle in these hazardous and

often harmful environments.

With the worlds population having grown enormously throughout its natural

course, so has its ability to go through its resources, and consequently its waste. By

2025, the amount of garbage in the world is expected to multiply tenfold, flooding our

ecosystem with pollutants and biochemical wastes that pose a threat to our planets

health. This expected amount of waste that is being generated every minute of our lives

is pumping our worlds oceans and rivers with harmful chemicals that is drastically

causing shifts within previously stable and isolated ecosystems, and greenhouse gases

that are entering our atmosphere has slowly exacerbated our planets ability to cool

itself naturally, leading to abnormal climate changes and adverse weather patterns that

endanger our everyday lives. More and more in our lifetime, tropical hurricanes of

varying intensity, tidal waves and tsunamis, as well as tornadoes and other natural
phenomena are becoming more commonplace, and at alarmingly more disastrous levels.

Our planet is in a state of an ecologic shift, and like it or not our compounded,

relentless accumulation of waste globally as a species may indeed be one of the main

causes for its demise. Our consumerist society may be at fault, causing more harm than

the supposed good that it does for our global economy.

In light of this, the need to effectively be able to manage, dispose, and separate

our waste, especially in this part of the world has become a plight that few often give

enough attention to. More often than not, the extent of the peoples exposure and

attention to the household trash that they go through on a daily basis falls just short of

having to take out their toxic plastic bags outside of their homes, after having filled

them with a cesspool of harmful pathogens and bacteria, coupled with both bio and

non-biodegradable materials, a plethora of discarded leftovers, expired milk, old leaky

batteries and a countless variety of other unrelated paraphernalia. Ultimately the

responsibility of having to handle all of these potentially life-threatening wastes falls on

the strong calloused hands of the garbage collector.

A short history on the occupation of the garbage collector reveals that these

individuals are the foundations of reinforcing cleaner sanitation practices on a

community level as well as the chief contributors to improving the general quality of

urban life through waste management. Cleaner streets generally meant better health for

all involved and the garbage collectors of the day had a large part in ensuring that

proper sanitary standards were upheld to provide a cleaner, healthier place to live and

do business.

This responsibility however comes with certain risks that are simply unavoidable

in this line of work.

Workers in the waste management sector undergo constant occupational stress,

psychical and chemical exposure to different vapors, smokes, fumes and dusts which

can lead to adverse, acute and chronic respiratory health effects. Additionally, their state

of psychological health may have been influenced by their occupation. To add to this,

certain viewpoints towards the occupation that it is unclean or perceived to be a type of

job for those who are uneducated or unskilled may have an effect on their overall

mental health.

This study aims to shed a light on the occupational risk factors that affect

garbage collectors on a daily basis, how they are affected physiologically,

psychologically, and socially, with each factor offering a different set of hazards, and

each pose a risk at work. In doing so the researchers hope to formulate an intervention

plan that can potentially assist and improve their overall condition. Certain preventive

measures may be enforced to render them less susceptible to the health hazards that

we identified in our study. Maximizing the researchers effort to bring improvement to

the lives of people who offer such a vital purpose in our society is rewarding and we

hope to make an impact in their lives in a meaningful way.

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the extent of occupational risk experienced by garbage

collectors that they face in their field of work.

Specifically, it answered the following questions:

1. What are the respondents selected characteristics in terms of:

a. age

b. gender

c. educational attainment

d. marital status

e. employment status

f. length of service

2. What are the extent of occupational risk experienced by garbage collectors along

a. Physiological

b. Psychological

c. Social

3. Is there a significant relationship between personal characteristics and extent of

occupational risk experienced by garbage collectors?

4. What intervention plan may be proposed as a result of the findings of the study?

Scope and Delimitation

The study will encompass the elements underlying the occupational risk factors

of garbage collectors in Naga city. The garbage collectors reckoned in this study are the

workers who round with in the premise of the city from Downtown-Centro up to the

different barangays. It is important to note that this kind of job is regulated by the local

government unit of the city.

The respondents subjected to the study are defined through convenient

sampling. Therefore the specific number of respondents depends on the number of

people that have responded in the data gathering. The range of the age of these

workers started from eighteen (18) to sixty (60) years old. This particular range pertains

to the legal age of qualified workers recognized by the law.

This study will focus on the extent of the occupational risk experienced by the

garbage collectors along its physiological, psychological and social aspects. Under

physiological are the cases of signs and symptoms that the garbage collectors

experienced through their work. This study does not involve the cases of disease

process acquired before they enter in the occupation. The psychological aspect involves

the personal aspect of the garbage collectors on how they are affected by their work.

The social aspect involves their point of view as to how they perceive themselves based

on their experience in relation to the community around them. We will also include the

respondent's selected characteristics such as age, sex, educational attainment, marital

status and length of service. The employment status includes three options, the full

time, part time and probational. It is noteworthy that provisional status is included so

the short term length of service is still considered in this study specifically at least two

months because their experience of exposure in the work cannot fully determine their

proneness to the extent of risk.

We will also correlate the significant relationship between the respondent's

selected characteristics and the extent of the risk experienced by the garbage collectors.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial towards the following:

To all Garbage collectors, for this study will be a significant endeavour in

determining the possible improvements of the garbage workers working conditions. It

will help them observe the proper precautionary measures for the prevention of the

probable health hazard and for the prevention of any psychological disturbances and as

well as problems when it comes to social aspect of their lives.

To all Health workers or health professionals, for this study will raise their

awareness about the probable or an overview of the Physical, Physiological and social

aspects of garbage collectors. It will also give them an idea on how to impose strategic

management when it comes to handling garbage workers.

To all Waste management organization, because findings of this research will

help waste management acquire techniques on how to formulate safety precautionary

measure for the garbage collectors as part of their organization.

To all Immediate Family, for this research will also cater the immediate family of

garbage collectors whom they have a direct or indirect contact with. If the study is

demonstrated to be true, it will provide ways for the garbage collectors family to

prevent acquisition of presumptively contagious or communicable diseases procured by

the former from their work and it will guide them on how to help the garbage collectors

cope up with the physical and social problems they are in to.

To all other waste disposal workers, because findings of this research, once

proven to be in accordance with facts, does not solely benefit garbage collectors but

also their co-workers who engage indirectly or directly on the same works as them like

garbage truck drivers and to name a few. It will give ways to counteract possible risk

factors or hazards acquired from working on with city wastes or garbage.

To all General People as a whole; Masses, because the fact-based information of

the researchs outcome will give advantages to the whole population in general. It will

equip them with awareness of what the garbage will cause and how it will affect them,

letting them devise methods on how to get rid of the possible risk factors associated

with wastes.

To all Personal Protective Equipments Manufacturing Company, provided that

the research calls for accuracy and factuality, it will help the manufacturing company on

devising and innovating ways to improve their products to efficiently and effectively defy

or at least diminish health hazards arising from wastes and rubbishes when used in

garbage collecting and handling.

To all future researches, because findings in this research, if proven noteworthy

could aid in further development regarding the potential occupational hazards of

garbage collectors along with the accompanying applications that are in line with this

field. Additionally, findings in this area can dictate future developments in the study.


Waste Management. 2016. Retrieved from

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waste_management. Accessed February 26, 2016

Hoornweg, D., &Bhada-Tata, P. (2012). What a Waste: Solid Waste Management

in Asia. Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A: The International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development/THE WORLD BANK.



This chapter present a review of related literatures and studies relevant to the present

research. It provides some insights and information regarding to the Extent of

occupational risk experienced by the garbage collectors.

Related Literature

According to Morello (2011), garbage collectors never know what hazardous

materials and foraging animals they may come across in the course of their duty. There

are countless ways to be injured on the job and all manner of toxic materials in the

trash that garbage men carry and transport every day. It is important to know what to

look out before beginning your days work. Lifting heavy objects repeatedly can result in

spinal damage, hernias or any number of physical injuries. Proper lifting techniques help

to reduce the danger, as does the practice of asking a fellow trash collector for help

when lifting a particularly heavy or awkward item. Weather is often the cause of falls

and physical.

Garbage collectors come across ice, rain and high winds often and must cope

with the slick and hazardous conditions they can create. Garbage collectors must know

the danger of their job. They must be cautious to every piece they encounter. If not,

they might have face countless way to be injured to and in the process of collecting they

also might have encounter toxic substances that may harm them.

According to Mathys, W. et al, (2014) The authors studied the kind of work a

sample of 36 garbage collectors have been doing in a city of the state of Sao Paolo. A

high frequency of occupational accidents and sick-due to health problems and some

occupational risk was observed among them, and also that these workers havent worn

the individual protection equipment received, that probably contributes to such number

of stop working.

In their study the talk about waste management. They emphasis the proper

disposal, transport and storage of the garbages collected from house-to-house by the

garbage man. They were concern how the garbage collector handle a proper delivery of

the waste materials they collected also the way they store them in the dump sites. They

saw the potential health risk of this in houses near the dump site and also risk in the

health of the garbage collector itself.

Their study somehow garbage collectors value their jobs even they already knew how

dangerous it could be, because they value their income very much that it is the only

source of their living. Most of the garbage collectors in the studies are married

According to Bunn-TL. Et al.(2011) Solid waste collection is among the

occupations with the highest risk for injuries and illnesses. Solid waste collector injuries

were characterized in terms of injury risk and employment industry sector (public versus

private) using Kentucky workers' compensation first reports of injury and claims data.

When compared to 35-44-year-old workers, solid waste collectors who were under 35

years of age were less likely to have a workers' compensation first report of injury or

claim that resulted in awarded benefits. The probability that a workers' compensation

first report of injury or claim would result in an awarded benefit was higher if the worker

was employed as a solid waste collector in the private sector compared to the public

sector, or was injured due to a motor vehicle-related injury or a push-or-pull type of

injury. A better understanding of the differences in the contributing factors for an injury

that results in a first report of injury or claim with awarded benefits (e.g., job activities,

new and refresher worker safety training, type of equipment used, differences in

collection vehicle automation, and differential reporting of injuries on the job) between

the public and private sectors is necessary to target injury prevention strategies in this

high-risk occupation.

According to Rufner-Press et al. (2012-2013) During the last decade, a growing

interest in recycling of domestic waste has emerged, and action plans to increase the

recycling of domestic waste have been agreed by many governments. A common

feature of these plans is the implementation of new systems and equipment for the

collection of domestic waste which has been separated at source. However, only limited

information exists on possible occupational health problems related to such new


Occupational accidents are very frequent among waste collectors. Based on

current knowledge, it appears that the risk factors should be considered as an integrated

entity, i.e. technical factors (poor accessibility to the waste, design of equipment) may

act in concert with high working rate, visual fatigue due to poor illumination and perhaps

muscle fatigue due to high work load. Musculoskeletal problems are also common

among waste collectors. A good deal of knowledge has accumulated on mechanical load

on the spine and energetic load on the cardio-pulmonary system in relation to the

handling of waste bags, bins, domestic containers and large containers. However,

epidemiologic studies with exposure classification based on field measurement are

needed, both to further identify high risk work conditions and to provide a detailed basis

for the establishment of occupational exposure limits for mechanical and energetic load

particularly in relation to pulling, pushing and tilting of containers.

In 1975, an excess risk for chronic bronchitis was reported for waste collectors in

Geneva and data from the Danish Registry of Occupational Accidents and Diseases also

indicate an excess risk for pulmonary problems among waste collectors compared with

the total work force. Surprisingly few measurements of potentially hazardous airborne

exposures have been performed, and the causality of work-related pulmonary problems

among waste collectors is unknown.

Recent studies have indicated that implementation of some new waste collection

systems may result in an increased risk of occupational health problems. High incidence

rates of gastrointestinal problems, irritation of the eye and skin, and perhaps symptoms

of organic dust toxic syndrome (influenza-like symptoms, cough, muscle pains, fever,

fatigue, and headache) have been reported among workers collecting the biodegradable

fraction of domestic waste.

The few data available on exposure to bio-aerosols and volatile compounds have

indicated that these waste collectors may be simultaneously exposed to multiple agents

such as dust containing bacteria, endotoxin, mold spores, glucans, volatile organic

compounds, and diesel exhaust. Several studies have reported similar health problems

as well as high incidence rates of pulmonary diseases among workers at plants recycling

domestic waste. Large scale research activities including surveys and analytical

epidemiologic studies are needed to identify the actual causes of these occupational

diseases aiming at the prevention of occupational health problems when new waste

collection systems are implemented.

According to Becker G. et al, (2011) In a current study funded by the Federal

Institute of Occupational Safety and Hygiene the microbial exposure during waste

collection and the health of waste collectors are being examined. The investigation of

the exposure is carried out in standard experiments and in field studies. It should give

information about the extent of emissions of bacteria and fungi spores and confounding

factors. Medical examinations of waste collectors will show if there are special health

risks attributable to waste collection.

The study also about the risk of bacterial and fungi spores that affect the health of all

the garbage collectors and also the persons who are expose to the harmful environment

Related Studies

According to Miller, (2012) At first glance, garbage collecting may not seem

extremely hazardous. But research shows that it can fact be both dangerous and even

deadly. A report from the National Institute for occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

shows that between 1980 and 1992, 450 sanitation workers aged 16 or older died in

incidents involving refuse collection truck and was truck or run over by their own


Unfortunately, the risk of injury and death hasnt improved much since then. In

2007, the Bureau of Labor Statistics noted that reuse and recycle materials collector had

a fatality rate of 22 per 100,000 workers, placing them among occupations with high

fatality rates. In 2004, NIOSH reported that workers in waste management were in the

top three job classifications to have the greatest risk of falling, and were number six

have the greatest number of fatalities in the service sector. Solid waste collection

workers were also two times likelier to suffer lost workday injuries than the average

service sector worker.

Garbage collectors has the most hazardous job, the fact that it can be both

dangerous and even deadly. Most people dont see the danger they face every time they

collect garbage house to house. Some people under estimate the job of a garbage

collector, but researches prove that it is the most dangerous and also the most tiring

job. Every day, they collect the city and in villages trash and at the same rime they face

different kinds of toxic and different kinds of bacteria.

According to Barber, (2011), Solid waste haulers rank third on the list of the

riskiest jobs in US, according to a study by the Florida Center of Solid and hazardous

waste management, Miami, and the University of Miami. Averaging 90 deaths annually

per 100,000 workers collection falls behind fishing, with 178 deaths, and timber cutting

with 156. The Higher number of deaths can be attributed partly to impatient drivers,

who try to pass stopped garbage collection vehicles and end up hitting collectors.

This makes wastes handling a riskier occupation than airplane pilot, which

averages 88 per 100,00oworkers, and taxicab driver, which averages 32 deaths. The

mortality rate is 100 times higher than what is considered acceptable risk by any

standard, say James Englehardt, University of Miami professor of civil, architectural and

environmental engineering and a lead researcher for the study. The injury rate also is

staggering, according to study. Collectors, on average, are injured five to seven times

more than the average worker, with 52.7 injuries per 100 workers. Most of those are

back injuries and lacerations.

According to LleraSastresa E. (2013) Sustainable transportation infrastructure

and travel policies aim to optimize the use of transportation systems to achieve

economic and related social and environmental goals. To this end, a novel methodology

based on life cycle assessment (LCA) has been developed in this study, with the aim of

quantifying, in terms of CO2 emissions equivalent, the impact associated with different

alternatives of waste collection systems in different urban typologies. This new approach

is focussed on saving energy and raw materials and reducing the environmental impact

associated with the waste collection system in urban areas, as well as allowing the

design and planning of the best available technologies and most environment-friendly


The methodology considers a large variety of variables from the point of view of

sustainable urban transport such as the location and size of the urban area, the amount

of solid waste generated, the level of social awareness on waste separation procedures,

the distance between houses and waste collection points and the distance from the

latter to the possible recovery plants and/or landfills, taking into account the material

and energy recovery ratio within an integrated waste management system.

As a case study, two different waste collection systems have been evaluated with

this methodology in the ecocityValdespartera located in Zaragoza, Spain, consisting of

approximately 10,000 homes: (i) a system based on traditional truck transportation and

manual collection, and (ii) a stationary vacuum waste collection system. Results show

that, when operating at loads close to 100%, the stationary collection system has the

best environmental performance in comparison with the conventional system. In

contrast, when operating at load factors around 13% the environmental benefits in

terms of net CO2-eq. emissions for the stationary collection system are around 60%

lower in comparison with the conventional one.

According to Swiss Journal of Psychology (2010) Verlag Hans Huber, the status

that the locus of control plays as a moderator variable in relation to exposure to

environmental stressors, has been widely discussed in the recent scientific literature.

Nevertheless, little researcher has been done in developing countries to establish the

predictive qualities of this variables regarding the proactive attitudes or avoidance

behavior that certain populations could adapt in relation to the management of specific

stress factors. In the research reported here we have tried to identify some variables

which distinguish the propensity to identify the presence of domestic garbage as a

nuisance or as a health risk factor, among inhabitants of certain ghettos in the

Dominican Republic. The methodological consideration relating to the construction,

validation and used of questionnaires among potentially illiterate populations are


According to Rodrigo John Cardoso (2014) Solid waste collectors, popularly

called street sweepers and/or dustmen, are responsible for a public service essential for

environmental preservation, thus for public health: collecting household and commercial

waste. It is estimated that more than 90 thousand people perform this work in Brazil1

and during their labor activity they are exposed to physical, chemical, biological and

psycho-social risks. Solid waste collectors have a high workload, with intensive physical

demands, among them walking, running, going up and down slopes and raising and

carrying weight along the day, among others. Exposure to high physical demand levels

may trigger damages to health such as onset of osteomuscular symptoms, technically

called Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs).

According to the Department of Health, WMSDs are musculoskeletal injuries

caused by excessive use of such structures, associated to insufficient recovery. They are

characterized by symptoms as pain, paresthesia, sensation of weight and fatigue,

simultaneously or not. They involve clinical presentations of the musculoskeletal system

acquired by workers submitted to certain working conditions.

In the United States, WMSDs are responsible for more than half the diseases

benefited by the Workers Compensation Insurance5 and in Brazil, 48.2% of social

security benefits granted in 2006 were a consequence of such morbitities6. According to

the Workers' Health Information System, 51.2% of reported diseases in 2008 in the

state of Rio Grande do Sul, state from the extreme South of Brazil, were WMSDs. So, it

is clear that WMSDs are a public health problem.

There are few published studies evaluating osteomuscular health of solid waste

collectors around the world. A study evaluating waste collection-related factors has

observed that only 3% of such studies have investigated osteomuscular injuries7. A

different study carried out in Florida, USA, has found 75% prevalence of osteomuscular

injuries in the last 12 months among household solid waste collectors8. In Brazil, few

studies were found analyzing such subject. In light of the severity of the problem

involving workers' health, as well as due to a gap in the knowledge about the prevalence

of osteomuscular disorders among solid waste collectors, this study is justified and aims

at investigating the prevalence of osteomuscular disorders among solid waste collectors

of two middle-sized cities of the extreme South of Brazil.

According to Buhrkalet., al. 2012 Collection of waste is an important logistic

activity within any city. In this paper we study how to collect waste in an efficient way.

We study the Waste Collection Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window which is

concerned with finding cost optimal routes for garbage trucks such that all garbage bins

are emptied and the waste is driven to disposal sites while respecting customer time

windows and ensuring that drivers are given the breaks that the law requires. We

propose an adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for solving the problem and

illustrate the usefulness of the algorithm by showing that the algorithm can improve the

objective of a set of instances from the literature as well as for instances provided by a

Danish garbage collection company.

Synthesis of the State-of-the Art

There have been a lot of studies that prove our observations on the risk of

garbage collectors. They are as follows;

The related literature of Morello and Bunn-TL is currently related to occupational

risk of garbage collector which determine the characteristics and level of risk factor of

the garbage collector. Garbage collectors have the most hazardous job and the third

deadliest one. There are the countless ways to be injured on the job and all manner of

toxic materials in the trash that the garbage men carry and transport every day.

Garbage collector often hang suspended from the sides or near of garbage

trucks, walk in and out of traffic regularly and ride outside the trucks from stop to stop

to cut down on the time required to climbed into and out of the cab repeatedly. Because

its hard, dirty work, garbage collectors tend to draw support from the public, even their

trash piled up during a garbage strike. Thats one reason that garbage collectors

generally make more than some people in white collar jobs.

In the study of Swiss Journal of Psychology not only the garbage collectors are

affected but also the families. The studies provide support for the potential harm that

their occupation can inflict upon their personal health without directly meaning to. The

unexpected consequence of their continual exposure poses a detriment to their

physiological, psychological, and social health.

The study Chamba is related to the study of Janowitz, a consultant in California

who was conducted safety trainings for Garbage Collectors stated that like other

profession that require physical, labor, garbage collecting can put tremendous strain as

on your body as well. In some cities, trash pickup crews still run at average of 20 miles

per day behind moving garbage trucks. According to a report from the US Bureau of

Labor Statistic, in 2006 there over 3, 000 instances of lost workdays nationally because

of injuries to garbage collectors working for country and city collection service.

Some injuries stem for constantly repeating awkward movements, such as

jumping in and out of garbage trucks and lifting cans that can sometimes weigh 100

pound or more. The weight and the often-awkward positions can cause back strain and

uncle sprains. And on the days when the road is slick, lifting heavy cans can lead to a

nasty fall, especially since collectors never know what to expect.

According to Statistic shows waste collection to be one of the most dangerous

jobs, at times even more dangerous than police work, but consistently less dangerous

than commercial fishing and ranch and farm work. On the job hazards include broken

glass; medical waste such as syringes; caustic chemicals; falling objects from

overloaded containers; diseases that may accompany solid waste; asbestos; dog attacks

and pests; inhaling dust, smoke, and fumes; inclement weather, traffic accidents and

odours so foul that they can make one physically sick. In developing countries waste

collection is often accomplish before conventional waste collection is often accomplish

before conventional waste collectors by Waste Pickers who may be self-financing

through recycling and repair and or reselling.

According to Miller At first glance, garbage collecting may not seem extremely

hazardous. But research shows that it can be both dangerous and even deadly. The

driver is subjected to appreciably less burden than the loader.

Furthermore, Barber which has the same study, concluded that solid waste

collectors rank third on the list of the riskiest jobs in US, according to a study by the

Florida Center of Solid and hazardous waste management, Miami, and the University of

Miami. Averaging 90 deaths annually per 100,000 workers.

The Higher number of deaths can be attributed partly to impatient drivers, who

try to pass stopped garbage collection vehicles and end up hitting collectors. Marcello

found out that there are countless ways to be injured on the job and all manner of toxic

materials in the trash that garbage men carry and transport every day. It is important to

know what to look out before beginning your days work. Lifting heavy objects

repeatedly can result in spinal damage, or any number of physical injuries.

According to Becker G. et al ,In a current study funded by the Federal Institute

of Occupational Safety and Hygiene the microbial exposure during waste collection and

the health of waste collectors are being examined. Not only solid waste is a treat to

garbage collectors also microbial and fungal which can cause serious disease that can

lead to deaths of the garbage collectors.

Finally, Mathys W. et al, they studied 36 garbage collectors in a city and they

find out what leads occupational accidents. Sick-due to health problems and some

occupational risk was observed among them, and also that these worker havent worn

the individual protection equipment received, that probably contributes to high risk in

health and physical risk in their jobs.

Theoretical Framework

This study employed the aspect and role of a person as the subject of the study.

The theory of epidemiological triad is very relevant in interpreting and explaining the

outlook, perspective and behaviour of the garbage collectors in Naga city because they

themselves are humans and that influences their nature of understanding and the

environment they are exposed to. The action of people is the manifestation of the

outcome of the degree of the influencing factors. This theory discusses the fundamental

basis of the study.

The Theory of Epidemiological Triad explains the transmission of communicable

diseases. The theory has three significant components composed of the agent,

environment and host. The agent is a factor primarily responsible for the disease

causation. Its presence suggests the possibility that any form of disease may occur or

not. These agents are microorganisms that survive in places conducive for their growth

and its virulence describes whether once exposed to a suitable place, can be dangerous

or and lethal because of its rapid multiplication and spread, therefore it is called

infectious. The microorganisms infectiousness is an indicator that it can be passed on or

be communicable. The garbage collectors are obviously exposed to these agents as their

work involves waste collection of indefinite source and in any forms. The host is a

person that is susceptible to diseases.

Susceptibility of host is determined by his genetic makeup whether or not he is

easily affected, the immunity if he has compromised or competent immune system and

the nutrition he is taking if its enough to support his well-being. Also, it is because of

the behavior of the host that contribute to the chance that of acquiring anything


The host plays the subjective role of making decisions. He has the capacity to

think for himself or what emotion to rule him. In this way, his psychological aspect

affects him greatly that at the end, would affect the way he interacts in the society. The

environment describes a physical, social or biological context. The study focused on the

physical aspect where the medium of host and agent interaction takes place.

Environment also include the vector, route of infection and its contact. All these are

prominent to the garbage collectors as they are hosts and the nature of their work

involves exposure to unpleasant environment.

The overall use of the theory of epidemiological triad explicates the overall

aspect of the garbage collectors as they deal with their psychological, physiological and

social matters. It defines their interaction to others as what is inside of them reflects

their action. This theory guides the study and the researchers have the appropriate

undertaking in dealing with the subject of the study.


The application of the theories to the variables has established the processes and

its relationships to the study. The conceptual framework described the variables used in

the study and the paradigm of the study as shown in Figure 1 stated the independent

and dependent variable of the study. Under independent variables are the age, sex,

educational attainment, marital status and length of service.

It is assumed that the independent variable will have an effect to the dependent

variable. The dependent variables include the three personal aspects of physical,

psychological and social. The study necessitates knowing the selected demographic

profile of the respondents and the classification of understanding and compliance.

The age of the respondents can affect and influence a persons perception to so

many things. A person can be more understanding to a given situation or probably may

feel the opposite. Age can affect the performance of garbage collectors. The immune

system weakens and become immunocompromised as the age of the respondents gets


While gender determines the performance of the respondents because basically

men are physically stronger than women. Thats why we can observe that all garbage

collectors are male. Female garbage collectors are very rare. Usually females are street


Then the educational attainment this influence the knowledge of the respondents

to the health hazard of their work. If the respondents level of education is low, they are

prone to injuries and may acquire diseases.

The marital Status affects the outlook and decision making of the respondents in

life. It affects the different aspect of the worker because marriage adds to the factor

that the worker will honour or prioritize aside from himself, his work or the other way.

Lastly, the length of service determines the duration of the respondents in their

field of work. The respondents may acquire diseases depending on the length of their

service at work. Longer times at work may give the respondents more diseases or

injuries. Lesser times at work may give less diseases and injuries to the respondents.

Selected Characteristics Extent of occupational
of Garbage Collector risk experienced by
Garbage Collector
Physiological factors
intervention plan
educational attainment
for garbage
marital status
collectors in Naga
Social factors
employment status
length of service

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm

Physiological Factors

Physiological factors are aspect regarding the acts of a living organism and its

parts in addition to the physical and chemical procedures engaged in these acts.

Assessment of energy expenditure during work and its physical demand is important for

the fields of work physiology and workers' health, because it provides useful information

for determining the job's physiological workload and estimating the workers' energy


Psychological Factors

Psychological factors are the factors pertaining to how the garbage collectors of

Naga City is affected personally in terms of their though and behaviour.

The increased generation of garbage has become a problem in Naga City, with greater

demand for collection services. The collector is subjected to high workload. This study

describes the work in garbage collection service, highlighting the requirements of time,

resulting in physical and psychosocial demands to collectors.

Social Factors

Social factors are the things that affect the garbage collectors in terms of their

interaction to people such as family, neighbours or strangers. This can have a positive

effect to garbage collectors if it conveys affirmation and negative effect if it conveys


The composite of the demographic data with the different personal aspects lead

to the identification of the significant relationship between the selected characteristics of

the respondents and the extent of occupational risk experienced by garbage collectors.

This process seeks to distinguish what are those identified significant relationship and

how would it be used to establish the outcome. This will lead to the proposition of an

intervention plan from the findings. This formulated proposed plan must be a positive

favourable implication that resolves the occupational risk factors of the garbage

collectors in Naga City.

Research Hypothesis

The hypotheses of the study are the following relationship:

1. There is a significant relationship between the extent of occupational risk among

categories under: age, length of service and gender.

2. There is a significant difference on the extent of occupational risk among

categories under: employment status, marital status and educational attainment.

Definition of terms

The following terms were operationally defined to give the readers a better

understanding of the study.

Occupational is any factor relating directly to their work in waste management

and disposal.

Extent of risk is the degree by which the exposure of the garbage collectors into

different factors may lead to the tendency of harming them.

Garbage includes different types of waste that the Naguenos have used and

disposed such as plastics, spoiled food and other disposals of humans.

Garbage collector is an employee of SWMO in Naga City who maintains the

cleanliness around the city and collects garbage and other solid waste.

Infection is a disease caused by pathogenic agents such as parasites, bacteria

and fungi.

Physiological is the aspect of an individual relating to the physical health and

normal body functions of the garbage collectors.

Psychological is the aspect of an garbage collectors that relates to their mental

and emotional state.

Social is the aspect of an individual relating to the interaction of the garbage

collectors to their co-workers, family and other people around them.


Deuna, M., &Lindiorado, S. (1996). Environmental Science for Philippine Schools:

Textbook. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House.

McLeod, S. (2014). Cognitive Dissonance. Retrieved from


Meeks, L., &Heit, P. Health Focus On You. (1990). United States: Merrill
Publishing Company.

Somerville, M., Kumaran K., & Anderson R. (2012) .Public Health and
Epidemiology at a Glance.John Wiley & Sons Publication.



This chapter of the study describes the research method, subject of the study,

instrumentation and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The research design that was employed in this study is a descriptive type of

research. This was used to determine the extent of occupational risk experienced by

garbage collectors in Naga City in a given three aspects: physiological, psychological and


The research have also used the correlational type of research where it

established the relationship between the garbage collectors selected characteristics with

their aforementioned level of risks

Respondents of the Study

The main subject of the study had selected (51) garbage collectors in Naga City

using convenient sampling. These garbage collectors aged eighteen (18) to sixty five

(65) years old. Each of them having at least two (2) months period job as a garbage



The data-gathering tool that will be utilized in this study is a questionnaire form

which comprised of factual questionnaire. A factual questionnaire encompasses selected

socio-demographic information- name, age, sex, length of service and marital status.

Moreover, likert-scale type will be employed to assess the degree or how much the

respondents agreed or disagreed with the research prepared statement. The scale would

be one to four. Four will be an indicator for a very high result, three will indicate a high

result, two will indicate low and one is very low result.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher made a formal letter to the solid waste management ofiice

permission to conduct a survey to the garbage collectors. Upon getting the permission,

the researcher distributed the survey questionnaire to the garbage collectors early in the

morning. The questionnaire was personally distributed by the researcher to the garbage

collectors so that the researcher will know more the garbage collectors. After the survey

the data was analyzed and tabulated.

Statistical Treatment

Descriptive measures such as frequency, percentage, mean, median, mode,

maximum, minimum, skewness, and standard deviation are used in describing

characteristics or profiles of the respondents. Weighted means are obtained in

determining extent of risk. The relationships of the extent of risk with the profile

variables were obtained using the following:

Pearson Correlation determines the relationship/correlation between extent of

risk (interval) with age (ratio) and length of service (ratio). Pearson is used to correlate

variables that are either interval or ratio.

Point-Biserial Correlation determines the relationship between extent of risk

(interval) and gender (dichotomous-nominal). Point biserial is used to correlate one

interval/ratio with a dichotomous/nominal variable.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) determines differences on the extent of risk

among the different categories of marital status (single, married and widow/separated)

and employment status (part-time, fulltime and probationary). Also this was applied in

determining differences on the extent of risk among the three areas: physiological,

psychological and social. ANOVA determines the significant differences of three or more

groups of data.

T-test on Independent samples determines differences extent of risk between

the categories of educational attainment highschool and college. T-test determines

significant differences of two independent groups of data.

The software Simplified Statistics for Beginners (SSB) was used to obtain

necessary values/measures for data analysis.


Aquino, G. (1992). Fundamentals of Research. Manila: National Bookstore, Inc.



This chapter presents the results and discussion of the data gathered in an effort

to find the answers to the problems raised in the study.

Selected Characteristics of the Respondents

Table 1 6 present the selected characteristics of garbage collectors in naga

city. Table 6 9 present the extent of risk. Table 10 13 Relationship of profile

variables with the extent of risk.

Table 1

Selected Characteristics of the Respondents according to Age

Age Frequency Percentage (%)

16-25 12 15.50

26-35 18 64.05

36-45 15 17.45

46-55 7 1.92

56-65 4 1.08

Total 51 100.00

The average age of the respondents is 39 years of age. Half of the respondents

are aged below/above 38 years. Five of the respondents has modal/same of 44. The

oldest garbage collector is aged 60 and the youngest is aged 21. The Skewness is 0.25

which indicates that age follows a normal distribution.

According to Bunn-TL. Et al, (2011) when compared to 35-44 year old workers,

solid waste collectors who were under 35 years of age were less likely to have a

workers' compensation first report of injury or claim that resulted in awarded benefits.

The result proves that there is a low injury risk in the garbage collectors in the

age of 39. In this age they already know how to prevent getting an injury in their field

of work.

Table 2

Selected Characteristics of the Respondents according to Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage


Male 32 64.00

Female 19 36.00

Total 51 100.00

Table 2 shows that out of the 51 respondents, 64% of the respondents are male

and 36% are female.

Table 3

Selected Characteristics of the Respondents according to Educational


Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage (%)

Some Elementary 2 4.28

Elementary 8 16.22

Some Highschool 11 22.05

Highschool 22 42.35

Some College 1 2.10

Total 51 100.00

Table 3 shows that when it comes to educational attainment 4% wasnt able to

finish highschool, 16% are elementary graduate, 22% wasnt able to finish highschool,

43% are highschool graduate, 2 % was able to reach college but wasnt able to finish it,

2% was able to finish college and 6% went through vocational courses.

Table 4

Selected Characteristics of the Respondents according to Marital Status

Marital Status Frequency Percentage (%)

Single 7 14.50

Married 31 63.22

Widow 6 12.28

Separated 2 4.00

Total 51 100.00

in terms of marital status, 14 % are single, 62% are married, 12% are widow and 4%

are separated.

Table 5

Selected Characteristics of the Respondents according to Employment Status

Employment Status Frequency Percentage (%)

Part-time 5 10.50

Fulltime 12 24.48

Provisional 29 56.02

Total 51 100.00

As shown in the table 5 it presents that only half of the garbage collectors are

provisional having 56.02% while the fulltime are only 24.48% and the part time are


Table 6

Selected Characteristics of the Respondents according to Length of service

Length of Service

Mean 7.77 8

Median 5

Mode 1(8)

Maximum 35 years

Minimum 2mos

On the average, the respondents have been working as garbage collector for 8 years.

Half of the respondents have been working below/above 5 years. Eight of the 51

respondents have been working for 8 years. The longest length of service is almost 35

years and the shortest is 2 months only.

According to Morello (2011), garbage collectors never know what hazardous

materials and foraging animals they may come across in the course of their duty. There

are countless ways to be injured on the job and all manner of toxic materials in the

trash that garbage men carry and transport every day. It is important to know what to

look out before beginning your days work. Lifting heavy objects repeatedly can result in

spinal damage, hernias or any number of physical injuries.


The extent of risk of garbage collectors under physiological is shown

below. The obtained weighted means are computed from three areas, that is, symptoms

found in (A) Skin, (B) Respiratory and (C) Gastro- intestinal.

Table 7


Symptoms found in Weighted Mean

A. Skin Frequency Degree of


1. Caused by bacteria
Acne 2.63 1.37
Boils 2.71 1.46
Chalazion (kulatoy) 2.80 1.50

Average 2.71 1.44

2. Caused by fungi
Dryness of the skin 2.00 1.41
Itchiness of the scalp 1.47 1.42
Itchiness of hands 1.51 1.33
Itchiness of groin 2.13 1.33

Average 1.78 1.38

3. Caused by virus
Lip wounds 2.30 1.42
Warts 1.58 1.50
Skin rash 1.65 1.50

Average 1.84 1.47

Cumulative Average Weighted Mean 2.11 1.43

The obtained weighted under symptoms found in skin is grouped into three,

caused by bacteria, fungi and virus. Under bacteria, the average weighted mean for

frequency is 2.71 which correspond to sometimes. This indicates that 51-75%

experienced the said symptoms. The obtained degree of severity is 1.44 which

corresponds to mild. Under fungi and virus, both obtained an average weighted mean

(for frequency) corresponding to seldom, implying that 26-50% of the respondents

experienced the said symptoms. Similarly for degree of severity both obtained weighted

means correspond to mild.

A cumulative average weighted mean of 2.11 for frequency and 1.43 for degree

of severity were obtained under symptoms found in skin. This indicates that 26-50% of

the symptoms are experienced by the respondents and most cases are of mild degree

of severity. Most likely these are symptoms caused by bacteria. Moreover, it can be

concluded that respondents are at low risk of infection of the skin.

Table 8


Symptoms found in Weighted Mean

B. Respiratory Frequency Degree of Severity

1. Clogged nose 1.22 1.29

2. Colds 1.53 1.69

3. Sore throat 1.40 1.50

4. Swelling of the trachea 1.57 1.91

5. Dry Cough 1.40 1.45

Average Weighted Mean 1.42 1.57

Under symptoms found in respiratory, weighted means under frequency ranges

from 1.22 to 1.57 corresponding to never. At most 25% only of the respondents

experience these symptoms. Under degree of severity the rest of the symptoms

(clogged nose, colds, sore throat and dry cough) are mild ( 1.74) except for

swelling of the trachea which obtained a weighted mean of 1.91 corresponding to


An average weighted mean of 1.42 for frequency and 1.57 for severity were

obtained. It implies that at most 25% of these symptoms are experienced by the

respondents. Ranking these symptoms, colds and swelling of trachea are the symptoms

most likely to be experienced by the respondents. Under severity, it can be concluded

that most of these symptoms are only mild. The results of the weighted means leads

to the conclusion that respondents are at low risk to experience infections in their

respiratory system.

Table 9


Symptoms found in Weighted Mean

Gastrointestinal Frequency Degree of Severity

1. Tooth Decay 1.60 1.73

2. Sores in the mouth or in the 1.19 1.20


3. Stomach ache 1.13 1.00

4. Loose bowel movement 1.33 1.10

Average Weighted Mean 1.31 1.23

Under symptoms found in gastrointestinal, it shall be noted that obtained

weighted means range from 1.13 to 1.60 under frequency corresponding to never. It

implies that at most 25% only of the respondents experienced the said symptoms.

Under degree of severity, the symptoms were described as mild.

The average weighted mean of 1.31 for frequency implies that at most 25% only

of the symptoms are experienced by the respondents. Ranking its weighted mean, it can

be seen that tooth decay is most likely the symptom experienced. Under degree of

severity, an average of 1.23 was obtained corresponding to mild.

Table 10


Physiological- Symptoms found in Weighted Mean

Frequency Severity

a. Skin 2.11 1.43

b. Respiratory 1.42 1.57
c. Gastro intestinal 1.31 1.23

Average 1.61 1.41

The table above shows the summary of the obtained weighted means computed. It shall

be noted that the average weighted mean obtained under frequency is 1.61

corresponding to never. This indicates that at most 25% only of all the symptoms

found in skin, respiratory and gastro-intestinal are experienced by the respondents.

These symptoms are all described as mild as shown by the obtained average weighted

mean of 1.41.

Table 11


Weighted Mean Rank


I do not enjoy my job. 2.16 9

My work is being belittled in the community 2.17 8

I serve.

My job is causing me emotional stress. 2.63 4

I worry over my personal health and safety 2.80 3

whenever at work.

I am unsatisfied with my job. 2.08 10

I feel inferior, that others are more capable 2.36 7

and qualified than me.

I am unsatisfied with my current position in 2.40 6


I have trouble sleeping due to work-related 2.59 5


I feel physically and mentally drained 3.14 1

because of my job.

I feel that my job is tiring and debilitating. 2.88 2

I feel ashamed of my profession. 1.50 11

I feel rejected by the persons who I love 1.38 12

the most

Average Weighted Mean 2.34

Under psychological area, the ratings obtained ranged from 1.38 to 3.14, very

low to high risk. The following indicators obtained a very low risk ratings :I feel

ashamed of my profession and I feel rejected by the persons who I love the most.

Almost none (0-25% ) of the respondents observe or agree on these. Several indicators

obtained a low risk ratings. These are : I do not enjoy my job, My work is being

belittled in the community I serve, I am unsatisfied with my job, I feel inferior, that

others are more capable and qualified than me and I am unsatisfied with my current

position in life. The ratings of low under these indicators means that 26-50% of the

respondents observe/agree on these. The remaining indicators obtained rating of high

risk. This means that 51-75% of the respondents experienced the indicators.

An average weighted mean of 2.34 was obtained. This indicates that

respondents are at low risk under psychological area. Only 26-50% of the indicators are

observed or agreed upon by the respondents under study.

Table 12


Weighted Mean Rank

I feel that no one listens to me in the 2.12 4

community because I am a garbage


I experience discrimination because 2.26 3

of my job.

I feel being avoided by others 2.02 6

because of my job.

People are hesitant to interact with 2.12 4

me because of my job.

I feel dishonored by others with what 2.08 5

I do.

My job is keeping me away with my 2.00 7

normal social activities with family

and friends.

My job hinders me to do my hobbies 2.62 1

and recreational activities.

My job prevents me from interacting 2.56 2

with other people outside of work.

Average Weighted Mean 2.22

Under social area, the obtained weighted means ranges from 2.00 to 2.62, low

to high risk ratings. Two among 8 indicators obtained high risk ratings. These are :My

job hinders me to do my hobbies and recreational activities and My job prevents me

from interacting with other people outside of work.

These indicators are experienced/observed by 51-75% of the respondents. The

remaining indicators obtained a rating of low risk which indicates that 26-50% of the

respondents experienced/observed such.

An average weighted mean of 2.22 under social area was obtained. This

indicates that respondents are at low risk under social area. Only 26-50% of the

indicators are observed or agreed upon by the respondents under study.

Table 13

Areas Weighted Mean

Physiological 1.98

Psychological 2.34

Social 2.22

Extent of Risk 2.18

An over-all weighted mean of 2.18 was obtained. This means that the

respondents/garbage collectors are at low risk. No significant differences exist on the

extent of risk among the three areas. This means that the extent of risk is the same for

the three areas.

According to Swiss Journal of Psychology (2010) Verlag Hans Huber, the status

that the locus of control plays as a moderator variable in relation to exposure to

environmental stressors, has been widely discussed in the recent scientific literature.


Table 14

Relationship of Extent of Risk with Profile Variables

Extent of Risk with Correlation Coefficient(r) Computed Value Conclusion

Gender -0.04 0.27 NS

(very weak)

Age -0.34 2.57 Significant


Length of Service -0.06 0.42 NS

(very weak)

The table above shows the relationship of extent of risk with the profile

variables. Statistical test reveals that there is very weak relationship between extent of

risk with gender (-0.04) and length of service (-0.06). However, the obtained

correlations are not significant. A weak significant relationship (-0.34) exists between

extent of risk and age. A negative correlation indicates that the younger the worker, the

higher his/her risk; the older the worker, the lower is its risk.

Table 15

Extent of Risk

Variables Mean Extent of Risk

Employment Status

Part-time 1.86

Fulltime 2.52

Provisional 2.20

Marital Status

Single 2.25

Married 2.16

Widow/Separated 2.44

Educational Attainment

Elementary 2.31

Highschool 2.19

This table above shows that extent of risk according to other variables such as

employment status, marital status and Educational status.

Table 16

Relationship of Extent of Risk with Profile Variables

Extent of Risk with Computed Value Critical Value Conclusion

Employment Status 5.73 5.14 Significant

Marital Status 0.971 5.14 NS

Educational Attainment 0.79 2.02 NS

The above table shows the relationship of extent of risk with employment status,

marital status and educational attainment. Among the three variables evaluated, only

employment status showed significant differences on its extent of risk. It shall be noted

that among the three categories (part time, fulltime and provisional) under this, full-time

workers exhibit the highest extent of risk.




1. To educate them specially those who are new for service about the risks of short

and long term complaints and amplify their knowledge about the proper use of

Personal protective gear so that they might prevent these occupational risk.

2. To help in the total abolishment of the said occupational risk that may hinder the

Naga City garbage collectors in doing their job efficiently and effectively.

3. To encourage the people in Naga city to be an advocate of helping the garbage

collectors lessen the risk they are in.


Because of the accumulating amount of garbage we have in Naga it is inevitable

to acquire different kind of diseases, and the first people who are highly at risk to this

are the garbage collectors. And it might cause a domino effect, if the garbage collectors

have acquired diseases they might easily infect other people around them. We need to

help them avoid this for the protection of them and the protection of us. This program

will help lessen the occupational risk the garbage collectors are in right now.

Program description:

The medical technology department in collaboration with Department of Health

will work together to put up a seminar regarding the proper use of Personal Protective

Gear based on the findings of this research.

The persons involve in this said program are the students in all levels of Medical

Technology department and the representative of Department of Health to help us. This

seminar will be composed of lectures, open forums, practical application from the invited

speakers to share their humble knowledge about this. It will specifically emphasize the

proper use of Personal Protective Gear because this is the best measure to prevent

these risks. As part of the program the respondents will be given pamphlets and Free

personal protective equipment. We have also included psychological games and talks

that will uplift their dignity as garbage collectors. The seminar will be wholesome.


A. To the SWMO: Quarterly assessment of the physiological, mental and social

aspects of the garbage collectors

B. To the future researches: since, the findings of this research has showed that

the risk isnt that alarming and it contradicts the related studies we have, we

suggest they might consider looking for the other factors in other community

that has a very high extent of risk. And compare why the risk in Naga city is

not the high.



The study was undertaken to determine the extent of occupational risk

experienced by the garbage collectors in Naga City.

Descriptive measures such as frequency, percentage, mean, median, mode,

maximum, minimum, skewness and standard deviation was used in the study to

describe the characteristics of the respondents. The data gathering instrument used was

a questionnaire with adjectival interpretation of the Likert Scale to determine the extent

of occupational risk. Pearson, Correlation, Point- biserial correlation, analysis of variance

and T- test were employed as the statistical tools in the study. The software Simplified

statistics for beginners was used to obtain necessary values or measures for data


The respondents of the study were the garbage collectors in Naga City.

This chapter shows the specific problems, hypothesis, findings, conclusions, and

recommendations in order of the specific problems identified in chapter one.

Problem no. 1

What are the respondents characteristics in terms of: Age, Sex, Educational

attainment, marital status, Employment status, Length of service?


The following data regarding personal characteristic of the respondents were

gathered using factual questionnaires on which the respondents fill out the

corresponding selected characteristics.

On age, the data revealed that the average age of the respondents are 39 years

old. The others were aged below/above 39 years which constitutes 50% of the

respondents. It also shows that the majority were with the age of 44. Of the

respondents, the oldest garbage collector among collector among them is 60 years old

while on the other hand, the youngest is 21.

On sex, out of the 51 respondents, the data showed that the majority of the

garbage collectors were male and the remaining minority were female; 64% and 36%


On educational attainment, it was found out that 51 respondents, the majority or

almost half constitutes the garbage collectors that were able to finish high school at

43%, 22% were not able to finish high school, 16% were able to finish elementary, 6%

were able to attain vocational courses, 4% were able to finish elementary and the

minority which makes up the 2% were the ones that didnt finish elementary education.

On marital status, the data revealed that the majority were married, followed by

single, widow and separated; quantitatively constitutes 65%, 14%, 12% and 4%

respectively. On employment status, more than half of the respondents were probational

57%, followed by full time and part time, 24% and 10% respectively.

On the length of service, it was found out that the average respondents were

working as garbage collectors for 8 years. The half of the respondents has been working

for more than or less than 5 years. 8 out of which has been working for 8 years.

The longest service out of 51 has been working for almost 35 years and the

shortest was 2 months only.


Most of the garbage collectors are 64% male and 36% are female with the age

bracket of 21-60 years old. The result showed that 50% of the garbage collector is 39

years old. Most of the garbage collectors are married. Most of the respondents were a

high school graduate with one who reach college but didnt graduate and 3 who attain

vocational courses. Majority of the garbage collectors are probational.

Problem No. 2

What is the extent of risk experienced by garbage collectors along a)

physiological, b) psychological, c) social?


The following data regarding the extent of risk experienced by garbage collectors

in the physiological aspect reveal that two indicators show high risk, namely My job

negatively influences my personal health and I feel that I am not able to competently

do my job because of the unsanitary conditions with an average of 51-75% experiencing

such risk. One indicator, I feel that I have potentially acquired illnesses from my job,

revealed a low risk with a percentage of 26-50% and illnesses obtained from respiratory

and gastrointestinal sickness obtained a rating of very low, ranging from 0-25%.

Under the psychological aspect, two indicators show very low risk, namely I feel

ashamed of my profession and I feel rejected by the persons who I love the most

with a 0-25% experiencing this factor. Several indicators indicated low risk, namely I do

not enjoy my job, my work is being belittled in the community I serve, I am

unsatisfied with my job, I feel inferior, that others are more capable and qualified than

me, and I am unsatisfied with my current position in life with a 26-50% rating.

Overall only 26-50% of the indicators were observed by the respondents of the study.

Under the social aspect, two indicators, my job hinders me to do my hobbies and

recreational activities and My job prevents me from interacting with other people

outside of work revealed a 51-75% indication by the respondents of the study. The

remaining indicators revealed a low rating which was observed by 50% of the

respondents by the study. Overall, a range of only 26-50% of the indicators was

observed by the respondents of the study.

Problem No. 3

Is there a significant relationship between the selected characteristics of the

respondents and the level of risk of the garbage collectors?


The hypotheses of the study are the following relationship:

1. There is a significant relationship between the extent of occupational risk among

categories under: age, length of service and gender.

2. There is a significant differenceon the extent of occupational risk among

categories under: employment status, marital status and educational attainment.


Age and Employment status has a significant relationship with the extent of risk

experienced by the respondents of the study. There is no determined significant

relationship between Gender, Length of Service, and Marital status to the extent of risk

experienced by the respondents.


In the correlation between extent of risk and the selected characteristics of the

respondents of the study, particularly in Age and Employment status that the

researchers accepted the hypothesis. Thus there is no significant between Gender,

Length of Service, and Marital status but a significant relationship between the age of

the respondent to the extent of the risk that they have experience.

Problem No. 4

What intervention plan may be proposed as a result of the findings of the study?

Expanded preparation and training of exposures and wellbeing dangers for

garbage collectors in Naga city.

Expanded utilization of individual defensive hardware or personal protective

equipment by Naga City garbage collectors.

Instruct and educate Naga city workers for garbage collecting who are new for

administration about the dangers of short and long haul dissensions and prevent

these occupational risks and hazards.

Convince the target, the garbage collectors in Naga City that they are at low risk

in their occupation and in order to further lower these risk in the psychological,

physiological and social aspects to distribute more effective and efficient

protective and safety materials.

To help in the total eradication of the occupational risk that may hinder the Naga

City garbage collectors in doing their job efficiently and effectively.

Providing information to the garbage collectors and official authorities in Naga

City about these risk and hazards.

Educate the Naga city garbage collectors who are new for service about the risks

of short and long term complaints and prevent these occupational risks.

To ensure that the researchers study truly improves the lifestyles of the Naga

City garbage collectors, pre and post assessment of their physiological,

psychological, and social aspect may be evaluated.

To encapsulate, Prevention and Awareness will help to further lower the extent

of risks of the Naga City garbage collectors that make them effective and

efficient in doing their jobs.

Subject: Program to expand utilization of individual defensive hardware or

personal protective equipment by Naga City garbage collectors.

The researchers propose the implementation the program by the union of the

Medical Technology and Department of Health in intensifying the proper utilization of

individual defensive hardware or personal protective equipment of Naga City garbage



Nowadays our life is threatened by the different diseases and infections that we

can acquire from the society we live in. And the first hand people who are susceptible to

those diseases are the garbage collectors because of their workplace and they lack

proper education on how to prevent those diseases they might acquire and we do not

often observe advocacies on how to protect them. The common advocacies we can

associate to them is how to lessen the garbage but not on how to protect those whose

work as a garbage collectors.

Education is one of the most effective ways to increase their knowledge on how

they will protect themselves. It will serve as their ultimate shield against the different

diseases they can acquire on their work field. We have an obligation to them, because if

it wasnt for us, they wont be facing this garbage. We put their lives at stake because of

what we dispose. It came from us. Thats why we have the moral obligation to help

them protect themselves. Proper knowledge is the key to a healthy life style.


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