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July 20, 1977: CIA Mind Control Project MKUltra Docs Released for Fir...

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July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltra Docs

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July 20, 1977: CIA Mind Control Project MKUltra Docs Released for Fir...
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltra Docs

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July 20, 1977: CIA Mind Control Project MKUltra Docs Released for Fir...
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July 20, 1977: CIA Mind Control Project MKUltra Docs Released for Fir...
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July 20, 1977: CIA Mind Control Project MKUltra Docs Released for Fir...
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Promoted Links by Taboola

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It's Official: Psychedelic Drugs Really Do Produce Higher State of Cons...
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It's Official: Psychedelic Drugs Really Do Produce Higher State of Cons...
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

University of Sussex Follow


Scientific evidence of a higher state of consciousness has been

found in a study led by Sussex Uni. Read more
7:10 AM - 19 Apr 2017

First evidence for higher state of consciousness found

Scientific evidence of a higher state of consciousness has been found
in a study led by the University of Sussex.

12 7

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It's Official: Psychedelic Drugs Really Do Produce Higher State of Cons...
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Imperial College Follow


Neuroscientists uncover first scientific evidence of 'higher' state of

9:00 AM - 19 Apr 2017

12 18

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artificial intelligence COINTELPRO & the Truth About Organized Stalk...
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An official publication of the AAAI.


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1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be
so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element
of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and
should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter
involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter
element requires that, before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental
subject, there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment;
the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably
to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person, which may possibly come from his
participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each
individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and
responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society,
unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation
and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study, that the
anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental
suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted, where there is an a priori reason to believe that
death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the
experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian
importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the
experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest
degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who
conduct or engage in the experiment.
9. During the course of the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to bring the
experiment to an end, if he has reached the physical or mental state, where continuation of the
experiment seemed to him to be impossible.
10. During the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate
the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith,
superior skill and careful judgement required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is
likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.
["Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law
No. 10", Vol. 2, pp. 181-182. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949.]

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Cover Page
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

Project MKULTRA, The CIA's

Program Of Research In
Behavioral Modification






AUGUST 3, 1977

Printed for the use of the Select Committee on Intelligence

and Committee on Human Resources
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Cover Page
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C. 20402

Stock No. 052-070-04357-1

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Staff Page
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017


(Established by S. Res. 400, 94th Cong., 2d sess.)

DANIEL K. INOUYE, Hawaii, Chairman

BARRY GOLDWATER, Arizona, Vice Chairman


JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR., Delaware
ROBERT MORGAN, North Carolina
GARY HART, Colorado
JOHN H. CHAFE, Rhode Island

ROBERT C. BYRD, West Virginia, Ex Officio Member

HOWARD H. BAKER, JR., Tennessee, Ex Officio Member

WILLIAM G. MILLER, Staff Director

EARL D. EISENHOWER, Minority Staff Director
AUDREY H. HATRY, Chief Clerk


HARRISON A. WILLIAMS, JR., New Jersey, Chairman


EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Staff Page
F. EAGLETON, by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
JOHN H. CHAFEE, Rhode Island
S.I. HAYAKAWA, California

STEPHEN J. PARADISE, General Counsel and Staff Director

DON A. ZIMMERMAN, Minority Counsel



EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts, Chairman


(ex officio)
JOHN H. CHAFEE, Rhode Island

LAWRENCE HOROWITZ, Professional Staff Member

DAVID WINSTON, Minority Counsel


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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Opening Remarks
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017




Washington, D.C.

The committees met, pursuant to notice, at 9:07 a.m. in room 1202,

Dirksen Senate Office Building, Senator Daniel K. Inouye (chairman of
the Select Committee on Intelligence) presiding.

Present: Senators Inouye (presiding), Kennedy, Goldwater, Bayh,

Hathaway, Huddleston, Hart, Schweiker, Case, Garn, Chafee, Lugar and

Also present: William G. Miller, staff director, Select Committee on

Intelligence; Dr. Lawrence Horowitz, staff director, Subcommittee on
Health and Scientific Research; and professional staff members of both

Senator INOUYE. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is

meeting today and is joined by the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific
Research chaired by Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts and
Senator Richard Schweiker of Pennsylvania. Senator Hathaway and
Senator Chafee are members of both committees. We are to hear
testimony from the Director of Central Intelligence, Adm. Stansfield
Turner, and from other Agency witnesses on issues concerning new
documents supplied to the committee in the last week on drug testing
conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency.

It should be made clear from the outset that in general, we are focusing on
events that happened over 12 or as long as 25 years ago. It should be
emphasized that the programs that are of greatest concern have stopped
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Opening Remarks
and that we- are
reviewingTORTURE CASE,
these past Published
events by The
in order Advanced
to better Media Group Copyright 2017
what statutes and other guidelines might be necessary to prevent the
recurrence of such abuses in the future. We also need to know and
understand what is now being done by the CIA in the field of behavioral
research to be certain that no current abuses are occurring.

I want to commend Admiral Turner for his full cooperation with this
committee and with the Subcommittee on Health in recognizing that this
issue needed our attention. The CIA has assisted our committees and staffs
in their investigative efforts and in arriving at remedies which will serve
the best interests of our country.



The reappearance of reports of the abuses of the drug testing program and
reports of other previously unknown drug programs and projects for
behavioral control underline the necessity for effective oversight
procedures both in the executive branch and in the Congress. The Select
Committee on Intelligence has been working very closely with President
Carter, the Vice President, and Admiral Turner and his associates in
developing basic concepts for statutory guidelines which will govern all
activities of the intelligence agencies of the United States.

In fact, it is my expectation that the President will soon announce his

decisions on how he has decided the intelligence agencies of the United
States shall be organized. This committee will be working closely with the
President and Admiral Turner in placing this new structure under the law
and to develop effective oversight procedures.

It is clear that effective oversight requires that information must be full

and forthcoming. Full and timely information is obviously necessary if the
committee and the public is to be confident that any transgressions can be
dealt with quickly and forcefully.

One purpose of this hearing is to give the committee and the public an
understanding of what new information has been discovered that adds to
the knowledge already available from previous Church and Kennedy
inquiries, and to hear the reasons why these documents were not available
to the Church and Kennedy committees. It is also the purpose of this
hearing to address the issues raised by any additional illegal or improper

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Opening Remarks
activities that LANDMARK TORTURE
emerged from CASE, Published
the files and to by The Advanced
develop Media
remedies to Group Copyright 2017
prevent such improper activities from occurring again.

Finally, there is an obligation on the part of both this committee and the
CIA to make every effort to help those individuals or institutions that may
have been harmed by any of these improper or illegal activities. I am
certain that Admiral Turner will work with this committee to see that this
will be done.

I would now like to welcome the most distinguished Senator from

Massachusetts, the chairman of the Health Subcommittee, Senator

Senator KENNEDY. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. We are

delighted to join together in this very important area of public inquiry and
public interest.

Some 2 years ago, the Senate Health Subcommittee heard chilling

testimony about the human experimentation activities of the Central
Intelligence Agency. The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over
30 universities and institutions were involved in an "extensive testing and
experimentation" program which included covert drug tests on unwitting
citizens "at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign."
Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to "unwitting
subjects in social situations."

At least one death, that of Dr. Olson, resulted from these activities. The
Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense.
The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers.
The tests subjects were seldom accessible beyond the first hours of the
test. In a number of instances, the test subject became ill for hours or days,
and effective followup was impossible.


Other experiments were equally offensive. For example, heroin addicts

were enticed into participating in LSD experiments in order to get a
reward -- heroin.

Perhaps most disturbing of all was the fact that the extent of
experimentation on human subjects was unknown. The records of all these
activities were destroyed in January 1973, at the instruction of then CIA
Director Richard Helms. In spite of persistent inquiries by both the Health

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Opening Remarks
Subcommittee TORTURE CASE,
and the Intelligence Publishedno
Committee, byadditional
The Advanced Media or
records Group Copyright 2017
information were forthcoming. And no one -- no single individual -- could
be found who remembered the details, not the Director of the CIA, who
ordered the documents destroyed, not the official responsible for the
program, nor any of his associates.

We believed that the record, incomplete as it was, was as complete as it

was going to be. Then one individual, through a Freedom of Information
request, accomplished what two U.S. Senate committees could not. He
spurred the agency into finding additional records pertaining to the CIA's
program of experimentation with human subjects. These new records were
discovered by the agency in March. Their existence was not made known
to the Congress until July.

The records reveal a far more extensive series of experiments than had
previously been thought. Eighty-six universities or institutions were
involved. New instances of unethical behavior were revealed.

The intelligence community of this Nation, which requires a shroud of

secrecy in order to operate, has a very sacred trust from the American
people. The CIA's program of human experimentation of the fifties and
sixties violated that trust. It was violated again on the day the bulk of the
agency's records were destroyed in 1973. It is violated each time a
responsible official refuses to recollect the details of the program. The best
safeguard against abuses in the future is a complete public accounting of
the abuses of the past.

I think this is illustrated, as Chairman Inouye pointed out. These are

issues, are questions that happened in the fifties and sixties, and go back
some 15, 20 years ago, but they are front page news today, as we see in
the major newspapers and on the television and in the media of this
country; and the reason they are, I think, is because it just continuously
begins to trickle out, sort of, month after month, and the best way to put
this period behind us, obviously, is to have the full information, and I
think that is the desire of Admiral Turner and of the members of this

The Central Intelligence Agency drugged American citizens without their

knowledge or consent. It used university facilities and personnel without
their knowledge. It funded leading researchers, often without their

These institutes, these individuals, have a right to know who they are and
how and when they were used. As of today, the Agency itself refuses to
declassify the names of those institutions and individuals, quite
appropriately, I might say, with regard to the individuals under the Privacy
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Opening Remarks
Act. It seems LANDMARK
me to beTORTURE CASE, Published
a fundamental by Theto
responsibility Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
notify those
individuals or institutions, rather. I think many of them were caught up in
an unwitting manner to do research for the Agency. Many researchers,
distinguished researchers, some of our most outstanding members of our
scientific community, involved in


this network, now really do not know whether they were involved or not,
and it seems to me that the whole health and climate in terms of our
university and our scientific and health facilities are entitled to that

So, I intend to do all I can to persuade the Agency to, at the very least,
officially inform those institutions and individuals involved.

Two years ago, when these abuses were first revealed, I introduced
legislation, with Senator Schweiker and Senator Javits, designed to
minimize the potential for any similar abuses in the future. That legislation
expanded the jurisdiction of the National Commission on Human Subjects
of Biomedical and Behavioral Research to cover all federally funded
research involving human subjects. The research initially was just directed
toward HEW activities, but this legislation covered DOD as well as the

This Nation has a biomedical and behavioral research capability second to

none. It has had for subjects of HEW funded research for the past 3 years a
system for the protection of human subjects of biomedical research second
to none, and the Human Experimentation Commission has proven its
value. Today's hearings and the record already established underscore the
need to expand its jurisdiction.

The CIA supported that legislation in 1975, and it passed the Senate
unanimously last year. I believe it is needed in order to assure all our
people that they will have the degree of protection in human
experimentation that they deserve and have every right to expect.

Senator INOUYE. Thank you very much. Now we will proceed with the
hearings. Admiral Turner?

[The prepared statement of Admiral Turner follows.]

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Prepared Statement of CIA Director Stansfield Turner
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program

Of Research In Behavioral Modification
Prepared Statement of Admiral Stansfield Turner,
Director of Central Intelligence
Mr. Chairman: In my letter to you of July 15, 1977, I reported our recent
discovery of seven boxes of documents related to Project MKULTRA, a
closely held CIA project conducted from 1953-1964. As you may recall,
MKULTRA was an "umbrella project" under which certain sensitive
subprojects were funded, involving among other things research on drugs
and behavioral modification. During the Rockefeller Commission and
Church Committee investigations in 1975, the cryptonym became publicly
known when details of the drug-related death of Dr. Frank Olsen were
publicized. In 1953 Dr. Olsen, a civilian employee of the Army at Fort
Detrick, leaped to his death from a hotel room window in New York City
about a week after having unwittingly consumed LSD administered to him
as an experiment at a meeting of LSD researchers called by CIA.

Most of what was known about the Agency's involvement with behavioral
drugs during the investigations in 1975 was contained in a report on
Project MKULTRA prepared by the Inspector General's office in 1963. As
a result of that report's recommendations, unwitting testing of drugs on
U.S. citizens was subsequently discontinued. The MKULTRA-related
report was made available to the Church Committee investigators and to
the staff of Senator Kennedy's Subcommittee on Health. Until the recent
discovery, it was believed that all of the MKULTRA files dealing with
behavioral modification had been destroyed in 1973 on the orders of the
then retiring Chief of the Office of Technical Service, with the
authorization of the DCI, as has been previously reported. Almost all of
the people who had had any connection with the aspects of the project
which interested Senate investigators in 1975 were no longer with the
Agency at that time. Thus, there was little detailed knowledge of the
MKULTRA subprojects available to CIA during the Church Committee
investigations. This lack of available details, moreover, was probably not
wholly attributable to the


destruction of MKULTRA files in 1973; the 1963 report on MKULTRA

by the Inspector General notes on page 14: "Present practice is to maintain
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Prepared Statement of CIA Director Stansfield Turner
no records of LANDMARK TORTURE
planning CASE, Published
and approval by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
of test programs."

When I reported to you last on this matter, my staff had not yet had an
opportunity to review the newly located material in depth. This has now
been accomplished, and I am in a position to give you a description of the
contents of the recovered material. I believe you will be most interested in
the following aspects of the recent discovery:

How the material was discovered and why it was not previously found;

The nature of this recently located material;

How much new information there is in the material which may not
have been previously known and reported to Senate investigators; and

What we believe the most significant aspects of this find to be.

To begin, as to how we discovered these materials. The material had been

sent to our Retired Records Center outside of Washington and was
discovered sent to our Retired Records Center outside of Washington and
was discovered there as a result of the extensive search efforts of an
employee charged with responsibility for maintaining our holdings on
behavioral drugs and for responding to Freedom of Information Act
requests on this subject. During the Church Committee investigation in
1975, searches for MKULTRA-related material were made by examining
both the active and retired records of all branches of CIA considered at all
likely to have had association with MKULTRA documents. The retired
records of the Budget and Fiscal Section of the Branch responsible for
such work were not searched, however. This was because financial papers
associated with sensitive projects such s MKULTRA were normally
maintained by the Branch itself under the project file, not by the Budget
and Fiscal Section. In the case at hand, however, the newly located
material was sent to the Retired Records Center in 1970 by the Budget and
Fiscal Section as part of its own retired holdings. The reason for this
departure from normal procedure is not known. As a result of it, however,
the material escaped retrieval and destruction in 1973 by the then-retiring
Director of the Office as well as discovery in 1975 by CIA officials
responding to Senate investigators.

The employee who located this material did so by leaving no stone

unturned in his efforts to respond to FOIA requests. He reviewed all
listings of material of this Branch stored at the Retired Records Center,
including those of the Budget and Fiscal Section and, thus, discovered the
MKULTRA-related documents which had been missed in the previous
searches. In sum, the Agency failed to uncover these particular documents
in 1973 in the process of attempting to destroy them; it similarly failed to
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Prepared Statement of CIA Director Stansfield Turner
locate them- in
1975 in response toCASE, Published
the Church by The Advanced
Committee Media
hearings. Group Copyright 2017
I am
convinced that there was no attempt to conceal this material during the
earlier searches.

Next, as to the nature of the recently located material, it is important to

realize that the recovered folders are finance folders. The bulk of the
material in them consists of approvals for advance of funds, vouchers,
accountings, and the like -- most of which are not very informative as to
the nature of the activities that were undertaken. Occasional project
proposals or memoranda commenting on some aspect of a subproject are
scattered throughout this material. In general, however, the recovered
material does not include status reports or other documents relating to
operational considerations or progress in the various subprojects, though
some elaboration of the activities contemplated does appear. The
recovered documents fall roughly into three categories:

First, there are 149 MKULTRA subprojects, many of which appear to

have some connection with research into behavioral modification, drug
acquisition and testing or administering drugs surreptitiously.

Second, there are two boxes of miscellaneous MKULTRA papers,

including audit reports and financial statements from "cut-out" (i.e.,
intermediary) funding mechanisms used to conceal CIA's sponsorship of
various research projects.

Finally, there are 33 additional subprojects concerning certain

intelligence activities previously funded under MKULTRA which have
nothing to do either with behavioral modification, drugs, and toxins or
with any other related matters.

We have attempted to group the activities covered by the 149 subprojects

into categories under descriptive headings. In broad outline, at least, this
presents the contents of these files. The activities are placed in the
following 15 categories:


1. Research into the effects of behavioral drugs and/or alcohol:

17 subprojects probably not involving human testing;

14 subprojects definitely involving tests on human volunteers;

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Prepared Statement of CIA Director Stansfield Turner
19 subprojects TORTURE
probably CASE,
including Published
tests by The
on human Advanced Media
volunteers. WhileGroup Copyright 2017
not known, some of these subprojects may have included tests on
unwitting subjects as well;

6 subprojects involving tests on unwitting subjects.

2. Research on hypnosis: 8 subprojects, including 2 involving hypnosis

and drugs in combination.

3. Acquisition of chemicals or drugs: 7 subprojects.

4. Aspects of magicians' art useful in covert operations: e.g., surreptitious

delivery of drug-related materials: 4 subprojects.

5. Studies of human behavior, sleep research, and behavioral changes

during psychotherapy: 9 subprojects.

6. Library searches and attendance at seminars and international

conferences on behavioral modification: 6 subprojects.

7. Motivational studies, studies of defectors, assessment, and training

techniques: 23 subprojects.

8. Polygraph research: 3 subprojects.

9. Funding mechanisms for MKULTRA external research activities: 3


10. Research on drugs, toxins, and biologicals in human tissue; provision

of exotic pathogens and the capability to incorporate them in effective
delivery systems: 6 subprojects.

11. Activities whose objectives cannot be determined from available

documentation: 3 subprojects.

12. Subprojects involving funding support for unspecified activities

connected with the Army's Special Operations Division at Fr. Detrick, Md.
This activity is outline in Book I of the Church Committee Report, pp.
388-389. (See Appendix A, pp. 68-69.) Under CIA's Project MKNAOMI,
the Army Assisted CIA in developing, testing, and maintaining biological
agents and delivery systems for use against humans as well as against
animals and crops. The objectives of these subprojects cannot be identified
from the recovered material beyond the fact that the money was to be used
where normal funding channels would require more written or oral
justification than appeared desirable for security reasons or where
operational considerations dictated short lead times for purchases. About
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Prepared Statement of CIA Director Stansfield Turner
during this CASE,
periodPublished by The
1953-1960: Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
3 subprojects.

13. Single subprojects in such areas as effects of electro-shock, harassment

techniques for offensive use, analysis of extrasensory perception, gas
propelled sprays and aerosols, and four subprojects involving crop and
material sabotage.

14. One or two subprojects on each of the following:

"Blood Grouping" research, controlling the activity of animals, energy

storage and transfer in organic systems; and

stimulus and response in biological systems.

15. Three subprojects canceled before any work was done on them having
to do with laboratory drug screening, research on brain concussion, and
research on biologically active materials to be tested through the skin on
human volunteers.

Now, as to how much new the recovered material adds to what has
previously been reported to the Church Committee and to Senator
Kennedy's Subcommittee on Health on these topics, the answer is
additional detail, for the most part: e.g., the names of previously
unidentified researchers and institutions associated on either a witting or
unwitting basis with MKULTRA activities, and the names of CIA officials
who approved or monitored the various subprojects. Some new
substantive material is also present: e.g., details concerning proposals for
experimentation and clinical testing associated with various research
projects, and a possibly improper contribution by CIA to a private
institution. However, the principal types of activities included have, for
the most part, either been outlined to some extent or generally described in
what was previously available to CIA in the way of documentation and
was supplied by CIA to Senate investigators. For example:

Financial disbursement records for the period 1960-1964 for 76 of the 149
numbered MKULTRA subprojects had been recovered from the Office of
Finance by CIA and were made available to the Church Committee
investigators in August or September 1975.

The 1963 Inspector General report on MKULTRA made available to both

the Church Committee and Senator Kennedy's Subcommittee mentions


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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Prepared Statement of CIA Director Stansfield Turner
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

and harassment substances (pp. 4, 16); covert testing on unwitting U.S.

citizens (pp. 7, 10-12); the search for new materials through arrangements
with specialists in universities, pharmaceutical houses, hospitals, state and
federal institutions, and private research organizations (pp. 7, 9); and the
fact that the Technical Service Division of CIA had initiated 144
subprojects related to the control of human behavior between 1953-1963
(p. 21).

The relevant section of a 1957 Inspector General report on the Technical

Service Division was also made available to the Church Committee staff.
That report discusses techniques for human assessment and unorthodox
methods of communication (p. 201); discrediting and disabling materials
which can be covertly administered (pp. 201-202); studies on magicians'
arts as applied to covert operations (p. 202); specific funding mechanisms
for research performed outside of CIA (pp. 202-203, 205); research being
done on "K" (knockout) material, alcohol tolerance, and hypnotism (p.
203); research on LSD (p. 204); anti-personnel harassment and
assassination delivery systems including aerosol generators and other
spray devices (pp. 206-208); the role of Fort Detrick in support of CIA's
Biological/Chemical Warfare capability (p. 208); and material sabotage
research (p. 209). Much of this material is reflected in the Church
Committee Report, Book I, pp. 385-422. (See Appendix A, pp. 65-102).

The most significant new data discovered are, first, the names of
researchers and institutions who participated in the MKULTRA project
and, secondly, a possibly improper contribution by CIA to a private
institution. We are now in possession of the names of 185 non-government
researchers and assistants who are identified in the recovered material
dealing with the 149 subprojects. The names of 80 institutions where work
was done or with which these people were affiliated are also mentioned.

The institutions include 44 colleges or universities, 15 research

foundations or chemical or pharmaceutical companies and the like, 12
hospitals or clinics (in addition to those associated with universities), and
3 penal institutions. While the identities of some of these people and
institutions were known previously, the discovery of the new identities
adds to our knowledge of MKULTRA.

The facts as they pertain to the possibly improper contribution are as

follows: One project involves a contribution of $375,000 to a building
fund of a private medical institution. The fact that a contribution was made
was previously known; indeed it was mentioned in a 1957 Inspector
General report on the Technical Service Division of CIA, pertinent
portions of which had been reviewed by the Church Committee staff. The
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Prepared Statement of CIA Director Stansfield Turner
newly discovered TORTURE
material, CASE,
however, Published
makes by The
it clear thatAdvanced Media Group Copyright 2017
this contribution
was made through an intermediary, which made it appear to be a private
donation. As a private donation, the contribution was then matched by
federal funds. The institution was not made aware of the true source of the
gift. This project was approved by the then DCI, and concurred in by
CIA's top management at the time, including the then General Counsel
who wrote an opinion supporting the legality of the contribution.

The recently discovered documents give a greater insight into the scope of
the unwitting drug testing but contribute little more than that. We now
have collaborating information that some of the unwitting drug testing was
carried on in safehouses in San Francisco and New York City, and we
have identified that three individuals were involved in this undertaking as
opposed to the previously reported one person. We also know now that
some unwitting testing took place on criminal sexual psychopaths
confined at a State hospital and that, additionally, research was done on
knock-out or "K" drug in parallel with research to develop pain killers for
cancer patients.

These, then are the principal findings identified to date in our review of
the recovered material. As noted earlier, we believe the detail on the
identities of researchers and institutions involved in CIA's sponsorship of
drugs and behavioral modification is a new element and one which poses a
considerable problem. Most of the people and institutions involved are not
aware of Agency sponsorship. We should certainly assume that the
researchers and institutions which cooperate with CIA on a witting basis
acted in good faith and in the belief that they were aiding their government
in a legitimate and proper purpose. I believe we all have a moral
obligation to these researchers and institutions to protect them from any
unjustified embarrassment or damage to their reputations which revelation
of their identities might bring. In addition, I have a legal obligation under
the Privacy Act not to publicly disclose the names of the individual
researchers without their consent. This is especially true, of course, for


those researchers and institutions which were unwitting participants in

CIA-sponsored activities.

Nevertheless, recognizing the right and the need of both the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Subcommittee on Health to
investigate the circumstances of these activities in whatever detail they
consider necessary. I am providing your Committee with all of the names

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on a classified TORTURE
basis. I hope CASE,
that this willPublished
The Advanced Mediawhile
investigation Group Copyright 2017
protecting the individuals and institutions involved. Let me emphasize that
the MKULTRA events are 12 to 25 years in the past. I assure you that the
CIA is in no way engaged in either witting or unwitting testing of drugs

Finally, I am working closely with the Attorney General and with the
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare on this matter. We are making
available to the Attorney General whatever materials he may deem
necessary to any investigation he may elect to undertake. We are working
with both the Attorney General and the Secretary of Health, Education and
Welfare to determine whether it is practicable from this new evidence to
attempt to identify any of the persons to whom drugs may have been
administered unwittingly. No such names are part of these records, but we
are working to determine if there are adequate clues to lead to their
identification; and if so, how to go about fulfilling the Government's
responsibilities in the matter.

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Project MKULTRA, The CIA's

Program Of Research In
Behavioral Modification
Accompanied by Frank Laubinger, Office of Technical Services; Al
Brody, Office of Inspector General; Ernest Mayerfield, Office of
General Counsel; and George L. Cary, Legislative Counsel

Admiral TURNER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would like to begin by

thanking you and Senator Kennedy for having a joint hearing this
morning. I hope this will expedite and facilitate our getting all the
information that both of your committees need into the record quickly.

I would like also to thank you both for prefacing the remarks today by
reminding us all that the events about which we are here to talk are 12- to
24-years old. They in no way represent the current activities or policies of
the Central Intelligence Agency.

What we are here to do is to give you all the information that we now have
and which we did not previously have on a subject known s Project
MKULTRA, a project which took place from 1953 to 1964. It was an
umbrella project under which there were numerous subprojects for
research, among other things, on drugs and behavioral modification. What
the new material that we offer today is a supplement to the considerable
material that was made available in 1975, during the Church committee
hearings, and also to the Senate Subcommittee on Health and Scientific

At that time, the CIA offered up all of the information and documents it
believed it had available. The principal one available at that time that gave
the greatest amount of information on this subject was a report of the
CIA's Inspector General written in 1963, and which led directly to the
termination of this activity in 1964, 13 years ago.
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The information available in 1975 to the various investigating groups was
indeed sparse, first because of the destruction of material that took place in
1973, as detailed by Senator Kennedy a minute ago, with the concurrence
of the then Director of Central Intelligence and under the supervision of
the Director of the Office of Technical Services that supervised Project


The material in 1975 was also sparse because most of the CIA people who
had been involved in 1953 to 1964 in this activity had retired from the
Agency. I would further add that I think the material was sparse in part
because it was the practice at that time not to keep detailed records in this

For instance, the 1963 report of the Inspector General notes:

Present practice is to maintain no records of the planning and approval

of test programs.
In brief, there were few records to begin with and less after the destruction
of 1973.

What I would like to do now, though, is to proceed and let you know what
the new material adds to our knowledge of this topic, and I will start by
describing how the material was discovered and why it was not previously
discovered. The material in question, some seven boxes, had been sent to
our Retired Records Center outside of the Washington area. It was
discovered that as the result of an extensive search by an employee
charged with the responsibility for maintaining our holdings on behavioral
drugs and for responding to Freedom of Information Act requests on this

During the Church committee investigation of 1975, searches for

MKULTRA-related material were made by examining both the active and
the retired records of all of the branches of CIA considered likely to have
had an association with MKULTRA documents. The retired records of the
Budget and Fiscal Section of the branch that was responsible for such
work were not searched, however. This was because the financial paper
associated with sensitive projects such as MKULTRA were normally
maintained by the branch itself under the project title, MKULTRA, not by
the Budget and Fiscal Section under the project title, MKULTRA, not by
the Budget and Fiscal Section under a special budget file.
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
In the case at hand, however, this newly located material had been sent to
the Retired Records Center in 1970 by the Budget and Fiscal Section of
this branch as part of its own retired holdings. In short, what should have
been filed by the branch itself was filed by the Budget and Fiscal Section,
and what should have been filed under the project title, MKULTRA, was
filed under budget and fiscal matters. The reason for this departure from
the normal procedure of that time is simply not known, and as a result of
it, however, the material escaped retrieval and destruction in 1973, as well
as discovery in 1975.

The employee who located this material did so by leaving no stone

unturned in his efforts to respond to a Freedom of Information Act
request, or several of them, in fact. He reviewed all of the listings of
material of this branch, stored at the Retired Records Center, including
those of the Budget and Fiscal Section, and thus discovered the
MKULTRA-related documents, which had been missed in the previous

In sum, the agency failed to uncover these particular documents in 1973,

in the process of attempting to destroy them. It similarly failed to locate
them in 1975, in response to the Church committee hearings. I am
personally persuaded that there is no evidence of any attempt to conceal
this material during the earlier searches. Moreover, as we will discuss as
we proceed, I do not believe the material itself is such that


there would be a motive on the part of the CIA to withhold this, having
disclosed what it did in 1975.

Next, let me move to the nature of this recently located material. It is

important to remember what I have just noted, that these folders that were
discovered are finance folders. The bulk of the material in them consists of
approvals for the advance of funds, vouchers, and accountings and such,
most of which are not very informative as to the nature of the activities
that they were supporting. Occasional project proposals or memoranda
commenting on some aspect of a subproject are scattered throughout this
material. In general, however, the recovered material does not include
overall status reports or other documents relating to operational
considerations, or to the progress on various subprojects, though some
elaboration of the activities contemplated does appear from time to time.

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There are roughly TORTURE CASE,
three categories Published
of projects. by The
First, Advanced
there Media Group Copyright 2017
are 149
MKULTRA subprojects, many of which appear to have some connection
with research into behavioral modification, drug acquisition and testing, or
administering drugs surreptitiously. Second, there are two boxes of
miscellaneous MKULTRA papers, including audit reports and financial
statements from intermediary funding mechanisms used to conceal CIA
sponsorship of various research projects.

Finally, there are 33 additional subprojects concerning certain intelligence

activities previously funded under MKULTRA but which have nothing to
do either with behavioral modifications, drugs or toxins, or any closely
related matter.

We have attempted to group the activities covered by the 149 subprojects

into categories under descriptive headings. In broad outline, at least, this
presents the contents of these files. The following 15 categories are the
ones we have divided these into.

First, research into the effects of behavioral drugs and/or alcohol. Within
this, there are 17 projects probably not involving human testing. There are
14 subprojects definitely involving testing on human volunteers. There are
19 subprojects probably including tests on human volunteers and 6
subprojects involving tests on unwitting human beings.

Second, there is research on hypnosis, eight subprojects, including two

involving hypnosis and drugs in combination.

Third, there are seven projects on the acquisition of chemicals or drugs.

Fourth, four subprojects on the aspects of the magician's art, useful in

covert operations, for instance, the surreptitious delivery of drug-related

Fifth, there are nine projects on studies of human behavior, sleep research,
and behavioral change during psychotherapy.

Sixth, there are projects on library searches and attendants at seminars and
international conferences on behavioral modifications.

Seventh, there are 23 projects on motivational studies, studies of defectors,

assessments of behavior and training techniques.

Eighth, there are three subprojects on polygraph research.

Ninth, there are three subprojects on funding mechanisms for

MKULTRA's external research activities.
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017


Tenth, there are six subprojects on research on drugs, toxins, and

biologicals in human tissue, provision of exotic pathogens, and the
capability to incorporate them in effective delivery systems.

Eleventh, there are three subprojects involving funding support for

unspecified activities conducted with the Army Special Operations
Division at Fort Detrich, Md. This activity is outlined in Book I of the
Church committee report, pages 388 to 389. (See Appendix A, pp. 68-69).

Under CIA's Project MKNAOMI, the Army assisted the CIA in

developing, testing, and maintaining biological agents and delivery
systems for use against humans as well as against animals and crops.

Thirteenth, there are single subprojects in such areas as the effects of

electroshock, harassment techniques for offensive use, analysis of
extrasensory perception, gas propelled sprays and aerosols, and four
subprojects involving crop and material sabotage.

Fourteenth, one or two subprojects on each of the following: blood

grouping research; controlling the activities of animals; energy storage and
transfer in organic systems; and stimulus and response in biological

Finally, 15th, there are three subprojects canceled before any work was
done on them having to do with laboratory drug screening, research on
brain concussion, and research on biologically active materials.

Now, let me address how much this newly discovered material adds to
what has previously been reported to the Church committee and to Senator
Kennedy's Subcommittee on Health. The answer is basically additional
detail. The principal types of activities included in these documents have
for the most part been outlined or to some extent generally described in
what was previously available in the way of documentation and which was
supplied by the CIA to the Senate investigators.

For example, financial disbursement records for the period of 1960 to

1964 for 76 of these 149 subprojects had been recovered by the Office of
Finance at CIA and were made available to the Church committee
investigators. For example, the 1963 Inspector General report on
MKULTRA made available to both the Church Committee and the

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Subcommittee on HealthTORTURE
mentionsCASE, Published and
electroshock by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
substances, covert testing on unwitting U.S. citizens, the search for new
materials through arrangements with specialists in hospitals and
universities, and the fact that the Technical Service Division of CIA had
initiated 144 subprojects related to the control of human behavior.

For instance also, the relevant section of a 1957 Inspector General report
was also made available to the Church committee staff, and that report
discusses the techniques for human assessment and unorthodox methods
of communication, discrediting and disabling materials which can be
covertly administered, studies on magicians' arts as applied to covert
operations, and other similar topics.

The most significant new data that has been discovered are, first, the
names of researchers and institutions who participated in


MKULTRA projects, and second, a possibly improper contribution by the

CIA to a private institution. We are now in the possession of the names of
185 nongovernment researchers and assistants who are identified in the
recovered material dealing with these 149 subprojects.

There are also names of 80 institutions where work was done or with
which these people were affiliated. The institutions include 44 colleges or
universities, 15 research foundation or chemical or pharmaceutical
companies or the like, 12 hospitals or clinics, in addition to those
associated with the universities, and 3 penal institutions.

While the identities of some of these people and institutions were known
previously, the discovery of the new identities adds to our knowledge of

The facts as they pertain to the possibly improper contribution are as

follows. One project involves a contribution of $375,000 to a building
fund of a private medical institution. The fact that that contribution was
made was previously known. Indeed, it was mentioned in the 1957 report
of the Inspector General on the Technical Service Division of CIA that
supervised MKULTRA, and pertinent portions of this had been reviewed
by the Church committee staff.

The newly discovered material, however, makes it clear that this

contribution was made through an intermediary, which made it appear to

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Testimony of CIA Director Stansfield Turner
be a private- A LANDMARK
donation. AsTORTURE
a privateCASE, Published
donation, by The Advanced
the contribution wasMedia
thenGroup Copyright 2017
matched by Federal funds. The institution was not made aware of the true
source of the gift. This project was approved by the then Director of
Central Intelligence and concurred in by CIA's top management including
the then General Counsel, who wrote an opinion supporting the legality of
the contribution.

The recently discovered documents also give greater insight into the scope
of an unwitting nature of the drug testing, but contribute little more than
that. We now do have corroborating information that some of the
unwitting drug testing was carried out in what is known in the intelligence
trade as safe houses in San Francisco and in New York City, and we have
identified that three individuals were involved in this undertaking, whereas
we previously reported there was only one person.

We also know that some unwitting testing took place on criminal sexual
psychopaths confined at a State hospital, and that additionally research
was done on a knockout or K drug in parallel with research to develop
painkillers for cancer patients.

These, then, are the principal findings identified to date in our review of
this recovered material. As noted earlier, we believe the detail on the
identities of researchers and institutions involved in CIA sponsorship of
drug and behavioral modification research is a new element and one which
poses a considerable problem. Most of the people and institutions involved
were not aware of CIA sponsorship. We should certainly assume that the
researchers and institutions which cooperated with CIA on a witting basis
acted in good faith and in the belief that they were aiding their
Government in a legitimate and proper purpose.

I believe that we all have a moral obligation to these researchers and

institutions to protect them from any unjustified embarrassment


or damage to their reputations which revelation of their identities might

bring. In addition, I have a legal obligation under the Privacy Act not to
publicly disclose the names of the individual researchers without their

This is especially true, of course, for those researchers and institutions

which were unwitting participants in CIA sponsored activities.

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Testimony of CIA Director Stansfield Turner
Chairman, CASE, recognize
I certainly Published by The
the Advanced
right Media
and the Group
need of Copyright 2017
both the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate
Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research to investigate the
circumstances of these activities in whatever detail you consider
necessary. I am providing your committee with all of the documentation,
including all of the names, on a classified basis. I hope that this will
facilitate your investigation while still protecting the individuals and the
institutions involved.

Let me emphasize again that the MKULTRA events are 12 to 24 years in

the past, and I assure you that CIA is in no way engaged in either witting
or unwitting testing of drugs today.

Finally, I am working closely with the Attorney General on this matter.

We are making available to the Attorney General whatever materials he
may deem necessary to any investigations that he may elect to undertake.
Beyond that, we are also working with the Attorney General to determine
whether it is practicable from this new evidence to identify any of the
persons to whom drugs were administered, but we are now trying to
determine if there are adequate clues to lead to their identification, and if
so how best to go about fulfilling the Government's responsibilities in this

Mr. Chairman, as we proceed with that process of attempting to identify

the individuals and then determining what is our proper responsibility to
them, I will keep both of these committees fully advised. I thank you, sir.

Senator INOUYE. Thank you very much, Admiral Turner. Your spirit of
cooperation is much appreciated. I would like to announce to the
committee that in order to give every member an opportunity to participate
in this hearing, that we would set a time limit of 10 minutes per Senator.

Admiral Turner, please give this committee the genesis of MKULTRA.

Who or what committee or commission or agency was responsible for
dreaming up this grandiose and sinister project, and why was it necessary?
What is the rationale or justification for such a project and was the
President of the United States aware of this?

Admiral TURNER. Mr. Chairman, I am going to ask Mr. Brody on my

right, who is a long-time member of the CIA to address that in more detail.
I believe everything that we know about the genesis was turned over to the
Church committee and is contained in that material. Basically, it was a
CIA-initiated project. It started out of a concern of our being taken
advantage of by other powers who would use drugs against our personnel,
and it was approved in the Agency. I have asked the question you just
asked me, and have been assured that there is no evidence within the
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Agency of any TORTURE
involvement CASE,
at higher Publishedthe
echelons, by The Advanced
White House,Media
for Group Copyright 2017
instance, or specific approval. That does not say there was not, but we
have no such evidence.


Mr. Brody, would you amplify on my comments there, please?

Mr. BRODY. Mr. Chairman, I really have very little to add to that. To my
knowledge, there was no Presidential knowledge of this project at the
time. It was a CIA project, and as the admiral said, it was a project
designed to attempt to counteract what was then thought to be a serious
threat by our enemies of using drugs against us. Most of what else we
know about is in the Senate Church committee report.

Senator INOUYE. Are you suggesting that it was intentionally kept away
from the Congress and the President of the United States?

Admiral TURNER. No, sir. We are only saying that we have no evidence
one way or the other as to whether the Congress was informed of this
particular project. There are no records to indicate.

Senator INOUYE. Admiral Turner, are you personally satisfied by actual

investigation that this newly discovered information was not intentionally
kept away from the Senate of the United States?

Admiral TURNER. I have no way to prove that, sir. That is my

conviction from everything I have seen of it.

Senator INOUYE. Now, we have been advised that these documents

were initially discovered in March of this year, and you were notified in
July of this year, or June of this year, and the committee was notified in
July. Can you tell us why the Director of Central Intelligence was notified
3 months after its initial discovery, why the delay?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir. All this started with several Freedom of
Information Act requests, and Mr. Laubinger on my left was the individual
who took it upon himself to pursue these requests with great diligence, and
got permission to go to the Retired Records Center, and then made the
decision to look not only under what would be the expected subject files,
but through every file with which the branch that conducted this type of
activity had any conceivable connection.

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Very late in- AMarch,
he discovered these Published by The
seven boxes. HeAdvanced Media
arranged Group Copyright 2017
to have
them shipped from the Retired Records Center to Washington, to our
headquarters. They arrived in early April. He advised his appropriate
superiors, who asked him how long he thought it would take him to go
through these and screen them appropriately, clear them for Freedom of
Information Act release.

There are, we originally estimated, 5,000 pages here. We now think that
was an underestimation, and it may be closer to 8,000 pages. He estimated
it would take about 45 days or into the middle of May to do that. He was
told to proceed, and as he did so there was nothing uncovered in the
beginning of these 149 cases that appeared particularly startling or
particularly additive to the knowledge that had already been given to the
Church committee, some details, but no major revelations.

He and his associates proceeded with deliberateness, but not a great sense
of urgency. There were other interfering activities that came and
demanded his time also. He was not able to put 100 percent of his time on
it, and there did not appear to be cause for a great rush here. We were
trying to be responsive to the Freedom of Information Act request within
the limits of our manpower and our priorities.


In early June, however, he discovered two projects, the one related to K

drugs and the one related to the funding at the institution, and realized
immediately that he had substantial new information, and he immediately
reported this to his superiors.

Two actions were taken. One was to notify the lawyers of the principal
Freedom of Information Act requestor that we would have substantial new
material and that it would be forthcoming as rapidly as possible, and the
second was to start a memorandum up the chain that indicated his belief
that we should notify the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence of this
discovery because of the character at least of these two documents.

As that proceeded up from the 13th of June, at each echelon we had to go

through the legal office, the legislative liaison office and at each echelon
about the same question was asked of him: Have you gone through all of
this, so that when we notify the Senate Select Committee we do not notify
half of the important revelations and not the other half? The last thing I
want, Mr. Chairman, is in any way to be on any topic, give the appearance
on any topic of being recalcitrant, reluctant, or having to have you drag

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things out of LANDMARK
and myTORTURE CASE, much
subordinates, Published by The
to my Advanced
pleasure, hadMedia
eachGroup Copyright 2017
asked, have you really gone through these 8,000 pages enough to know
that we are not going to uncover a bombshell down at the bottom?

By late June, about the 28th, this process reached my deputy. He notified
me after his review of it on the 7th of July, which is the first I knew of it. I
began reading into it. I asked the same probing question directly. I then
notified my superiors, and on the 15th delivered to you my letter letting
you know that we had this, and we have been working, many people,
many hours since then, to be sure that what we are telling you today does
include all the relevant material.

Senator INOUYE. I would like to commend Mr. Laubinger for his

diligence and expertise, but was this diligence the result of the Freedom of
Information Act or could this diligence have been exercised during the
Church hearings? Why was it not exercised? Admiral TURNER. There is
no question that theoretically this diligence could have been exercised at
any time, and it may well be that the Freedom of Information Act has
made us more aware of this. Would you speak for yourself, please.

Mr. LAUBINGER. I really don't attribute it, Senator, to diligence so

much as thoroughness. If you can imagine the pressures under an
organization trying to respond, which I think the CIA did at the time of the
Church committee hearings, the hallways of the floor I am on were full of
boxes from our records center. Every box that anyone thought could
possibly contain anything was called up for search. It was one of a frantic
effort to comply.

When the pressure of that situation cools down, and you can start looking
at things systematically, you are apt to find things that you wouldn't under
the heat of a crash program, and that is what happened here.

Senator INOUYE. Thank you very much. Senator Kennedy?

Senator KENNEDY. Admiral Turner, this is an enormously distressing

report that you give to the American Congress and to the American people
today. Granted, it happened many years ago, but what we are


basically talking about is an activity which took place in the country that
involved the perversion and the corruption of many of our outstanding
research centers in this country, with CIA funds, where some of our top

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researchers- were
unwittingly CASE,inPublished
involved researchbysponsored
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Agency in which they had no knowledge of the background or the support

Much of it was done with American citizens who were completely

unknowing in terms of taking various drugs, and there are perhaps any
number of Americans who are walking around today on the east coast or
west coast who were given drugs, with all the kinds of physical and
psychological damage that can be caused. We have gone over that in very
careful detail, and it is significant and severe indeed.

I do not know what could be done in a less democratic country that would
be more alien to our own traditions than was really done in this narrow
area, and as you give this report to the committee, I would like to get some
sense of your own concern about this type of activity, and how you react,
having assumed this important responsibility with the confidence of
President Crater and the overwhelming support, obviously, of the
Congress, under this set of circumstances.

I did not get much of a feeling in reviewing your statement here this
morning of the kind of abhorrence to this type of past activity which I
think the American people would certainly deplore and which I believe
that you do, but could you comment upon that question, and also perhaps
give us what ideas you have to insure that it cannot happen again?

Admiral TURNER. Senator Kennedy, it is totally abhorrent to me to

think of using a human being as a guinea pig and in any way jeopardizing
his life and his health, no matter how great the cause. I am not here to pass
judgment on my predecessors, but I can assure you that this is totally
beyond the pale of my contemplation of activities that the CIA or any
other of our intelligence agencies should undertake.

I am taking and have taken what I believe are adequate steps to insure that
such things are not continuing today.

Senator KENNEDY. Could you tell us a little bit about that?

Admiral TURNER. I have asked for a special report assuring me that

there are no drug activities extant, that is, drug activities that involve
experimentation. Obviously, we collect intelligence about drugs and drug
use in other countries, but there are no experimentations being conducted
by the Central Intelligence Agency, and I have had a special check made
because of another incident that was uncovered some years ago about the
unauthorized retention of some toxic materials at the CIA. I have had an
actual inspection made of the storage places and the certification from the
people in charge of those that there are no such chemical biological
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shall not be the case.

Beyond that, I have to rely in large measure on my sense of command and

direction of the people and their knowledge of the attitude I have just
expressed to you in this regard.

Senator KENNEDY. I think that is very commendable.

Admiral TURNER. Thank you, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. I think it is important that the American people

understand that.


You know, much of the research which is our area of interest that was
being done by the Agency and the whole involved sequence of activities
done by the Agency, I am convinced could have been done in a legitimate
way through the research programs of the National Institutes of Mental
Health, other sponsored activities, I mean, that is some other question, but
I think you went to an awful lot of trouble, where these things could have

Let me ask you specifically, on the followup of MKULTRA, are there

now -- I think you have answered, but I want to get a complete answer
about any experimentations that are being done on human beings, whether
it is drugs or behavioral alterations or patterns or any support, either
directly or indirectly, being provided by the Agency in terms of any
experimentation on human beings.

Admiral TURNER. There is no experimentation with drugs on human

beings, witting or unwitting, being conducted in any way.

Senator KENNEDY. All right. How bout the nondrug experimentation

our Committee has seen -- psychosurgery, for example, or psychological

Admiral TURNER. We are continually involved in what we call

assessment of behavior. For instance, we are trying to continually improve
our polygraph procedures to, you know, assess whether a person is lying
or not. This does not involve any tampering with the individual body. This
involves studying records of people's behavior under different

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circumstances, and so n, TORTURE CASE,
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described that accurately, Al?

Mr. BRODY. Yes.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, it is limited to those areas?

Admiral TURNER. Yes; it does not involve attempting to modify

behavior. It only involves studying behavior conditions, but not trying to
actively modify it, as was one of the objectives of MKULTRA.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, we are scarce on time, but I am interested in

the other areas besides polygraph where you are doing it. Maybe you can
either respond now or submit it for the record, if you would do that.
Would you provide that for the record?

Admiral TURNER. Yes.

[The material on psychological assessments follows:]

Psychological assessments are performed as a service to officers in the operations

directorate who recruit and/or handle agents. Except for people involved in training
courses, the subjects of the assessments are foreign nationals. The assessments are
generally done to determine the most successful tactic to persuade the subject to accept
convert employment by the CIA, and to make an appraisal of his reliability and

A majority of the work is done by a staff of trained psychologists, some of whom are
stationed overseas. The assessments they do may be either direct or indirect. Direct
assessments involve a personal interview of the subject by the psychologist. When
possible the subject is asked to complete a formal "intelligence test" which is actually a
disguised psychological test. Individuals being assessed are not given drugs, nor are
they subjected to physical harassment or torture. When operating conditions are such
that a face-to-face interview is not possible, the psychologist may do an indirect
assessment, using as source materials descriptions of the subject by others, interviews
with people who know him, specimens of his writings, etc.


The other psychological assessments involve handwriting analysis or graphological

assessment. The work is done by a pair of trained graphologists, assisted by a small
number of measurement technicians. They generally require at least a page of
handwritten script by the subject. Measurements are made of about 30 different writing
characteristics, and these are charted and furnished to the graphologist for assessments.

The psychologists also give courses in psychological assessment to group of operations

officers, to sharpen their own capabilities to size up people. As part of the training
course, the instructor does a psychological assessment of each student. The students
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are writing participants, TORTURE
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with them.

It is important to reiterate that psychological assessments are only a service to the

operations officers. In the final analysis, it is the responsibility of the operations officer
to decide how a potential agent should be approached, or to make a judgment as to
whether any agent is telling the truth.

Admiral TURNER. The kind of thing we are interested in is, what will
motivate a man to become an agent of the United States in a difficult
situation. We have to be familiar with that kind of attitudinal response that
we can expect from people we approach to for one reason or another
become our spies, but I will be happy to submit a very specific listing of

Senator KENNEDY. Would you do that for the committee?

In the followups, in the MKSEARCH, in the OFTEN, and the

CHICKWIT, could you give us also a report on those particular programs?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Did they involve experimentation, human


Admiral TURNER. No, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. None of them?

Admiral TURNER. Let me say this, that the CHICKWIT program is the
code name for the CIA participation in what was basically a Department
of Defense program. This program was summarized and reported to the
Church committee, to the Congress, and I have since they have been
rementioned in the press in the last 2 days here, I have not had time to go
through and personally review them. I have ascertained that all of the files
that we had and made available before are intact, and I have put a special
order out that nobody will enter those files or in any way touch them
without my permission at this point, but they are in the Retired Records
Center outside of Washington, and they are available.

I am not prepared to give you full details on it, because I simply haven't
read into that part of our history, but in addition I would suggest when we
want to get into that we should get the Department of Defense in with us.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, you will supply that information to the

Intelligence Committee, the relevant, I mean, the health aspects,
obviously, and the research we are interested in?
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Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Will you let us know, Admiral Turner?

Admiral TURNER. I will be happy to.

[See p. 169 for the material referred to.]

Senator KENNEDY. Thank you. I am running out of time. Do you

support the extension of the protection of human subjects legislation to
include the CIA and the DOD? You commented favorably on that


before, and I am hopeful we can get that on the calendar early in

September, and that is our strong interest.

Admiral TURNER. The CIA certainly has no objection to that proposed

legislation, sir. It is not my role in the administration to be the supporter of
it or the endorser of it.

Senator KENNEDY. As a personal matter, since you have reviewed these

subjects, would you comment? I know it is maybe unusual, but you can
understand what we are attempting to do.

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. From your own experience in the agency, you can
understand the value of it.

Just finally, in your own testimony now with this additional information, it
seems quite apparent to me that you can reconstruct in very careful detail
this whole project in terms of the responsible CIA officials for the
program. You have so indicated in your testimony. Now with the
additional information, and the people, that have been revealed in the
examination of the documents, it seems to be pretty clear that you can
track that whole program in very careful detail, and I would hope, you
know, that you would want to get to the bottom of it, as the Congress does
as well. I will come back to that in my next round. Thank you very much.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Goldwater?

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Senator INOUYE. Senator Schweiker?

Senator SCHWEIKER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Admiral Turner, I would like to go back to your testimony on page 12,

where you discuss the contribution to the building fund of a private
medical institution. You state, "Indeed, it was mentioned in a 1957
Inspector General report on the Technical Services Division of CIA,
pertinent portions of which had been reviewed by the Church committee
staff." I would like to have you consider this question very carefully. I
served as a member o the original Church committee. My staffer did a lot
of the work that you are referring to here. He made notes on the IG's
report. My question to you is, are you saying that the section that
specifically delineates an improper contribution was in fact given to the
Church committee staff to see?

Admiral TURNER. The answer to your question is "Yes." The

information that a contribution had been made was made available, to the
best of my knowledge.

Senator SCHWEIKER. To follow this up further, I'd like to say that I

think there was a serious flaw in the way that the IG report was handled
and the Church committee was limited. I am not making any accusations,
but because of limited access to the report, we have a situ-


ation where it is not even clear whether we actually saw that material or
not, simply because we could not keep a copy of the report under the
procedures we had to follow. We were limited by notetaking, and so it is
rather ambiguous as to just what was seen and what was not seen. I
certainly hope that the new Intelligence Committee will not be bound by
procedures that restrict its ability to exercise effective oversight.

I have a second question. Does it concern you, Admiral, that we used a

subterfuge which resulted in the use of Federal construction grant funds to
finance facilities for these sorts of experiments on our own people?
Because as I understand what you are saying, while the CIA maybe only
put up $375,000, this triggered a response on the part of the Federal
Government to provide on a good faith basis matching hospital funds at
the same level. We put up more than $1 million of matching funds, some

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CIA money.

Isn't there something basically wrong with that?

Admiral TURNER. I certainly believe there is. As I stated, the General

Counsel of the CIA at that time rendered a legal opinion that this was a
legal undertaking, and again I am hesitant to go back and revisit the
atmosphere, the laws, the attitudes at that time, so whether the counsel was
on good legal ground or not, I am not enough of a lawyer to be sure, but it
certainly would occur to me if it happened today as a very questionable

Senator SCHWEIKER. Well, I think those of us who have worked on

and amended the Hill-Burton Act and other hospital construction
assistance laws over the years, would have a rather different opinion on
the legal intent or object of Congress in passing laws to provide hospital
construction project money. These funds weren't intended for this.

It reminds me a little bit of the shellfish toxin situation which turned up

when I was on the Church committee. The Public Health Service was used
to produce a deadly poison with Public Health money. Here we are using
general hospital construction money to carry on a series of drug

Admiral TURNER. Excuse me, sir. If I could just be, I think, accurate, I
don't think any of this $375,000 or the matching funds were used to
conduct drug experiments. They were used to build the hospital. Now, the
CIA the put more money into a foundation that was conducting research
on the CIA's behalf supposedly in that hospital, so the intent was certainly
there, but the money was not used for experimentation.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Well, I understand it was used for bricks and

mortar, but the bricks were used to build the facility where the
experiments were carried on; were they not?

Admiral TURNER. We do not have positive evidence that they were. It

certainly would seem that that was the intent, but I do not want to draw
inferences here --

Senator SCHWEIKER. Well, why else would they give this money for
the building fund if the building was not used for a purpose that benefited
the CIA program?

Admiral TURNER. I certainly draw the inference that the CIA expected
to benefit from it, and some of the wording says the General

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Counsel's opinion was that this was legal only if the CIA was going to
derive adequate benefit from it, but, sir, there is no evidence of what
benefit was derived.

Senator SCHWEIKER. There must have been some pretty good benefits
at stake. The Atomic Energy Commission was to bear a share of the cost,
and when they backed out for some reason or another, the CIA picked up
part of their tab. So, at two different points there were indications that CIA
decisionmakers thought there was great benefit to be derived from
whatever happened within the brick and mortar walls of that facility.

Admiral TURNER. You are absolutely right. I am only taking the

position that I cannot substantiate that there was benefit derived.

Senator SCHWEIKER. The agreement documents say that the CIA

would have access to one-sixth of the space involved in the construction of
the wing, so how would you enter into an agreement that specifically says
that you will have access to and use of one-sixth of the space and not
perform something in that space? I cannot believe it was empty.

Admiral TURNER. Sir, I am not disputing you at all, but both of us are
saying that the inference is that one-sixth of the space was used, that
experimentation was done, and so on, but there is no factual evidence of
what went on as a result of that payment or what went on in that hospital.
It is just missing. It is not that it didn't happen.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Admiral Turner, one other--

Senator KENNEDY. Would the Senator yield on that point?

Senator SCHWEIKER. I understand that in the agency's documents on

the agreement it was explicitly stated that one-sixth of the facility would
be designated for CIA use and made available for CIA research are you

Mr. BRODY. Senator, as I recall, you are right in that there is a mention
of one-sixth, but any mention at all has to do with planning. There are no
subsequent reports as to what happened after the construction took place.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Admiral Turner, I read in the New York Times

that part of this series of MKULTRA experiments involved an

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the Federal CASE,
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surreptitiously on unwitting patrons in bars in New York and San
Francisco. Some of the subjects became violently ill and were
hospitalized. I wonder if you would just briefly describe what we were
doing there and how it was carried out? I assume it was through a safe
house operation. I don't believe your statement went into much detail.

Admiral TURNER. I did mention the safe house operation in my

statement, sir, and that is how these were carried out. What we have
learned from the new documentation is the location and the dates at which
the safe houses were run by the CIA and the identification of three
individuals who were associated with running those safe houses. We know
something about the construction work that was done in them because
there were contracts for this. Beyond that, we are pretty much drawing
inferences as to the things that went on as to what you are saying here.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Well, the subjects were unwitting. You can infer
that much, right?

Admiral TURNER. Right.


Senator SCHWEIKER. If you happened to be at the wrong bar at the

wrong place and time, you got it.

Mr. BRODY. Senator, that would be -- contacts were made, as we

understand it, in bars, et cetera, and then the people may have been invited
to these safe houses. There really isn't any indication as to the fact that this
took place in bars.

Admiral TURNER. We are trying to be very precise with you, sir, and
not draw an inference here. There are 6 cases of these 149 where we have
enough evidence in this new documentation to substantiate that there was
unwitting testing and some of that involves these safe houses. There are
other cases where it is ambiguous as to whether the testing was witting or
voluntary. There are others where it was clearly voluntary.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Of course, after a few drinks, it is questionable

whether informed consent means anything to a person in a bar anyway.

Admiral TURNER. Well, we don't have any indication that all these
cases where it is ambiguous involved drinking of any kind. There are

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given a choice or not. I don't know that he wasn't given a choice, but I
don't positively know that he was, and I classify that as an ambiguous

Senator INOUYE. Your time is up, Senator.

Senator Huddleston?

Senator HUDDLESTON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Admiral Turner, you stated in your testimony that you are convinced there
was no attempt to conceal this recently discovered documentation during
the earlier searches. Did you question the individuals connected with the
earlier search before you made that judgment?

Admiral TURNER. Yes; I haven't, I don't think, questioned everybody

who looked in the files or is still on our payroll who looked in the files
back in 1975, but Mr. Laubinger on my left is the best authority on this,
and I have gone over it with him in some detail.

Senator HUDDLESTON. But you have inquired, you think, sufficiently

to assure yourself that there was no intent on the part of any person to
conceal these records from the previous committee?

Admiral TURNER. I am persuaded of that both by my questioning of

people and by the circumstances and the way in which these documents
were filed, by the fact which I did not and should have mentioned in my
testimony, that these were not the official files. The ones that we have
received or retrieved were copies of files that were working files that
somebody had used, and therefore were slipped into a different location,
and again I say to you , sir, I can't imagine their deliberately concealing
these particular files and revealing the other things that they did reveal in
1975. I don't see the motive for that, because these are not that damning
compared with the overall material that was provided.

Senator HUDDLESTON. Is this the kind of operation that if it were

continuing now or if there were anything similar to it, that you would feel
compelled to report to the Select Committee on Intelligence?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir. You mean, if I discovered that something

like this were going on without my knowledge? Yes, I would feel
absolutely the requirement to --

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Senator HUDDLESTON. But if it were going on with your knowledge,

would you report it to the committee? I assume you would.

Admiral TURNER. Yes. Well, it would not be going on with my

knowledge, but theoretically the answer is yes, sir.

Senator HUDDLESTON. Well, then, what suggestions would you have

as we devise charters for the various intelligence agencies? What
provision would you suggest to prohibit this kind of activity from taking
place? Would you suggest that it ought to be specifically outlined in a
statutory charter setting out the parameters of the permissible operation of
the various agencies?

Admiral TURNER. I think that certainly is something we must consider

as we look at the legislation for charters. I am not on the face of it opposed
to it. I think we would have to look at the particular wording as we are
going to have to deal with the whole charter issue as to exactly how
precise you want to be in delineating restraints and curbs on the
intelligence activities.

Senator HUDDLESTON. In the case of sensitive type operations, which

this certainly was, which might be going on today, is the oversight activity
of the agency more intensive now than it was at that time?

Admiral TURNER. Much more so. I mean, I have briefed you, sir, and
the committee on our sensitive operations. We have the Intelligence
Oversight Board. We have a procedure in the National Security Council
for approval of very sensitive operations. I think the amount of spotlight
focused on these activities is many, manyfold what it was in these 12 to 24
years ago.

Senator HUDDLESTON. How about the record keeping?

Admiral TURNER. Yes; I can't imagine anyone having the gall to think
that he can just blithely destroy records today with all of the attention that
has come to this, and certainly we are emphasizing that that is not the case.

Senator HUDDLESTON. Admiral, I was particularly interested in the

activity that took place at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital at
Lexington, Ky., in which a Dr. Harris Isbell conducted experiments on
people who were presumably patients there. There was a narcotics
institution, I take it, and Dr. Isbell was, according to the New York Times
story, carrying on a secret series of correspondence with an individual at
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the agency -by
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Admiral TURNER. Sir, I find myself in a difficult position here at a

public hearing to confirm or deny these names in view of my legal
responsibilities under the Privacy Act not to disclose the names of
individuals here.

Senator HUDDLESTON. I am just asking you if you have identified the

person referred to in that article as Ray. I am not asking you who he was. I
just want to know if you know who he is.

Admiral TURNER. No. I am sorry, was this W-r-a-y or R-a-y?

Senator HUDDLESTON. It is listed in the news article as R-a-y, in


Admiral TURNER. No, sir, we have not identified him.

Senator HUDDLESTON. So you have no knowledge of whether or note

is still a member of your staff or connected with the Agency in any way.
Have you attempted to identify him?



Admiral TURNER. Senator, we have a former employee whose first

name is Ray who may have had some connection with these activities.

Senator HUDDLESTON. You suspect that but you have not verified that
at this time, or at least you are not in a position to indicate that you have
verified it?

Admiral TURNER. That is correct.

Senator HUDDLESTON. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Wallop?

Senator WALLOP. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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Admiral Turner, not all ofTORTURE CASE,
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hideous nature of some of these projects, but not all of the projects under
MKULTRA are of a sinister or even a moral nature. Is that a fair

Admiral TURNER. That is correct.

Senator WALLOP. Looking down through some of these 17 projects not

involving human testing, aspects of the magician's art, it doesn't seem as
though there is anything very sinister about that. Studies of human
behavior and sleep research, library searches. Now, those things in their
way are still of interest, are they not, to the process of intelligence

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir. I have not tried to indicate that we either are
not doing or would not do any of the things that were involved in
MKULTRA, but when it comes to the witting or unwitting testing of
people with drugs, that is certainly verboten, but there are other things.

Senator WALLOP. Even with volunteer patients? I mean, I am not trying

to put you on the spot to say whether it is going on, but I mean, it is not an
uncommon thing, is it, in the prisons of the United States for the Public
Health Service to conduct various kinds of experiments with vaccines and,
say, sunburn creams? I know in Arizona they have done so.

Admiral TURNER. My understanding is, lots of that is authorized, but I

am not of the opinion that this is not the CIA's business, and that if we
need some information in that category, I would prefer to go to the other
appropriate authorities of the Government and ask them to get it for us
rather than to in any way--

Senator WALLOP. Well, you know, you have library searches and
attendants at the national seminars. This is why I wanted to ask you if the
bulk of these projects were in any way the kinds of things that the Agency
might not do now. A President would not have been horrified by the list of
the legitimate types of things. Isn't that probably the case?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir.

Senator WALLOP. And if it did in fact appear in the IG report, is there

any reason to suppose that the President did not know of this project? You
said there was no reason to suppose that he did, but let me reverse that. Is
there any reason to suppose that they did not?

Admiral TURNER. No.

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just cannot Advanced
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literally anybody undertaking projects of the magnitude of dollars here and
just not knowing about it, not informing your superior that


these were going on, especially when certain items of it appear in the
Inspector General's report on budget matters.

Admiral TURNER. Well, I find it difficult when it is that far back to

hypothesize what the procedures that the Director was using in terms of
informing his superiors were. It is quite a different climate from today, and
I think we do a lot more informing to day than they did back then, but I
find it very difficult to guess what the level of knowledge was.

Senator WALLOP. I am really not asking you to second-guess it, but it

just seems to me that, while the past is past, and thank goodness we are
operating under different sets of circumstances, I think it is naive for us to
suppose that these things were conducted entirely without the knowledge
of the Presidents of the United States during those times. It is just the
kinds of research information that was being sought was vital to the
United States, not the means, but the information that they were trying to

Admiral TURNER. I am sorry. Your question is, was this vital? Did we
view it as vital?

Senator WALLOP. Well, your implication at the beginning was that it

was a response to the kinds of behavior that were seen in Cardinal
Mindszenty's trial and other things. I mean, somebody must have thought
that this was an important defensive reaction, if nothing else, on the part of
the United States.

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir, I am sure they did, but again I just don't
know how high that permeated the executive branch.

Senator WALLOP. But the kinds of information are still important to

you. I mean, I am not suggesting that anyone go back and do that kind of
thing again, but I'm certain it would be of use to you to know what was
going to happen to one of your agents assuming someone had put one of
these things into his bloodstream, or tried to modify his behavior.

Admiral TURNER. Absolutely, and you know, we would be very

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concerned if- Awe
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that our agents or others could be subjected to by use or improper use of
drugs by other powers against our people or agents.

Senator WALLOP. Are there? I don't ask you to name them, but are
there such serums?

Admiral TURNER. I don't know of them if there are. I would have to

answer that for the record, sir.

Senator WALLOP. I would appreciate that.

[The material referred to follows.]

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Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program

Of Research In Behavioral Modification

CIA Director Stansfield Turner's Testimony

(Continued -- pp. 33-50)
Senator WALLOP. If they are, I would assume that you would still try to
find from either theirs or somebody else's information how to protect our
people from that kind of activity.

Admiral TURNER. Yes.

Senator WALLOP. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Chafee?

Senator CHAFEE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


Admiral Turner, I appreciate that these tawdry activities were taking place
long before your watch, and I think you have correctly labeled them as
abhorrent, but not only were they abhorrent, it seems to me that they wee
rather bungled, amateurish experiments that don't seem to have been
handled in a very scientific way, at least from the scanty evidence we

It seems to me that there were a minimum of reports and the Agency didn't
have the ability to call it quits. It went on for some 12 years, as you
mentioned. What I would like to get to is, are you convinced now in your
Agency that those scientific experiments, legitimate ones that you were
conducting with polygraph and so forth, were being conducted in a
scientific manner and that you are handling it in a correct manner to get
the best information that you are seeking in the end?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, I am, and I also have a sense of confidence that
we are limiting ourselves to the areas where we need to be involved as
opposed to areas where we can rely on others.

Senator CHAFEE. I am convinced of that from your report. I just do

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hope that you TORTURE
have people who areCASE, Published
trained in not by Thehandling
only Advanced this
Media Group Copyright 2017
of experiment, but in preparing the proper reports and drawing the proper
data from the reports. You are convinced that you have this type of

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir.

Senator CHAFEE. The second point I am interested in was the final lines
in your testimony here, which I believe are very important, and that is that
the Agency is doing all it can in cooperation with other branches of the
Government to go about tracking down the identity of those who were in
some way adversely affected, and see what can be done to fulfill the
government's responsibilities in that respect. I might add that I commend
you in that, and I hope you will pursue it vigorously.

A hospital in my State was involved in these proceedings, and it is unclear

exactly what did take place, so I have both a parochial interest in this and a
national interest as well, and I do hope you will press on with it. It
involves not only you, I appreciate, but also HEW and perhaps the
Attorney General.

Admiral TURNER. Thank you, sir. We will.

Senator CHAFEE. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Senator INOUYE. Thank you very much.

Admiral Turner, MKULTRA subproject 3 was a project involving the

surreptitious administration of LSD on unwitting persons, was it not?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir.

Senator INOUYE. In February 1954, and this was in the very early stages
of MKULTRA, the Director of Central Intelligence wrote to the technical
services staff officials criticizing their judgment because they had
participated in an experiment involving the administration of LSD on an
unwitting basis to Dr. Frank Olson, who later committed suicide. Now, the
individuals criticized were the same individuals who were responsible for
subproject 3, involving exactly the same practices. Even though these
individuals were clearly aware of the dangers of surreptitious
administration and had been criticized by the Director


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of Central Intelligence, subproject 3 was not terminated immediately after
Dr. Olson's death.

In fact, according to documents, it continued for a number of years. Can

you provide this committee with any explanation of how such testing
could have continued under these circumstances?

Admiral TURNER. No, sir, I really can't.

Senator INOUYE. Are the individuals in technical services who carried

on subproject 3 still on the CIA payroll?

Admiral TURNER. I am sorry. Are you asking, are they today?

Senator INOUYE. Yes.

Admiral TURNER. No, sir.

Senator INOUYE. What would you do if you criticized officials of the

technical services staff and they continued to carry on experimentation for
a number of years?

Admiral TURNER. I would do two things, sir. One is, I would be sure at
the beginning that I was explicit enough that they knew that I didn't want
that to be continued anywhere else, and two, if I found it being continued,
I would roll some heads.

Senator INOUYE. Could you provide this committee with information as

to whether the individuals involved had their heads rolled?

Admiral TURNER. I don't believe there is any evidence they did, but I
will double check that.

[See p. 170 for material referred to.]

Senator INOUYE. As you know, Senator Huddleston and his

subcommittee are deeply involved in the drafting of charters and
guidelines for the intelligence community. We will be meeting with the
President tomorrow. Our concern is, I think, a basic one. Can anything like
this occur again?

Admiral TURNER. I think it would be very, very unlikely, first, because

we are all much more conscious of these issues than we were back in the
fifties, second, because we have such thorough oversight procedures. I
cannot imagine that this kind of activity could take place today without
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some member of the CIATORTURE CASE, Published
itself bypassing me, if Ibywere
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authorizing Group Copyright 2017
and writing to the Intelligence Oversight Board, and blowing the whistle
on this kind of activity.

I am also doing my very best, sir, to encourage an openness with myself

and a free communication in the Agency, so that I am the one who finds
these things if they should happen. The fact is that we must keep you and
your committee and now the new committee in the House informed of our
sensitive activities. I think all of these add up to a degree of scrutiny such
that this kind of extensive and flagrant activity could not happen today
without it coming to the attention of the proper authorities to stop it.

Senator INOUYE. A sad aspect of the MKULTRA project was that it

naturally involved the people who unwittingly or wittingly got involved in
experimentation. I would appreciate it if you would report back to this
committee in 3 months on what the Agency has done to notify these
individuals and these institutions, and furthermore, to notify us as to what
steps have been taken to identify victims, and if identified, what you have
done to assist them, monetarily or otherwise.

Admiral TURNER. All right, sir. I will be happy to.

Senator GOLDWATER. Will the Senator yield?


Senator INOUYE. Yes, sir.

Senator GOLDWATER. I wonder if he could include in that report for

our information only a complete listing of the individuals and the
experiments done on them, and whether they were witting or unwitting,
volunteer or nonvolunteer, and what has been the result in each case. I
think that would be interesting.

Admiral TURNER. Fine. Yes, sir.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Kennedy?

Senator KENNEDY. Thank you. It is your intention to notify the

individuals who have been the, subjects of the research, is that right,
Admiral Turner? Do you intend to notify those individuals?

Admiral TURNER. Yes.

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Senator KENNEDY. If you can identify them, you intend to notify them?

Admiral TURNER. Yes.

Senator KENNEDY. And you intend to notify the universities or research

centers as well?

Admiral TURNER. Senator, I am torn on that. I understand your opening

statement. I put myself in the position of the president of one of those,
universities, let's say. If he were witting -- if his university had been
witting of this activity with us, lie has access to all that information today.
If lie, were not witting, I wonder if the. process of informing him might
put his institution's reputation in more jeopardy than letting them go on the
way they are today, not knowing. I really don't know the equities here.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, the problem is, all you have to do is pick up
the newspapers and you see these universities mentioned. In many
instances, I think you are putting the university people at an extraordinary
disadvantage, where there is a complete change of administration, and
they may for one reason or another not have information that they are,
under suspicion. There is innuendo; there is rumor. I cannot help but
believe that it will just get smeared all over the newspapers in spite of all
the security steps that have been taken.

It seems to me that those universities should be entitled to that

information, so that the ones with other administrations can adapt
procedures to protect those universities. The importance of preserving the
independence of our research areas and the communities seems to me to
be a very fundamental kind of question about the protection of the
integrity of our universities and our research centers.

Admiral TURNER. You are saying that you feel that if we identify them
privately to themselves, we can benefit them in an adequate way to cover
the risk that this will lead to a more public disclosure? There are lots of the
80 who have not been identified publicly at this point.

Senator KENNEDY. I think the universities themselves should be

notified. I think then the universities can take whatever steps in terms of
their setting up the procedures to protect. their own kinds of integrity in
terms of the future. I would certainly hope that, they would feel that they
could make a public comment or a public statement on it. I think it is of
general public interest, particularly for the people that are involved in
those universities, to have some kind of awareness of whether they were.
used or were not used and how they were used.

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I think they- are
entitled toTORTURE CASE,frankly,
it, and quite Published
ifby The Advanced
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is a public Group Copyright 2017
or an official of the university that you notify and be wants


for his own particular reasons not to have it public, I don't see why those
in a lesser echelon or lower echelon who have been effectively used by it
should not have the information as well.

So, I would hope that you would notify the universities and then also
indicate to the public. I can't conceive that this information will not be put
out in the newspapers, and it puts the university people at an extraordinary
disadvantage, and of course some of it is wrong, which is the fact of the
matter, and I think some university official saying, well, it isn't so, is a lot
different than if they know it is confirmed or it is not confirmed in terms
of the Agency itself. I think that there is a responsibility there.

Admiral TURNER. I have great sympathy with what you are saying. I
have already notified one institution because the involvement was so
extensive that I thought they really needed to protect themselves, and I am.
most anxious to do this in whatever way will help all of the people who
were perhaps unwitting participants in this, and the difficulty I will have
is, I can't quite do, I think, what you suggested, in that I may not be able to
tell an institution of the extent and nature of its participation.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, you can tell them to the best of your
information, and it seems to me that just because the university or an
individual is going to be embarrassed is not a reason for classifying the
information. So, I would hope -- I mean, I obviously speak as an
individual Senator, but I feel that that is an incredible disservice to the
innocent individuals and I think, a disservice to the integrity of the,
universities unless they are notified, to be able to develop procedures you
are developing with regards to your own institution and we are trying to in
terms of the Congress. Certainly the universities are entitled to the same.

Admiral TURNER. Yes. Not all of these, of course, were unwitting.

Senator KENNEDY. That's right.

Admiral TURNER. Many of them were witting, and therefore they can
take all those precautionary steps on their own, but I am perfectly open to
doing this. I am only interested in doing it in a way that when identifying a
university it will not lead to the public disclosure of the individuals, whom

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I am not allowed TORTURE
to disclose, CASE,
and so on. Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

Senator KENNEDY. That could be done, it seems to me.

Admiral TURNER. So, we will see if we can devise a way of notifying

these institutions on a private basis so that they can then make their own
decision whether their equities are best served by their announcing it
publicly or their attempting to maintain it--

Senator KENNEDY. Or you. I wonder. What if they were to ask you to

announce, or indicate?

Admiral TURNER. My personal conscience, sir, at this time, is that I

would be doing a disservice to these universities if I notified the public.

Senator KENNEDY. Would you meet with some university officials and
ask what their views are or whether they feel that the preservation of the
integrity of the universities would be better served or not? I think that
would be useful to find out from small, large, private, and public
universities' officials how they view the integrity--

Admiral TURNER. Fine. I Will phone several university presidents

today who are my friends and who are not involved in this, and ask them
what they think the equities would be.


Senator KENNEDY. All right. You let us know, too.

Admiral TURNER. But I am not sure that I see that there is any great
benefit, in my notifying the public as opposed to the university notifying
them. Let him have his choice whether he wants -- each institution wants
to have it made public.

Senator KENNEDY. Yes. The fact would remain that the institution's
credibility would be better served if the institution's president were to deny
it and the university indicated that it did not participate in that program
than if the university were to deny it and the Agency says nothing. It
seems to me that that would be the strongest, and the only way that that is
going to be credible. I would value it if you would get some input from
universities as to what they believe is the fairest way in terms of the
preservation of the integrity of the universities.

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Let me, if I- could,
the question ofPublished
the usesbyofThe Advanced
these Media Group
safe houses, as I Copyright 2017
understand from information that was provided to us in the course of our
last committee, the testing of various drugs on individuals happened at all
social levels, high and low, it happened on native Americans and also on
foreign nationals. That is what I understand was the nature of the project

Now, I am just wondering whether those tests were conducted at the two
locations on the east coast and the west coast which were known as safe
houses. To your knowledge, is that correct?

Admiral TURNER. Yes.

Senator KENNEDY. In terms of the research in this particular program,

it did not go beyond the safe houses located on the east coast and the west
coast? I believe I am correct on that.

Admiral TURNER. That type of unwitting testing of sort of randomly

selected individuals, yes.

Senator KENNEDY. It was just located in those two places?

Admiral TURNER. To the best of our knowledge, there were only two

Senator KENNEDY. Well, how do we interpret randomly selected?

Admiral TURNER. Well, as opposed to prisoners in a prison who were

somehow selected.

Senator KENNEDY. All right. Do you know from this information how
many people were recruited during this period?

Admiral TURNER. No idea.

Senator KENNEDY. Do you know approximately?

Admiral TURNER. I asked that question the other day, and we just don't
have -- apparently we are very -- well, either there were no records kept of
the actual numbers and types of people tested or they were destroyed.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Schweiker.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Admiral Turner, I would like to come back to the experiments which may
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have been conducted TORTURE
at the CASE,
hospital Published
research by Thewhich
facilities Advanced
CIA Group Copyright 2017
helped to finance. It wasn't clear to me from your previous answers what
kind of work was done there. I gather you are unclear on that, too, from
your remarks, yet I find in the CIA documentation which you have
supplied us, a list describing some of the advantages the Agency hoped to
gain. It says:

(a) One-sixth of the total space in the new hospital wing will be
available to the Chemical Division of TSS * * *; (b) Agency
sponsorship of sensitive research


projects will be completely deniable; (c) Full professional cover will be

provided for up to three biochemical employees of the Chemical
Division; (d) Human patients and volunteers for experimental use will
be available under controlled clinical conditions with the full
supervision of
and there is a blank, something has been deleted.

It seems pretty clear to me what they intended to do in that particular

wing. Doesn't it to you? Why would you go to such elaborate preparations,
to buy part of the wing, bring three of your own personnel there, give them
a cover, and give them access to patients? Why would you go to such
trouble and expense to arrange, all that, if you weren't planning to
experiment on people in the hospital?

Admiral TURNER. I agree with you 100 percent, sir. Those were clearly
the intentions. I have no evidence that it was carried out in that way. I am
not trying to be defensive, Senator. I am only trying to be absolutely
precise here.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Well, then, as to the nature of what was done

there, the last paragraph on the same page of the document says, "The
facilities of the hospital and the ability to conduct controlled
experimentations under safe clinical conditions using materials with which
any agency connection must be completely deniable will augment and
complement other programs recently taken over by TSS, such as," and
then there's another deletion.

Now, the words following "such as" have been deleted. That is still
classified, or at least it was removed when this document was sanitized
and released. It seems to be that whatever was deleted right there would
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give you a pretty TORTURE
good clue CASE,they
as to what Published
were by The Advanced
doing, Mediathat
since it says Group Copyright 2017
the activities would "augment and complement other programs"
undertaken by TSS. So, I have trouble understanding why you don't know
what was contemplated. Just the fact that similar programs are referred to
in the document, though what they are is still deleted, should enable you to
check it out.

You could look at what went on in the similar programs mentioned

following the "such as" in the classified version of this document.

Admiral TURNER. Senator, I have not said that we don't know what was
contemplated being done there. We do not know what was done there.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Why did you delete that reference? Why is that
still classified, that particular project of whatever it is?

Admiral TURNER. I don't know this particular case. We will get you the
exact answer to that one and inform you about it, but it is quite probable
that that other case is unrelated to this in the -- well, not unrelated, but that
that was a project that still deserves to be classified.

[The material referred to follows:]

Construction of the Gorman Annex was begun in 1957 and the Annex
was dedicated in March 1959. Of the several MKULTRA projects
conducted at Georgetown only one involving human testing covered a
time span subsequent to March 1959. Subproject 45 ran from 1955 to
1963, thus it is possible that the final four years 1959-1963) of the
subproject could have been spent in the Gorman Annex. However, there
is no reference to the Gorman Annex or a "new Annex" in Subproject
45 papers, neither is there any mention of the subproject moving to a
new location in 1959 or later years.

Authorization to contribute CIA funds toward construction of the

Gorman Annex is contained in Subproject 35 of MKULTRA. Recently
discovered material indicated that Dr. Geschickter continued his
research for sleep- and amnesia-producing drugs under Project
MKSEARCH through July 1967 at Georgetown University Hospital.
But it is impossible to determine if the facilities of the Gorman Annex
were involved.


Senator SCHWEIKER. I think that would give us a pretty good clue as

to what was going to be done in the wing the CIA helped to finance.

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Was there any indicationTORTURE CASE,
at all in the Published
records youby The Advanced
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that the project
ultimately used cancer patients or terminally ill patients in connection with
this facility?

Admiral TURNER. I'm sorry. I missed your question because I was

trying to get the data on the last one. I will read you the blank.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Go ahead.

Admiral TURNER. QKHILLTOP. It doesn't help you, but--

Senator SCHWEIKER. Can you tell us what that is, or is it still


Admiral TURNER. I don't know, and I assume from the fact that we
deleted it, it is still classified, but I will get you that answer, sir.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Thank you. I'd like to see that information.

[See p. 171 for material referred to.]

Now my next question was: Is there any indication, Admiral, that projects
in that particular center involved experimentation on terminally ill cancer

Admiral TURNER. I missed the first part of your question, sir. I am very

Senator SCHWEIKER. Do you have any indication that some

experiment in the facility used terminally ill cancer patients as subjects?
You do acknowledge in your statement and it is clear from other
documents that these kinds of experiments were at some point being done
somewhere. My question is, is there any indication that cancer patients or
terminally ill patients were experimented with in this wing?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, it does appear there is a connection here, sir.

Senator SCHWEIKER. The other question I had relates to the

development of something which has been called the perfect concussion.
A series of experiments toward that end were described in the CIA
documents. I wonder if you would just tell us what your understanding of
perfect concussion is.

Admiral TURNER. Is that in my testimony, sir, or in some other


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Subproject 54,Published
MKULTRA, by Thewhich
Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
examination of techniques to cause brain concussions and amnesia by
using weapons or sound waves to strike individuals without giving and
without leaving any clear physical marks. Someone dubbed it "perfect
concussion" -- maybe that was poetic license on the part of our staff rather
than your poets over there. I wonder if you could just tell us what brain
concussion experiments were about?

Admiral TURNER. This project, No. 54, was canceled, and never carried

Senator SCHWEIKER. Well, I do believe the first year of the project in

1955 was carried out by the Office of Naval Research, according to the
information that you supplied us. The CIA seems to have been
participating in some way at that point, because the records go on to say
that the experimenter at ONR found out about CIA's role, discovered that
it was a cover, and then the project was transferred to MKULTRA in
1956. Again, this is all from the backup material you have given us. So, it
was canceled at some time. I am not disagreeing


with that, but apparently for at least a year or two, somebody was
investigating the production of brain concussions with special blackjacks,
sound waves, and other methods as detailed in the backup material.

Admiral TURNER. The data available to me is that this project was never
funded by the CIA, but I will double-check that and furnish the
information for the record for you as to whether there was ever any
connection here and if so, what the nature of the work was.

[The material referred to follows:]

Mr. Laubinger corrected his testimony regarding Subproject 54 during

the September 21, 1977 hearings before the Subcommittee on Health
and Scientific Research of the Human Resources Committee. The
relevant portion is reproduced below:

Mr. LAUBINGER. On project 54, it has got a rather sensational

proposal in there, in terms of the work that they propose to do, and you
asked about the proposal and I said, in fact, it was never funded under
MKULTRA. Now, I overlooked -- at least, my memory did not serve
me correctly when I went through that file folder to see one
memorandum dated January 10, 1956, which makes it quite clear, as a
matter of fact, that that proposal was based on prior work that was
funded by the Agency.
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Senator SCHWEIKER. By what?

Mr. LAUBINGER. By the CIA. So, that information was in their file
folder. It did not happen to be in my head when I testified.

Senator SCHWEIKER. I think I might have read you that, and that is
why I argued at the time with you, because I think I had in front of me,
as I recall, some indication that it was funded there. I did read that to
you. So, you did supply it to us; there is no argument about that

Mr. LAUBINGER. Perhaps I am sort of headstrong, myself, and in my

own view, I am reading under the ULTRA project, that if it had been
funded under ULTRA, it would have had a project number and
identified as such. The thing that threw me was that it was funded,
apparently, outside of any MKULTRA activity and it was under the
normal contracting process, so that it was not included in MKULTRA
as any work done under that funding umbrella.

The file folder that you have and I have, right here, makes it quite clear,
however, that a year's work was done through navy funding -- a navy
funding mechanism -- on which the proposal was based that ultimately
came into the MKULTRA program. That second proposal was never
funded. So, there was conflict and I, personally, I think, introduced a
little bit of confusion in that in my testimony.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Well, do you agree or not agree with DOD's

statement here that even though the initial funding was navy, it was
really I conduit for the CIA?

Mr. LAUBINGER. I think that is correct.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Yes; I would appreciate that. I would like to

know how it went from ONR to CIA after a year. Somebody made a
decision to make that transfer, and to make this an MKULTRA subject.
There had to be some sort of review that led to a decision to continue that
kind of concussion -- total blackout, maximum amnesia, and whatever else
it was you were interested in -- study and testing.

Mr. LAUBINGER. Senator, if I may try to say a few words on that, the
files that were available to us for inspection, which are limited, indicated
that there was a project being carried on by the Navy having to do with
the, effects of brain concussion. The CIA developed an interest in that, and
considered funding it, but actually never did, and as the admiral testified,
the MKULTRA is merely a funding mechanism, a place they go for
money to do such things, but there is no evidence that I know of that that
project was ever funded.

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Senator SCHWEIKER. Well, I am confused, because here again is

another quote from a document that we have seen, which you have
released and supplied to us:

Following is the technical progress made under the current [deleted]

contract: (a) Specializing instrumentation and numerous testing
techniques have been developed to obtain the desired dynamic data; (b)
considerable data has now been obtained supporting the
resonance-cavilation theory of brain concussion; and (c) preliminary
acceleration threshold data has been obtained for a fluid-filled glass
simulated skull.
It goes on to talk about a blast range and a 2,500-square-foot laboratory.
The document notes that "Three blast test series have been run to date." It
describes a special blackjack device, "a pancake-type blackjack giving a
high peak impact force with a low unit surface pressure."

I agree the records are inconclusive as to the results of this work, but it
certainly seems that some testing was done.

Mr. LAUBINGER. Senator, you are putting us in the same position I

think you were stating that you were in earlier referring to documents not
before us, but I believe you are quoting from a proposal that someone sent
to the Agency to fund this work, and he is referring to past work. The past
work would have encompassed a lot of things like that, but CIA was not
involved with that.

Senator SCHWEIKER. What do you mean, Admiral, on page 6 of your

testimony when you mention projects using magician's art? How do
magicians get into the spook business?

Admiral TURNER. I have interpreted this as to how to slip the mickey

into the finn, but I would like to ask my advisers here to comment.

Mr. BRODY. I think that is essentially it, Senator. It is surreptitious

administration of material to someone, deceptive practices, how to distract
someone's attention while you are doing something else, as I understand it.
It was also some type of a covert communication project involved with the
study of how magicians and their assistants perhaps communicate
information to one another without having other people know it. This is
the type of thing that was involved, sir.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Huddleston?

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Senator HUDDLESTON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Admiral, in your checking these newly discovered documents and

interviewing members of the CIA staff, did you find information that
would confirm the contention described by the reporters for the New York
Times that this type of experimentation was begun out of a fear that the
Agency that foreign powers might have drugs which would allow them to
alter the behavior of American citizens or agents or members of the
Armed Forces who were taken into custody, and which would have
resulted in false confessions and the like? Is my question clear?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir. I haven't personally read the documentation

on that. In my discussions with the people who are well informed in this
area at the Agency, I am told that that is the case.

Senator HUDDLESTON. Was there any evidence or any indication that

there were other motives that the Agency might also be looking for drugs
that could be applied for other purposes, such as debilitating an individual
or even killing another person? Was this part of this kind of


Admiral TURNER. Yes; I think there is. I have not seen in this series of
documentation evidence of desire to kill, but I think the project turned its
character from a defensive to an offensive one as it went along, and there
certainly was an intention here to develop drugs that could be of use.

Senator HUDDLESTON. The project continued for some time after it

was learned that, in fact, foreign powers did not have such a drug as was at
first feared, didn't it?

Admiral TURNER. That is my understanding. Yes, sir.

Senator HUDDLESTON. Is there any indication that knowledge gained

as a result of these experiments has been useful or is being applied in any
way to present operations?

Mr. BRODY. Senator, I am not sure if there is any body of knowledge. A

great deal of what there was, I gather, was destroyed in 1973. I would like
to defer to Frank here. Do you know of any?

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I know of noCASE,
drugsPublished by The
or anything Advanced
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that developed
under this program that ever reached operational use or are in use today.

Senator HUDDLESTON. So apparently any information that was

gathered was apparently useless and not worth continuing, not worth
further development on the part of the Agency.

Mr. LAUBINGER. I am having difficulty hearing your questions.

Senator HUDDLESTON. I can hardly hear myself.

Admiral TURNER. I think the answer to your question is that we have no

evidence of great usefulness on this, and yet I think we should remember--

Senator HUDDLESTON. Well, is it accurate to say that this

experimentation produced few useful results or had little application at all
to the operations of the Agency or anybody else as far as we know?

Admiral TURNER. I think that is basically correct. At the same time, I

would point out that we had two CIA prisoners in China and one in the
Soviet Union at this time, and we were concerned as to what kinds of
things might be done to them, but I am not saying that--

Senator HUDDLESTON. Have you detected any sign that any other
nation is continuing or has in the past conducted experiments similar to
this or with a similar objective?

Admiral TURNER. I am not prepared to answer that one off the top of
my head, sir, but I will get it to you.

[The material referred to follows:]

We maintain no files of up-to-date information on the testing of drugs in

foreign countries. Some years ago we occasionally would review
foreign research on antibiotics and pharmaceuticals in connection with
public health and civil defense assessments. For a few years beginning
in 1949 we assessed foreign research on LSD under Project
ARTICHOKE because of concern that such drugs might be employed
against Agency and other U.S. personnel. Information relative to this
work has already been provided to relevant Committees. In this early
work we also occasionally looked at foreign human experimentation;
we long ago eliminated our holdings on this subject and no collection
requirements are any longer served. As consumer interest in this area
has dropped off and higher priority areas need attention, we have
virtually no present coverage with the possible exception of an
occasional scanning of the literature for a specific program. To the best
of our knowledge no other unit in the Intelligence Community is
tracking this subject now.
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Senator HUDDLESTON. You don't know whether any of your agents

anywhere in the world have been subjected to any kind of procedure like

Admiral TURNER. We certainly know of other powers conducting

research in these areas, yes.

Senator HUDDLESTON. Do you know how they go about that research?

Admiral TURNER. It is pretty sketchy, the information we have.

Senator HUDDLESTON. Do you know of any other organization in this

country or any institution that has conducted extensive research on
unwitting individuals and through unwitting institutions?

Admiral TURNER. Well, I have read something in the newspapers about

this, but I have not familiarized myself with it in specifies.

Senator HUDDLESTON. It is not a normal mode of operation for hitman

research, is it?

Admiral TURNER. No, sir.

Senator HUDDLESTON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Wallop?

Senator WALLOP. Mr. Chairman, I only have one to follow up on

Senator Huddleston's questions and my earlier ones. You are not really
saying, are you Admiral Turner, that there are no mind-altering drugs or
behavior modification procedures which have been used by foreign

Admiral TURNER. No, sir, I am not.

Senator WALLOP. I drew that inference partly in answer to my question

that you knew of no truth serum. Maybe that is a misnomer, but surely
there are relaxants that make tongues looser than they would otherwise be.
Isn't that true?

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Admiral TURNER. Yes.

Senator WALLOP. So I think it is fair to say, too, that the experience of

many American prisoners of war in the Korean conflict would indicate
that there are behavior modification procedures in use by foreign powers
of a fairly advanced degree of sophistication.

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir.

Senator WALLOP. Again, I will just go back and say I think this must
have been part of the motivation. I don't think you would have mentioned
Cardinal Mindszenty had you thought his behavior was normal at the time
or had anybody else. So, I would just again say I think it is a little bit
scapegoating. I don't think the object of this hearing is in any way to lay
blame on those passed or those dead or otherwise, but I think it is a little
bit scapegoating to say that it stopped with the directors of the CIA or the
DCT's of the time. Also I think it is a little bit scapegoating, to say they
didn't even know it, but that it was some lower echelon acting alone.

I think this was a behavior pattern that was prevalent in those years, and I
think the object lesson is that we have discovered, we think and we hope,
through your assurances and other activities of the Congress, means of
avoiding future incidents of that kind. I thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Chafee?

Senator CHAFEE. No questions.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Kennedy, I think you have another question.


Senator KENNEDY. Just talking about the two safe houses on the east
and west, coast as being the sources for the unwitting trials, now, the
importance of this and the magnitude of it, I think, is of significance,
because we have seen from your records that these we're used over a
period of 8 or 9 years, and the numbers could have been considerable. You
are unable to determine, at least, in your own research, what the numbers
would be, and what the drugs were, how many people were involved, but
it could have been considerable during this period of time.

It would certainly appear to me in examining the documents and the flow

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considerable, but that is a judgmental factor on it, but I think it is
important to try and find out what the Agency is attempting to do to get to
the bottom of it.

Now, the principal agent that was involved as I understand it is deceased

and has been deceased for 2 years. The overall agent, Mr. Gottlieb, has
indicated a fuzzy memory about this whole area. He has testified before
the Intelligence Committee. Yet he was responsible for the whole
program. Then, the Director had indicated the destruction of the various
materials and unfamiliarity with the project.

Now, you have indicated in your testimony today that there are two
additional agents on page 9 of your testimony, you indicated there were
two additional agents which you have uncovered at the bottom of it, and
you say the names of CIA officials who approved or monitored the various
projects. You talk about the two additional agents in your testimony.

Now, I am just wondering if you intend to interview those agents to find

out exactly what is being done. I suppose, first of all, shouldn't the project
manager know what was being done?

Admiral TURNER. Our first problem, Senator, is that we have been

unable to associate an individual with those names at this point. We are
still burrowing to find out who these people are. We haven't identified
them as having been CIA employees, and we don't know whether these
were false names.

Senator KENNEDY. You are tracking that down, as I understand it?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. You are tracking that. down, and you have every
intention of interviewing those people to find out whatever you can about
the program and project?

Admiral TURNER. My only hesitation here is whether I will do this or

the Justice Department.

Senator KENNEDY. It will be pursued, though, I understand?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Either through the Agency or through the Justice


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Senator KENNEDY. Is it plausible that the director of the program would

not understand or know about the details of the program? Is it plausible
that Dr. Gottlieb would not understand the full range of activities in those
particular safe houses?


Admiral TURNER. Let me say it is unlikely. I don't know Mr. Gottlieb.

Senator KENNEDY. Has anybody in the Agency talked with Mr.

Gottlieb to find out about this?

Admiral TURNER. Not since this revelation has come out.

Senator KENNEDY. Not since this revelation? Well, why not?

Admiral TURNER. He has left our employ, Senator.

Senator KENNEDY. Does that mean that anybody who leaves is, you
know, covered for lifetime?

Admiral TURNER. No, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Why wouldn't you talk with him and find out? You
have new information about this program. It has been a matter of
considerable interest both to our committee and to the Intelligence
Committee. Why wouldn't you talk to Mr. Gottlieb?

Admiral TURNER. Well, again, I think the issue is whether this should
be done by the Justice Department or ourselves.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, are we wrestling around because you and

Attorney General Bell can't agree--

Admiral TURNER. No, sir.

Senator KENNEDY [continuing]. On who ought to do it?

Admiral TURNER. We are proceeding together in complete agreement

as to how to go. I have, in connection with trying to find all of these
Americans or others who were unwittingly tested, I have some

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interviewing and interrogating people, because I don't want to give any
impression that we are doing domestic intelligence.

Senator KENNEDY. I am just talking about one, in this case. That was
the man who was responsible for the whole program, and to find out
whether anyone within the Agency since you have had this new material
has talked to Gottlieb since 1975, and if the answer is no, I want to know
why not.

Admiral TURNER. The reason he was not interviewed in connection

with the 1975 hearings was that he had left the employ of the CIA and
there was a concern on the part of the Agency that it would appear to the
investigators that the CIA was in some way trying to influence him and
influence his testimony before the committee. If these committees have,
no objection, we would be happy to contact Dr. Gottlieb and see if he can
augment anything here in this new information, though I don't think there
is much in this new information that be can add to as opposed to what was
available in 1975.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, you see, Admiral Turner, you come to the
two committees this morning and indicate that now at last we have the
information. We don't have to be concerned about anything in the future
on it. Now, I don't know how you can give those assurances to the
members of these committees as well as to the American people when you
haven't since 1975 even talked to the principal person that was in charge
of the program, and the records were destroyed. He is the fellow that was
running the program, and the Agency has not talked to him since the
development of this new material.

Admiral TURNER. Our only concern here is the proprieties involved,

and we will dig into this and work with the Justice Department on


who, if either of us, should get into discussions with Dr. Gottlieb so as not
to prejudice any legal rights that may be involved here, or to appear in any
way to be improper.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, do I understand you have not contacted the

Justice Department about this particular case since the development of this
new material about Gottlieb?

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Admiral TURNER. NotTORTURE CASE, Published
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specifically. Advanced
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have contacted

Senator KENNEDY. Well, it is amazing to me. I mean, can you

understand the difficulty that any of us might have in terms of
comprehending that when you develop a whole new series of materials
that are on the front page of every newspaper in the country and are on
every television, I mean, that means something, but it does not mean
nearly as much as the interest that we have in the fact about the testing of
unwitting Americans, and every single document that the staff reviews has
Mr. Gottlieb's name on it and you come to tell us that we don't have to
worry any more, we have these other final facts, and Mr. Gottlieb has not
been talked to?

Admiral TURNER. Sir, I am not saying that these are in any way the
final facts. I am saying these are all the facts we have available.

Senator KENNEDY. And you have not talked to the person who was in
charge of the program, so what kind of value or what kind of weight can
we give it?

Admiral TURNER. We are happy to talk to him. I think the issue here
again is one of propriety and how to go about this. We have not, I believe,
enough new information about Gottlieb's participation here to signal that
his interview would be that much more revealing than what was revealed
in 1975.

Senator KENNEDY. The importance of it, I think, from our point of

view, is, he would know the drugs that were administered, the volume of
drugs, how it was administered, and in terms of your ability to follow lip
to protect these people and their health, to the extent that it can be done,
that opportunity is being lost.

I want to get on to some others, but will you give us the assurance that you
will get ahold of Gottlieb or that you will talk to Attorney General Bell
and talk with Gottlieb?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. And let us know as to the extent of it. I don't see
how we can fulfill our responsibility in this area on the drug testing
without our hearing from Gottlieb as well, but I think it is important that
you do so, particularly since all of the materials have been destroyed.

These other two agents, have they talked to them?

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don't, know whoPublished by The
they are, sir.Advanced Media Group
We are trying to Copyright 2017
track down and see whether these names can be related to anybody.

Senator KENNEDY. That is under active investigation by the Agency?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. And you have the intention of talking to those

people when you locate them. Is that correct?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir, under the same circumstances as Gottlieb.

Senator KENNEDY. And you have people working on it? Admiral

TURNER. Yes, sir.


Senator KENNEDY. With regards to the activities that took place in

these safe houses, as I understand from the records, two-way mirrors were
used. Is that your understanding?

Admiral TURNER. Yes, sir. We have records that construction was done
to put in two-way mirrors.

Senator KENNEDY. And they were placed in the bedroom, as I



Senator KENNEDY. Well, we have documents--

Admiral TURNER. I believe that was in the Church record, but I don't
have the details.

Senator KENNEDY. And rather elaborate decorations were added, as I

understand, at, least, to the one in San Francisco, in the bedroom, which
are French can-can dancers, floral pictures, drapery, including installation
of bedroom mirrors, three framed Toulouse Lautrec posters with black silk
mats, and a number of other -- red bedroom curtains and recording
equipment, and then a series of documents which were provided to the
committee which indicate a wide proliferation of different cash for $100,
generally in the $100 range over any period of time on the particular
checks. Even the names are blocked out, as to the person who is receiving

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it. Cash for-undercover
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while administering, and then it is dashed out, and then the other
documents, that would suggest, at least with the signature of your
principal agent out there, that "called to the operation, midnight, and

What can you tell us that it might suggest to you about what techniques
were being used by the Agency in terms of reaching that sort of
broad-based group of Americans that were being evidently enticed for
testing in terms of drugs and others? Do you draw ally kind of conclusion
about what might have been going on out there, in these safe houses?

Admiral TURNER. No, sir.

[General laughter.]

Senator KENNEDY. There is a light side to it, but there is also an

enormously serious side. And that is that, at least the techniques which are
used or were used in terms of testing, and trying to find out exactly the
range of drugs used and the numbers of people involved and exactly what
that operation was about, as well as the constant reiteration of the, use of
small sums of cash at irregular intervals. A variety of different techniques
were employed but there is an awful lot of documentation putting these
matters together.

When you look at the fact that, it is a broad range population that has been
tested, tested in these two areas, with the kind of cash slips that were used
in this payment mechanisms and decorations and all of the rest, we are not
able to put a bottom line on it but one thing is for sure, and that is, Gottlieb
knows. That is one thing for sure, because his name appears on just about
every one of these documents, and it is, I think, very important to find out
what his understanding is of the nature of that. So, we will hear more
about that.

Admiral TURNER. I believe Gottlieb has been interviewed by the


Senator KENNEDY. That's right, he has, and in reviewing the record, it

is not very satisfactory, and it just seems with the new information


and the new documentation and the new memoranda -- and he did not

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have the checks TORTURE
at that time -- andCASE, Published
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of different
memoranda with his name on it, his memory could be stimulated on that.

Thank you.

Senator INOUYE. I would like to thank the admiral and his staff for
participating in this hearing. I believe the record should show that this
hearing was held at the request of the Agency and the admiral. It was not
held because we insisted upon it. It was a volunteer effort on the part of
the Agency. I think the record should also indicate that Admiral Turner
has forwarded to this committee a classified file, including all of the
names of the institutions and the persons involved as the experimentors.

I should also indicate that this hearing is just one step involved in the
committee's investigation of drug abuse. Just as you have had much work
in going over the 8,000 pages, the staff of this committee has had equal
problems, but I would like the record to show that you have made these
papers and documents available to the committee. I thank you for that.

As part of the ongoing investigation, we had intended to call upon many

dozens of others, experimentors, or those officials in charge, and one of
those will be Dr. Gottlieb.

In thanking you, I would like to say this to the American people, that what
we have experienced this morning in this committee room is not being
duplicated in any other committee room in any other part of the world. I
doubt that very much. Our Agency and our intelligence community has
been under much criticism and has been subjected to much abuse, in many
cases justified, but this is the most open society that I can think of. For
example, in Great Britain there are about six people who are aware of the
identity of the man in charge of intelligence. In other countries, similar
conditions exist. Here in the United States we not only know Admiral
Turner, we have had open hearings with him, such as this. The
confirmation hearings were all open.

In a few weeks, the Senate of the United States will debate a resolution to
decide upon whether we should disclose the amounts and funds being used
for counterintelligence and national intelligence. I would hope that, in
presenting this issue to the public, the media will take note that the
Agency has cooperated and will continue to. The abuse that we have
learned about this morning is one I hope will never happen again, but
without constant oversight on the part of the Executive Office, on the part
of the Congress, it could happen again. It is important, therefore that we
continue in this oversight activity.

So, once, again, Admiral, I thank yon very much for helping us. We will
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continue to-call
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you several questions that the members and staff have prepared. I hope
you will look them over carefully and prepare responses for the record, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Mr. Chairman?

Senator INOUYE. Yes, sir?

Senator KENNEDY. I, too, want to thank Admiral Turner for his

responsiveness. I have had meetings with him in the committees and also
conversations, telephone conversations, and private meetings, and


I have found him personally to be extremely responsive, and it is a very

difficult challenge which lie has accepted in heading this Agency. I want
you to know, personally, I, too, would like to see this put behind us. I don't
think we are quite there yet in terms of this particular area that we are
interested in. I think the Intelligence Committee has special
responsibilities in this area of the testing, so we look forward to working
with you in expediting the time that we can put it behind, but it does seem
to me that we have to dig in and finish the chapter. So, I want to
personally express my appreciation to you, Admiral Turner, and thank you
for your cooperation and your help, and I look forward to working with

Admiral TURNER. Thank you.

Senator HUDDLESTON. Mr. Chairman, I am not sure you emphasized

this enough, but I think the record ought to show that Admiral Turner
informed the Select Committee on his own initiative when the new
documentation was found. The documentation has been made available to
us voluntarily, in a spirit of cooperation.

I think this shows a vast difference from the mode of operation that
existed prior to the formation at least of the Church committee, and a
difference that is very helpful.

Senator INOUYE. Thank you very much. Thank you very much,

We would now like to call upon Mr. Philip Goldman and Mr. John

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Mr. Goldman and Mr. Gittinger, will you please rise and take the oath.

Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give is the
truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you, God?

Mr. GOLDMAN. I do.


Senator INOUYE. Thank you, sir.

Mr. Goldman, will you identify yourself, and after that, Mr. Gittinger.

Senator KENNEDY. Before we start in, we had a third witness, Mr.

Chairman, Mr. Pasternac, who planned to testify, traveled to Washington
-- he, lives in Washington, and was contacted recently --with the intention
of testifying this morning. And something -- he called us late this morning
and indicated that he wanted to get a counsel before he would wish to

Senator INOUYE. Mr. Goldman.

Mr. Goldman, will you identify yourself, sir.

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Testiomony of Philip Goldman and John Gittinger, Former CIA Employees
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Project MKULTRA, The CIA's
Program Of Research In
Behavioral Modification
Testimony of Philip Goldman, Former
Employee, Central Intelligence Agency
Mr. GOLDMAN. I am Philip Goldman.

Senator INOUYE. And you are a former employee of the Central

Intelligence Agency?

Mr. GOLDMAN. Over 10 years ago.

Senator INOUYE. And you were employed at the time when

MKULTRA was in operation?

Mr. GOLDMAN. There were some MKULTRA's in operation at the time

I was there.


Senator INOUYE. And Mr. John Gittinger, are you a former employee of
the Central Intelligence Agency?

Testimony of John Gittinger, Former

Employee, Central Intelligence Agency

Senator INOUYE. Are you still an employee?


Senator INOUYE. Were you a member of the Agency at the time

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in operation?


Senator INOUYE. Thank you. Senator Kennedy.

Senator KENNEDY. I want to welcome both of you to the committee. If

we could start with Mr. Goldman. Were you the project engineer for the
safe houses in either San Francisco or New York?

Mr. GOLDMAN. I know of no safe house in San Francisco.

Senator KENNEDY. How about in New York?

Mr. GOLDMAN. I knew of one facility that was established there, but I
didn't know anything of its operation.

Senator KENNEDY. Were you a monitor on any testing of drugs on

unwitting persons in San Francisco?


Senator KENNEDY. Well, we have a classified document here that was

provided by the Agency that lists your name as a monitor of the program
and I would appreciate it if you would look--

Mr. GOLDMAN. I think the misunderstanding arises because I was

project officer.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, would you take a look at that?

[Mr. Goldman inspected the document.]

Mr. GOLDMAN. This document as it states is correct. However, my--

Senator KENNEDY. That document is correct?

Mr. GOLDMAN. As far as I see on the first page, the project. But my--

Senator KENNEDY. Well, could I get it back, please.

That would indicate that you were a monitor of the program.

Mr. GOLDMAN. I was in charge of disbursing the moneys to Morgan


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Mr. GOLDMAN. To the individual whose name was listed at the top of
that document.

Senator KENNEDY. And you knew that he was running the project in
San Francisco?

Mr. GOLDMAN. I knew he was the person who was in charge out there.

Senator KENNEDY. All right.

Mr. GOLDMAN. But I had no knowledge nor did I seek knowledge of

actually what he was doing, because there would be other things involved.

I did receive--

Senator KENNEDY. What were you doing?


Mr. GOLDMAN. I was collecting -- I had to be sure that all the receipts
that ever were turned in balanced with the moneys that were paid out to
see that everything was run all right. There was no illegal use of funds as
far as we could determine by the receipts and cash.

Senator KENNEDY. So even though the Agency document indicates that

you were a monitor for the program, one of the few monitors of that
particular program which you mentioned for San Francisco and Mill
Valley, Calif., you described your responsibility only as a carrier of
money, is that correct?

Mr. GOLDMAN. I would say as a disburser or carrying out -- seeing that

the moneys were handled properly. There was within that -- I don't know
what's done or what he did do in conjunction with other people.

Senator KENNEDY. Were you responsible for the disbursement of all

the funds?

Mr. GOLDMAN. I was responsible for turning over the check to him.

Senator KENNEDY. And what did you know of the program itself?

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furnished us in terms of receipts and that sort of thing. I didn't indulge or
concern myself in that.

Senator KENNEDY. You still wrote, and I'll let you examine it -- it's a
classified document -- but you wrote a rather substantive review of the
program in May of 1963, talking about the experiments, the factual data
that had been collected, covert and realistic field trials, about the necessity
of those particular -- and talked about the effectiveness of the various
programs, the efficiency of various delivery systems. That doesn't sound
to me like someone who is only--

Mr. GOLDMAN. Well, if you would refresh my memory, if I could read

this I would certainly agree with whatever is said there, if it was written.

Senator KENNEDY. I am trying to gather what your role was. You've

indicated first of all that you didn't know about -- you knew about a safe
house in New York; now we find out that you're the carrier for the
resources as well and the agent in San Francisco. We find out now that the
CIA put you as a monitor. You're testifying that you only were the courier,
and here we have just one document, and there are many others that talk
about the substance of that program with your name on it and I am just
trying to find out exactly what role you were playing.

Mr. GOLDMAN. The only thing I can tell you about this and I am
drawing completely on my memory is that this individual who was in
charge out there conducted these things and reported them back to the
Agency. I didn't participate in any of them. All I know was that he
furnished me with receipts for things that were done and told of the work
that they had done.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, that document covers more than receipts.

Mr. GOLDMAN. Yes, it tells of what -- they had conducted work out

Senator KENNEDY. It describes, does it not? Read the paragraph 2.

Mr. GOLDMAN. "A number of covert"--

Senator KENNEDY. Well, you can't read it, it's a classified document,
and I don't know why, quite frankly, but it relates to the substance


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of those programs and your name is signed to the memorandums on it. I

am not interested in you trying to review for us now what is in the
document, but I think it would be unfortunate if we were left with the
opinion that all you were was a courier of resources when we see a
document with your name on it, signed, that talks about the substance of
the program. And what we're interested in is the substance of the program.
We have the recent documents that were provided by the Agency, which
do indicate that you were at least involved in the substance, and I'm just
trying to find out whether you're willing to tell us about that.

Mr. GOLDMAN. I am perfectly willing to tell you everything that I can


Senator KENNEDY. But you can't remember anything.

Mr. GOLDMAN. I can't remember the substantive parts of these, things,

I really can't.

Senator KENNEDY. Of the program that was taking place.

Do you have any greater familiarity with what was happening in New

Mr. GOLDMAN. No, no.

Senator KENNEDY. And you have the same function with regards to
New York?

Mr. GOLDMAN. The same function with regard to New York.

Senator KENNEDY. Did you ever go to San Francisco?


Senator KENNEDY. Did you meet with the agent in charge?


Senator KENNEDY. And why did you meet with him?

Mr. GOLDMAN. To discuss some of the receipts and things that were
there to find out if these were indeed true expenditures and to find out if
everything was going along all right for the work that was being done.

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Mr. GOLDMAN. No, the reports of these things and whatever was being
done. I don't know who he reported to but he did report to somebody.

Senator KENNEDY. You travel out there to find out about the work
that's being done, and what does he tell you, that the work is being done
well and--

Mr. GOLDMAN. He told me that the work that they were doing was
going along, progressing satisfactorily, but to be very frank with you--

Senator KENNEDY. But he didn't tell you what the work was?

Mr. GOLDMAN. To be very frank with you, Senator, I cannot remember

the things that happened back in those days. I've been away from the
company -- from the Agency for over 10 years, and that is even farther
back than that, and that was just about the time when I first engaged in
this, so it was my first--

Senator KENNEDY. Did they disburse a series of $100 checks, to your


Mr. GOLDMAN. I don't recollect it, but if you have it there, then they

Senator KENNEDY. Did you know Dr. Gottlieb?



Senator KENNEDY. How did you know Dr. Gottlieb?

Mr. GOLDMAN. He had been head of the division when I was recruited.

Senator KENNEDY. Did you talk to him about these programs? Did you
have anything to do with him during this period of time?

Mr. GOLDMAN. I didn't have anything to do with him until I would say
probably in the sixties.

Senator KENNEDY. And can you tell us what you had to do with him

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Mr. GOLDMAN. Just what you see there, on the papers.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, that is the request for the money and he
approves it.

Mr. GOLDMAN. That is the request for money and he approves it, and I
am quite sure that I probably discussed with him whether the work was
going along all right, whether his reports were being turned in, and
whether he was satisfied with the way things were going and did he have
any complaints about the way other people were requesting him, but I did
not engage myself in anything he was doing.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, did you get the impression that Gottlieb knew
what was going on?

Mr. GOLDMAN. I didn't ask.

Senator KENNEDY. But you told him that your impression that what
was going on even though you didn't know what was going on, was going
on well, I guess? [Laughter.]

Mr. GOLDMAN. I told Gottlieb what you saw in there was that the
things appeared to be going along all right. I was repeating and parroting
back the words that were given to me while I was there.

Senator KENNEDY. What was the money being spent for, do you know?

Mr. GOLDMAN. No; I can't recall that, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Would you remember if we told you it was red

curtains and can-can pictures--

Mr. GOLDMAN. No, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Floral pictures and the rest.

Mr. GOLDMAN. No, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Recorders.

Mr. GOLDMAN. No, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Recorders and two-way mirrors.

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Senator KENNEDY. But you would have authorized those funds, would
you not, since you were the--

Mr. GOLDMAN. Did you say two-way mirrors?

Senator KENNEDY. Yes.

Mr. GOLDMAN. Where?

Senator KENNEDY. In the safe houses.

Mr. GOLDMAN. Where?

Senator KENNEDY. San Francisco.


Senator KENNEDY. How about New York?


Senator KENNEDY. You remember now that you approved expenditures

for New York?



Senator KENNEDY. What were those expenditures for?

Mr. GOLDMAN. That was a transfer of money over for the use in an
apartment in New York by the Bureau of Narcotics. It was for their use.

Senator KENNEDY. Do you have any knowledge of what was going on

in the apartment?

Mr. GOLDMAN. No, sir, other than I know that it had been used,
according to the information that I have been given, it was used by the
Bureau of Narcotics to make meetings with individuals who they were
interested in with regard to pushing dope -- not pushing dope, but selling
narcotics and that sort of thing.

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Senator KENNEDY. Well, I am sure you had many responsibilities and
it's a long time ago, but the Agency does indicate that you were project
monitor for that particular program.

Mr. GOLDMAN. That's correct.

Senator KENNEDY. Your own testimony indicates you went out to

review the expenditures of funds to find out whether they were being
wisely used, that you came back and talked to the project director, Mr.
Gottlieb, to give him a progress report about what was going on out there.

Mr. GOLDMAN. Yes, sir, I did.

Senator KENNEDY. All those things are true, and yet you draw a
complete blank in terms of what was the project itself. That's where the
record is now.

Mr. GOLDMAN. I did not go out there to review the projects nor did I
come back and talk with Mr. Gottlieb and review what I had observed in
terms of any projects that they -- that is, other parts of the Agency might
have in operation there. I simply reported back those things which were
told to me by the individual out there who -- and I carried them back and
they -- are contained in the report that you have in front of you, word for
word, just as it was given to me.

Senator KENNEDY. The report that you examined here is a substantive

report on the particular program and project. And I don't think anyone who
wasn't familiar with the project -- this is a personal evaluation -- could
write a report on the substance of it without knowing about it. Now, that's
mine. Maybe you can't remember and recollect, and that's--

Mr. GOLDMAN. No; everything I put down in there is things that I was
told while I was out there, and if there was any ancillary information
involved in there I can tell you I just don't remember that. I really don't.

At the time -- that was some years ago. At the time -- a lot of time has
passed since then and I have made quite sure that if I could recollect it at
all, I would do it. If you have some papers and you want me to certify
whether yes, this is so or that is so, I can do that, but I can't recall it

Senator KENNEDY. You just certified the principal. There are others up

I would like to go to Dr. Gittinger.

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Mr. GITTINGER. It's Mr. Gittinger.

Senator KENNEDY. How long did you serve with the Agency?


Mr. GITTINGER. Twenty-six years.

Senator KENNEDY. Excuse me?

Mr. GITTINGER. Twenty-six years.

Senator KENNEDY. Twenty-six years.

And at some point you moved into the operational support side, is that


Senator KENNEDY. And did you know Sidney Gottlieb?

Mr. GITTINGER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. And did he inform you about the research projects
involving LSD?

Mr. GITTINGER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. It is my understanding that you were also aware of

some of the drug testing projects conducted on unwitting subjects on the
west coast using the Bureau of Narcotics people in the operation. Is that


Senator INOUYE. Excuse me. Would you speak into the microphone? I
cannot hear you.


Senator KENNEDY. Do you know which drugs were involved in those


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Mr. GITTINGER. LSD. And I can't remember for sure much of the
others. What is the substance of marihuana, cannabis, is that right, that can
be delivered by other than smoking?

Senator KENNEDY. Cannabis?

Mr. GITTINGER. There had been some discussion of that; yes.

Senator KENNEDY. And was heroin also used?

Mr. GITTINGER. Heroin used by CIA?

Senator KENNEDY. No. In the west coast operation.

Mr. GITTINGER. Absolutely not.

Senator KENNEDY. Now, to your knowledge, how were the drugs

administered to the unwitting subjects?

Mr. GITTINGER. I have no direct knowledge.

Senator KENNEDY. Why did you go to the safe houses?

Mr. GITTINGER. It's a very complicated story. Just in justification of

myself, this came up just, day before yesterday. I have not really had
enough time to get it all straightened in my mind, so I ramble.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, you take your time and tell us in your own
words. We've got some time here.

Mr. GITTINGER. My responsibilities which would involve any of the

period of time that you were talking about really was not directly related
to drugs at all. I was a psychologist charged with the responsibility of
trying to develop as much information as I could on various cultures,
overseas cultures, anthropological type data, if you follow what I mean. I
was also engaged in trying to work out ways and means of assessing
people and understanding people.

I originally became involved in this through working on Chinese culture,

and over a series of time I was introduced to the problem of brainwashing,
which is the thing that really was the most compelling thing in relationship
to this, and became charged with the responsibility of trying to find out a
little bit about interrogation techniques.

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And among other things, we decided or I decided that one of the best
sources of interrogation techniques would be trying to locate and interview
and become involved with experienced police interrogators in the country
and experienced people who had real practical knowledge of interrogation.
The reason for this is that we had become pretty well convinced after the
experience of the brainwashing problems coming out of China, that it was
the techniques of the interrogators that were causing the individuals to
make confessions and so forth in relationship to this, rather than any kind
of drugging and so forth. So we were very much interested in interrogation
techniques, and this led to me being introduced to the agent in the west
coast, and I began to talk to him in connection with these interrogation

Senator KENNEDY. OK. Now, that is the agent that ran the tests on the
west coast on the unwitting people. That's where you come in, correct?

Mr. GITTINGER. If I understand -- would you say that again?

Senator KENNEDY. The name Morgan Hall has been -- that is the name
that has been used.


Senator KENNEDY. And that is the agent that you met with.

Mr. GITTINGER. That is right.

Senator KENNEDY. And you met at the safe house.

Mr. GITTINGER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Whom did you meet with in the safe house?

Mr. GITTINGER. This is the part that is hard for me to say, and I am
sorry that I have to. In connection with some work that we were doing, we
needed to have some information on sexual habits. Morgan Hall provided
informants for me, to talk to in connection with the sex habits that I was
interested in trying to find information. During one period of time the safe
house, as far as I was concerned, was used for just these particular type of
interviews. And I didn't see the red curtains.

Senator KENNEDY. Those were prostitutes, were they?

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Mr. GITTINGER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. How many different times were you there that you
had similar--

Mr. GITTINGER. I couldn't possibly say with any certainty on that. Four
or five times.

Senator KENNEDY. Four or five times.

Mr. GITTINGER. Over -- you remember now, the period that I'm talking
about when I would have any involvement in this is from about 1956 to
1961. So it's about a 4- or 5-year period which is the only time that I know
anything about what you are talking about here today.

Senator KENNEDY. Did Morgan Hall make the arrangements for the
prostitutes to meet with you?

Mr. GITTINGER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Did the interviews that you had have anything to do
with drugs?

Mr. GITTINGER. Well, as I tried to explain earlier when this was being
discussed a little bit beforehand, again I think it is pretty hard for most
people now to recognize how little there was known about drugs at the
period of time that we are talking about, because the


drug age or the drug culture comes later on. Consequently, those of us
who had any responsibility in this area were interested in trying to get as
much information as we could on the subculture, the subculture drug
groups, and obviously the Bureau of Narcotics represented a means of
doing this. Consequently, other types of things that were involved in
discussions at that time would have to do with the underground use of
drugs. When I am talking about this I am talking about the folkways in
terms of unwitting use of drugs. Did these people that I was talking to
have any information about this and on rare instances they were able to
tell me about their use, and in most cases this would largely turn out to be
a Mickey Finn or something of that sort rather than anything esoteric.

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I also was very TORTURE
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information, believe it or not, at that time, in terms of the various reactions
that people were having to drugs. Therefore, these people were very
informative in terms of they knew a great deal of information about

Senator KENNEDY. At least you gathered -- or am I correct in assuming

that you gathered the impression that the prostitutes that you had talked to
were able to slip the drugs to people as I understand it. Did you form any
impression on that?

Mr. GITTINGER. I certainly did not form the impression that, they did
this as a rule or--

Senator KENNEDY. But they bad the knowledge.

Mr. GITTINGER. They had the knowledge or some of them had had
knowledge of this being done. But again, as it turned out, it was largely in
this area of knockout drops.

Senator KENNEDY. Looking back now did you form any impression
about how the Agency was actually testing the broad spectrum of social
classes in these safe houses? With the large disbursal of cash in small
quantities, $100 bills and the kinds of elaborate decorations and two-way
mirrors in the bedrooms and all the rest, is there any question in your own
mind what was going on in the safe houses, or the techniques that were
being used to administer these drugs?

Mr. GITTINGER. I find it very difficult to answer that question, sir. I

had absolutely no direct knowledge there was a large number of this. I had
no knowledge that anyone other than -- than Morgan Hall was in any way
involved in the unwitting administration of drugs.

Senator KENNEDY. But Gottlieb would know, would he not?

Mr. GITTINGER. I believe so, yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Could we go into the Human Ecology Foundation

and talk about that and how it was used as an instrument in terms of the
support of research?

Mr. GITTINGER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Could you describe it to us? Could you describe the
Human Ecology Foundation, how it functioned and how it worked?

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think is important?

Senator KENNEDY. Sure.

Mr. GITTINGER. The Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology,

so-called, was actually a -- I am confused here now as to whether I should
name you names.


Senator KENNEDY. Well, we're not interested in names or institutions,

so we prefer that you do not. That has to be worked out in arrangements
between Admiral Turner and the individuals and the institutions.

But we're interested in what the Foundation really was and how it
functioned and what its purpose was.

Mr. GITTINGER. Well, it was established to undertake research in the

general area of the behavioral sciences. It definitely had almost no focus
or interest in, say, drug-related type of activities except in a very minor
way, because it was largely set up to attempt to gain a certain amount of
information and to fund projects which were psychological, sociological,
anthropological in character. It was established in the sense of a period of
time that a lot of us who are in it wish we could do it over again, but we
were interested in trying to get together a panel of the most representative
high-level behavioral scientists we could to oversee and help in terms of
developing the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology type of

The Agency in effect provided the money. They did not direct the projects.
Now, the fact of the matter is, there are a lot of innocent people who
received the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology money which
I know for a fact they were never asked to do anything for the CIA but
they did get through this indirectly. They had no knowledge that they were
getting CIA money.

Senator KENNEDY. Over what period of time did this take place?

Mr. GITTINGER. As far as I was concerned , it was the period of time

ending in 1961. 1 believe the Human Ecology fund finally phased out in
1965, but I was not involved in this phasing out.

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you give the Published
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individual projects of the universities in which it was active?

Mr. GITTINGER. Well, it would have as many as -- I am very fuzzy on

my memory on the number of projects. It is over 10, 20, 30.

Senator KENNEDY. After it made the grants, what was the relationship
of the Agency with the results of the studies? The Foundation acquired the
money to make the grants from the Agency, and then it made the grants to
these various research programs.

Mr. GITTINGER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. And that included eight universities as well as

individual researchers?

Mr. GITTINGER. Yes, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. Then what follow-up was there to that, sir?

Mr. GITTINGER. Well, in every sense of the word, the organization was
run exactly like any other foundation, and it carried with it the same thing
in terms of making certain that the people that they had given money to
used it for the purpose for which it had been granted, that they had access
to any of the reports that they had put out, but there were no strings
attached to anybody. There wasn't any reason they couldn't publish
anything that they put out.

Senator KENNEDY. What, sort of budget are we talking about here?

Mr. GITTINGER. I honestly do not remember. I would guess we are

talking in the realm of about $150,000 a year, but don't hold me to that,
because I don't know.


Senator KENNEDY. What is your view about such funding as a

professional person, in terms of compromising the integrity of a
university, sir?

Mr. GITTINGER. Well, obviously, sir, insofar as today there is no

question about it. I will have to say at the time that we were doing this
there was quite an entirely different kind of an attitude, and I do know for

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a fact that we LANDMARK TORTURE
to start CASE,
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Investigation of Human Ecology and the Human Ecology Fund for the
very reason that we were beginning to recognize that it was moving into
an area but this would be compromised.

Senator KENNEDY. Well, that is commendable, both your attitude and

the reasons for it, but during that period of time it still was involved in
behavior research programs, as I understand it.

Mr. GITTINGER. Yes, sir. On its own, in connection with this, it

participated again, and these again were not CIA-directed projects, but
these were all things which would theoretically contribute to the general
knowledge at the time where the things like the study of the Hungarian
refugees -- obviously, the study of the Hungarian refugees who came to
this country after the Hungarian revolt was a very useful exercise to try to
get information about the personality characteristics of the Communists
and so forth.

Senator KENNEDY. Were there other foundations that were doing

similar kinds of work?

Mr. GITTINGER. Not to my knowledge, sir.

Senator KENNEDY. You believe--

Mr. GITTINGER. You mean, CIA, other CIA?

Senator KENNEDY. Right.

Mr. GITTINGER. Well, my answer is in the sense that I know of no

other CIA foundations, no. There were, of course, other foundations doing
similar kinds of work in the United States.

Senator KENNEDY. Have you heard of the Psychological Assessments


Mr. GITTINGER. I certainly have.

Senator KENNEDY. What was that? What function did that have?

Mr. GITTINGER. Now, this was bringing us up to a different era. I

believe the functions of that organization have nothing whatsoever to do
with the things that are being talked about here while I was associated
with it.

Senator KENNEDY. Rather than getting into the work, it was another
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by the

Mr. GITTINGER. What, the Psychological Assessment?

Senator KENNEDY. Yes.

Mr. GITTINGER. No, sir, it was not.

Senator KENNEDY. It did not get any support at all from the Agency?

Mr. GITTINGER. Oh, yes, sir. It did get support, but it was a business

Senator KENNEDY. It was a business but it got support from the


Mr. GITTINGER. It got money from it, but it definitely was not in
MKULTRA or in any way associated with this.


Senator KENNEDY. All right. I want to thank you for your helpful
testimony, Mr. Gittinger. It is not easy to go back into the past. I think you
have been very fair in your characterizations, and I think it is quite
appropriately indicated that there are different standards now from what
they were 25 years ago, and I think you have responded very fairly and
completely to the inquiries, and I think with a good deal of feeling about

You are a person who is obviously attempting to serve the country's

interest, so I want to thank you very much for your statement and for your
helpful timeliness.

Mr. GITTINGER. Thank you, sir.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Case?

Senator CASE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am sorry that I had another
committee that I had to complete the hearing with this morning before I
got here.

I shall read the testimony with very great interest, and I appreciate your

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testimony as have heardTORTURE CASE,
it. I would likePublished by Thejust
to comment Advanced
on oneMedia Group Copyright 2017
and that is, it relates to a story in the press yesterday about part of this
program involving the funding of a grant at a foreign university. I would
like to elicit from you a comment as to the additional sensitivity and
difficulty that that practice involves from your standpoint as a scientist, as
well as a citizen, if you will.

Mr. GITTINGER. I will say it was after the fact thinking. It was utter
stupidity the way things worked out to have used some of this money
outside the United States when it was CIA money. I can categorically state
to my knowledge, and I don't claim a complete knowledge all the way
across of the human ecology functions, but to my knowledge, and this is
unfortunate, those people did not know that they were getting money from
CIA, and they were not asked to contribute anything to CIA as such.

Senator CASE. It would be interesting to try to examine this by turning

the thing around and thinking what we would think if this happened from
a foreign official agency to our own university. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Schweiker.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Dr. Goldman, I wonder if you would tell us what your training and
educational background is?

Dr. GOLDMAN. I have already given a biography for the record.

Senator SCHWEIKER. I have not seen it. Who has it? Is it classified?
We may have it for the record, but may I ask you to briefly describe your
training and background for us now? I hope it is no secret.

Dr. GOLDMAN. Well, I was told if I was asked this to say that. I was
told that by your staff people, but I have no objection to telling you. I am a
resident from Pennsylvania, southwest Pennsylvania, Lancaster County. I
went to Penn State, and I am in nutrition.

Senator SCHWEIKER. In what?

Dr. GOLDMAN. Nutrition.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Were you in charge of a section or segment of

the CIA in your past capacity?

Dr. GOLDMAN. During the time I was with that organization, I was in
charge of one small section of it, one small segment of it; yes.
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Senator SCHWEIKER. What was the function or purpose of that section

that you headed?

Dr. GOLDMAN. To provide support for the other parts of the division.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Where in the chain of command would that put

you in relation to Dr. Gottlieb?

Dr. GOLDMAN. Pretty far down the line.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Mr. Gittinger, I would just like to ask you a few
questions. We appreciate your frankness and candor with the committee,
and we realize this is a very difficult area to go into. I am not quite clear
on two matters that were raised earlier. First, were the safe houses we
were talking about here used on occasion by the prostitutes you referred

Mr. GITTINGER. I really have not the slightest idea.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Were the prostitutes used in any way to slip the
customers drugs for observation purposes?

Mr. GITTINGER. Not to my direct knowledge.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Would you have been in a position to know the

answer to either of these questions?

Mr. GITTINGER. May I say, probably not, and may I make an aside to
explain a little bit of this, please, sir?

Senator SCHWEIKER. Mr. Gittinger, a moment ago you mentioned

brainwashing techniques, as one area that you had, I guess, done some
work in. How would you characterize the state of the art of brainwashing
today? Who has the most expertise in this field, and who is or is not doing
it in terms of other governments?

During the Korean war there was a lot of serious discussion about
brainwashing techniques being used by the North Koreans, and I am
interested in finding out what the state of the art is today, as you see it.

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of course, Published
there, by The
has been Advanced
a great deal Media Group Copyright 2017
of work
on this, and there is still a great deal of controversy. I can tell you that as
far as I knew, by 1961, 1962, it was at least proven to my satisfaction that
brainwashing, so called, is some kind of an esoteric device where drugs or
mind- altering kinds of conditions and so forth were used, did not exist
even though "The Manchurian Candidate" as a Movie really set us back a
long time, because it made something impossible look plausible. Do you
follow what I mean? But by 1962 and 1963, the general idea that we were
able to come up with is that brainwashing was largely a process of
isolating a human being, keeping him out of contact, putting him under
long stress in relationship to interviewing and interrogation, and that they
could produce any change that way without having to resort to any kind of
esoteric means.

Senator SCHWEIKER. Are there ways that we can ascertain this from a
distance when we see a captive prisoner either go on television, in a
photograph, or at a press conference? In other words, are there certain
signs that you have learned to recognize from your technical background,
to tell when brainwashing has occurred? Or is that very difficult to do?

Mr. GITTINGER. It is difficult to do. I think it is possible now in terms

of looking at a picture of somebody who has been in enemy hands for a
long period of time. We can get some pretty good ideas of what kind of
circumstances he has been under, if that is what you mean.


Senator SCHWEIKER. That is all I have, Mr. Chairman. Thank you.

Senator INOUYE. Thank you very much.

Before adjourning the hearings, I would like to have the record show that
Dr. Goldman and Mr. Gittinger have voluntarily cooperated with the
committee in staff interviews, that they appear this morning voluntarily,
and they are not under subpoena.

Gentlemen, I realize that this experience may have been an unhappy one
and possibly a painful one. Therefore, we thank you very much for
participating this morning. We also realize that the circumstances of that
time differed very much from this day, and possibly the national attitude,
the national political attitude condoned this type of activity. So, we have
not asked you to come here as persons who have committed crimes, but
rather in hope that you can assist us in studying this problem so that it will

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not occur once TORTURE
again. In that spiritCASE, Published
we thank by The
you for Advanced
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and we look forward to working with you further in this case.

Thank you very much.

Senator KENNEDY. Mr. Chairman, I would like also to thank the

witnesses. These are difficult matters, and I think all of us are very

Senator SCHWEIKER. I think the witnesses should know that though it

may not always seem that way, what we are trying to do is to probe the
past and look at the policies of the past to affect the future. I think our
emphasis really is on the future, not the past, but it is important that we
learn from the past as we formulate policies and legislation for the future, I
hope that all of the witnesses who did come before us voluntarily this
morning, including Admiral Turner respect the fact that we are
questioning the past to learn about the future. I think it should be looked at
in that light.

Senator KENNEDY. I think that is the spirit in which we have had these
hearings. It seems to me that from both these witnesses and others,
Gottlieb knows the information and can best respond, and we are going to
make every effort in the Senate Health Committee to get Mr. Gottlieb to
appear, and we obviously look forward to cooperating with Senator
Inouye and the other members of the committee in getting the final chapter
written on this, but we want to thank you very much for your appearance

Senator INOUYE. The hearing will stand in recess, subject to the call of
the Chair.

[Whereupon, at 12:12 p.m., the hearing was recessed, subject to the call of
the Chair.]

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Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program
Of Research In Behavioral Modification

XVII. Testing And Use Of Chemical And Biological Agents By The
Intelligence Community

Under its mandate [1] the Select Committee has studied the testing and use
of chemical and biological agents by intelligence agencies. Detailed
descriptions of the programs conducted by intelligence agencies involving
chemical and biological agents will be included in a separately published
appendix to the Senate Select Committee's report. This section of the
report will discuss the rationale for the programs, their monitoring and
control, and what the Committee's investigation has revealed about the
relationships among the intelligence agencies and about their relations
with other government agencies and private institutions and individuals.

Fears that countries hostile to the United States would use chemical and
biological agents against Americans or America's allies led to the
development of a defensive program designed to discover techniques for
American intelligence agencies to detect and counteract chemical and
biological agents. The defensive orientation soon became secondary as the
possible use of these agents to obtain information from, or gain control
over, enemy agents became apparent.

Research and development programs to find materials which could be

used to alter human behavior were initiated in the late 1940s and early
1950s. These experimental programs originally included testing of drugs
involving witting human subjects, and culminated in tests using unwitting,
nonvolunteer human subjects. These tests were designed to determine the
potential effects of chemical or biological agents when used operationally
against individuals unaware that they had received a drug.

The testing programs were considered highly sensitive by the intelligence

agencies administering them. Few people, even within the agencies, knew
of the programs and there is no evidence that either the executive branch
or Congress were ever informed of them. The highly compartmented
nature of these programs may be explained in part by an observation made
by the CIA Inspector General that, "the knowledge that the Agency is
engaging in unethical and illicit activi-

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[1] Senate Resolution 21 directs the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities
to investigate a number of issues:
"(a) Whether agencies within the intelligence community conducted illegal domestic
activities (Section 2 (1) and (2));
"(b) The extent to which agencies within the intelligence community cooperate
(Section 2 (4) and (8));
"(c) The adequacy of executive branch and congressional oversight of intelligence
activities (Section 2 (7) and (11));
"(d) The adequacy of existing laws to safeguard the rights of American citizens
(Section 2 (13))."

[2] The details of these programs may never be known. The programs were highly
compartmented. Few records were kept. What little documentation existed for the
CIA's principal program was destroyed early in 1973.



ties would have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles

and would be detrimental to the accomplishment of its missions." [3]

The research and development program, and particularly the covert testing
programs, resulted in massive abridgments of the rights of American
citizens, sometimes with tragic consequences The deaths of two
Americans [3a] can be attributed to these programs; other participants in
the testing programs may still suffer from the residual effects. While some
controlled testing of these substances might be defended, the nature of the
tests, their scale, and the fact that they were continued for years after the
danger of surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting individuals was
known, demonstrate a fundamental disregard for the value of human life.

The Select Committee's investigation of the testing and use of chemical

and biological agents also raise serious questions about the adequacy of
command and control procedures within the Central Intelligence Agency
and military intelligence, and about the relationships among the
intelligence agencies, other governmental agencies, and private
institutions and individuals. The CIA's normal administrative controls
were waived for programs involving chemical and biological agents to
protect their security. According to the head of the Audit Branchof the
CIA, these waivers produced "gross administrative failures." They
prevented the CIA's internal review mechanisms (the Office of General
Counsel, the Inspector General, and the Audit Staff) from adequately
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supervising- the
programs.TORTURE CASE,
In general, thePublished
Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
effect of providing less restrictive administrative controls and less
effective internal review for controversial and highly sensitive projects
than those governing normal Agency activities.

The security of the programs was protected not only by waivers of normal
administrative controls, but also by a high degree of compartmentation
within the CIA. This compartmentation excluded the CIA's Medical Staff
from the principal research and testing program employing chemical and
biological agents.

It also may have led to agency policymakers receiving differing and

inconsistent responses when they posed questions to the CIA component

Jurisdictional uncertainty within the CIA was matched by jurisdictional

conflict among the various intelligence agencies. A spirit of cooperation
and reciprocal exchanges of information which initially characterized the
programs disappeared. Military testers withheld information from the CIA,
ignoring suggestions for coordination from their superiors. The CIA
similarly failed to provide information to the military on the CIA's testing
program. This failure to cooperate was conspicuously manifested in an
attempt by the Army to conceal

[3] CIA Inspector General's Survey of TSD, 1957, p. 217.

[3a] On January 8, 1953, Mr. Harold Blauer died of circulatory collapse and heart
failure following an intravenous injection of a synthetic mescaline derivative while a
subject of tests conducted by New York State Psychiatric Institute under a contract let
by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps. The Committee's investigation into drug testing by
U.S. intelligence agencies focused on the testing of LSD, however, the committee did
receive a copy of the U.S. Army Inspector General's Report, issued on October 1975,
on the events and circumstances of Mr. Blauer's death. His death was directly
attributable to the administration of the synthetic mescaline derivative.


their overseas testing program, which included surreptitious administration

of LSD, from the CIA. Learning of the Army's program, the Agency
surreptitiously attempted to gain details of it.

The decision to institute one of the Army's LSD field testing projects had
been based, at least in part, on the finding that no long-term residual
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effects had -ever
resulted TORTURE
from the CASE,
drug'sPublished by The Advanced
administration. Media
The CIA's Group Copyright 2017
to inform the Army of a death which resulted from the surreptitious
administration of LSD to unwitting Americans may well have resulted in
the institution of an unnecessary and potentially lethal program.

The development, testing, and use of chemical and biological agents by

intelligence agencies raises serious questions about the relationship
between the intelligence community and foreign governments, other
agencies of the Federal Government, and other institutions and
individuals. The questions raised range from the legitimacy of American
complicity in actions abroad which violate American and foreign laws to
the possible compromise of the integrity of public and private institutions
used as cover by intelligence agencies.


1. Project CHATTER

Project CHATTER was a Navy program that began in the fall of 1947.
Responding to reports of "amazing results" achieved by the Soviets in
using "truth drugs," the program focused on the identification and testing
of such drugs for use in interrogations and in the recruitment of agents.
The research included laboratory experiments on animals and human
subjects involving Anabasis aphylla, scopolamine, and mescaline in order
to determine their speech-inducing qualities. Overseas experiments were
conducted as part of the project.

The project expanded substantially during the Korean War, and ended
shortly after the war, in 1953.


The earliest of the CIA's major programs involving the use of chemical
and biological agents, Project BLUEBIRD, was approved by the Director
in 1950. Its objectives were:

(a) discovering means of conditioning personnel to prevent

unauthorized extraction of information from them by known means, (b)
investigating the possibility of control of an individual by application of
special interrogation techniques, (c) memory enhancement, and (d)
establishing defensive means for preventing hostile control of Agency
personnel. [4]
As a result of interrogations conducted overseas during the project,
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another goal- Awas
added --TORTURE CASE, Published
the evaluation by The
of offensive Advanced
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unconventional interrogation techniques, including hypnosis and drugs. In
August 1951, the project was renamed ARTICHOKE. Project
ARTICHOKE included in-house experiments on interrogation techniques,
conducted "under medical and security controls which would ensure

[4] CIA memorandum to the Select Committee, "Behavioral Drugs and Testing,"


that no damage was done to individuals who volunteer for the

experiments. [5] Overseas interrogations utilizing a combination of
sodium pentothal and hypnosis after physical and psychiatric examinations
of the subjects were also part of ARTICHOKE.

The Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI), which studied scientific

advances by hostile powers, initially led BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE
efforts. In 1952, overall responsibility for ARTICHOKE was transferred
from OSI to the Inspection and Security Office (I&SO), predecessor to the
present Office of Security. The CIA's Technical Services and Medical
Staffs were to be called upon as needed; OSI would retain liaison function
with other government agencies. [6] The change in leadership from an
intelligence unit to an operating unit apparently reflected a change in
emphasis; from the study of actions by hostile powers to the use, both for
offensive and defensive purposes, of special interrogation techniques --
primarily hypnosis and truth serums.

Representatives from each Agency unit involved in ARTICHOKE met

almost monthly to discuss their progress. These discussions included the
planning of overseas interrogations [8] as well as further experimentation
in the U.S.

Information about project ARTICHOKE after the fall of 1953 is scarce.

The CIA maintains that the project ended in 1956, but evidence suggests
that Office of Security and Office of Medical Services use of "special
interrogation" techniques continued for several years thereafter.


MKNAOMI was another major CIA program in this area. In 1967, the
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CIA summarized TORTURE
the purposes CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

(a) To provide for a covert support base to meet clandestine operational


(b) To stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials for the

specific use of TSD [Technical Services Division].

(c) To maintain in operational readiness special and unique items for

the dissemination of biological and chemical materials.

(d) To provide for the required surveillance, testing, upgrading, and

evaluation of materials and items in order to assure absence of defects and
complete predictability of results to be expected under operational
conditions. [9]

Under an agreement reached with the Army in 1952, the Special

Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick was to assist CIA in
developing, testing, and maintaining biological agents and delivery

[5] Memorandum from Robert Taylor, O/DD/P to the Assistant Deputy (Inspection and
Security) and Chief of the Medical Staff, 3/22/52.

[6] Memorandum from H. Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director, Scientific

Intelligence, to the Deputy Director/Plans (DDP) "Project ARTICHOKE," 8/29/52.

[8] "Progress Report, Project ARTICHOKE." 1/12/53.

[9] Memorandum from Chief, TSD/Biological Branch to Chief, TSD "MKNAOMI:

Funding. Objectives, and Accomplishments." 10/18/67, p. 1. For a fuller description of
MKNAOMI and the relationship between CIA and SOD, see p. 360.


systems. By this agreement, CIA acquired the knowledge, skill, and

facilities of the Army to develop biological weapons suited for CIA use.

SOD developed darts coated with biological agents and pills containing
several different biological agents which could remain potent for weeks or
months. SOD developed a special gun for firing darts coated with a
chemical which could allow CIA agents to incapacitate a guard dog, enter
an installation secretly, and return the dog to consciousness when leaving.
SOD scientists were unable to develop a similar incapacitant for humans.

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SOD also physically TORTUREtoCASE,
transferred CIA Published
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agents inGroup Copyright 2017
"bulk" form, and delivery devices, including some containing biological

In addition to the CIA's interest in biological weapons for use against

humans, it also asked SOD to study use of biological agents against crops
and animals. In its 1967 memorandum, the CIA stated:

Three methods and systems for carrying out a covert attack against crops
and causing severe crop loss have been developed and evaluated under
field conditions. This was accomplished in anticipation of a requirement
which was later developed but was subsequently scrubbed just prior to
putting into action. [9a]

MKNAOMI was terminated in 1970. On November 25,1969, President

Nixon renounced the use of any form of biological weapons that kill or
incapacitate and ordered the disposal of existing stocks of bacteriological
weapons. On February 14, 1970, the President clarified the extent of his
earlier order and indicated that toxins -- chemicals that are not living
organisms but are produced by living organisms -- were considered
biological weapons subject to his previous directive and were to be
destroyed. Although instructed to relinquish control of material held for
the CIA by SOD, a CIA scientist acquired approximately 11 grams of
shellfish toxin from SOD personnel at Fort Detrick which were stored in a
little-used CIA laboratory where it went undetected for five years. [10]


MKULTRA was the principal CIA program involving the research and
development of chemical and biological agents. It was "concerned with
the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological
materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control
human behavior." [11]

In January 1973, MKULTRA records were destroyed by Technical

Services Division personnel acting on the verbal orders of Dr. Sidney
Gottlieb, Chief of TSD. Dr. Gottlieb has testified, and former Director
Helms has confirmed, that in ordering the records destroyed, Dr. Gottlieb
was carrying out the verbal order of then DCI Helms.

MKULTRA began with a proposal from the Assistant Deputy Director for
Plans, Richard Helms, to the DCI, outlining a special

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[9a] Ibid. p. 2.

[10] Senate Select Committee, 9/16/75, Hearings, Vol. 1.

[11] Memorandum from the CIA Inspector General to the Director, 7/26/63.


funding mechanism for highly sensitive CIA research and development

projects that studied the use of biological and chemical materials in
altering human behavior. The projects involved:

Research to develop a capability in the covert use of biological and

chemical materials. This area involves the production of various
physiological conditions which could support present or future clandestine
operations. Aside from the offensive potential, the development of a
comprehensive capability in this field of covert chemical and biological
warfare gives us a thorough knowledge of the enemy's theoretical
potential, thus enabling us to defend ourselves against a foe who might not
be as restrained in the use of these techniques as we are. [12]

MKULTRA was approved by the DCI on April 13, 1953 along the lines
proposed by ADDP Helms.

Part of the rationale for the establishment of this special funding

mechanism was its extreme sensitivity. The Inspector General's survey of
MKULTRA in 1963 noted the following reasons for this sensitivity:

a. Research in the manipulation of human behavior is considered by many

authorities in medicine and related fields to be professionally unethical,
therefore the reputation of professional participants in the MKULTRA
program are on occasion in jeopardy.

b. Some MKULTRA activities raise questions of legality implicit in the,

original charter.

c. A final phase of the testing of MKULTRA products places the rights

and interests of U.S. citizens in jeopardy.

d. Public disclosure of some aspects of MKULTRA activity could induce

serious adverse reaction in U.S. public opinion. as well as stimulate
offensive and defensive action in this field on the part of foreign
intelligence services. [13]
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Over the ten-year life of the program, many "additional avenues to the
control of human behavior" were designated as appropriate for
investigation under the MKULTRA charter. These include "radiation,
electroshock, various fields of psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and
anthropology, graphology, harassment substances, and paramilitary
devices and materials." [14]

The research and development of materials to be used for altering human

behavior consisted of three phases: first, the search for materials suitable
for study; second, laboratory testing on voluntary human subjects in
various types of institutions; third, the application of MKULTRA
materials in normal life settings.

The search for suitable materials was conducted through standing

arrangements with specialists in universities, pharmaceutical houses,
hospitals, state and federal institutions, and private research organi-

[12] Memorandum from ADDP Helms to DCI Dulles, 4/3/53, Tab A, pp. 1-2. [13] I.G.
Report on MKULTRA, 1963, pp. 1-2. [14] Ibid, p. 4.


zations. The annual grants of funds to these specialists were made under
ostensible research foundation auspices, thereby concealing the CIA's
interest from the specialist's institution.

The next phase of the MKULTRA program involved physicians,

toxicologists, and other specialists in mental, narcotics, and general
hospitals, and in prisons. Utilizing the products and findings of the basic
research phase, they conducted intensive tests on human subjects.

One of the first studies was conducted by the National Institute of Mental
Health. This study was intended to test various drugs, including
hallucinogenics, at the NIMH Addiction Research Center in Lexington,
Kentucky. The "Lexington Rehabilitation Center," as it was then called,
was a prison for drug addicts serving sentences for drug violations.

The test subjects were volunteer prisoners who, after taking a brief
physical examination and signing a general consent form, were
administered hallucinogenic drugs. As a reward for participation in the
program, the addicts were provided with the drug of their addiction.
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LSD was one of the materials tested in the MKULTRA program. The final
phase of LSD testing involved surreptitious administration to unwitting
nonvolunteer subjects in normal life settings by undercover officers of the
Bureau of Narcotics acting for the CIA.

The rationale for such testing was "that testing of materials under accepted
scientific procedures fails to disclose the full pattern of reactions and
attributions that may occur in operational situations." [15]

According to the CIA, the advantage of the relationship with the Bureau
was that

test subjects could be sought and cultivated within the setting of

narcotics control. Some subjects have been informers or members of
suspect criminal elements from whom the [Bureau of Narcotics] has
obtained results of operational value through the tests. On the other
hand, the effectiveness of the substances on individuals at all social
levels, high and low, native American and foreign, is of great
significance and testing has been performed on a variety of individuals
within these categories. [Emphasis added.] [16]

A special procedure, designated MKDELTA, was established to govern

the use of MKULTRA materials abroad. Such materials were used on a
number of occasions. Because MKULTRA records were destroyed, it is
impossible to reconstruct the operational use of MKULTRA materials by
the CIA overseas; it has been determined that the use of these materials
abroad began in 1953, and possibly as early as 1950.

Drugs were used primarily as an aid to interrogations, but

MKULTRA/MKDELTA materials were also used for harassment,
discrediting, or disabling purposes. According to an Inspector General
Survey of the Technical Services Division of the CIA in 1957 -- an
inspection which did not discover the MKULTRA project involving the
surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting, nonvolunteer

[15] Ibid, P. 21.

[16] Ibid., pp. 11-12.


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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
subjects -- the CIA had developed six drugs for operational use and they
had been used in six different operations on a total of thirty-three subjects.
[17] By 1963 the number of operations and subjects had increased

In the spring of 1963, during a wide-ranging Inspector General survey of

the Technical Services Division, a member of the Inspector General's
staff, John Vance, learned about MKULTRA and about the project
involving the surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting,
nonvoluntary human subjects. As a result of the discovery and the
Inspector General's subsequent report, this testing was halted and much
tighter administrative controls were imposed on the program. According to
the CIA, the project was decreased significantly each budget year until its
complete termination in the late 1960s.

5. The Testing of LSD by the Army

There were three major phases in the Army's testing of LSD. In the first,
LSD was administered to more than 1,000 American soldiers who
volunteered to be subjects in chemical warfare experiments. In the second
phase, Material Testing Program EA 1729, 95 volunteers received LSD in
clinical experiments designed to evaluate potential intelligence uses of the
drug. In the third phase, Projects THIRD CHANCE and DERBY HAT, 16
unwitting nonvolunteer subjects were interrogated after receiving LSD as
part of operational field tests.


1. The Rationale for the Testing Programs

The late 1910s and early 1950s were marked by concern over the threat
posed by the activities of the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of
China, and other Communist bloc countries. United States concern over
the use of chemical and biological agents by these powers was acute. The
belief that hostile powers had used chemical and biological agents in
interrogations, brainwashing, and in attacks designed to harass, disable, or
kill Allied personnel created considerable pressure for a "defensive"
program to investigate chemical and biological agents so that the
intelligence community could understand the mechanisms by which these
substances worked and how their effects could be defeated. [18]

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Of particular LANDMARK
the drugCASE,
The CIAbyhad
The received
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that the Soviet Union was engaged in intensive efforts to produce LSD;
and that the Soviet Union had attempted to purchase the world's supply of
the chemical. As one CIA officer who was deeply involved in work with
this drug described the climate of the times: "[It] is awfully hard in this
day and age to reproduce how frightening all of this was to us at the time,
particularly after the drug scene has become as widespread and as
knowledgeable in this country as it did. But we were literally terrified,
because this was the one material that we

[17] Ibid, 1957, p. 201.

[18] Thus an officer in the Office of Security of the CIA stressed the "urgency of the
discovery of techniques and method that would permit our personnel, in the event of
their capture by the enemy, to resist or defeat enemy interrogation." (Minutes of the
ARTICHOKE conference of 10/22/53.)


had ever been able to locate that really had potential fantastic possibilities
if used wrongly." [19]

But the defensive orientation soon became secondary. Chemical and

biological agents were to be studied in order "to perfect techniques... for
the abstraction of information from individuals whether willing or not"
and in order to "develop means for the control of the activities and mental
capacities of individuals whether willing or not." [20] One Agency official
noted that drugs would be useful in order to "gain control of bodies
whether they were willing or not" in the process of removing personnel
from Europe in the event of a Soviet attack. [21] In other programs, the
CIA began to develop, produce, stockpile, and maintain in operational
readiness materials which could be used to harass, disable, or kill specific
targets. [22]

Reports of research and development in the Soviet Union, the People's

Republic of China, and the Communist Bloc countries provided the basis
for the transmutation of American programs from a defensive to an
offensive orientation. As the Chief of the Medical Staff of the Central
Intelligence Agency wrote in 1952:

There is ample evidence in the reports of innumerable interrogations

that the Communists were utilizing drugs, physical duress, electric
shock, and possibly hypnosis against their enemies. With such evidence
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it is difficult TORTURE
not to keep CASE, Published
from becoming by our
rabid about The apparent
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We are forced by this mounting evidence to assume a more aggressive
role in the development of these techniques, but must be cautious to
maintain strict inviolable control because of the havoc that could be
wrought by such techniques in unscrupulous hands. [23]
In order to meet the perceived threat to the national security, substantial
programs for the testing and use of chemical and biological agents --
including projects involving the surreptitious administration of LSD to
unwitting nonvolunteer subjects "at all social levels, high and low, native
American and foreign" -- were conceived, and implemented. These
programs resulted in substantial violations of the rights of individuals
within the United States.

[19] Testimony of CIA officer, 11/21/75, p. 33.

[20] Memorandum from the Director of Security to ARTICHOKE representatives,

Subject: "ARTICHOKE Restatement of Program."

[21] ARTICHOKE memorandum, 7/30/53.

[22] The Inspector General's Report of 1957 on the Technical Services Division noted
that "Six specific products have been developed and are available for operational use.
Three of them are discrediting and disabling materials which can be administered
unwittingly and permit the exercise of a measure of control over the actions of the

A memorandum for the Chief, TSD, Biological Branch to the Chief, TSD, 10/18/67,
described two of the objectives of the CIA's Project MKNAOMI as: "to stockpile
severely incapacitating and lethal materials for the specific use of TSD and "to
maintain in operational readiness special and unique items for the dissemination of
biological and chemical materials."

[23] Memorandum from the Chief of the Medical Staff, 1/25/52.


Although the CIA recognized these effects of LSD to unwitting

individuals within the United States, the project continued. As the Deputy
Director for Plans, Richard Helms, wrote the Deputy Director of Central
Intelligence during discussions which led to tile cessation of unwitting

While I share your uneasiness and distaste for any program which tends to
intrude upon an individual's private and legal prerogatives, I believe it is
necessary that the Agency maintain a central role in this activity, keep
current on enemy capabilities the manipulation of human behavior, and
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maintain an- Aoffensive
capability. CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

There were no attempts to secure approval for the most controversial

aspects of these programs from the executive branch or Congress. The
nature and extent of the programs were closely held secrets; even DCI
McCone was not briefed on all the details of the program involving the
surreptitious administration of LSD until 1963. It was deemed imperative
that these programs be concealed from the American people. As the CIA's
Inspector General wrote in 1957:

Precautions must be taken not only to protect operations from exposure to

enemy forces but also to conceal these activities from the American public
in general. The knowledge that the Agency is engaging in unethical and
illicit activities would have serious repercussions in political and
diplomatic circles and would be detrimental to the accomplishment of its
mission. [26]

2. The Death of Dr. Frank Olson

The most tragic result of the testing of LSD by the CIA was the death of
Dr. Frank Olson, a civilian employee of the Army, who died on November
27, 1953. His death followed his participation in a CIA experiment with
LSD. As part of this experiment, Olson unwittingly received
approximately 70 micrograms of LSD in a glass of Cointreau he drank on
November 19, 1953. The drug had been placed in the bottle by a CIA
officer, Dr. Robert Lashbrook, as part of an experiment he and Dr. Sidney
Gottlieb performed at a meeting of Army and CIA scientists.

Shortly after this experiment, Olson exhibited symptoms of paranoia and

schizophrenia. Accompanied by Dr. Lashbrook, Olson sought psychiatric
assistance in New York City from a physician, Dr. Harold Abramson,
whose research on LSD had been funded indirectly by the CIA. While in
New York for treatment, Olson fell to his death from a tenth story window
in the Statler Hotel.

[24] Even during the discussions which led to the termination of the unwitting testing,
the DDP turned down the option of halting such tests within the. U.S. and continuing
them abroad despite the fact that the Technical Services Division had conducted
numerous operations abroad making use of LSD. The DDP made this decision on the
basis of security noting that the past efforts, overseas had resulted in "making an
inordinate number of foreign nationals witting of our role in the very sensitive
activity." (Memorandum for the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from the
Deputy Director for Plans, 12/17/63, p. 2.)

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[25] Ibid., pp.- A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

[26] I.G. survey of TSD, 1957, p. 217.


a. Background. -- Olson, an expert in aerobiology who was assigned to the

Special Operations Division (SOD) of the U.S. Army Biological Center at
Camp Detrick, Maryland. This Division had three primary functions:

(1) assessing the vulnerability of American installations to biological


(2) developing techniques for offensive use of biological weapons; and

(3) biological research for the CIA. [27]

Professionally, Olson was well respected by his colleagues in both the

Army and the CIA. Colonel Vincent Ruwet, Olson's immediate superior at
the time of his death, was in almost daily contact with Olson. According to
Colonel Ruwet: "As a professional man... his ability... was outstanding."
[28] Colonel Ruwet stated that "during the period prior to the
experiment... I noticed nothing which would lead me to believe that he
was of unsound mind." [29] Dr. Lashbrook, who had monthly contacts
with Olson from early 1952 until the time of his death, stated publicly that
before Olson received LSD, "as far as I know, he was perfectly normal."
[30] This assessment is in direct contradiction to certain statements
evaluating Olson's emotional stability made in CIA internal memorandum
written after Olson's death.

b. The Experiment. -- On November 18, 1953, a group of ten scientists

from the CIA and Camp Detrick attended a semi-annual review and
analysis conference at a cabin located at Deep Creek Lake, Maryland.
Three of the participants were from the CIA's Technical Services Staff.
The Detrick representatives were all from the Special Operations Division.

According to one CIA official, the Special Operations Division

participants "agreed that an unwitting experiment would be desirable."
[31] This account directly contradicts Vincent Ruwet's recollection. Ruwet
recalls no such discussion, and has asserted that he would remember any
such discussion because the SOD participants would have strenuously
objected to testing on unwitting subjects. [32]

In May, 1953, Richard Helms, Assistant DDP, held a staff meeting which
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the Chief of- ATechnical
Services CASE,
Staff Published
attended. Atbythis
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"indicated that the drug [LSD] was dynamite and that he should be
advised at all times when it was intended to use it." [33] In addition, the
then DDP, Frank Wisner, sent a memorandum to TSS stating the
requirement that the DDP personally approve the use of LSD. Gottlieb
went ahead with the experiment, [34] securing the ap-

[27] Staff summary of Vincent Ruwet Interview, 8/13/75, p. 3.

[28] Memorandum of Col. Vincent Ruwet, To Whom It May Concern, no date, p. 2.

[29] Ruwet Memorandum, p. 3.

[30] Joseph B. Treaster, New York Times, 7/19/75, p. 1.

[31] Memorandum for the Record from Lyman Kirkpatrick, 12/1/53, p. 1.

[32] Ruwet (staff summary), 8/1.3/75, p. 6.

[33] Inspector General Diary, 12/2/53.

[34] Ibid. Dr. Gottleib has testified that he does not remember either the meeting with
Helms nor the Wisner memorandum. (Gottlieb, 10/18/75, p. 16.)


proval of his immediate supervisor. Neither the Chief of TSS nor the DDP
specifically authorized the experiment in which Dr. Olson participated.

According to Gottlieb, [36] " a "very small dose" of LSD was placed in a
bottle of Cointreau which was served after dinner on Thursday, November
19. The drug was placed in the liqueur by Robert Lashbrook. All but two
of tie SOD participants received LSD. One did not drink; the other had a
heart condition. [37] About twenty minutes after they finished their
Cointreau, Gottlieb informed the other participants that they had received

Dr. Gottlieb stated that "up to the time of the experiment," he observed
nothing unusual in Olson's behavior. [37a] Once the experiment was
underway, Gottlieb recalled that "the drug had a definite effect on the
group to the point that they were boisterous and laughing and they could
not continue the meeting or engage in sensible conversation." The meeting
continued until about 1: 00 a.m., when the participants retired for the
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evening. Gottlieb recalledTORTURE CASE,
that Olson, Published
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"wakefulness" during the night. [38] According to Gottlieb on Friday
morning "aside from some evidence of fatigue, I observed nothing unusual
in [Olson's] actions, conversation, or general behavior." [39] Ruwet recalls
that Olson "appeared to be agitated" at breakfast, but that he "did not
consider this to be abnormal under the circumstances." [40]

c. The Treatment. -- The following Monday, November 23, Olson was

waiting for Ruwet when he came in to work at 7:30 a.m. For the next two
days Olson's friends and family attempted to reassure him and help him
"snap out" of what appeared to be a serious depression. On Tuesday,
Olson again came to Ruwet and, after an hour long con-

[35] Dr. Gottlieb testified that "given the information we knew up to this time, and
based on a lot of our own self-administration, we thought it was a fairly benign
substance in terms of potential harm." This is in conflict not only with Mr. Helms'
statement but also with material which had been supplied to the Technical Services
Staff. In one long memorandum on current research with LSD which was supplied to
TSD, Henry Beecher described the dangers involved with such research in a prophetic
manner. "The second reason to doubt Professor Rothland came when I raised the
question as to any accidents which had arisen from the use of LSD-25. He said in a
very positive way, 'none.' As it turned out this answer could be called overly positive,
for later on in the evening I was discussing the matter with Dr. W. A. Stohl, Jr., a
psychiatrist in Bleulera's Clinic in Zurich where I had gone at Rothland's insistence.
Stohl, when asked the same question, replied, 'yes,' and added spontaneously, 'there is
a case Professor Rothland knows about. In Geneva a woman physician who had been
subject to depression to some extent took LSD-25 in an experiment and became
severely and suddenly depressed and committed suicide three weeks later. While the
connection is not definite, common knowledge of this could hardly have allowed the
positive statement Rothland permitted himself. This case is a warning to us to avoid
engaging subjects who are depressed, or who have been subject to depression.'" Dr.
Gottlieb testified that he had no recollection of either the report or that particular
section of it. (Sidney Gottlieb testimony, 10/19/75, p. 78.)

[36] Memorandum of Sheffield Edwards for the record, 11/28/53, p. 2.

[37] Lashbrook (staff summary), 7/19/75, p. 3.

[37a] Gottlieb Memorandum, 12/7/53. p. 2.

[38] Edwards memorandum, 11/28/53, p. 3.

[39] Gottlieb memorandum. 12/7/53, p. 3.

[40] Ruwet memorandum, p. 3.


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versation, it was decided that medical assistance for Dr. Olson was
desirable. [41]

Ruwet then called Lashbrook and informed him that "Dr. Olson was in
serious trouble and needed immediate professional attention." [42]
Lashbrook agreed to make appropriate arrangements and told Ruwet to
bring Olson to Washington, D.C. Ruwet and Olson proceeded to
Washington to meet with Lashbrook, and the three left for New York at
about 2:30 p.m. to meet with Dr. Harold Abramson.

At that time Dr. Abramson was an allergist and immunologist practicing

medicine in New York City. He held no degree in psychiatry, but was
associated with research projects supported indirectly by the CIA. Gottlieb
and Dr. Lashbrook both followed his work closely in the early 1950s. [43]
Since Olson needed medical help, they turned to Dr. Abramson as the
doctor closest to Washington who was experienced with LSD and cleared
by the CIA.

Ruwet, Lashbrook, and Olson remained in New York for two days of
consultations with Abramson. On Thursday, November 26, 1953, the three
flew back to Washington so that Olson could spend Thanksgiving with his
family. En route from the airport Olson told Ruwet that he was afraid to
face his family. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that Olson and
Lashbrook would return to New York, and that Ruwet would go to
Frederick to explain these events to Mrs. Olson. [44]

Lashbrook and Olson flew back to New York the same day, again for
consultations with Abramson. They spent Thursday night in a Long Island
hotel and the next morning returned to the city with Abramson. In further
discussions with Abramson, it was agreed that Olson should be placed
under regular psychiatric care at an institution closer to his home. [45]

d. The Death. -- Because they could not obtain air transportation for a
return trip on Friday night, Lashbrook and Olson made reservations for
Saturday morning and checked into the Statler Hotel. Between the time
they checked in and 10:00 p.m.; they watched television, visited the
cocktail lounge, where each had two martinis, and dinner. According to
Lashbrook, Olson "was cheerful and appeared to enjoy the entertainment."
He "appeared no longer particularly depressed, and almost the Dr. Olson I
knew prior to the experiment." [46]

After dinner Lashbrook and Olson watched television for about an hour,
and at 11:00, Olson suggested that they go to bed, saying that "he felt
more relaxed and contented than he had since [they] came to New York."
[47] Olson then left a call with the hotel operator to wake them in the
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morning. At- Aapproximately
2:30 a.m. PublishedNovember
Saturday, by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
28. Lashbrook
was awakened by a loud "crash of glass." In his report on the incident, he
stated only that Olson "had crashed through the closed window blind and
the closed window and he fell to his death from the window of our room
on the 10th floor." [48]

[41] Ibid., p. 4.
[42] Lashbrook memorandum, 12/7/53, p. 1.
[43] Staff summary of Dr. Harold Abramson interview, 7/29/75, p. 2.
[44] Lashbrook memorandum, 12/7/53, P. 3.
[45] Abramson memorandum, 12/4/53.
[46] Lashbrook memorandum, 12/7/53, p. 3.
[47] Ibid., p. 4.
[48] Ibid.


Immediately after finding that Olson had leapt to his death, Lashbrook
telephoned Gottlieb at his home and informed him of the incident. [49]
Gottlieb called Ruwet and informed him of Olson's death at approximately
2:45 a.m. [50] Lashbrook then called the hotel desk and reported the
incident to the operator there. Lashbrook called Abramson and informed
him of the occurrence. Abramson told Lashbrook he "wanted to be kept
out of the thing completely," but later changed his mind and agreed to
assist Lashbrook. [51]

Shortly thereafter, uniformed police officers and some hotel employees

came to Lashbrook's room. Lashbrook told the police he didn't know why
Olson had committed suicide, but he did know that Olson "suffered from
ulcers." [52]

e. The Aftermath. -- Following Dr. Olson's death, the CIA made a

substantial effort to ensure that his family received death benefits, but did
not notify the Olsons of the circumstances surrounding his demise. The
Agency also made considerable efforts to prevent the death being
connected with the CIA, and supplied complete cover for Lashbrook so
that his association with the CIA would remain a secret.

After Dr. Olson's death the CIA conducted an internal investigation of the
incident. As part of his responsibilities in this investigation, the General
Counsel wrote the Inspector General, stating:

I'm not happy with what seems to be a very casual attitude on the part of
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TSS representatives TORTURE
to the way thisCASE, Publishedwas
experiment by The Advancedand
conducted Media
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remarks that this is just one of the risks running with scientific
experimentation. I do not eliminate the need for taking risks, but I do
believe, especially when human health or life is at stake, that at least the
prudent, reasonable measures which can be taken to minimize the risk
must be taken and failure to do so was culpable negligence. The actions of
the various individuals concerned after effects of the experiment on Dr.
Olson became manifest also revealed the failure to observe normal and
reasonable precautions. [53]

As a result of the investigation DCI Allen Dulles sent a personal letter to

the Chief of Technical Operations of the Technical Services Staff who had
approved the experiment criticizing him for "poor judgment... in
authorizing the use of this drug on such an unwitting basis and without
proximate medical safeguards." [54] Dulles also sent a letter to Dr.
Gottlieb, Chief of the Chemical Division of the Technical Services Staff,
criticizing him for recommending the "unwitting application of the drug"
in that the proposal "did not give sufficient emphasis for medical
collaboration and for the proper consideration of the rights of the
individual to whom it was being administered." [55]

[49] CIA Field Office Report, 12/3/53, p. 3.

[50] Ruwet Memorandum, p. 11.
[51] CIA Field Office Report, 12/3/53, p. 3.
[52] Ibid.
[53] Memorandum from the General Counsel to the Inspector General. 1/4/54.
[54] Memorandum from DCI to Chief, Technical Operations, TSS, 2/12/54.
[55] Memorandum from DCI to Sidney Gottlieb, 2/12/54.


The letters were hand carried to the individuals to be read and returned.
Although the letters were critical, a note from the Deputy Director of
Central Intelligence to Mr. Helms instructed him to inform the individuals
that: "These are not reprimands and no personnel file notation are being
made." [56]

Thus, although the Rockefeller Commission has characterized them as

such, these notes were explicitly not reprimands. Nor did participation in
the events which led to Dr. Olson's death have any apparent effect on the
advancement within the CIA of the individuals involved.

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3. The Surreptitious TORTURE CASE,
Administration Published
of LSD by The Advanced
to Unwitting Media Group Copyright 2017
Human Subjects by the CIA After the Death of Dr. Olson

The death of Dr. Olson could be viewed, as some argued at the time, as a
tragic accident, one of the risks inherent in the testing of new substances.
It might be argued that LSD was thought to be benign. After the death of
Dr. Olson the dangers of the surreptitious administration of LSD were
clear, yet the CIA continued or initiated [57] a project involving the
surreptitious administration of LSD to nonvolunteer human subjects. This
program exposed numerous individuals in the United States to the risk of
death or serious injury without their informed consent, without medical
supervision, and without necessary follow-up to determine any long-term

Prior to the Olson experiment, the Director of Central Intelligence had

approved MKULTRA, a research program designed to develop a
"capability in the covert use of biological and chemical agent materials."
In the proposal describing MKULTRA Mr. Helms, then ADDP, wrote the
Director that:

we intend to investigate the development of a chemical material which

causes a reversible non-toxic aberrant mental state, the specific nature
of which can be reasonably well predicted for each individual. This
material 'could potentially aid in discrediting individuals, eliciting
information, and implanting suggestions and other forms of mental
control. [58]
On February 12, 1954, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
wrote TSS officials criticizing them for "poor judgment" in administering
LSD on "an unwitting basis and without proximate medical safeguards" to
Dr. Olson and for the lack of "proper consideration of the rights of the
individual to whom it was being administered." [59] On the same day, the
Inspector General reviewed a report on Subproject Number 3 of
MKULTRA, in which the same TSS officers who had just received letters
from the Director were quoted as stating that one of the purposes of
Subproject Number 3 was to

[56] Note from DDCI to Richard Helms, 2/13/54.

[57] The 1963 IG Report, which described the project involving the surreptitious
administration of LSD, placed the project beginning In 1955. Other CIA documents
reveal that it was in existence as early as February 1954. The CIA has told the
Committee that the project began in 1953 and that the experiment which led to Dr.
Olson's death was part of the project.
[58] Memorandum from ADDP items to DOI Dulles, 4/3/53, tab A, p. 2.
[59] Memorandum from DCI to Sidney Gottlieb, 2/12/54; and memorandum from DCI
to Chief of operations, TSS, 2/12/54.

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"observe the behavior of unwitting persons being questioned after having

been given a drug." [60] There is no evidence that Subproject Number 3
was terminated even though the officers were unequivocally aware of the
dangers of the surreptitious administration of LSD and the necessity of
obtaining informed consent and providing medical safeguards. Subproject
Number 3, in fact, used methods which showed even less concern than did
the OLSON experiment for the safety and security of the participants. Yet
the evidence indicates the project continued until 1963. [61]

In the project, the individual conducting the test might make initial contact
with a prospective subject selected at random in a bar. He would then
invite the person to a "safehouse" where the test drug was administered to
the subject through drink or in food. CIA personnel might debrief the
individual conducting the test, or observe the test by using a one-way
mirror and tape recorder in an adjoining room.

Prior consent was obviously not obtained from any of the subjects. There
was also, obviously, no medical prescreening. In addition, the tests were
conducted by individuals who were not qualified scientific observers.
There were no medical personnel on hand either to administer the drugs or
to observe their effects, and no follow-up was conducted on the test

As the Inspector General noted in 1963:

A significant limitation on the effectiveness of such testing is the

infeasibility of performing scientific observation of results. The
[individuals conducting the test] are not qualified scientific observers.
Their subjects are seldom accessible beyond the first hours of the test.
The testing may be useful in perfecting delivery techniques, and in
identifying surface characteristics of onset, reaction, attribution, and
side-effect. [62]
This was particularly troublesome as in a

number of instances,... the test subject has become ill for hours or days,
including hospitalization in at least one case, and the agent could only
follow up by guarded inquiry after the test subject's return to normal
life. Possible sickness and attendant economic loss are inherent
contingent effects of the testing. [61]
Paradoxically, greater care seems to have been taken for the safety of
foreign nationals against whom LSD was used abroad. In several cases
medical examinations were performed prior to the use of LSD. [64]

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[60] Memorandum to Inspector General from Chief, Inspection and Review, on

Subproject #3 of MKULTRA, 2/10/54.
[61] IG Report on MKULTRA, 1903.
[62] Ibid., p. 12.
[63] Ibid. According to the IG's survey in 1963, physicians associated with
MKULTRA could be made available in an emergency.
[64] The Technical Services Division which was responsible for the operational use of
LSD abroad took the position that "no physical examination of the subject is required
prior to administration of [LSD] by TSS trained personnel. A physician need not be
present. There is no danger medically in the use of this material as handled by TSS
trained personnel." The Office of Medical Services had taken the position that LSD
was "medically dangerous." Both the Office of Security and the Office of Medical
Services argued that LSD "should not be administered unless preceded by a medical
examination... and should be administered only by or in the presence of a physician
who had studied it and its effect." (Memorandum from James Angleton, Chief,
Counterintelligence Staff to Chief of Operations, 12/12/57, pp. 1-2.


Moreover, the administration abroad was marked by constant observation

made possible because the material was being used against prisoners of
foreign intelligence or security organizations. Finally, during certain of the
LSD interrogations abroad, local physicians were on call, though these
physicians had had no experience with LSD and would not be told that
hallucinogens had been administered. [65]

The CIA's project involving the surreptitious administration of LSD to

unwitting human subjects in the United States was finally halted in 1963,
as a result of its discovery during the course of an Inspector General
survey of the Technical Services Division. When the Inspector General
learned of the project, he spoke to the Deputy Director for Plans, who
agreed that the Director should be briefed. The DDP made it clear that the
DCI and his Deputy were generally familiar with MKULTRA. He
indicated, however, that he was not sure it was necessary to brief the
DDCI at that point.

On May 24,1963, the DDP advised the Inspector General that he had
briefed the Director on the MKULTRA program and in particular had
covered the question of the surreptitious administration of LSD to
unwitting human subjects. According to the Inspector General, the DDP
said that "the Director indicated no disagreement and therefore the testing
will continue." [66]

One copy of an "Eyes Only" draft report on MKULTRA was prepared by

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who CASE, Published
recommended by The Advanced
the termination of the Media Group Copyright 2017
surreptitious administration project. The project was suspended following
the Inspector General's report.

On December 17, 1963, Deputy Director for Plans Helms wrote a memo
to the DDCI, who with the Inspector General and the Executive
Director-Comptroller had opposed the covert testing. He noted two aspects
of the problem: (1) "for over a decade the Clandestine Services has had the
mission of maintaining a capability for influencing human behavior;" and
(2) "testing arrangements in furtherance of this mission should be as
operationally realistic and yet as controllable as possible." Helms argued
that the individuals must be "unwitting" as this was "the only realistic
method of maintaining the capability, considering the intended operational
use of materials to influence human behavior as the operational targets
will certainly be unwitting. Should the subjects of the testing not be
unwitting, the program would only be "pro forma" resulting in a "false
sense of accomplishment and readiness." [67] Helms continued:

[65] Physicians might be called with the hope that they would make a diagnosis of
mental breakdown which would be useful in discrediting the individual who was the
subject of the CIA interest.

[66] Memorandum for the Record prepared by the Inspector General, 5/15/63, p. 1.

[67] Ibid., p. 2.


If one grants the validity of the mission of maintaining this unusual

capability and the necessity for unwitting testing, there is only then the
question of how best to do it. Obviously, the testing should be conducted
in such a manner as to permit the opportunity to observe the results of the
administration on the target. It also goes without saying that whatever
testing arrangement we adopt must afford maximum safeguards for the
protection of the Agency's role in this activity, as well as minimizing the
possibility of physical or emotional damage to the individual tested. [68]

In another memo to the Director of Central Intelligence in June, 1964,

Helms again raised the issue of unwitting testing. At that time General
Carter, then acting DCI, approved several changes in the MKULTRA
program proposed by Mr. Helms as a result of negotiations between the
Inspector General and the DDP. In a handwritten note, however, Director
Carter added that "unwitting testing will be subject to a separate decision."
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[69] - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

No specific decision was made then or soon after. The testing had been
halted and, according to Walter Elder, Executive Assistant to DCI
McCone, the DCI was not inclined to take the positive step of authorizing
a resumption of the testing. At least through the summer, the DDP did not
press the issue. On November 9, 1964, the DDP raised the issue again in a
memo to the DCI, calling the Director's attention to what he described as
"several other indications during the past year of an apparent Soviet
aggressiveness in the field of covertly administered chemicals which are,
to say the least, inexplicable and disturbing." [70]

Helms noted that because of the suspension of covert testing, the Agency's
"positive operational capability to use drugs is diminishing, owing to a
lack of realistic testing. With increasing knowledge of the state of the art,
we are less capable of staying up with Soviet advances in this field. This
in turn results in a waning capability on our part to restrain others in the
intelligence community (such as the Department of Defense) from
pursuing operations in this area." [71]

Helms attributed the cessation of the unwitting testing to the high risk of
embarrassment to the Agency as well as the "moral problem." He noted
that no better covert situation had been devised than that which had been
used, and that "we have no answer to the moral issue." [72]

Helms asked for either resumption of the testing project or its definitive
cancellation. He argued that the status quo of a research and development
program without a realistic testing program was causing the Agency to
live "with the illusion of a capability which is becoming minimal and
furthermore is expensive." [73] Once again no formal action was taken in
response to the Helms' request.

[68] Memorandum from DDP Helms to DDCI Carter, 12/17/63.

[69] Memorandum from DDP Helms to DCI, 6/9/64, p. 3.
[70] Ibid., 11/9/64, p. 1.
[71] Ibid., pp. 1-2.
[72] Ibid., p. 2.
[73] Ibid.


From its beginning in the early 1950's until its termination in 1963, the
program of surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting nonvolunteer
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human subjects TORTURE
demonstrates CASE,of
a failure Published by leadership
the CIA's The Advanced
pay Group Copyright 2017
adequate attention to the rights of individuals and to provide effective
guidance to CIA employees. Though it was known that the testing was
dangerous, the lives of subjects were placed in jeopardy and their rights
were ignored during the ten years of testing which followed Dr. Olson's
death. Although it was clear that the laws of the United States were being
violated, the testing continued. While the individuals involved in the
Olson experiment were admonished by the Director, at the same time they
were also told that they were not being reprimanded and that their "bad
judgment" would not be made part of their personnel records. When the
covert testing project was terminated in 1963, none of the individuals
involved were subject to any disciplinary action.

4. Monitoring and Control of the Testing and Use of Chemical and

Biological Agents by the CIA

The Select Committee found numerous failures in the monitoring and

control of the testing and use of chemical and biological agents within the
CIA. [74] An analysis of the failures can be divided into four sections: (a)
the waiver of normal regulations or requirements; (b) the problems in
authorization procedures; (c) the failure of internal review mechanisms
such as the Office of General Counsel, the Inspector General, and the
Audit Staff; and (d) the effect of compartmentation and competition
within the CIA.

a. The Waiver of Administrative Controls. -- The internal controls within

any agency rest on: (1) clear and coherent regulations; (2) clear lines of
authority; and (3) clear rewards for those who conduct themselves in
accord with agency regulations and understandable and immediate
sanctions against those who do not. In the case of the testing and use of
chemical and biological agents, normal CIA administrative controls were
waived. The destruction of the documents on the largest CIA program in
this area constituted a prominent example of the waiver of normal Agency
procedures by the Director.

These documents were destroyed in early 1973 at the order of then DCI
Richard Helms. According to Helms, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, then Director of

... came to me and said that he was retiring and that I was retiring and
he thought it would be a good idea if these files were destroyed. And I
also believe part of the reason for our thinking this was advisable was
there had been relationships with outsiders in government agencies and
other organizations and that these would be sensitive in this kind of a
thing but that since the program was over and finished and done with,
we thought we would just get rid of the files as
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[74] Section 2(9) of S. Res. 21 instructs the Committee to examine: the "extent to
which United States intelligence agencies are governed by Executive Orders, rules, or
regulations either published or secret."


well, so that anybody who assisted us in the past would not be subject to
follow-up or questions, embarrassment, if you will. [75]

The destruction was based on a waiver of an internal CIA regulation, CSI

70-10, which regulated the "retirement of inactive records." As Thomas
Karamessines, then Deputy Director of Plans, wrote in regulation
CSI-70-10: "Retirement is not a matter of convenience or of storage but of
conscious judgment in the application of the rules modified by knowledge
of individual component needs. The heart of this judgment is to ensure
that the complete story can be reconstructed in later years and by people
who may be unfamiliar with the events." [76]

The destruction of the MKULTRA documents made it impossible for the

Select Committee to determine the full range and extent of the largest CIA
research program involving chemical and biological agents. The
destruction also prevented the CIA from locating and providing medical
assistance to the individuals who were subjects in the program. Finally, it
prevented the Committee from determining the full extent of the
operations which made use of materials developed in the MKULTRA
program. [77]

From the inception of MKULTRA normal Agency procedures were

waived. In 1953, Mr. Helms, then Assistant Deputy Director for Plans,
proposed the establishment of MKULTRA. Under the proposal six percent
of the research and development budget of TSD would be expended
"without the establishment of formal contractual relations" because
contracts would reveal government interest. Helms also voted that
qualified individuals in the field "are most reluctant to enter into signed
agreements of any sort which connect them with this activity since such a
connection would jeopardize their professional reputa-

[75] Richard Helms testimony, 9/11/75, p. 5.

Many Agency documents recording confidential relationships with individuals and

organizations are retained without public disclosure. Moreover, in the case of
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CIA had spent millionsCASE, Published
of dollars by The
developing Advanced
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delivery systems which could be used by the Clandestine Services; the reconstruction
of the research and development program would be difficult if not impossible, without
the documents, and at least one assistant to Dr. Gottlieb protested against the document
destruction on those grounds.

[76] Clandestine Services Institution (CSI) 70-10. When asked by the Select
Committee about the regularity of the procedure by which he authorized Dr. Gottlieb
to destroy the MKULTRA records, Helms responded:

"Well, that's hard to say whether it would be part of the regular procedure or not,
because the record destruction program is conducted according to a certain pattern.
There's a regular record destruction pattern in the Agency monitored by certain people
and done a certain way. So that anything outside of that, I suppose, would have been
unusual. In other words, there were documents being destroyed because somebody had
raised this specific issue rather than because they were encompassed in the regular
records destruction program. So I think the answer to your question is probably yes."
(Helms testimony, 9/11/75, p. 6.)

[77] Even prior to the destruction of documents, the MKULTRA records were far from
complete. As the Inspector General noted in 1963:

"Files are notably incomplete, poorly organized, and lacking in evaluative statements
that might give perspective to management policies over time. A substantial portion of
the MKULTRA record appears to rest in the memories of the principal officers and is
therefore almost certain to be lost with their departures." (IG Report on MKULTRA, p.


tions". [78] Other Agency procedures, i.e., the forwarding of document, in

support of invoices and the provision for regular audit procedures, were
also to be waived. On April 13, 1953, then DCI Allen Dulles approved
MKULTRA, noting that security considerations precluded handling the
project through usual contractual agreements.

Ten years later investigations of MKULTRA by both the Inspector

General and the Audit Staff noted substantial deficiencies which resulted
from the waivers. Because TSD had not reserved the right to audit the
books of contractors in MKULTRA, the CIA had been unable to verify the
use of Agency grants by a contractor. Another firm had failed to establish
controls and safeguards which would assure "proper accountability" in use
of government funds with the result that "funds have been used for
purposes not contemplated by grants or allowable under usual contract
relationship." [79] The entire MKULTRA arrangement was condemned
for having administrative lines which were unclear, overly permissive
controls, and irresponsible supervision.

The head of the Audit Branch noted that inspections and audits: led us to
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as frequently CASE,
having Published
provided a by The Advanced
device to escapeMedia Group Copyright 2017
administrative controls for research that is not especially sensitive, as
having allowed practices that produce gross administrative failures, as
having permitted the establishment of special relationships with unreliable
organizations on an unacceptable basis, and as having produced, on at
least one occasion, a. cavalier treatment of a bona fide contracting

While admitting that there may be a need for special mechanisms for
handling sensitive projects, the Chief of the Audit Branch wrote that "both
the terms of reference and the ground rules for handling such special
projects should be spelled out in advance so that diversion from normal
channels does not mean abandonment of controls.

Special procedures may be necessary to ensure the security of highly

sensitive operations. To prevent the erosion of normal internal control
mechanisms, such waivers should not be extended to less sensitive
operations. Moreover, only those regulations which would endanger
security should be waived; to waive regulations generally would result in
highly sensitive and controversial projects having looser rather than
stricter administrative controls. MKNAOMI, the Fort Detrick CIA project
for research and development of chemical and biological agents, provides
another example where efforts to protect the security of agency activities
overwhelmed administrative controls. No written records of the transfer of
agents such as anthrax or shellfish toxin were kept, "because of the
sensitivity of the area and the desire to keep any possible use of materials
like this recordless." [81] The

[78] Memorandum from ADDP Helms to DCI Dulles, 4/3/53, Tab. A, p. 2.

[79] Memorandum from IG to Chief, TSD, 11/8/63, as quoted in memorandum from

Chief, Audit Branch.

[80] The memorandum suggested that administrative exclusions, because of the

importance of such decisions, should require the personal approval of the Deputy
Director of Central Intelligence on an individual case basis. Present CIA policy is that
only the DCI can authorize certain exemptions from regulations.

[81] Sidney Gottlieb testimony, 10/18/75, Hearings, Vol. 1, p. 51.


result was that the Agency had no way of determining what materials were

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on hand, and LANDMARK
not beTORTURE CASE, Published
certain whether deliveryby systems
The Advanced
suchMedia Group Copyright 2017
as dart
guns, or deadly substances such as cobra venom had been issued to the

b. Authorization. -- The destruction of the documents regarding

MKULTRA made it difficult to determine at what level specific projects
in the program were authorized. This problem is not solely a result of the
document destruction, however. Even at the height of MKULTRA the IG
noted that, at least with respect to the surreptitious administration of LSD,
the "present practice is to maintain no records of the planning and
approval of test programs." [82]

While it is clear that Allen Dulles authorized MKULTRA, the record is

unclear as to who authorized specific projects such as that involving the
surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting nonvolunteer human
subjects. Even given the sensitive and controversial nature of the project,
there is no evidence that when John McCone replaced Allen Dulles as the
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency he was briefed on the details
of this project and asked whether it should be continued . [83] Even during
the 1963 discussions on the propriety of unwitting testing, the DDP
questioned whether it was "necessary to brief General Carter", the Deputy
Director of Central Intelligence and the Director's "alter ago," because
CIA officers felt it necessary to keep details of the project restricted to an
absolute minimum number of people. [84]

In May of 1963, DDP Helms told the Inspector General that the covert
testing program was authorized because he had gone to the Director,
briefed him on it and "the Director indicated no disagreement and
therefore the testing will continue." [85] Such authorization even for
noncontroversial matters is clearly less desirable than explicit
authorization; in areas such as the surreptitious administration of drugs, it
is particularly undesirable. Yet according to testimony

[82] IG Report on MKULTRA, 1963, p. 14.

[83] According to an assistant to Dr. Gottlieb, there were annual briefings of the DCI
and the DDP on MKULTRA by the Chief of TSD or his deputy. However, a Nay 15,
1963 Memorandum for the Record from the Inspector General noted that Mr. McCone
had not been briefed in detail about the program. Mr. McCone's Executive Officer,
Walter Elder, testified that it was "perfectly apparent to me" that neither Mr. McCone
nor General Carter, then the DDCI, was aware of the surreptitious administration
project "or if they had been briefed they had not understood it." (Elder, 12/18/75, p.
13.) Mr. McCone testified that lie "did not know" whether he talked to anyone about
the project but that no one had told him about it in a way that "would have turned on
all the lights." (John McCone testimony, 2/3/76, p. 10.)

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Elder's testimony, "noCASE, Published
Deputy Director,bytoThe
myAdvanced Media
knowledge, Group Copyright 2017
has ever
been briefed or was it ever thought necessary to brief them to the extent to which you
would brief the Director."

[85] IG Memorandum for the Record. 5/15/63.

On the question of authorization of the covert testing program, Elder testified as


"But my reasonable judgment is that this was considered to be in the area of continuing
approval, having once been approved by the Director."

The theory of authorization carrying over from one administration to the next seems
particularly inappropriate for less visible, highly sensitive operations which, unless
brought to his attention by subordinates, would not come to the attention of the


before the Committee, authorization through lack of agreement is even

more prevalent in sensitive situations. [86]

The unauthorized retention of shellfish toxin by Dr. Nathan Gordon and

his subordinates, in violation of a Presidential Directive, may have
resulted from the failure of the Director to issue written instructions to
Agency officials. The retention was not authorized by senior officials in
the Agency. The Director, Mr. Helms, had instructed Mr. Karamessines,
the Deputy Director of Plans, and Dr. Gottlieb, the Chief of Technical
Services Division, to relinquish control to the Army of any chemical or
biological agents being retained for the CIA at Fort Detrick. Dr. Gottlieb
passed this instruction on to Dr. Gordon. While orders may be disregarded
in any organization, one of the reasons that Dr. Gordon used to defend the
retention was the fact that he had not received written instructions
forbidding it. [87]

In some situations the existence of written instructions did not prevent

unauthorized actions. According to an investigation by the CIA's Inspector
General TSD officers had been informed orally that Mr. Helms was to be
"advised at all times" when LSD was to be used. In addition TSD had
received a memo advising the staff that LSD was not to be used without
the permission of the DDP, Frank Wisner. The experiment involving Dr.
Olson went ahead without notification of either Mr. Wisner or Mr. Helms.
The absence of clear and immediate punishment for that act must undercut
the force of other internal instructions and regulations.

One last issue must be raised about authorization procedures within the

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Agency. Chemical agentsTORTURE CASE,
were used Published
abroad untilby The for
1959 Advanced Media Group
discrediting or Copyright 2017
disabling operations, or for the purpose of interrogations with the approval
of the Chief of Operations of the DDP. Later the approval of the Deputy
Director for Plans was required for such operations. Although the medical
staff sought to be part of the approval process for these operations, they
were excluded because, as the Inspector General wrote in 1957:

Operational determinations are the responsibility of the DDP and it is he

who should advise the DCI in these respects just as it is he who is
responsible for the results. It is completely unrealistic to consider
assigning to the Chief Medical Staff, (what, in effect, would be authority
over clandestine operations.) [88]

Given the expertise and training of physicians, participation of the

Medical Staff might well have been useful.

Questions about authorization also exist in regard to those, agencies which

assisted the CIA. For instance, the project involving the surreptitious
administration of LSD to unwitting non-volunteer human subjects was
conducted in coordination with the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous
Drugs. There is some question as to the Commissioner of Narcotics'
knowledge about the project.

[86] Mr. Elder was asked whether the process of bringing forward a description of
actions by the Agency in getting approval through the absence of disagreement was a
common one. He responded, "It was not uncommon.... The more sensitive the project
the more likely it would lean toward being a common practice, based on the need to
keep the written record to a minimum."

[87] Nathan Gordan testimony, 9/16/75, Hearings, Vol. 1.

[88] 1957 IG Report.


In 1963, the Inspector General noted that the head of the BNDD had been
briefed about the project, but the IG's report did not indicate the level of
detail provided to him. Dr. Gottlieb testified that "I remember meeting Mr.
Anslinger and had the general feeling that he was aware." [89] Another
CIA officer did not recall any discussion of testing on unwitting subjects
when he and Dr. Gottlieb met with Commissioner Anslinger.

In a memorandum for the record in 1967 Dr. Gottlieb stated that Harry
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Giordano, who TORTURE
replaced Mr. CASE, Published
Anslinger, by The Advanced
told Dr. Gottlieb Media
that when heGroup Copyright 2017
became Commissioner he was "only generally briefed on the
arrangements, gave it his general blessing, and said he didn't want to know
the details." The same memorandum states, however, that there were
several comments which indicated to Dr. Gottlieb that Mr. Giordano was
aware of the substance of the project. It is possible that the Commissioner
provided a general authorization for the arrangement without
understanding what it entailed or considering its propriety. A reluctance to
seek detailed information from the CIA, and the CIA's hesitancy to
volunteer it, has been found in a number of instances during the Select
Committee's investigations. This problem is not confined to the executive
branch but has also marked congressional relationships with the Agency.

c. Internal Review. -- The waiver of regulations and the absence of

documentation make it difficult to determine now who authorized which
activities. More importantly, they made internal Agency review
mechanisms much less effective. [90] Controversial and highly sensitive
projects which should have been subject to the most rigorous inspection
lacked effective internal review.

Given the role of the General Counsel and his reaction to the surreptitious
administration of LSD to Dr. Olson, it would have seemed likely that he
would be asked about the legality or propriety of any subsequent projects
involving such administration. This was not done. He did not learn about
this testing until the 1970's. Nor was the General Counsel's opinion sought
on other MKULTRA projects, though these had been characterized by the
Inspector General in the 1957 Report on TSD as "unethical and illicit."

There is no mention in the report of the 1957 Inspector General's survey of

TSD of the project involving the surreptitious administration of LSD. That
project was apparently not brought to the attention of the survey team. The
Inspector who discovered it during the IG's 1963 survey of TSD recalls
coming upon evidence of it inadvertently,

[89] Gottlieb, 10/18/75, p. 28.

[90] The IG's report on MKULTRA in 1963 stated:

"The original charter documents specified that TSD maintain exacting control of
MKULTRA activities. in so doing, however, TSD has pursued a philosophy of
minimum documentation in keeping with the high sensitivity of some of the projects.
Some files were found to present a reasonably complete record, including most
sensitive matters, while others with parallel objectives contained little or no data at all.
The lack of consistent records precluded use of routine inspection procedures and

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raised a variety LANDMARK TORTURE CASE,
questions concerning Published
management andby The controls."
fiscal Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

[91] CIA, Inspector General's report on TSD, 1957, p. 217.


rather than its having been called to his attention as an especially sensitive
project. [92]

Thus both the General Counsel and the Inspector General, the principal
internal mechanisms for the control of possibly improper actions, were
excluded from regular reviews of the project. When the project was
discovered the Executive Director Comptroller voiced strong opposition to
it; it is possible that the project would have been terminated in 1957 if it
had been called to his attention when he then served as Inspector General.

The Audit Staff, which also serves an internal review function through the
examination of Agency expenditures, also encountered substantial
difficulty with MKULTRA. When MKULTRA was first proposed the
Audit Staff was to be excluded from any function. This was soon changed.
However, the waiver of normal "contractual procedures" in MKULTRA
increased the likelihood of "irregularities" as well as the difficulty in
detecting them. The head of the Audit Branch characterized the
MKULTRA procedures as "having allowed practices that produced gross
administrative failures," including a lack of controls within outside
contractors which would "assure proper accountability in use of
government funds." It also diminished the CIA's capacity to verify the
accountings provided by outside firms.

d. Compartmentation and Jurisdictional Conflict Within the Agency. -- As

has been noted, the testing and use of chemical and biological agents was
treated as a highly sensitive activity within the CIA. This resulted in a high
degree of compartmentation. At the same time substantial jurisdictional
conflict existed within the Agency between the Technical Services
Division, and the Office of Medical Services and the Office of Security.

This compartmentation and jurisdictional conflict may well have led to

duplication of effort within the CIA and to Agency policymakers being
deprived of useful information.

During the early 1950's first the BLUEBIRD Committee and then the
ARTICHOKE Committee were instituted to bring together representatives
of the Agency components which had a legitimate interest in the area of
the alteration of human behavior. By 1957 both these committees had
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fallen into disuse. TORTURE CASE,
No information Published
went to by The Advanced
the Technical ServicesMedia Group Copyright 2017
(a component supposedly represented on the ARTICHOKE Committee)
about ARTICHOKE operations being conducted by the Office of Security
and the Office of Medical Services. The Technical Services Division
which was providing support to the Clandestine Services in the use of
chemical and biological agents, but provided little or no information to
either the Office of Security or the Office of Medical Services. As one
TSD officer involved in these programs testified: "Although we were
acquainted, we certainly didn't share experiences." [93]

[92] Even after the Inspector came upon it the IG did not perform a complete
investigation of it. It was discovered at the end of an extensive survey of TSD and the
Inspector was in the process of being transferred to another post within the Agency.

[93] Testimony of CIA officer, 11/21/75, p. 14.


QKHILLTOP, another group designed to coordinate research in this area

also had little success. The group met infrequently -- only twice a year --
and little specific information was exchanged. [94]

Concern over security obviously played some role in the failure to share
information, [95] but this appears not to be the only reason. A TSD officer
stated that the Office, of Medical Services simply wasn't "particularly
interested in what we were doing" and never sought such information. [96]
On the other hand, a representative of the Office of Medical Services
consistently sought to have medical personnel participate in the use of
chemical and biological agents suggested that TSD did not inform the
Office of Medical Services in order to prevent their involvement.

Jurisdictional conflict was constant in this area. The Office of Security,

which had been assigned responsibility for direction of ARTICHOKE,
consistently sought to bring TSD operations involving psychochemicals
under the ARTICHOKE umbrella. The Office of Medical Services sought
to have OMS physicians advise and participate in the operational use of
drugs. As the Inspector General described it in 1957, "the basic issue is
concerned with the extent of authority that should be exercised by the
Chief, Medical Staff, over the activities of TSD which encroach upon or
enter into the medical field," and which are conducted by TSD "without
seeking the prior approval of the Chief, Medical Staff, and often without
informing him of their nature and extent." [91]
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As was noted previously, because the projects and programs of TSD
stemmed directly from operational needs controlled by the DDP, the IG
recommended no further supervision of these activities by the Medical

It is completely unrealistic to consider assigning to the Chief, Medical

Staff, what, in effect, would be authority over clandestine operations.
Furthermore, some of the activities of Chemical Division are not only
unorthodox but unethical and sometimes illegal. The DDP is in a better
position to evaluate the justification for such operations than the Chief,
Medical Staff. [98] [Emphasis added.]

Because the advice of the Director of Security was needed for "evaluating
the risks involved" in the programs and because the knowledge that the
CIA was "engaging in unethical and illicit activities would have serious
repercussions in political and diplomatic circles," the IG recommended
that the Director of Security be fully advised of TSD's activities in these

Even after the Inspector General's Report of 1957, the compartmentation

and jurisdictional conflict continued. They may have had a sub-

[94] The one set of minutes from a QKHILLTOP meeting indicated that individuals in
the Office of Medical Services stressed the need for more contact.

[95] When asked why information on the surreptitious administration of LSD was not
presented to the ARTICHOKE committee, Dr. Gottlieb responded: "I imagine the only
reason would have been a concern for broadening the awareness of its existence."

[96] CIA Officer, 11/21/75, p. 14

[97] IG Survey of TSD, 1957, p. 217.

[98] Ibid.


stantial negative impact on policymaking in the Agency. As the Deputy

Chief of the Counterintelligence Staff noted in 1958, due to the different
positions taken by TSS, the Office of Security, and the Office of Medical
Services, on the use of chemical or biological agents, it was possible that
the individual who authorized the use of a chemical or biological agent
could be presented with "incomplete facts upon which to make a decision
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relevant to -its
a committee Published
set by The
up by the DDP Advanced
in 1958Media
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attempt to rationalize Agency policy did not have access to records of
testing and use. This was due, in part, to excessive compartmentation, and
jurisdictional conflict.

C. Covert Testing On Human Subjects By Military

Intelligence Groups: Material Testing Program EA 1729,
Project Third Change, and Project Derby Hat
EA 1729 is the designator used in the Army drug testing program for
lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Interest in LSD was originally aroused
at the Army's Chemical Warfare Laboratories by open literature on the
unusual effects of the compound. [99] The positive intelligence and
counterintelligence potential envisioned for compounds like LSD, and
suspected Soviet interest in such materials, [100] supported the
development of an American military capability and resulted in
experiments conducted jointly by the U.S. Army Intelligence Board and
the Chemical Warfare Laboratories.

These experiments, designed to evaluate potential intelligence uses of

LSD, were known collectively as "Material Testing Program EA 1729."
Two projects of particular interest conducted as part of these experiments,
"THIRD CHANCE" and "DERBY HAT", involved the administration of
LSD to unwitting subjects in Europe and the Far East.

In many respects, the Army's testing programs duplicated research which

had already been conducted by the CIA. They certainly involved the risks
inherent in the early phases of drug testing. In the Army's tests, as with
those of the CIA, individual rights were also subordinated to national
security considerations; informed consent and followup examinations of
subjects were neglected in efforts to maintain the secrecy of the tests.
Finally, the command and control problems which were apparent in the
CIA's programs are paralleled by a lack of clear authorization and
supervision in the Army's programs.

[99] USAINTC staff study, "Material Testing Program, EA 1729," 10/15/59, p. 4.

[100] This same USAINTC study cited "A 1952 (several years prior to initial U.S.
interest in LSD-25) report that the Soviets purchased a large quantity of LSD-25 from
the Sandoz Company in 1951, reputed to be sufficient for 50 million doses." (Ibid., p.

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Generally accepted TORTURE
Soviet methods and CASE, Published by concerns
counterintelligence The Advanced
were Media Group Copyright 2017
also strong
motivating factors in the initiation of this research:

"A primary justification for field experimentation in intelligence with EA 1729 is the
counter-intelligence or defense implication. We know that the enemy philosophy
condones any kind of coercion or violence for intelligence purposes. There is proof
that his intelligence service has used drugs in the past. There is strong evidence of keen
interest in EA 1729 by him. If for no other purpose than to know what to expect from
enemy intelligence use of the material and to, thus, be prepared to counter it, field
experimentation is justified. (Ibid, p. 34)


1. Scope of Testing

Between 1955 and 1958 research was initiated by the Army Chemical
Corps to evaluate the potential for LSD as a chemical warfare
incapacitating agent. In the course of this research, LSD was administered
to more than 1,000 American volunteers who then participated in a series
of tests designed to ascertain the effects of the drug on their ability to
function as soldiers. With the exception of one set of tests at Fort Bragg,
these and subsequent laboratory experiments to evaluate chemical warfare
potential were conducted at the Army Chemical Warfare Laboratories,
Edgewood, Maryland.

In 1958 a new series of laboratory tests were initiated at Edgewood. These

experiments were conducted as the initial phase of Material Testing
Program EA 1729 to evaluate the intelligence potential of LSD, and
included LSD tests on 95 volunteers. [101] As part of these tests, three
structured experiments were conducted:

1. LSD was administered surreptitiously at a simulated social reception to

volunteer subjects who were unaware of the purpose or nature of the tests
in which they were participating;

2. LSD was administered to volunteers who were subsequently

polygraphed; and

3. LSD was administered to volunteers who were then confined to

"isolation chambers".

These structured experiments were designed to evaluate the validity of the

traditional security training all subjects had undergone in the face of
unconventional, drug enhanced, interrogations.

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At the conclusion TORTURE CASE,
of the laboratory Published
test phase by The Advanced
of Material TestingMedia Group Copyright 2017
EA 1729 in 1960, the Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence
(ACSI) authorized operational field testing of LSD. The first field tests
were conducted in Europe by an Army Special Purpose Team (SPT)
during the period from May to August of 1961. These tests were known as
Project THIRD CHANCE and involved eleven separate interrogations of
ten subjects. None of the subjects were volunteers and none were aware
that they were to receive LSD. All but one subject, a U.S. soldier
implicated in the theft of classified documents, were alleged to be foreign
intelligence sources or agents. While interrogations of these individuals
were only moderately successful, at least one subject (the U.S. soldier)
exhibited symptoms of severe paranoia while under the influence of the

The second series of field tests, Project DERBY HAT, were conducted by
an Army SPT in the Far East during the period from August to November
of 1962. Seven subjects were interrogated under DERBY HAT, all of
whom were foreign nationals either suspected of dealing in narcotics or
implicated in foreign intelligence operations. The purpose of this second
set of experiments was to collect additional data on the utility of LSD in
field interrogations, and to evaluate any different effects the drug might
have on "Orientals."

[101] Inspector General of the Army Report. "Use of Volunteers in Chemical Agent
Research," 3/10/76, p. 138.


2. Inadequate Coordination Among Intelligence Agencies

On October 15, 1959, the U.S. Army Intelligence Center prepared a

lengthy staff study on Material Testing Program EA 1729. The stated
purpose of the staff study was: "to determine the desirability of EA 1729
on non-US subjects in selected actual operations under controlled
conditions. [102] It was on the basis of this study that operational field
tests were later conducted.

After noting that the Chemical Warfare Laboratories began experiments

with LSD on humans in 1955 and had administered the drug to over 1,000
volunteers, the "background" section of the study concluded:

There has not been a single case of residual ill effect. Study of the prolific
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scientific literature TORTURE
on LSD-25 andCASE, Published
personal by The Advanced
communication Media U.S.
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Army Chemical Corps personnel and other researchers in this field have
failed to disclose an authenticated instance of irreversible change being
produced in normal humans by the drug. [103]

This conclusion was reached despite an awareness that there were inherent
medical dangers in such experimentation. In the body of this same study it
is noted that:

The view has been expressed that EA 1729 is a potentially dangerous

drug, whose pharmaceutical actions are not fully understood and there has
been cited the possibility of the continuance of a chemically induced
psychosis in chronic form, particularly if a latent schizophrenic were a
subject, with consequent claim or representation against the U.S.
Government. [104]

An attempt was made to minimize potential medical hazards by careful

selection of subjects prior to field tests. Rejecting evidence that the drug
might be hazardous, the study continued:

The claim of possible permanent damage caused by EA 1729 is an

unproven hypothesis based on the characteristic effect of the material.
While the added stress of a real situation may increase the probability of
permanent adverse effect, the resulting risk is deemed to be slight by the
medical research personnel of the Chemical Warfare Laboratories. To
prevent even such a slight risk, the proposed plan for field experimentation
calls for overt, if possible, or contrived-through-ruse, if necessary,
physical and mental examination of any real situation subject prior to
employment of the subject. [105]

This conclusion was drawn six years after one death had occurred which
could be attributed, at least in part, to the effects of the very drug the
Army was proposing to field test. The USAINTC staff, however, was
apparently unaware of the circumstances surrounding Dr. Olson's death.
This lack of knowledge is indicative of the

[102] USAINTC staff study, "Material Testing Program EA 1729," 10/15/59, p. 4.

[103] Ibid, p. 4.

[104] Ibid, p. 25.

[105] Ibid.

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general lack of interagency communication on drug related research. As

the October 1959 study noted, "there has been no coordination with other
intelligence agencies up to the present." [106]

On December 7, 1959, the Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence

(ACSI, apparently a General Willems) was briefed on the proposed
operational use of LSD by USAINTC Project Officer Jacobson, in
preparation for Project THIRD CHANCE. General Willems expressed
concern that the project had not been coordinated with the FBI and the
CIA. He is quoted as saying "that if this project is going to be worth
anything, it [LSD] should be used on higher types of non-U.S. subjects" in
other words "staffers." He indicated this could be accomplished if the CIA
were brought in. The summary of the briefing prepared by Major
Mehovsky continues: "Of particular note is that ACSI did not direct
coordination with CIA and the FBI but only mentioned it for consideration
by the planners." [107]

After the briefing, four colonels, two lieutenant colonels and Major
Mehovsky met to discuss interagency cooperation with CIA and FBI. The
group consensus was to postpone efforts toward coordination:

Lt. Col. Jacobson commented that before we coordinate with CIA we

should have more factual findings from field experimentation with
counterintelligence cases that will strengthen our position and proposal for
cooperation. This approach red to by the conferees. [108]

Had such coordination been achieved, the safety of these experiments

might have been viewed differently and the tests themselves might have
been seen as unnecessary.

3. Subordination of Individual Rights to National Security Considerations

Just as many of these experiments may have been unnecessary, the nature
of the operational tests (polygraph-assisted interrogations of drugged
suspects) reflects a basic disregard for the fundamental human rights of
the subjects. The interrogation of an American soldier as part of the
THIRD CHANCE 1961 tests is an example of this disregard.

The "trip report" for Project THIRD CHANCE, dated September 6, 1961,
recounts the circumstances surrounding and the results of the tests as

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[The subject] LANDMARK
soldier who hadPublished by The
confessed Advanced
to theft Media Group Copyright 2017
of classified
documents. Conventional methods had failed to ascertain whether
espionage intent was involved. A significant, new admission by subject
that he told a fellow soldier of the theft while he still had the documents in
his possession was obtained during the EA 1729 interrogation along with
other variations of Subject's previous account. The interrogation results
were deemed by the local operational authority satisfactory evidence of
Subject's claim of innocence in regard to espionage intent. [109]

[106] Ibid, p. 6
[107] Mehovsky Fact Sheet, 12/9/60, p. 1.
[108] Ibid, p. 2.
[109] SPT Trip Report, Operation THIRD CHANCE, 9/6/61, p. 5.


The subject apparently reacted very strongly to the drug, and the
interrogation, while productive, was difficult. The trip report concluded:

(1) This case demonstrated the ability to interrogate a subject profitably

throughout a highly sustained and almost incapacitating reaction to EA

(2) The apparent value of bringing a subject into the EA 1729 situation in
a highly stressed state was indicated.

(3) The usefulness of employing as a duress factor the device of inviting

the subject's attention to his EA 1729 influenced state and threatening to
extend this state indefinitely even to a permanent condition of insanity, or
to bring it to an end at the discretion of the interrogators was shown to be

(4) The need for preplanned precautions against extreme paranoiac

reaction to EA 1729 was indicated.

(5) It was brought to attention by this case that where subject has
undergone extended intensive interrogation prior to the EA 1729 episode
and has persisted in a version repeatedly during conventional
interrogation, adherence to the same version while under EA 1729
influence, however extreme the reaction, may not necessarily be evidence
of truth but merely the ability to adhere to a well rehearsed story. [110]

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This strong- reaction
to the CASE,
drug and the Published by The discomfort
accompanying Advanced Media
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individual suffered were exploited by the use of traditional interrogation
techniques. While there is no evidence that physical violence or torture
were employed in connection with this interrogation, physical and
psychological techniques were used in the THIRD CHANCE experiments
to exploit the subjects' altered mental state, and to maximize the stress
situation. Jacobson described these methods in his trip report:

Stressing techniques employed included silent treatment before or after

EA 1729 administration, sustained conventional interrogation prior to EA
1729 interrogation, deprivation of food, drink, sleep or bodily evacuation,
sustained isolation prior to EA 1729 administration, hot-cold switches in
approach, duress "pitches", verbal degradation and bodily discomfort, or
dramatized threats to subject's life or mental health. [111]

Another gross violation of an individual's fundamental rights occurred in

September 1962 as part of the Army's DERBY HAT tests in the Far East.
A suspected Asian espionage agent was given 6 micrograms of LSD per
kilogram of bodyweight. The administration of the drug was completed at
1035 that morning:

At 1120, sweating became evident, his pulse became thready. He was

placed in a supine position. He began groaning with expiration and
became semicomatose. [112]

[110] Ibid, pp. 17-18.

[111] Ibid, p. 13.
[112] "DERBY HAT" Medical and Pharmacological Report: Case #1, 9/20/62, 1). p.


For the next 28 minutes, the subject remained semicomatose.

At 1148, responses to painful stimuli were slightly improved.

At 1155, he was helped to a sitting position.

At 1200, he became shocky again and was returned to supine position.

At 1212, he was more alert and able to sit up with help.

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At 1220, Subject TORTURE
was assisted CASE,
to the Published bytable.
interrogation The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

At 1230, he began moaning he wanted to die and usually ignored

questions. Rarely he stated "he didn't know."

At 1250, his phasic alertness persisted. He frequently refocused his eyes

with eyelid assistance. He frequently threw his head back with eyes

At 1330, he was slightly more alert. He was forced-walked for 5 minutes.

He physically would cooperate until he became shocky again (sweating,
thready pulse, pale). [113]

For the next three hours the subject remained in about the same condition.
Continued attempts at interrogation yielded no relevant answers. Six hours
after receiving the drug, the subject began giving relevant answers to
questions. Eight and one-half hours after the initial dosage, the subject was
polygraphed. The interrogation continued for seventeen and one-half
hours after the drug was administered.

There was some psychological and medical screening of the individuals

tested within the United States, in Europe, and in Asia. The proposal for
the field experimentation in fact called for such examinations. The fact of
prescreening did not eliminate tile risk of injury; the availability of
medical staff did, however, limit injury and may well have prevented the
death of one or more of the subjects. As the medical corps member of the
team which surreptitiously administered the LSD noted, "one subject... did
collapse after the interrogation and the presence of the medical officer was
not only of value to the subject but to the interrogation team who were
thus assured that an unnecessary untoward result would not occur." [115]

In the October 15, 1959, USAINTC staff study, moral and legal
ramifications of covert administration of LSD in field conditions were

It was always a tenet of Army Intelligence that the basic American

principle of the dignity and welfare of the individual will not be violated.
A more meticulous regard for the prohibition against violence or duress is
taken in practice when the suspect is a US citizen or ally as against an
actual or potential enemy, in peace as against war, and in respect to the
nature of the crime.... In intelligence, the stakes involved and the interests
of national security may permit a more tolerant interpretation of
moral-ethical values, but not legal limits, through necessity. Any claim

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[113] Ibid., p. D10-3.

[115] SPT Trip Report, Operation THIRD CHANCE, 7/25/61, p. 1.


against the US Government for alleged injury due to EA 1729 must be

legally shown to have been due to the material. Proper security and
appropriate operational techniques can protect the fact of employment of
EA 1729. [116]

On the basis of this evaluation, the study concluded that in view of "the
stakes involved and the interests of national security," the proposed plan
for field testing should be approved.

The surreptitious administration of drugs to unwitting subjects by the

Army raises serious constitutional and legal issues. The consideration
given these issues by the Army was wholly insufficient. The character of
the Army's volunteer testing program and the possibility that drugs were
simply substituted for other forms of violence or duress in field
interrogations raises serious doubts as to whether national security
imperatives were properly interpreted. The "consent" forms which each
American volunteer signed prior to the administration of LSD are a case in
point. These forms contained no mention of the medical and psychological
risks inherent in such testing, nor do they mention the nature of the
psychotropic drug to be administered:

The general nature of the experiments in which I have volunteered have

been explained to me from the standpoint of possible hazards to my
health. It is my understanding that the experiments are so designed, based
on the results of animals and previous human experimentation, that the
anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment. I
understand further that experiments will be so conducted as to avoid all
unnecessary physical and medical suffering and injury, and that I will be
at liberty to request that the experiments be terminated at any time if in
my opinion I have reached the physical or mental state where continuation
of the experiments becomes undesirable.

I recognize that in the pursuit of certain experiments transitory discomfort

may occur. I recognize, also, that under these circumstances, I must rely
upon the skill and wisdom of the physician supervising the experiment to
institute whatever medical or surgical measures are indicated. [Emphasis
added.] [118]
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The exclusion of any specific discussion of the nature of LSD in these
forms raises serious doubts as to their validity. An "understanding... that
the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment"
without full knowledge of the nature of the experiment is an incomplete
"understanding." Similarly, the nature of the experiment limited the ability
of both the subject to request its request its termination and the
experimenter to implement such a request. Finally, the euphemistic
characterization of "transitory discomfort" and the agreement to "rely on
the skill and wisdom of the physician" combine to conceal inherent risks
in the experimentation and may be viewed as dissolving the experimenter
of personal responsibility for damaging aftereffects. In summary, a
"volunteer" program in which subjects are not fully informed of potential
hazards to their persons is "volunteer" in name only.

[116] USAINTC staff study, Material Testing Program EA 1729," 10/15/59, p. 26.

[118] Sample volunteer consent form.


This problem was compounded by the security statements signed by each

volunteer before he participated in the testing. As part of this statement,
potential subjects agreed that they would:

... not divulge or make available any information related to U.S. Army
Intelligence Center interest or participation in the Department of the Army
Medical Research Volunteer Program to any individual, nation,
organization, business, association, or other group or entity, not officially
authorized to receive such information.

I understand that any action contrary to the provisions of this statement

will render me liable to punishment under the provisions of the Uniform
Code of Military Justice. [119]

Under these provisions, a volunteer experiencing aftereffects of the test

might have been unable to seek immediate medical assistance.

This disregard for the well-being of subjects drug testing is inexcusable.

Further, the absence of any comprehensive long-term medical assistance
for the subjects of these experiments is not only unscientific; it is also
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4. Lack of Normal Authorization and Supervision

It is apparent from documents supplied to the Committee that the Army's

testing programs often operated under informal and nonroutine
authorization. Potentially dangerous operations such as these testing
programs are the very projects which ought to be subject to the closest
internal scrutiny at the highest levels of the military command structure.
There are numerous examples of inadequate review, partial consideration,
and incomplete approval in the administration of these programs.

When the first Army program to use LSD on American soldiers in "field
stations" was authorized in May 1955, the Arm violated its own
procedures in obtaining approval. Under Army Chief of Staff
Memorandum 385, such proposals were to be personally approved by the
Secretary of the Army. Although the plan was submitted to him on April
26, 1956, the Secretary issued no written authorization for the project, and
there is no evidence that he either reviewed or approved the plan. Less
than a month later, the Army Chief of Staff issued a memorandum
authorizing the tests. [120]

Subsequent testing of LSD under Material Testing Program EA 1729

operated generally under this authorization. When the plans for this testing
were originally discussed in early 1958 by officials of the Army
Intelligence Center at Fort Holabird and representatives of the Chemical
Warfare Center at Edgewood Arsenal, an informal proposal was
formulated. This proposal was submitted to the Medical Research
Directorate at Edgewood by the President of the Army Intelligence Board
on June 3, 1958. There is no evidence that the plan was approved at any
level higher than the President of the Intelligence Board or the
Commanding General of Edgewood. The approval at Edgewood appears
to have been issued by the Commander's Adjutant. The Medical Research
Laboratories did not submit the plan to the Surgeon General for approval
(a standard procedure) because

[119] Sample Volunteer Security Statement.

[120] Inspector General of the Army Report, "Use of Volunteers in Chemical Agent
Research," 3/10/76, p. 109.


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the new program was ostensibly covered by the authorizations granted in
May 1956. [121]

The two projects involving the operational use of LSD (THIRD CHANCE
and DERBY HAT) were apparently approved by the Army Assistant
Chief of Staff for Intelligence (General Willems) on December 7, 1960.
[122] This verbal approval came in the course of a briefing on previous
drug programs and on the planned field experimentation. There is no
record of written approval being issued by the ACSI to authorize these
specific projects until January 1961, and there is no record of any specific
knowledge or approval by the Secretary of the Army.

On February 4, 1963, Major General C. F. Leonard, Army ACSI,

forwarded a copy of the THIRD CHANCE Trip Report to Army Chief of
Staff, General Earl Wheeler. [123] Wheeler had apparently requested a
copy on February 2. The report was routed through a General Hamlett.
While this report included background on the origins of the LSD tests, it
appears that General Wheeler may only have read the conclusion and
recommendations. [124] The office memorandum accompanying the Trip
Report bears Wheeler's initials. [125]

5. Termination of Testing

On April 10, 1963, a briefing was held in the ACSIs office on the results
of Projects THIRD CHANCE and DERBY HAT. Both SPT's concluded
that more field testing was required before LSD could be utilized as an
integral aid to counterintelligence interrogations. During the presentation
of the DERBY HAT results, General Leonard (Deputy ACSI) directed that
no further field testing be undertaken. [126] After this meeting the ACSI
sent a letter to the Commanding General of the Army Combat
Developments Command (CDC) requesting that he review THIRD
CHANCE and DERBY HAT and "make a net evaluation concerning the
adoption of EA 1729 for future use as an effective and profitable aid in
counterintelligence interrogations." [127] On the same day the ACSI
requested that the CDC Commander revise regulation FM 30-17 to read in

... in no instance will drugs be used as an aid to interrogations in

counterintelligence or security operations without prior permission of the
Department of the Army. Requests to use drugs as an investigative aid will
be forwarded through intelligence channels to the ACSI, DA, for

Medical research has established that information obtained through the use
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of these drugs TORTURE
is unreliable CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
and invalid....

It is considered that DA [Army] approval must be a prerequisite for use of

such drugs because of the moral, legal, medical and political problems
inherent in their use for intelligence purposes. [128]

[121] Ibid, pp. 135, 137, 138.

[122] Mehovsky Fact Sheet, 12/9/60.
[123] Memorandum from Leonard to Wheeler, 2/4/63.
[124] SGS memorandum to Wheeler through Hamlett, 2/5/63.
[125] Ibid.
[126] Maj. F. Barnett, memorandum for the record, 8/12/63.
[127] Yamaki memorandum for the record, 7/16/63.
[128] Ibid.


The subsequent adoption of this regulation marked the effective

termination of field testing of LSD by the Army.

The official termination date of these testing Programs is rather unclear,

but a later ACSI memo indicates that it may have occurred in September
of 1963. On the 19th of that month a meeting was held between Dr. Van
Sims (Edgewood Arsenal), Major Clovis (Chemical Research Laboratory),
and ACSI representatives (General Deholm and Colonel Schmidt). "As a
result of this conference a determination was made to suspend the program
and any further activity pending a more profitable and suitable use." [129]

D. Cooperation And Competition Among The

Intelligence Community Agencies And Between These
Agencies And Other Individuals And Institutions
1. Relationships Among Agencies Within the Intelligence Community

Relationships among intelligence community agencies in this area varied

considerably over time, ranging from full cooperation to intense and
wasteful competition. The early period was marked by a high degree of
cooperation among the agencies of the intelligence community. Although
the military dominated research involving chemical and biological agents,
the information developed was shared with the FBI and the CIA. But the
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spirit of cooperation TORTURE
did not CASE,
continue. Published
The failurebybyThe
militaryMedia Group Copyright 2017
to share
information apparently breached the spirit, if not the letter, of commands
from above.

As noted above, the Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence was
briefed on the proposed operational testing of LSD under Project THIRD
CHANCE, and expressed concern that the project had not been
coordinated with FBI and CIA. Despite this request, no coordination was
achieved between the Army and either of these agencies. Had such
cooperation been forthcoming, this project may have been evaluated in a
different light.

The competition between the agencies in this area reached bizarre levels.
A military officer told a CIA representative in confidence about the
military's field testing of LSD in Europe under Project THIRD CHANCE,
and the CIA promptly attempted to learn surreptitiously the nature and
extent of the program. At roughly the same time Mr. Helms argued to the
DDCI that the unwitting testing program should be continued, as it
contributed to the CIA's capability in the area and thus allowed the CIA
"to restrain others in the intelligence community (such as the Department
of Defense) from pursuing operations. [130]

The MKNAOMI program was also marked by a failure to share

information. The Army Special Forces (the principal customer of the
Special Operations Division at Fort Dietrick) and the CIA rather than
attempting to coordinate their efforts promulgated different requirements
which varied only slightly. This apparently resulted in some duplication of
effort. In order to insure the security of CIA operations, the Agency would
request materials from SOD for operational use without fully or accurately
describing the operational requirements. This resulted in limitations on
SOD's ability to assist the CIA.

[129] Undated ASCI memorandum, p. 2.

[130] Memorandum from the DDP to the DCI, 11/9/64, p. 2.


2. Relationship Between the Intelligence Community Agencies and

Foreign Liaison Services

The subjects of the CIA's operational testing of chemical and biological

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agents abroad TORTURE
were generally CASE,
being heldPublished by The Advanced
for interrogation Media Group Copyright 2017
by foreign
intelligence or security organizations. Although information about the use
of drugs was generally withheld from these organizations, cooperation
with them necessarily jeopardized the security of CIA interest in these
materials. Cooperation also placed the American Government in a position
of complicity in actions which violated the rights of the subjects, and
which may have violated the laws of the country in which the experiments
took place.

Cooperation between the intelligence agencies and organizations in

foreign countries was not limited to relationships with the intelligence or
internal security organizations. Some MKULTRA research was conducted
abroad. While this is, in itself, not a questionable practice, it is important
that such research abroad not be undertaken to evade American laws. That
this was a possibility is suggested by an ARTICHOKE memorandum in
which it is noted that working with the scientists of a foreign country
"might be very advantageous" since that government "permitted certain
activities which were not permitted by the United States government (i.e.,
experiments on anthrax, etc.)." [131]

3. The Relationships Between the Intelligence Community Agencies and

Other Agencies of the U.S. Government

Certain U.S. government agencies actively assisted the efforts of

intelligence agencies in this area. One form of assistance was to provide
"cover" for research contracts let by intelligence agencies, in order to
disguise intelligence community interest in chemical and biological

Other forms of assistance raise more serious questions. Although the

CIA's project involving the surreptitious administration of LSD was
conducted by Bureau of Narcotics personnel, there was no open
connection between the Bureau personnel and the Agency. The Bureau
was serving as a "cut-out" in order to make it difficult to trace Agency
participation. The cut-out arrangement, however, reduced the CIA's ability
to control the program. The Agency could not control the process by
which subjects were selected and cultivated, and could not regulate
follow-up after the testing. Moreover, as the CIA's Inspector General
noted: "the handling of test subjects in the last analysis rests with the
[Bureau of Narcotics] agent working alone. Suppression of knowledge of
critical results from the top CIA management is an inherent risk in these
operations." [132] The arrangement also made it impossible for the
Agency to be certain that the decision to end the surreptitious
administration of LSD would be honored by the Bureau personnel.

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The arrangement with theTORTURE
Bureau CASE, Published
of Narcotics by The
was Advanced
described as Media Group Copyright 2017
"informal." [133] The informality of the arrangement compounded the
problem is aggravated by the fact that the 40 Committee has had vir-

[131] ARTICHOKE Memorandum, 6/13/52.

[132] IG Report on MKULTRA, 1963, p.14.
[133] Ibid This was taken by one Agency official to mean that there would be no
written contract and no formal mechanism for payment. (Eider, 12/18/75, p. 31.)


apparent unwillingness on the part of the Bureau's leadership to ask for

details, and the CIA's hesitation in volunteering information. These
problems raise serious questions of command and control within the

4. Relationships Between the Intelligence Community Agencies and Other

Institutions and Individuals, Public and Private

The Inspector General's 1963 Survey of MKULTRA noted that "the

research and development" phase was conducted through standing
arrangements with "specialists in universities, pharmaceutical houses,
hospitals, state and federal institutions, and private research organizations"
in a manner which concealed "from the institution the interests of the
CIA." Only a few "key individuals" in each institution were "made witting
of Agency sponsorship." The research and development phase was
succeeded by a phase involving physicians, toxicologists, and other
specialists in mental, narcotics, and general hospitals and prisons, who are
provided the products and findings of the basic research projects and
proceed with intensive testing on human subjects." [134]

According to the Inspector General, the MKULTRA testing programs

were "conducted under accepted scientific procedures... where health
permits, test subjects are voluntary participants in the programs." [135]
This was clearly not true in the project involving the surreptitious
administration of LSD, which was marked by a complete lack of
screening, medical supervision, opportunity to observe, or medical or
psychological follow-up.

The intelligence agencies allowed individual researchers to design their

project. Experiments sponsored by these researchers (which included one
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where narcotics TORTURE
addicts were sent CASE, PublishedKentucky,
to Lexington, by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
who were
rewarded with the drug of their addiction in return for participation in
experiments with LSD) call into question the decision by the agencies not
to fix guidelines for the experiments.

The MKULTRA research and development program raises other

questions, as well. It is not clear whether individuals in prisons, mental,
narcotics and general hospitals can provide "informed consent" to
participation in experiments such as these. There is doubt as to whether
institutions should be unwitting of the ultimate sponsor of research being
done in their facilities. The nature of the arrangements also made it
impossible for the individuals who were not aware of the sponsor of the
research to exercise any choice about their participation based on the
sponsoring organization.

Although greater precautions are now being taken in research conducted

on behalf of the intelligence community agencies, the dilemma of
classification remains. The agencies obviously wished to conceal their
interest in certain forms of in order to avoid stimulating interest in the
same areas by hostile governments. In some cases today contractors or
researchers wish to conceal their connection with these agencies. Yet the
fact of classification prevents open discussion and debate upon which
scholarly work depends.

[134] Ibid p. 9.
[135] Ibid p. 10.

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

Project MKULTRA, The CIA's

Program Of Research In
Behavioral Modification
Documents Referring To Discovery
Of Additional MKULTRA Material

[document begins]

22 June 1977

MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence

THROUGH: Deputy Director for Science and Technology

SUBJECT: Request for Guidance on Handling Recently Located

MKULTRA Material

1. (U/AIUO) This memorandum is to advise you that additional

MKULTRA documents have been discovered and to obtain your approval
for follow-on actions required. Paragraph 7 contains a recommended
course of action.

2. (U/AIUO) As a result of John Marks FOIA request (F-76-374), all of

the MKULTRA material in OTS possession was reviewed for possible
release to him. Following that review, the OTS material in the Retired
Records Center was searched. It was during that latter search that the
subproject files were located among the retired records of the OTS Budget
and Fiscal Section. These files were not discovered earlier as the earlier
searches were limited to the examination of the active and retired records
of those branches considered most likely to have generated or have had
access to MKULTRA documents. Those branches included: Chemistry,
Biological, Behavioral Activities, and Contracts Management. Because
Dr. Gottlieb retrieved and destroyed all the MKULTRA documents he was
able to locate, it is not surprising that the earlier search for MKULTRA
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documents,- directed
at areas whereCASE,
were mostby The Advanced
likely Media Group
to be found, was Copyright 2017
unsuccessful. The purpose of establishing the MKULTRA mechanism was
to limit knowledge of the sensitive work being performed to those with an
absolute need to know. If those precepts had been followed, the recently
found B&F files should have contained only financial and administrative
documents. (In retrospect, I realize that


SUBJECT: Request for Guidance on Handling Recently Located

MKULTRA Material

a serious error was made in not having B&F files and other seemingly
innocuous files searched earlier.) As it happened most of the individual
subproject folders contain project proposals and memoranda for the
record, which in varying degrees, give a reasonably complete picture of
the avenues of research funded through MKULTRA. For your
information, the original memorandum setting up MKULTRA, signed by
Mr. Dulles, is also among these documents. A copy of the memorandum is

3. (U/AIUO) At this writing, it does not appear that there is anything in

these newly located files that would indicate the MKULTRA activities
were more extensive or more controversial than indicated by the Senate
Select (Church) Committee Report. If anything, the reverse is true, i.e.,
most of the nearly 200 subprojects are innocuous. Thus, the overview of
MKULTRA is essentially unchanged. With two exceptions, the project
find fills in some of the missing details.

4. (U/AIUO) One of these exceptions is Subproject Number 45 which

concerns an activity that should have been reported earlier. That project
deals with the search for a knockout drug which was concomitant with,
and a by-product of, cancer research at a major university. It is believed
that an objective reading of that project would demonstrate the search for
knockout materials and anesthetics were compatible activities. However,
the research proposal stated that "chemical agents... will be subjected to
clinical screening... on advanced cancer patients".

5. (C) Subproject Number 55 contains full details of CIA's contribution

of $375,000 to the [deletion] Building Fund. The Agency was then
involved in drug research programs, many of which were being conducted
by [deletion] whose facilities were inadequate. In order to facilitate the
ongoing research programs, it was decided to expedite the building

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program by- contributing
to it through Published by The
a mechanism thatAdvanced
was alsoMedia
beingGroup Copyright 2017
used to fund some of the research projects.


SUBJECT: Request for Guidance on Handling Recently Located

MKULTRA Material

The contribution could be controversial in that it was made through a

mechanism making it appear to be a private donation. Private donations
qualified for, and [deletion] received, an equal amount of Federal
matching funds. A letter from the Office of General Counsel dated 21
February 1954 attesting to the legality of this funding is in the file.

6. (U/AIUO) The Legislative Counsel has been made aware of the

existence of these additional MKULTRA documents which are still under
review and sanitation. The MARKS case is in litigation and we are
committed to advise Mr. Marks of the existence of these files shortly, and
to deliver the releasable material to his attorneys by 31 July. A letter from
the Information and Privacy Staff to Mr. Marks' attorneys informing them
of the existence of this material is in the coordination process and is
scheduled to be mailed on 24 June.

7. (U/AIUO) There are now two actions that should be taken:

a. Release appropriately sanitized material to Mr. Marks' attorneys

as required by FOIA litigation.

b. Inform the Senate Select Committee of the existence of the

recently located records prior to informing Mr. Marks' attorneys.

It is recommended that you approve of both of these actions.

8. (U/AIUO) If additional details on the contents of this material are

desired, the OIS officers most familiar with it are prepared to brief you at
your convenience.


David S. Brandwein
Office of Technical Service

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[document ends]


[document begins]

The Director of Central Intelligence

Washington, D.C. 20505

The Honorable Daniel K. Inouye, Chairman

Select Committee on Intelligence
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Mr. Chairman:

During the course of 1975 when the Senate Committee, chaired by

Senator Church, was investigating intelligence activities, the CIA was
asked to produce documentation on a program of experimentation with the
effect of drugs. Under this project conducted from 1953 to 1964 and
known as "MK-ULTRA," tests were conducted on American citizens in
some cases without their knowledge. The CIA, after searching for such
documentation, reported that most of the documents on this matter have
been destroyed. I find it my duty to report to you now that our continuing
search for drug related, as well as other documents, has uncovered certain
papers which bear on this matter. Let me hasten to add that I am persuaded
that there was no previous attempt to conceal this material in the original
1975 exploration. The material recently discovered was in the retired
archives filed under financial accounts and only uncovered by using
extraordinary and extensive search efforts. In this connection, incidentally,
I have personally commended the employee whose diligence produced
this find.

Because the new material now on hand is primarily of a financial

nature, it does not present a complete picture of the field of drug
experimentation activity but it does provide more detail than was
previously available to us. For example, the following types of activities
were undertaken:

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a. Possible TORTURE
additional cases CASE, Published
of drugs being by The Advanced
tested Media Group Copyright 2017
on American
citizens, without their knowledge.

b. Research was undertaken on surreptitious methods of

administering drugs.

c. Some of the persons chosen for experimentation were drug

addicts or alcoholics.

d. Research into the development of a knockout or "K" drug was

performed in conjunction with being done to develop pain killers for
advanced cancer patients, and tests on such patients were carried out.


e. There is a possibility of an improper payment to a private


The drug related activities described in this newly located material began
almost 25 years ago. I assure you they were discontinued over 10 years
ago and do not take place today.

In keeping with the President's commitment to disclose any errors of

the Intelligence Community which are uncovered, I would like to
volunteer to testify before your Committee on the full details of this
unfortunate series of events. I am in the process of reading the fairly
voluminous material involved and do want to be certain that I have a
complete picture when I talk with the Committee. I will be in touch with
you next week to discuss when hearings might be scheduled at the earliest

I regret having to bring this issue to your attention, but I know that it is
essential to your oversight procedures that you be kept fully informed in a
timely manner.

Yours sincerely,


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[document- ends]
A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program Of

Research In Behavioral Modification
Documents Referring To Subprojects

1 May 1953


SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 2

1. Subproject 2 is being set up to provide a secure and efficient means to

exploit [deletion] in regard to the MKULTRA program.

2. [deletion] is a practicing psychiatrist in [deletion] and a faculty member of

the [deletion] His past positions have included Chief Neuropsychiatrist at
[deletion] Chief of the Psychiatric Section at [deletion] and OSS experience
during World War II. He has been of value in the general MKULTRA field as
an overall advisor and consultant, he has been of value in containing individuals
in the [deletion] area and in setting up projects there, and he has done work
himself which has contributed to the MKULTRA field. His professional
activities and known connections with the [deletion]

3. Subproject 2 would include:

a. Miscellaneous research and testing services in the general field of


b. Services as a contact and cut-out for projects in the MKULTRA field,

primarily those located in the [deletion] area.

c. Monitoring of selected projects in the MKULTRA field, when located

in the central [deletion] area.
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d. Services as a general consultant and advisor in the MKULTRA field.

4. The total cost of this project is not to exceed $4,650.00 for a period of one

5. [deletion] is cleared through TOP SECRET on a contact basis.

[signature deleted]

Chemical Division/TSS

[Multiple deletions at bottom of page]



[multiple deletions]


[Sidney Gottlieb signature]

Chief, Chemical Division/TSS


[signature deleted]

For Research Chairman

Date: May 5, 1953



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[signature deleted]

Research Director

Date: May 5, 1953

Original Only.

[multiple deletions at bottom of page]

[document ends]

[document begins]


[deletion at top of page]


Objective: To study the possible synergistic action of drugs which may be

appropriate for use in abolishing consciousness.

Proposal: Allocation of $1000 for animal experiments, to be drawn on as

needed. That experiments be conducted informally at [deletion] without a
specific grant, and with appropriate cover.

[multiple deletions]

[document ends]


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A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017



Objective: To study methods for the administration of drugs without the

knowledge of the patient. Preparation of a manual.

Method: A survey of methods which have been used by criminals for

surreptitious administration of drugs. Analysts of the psychodynamics of
situations of this nature.

Proposal: That $1000 be allocated for this purpose, funds to be requested as


[multiple deletions]

[document ends]


[document begins]

11 August 1955


SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject [deletion] 2

1. Subproject 2[deletion]is being initiated to provide secure and efficient

means of exploiting [deletion] with regard to the MKULTRA program.

2. [deletion] is a practicing psychiatrist in [deletion] and a faculty member of

[deletion] He has been of value in the general MKULTRA project, serving as an
advisor and consultant, contacting individuals in the [deletion] area, and
carrying out his own research program.

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3. Subproject 2 [deletion] would include the following:

(a) Miscellaneous research and testing services in the general field of


(b) Services as a contact and cutout for projects in the MKULTRA field,
primarily those located in the [deletion]

(c) Monitoring of selected projects in the MKULTRA field, when located in

the central [deletion]

(d) Services as a general consultant and advisor in the MKULTRA field.

(e) He would act as medical advisor and consultant to [deletion] and his
[deletion] establishment.

4. [deletion] will be reimbursed for his services and expenses upon receipt of
an invoice at irregular intervals. When travel expenses are incurred through use
of a common carrier, they will be documented and reimbursed in the usual
manner; that is, consistent with standard Government allowances.

[multiple deletions]

[document ends]


[document begins]

DRAFT [deletion]
2 October 1953


SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 16

1. Subproject 15 is a continuation of Subproject 3, which involved the

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establishment TORTURE
and maintenance ofCASE, Published
facilities byrealistic
for the The Advanced Media
testing Group Copyright 2017
of certain
research and development items of interest to CD/TSS and APD/TSS. The
facilities were set up under Subproject 3, and Subproject 16 is intended to
provide for the continued maintenance of the facilities.

2. Subproject 3 was originally intended to provide funds for the maintenance

of the facilities for one year; but it turns out that the costs of alterations,
equipment, and initial supplies were under-estimated in Subproject 3; hence the
necessity to establish Subproject 16 at this time.

3. Subproject 16 will be conducted by [deletion] a [deletion] Certain support

activities will be provided by CD/TSS and APD/TSS.

4. The estimated cost for a period of one year is $7,740.00.


Chemical Division, TSS


[signature deleted]
Research Chairman

Date: -------------



[signature deleted]
Research Director

Date: 13 Oct 1953


[document ends]

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[document begins]

May 26, 1953

Dear [deletion]

After our telephone conversation this morning I went to [one line deleted]
and opened an account -- regular checking -- in the amount of $100.00 using the
name [deletion]

It occurred to me that for sake of safety -- if, for example, anything should
happen to me -- it would simplify matters if I made this a joint account between
[deletion] and [deletion] Then, in case of my absence, illness or death you could
recover the joint funds without any legal difficulties or monkey business.

The bank was a little sticky about opening an account in the absences of
"references" from another bank, and also found it hard to understand how
[deletion] got by all these years without a bank account. However, I offered to
provide an excellent reference in a government official, a [deletion] who is
[deletion] at [deletion] and that seemed to placate the money-lenders. Thereafter,
I communicated with [deletion] and he immediately wrote a reference for
[deletion] on official stationary. [deletion] also kindly said he was well
acquainted with [deletion] and was pleased to offer for him a similar

If you think this is a good idea, I suggest you sign the Joint Account
Agreement and the three signature cards enclosed and return them to me.

And now that the account is opened I suggest you have funds deposited via
Cashier's check -- or any other way that seems easiest -- directly to [deleted]

I ordered checks printed with [deleted] name thereon and have also ordered
stationary bearing [deleted] name. I considered this might facilitate payment of
bills, etc., by mail.

What with suspicious banks, landlords, utility companies, etc., you will
understand that creating the Jekyll-Hyde personality in the form of [deleted] is
taking a little "doing".

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Monday, the 8thCASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017



[document ends]


[document begins]


SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 23

1. The scope of this project is intended to encompass all those activities now
engaged in by the [deleted] in its own facilities under the direction of CD/TSS.
At the present time the various projects at this facility ([deleted] and [deleted])
are being concluded and it is deemed desirable from the standpoint of security
and efficiency to replace these projects with a single project more general in its

2. The attached proposal from Dr. [deleted] indicates the extent of the
investigations that his facilities will allow him to carry out on the materials
developed in the three projects referred to in paragraph 1, as well as certain
other materials of interest to Cd/TSS. Dr. [deleted] also serves as a general
consultant to this division and provides cover and cut-out facilities to the

3. The total cost of this project for a period of one year will not exceed

4. Dr. [deleted] has been granted a Top Secret Clearance by the Agency and
is fully capable of projecting the security of the Government's interest in such
matters as this.

[signature deleted]
Chemical Division, TSS

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[signature deleted]
Chief, Chemical Division, TSS


[signature deleted]
Exec. [illegible] Res. Ed.
Date: Jan 28 1954


[signature deleted]
Research Director
Date: 28 Jan 1954

Attachment: Proposal

[document ends]


[document begins]

The present investigation is concerned with chemical agents which are

effective in modifying the behavior and function of the central nervous system.

1 - It is proposed to study a variety of known drugs in this pharmacological class

that are in present day use and to synthesize new chemical agents or to modify
existing ones as occasion may demand.

2 - The various chemical agents investigated or synthesized will be tested on

animals to determine their acute and chronic toxicity. Their pharmacological
effects will be studied by a variety of assay technics, such as blood pressure
determinations, bronchial dilation recordings, endocrine effects, etc. Complete
animal facilities will be maintained for this purpose and pathologic study will be
carried out on the affected organs when the animals are sacrificed.

3 - Preliminary clinical investigation will be carried out on the more promising

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chemical agents, TORTURElaboratory
and appropriate CASE, Published by The Advanced
procedures Media Groupsuch
will be performed, Copyright 2017
as blood counts, uninalysis, etc. to determine the effectiveness and the side
reactions of the drugs under investigation.

4 - Adequate reports will be submitted of the findings at quarterly intervals.

5 - Proposed budget:


Synthetic organic chemist..................$7,500.00

Research medical associate.................$6,500.00
Pharmacological assistant..................$5,500.00
Chemical assistant.........................$4,000.00
Histology technician.......................$2,400.00
Clinical technician........................$3,600.00
Chemical consultant........................$1,200.00

Total salaries for personnel..............$30,700.00

Other Expenditures

Animals, animal maintenance & facilities...$4,000.00

Chemical & laboratory supplies, expendable $4,000.00
Miscellaneous permanent equipment..........$2,000.00
Travel, medical meetings, etc..............$2,000.00

Total other expenditures..................$12,000.00


[document ends]


[document begins]

DRAFT [deleted]
8 October 1954
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SUBJECT: Increase in the Scope of Subproject 23, Project MKULTRA

1. Due to a considerable increase in the scope of the work undertaken by

[deleted] at the direction of TSS/CD under Subproject 23, Project MKULTRA,
the $42,700.00 sum originally obligated for this work is insufficient to cover the
year's costs. It is therefore proposed to add $15,000.00 to that already obligated
under this Subproject.

2. The total cost of this Subproject for the period 28 January 1954 to 28
January 1955 will thus amount to $57,700.00.

3. The increase in scope responsible for this proposal consists of the

development and partial financing of two new sources of biologically active
compounds of interest in the program TSS/CD is carrying out.

[signature deleted]
Chemical Division, TSS


Research Director
Date: October 11, 1954

[Sidney Gottlieb signature]
Chief, Chemical Division, TSS

Original Only.

[handwritten notes at bottom of page:]

1) [deleted]
2) [deleted]
The additional compounds are derivatives of tryptomine not available from any
other sources.

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[document ends]


[document begins]

25 August 1955


SUBJECT: Authorization for Payment of Certain Expenses Under Project

MKULTRA, Subproject 23

1. In order to carry on the work of the above Subproject, it was necessary to

test the effects of certain chemical substances when administered to test the
effects of certain chemical substances when administered to human beings.
Certain of the anticipated effects involved mental functions which precluded the
use of mental defectives for this particular study.

2. In view of these circumstances the project engineer, with verbal approval

from his chief, authorized the contractor to pay the hospitals expenses of certain
persons suffering from incurable cancer for the privilege of studying the effects
of these chemicals during their terminal illnesses. The total funds expended in
this fashion amounted to $658.05 and full value was received.

3. It is requested that the Chief, TSS indicate his knowledge and approval of
this particular expenditure for audit purposes.

[signature deleted]
TSS/Chemical Division

[signature deleted]
[deleted] Chief, TSS

[Sidney Gottlieb signature]
Chief, TSS/Chemical Division

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A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

Orig. - TSS/CD

[document ends]


[document begins]

21 December 1954

MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence

SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 35

1. While the Director's statutory authority to expend funds for confidential

purposes is not limited by law, we believe that a gift of Government funds as
such would exceed the intent of the Congress in granting that power. However,
where a gift is made for the express purpose of producing something of value to
this Agency which cannot otherwise be obtained and there is reasonable
expectation that the value may be received, the gift may in effect be an
expenditure for proper official purposes.

2. In Subproject 35, it is stated that the donation in question would achieve

certain ends desired by TSS. There seems to be no question that those ends
would be advantageous, so the main questions appear to be whether they could
not be attained by more direct, normal methods, and, if not, whether the return is
necessary and reasonable in relation to the donation.

3. We are in no position to review the requirements of TSS or to appraise the

advantages that would result from this project. We do not comment, therefore,
on the value received if the project results in the benefits foreseen . We feel we
should comment on factors affecting the probability of achieving those ends. In
a legal sense, there is little or no control. Once the funds are donated, the
individual, his foundation, or the hospital could conceivably refuse to work for
us or allow us the use of the facilities.

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4. Practically, TORTURE
the control seemsCASE,
to bePublished by The
established as Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
well as circumstances
permit. Certainly, as long as the individual is alive and in his present position,
we have every reason to expect his complete cooperation in the future as in the
past, unless through some act or fault of our own he is alienated. Even in the
event of his death or incapacity, there appears to be a reasonable


chance of continuing the project. If these probabilities appear sufficient to obtain

an adequate return for the expenditure, there can be no legal objection to this
aspect of the project.

5. It should be noted that there are two circumstances which require

consideration in a final determination. As stated in Section V, our contribution,
by appearing to be from a private source, would increase the matching
Government contribution by a similar amount which would not be the case if it
were known that this was in fact a Government contribution also. Secondly, it is
the stated policy of the hospital to charge the Government and commercial
organizations 80 per cent overhead on research contracts, whereas nonprofit
foundations pay only direct costs but no overhead. Because of the ostensible
source, our projects will not be charged overhead. This could be construed as
morally wrongful to the hospital, as normally we would pay the 80 per cent
overhead charge for projects performed directly for us, but I believe this can be
offset, at least to the amount of our donation, and perhaps by the further amount
by which the other Government contributions are increased by our donation. In
any case, if the project is a proper one and must be performed in this manner,
security dictates these circumstances and they, therefore, do not present a legal
obstacle as such.

6. We raised the question whether funds for the hospital construction could
not be obtained from other normal charitable sources. It appeared that there was
a strong possibility that the individual concerned could raise adequate funds
from private resources, but it was the position of TSS that if this were the case
we would not obtain the commitment from the individual and the degree of
control which this project is designed to achieve.

[Lawrence R. Houston signature]

General Counsel

[document ends]

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[document begins]


8 April 1955


SUBJECT: Amendment to Subproject 35 of Project MKULTRA

We have noted your memorandum of 6 April 1955 to the Director requesting an

increase of $250,000 for the TSS R&D budget for this Project. This request does
not affect in any way the comments in my memorandum of 21 December 1954.

General Counsel

[document ends]


[document begins]


5 May 1955

A portion of the Research and Development Program of TSS/Chemical

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Division is -devoted
discovery Published
of the by The
following Advancedand
materials Media Group Copyright 2017

1. Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the

point where the recipient would be discredited in public.

2. Substances which increase the efficiency of mentation and perception.

3. Materials which will prevent or counteract the intoxicating effect of


4. Materials which will promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol.

5. Materials which will produce the signs and symptoms of recognized

diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc.

6. Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise

enhance its usefulness.

7. Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand

privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called

8. Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events
preceding and during their use.

9. Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods

of time and capable of surreptitious use.

10. Substances which produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the

legs, acute anemia, etc.



11. Substances which will produce "pure" euphoria with no subsequent


12. Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the
tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced.

13. A material which will cause mental confusion of such a type that the
individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under

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14. Substances which will lower the ambition and general working efficiency
of men when administered in undetectable amounts.

15. Substances which promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or

hearing faculties, preferably without permanent effects.

16. A knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks, food,

cigarettes, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of
amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types on an ad hoc basis.

17. A material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes

and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a man to perform
any physical activity whatsoever.

The development of materials of this type follows the standard practice of

such ethical drug houses as [deletion] It is a relatively routine procedure to
develop a drug to the point of human testing. Ordinarily, the drug houses depend
upon the services of private physicians for the final clinical testing. The
physicians are willing to assume the responsibility of such tests in order to
advance the science of medicine. It is difficult and sometimes impossible for
TSS/CD to offer such an inducement with respect to its products. In practice, it
has been possible to use outside cleared contractors for the preliminary phases of
this work. However, that part which involves human testing at effective dose
levels presents security problems which cannot be handled by the ordinary



The proposed facility [deletion] offers a unique opportunity for the secure
handling of such clinical testing in addition to the many advantages outlined in
the project proposal. The security problems mentioned above are eliminated by
the fact that the responsibility for the testing will rest completely upon the
physician and the hospital. [one line deleted] will allow TSS/CD personnel to
supervise the work very closely to make sure that all tests are conducted
according to the recognized practices and embody adequate safeguards.

[document ends]

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[document begins]

10 May 1955


1. Subproject 35 as approved by the DCI on 15 January 1955 contemplated a

financial contribution of $125,000 to the [deletion] to participate in the
construction of a new research wing to cost $3,000,000 exclusive of furnishings
and equipment. Agency funds will be transmitted through the [deletion] as
cut-out which will result in one-sixth of the space in the new research wing
being made available for Agency-sponsored research involving covert biological
and chemical techniques of warfare.

2. At that time (15 January 1955) [deletion] with CIA encouragement indicated
a willingness to contribute $500,000 to the construction fund. The building fund
was to have been raised as follows:

$1,000,000 - Contributed by [deletion]

250,000 - Donation from [deletion] of which $125,000 to be supplied by CIA
1,250,000 - Matching funds under Public Law 221 equal to the amount of the
two above contributions
500,000 - [deletion]
$3,000,000 - TOTAL

4. The Agency's contribution would thus total $375,000. This investment,

together with the equal sum resulting from matched funds, is fully justified in
the opinion of TSS for reasons which will be explained by [deletion] Chief,
TSS, and Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Chief, TSS/Chemical Division. The scope of
subproject 35 has not changed since the Director originally approved a request
by TSS for permission to spend $125,000 of available

[handwritten note:]

Resume of project circulated to members of [illegible] at meeting on 11 May '55

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[deletion] funds for this purpose through the controls and procedures established
for MKULTRA. At the time subproject 35 was set up within the scope of the
TSS R&D program, security considerations and cover arrangements were
carefully reviewed, and the Office of General Counsel assisted in legal
determinations. With the exception of funding arrangements, no changes to the
program have since been made.

5. Funds to cover the previously approved sum of $125,000 are available within
the TSS [deletion] budget for FY 55 and have been set aside. The TSS budget,
however, lacks funds with which to cover the supplemental sum of $250,000,
and it is requested that the TSS [deletion] budget be increased by this amount.
Supplementary funds available for subproject 35 can definitely be obligated by
the end of FY 55.


[document ends]


[document begins]


For the Purpose of Establishing a Cover Organization for Highly Sensitive

Projects in the Field of Biological, Chemical and Radiological Warfare

I. Background on Subproject 35.

In January 1955 approval was given by the DCI to Subproject 35 of Project

MKULTRA. The documents which lead this approval (including comments of
the OGC) are attached herewith as Tabs 2, A and 3.

Project MKULTRA is the framework of procedures and controls under which

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research projects TORTURE
in certain highly CASE, Published
sensitive fieldsbyare
The Advanced
carried outMedia Group
by TSS. ACopyright 2017
description of the background of Project MKULTRA may be found on page 1 of
Tab A.

Subproject 35 establishes cover under which the Chemical Division of

DD/P/TSS would conduct certain sensitive projects in the fields of biological
and chemical warfare and consists of a proposed arrangement whereby the
Agency covertly contributes funds to assist the [deletion] in the construction of a
new research wing. Contribution of these funds is to be made through the
[deletion] as cut-out so that the [deletion] would remain unwitting of Agency
participation in the building program. Projects would later be carried out by the
Chemical Division using the facilities of the new research wing, and Agency
employees would be able to participate in the work without the University or the
Hospital authorities being aware of Agency interest. Subproject 35 contemplated
the contribution of Agency funds to assist in the construction of facilities. Future
research work would be carried out through the [deletion] as cut-out and would
be separately funded under existing procedures and controls.

[deletion] and the background of [deletion] are described on page 2 of Tab A.

On the same page there will be found a further description of the [deletion]

II. Building Fund

The University will require $3,000,000 for the six-story addition to the hospital
exclusive of the cost of land, heating and power supply which are being
provided by the University. Under Public Law 221, Subappropriation


663, dated 26 August 1954, funds are available to match funds raised for this
purpose by the University.

When Subproject 35 was first prepared, it was hoped and expected that the funds
required would be provided as follows: The University has allocated $1,000,000
to this project and will assume upkeep and staffing obligations. [deletion] agreed
that if the Agency would provide [deletion] with a grant of $125,000, the Fund
would match this amount and make a total donation of $250,000 to the
University Building Fund. At that time, discussions with [one line deleted]
indicated that [deletion] would contribute $500,000 to the building project on
the basis that radiological research would be conducted in the new wing and that
the construction of the new facilities was of interest to that Agency. In summary,
the financial situation was to have been as follows:

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$1,000,000 - [deletion]
250,000 - Donation from [deletion] (of which $125,000 was supplied by
1,250,000 - Matched Funds under Public Law 221
500,000 - [deletion]
$3,000,000 - TOTAL

It was recognized that the Federal contributions of $1,250,000 under Public Law
221 would be seemingly inflated by reason of the inclusion of the CIA
contribution in that of [deletion] It was felt that the value to the Agency was
such that this inflation of the Federal contribution was more than justified by the
importance of the over-all project and that furthermore, the inclusion of the CIA
contribution in that of [deletion] was the best means of maintaining security.

III. [deletion]

The original informal commitment on the part of [deletion] was first obtained
through verbal discussions with [deletion] which were followed up by an
exchange of correspondence between the DCI and [deletion] Unfortunately at
that time [deletion] was fully occupied with the controversy concerning the
[deletion] and continued contact with [deletion] subordinates resulted in a
decision that [deletion] could not or would not contribute to the Building Fund,
but would be willing to support an annual research program amounting to
$50,000 to $75,000. It is not


known whether this change in policy was suggested to [deletion] or whether it

originated with him. Be that as it may, when the change in policy became
apparent, it was evident that additional funds would be required to complete the
hospital construction.

IV. Suggested Funding.

It is now suggested that the $3,000,000 required for the hospital wing be
provided as follows:

$1,000,000 - [deletion]
500,000 - Donation from [deletion] (including $375,000 supplied by CIA)

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1,500,000 TORTURE
Matched Funds CASE,
from Published
Public by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Law 221
$3,000,000 - TOTAL

The donation from [deletion] would thus consist of the original $125,000 to be
supplied by CIA plus the sum of $125,000 to be provided by the Fund and a
supplemental CIA contributions of $250,000. Originally Subproject 35
requested permission to make a contribution of $125,000 to the building fund
and approval was given. This approval is enclosed herewith as Tab 2. The
purpose of this amendment to Subproject 35 is to request permission to
contribute an additional $250,000 to the building construction fund through
[deletion] It should be noted that the total Government contribution to the
hospital fund still remains unchanged at $1,875,000. The increase in the size of
the contribution by the Fund is not out of keeping with other operations of
[deletion] and will not arouse undue comment because of its magnitude. The
originally approved contribution has not as yet been transmitted to [deletion]
and neither the original contributions nor the supplement would be paid to
[deletion] until funds adequate to complete the project are made available. This
condition was specified by the DCI in approving the original contribution.

V. Source of CIA Funds.

Funds to cover the initially approved sum of $125,000 are available and have
been segregated for this purpose within the TSS FY 1955 Budget for Research
and Development. Insufficient funds remain in the TSS budget to cover the
supplementary sum of $250,000, and it is therefore requested that the TSS
budget be increased by this amount and that the increase be made available to
Subproject 35 of Project MKULTRA.



VI. Comments by the Office of General Counsel.

Tab 3 is a memorandum from the General Counsel to the DCI dated 21

December 1954, commenting on Subproject 35, and stating in part that there are
no fundamental legal objections if the probable benefits are considered a fair
return for this expenditure. The amendment to the Subproject contemplates only
an increase in funds and in no way changes any other aspect of the project. The
project has been referred back to the OGC even though no change in its structure

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is contemplated, and TabTORTURE CASE,
4 contains his Published
comments. by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

VII. Justification.

The advantages and benefits accruing to the Agency outlined in Tab A are felt
by TSS to provide adequate and complete justification for the expenditure of the
additional sum herein requested which brings the total CIA contribution to
$375,000. The most important of these advantages and benefits may be
summarized as follows: (Fuller explanations may be found in Tab A).

a. One-sixth of the total space in the new hospital wing will be available to
the Chemical Division of TSS, thereby providing laboratory and office space,
technical assistants, equipment and experimental animals.

b. Agency sponsorship of sensitive research projects will be completely


c. Full professional cover will be provided for up to three biochemical

employees of the Chemical Division.

d. Human patients and volunteers for experimental use will be available

under controlled clinical conditions within the full supervision of [deletion]

Subproject 35 was originally conceived in October and November of 1954, and

the ensuing six months have indicated that increasing emphasis and importance
are being placed on the Chemical Division's work in this field. The facilities of
the hospital and the ability to conduct controlled experiments under safe clinical
conditions using materials with which any Agency connection must be
completely deniable will augment and complement other programs recently
taken over by TSS, such as [deletion]




It was originally thought that at least 18 months would elapse after the building
funds had been raised before the facilities would be finished and could be
occupied by TSS. This lengthy delay has now been overcome. When [one line
deleted] has raised the $500,000 which his Fund will ostensibly contribute, he
will then be allowed to use existing space in the present hospital in order that he

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organization CASE,
which Published
will by Thethe
later occupy Advanced Media This
new wing. Groupmeans
Copyright 2017
that TSS will be able to begin to take advantage of this cover situation within a
matter of months instead of waiting for a year and a half.

VIII. Security.

Security matters and details are being co-ordinated with the TSS Liaison and
Security Officer. Security of transmittal of the funds and cover arrangements are
described in Tab A and remain unchanged.

IX. Agreement with [deletion]

The agreement with [deletion] is described in Tab A, and the extent of his
co-operation and the control over his actions remains unchanged.

X. Resultant Financial Saving.

The total contribution of $375,000 by CIA will result in an additional $375,000

in matching funds provided under Public Law 221. It is felt that the expenditure
of these total funds is justified by the importance of the programs which will be
pursued at the new facility. Even though the CIA contribution is increased under
this amended project, the total of Federal funds remains unchanged. The use of
this facility will allow work to proceed under conditions of cover and security
which would be impossible to obtain elsewhere without an expenditure of
equivalent or greater funds. In addition, by funding individual projects for this
facility through the [deletion] no charge will be incurred for overhead expense.
If research projects [deletion] are openly sponsored by the U.S. Government, it
is customary to pay an overhead rate equivalent to 80% of salaries. However, if
a non-profit fund, such as [deletion] sponsors research, the funds granted for the
work are customarily used only to pay for salaries, equipment and supplies, but
not overhead. The Agency thus buys considerably more research through
[deletion] than would be the case if no cut-out were used.


[document ends]


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[document begins]

MEMORANDUM FOR: [illegible]

Herewith the file on MKULTRA, Sub-project 35, with our comments on the
legal aspects. While there is no legal control and there are certain incidental
considerations, there is no fundamental legal objection if the probable benefits
are considered a fair return for this expenditure.

General Counsel

22 December 1954

[document ends]


[document begins]

Tab A


For the purpose of establishing a cover organization for highly sensitive projects
in the field of covert Biological, Chemical and Radiological Warfare

I. Background of Project MKULTRA.

In 1953 the DCI approved Project MKULTRA which established procedures

and controls under which research projects in certain highly sensitive fields
could be carried out by TSS without the necessity of signing the usual contracts.
The approved procedures apply [deletion] over-all Research and Development

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budget, and- A
additionalTORTURE CASE,
funds are Published
required. by Theestablished
Controls Advanced Media Group
in the Copyright 2017
Review Committee approval of the Research and Development program (other
than the signing of a contract) remain unchanged, and special provisions for
audit are included. All files are retained by TSS.

These procedures and controls were approved since it is highly undesirable from
a policy and security point of view that contracts be signed indicating Agency or
Government interest in this field of endeavor. In a great many instances the
work must be conducted by individuals who are not and should not be aware of
Agency interest. In other cases the individuals involved are unwilling to have
their names on a contract which remains out of their control in our files.
Experience has shown that qualified, competent individuals in the field of
physiological, psychiatric and other biological sciences are very reluctant to
enter into signed agreements of any sort which would connect them with this
activity since such connection might seriously jeopardize their professional

When Project MKULTRA was approved, it was not contemplated that it would
be used for the establishment of cover. Over forty individual research and
development projects have been established under this framework and have been
carried out extremely successfully, both from technical and administrative points
of view. The experience gained in handling these projects has emphasized that
establishment of better cover both for the projects and for associated Agency
scientists is of utmost importance. Subproject 35 would establish such cover.


II. Background of the [deletion]

The [deletion] was incorporated in [deletion]. It has a Board of Directors of six

members, one of whom is [deletion] who acts as Executive Director of the Fund.
[deletion] it has solicited funds from various individuals to finance a program of
basic research in the chemotherapy of cancer, asthma, hypertension,
psychosomatic disorders and other chronic diseases. Since 1951 [deletion] has
co-operated with the Chemical Division of TSS and acted smoothly and
efficiently, both as a cut-out for dealing with contractors in the fields of covert
chemical and biological warfare, and as a prime contractor for certain areas of
biological research. Projects presently being handled for the Agency by the Fund
are administered under the controls and procedures previously approved for

III. Background of [deletion]

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[deletion] is internationally known as a [deletion] in the field of [deletion]
research and is [one line deleted] In the past he has been associated in a research
capacity with both the [deletion] During the war [deletion] served as a [deletion]
in the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery in the Navy. Since then he has
maintained a consulting relationship to the Navy medical research program,
[deletion] is TOP SECRET cleared and witting of Agency sponsorship of the
programs carried out by the Fund as are two other members of the Fund's Board
of Directors.

IV. [deletion] Fund.

[one line deleted] has been actively engaged in a campaign to raise funds for the
purpose of erecting a new clinical research wing on the existing [deletion] The
research wing will consist of a building six stories high, 320 feet long and 50
feet wide. Two-thirds of the space will be research laboratories and offices while
100 research beds will occupy the remainder. [deletion] participation in the
fund-raising campaign outlined below will result in his having control of
one-sixth of the total space in addition to the base-




ment and general out-patient facilities. In this effort, [deletion] has secured the
enthusiastic support of the medical faculty and the officers of the University
who have carried the preliminary arrangements forward to the maximum extent
of their resources.

V. Financial Situation.

The University will require about $3,000,000 for the [deletion] story addition.
This sum is exclusive of the cost of land and the heating and power supply,
which are already available at the site. At the present time under Public Law
221, funds are available to match funds raised by the University. The University
has allocated $1,000,000 to this project and will assume upkeep and staffing
obligations. [deletion] has agreed that if CIA will provide [deletion] a grant of

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$125,000, [deletion] willTORTURE CASE,
match this Published
amount by The aAdvanced
and make Media Group
total donation of Copyright 2017
$250,000 to the University Building Fund. This Agency's contribution will be
made under the condition that it will be refunded if construction does not take

TSS has discussed this situation with [one line deleted] and has encouraged
[deletion] to donate $500,000 to the building project on the basis that [deletion]
will be conducted in the new wing. [deletion] though aware of our interest in the
building, is unwitting of our specific fields of research and individual projects.
In summary, the financial situation would be as follows:

$1,000,000 - [deletion]
250,000 - Donation from [deletion] ($125,000 supplied by CIA)
1,250,000 - Matched funds from Public Law 221
500,000 - [deletion]
$3,000,000 - TOTAL

Although it is recognized that the Federal contribution of $1,250,000 under P. L.

221 is seemingly inflated by reason of the inclusion of the CIA contribution in
that of [deletion] actually the value to the CIA is $250,000 and not just
$125,000, the amount of CIA's contribution; furthermore the inclusion of the
CIA contribution in that of [deletion] is the best method of maintaining security.




VI. Difficulties Faced by TSS.

It has been generally recognized for some time that the external research
activities of the Chemical Division of TSS in the field of covert biological,
chemical and radiological warfare are sorely in need of proper cover. Although
Project MKULTRA provides excellent administrative and financial cover for
projects, it does not afford cover for scientific or technical personnel.
MKULTRA has been used for dealing through [deletion] as a cut-out and for
working directly with individuals or private companies. The use of [deletion] in
the future will be increasingly limited due to

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(a) The increasing TORTURE
number CASE, Published
of people by The
who, albeit Advanced
properly Media are
cleared, Group Copyright 2017
of the Agency connection with [deletion]

(b) The feeling by [deletion] that the Agency employees contacting him (Drs.
Gottlieb, [deletion], etc.) have no cover of any sort and consequently expose him
to unnecessary and highly undesirable personal risk; and

(c) The widespread intra-Agency awareness of the nature of the relationship

between the Fund and the Agency.

Another serious problem faced by TSS/CD as a result of lack of suitable cover is

the difficulty in planning careers for technical and scientific personnel in the
biological field. A long-range career concept of activities in this field inevitably
includes proper cover for the individual concerned. The availability of research
facilities at [deletion] will offer an excellent opportunity to solve many of the
above problems, and [deletion] is willing and able to make any reasonable
arrangements to suit our needs. Up to three Chemical Division employees can be
integrated into [deletion] program for work in the new hospital wing on the
Agency's research projects. Although career planning was not a consideration
when planning the procedures and controls established by Project MKULTRA,
nevertheless this particular subproject, in addition to its primary objective, will
be of very great secondary help




in simplifying and eliminating many of the very awkward and dangerous

conditions facing certain Chemical Division employees.

VII. Advantages and Benefits Accruing to TSS.

The contemplated arrangements will result in many advantages and benefits,

including the following:

(a) One-sixth of the total space in the new research wing is to be available to
[deletion] and in turn, will be available to the Chemical Division of TSS. This
will provide laboratory and office space, technical assistants, equipment and
experimental animals for use of Chemical Division personnel in connection with

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
specific future projects. TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

(b) The cost of Chemical Division projects which are to be carried out under
this cover will be covered by funds made available through Project MKULTRA,
and projects will be subject to the procedures and controls established for
MKULTRA. The funds will be passed through [deletion] as has been done in the
past. [deletion] in turn will either pay expenses directly or transfer the money to
the University for this purpose. Each project will be individually funded based
on its particular budget, and there will be no other continuing or recurring
charges for items such as space, facilities, etc.

(c) The Agency's sponsorship of sensitive research projects would be

completely deniable since no connections would exist between the University
and the Agency.

(d) Excellent professional cover would be provided for up to three

bio-chemical employees of the Chemical Division of TSS. This would allow
open attendance of scientific meetings, the advancement of personal standing in
the scientific world. and as such, would constitute a major efficiency and



morale booster.

(e) Human patients and volunteers for experiment use will be available under
excellent clinical conditions with the full supervision of [one line deleted]

(f) There would be available the equivalent of a hospital safehouse.

(g) It is expected that the output of useful results of the Chemical Division in
the bio-chemical field will be greatly improved through the more efficient use of
technical personnel who would be able to spend more of their time on actual
laboratory work.

(h) [one and a half lines deleted]

(i) Excellent facilities would be provided for recruiting new scientific

personnel since members of the Chemical Division working under this cover
will be in daily contact with members of the Graduate School of the University.

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
(j) The regular TORTURE
University CASE,
library andPublished by The Advanced
reprint service Media Group
will be available as Copyright
a 2017
source of technical information.

VIII. Funding.

It is proposed that $125,000 be granted to [deletion]. If approval is granted, TSS

will arrange for payment to be made under the procedures and controls of
MKULTRA. These funds would come out of the presently approved TSS
Research and Development budget for FY 1955 and no new funds are involved.
The funds would be transferred as a grant to [deletion] In turn [deletion] will
match these funds with an equal amount and donate a total of $250,000 to the
University as outlined in paragraph V. The sum of $125,000 would be entirely
in the nature of a grant and would in due



course be merged with the entire $3,000,000 raised for the construction of the
wing. The Agency would retain no residual interest in the building or title to any
equipment or facilities purchased with this money.

This single grant will constitute the Agency's entire participation in the new
hospital wing, and there will be no recurring obligations in the form of annual
support of the hospital or additional grants. Transmission of Agency funds to
[deletion] will be made through previously established cover channels set up by
the [deletion] for similar transmittals in the past. The donation on [deletion]s
books will be shown as having been received from [deletion].

In the future when TSS sponsors sensitive research projects which are to be
carried out in [deletion] each project will be individually financed through
[deletion] as it has been in the past in accordance with previously established
procedures and controls using allotted portions of the annual Research and
Development budget. The University will be totally unwitting of Agency
sponsorship, and the projects to every outward appearance will be sponsored by

In the event of [deletion] death, [deletion] will continue in being and any
activities under this project will be continued through [deletion] and will be
unaffected by his death.

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
IX. Memorandum of Agreement.

A memorandum of agreement will be signed with [deletion] outlining to the

greater extent possible the arrangements under which the hospital space under
his control will be made available to Chemical Division personnel and the
manner in which cover will be provided and other benefits obtained. No contract
will be signed since [deletion] would be unable to reflect any of the Agency's
contractual terms in his arrangements with the University when [deletion] makes
the donation in question. The memorandum of agreement will be retained in

X. Security.

All security matters and details are being co-ordinated with the TSS/Liaison and
Security Office.




XI. Resultant Financial Saving.

The $125,000 to be contributed by CIA plus the $125,000 in matching funds

provided under P. L. 221 to the Building Fund will be more than offset in a few
years by the savings which will result from use of this non-profit fund. If a
research project at [deletion] or other educational non-profit institution is
sponsored by the U.S. Government, it is customary for the Government to pay
for salaries, equipment, supplies, etc. and for overhead as well. In the case of
[deletion] the overhead amounts to 80% of salaries. However, if a non-profit
foundation such as [deletion] sponsors research at a non-profit institution, the
funds granted for the work are customarily used to pay for salaries, equipment
and supplies but not for overhead. The Government dollar thus buys
considerably more research through [deletion] than would be the case if no
cut-out were used.

XII. Legal Matters.

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
This matter has been discussed with [deletion] of the Office of General Counsel,
and he is fully aware of all details surrounding this grant.


[document ends]


[document begins]

9 April 1958


SUBJECT: Trip Report, Visit to [deletion]

7 April 1958

1. The purpose of this trip was to make arrangements for closing out the
[deletion] project. [deletion] had been given ample previous notice that such was
likely to be the intent of the visit, and he prepared himself accordingly.

2. It was explained to [deletion] that it would not be possible to carry over

funds beyond the end of the current fiscal year. Therefore all work would have
to be completed and all payments made prior to 30 June. This deadline approved
acceptable to him, and it was agreed that I would make my final visit there to
receive reports and attend to final details on 16 June. [deletion] did not have a
current financial report, but he estimated that funds currently on hand would be
about sufficient for remaining expenditures. He agreed to send the Society
within the next 10 days a more exact statement of current balance and estimated
remaining expenditures. I tried to impress on him strongly that transfer of
additional funds and/or return of unexpended funds must be completed well
before the end of the fiscal year.

3. Of the 30 cases called for in the original design 18 have been completed
(but only 4 have been transcribed from the tapes). In addition there are 8 cases in
progress (of which two are already in interview and 6 are worked up to the point

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
of having the LANDMARK TORTURE
of questions CASE, Published
prepared). by The Advanced
It was agreed Mediathe
that to meet Group Copyright 2017
we would have to limit the design to these 26 cases.

4. It is apparent that [deletion] is so involved in the administrative problems

of the project that he is not paying any attention to the results. Since to date only
4 cases have been transcribed there is no way of telling what is coming out of it.
I assume there were no dramatic reactions, because the interviewers would have
let him know about them had they emerged. It is possible, however, that our
own analysis of the data may dredge up something of value, although I am
dubious on this point.

5. [deletion] gave me his usual long involved talk on the difficulties he had
encountered which account for the delays. He also talked at some


length about his "experiments" with hypnosis, some aspects of which are mildly
hair-raising. Finally he made quite a pitch for continuing some such project as
this next year, "with realistic, specific deadlines." I told him we would discuss
possibilities after the present project was completed and we had a chance to
closely examine the take.


1 [deletion]

[document ends]


[document begins]


July 18, 1958

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

Dear Mr. [deletion]

The experiment designed to test the effectiveness of certain medication in

causing individuals to release guarded information has been completed in
accordance with the original experimental design, with the exception that 25
instead of 30 cases were used. This matter was discussed in more detail in my
letter of July 15. Abstracts on all 25 cases, transcriptions of the interviews,
Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Tests given at the hospital and previously given
at this clinic, post-experimental rankings and evaluation sheets, and a schedule
covering the drug administration have all been submitted to you under separate

Enclosed is a financial statement which represents the final accounting of the

funds allocated by you for use in this project. If, for your purpose, you require a
more detailed summary of what specific professional services were performed or
more detail with reference to travel expenses or any other item, kindly let me

You will note, in this connection, that Dr. [deletion] was compensated in an
amount exceeding that paid to Dr. [deletion] This was occasioned by the fact
that Dr. [deletion] spent much time checking the files and records at the
[deletion] and [deletion] Prison selecting cases that might be suitable for our
purpose. It was from the cases selected by him that the subjects used in the
experiment were finally chosen.

I have been instructed to write a check to the Society for the balance in the
account as of today. I would like to


Mr. [deletion] Page Two July 18, 1958

delay this matter for a few days. Several checks have been written during recent
days, and I would like to be sure they cleared the bank in [deletion] before
closing out the account. You will receive a check in the amount of $1356.26
early next week.

If there is any additional information required, I will be happy to cooperate.

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[signature deleted]
Executive Director


[document ends]


[document begins]



The research Project will be carried out at the [deletion] located at [deletion]
which is located [deletion]. The hospital has one thousand, one hundred and
thirty-five (1,135) beds. At the present time there are one hundred forty-two
(142) non-psychotics classified as criminal-sexual psychopaths. There are four
full-time psychiatrists and varying numbers of medical interns; two
psychologists; four social workers; nurses and attendants. The superintendent of
the Hospital is [deletion], a witting member of the research team. The institution
comes under the direction of the Executive Secretary of the State Department of
Mental Health and any research project is normally approved by the
Co-ordinator of Research of the State Department of Mental Health. [deletion]
will secure this approval. [deletion] will make space available and it is possible
for the research team to sleep at the Hospital while carrying out their


The subjects will be selected from the one hundred and forty-two (142)
criminal-sexual psychopaths on whom there is an adequate previous
investigation including police reports, physical, psychiatric and psychologic

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
organizations TORTURE CASE,
and social histories. Published
The age range by
of The
the Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017


subjects varies from twenty to seventy years and there is a wide variation of
intelligence levels and social backgrounds.


The following men are suggested for the research team:

[one line deleted], a psychologist who has had extensive experience in

examining criminals; has written extensively on psychopathic sexual deviations;
is an authority on polygraph and interrogation methods.

[one line deleted] for some thirty years, a psychiatrist who has spent his life in
the treatment of the criminal insane and rethinking the only institution [deletion]
for the care and treatment for the criminal-sexual psychopath.

[deletion] a psychiatrist who has a large private practice. At the present time he
is exclusively devoting his time to psychoanalysis. He has had extensive
experience examining criminals. As a Navy psychiatrist he has had extensive
experience in [one line deleted] in the field of eastern cultures, Oriental
psychiatry, brainwashing, etc. He has also done drug interrogation with
criminals and has engaged in narcoanalysis and hypnoanalysis.



[deletion] a psychiatrist who is on the staff of [one line deleted] and maintains a
private practice in the field of psychiatry. [deletion] has had wide experience in
dealing with criminals going back some twenty-five years, including drug

[deletion] a physician for the past twenty-five years, has been [one line deleted]
has had extensive experience dealing with all sorts of criminals and has engaged
in drug interrogation. Besides his city position, he also maintains a private
practice in the field of general medicine.
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
[deletion] has suggested one of the psychiatrists from his staff who is interested
and has used drugs in the treatment of patients and has also used hypnosis with
mental patients. The research assistants have not been selected as yet but might
well include psychologists or medics now attached to [deletion]. The secretary
will be [deletion] present secretary who will do all the necessary stenographic
work in addition to her present duties.


Three teams of two senior professional men each will be selected. One team
working with the selected group of patients will use straight interrogation,
hypnosis and hypnosis and LSD and hypnosis and a



tetrahydrocannabinol acetate derivative. Another team working on another

group of subjects will use straight interrogation, LSD with interrogation and a
tetrahydrocannabinol acetate derivative and interrogation. Later the third team
with another group of subjects will use straight interrogation and a combination
of LSD and a tetrahydrocannabinol acetate derivative.

A meeting of all the members of the research project will be briefed on the
drugs to be used and all of the pharmacological and medical knowledge gained
so far in the use of these drugs.

In selecting groups of subjects for experimentation, the following objectives

will be sought:

1) Subjects will be selected who have denied allegations of various kinds that
can be chocked or strongly assumed on the basis of previously established

2) As far as possible, the actual research man administering drugs will note
aware of the drug he is administering and placebos will be interspersed with
drug administration.

3) Precautions will be taken to neutralize age, intelligence, physical

condition, social background and any other controllable factor in selecting

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
groups. Administration TORTURE CASE,
drugs will be Published
done bothbyopenly
The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
and surreptitiously.

4) Sound recordings will be made of the interrogation and written reports will
be obtained in other cases.



5) Due care will be exercised in equating methods of interrogation as far as

this can be done. The results of interrogation with drugs and other techniques
will be checked against existing records and qualitative and quantitative reports
will be kept and reports will be submitted on the basis of interim progress and
complete projects.


[document ends]


[document begins]


30 January 1961


SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 42

1. Subproject 42 is to be continued for the same purpose as when originally

established: to support [deletion] covert and realistic field trials of certain
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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
STAN J. CATERBONE - Adevelopment
items ofCASE, Published
interest by The
to TSD, andAdvanced Media
to maintain Group
the Copyright 2017
facilities required for these trials.

2. In the past year a number of covert and realistic field trials have been
successfully carried out. The results of these experiments have provided factual
data essential to establishing protocols for a number of contemplated operations.
A continuation of covert and realistic field trials are necessitated by the
production of new materials in TSD programs, particularly in areas requiring
detailed knowledge of the effectiveness and efficiency of delivery systems.
Additional trials are also necessitated by the need for better controlled
"field-type" experiments.

3. The estimated cost of the project is $5,000,000 for a period of six months.
Charges should be made against Allotment 1125-1390-3902.

4. Accounting for funds and equipment under this subproject has been
established on a detailed basis with the auditor and will continue as in the past.


5. [deletion] is approved for TOP SECRET by the Agency and operates

under cover for purposes of this subproject.

[signature deleted]
TSD/Research Branch


[signature deleted]


Original only.

[document ends]

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

[document begins]

24 January 1955


SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 42

Subproject 42 is being established to provide for the continued support of the

[deletion] facilities, and as such, is a continuation of Subproject 16. Under
Subproject 42, it is intended that the [deletion] facilities be moved from
[deletion] to [deletion] These facilities, in the new location, will continue to
provide a means for the realistic testing of certain R and D items of interest to

2. Subproject 42 will be conducted by Mr. [deletion] a seaman. Certain

support activation will be provided by CD/TSS and AFD/TSS.

3. The estimated cost for a period of one year is $8,300.00, starting 1 March

[signature: Robert Lashbrook for]

TSS/Chemical Division


[signature deleted]
Research Director
Date: 27 Jan 1955


[signature deleted]
[deletion] Research Director
Date: June 27 1956
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

Original Only.

[document ends]


[document begins]

21 March 1955



SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 45

1. The scope of this project is intended to encompass all those activities now
engaged in by the [deletion], in its own facilities under the direction of TSS,
Chemical Division. These activities will take the form of three lines of
biochemical investigation; namely, the curare-like effect of certain thiols, the
preparation of hydrogenated quinolines and indole alkaloids, and the continued
study of diphenolic compounds. In addition to the above investigations, the
present biological testing and assaying techniques will be elaborated and
broadened to include cardiovascular and anticarcinogenic effects of compounds
resulting from the above programs.

2. The attached proposal from [deletion] indicates the extent of the

investigations that his facilities will allow him to carry out on the materials
developed in the three lines of research referred to in paragraph 1, as well as
certain other materials of interest to TSS/CD. [deletion] also serves as a general
consultant to this Division and provides cover and cut-out facilities to the

3. The total cost of this project for a period of one year will not exceed
$100,000.00 At the present time, the sum of $40,000.00 is being committed, the
balance of the total to be committed at a later date.

4. [deletion] has been granted a TOP SECRET clearance by the Agency, and
is fully capable of protecting the security of the Government's interest in this

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
matter. - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

[signature deleted]
TSS, Chemical Division


[signature deleted]
Research Director
Date: 24 Mar 55


[signature deleted]
Chief TSS/Chemical Division


[signature deleted]
Research Director
Date: Jun 2 1955


Original Only.

[document ends]


[document begins]

30 January 1956


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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 43

1. The scope of this project is intended to encompass all those activities now
engaged in by the [deletion] under the direction of TSS/CD. These activities
take the form of three lines of biochemical investigation, namely, the
Curare-like effect of certain this, the preparation of hydrogenated quinolines and
indole alkaloids and a program of investigation of toxic cerebral states. This last
investigation will include bio-assay and chemical analysis of various body fluids
of animals in which cerebral toxemias have been produced. It is the aim of this
program to endeavor to understand the mechanism of such states as toxic
delirium, uremic coma, and cerebral toxicity from poisoning. In order to
continue the established "cover" activities of the [deletion] and to make
available a pool of subjects for testing purposes, the [deletion] and [deletion]
effects of compounds resulting from the above program will be evaluated.

2. The attached proposal from [deletion] indicates the extent of the

investigations that his facilities will allow him to carry out on the materials
developed in the three lines of research referred to in paragraph one, as well as
certain other materials of interest to TSS/CD. [deletion] also serves as a general
consultant to this Division and provides cover and cut-out facilities to the

3. The total cost of this project for a period of one year will not exceed
$100,000. Charges should be made against Allotment 6-2502-10-001.

4. [deletion] has been requested to submit a summary accounting or a copy of

the [deletion] annual audit report be made available for the sponsor's inspection.
Also, it has been requested that any unexpended funds shall be returned to the

5. Title to any permanent equipment purchased by funds granted [deletion]

shall be retained by the [deletion] in lieu of higher overhead rates.

* other than its activities as a cut-out


6. It was mutually agreed that documentation and accounting for travel

expenses which are normally reimbursable by the [deletion] shall conform with
the accepted practices of the [deletion]

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
7. [deletion] agreed toTORTURE CASE,the
comply with Published by The Advanced
requirements Media Group Copyright
of the Memorandum of 2017

[signature deleted]
TSS/Chemical Division


[Sidney Gottlieb signature]

Chief, TSS Chemical Division


[signature deleted]
Research Director
Date: 2 Feb 1956


Original Only

[document ends]


[document begins]


The research to be undertaken during the twelve month period for which
financial support is requested will be devoted to the continued analysis of the
neural and endocrine mechanism of stress and the chemical agents that influence
it. The screening procedures are based largely upon a further analysis of phases
of stress and the influences of this physiologic behavior complex upon both
body and skin temperatures as detailed in the accompanying report.

The chemical synthesis of new compounds will be continued at the [deletion]

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
under the supervision TORTURE CASE,
of [deletion] Published
and at by The Advanced
the [deletion] under theMedia Group Copyright
supervision of 2017
[deletion] These chemical agents will be screened for their capacity to provoke
stress or to suppress the stress reaction in its acute or chronic phases. Animal
testing will include pharmacologic screening and proper toxicity studies of these
compounds as heretofore.

Chemical agents that have been found active and within a suitable toxicity
range will be subjected to clinical screening on appropriate patients, the initial
screening being carried out on advanced cancer patients. The amount of money
devoted to chemical synthesis, however, has been further reduced. Chemical
compounds available from biologic sources as well as those synthesized in the
project will be screened, particularly those that are active in either raising or
lowering body temperature.

As heretofore any agents which prove to be of interest [deletion] both on



Page 2

animal tumors and on cancer patients. This cancer phase of the project will be
considered a by-product of the major objective, which will be directed to the
problem of stress.

[document ends]


[document begins]


SUBJECT: Continuation of MKULTRA, Subproject No. 45

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
1. The scope TORTURE CASE,
of this subproject Published
includes by The
all those Advanced
activities Media
now Group Copyright
engaged in 2017
by [deletion], under the direction of TSD/RB with the exception of those cutout
functions specifically mentioned in connection with other MKULTRA
subprojects. In general, the research effort under this subproject will continue
along the lines laid down in previous years. These involve the synthesis and
pharmacological and clinical evaluation of compounds of those chemical
families known to have application in the psychochemical and "K" fields.
During the past year important progress has been made in the area related to
stressor compounds and the relationship of these materials to the physiological
pathways through which both stress and the reaction to it are mediated in human
beings. As indicated in the attached proposal, the work of the past year has
progressed to the point where more definitive experiments on the stress reaction
can be carried out. Primarily this was brought about by the characterization of
several new materials which produce stress reaction in humans and the
application of some new clinical methods of measuring the extent of the
disturbance produced. During the next year proportionally more effort will be
expended on the problem of the development of new


"knock-out" types of agents since progress has been slower than is desirable in
this direction and because a new approach to the problem has been worked out.

2. [deletion] also serves as a general consultant to the Agency, provides

services of a sensitive nature on an ad hoc basis, and serves as a cut-out in
procurement problems.

3. The total cost of this project for a period of one year will not exceed
$71,500.00 [handwritten note above: 40,000.00]. Charges should be made
against Allotment 0525-1009-4902.

4 [deletion] has been requested to submit a summary accounting or a copy of

the Fund's annual audit report for the sponsor's inspection. Also, it has been
requested that any unexpended funds shall be returned to the Agency.

5. Title to any permanent equipment purchased by funds granted [deletion]

shall be retained by [deletion], in lieu of higher overhead rates.

6. It was mutually agreed that documentation and accounting for travel

expenses which are normally reimbursable by [deletion] shall conform with the

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
accepted practices of the TORTURE
Fund. CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

[document ends]


[document begins]


SUBJECT: Continuation of MKULTRA, Subproject No. 45

1. The scope of this subproject includes all those activities now engaged in
by [deletion] under the direction of TSD/RB with the exception of those cutout
functions specifically mentioned in connection with other MKULTRA
subprojects. In general, the research effort under this subproject will continue
along the lines laid down in previous years. These involve the synthesis and
pharmacological and clinical evaluation of compounds of those chemical
families known to have application in the psychochemical and "K" fields.
During the coming year it is planned to concentrate more directly on the more
practical aspects of the "knockout" problem. Enough new potent substances
have become available lately to make such a change in emphasis worthwhile. In
connection with this change it should be noted that certain findings made in
[deletion] project at [deletion] which cannot be further exploited at that facility
will be pursued at [deletion] in the future. For this reason it may be necessary to
supplement the findings of this subproject from time to time during the year due
to increases of scope.

2. [deletion] also serves as a general consultant to the Agency, provides

services of a sensitive nature on an ad hoc basis, and serves as a cutout in
procurement problems.


3. The total cost of this project for a period of one year will not exceed
$40,000. Charges should be made against Allotment 2125-1390-3902.

4. [deletion] has been requested to submit a summary accounting or a copy of

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
the Fund's annual TORTURE
audit report CASE,
for the Published
sponsor's by The Advanced
inspection. Also,Media
it hasGroup
beenCopyright 2017
requested that any unexpended funds shall be returned to the Agency.

5. Title to any permanent equipment purchased by funds granted [deletion]

shall be retained by [deletion] in lieu of higher overhead rates.

6. It was mutually agreed that documentation and accounting for travel

expenses which are normally reimbursable by [deletion] shall conform with the
accepted practices of the Fund.

[signature deleted]
TSD/Research Branch


[signature deleted]
Research Director

Date [illegible]

Attachment: Proposal and Budget

Distribution: Original only

[document ends]


[document begins]


24 January 1964


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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
Subproject 149Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

1. This subproject is being established for the purpose of supporting realistic

tests of certain development items and delivery systems of interest to TSD/BB.

[handwritten note: 31 Jan '64 Testing in stand-down until policy issues

(illegible) at DCI level. OK to (illegible)]

2. During the course of development it is sometimes found that certain very

necessary experiments or tests are not suited to ordinary laboratory facilities. At
the same time, it would be difficult if not impossible to conduct such tests as
operational field tests. This project is designed to provide a capability and
facilities to fill this intermediate requirement.

3. The activities under this subproject will be conducted by Mr. [deletion], an

individual in the import and export business, in [deletion] Mr. [deletion] holds a
TOP SECRET Treasury Department clearance and a SECRET Agency approval.
He is completely witting of the aims and goals of his activities.

4. Mr. [deletion] possesses unique facilities and personal abilities which

makes him invaluable in this kind of testing operation. Mr. [deletion] because of
his peculiar talents and



capabilities as well as his excellent connections with all of the local law
enforcement agencies, will provide a unique and essential capability. Because
Mr. [deletion] is no longer resident of the [deletion] area, it is necessary that a
suitable replacement be provided in order that a capability for continuance of
our activities be maintained.

5. The estimated cost of the project is $10,000.00 for a period of one year.
Charges should be made against Allotment Number 4125-1390-3902.
Reimbursement will be made for services rendered.

6. Accounting for funds advanced and any equipment under this subproject
will be in accordance with accounting procedures established by the [deletion]
[handwritten note: Administration Staff/TSD] [deletion]

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7. A memorandum of TORTURE CASE,
agreement Published
along by The Advanced
lines established Media Group
by previous Copyright 2017
recommendations in like situations will be executed.

[signature deleted]
TSD/Biological Branch

Original only

[document ends]


[document begins]

SUBJECT: Request for Support of Research on the Mechanism of Brain


1. This is a request for financial support for research on the mechanism of brain
concussion for the period 1 Feb 1956 to 1 Feb 1957.

2. The resonance-cavitation theory upon which this research is to be based has

been presented in the proposal submitted to the [deletion] dated 27 March 1954.

3. The program as originally submitted estimated the duration of the program to

be from three to five years requesting a total of $72,109 for the initial year.

4. At the request of the [deletion] a reduced budget was submitted.

5. [deletion], amounting to $24,925, was then awarded to the [deletion] to

support this program from 1 Feb 1955 to 1 Feb 1956.

6. The progress made to date under the above contract can be summarized as


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The following TORTURE
research CASE,have
facilities Published
The Advanced
the Group Copyright 2017
investigation of the very diverse aspects of the problems being studied:
a. [deletion]
A total of 2500 square feet of laboratory and office space equipped
with much of the diversified machinery and apparatus necessary for research in
this field.

b. Blast Range
A blast range has been established at [deletion] located approximately
[deletion] of the main laboratory. This area is owned by the [deletion] and is
closed to the public. Three blast test series have been run to date.

c. [deletion]
Arrangements have been made with the [one line deleted] for use of
their human cadavers. A test area has been assigned for this



Both full-time technical personnel and part-time professional research

personnel have been acquired and indoctrinated relative to their specific


Following is the technical progress made under the current [deletion]


a. Specialized instrumentation and numerous testing techniques have been

developed to obtain the desired dynamic data.

b. Considerable data has now been obtained supporting the

resonance-cavitation theory of brain concussion.

c. Preliminary acceleration threshold data has been obtained for a

fluid-filled glass simulated skull.

d. Data has been obtained on the nature and the magnitude of pressure
fluctuations within a glass simulated skull subject to either impact or sound
waves propagated in air.

e. Initial studies have been made on the simulated glass skull attempting

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
to establish- the
patternsCASE, Published
for various by The
types Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
of impact.

7. The proposed method and program plan remain the same as stated in the
original proposal, except for the temporary deletion of the immersion blast

8. The current level of activity on this project can be indicated by the most
recent billing to the [deletion] for the month of November, which amounted to

9. In the interest of efficiency and economy it is requested that at least this level
of activity be maintained for the coming year.



10.1 Trotter, W. defines brain concussion as: "an essentially transient state due
to head injury which is of instantaneous onset, manifests widespread symptoms
of purely paralytic kind, does not as such comprise any evidence of structural
cerebral injury, and is always followed by amnesia for the actual moment of the

10.2 The implication of the underlined portion of the above statement is that if a
technique were devised to induce brain concussion without giving either
advance warning or causing external physical trauma, the person upon recovery
would be unable to recall what had happened to him. Under these conditions the
same technique of producing the concussion could be re-used many times
without disclosure of its nature.

10.3 First, considering the possibilities of direct impact to the head or body, it
should be possible from the findings of this research program to determine the
a. Optimum design of impacting devices.
b. Optimum points of impact on skull or body.
c. Intensity of the blow for the effect desired.

10.4 In regard to the potential impacting devices, there are certain design
requisites that are apparent at this time:
a. The impact should be delivered without advance warning.
b. The area of impact and force distribution should be such that surface
trauma does not occur.
c. The intensity of the impacting force and its duration should be such as

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to obtain the LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
d. The device should be as small and as silent as possible.

10.5 The specific impacting devices might take the form of any of the following:

a. A pancake type black-jack giving a high peak impact force with a low
unit surface pressure.
b. Concealed or camouflaged spring-loaded impacting devices that trigger
upon contact with the head.

(Original and sole copy :agg)


c. A projectile type impactor such as an air gun using a small shot filled
sack for a projectile.

d. An explosive pad detonated in contact with the head or the body.

10.6 Let us now consider the possibilities of exciting the resonance cavitation
directly without impact. There is considerable evidence that resonance cavitation
can be induced directly in the following ways:

a. A blast wave propogated in air. (Blast Concussion)

b. Physical excitation with a mechanical driver or horn, turned to the

resonant frequency of the head.

10.7 A single blast pressure wave propogated in air must have considerable
intensity in order to produce brain concussion. However, there is considerable
evidence (Carver & Dinsley) that modification of the pressure wave can produce
profound effects.

10.8 Excitation of the resonance cavitation by using a tuned driver at this time
appears to be well within the realm of possibility. The neurotic-like
manifestations normally associated with blast concussion could possibly be
induced by this method. Use of this method, however, would require actual
physical contact with the drivers.

10.9 Excitation of the resonance cavitation by tuned sound waves also appears
to be a reasonable possibility. Concentration of the sound-field at some remote

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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
point could- be
effected with CASE,lenses
acoustical Published
The Advanced
blastGroup Copyright 2017
would be in the order of a tenth of a second. Masking of a noise of this duration
should not be too difficult.

11.0 It would possibly be advantageous to establish the effectiveness of both of

the above methods as a tool in brain-wash therapy. A full knowledge of the
method and the resulting sequela should be of aid to any person forced to submit
to such treatment.

12.0 Possibly the most significant potential aspect of this study would be in the
development of practical means of giving a person immunity, even though
temporary, to brain concussion. One technique that appears to have potentialities
involves the introduction of a small quantity of gas, approximately 1 cc, into the
spinal cord. This gas bubble would then normally migrate to the ventricles
located at the centrum of the brain. The ability of this bubble to expand under
dynamic loading would be most effective in preventing resonance cavitation
from occurring.

(Original and sole copy :agg)

[document ends]


[document begins]



MKSEARCH was the name given to the continuation of the MKULTRA

program. Funding commenced in FY 1966, and ended in FY 1972. Its purpose
was to develop, test, and evaluate capabilities in the covert use of biological,
chemical, and radioactive material systems and techniques for producing
predictable human behavioral and/or physiological changes in support of highly
sensitive operational requirements.


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1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearing: Appendix C--Documents Referring to Subprojects
In 1967 -the
Office of Research Published by The
and Development Advanced
(ORD) and Media Group Copyright 2017
the Edgewood
Arsenal Research Laboratories undertook a program for doing research on the
identification and characterization of drugs that could influence human behavior.
Edgewood had the facilities for the full range of laboratory and clinical testing.
A phased program was envisioned that would consist of acquisition of drugs and
chemical compounds believed to have effects on the behavior of humans, and
testing and evaluation these materials through laboratory procedures and
toxicological studies. Compounds believed promising as a result of tests on
animals were then to be evaluated clinically with human subjects at Edgewood.
Substances of potential use would then be analyzed structurally as a basis for
identifying and synthesizing possible new derivatives of greater utility.

The program was divided into two projects. Project OFTEN was to deal with
testing and toxicological, transmissivity and behavioral effects of drugs in
animals and, ultimately, humans. Project CHICKWIT was concerned with
acquiring information on new drug developments in Europe and the Orient, and
with acquiring samples.

There is a discrepancy between the testimony of DOD and CIA regarding the
testing at Edgewood Arsenal in June 1973. While there is agreement that human
testing occurred at that place and time, there is disagreement as to who was
responsible for financing and sponsorship. (See hearings before the
Subcommittee, September 21, 1977.)

[document ends]


[document begins]



Office of Legislative
Counsel 23 December 1977

Honorable Daniel K. Inouye, Chairman

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Select Committee TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
on Intelligence
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Mr. Chairman:

During Admiral Turner's 3 August 1977 testimony before your Committee

and the Senate Human Resources Subcommittee on Health and Scientific
Research, you asked whether any Agency employees had been terminated
because of their participation in MKULTRA Subproject 3. Admiral Turner
indicated he did not believe any employee had been terminated, but would have
Agency records searched on this question. Our records have been searched and
the results confirm the Director's testimony that no such actions were taken.


[George L. Cary signature]

George L. Cary
Legislative Counsel

[document ends]


[document begins]


QKHILLTOP was a cryptonym assigned in 1954 to a project to study Chines

Communist brainwashing techniques and to develop interrogation techniques.
Most of the early studies are believed to have been conducted by the Cornell
University Medical School Human Ecology Study Programs. The effort was
absorbed into the MKULTRA program and the QKHILLTOP cryptonym
became obsolete. The Society for the investigation of Human Ecology, later the
Human Ecology Fund, was an outgrowth of the QKHILLTOP.

[document ends]

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017


The search for effective aids to interrogation is probably as old as man's

need to obtain information from an uncooperative source and as persistent
as his impatience to shortcut any tortuous path. In the annals of police
investigation, physical coercion has at times been substituted for
painstaking and time-consuming inquiry in the belief that direct methods
produce quick results. Sir James Stephens, writing in 1883, rationalizes a
grisly example of "third degree" practices by the police of India: "It is far
pleasanter to sit comfortably in the shade rubbing red pepper in a poor
devil's eyes than to go about in the sun hunting up evidence."

More recently, police officials in some countries have turned to drugs for
assistance in extracting confessions from accused persons, drugs which are


to relax the individual's defenses to the point that he unknowingly reveals

truths he has been trying to conceal. This investigative technique, however
humanitarian as an alternative to physical torture, still raises serious
questions of individual rights and liberties. In this country, where drugs
have gained only marginal acceptance in police work, their use has
provoked cries of "psychological third degree" and has precipitated
medico-legal controversies that after a quarter of a century still
occasionally flare into the open.

The use of so-called "truth" drugs in police work is similar to the accepted
psychiatric practice of narco-analysis; the difference in the two procedures
lies in their different objectives. The police investigator is concerned with
empirical truth that may be used against the suspect, and therefore almost
solely with probative truth: the usefulness of the suspect's revelations
depends ultimately on their acceptance in evidence by a court of law. The
psychiatrist, on the other hand, using the same "truth" drugs in diagnosis
and treatment of the mentally ill, is primarily concerned with
psychological truth or psychological reality rather than empirical fact. A
patient's aberrations are reality for him at the time they occur, and an
accurate account of these fantasies and delusions, rather than reliable
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
recollection- AofLANDMARK TORTURE
past events, can be CASE, Published
the key by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
to recovery.

The notion of drugs capable of illuminating hidden recesses of the mind,

helping to heal the mentally ill and preventing or reversing the miscarriage
of justice, has provided an exceedingly durable theme for the press and
popular literature. While acknowledging that "truth serum" is a misnomer
twice over -- the drugs are not sera and they do not necessarily bring forth
probative truth -- journalistic accounts continue to exploit the appeal of the
term. The formula is to play up a few spectacular "truth" drug successes
and to imply that the drugs are more maligned than need be and more
widely employed in criminal investigation than can officially be admitted.

Any technique that promises an increment of success in extracting

information from an uncompliant source is ipso facto of interest in
intelligence operations. If the ethical considerations which in Western
countries inhibit the use of narco-interrogation in police work are felt also
in intelligence, the Western services must at least be prepared against its
possible employment by the adversary. An understanding of "truth" drugs,
their characteristic actions, and their potentialities, positive and negative,
for eliciting useful information is fundamental to an adequate defense
against them.

This discussion, meant to help toward such an understanding, draws

primarily upon openly published materials. It has the limitations of
projecting from criminal investigative practices and from the permissive
atmosphere of drug psychotherapy.


Early in this century physicians began to employ scopolamine, along with

morphine and chloroform, to induce a state of "twilight sleep" during
childbirth. A constituent of henbane, scopolamine was known to produce
sedation and drowsiness, confusion and disorientation, incoordination, and
amnesia for events experienced during intoxication. Yet physicians noted
that women in twilight sleep answered questions accurately and often
volunteered exceedingly candid remarks.

In 1922 it occurred to Robert House, a Dallas, Texas obstetrician, that a

similar technique might be employed in the interrogation of suspected
criminals, and he arranged to interview under scopolamine two prisoners
in the Dallas county jail whose guilt seemed clearly confirmed. Under the
drug, both men denied the charges on which they were held; and both,
upon trial, were found not guilty. Enthusiastic at this success, House
concluded that a patient under the influence of scopolamine "cannot create
a lie... and there is no power to think or reason." [14] His experiment and
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
this conclusion attracted TORTURE CASE, Published
wide attention, by The
and the idea ofAdvanced
a "truth"Media
drug Group
was Copyright 2017
thus launched upon the public consciousness.

The phrase "truth serum" is believed to have appeared first in a news

report of House's experiment in the Los Angeles Record, sometime in
1922. House resisted the term for a while but eventually came to employ it
regularly himself. He published some eleven articles on scopolamine in
the years 1921-1929, with a noticeable increase in polemical zeal as time
when on. What had begun as something of a scientific statement turned
finally into a dedicated crusade by the "father of truth serum" on behalf of
his offspring, wherein he was "grossly indulgent of its wayward behavior
and stubbornly proud of its minor achievements." [11]


Only a handful of cases in which scopolamine was used for police

interrogation came to public notice, though there is evidence suggesting
that some police forces may have used it extensively. [2,16] One police
writer claims that the threat of scopolamine interrogation has been
effective in extracting confessions from criminal suspects, who are told
they will first be rendered unconscious by chloral hydrate placed covertly
in their coffee or drinking water. [16]

Because of a number of undesirable side effects, scopolamine was shortly

disqualified as a "truth" drug. Among the most disabling of the side effects
are hallucinations, disturbed perception, somnolence, and physiological
phenomena such as headache, rapid heart, and blurred vision, which
distract the subject from the central purpose of the interview. Furthermore,
the physical action is long, far outlasting the psychological effects.
Scopolamine continues, in some cases, to make anesthesia and surgery
safer by drying the mouth and throat and reducing secretions that might
obstruct the air passages. But the fantastically, almost painfully, dry
"desert" mouth brought on by the drug is hardly conducive to free talking,
even in a tractable subject.


The first suggestion that drugs might facilitate communication with

emotionally disturbed patients came quite by accident in 1916. Arthur S.
Lovenhart and his associates at the University of Wisconsin,
experimenting with respiratory stimulants, were surprised when, after an
injection of sodium cyanide, a catatonic patient who had long been mute

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
and rigid suddenly TORTURE
relaxed, openedCASE, Published
his eyes, and by Theanswered
even Advanced Media
a fewGroup Copyright 2017
questions. By the early 1930's a number of psychiatrists were
experimenting with drugs as an adjunct to established methods of therapy.

At about this time police officials, still attracted by the possibility that
drugs might help in the interrogation of suspects and witnesses, turned to a
class of depressant drugs known as the barbiturates. By 1935 Clarence W.
Muehlberger, head of the Michigan Crime Detection Laboratory at East
Lansing, was using barbiturates on reluctant suspects, though police work
continued to be hampered by the courts' rejection of drug-induced
confessions except in a few carefully circumscribed instances.

The barbiturates, first synthesized in 1903, are among the oldest of

modern drugs and the most versatile of all depressants. In this half-century
some 2,500 have been prepared, and about two dozen of these have won
an important place in medicine. An estimated three to four billion doses of
barbiturates are prescribed by physicians in the United States each year,
and they have come to be known by a variety of commercial names and
colorful slang expressions: "goofballs," Luminal, Nembutal, "red devils,"
"yellow jackets," "pink ladies," etc. Three of them which are used in
narcoanalysis and have seen service as "truth" drugs are sodium amytal
(anobarbital), pentothal sodium (thiopental), and to a lesser extent seconal

As one pharmacologist explains it, a subject coming under the influence of

a barbiturate injected intravenously goes through all the stages of
progressive drunkenness, but the time scale is on the order of minutes
instead of hours. Outwardly the sedation effect is dramatic, especially if
the subject is a psychiatric patient in tension. His features slacken, his
body relaxes. Some people are momentarily excited; a few become silly
and giggly. This usually passes, and most subjects fall asleep, emerging
later in disoriented semi-wakefulness.

The descent into narcosis and beyond with progressively larger doses can
be divided as follows:

I. Sedative stage.

II. Unconsciousness, with exaggerated reflexes (hyperactive stage).

III. Unconsciousness, without reflex even to painful stimuli.

IV. Death.

Whether all these stages can be distinguished in any given subject depends
largely on the dose and the rapidity with which the drug is induced. In
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
anesthesia, -stages
may lastCASE,
only Published by The
two or three Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

The first or sedative stage can be further divided:

Plane 1. No evident effect, or slightly sedative effect.

Plane 2. Cloudiness, calmness, amnesia. (Upon recovery, the subject

will not remember what happened at this or "lower" planes or stages.)

Plane 3. Slurred speech, old thought patterns disrupted, inability to

integrate or learn new patterns. Poor coordination. Subject becomes
unaware of painful stimuli.


Plane 3 is the psychiatric "work" stage. It may last only a few minutes, but
it can be extended by further slow injection of drug. The usual practice is
to back into the sedative stage on the way to full consciousness.


The general abhorrence in Western countries for the use of chemical

agents "to make people do things against their will" has precluded serious
systematic study (at least as published openly) of the potentialities of
drugs for interrogation. Louis A. Gottschalk, surveying their use in
information-seeking interviews, [13] cites 136 references; but only two
touch upon the extraction of intelligence information, and one of these
concludes merely that Russian techniques in interrogation and
indoctrination are derived from age-old police methods and do not depend
on the use of drugs. On the validity of confessions obtained with drugs,
Gottschalk found only three published experimental studies that he
deemed worth reporting.

One of these reported experiments by D.P. Morris in which intravenous

sodium amytal was helpful in detecting malingerers. [12] The subjects,
soldiers, were at first sullen, negativistic, and non-productive under
amytal, but as the interview proceeded they revealed the fact of and causes
for their malingering. Usually the interviews turned up a neurotic or
psychotic basis for the deception.

The other two confession studies, being more relevant to the highly
specialized, untouched area of drugs in intelligence interrogation, deserve

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
more detailed review. TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

Gerson and Victoroff [12] conducted amytal interviews with 17

neuropsychiatric patients, soldiers who had charges against them, at Tilton
General Hospital, Fort Dix. First they were interviewed without amytal by
a psychiatrist, who, neither ignoring nor stressing their situation as
prisoners or suspects under scrutiny, urged each of them to discuss his
social and family background, his army career, and his version of the
charges pending against him.

The patients were told only a few minutes in advance that narcoanalysis
would be performed. The doctor was considerate, but positive and
forthright. He indicated that they had no choice but to submit to the
procedure. Their attitudes varied from unquestioning to downright refusal.

Each patient was brought to complete narcosis and permitted to sleep. As

he became semiconscious and could be stimulated to speak, he was held in
this stage with additional amytal while the questioning proceeded. He was
questioned first about innocuous matters from his background that he had
discussed before receiving the drug. Whenever possible, he was
manipulated into bringing up himself the charges pending against him
before being questioned about them. If he did this in a too fully conscious
state, it proved more effective to ask him to "talk about that later" and to
interpose a topic that would diminish suspicion, delaying the interrogation
on his criminal activity until he was back in the proper stage of narcosis.

The procedure differed from therapeutic narcoanalysis in several ways: the

setting, the type of patients, and the kind of "truth" sought. Also, the
subjects were kept in twilight consciousness longer than usual. This state
proved richest in yield of admissions prejudicial to the subject. In it his
speech was thick, mumbling, and disconnected, but his discretion was
markedly reduced. This valuable interrogation period, lasting only five to
ten minutes at a time, could be reinduced by injecting more amytal and
putting the patient back to sleep.

The interrogation technique varied from case to case according to the

background information about the patient, the seriousness of the charges,
the patient's attitude under narcosis, and his rapport with the doctor.
Sometimes it was useful to pretend, as the patient grew more fully
conscious, that he had already confessed during the amnestic period of the
interrogation, and to urge him, while his memory and sense of
self-protection were still limited, to continue to elaborate the details of
what he had "already described." When it was obvious that a subject was
withholding the truth, his denials were quickly passed over and ignored,
and the key questions would be rewarded in a new approach.

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
Several patients revealedTORTURE
fears,Published by The Advanced
and delusions Media Group Copyright 2017
delirium, much of which could readily be distinguished from reality. But
sometimes there was no way for the examiner to distinguish truth from
fantasy except by reference to other sources. One subject claimed to have
a child that did not exist,


another threatened to kill on sight a stepfather who had been dead a year,
and yet another confessed to participating in a robbery when in fact he had
only purchased goods from the participants. Testimony concerning dates
and specific places was untrustworthy and often contradictory because of
the patient's loss of time-sense. His veracity in citing names and events
proved questionable. Because of his confusion about actual events and
what he thought or feared had happened, the patient at times managed to
conceal the truth unintentionally.

As the subject revived, he would become aware that he was being

questioned about his secrets and, depending upon his personality, his fear
of discovery, or the degree of his disillusionment with the doctor, grow
negativistic, hostile, or physically aggressive. Occasionally patients had to
be forcibly restrained during this period to prevent injury to themselves or
others as the doctor continued to interrogate. Some patients, moved by
fierce and diffuse anger, the assumption that they had already been tricked
into confessing, and a still limited sense of discretion, defiantly
acknowledged their guilt and challenged the observer to "do something
about it." As the excitement passed, some fell back on their original stories
and others verified the confessed material. During the follow-up interview
nine of the 17 admitted the validity of their confessions; eight repudiated
their confessions and reaffirmed their earlier accounts.

With respect to the reliability of the results of such interrogation, Gerson

and Victoroff conclude that persistent, careful questioning can reduce
ambiguities in drug interrogation, but cannot eliminate them altogether.

At least one experiment has shown that subjects are capable of

maintaining a lie while under the influence of a barbiturate. Redlich and
his associates at Yale [25] administered sodium amytal to nine volunteers,
students and professionals, who had previously, for purposes of the
experiment, revealed shameful and guilt-producing episodes of their past
and then invented false self-protective stories to cover them. In nearly
every case the cover story retained some elements of the guilt inherent in
the true story.

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Under the influence of the drug, the subjects were crossexamined on their
cover stories by a second investigator. The results, though not definitive,
showed that normal individuals who had good defenses and no overt
pathological traits could stick to their invented stories and refuse
confession. Neurotic individuals with strong unconscious self-punitive
tendencies, on the other hand, both confessed more easily and were
inclined to substitute fantasy for the truth, confessing to offenses never
actually committed.

In recent years drug therapy has made some use of stimulants, most
notably amphetamine (Benzedrine) and its relative methamphetamine
(Methadrine). These drugs, used either alone or following intravenous
barbiturates, produce an outpouring of ideas, emotions, and memories
which has been of help in diagnosing mental disorders. The potential of
stimulants in interrogation has received little attention, unless in
unpublished work. In one study of their psychiatric use Brussel et al. [7]
maintain that methedrine gives the liar no time to think or to organize his
deceptions. Once the drug takes hold, they say, an insurmountable urge to
pour out speech traps the malingerer. Gottschalk, on the other hand, says
that this claim is extravagant, asserting without elaboration that the study
lacked proper controls. [13] It is evident that the combined use of
barbiturates and stimulants, perhaps along with ataraxics (tranquilizers),
should be further explored.


J.M. MacDonald, who as a psychiatrist for the District Courts of Denver

has had extensive experience with narcoanalysis, says that drug
interrogation is of doubtful value in obtaining confessions to crimes.
Criminal suspects under the influence of barbiturates may deliberately
withhold information, persist in giving untruthful answers, or falsely
confess to crimes they did not commit. The psychopathic personality, in
particular, appears to resist successfully the influence of drugs.

MacDonald tells of a criminal psychopath who, having agreed to

narco-interrogation, received 1.5 grams of sodium amytal over a period of
five hours. This man feigned amnesia and gave a false account of a
murder. "He displayed little or no remorse as he (falsely) described the
crime, including burial of the body. Indeed he was very self-possessed and
he appeared almost to enjoy the examination. From time to time he would
request that more amytal be injected." [21]

MacDonald concludes that a person who gives false information prior to

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ceiving drugs is likely to give false information also under narcosis, that
the drugs are of little value for revealing deceptions, and that they are
more effective in releasing unconsciously repressed material than in
evoking consciously suppressed information.

Another psychiatrist known for his work with criminals, L.Z. Freedman,
gave sodium amytal to men accused of various civil and military antisocial
acts. The subjects were mentally unstable, their conditions ranging from
character disorders to neuroses and psychoses. The drug interviews proved
psychiatrically beneficial to the patients, but Freedman found that his view
of objective reality was seldom improved by their revelations. He was
unable to say on the basis of the narco-interrogation whether a given act
had or had not occurred. Like MacDonald, he found that psychopathic
individuals can deny to the point of unconsciousness crimes that every
objective sign indicates they have committed. [10]

F.G. Inbau, Professor of Law at Northwestern University, who has had

considerable experience observing and participating in "truth" drug tests,
claims that they are occasionally effective on persons who would have
disclosed the truth anyway had they been properly interrogated, but that a
person determined to lie will usually be able to continue the deception
under drugs.

The two military psychiatrists who made the most extensive use of
narcoanalysis during the war years. Roy R. Grinker and John C. Spiegel,
concluded that in almost all cases they could obtain from their patients
essentially the same material and give them the same emotional release by
therapy without the use of drugs, provided they had sufficient time.

The essence of these comments from professionals of long experience is

that drugs provide rapid access to information that is psychiatrically useful
but of doubtful validity as empirical truth. The same psychological
information and a less adulterated empirical truth can be obtained from
fully conscious subjects through non-drug psychotherapy and skillful
police interrogation.


The almost total absence of controlled experimental studies of "truth"

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
drugs and the spotty and TORTURE
anecdotalCASE, Published
nature by The Advanced
of psychiatric Media Group Copyright 2017
and police
evidence require that extrapolations to intelligence operations be made
with care. Still, enough is known about the drugs' actions to suggest
certain considerations affecting the possibilities for their use in

It should be clear from the foregoing that at best a drug can only serve as
an aid to an interrogator who has a sure understanding of the psychology
and techniques of normal interrogation. In some respects, indeed, the
demands on his skill will be increased by the baffling mixture of truth and
fantasy in drug-induced output. And the tendency against which he must
guard in the interrogate to give the responses that seem to be wanted
without regard for facts will be heightened by drugs: the literature abounds
with warnings that a subject in narcosis is extremely suggestible.

It seems possible that this suggestibility and the lowered guard of the
narcotic state might be put to advantage in the case of a subject feigning
ignorance of a language or some other skill that had become automatic
with him. Lipton [20] found sodium amytal helpful in determining
whether a foreign subject was merely pretending not to understand
English. By extension, one can guess that a drugged interrogatee might
have difficulty maintaining the pretense that he did not comprehend the
idiom of a profession he was trying to hide.

There is the further problem of hostility in the interrogator's relationship to

a resistance source. The accumulated knowledge about "truth" drug
reaction has come largely from patient-physician relationships of trust and
confidence. The subject in narcoanalysis is usually motivated a priori to
cooperate with the psychiatrist, either to obtain relief from mental
suffering or to contribute to a scientific study. Even in police work, where
an atmosphere of anxiety and threat may be dominant, a relationship of
trust frequently asserts itself: the drug is administered by a medical man
bound by a strict code of ethics; the suspect agreeing to undergo
narcoanalysis in a desperate bid for corroboration of his testimony trusts
both drug and psychiatrist, however apprehensively; and finally, as
Freedman and MacDonald have indicated, the police psychiatrist
frequently deals with a "sick" criminal, and some order of
patient-physician relationship necessarily evolves.


Rarely has a drug interrogation involved "normal" individuals in a hostile

or genuinely threatening milieu. It was from a non-threatening

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
experimental LANDMARKthat TORTURE CASE, Published
Eric Lindemann by The
could say thatAdvanced Media Group Copyright 2017
his "normal"
subjects "reported a general sense of euphoria, ease and confidence, and
they exhibited a marked increase in talkativeness and communicability."
[18] Gerson and Victoroff list poor doctor-patient rapport as one factor
interfering with the completeness and authenticity of confessions by the
Fort Dix soldiers, caught as they were in a command performance and told
they had no choice but to submit to narco-interrogation.

From all indications, subject-interrogation rapport is usually crucial to

obtaining the psychological release which may lead to unguarded
disclosures. Role-playing on the part of the interrogator might be a
possible solution to the problem of establishing rapport with a drugged
subject. In therapy, the British narco-analyst William Sargent recommends
that the therapist deliberately distort the facts of the patient's
life-experience to achieve heightened emotional response and abreaction.
[27] In the drunken state of narcoanalysis patients are prone to accept the
therapist's false constructions. There is reason to expect that a drugged
subject would communicate freely with an interrogator playing the role of
relative, colleague, physician, immediate superior, or any other person to
whom his background indicated he would be responsive.

Even when rapport is poor, however, there remains one facet of drug
action eminently exploitable in interrogation -- the fact that subjects
emerge from narcosis feeling they have revealed a great deal, even when
they have not. As Gerson and Victoroff demonstrated at Fort Dix, this
psychological set provides a major opening for obtaining genuine


In studies by Beecher and his associates, [3-6] one-third to one-half the

individuals tested proved to be placebo reactors, subjects who respond
with symptomatic relief to the administration of any syringe, pill, or
capsule, regardless of what it contains. Although no studies are known to
have been made of the placebo phenomenon as applied to
narco-interrogation, it seems reasonable that when a subject's sense of
guilt interferes with productive interrogation, a placebo for
pseudo-narcosis could have the effect of absolving him of the
responsibility for his acts and thus clear the way for free communication.
It is notable that placebos are most likely to be effective in situations of
stress. The individuals most likely to react to placebos are the more
anxious, more self-centered, more dependent on outside stimulation, those
who express their needs more freely socially, talkers who drain off anxiety
by conversing with others. The non-reactors are those clinically more rigid
and with better than average emotional control. No sex or I.Q. differences
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
between reactors TORTURE CASE,
and non-reactors have Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
been found.

Another possibility might be the combined use of drugs with hypnotic

trance and post-hypnotic suggestion: hypnosis could presumably prevent
any recollection of the drug experience. Whether a subject can be brought
to trance against his will or unaware, however, is a matter of some
disagreement. Orne, in a survey of the potential uses of hypnosis in
interrogation, [23] asserts that it is doubtful, despite many apparent
indications to the contrary, that trance can be induced in resistant subjects.
It may be possible, he adds, to hypnotize a subject unaware, but this would
require a positive relationship with the hypnotist not likely to be found in
the interrogation setting.

In medical hypnosis, pentothal sodium is sometimes employed when only

light trance has been induced and deeper narcosis is desired. This
procedure is a possibility for interrogation, but if a satisfactory level of
narcosis could be achieved through hypnotic trance there would appear to
be no need for drugs.


There is no known way of building tolerance for a "truth" drug without

creating a disabling addiction, or of arresting the action of a barbiturate
once induced. The only full safeguard against narco-interrogation is to
prevent the administration of the drug. Short of this, the best defense is to
make use of the same knowledge that suggests drugs for offensive
operations: if a subject knows that on emerging from narcosis he will have
an exaggerated notion of how much he has revealed he can better resolve
to deny he has said anything.


The disadvantages and shortcomings of drugs in offensive operations

become positive features of the defensive posture. A subject in
narco-interrogation is garbled and irrational, the amount of output
drastically diminished. Drugs disrupt established thought patterns,
including the will to resist, but they do so indiscriminately and thus also
interfere with the patterns of substantive information the interrogator
seeks. Even under the conditions most favorable for the interrogator,
output will be contaminated by fantasy, distortion, and untruth.

Possibly the most effective way to arm oneself against narco-interrogation

would be to undergo a "dry run." A trial drug interrogation with output

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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
taped for playback wouldTORTURE CASE,
familiarize anPublished by with
individual The Advanced
his ownMedia Group Copyright 2017
to "truth" drugs, and this familiarity would help to reduce the effects of
harassment by the interrogator before and after the drug has been
administered. From the viewpoint of the intelligence service, the trial
exposure of a particular operative to drugs might provide a rough
benchmark for assessing the kind and amount of information he would
divulge in narcosis.

There may be concern over the possibility of drug addiction intentionally

or accidentally induced by an adversary service. Most drugs will cause
addiction with prolonged use, and the barbiturates are no exception. In
recent studies at the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital for addicts in
Lexington, Ky., subjects received large doses of barbiturates over a period
of months. Upon removal of the drug, they experienced acute withdrawal
symptoms and behaved in every respect like chronic alcoholics.

Because their action is extremely short, however, and because there is

little likelihood that they would be administered regularly over a
prolonged period, barbiturate "truth" drugs present slight risk of
operational addiction. If the adversary service were intent on creating
addiction in order to exploit withdrawal, it would have other, more rapid
means of producing states as unpleasant as withdrawal symptoms.

The hallucinatory and psychotomimetic drugs such as mescaline,

marihuana, LSD-25, and microtine are sometimes mistakenly associated
with narcoanalytic interrogation. These drugs distort the perception and
interpretation of the sensory input to the central nervous system and affect
vision, audition, smell, the sensation of the size of body parts and their
position in space, etc. Mescaline and LSD-25 have been used to create
experimental "psychotic states," and in a minor way as aids in

Since information obtained from a person in a psychotic drug state would

be unrealistic, bizarre, and extremely difficult to assess, the
self-administration of LSD-25, which is effective in minute dosages,
might in special circumstances offer an operative temporary protection
against interrogation. Conceivably, on the other hand, an adversary service
could use such drugs to produce anxiety or terror in medically
unsophisticated subjects unable to distinguish drug-induced psychosis
from actual insanity. An enlightened operative could not be thus
frightened, however, knowing that the effect of these hallucinogenic
agents is transient in normal individuals.

Most broadly, there is evidence that drugs have least effect on

well-adjusted individuals with good defenses and good emotional control,
and that anyone who can withstand the stress of competent interrogation in
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
the waking -state
can do so CASE,The
in narcosis. Published by The
essential Advanced
resources Media Group Copyright 2017
resistance thus appear to lie within the individual.


The salient points that emerge from this discussion are the following. No
such magic brew as the popular notion of truth serum exists. The
barbiturates, by disrupting defensive patterns, may sometimes be helpful
in interrogation, but even under the best conditions they will elicit an
output contaminated by deception, fantasy, garbled speech, etc. A major
vulnerability they produce in the subject is a tendency to believe he has
revealed more than he has. It is possible, however, for both normal
individuals and psychopaths to resist drug interrogation; it seems likely
that any individual who can withstand ordinary intensive interrogation can
hold out in narcosis. The best aid to a defense against narco-interrogation
is foreknowledge of the process and its limitations. There is an acute need
for controlled experimental studies of drug reaction, not only to
depressants but also to stimulants and to combinations of depressants,
stimulants, and ataraxics.


1. Adams, E. Barbiturates. Sci. Am., Jan. 1958, 198 (1), 60-64

2. Barkham, J. Truth Drugs: The new crime solver. Coronet, Jan. 1951,
29, 72-76.

3. Beecher, H. K. Anesthesia. Sci. Am., Jan. 1957, 198, p. 70.

4. -----. Appraisal of drugs intended to alter subjective responses,

symptoms. J. Amer. Med. Assn., 1955, 158, 399-401.

5. -----. Evidence for increased effectiveness of placebos with increased

stress. Amer. J. Physiol., 1956, 187, 163-169.

6. -----. Experimental pharmacology and measurement of the subjective

response. Science, 1953, 116. 157-162.

7. Brussel, J. A., Wilson, D. C., Jr., & Shankel, L. W. The use of

methedrine in psychiatric practice. Psychiat. Quart., 1954, 28, 381-394.
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
8. Delay, J. Pharmacologic explorations of the personality: narcoanalysis
and "methedrine" shock. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 1949, 42, 492-496.

9. deRopp, R. S. Drugs and the Mind. New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1960.

10. Freedman, L. Z. "Truth" drugs. Sci. Am., March 1960. 145-154.

11. Geis, G. In scopolamine veritas. The early history of drug-induced

statements. J. of Crim. Law., Criminal, & Pol. Sci., Nov.-Dec. 1959, 50
(4), 347-358.

12. Gerson, M. J. & Victoroff, V. Experimental investigation into the

validity of confessions obtained under sodium amytal narcosis. J. Clin.
and Exp. Psychopath., 1948, 9, 359-375.

13. Gottschalk, L. A. The use of drugs in information-seeking interviews.

Technical report #2, ARDC Study SR 177-D Contract AF 18 (600) 1797.
Dec. 1958. Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc.

14. House, R. E. The use of scopolamine in criminology. Texas St. J. of

Med., 1922, 18, 259.

15. Houston, F. A preliminary investigation into abreaction comparing

methedrine and sodium amytal with other methods. J. Ment. Sci., 1952,
98, 707-710.

16. Inbau, F. G. Self-incrimination. Springfield: C. C. Thomas, 1950.

17. Kidd, W. R. Police interrogation. 1940.

18. Legal dose of truth. Newsweek, Feb. 23, 1959, 28.

19. Lindemann, E. Psychological changes in normal and abnormal

individuals under the influence of sodium amytal. Amer. J. Psychiat.,
1932, 11, 1083-1091.

20. Lipton, E. L. The amytal interview. A review. Amer. Practit. Digest

Treatm., 1950, 1, 148-163.

21. MacDonald, J. M. Narcoanalysis and criminal law. Amer. J. Psychiat.,

1954, 111, 283-288.

22. Morris, D. P. Intravenous barbiturates: an aid in the diagnosis and

treatment of conversion hysteria and malingering. Mil. Surg., 1945, 96,
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1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: "Truth" Drugs in Interrogation
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
23. Orne, M. T. The potential uses of hypnosis in interrogation. An
evaluation. ARDC Study SR 177-D Contract AF 18 (600) 1797, Dec. 1958.
Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc.

24. Pelikan, E. W., & Kensler, C. J. Sedatives: Their pharmacalogy and

uses. Reprint from The Medical Clinics of North America. W. B. Saunders
Company, Sept. 1958.

25. Redlich, F. C., Ravitz, L. J., & Dression, G. H. Narcoanalysis and

truth. Amer. J. Psychiat., 1951, 107, 586-593.

26. Rolin, J. Police Drugs. Translated by L. J. Bendit. New York:

Philosophical Library, 1956.

27. Sargant, W., & Slater, E. Physical methods of treatment in psychiatry.

(3rd. ed.) Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1954.

28. Snider, R. S. Cerebellum. Sci. Am., Aug. 1958, 84.

29. Uhr, L., & Miller, L. G. (eds.). Drugs and Behavior. New
York-London: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1960.

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CIA Subliminal Research -- MKULTRA -- Subliminal Messages -- Subproject 83
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program Of
Research In Behavioral Modification
MKULTRA Subproject No. 83
This declassified CIA memo was written on April 18, 1958 by Dr. Sidney
Gottlieb, chief of the Chemical Division of the agency's Technical Services
Staff. Gottlieb, who oversaw many of the MKULTRA projects, reviewed
covert CIA support for research studies of "controversial and
misunderstood" areas of psychology such as hypnosis, truth drugs, psychic
powers and subliminal persuasion.

[document begins]

18 April 1958


SUBJECT: MKULTRA, Subproject No. 83

1. The purpose of Subproject No. 83 will be to support the editorial and

technical survey activities of [portion censored] assigned to the [portion
censored] and is covered as an employee of the [portion censored] .
During the past six months, his activities have been to make technical
surveys of social and behavioral science matters of interest to
TSS/CD/Branch III. During this period he has been carried on the budget of
the [deletion]. However, it was originally proposed that as soon as he
demonstrated his ability, he would be established as a independent project
and his activities widened.

2. [portion censored] has completed a detailed survey of handwriting

analysis. He has prepared a review of current attitudes towards handwriting
analyses as reflected by scientific researchers in the technique; fringe or
pseudo-scientific developments in the field; general attitudes of
psychiatrists, psychologists and other behavioral scientists to the techniques;
and attitudes of document analysts and law enforcement agencies to the
method. He has isolated the various "schools" of handwriting analysis, both
July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage
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CIA Subliminal Research -- MKULTRA -- Subliminal Messages -- Subproject 83
American and European,TORTURE CASE, Published
and has prepared by Theaccurate
a readable, Advancedand
Media Group Copyright 2017
informative document that can be made available to

[page break]


potential consumers of handwriting analyses. More important, however, he

has assembled data making it possible to design relevant and meaningful
research into the usefulness and applicability of handwriting analyses to
intelligence activities.

3. On the basis of the many contacts developed by [portion censored]

it is now possible to undertake systematic research. During the next year,
[portion censored] will be responsible for the development of a research
project on handwriting analysis. The recommendations for the design of this
project, as developed by [portion censored] are included as Attachment
No. 2.

4. In addition [portion censored] will begin to develop similar

technical surveys on other controversial and misunderstood areas. These
will include, though not necessarily in the next year:

a) a revision and adaptation of material already developed on

deception techniques (magic, sleight of hand, signals, etc.)

b) psychic phenomena and extrasensory perception

c) subliminal perception

d) hypnosis

e) "truth serums"

f) expressive movements (body type, facial characteristics, etc.)

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[page break]


He will also assist the [portion censored] in editing the material they
develop including annual reports, project summaries, and conference notes.

5. [portion censored] will be under the supervision of the Executive

Secretary of the [portion censored] and will continue to work out of the
[portion censored] offices. Additional space for his activity is necessary
and is included in the summary budget attached. Accounting for money
spent will be included in the regular [portion censored] audit.

6. The total cost of this subproject will be $25,000.00 for a period of

one year beginning 1 May 1958. Charges should be made against Allotment

7. [portion censored] has been cleared for access to Top Secret

material by the Agency.

TSS/Chemical Division

Approved for Obligation of Funds:

Research Director

Date: [illegible] 1958

1. Proposed Budget
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CIA Subliminal Research -- MKULTRA -- Subliminal Messages -- Subproject 83
STAN J. CATERBONE - Acensored]
2. [portion LANDMARK Recommendations
TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

Original only

[document ends]

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Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program Of

Research In Behavioral Modification
This June 1953 document records Dr. Sidney Gottlieb's approval of an early
CIA acid test. "This project will include a continuation of a study of the
biochemical, neurophysiological, sociological, and clinical psychiatric aspects
of L.S.D.," the CIA scientist writes.

[document begins]

DRAFT - [deleted] 9 June 1953


SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 8

1. Subproject 8 is being set up as a means to continue the present work in the

general field of L.S.D. at [deleted] until 11 September 1954.

2. This project will include a continuation of a study of the biochemical,

neurophysiological, sociological, and clinical psychiatric aspects of L.S.D., and
also a study of L.S.D. antagonists and drugs related to L.S.D., such as L.A.E. A
detailed proposal is attached. The principle investigators will continue to be
[deleted] all or [deleted].

3. The estimated budget of the project at [deleted] is $39,500.00. The [deleted]

will serve as a cut-out and cover the project for this project and will furnish the
above funds to the [deleted] as a philanthropic grant for medical research. A
service charge of $790.00 (2% of the estimated) is to be paid to the [deleted] for
this service.

4. Thus the total charges for this project will not exceed $40, 290.00 for a
period ending September 11, 1954.

5. [deleted] (Director of the hospital) are cleared through TOP SECRET and are
aware of the true purpose of the project.
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Chemical Division/TSS


[signature of Sidney Gottlieb]

Chief, Chemical Division/TSS

[document ends]

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MKULTRA Hypnosis Experiments
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

MKULTRA Hypnosis Experiments

This memo, written by the CIA's Sidney Gottlieb, is one of the earliest records
available from the MKULTRA project. One month after CIA Director Allen
Dulles authorized the program, Gottlieb writes of a "planned series of five
major experiments" which are to examine "hypnotically induced anxieties," the
"relationship of personality to hypnosis," and other matters of the hypnotized

[document begins]

DRAFT-SG/111 11 May 1953


SUBJECT: Visit to Project [deleted]

1. On this day the writer spent the day observing experiments with Mr.
[deleted] on project [deleted] and in planning next year's work on the project
(Mr. [deleted] has already submitted his proposal to the [deleted]).

2. The general picture of the present status of the project is one of a carefully
planned series of five major experiments. Most of the year has been spent in
screening and standardizing a large group of subjects (approximately 100) and
the months between now and September 1 should yield much data, so that these
five experiments should be completed by September 1. The five experiments
are: (N stands for the total number of subjects involved in the experiment.)

Experiment 1 - N-18 Hypnotically induced anxieties to be completed by

September 1.

Experiment 2 - N-24 Hypnotically increasing the ability to learn and recall

complex written matter, to be completed by September 1.

Experiment 3 - N-30 Polygraph response under Hypnosis, to be completed by

June 15.

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MKULTRA Hypnosis Experiments
Experiment TORTURE CASE,
4 - N-24 Hypnotically Publishedability
increasing by The to
and Group
a 2017
complex arrangement of physical objects.

Experiment 5 - N-100 Relationship of personality to susceptibility to hypnosis.

3. The work for next year (September 1, 1953 to June 1, 1954) will concentrate

Experiment 6 - The morse code problem, with the emphasis on relatively loser
I.Q. subjects than found on University volunteers.

[page break]

Experiment 7 - Recall of hypnotically acquired information by very specific


[deleted] will submit detailed research plans on all experiments not yet

4. A system of reports was decided upon, receivable in June, September and

December 1953, and in March and June, 1954. These reports besides giving a
summary of progress on each of the seven experiments, will also include the
raw data obtained in each experiment. At the completion of any of the
experiments a complete, organized final report will be sent to us.

5. After June 1, [deleted] new address will be:


6. A new journal was observed in [deleted] office:

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis

published quarterly by the Society for CF. & E.H.
publisher is Woodrow Press, Inc.
227 E. 45th Street
New York 17, N.Y.
Price is $6.00

To date two numbers issued, Vol. 1 #1 January 1953, and Vol. 1 #2 April 1953.

7. A Very favorable impression was made on the writer by the group. The
experimental design of each experiment is very carefully done, and the
July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage
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MKULTRA Hypnosis Experiments
standards- of
detail and TORTURE CASE, Published
instrumentation seems tobybe
high. Media Group Copyright 2017

Sidney Gottlieb
Chemical Division, TSS

Original Only.


[document ends]

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DocsNo. 243 of 968 Friday July 21, 2017

MKULTRA Materials and Methods
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program Of

Research In Behavioral Modification
MKULTRA Materials and Methods
This 1955 CIA document reviews the Agency's research and development of a
shocking list of mind-altering substances and methods, including "materials
which will render the indication of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its
usefulness," and "physical methods of producing shock and confusion over
extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use."

[document begins]


5 May 1955

A portion of the Research and Development Program of TSS/Chemical

Division is devoted to the discovery of the following materials and methods:

1. Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the

point where the recipient would be discredited in public.

2. Substances which increase the efficiency of mentation and perception.

3. Materials which will prevent or counteract the intoxicating effect of alcohol.

4. Materials which will promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol.

5. Materials which will produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases
in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc.

6. Materials which will render the indication of hypnosis easier or otherwise

enhance its usefulness.

7. Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand

privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called
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MKULTRA Materials and Methods
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
8. Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events
preceding and during their use.

9. Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of

time and capable of surreptitious use.

10. Substances which produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the

legs, acute anemia, etc.

[page break]


11. Substances which will produce "pure" euphoria with no subsequent


12. Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency
of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced.

13. A material which will cause mental confusion of such a type that the
individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication
under questioning.

14. Substances which will lower the ambition and general working efficiency of
men when administered in undetectable amounts.

15. Substances which will promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or

hearing faculties, preferably without permanent effects.

16. A knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks, food,

cigarettes, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of
amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types on an ad hoc basis.

17. A material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes

and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a man to perform
any physical activity whatever.

The development of materials of this type follows the standard practice of such
ethical drug houses as [deleted]. It is a relatively routine procedure to develop a
drug to the point of human testing. Ordinarily, the drug houses depend upon the
services of private physicians for the final clinical testing. The physicians are
July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage
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MKULTRA Materials and Methods
willing to- Aassume
the responsibility ofPublished by in
such tests Theorder
Advanced Media Group
to advance Copyright 2017
the science
of medicine. It is difficult and sometimes impossible for TSS/CD to offer such
an inducement with respect to its products. In practice, it has been possible to
use the outside cleared contractors for the preliminary phases of this work.
However, that part which involves human testing at effective dose levels
presents security problems which cannot be handled by the ordinary contractor.

[page break]


The proposed facility [deleted] offers a unique opportunity for the secure
handling of such clinical testing in addition to the many advantages outline in
the project proposal. The security problems mentioned above are eliminated by
the fact that the responsibility for the testing will rest completely with the
physician and the hospital. [deleted] will allow TSS/CD personnel to supervise
the work very closely to make sure that all tests are conducted according to the
recognized practices and embody adequate safeguards.

[document ends]

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MKULTRA Trickery
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program Of

Research In Behavioral Modification

MKULTRA Trickery

This document reveals the CIA's concern with covert means of administering
the mind- and behavior-altering substances researched in MKULTRA projects.
In 1953, the Agency commissioned a "manual on trickery," to be authored by a
prominent magician, who described ways to conduct "tricks with pills" and
other substances.

[document begins]

November 11, 1953



Dear [deleted],

This is a memo in regard to expansion of the manual on trickery.

The manual as it now stands consists of the following five sections:

1. Underlying bases for the successful performance of tricks and the

background of the psychological principles by which they operate.

2. Tricks with pills.

3. Tricks with loose solids.

4. Tricks with liquids.

5. Tricks by which small objects may be obtained secretly. This section was not
considered in my original outline and was suggested subsequently to me. I was,
however, able to add it without necessitating extension of the number of weeks
requesting for the writing. Another completed task not noted in the outline was
making models of such equipment as has been described in the manual.

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As sections 2,3,4 and 5 were written solely for use by men working alone the
manual needs two further sections. One section would give modified, or
different, tricks and techniques of performance so that the tricks could be
performed by women. The other section would describe tricks suitable for two
or more people working in collaboration. In both these proposed sections the
tricks would differ considerably from those which have been described.

I believe that properly to devise the required techniques and devices and to
describe them in writing would require 12 working weeks to complete the two
sections. However, I cannot now work on this project every week and would
hesitate to promise completion prior to the first of May, 1954.

I shall await you instructions in the matter.

Sincerely yours


[document ends]

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The CIA and Radiation
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017

MK-Ultra: The CIA and Radiation

Interim Report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments

Appendix, pp. E-1.1 to 1.6

History and Organization of the Central Intelligence Agency

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created in 1947 by the National Security
Act, which also established the Department of Defense (DOD) and the National
Security Council (NSC). CIA was modeled largely after the Office of Strategic
Services, which served as the principal U.S. intelligence organization during World
War II. The newly created agency was authorized to engage in foreign intelligence
collection (i.e., espionage). analysis. and covert actions, it was, however, prohibited
from engaging in domestic police or internal security functions. Nonetheless, CIA
engaged in a program of domestic human experimentation from the 1950s into the
CIA components most likely to have. been associated with any experiment are the
Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) in the Directorate of Intelligence, the Office of
Security, the Technical Services Division (TSD) in the then-Directorate of Plans
(DDP, now Directorate of Operations), and (at least from 1962) the Office of Research
and Development (ORD) in the Directorate of Science and Technology. Beginning in
the late 1940s, OSI analyzed and disseminated foreign scientific, and medical
intelligence concerning the development and testing of atomic weapons and interacted
with DOD and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) on these issues. TSD ran
Project MKULTRA, discussed below. Human experimentation was done prior to
MKULTRA by OSI and the Office of Security and, after MKULTRA, by ORD.

To date, CIA has found no records or other information indicating that it conducted or
sponsored human radiation experiments.

Records Search
In response to the January 1994 presidential directive, CIA conducted an agency-wide
search for information about human radiation experiments that it may have
conducted.[ 1 ] At the Committee's initial meeting in April 1994, CIA stated that the
July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage
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The CIA and Radiation
encompassed TORTURE
an electronic CASE,
review ofPublished by The Advanced
approximately Media
34 million Group Copyright
documents, a 2017
manual review of 480,300 documents, and nearly 50 interviews. CIA also stated that it
had found no documents relating to experiments conducted by other agencies. The
Committee, however, has since found records indicating that CIA officers did
participate in DOD groups in which human radiation experiments, including those
involving the placement of troops at atmospheric weapons tests, were discussed and
planned. As discussed below, CIA is continuing to search for documents relating to
these and other activities.
Beginning in the early 1950s, CIA engaged in an extensive program of human
experimentation, using drugs, psychological. and other means in search of techniques
to control human behavior CIA has so far found no evidence that radiation experiments
on humans were part of this program. CIA documents and a 1963 CIA Inspector
General (IG) report. however state quite clearly that .MKULTRA was a program
"concerned with research and development of chemical. biological. and radiological
materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior."
(emphasis added) The IG report states that "additional avenues to the control of human
behavior had been designated . . as appropriate to investigation under the MKULTRA
charter, including radiation, electroshock. various fields of psychology, sociology, and
anthropology, graphology, harassment substances, and paramilitary devices and
materials." (emphasis added)[ 2 ] The program included unwitting experimentation on
humans with LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), brainwashing, and other interrogation
CIA's human behavior program originated in 1950 and was motivated by Soviet,
Chinese, and North Korean use of mind control techniques. It began under the code
name BLUEBIRD (and was later known as ARTICHOKE) and was operated by the
Office of Security and OSI with support from other offices. MKULTRA formally
began in April 1953 as a special, clandestine funding mechanism for DOD human
behavior research. The program was the subject of investigations by the Rockefeller
Commission in 1975, the Senate Church Committee in 1976, and hearings by Senator
Kennedy in 1975 and 1977, however, these committees did not focus on radiation
experiments, and no such information was found by them.
CIA has told the Committee that MKULTRA involved human experimentation using
every research "avenue" listed in the MKULTRA document except for radiation.[ 3 ]
The agency also noted that most of the MKULTRA records were deliberately
destroyed in 1973 by the order of then-Director of Central Intelligence Richard
Helms[ 4 ] In early September 1991. the agency found a document that summarized
work done for ARTICHOKE which states that "[i]n addition to hypnosis. chemical and
psychiatric research. the following fields have been explored ... 7) other physical
manifestations. including heat and cold, atmospheric pressure, radiation." (emphasis
added) .Although there is no indication from this document that radiation was explored
on humans directly. it makes clear that CIA did "explore" radiation as a possibility for
the defensive and offensive use of brainwashing and other interrogating
techniques.[ 5 ]

July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage

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The CIA and Radiation
J. another
project, CASE, Published
CIA secretly by funding
provided The Advanced Media
for the Group Copyright
construction of a 2017
wing of Georgetown University Hospital in the 1950s so that it would have a locale to
carry out clinical testing of its biological and chemical programs. Dr. Charles F.
Geschickter, a Georgetown doctor who conducted cancer research and experimented
with radiation therapy, acted as cover for CIA financing.[ 6 ] CIA also tried
unsuccessfully to enlist AEC to co-fund the project by appealing to its interest in
Geschickter's radiation research. Geschickter testified before Congress in 1977 that
CIA money helped fund his radioisotope lab and equipment. Thus, CIA money seems
to have helped fund radiation-related medical research as a cover for the agency's real
interest in chemical and biological research.
Records obtained from DOD and the Department of Energy (DOE) and by Committee
staff from the National Archives show that CIA was represented in key DOD
biomedical groups in which both human experiments and experimental ethics policy
were discussed and planned. At least three CIA officers were members of DOD's
Committee on Medical Sciences (CMS) from 1948 to 1953 and attended meetings and
received the "program guidance" of the DOD Joint Panel on the Medical Aspects of
Atomic Warfare. As reported elsewhere,[ 7 ] the Joint Panel was the center for
information gathering and planning for medical experimentation, including human
experiments, relating to atomic warfare; for example, this panel helped coordinate the
program of placing troops in the vicinity of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests. In 1948
CIA also participated in discussions regarding the proposed formation of an Armed
Forces Medical Intelligence Organization, during which it was suggested that CIA
would be in charge of foreign atomic, biological. and chemical intelligence from a
medical sciences viewpoint.[ 8 ]
CIA representatives on CMS worked for OSI (and its precursor, the Scientific Branch).
This office had principal responsibility for analyzing and disseminating foreign atomic
energy intelligence. It chaired the Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee
(JAEIC, also known as the Joint Nuclear Intelligence Committee), an interagency body
that helped coordinate analyses and activities by Departments responsible for
monitoring foreign nuclear weapons programs. It also chaired the interagency
Scientific Intelligence Committee as well as the Joint Medical Sciences Intelligence
Committee, both of which coordinated scientific and medical intelligence for the
Government. These two committees provided medical intelligence to the Armed
Forces Medical Policy Committee, which also played an active role in planning and
overseeing radiation research and human experimentation for DOD. This office also
worked on Projects BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE, at least one of the officers who
attended CMS meetings also analyzed medical intelligence for the Office of Security's
human experimentation activities under BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE.
CIA historically has employed the facilities of other agencies, including DOD and
DOE (and its predecessors) to assist in agency research. For example, in 1965 CIA
entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with AEC's Lawrence Livermore
Laboratory to perform a number of projects for CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence.
CIA has been asked to search for documents specifically related to the work performed
under this agreement that might relate to human radiation experiments.
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The CIA and Radiation
regard to-the
history ofTORTURE CASE,policies,
CIA's ethics Publishedthe
The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
program gestated from 1951 to 1952. This was the very period in which DOD's CMS,
with CIA participation, engaged in discussions that led to the Secretary of Defense's
1953 enactment of an ethics policy for human experiments based on the Nuremberg
Code. The relationship between these Nuremberg Code discussions (and policy) and
CIA's MKULTRA activities is a subject of the Committee's inquiry.
Through the course of MKULTRA, CIA sponsored numerous experiments on
unwitting humans. After the death of one such individual (Frank Olson, an army
scientist who was given LSD in 1953 and committed suicide a week later), an internal
CIA investigation warned about the dangers of such experimentation. Ten years later, a
1963 IG report recommended termination of unwitting testing; however, Deputy
Director for Plans Richard Helms (who later became Director of Central Intelligence)
continued to advocate covert testing on the ground that "positive operational capability
to use drugs is diminishing, owing to a lack of realistic testing. With increasing
knowledge of the state of the art, we are less capable of staying up with the Soviet
advances in this field. "The Church Committee noted that "Helms attributed the
cessation of the unwitting testing to the high risk of embarrassment to the Agency as
well as the moral problem He noted that no better covert situation had been devised
than that which had been used and that 'we have no answer to the moral issue '"[ 9 ]
Following revelations of MKULTRA and other unethical CIA practices President
Gerald Ford issued the first Executive Order on Intelligence Activities in 1976 which,
among other matters. prohibited "experimentation with drugs on human subjects,
except with the informed consent, in writing and witnessed by a disinterested third
party, of each such human subject and in accordance with the guidelines issued by the
National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects for Biomedical and
Behavioral Research." Subsequent Executive Orders by Presidents Jimmy Carter and
Ronald Reagan expanded the directive to apply to any human experimentation: "No
agency within the Intelligence Community shall sponsor, contract for, or conduct
research on human subjects except in accordance with guidelines issued by the
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The subject's informed consent shall be
documented as required by those guidelines." [ 10 ] CIA has issued guidelines
implementing the Executive Order and has provided them to the Committee.[ 11 ]

Remaining Tasks
The primary focus of CIA's initial search was records on the use of ionizing radiation
on humans by the U.S. Government. The agency did not initially search specifically for
information on such topics as the 1949 "Green Run" release (an intentional release of
radiation in Hanford, Washington) or the activities of the JAEIC, CMS, or Joint Panel
on the Medical Aspects of Atomic Warfare. Nor did CIA initially focus on activities of
the Soviet Union and other countries that may have prompted U.S. agencies to
consider human radiation experiments (e.g., when the Soviet Union sent approximately
40,000 troops to a test area to conduct military exercises 30 minutes after an atomic
bomb test in Totsk, Kazakhstan, on September 14, 1954).
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The CIA and Radiation
J. response
CATERBONEto -specific
Committee CASE, CIA
queries, Published by The Advanced
has provided Media that
documents Group Copyright 2017
activities of the OSI. CIA continues to search for records in light of five Committee
requests. These requests include: (1) records on CMS, the Joint Panel on the Medical
Aspects of Atomic Warfare, and other DOD and/or interagency medical intelligence
organizations involving human experiments, (2) foreign medical intelligence records
on human radiation experiments, (3) records on work done by other agencies, (4)
records on ethics policies, and (5) records on the Green Run and other intentional
The Committee awaits completion of ongoing records searches that CIA has been
conducting on the above and other topics raised by the Committee.

[ 1 ] In contrast to all other agencies, CIA maintains custody of virtually all of its
records; only a small number have been transferred to the National Archives and none
to any Federal Records Center. No publicly available index or inventory describes the
size and organization of the records that CIA maintains.
[ 2 ] A redacted version of the IG report was reprinted in Joint Hearings on Biomedical
and Behavioral Research, 1975, before the Subcommittee on Health of the Senate
Labor and Public Welfare Committee and the Subcommittee on Administrative
Practice and Procedure of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 94th Cong., 1st Sess., at
877 (the complete report is still classified), see also "Final Report of the Senate Select
Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Governmental
Operations, Book I" at 389-90, 94th Cong.,2d Sess., No. 94-755 (Apr.26,.
1976)("Church Committee").(sb 'Covert'?)
[ 3 ] CIA did investigate the use and effect of microwaves on humans in response to a
Soviet practice of beaming microwaves on the U.S. Embassy but determined that this
was outside the scope of the Committee's purview. CIA also sponsored radioisotope
tracer experiments involving irradiated LSD and other chemicals on laboratory animals
as part of MKULTRA. The Army conducted similar tracer studies on humans at
Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland during this period. Beginning in 1967, CIA's Office of
Research and Development and the Edgewood Arsenal undertook a Joint program for
research in influencing human behavior with drugs, which included human
experimentation (including on prison inmates) and was performed by the same
University of Pennsylvania researchers who had performed the tracer studies. It is not
known whether the joint program included radioisotope trace studies on humans.
[ 4 ] Helms testified in 1975 that he ordered the records destroyed because "there had
been relationships with outsiders in government agencies and other organizations and
that these would be sensitive in this kind of a thing but that since the program was over
and finished and done with, we thought we would just get rid of the files as well, so
that anybody who assisted us in the past would not be subject to follow-up questions,
embarrassment, if you will." Church Committee, Book 1. at 403-04.
July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage
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The CIA and Radiation
] CIA officials TORTURE
have suggested thisCASE, Published
reference by The Advanced
to radiation Mediameant
might have Group Copyright 2017
"ultrasonic radiation" because they found another document in which the possibility of
using "ultrasonics and other radiant energy" was proposed and rejected. This
suggestion. however, seems unlikely because the summary document also lists "sound"
as a field that was explored in addition to radiation.
[ 6 ] The Geschickter Fund for Medical Research served as a principal "cut-out source"
for CIA's secret funding of numerous MKULTRA human experiment projects.
[ 7 ] See discussion in Part I of the Interim Report.
[ 8 ] Although this organization apparently was never created, the basic division of
labor between CIA and DOD suggested here seems to have been maintained by the
Armed Forces Medical Policy Committee.
[ 9 ] Church Committee, Book I, at 402. The Church Committee noted that "the project
involving the surreptitious administration of LSD...was marked by a complete lack of
screening, medical supervision, opportunity to observe, or medical or psychological
follow-up. The intelligence agencies allowed individual researchers to design their
project. Experiments sponsored by these into question the decision by
the agencies not to fix guidelines for the experiments." Id.
[ 10 ] Executive Order 11905 (Feb. l9, 1976) (Ford); Executive Order 12036,
[[section]] 2-302 (Jan. 26, 1978) (Carter); Executive Order 12333, [[section]] 2.10
(Dec. 4, 1981) (Reagan).
[ 11 ] One section of the most recent guidelines originally was classified, i.e., HR 7- l
a(6)(c)(4), but was declassified upon the request of the Committee.

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Lancaster Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief v Residents of County of Lancaster
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Lisa Michelle Lambert MOTION to File STATEMENT by Movant Case No. 5-14-Cv-02259 August 25, 2015
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On two Lancasters, the causes of poverty in the city, and anticipating a way forward | Editorials |
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray said he'd name the members of his poverty commission after Labor Day. We ask him to
name them as soon as possible.
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Per capita, I'm certain Lancaster is home to just as many drug addicts, people wielding illegal guns and thieves as
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The Birth of the Bloods, Crips and Latino Gangs | trappedinamasonicworld
The Bloods whose colours are red, are a street gang founded in Los Angeles, California, the gang is widely
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The American Express Company announced yesterday that Sanford I. Weill had resigned as president and that it had
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unreported attempts to buy the troubled Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, which he headed, from American
Express. Mr. Gerstner, 43 years old, will assume the No. 2 post Aug. 1, when Mr. Weill's resignation becomes
effective. Mr. Weill will continue as a consultant to American Express until his employment contract expires in June
of 1986. The new president, described by associates as a consummate operations man, is credited with revitalizing
the company's travel division, now American Express's biggest profit center. [Page D5.] The company also
announced that it planned a partial divestiture of Fireman's Fund. [Page D5.] Mr. Weill, who is 52, made his mark
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Stan J. Caterbone Bio
Advanced Media Group/Global Entertainment Group of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is an information technologies
company founded by Stan J. Caterbone in 1989
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In 1979, just two years after U.S. Senate hearings revealed disturbing information about a secret government mind
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Before LSD escaped the lab and was evangelized by hippies, the U.S. government was secretly testing the effects of
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Alexis complained that persons were ...keep(ing) him awake by talking to himusing some sort of microwave
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Navy Yard killer eyed revenge | New York Post
Navy Yard Shooter Had Mind Control Group Contact - National Human Rights |


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The Assaults on Stan J. Caterbone's Family Began on November 12, 1904 - According to the LNP New Era of the Same
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Mind Control, October 4, 2009.pdf
U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734 Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS

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Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus DECLARATION Re Financial Fraud by the Lancaster County Tax Claim Bureau,
April 28, 2016
Latest Human Cloning Claims Leave Sour Taste New Scientist 2009 Article Updated on April 29, 2016
5-Lancaster City Police PA Mental Health 302 Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone to Fairmount Behavioral Health Systems
as of April 21, 2010 for April 29, 2016
Latest human cloning claims leave sour taste | New Scientist

September 20, 2015

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v. City of Lancaster 08-02982 -
Stan Caterbone - Samuel P. Caterbone - Sammy a. Caterbone Notarized AFFIDAVIT of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
August 18, 2015
Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential: James Moore, Wayne Slater: 0723812622771:
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NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things' - YouTube
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Letter to Epic Card Re Complaint of Bonnie Lee Polygraph Solutions and Supporting Documentation August 11, 2015
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August 19, 2015 RICO -
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Clinton Global Initiative Invitation July 5 2006
Letter To and From Debbie Fochs of Disclosure Project re Samuel Caterbone ET Experience is Mind Control Feb 26 2008
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AFFIDAVIT to Judge Stewart Dalzall in Authored in 1998 With DOCKET of 5-14-Cv-02559-PD False Arrests No
Trespass Notices August 19, 2015
Stan Caterbone - Samuel P. Caterbone - Sammy A. Caterbone Notarized AFFIDAVIT of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
August 18, 2015
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Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief v Residents of County of
Lancaster August 16, 2015
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August 21, 2015

Surveillance Of Black Lives Matter Movement Recalls COINTELPRO Tactics

Gmail - The Ugly Truth Email to Pete Anders, Chief of Millersville University Police August 19, 2015
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Stopeg - Julianne McKinney interview by Greg Syzmanski, April...
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Surveillance Of Black Lives Matter Movement Recalls COINTELPRO Tactics
Gmail - The Ugly Truth Email to Pete Anders, Chief of Millersville University Police August 19, 2015
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AFFIDAVIT to Judge Stewart Dalzall in Authored in 1998 With DOCKET of 5-14-Cv-02559-PD False Arrests No
Trespass Notices August 19, 2015
CountySuite Civil Court
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August 3, 2015

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September 15, 2015

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pain releif and body healing
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MKUltra Experience Conference | Keep the Ethical Light Burning
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September 1, 2015

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July 5, 2015

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Letter to Epic Card Re Complaint of Bonnie Lee Polygraph Solutions and Supporting Documentation August 11, 2015
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July 23, 2015

July 6a, 2015

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Disciplined judge's lawyer says "criminal investigation" is over a summary traffic ticket - LancasterOnline: Local News

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June 28, 2015 POTUS

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Homes for Rent in Plantation, FL |
1949 Gardenia Road, Plantation FL - Trulia
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1949 Gardenia Road, Plantation FL - Trulia
1949 Gardenia Rd, Plantation, FL 33317 - Zillow
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August 8, 2015

Judge Quashes $650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit | Truthstream Media

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Judge Quashes $650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit | Truthstream Media
Media and News - Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance
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Misled and betrayed
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ABC News Documentary Reveals Secret Government Mind Control Project MKULTRA - National US Intelligence |
In 1979, just two years after U.S. Senate hearings revealed disturbing information about a secret government mind
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Disciplined judge's lawyer says "criminal investigation" is over a summary traffic ticket - LancasterOnline: Local News
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Weird Russian Mind-Control Research Behind Homeland Security Contract
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even if it means traveling to a basement laboratory in the heart of the old Soviet empire to dabble in some pretty
dubious mind-control theory.
Human suffering on a huge scale: Europe's refugee crisis in pictures | World news | The Guardian
Images illustrate the enormous challenge facing Europe from refugee centres in Germany to hundreds walking
from Budapest to Austria
On two Lancasters, the causes of poverty in the city, and anticipating a way forward | Editorials |
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray said he'd name the members of his poverty commission after Labor Day. We ask him to
name them as soon as possible.
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"Listen to this incredible audio recording of a speech made by JFK before the American Newspaper Publishers
Association where he warns the press about the se... - USPS Tracking
Harrisburg is awful, Lancaster is great, blah, blah, blah: Nancy Eshelman |
Per capita, I'm certain Lancaster is home to just as many drug addicts, people wielding illegal guns and thieves as
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The Bloods whose colours are red, are a street gang founded in Los Angeles, California, the gang is widely
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known for its rivalry with the Crips, whose colours are blue. Theyre identified by the colours worn by their
members and by particular gang symbols, including distinctive secret hand signs and passwords [7]. Crips are
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The American Express Company announced yesterday that Sanford I. Weill had resigned as president and that it had
named Louis V. Gerstner Jr., head of travel services, to succeed him. Mr. Weill's resignation came after months of
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unreported attempts to buy the troubled Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, which he headed, from American
Express. Mr. Gerstner, 43 years old, will assume the No. 2 post Aug. 1, when Mr. Weill's resignation becomes
effective. Mr. Weill will continue as a consultant to American Express until his employment contract expires in June
of 1986. The new president, described by associates as a consummate operations man, is credited with revitalizing
the company's travel division, now American Express's biggest profit center. [Page D5.] The company also
announced that it planned a partial divestiture of Fireman's Fund. [Page D5.] Mr. Weill, who is 52, made his mark
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arm of American Express.
234 Pa. Code Rule 506. Approval of Private Complaints.
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Stan J. Caterbone Bio
Advanced Media Group/Global Entertainment Group of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is an information technologies
company founded by Stan J. Caterbone in 1989
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Thomas L. Flannery, an award-winning Intelligencer Journal investigative reporter, died... | Article from
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In 1979, just two years after U.S. Senate hearings revealed disturbing information about a secret government mind
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Scientists Warn of Ethical Battle Concerning Military Mind Control - US News and World Report
The time for America to determine how to ethically use new neuroscience technologies in war is rapidly
The Legacy of the CIAs Secret LSD Experiments on America | Healthland |
Before LSD escaped the lab and was evangelized by hippies, the U.S. government was secretly testing the effects of
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42 days after "microwave mind control" complaint, Alexis kills 12 | Washington Times Communities
Alexis complained that persons were ...keep(ing) him awake by talking to himusing some sort of microwave
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Navy Yard killer eyed revenge | New York Post
Navy Yard Shooter Had Mind Control Group Contact - National Human Rights |


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Lambert Criminal Docket

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Common Pleas Docket Sheet
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Escessive Force October 12, 2012

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Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus DECLARATION Re Financial Fraud by the Lancaster County Tax Claim Bureau,
April 28, 2016
Latest Human Cloning Claims Leave Sour Taste New Scientist 2009 Article Updated on April 29, 2016
5-Lancaster City Police PA Mental Health 302 Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone to Fairmount Behavioral Health Systems
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Latest human cloning claims leave sour taste | New Scientist

September 20, 2015

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United States District Court Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus ORDER Summary Judgement DENIED Case No 5-14-
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Music video by Sheryl Crow performing A Change Would Do You Good. (C) 1996 A&M Records
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Music video by Sheryl Crow performing A Change Would Do You Good. (C) 1996 A&M Records
Little Big Town - Girl Crush - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Joe Walsh- Rocky Mountain Way - YouTube
Track 08 from the 1978 album "But Seriously, Folks..." Because of some recent queries and concerns about the
"type" or category of music that this song falls...
Lady Gaga - "What's Up" 4 Non Blondes Live Cover at #artRaveVienna - YouTube
At the 46th annual Songwriters Hall of Fame awards dinner and induction ceremony to honor Linda Perry.
Lady Gaga - Born This Way (GRAMMYs on CBS) - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Lady Gaga & The Art of Fame - YouTube
please follow us on twitter for an update on our next video! ft my little cousin! :) Well my
little 4 year old cousin, she just wont...
Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance" live on The X-Factor [HD CRYSTAL CLEAR 720p] - YouTube
Live footage and vocals from the sound board from #artRaveVienna, Lady Gaga singing 4 Non Blondes' "What's
Jenifer Lawrence - Are You Coming to the Tree?
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
Country Songs of the Summer 2015 - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
BLONDIE - "The Best Of Blondie" Complete Album - YouTube
A collection of top songs featuring The Cure.
The Pretenders - Hits (Full Album) - YouTube
A collection of top songs featuring The Cure.
Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side (Lyrics in Description) - YouTube
A collection of top songs featuring The Cure.
The Cars "You're All I've Got Tonight" - YouTube
A collection of top songs featuring The Cure.
Werewolves Of London - YouTube
A collection of top songs featuring The Cure.
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Katy Perry - Roar (Official) - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Katy Perry - California Gurls ft. Snoop Dogg - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Katy Perry - Hot N Cold - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Katy Perry - Unconditionally (Official) - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Katy Perry - Firework - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Katy Perry - Dark Horse (Official) ft. Juicy J - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Katy Perry - Wide Awake - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Katy Perry - Ur So Gay - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Katy Perry - California Gurls ft. Snoop Dogg - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Katy Perry - Ghost (Music Vdeo) - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Katy Perry - Dressin' Up (Lyric Video) - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Katy Perry - "Not Like the Movies" - Official Lyric Video - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
The B-52's (1979) (FULL ALBUM) - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
The B-52's - "Roam" (Official Music Video) - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
The Bangles - Hazy Shade of Winter - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
The Bangles - In Your Room - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
The Go-Go's - We Got The Beat - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
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if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
The Go-Go's - Our Lips Are Sealed - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
Divinyls - I Touch Myself - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
Dire Straits - Tunnel of Love Music Video - YouTube
Sharks - Closer - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
Sharks - Loving You Or Losing You - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
Modern English - I Melt With You (Official Video) - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
Sharks video collection - Sam Lugar - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
SOFT CELL TAINTED LOVE HQ official video mp4 - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Tommy Conwell, The Young Rumblers - I'm Not Your Man - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
Eurythmics: Best Songs Of Eurythmics - Greatest Hits Of Eurythmics Full Album - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (Official Video) - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Aimee Mann - She Really Wants You - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Aimee Mann - Wise up [It's not going to stop] - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Aimee Mann - Pavlov's Bell - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Aimee Mann - This Is How It Goes - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Aimee Mann - That's Just What You Are - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Aimee Mann - Voices Carry (Acoustic) - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
'Til Tuesday - Voices Carry (HQ) - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
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DC & Company
Through deep tissue massage and circutry unblocking I am able to relieve pain and remove many symptoms caused
by nerve damage, arthritis, and inflamation.
Aimee Mann - She Really Wants You (Live David Letterman) - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Alyssa Lapp
Audio/Video - Fierce
Smash Mouth - All Star - YouTube
Music video by Smash Mouth performing All Star. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,844,389. (C) 2001
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Taylor Swift - Blank Space - YouTube
Music video by Smash Mouth performing All Star. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,844,389. (C) 2001
Interscope Records
Taylor Swift - Wildest Dreams - YouTube
Music video by Smash Mouth performing All Star. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,844,389. (C) 2001
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Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together - YouTube
Music video by Smash Mouth performing All Star. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,844,389. (C) 2001
Interscope Records
Taylor Swift - Love Story - YouTube
Music video by Smash Mouth performing All Star. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,844,389. (C) 2001
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Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me - YouTube
Music video by Smash Mouth performing All Star. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,844,389. (C) 2001
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Taylor Swift - Teardrops On My Guitar - YouTube
Music video by Smash Mouth performing All Star. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,844,389. (C) 2001
Interscope Records
Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime (Full Length Version) (1980/ 2013) (HD) - YouTube
Music video by Smash Mouth performing All Star. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,844,389. (C) 2001
Interscope Records
Talking Heads-Burning down the house - YouTube
Music video by Smash Mouth performing All Star. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,844,389. (C) 2001
Interscope Records
Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer (1986) - YouTube
Music video by Smash Mouth performing All Star. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,844,389. (C) 2001
Interscope Records
Destiny's Child - Survivor (Official Video) ft. Da Brat - YouTube
Music video by Smash Mouth performing All Star. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,844,389. (C) 2001
Interscope Records
Destiny's Child - Say My Name (Official Video) - YouTube
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Destiny's Child - Lose My Breath - YouTube
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bittersweet symphony live 8 - YouTube
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Insensitive - Jann Arden - Spotify
Music for every moment. Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs.
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
The Very Best of Enya - YouTube
sit back and relax as you listen to two of Enya's most beautiful songs accompanied by some of nature's finest
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pictures. first song - one by one second song -...
Adele - Someone Like You - YouTube
Hello' is taken from the new album, 25, out November 20. Pre-order from iTunes
/itunes25 Pre-order from Amazon http://sma...
Sia - Chandelier (Official Video) - YouTube
Hello' is taken from the new album, 25, out November 20. Pre-order from iTunes
/itunes25 Pre-order from Amazon http://sma...
World on Fire - Sarah McLachlan
The Official Website for music artist Sarah McLachlan.
Dixie Chicks - I Hope (Telethon) - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Nickelback - Savin' Me - YouTube
2007 WMG Photograph Buy it on iTunes: See Nickelback on the worldwide 'No Fixed
Address' Tour. Get your tickets now: http://www.nickel...
Blake Shelton - Sure Be Cool If You Did (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Lady Gaga: "Google Goes Gaga" | Musicians at Google - YouTube
With her outrageous costumes and mega-hit dance songs, Lady Gaga has become the world's most talked about
entertainer. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports.
Katy Perry - Super Bowl 2015 - HD - YouTube
Katy Perry - Show del entre Tiempo del SUPER BOWL
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Stan Caterbone
My History as a Victim Of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and Resume - peacepink -
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief v Residents of County of
Lancaster August 16, 2015
Judge Jeffrey Wright OPINION as Ordered by Superior Court in Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 on November 23, 2015 for
Emergency Injunction Case No. 15-06985
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Apple iPhone 6S (Latest Model) - 64GB - Silver (Verizon) Smartphone - Used 1 day in Cell Phones & Accessories,
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YouTube Videos

Exceptional Interviews on Video Re: U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and Related Technologies | Stan Caterbone |
November 3, 2015 The following video interviews are some of the most compelling and most accurate regarding the
subject of U.S. Sponsored Mind Contro
The Killing of Laurie Show (Documentary) Pt 1 - YouTube
The true story behind the movie The Stalking of Laurie Show. Part 1
The Neuro Revolution - Full HD - YouTube
The Neuro Revolution is a Book recommendation for victims of Neuroscience research. The video is based on the

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Book by the same name by author Zack Lynch. The...
FEDERAL False Claims Act 1991 Video - ISC & THE CIA - YouTube
Section 3729 False claims (a) Liability for certain acts. Any person who (1) knowingly presents, or causes to be
presented, to an officer or employee of the ...
Global Mind Control 2013 - Nick Begich - YouTube
From special assignment news story "Do you believe in government mind control?" by reporter Ross Blackstone
which appeared on KOVR 13 News, Sacramento, Calif...
What Do Gang Stalkers Want And How To Defeat Them, Greensboro,NC - YouTube
I made this video for Targeted Individuals who have not had success in their battle against gang stalkers and also for
the public sector that is unaware that...
Commodore Amiga CDTV Review - YouTube
The CDTV (an acronym for "Commodore Dynamic Total Vision", a backronym of an acronym for "Compact Disk
Television", giving it a double meaning) was a multime...
The TV Mind Control Movie | 2015 - YouTube
Alex welcomes to the Infowars studio Dr. John Hall, anesthesiologist and author of "Satellite Terrorism" to discuss
the facts of the possibilities of Governm...
August 15, 2015 Targeted Individual Awareness 3 - YouTube
YouTube - Dr Scott Johnson- Coming US Holocaust,Digital TV,HAARP,GWEN Towers,Silent Sound Mind Control 1/21
YouTube - The CIA Doctors: Psychiatry & Mind Control
Coast To Coast AM - February 9, 2015 New World Order & Electronic Harassment - YouTube
Coast To Coast AM - February 9, 2015 New World Order & Electronic Harassment In the first half, former Minister
of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer, ...
Coast To Coast AM - February 9, 2015 New World Order & Electronic Harassment - YouTube
Coast To Coast AM - February 9, 2015 New World Order & Electronic Harassment In the first half, former Minister
of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer, ...
YouTube HAARP Video
Julianne McKinney on microwave harassment and mind control - YouTube
YouTube - Brice Taylor on Mind Control
YouTube - Bill Clinton under Mind Control
YouTube - Mind Control Goes Public 1 of 5
YouTube - Mind Control Goes Public 1 of 5
YouTube - Mind Control Goes Public 2 of 5
YouTube - Mind Control Goes Public 3 of 5
YouTube - Mind Control Goes Public 5 of 5
Do You Believe in Government Mind Control? -- Part 2: Cheryl Welsh - YouTube
From special assignment news story "Do you believe in government mind control?" by reporter Ross Blackstone
which appeared on KOVR 13 News, Sacramento, Calif...
Julianne McKinney on microwave harassment and mind control - YouTube
YouTube - MK-Ultra, CIA Mind Control & Brain Washing to Make Assassins
President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version 2 - YouTube
"Listen to this incredible audio recording of a speech made by JFK before the American Newspaper Publishers
Association where he warns the press about the se...
Lawyer Dr Cordero exposes the fraud in Judiciary, Astounding Discoveries - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Recurring Issues in False Claims Act Litigation - YouTube
I have been a Targeted Individual, TI, and Victim since 1987. In 1987 I blew the whistle (public Allegations and
Complaints to State and Federal Authorities ...
"Targeted Individuals" Dr. John Hall and Dr. Terry Robertson - YouTube
Alex welcomes to the Infowars studio Dr. John Hall, anesthesiologist and author of "Satellite Terrorism" to discuss
the facts of the possibilities of Governm...
Coast To Coast AM - February 9, 2015 New World Order & Electronic Harassment - YouTube
Coast To Coast AM - February 9, 2015 New World Order & Electronic Harassment In the first half, former Minister
of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer, ...
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NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things' - YouTube
Lifetime Movies 2015 | The Stalking of Laurie Show AKA Rivals | Best Lifetime Movies 2015 - YouTube
The true story behind the movie The Stalking of Laurie Show. Part 3
US Army Intelligence Officer: Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust - YouTube
Do You Believe in Government Mind Control? -- Part 3: Dr. Nick Begich - YouTube
From special assignment news story "Do you believe in government mind control?" by reporter Ross Blackstone
which appeared on KOVR 13 News, Sacramento, Calif...
Stan Caterbone Channel - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
San Francisco Bay View Cointelpro government agency
The FRONTLINE Interview: Diane Roark | United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE | PBS
Diane Roark served as a top staff member on the House Intelligence Committee from 1985 to 2002. She fought to
end the NSA's post-9/11 warrantless wiretapping initiative, telling FRONTLINE she considered the program
"unethical, immoral, politically stupid, illegal and unconstitutional."
Jay Curtis Corporation Video 1991 - YouTube
I have been a Targeted Individual, TI, and Victim since 1987. In 1987 I blew the whistle (public Allegations and
Complaints to State and Federal Authorities ...
FMG Video St Joseph Hospital George Werner April 1987 - YouTube
I have been a Targeted Individual, TI, and Victim since 1987. In 1987 I blew the whistle (public Allegations and
Complaints to State and Federal Authorities ...
Govt Mind Control Technologies with Dr. John Hall - YouTube
Alex welcomes to the Infowars studio Dr. John Hall, anesthesiologist and author of "Satellite Terrorism" to discuss
the facts of the possibilities of Governm...
Surveillance Of Black Lives Matter Movement Recalls COINTELPRO Tactics
Mind Control - YouTube
From special assignment news story "Do you believe in government mind control?" by reporter Ross Blackstone
which appeared on KOVR 13 News, Sacramento, Calif...
Cheryl Welsh Do You Believe in Government Mind Control? -- Part 2: Cheryl Welsh - YouTube
From special assignment news story "Do you believe in government mind control?" by reporter Ross Blackstone
which appeared on KOVR 13 News, Sacramento, Calif...
Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean? - YouTube
Roberta Lee Streeter, professionally known as Bobbie Gentry, is an American singer-songwriter notable as one of
the first female country artists to compose a...
"The Mind Has No Firewall" -- Psychotronic Warfare, from the US Army War College -- Alan Watt - YouTube
The article Alan reads from is
From Alan Watt's May 6, 2010 broadcast. Listen to A...
US Army War College
Dr. Phil Sued -- Guest Claims, He Made Me Look Crazy! |
A man who says a detective planted crystal meth in his home and appeared on Dr. Phil's show, has filed a lawsuit
claiming the good Doc made him look
Gang Stalking = Counterintelligence - Mike German & Scott Crow - FBI's Domestic Surveillance Program - YouTube
Slideshow of Trip To California - Kennett, MO; Austin, TX; Little Rock, AR; Santa Barbara, CA; - YouTube
Trip of July 21, 2005 to August 26, 2005 Visit Sheryl Crow Aquatic Center of Kennett, MO; Phil Caterbone in
Austin, TX; Clinton Library in Little Rock, AR; G...
Richmond Resolution On Space-Based Weaponry Prompts Flood Of Calls To Police From Targeted Individuals CBS
San Francisco
Richmond police have been inundated with calls for help from people who feel under attack from space-based
weaponry because of a City Council resolution passed last month, according to Mayor Tom Butt.
Another NSA Whistleblower Steps Forward - YouTube
Diane Roark is a former congressional staffer who was assigned to the intelligence committee. Undaunted by FBI
raids on her home and others who also served o...
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V2K: Voice to Skull - peacepink
Does the technology exist that could encode speech, transmit it via microwaves, and be heard inside the human
skull... without using a receiver? An investiga...
CIA WhistleBlower Susan Lindauer EXPOSES Everything (Extreme Prejudice) - peacepink
CIA WhistleBlower EXPOSES Everything ( Extreme Prejudice)
DOCUMENTARY: Edward Snowden - Terminal F (2015) - YouTube
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things' Subscribe to
the Guardian HERE: ...
"60 Minutes" interview: President Obama - YouTube
Is the U.S. taking a backseat to Russia in Syria? Steve Kroft asks President Obama in an interview for 60 Minutes.
Wake Up America - 6/16/14 - Atty Shawn Abrell part 1 - YouTube
Atty Shawn Abrell calls in from Hawaii, talks about lawsuits and his travels meeting different clients, RFID,
microchips, people being targeted by electronic...
Wake Up America - 6/16/14 - Atty Shawn Abrell part 2 - YouTube
Atty Shawn Abrell calls in from Hawaii, talks about lawsuits and his travels meeting different clients, RFID,
microchips, people being targeted by electronic...
Direct Energy Weapons - YouTube
they sure are acting weird. watch the whole video here
Live and Recorded Public meetings of Council Meeting 5192015 for City of Richmond - YouTube
Richmond police have been inundated with calls for help from people who feel under attack from space-based
weaponry because of a City Council resolution pass...
Lancaster Catholic Football 1974 1975 Season Tri County Champs My Junior Year Number 36, Dec 7, 2015 - YouTube
Upload - YouTube
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Alec Krieder May 12, 2007 David Ludwig Nov 13, 2005 Jessie Wise April 8, 2006 Young People Mur - YouTube
I have been a Targeted Individual, TI, and Victim since 1987. In 1987 I blew the whistle (public Allegations and
Complaints to State and Federal Authorities ...
Welcome to your electromagnetic concentration camp - YouTube
USED AGAINST AMERICAN TARGETED INDIVIDUALS First, all 315 million Americans a...
Richmond City Council ban spaced-based weapons - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
The Neuro Revolution - Full HD - YouTube
The Neuro Revolution is a Book recommendation for victims of Neuroscience research. The video is based on the
Book by the same name by author Zack Lynch. The...
Lawyer Dr Cordero exposes the fraud in Judiciary, Astounding Discoveries - YouTube

Atty Shawn Abrell on Wake Up America -
Stan Caterbone
Support Desk
Digital Angel Corp., Prior to Merger with Applied Digital Solutions, Inc.: Private Company Information - Businessweek
People You May Know | LinkedIn
Wake Up America - 6/16/14 - Atty Shawn Abrell part 1 - YouTube
Julianne McKinney on microwave harassment and mind control - YouTube
Julianne McKinney on microwave harassment and mind control - YouTube

3rd Circuit Valuation Nov 27, 2015

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Finance Calculator
The Historical Rate of Return for the Stock Market Since 1900 | Stock Picks System
Is 1% management fee typical for Wealth Management? Any recommendations on cheaper alternatives? - Nerdwallet
Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 Very Important

Audio Files

Login into Audio Account an audio website where users can upload, listen, share, download, search, embed and discuss audio
files which consist of podcasts, interviews, sound bites, sound effects, ringtones, audio books and music.
Audio Account Channel for Yourlisten an audio website where users can upload, listen, share, download, search, embed and discuss audio
files which consist of podcasts, interviews, sound bites, sound effects, ringtones, audio books and music.
Appointment with Dr. Brian Sullivan of Abbeyville Family Med Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Appointment with Dr. Brian Sullivan of Abbeyville Family Med uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
1979 Economic Analysis by Samuel P. Caterbone October 3, 201 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
1979 Economic Analysis by Samuel P. Caterbone October 3, 201 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #5 Side A September 28, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #5 Side A September 28, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #3 Side B September 26, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #3 Side B September 26, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #3 Side A September 26, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #3 Side A September 26, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #1 Side B September 12, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #1 Side B September 12, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #4 Side A September 26, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #4 Side A September 26, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #1 Side A September 12, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #1 Side A September 12, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #5 Side B September 28, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #5 Side B September 28, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Stan J. Caterbone Interview on Freedom From Covert Harassmen Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Stan J. Caterbone Interview on Freedom From Covert Harassmen uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Riverside Club re Screamin Daisies LOCKOUT November 7, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Riverside Club re Screamin Daisies LOCKOUT November 7, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Public Access to Court Electronic Records
Memo of October 28, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Memo of October 28, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Authentic 1987 Taped Recorded Audio Conversations of Crimina Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Authentic 1987 Taped Recorded Audio Conversations of Crimina uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Busser 302 Arrest Apr 5 2006 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Busser 302 Arrest Apr 5 2006 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #4 Side B September 26, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #4 Side B September 26, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
AUDIO: Robert Scheer Hosts Dennis Kucinichan Unpredictable American Original - Truthdig
In the third episode of Scheer Intelligence, eight-term Ohio congressman and two-time presidential candidate
Dennis Kucinich raps about the underbelly of U.S. politics going back to his days as Clevelands boy mayor in the
late 1970s. - 2015/11/28
FFCHS Conference Nov 16, 2015
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Upload Music and Audio on Yourlisten
The Jim Guest Show Week 3 with Dr. Hall and Dr. Robertson Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
The Jim Guest Show Week 3 with Dr. Hall and Dr. Robertson uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
The Jim Guest Show Week 4 with Dr. Hall and Dr. Robertson Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
The Jim Guest Show Week 4 with Dr. Hall and Dr. Robertson uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Jim Guest Show of Mind Control November 15, 2009 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Jim Guest Show of Mind Control November 15, 2009 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Dr. Hall and Jim Robertson on Jim Guest Show of November 22, Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Dr. Hall and Jim Robertson on Jim Guest Show of November 22, uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Call to Itunes Customer Service to Repair Apple ID in Iphone Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen

AUDIO: Robert Scheer Hosts John KiriakouA Whistleblower on Torture - Truthdig

On Scheer Intelligence, KCRWs new podcast with Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer, John Kiriakou, author
of The Reluctant Spy: My Secret Life in the CIAs War on Terror, details his 15 years as a CIA analyst and
counterterrorism operations officer specializing in the Middle East. - 2015/12/11
Audio Appointment with Psychiatrist Al Shulz in January of 1 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Audio Appointment with Psychiatrist Al Shulz in January of 1 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Audio Recording of False Imprisonment at Lancaster Parking.. Uploaded by SCaterbone at Your Listen
Audio Recording of False Imprisonment at Lancaster Parking.. uploaded by SCaterbone
Return Call from U.S. Attorney Christie Fawcett in 2010 Uploaded by SCaterbone at Your Listen
Return Call from U.S. Attorney Christie Fawcett in 2010 uploaded by SCaterbone

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Lady Gaga & Tony Bennett | "Winter Wonderland" | Christmas In Rockefeller 2014 - YouTube
Katy Perry - Show del entre Tiempo del SUPER BOWL
Sheryl Crow - "Merry Christmas Baby" - YouTube
Katy Perry - Show del entre Tiempo del SUPER BOWL

Dead Man Walking Tabs Dec 5, 2015

Stan Caterbone -
Tim Horstmann | LinkedIn
Edit Profile | LinkedIn
FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 5, 2015
Lancaster County DA Releases Report on Fatal Police Shooting of Mentally Ill Man on North Queen Street in 2013
Blood Alcohol Calculator Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Julie McNamara
People You May Know | LinkedIn
1987 Burdette Tomlin Hospital Medical Records with Jim Warner Calling Stone Harbor Police - Phony Suicide Allegation
Lancaster Newspapers Defamation September 4 1987 - July 10, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re 806 Authentic Original Documents
From 1983 to 2006, November 18, 2015
The CGI Mission | Clinton Global Initiative
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Advanced Media Group Capabilities Statement 1990 Apr 29 2007

Mobile Bookmarks

Sol January 1, 2016

Stan Caterbone
Stan J. Caterbone U.S. Federal ELECTRONIC Court Filings for Thursday, December 31, 2015
3...2...1... - - Gmail
Kathleen Kane's racism comments challenge her "absolute immunity" to lawsuits. - The Morning Call
Messaging | LinkedIn
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Stan J. Caterbone United Nations Human Rights Council of Geneva Switzerland Complaint and Exhibit re U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control, October 4, 2009.pdf -
Self Publishing, Book Printing and Publishing Online - Lulu
adobe epub reader - SecureSearch
Download | Adobe Digital Editions
Advanced Media Group Press Release Re Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary December 17, 2015

Obstruction of Due Process Law

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Obstruction of Justice is almost always a Criminal Complaint against Corrupt Judges
Obstruction of Justice is almost always a Criminal Complaint against Corrupt Judges
Federal law on obstructing justice: a summary
Federal Contempt of Court | Berg & Androphy
Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Present the ISC Story as It Relates to U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and the
Federal False Claims Act December 18, 2015
Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Present the ISC Story as It Relates to U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and
the Federal False Claims Act December 18, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
book online for free. Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Present the ISC Story as It Relates to U.S.
Sponsored Mind Control and the Federal False Claims Act December 18, 2015
Dalzell's 1997 Opinion.PDF - Dalzells_1997_Opinion.pdf
Lisa Michelle LAMBERT, v. Mrs. Charlotte BLACKWELL, Supt., et al. MEMORANDUM DALZELL, District
Judge. Before us is the respondents' motion to dismiss or, in the alternative, to strike the petition Lisa Michelle
Lambert filed in this 28 U.S.C. § 2254 habeas action. Also pending is the third iteration of a motion for
recusal of the assigned judge...
How do you keep control of your office and cases?


Library | Scribd
Stan J. Caterbone (stan5j.5caterbone) 532 uploads | Scribd -
GoFundMe: #1 for Crowdfunding & Fundraising Websites
Don Eberly will not challenge Smucker for 16th district | Local News |
Lancaster Online - Cheney's top aide indicted; CIA leak probe continues - Oct 28, 2005
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CIA: A History: John Ranelagh: 9780563362500: Books
CIA: A History [John Ranelagh] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This history of America's
Central Intelligence Agency traces the organization's 50 years of existence and the people who made it the world's
foremost secret service. Agency directors
Taylor Bradley | LinkedIn
valerie plame - Google Search
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With Executive
Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald Letter to Joseph Tate, Jim Guerin Attorney, Re Scooter Libby October 3, 2005
Tony Blair makes qualified apology for Iraq war ahead of Chilcot report | UK news | The Guardian
Former British PM admits mistakes and conflicts role in rise of Islamic State but defends armed intervention in
Ted Koppel Compares Donald Trump To Benito Mussolini | Video | Media Matters for America
President Obama - CBS News
Steve Kroft questions President Obama on topics including Russia's incursion in Syria, ISIS and the 2016
presidential race
George W Bush provides unlikely ally for Clinton, Obama as they counter Republicans on Islam | Fox News
Democrats are turning to an unlikely ally, George W.
Legal Aid Fund by Stan Caterbone - GoFundMe
Lancaster Freethought Society - Promoting positive atheism and the separation of church and state. Lancaster, PA
Promoting positive atheism and the separation of church and state. Lancaster, PA
Loss of Control: Lawyers' Greatest Fear - Attorney at Work - Attorney at Work
When lawyers are surveyed about what keeps them awake at night, their top issue is almost always feeling that their
offices or cases are out of control.
Marjorie Cohn: Want Endless War? Love the U.S. Empire? Well, Hillary Clintons Your Choice - Truthdig
If the candidates foreign policy record is any guide, a Hillary Clinton presidency would perpetuate and bolster some
of our most hateful national characteristics. - 2016/02/01
How U.S. Arms and Technology Were Transferred to Iraq
Julian Assange Arbitrarily Detained, a U.N. Panel Has Found - Truthdig
The panel is expected to announce Friday a finding that the WikiLeaks founders long stay in Ecuadors London
embassy is the result of improper actions by Sweden and Britain. - 2016/02/04
ONLINE REGISTRATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and
Surveillence Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone on March 25, 2016
ONLINE REGISTRATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and
Surveillence Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone on March 25, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File
(.txt) or read online for free. ONLINE REGISTRATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From
Covert Harassment and Surveillence Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone on March 25, 2016
Gmail - Email to All Contacts Re NOTICE Official Dissolution of FFCHS March 25, 2016
Gmail - Email to All Contacts Re NOTICE Official Dissolution of FFCHS March 25, 2016 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Gmail - Email to All Contacts Re NOTICE Official Dissolution of
FFCHS March 25, 2016
TalkShoe - Call - PACTS, International
History-Changing FBI Whistleblowers Reveal Themselves in '1971'
On March 8, 1971, a group of anti-war activists broke into an FBI office in Media, Pa., and subsequently changed
the course of history, blowing the whistle on illegal surveillance and bully tactics employed by J. Edgar Hoover and
his government agency.In spite of one of the biggest FBI dragnets in history
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With Executive

Truthdig Articles

Chris Hedges: The Great Forgetting - Chris Hedges - Truthdig

Americas refusal to fund and sustain its intellectual and cultural heritage has come with an enormous cost. We are
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now paying the bill. - 2016/01/10
Chris Hedges: The Mirage of Justice - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
There seldom are trials for the poor. Instead, under threat of draconian sentences, they are forced to accept plea
bargains. The system is a sham set up for elites with godlike powers who seek to advance themselves and their
agendas at the expense of the downtrodden.  - 2016/01/17
Chris Hedges: Pity the Children - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
If we continue to ignore the hunger, poverty and desperate families and communities of our young, we guarantee
there will be a huge, violent population plagued by crime, drug addiction and high incarceration rates. If we save the
children, we save society. - 2016/01/31

Micah RIP

Inbox - - Gmail

Gmail - State police investigate prison death of Cortney Fry killer Micah Stewart, autopsy results pending
(2) Twitter
Lincoln-Reagan Dinner 2016 featuring Senator Rand Paul - YouTube
President Obama - CBS News
About Us |
State police investigate prison death of Cortney Fry killer Micah Stewart, autopsy results pending | Local News |
Convicted killer dies at Montco prison
State police investigate prison death of Cortney Fry killer Micah Stewart, autopsy results pending | Local News |
Court: No relief for Micah Stewart, killer of 19-year-old girlfriend in Columbia | News |
I hate you Micah Stewart | News |

Julian Assange & Me

Credit Occupy in Bernie Sanders' Surge - - Gmail

Julian Assange Arbitrarily Detained, a U.N. Panel Has Found - Truthdig
Stan Caterbone
Edit Profile | LinkedIn
Ten Years Ago Today a Dixie Chick Dared to Hit Bush on Warand a Hate Campaign Began | The Nation
The group's career suffered over Natalie Maines' comment against invading Iraq.
Attorney General warns of new 'phishing' scam | Local News |
Attorney General warns of new 'phishing' scam | Local News |

Obama v. Snowden

Inbox (6) - - Gmail

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UPS: Tracking Information
Obama in 2007: No more spying on citizens who are not suspected of a crime - YouTube
Lancaster Freethought Society - Promoting positive atheism and the separation of church and state. Lancaster, PA
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things' - YouTube
Statement and Video of False Imprisonment at NSA National Security Agency at Ft Meade, Maryland of - YouTube
Trang Do | LinkedIn
Edward Snowden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trang Do | LinkedIn
Edward Snowden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017 - ash carter invoice

Complaint to ICE

Inbox (1) - - Gmail

United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania-United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Messaging | LinkedIn
(1) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
When the CIA ran a LSD sex-house in San Francisco - San Francisco Chronicle
Email Re Registration of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Survellience in the State of Pennsylvania to ALL
CONTACTS on April 3, 2016
CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillence
Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group on March 25, 2016
Thomas L. Flannery, Intell investigative reporter, dies at 56 - Intelligencer Journal Lancaster, PA | HighBeam Research
Pro Financial Group Brochure
Guns, cash, 800 bags of heroin seized in Fremont Street raid | Local News |
Letter to Lancaster City Chief of Police Sam Gatshell June 25 2007
HSI Tip Form | ICE
Stan J Caterbone, International Signal Control or ISC, The CIA, The NSA, And U.S. Sponsored Mind Control in
Lancaster Pennsylvania - November 18, 2015 Copyright
usingmind control aginst the us - Google Search
Did Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge Put Stan Caterbone on the Terrorist NoFly List in or Around 2004 November
16, 2015
My History as a Victim Of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and Resume - peacepink
How horse rides for children are helping to heal in Lancaster County | Insider |
There's just a scrap of sign marking Green Meadow Farm in Leola. But there's no mistaking it, sign or not.

2 Reaserch Documents links

Classic Tracks: My Life, Billy Joel | Mixonline

Facebook Rules About Swearing | Business & Entrepreneurship -
While Facebook generally promotes free speech, there are some exceptions when it comes to hateful or harassing
content. Generally, cursing and swearing is not against Facebook's Terms or ...
Navy Yard killer eyed revenge | New York Post
Aaron Alexis and extremely low frequency attacks: Truth or fiction? | Washington Times Communities
Ultra low frequency attack ... [are] what has driven me to this. - Aaron Alexis
By Julianne McKinney - Microwave_Harassment_And_Mind_Control_Experimentation.pdf
v. City of Lancaster 08-02982
Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential: James Moore, Wayne Slater: 0723812622771: Books - The Military's Pandora's Box by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning
Sanity for Superheroes: O.A.K.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars
Local veteran to appear on CNN special - - - News Source for Jacksonville, North Carolina -
42 days after "microwave mind control" complaint, Alexis kills 12 | Washington Times Communities
Alexis complained that persons were ...keep(ing) him awake by talking to himusing some sort of microwave
U.S. Department of Homeland Security seal, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services logo
Activist Post: Report: Was Navy Yard Shooter Gangstalked with Mind Control Microwave Weapons?
AFFIDAVIT to Judge Stewart Dalzall in Authored in 1998 With DOCKET of 5-14-Cv-02559-PD False Arrests No
Trespass Notices August 19, 2015
Mind Wars - Kindle edition by Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @
Navy Yard Shooter Had Mind Control Group Contact - National Human Rights |
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Navy Yard tragedy's Aaron Alexis was reportedly in contact with an electronic surveillance and mind control
"human rights support group" two weeks before killin
The Robing Room
Pentagon plans telepathic troops that can read each others' minds
Pentagon plans telepathic troops that can read each others' minds
FFCHS Home - Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance
Nebraska killer contradicted trial testimony to state senator in COINTELPRO case - National Cointelpro |
Mind Wars by Jonathan D Moreno review | Books | The Guardian
Jim Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Movant legal definition of Movant
David R. Cook Sr., 64, Founded Penna. Convenience-store Chain - philly-archives
In Contraventoin of Cenventional Wisdom - wisdom.pdf
PNC Bank - Personal Banking
Wells Fargo - Session Time Out
Lisa Lambert Faces Jail Again For Slaying The Lancaster County Woman's Murder Conviction Was Reinstated By A
Federal Appeals Panel. - philly-archives
ABC News Documentary Reveals Secret Government Mind Control Project MKULTRA - National US Intelligence |
In 1979, just two years after U.S. Senate hearings revealed disturbing information about a secret government mind
control program code-named Project MKULTRA, AB
Synthetic telepathy | Cyberbrain
Scientists Warn of Ethical Battle Concerning Military Mind Control - US News and World Report
The time for America to determine how to ethically use new neuroscience technologies in war is rapidly
The Legacy of the CIAs Secret LSD Experiments on America | Healthland |
Before LSD escaped the lab and was evangelized by hippies, the U.S. government was secretly testing the effects of
the drug on hundreds of unsuspecting American civilians and military personnel.
My ELF Weapon: More Proof Navy Yard Shooter Targeted with Mind Control Weapons | The Daily Sheeple
Reports are surfacing that the military contractor had carved My ELF Weapon and Better off this way into the
stock of his shotgun prior to the shootings.
Hillary's Alien Baby And 7 Other Out-of-This-World Tabloid Tales | Mother Jones
Peter A. Grossi | Obituaries |
Peter A. Grossi, 95, of Lancaster, PA, passed away on Friday, November 6, 2015 at Country Meadows Retirement
Man wounded in East Madison Street shooting | Local News |
A man suffered an injury that was not life-threatening in a shooting in the 700 block of East Madison Street around
11:30 p.m. Tuesday, police said. - Detained Cat Stevens heading home - Sep 22, 2004
The singer formerly known as Cat Stevens was making his way back to London Wednesday after being taken off a
diverted trans-Atlantic flight by U.S. officials.
The Steinmans should pack their LNP bags and move on |
LNP cannot conscientiously serve as the shepherd and at the same time be the wolf.
David K. Bortzfield | DeBord Snyder Funeral Home & Crematory
David K. Bortzfield, 59, of Lititz, died at home on Friday, May 20, 2011. Born in Lancaster, he was the son of the
late J. Robert Bortzfield and Virginia S
FREMONT ST Neighborhood
BAC Blood Alcohol Calculator Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
81 Percent of Islamic State-Linked Suspects Charged in the U.S. Are American - Truthdig
None of the Islamic State-linked suspects ever charged in the United States came from Syria, and the overwhelming
majority were born here, research shows. - 2015/11/21
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Nigger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Libel and Slander legal definition of Libel and Slander
Definition of Libel and Slander in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What
is Libel and Slander? Meaning of Libel and Slander as a legal term. What does Libel and Slander mean in law?
Vote on medical marijuana next week? | News |
HARRISBURG - After years of discussion, Pennsylvania lawmakers appear poised to cast a historic vote next week
that could legalize medical marijuana.
Panhandlers less common in downtown Lancaster | Local News |
Panhandling has declined at least 50 percent in downtown Lancaster, according to the Lancaster City Alliance, a
survey of city shoppers and some downtown retailers.
Marriott expansion plan would include 105 new hotel rooms, demolition of 3 downtown buildings | Local News |
The citys Historical Commission got its first look at plans for a 12-story, 105-room expansion of the Lancaster
Marriott at Penn Square.
The Danger of Politically Correct History By Callista Gingrich
Envirolet Waterless Self-Contained Composting Toilet Systems
Envirolet Composting Toilets are an environment-friendly sanitation solution for homes, cottage, cabins and more.
1250 Fremont St to 114 Old Stonehouse Rd N - Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
1250 Fremont St to 114 Old Stonehouse Rd N - Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Millersville University - The Review Magazine
Maria Sharapova Official Website
Latest pics, videos, results, news, interviews, social and bio.
AG Kathleen Kane says removal attempt is unconstitutional, plans to appoint special prosecutors |
In her statement, Kane said she intends to vigorously defend the Office of Attorney General against any and all
future efforts by this committee or the Senate as a whole.
AG Kathleen Kane says removal attempt is 'unconstitutional,' plans to appoint special prosecutors |
Attorney General Kathleen Kane, in responding to news of the Senate's possible removal process moving forward,
vowed to challenge to constitutionality of the action.
The FRONTLINE Interview: Diane Roark | United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE | PBS
Diane Roark served as a top staff member on the House Intelligence Committee from 1985 to 2002. She fought to
end the NSA's post-9/11 warrantless wiretapping initiative, telling FRONTLINE she considered the program
"unethical, immoral, politically stupid, illegal and unconstitutional."
Callista Gingrich: Learning history is a civic responsibility | New Hampshire
As someone who had a front row seat to New Hampshire's presidential nominating contest four years ago, I was
impressed with the voters' commitment to this civic responsibility.
Brandeis Brief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Community focus puts Bank of Bird-in-Hands growth ahead of schedule | Local Business |
Since opening in December 2013, Bank of Bird-in-Hand has made a habit of doing things its way.
Children at play on 'Tommy's Field' | News |
"Soccer is the in thing right now," said Jefferson, president of the Schreiber center in East Hempfield Township.
"Here, kids can learn and play the game of soccer, and when
Bing Trends 2015
Explore the moments that moved us and people who made 2015 memorable @Bing #TopSearches2015
Mary (Mimm) Grossi | Obituaries |
Mary (Mimm) Grossi, 92, of Lancaster, died Sunday, December 13, 2015 at Hospice & Community Care,
Mount Joy.
Pope Francis recognises second Mother Teresa 'miracle' - BBC News
Pope Francis recognises a second miracle attributed to Mother Teresa, clearing the way for the Roman Catholic nun
to be made a saint next year.
Truthdig - 40 Years On, the Vietnam War Continues for Victims of Agent Orange
A Vietnamese delegation is in the U.S. to support a bill that would help remedy this humanitarian crisis, which
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inflicts suffering on both the old and the newly born. The U.S. has a moral obligation to make this bill law. -
Petition update Over 66,000 Strong!
Security Badging & Access
Management Directives
At Linden Hall, diverse backgrounds meet basketball culture | Basketball |
A core group of seniors, including players with international backgrounds, helped fuel the Lions' 9-1 start to the
Medical marijuana bill passes Pa. House, will be sent to Gov. Wolf |
The Pennsylvania House passed the bill Wednesday, 149-46, approving legislation that had bounced between the
House and Senate starting last May.
Lancaster Co. prosecutor, detective to be on TV to talk about 'rape' foiled by fitness tracker | Local News |
Data from an activity tracker led to criminal charges in a claimed rape but not against who you might expect.
Juan Cole: Panama Papers Revelation of Assad Familys Stolen Wealth Helps Explain the Syrian Revolution - Juan Cole -
The revelation in the leaked Panama Papers that Mossack Fonseca and HSBC serviced the companies of corrupt
Syrian billionaire Rami Makhlouf (first cousin of dictator Bashar Assad) long after the U.S. imposed sanctions on
him is a reminder of why Syrians revolted against the regime in 2011. - 2016/04/06
Scientists Warn of Ethical Battle Concerning Military Mind Control - US News and World Report
The time for America to determine how to ethically use new neuroscience technologies in war is rapidly
Navy Yard Shooter Had Mind Control Group Contact - National Human Rights |
Navy Yard tragedy's Aaron Alexis was reportedly in contact with an electronic surveillance and mind control
"human rights support group" two weeks before killin
The Legacy of the CIAs Secret LSD Experiments on America | Healthland |
Before LSD escaped the lab and was evangelized by hippies, the U.S. government was secretly testing the effects of
the drug on hundreds of unsuspecting American civilians and military personnel.
My ELF Weapon: More Proof Navy Yard Shooter Targeted with Mind Control Weapons | The Daily Sheeple
Reports are surfacing that the military contractor had carved My ELF Weapon and Better off this way into the
stock of his shotgun prior to the shootings.
Activist Post: Report: Was Navy Yard Shooter Gangstalked with Mind Control Microwave Weapons?
Aaron Alexis and extremely low frequency attacks: Truth or fiction? | Washington Times Communities
Ultra low frequency attack ... [are] what has driven me to this. - Aaron Alexis
Navy Yard killer eyed revenge | New York Post
42 days after "microwave mind control" complaint, Alexis kills 12 | Washington Times Communities
Alexis complained that persons were ...keep(ing) him awake by talking to himusing some sort of microwave

Lisa M Release

Love, Murder, and Corruption in Lancaster County: My Story: Lisa Michelle Lambert and David Brown: 9781933822884: Books
Love, Murder, and Corruption in Lancaster County: My Story [Lisa Michelle Lambert and David Brown] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The police and prosecutorial misconduct was not only
outrageous, but also led directly to the conviction of a woman we have found by clear and convincing evidence to
have been actually innocent of first-degree murder. So said Philadelphia federal court judge Stewart Dalzell in 1997
as he overturned Lisa Lambert s 1992 conviction for the murder of her supposed romantic rival
Advanced Media Group Rebuttal to LNP - In a Killers Words Lisa Michelle Lambert, Nearly 25 Years Since Laurie
Shows Murder, LAMBERT Claims Innocence in New Book Published in Sunday News Front Page on January 31, 2016
President Obama just commuted 95 sentences. How do presidential commutations and pardons work? - The Washington
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Here is a simple guide to pardons, commutations and why President Obama has released dozens of offenders this
year. Stan J. Caterbone's review of Love, Murder, and Corruption in Lancaster ...
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June 17, 2016

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EMERGENCY INJUCTION v Fulton Bank Recorded April 14, 2010 Filed on April 1, 2010 in US District Court -
Chester Springs man co-authors murder novel
Court rejects man's claim that Lancaster County's residents are torturing him with mind control |
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) |
Federal Court Case No. 05-2288 CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, Fulton Bank, et. al., OPEN Case and U.S.
Third Circuit Reversal of Dismissal for May 6, 2016
LNP analysis: Police in Lancaster County have paid out $2.4 million to settle allegations of excessive force | Local News |
Superior Court Case No. 2016 1164 EDA Kathleen Kane Appeal DOCKET Sheet With Stan J. Caterbone as AMICUS as
of May 17 2016 with AMICUS that was filed in Person in Philadelphia on May 12, 2016
Case No. 08-Cv-02982 U.S. District Court Re CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police Department and Pete Anders
Millersville University Police as of June 16, 2016
What We Know About The 300 ISIS Sympathizers In The U.S. | ThinkProgress

June 20, 2016

Michelle Gershfeld | LinkedIn

First Read: Morning Local News Headlines - - Gmail
The bizarre tenure of Kathleen Kane continues | Editorials |
Mind Control by Narcissists | Narcissism Meets Normalcy
Satanists Infiltrate a Ritual Abuse Conference in Oakland: Your Guide to What Happened and Why | Religion Dispatches
EMERGENCY INJUCTION v Fulton Bank Recorded April 14, 2010 Filed on April 1, 2010 in US District Court -
Court rejects man's claim that Lancaster County's residents are torturing him with mind control |
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
RECORDED Case No. 15-03984 STATEMENT Re CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police Bureau and Family History of
Caterbone Family and the Lancaster City Police Bureau, June 18 2016
Is Lancaster County Harboring ISIS SYMPATHIZERS - Full Report - What We Know About the 300 ISIS Sympathizers
in the U.S., By Jane Harmon December 2015
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Letter to Dr. Sivia Gratz, Fairmount Behavioral Health Systems June 19, 2016
CD-ROM Certified Mail Reciepts, Letters, And USPS Priority Mail Labels June 20, 2016

Main Tabs of Dec 23, 2015

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Stan J. Caterbone (stan5j.5caterbone) 645 uploads | Scribd -
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Account | News, Comment and Culture for Lancaster County Your Lancaster County News, Sports & Weather Source
Fly Magazine Drinking, Dining, Music & Entertainment
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Erin Andrews | Filmography, Relationships, Photos
Kate Beckinsale
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Stan J. Caterbone Bio
Stan Caterbone
Christie Brinkley John Mellencamp Engaged Rumors Singer Wants To Marry The Model But Shes Holding Him Off
| Radar Online
John Mellencamp - Authority Song - YouTube
John Mellencamp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lisa-Germano - Lisa Germano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gibbons: What was he thinking? - The Intelligencer: Margaret Gibbons | Montgomery County politics | Courthouse
While always politically ambitious, Democratic Montgomery County Commissioners Chairman Josh Shapiro is one
of the most cautious politicians that I know.
Live Blog: Sparks Fly Between Sanders and Clinton in Flint Showdown (Updated) - Truthdig
Both the setting of Sunday nights Democratic debate in Flint, Mich., and the timing were significant. Update: The
two Democratic presidential hopefuls united front came tumbling down, and news broke that Sanders had won the
Maine caucuses. - 2016/03/06
Truthdigger of the Week: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Who Risked Her Career to Endorse Bernie Sanders - Truthdig
The Hawaii congresswoman defied Democratic leaders and resigned as vice chair of the Democratic National
Committee so she could promote the senator for president. Why? Because we need a commander in chief who has
foresight and exercises good judgment. - 2016/03/05
Chris Hedges: We All Are Islamic State - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The killings in Brussels or Paris and the killings in U.S. military strikes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria or
Libya perpetuate the same dark lusts. The savage tit-for-tat game will not end until we rouse ourselves from our
hypnotized state.  - 2016/03/27

Begin Again - 1904 The Begining of the Hate Crime

(1) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter

Congressman Robert Walker Pleading July 7 1991 Important
Inbox (1) - - Gmail
Gmail - Allstate Claim 0411061054 Your Recent Property Insurance Claim Has Been Successfully Submitted April 26,
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Stan J. Caterbone United Nations Human Rights Council of Geneva Switzerland Complaint and Exhibit re U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control, October 4, 2009.pdf
Dixie Chicks - I Hope (Telethon) - YouTube
Amended COMPLAINT in U.S. District Court Case No. 05-2288 File on October 15, 2007
MAGIC! - Rude - YouTube
Letter to Mike Caterbone Re Response to Email and Lancaster County Ready to Work Graduate Certification With Job
Applications April 2, 2008
Upload a Document | Scribd
The Assaults on Stan J. Caterbone's Family Began on November 12, 1904 - According to the LNP New Era of the Same
Gmail - Allstate Claim 0411061054 Your Recent Property Insurance Claim Has Been Successfully Submitted April 26,

Federal False Claims Act

(2) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Stan Caterbone Football Scrapbook Senior Year Season 1975 June 24 2007 Created by Yolanda Caterbone
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Share petition Facebook: Remove pages that are reported and proven to be fake
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Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 Very Important for the Pflumms April 30, 2016
U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734 Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS
Owen Kugel, Appellant, v. United States of America, Appellee, 947 F.2d 1504 (D.C. Cir. 1991) :: Justia
Lancaster General Health wants to build a 126-bed mental health facility | Insider |

The Killing of a tI

Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter

MedExpress Pain Visit and Prescriptions for Pain on Tuesday, May 10, 2015
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NSA Whistleblower Comes Out of the Shadows Into the Light | Canada Free Press
Recorded 15-03984 Habeus Case EXHIBIT Re - Pennsylvania Judge Quashes 650M Government
Mind Control Lawsuit September 28, 2013
Superior Court Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 and 1915 MDA 2015 MOTION to File EXHIBIT Re Recorded 15-03984
Habeus Case EXHIBIT Re Pennsylvania Judge Quashes 650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit Dated May11, 2016
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 EXHIBIT Re Corroborating Expert and Former Nsa Whistleblower Karen
Stewart's Disclosure of Electromagnetic Weapons Used to Kill May 12 - Copy
Trip to Philadelphia Courthouse Dockets and Filings of May 12, 2016
The Killing of a TI - EXCLUSIVE Former NSA Employee Karen Stewart Speaks Out on Its Corruption With Stan J
Caterbone Habeus Filing May 13, 2016
EXCLUSIVE: Former NSA Employee Speaks Out on its Corruption | Canada Free Press
Kasia Anderson: Friends of Abe, Hollywood Conservatives Secret Society, Is Calling It Quits (Exclusive) - Truthdig
Heres a bit of breaking news that may have an impact on this election cycle: Friends of Abe, a secret organization
made up of some 1,500 right-leaning members of the Hollywood community, is dissolving. - 2016/04/21
Put Down the Tinfoil: Science Ministry Insists Mind Control Not Possible - Khaosod English
Touched With Fire, Spike Lee Movie re Bi Polar Disease June 20, 2016 - YouTube
Touched With Fire, Spike Lee Movie re Bi Polar Disease June 20, 2016
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Video of the Movie IN YOUR EYES about 2 People That Are Telepathic Made In 2013, Published June 18, - YouTube
Video of the Movie IN YOUR EYES about 2 People That Are Telepathic Made In 2013, Published June 18,
Here's how psychologists can 'implant' thoughts in your brain - Tech Insider
People are way too easily influenced.
Satanists Infiltrate a Ritual Abuse Conference in Oakland: Your Guide to What Happened and Why | Religion Dispatches
U.S. household incomes grow; highest incomes grow the most | Nation |
America enjoyed broad-based income growth in 2014, but the country's top 1 percent did even better, according to
new Internal Revenue Service data.

Rental Zone Assault

Michelle Gershfeld | LinkedIn

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Public meeting on gas pipeline ends in chaos, federal officials leaving stage | Local News |
Chester Springs man co-authors murder novel
Court rejects man's claim that Lancaster County's residents are torturing him with mind control |
(22) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Letter to Dave Brown of Pearson, Koutcher Law Firm of June 14, 2016 With Docs
MJ 02102-Cv-0000137 Notice to Defend MDJ David Miller June 13, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Capabilities Marketing Brochure Produced for Pflumm Contractors in 1995
Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Documentation as a Contractor for the Department of Defense in 1990
Letter to Edward M. Marsico, Jr. District Attorney of June 15, 2016
Chapter 27 - Title 18 - CRIMES AND OFFENSES
FBI Overview
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Keanu Reeves Is Building Custom Bikes, And They Look Awesome
Keanu Reeves will build your dream hog from the ground up. For a price.


What We Know About The 300 ISIS Sympathizers In The U.S. | ThinkProgress
There is a small but active cadre of individuals infatuated with ISIS ideology in the U.S. according to a new
report from the Program on Extremism at the George Washington University.
NewsBusters |
The American Police State | Fight "Gang Stalking"
__________________________________________________________ Everyone has either personally experienced
- or witnessed someone else experience - a dog straining against its leash to the point where the dog is essentially
taking its owner for a walk, rather than the other way around. Currently, America is the dog owner, and the dog
taking us for a walk is the
The Irish Mafia : The Oldest Gang In USA [ Crime Documentary ] - YouTube
The Dixie Chicks debuted their song "I Hope" on the telethon raising money for those caught in Hurricane Katrina.
They released an awesome version of the son...
Editorial: Amid political arguments, there are still reasons for optimism and celebration this Fourth of July | Opinion |
As we head into a presidential election, polls show Americans are more frustrated than any other time in recent
memory. Both presidential candidates are historically unpopular. The debate over issues
The Report of the Iraq Inquiry Executive Summary July 6, 2016
The Report of the Iraq InquiryExecutive Summary Report of a Committee of Privy Counsellors HC 264 Return to
an Addres...
Conspiracy Theories About Dallas Cop Shootings | News One

Amicus Stall

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Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Case eFiling
Messaging | LinkedIn
Wired. Mind-Control Research | Covert Harassment UK | LinkedIn
"Amicus Curiae Brief" filing WSPRED00082210 rejected for case "Com. v. Kane, K." (1164 EDA 2016) - - Gmail
Case eFiling
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. EDA 1164-16 Re Kathleen Kane Amicus in Support of Motion to Quash,April
28, 2016 Filed on May 2, 2016 Final Verification
Advanced Media Group-High-American Helix 1989 to 1991 Documents for Anti-Trust Litigation May 1, 2016
17 Closed Cases in the Superior Court of Pennsylvania - Appellate Courts Docket Sheets Cases for Stan J. Caterbone May
3, 2016
9 US Third Circuit Court of Appeals CASES and FULL DOCKETS for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone as of May 3,
Private Criminal Complaint - 1252 Fremont Street on March 30, 2016
Is Oct. sale of Daniel Groff property the final chapter in tragic story? | News |
How do Olympians make a living? | Local Business |
The Lancaster-based U.S. Olympic women's field hockey team is a full-time job with a stipend. Many add side jobs,
such as private coaching, or look for sponsorships.


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Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief June 27, 2016 Work in Progress
Ver 6.0 With Exhibits
Matthew M. Barasch, Esq. | LinkedIn
Latest human cloning claims leave sour taste | New Scientist
Community - upload
Criminal Court Case 3179-2007 FLEEING CHARGE Sentencing and Trial Transcript Copy July 1, 2016
Lancaster City Police Department 302 (Mulslim Brotherhood Email Included) Mental Health Warrant of July 9, 2015 and
COURT ORDER of 303 Hearing
Classic Tracks: My Life, Billy Joel | Mixonline
Christie Brinkley 'wants to make John Mellencamp her FIFTH husband' | Daily Mail Online
John Mellencamp - Walk Tall - YouTube
From SEALs to startups: Special ops drawn to Silicon Valley | Nation |
SAN DIEGO (AP) Keith David spent years flying around the globe on covert missions, making life-and-death
decisions and overseeing multiple units unleashing airstrikes against insurgents. The former Navy SEAL
Party in the USA: America celebrates its independence | Local News |
From fireworks soaring above the Washington Monument to hot dogs being downed in New York City's frank-
eating contest, Americans aren't shy about celebrating their nation's birthday. Many places are rolling
Iraq Inquiry
5 Crazy Weapons That Are Banned From War
Sadly, you cant use flamethrowers anymore.
Veteran used vest, military-style rifle in Dallas sniper slayings that killed 5 officers | National |
DALLAS (AP) The black Army veteran who killed five Dallas police officers donned a protective vest and used
a military-style semi-automatic rifle in the sniper slayings, officials said, an
I Saw It Coming, Says Iraq Vet Of ISIS Rise
National Guard vets remember the base that will now be a hub for Iraqi and American troops to attack the Islamic
Trip to Philadelphia Filings to Third Circuit Case 16-3298 and US District Case No. 16-Cv-4014 CATERBONE v. United
States of America, August 5, 2016
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Dido - White Flag (Official Video) - YouTube
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Train - Meet Virginia - YouTube
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Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
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Cat Stevens - The Very Best of Cat Stevens Full Album - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
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Daryl Hall & John Oates - "Abandoned Luncheonette" (Full Album) - YouTube
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Linkin Park - Numb (Official Video) - YouTube
Music video by Evanescence performing My Immortal. (C) 2004 Wind-Up Records, LLC
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Info: Website:
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Info: Website:
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Info: Website:
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Nancy Sandra Sinatra is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of the late singer/actor Frank Sinatra
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Nancy Sandra Sinatra is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of the late singer/actor Frank Sinatra
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Nancy Sandra Sinatra is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of the late singer/actor Frank Sinatra
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Eric Clapton - Layla - YouTube
Nancy Sandra Sinatra is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of the late singer/actor Frank Sinatra
and is widely known for her 1966 signature...
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (HD) - YouTube
Nancy Sandra Sinatra is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of the late singer/actor Frank Sinatra
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Lynyrd Skynyrd-Free bird - YouTube
Nancy Sandra Sinatra is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of the late singer/actor Frank Sinatra
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The Logical Song - YouTube
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Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
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"Baby's so high that shes skying, yeah she's flying afraid to fall, I'll tell you why Baby's crying, cuz' she's dying
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American Pie - Don McLean - Full Length 1989 Video from Original 1971/72 Song - YouTube
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"Baby's so high that shes skying, yeah she's flying afraid to fall, I'll tell you why Baby's crying, cuz' she's dying
arent we all". The greatest person to f...
Billy Joel - Piano Man - YouTube
"Baby's so high that shes skying, yeah she's flying afraid to fall, I'll tell you why Baby's crying, cuz' she's dying
arent we all". The greatest person to f...
Al Stewart - Year Of The Cat - YouTube
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Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Taylor Swift - Shake It Off - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Passenger - Let Her Go [Official Video] - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Rihanna - Umbrella (Pepsi Smash) - YouTube
Music video by Adele performing Someone Like You. (C) 2011 XL Recordings Ltd
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Blake Shelton - "Lonely Tonight" featuring Ashley Monroe (Official Video) https://twitter.c...
Wildflower (Deluxe Edition) - YouTube
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The Corrs Unplugged - MTV unplugged full concert - YouTube
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The Cranberries - MTV Unplugged (Full Concert) - YouTube
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P!nk - Just Give Me A Reason ft. Nate Ruess - YouTube
Official music video for Katy Perry's "Firework" off her album 'Teenage Dream'. Director: Dave Meyers. Producers:
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Official music video for Katy Perry's "Firework" off her album 'Teenage Dream'. Director: Dave Meyers. Producers:
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Lady Gaga - "What's Up" 4 Non Blondes Live Cover at #artRaveVienna - YouTube
Live footage and vocals from the sound board from #artRaveVienna, Lady Gaga singing 4 Non Blondes' "What's
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3 doors down - Kryptonite / Superman (Music video)(Lyrics) - YouTube
2005 WMG Let Her Cry (Video)
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 "The Hanging Tree" [HD] - YouTube
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The Key Studio Sessions: The Innocence Mission | The Key
The new album from Lancaster folk trio The Innocence Mission shows that even at their 30-year mark, it can still
reach those same emotional centers in a collection of songs about memory, family and travel.
Natalie Merchant - Wonder
Maddie & Tae - Girl In A Country Song - YouTube
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Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
David Bowie -Best of Bowie(2002) [FULL ALBUM] (disc 1) - YouTube
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The Wallflowers - One Headlight - YouTube
Music video by The Wallflowers performing One Headlight. (C) 2005 Interscope Records
Closer To You - The Wallflowers - YouTube
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Keira Knightley performs "Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home" from Begin Again. Buy the soundtrack now: Connect with Begin Aga...
OneRepublic - Counting Stars - YouTube
Keira Knightley performs "Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home" from Begin Again. Buy the soundtrack now: Connect with Begin Aga...
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Keira Knightley | "Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home" (Begin Again Soundtrack) | Interscope - YouTube
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The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony - YouTube
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RUNAGROUND | Chase You Down | Official Music Video - YouTube
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Avril Lavigne - Sippin' On Sunshine (Music Video) - YouTube
UNOFFICIAL Music video by Avril Lavigne performing Sippin' On Sunshine. (C) 2014 Epic
Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment. Buy the "Avril La...
Rachel Platten - Fight Song (Official Video) - YouTube
UNOFFICIAL Music video by Avril Lavigne performing Sippin' On Sunshine. (C) 2014 Epic
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SHOWER THE PEOPLE by The Dixie Chicks - YouTube
Add "&fmt=18" for the stereo version. This is from a tribute-to-James-Taylor wankfest
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Research Links to Documents

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland : Email Me

The official website of the U.S. Representative for Georgia's 3rd congressional district, serving since 2007.
Kennett, MO Chamber of Commerce
Cathy O'Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim - YouTube
Alex welcomes to the Infowars studio Dr. John Hall, anesthesiologist and author of "Satellite Terrorism" to discuss
the facts of the possibilities of Governm...
Syrians Under Siege Since July Say They Are Eating Leaves and Dying of Starvation - Truthdig
Roughly 30,000 residents of a Syrian town a few dozen miles from the capital, Damascus, say they are trapped and
dying of starvation as a result of a monthslong siege by forces loyal to President Bashar Assad. - 2016/01/07
JFK and the CIA: Mortal Enemies?
John Kennedy, rather than being an enemy of the Central Intelligence Agency, was a supporter who was strongly
supportive of covert operations
Over 50 Pa. faith leaders urge passage of medical marijuana bill | Local News - WGAL Home
A group of Pennsylvania's religious leaders have planned a rally at the State Capitol on Wednesday.
Behind The Blue Wall: [PA] Domestic violence victim Rosa Torres-Sadler's letter to Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor
The CIA Mind Control Doctors: From Harvard to Guantanamo CCHR International
Georgia GOP leaders suggest Obama is using mind-control - CBS46 News
The debate is firing up over a controversial seminar held at the state capitol.
Obama Funds Development Of Mind Control Implants, For Real | | Mr. Conservative is the top
website for news, political cartoons, breaking news, republican election news, conservative facts and commentary on
political elections
Mr. Conservative is the top website for news, political cartoons, breaking news, republican election news,
conservative facts and commentary on political elections.
Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed: Leaked Document
Whistleblower Reveals Military Mind Control Project At Major University
Why You Should Care about Pentagon Funding of Obama's BRAIN Initiative - Cross-Check - Scientific American Blog
Judge Quashes $650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit | Truthstream Media
Obama Interrogation Official Linked to U.S. Mind Control Research | The Public Record
A new article at Truthout I co-wrote with author and investigative journalist H.P. Albarelli describes how the CIAs
Artichoke Project was the contemporaneous
Usage Statistics for - October 2015 | Day Trading: Your Dollars at Risk
The facts and risks you should know about day trading, which involves the rapidly buying and selling of stocks
throughout the day hoping that stocks will continue climbing or falling in value for the seconds to minutes they are
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CIA torture survivors sue psychologists who designed infamous program | US news | The Guardian
Psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen targeted in lawsuit by ACLU on behalf of suspects who were
subjected to mock drowning and more - The Military's Pandora's Box by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning
Commodore CDTV | Video Game Console Library
History, technical specs, pictures and indepth review of the Commodore CDTV video game console.
Brain fingerprint is as unique as those on our hands RT USA
Edward Snowden: Clinton Made False Claim About Whistleblower Protection - Truthdig
The former government contractor accused Hillary Clinton of a lack of political courage for asserting that he
bypassed options for disclosing illegal government spying programs that would have granted him whistleblower
protections. - 2015/10/17
Hidden Towers - Radio Frequency and Mind Control -
Smoking Gun on CIA Torture Conspiracy? Human Experimentation Central to EIT Program | The Public Record
Cynthia McKinney's Dissertation: Hugo Chavez, White Supremacy, COINTELPRO and Wikileaks | the narcosphere
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With Executive
Summary | Stan Caterbone | LinkedIn
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With
Executive Summary - Click Here For Document (Downloa
LNP analysis: Police in Lancaster County have paid out $2.4 million to settle allegations of excessive force | Local News |
Lay Institute Research on Telepathy
Shades of Rituals Beliefs- Guest Steven Jacobson Author of Mind Control in America 9/7/2009 - Sovereign Mind Radio
on Blog Talk Radio
Sonia Barrett - Sovereign Mind Radio
Did Christy Mirack's killer call the Sunday News? | News |
Police seek tips in teacher's 1992 slaying -
As a child, Christy Ann Mirack played teacher while her brother and sister pretended to be her students.
Federal Bureau of Investigation Seeking Information - Christy Ann Mirack
Scientists find you can reduce peoples' belief in God by directing magnetic energy into the brain - Telegraph
They found the same results when trying to reduce intolerance towards immigrants
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
News site providing: expert coverage of current affairs; thoughtful, provocative columnists, presented from a
progressive point of view.
CCSO Phonebook (Garofolo, John S. (Gaithersburg))
Notifications Disqus
The web's community of communities now has one central hub.
CIA - Table of Contents
Ninth Circuit Gives the A-OK For Warrantless Home Video Surveillance | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Can law enforcement enter your house and use a secret video camera to record the intimate details inside? On
Tuesday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unfortunately answered that question with "yes."
RFID chip technology, ultimate human rights violation |
RFID chip technology is perhaps the ultimate covert weapon against humans, the ultimate means to abuse, to torture
to death an individual, and used en mass, the
Fulton Financial sees net profits fall 11.2% in Q3 | Local Business |
Fulton Financial on Tuesday reported an 11.2 percent drop in net profits for the third quarter.
Web Site Statistics and Logs - Omnis Network - Account Manager
Commodore News Page - News: Video - 1
This is the Commodore News Page. This web page will bring you Commodore related news every week. In this
section you can find news about: Video Page: 1
History Timeline for Technologies by John Giudice
A historical timeline of technology - This timeline is a continually growing effort to capture a broad timeline of the
improvements in technology by humanity.
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Police checking if Sundays fatal shooting in Lancaster Twp. is linked to others in city | Local News |
Investigators not saying yet if they believe fatal shooting of Jared Weaver Sunday in Lancaster Twp. is related to
recent incidents in the city.
What does it mean when we say ISIS operates as a mind control cult?
Emotionally Disturbed/Mentally Ill Stalkers |
'Every breath you take, every move you make...I'll be watching you. '
Conflict Resolution Services Mediation
Bon Jovi Family Feud: The Hidden Records | The Smoking Gun
Public Documents, Mug Shots
David R. Cook Sr., 64, Founded Penna. Convenience-store Chain - philly-archives
David R. Cook Sr., 64, founder of Turkey Hill Minit Markets and a long-time benefactor of Villanova University,
died of heart failure Saturday at his home in Lancaster.Mr. Cook, who received a
Lisa Lambert Faces Jail Again For Slaying The Lancaster County Woman's Murder Conviction Was Reinstated By A
Federal Appeals Panel. - philly-archives
Lisa Michelle Lambert, the young Lancaster County woman whose life sentence for first-degree murder was
overturned in April, now faces a return to prison after a federal appeals court ruling
More shootings, more hunger for law and order | Smart Remarks
Pennsylvania First Degree Murder Laws - FindLaw
Chart providing details of Pennsylvania First Degree Murder Laws
Karl Rove
GAO-12-479, ELECTRONIC WARFARE: DOD Actions Needed to Strengthen Management and Oversight - 592211.pdf
LIP News J Wright Luke Karpathios
Thomas L. Flannery, Intell investigative reporter, dies at 56 - Intelligencer Journal Lancaster, PA | HighBeam Research
Thomas L. Flannery, an award-winning Intelligencer Journal investigative reporter, died... | Article from
Intelligencer Journal Lancaster, PA June 26, 2004
The American Express Company announced yesterday that Sanford I. Weill had resigned as president and that it had
named Louis V. Gerstner Jr., head of travel services, to succeed him. Mr. Weill's resignation came after months of
rumors that the strong-willed Wall Street executive was restless in the huge company and after he made at least two
unreported attempts to buy the troubled Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, which he headed, from American
Express. Mr. Gerstner, 43 years old, will assume the No. 2 post Aug. 1, when Mr. Weill's resignation becomes
effective. Mr. Weill will continue as a consultant to American Express until his employment contract expires in June
of 1986. The new president, described by associates as a consummate operations man, is credited with revitalizing
the company's travel division, now American Express's biggest profit center. [Page D5.] The company also
announced that it planned a partial divestiture of Fireman's Fund. [Page D5.] Mr. Weill, who is 52, made his mark
by forging a string of brokerage houses into what today is the giant Shearson Lehman Brothers investment banking
arm of American Express.
alexandra armstrong money magazine - Google Search
The Birth of the Bloods, Crips and Latino Gangs | trappedinamasonicworld
The Bloods whose colours are red, are a street gang founded in Los Angeles, California, the gang is widely
known for its rivalry with the Crips, whose colours are blue. Theyre identified by the colours worn by their
members and by particular gang symbols, including distinctive secret hand signs and passwords [7]. Crips are
On two Lancasters, the causes of poverty in the city, and anticipating a way forward | Editorials |
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray said he'd name the members of his poverty commission after Labor Day. We ask him to
name them as soon as possible.
Human suffering on a huge scale: Europe's refugee crisis in pictures | World news | The Guardian
Images illustrate the enormous challenge facing Europe from refugee centres in Germany to hundreds walking
from Budapest to Austria
Weird Russian Mind-Control Research Behind Homeland Security Contract
The Department of Homeland Security will go anywhere to acquire the most-effective counter-terrorism technology,
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even if it means traveling to a basement laboratory in the heart of the old Soviet empire to dabble in some pretty
dubious mind-control theory.
Randall Combines Schizophrenia and Mind Control Into An Amazing Platforming Experience | PAX Prime 2015 | The
Randall makes a tough plot look easy, and easy moves feel difficult.
FULT Message Board | Fulton Financial Corporation Stock - Yahoo! Finance
MB threadview page
Welcome to Pick 'em Up Productions
Harrisburg is awful, Lancaster is great, blah, blah, blah: Nancy Eshelman |
Per capita, I'm certain Lancaster is home to just as many drug addicts, people wielding illegal guns and thieves as
Old Black Panther versus New Black Panthers over Dhoruba bin Wahad beating - National Cointelpro |
Seventy-seven year-old Elbert Big Man Howard, one of the founding members of the original Black Panthers,
wrote a blistering critique of the New Black Panther
Tomberlin sentenced to 45 months | The Andalusia Star-News
Contact Your Representative - PA House of Representatives
Jayne Duncans Supreme Court Advantage |
daddy justice -
Looking Left, Leaning Right: Excerpt from Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America
A progressive perspective on world events since 1952.
Facebook mind control experiments linked to DoD research on civil unrest RT USA
Meet our Board - Welcome to the BCCAC/SIU
IkhwanScope | The Largest Muslim Brotherhood's Scope On The Web
The Largest Muslim Brotherhood's Scope on the web
Business Litigation Support Services | Reinsel Kuntz Lesher - RKL
RKLs Business Litigation team researches, quantifies and presents the financial impact of business disputes and
economic damages.
Office of Naval Intelligence
WTF | Mark Zuckerberg thinks we'll be using Facebook via mind control pretty soon -
Are you paranoid enough? - TimesDaily: Culture-shock
When The X-Files original run limped to an end in 2002, the war on terror was just beginning. The idea that the
government might have surveillance programs capable of spying on the phone calls and emails of every American
seemed like just another of Mulders wild conspiracy theories.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,AS AMENDED with ADA Amendments Act of 2008
The ADA Home Page provides access to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations for businesses and
State and local governments, technical assistance materials, ADA Standards for Accessible Design, links to Federal
agencies with ADA responsibilities and information, updates on new ADA requirements, streaming video,
information about Department of Justice ADA settlement agreements, consent decrees, and enforcement activities
and access to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ADA material
Legal Aid Fund by Stan Caterbone - GoFundMe
Legal Aid Fund by Stan Caterbone - I am a victim of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and considered an "ememy of
the state" by the Obama Administration. Please help me complete my legal journey in the U.S. District Court for
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania as a Pro Se Litigant. To verify my story please GOOGLE "Stan Caterbone an...
2007 Honda CRV, awd 4x4 Automatic Available
This 2007 White Honda CRV is in good condition and has 111,036 miles (mostly highways miles). The car is well
maintained, one owner vehicle with repair records. See photos attached. Email me please...
Mind Wars - Kindle edition by Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @
Mind Wars - Kindle edition by Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device,
PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Mind Wars.
TW Ponessa & Associates- About
T.W. Ponessa and Associates Counseling Services is based in Lancaster, PA. Contact us at 717.560.7917
Jacobi & Jacobi
Jacobi and Jacobi, P.A., attorneys at law, handle all legal cases pertaining marital and family law, real estate, wills,
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probate, estates, personal injuries, wrongful deaths, and small business claims.
Navy Yard Shooter Had Mind Control Group Contact - National Human Rights |
Navy Yard tragedy's Aaron Alexis was reportedly in contact with an electronic surveillance and mind control
"human rights support group" two weeks before killin
Council Meeting - 5/19/2015 - May 19th, 2015
Live and Recorded Public meetings of Council Meeting - 5/19/2015 for City of Richmond
Kennett, MO Chamber of Commerce
Targeted Individuals |
Read the latest Targeted Individuals news and view Targeted Individuals pictures from our team of local insiders.
Senate Judiciary Committee - PA State Senate
Contact Your Senator - PA State Senate
Bill would allow police in Pa. to record inside homes using body cameras; footage would be banned from public records
requests | Local News |
Should police officers in Pennsylvania be required to wear body cameras, and should they be permitted to use them
inside homes? Take our polls.
Who Is the Maddest of All the Mad Scientists? | Inverse
For as long as there have been scientists, there have been scientists willing to take experimentation to the extreme.
Navy Yard Shooter Had Mind Control Group Contact |
Navy Yard tragedy's Aaron Alexis was reportedly in contact with an electronic surveillance and mind control
"human rights support group" two weeks before killin
Stand with Katie
Chris Hedges: Sheldon Wolin and Inverted Totalitarianism - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Americas most important contemporary political theorist, who died Oct. 21, warned that militarists and corporate
capitalists, obsessed with creating a global empire, would extinguish our democracy. We should have heeded his
warning.  - 2015/11/01
Elder Bush says his son was served badly by aides | Tampa Bay Times
WASHINGTON After years of holding back, former President George H.W. Bush has finally broken his public
silence about some of the key figures in his son's administration, issuing scathing critiques of Vice President Dick
Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
14 seek convention center board seat | News |
Fourteen hopefuls have lined up to serve on the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority board, among them
one of the project's fiercest adversaries - Ronald Harper Jr.
Supreme Court's special counsel says Justice Eakin's emails don't warrant emergency action |
But report authors caution that their limited finding should not be confused with an exoneration.
Cineplex: Roll em in Nov. | News |
The opening of the $8.5 million cineplex, originally scheduled for Ma y and later pushed back to October is now
slated for Nov. 17.
CMA Awards 2015: Little Big Town wasnt sure Girl Crush would have a chance |
Some radio stations reportedly pulled Girl Crush in response to listener beliefs that it was about lesbianism.
Photos: CMA Awards 2015 spotlight Little Big Town, Chris Stapleton | Atlanta Music Scene with Melissa Ruggieri
BY MELISSA RUGGIERI NASHVILLE It was a night of unconventionality, no doubt. Little Big Town stirred
plenty of controversy with their oft-misunderstood ballad, "Girl Crush.
The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42: Soleilmavis Liu: 9781304745354: Books
The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42 [Soleilmavis Liu] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying
offers. The Bible prophesies the Queen of the South will rise at the judgment, but did not give her name or any other
detail about her. The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42
peacepink - Worldwide Campaign to stop the Abuse and Torture of Mind Control/DEWs
Peacepink is the name of a kind of Pink Color Rose. It means: Peace and Love. We share Peace, Love and Care.
Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis driven by delusions - The Washington Post
Federal and local authorities provide additional information on the Navy Yard shootings
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CCHR: get the truth psychs dont want you to know
Get the message straight from the President of CCHR about the devastating impact psychiatric practices have had
on lives and communities and her quest to inform the public about this deadly menace. She tells the truth
psychiatrists think you dont need to know. Read Jan Eastgates letter and find out.
Background Report on Stanley J Caterbone
Matter of Law legal definition of Matter of Law
Definition of Matter of Law in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is
Matter of Law? Meaning of Matter of Law as a legal term. What does Matter of Law mean in law?
U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts will not seek re-election in 2016 | Local News |
U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts announced Friday he will not seek re-election next year to the House position he's held for nearly
two decades.
An endless loop of police violence | Smart Remarks
Winona Rider filming 'Girl Interrupted' in Lancaster | |
Actress Winona Ryder walks along North Pine Street during filming of the Columbia Pictures movie "Girl,
Interrupted" in 1999.
Conspiracy Planet - Review: Book: 'Bushwhacked' by Uri Dowbenko - US Secret Govt Rears Its Ugly Head in Bush
Lancaster (City of) PA Credit Rating - Moody's
Terrorizing Schoolchildren in the American Police State - Truthdig
Under the regime of a predatory neoliberalism, compassion and respect for others are viewed increasingly with
contempt while the spectacle of violence titillates the multitudes and moves markets. - 2015/11/06
Latest human cloning claims leave sour taste | New Scientist
A fertility expert says he has implanted cloned human embryos into women's wombs, but is it truth or more hoopla?
All Live U.S. District Court and Third Circuit Court of Appeals Docket Sheets of April 25, 2016 From Trip to
Philadelphia Federal Courthouse on April 25, 2016
All Live U.S. District Court and Third Circuit Court of Appeals Docket Sheets of April 25, 2016 From Trip to
Philadelphia Federal Courthouse on April 25, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. All
Live U.S. District Court and Third Circuit Court of Appeals Docket Sheets of April 25, 2016 From Trip to
Philadelphia Federal Courthouse on April 25, 2016
Reporter | News Team - WGAL Home
Former RCA executives make it big in PCs - tribunedigital-baltimoresun
LANCASTER, Pa. -- Just four years ago, seven former RCA Corp. executives did the unthinkable.They bet their
life savings that they could build from scratch a formidable competitor in one of the
Stereowise Plus: Bongiovi Acoustics Re-Masters Your Audio in Real-Time with the Bongiovi DPS (Digital Power
Station) Application for Your iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad
Actors of the 2000s: Then and now
<p>Heres a glimpse of how the actors and actresses from the 2000s look now.</p>
Technology - CD's Store the Data, But Sifting's a Chore -
The amount of information being stored by government and industry on compact disks is growing rapidly, largely
because the contents of a five-drawer file cabinet can be placed on just one disk. A personal computer is then used
to quickly locate and display information. The problem with the technology, known as CD-ROM, is the confusing
welter of programs that makes it difficult for the disks to be transferred from one type of computer to another.
210 Pa. Code Rule 1112. Appeals by Allowance.
210 Pa. Code Rule 531. Participation by Amicus Curiae.
Juan Cole: No, Bill Clinton Didnt Kill Himself to Give the Palestinians a State (Video) - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Former President Bill Clinton on Saturday claimed I killed myself to give the Palestinians a state, and maintained
that he secured an agreement, which the Palestinians turned down. - 2016/05/15
C6032 BW Combination Bathtub | Watertech Whirlpools and Airbaths
When remodeling, the C6032BW bathtub fits or replaces the standard fiberglass, one piece tub/shower found in
most homes. The C6032BW combo bath has two arm rests and a soap dish designed into the bathtub. A recessed
back jet, 2 foot jets and 4 additional jets provide a high pressure water massage. Air jets located in the floor of the
tub provide the bather with a non-aggressive air massage.
Veteran Burial Index | Lancaster County, PA - Official Website
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Title 75 - PA General Assembly
Property Crime | Lancaster City Bureau of Police
26 music festivals in driving distance of Lancaster | Entertainment |
Few things celebrate summer quite like a great music festival.
Clipper Magazine Stadium, home of the Barnstormers, vying to be best in US | Baseball |
Clipper Magazine Stadium is one of the eight best independent league stadiums in the country. That's according to a
vote by fans at And the home of the Barnstormers
2 teens shot after house party in northeast Lancaster city, police make arrest | Local News |
Two 18-year-old men were shot after attending a party in northeast Lancaster city Friday morning and police say
they have made an arrest.
Judge dismisses lawsuit against Martin | Local News |
A federal judge has thrown out a truck drivers lawsuit alleging he was the victim of a political conspiracy at the
highest levels of Lancaster County government.
The internet of me: Connected People
This is the 4th and final blog in the series 'Bank of Things' Connected people is really about the r...
Adamstown man called 'Holocaust impostor and historical fraud' over Auschwitz claims | Local News |
History teacher calls out Joseph B. Hirt of Adamstown over Hirt's claim that he escaped from Auschwitz in 1942.
Juan Cole: Donald Trumps Politics of Whiteness and the CIA Tip That Jailed Nelson Mandela - Juan Cole - Truthdig
The revelation that the Central Intelligence Agency provided the tip to the Apartheid South African government that
led to Nelson Mandelas arrest should come as no great shock. Nor is it unconnected to the popularity of Donald
Trump. - 2016/05/16
Police: 2 men posing as drug agents break into apartment, try to rob residents of marijuana | Local News |
Two armed men impersonating Drug Enforcement Agency officers kicked in the door of a Lancaster Township
apartment Saturday and tried to rob the residents of their marijuana, police said.
Crossings at Conestoga Creek project advances, but neighbors' opposition remains high | Insider |
A $100 million shopping center, hotel and housing project planned for a site across from Longs Park moved a step
closer to final approval Monday night.
Lancaster lead poisoning one of the highest in U.S. | Insider |
Children in Lancaster County are being poisoned by lead at one of the highest rates in the country, putting them at
risk for lower intelligence, behavior problems, personality disorders and
A neighborhood spot: Smithgalls Pharmacy turns 100 | Insider |
Katie Holmes and cast talk 'Touched With Fire' at New York premiere |
On Feb. 10, was on the scene for the New York premiere of Roadside Attractions' latest release
"Touched With Fire." The film is now playing.
Touched with Fire Trailer & Official Movie Site | NOW ON DIGITAL HD DVD & BLU-RAY June 7
Natalie Maines Makes Controversial Comments About Pres. Bush
On March 10, 2003, Natalie Maines made a comment criticizing President George W. Bush, resulting in the end of
the Dixie Chicks' country music career.
Kathleen Kane's mixed poll results still golden in election - The Morning Call
Ten Years Ago Today a Dixie Chick Dared to Hit Bush on Warand a Hate Campaign Began | The Nation
The group's career suffered over Natalie Maines' comment against invading Iraq.
Lady Gaga gets her driver's license at 30: 'Praise him' | Trending |
Lady Gaga now has her drivers license.
Lancaster's moment in the sun: 2015 U.S. Women's Open | Insider |
Liz Hess is an artist with a small gallery featuring her own work on Prince Street in Lancaster.
Support of Lancaster Country Club membership was crucial for Open's success | Insider |
Early each morning during the week of the 2015 U.S. Women's Open, tournament chairman Jerry Hostetter got in
his cart and rode to the main entrance to watch the crowds
Lancaster Historical Commission to consider building plans for Wi-Fi system | Local News |
The Lancaster Historical Commission is holding a special meeting Wednesday on the city's plans to build two
structures in parks for the broadband network its installing.
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How Close Are We To Having Mind-Controlled Bionic Prosthetics?
'We are part of the same societies we police': Officers reflect on modern job pressures |
In the midstate, across Pennsylvania and throughout the U.S., police are increasingly being asked to take on more
responsibilities with the same or fewer resources than in the past. Most law enforcers are capable of handling the
myriad duties, though, police say.
The Legal Prohibition Against Torture | Human Rights Watch
Last Updated on June 1, 2004
Lancaster group focused on preventing police violence | Local News |
There was anger in the room, but there was also determination and focus when a group of local black pastors
announced Friday they will work to prevent deadly confrontations between
Lancaster police investigate potential stabbing involving brothers | Local News |
Lancaster city police were investigating a reported stabbing involving two brothers Saturday afternoon.
In the Spotlight: Tracey Lavallias went from football to behavioral health | Local News |
He made it to the Washington Redskins practice team, then the Saskatchewan Roughriders, but injuries ended that
dream. Now he's executive director of behavioral health at Lancaster General Health.
Stonebridge Bank buyers fined $190,000 by state | Local Business |
A small group of local residents, who are trying to buy a small Chester County bank and move it here, has been
fined $190,000 for allegedly selling unregistered securities.
1250 Fremont Street to US District Court Clerk - Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Manheim Township man calls Gulen scapegoat in Turkish coup attempt | Local News |
Manheim Township resident Sait Onal is president of the Turkish Cultural Association of Pennsylvania.
Marcus Luttrell: 'I Challenge All Of You To Fight For This Country'
Navy SEAL and Navy Cross recipient Marcus Luttrell endorsed Trump in a passionate speech that rocked the
Republican National Convention Monday night.
Supreme Court DUI blood test ruling forces reviews of hundreds of Lancaster County cases | Insider |
A recent Supreme Court ruling is forcing the review of possibly hundreds of DUI cases within the county, according
to the district attorney's office.
Review: McCartney is charming at jaw-dropping Hershey show | Features |
McCartney played a whopping 38 songs at his Tuesday night show at Hersheypark Stadium.
Borough Council Standing Committees Borough of Stone Harbor
Lancaster's candid cameras: Who funds them and what the controversial videos show | News |
The snapshots of anonymous faces navigating city streets are at once mundane and riveting.
Surveillance cameras in Lancaster, Pennsylvania prompt privacy concerns | US news | The Guardian
Surveillance system in the Amish town of Lancaster will be bigger than cities such as Boston and San Francisco
Kidnapped by Mind Control Weapons, and Sent to US Embassy in Hong Kong Soleilmavis - peacepink
Kidnapped by Mind Control Weapons, and Sent to US Embassy in Hong Kong Soleilmavis Nickname:
Soleilmavis Citizenship: Chinese Year Torture began: Dec. 2001 E
Officers felled by Dallas sniper hailed as kind, devoted - The Washington Post
They were spouses and parents. They volunteered in schools and at church. And they had sworn to serve and
Lady Gaga says she's 'on a break' with Taylor Kinney | Entertainment |
Lady Gaga says she and Neffsville native Taylor Kinney are "taking a break."
Penn Cinema to add 2 luxury, big-screen theaters in $2M project | Insider |
When Penn Ketchum opened Penn Cinema in 2006, he saw the complex as world class.
VIDEO: Remember when a clock was pulled from the wall by an overeager museum patron? Its back | Local News |
It became a world-famous blunder and a caution to anyone who ignores a museums warning not to touch the
exhibits when an overeager patron of the National Watch
Your Estimated Blood Alcohol Concentration | Alcohol Help Center
An interactive CBT program with a Support Group moderated by trained Health Educators.
NAACP event seeks strategies, solutions | Local News |
NAACP forum focuses on community relations in wake of recent shootings in other cities
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CRIZ authority approves financing Marriott expansion costs | Local News |
The planned $30-million expansion of the Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square has received approval to finance some
costs using funding from a state economic development program.
Outside Democratic convention, protests take center stage | Insider |
PHILADELPHIA - With 51-foot inflatable marijuana joints and giant paper mache versions of Bernie Sanders,
protesters have drawn plenty of attention this week at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
2 Soldiers Shot And Killed Protecting A Woman In A South Carolina Bar
On Sunday, two soldiers were shot and killed after trying to protect woman who was being physically assaulted in a
South Carolina bar.
Public daylight sex epidemic caused by 'government mind control', conspiracy theorists claim
The internet's wilder minds struggle to understand why so people are stripping off to enjoy al fresco romps
LightForce Lasers | NFL Alumni
NFL Alumni is non-profit organization to support youth charities and former football players.
Art inspired by diversity: Mural at Lafayette Elementary showcases student perspectives | Local News |
The ode to diversity stretches 15 feet into the air, collections of wild animals, vehicles, instruments and seasonal
artscapes demonstrating how differences bring color to students lives.
'I can't deny how historic this is;' DNC delegates from Lancaster react to Hillary Clinton's nomination | Insider |
PHILADELPHIA Lancaster Countys five delegates to the Democratic National Convention may not have all
supported Hillary Clinton, but the historic moment Thursday night wasnt lost on any of them.
Lemon Street park plan to have public hearing before Lancaster City Council | Local News |
Next month, residents will have a chance to weigh in on a city agency's plan to build a park next to luxury condo
project by tearing down three vacant rowhouses.
Manheim Township grad Jim Furyk shoots PGA Tour record 58 | Golf |
CROMWELL, Conn. Jim Furyk has a place in PGA Tour history all to himself with a new magic number in golf. - The Military's Pandora's Box by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning
SpaceX founder Elon Musk plans to get humans to Mars in six years | Technology | The Guardian
SpaceX founder tells meeting of astronautical experts that his only purpose is to make life interplanetary, revealing
plans for reusable ship to Mars

ISC and Mind Control links

From nazis to mind control the 4 craziest O.J. Simpson conspiracy theories Zap2It
Tuesday's episode of "The People v. OJ Simpson" explored the case's conspiracy theories. Here are four of the
craziest ones.
Irish Mob - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mon Dec 7 - Neil Sanders - Modern Mind Control - Art Bell
Pennsylvania Civil Rights Law Network | Working to provide equal justice under the law in Pennsylvania
Bobby Ray Inman and South Africa
The withdrawal of Bobby Ray Inman?s nomination for Secretary of Defense brought to public attention the case of
International Signal and Control, a defense and technology company. James Guerin, the company's founder, was
recently sentenced to jail for illegal arms sales to South Africa, as reported in ?Inman Faced Scrutiny on Jailed Arms
Dealer? (news article, Jan. 20, 1994).
Alec Kreider | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Murderpedia, the free online encyclopedic dictionary of murderers. The largest database about serial killers, mass
murderers and spree killers around the world
David Ludwig | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Murderpedia, the free online encyclopedic dictionary of murderers. The largest database about serial killers, mass
murderers and spree killers around the world
Jesse Wise | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Murderpedia, the free online encyclopedic dictionary of murderers. The largest database about serial killers, mass
murderers and spree killers around the world
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Man who killed girl, 7, in murder-suicide spoke of mind control - Story | WJBK
&quot;We found evidence that Obeshaw believed someone was trying to control him through mind control,&quot;
Chief&nbsp;Sclabassi said. &quot;And other statements indicating he thought someone was out to get him.&quot;
Juan Cole: Donald Trumps Call for Spying on U.S. Muslims Recalls FBI Bugging of MLK and Black Churches - Juan
Cole - Truthdig
As Trump supporters beat a Black Lives Matter protester at a rally in Birmingham, Ala., Trump himself reminded
us of the days when J. Edgar Hoovers FBI monitored the Rev. Martin Luther King and Southern Christian
Leadership Conference churches. - 2015/11/23
Tom Ridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Patriots and Profiteers: Economic Warfare, Embargo Busting, and State-Sponsored Crime - Kindle edition by R.T. Naylor.
Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @
Patriots and Profiteers: Economic Warfare, Embargo Busting, and State-Sponsored Crime - Kindle edition by R.T.
Naylor. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks,
note taking and highlighting while reading Patriots and Profiteers: Economic Warfare, Embargo Busting, and State-
Sponsored Crime.
Arms Dealer Is Sentenced To 15 Years James H. Guerin Of Lancaster Ran A Billion-dollar Fraud. In 15 Days, He'll Enter
Federal Prison. - philly-archives
A former international arms merchant was sentenced yesterday to 15 years in prison for masterminding a $1 billion
financial fraud and overseeing the shipment of sophisticated weaponry to South
The Illegal Arms Trade IraqIran War 1980 1988 (Part 4) | Eyre International - Bringing You The News No One Else
Wants To Bring You
Part 4 We can now look into the illegal arms trade to Iraq which in itself became very sophisticated with its
concealed web of distribution. The UK played a major role in support for Saddam Hussein with one company that
really did stand out from the rest. A Scottish Company called Allivane
A Lancaster Firm, The Cia And Illegal Arms Deals - philly-archives
In the 1980s, James Guerin built a lavish corporate headquarters, became one of this city's largest employers and
ultimately sold his company for a fortune.Not bad for a firm whose first engineering
Clinton's Pentagon nominee has always been singled out and sought after - tribunedigital-baltimoresun
WASHINGTON -- In the early days of the Reagan administration, when few Carter appointees were held in high
esteem, there was one exception: Bobby Ray Inman.Republicans were competing with each other
A NOMINEE'S WITHDRAWAL - Inman Faced Scrutiny On Jailed Arms Dealer -
While Bobby Ray Inman's confirmation as Defense Secretary by the Senate Armed Services Committee next week
was considered a foregone conclusion, he faced potentially embarrassing questions about his work as a member of
an outside board for a corrupt arms company. His connection with the company, International Signal and Control,
was reported by the press in 1991 and was raised again by several newspaper columnists in the last month. Their
columns so irked Mr. Inman that he cited them on Tuesday as a major reason for his withdrawal.
Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq | Democracy Now!
Tom Porter - Government Research into ESP & Mind Control
Bobby Ray Inman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Earthpulse Press
Tony Blair says he's sorry for Iraq War 'mistakes' -
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says he's sorry for "mistakes" made in the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in
2003 but doesn't regret ousting Saddam Hussein.
Top 10 Weirdest CIA Programs -
Over the years, the American Central Intelligence Agency has gained a reputation for being the most far-reaching,
sophisticated, and effective government i
Unjust enrichment legal definition of unjust enrichment
Definition of unjust enrichment in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What
is unjust enrichment? Meaning of unjust enrichment as a legal term. What does unjust enrichment mean in law?
Case No. 15-3400 U.S.Third Circuit Court of Appeals re Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus REQUEST for HEARING by
Appellant Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se October 26, 2015 RECORDED


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MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL: Modern torture and Control Mechanisms eliminating human rights and privacy |
by Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD Norsk utgave (Marit Hanssen's side ble plutselig 'dd' etter at jeg la ut denne
artikkel): HELSINGIN
Patriots and Profiteers: Economic Warfare, Embargo Busting, and State ... - R.T. Naylor - Google Books
Almost everyone assumes that by enforcing trade sanctions and arms embargoes, modern democracies make tin-pot
dictators and rogue states mend their ways - that the application of economic pressure is easily the most effective
way to curb aggression and encourage respect for human rights. R.T. Naylor demonstrates that economic warfare
fails almost everywhere it is attempted, and that even when it succeeds, it has consequences that are not only
unintended, but also frequently the precise opposite of their advertised result. For instance, embargoes drove Cuba
into the awkward embrace of the Soviet Union. Everywhere that economic pressures have been used to either
replace or augment military actions, the result has been confusion leading to criminality. From east to west, from
before WWI to the recent confrontations with Pakistan, Bosnia, and Iraq, the legacy of economic warfare has been
money laundering, gun-running, drug smuggling, and evasion of the rule of law. Naylor's approach is at once epic
and anecdotal. His survey is populated by a bizarre underworld of warriors and smugglers, gangsters and spies,
whose singular careers would be comic if they weren't absolutely real.
Military secret brain-chipping soldiers program exposed |
The United States is secretly implanting mind control brain chips in soldiers under the guise of proactively helping
to heal battlefield brain injuries, accordi
Seymour M. Hersh - The New Yorker
Seymour M. Hersh wrote his first piece for The New Yorker in 1971 and has been a regular contributor to the
magazine since 1993.
Rick Santorum profited from treasonous US missiles sales to Iran [SECRET TEAM!]
Rick Santorum profited from treasonous US missiles sales to Iran [SECRET TEAM!]
Daniel Inouyes Conscience - The New Yorker
Daniel Inouye had been shocked, and very hurt to face anti-Japanese racism and hatred of Nips after the war. But
over the next decades he seemed more
Juan Cole: Bush Sr. Blames Neocons for Ruining W.s Presidency: Is He Warning Jeb? (Video) - Juan Cole - Truthdig
In interviews given for a new biography, George H.W. Bush, 91, lets loose against Dick Cheney and Donald
Rumsfeld, whom he clearly blames for many of the failures of the presidency of his son, George W. Bush. -
Chris Hedges, Columnist - Truthdig - Cheney's top aide indicted; CIA leak probe continues - Oct 28, 2005
The CIA leak investigation is "not over," special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said Friday after announcing charges
against I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff.
Krysten Ritter Fights Against Mind Control in the Newest Jessica Jones Trailer | Maxim
We're a little more than a week away from the premiere of Marvel's Jessica Jones and Netflix is keeping the
anticipation high with yet another trailer the second full-length spot amid a seemingly endless parade of teasers.
Project MKUltra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Case opinion for PA Supreme Court COMMONWEALTH v. ZOOK. Read the Court's full decision on FindLaw.
American War in the 21st Century: A Scam, a Swindle and a Fraud - Truthdig
In the post-9/11 years, reconstruction and war have really been euphemisms for what, in other countries, would
be recognized as a massive system of corruption. - 2015/11/12
Did Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge Put Stan Caterbone on the Terrorist NoFly List in or Around 2004 November
16, 2015
Did Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge Put Stan Caterbone on the Terrorist NoFly List in or Around 2004
November 16, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Did Homeland
Security Director Tom Ridge Put Stan Caterbone on the Terrorist NoFly List in or Around 2004 November 16, 2015
Keep the Ethical Light Burning | Seeking justice for survivors of nonconsensual human experimentation
Keep the Ethical Light Burning (KELB) is a non-profit organization. Lynn Bowne Weed is a NYC Paralegal having
done support on many cases including the Microsoft Case in New York City Member of the Bowne House
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Historical Society, Flushing, New York David Beauchamp, Vice President is a music promoter in New York City
and former Director Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge eBook: Rosaura Torres: Kindle Store
Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge - Kindle edition by Rosaura Torres. Download it once and read it on your Kindle
device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Abuse
Hidden Behind The Badge.
The National Security States Incestuous Relationship With Islamic State - Truthdig
Paris changed everything; Paris changes nothing. Each view is, in its own way, undoubtedly true. And heres a third
sentence I know to be true: This cant end well. - 2015/11/19
Chris Hedges: States of Terror - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
We waded into conflicts in the Middle East we did not understand, propelled forward by fantasy. And our folly
spawned a death spiral of political, social and economic collapse, widespread poverty, massive displacement, misery
and radical jihadism. - 2015/11/22
Iraq Crisis, 2005
History of Iraq
Iraq Crisis, 20022003
History of Iraq
Does a Koch Intelligence Agency Secretly Keep Tabs on Liberals? - Truthdig
An investigation by Politico suggests that the billionaire right-wing Koch brothers possess their own high-tech
surveillance and intelligence-gathering operation devoted to stealthily tracking liberal and Democratic groups. -
Finance Calculator
Free finance calculator! You can define any of the FV, PMT, I/Y, N, and starting investment to calculate the others.
Also find hundreds of other free online calculators here.
Marcia Silen Films Announces Patriotic New Film
As the newest and most socially conscious of their Bloodhounds, Inc. series of films for young people, Marcia
Silen Films announces the release of Bloodhounds the Movie, Young Citizen Patriots: A Test of Faith and Bravery
Part 1. The first in what will be a series of films centered on the theme of patriotism and tolerance, Young Citizen
Patriots is aimed at young people and focuses on the efforts of popular teen detectives &quot;Sean&quot; and
&quot;Melissa&quot; to save their town from a terrorist threat.
Forget Islamic State: Humanity Itself Is at Stake - Truthdig
The crux of the matter: We either live in dignity together or continue to perish alone, in warring tribes and grief-
stricken nations. This is not just about indiscriminate bombing. Our humanityin fact, the future of the human race
is at stake. - 2015/11/27
Kathleen Kane appoints 'Porngate' prosecutors led by former Md. attorney general |
Attorney General Kathleen Kane appointed special prosecutors Tuesday to oversee a review of pornographic and
otherwise offensive emails exchanged by state officials.
John Cusack and Arundhati Roy: Things That Can and Cannot Be Said - Truthdig
This is the narrative result of an encounter between Cusack, Roy and whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Daniel
Ellsberg. Cusack and Roy provide their own accounts and joint conversations. - 2015/12/01
Lancaster County DA releases report on fatal police shooting | News |
(Lancaster) -- Lancaster Countys top prosecutor is calling a Lancaster City police officer's fatal shooting of a
homeless man who was urinating in public earlier this month justified. District Attorney Craig Stedman says he
would have preferred an independent investigation into the shooting, but will accept the version of events from the
Lancaster City police. On the morning of June 10th, 35-year-old Gregory Bayne was allegedly urinating in public
when officers confronted him. They said they believed Bayne was mentally ill and he became aggressive --lunging
at them with a nine-inch knife. According to the police, they chased Bayne down the street, and unsuccessfully tried
to taser him. When three officers cornered him in front of a store on Queen Street, the officers say they repeatedly
asked him to drop the knife. But when he continued towards them, he was fatally shot by Officer Jose De La Torre.
Digital Angel Corp., Prior to Merger with Applied Digital Solutions, Inc.: Private Company Information - Businessweek
EMF Weapons
Historic St. Marys Church is among 5 pilgrim sites in the Harrisburg diocese in this Jubilee Year of Mercy | Faith |
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With the opening of the holy doors at St. Peters Basilica on Tuesday, Pope Francis launched a yearlong,
Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.
EFI Conspirator From Ala. Gets 45 Months - Suddenlink Communications
Suddenlink Communications delivers breaking news and information on the latest top stories, weather, business,
entertainment, politics, video, photo galleries and more.
Bill Boyarsky: Trumps Muslim Policy Conjures Up Demons From Fascisms History - Truthdig
If you think its impossible for a demagogue to seize control and destroy American democracy, think again. Trumps
hate-filled call for banning Muslims from entering the U.S. appeals to many angry and scared Americans. -
Talk about mind control: Chinese develop a car operated by brain waves - The Washington Post
So far it can only drive straight ahead, but a link with self-driving systems may lie in the future.
Health Issues - Targeted Individuals 101
This is a site for activism, advocacy and networking for people who are targeted by organized stalking and
electronic harassment as well as people who supports the TI community and who believe these criminal activities
are a violation of human rights legislations in Canada and around the globe.
KEISLING: Palace coup: what the Kathleen Kane prosecution is really about |
Are the criminal charges brought by Republican officials against AG Kane, her subsequent law license suspension,
and efforts by the state senate to remove her from office all simply a ruse meant to distract voters from what is really
going on: an attempt by Republicans to control policy in the attorney general's office, and throughout state
government, without having won an election?
Sam Katz to produce documentary on Kathleen Kane
Sam Katz is turning his lens away from Philadelphia's history to Pennsylvania's present.<br/>The three-time
mayoral candidate announced Thursday that his next documentary will focus on the saga of embattled Pennsylvania
Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane. Katz, who is seeking funding for the project, plans to call it The Kane Mutiny.
- Molly Eichel, Philadelphia Inquirer
Torturing | Define Torturing at
Torturing definition, the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a
confession or information, or for sheer cruelty. See more.
Mental Illness Diagnosis - Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System |
Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
kathleen kane - Google Search
Kathleen Kane's aide convicted of...
Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over the world by Google News.
Kathleen Kane's Gay Marriage Mutiny | Philadelphia magazine
How a tough chick from Scranton became Pennsylvania's Attorney Generaland Tom Corbett's worst nightmare.
Kathleen Kane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paranoid schizophrenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bipolar disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Delusional disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Subtitle Now, from their own words and symbols, Freemasonry is proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be
Satanic to the core! You can be deceived no longer.
Former Fulton Bank manager accused of stealing $99,000 from Manor merchants | Local Business |
A former manager of Fulton Banks Manor Shopping Center branch has been accused of stealing $99,000 from the
centers merchants association.
Candy Jones - Mind Control and Hypnosis | Online Universities
Candy Jones - A case of Mind Control? By Brian Haughton
Diary: Lancaster County, The CIA, and U.S. Sponsored Mind Control | OpEdNews
Diary: Lancaster County, The CIA, and U.S. Sponsored Mind Control - Diary: This article is a 1998 narrative by
Stan J. Caterbone before he learned he was a victim of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control. At the time of this writing
Stan J. Caterbone was a federal whistle-blower dating back to 1987 concerning the Lancaster firm of International
Signal & Control, or ISC. ISC was later indicted in 1991 and plead quilty to a $1 Billion fraud and selling arms to
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Murder And Mind Control In The UK
Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind | Global Research
Dr. Nick Begich - Covert Harassment Conference 2015, Berlin 1-2 October 2015
The Covert Harassment Conference 2015 Berlin is a human rights conference to create awareness on the Covert
Harassment of civilians with the use of non-lethal weaponry and organized stalking.
Covert Harassment Conference 2015, Berlin 1-2 October 2015
The Covert Harassment Conference 2015 Berlin is a human rights conference to create awareness on the Covert
Harassment of civilians with the use of non-lethal weaponry and organized stalking.
Chris Hedges: The Illusion of Freedom - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
This deception will exist as long as we stay in our place. Once we call out power for what it is, once we resist, the
chimera will vanish. The iron fist of historys most sophisticated security and surveillance apparatus will assert itself
with a terrifying fury. - 2015/12/27
U.S. Federal Indian Law and Mind Control -
Lets be clear about something.
Shield: Signal Proof Headwear by Shield Apparel Kickstarter
Shield Apparel is raising funds for Shield: Signal Proof Headwear on Kickstarter! Stylish & Comfortable Signal
Proof Hats That Incredibly Fit And Reflect Electromagnetic Waves.
Soleilmavis Liu | LinkedIn | Stuff Kenny's Already Googled For You.Now Go Do Your Homework
I Am A Targeted Individual A Conversation With GMNs Ken Rhoades |
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PACTS, International - Home
TheFuelFilm Deborah Dupre' Peace Peace International Green Fuel Human Rights Green Consulting Consultant Speaking
Projects Youth Family Intervention Environment Biodiesel Renewable Energy Indigenous Aboriginal Research
International Humanitarian Schools Compassion Louisiana Australia Celebrity
TheFuelFilm Deborah Dupre' Consultant and Associated for EcoPeace Empower through mission of
2007 Honda CR-V EX Sport Utility 4D Trade In Values - Kelley Blue Book
Get the trade-in value for your 2007 Honda CR-V EX Sport Utility 4D. Find out how to get the most for your
Honda CR-V EX Sport Utility 4D, how to sell it fast, or shop for your next car.
Monica Lewinsky Is Back, but This Time Its on Her Terms - The New York Times
Once vilified as a predatory White House intern, Ms. Lewinsky has re-emerged, taking on the fight against
New wave in tech hacking the brain - Technology - NZ Herald News
The next frontier for the tech sector is the human brain. - New Zealand Herald
Philadelphia police: Man who tried to kill officer pledged allegiance to the Islamic State - The Washington Post
A police officer in Philadelphia survived being shot multiple times in what officials described as an ambush.
Hacking the human brain: Company unveils 'mind control' headband to help people with disabilities | Christian News on
Christian Today
When we say the word &quot;hack,&quot; the first thing that usually comes to mind is computers. In reality,
though, scientists have long been trying to hack the brain for various purposes, from offering new healthcare
services to providing new ways to control technological devices.
Safe and Sane? Pondering China's Mind-Controlled Cars - Quoted
On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology | Global Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization
On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology by Carole Smith | Stan
Caterbone | LinkedIn
&quot;The calculated and technological entry into another persons mind is an act of monumental barbarism which
obliterates perhaps with the twiddling of
The IBM engineer that controlled a 'Star Wars' toy with his mind thinks brain readers could be the next big thing |
Business Insider
Earlier this week Business...
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PACTS, International Newsletter, vol. I - Monday, January 18, 2016
Dr. John Halls book A new Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America to become movie
When Dr. John Hall wrote the book A new Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America, information about the
technologies and techniques for remote influencing, where basically unknown to most people.
DARPA wants to build wetware so we can mind control computers
Hot damn, our Ghost in the Shell future is getting closer by the day. DARPA announced on Tuesday that it is
interested in developing wetware -- implantable brai...
Soleilmavis Liu's Books and Publications Spotlight
DARPA wants to build wetware so we can mind control computers - HueWire
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has launched a new project under which an implantable
chip will be developed that will allow th
Timeline of Secret Government Projects
The Executive Summary: Neuropsychological and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report by Robert Duncan, A.B., S.M.,
M.B.A., Ph.D.
Control things with your mind: US military wants to build brain modem
THE United States military has grown tired of traditional tactics and is working on a new technology that promises
to revolutionise modern warfare.
PA House of Representatives
The Neurologist Who Hacked His BrainAnd Almost Lost His Mind | WIRED
Neurologist Phil Kennedy set out to build the ultimate brain-computer interface. In the process he almost lost his
Russia developing mind-controlled 'exoskeletons' for its soldiers | Latest News | Breaking UK News & World News
Headlines | Daily Star
THE era of the 'robo-soldier' is nearing as Russia claims to be perfecting machines that will revolutionise warfare.
CSUF students develop app, hardware for mind-controlled wheelchairs - The Orange County Register
Life: CSUF students develop app, hardware for mind-controlled wheelchairs | project, students, electric, wheelchair,
george, controlled, working, brain, pals, application
Mom murdered her autistic son after seeking help from therapist who believes in Satanic mind control
HAARP Season 1 Episode 1Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura 2013 - Watch Online | Conspiracy Theory with Jesse
Ventura 2013 - Watch Online
Premiere On: Wed, December 2 at 10PWatch Episode 1- HAARP Conspiracy Theory Jesse VenturaIs it a
communications research project or a doomsday weapon that can change the weather, shoot satellites
Outrage at U.S. torture dwindles
Jonathan Turley: The president has kept his promise to not prosecute CIA torturers, leaving them unaccountable for
their actions.
More Than Half the Worlds Population Faces Severe Water Scarcity - Truthdig
A new study indicates that global water shortages are much more severe than previously thought, finding that 4
billion people suffer water scarcity during at least one month during the year, while half a billion experience it
throughout the year. - 2016/02/13
Pa. Woman Who Killed Her Two Children Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity | JONATHAN TURLEY
Meghan Lippiatt has been found not guilty by reason of insanity in a Lancaster court. Lippiatt admitted suffocating
her infant son and drowning her 2-year-old son in 2004. The killing two-year-old Silas and his four-month-old
brother Miles occurred weeks after a break-up with her husband. Lippiatt called 911 and told the operator: "I did
Massive Fraud Threatens to Bring Down Sterling Financial Corporation - Monitordaily
ICYMI: Fast brain upload, mind-control monkeys &amp; more
Today on In Case You Missed It: Researchers at HRL Labs have developed a system to upload information to your
brain using electrical signals already mapped fr...

Working Tabs Dec 24, 2015

Edit Profile | LinkedIn

Stan J. Caterbone (stan5j.5caterbone) 645 uploads | Scribd
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Recorded Chapter 11 Case No. 16-10517-REF MOTION for Leave to File in Forma Pauperis February 5, 2016 and
ORDER Dismissing Case Due to Missing Hearing Today, February 5, 2016 - OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE, AGAIN

Medical marijuana: County lawmakers leaning 'no,' or undecided | Pennsylvania |

Republican county lawmakers are either leaning against or are undecided on the question of legalizing medical
marijuana, which the House may vote on as early as Tuesday.
PACTS, International Newsletter - Sunday, March 20, 2016
UPDATE! PACTS, International, 2016
Insiders: The Mental Crisis of Myron May; Gang Stalking or Paranoia | News |
November 20th, 2014 is day many will never forget in Tallahassee and beyond. What started out as a night of
studying in a college library, turned to tragedy because of
Mind Control Better Than Pills At Beating Debilitating Back Pain : Health : Headlines & Global News
Cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction via yoga and meditation might be better at
treating back pain than painkiller prescriptions, new findings suggest.
Medical Marijuana - Senate Bill 3; Regular Session 2015-2016 - PA General Assembly
Tucson Shooter Sues Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Claims Mind Control
Jared Loughner files lawsuit alleging he is innocent of a 2011 shooting spree that killed six people and wounded 13,
including Gabrielle Giffords
Exposing the Truth: FFCHS Suicide Cult An Unprecedented Numbers of Suicides
Nazi occult, UFOs and MKULTRA
Mind Justice - Home Page
Mind Justice. A nonprofit 501(c)3 human rights group working for the rights and protections of mental integrity and
freedom from new technologies and weapons which target the mind and nervous system. Formed to stop
nonconsensual experimentation by the U.S. and other governments. Includes victims advocacy, research, legislative,
legal and international remedies and public education.
When the CIA ran a LSD sex-house in San Francisco - San Francisco Chronicle
Yet from 1955 to 1965, this building was the site of Operation Midnight Climax a top-secret mind-control
program in which CIA agents used hookers to lure unsuspecting johns from North Beach bars to what they called
the pad, then dosed the men with LSD and observed the X-rated goings-on through a two-way mirror while sitting
on a portable toilet swilling martinis. The first field test in 1943 was administered to a New York mobster by George
White, a tough-guy OSS captain who had been an agent in the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Eastern bloc show trials
like that of Hungarian Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty, who in 1949 confessed to crimes he apparently did not commit,
and reports of communist brainwashing during the Korean War led the CIA to fear there was a mind-control gap
and that the U.S. was in second place. Drugs were given to people deemed expendable, including North Korean
POWs, mental patients, prisoners, addicts and prostitutes. When the technical branch of the CIA learned about this
drug, the gung-ho head of its chemical division, a young chemist named Sidney Gottlieb, persuaded CIA official
Richard Helms that the agency should investigate it as a spy tool. On April 13, 1953, CIA director Allen Dulles
approved a program for covert use of biological and chemical materials with an initial budget of $300,000.
Gottlieb soon hired White, the narcotics agent and former OSS captain, to run two safe houses for LSD testing in
Greenwich Village. White administered LSD, knockout drops and marijuana to his unwitting guests using food,
drinks and cigarettes, then tried to get them to talk. To give his pad the desired French-whorehouse look, White
furnished it with Toulouse-Lautrec posters, a picture of a French can-can dancer and kinky photos of women in
bondage and domination poses. White installed bugging equipment and a two-way mirror behind which he would sit
on a portable toilet, quaffing a martini from the pitcher he kept in the refrigerator, and observe the proceedings. At
first White and his colleagues wondered if having the prostitute offer some extra sexual service might work, but
soon realized that, in the words of an observer, We found the guy was focused solely on hormonal needs. CIA
operatives began dosing people with acid in restaurants, bars and beaches. [...] the agency began using the
prostitutes to lure men of all sorts, not just marginal figures, back to the safe house. Because the agency destroyed
most of MKULTRAs files, no one will ever know how many lives and minds its illegal and unethical activities
damaged or destroyed. (It should go without saying that it achieved none of its murky-at-best research objectives.)
Had New York Times reporter Seymour Hersh not exposed the CIAs illegal spying on Americans in 1974, opening
the door to subsequent investigations, this weird and ugly chapter in U.S. history might never have come to light.

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Microwaving Embassy Moscow Another Perspective | Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training
By Julianne McKinney
Lodge No. 43 History - Masonic Lodge No. 43
Inside Bilderberg 2014 - YouTube
This year's highly secretive Bilderberg Meeting takes place May 29th thru June 1st in Copenhagen, Denmark. This
gathering has been held for 60 years. The fir...
This Is How You Turn a Family History of CIA Mind-Control Experiments into Art | VICE | Canada
Winnipeg visual artist Sarah Anne Johnson's ongoing series explores how psychological torture impacted her
matriarchal family.
Telepathic Band Sit-In: Christmas Version - Late Night with Seth Meyers - YouTube
Norwegian black metal guitarist Grbn Hausinfrud returns to the 8G Band to read Seth's mind. Subscribe to Late
Night: Get mo...
Coast Insider Members
Brave New World: Mind-Controlled Drones Revolutionizing Sports And Warfare
As Brain-Computer Interface is rapidly developed worldwide, mind-controlled drones turn into sports and weapons
of today. Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge eBook: Rosaura Torres: Kindle Store
Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge - Kindle edition by Rosaura Torres. Download it once and read it on your Kindle
device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Abuse
Hidden Behind The Badge. Stan J. Caterbone's review of Spider's Web: The Secret History of How th...
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House
Illegally Armed Iraq at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
Wired. Mind-Control Research | Covert Harassment UK | LinkedIn
The Weird Russian Mind-Control Research Behind a DHS Contract By Sharon Weinberger 09.20.07A dungeon-
like room in the Psychotechnology Research Institute in Moscow is used for human testing. The
Mind-Controlled Drones Are Now Real, And They Could Transform The Battlefield
Brain-mapping technology is progressing at warp speed and can turn our minds into remote controls. So what does
this mean for our military?
Chris Hedges: The Socialist Alternative - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Seattles socialist City Council member, Kshama Sawant, has called on Bernie Sanders to break with the
Democratic Party and run as an independent. If he refuses, she says, his supporters must build a third party without
him. - 2016/05/01
A Free Press - Krimsky on Role of Media in Democracy - USIA
Secret Societies - Full Documentary - HD - Illuminati - Freemasonry - YouTube
Mysteries of the Freemasons - The Beginning FULL [History Channel documentary] Illuminati Game "SECRET
WORLDS": How To Make A Ful...
Army captain sues Obama over lack of ISIS war authorization | TheHill
The lawsuit says the fight against ISIS is being carried out illegally.
Watch recording for Anna Smith v. Barack Obama, et al, No. 14-35555
Task & Purpose Radio Podcast
Listen to Task & Purposes podcast on season two of Serial and its coverage of the Bowe Bergdahl case.
The FRONTLINE Interview: Diane Roark | United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE | PBS
Diane Roark served as a top staff member on the House Intelligence Committee from 1985 to 2002. She fought to
end the NSA's post-9/11 warrantless wiretapping initiative, telling FRONTLINE she considered the program
"unethical, immoral, politically stupid, illegal and unconstitutional."
NSA whistle blower Karen Stewart exposes targeted Individuals, 9/11 - YouTube
April 10 2016 Love Guns & Freedom Radio show first hour with NSA whistle blower Karen Stewart exposes
targeted Individuals, 9/11, electronic harassment, and ...
Wheel of Freedom (WUA) 4/4/16 Ex-NSA Karen Stewart - YouTube
NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart tells her story of being fired on false premises, she filed a complaint & lawsuit,
and then became "targeted" by organized st...
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NSA Whistleblower Comes Out of the Shadows Into the Light | Canada Free Press - Pennsylvania Judge Quashes 650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit September 28, 2013 - Pennsylvania Judge Quashes 650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit September 28,
2013 by stan5j.5caterbone
EXCLUSIVE: Former NSA Employee Speaks Out on its Corruption | Canada Free Press
Chris Hedges: Welcome to 1984 - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The faade of democracy and the disempowerment of the citizenry by corporations has sparked a nationwide revolt.
Elites, fearing unrest, will soon become ruthless. We must engage now in acts of sustained civic mobilization and
civil disobedience or be crushed. - 2016/05/14
Christopher Hitchens and Ed Meese - YouTube
Christopher Hitchens and Ed Meese face off on CNN's Crossfire
All Art Is Propaganda: Christopher Hitchens on George Orwell - George Packer Interview (2009) - YouTube
Christopher Hitchens and Ed Meese face off on CNN's Crossfire
Targeted Individuals: The FBI harassment nightmare
Aussie Tech Breakthrough Makes DARPAs Thought-controlled Weapons a Practical Reality : Science : Chinatopix
This device will make it safer to implant microchips in the brain.
Podcast: DARPA brought us the internet - is mind control next? | Reuters
For a group of scientists working on weapons some of which could end the world DARPA has a surprisingly
good reputation. The Defense
New DARPA Tech Gives Soldiers Futuristic Edge In Urban Combat
DARPAs VirtualEye program could change the way soldiers maneuver on the urban battlefield.
Jovanka Beckles for Richmond City Council
Bush-41 Finally Speaks on Iraq War | Consortiumnews
Tony Blair: Clear lesson of Iraq war -
Not until Middle East has gone through its painful transition to modernity can we pass a full judgment on effects of
decision to go to war, says Tony Blair.
1989 Sound of Silence Patent Reveals Military Mind Control Secret | Top Secret Writers
A patent was taken out in 1989 by one Oliver M. Lowery for something called a silent subliminal presentation
system that seems to describe a device that
Former British Army soldier makes sensational claim he was abducted by aliens | Weird | News | Daily Express
A FORMER soldier claims he was repeatedly abducted by aliens and even subjected to 'mind control experiments'
that involved the British Army.
Arizona State University researchers develop US army drones that can be guided by MIND CONTROL, Daily Mail
Online July 20, 2016
Arizona State University researchers develop US army drones that can be guided by brain waves | Daily Mail Online
Researchers at Arizona State University developed the technology, where a controller wears a skull cap outfitted
with 128 electrodes wired to a computer.
TI? - Courtney Love Talks Beautiful Ghost Of Kurt Cobain Haunting Her & Frances Bean -
Sheryl Crow Nashville Home - Sheryl Crow House Tour
Look inside Sheryl Crow's Nashville property, which includes her home, barn, and a church.
Hypnotist mum causes a stir on This Morning after revealing she uses mind control on her kids - goodtoknow
Lisa Machenburg told Eamonn and Ruth that her kids have been hypnotised all their lives, and can even use their
mum's skills for themselves!
Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences invests in simulation technology | Local Business |
There are mannequins everywhere in the Center for Excellence in Practice at the Pennsylvania College of Health
Neurable developing technology to control things with your mind - Story | WJBK
In this edition of Tech Talk, Ramses Alcaide from Neurable joins us to tell us about the company&#39;s developing
technology that can interpret recorded brain activity.&nbsp;
Bowie and the missing soundtrack: the amazing story behind The Man Who Fell to Earth | Music | The Guardian
David Bowie is rumoured to have written a score to the sci-fi classic thats locked up in some vault. But the truth is
much stranger involving screaming maids, boozy brawls and coke-induced hearing hallucinations
Robert Scheer: U.S. Pledge of $90 Million to Laos for Cluster Munitions Legacy Is Chump Change - Truthdig
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If the word terrorism has any meaning, it applies to the U.S. bombings in Laos during the Vietnam War, says
Truthdigs editor in chief. - 2016/09/09
Russian Scientists Develop Thought-Controlled Robotic Interface
Russian software company Neurobotics is engaged in creating technology that would enable a person to use his or
her mind to control computers and computer-assisted technologies including robotic prosthetics.

Court Links

Pennsylvania Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Law and Exceptions That Allow Me to Record November 21, 2015
Pennsylvania Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Law and Exceptions That Allow Me to Record November
21, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Pennsylvania Wiretapping and
Electronic Surveillance Law and Exceptions That Allow Me to Record November 21, 2015
Pa. begins process for sick children to get pot | Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania is about to start allowing children with epilepsy and other conditions to be treated with medical
Third Circuit | United States Court of Appeals
Without Prejudice legal definition of Without Prejudice
Definition of Without Prejudice in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What
is Without Prejudice? Meaning of Without Prejudice as a legal term. What does Without Prejudice mean in law?
Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check January 8, 2016
Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check January 8, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check January 8, 2016
CountySuite Civil Court
Petition for Review Docket
United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania-United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System
Rule 3. Appeal as of Right | Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure | LII / Legal Information Institute
(a) Filing the Notice of Appeal. (1) An appeal permitted by law as of right from a district court to a court of appeals
may be taken only by filing a notice of appeal with the district clerk within the time allowed by Rule 4. At the time
of filing, the appellant must furnish the clerk with enough copies of the notice to enable the clerk to comply with
Rule 3(d).
Superior Court ECF Login
U.S. District Search
CM/ECF Appellate Filer Account Update
Duke Street
Superior Court ECF Dashboard
Common Pleas Docket Sheet
Lanc Co File & ServeXpress
Court Case Schedule and Yearly Calendars | Lancaster County Courts, PA - Official Website
Prothonotary | Lancaster County, PA - Official Website
Lancaster County Court Calendar Admin : Court Schedule
Rules & Policies | United States Courts
Microsoft Word - clkdir2.doc - clkdir2.pdf
Adult Probation | Lancaster County Courts, PA - Official Website
Learn about Adult Probation & Parole Services.
File & ServeXpress Basic
234 Pa. Code Rule 506. Approval of Private Complaints.
Habeus District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Lambert Habeus District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Third Circuit Search
Federal Kidnapping Act - Federal Statutes on Kidnapping - Abduction and Kidnapping
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210 Pa. Code Rule 552. Application to Lower Court for Leave to Appeal In FormaPauperis.
The Polygraph Place - Pennsylvania Polygraph Examiners
Register of Wills | Lancaster County, PA - Official Website
Take a look at services offered by the Register of Wills.
Lancaster County Office of the Recorder of Deeds Home Page
Welcome to the Lancaster County Office of the Recorder of Deeds website! We are located in Lancaster, PA and
serve the residents of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Timothy A. Lanza - a Lancaster, Pennsylvania (PA) Criminal Law Law Firm
Timothy A. Lanza, a Lancaster, Pennsylvania (PA) Law Firm - Criminal Law
Electronic Recording Information
These are the companies that Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds currently accepts electronic recordings from.
Pennsylvania Probate: An Overview |
If you need to shepherd an estate through probate in Pennsylvania, you'll probably get good help from the local
court, including downloadable court forms.
Grant Deed Form - Download - Fill In The Blank Form
State Specific Grant Deed Forms, Downloadable Fill in the Blank Grant Deed Forms, State Specific
For the Public | Forms | Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania
U.S. District Court Directory
The Robing Room
CountySuite Civil Court
Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General
Are politicians afraid to impeach and openly try A. G. Kathleen Kane? |
What's happening with Kane is particularly pernicious in that they are attempting to forego a full hearing, and
instead substitute one limited to the much smaller, sole issue of her law license.
Senator Camera Bartolotta - PA State Senate
Blood Alcohol Calculator Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
File & ServeXpress Basic
Recording Police Officers and Public Officials | Digital Media Law Project
PA Wiretap - Title 18 - PA General Assembly
City Of Harrisburg | Bureau of Police
Mayor Eric Papenfuse
National Constitution Center
IC3 Complaint Information
Learning to Live with Pro Se Opponents
Judicial Nominations - Paul S. Diamond
Pennsylvania Assault and Battery Laws | Criminal Law
In Pennsylvania, misdemeanor simple assault involves intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly inflicting bodily
injury on another, attempting to do so, or putting someone in fear of imminent bodily injury.
Rule 42. Voluntary Dismissal | Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure | LII / Legal Information Institute
(a) Dismissal in the District Court. Before an appeal has been docketed by the circuit clerk, the district court may
dismiss the appeal on the filing of a stipulation signed by all parties or on the appellant's motion with notice to all
Meet the U.S. Attorney | USAO-EDPA | Department of Justice
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Clerk's Office
McDonald at Law Personal Injury Lawyers - Lancaster, PA - Philadelphia, PA
The experienced, compassionate personal injury lawyers at McDonald at Law in Lancaster, PA, are proud to fight on
behalf of victims in our community.
In the Spotlight: Jacquelyn Pfursich begins new job as Lancaster County Clerk of Courts | Local News |
With a new year comes a new job for Jacquelyn Pfursich who is the county's new clerk of courts.
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credit score. No credit card needed & no hidden fees.
Tolling the Statute of Limitations in my Civil Complaints with the RICO Act and the Lambert Appeal in the U.S. Third
Circuit - Judgement Day. | Stan Caterbone | LinkedIn
U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Reinstates and Protects Claims for CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison,, in Case No. 07-4474 U.S. Distric
5 things to know about Josh Parsons, Lancaster County's newest commissioner | Local News |
Josh Parsons, an army infantry veteran, former prosecutor and former clerk of courts, took the oath of office
Monday morning as Lancaster County's newest commissioner.
Bankruptcy Forms | United States Courts
Seeking Guardianship for a Loved One - McAndrews Law Firm
Owen Kugel, Appellant, v. United States of America, Appellee, 947 F.2d 1504 (D.C. Cir. 1991) :: Justia
Owen Kugel, Appellant, v. United States of America, Appellee, 947 F.2d 1504 (D.C. Cir. 1991) case opinion from
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
Table of Contents of the Study Judicial Discipline Reform
Chapter 27 - Title 18 - CRIMES AND OFFENSES
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) |
Passed in 1970, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a federal law designed to
combat organized crime in the United States.
Contact Us | USAO-EDPA | Department of Justice
Supreme Court Tie Dooms Obama Immigration Policy - NBC News
The split was reflected in a one sentence statement from the court: "The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided
Bankruptcy Judge. I...
Court rejects man's claim that Lancaster County's residents are torturing him with mind control |
A state Superior Court panel upheld a Lancaster County judge's ruling that Stanley Caterbone's suit is frivolous.
Government Treaty With Large Gray Aliens Requires Full UFO And ET Disclosure In 2016, Conspiracy Theorists Say
A report that emerged last week in the conspiracy theory blogosphere claims that a treaty between the government
and an extraterrestrial species known as the
Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion law -
In a dramatic ruling, the Supreme Court on Monday threw out a Texas abortion access law in a victory to supporters
of abortion rights who argued it would have shuttered all but a handful of clinics in the state.
Baby abandoned on an Amish porch 40 years ago now seeks family connection | Insider |
Forty years ago, a widowed Amish woman and her daughter watched from their window late one night as someone
in dark clothing walked up to their farmhouse near Gordonville and
Medical Society elects Simons president for 2-year term | Local Business |
The Lancaster City &amp; County Medical Society said Thursday it has elected Dr. David J. Simons president for a
two-year term.
Chester Springs man co-authors murder novel
Lancaster County native, ex-Tour de France winner Floyd Landis to launch cannabis business | Local News |
Floyd Landis is back in business.
Consumer Reports takes on America's student debt crisis | National |
"I kind of ruined my life by going to college."
Lancaster City Police Department 302 (Mulslim Brotherhood Email Included) Mental Health Warrant of July 9, 2015 and
COURT ORDER of 303 Hearing
15-03984 EXHIBIT Re Preliminary Injunction for EMERGENCY RELIEF Filed in the Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas Case No. CI-16-05815 July 3, 2016
15-03984 EXHIBIT Re Lancaster City Police Department 302 (Muslim Brotherhood Email Included) Mental Health
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Warrant of July 9, 2015 and COURT ORDER of 303 Hearing July 3, 2016
15-03984 EXHIBIT Re Lancaster City Police Department 302 (Muslim Brotherhood Email Included) Mental
Health Warrant of July 9, 2015 and COURT ORDER of 303 Hearing July 3, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
What is IP Law?
Code of Judicial Conduct: Effective July 1, 2014 | Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania
PA Supreme Court Case No. 354 and 353 MT 2016 Letters and Orders of June 13, 2016 Re CATERBONE v. Lancaster
County Residents and Lancaster City Police OPEN CASES
PA Supreme Court Case No. 354 and 353 MT 2016 Letters and Orders of June 13, 2016 Re CATERBONE v.
Lancaster County Residents and Lancaster City Police OPEN CASES - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text File (.txt) or read book online for free.
Lancaster Convention Center | Lancaster history and culture
Convention hotel and conference center located in charming and sophisticated Downtown Lancaster Pennsylvania
Incident Reports of Harassment, Vandalism, Hacking, & Thefts From 1987 to March 22, 2010
Christie Brinkley 'wants to make John Mellencamp her FIFTH husband' | Daily Mail Online
The former Sports Illustrated cover girl wants to wed rocker John Mellencamp, 64, is the fall in his hometown of
Daufuskie Island, South Carolina, in the fall, a source told the publication.
New Lancaster County Sheriffs App connects office to community | WPMT FOX43
16-05815 Docket
Nebraska killer contradicted trial testimony to state senator in COINTELPRO case - National Cointelpro |
1998 AFFIDAVIT to Judge Stewart Dalzall of the US District Court for Eastern Pennsylvania
Sheryl Crow excited about Nashvilles firework display after performance | WKRN News 2
Sheryl Crows July Fourth performance at Ascend Amphitheater will precede a big fireworks show, a show Crow
has said shes excited for.
jim boyerClassic Tracks: My Life, Billy Joel | Mixonline Petition by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group to President Obama March 17, 2016 With Affidavit
and Kane Op Ed Letter Petition by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group to President Obama March 17, 2016 With
Affidavit and Kane Op Ed Letter - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Dockets and Stamped Cover Pages U.S. District Court, U.S. Third Circuit Dockets and Reciepts Fairmount Health
Systems Wednesday, July 6, 2016 w Page Numbers
NOW with David Brancaccio. Politics & Economy. Criminalizing Dissent. COINTELPRO Again? | PBS
In an era where commercial values in journalism risk overwhelming democratic values and corporate interests can
prevail over the public interest, NOW continues to stand apart as the one program going against the grain.
Summary Appeal Form for MDJ Scott E Albert Vehicle Turning Left of June 10, 2016 Filed on July 7, 2016
Summary Appeal Form for MDJ Scott E Albert Vehicle Turning Left of June 10, 2016 Filed on July 7, 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Stewart Dalzell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
8 local Republicans and Democratic delegates will participate in the conventions; Here's what they expect | Insider |
Barring any surprises, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton look set to be their party's official picks to replace
President Barack Obama.
Allstate Sworn Testimony of Stan J. Caterbone TRANSCRIPT Volume 2 (June 28, 2016) and Volume 1 (June 9, 2016)
July 12, 2016
AG Kathleen Kane's criminal trial set to begin Aug. 8 |
Despite a raft of pretrial motions this spring, a judge has reaffirmed an Aug. 8 start date for Attorney General
Kathleen Kane's criminal trial.
Recorded 15-03984 STATEMENT Re Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County Case No. CP-46-
CR-0008423-2015 REQUEST for APPEARANCE and AMICUS in Support of Kathleen Kane July 12, 2016
Recorded 15-03984 STATEMENT Re Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County Case No. CP-46-
CR-0008423-2015 REQUEST for APPEARANCE and AMICUS in Support of Kathleen Kane July 12, 2016 by
stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Former Reinholds woman admits to drinking three beers before crash that killed Lancaster woman | Local News |
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Patricia Halgash admitted to drinking three beers before a fatal car crash in 2014, according to her own testimony
Wednesday afternoon at Lancaster County Courthouse.
Stan J. Caterbone CORROBORATING WITNESS for Former Reinholds Woman Admits to Drinking Three Beers Before
Crash That Killed Lancaster Woman Local News Lancasteronline September 14, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone CORROBORATING WITNESS for Former Reinholds Woman Admits to Drinking Three Beers
Before Crash That Killed Lancaster Woman Local News Lancasteronline September 14, 2016 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Stan J. Caterbone CORROBORATING WITNESS for
Former Reinholds Woman Admits to Drinking Three Beers Before Crash That Killed Lancaster Woman Local News
Lancasteronline September 14, 2016
CORRUPT Lancaster County Prothonotary and Judge Leonard G. Brown - EVIDENCE July 14, 2016
CORRUPT Lancaster County Prothonotary and Judge Leonard G. Brown - EVIDENCE July 14, 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. CORRUPT Lancaster County Prothonotary and
Judge Leonard G. Brown - EVIDENCE July 14, 2016
2016-17 Governor Proposed Revenues and Tax Changes
PROPOSED TAX AND REVENUE MODIFICATIONSGovernor Tom Wolf - FY2016-17 Executive Budget
GENERAL FUND Effective Date FY...
Surprising New Evidence Shows Bias in Police Use of Force but Not in Shootings - The New York Times
Contradicting conventional wisdom: When it comes to the most lethal form of force, a study finds no racial bias.
Former Reinholds woman found guilty of DUI-related vehicular homicide | Local News |
A former Reinholds woman was found guilty Thursday of driving drunk in a 2014 car crash that killed a Lancaster
woman and severely injured her son.
Supervisors meet amid speculation over future of Southern Regional police | Local News |
Residents of Pequea and Conestoga townships are expected to turn out in large numbers at a special meeting
Thursday night amid speculation that the Southern Regional Police Department could soon
Letter From Dauphin County Probation Services Re Fines and Costs for CP-22-0000067SA2016 and RESPONSE July 18,
Letter From Dauphin County Probation Services Re Fines and Costs for CP-22-0000067SA2016 and RESPONSE
July 18, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Letter From Dauphin
County Probation Services Re Fines and Costs for CP-22-0000067SA2016 and RESPONSE July 18, 2016
Recorded PA Supreme Court Case No. 353 and 354 MT 2016 Motion for Reconsideration for in Forma Pauperis Status
July 18, 2016
Recorded PA Supreme Court Case No. 353 and 354 MT 2016 Motion for Reconsideration for in Forma Pauperis
Status July 18, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Letter to Barry G. Goldman, Attorney at Law Re Altana Rooftop No Tresspass of July 14, 2015
Letter to Barry G. Goldman, Attorney at Law Re Altana Rooftop No Tresspass of July 14, 2015 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Letter to Barry G. Goldman, Attorney at Law Re Altana
Rooftop No Tresspass of July 14, 2015
16-MC-49 U.S. District Court Chapter 11 MOTION to File Exhibit Re Press Release and Executive Summary Re
CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 19, 2016
16-MC-49 U.S. District Court Chapter 11 MOTION to File Exhibit Re Press Release and Executive Summary Re
CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 19, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law >
Court Filings, cia, and dia
Recorded 16-MC-49 U.S. District Court Chapter 11 MOTION to File Exhibit Re Press Release and Executive Summary
Re CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 19, 2016
Recorded 16-MC-49 U.S. District Court Chapter 11 MOTION to File Exhibit Re Press Release and Executive
Summary Re CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 19, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types >
Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
U.S. District Court and Third Circuit Court DOCKET SHEETS for July 19, 2016
U.S. District Court and Third Circuit Court DOCKET SHEETS for July 19, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types >
Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
CATERBONE Complaint to Lancaster City Police Union April 29, 2009
CATERBONE Complaint to Lancaster City Police Union April 29, 2009 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
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File (.txt) or read online for free. CATERBONE Complaint to Lancaster City Police Union April 29, 2009
Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County Case No. CP-46-CR-0008423-2015 REQUEST for APPEARANCE Re
Kathleen Kane Amicus in Support of Motion to DISMISS Charges July 20, 2016
16-1149 (To US Supreme Court for Lisa) Third Circuit Lambert Appeal Order by the Clerk of Courts Dismissing Appeal
Dated July 18, 2016
Signed - Letter to the OFFICE of the EXECUTIVE of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals Re Judicial Complaint No.
03-16-90007 Lisa Michelle Lambert July 24, 2016 Full Document Sent
231 Pa. Code Rule 240. In Forma Pauperis.
PA JUDICIAL CONDUCT COMPLAINT - Recorded 16-Mc-49 Bankruptcy Appeal DECLARATION Re Judicial
Conduct Board COMPLAINT Re CI-16-05815 Preliminary Injunction for Relief Filed on July 26, 2016 Signed Copy -
Recorded 16-Mc-49 Bankruptcy Appeal DECLARATION Re Judicial Conduct Board COMPLAINT Re
CI-16-05815 Preliminary Injunction for Relief Filed on July 26, 2016 Signed Copy - UPDATED HACKER
DELETED 7 PAGES by stan5j.5caterbone
judge edward smith eastern district - Google Search
16-cv-4014 - CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With Forms
July 22, 2016
CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With Forms July 22,
2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. CATERBONE v. the
United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With Forms July 22, 2016
42 U.S. Code 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Case No. CI-16-05815 EXHIBIT to Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Emergency Relief, Re Downtown Lancaster
Handout Friday August 19, 2016


Case No. 16-05715 Emergency Injunction Re CULLEN Motion to Recuse EXHIBIT Re Complaint Re Courthouse
Employees - June 28, 2016
Case No. 16-05815 Cullen Motion to Recuse Exhibit Re Email to Paul Cambell Re 3179-06 Appeal April 5 2008
Corruption in the Fleeing Criminal Case and Appeal June 28, 2016
From: To: CC:;; <br...
Case No. 16-05815 Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Immediate Relief Re SCANNED Cover Pages of June 27, 2016
Letter to P. Michael Sturla Re Millersville University of June 4, 2009
Letter to P. Michael Sturla Re Millersville University of June 4, 2009 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law
> Court Filings, cia, and dia
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re Gang Stalking in America, Death by a Thousand Cuts DECLARATION of
June 22, 2016
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re Gang Stalking in America, Death by a Thousand Cuts DECLARATION
of June 22, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
J.C. No. 03-16-90005 Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Third Circuit ORDER of DISMISSAL Dated June 24,
2016 Signed by Circuit Judge Thomas Ambro

Police Shootings

In the Spotlight: Cross Connections Ministries leader says Its all about relationships | Local News |
Families in New Holland can find a place of community on Franklin Street.
Senseless, chilling: Two Columbia teens charged with trying to kill police officers; bail $2 million each | Local News |
Two Columbia teenagers used a scoped sniper rifle in an attempt to gun down police officers in an early Friday
morning shooting in the borough, officials said at a press
Lancaster County police on heightened alert after recent shooting incidents | Local News |
It was only this past Monday when some police chiefs in Lancaster County were discussing what they should do, or
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could do, to prevent their officers from being ambushed and
Recent incidents of shots at police in Lancaster County | Local News |
At least a half-dozen local police officers have been wounded by gunfire in the past 16 years, according to LNP
Danish prime minister, not presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, caused Friday hubbub in downtown Lancaster | Local
News |
Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was not hitting the hot spots in downtown Lancaster on Friday, despite plenty
of rumors that the former first lady, senator and secretary of state was
2 in custody, charges expected after shots fired at police in Columbia | Local News |
Two males are expected to be charged after shots were fired at police, and residents were warned to remain in their
homes Friday morning in Columbia.
In wake of shootings, Lancaster County police act to ensure officers make it home safely each day | Insider |
Local police, after being targeted in two shootings last week in Lancaster and Columbia, are taking steps to ensure
they remain safe on the job.
Clergy, police, NAACP and civic leaders find new urgency in conversation about escalating police violence | Local News |
The conversation about violence both by and against police took on a new sense of urgency in Lancaster
County last week when gunmen opened fire on officers in
Teen charged in Columbia shooting apparently refers to Lancaster gunfire incident on Facebook | Insider |
A Facebook page apparently belonging to one of two teenagers charged with shooting at police in Columbia early
Friday references last weeks shooting in Lancaster city in which officers reported
How Cops Are Gearing Up After Mass Killings And Police Shootings
Police are ready in the wake of attacks in France and the United States, and police shootings in Texas and Louisiana.

Lambert Letter

(4) Amicus Curiae Filed by Stan J. Caterbone 2007 to 2016 - Kathleen Kane - The National Security Agency NSA - Lisa
Michelle Lambert - Mehgan Liappatt - Published May 18, 2016
Connections | LinkedIn
Google Alert - kathleen kane - - Gmail
Results of probe into inappropriate...
Results of probe into inappropriate emails to be released - The Washington Post
'Lancaster County': A convicted killer's memoir - but much is missing
Chuck Ardo, the 7th Kathleen Kane spokesman, ran out of 'good answers' |
Malcolm Gladwell to Lancaster business community: Think soccer, not basketball | Local News |
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Stan J. Caterbone United Nations Human Rights Council of Geneva Switzerland Complaint and Exhibit re U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control, October 4, 2009.pdf
PA Attorney General Mike Fisher Applauds Third Circuit Court Ruling in Lambert Case
16-1001 Third Circuit Habeus DISMISSAL Re Exhaust State Courts Dated May 24, 2016 by Panel With Fisher
Stan J. Caterbone Mental Health Arguments With Newslanc Editiorial Re Kathleen Kane and Mental Health Issues
December 18, 2015
Confirmation 15-03984 United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania - Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert in
Framingham Prison, May 28, 2016
Chester Springs man co-authors murder novel
After writing four sports-related books, local author and lawyer, Dave Brown, took a walk on the dark side.
In a killers words: Lisa Michelle Lambert, nearly 25 years since Laurie Shows murder, claims innocence in new book |
Local News |
Lisa Michelle Lambert, serving a life sentence for the 1991 murder of romantic rival Laurie Show, has painted
herself as a victim of ruthless friends, sinister authorities and unavoidable circumstances
'He got off light': Students ponder verdict after Millersville University's first murder, trial | Insider |
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Many students at Millersville University already stressed over final examinations this week and, for some,
graduation this weekend are also remembering Karlie Hall in the wake of her
Remembering Karlie Hall: Student's death at boyfriend's hands spurs family to tackle domestic violence issues | Insider |
Karlie Halls death at the hands of her boyfriend has left her family mother Jeanette and sisters Katelyn and
Kristen grasping for ways to regain focus in their


Rudy Giuliani to speak in Lancaster at Boy Scouts fundraiser | Politics |

Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor and a Donald Trump surrogate, will travel to Lancaster city next
month as the keynote speaker for an annual fundraising dinner benefiting local
Lawsuit: Expert calls pace at Phoenix Academy totally inappropriate for refugee students | Insider |
EASTON Refugee students are being asked to fly without a runway at Phoenix Academy in Lancaster, an
education expert said in federal court Thursday.
Commissioners approve Erin Court sale agreement | Local News |
Loss on Erin Court properties in East Hempfield Township is a source of frustration for county officials.
Man with gun tackled on Wabank Street | Local News |
Lancaster City Police reported an unidentified man carrying a handgun was tackled and had the gun wrestled from
him in front of a Lancaster residence Friday.
Woman shot on North Street | Local News |
Police said early Saturday that the woman was still in the hospital, but did not release her name. They did not
provide any further information on the incident but said
Construction of $35M medical building at Stockyards office park gets underway | Insider |
Its taken eight years of effort to bring something other than stores to the vacant east side of the former Lancaster
Papa Joe's Pizza & Pasta reopens at the Buck after fire | Local Business |
Papa Joes Pizza &amp; Pasta reopened this week at the Buck, eleven months after a devastating fire.
Embattled Lancaster County sheriff's pension may be jeopardized if he is impeached | Insider |
The embattled Lancaster County sheriff could collect nearly $20,000 a year in taxpayer-funded pension payments if
he heeds calls for him to resign amid sexual harassment allegations.But his retirement plan
Man charged in Lancaster bank robbery | Local News |
A man is behind bars on $750,000 bail after being charged with robbing a Lancaster bank earlier this month.
Driver injured when car flips on West End Avenue in Lancaster Township | Local News |

The Classy Crab opens in Lancaster, featuring blue crabs from Louisiana | Local Business |
The small, takeout shop at 3 Ruby St. is in a former laundromat at Ruby Street and Columbia Avenue. In addition to
different sizes of crabs, the shop sells shrimp
PNC Bank to close branches at 4 Lancaster County retirement communities | Local Business |
PNC Bank is closing branches on the campuses of four Lancaster County retirement communities.
County leaders lock out sheriff amid sexual harassment allegations | Insider |
Sheriff Mark Reese is on leave amid sexual harassment allegations
Chief John Fiorill retires from Southern Regional department amid budget woes | Local News |
The chief of Southern Regional police announced his retirement after more than a decade of leading the department
and 42 years working in law enforcement in Lancaster County.
New owner for Mosby's Pub in Mount Joy | Local Business |
Earlier this month, John Katras bought Mosbys Pub at 215 E. Main St. for an undisclosed price from George
Vekios, who owned it for nine years.
NY teen who swam in stream that flows through Lancaster County dies from brain-eating amoeba | Insider |
Relatives of Ohio girl think organism entered her nose while swimming near Conowingo, Md.
Man stabbed to death in Lancaster, person of interest interviewed and released | Local News |
One person has reportedly been stabbed in Lancaster city.
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Lancaster city Planners approve of proposal for $30 million Marriott expansion | Insider |
The Lancaster city Planning Commission approves of the city Redevelopment Authoritys redevelopment proposal
for the $30 million, 110-room Marriott hotel expansion.
Police: Two men shot outside McCaskey-York football game in York city | Local News |
Two men were shot in a parking lot outside a football game Friday night in York between J.P. McCaskey and
William Penn.
Verdict dispute with county DA goes to state Supreme Court | Local News |
A Commonwealth Court judge has ruled that a dispute between Elizabethtown District Judge Jayne Duncan and
Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman should be heard by the state Supreme Court.
School District of Lancaster officials set meetings to address Friday night shooting | Local News |
School District of Lancaster officials will hold meetings Monday and Tuesday regarding a shooting at a McCaskey
football game in York Friday night.
Car hits 2 houses on Hershey Avenue in Lancaster city | Local News |
Driver has to be extricated in early Sunday accident. Is not seriously injured.
TEDx Lancaster inspires audience to be connected | Local News |
"I want to connect with ," read the poster in the lobby of the Ware Center. Nearby, Sharpie markers scattered on
tables invited Saturdays attendees of TEDx Lancaster to
Ponessa adds partial hospitalization for children with mental health needs | Local Business |
T.W. Ponessa &amp; Associates Counseling Services Inc. has added a new treatment option for children with severe
emotional, behavioral, or psychiatric disorders.
Atomic opens rental office in Germany, continuing global expansion | Local Business |
Atomic Design, which designs and builds sets for the live-event industry, has opened a rental office in Frankfurt,
Motions to dismiss civil rights suit against Lancaster County police officer, prosecutor denied | Local News |
A judge has denied motions by a Lancaster County police officer and a former county prosecutor to have a lawsuit
accusing them of violating a man's civil rights dismissed.
Columbia football game evacuated, student in custody for threat | Local News |
Columbia High School's home game against York Suburban was postponed and the stadium evacuated Friday night
based on an unspecified threat made by a student.
Lancaster County judge shows heroin defendants sticky notes with overdose tally | Insider |
With a dramatic gesture, Judge Howard Knisely admits he's trying to scare people from returning to the streets and
using heroin.
Police looking for 28-year-old man following explosions in New York City, New Jersey; Amtrak issues service alert |
Local News |
NEW YORK (AP) 7:45 a.m.
With opening of Novara, concierge medicine gains ground in Lancaster County | Insider |
Novara looks more like a spa than a doctors office, and thats on purpose.
Study: For every hour doctors see patients, they spend two on records & desk work | Local News |
Accompanying editorial said the study shows that electronic health records have not yet fulfilled their promise of
improving the efficiency and quality of health care.
What does Gov. Wolf's call for a joint session on opioid epidemic entail? | Politics |
As Pennsylvania hurdles toward the end of another especially deadly year in the opioid crisis, the governor and state
lawmakers are racing against time to contain the epidemic.
Court hearing next stop for Lancaster man in RRTA bus riding dispute | Insider |
Bill Horn, the Lancaster man charged with theft of service for riding a Red Rose Transit Authority bus beyond his
zone pass, is receiving community support for his plight.
Refugee lawsuit: Federal judge calls School District of Lancaster back to court | Insider |
Attorneys for six refugee students who sued the district this summer say the district is not fully complying with the
court's order regarding where the district places older refugee students
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Lancaster Realtor's brother advances on NBC's 'The Voice' | Entertainment |
Lancaster Realtor Handy Cuevas' brother, Christian, chose to join Team Alicia Keys on Monday night's "The Voice"
competition on NBC.
Lancaster city logs its 9,000 public trees in searchable database | Local News |
Ever see an unfamiliar tree while walking in Lancaster city and want to know what kind it is?
Fuss over bus ride gains public support; matter will end up in court | Insider |
Bill Horn, the Lancaster man charged with theft of service for riding a Red Rose Transit Authority bus beyond his
zone pass, is receiving community support for his plight.
Benefit to celebrate life of US Marine from Millersville who died in 2015 accidental drowning | Local News |
Jim Livermore and Natascha Gyorke should have been celebrating four months of marriage Wednesday.
Lower energy costs should again give homeowners a break on heating bills this winter | Local Business |
With the warm days of summer well behind us, residents may soon start thinking about their winter heating costs.
Among young voters, Lancaster County is a competitive battleground | Insider |
It's no secret that younger voters are more likely to be liberal and older voters skew conservative.

Kathleen Kane

Pennsylvania's judicial ethics court is giving Attorney General Kathleen Kane two weeks to produce material for a
pending disciplinary case against Supreme Court Justice Michael Eakin
Kane aide sues for wrongful termination
HARRISBURG - A former aide to Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has sued her for wrongful
termination, contending he was dismissed in retaliation for recommending the firing of her controversial chief of
staff, who had been accused of sexually harassing female colleagues. - Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
Senate facing a decision on attorney generals removal - News - Standard Speaker
Kane aide files wrongful termination suit against her
HARRISBURG - A former aide to Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane has sued her over wrongful
termination, contending he was dismissed in retaliation for recommending the firing of her controversial chief of
staff, who had been accused of sexually harassing female colleagues. - Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
Kathleen Kane v. The "Good Old Boys" by Stan J. Caterbone and The Advanced Media Group | Stan Caterbone | LinkedIn
December 15, 2015 &quot;Kane, the first woman and Democrat elected to the position of Pennsylvania's top
prosecutor, has dismissed the case as a backlash
Frank Fina, and possibly Kathleen Kane, to testify in Philadelphia bribery case |
Former state prosecutor Frank Fina will testify Wednesday in a legislative bribery case that ensnared several top
Philadelphia lawmakers. He may be joined by Attorney General Kathleen Kane
Kane, aides sued by HR analyst with whistleblower claims - The Morning Call
Kane, aides sued by HR analyst with whistleblower claims
Northeast Pa. prosecutor joins pack vying for Kane's job NewsWorks
A Northeast Pennsylvania prosecutor said he'll seek the Democratic nomination for state Attorney General Kathleen
Kane's job. Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli said Tuesday...
Allentown, Lehigh Valley news from The Morning Call and - The Morning Call
Allentown news, Bethlehem news, Easton news, Poconos news, Lehighton news, Quakertown news, Lehigh Valley
PA Senate brandishes 19th-century pseudo mental health laws against Kane |
Though they live worlds apart, on separate continents, a 54-year-old Armenian woman named Julietta Amarikian
has something in common with Pennsylvania Attorney
Kane's sister received emails mocking Asians, blacks and domestic violence | TribLIVE
PA Senate brandishes 19th-century pseudo mental health laws against Kane |
Though they live worlds apart, on separate continents, a 54-year-old Armenian woman named Julietta Amarikian
has something in common with Pennsylvania Attorney
The Kathleen Kane chronicles: The mess grows (again) | TribLIVE

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Stan J. Caterbone Mental Health Arguments With Newslanc Editiorial Re Kathleen Kane and Mental Health Issues
December 18, 2015
Stan J. Caterbone Mental Health Arguments With Newslanc Editiorial Re Kathleen Kane and Mental Health Issues
December 18, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Stan J. Caterbone
Mental Health Arguments With Newslanc Editiorial Re Kathleen Kane and Mental Health Issues December 18,
Memo from Kane's top deputy shows dissent within office: report |
The top deputy for embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane doesn't seem to agree with his boss's view in the
ongoing the controversial email scandal.
AG Kathleen Kane's appointment of special prosecutor raises more questions |
On the same day that a Philadelphia district attorney spoke out on Kathleen Kane's involvement in the exchange of
vulgar emails, the attorney general signed a document appointing Douglas Gansler as special prosecutor.
The Democrats' Problem in Pennsylvania Is Falling Star Kathleen Kane - Bloomberg Politics
Indicted in August for perjury, the state's attorney general could prove to be a liability for a Clinton presidential run.
Kane's 'Porngate' prosecutor has baggage of his own: Dennis Roddy |
Attorney General Kathleen Kane on Tuesday appointed a special prosecutor who was himself sanctioned by the
courts, is not licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania, and has been photographed in the middle of a teen drinking
AG Kathleen Kane now faces investigation by State Ethics Commission |
Attorney General Kathleen Kane now faces an investigation by the State Ethics Commission, in addition to criminal
charges, a Senate removal process and various civil lawsuits.
Attorney General Kathleen Kane's battle with the 'old boys' network' - The Morning Call
Kathleen Kane's year can be summed up with three words: perjury, porn, patronage.
Report: AG Kane now being investigated by state ethics commission | Local News - WGAL Home
News 8 has learned that state Attorney General Kathleen Kane is being investigated by the Pennsylvania Ethics
Pornographic email scandal roils Pennsylvania politics |
WASHINGTON POST: ...Over the past 15 months, beleaguered Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has
released a steady stream of messages retrieved from a
AG's office makes case for Kathleen Kane's continued leadership |
Attorney General Kathleen Kane's office has responded to a Supreme Court petition challenging her legal status.
Lancaster blunders and missed opportunities in 2015 |
By Robert Field Looking back on 2015, we are again reminded of how difficult, most times impossible, it has been
to avoid tragedies and spur
Suspended license puts Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane's re-election bid in jeopardy | Southeastern PA
News - Home
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane acknowledges she may not run for re-election unless her law license
suspension is lifted.
'Porngate' scandal in Pennsylvania: The basics and the background |
The porngate email exchanges include offensive material about domestic violence, homosexuals and various racial
and ethnic stereotypes.
Pa. politics: what lies ahead?
A new political year brings chances for change or the sad possibility of sameness. Here are key issues and events
that will shape state news in 2016. - John Baer, Philadelphia Daily News
Lancaster County News and Commentary - News from Lancaster County
Kane to skip removal hearing - News - The Times-Tribune
Kane "unlikely" to show for removal hearing | State House Sound Bites |
Photo by Mary Wilson / WITF State Attorney General Kathleen Kane might be a no-show at the special hearing
scheduled next Tuesday by the Senate committee considering her ouster. Spokesman Chuck Ardo said Wednesday
that the embattled official is still considering how she will respond to the panel, but it is
Kane to skip removal hearing - News - The Times-Tribune
Pennsylvania AG Kane confidant could face six-month jail sentence | TribLIVE
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KEISLING: Senate unwittingly exposes darkest chapter in state legislative history in Kane removal bid |
Senate invokes constitutional provision against AG Kathleen Kane tied to era of eugenics, forced sterilizations, and
the Holocaust by Bill
KEISLING: PA AG Kathleen Kane: Gagged, bound, and tied to the sawmill |
Kathleen Kane posed a tangible threat to the well-entrenched cadre of corrupted officials from both parties who've
been running the state, and who all rely on a
In defense of two prosecutors
I came to appreciate prosecutors Frank Fina and Pat Blessington for their honesty, intelligence, and diligence as they
evenhandedly and without fear or favor uprooted both Democratic and Republican corruption. - By George Parry,
Philadelphia Inquirer
Kane planning to seek another term, aide says | State |
HARRISBURG Embattled attorney general Kathleen Kane intends to run for a second term despite facing
criminal charges and lacking a law license, but she has not made a final
Kane spokesman: She's running again
She is facing a criminal trial, the Senate might yank her out of office, her poll numbers are sinking, rivals in her own
party are lining up for her job, and the husband who bankrolled her last campaign is no longer in the picture. - Craig
R. McCoy andAngela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
What's the next explosion in the Kane email scandal? | TribLIVE
Kathleen Kane faces ouster vote by Senate panel on Tuesday - The Morning Call
The Special Committee on Senate Address will meet Tuesday to decide whether Kathleen Kane should be removed
from office.
AG Kane plans to skip hearing at which her job is at stake | News |
Photo by AP Photo/Matt Slocum Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane looks on while arriving at
Benjamin Franklin Parkway ahead of the Papal Mass Sunday, Sept. 27, 2015, in Philadelphia. (Harrisburg) -- State
Attorney General Kathleen Kane faces a fourth and final Senate hearing in a process that could lead to her removal
from office on grounds that she can't perform her duties while her law license remains suspended. Her spokesman
said Friday she doesn't plan to be present when the Special Committee on Senate Address convenes tomorrow to
hear from her. The hearing to get her side is required under an obscure constitutional provision that could soon be
used against her. Her spokesman says she'll meet a noon deadline today to submit a written statement of some sort.
The first-term Democrat has said the Senate can't remove her on its own. The state Supreme Court suspended Kane's
license as...
Attorney General Kathleen Kane says she'll run for re-election - Philadelphia Business Journal
The Attorney Generals political consultant Ken Smukler believes Kane will run for re-election this year.
Armstrong County judge rules AG office has authority to continue trying cases | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Ruling upends challenges to the offices authority in wake of Kathleen Kanes suspension.
Kathleen Kane cites 1891 case in response to planned removal hearing |
Kathleen Kane has confirmed what most assumed: That the attorney general would forego a Senate hearing Tuesday
that would be the next step toward her removal from office.
AG Kathleen Kane's future is in the hands of 19th-century lawmakers |
Criminal charges aside, the most urgent threat to Attorney General Kathleen Kane is an arcane removal provision
last used in another headline-grabbing scandal 125 years ago.
Gov. Ed Rendell plans to testify in support of AG Kathleen Kane at hearing |
Gov. Ed Rendell plans to testify in support of Attorney General Kathleen Kane at a Senate hearing that could lead to
her ultimate removal.
Kathleen Kane wants law license back, protests Supreme Court decision - Philadelphia Business Journal
Kane has no plans to testify at a Senate hearing on her removal.
Pennsylvania committee delays vote on attorney generals removal - Yahoo News
From Yahoo News: A Pennsylvania Senate committee delayed a vote on Tuesday on whether to recommend
removing embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane from her post because of a suspended law license. The move
to put off the vote followed testimony from former Pennsylvania Governor Edward Rendell and the attorney
general's chief of staff, Jonathan Decker, who said Kane could continue to perform her job adequately without a law
license. The only time it would be relevant for the attorney general not to be able to go to court would be if
everyone else was wiped out, Rendell said.
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Rendell urges Senate not to use direct removal power on Kane - News - Citizens' Voice
Attorney General Kathleen Kanes Ability to Perform Duties, Hearing
Kathleen Kane's law license suspension appeal moving through court - The Morning Call
Kathleen Kane's law license suspension appeal moving through court
Pennsylvania's Office of Attorney General blasted for agent shortfall | TribLIVE
Pa. Senate Presses OAG on Special Prosecutor's Role | The Legal Intelligencer
Doug Gansler, the special prosecutor hired by Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane to review offensive
emails exchanged by government employees, has b...
Drinking the Kane Kool-Aid | TribLIVE
Ron Southwick: Why Kathleen Kane shouldn't run again | Reading Eagle - NEWS
The state Attorney General may launch an improbable re-election bid, even as she fights to stay out of prison.
On Kane, Senate in wait-and-see mode | State House Sound Bites |
Photo by Mary Wilson / WITF The state Senate is in a bit of a pickle as it advances its analysis of whether or not to
boot Attorney General Kathleen Kane from office due to the suspension of her law license last year pending her trial
on perjury and other criminal charges. Last week, the attorney general asked the state Supreme Court to reconsider
its September ruling shelving her legal credential. She argued that sitting Justice Michael Eakin should not have
participated in the discussion, as he has since been suspended from the bench due to inappropriate e-mails he
exchanged that she had released. Kane's petition to the Supreme Court was filed the evening before a hearing called
by the Senate panel considering her ouster. The next day, at the hearing intended to give Kane a chance to defend
herself, former Governor Ed Rendell testified instead. Rendell noted the...
PA Senate Weighs Whether Or Not To Remove AG Kane From Office | WSKG
The Pennsylvania state Senate is in a bind as it advances its analysis of whether or not to remove Attorney General
Kathleen Kane from office due to the
Board Argues Attorney General Kane's Law License Should Remain Suspended | NBC 10 Philadelphia
The state office that investigates misconduct by lawyers argued Wednesday that Pennsylvania Attorney General
Kathleen Kane waited too long to object to Justice Michael Eakin's participation with four other...
A top state prosecutor is raising questions about Attorney General Kathleen Kane's hiring of a team of outside lawyers to
investigate a government email scandal
A top state prosecutor is raising questions about Attorney General Kathleen Kane's hiring of a team of outside
lawyers to investigate a government email scandal. Updated 1/21/16 7:44 PM.
Special Committee on Senate Address | Home
Top News |
Read the latest Top News news and view Top News pictures from our team of local insiders.
KEISLING: Lancaster County newspaper publisher disbarred before becoming state attorney general |
AG William Hensel caught Philly Inquirer bribing city treasurer by Bill Keisling Note to readers: The
Pennsylvania Senate plans to invoke a
Misconduct board argues AG Kanes law license should remain suspended |
WALKILEAKS / AP: The office that investigates misconduct by lawyers is arguing that Pennsylvania Attorney
General Kathleen Kane waited too long to complain
LETTER: Shady Lancaster City |
This rambling text is copied from the RACL November 17 minutes. Risks: moral hazard and the American dream.
Hyperbole aside, I'm concerned that we
Kane - Crisis of credibility
A report that two more Pennsylvania Supreme Court justices were no strangers to the state's sprawling electronic
profanity exchange shows why the high court has been widely urged to order an independent investigation of the
scandal - and why it hasn't done so.
Senate panel to release Kane report Wednesday - News - The Times-Tribune
Representative Martina A. White - PA House of Representatives
Pornocopia insanity in Harrisburg | TribLIVE
Woes across government branches tarnish Pa.'s image, experts say
House panel take steps to launch impeachment proceedings against AG Kane
HARRISBURG - A key House committee is taking the first steps toward launching impeachment proceedings
against Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane, even as the Senate is poised to decide whether to remove
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her from office. - Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
Panel votes to authorize probe toward possible impeachment of Kane | Reading Eagle - NEWS
If the full House follows suit, a subcommittee investigating the embattled attorney general would have subpoena
Committee: Senate Should Delay Vote on Kane Removal - Story
A special committee&#39;s ruling leaves the embattled AG in doubt
Divided Pa. Senate panel supports Kane removal vote
Divided Pa. Senate panel supports Kane removal vote
RAW VIDEO: Sen. John Gordner on decision not to take impeachment vote on Kane - The Morning Call
Sen. John Gordner, R-Columbia, says once the state Supreme Court makes a decision on Kathleen Kane's law
license appeal, he would be the first to push for a vote on whether she should be impeached.
On Kane's removal, Pa. Senate panel equivocates - Philadelphia Business Journal
One local Democrat is not happy with the Senate's latest decision.
Senate panel: Delay vote on Kane removal - News - Citizens' Voice
Political Winners & Losers: Polls, polls and more polls. But what do they tell us? |
Kane up, Wolf down and no one knows how to feel about the U.S. Senate race. Yep, it's campaign season in
Kane ouster not being done in vacuum - News - The Times-Tribune
Court ruling on Sandusky cover-up case presents Kane with complex choices
A long-awaited Superior Court ruling that landed last month did more than just dismiss the most serious charges
against three former Penn State administrators accused of covering up child sex attacks by Jerry Sandusky. - Susan
Snyder and Craig R. McCoy, Philadelphia Inquirer
Kathleen Kane: The Rise and Fall | Philadelphia Magazine
Attorney General Kathleen Kane was the most promising political figure in Pennsylvania, until she became
obsessed with an enemy she just couldnt destroy.
PA Atty General Website
Pa. Activist Wants Kane's Campaign Spending Investigated - Law360
A Pennsylvania activist again asked the state to take action regarding embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane,
asking the Office of General Counsel on Wednesday to investigate her alleged use of campaign funds to pay legal
fees related to her indictment and law license suspension.
Pa. House Leader plans vote to launch Kane impeachment process next week |
Majority Leader David Reed, R-Indiana County, says the floor vote to launch an investigation will come Monday or
Pa. House set to vote Monday on starting Kane impeachment investigation | TribLIVE Mobile
AG Kathleen Kane: Dismiss federal lawsuit by 'insubordinate' agents |
Whether Kane, who is embattled on several legal fronts, is entitled to immunity from the suit by Agents Michael
Carlson and Michael Cranga will be a call for U.S. Middle District Chief Judge Christopher C. Conner.
Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane has August trial date for alleged perjury charge - King Of Prussia Courier - Main Line
Media News
Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane has August trial date for alleged perjury charge - NORRISTOWN >> Embattled
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kanes trial on perjury-related charges will get under way with jury
selection on Aug. 8, a judge ruled on Friday.
Pa. Supreme Court Rejects Kane Bid To Restore Law License; Senate Expected To Vote On Removal CBS Philly
The state Supreme Court has rejected Attorney General Kathleen Kanes bid to lift the suspension of her law
Senate to vote Wednesday on Pennsylvania AG Kane ouster | TribLIVE
HARRISBURGThe Senate plans to vote Wednesday on removing embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane
from office, the top GOP leader said. Kane, A Democrat elected statewide in ...
Pennsylvania Senate plans vote this week on AG Kane removal |
The top-ranking Republican in the state Senate said Monday the chamber will vote this week on whether to remove
from office Attorney General Kathleen Kane, a first-term Democrat who has spent the past two years working to
expose an explicit and objectiona
More evidence of Ole boys club desperation to block public hearings |
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February 7, 2016 Featured, News and Commentary Comments Edit By Robert Field As Porngate hits state high
court, Sprague brought in as mediator
Senate to vote Wednesday on whether to oust Pennsylvania AG Kane | TribLIVE
HARRISBURG The Senate plans to vote Wednesday on removing embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane
from office, the top GOP leader said. Kane, a Democrat ...
AG Kathleen Kane's Senate removal vote may kick off a whole new controversy |
A Senate vote to remove Kathleen Kane from office planned for Wednesday may seem like an end, but it's probably
just the beginning.
Read the Senate's Kathleen Kane removal resolution |
The resolution to remove Attorney General Kathleen Kane that will be considered by the Pennsylvania Senate on
Senate Poised to Vote on Whether to Remove Attorney General Kane | NBC 10 Philadelphia
Pennsylvania senators planned a Wednesday vote on whether to remove Attorney General Kathleen Kane on
grounds that her suspended law license has rendered it impossible for her to do the job.
Kathleen Kane impeachment to be considered by state House - The Morning Call
Kathleen Kane impeachment to be considered by Pennsylvania House
PA Senate votes against removing Kathleen Kane as Attorney General | WPMT FOX43
Some Kane staffers disappointed she survived Senate's attempt to oust her |
Press secretary Chuck Ardo says those employees want the spotlight on their agency to end.
Kathleen Kane talks failed ouster in Attorney General's first interview in months - Philadelphia Business Journal
Kane talked about her supporters and a possible re-election run.
Kathleen Kane manages to keep her job but can't avoid impeachment proceedings
Pennsylvania's embattled attorney general won't run again - Yahoo News
From Yahoo News: SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) The state's embattled attorney general said Tuesday she will not seek
a second term, facing pressure from within her own party after being hobbled for months by perjury charges and the
suspension of her law license.
Capitolwire: Senate vote to remove Kane fails; House starts investigation. |
By Kevin Zwick & Chris Comisac Capitolwire HARRISBURG (Feb. 10) Attorney General Kathleen Kane
survived a removal attempt Wednesday after the state
Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane will not seek re-election
SCRANTON, Pa. >> Pennsylvanias embattled attorney general said Tuesday she will not seek a second term,
facing pressure from within her own party after being hobbled for months by criminal perjury charges and the
suspension of her law li
Media company lawyer objects to handing over original documents in Kane case - Bucks County Courier Times: Bucks
County | Local news | Breaking News
A lawyer for Philadelphia Media Network, which owns the Philadelphia Daily News and The Philadelphia Inquirer,
is battling efforts by the Montgomery County District Attorneys Office to obtain the original documents of secret
grand jury information that state Attorney General Kathleen Kane allegedly leaked to a news reporter.
D.A., newspaper, at odds over documents in Kane probe
NORRISTOWN >> Lawyers for a Philadelphia newspaper have asked a judge to quash the request of Montgomery
County prosecutors who are seeking original documents leaked to the newspaper allegedly at the direction of
Pennsylvania Attorney General Ka
Democratic leader says Senate moving too fast to remove Kane
News, weather, traffic and sports for Harrisburg, Pa. Also York, Lancaster and Lebanon | WHTM-TV, ABC
Kane says she won't seek reelection
SCRANTON - Facing criminal charges, a suspended law license, and potential impeachment, Pennsylvania
Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane on Tuesday said she would not run for reelection. - Craig R. McCoy and
Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
Letter: Give Kane credit, not criticism
While praising a panel of the Court of Judicial Discipline for rejecting a proposed deal and insisting on a public
airing of the charges against Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin, the Inquirer did not lose sight of its overriding
principle in all things related to this matter: to vilify Attorney General Kathleen Kane ("Justice ought to be judged,"
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Kane wants her charges tossed, county judges taken off case
News, weather, traffic and sports for Harrisburg, Pa. Also York, Lancaster and Lebanon | WHTM-TV, ABC
Embattled Pennsylvania Attorney General Says That She Will Not Seek Re-election - The New York Times
Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane of Pennsylvania said she would continue battling what she has called a corrupt
old-boys network that has plotted to remove her from office.
Kane wants her charges tossed, judges taken off case | Reading Eagle - NEWS
State attorney general's filing comes five months before her scheduled trial.
Kane wants her charges tossed, county judges taken off case | Local News - WTAE Home
A new court filing by Attorney General Kathleen Kane seeks to have the criminal charges against her thrown out
and all the judges in Montgomery County removed from her case.
Kane fights back against leak charges | TribLIVE
HARRISBURG Attorney General Kathleen Kane is fighting back against criminal charges against her, asking
Friday for the case to be thrown out for selective ...
Hotline for Altoona-Johnstown diocese abuse gets 150 calls in first week
News, weather, traffic and sports for Harrisburg, Pa. Also York, Lancaster and Lebanon | WHTM-TV, ABC
Kane: Ive Done Nothing Wrong (VIDEO) | PoliticsPA
PoliticsPA: Kane says, 'I've done nothing wrong' - Philadelphia Business Journal
Kane once again asserted that she wont resign.
Politically Uncorrected: The Fall of Kathleen Kane | PoliticsPA

Porngate: Inside the XXX Emails that Exposed Pennsylvania's Polluted Politics
They should've made Kathleen Kane's career. Instead, they destroyed it.
Passing budget more important than impeaching Kathleen Kane - The Morning Call
If Pennsylvania's House devoted as much time to the budget as it does to Attorney General Kathleen Kane, perhaps
we would have a budget.
Pa. legislators, advocates rally for statute of limitations reform | Centre Daily Times
In the wake of a grand jury report on abuse in the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese released earlier this month, state
representatives, adult victims of child sexual abuse and advocates gathered Monday at the Capitol to push for statute
of limitations reform.
2nd Pennsylvania Justice Resigns Over Raunchy Email Scandal - ABC News
2nd Pennsylvania Justice Resigns Over Raunchy Email Scandal
Kathleen Kane seeks hearing on FBI recording leak about leaks - The Morning Call
Kathleen Kane seeks court hearing on FBI recording leak about leaks
Kathleen Kane wins another court fight to keep porn emails from public - The Morning Call
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane wins another court fight to keep porn emails from public
Kathleen Kane hearing scheduled amid accusations of prosecution leaks |
The judge presiding over Kathleen Kane's criminal case declined to rule on pretrial motions Tuesday amid
accusations of leaks from the Montgomery County Prosecutor's Office.
Tempers Flare In Kathleen Kane Pre-trial CBS Philly
The case against Kane revolves around allegations that she leaked grand jury information to the Philadelphia Daily
News that, in turn, was retaliation for leaks about her to the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Media coalition asks judge to deny Kane's secret motion request - The Morning Call
Media coalition asks judge to deny Kathleen Kane's secret motion request
Williams calls for new ethics legislation for state judges - The Philadelphia Tribune: News
Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane's hire may be way she can keep exerting power | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Kathleen Kane has hired former Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce Castor to fill a newly created
executive position in her office.
Suit: Kane aide quickly went from ally to outcast
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane invited her aide to her home on a Friday night and offered him a
beer from the wet bar. - Craig R. McCoy and Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer

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Federal Prosecutors to File Racketeering Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania Diocese Officials in connection to Child Sexual
Abuse Cover Up : Lawfirm | Lawyer : Lawyer Herald
US attorney David Hickton said, he is consideirng to file racketeering lawsuit against Altoona-Johnstown diocese in
Pennsylvania. It is in connection to former bishops' over ups of child sexual abuses in the church for more than 40
years by over 50 clergys.
Too many pictures of Kathleen Kane - The Morning Call
Subscribers to your newspaper are much too familiar with Attorney General Kathleen Kane's looks.
My Dashboard - PENN File
Prosecutors oppose Pennsylvania AG Kanes appeal to state court - King Of Prussia Courier - Main Line Media News
Prosecutors oppose Pennsylvania AG Kanes appeal to state court - NORRISTOWN >> Montgomery County
prosecutors oppose embattled Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane taking an appeal of a county judges
pretrial rulings to a state court.
Kathleen Kane motion to quash
Kathleen Kane motion to quash - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Attorney General
Kathleen Kane filed a new motion Wednesday to dismiss the criminal charges against her.
Montgomery County prosecutors call AG Kanes claim of vindictive prosecution frivolous
NORRISTOWN >> Montgomery County prosecutors maintain embattled Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen
G. Kanes claim that she is the victim of selective and vindictive prosecution is frivolous and not a basis on which
Prosecutors assail AG Kane's bid to drop charges
The Montgomery County District Attorney's Office on Monday assailed Attorney General Kathleen Kane's latest
bid to dismiss the criminal case against her, calling frivolous and irrelevant her claim that she is the victim of a
selective and vindictive prosecution. - Laura McCrystal, Philadelphia Inquirer
Prosecutors oppose A.G. Kanes appeal to state court
NORRISTOWN >> Montgomery County prosecutors oppose embattled Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen
Kane taking an appeal of a county judges pretrial rulings to a state court.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane suspects that prosecutors leaked FBI recordings in her criminal case to a
LETTER: LNP remains a lily-white newspaper |
Re: LNP takes cheap shot at Hillary Clinton by publishing Lewistown Sentinel bogus editorial NEWSLANC'S
editor responded to a comment: EDITOR: We believe
Kathleen Kane to 6abc: Everybody makes mistakes |
Action News anchor Brian Taff sat down with Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane on Tuesday.
Pennsylvania taxpayers foot hefty legal bill for Kathleen Kane | TribLIVE
HARRISBURG Attorney General Kathleen Kane has charged taxpayers more than $250,000 to have an outside
law firm represent her in three lawsuits filed by ...
PA Attorney General Mike Fisher Applauds Third Circuit Court Ruling in Lambert Case
re><br /> HARRISBURG, Pa., Dec. 29 /PRNewswire/ -- PA Attorney General Mike Fisher Applauds Third Circuit
Court Ruling in Lambert Case. <br />.
Results of probe into inappropriate emails to be released - The Washington Post
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has announced that preliminary results of an investigation into
inappropriate emails found on state servers will be released Tuesday.
Rampant paranoia in AG Kathleen Kane's office: 'You never knew if they'd come for you' |
Current and former staffers share their experiences working for Kathleen Kane as she engaged in a feud with former
prosecutors and now faces criminal charges.
Inside the government's secret NSA program to target terrorists | Fox News
EXCLUSIVE: Relentless attacks on American military personnel at the height of the Iraq war made the U.S.
intelligence community confront a dire problem: They needed real-time intelligence to take Al Qaeda off the
battlefield and dismantle its bomb-making factories.
Chuck Ardo, the 7th Kathleen Kane spokesman, ran out of 'good answers' |
"I could no longer in good conscience do the job she had hired me to do," Ardo said, explaining his decision.
Ardo paints picture of distrust in Attorney General's office | News |
Photo by AP Photo/ Joseph Kaczmarek (Harrisburg) -- Kathleen Kane lost her seventh spokesperson in three-and-
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a-half years after Chuck Ardo's resignation last week. The well-respected Ardo tells WITF's Smart Talk he simply
had finally had enough. He served as spokesman for former Governor Ed Rendell and former Harrisburg Mayor
Linda Thompson, both of which could be called challenging jobs. Ardo also spent a year in that same capacity with
state Attorney General Kathleen Kane before he stepped down. He says the tipping point came after a simple and
routine office tour.
Kathleen Kane talks past, present, future in interview with Rick Williams |
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane sat down for an interview at our studio with Rick Williams.
PoliticsPA: AG Kane's office had 'culture of paranoia,' say former staff - Philadelphia Business Journal
There was almost this sense that every day, theyd shoot another hostage, a former staffer told McKelvey.
Montgomery DA: Kane's claim of 'selective and vindictive' prosecution does not merit hearing - Bucks County Courier
Times: Bucks County | Local news | Breaking News
Montgomery County prosecutors advised a county judge that she should not waste her time even holding a hearing
on state Attorney General Kathleen Kanes claim that she is a victim of selective and vindictive prosecution.
In the future, Air Force pilots could control planes with their minds - Business Insider
The military appear interested in the potential for jet fighters to control their planes with direct thought control,
rather than using their arms."
Embattled Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane Accused of Discrimination by Twin Ellen Granahan
When you've been accused of illegally firing and demoting state employees and possibly leaking secret grand jury
material, it's nice to know you can still count on family to have your back. Oh,... Politics News Summaries. | Newser
Kathleen Kane's administration hit with discrimination complaint from her twin sister - The Morning Call
Attorney General Kathleen Kane's twin sister Ellen Granahan files EEOC complaint against Kane's administration,
alleging gender and wage discrimination.
Fed up Lancaster County DA eyes mandatory state prison terms for heroin-related convictions | Local News |
Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman says his office will seek mandatory prison sentences for anyone
convicted of selling heroin in the county.
AG Kane seeks dismissal of agent's lawsuit - News - The Times-Tribune
Frank Fina, prosecutor ensnared in Porngate, leaves Phila. DA's office | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Fina said he would pursue a second career as a criminal defense lawyer and investigator, working for corporate
clients and others.
Kathleen Kane testifies for change to Pennsylvania's statue of limitations. - YouTube
A man was arrested at a Harrisburg vigil for victims of the Orlando shooting on June 12, 2016.
Kathleen Kane Takes Another Loss | PoliticsPA
The bizarre tenure of Kathleen Kane continues | Editorials |
As if Kathleen Kane didn't have enough to worry about, she's now being sued, in effect, by her twin sister for
discrimination. It is yet another distraction for an office
Judge rejects AG Kathleen Kane's bid to dismiss criminal charges |
Kathleen Kane's bid to have criminal charges against her dropped due to "selective and vindictive prosecution" has
been rejected by a Montgomery County judge.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Exposed 1000s of Pornographic, Racist Government Emails But Now Faces Her Own
Scandal - ABC News
Katheen Kane didn't expect her career to be in jeopardy after outing a scandal.
District Attorney: Police shooting of homeless man was 'clearly justified' | News |
A police officer was justified in fatally shooting a homeless man who lunged at another officer with a 9-inch knife,
the district attorney announced Friday, saying he would not prosecute
Superior Court Rejects Kane's Criminal Appeal | The Legal Intelligencer
The Pennsylvania Superior Court has quashed an appeal by Attorney General Kathleen Kane, in which she argued
that the charges against her should have been di...
Superior Court rejects Kathleen Kane's attempt to recuse judges from criminal case |
The Superior Court, in a one-sentence ruling, effectively quashed Attorney General Kathleen Kane's bid to recuse
all 22 judges of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas.
Impeachment of Kane now? - Bucks County Courier Times: Editorials
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Last week, the Republican-controlled state House Subcommittee on Courts voted to authorize subcommittee
Chairman Todd Stephens, R-151, to issue subpoenas in connection with possible impeachment proceedings against
state Attorney General Kathleen Kane, a Democrat.
Investigation of Kathleen Kane moves forward with subpoenas, protection order |
A House investigation of possible misconduct by Attorney General Kathleen Kane took another step forward
Tuesday toward the issuance of subpoenas for current and former Kane staffers.
what do they have on Kathleen Kane
vindictiveness make sure you vote against those voting for her impeachment.
Kathleen Kane spent at least $160,000 on an email probe that may never see the light of day |
Will we ever see Kathleen Kane's long-gestating report on offensive and pornographic emails circulating through
Pennsylvania's halls of power?
Sources: Top-ranking career prosecutor pushed from post in Philadelphia D.A.'s office | PhillyVoice
A top-ranking career prosecutor, Philadelphias deputy district attorney of investigations, Curtis Douglas, was fired
last week by DA Seth Williams, who had hired him away from the feds six years ago.
Cost of Kane Email Report Already at $160K | PoliticsPA
Trial date set for Kathleen Kane
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane's criminal trial is set to begin Aug. 8 in Norristown. Attorneys on
both sides emerged from a closed-door conference with Montgomery County Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy on
Monday afternoon and said they had resolved all pre-trial matters, paving the way for the case to go before a jury. -
Laura McCrystal, Philadelphia Inquirer
AG Kane's sister gets $16K raise to settle gender discrimination case - News - Citizens' Voice
Defamation case against Pa. AG Kathleen Kane dropped
PHILADELPHIA A federal judge has dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed by former Pennsylvania attorney
general staffers against Attorney General Kathleen Kane, and says any comments Kane made weren't damaging
enough to warrant litigation.
Leak prosecutor sees Kathleen Kane's Williams exclusion and raises her porn |
Court filings are coming fast and furious as Kathleen Kane and her prosecutors lay out a series of legal maneuvers
in advance of the attorney general's criminal trial next month on charges related to the leak case.
Philadelphia Inquirer - Philly's a Great Place for a Party, But Its Democrats Are a Disgrace, July 24, 2016 (Masons?)
Kathleen Kane in Court - Story | PAHomepage | WBRE and WYOU
MONTGOMERGY COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) Embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane in a Montgomery
County Court room this morning. &nbsp; &nbsp; Prosecutors say Kane leaked secret grand jury information to the
Kane in Court for Pretrial Hearing |
At final hearing before Kane trial, prosecutors, defense clash over porn
A prosecutor in Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane's looming criminal trial told a judge Tuesday that
Kane's request to tell a jury about her unearthing of offensive emails would mire jurors in "a distraction, a red
herring." - Craig R. McCoy, Philadelphia Inquirer
Judge: AG Kane can't present 'vindictive prosecution' defense - News - The Times-Tribune
Judge blocks AG Kathleen Kane's 'porn' defense at criminal trial |
A judge ruled Thursday barring Attorney General Kathleen Kane's legal team from using the ongoing porn email
probe as part of her criminal defense.
Consultant said AG Kane directed him to leak grand jury information - News - Standard Speaker
Revenge motive at issue in Kane criminal case
Judge considers motion in Pa. attorney general trial
Resent -Montgomery County Kane AMICUS
Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County Case No. CP-46-CR-0008423-2015 REQUEST for
APPEARANCE and AMICUS in Support of Kathleen Kane July 12, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types >
Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Kane case far from one-dimensional - News - Citizens' Voice
Pennsylvania AG asks justices to step in, week before trial
News, weather, traffic and sports for Harrisburg, Pa. Also York, Lancaster and Lebanon | WHTM-TV, ABC
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Judge Blocks 'Porn' Defense in Kathleen Kane Case | NBC 10 Philadelphia
The judge in Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane's criminal case won't allow jurors to hear as a trial
defense that she was prosecuted to stop her from revealing a pornographic email scandal her...
AG Kathleen Kane launches 11th-hour bid to throw out criminal charges |
AG Kane's office settles ex-worker's whistle-blower suit | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The AGs office settles with a former employee who alleges he was fired in retaliation for recommending dismissal
of a top aide.
Judge: Ex-Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky may testify - The Morning Call
Judge: Ex-Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky may testify
Kathleen Kane is on her way to trial, but the saga is far from over |
With a single word, the state Supreme Court opened the final chapter in the saga of Kathleen Kane. The trial begins
Term about over, Pennsylvanias top prosecutor goes on trial
News, weather, traffic and sports for Harrisburg, Pa. Also York, Lancaster and Lebanon | WHTM-TV, ABC
Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania AG, Starts Trial With Jury Selection
Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania's attorney general, is set to face trial, with jury selection beginning Monday.
A.G. Kathleen Kane's trial to begin Monday
Attorney General Kathleen Kane has arrived at Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown in the role of
defendant for the scheduled start of her criminal trial. - Laura McCrystal and Craig R. McCoy, Philadelphia Inquirer
'Now is the time for trial' | Editorials |
The long-awaited trial of state Attorney General Kathleen Kane, accused of leaking grand jury information to
embarrass a political rival and then lying about it under oath, is scheduled to
The revenge texts Kathleen Kane sent before the alleged leak
It was just one of a series of texts she sent to Josh Morrow, the man who ultimately leaked secret grand jury
materials to a reporter in 2014.
Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane Wont Testify At Perjury Trial CBS Philly
Kane told Montgomery County judge Wendy Demchick Alloy I dont believe its necessary for me to testify on my
own behalf.
Kane Trial Day 3: Back stabbing, broken trust, and a clown newspaper company |
Adrian King says his old friend Kathleen Kane is trying to frame him by Bill Keisling Wednesday, August 10 -- To
hear former First Deputy
CHRIS KELLY: Kane v. Kane - Opinion - The Times-Tribune
Attorney General Kathleen Kane will not testify, defense rests in leak trial | Local News |
NORRISTOWN Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane said she will not testify in her trial as her
defense team rested its case without calling witnesses Friday.
What criminal charges are Kathleen Kane's jury considering? |
A Montgomery County jury began deliberating 12 criminal charges Monday against Kathleen Kane, including two
counts of felony perjury.
Kane Trial Day 5: AG Kane declines to testify, and rests her defense without presenting witnesses |
Since state Treasurer Budd Dwyer's conviction and tragic death, this type of non-defense at trial hasn't been used
again by state officials facing prosecution,
Ron Southwick: Imagining a different future for Kathleen Kane | Reading Eagle - NEWS
If she would have been a merely adequate attorney general, she could be pursuing higher office.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane convicted in perjury and obstruction case related to grand jury leak |
Pennsylvania |
Jury: A.G. Kane guilty of perjury, obstruction, all other charges
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was convicted Monday of perjury, obstruction and other crimes after
squandering her once bright political future on an illegal vendetta against an enemy. - Craig R. McCoy Angela
Couloumbis and Laura McCrystal, Philadelphia Inquirer
Jury deliberating Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kanes fate
COURTHOUSE >> Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kanes fate is in the hands of a jury after prosecutors
and defense lawyers presented their closing remarks during the trial of the states top law enforcement officer who is
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Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane Found Guilty Of Perjury
She was accused of leaking grand jury information to a reporter.
Letter to Kathleen Kane Attorneys Re Montgomery County Clerk of Courts Letter and Alleged Misconduct August 4,
Letter to Kathleen Kane Attorneys Re Montgomery County Clerk of Courts Letter and Alleged Misconduct August
4, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
PA AG Kathleen Kane Found Guilty On All Counts CBS Philly
In her criminal trial, Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was found guilty on all counts.
BREAKING: Attorney General Kane announces resignation - Story
HARRISBURG, DAUPHIN COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane&nbsp;
on Tuesday announced that she will resign her position as Attorney General effective at the close of business
tomorrow, August. 17.
PA AG Kathleen Kane Found Guilty in Perjury Case
'Do what is right': Gov. Tom Wolf urges Kathleen Kane to resign | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) Pennsylvania's attorney general faced growing pressure to resign Tuesday, hours after
her conviction on charges she abused the powers of the state's top law enforcement office
Gov. Wolf endorses local Democratic candidate Hartman for Congress | Politics |
Gov. Tom Wolf has endorsed the Democratic Lancaster-area congressional candidate Christina Hartman in the race
to replace U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts in the 16th Congressional District.
Kane Trial Verdict: The night of the long knives |
Kathleen Kane remained a Rashomon Rorschach test, a carrier of what you believe she carried, a doer of what you
believed she did, a sayer of what you believed
Kathleen Kane Resigns As Pennsylvania Attorney General After Perjury Conviction : The Two-Way : NPR
Kathleen Kane, once a rising star in the Democratic Party, was convicted on charges that she leaked grand jury
information to target a political rival and then lied about it under oath.
Kathleen Kane resigns after conviction - YouTube
Kathleen Kane's resignation is mandated by state law. Learn more about this story at Find
more videos like this at Follow ...
Kane Interrogated At Budget Hearing - YouTube
Kathleen Kane's resignation is mandated by state law. Learn more about this story at Find
more videos like this at Follow ...
Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane to resign Wednesday -
The first woman and Democrat ever elected as Pennsylvania's top law enforcement officer will quit Wednesday after
her conviction on a number of criminal counts.
Governor likely to appoint acting AG after Kane resigns | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Officials said once Ms. Kanes resignation takes effect today, Bruce L. Castor Jr., second-in-command, will become
acting attorney general.
Hon. Wendy Demchick-Alloy - Ratings, reviews, comments, and information - Gavel Bangers
Montgomery County Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy - Google Search
AG Kathleen Kane now faces investigation by State Ethics Commission |
Attorney General Kathleen Kane now faces an investigation by the State Ethics Commission, in addition to criminal
charges, a Senate removal process and various civil lawsuits.
Pa. politics: what lies ahead?
A new political year brings chances for change or the sad possibility of sameness. Here are key issues and events
that will shape state news in 2016. - John Baer, Philadelphia Daily News
Attorney General Beemer fires 2 top Kane aides | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG Attorney General Bruce Beemer fired two staffers emblematic of the controversy under his
predecessor, Kathleen Kane, who was convicted of crimes last month, the attorney general's office said

COINTELPRO Nov 10, 2015 -
Evidence of a COINTELPRO Program Operating in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. | Stan Caterbone | LinkedIn
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15-3400 Lambert U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se in the LISA
MICHELLE LAMBERT Case as MOVANT as of November 10, 2015
U.S. District Court Case No. 08-02982 CATERBONE v City of Lancaster Bureau of Police July 2008
Evidence of a COINTELPRO Program Operating in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. | Stan Caterbone | LinkedIn
COINTELPRO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cynthia McKinney's Dissertation: Hugo Chavez, White Supremacy, COINTELPRO and Wikileaks | the narcosphere
Attorney Profile | Claypool Law Firm - Litigation and Civil Rights Law
Litigation and Civil Rights Law
Letter Dated December 10, 2015 - Postmarked December 22, 2015 - Received January 7, 2016 From the U.S. Department
of Justice Office of the Inspector General Re Investigative Jurisdiction
Letter Dated December 10, 2015 - Postmarked December 22, 2015 - Received January 7, 2016 From the U.S.
Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Re Investigative Jurisdiction - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf) or read online for free. Letter Dated December 10, 2015 - Postmarked December 22, 2015 - Received January
7, 2016 From the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Re Investigative Jurisdiction
Lancaster, Pa., keeps a close eye on itself - latimes
This historic town, where America's founding fathers plotted during the Revolution and Milton Hershey later crafted
his first chocolates, now boasts another distinction.It may become the nation's
D. Michael Fisher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lancaster police chief talks on-duty shootings, threats against his officers after ambush |
After last week's shooting of a Philadelphia police officer, Lancaster Police Chief Keith Sadler recalled his own on-
duty shootings, threats against his officers and social media's indispensable role in 21st century policing in an
exclusive interview with Pennlive.
Sonali Kolhatkar: Thanks to Donald Trump, Police Brutality and Guns, the United States Reputation Is Plummeting -
Sonali Kolhatkar - Truthdig
When I was visiting abroad recently, my non-American friends were quite candid with me: They see my country as
increasingly intolerant, violent and inhospitable. - 2016/01/15
Nebraska claims Omaha Two have not asked for release from prison |
The Nebraska Board of Pardons claims neither Edward Poindexter nor Mondo we Langa, former David Rice, have
asked for reconsideration of their sentence.
Teac AG 370 2 Home Theater Unit Am FM Receiver Seems to Work Well 0043774016709 | eBay
Electronics, TV, Video & Home Audio, Home Audio Stereos, Components | eBay
Rand Paul for President
Make America Great Again! | Donald J Trump for President
Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence
in business, real estate and entertainment. Show support for his presidential campaign here.
Thanks for signing up! Now, donate to help us build this campaign. | Thank you | Hillary for America
ACLU of PA Sues Police Over Citations For Profanity | American Civil Liberties Union
State Troopers Issued Over 750 Similar Citations in a Single Year FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECONTACT: PHILADELPHIA The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania filed separate federal
lawsuits today against the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) and the Mahanoy City Police (Schuylkill County) for
issuing disorderly conduct citations to two Pennsylvania residents for using profanity. The ACLU argues that
profanity and profane gestures are constitutionally protected speech.
Philadelphia police: Man who tried to kill officer pledged allegiance to the Islamic State - The Washington Post
A police officer in Philadelphia survived being shot multiple times in what officials described as an ambush.
IMPEACH OBAMA - Sign the pledge
Section 2709 - Title 18 - CRIMES AND OFFENSES
Current Board Members | Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania
U.S. Senate: Constitution of the United States
Constitution of the United States
James Buchanan: Why is he considered Americas worst president? - Yahoo News
From Yahoo News: April 23 marks the birthday of James Buchanan, the man regarded by many historians as one of
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the worstif not the worstpresidents of all time. So what did Buchanan do to earn the disrespect of so many
Robert Gates CIA Nomination Hearing - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Reading's police chief also made an impact in Lancaster | Reading Eagle - NEWS
William Heim served as chief in Lancaster for several years and he left a lasting impression as a smart, innovative
Pentagon Releases Almost 200 Photos of Bush-Era Military Abuse - Truthdig
After a decade-long legal battle, the Department of Defense releases 198 photos of detainee abuse at two dozen U.S.
military sites across Iraq and Afghanistan. - 2016/02/06
COINTELPRO, Leonard Peltier and the Limits of Resistance | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Obstruction of Justice legal definition of Obstruction of Justice
Definition of Obstruction of Justice in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia.
What is Obstruction of Justice? Meaning of Obstruction of Justice as a legal term. What does Obstruction of Justice
mean in law?
UST - Region 3 | Department of Justice
U.S. Senate: Senators of the 114th Congress
Senators of the 114th Congress
Comcast Business | Get Help & Support
Comcast Business Customer Service is here to provide Help and Support for your Comcast Business Internet, TV,
Voice, and other services.
OnlineFaxes Control Panel
COINTELPRO, Cherokee Freedmen and Survival Tactics: Black History Month For Natives Pt.2 -
The Thing About Skins: COINTELPRO, Cherokee Freedmen and Black History Month
If Ferguson dissolves police department, who would step in? | National |
FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) As Ferguson prepares to do legal battle with the Justice Department, the city's leaders
have acknowledged the possibility that they might someday disband the police department
Christian Fiction Addiction: A nail-biting story: The Newsmakers by Lis Wiehl
Concert at LNP studios will give a glimpse of this year's Roots & Blues Music Festival | Entertainment |
Audience members will have the chance to win two VIP tickets to this year's music festival.
Castle Doctrine & Stand Your Ground
The U.S. Military Is Working to Turn Your Brain Into a Remote Control | Complex
A real-life brain modem could eventually let people turn their minds into remote controls.
Keith Forsyth Reddit AMA on COINTELPRO - Business Insider
This man helped rein in massive abuses by the FBI.
#Apple Wins Ruling in New York #iPhone #Hacking Order
fairmount hospital philadelphia - Google Search
Behavioral Health Services | Philadelphia | Fairmount BHS
Fairmount is a provider of behavioral health services and is the largest freestanding behavioral health hospital in
southeastern Pennsylvania.
Safe Step Walk-In Tubs
Huge Verdict Regarding The Digital Privacy World: U.S. wrestler Hulk Hogan wins $115 million in sex-tape suit
Lancaster man charged in Jennifer Lawrence hacking scandal | Local News - WGAL Home
The hacking resulted in leaked nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities.
IC3 Complaint Information
Statement and Video of False Imprisonment at NSA National Security Agency at Ft Meade, Maryland of - YouTube
Statement and Video of False Imprisonment re Handcuffed and Interrogation for an hour at NSA Headquarters
(National Security Agency at Ft. Meade, Maryland) b...
Lancaster Freethought Society (Lancaster, PA) - Meetup
Don't believe in God? You are not alone! It is an exciting time to be a nonbeliever in the U.S. There are more people
shedding dogma and religion in this country than at any other time in the past. M
Chloroform Usage In Crime On The High
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Biggest News Source for News in Uganda and the East African Region ,Breaking news in Uganda and Daily news
and the latest from Uganda
What is torture? - Defining torture
Definition of torture and explanation about its victims, effects and perpetrators
18 U.S. Code 249 - Hate crime acts | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Gaslighting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Revolution from Above - Kerry Bolton - Google Books
In Revolution from Above, Dr. Bolton demonstrates that the supposed rivalry between Marxist-inspired movements
and capitalism has always been an illusion. Marxism, Communism and liberalism have been and continue to be
exploited by the forces of international capitalism to further their global agenda, despite their surface disagreements.
Dr. Bolton shows that the ultimate goal of capitalism is to create a worldwide collectivist society of consumers, and
Marxism is merely one means of attaining this. He traces this idea back to Plato, through the Illuminati, the
Freemasons, the French Revolution, and Communism, and examines the evidence for the existence of a shadowy
network of bankers who control a large portion of the world's political and economic power. He then discusses the
various instruments this network uses to maintain control, such as tax-exempt foundations and think tanks. Dr.
Bolton also reveals how capitalist governments actually worked closely with Communist regimes and, in fact,
frustrated genuinely anti-Communist efforts during the Cold War. He discusses the impact this has had on Western
society, resulting in such trends as the sexual revolution and the promotion of drug use. Dr. Bolton then brings us
up-to-date by discussing the role of the recent "Arab spring" in these ongoing developments. One will never be able
to view modern history the same way again after reading Dr. Bolton's arguments and examining the supporting
evidence. K. R. Bolton holds doctorates in Historical Theology and Theology; Ph.D. (Hist. Th.), Th.D. as well as in
other areas. He is a contributing writer for The Foreign Policy Journal, and a Fellow of the Academy of Social and
Political Research in Greece. His papers and articles have been published by both scholarly and popular media,
including the International Journal of Social Economics; Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies;
Geopolitika; World Affairs; India Quarterly; and The Initiate: Journal of Traditional Studies. His work has been
translated into Russian, Vietnamese, Italian, Czech, Latvian, Farsi and French.
The US Department of Justice and the State of Oregon set me up, warrantlessly spied on me, and tortured me with a
microwave weapon. | Oregon State Hospital: The abusive and warehouse exposed
Rosaura Torres (@AuthorRTorres) | Twitter
Chris Hedges: Revolution Is in the Air - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The arrests of hundredsincluding mein or near the Capitol have been going on every day for a week. They
presage a growing, nationwide uprising against the corporate state. - 2016/04/16
The Feds Have a Long History of Skirting Probable Cause For National Security | Houston Press
Whether its called domestic investigation, as the FBI prefers, or pre-emptive prosecution, as critics term it, the
bureaus undercover...
Thomas Andrews Drake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wheel Of Freedom W.U.A 11/30/15 Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe - YouTube
NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart tells her story of being fired on false premises, she filed a complaint & lawsuit,
and then became "targeted" by organized st...
Edward Snowdens Father Speaks | News | Philadelphia Magazine
Lon Snowden on his son, on the courage of John and Bonnie Raines, and the price activists pay for exposing
national secrets.
United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers - The New York Times
An online community known as targeted individuals says its members are being surveilled by groups of stalkers
as part of a sprawling conspiracy. But psychiatrists beg to differ.
FBI Overview
This Is Your Brain On War
Task & Purpose teamed up with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman to produce this visual guide to what happens to the mind
and body before, during, and after combat.
Assessment ordered for accused Coventry Hills killer after outburst about mind c
Ranting in court about a jailhouse mind control conspiracy helped earn an accused double killer a psychiatric
assessment on Monday.
Hackers Crack Pentagons Cyber Walls More Than 130 Times
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Under the Hack The Pentagon program, hackers found 138 vulnerabilities in the Defense Departments cyber
Competing with COINTELPRO, NYPD Finds Decades Old Political Surveillance Documents It Lost
Modiano: How Muhammad Ali helped expose Hoover's FBI - NY Daily News
RIP to Muhammad Ali, the greatest boxer, sports personality, and sports activist who has ever lived.
Russian Minister Calls Netflix a US-Backed Mind Control Machine
Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky believes the U.S. has financed its own global mind controlling device:
Millersville University - Pete Anders
KEISLING: Sen. Arlen Specter offered to help investigate the murder of Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan Luna |
One would think that Luna's superiors in the U.S. Justice Department, and the broader American government, would
be interested in solving Luna's murder, and
FBI Jack Anderson Part 10 of 11
Small US Town First to Be Closely Watched by Private Network of Cameras
The growing number of closed-circuit cameras that monitor Lancaster, Pa., are run by a private group of citizens,
unlike the government-run CCTV system in the U.K.
Lancaster is being watched - by private group Police don't operate the surveillance cameras. - philly-archives
On a sunny afternoon at H.M. Musser Park in Lancaster City, Vilma Caraballo pushed her grandson on a swing.
Marion Young, 60, ate tortilla chips from her bagged lunch. And Maicol Ortiz, 19, sat on a
Police arrest 'person of interest' following road closure, shots fired incident in Lancaster | Local News |
Several blocks of Manor Street have been shut down because of a police incident.
Manor Street has re-opened after police incident in Lancaster | Local News |
Several blocks of Manor Street have been shut down because of a police incident.
Red Rose Exhaust - Is tight credit hurting local small businesses? | Insider |
A few years ago, auto mechanic Chris Laboy approached several local banks and a credit union, seeking a loan to
open his own repair shop in Lancaster.
Inquirer editorial: Philly's a great place for a party, but its Democrats are a disgrace
With new flags on the Parkway, new lights on the boathouses, and new efforts to shelter the homeless, the
Democrats who have run Philadelphia for more than half a century have cleaned up the city for the Democratic
National Convention.
Family of local Marine killed in 1983 Beirut bombing part of lawsuit against Iran | Insider |
More than 32 years after a local U.S. Marine was killed in a terror attack in Beirut, his family is part of a lawsuit
against the Islamic Republic of Iran
EMERGENCY INJUCTION v Fulton Bank Recorded April 14, 2010 Filed on April 1, 2010 in US District Court -
EMERGENCY INJUCTION v Fulton Bank Recorded April 14, 2010 Filed on April 1, 2010 in US District Court
COINTELPRO | Democracy Now!
Targeted Individuals - Are They Really Crazy?
Mind Control Experiments, CIA Hypnosis, Sex Abuse
Mind Control Experiments: Declassified CIA documents (links to originals provided) reveal CIA hypnosis, sex
abuse, disturbing mind control experiments to create super spies, unsuspecting assassins, and more.
For Pain Meds - Documentation to Obtain Pain Medication From Lancaster Regional Medical Center - August 21, 2016 -
With Table of Contents
Letter to Chrisopher M. Reeser of Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin Re Allstate Insurance Property Claim
of April 16, 2016 on August 21, 2016
2ND Attempt for Pain Meds at Lancaster Regional Medical Ctr. Uploaded by SCaterbone at Your Listen
2ND Attempt for Pain Meds at Lancaster Regional Medical Ctr. uploaded by SCaterbone
Heres Proof That the U.K. Has Helped Americas National Security Agency With Its Targeted Killings - Truthdig
The UK flamboyantly touts its death penalty opposition, yet uses [a] (previously) secret base with the US to target
people for due-process-free assassinations, wrote journalist Glenn Greenwald in a Facebook post linking to a
groundbreaking Intercept investigation by Ryan Gallagher. - 2016/09/06
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Scribd Documents

Financial Management Group, Ltd., Anti-Trust Litigation Memo to Counter the Crooks of Lancaster County May 2, 1987
Financial Management Group, Ltd., Anti-Trust Litigation Memo to Counter the Crooks of Lancaster County May 2,
1987 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Financial Management Group, Ltd.,
Anti-Trust Litigation Memo to Counter the Crooks of Lancaster County May 2, 1987
ISC Whistleblowing Timeline of Events Created on or About 1991 Proofed on September 17, 2015
ISC Whistleblowing Timeline of Events Created on or About 1991 Proofed on September 17, 2015 - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or view presentation slides online. ISC Whistleblowing Timeline of Events
Created on or About 1991 Proofed on September 17, 2015
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane & Stan Caterbone Strategic Planning Notes for 2016
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane & Stan Caterbone Strategic Planning Notes for 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane
& Stan Caterbone Strategic Planning Notes for 2016
Stamped Superior Court Re in Forma Pauperis Application Case No. 1915 Mda 2015 November 13, 2015
Stamped Superior Court Re in Forma Pauperis Application Case No. 1915 Mda 2015 November 13, 2015 - Free
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Application Case No. 1915 Mda 2015 November 13, 2015
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September 25, 2009 Important
Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR
September 25, 2009 Important - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Complaint
and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR September
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U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals OPINION Reversal & JUDGMENT Case No. 07-4474 and _0
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Electronic Surveillance Project By Julianne McKinney, Director of the National Security Alumni - Free download
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Association of National Security Alumni By Julianne McKinney
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief December 27, 2009
Advanced Media Group Capabilities Statement 1990 Apr 29 2007
ORDER DISMISSAL Preliminary Injunction Case No. CI-15-06985 August 20, 2015
Appeal for Reconsideration Case No. 15-06985 Injunction August 24, 2015
Clinton Global Initiative Invitation July 5 2006
Bonnie Lee Polygraph RESULTS and Social Security Documentation for Stanley Caterbone August 8, 2015
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BEIRUT (AP) Amid the ornate walls of Damascus' famed Omayyad Mosque, preacher Maamoun Rahmeh stood
before worshippers last week, declaring Russian President Vladimir Putin a "giant and beloved leader" who has
"destroyed the myth of the self-aggrandizing America.
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Farimount Behavioral Health Medical Records September 28, 2015
Farimount Behavioral Health Medical Records September 28, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read
online for free. Farimount Behavioral Health Medical Records September 28, 2015
Clinton Global Initiative (1st) Invitation From Essay July 5, 2006
Clinton Global Initiative (1st) Invitation From Essay July 5, 2006 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online
for free. Clinton Global Initiative (1st) Invitation From Essay July 5, 2006
Discrimination Complaint to the Lancaster County Human Relations Commission Discrimination Complaint August 22
Discrimination Complaint to the Lancaster County Human Relations Commission Discrimination Complaint August
22 2007 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Discrimination
Complaint to the Lancaster County Human Relations Commission Discrimination Complaint August 22 2007
Advanced Media Press Release Organized Stalking and Directed Energy Devices and Weapons Bill July 4, 2015
Advanced Media Press Release Organized Stalking and Directed Energy Devices and Weapons Bill July 4, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Press Release Organized
Stalking and Directed Energy Devices and Weapons Bill July 4, 2015
Lisa Michelle Lambert Summary Judgement Docket No. 9 by Lambert Filed in Federal Court September 3, 2015
Lisa Michelle Lambert Summary Judgement Docket No. 9 by Lambert Filed in Federal Court September 3, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Lisa Michelle Lambert Summary
Judgement Docket No. 9 by Lambert Filed in Federal Court September 3, 2015
Tom Caterbone Estate & Fulton Bank Fraud Documents March 22, 2010
Tom Caterbone Estate & Fulton Bank Fraud Documents March 22, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Tom Caterbone Estate & Fulton Bank Fraud Documents March 22, 2010
Advanced Media Group Invoices for September 3, 2015
Advanced Media Group Invoices for September 3, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Advanced Media Group Invoices for September 3, 2015
1998 AFFIDAVIT to Judge Stewart Dalzall of the US District Court for Eastern Pennsylvania
Timeline of 220 Stone Hill Road Illegal Reposession
Timeline of 220 Stone Hill Road Illegal Reposession - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Timeline of 220 Stone Hill Road Illegal Reposession
Why Did Tommy, Sammy, And Samuel Caterbone All Die Out of the State of Pennsylvania - March 18, 2010
Why Did Tommy, Sammy, And Samuel Caterbone All Die Out of the State of Pennsylvania - March 18, 2010 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Why Did Tommy, Sammy, And Samuel
Caterbone All Die Out of the State of Pennsylvania - March 18, 2010
Habeus Corpus Petition Case No. 2-06-Cv-05138-Jcj July 12, 2015
Habeus Corpus Petition Case No. 2-06-Cv-05138-Jcj July 12, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Habeus Corpus Petition Case No. 2-06-Cv-05138-Jcj July 12, 2015
New Deed 1250 Fremont St Recorded on July 9, 2015
New Deed 1250 Fremont St Recorded on July 9, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
New Deed 1250 Fremont St Recorded on July 9, 2015
Lancaster Newspapers Defamation September 4 1987 - July 10, 2015
Lancaster Newspapers Defamation September 4 1987 - July 10, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Lancaster Newspapers Defamation September 4 1987 - July 10, 2015
Question and Answer From Terry Robertson of Jim Guest Show Re is Mind Control Legal December 1, 2009 Important
Question and Answer From Terry Robertson of Jim Guest Show Re is Mind Control Legal December 1, 2009
Important - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Question and Answer From
Terry Robertson of Jim Guest Show Re is Mind Control Legal December 1, 2009 Important
Joseph F Roda Documents for Stan J. Caterbone, Sammy & Guerin June 29 2007
Joseph F Roda Documents for Stan J. Caterbone, Sammy & Guerin June 29 2007 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Joseph F Roda Documents for Stan J. Caterbone, Sammy & Guerin
June 29 2007
No Touch Torture by Cheryl Welsh 2008
No Touch Torture by Cheryl Welsh 2008 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
No Touch Torture by Cheryl Welsh 2008
Lancaster Newspapers Lambert Search Book Jun 10 2006
Lancaster Newspapers Lambert Search Book Jun 10 2006 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Lancaster Newspapers Lambert Search Book Jun 10 2006
Thomas P. Caterbone Estate Xakellis-Samly Motion for Leave & Discharge August 4 1996
Thomas P. Caterbone Estate Xakellis-Samly Motion for Leave & Discharge August 4 1996 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Thomas P. Caterbone Estate Xakellis-Samly Motion for Leave &
Discharge August 4 1996
Letter to Matt Samley-Xekellis Re ISC November 23 1997
Letter to Matt Samley-Xekellis Re ISC November 23 1997 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. Letter to Matt Samley-Xekellis Re ISC November 23 1997
Kerry Kennedy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Kerry Kennedy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Kerry Kennedy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Mediation Negotiations With Lancaster County Jan 4 2007
Mediation Negotiations With Lancaster County Jan 4 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. Mediation Negotiations With Lancaster County Jan 4 2007
FMG Diary of Events May 2, 2015
FMG Diary of Events May 2, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. FMG
Diary of Events May 2, 2015
FMG, Ltd v Fulton Bank & Mellon Bank
FMG, Ltd v Fulton Bank & Mellon Bank - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
FMG, Ltd v Fulton Bank & Mellon Bank
FMG Shareholders of Record May 1987
FMG Shareholders of Record May 1987 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
FMG Shareholders of Record May 1987
Millersville University Grad Program Documents for Litigation September 16, 2009 IMPORTANT
Millersville University Grad Program Documents for Litigation September 16, 2009 IMPORTANT - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Millersville University Grad Program Documents for
Litigation September 16, 2009 IMPORTANT
Financial Management Group, Ltd. Business Plan and Developing Documents as of May 8, 2010
Financial Management Group, Ltd. Business Plan and Developing Documents as of May 8, 2010 - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Financial Management Group, Ltd. Business Plan and
Developing Documents as of May 8, 2010
Yolanda Marie Roda & Samuel P. Caterbone Wedding Memorium September 25, 1948
Yolanda Marie Roda & Samuel P. Caterbone Wedding Memorium September 25, 1948 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf) or read online for free. Yolanda Marie Roda & Samuel P. Caterbone Wedding Memorium September 25, 1948
Samuel Caterbone Effects of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
Samuel Caterbone Effects of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control 1983 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online
for free. Samuel Caterbone Effects of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control 1983
Letter To and From Debbie Fochs of Disclosure Project re Samuel Caterbone ET Experience is Mind Control Feb 26 2008
1990 AMG Legal Systems Prototype Text From 1987 Criminal Conspiracy
Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 Very Important
Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 Very Important - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of
1987 Very Important
3rd Circuit "DAD" Exhibit
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement by Appellant October 22, 2015 Recorded Copy - Free
ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Third Circuit Lambert Appeal
SUBMISSION Statement by Appellant October 22, 2015 Recorded Copy
Federal Whistleblower and Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control Executive Summary Updated October 12,
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION 1 Statement by Appellant October 20, 2015 Recorded
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Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION 1 Statement by Appellant October 20, 2015 Recorded - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION 1
Statement by Appellant October 20, 2015 Recorded
Third Circuit in Forma Pauperis APPEAL for RECONSIDERATION Case No. 15-3400 October 21, 2015 Recorded Copy
Third Circuit in Forma Pauperis APPEAL for RECONSIDERATION Case No. 15-3400 October 21, 2015 Recorded
Copy - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Third Circuit in Forma Pauperis
APPEAL for RECONSIDERATION Case No. 15-3400 October 21, 2015 Recorded Copy
15-3400 Summary
Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Notice of Appeal to Third Circuit September 30, 2015
Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Notice of Appeal to Third Circuit September 30, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Notice of Appeal to Third Circuit
September 30, 2015
Obama at Bucanan Park Finger Under Eye September 4, 2008
Obama at Bucanan Park Finger Under Eye September 4, 2008 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for
free. Obama at Bucanan Park Finger Under Eye September 4, 2008
Patient First Medical File to Date October 22, 2015
Duke Street Defendants List
Duke Street Business Center 08-13373 DOCKET AND DEFENDANTS LIST on Amended Caption DOCKET
Sheet Court Record October 7, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Duke
Street Business Center 08-13373 DOCKET AND DEFENDANTS LIST on Amended Caption DOCKET Sheet
Court Record October 7, 2015
Letter to Dianne Nast Re Fulton Class Action Jan 25 2008
Letter to Dianne Nast Re Fulton Class Action Jan 25 2008 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. Letter to Dianne Nast Re Fulton Class Action Jan 25 2008
Obama ordered hit-list of Targeted Individuals worldwide to cyber-attack |
Barack Obama ordered national security leaders to compile a new targeted individual hit-list, this one consisting of
possible adversaries overseas and, in eme
Congressman Robert Walker Pleading July 7 1991 Important
Congressman Robert Walker Pleading July 7 1991 Important - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. Congressman Robert Walker Pleading July 7 1991 Important
Complaint to U.S. Attorney Re Samuel Caterbone Victimization Feb 9, 2009
Complaint to U.S. Attorney Re Samuel Caterbone Victimization Feb 9, 2009 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or
read online for free. Complaint to U.S. Attorney Re Samuel Caterbone Victimization Feb 9, 2009
Samuel Caterbone ORDER to Vacate County of Lancaster
Samuel Caterbone ORDER to Vacate County of Lancaster - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for
free. Samuel Caterbone ORDER to Vacate County of Lancaster
Proofed Stan J Caterbone Biography June 29, 2015
Proofed Stan J Caterbone Biography June 29, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Proofed Stan J Caterbone Biography June 29, 2015
Lancaster City Police 302 of July 9, 2015 IMPORTANT
Lancaster City Police 302 of July 9, 2015 IMPORTANT - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Lancaster City Police 302 of July 9, 2015 IMPORTANT
LGH Medical File From 302 by Detective Bearinger of Lancaster City Police of July 10, 2015un
LGH Medical File From 302 by Detective Bearinger of Lancaster City Police of July 10, 2015un - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. LGH Medical File From 302 by Detective Bearinger of
Lancaster City Police of July 10, 2015un
St Joseph Hospital Evaluations September 9 1987
St Joseph Hospital Evaluations September 9 1987 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. St
Joseph Hospital Evaluations September 9 1987
Last Meeting With Psychiatrist Dr. Al Shulz Transcript of January 1998 Important
Last Meeting With Psychiatrist Dr. Al Shulz Transcript of January 1998 Important - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Last Meeting With Psychiatrist Dr. Al Shulz Transcript of January 1998
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Pennsylvania Mental Health Procedures Act - The Written Law Archived by Stan Caterbone on July 28, 2009
Pennsylvania Mental Health Procedures Act - The Written Law Archived by Stan Caterbone on July 28, 2009 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Pennsylvania Mental Health Procedures Act -
The Written Law Archived by Stan Caterbone on July 28, 2009
Lancaster City Police and Fairmount Hospital Section 303 Certificate of the PA Mental Health Act Executed on July 14,
2015 and Section 302 Executed on July 9, 2015
Lancaster City Police and Fairmount Hospital Section 303 Certificate of the PA Mental Health Act Executed on July
14, 2015 and Section 302 Executed on July 9, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Lancaster City Police and Fairmount Hospital Section 303 Certificate of the PA Mental Health Act
Executed on July 14, 2015 and Section 302 Executed on July 9, 2015
Stan Caterbone's Comment for Article Edward Snowden Clinton Made False Claim About Whistleblower Protection -
Truthdig October 18, 2015
Stan Caterbone's Comment for Article Edward Snowden Clinton Made False Claim About Whistleblower
Protection - Truthdig October 18, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
Stan Caterbone's Comment for Article Edward Snowden Clinton Made False Claim About Whistleblower
Protection - Truthdig October 18, 2015
Detective Clark Bearinger Email Response to Incident Report List of October 15, 2015
Detective Clark Bearinger Email Response to Incident Report List of October 15, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Detective Clark Bearinger Email Response to Incident Report List of
October 15, 2015
Law Enforcement Extortion of Financial Management Group, Ltd., From Stan Caterbone in 1987 Anti-Trust Litigation
File of October 17, 2015
Law Enforcement Extortion of Financial Management Group, Ltd., From Stan Caterbone in 1987 Anti-Trust
Litigation File of October 17, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Law
Enforcement Extortion of Financial Management Group, Ltd., From Stan Caterbone in 1987 Anti-Trust Litigation
File of October 17, 2015
Pflumm Contractors Performance Review 1994-1998
Pflumm Contractors Performance Review 1994-1998 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Pflumm Contractors Performance Review 1994-1998
Email Revised- VANDALISM & THEFT of MY HOME-Updated Oct 14, 2015 With Attachments
Email Revised- VANDALISM & THEFT of MY HOME-Updated Oct 14, 2015 With Attachments - Free ebook
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Email Revised- VANDALISM & THEFT
of MY HOME-Updated Oct 14, 2015 With Attachments
CATERBONE v. Dave Pflumm, Brett Stabley, And Mike Caterbone CI-06-07376 2006
CATERBONE v. Dave Pflumm, Brett Stabley, And Mike Caterbone CI-06-07376 2006 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf) or read online for free. CATERBONE v. Dave Pflumm, Brett Stabley, And Mike Caterbone CI-06-07376
Incident Reports of Harassment, Vandalism, Hacking, & Thefts From 1987 to March 22, 2010
Incident Reports of Harassment, Vandalism, Hacking, & Thefts From 1987 to March 22, 2010 - Free ebook
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Incident Reports of Harassment,
Vandalism, Hacking, & Thefts From 1987 to March 22, 2010
Ameritrade History of Transactions From 2002 to April 3, 2010
Ameritrade History of Transactions From 2002 to April 3, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read online for free. Ameritrade History of Transactions From 2002 to April 3, 2010
FMG Head Resigns (Robert Kauffman); Team Takes Reins June 10, 1990
Lancaster Newspapers Defamation September 4 1987 - July 10, 2015
Letter to Chief Sadler
Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version
Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of
Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version
Stan J. Caterbone Bio
Advanced Media Group/Global Entertainment Group of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is an information technologies
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
company founded by Stan J. Caterbone in 1989
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With Executive
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With
Executive Summary - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Third Circuit
Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With Executive Summary
Petition of Private Criminal Complaint in Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Clerk of Court v. Lancaster City
Police for 302 Warrant of July 9, 2015 Filed September 23, 2015
Petition of Private Criminal Complaint in Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Clerk of Court v. Lancaster
City Police for 302 Warrant of July 9, 2015 Filed September 23, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Petition of Private Criminal Complaint in Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas
Clerk of Court v. Lancaster City Police for 302 Warrant of July 9, 2015 Filed September 23, 2015
Tony Bongiovi's Power Station Studios Avatar Website With Client List
Tony Bongiovi's Power Station Studios Avatar Website With Client List - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Tony Bongiovi's Power Station Studios Avatar Website With Client List
Fulton Bank Letter From Mark Crowe General Counsel March 25 2005
Fulton Bank Letter From Mark Crowe General Counsel March 25 2005 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Fulton Bank Letter From Mark Crowe General Counsel March 25 2005
Letter to R Scott Smith Chairman of Fulton Financial Re Rufus Fulton Intelliegence Officer Interview of Nov 21, 2007 on
WGAL-TV 8 News at 6, the letter is dated December 3, 2007
Letter to R Scott Smith Chairman of Fulton Financial Re Rufus Fulton Intelliegence Officer Interview of Nov 21,
2007 on WGAL-TV 8 News at 6, the letter is dated December 3, 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Letter to R Scott Smith Chairman of Fulton Financial Re Rufus Fulton Intelliegence
Officer Interview of Nov 21, 2007 on WGAL-TV 8 News at 6, the letter is dated December 3, 2007
Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Incident Report of Victimizations of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and
COINTELPRO of 2015 Updated October 31, 2015
Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Incident Report of Victimizations of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and
COINTELPRO of 2015 Updated October 31, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Incident Report of Victimizations of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control and COINTELPRO of 2015 Updated October 31, 2015
Case No. 15-3400 U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals re: Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Corpus Appeal REQUEST for
HEARING by Appellant, Stanley J. Caterbone Dated October 26, 2015 RECORDED Copy With TOC
Case No. 15-3400 U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals re: Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Corpus Appeal
REQUEST for HEARING by Appellant, Stanley J. Caterbone Dated October 26, 2015 RECORDED Copy With
TOC - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Case No. 15-3400 U.S.
Third Circuit Court of Appeals re: Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Corpus Appeal REQUEST for HEARING by
Appellant, Stanley J. Caterbone Dated October 26, 2015 RECORDED Copy With TOC
Excelsior Business Plan 1999
Excelsior Business Plan 1999 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or view presentation slides online.
Excelsior Business Plan Aug 18 1999
Lisa Michelle Lambert MOTION to File STATEMENT by Movant Case No. 5-14-Cv-02259 August 25, 2015
Stan Caterbone Football Scrapbook Senior Year Season 1975 June 24 2007 Created by Yolanda Caterbone
Stan Caterbone - Samuel P. Caterbone - Sammy a. Caterbone Notarized AFFIDAVIT of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
August 18, 2015
Advanced Media Group's Lancaster County Historical Society-History of Italian American History-2
Advanced Media Group's Lancaster County Historical Society-History of Italian American History-2 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group's Lancaster County
Historical Society-History of Italian American History-2
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of Computer Expertise by Appellant November 2,
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of Computer Expertise by Appellant
November 2, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Third
Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of Computer Expertise by Appellant November 2,
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Stan Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP 16 Year Investment in Downtown Lancaster November 1, 2015
Stan Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP 16 Year Investment in Downtown Lancaster November 1, 2015
- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Stan Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA
GROUP 16 Year Investment in Downtown Lancaster November 1, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement Re EXHIBITStan Caterbone and ADVANCED
MEDIA GROUP 16 Year Investment in Downtown Lancaster November 3, 2015
Recorded Updated Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of Computer Expertise With
Video Links by Appellant November 3, 2015
Recorded Updated Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of Computer Expertise
With Video Links by Appellant November 3, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
book online for free. Recorded Updated Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of
Computer Expertise by Appellant Stan J. Caterbone November 3, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal UPDATED SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Incendent Reports of
Obstruction of Due Process November 4, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal UPDATED SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Incendent
Reports of Obstruction of Due Process November 4, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read book online for free. Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal UPDATED SUBMISSION Statement as an
EXHIBIT Re Incendent Reports of Obstruction of Due Process November 4, 2015
Letter to US Postal Inspection Services Sept 19 2007 With Lancaster Chamber Check for Leadership Conference
November 3, 2015
Lancaster Chamber & Obama on Duke Street
Duke Street Business Center 08-13373 Reinstatement and DEFENDANTS Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, October 8, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Duke Street
Business Center 08-13373 Reinstatement and DEFENDANTS Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
October 8, 2015
SONY-POWER STATION Joint Venture Proposal & Deal May 1987
Recorded Completed 15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Documents ORDER and in Forma Pauperis Application
November 4, 2015
Recorded Completed 15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Documents ORDER and in Forma Pauperis
Application November 4, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded
Completed 15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Documents ORDER and in Forma Pauperis Application
November 4, 2015
Tabitha Buck and Lisa Michelle Lambert Working Theory August 10, 2015
Advanced Media Group Downtown Lancaster Theater at Hotel Brunswick Evidence December 26, 2009 Important
Advanced Media Group Downtown Lancaster Theater at Hotel Brunswick Evidence December 26, 2009 Important -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Downtown
Lancaster Theater at Hotel Brunswick Evidence December 26, 2009 Important
15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET and Letter to Lancaster County District Attorney Re Electronic Filing
November 5, 2015
15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET and Letter to Lancaster County District Attorney Re Electronic
Filing November 5, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 15-3400 Third
Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET and Letter to Lancaster County District Attorney Re Electronic Filing
November 5, 2015
Advanced Media Group Invoices 1990-1991 Oct 26 2006 for Dale High and High Industries
Advanced Media Group Invoices 1990-1991 Oct 26 2006 for Dale High and High Industries - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Invoices 1990-1991 Oct 26 2006 for
Dale High and High Industries
Advanced Media Group v Lancaster Film Commission June 9, 2008
Advanced Media Group v Lancaster Film Commission June 9, 2008 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or view presentation slides online. Advanced Media Group v Lancaster Film Commission June 9, 2008
ORIGINAL With DETAILES Advanced Media Group Aged Receivables With Invoices May 13 2007
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ORIGINAL With DETAILES Advanced Media Group Aged Receivables With Invoices May 13 2007 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. ORIGINAL With DETAILES Advanced Media
Group Aged Receivables With Invoices May 13 2007
Former director of Lancaster Film Commission says position ruined him financially | News |
The defunct Lancaster Film Commission was developed to draw filmmakers and the money they and their crews
would spend to the area.
1915 MDA 2015 DOCKET Statement Re Petition for Review November 5, 2015
1915 MDA 2015 DOCKET Statement Re Petition for Review November 5, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 1915 MDA 2015 DOCKET Statement Re Petition for Review
November 5, 2015 Mac Rutherford: Books
Online shopping from a great selection at Books Store.
Superior Court MDA 1561 LETTER to Judge Wright Re Missing Items November 5, 2015
Superior Court MDA 1561 LETTER to Judge Wright Re Missing Items November 5, 2015 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Superior Court MDA 1561 LETTER to Judge Wright Re Missing
Items November 5, 2015
Superior Court MDA 1561 Briefing Schedule Order November 5, 2015
Superior Court MDA 1561 Briefing Schedule Order November 5, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Superior Court MDA 1561 Briefing Schedule Order November 5, 2015
Mac Rutherford Luckees Elbow Room of Lancaster PA Project November 5, 2015
Mac Rutherford Luckees Elbow Room of Lancaster PA Project November 5, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Mac Rutherford Luckees Elbow Room of Lancaster PA Project
November 5, 2015
Finance Calculator
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Its Always the Same War - Truthdig
Barack Obama originally ran for president as the anti-war candidate. Now, as his second term winds down, the two
George W. Bush/Obama wars are winding up, with a third in Syria. - 2015/11/04
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement Re EXHIBIT Advanced Media Group and Stan J
Caterbone PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS as of November 6, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement Re EXHIBIT Advanced Media Group and Stan J
Caterbone PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS as of November 6, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION
Statement Re EXHIBIT Advanced Media Group and Stan J Caterbone PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS as of
November 6, 2015
recorded 15-3400 Third Circuit Lambert Court of Appeal MOTION for Considerations Re Advanced Media Group Pro Se
Billings and Sales Journal From Jauuary 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008 November 9, 2015
recorded 15-3400 Third Circuit Lambert Court of Appeal MOTION for Considerations Re Advanced Media Group
Pro Se Billings and Sales Journal From Jauuary 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008 November 9, 2015 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. recorded 15-3400 Third Circuit Lambert Court of Appeal
MOTION for Considerations Re Advanced Media Group Pro Se Billings and Sales Journal From Jauuary 1, 2007 to
August 31, 2008 November 9, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Advanced Media Group and Stan J
Caterbone Audio File of Authentic Recordings of 1987 and 1991 November 9, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Advanced Media Group and
Stan J Caterbone Audio File of Authentic Recordings of 1987 and 1991 November 9, 2015 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement
as an EXHIBIT Re Advanced Media Group and Stan J Caterbone Audio File of Authentic Recordings of 1987 and
1991 November 9, 2015
U.S. District Court Case No. 08-02982 CATERBONE v City of Lancaster Bureau of Police July 2008
U.S. District Court Case No. 08-02982 CATERBONE v City of Lancaster Bureau of Police July 2008 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. U.S. District Court Case No. 08-02982
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
CATERBONE v City of Lancaster Bureau of Police July 2008
Letter to Mike Caterbone Re Response to Email and Lancaster County Ready to Work Graduate Certification With Job
Applications April 2, 2008
Geeg Squad Lenevo Laptop Drop Off November 10, 2015
15-3400 Lambert U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se in the LISA
MICHELLE LAMBERT Case as MOVANT as of November 10, 2015
15-3400 Lambert U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se in the
LISA MICHELLE LAMBERT Case as MOVANT as of November 10, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 15-3400 Lambert U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET for
APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se in the LISA MICHELLE LAMBERT Case as MOVANT as of November
10, 2015
Problem Homes of 1200 Block of Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA November 11, 2015
Thomas P. Caterbone Obituary May 1 1996
Thomas P. Caterbone Obituary May 1 1996 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Thomas P.
Caterbone Obituary May 1 1996
Judge Mary McLaughlin Order and Memorandum June 13 2006
Judge Mary McLaughlin Order and Memorandum June 13 2006 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read online for free. Judge Mary McLaughlin Order and Memorandum June 13 2006
Letter to Kathleen Kane Re Old Boys Network of November 12, 2015
Letter to Kathleen Kane Re Old Boys Network of November 12, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Letter to Kathleen Kane Re Old Boys Network of November 12, 2015
INCIDENT REPORTS to PALCB Office of General Counsel November 12, 2015
INCIDENT REPORTS to PALCB Office of General Counsel November 12, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. INCIDENT REPORTS to PALCB Office of General Counsel with
Executive Summary November 12, 2015
Superior Court 1915 MDA 2015 Peitition for Review DOCKETING STATEMENT of November 12, 2015
Superior Court 1915 MDA 2015 Peitition for Review DOCKETING STATEMENT of November 12, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Superior Court 1915 MDA 2015 Peitition for Review
DOCKETING STATEMENT of November 12, 2015
Photos and Documents Re Trip to Harrisburg Pa to Superior Court, General Counsel of PLCB, And Office of Kathleen
Kane on November 12, 2015
Photos and Documents Re Trip to Harrisburg Pa to Superior Court, General Counsel of PLCB, And Office of
Kathleen Kane on November 12, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
Photos and Documents Re Trip to Harrisburg Pa to Superior Court, General Counsel of PLCB, And Office of
Kathleen Kane on November 12, 2015
Samuel Caterbone Personal Files From New York June 18, 2015
Samuel Caterbone Personal Files From New York June 18, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online
for free. Samuel Caterbone Personal Files From New York June 18, 2015
James Guerin, ISC, Joseph Tate, Chris Underhill, William Clark, Joe Roda, Fulton Bank, Scooter Libby and CIA
Operative Valerie Plame with Direct Ties to Lancaster and Stan J. Caterbone November 13, 2015
James Guerin, ISC, Joseph Tate, Chris Underhill, William Clark, Joe Roda, Fulton Bank, Scooter Libby and CIA
Operative Valerie Plame with Direct Ties to Lancaster and Stan J. Caterbone November 13, 2015 - Free ebook
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. James Guerin, ISC, Joseph Tate, Chris
Underhill, William Clark, Joe Roda, Fulton Bank, Scooter Libby and CIA Operative Valerie Plame with Direct Ties
to Lancaster and Stan J. Caterbone November 13, 2015
TD Ameritrade Fulton Financial Transaction History Own 7 Shares - Bought 2 Shares on July 11, 2006 and Bought 2
Shares on September 17, 2015
TD Ameritrade Fulton Financial Transaction History Own 7 Shares - Bought 2 Shares on July 11, 2006 and Bought
2 Shares on September 17, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or view presentation slides
online. TD Ameritrade Fulton Financial Transaction History Own 7 Shares - Bought 2 Shares on July 11, 2006 and
Bought 2 Shares on September 17, 2015
Had Lancaster County Lost It's Sovereignty Before It Lost It's Soul by Stan Caterbone, Authored in May of 1998
Had Lancaster County Lost It's Sovereignty Before It Lost It's Soul by Stan Caterbone, Authored in May of 1998 -
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Had Lancaster County Lost It's Sovereignty
Before It Lost It's Soul by Stan Caterbone, Authored in May of 1998
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Letter to Mike Caterbone Re Response to Email
and Lancaster County Ready to Work Graduate Certification With Job Applications November 10, 2015
DocumeThird Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Letter to Mike Caterbone Re
Response to Email and Lancaster County Ready to Work Graduate Certification With Job Applications November
10, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. DocumeThird Circuit Lambert
Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Letter to Mike Caterbone Re Response to Email and Lancaster
County Ready to Work Graduate Certification With Job Applications November 10, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Restricted Access
and Computer Hacking Documentation November 16, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Restricted
Access and Computer Hacking Documentation November 16, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Restricted Access and Computer Hacking Documentation November 16, 2015
Letter From Kathleen Kane Re Good Old Boys November 13, 2015
Letter From Kathleen Kane Re Good Old Boys November 13, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read
online for free. Letter From Kathleen Kane Re Good Old Boys November 13, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re Important Documents From 1987
Supporting Claims and Estimate of Monetary Damages and Intellectual Property Rights November 17, 2005
Recorded 3rd Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re Important Documents From 1987
Supporting Claims and Estimate of Monetary Damages and Intellectual Property Rights November 17, 2005 - Free
ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Recorded 3rd Circuit Lambert
Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re Important Documents From 1987 Supporting Claims and
Estimate of Monetary Damages and Intellectual Property Rights November 17, 2005
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re 806 Authentic Original Documents
From 1983 to 2006, November 18, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re 806 Authentic Original
Documents From 1983 to 2006, November 18, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read book online for free. Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re 806
Authentic Original Documents From 1983 to 2006, November 18, 2015
Complaint Re Courthouse Employees - Letter to Judicial Council 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and Joseph Massa of the
Judicial Conduct Reveiw Board April 26 2007
Complaint Re Courthouse Employees - Letter to Judicial Council 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and Joseph Massa of
the Judicial Conduct Reveiw Board April 26 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Complaint Re Courthouse Employees - Letter to Judicial Council 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and Joseph
Massa of the Judicial Conduct Reveiw Board April 26 2007
recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Complaint Re Courthouse Employees
and Prosecutorial and Judicial Misconduct Towards APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone Dating Back to 1987, November 19,
recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Complaint Re Courthouse
Employees and Prosecutorial and Judicial Misconduct Towards APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone Dating Back to
1987, November 19, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free.
recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Complaint Re Courthouse
Employees and Prosecutorial and Judicial Misconduct Towards APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone Dating Back to
1987, November 19, 2015
Stan J. Caterbon's Legal Formation Documents for Financial Management Group, Ltd., Or FMG, Ltd. in 1986
CIA NO TOUCH TORTURE Makes Sense Out of Mind Control Allegations by Cheryl Welsh January 2008
recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Complaint to General Counsel of PLCB
and Letter to and From Kathleen Kane on November 21, 2015
recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Complaint to General Counsel of
PLCB and Letter to and From Kathleen Kane on November 21, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Complaint to General Counsel of PLCB and Letter to and From Kathleen Kane on November 21, 2015
Advanced Media Group Press Release Re Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary November 21, 2015
Advanced Media Group Press Release Re Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary November 21, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Press Release Re
Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary November 21, 2015
Dave Pflumm Arrest Record of 2004 Possesion of Marijuana IS DAVE PFLUMM A Confidential Informant?
Dave Pflumm Arrest Record of 2004 Possesion of Marijuana IS DAVE PFLUMM A Confidential Informant? - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Dave Pflumm Arrest Record of 2004 Possesion
of Marijuana IS DAVE PFLUMM A Confidential Informant?
September 21 1987 ISC In $1-5 Billion Dollar Merger November 22, 2015
September 21 1987 ISC In $1-5 Billion Dollar Merger November 22, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or view presentation slides online. September 21 1987 ISC In $1-5 Billion Dollar Merger November 22,
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal MOTION for CONTINUANCE, November 22, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal MOTION for CONTINUANCE, November 22, 2015 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal
MOTION for CONTINUANCE, November 22, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to
November 22, 2015 Establishing State of Mind and Daily Activities Re Stalking and Harassment, November 22, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re FACEBOOK Postings From
July 29 to November 22, 2015 Establishing State of Mind and Daily Activities Re Stalking and Harassment,
November 22, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Recorded
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to
November 22, 2015 Establishing State of Mind and Daily Activities Re Stalking and Harassment, November 22,
Conducting-Shadow-Wars CIA by F&M Professor
Conducting-Shadow-Wars CIA by F&M Professor - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Conducting-Shadow-Wars CIA by F&M Professor
Stan Caterbone - Samuel P. Caterbone - Sammy A. Caterbone Notarized AFFIDAVIT of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
August 18, 2015
CI-15-10167 Lancaster County Court MOTION to WITHDRAW WITHOUT PREJUDICE Re Caterbone v Brunswick-
Fitzwater-Lancaster Film November 24, 2015
CI-15-10167 Lancaster County Court MOTION to WITHDRAW WITHOUT PREJUDICE Re Caterbone v
Brunswick-Fitzwater-Lancaster Film November 24, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. CI-15-10167 Lancaster County Court MOTION to WITHDRAW WITHOUT PREJUDICE Re
Caterbone v Brunswick-Fitzwater-Lancaster Film November 24, 2015
CI-15-10167 Lancaster County Court MOTION for Leave to File in Forma Pauperis Caterbone v Brunswick-Fitzwater-
Lancaster Film November 24, 2015
FACEBOOK Postings From the First Day July 29 to November 24, 2015
FACEBOOK Postings From the First Day July 29 to November 24, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. FACEBOOK Postings From the First Day July 29 to November 24, 2015
Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal ORDER Appellant Stan J. Caterbone Motion for Continuance GRANTED
November 24, 2015
United Nations Human Rights Council of Geneva Switzerland Complaint and Exhibit October 4, 2009.pdf
United Nations Human Rights Council of Geneva Switzerland Complaint and Exhibit October 4, 2009.pdf - Free
ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free.
Letters From US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Re Email Complaints November 24, 2015
Letters From US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Re Email Complaints November 24, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Letters From US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
Re Email Complaints November 24, 2015
STATEMENT of MATTERS COMPLAINED Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Lancaster City Police 1108-2015
November 25, 2015
STATEMENT of MATTERS COMPLAINED Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Lancaster City Police 1108-2015
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
November 25, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. STATEMENT of
MATTERS COMPLAINED Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Lancaster City Police 1108-2015 November 25, 2015
FBI IC3 Complaints of June 2015 Naming Dave Pflumm and Brett Stabley and Brochures November 26, 2015
FBI IC3 Complaints of June 2015 Naming Dave Pflumm and Brett Stabley and Brochures November 26, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. FBI IC3 Complaints of June 2015 Naming
Dave Pflumm and Brett Stabley and Brochures November 26, 2015
July 6, 2015 Trip to PA Attorney General, PA Legislators and FBI in Harrisburg PA November 26, 2015
July 6, 2015 Trip to PA Attorney General, PA Legislators and FBI in Harrisburg PA November 26, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf) or view presentation slides online. July 6, 2015 Trip to PA Attorney General, PA
Legislators and FBI in Harrisburg PA November 26, 2015
Obstruction of Due Process in the Filing of 1108-2015 and Superior Court Case No. 1915-2015 Statement of Matters
Complained on November 25, 2015
Obstruction of Due Process in the Filing of 1108-2015 and Superior Court Case No. 1915-2015 Statement of
Matters Complained on November 25, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for
free. Obstruction of Due Process in the Filing of 1108-2015 and Superior Court Case No. 1915-2015 Statement of
Matters Complained on November 25, 2015
Chapter 11 Reorganization Plan for Case No. Case 05-23059 Filed January 12, 2010.pdf
Chapter 11 Reorganization Plan for Case No. Case 05-23059 Filed January 12, 2010.pdf - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re Chapter 11 Reorganization Plan for Case No. 05-23059 and 50 Million Dollar
Valuation Filed January 12, 2010, November 27, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re Chapter 11 Reorganization Plan for Case No. 05-23059 and 50 Million Dollar
Valuation Filed January 12, 2010, November 27, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re Chapter 11 Reorganization Plan for Case No. 05-23059 and 50
Million Dollar Valuation Filed January 12, 2010, November 27, 2015
Judge Jeffrey Wright OPINION as Ordered by Superior Court in Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 on November 23, 2015 for
Emergency Injunction Case No. 15-06985
Judge Jeffrey Wright OPINION as Ordered by Superior Court in Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 on November 23, 2015
for Emergency Injunction Case No. 15-06985 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Judge
Jeffrey Wright OPINION as Ordered by Superior Court in Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 on November 23, 2015 for
Emergency Injunction Case No. 15-06985
Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re Affidavit of APPELLANT Stanley J. Caterbone Re Judge Diamond Misconduct,
November 28, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re Affidavit of APPELLANT Stanley J. Caterbone Re Judge Diamond Misconduct,
November 28, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 3rd Circuit
EXHIBIT Re Affidavit of APPELLANT Stanley J. Caterbone Re Judge Diamond Misconduct, November 28, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit AFFIDAVITS of APPELLANT Stanley J. Caterbone Re Judge Diamond and Jeremy H.G. Ibrahim,
Sr., Esq Misconduct, November 28, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit AFFIDAVITS of APPELLANT Stanley J. Caterbone Re Judge Diamond and Jeremy H.G.
Ibrahim, Sr., Esq Misconduct, November 28, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Recorded 3rd Circuit AFFIDAVITS of APPELLANT Stanley J. Caterbone Re Judge Diamond and Jeremy H.G.
Ibrahim, Sr., Esq Misconduct, November 28, 2015
06-Cv-05012 Third Circuit BRIEF Authored and Filed by APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone Re Bankruptcy Case July 2,
06-Cv-05012 Third Circuit BRIEF Authored and Filed by APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone Re Bankruptcy Case
July 2, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 06-Cv-05012 Third Circuit
BRIEF Authored and Filed by APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone Re Bankruptcy Case July 2, 2010
14-02259 Lambert Habeus MOTION to Recuse Judge Paul Diamond November 29, 2015
14-02259 Lambert Habeus MOTION to Recuse Judge Paul Diamond November 29, 2015 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 14-02259 Lambert Habeus MOTION to Recuse Judge Paul
Diamond November 29, 2015
Breaking News - Pete Anders on Payroll of Benecon in Caterbone v. Copy Max and Sam Lombardo CI-07-03924 Case
File April 7, 2009 With November 28, 2015 Millersville Review
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Breaking News - Pete Anders on Payroll of Benecon in Caterbone v. Copy Max and Sam Lombardo CI-07-03924
Case File April 7, 2009 With November 28, 2015 Millersville Review - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Breaking News - Pete Anders on Payroll of Benecon in Caterbone v.
Copy Max and Sam Lombardo CI-07-03924 Case File April 7, 2009 With November 28, 2015 Millersville Review
Sam Lombardo and Raolph Mazzochi Charlotte Street Proposal by Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone March
10 2007
Sam Lombardo and Raolph Mazzochi Charlotte Street Proposal by Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone
March 10 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Sam Lombardo and
Raolph Mazzochi Charlotte Street Proposal by Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone March 10 2007
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re U.S. District Court Case No. 14-02559 Judge Diamond
Motion to Recuse, November 29, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re U.S. District Court Case No. 14-02559 Judge
Diamond Motion to Recuse, November 29, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re U.S. District Court Case No. 14-02559 Judge
Diamond Motion to Recuse, November 29, 2015
1108-2015 Superior Court 1915-MDA-2015 STATEMENT of MATTERS COMPLAINED Re Private Criminal Complaint
v. Lancaster City Police 1108-2015 November 25, 2015
1108-2015 Superior Court 1915-MDA-2015 STATEMENT of MATTERS COMPLAINED Re Private Criminal
Complaint v. Lancaster City Police 1108-2015 November 25, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. 1108-2015 Superior Court 1915-MDA-2015 STATEMENT of MATTERS
COMPLAINED Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Lancaster City Police 1108-2015 November 25, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re LNP Article Rogue FBI Agents in Lancaster Killing US Attorney on February 27,
2007 Are the Still Here - Of Course They Are, November 30, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re LNP Article Rogue FBI Agents in Lancaster Killing US Attorney on February
27, 2007 Are the Still Here - Of Course They Are, November 30, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re LNP Article Rogue FBI Agents in Lancaster Killing
US Attorney on February 27, 2007 Are the Still Here - Of Course They Are, November 30, 2015
Samuell Caterbone Jr Writings as Evidence of MKULTRA Dates of 1957 and 1943 December 1, 2015
Samuell Caterbone Jr Writings as Evidence of MKULTRA Dates of 1957 and 1943 December 1, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Samuell Caterbone Jr Writings as Evidence of MKULTRA
Dates of 1957 and 1943 December 1, 2015
Suspicious Charactars Caught on Camera on My Security System on May 29, 2006
FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 1, 2015
FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 1, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read book online for free. FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 1, 2015
ISA Computer Installation 37,000 and 38 Per Hour Proposal for Dave Pflumm Paving and Excavating March of 1989
ISA Computer Installation 37,000 and 38 Per Hour Proposal for Dave Pflumm Paving and Excavating March of
1989 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. ISA Computer Installation 37,000
and 38 Per Hour Proposal for Dave Pflumm Paving and Excavating March of 1989
Stan J. Caterbon's LEASE AGREEMENT to 1755 Oregon Pike and Other Documents for Financial Management Group,
Ltd., Or FMG, Ltd. in 1986
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Outstanding Receivables with Pro Se Billings To Date of
4,295,443.24, December 2, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Outstanding Receivables with Pro Se Billings To Date
of 4,295,443.24, December 2, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Outstanding Receivables with Pro Se Billings To Date
of 4,295,443.24, December 2, 2015
Letter to Lancaster City Chief of Police Sam Gatshell June 25 2007
Letter to Lancaster City Chief of Police Sam Gatshell June 25 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Letter to Lancaster City Chief of Police Sam Gatshell June 25 2007
Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal Docket With Summaries of ALL Recorded Filings as of December 2, 2015
Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal Docket With Summaries of ALL Recorded Filings as of December 2, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal
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Docket With Summaries of ALL Recorded Filings as of December 2, 2015
FACEBOOK Updated Links with Documents and Videos December 3, 2015 (will work from clicking on this document)
FACEBOOK Updated Links with Documents and Videos December 3, 2015 (will work from clicking on this
document) - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. FACEBOOK
Updated Links with Documents and Videos December 3, 2015 (will work from clicking on this document)
FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 5, 2015
FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 5, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read book online for free. FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 5, 2015
Lancaster County DA Releases Report on Fatal Police Shooting of Mentally Ill Man on North Queen Street in 2013
Southeast Clinic Physical Invoice December 3, 2015
Southeast Clinic Physical Invoice December 3, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Southeast Clinic Physical Invoice December 3, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Notes - Cards - Receipts From Lobby Efforts in PA
Legislature 2015 December 6, 2015 w DOCKET
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Notes - Cards - Receipts From Lobby Efforts in PA
Legislature 2015 December 6, 2015 w DOCKET - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Notes - Cards - Receipts From Lobby Efforts
in PA Legislature 2015 December 6, 2015 w DOCKET
United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania Stan Caterbone Amicus Filed as MOVANT in the Lisa
Michelle Lambert Habeus Corpus Case DOCKET 14-Cv-02559 December 6, 2015
United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania Stan Caterbone Amicus Filed as MOVANT in the Lisa
Michelle Lambert Habeus Corpus Case DOCKET 14-Cv-02559 December 6, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania Stan
Caterbone Amicus Filed as MOVANT in the Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Corpus Case DOCKET 14-Cv-02559
December 6, 2015
Question and Answer From Terry Robertson of Jim Guest Show Re is Mind Control Legal? December 1, 2009
Question and Answer From Terry Robertson of Jim Guest Show Re is Mind Control Legal? December 1, 2009 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Question and Answer From Terry
Robertson of Jim Guest Show Re is Mind Control Legal? December 1, 2009
Recorded and Docketed 14-02259 Lambert Habeus MOTION to Recuse Judge Paul Diamond November 29, 2015
Docketed on December 7, 2015 (Small)
Recorded and Docketed 14-02259 Lambert Habeus MOTION to Recuse Judge Paul Diamond November 29, 2015
Docketed on December 7, 2015 (Small) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded and Docketed 14-02259 Lambert Habeus MOTION to Recuse Judge Paul Diamond November 29, 2015
Docketed on December 7, 2015 (Small)
Recorded Copy1561 MDA 2015 Superior Court BRIEF re Preliminary Emergency Injunction v. Lancaster Residents
December 7, 2015
Recorded Copy1561 MDA 2015 Superior Court BRIEF re Preliminary Emergency Injunction v. Lancaster
Residents December 7, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded
Copy1561 MDA 2015 Superior Court BRIEF re Preliminary Emergency Injunction v. Lancaster Residents
December 7, 2015
Filed Copy1561 MDA 2015 Superior Court LETTER Re Brief or Oral Argument Form Due by Dec 27, 2015 - December
7, 2015
Filed Copy1561 MDA 2015 Superior Court LETTER Re Brief or Oral Argument Form Due by Dec 27, 2015 -
December 7, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Filed Copy1561 MDA
2015 Superior Court LETTER Re Brief or Oral Argument Form Due by Dec 27, 2015 - December 7, 2015
EBay Order Details Verizon 5 64gb Delivered on December 7, 2015 as a T-Mobile Phone Will Have To Send Back - They
Just Don't Want Me Taking Good Pictures
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re in Forma Pauperis FRAUD by the Judiciary of the Lancaster County
Courts, The U.S. District Court, And the PA Superior Court, December 8, 2015
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re in Forma Pauperis FRAUD by the Judiciary of the Lancaster
County Courts, The U.S. District Court, And the PA Superior Court, December 8, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re in Forma Pauperis
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
FRAUD by the Judiciary of the Lancaster County Courts, The U.S. District Court, And the PA Superior Court,
December 8, 2015
ACCIDENT REPORT by Hampden Twp Police Officer Robert Higgens Incident No. 20151200340 of December 8, 2015
ACCIDENT REPORT by Hampden Twp Police Officer Robert Higgens Incident No. 20151200340 of December 8,
2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or view presentation slides online. ACCIDENT REPORT by Hampden
Twp Police Officer Robert Higgens Incident No. 20151200340 of December 8, 2015
CONFIRMATION OF IPHONE HACKING - eBay iPhone 5 64GB Delivered on December 7, 2015 as a T-Mobile Phone
Instead of a Verizon Phone as Shipped December 8, 2015
CONFIRMATION OF IPHONE HACKING - eBay iPhone 5 64GB Delivered on December 7, 2015 as a T-Mobile
Phone Instead of a Verizon Phone as Shipped December 8, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read online for free. CONFIRMATION OF IPHONE HACKING - eBay iPhone 5 64GB Delivered on December
7, 2015 as a T-Mobile Phone Instead of a Verizon Phone as Shipped December 8, 2015
Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case No. 15-03984
December 10, 2015
Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case No.
15-03984 December 10, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded
Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case No. 15-03984
December 10, 2015
Screamin Daisies Guestbook Page with My Comments December 28, 2007
Screamin Daisies Guestbook Page with My Comments December 28, 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Screamin Daisies Guestbook Page with My Comments December 28, 2007
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Copy of Clerk Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus
Corpus to US District Court Judge Curtis Joyner in Case No. 15-03984 Dec10, 2015 - December 12, 2015
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Copy of Clerk Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of
Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Curtis Joyner in Case No. 15-03984 Dec10, 2015 - December 12, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal
EXHIBIT Re Copy of Clerk Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court
Judge Curtis Joyner in Case No. 15-03984 Dec10, 2015 - December 12, 2015
Apology by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group of December 11, 2015
Apology by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group of December 11, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Apology by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group of
December 11, 2015
- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. ARGUMENT IN OPPOSITION OF
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal MOTION to DISMISS December 14, 2015
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal MOTION to DISMISS December 14, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal MOTION to DISMISS December 14,
Patent First Medical File for December 12, 2015
Patent First Medical File for December 12, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Patent
First Medical File for December 12, 2015
Kane Aide Files Wrongful Termination Suit Against Her in December 14, 2015
Kane Aide Files Wrongful Termination Suit Against Her in December 14, 2015 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Kane Aide Files Wrongful Termination Suit Against Her in December 14, 2015
Kane Story Comment of December 15, 2015
Kane Story Comment of December 15, 2015 - Free download as Open Office file (.odt), PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Kane Story Comment of December 15, 2015
CP-36-MD-1108-2015 Petition for Review OPINION of MEMORANDUM Judge Reinaker December 9, 2015
CP-36-MD-1108-2015 Petition for Review OPINION of MEMORANDUM Judge Reinaker December 9, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. CP-36-MD-1108-2015 Petition for Review OPINION of
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
MEMORANDUM Judge Reinaker December 9, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus STATEMENT Re Argument in Opposition of Mental
Illness Diagnosis, December 15, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus STATEMENT Re Argument in Opposition of
Mental Illness Diagnosis, December 15, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for
free. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus STATEMENT Re Argument in Opposition of
Mental Illness Diagnosis, December 15, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus DOCKET as of December 16, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus DOCKET as of December 16, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of
Habeus Corpus DOCKET as of December 16, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT re Outstanding Receivables with Pro Se
Billings To Date of $4,295,443.24, December 16, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT re Outstanding Receivables with Pro
Se Billings To Date of $4,295,443.24, December 16, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT re Outstanding
Receivables with Pro Se Billings To Date of $4,295,443.24, December 16, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Open Letter to the Editor of
Re Kathleen Kane and Old Boys Network December 15, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Open Letter to the Editor of Re Kathleen Kane and Old Boys Network December 15, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re
Open Letter to the Editor of Re Kathleen Kane and Old Boys Network December 15, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Argument in Opposition of Mental Illness
Diagnosis, December 15, 2015 (Small)
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Argument in Opposition of Mental
Illness Diagnosis, December 15, 2015 (Small) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for
free. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Argument in Opposition of
Mental Illness Diagnosis, December 15, 2015 (Small)
ESP & Mental Telepathy Research Documents Before I Learned my In-Depth Knowledge of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control September 10, 2007
ESP & Mental Telepathy Research Documents Before I Learned my In-Depth Knowledge of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control September 10, 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. ESP &
Mental Telepathy Research Documents Before I Learned my In-Depth Knowledge of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
September 10, 2007
Clerk Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case No.
15-03984 December 16, 2015
Clerk Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case
No. 15-03984 December 16, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Clerk
Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case No.
15-03984 December 16, 2015
Advanced Media Group Press Release Re Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary December 17, 2015
Advanced Media Group Press Release Re Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary December 17, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Press Release Re
Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary December 17, 2015
Lancaster General Hospital Medical Records of the 302 Mental Health Warrant of April 6, 2006
Lancaster General Hospital Medical Records of the 302 Mental Health Warrant of April 6, 2006 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Lancaster General Hospital Medical Records of the 302 Mental Health
Warrant of April 6, 2006
Lancaster General Hospital No Trespass May 25, 2010
Lancaster General Hospital No Trespass May 25, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Lancaster General Hospital No Trespass May 25, 2010
Kane family email surfaces in 'porngate' - and more NewsWorks
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Say what? The twin sister and employee of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane herself traded nasty
email, and sent one to Kane herself? That stunning revelation has surfaced, one of...
Lancaster City Police PA Mental Health 302 Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone to Fairmount Behavioral Health Systems as
of April 21, 2010
Lancaster City Police PA Mental Health 302 Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone to Fairmount Behavioral Health
Systems as of April 21, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Lancaster
City Police PA Mental Health 302 Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone to Fairmount Behavioral Health Systems as of
April 21, 2010
One of the Most Painful (Physical) Days Ever - April 2, 2010
One of the Most Painful (Physical) Days Ever - April 2, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. One of the Most Painful (Physical) Days Ever - April 2, 2010
Recorded in 15-3400 Lambert Appeal as EXHIBIT of COMPLAINT to U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania Re Fulton Bank Criminal Conspiracy December 19, 2015
Recorded in 15-3400 Lambert Appeal as EXHIBIT of COMPLAINT to U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania Re Fulton Bank Criminal Conspiracy December 19, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded in 15-3400 Lambert Appeal as EXHIBIT of COMPLAINT to U.S.
Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Re Fulton Bank Criminal Conspiracy December 19, 2015
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Samuel Caterbone Jr Evidence of MKULTRA Dates of 1957 and 1943
December 19, 2015
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Samuel Caterbone Jr Evidence of MKULTRA Dates of 1957 and
1943 December 19, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded
15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Samuel Caterbone Jr Evidence of MKULTRA Dates of 1957 and 1943
December 19, 2015
Last Meeting With Psychiatrist Dr. Al Shulz Transcript of January 1998 Important
Last Meeting With Psychiatrist Dr. Al Shulz Transcript of January 1998 Important - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Last Meeting With Psychiatrist Dr. Al Shulz Transcript of January 1998
ACCIDENT REPORT and STATEMENT With Hampden Twp Police Officer Robert Higgens Incident REPORT No.
20151200340 of December 18, 2015
ACCIDENT REPORT and STATEMENT With Hampden Twp Police Officer Robert Higgens Incident REPORT
No. 20151200340 of December 18, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
ACCIDENT REPORT and STATEMENT With Hampden Twp Police Officer Robert Higgens Incident REPORT
No. 20151200340 of December 18, 2015
Petition for Administrator of Thomas Caterbone 36-1996-0729 Jan 17 2008 Important
Petition for Administrator of Thomas Caterbone 36-1996-0729 Jan 17 2008 Important - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Petition for Administrator of Thomas Caterbone 36-1996-0729 Jan 17
2008 Important
1987 Burdette Tomlin Hospital Medical Records with Jim Warner Calling Stone Harbor Police - Phony Suicide Allegation
1987 Burdette Tomlin Hospital Medical Records with Jim Warner Calling Stone Harbor Police - Phony Suicide
Allegation - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 1987 Burdette Tomlin Hospital
Medical Records with Jim Warner Calling Stone Harbor Police - Phony Suicide Allegation
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Dr. Nick Begich Lecture at the Covert Harassment Conference in Berlin
Germany October 1, 2015, Submitted on December 25, 2015
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Dr. Nick Begich Lecture at the Covert Harassment Conference in
Berlin Germany October 1, 2015, Submitted on December 25, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Dr. Nick Begich Lecture at the
Covert Harassment Conference in Berlin Germany October 1, 2015, Submitted on December 25, 2015
FBI IC3 Complaint Referral Form Reciept and RECORDED Complaint I1512261722030362[1] of Decmeber 26, 2015 as
per instructions of the Lancaster City Policed Department Meeting of December 26, 2015
FBI IC3 Complaint Referral Form Reciept and RECORDED Complaint I1512261722030362[1] of Decmeber 26,
2015 as per instructions of the Lancaster City Policed Department Meeting of December 26, 2015 - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. FBI IC3 Complaint Referral Form Reciept and
RECORDED Complaint I1512261722030362[1] of Decmeber 26, 2015 as per instructions of the Lancaster City
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Policed Department Meeting of December 26, 2015
File an Antitrust Complaint
Social Security Benefits Application Documents and Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of 2009,
December 27, 2015
Social Security Benefits Application Documents and Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of
2009, December 27, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Social Security
Benefits Application Documents and Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of 2009, December
27, 2015
15-3400 EXHIBIT Re Social Security Disability Benefits for Mind Control With Application Documents and
Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of 2009, December 27, 2015
15-3400 EXHIBIT Re Social Security Disability Benefits for Mind Control With Application Documents and
Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of 2009, December 27, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 15-3400 EXHIBIT Re Social Security Disability Benefits for Mind
Control With Application Documents and Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of 2009,
December 27, 2015
Yolies Recipes From Stan J. Caterbone December 23, 2015
Yolies Recipes From Stan J. Caterbone December 23, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for
free. Yolies Recipes From Stan J. Caterbone December 23, 2015
Unix Tarpit Article
Advanced Media Group/Global Entertainment Group of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is an information technologies
company founded by Stan J. Caterbone in 1989
Up-To-Date U.S. Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal DOCKET With SUMMARIES of ALL 54 Recorded Filings as of
December 29, 2015
Up-To-Date U.S. Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal DOCKET With SUMMARIES of ALL 54 Recorded
Filings as of December 29, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Up-To-
Date U.S. Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal DOCKET With SUMMARIES of ALL 54 Recorded Filings as of
December 29, 2015
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus NOTICE of APPEAL to U.S.C.a. in
US District Court Judge Joyner Order of December 29, 2015 Submitted on December 31, 2015
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus NOTICE of APPEAL to
U.S.C.a. in US District Court Judge Joyner Order of December 29, 2015 Submitted on December 31, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley
J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus NOTICE of APPEAL to U.S.C.a. in US District Court Judge Joyner Order of
December 29, 2015 Submitted on December 31, 2015
15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals LETTER to Clerk of Court Re RESCIND Motion to Dismiss Without Prejudice,
December 31, 2015
15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals LETTER to Clerk of Court Re RESCIND Motion to Dismiss Without
Prejudice, December 31, 2015 - Free download as Open Office file (.odt), PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. 15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals LETTER to Clerk of Court Re RESCIND Motion to
Dismiss Without Prejudice, December 31, 2015
Stan J. Caterbone U.S. Federal ELECTRONIC Court Filings for Thursday, December 31, 2015
Stan J. Caterbone U.S. Federal ELECTRONIC Court Filings for Thursday, December 31, 2015 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Stan J. Caterbone U.S. Federal ELECTRONIC Court Filings
for Thursday, December 31, 2015
Stan Caterbone Football Scrapbook Sophmore & Junior Year 1974-1975 June 24 2007 Created by Yolanda Caterbone
Habeus Corpus Form 15-3984 August 16, 2015 Filed in U.S. District Court
Habeus Corpus Form 15-3984 August 16, 2015 Filed in U.S. District Court - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or
read online for free. Habeus Corpus Form 15-3984 August 16, 2015 Filed in U.S. District Court
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Document Re Mind Control Victims Symptoms and Demographics Sent
From My Friend Soleilmavis Liu of China, Sent Jan 1, 2016 Filed January 2, 2016
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Document Re Mind Control Victims Symptoms and
Demographics Sent From My Friend Soleilmavis Liu of China, Sent Jan 1, 2016 Filed January 2, 2016 - Free
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download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT
Re Document Re Mind Control Victims Symptoms and Demographics Sent From My Friend Soleilmavis Liu of
China, Sent Jan 1, 2016 Filed January 2, 2016
Sammy v County of Santa Barbara October 3, 2015
Sammy v County of Santa Barbara October 3, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Sammy v County of Santa Barbara October 3, 2015
Snyder Funeral Home Bill for Sammy
Snyder Funeral Home Bill for Sammy - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Snyder Funeral
Home Bill for Sammy
Third Circuit & US District Court LAMBERT Case 14-2559 in Forma Pauperis
Notarized Letter to California State Attorney General Re LSD Experiments in MK ULTRA and Sammy Notarized
October 23, 1991
Notarized Letter to California State Attorney General Re LSD Experiments in MK ULTRA and Sammy Notarized
October 23, 1991 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Notarized Letter to California State
Attorney General Re LSD Experiments in MK ULTRA and Sammy Notarized October 23, 1991
RICO - Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal Document re Tolling the Statute of Limitations for ALL
Claims - Do I Have a Rico Claim Authored on July 9, 2006
Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal Document re Tolling the Statute of Limitations for ALL
Claims - Do I Have a Rico Claim Authored on July 9, 2006 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal Document re Tolling the Statute of
Limitations for ALL Claims - Do I Have a Rico Claim Authored on July 9, 2006
15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Document Re Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal Document Re
Tolling the Statute of Limitations for ALL Claims - Do I Have a Rico Claim Authored on Jul 9, 2006, January 4, 2016
15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Document Re Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal
Document Re Tolling the Statute of Limitations for ALL Claims - Do I Have a Rico Claim Authored on Jul 9, 2006,
January 4, 2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. 15-3400
Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Document Re Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal Document Re
Tolling the Statute of Limitations for ALL Claims - Do I Have a Rico Claim Authored on Jul 9, 2006, January 4,
Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal DOCKET With SUMMARIES of ALL Recorded Filings as of January 5, 2016
Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal DOCKET With SUMMARIES of ALL Recorded Filings as of January 5,
2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Third Circuit 15-3400
Lambert Appeal DOCKET With SUMMARIES of ALL Recorded Filings as of January 5, 2016
Advanced Media Group Letter to Jacquelyn Pfursich, Clerk of Court in Lancaster County January 6, 2016
Advanced Media Group Letter to Jacquelyn Pfursich, Clerk of Court in Lancaster County January 6, 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. z
Geek Squad Agent Notes of January 6, 2016 for Lenovo Laptop
Geek Squad Agent Notes of January 6, 2016 for Lenovo Laptop - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read online for free. Geek Squad Agent Notes of January 6, 2016 for Lenovo Laptop
16-1001 U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Notice of Appeal and OPENING DOCUMENTS of January
7, 2016
16-1001 U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Notice of Appeal and OPENING DOCUMENTS of
January 7, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 16-1001 U.S. Third
Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Notice of Appeal and OPENING DOCUMENTS of January 7, 2016
December 9, 2015 Letter From Ms. Diana Crone, Contact Claims Associate Re Nationwide Claim 446004-GC
December 9, 2015 Letter From Ms. Diana Crone, Contact Claims Associate Re Nationwide Claim 446004-GC -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. December 9, 2015 Letter From Ms. Diana
Crone, Contact Claims Associate Re Nationwide Claim 446004-GC
Jones Body Shop 2007 Honda CRV Repair ESTIMATE From Russ Willis on January 7, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case Forms January 11, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case Forms January 11, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Stan J. Caterbone Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case Forms January 11, 2016
FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to January 9, 2016
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FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to January 9, 2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read book online for free. FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to January 9, 2016
Recorded 16-1001 Third Circuit Habeus Appeal EXHIBIT Re Case No. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of
Habeus Corpus FILING FEE RECEIPT for 5 DOLLARS in US District Court August 14, 2015
Recorded 16-1001 Third Circuit Habeus Appeal EXHIBIT Re Case No. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone
Writ of Habeus Corpus FILING FEE RECEIPT for 5 DOLLARS in US District Court August 14, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 16-1001 Third Circuit Habeus Appeal
EXHIBIT Re Case No. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus FILING FEE RECEIPT
for 5 DOLLARS in US District Court August 14, 2015
Recorded 16-1001 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Case - PETITION in Support of Application for
Certificate of Appealability January 11, 2016 With DOCKET
Recorded 16-1001 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Case - PETITION in Support of Application for
Certificate of Appealability January 11, 2016 With DOCKET - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. Recorded 16-1001 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Case - PETITION in Support
of Application for Certificate of Appealability January 11, 2016 With DOCKET
Lambert MOTION to File EXHIBIT by Movant Jeremy Email Case No. 5-14-Cv-02259 September 8, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal MOTION for IMMEDIATE REINSTATEMENT OF APPEAL, January
13, 2016
Recorded Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal MOTION for IMMEDIATE REINSTATEMENT OF APPEAL,
January 13, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded Third Circuit
15-3400 Lambert Appeal MOTION for IMMEDIATE REINSTATEMENT OF APPEAL, January 13, 2016
STAN J. CATERBONE v. Commonwealth Bank of Lancaster County (Mellon Bank) Re Illegal Reposession of Navajo
Chieften Airplane in 1987 and Third Circuit Victory on September 30, 2008
STAN J. CATERBONE v. Commonwealth Bank of Lancaster County (Mellon Bank) Re Illegal Reposession of
Navajo Chieften Airplane in 1987 and Third Circuit Victory on September 30, 2008 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf) or read online for free. STAN J. CATERBONE v. Commonwealth Bank of Lancaster County (Mellon Bank)
Re Illegal Reposession of Navajo Chieften Airplane in 1987 and Third Circuit Victory on September 30, 2008
Recorded Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal Motion for Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Michael Fisher to
Recuse January 15, 2016
Recorded Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal Motion for Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Michael Fisher
to Recuse January 15, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Recorded Third Circuit
15-3400 Lambert Appeal Motion for Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Michael Fisher to Recuse January 15,
14-02559 LAMBERT Habeus Corpus NOTICE of APPEAL to Reinstate Appeal 15-3400 in the U.S. Third Circuit
January 17, 2016
14-02559 LAMBERT Habeus Corpus NOTICE of APPEAL to Reinstate Appeal 15-3400 in the U.S. Third Circuit
January 17, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 14-02559 LAMBERT
Habeus Corpus NOTICE of APPEAL to Reinstate Appeal 15-3400 in the U.S. Third Circuit January 17, 2016
14-02559 Re Stan J Caterbone, The MOVANT, The Federal Courts and the New Book - Love, Murder, And
CORRUPTION in Lancaster County My Story by Lisa Michelle Lambert and Attorney Dave Brown January 18, 2016
14-02559 Re Stan J Caterbone, The MOVANT, The Federal Courts and the New Book - Love, Murder, And
CORRUPTION in Lancaster County My Story by Lisa Michelle Lambert and Attorney Dave Brown January 18,
2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 14-02559 Re Stan J Caterbone, The
MOVANT, The Federal Courts and the New Book - Love, Murder, And CORRUPTION in Lancaster County My
Story by Lisa Michelle Lambert and Attorney Dave Brown January 18, 2016
Dr Phil Caterbone's Career Path to $$$Millions January 18, 2016
Dr Phil Caterbone's Career Path to $$$Millions January 18, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read online for free. Dr Phil Caterbone's Career Path to $$$Millions January 18, 2016
Open Letter to the Editor of Re Kathleen Kane and Old Boys Network - January 20, 2016
Recorded 16-1001 Stan J. Caterbone Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group United
States Department of Justice Civil Rights Complaint January 19, 2016
Pennsylvania Superior Court Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 - CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police re Briefing Schedule
Date DUE FEBRUARY 29, 2016
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Change of Venue to District Magistrate Barbara Pinaka, January 23, 2016
January 24, 2016 Facebook Post Re Motivatin Factors of Lancaster County v. Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media
Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se, U.S.C.A. Third Circuit Complaint of Judicial Misconduct or Disability of January 25, 2016
Samuel Caterbone, Jr. (Father) Naval Air Gunners Honors 1943 January 24, 2016 - Prior To U.S Sponsored Mind Control
2016 Chapter 11 New Case for Filing in Eastern District of Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Court, Reading, PA January 27,
2016 Numbered and Bookmarked
Findings of Facts 1998 - Original Claim Filed in Federal Courthouse, United States Eastern District of Pennaylvania in
Case No. 05-2288 on May 16, 2005
Sorry Lancaster - My Father, Samuell P. Caterbone Jr, Was a Victim of MKULTRA - January 26, 2016
1989 - Radio Science Laboratories (Microwave Technologies) Business Plan by Stan J. Caterbone, Scribd on January 27,
Recorded and Stamped by DA Office - Private Criminal Complaint v. Southeast Medical Clinic and Patient First Urgent
Care Re Refusal to Prescribe Pain Medications, January 27, 2016
Jan 28, 2016 - Fax Cover Sheet for U.S. Third Circuit Clerk of Court Marcia Waldron Re 16-1149 LEGAL DIVISION
LETTER SENT Possible Dismissal Due to Jurisdictional Defect. (EAL) January 27, 2016
Pennsylvania State Criminal Background Check of January19, 2016
Department of General Services Press Application Signed January 6, 2016 for Troy Thompson, Press Secretary January
27, 2016
16-10517 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy OPEN Case Letter of January 27, 2016
Open Letter to the Editor of Re Kathleen Kane and Good Old Boys Network, December 15, 2015
Open Letter to the Editor of Re Kathleen Kane and Good Old Boys Network, December 15, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Open Letter to the Editor of
Re Kathleen Kane and Good Old Boys Network, December 15, 2015
Senate will not vote for now to remove Kathleen Kane - The Morning Call
State Senate opts not to remove Attorney General Kathleen Kane from office until the state Supreme Court rules on
request to have her law license reinstated.
Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Documentation as a Contractor for the Department of Defense in 1990
EMERGENCY INJUCTION v Fulton Bank Recorded April 14, 2010 Filed on April 1, 2010 in US District Court
ALL FACEBOOK Postings and Incidents From July 29 to January 28, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Central Intelligence Agency, Or CIA Contacts Connected in My LinkedIn
Network as of February 1, 2016
HANDOUT - Private Criminal Complaint v. Southeast Medical Clinic and Patient First Urgent Care Re Refusal to
Prescribe Pain Medications, February 1, 2016
CI-15-10167 Lancaster County Court MOTION for Leave to File in Forma Pauperis Caterbone v Brunswick-Fitzwater-
Lancaster Film February 2, 2016
CI-08-13373 Lancaster County Court MOTION for Leave to File in Forma Pauperis Caterbone v Duke Street Business
Center February 2, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group - Pennsylvania Attorney General Consumer Affairs Complaint Form re
Computer Hacking and February 2, 2016
TOC - Advanced Media Group Version - In a Killers Words Lisa Michelle Lambert, Nearly 25 Years Since Laurie Shows
Murder, LAMBERT Claims Innocence in New Book, January 31, 2016
Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Obstruction of Justice - A LANDMARK CASE, re 15-3400; 16-1001;
16-1149 in the Third Circuit - 14-02259; 15-03984; 05-2288; 06-4650; etc., in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania - February 3, 2016
Stan J Caterbone, International Signal Control or ISC, The CIA, The NSA, And U.S. Sponsored Mind Control in
Lancaster Pennsylvania - November 18, 2015 Copyright
Trip to Harrisburg - Attorney General Drop Box and Capitol Building, Photos, Itinerary, and Receipts of February 4, 2016
Social Security Application for Benefits, April 8, 2009, Approved on August 26, 2009 with a Check for 21,400.00 for 1
Year of Retroactive Benefits - Declared Disabled on December 1, 2005 for Symptoms and Illnesses Related to U.S.
Sponsored Mind Control
Photos of Trip to Pennsylvania Capitol for Senate Vote on PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane Impeachment and
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Complaint to LCPD Re 1252 Fremont St., February 10, 2016
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police Department, BRIEF
Dated February 12, 2016
Electronic Filing - Recorded 1915 MDA 2015 Form Report 3012 Reply Letter Request Filled Out Form for ORAL
ARGUMENTS or JUST BRIEF February 13, 2016 with Proof of Service and Verification
Return Letter From James J. Fitzpatrick, Chief Deputy Attorney General of PA Atty General Office Re Advanced Media
Group COMPLAINT to Insurance Fraud Section Re Nationwide Claim 446004-GC February 8, 2016
Advanced Media Group COMPLAINT to the Office of Attorney General's Insurance Fraud Section Re Nationwide Claim
446004-GC February 8, 2016
08-13373 DEFENDANT LIST and DOCKET Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas in the Matter of CATERBONE v
Duke Street Business Center February 14, 2016
Original Documents of 1987 Re Lancaster County Prison, Dr. Al Shultz, Unemployment Compensation, St. Joseph
Hospital, And EVIDENCE In The Matter of Anti-Trust Litigation, Scanned February 16, 2016
Gmail -U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals 16-1149 Lisa Lambert v ORDER DISMISS CASE for Failure to File Fee
Dated February 16, 2016 - SEE COMPLAINTS ON PAGE 2; PA Atty General and U.S. Third Circuit Judicial Board
Chapter 11 Case No. 16-10517-REF NOTICE Show Cause Hearing Thursday, February 18, 2016 U.S. Courthouse
Madison Bldg, Reading PA 11am February 5, 2016
Living Declaration and Statement of Facts in the Matter of CATERBONE v. the County and City of Lancaster
Pennsylvania, Et Al February 18, 2016
Recorded Chapter 11 Case No. 16-10517-REF NOTICE to File Exhibit Re Living Declaration and Statement of Facts, In
Show Cause Hearing of February 18, 2016
Chapter 11 Case No. 16-10517-REF NOTICE to File Exhibit in Show Cause Hearing of February 18, 2016
Updated IC3 Report to the FBI Re Lowes Non-Delivery of Paid Building Materials for New Fence and Patio Roof on
March 26, 2016
Updated IC3 Report to the FBI Re Lowes Non-Delivery of Paid Building Materials for New Fence and Patio Roof
on March 26, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Updated IC3 Report
to the FBI Re Lowes Non-Delivery of Paid Building Materials for New Fence and Patio Roof on March 26, 2016
181 Page U.S. District Court Habeus Case 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re - AFFIDAVIT and State-Of-Affairs of U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control for Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, March 27, 2016 with Bookmarks and Table of Contents
181 Page U.S. District Court Habeus Case 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re - AFFIDAVIT and State-Of-Affairs of U.S.
Sponsored Mind Control for Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, March 27, 2016 with Bookmarks and
Table of Contents - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. 181 Page U.S. District
Court Habeus Case 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re - AFFIDAVIT and State-Of-Affairs of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control for
Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, March 27, 2016 with Bookmarks and Table of Contents
Information Inventory Assets of all file folders in 1250 Fremont Street on May 17, 2009 and in 1992 with Rick Gray File,
March 27 2016
Information Inventory Assets of all file folders in 1250 Fremont Street on May 17, 2009 and in 1992 with Rick Gray
File, March 27 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Information
Inventory Assets of all file folders in 1250 Fremont Street on May 17, 2009 and in 1992 with Rick Gray File, March
27 2016
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re the Timeline of Secret Government Projects and Letter to Editor of
LNP, March 29, 2016
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re the Timeline of Secret Government Projects and Letter to Editor
of LNP, March 29, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded Case
No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re the Timeline of Secret Government Projects and Letter to Editor of LNP, March
29, 2016
Section 2709. Harassment and Stalking of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code March 30, 2016
Section 2709. Harassment and Stalking of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code March 30, 2016 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Section 2709. Harassment and Stalking of the
Pennsylvania Crimes Code March 30, 2016
Pennsylvania State Background Check For Stan J. Caterbone as of January 19, 2016
Pennsylvania State Background Check For Stan J. Caterbone as of January 19, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Pennsylvania State Background Check For Stan J. Caterbone as of
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
January 19, 2016
March 29, 2016 LETTER From the Office of the Circuit Executive Re PETITION for REVIEW Re 15-3400 and
LAMBERT Judicial Complaint of February 25, 2016 - Filed on March 16, 2016
March 29, 2016 LETTER From the Office of the Circuit Executive Re PETITION for REVIEW Re 15-3400 and
LAMBERT Judicial Complaint of February 25, 2016 - Filed on March 16, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text File (.txt) or read online for free. March 29, 2016 LETTER From the Office of the Circuit Executive Re
PETITION for REVIEW Re 15-3400 and LAMBERT Judicial Complaint of February 25, 2016 - Filed on March 16,
Allstate Insurance Claim April 3, 2016
Allstate Insurance Claim April 3, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Allstate Insurance Claim April 3, 2016
Email Re Registration of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Survellience in the State of Pennsylvania to ALL
CONTACTS on April 3, 2016
Email Re Registration of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Survellience in the State of Pennsylvania to ALL
CONTACTS on April 3, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Email Re
Registration of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Survellience in the State of Pennsylvania to ALL
CONTACTS on April 3, 2016
Samuel Caterbone Jr. Passport Renewal February 3 1964b Worldwide Stamps in the 1960's - Covert Courier and
Samuel Caterbone Jr. Passport Renewal February 3 1964b Worldwide Stamps in the 1960's - Covert Courier and
Affidavits - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Samuel Caterbone Jr. Passport
Renewal February 3 1964b Worldwide Stamps in the 1960's - Covert Courier and Affidavits
Letter to Craig Stedman Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Southeast Medical Clinic and Patient First Urgent Care Re
Refusal to Prescribe Pain Medications, January 27, 2016 - April 6, 2016
Letter to Craig Stedman Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Southeast Medical Clinic and Patient First Urgent Care
Re Refusal to Prescribe Pain Medications, January 27, 2016 - April 6, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Letter to Craig Stedman Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Southeast Medical
Clinic and Patient First Urgent Care Re Refusal to Prescribe Pain Medications, January 27, 2016 - April 6, 2016
CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillence
Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group on March 25, 2016
CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillence
Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group on March 25, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom
From Covert Harassment and Surveillence Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group on
March 25, 2016
CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillence
Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone on March 25, 2016
CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillence
Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone on March 25, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read
online for free. CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment
and Surveillence Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone on March 25, 2016
Stan J. Caterbon's Legal Formation Documents for Financial Management Group, Ltd., Or FMG, Ltd. in 1986
Advanced Media Group Corporate Search by Stan J. Caterbone, April 8, 2016
Advanced Media Group Corporate Search by Stan J. Caterbone, April 8, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Corporate Search by Stan J. Caterbone, April 8, 2016
Original Advanced Media Group, Ltd., Articles of Incorporation August 28, 1990
Original Advanced Media Group, Ltd., Articles of Incorporation August 28, 1990 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Original Advanced Media Group, Ltd., Articles of Incorporation
August 28, 1990
Ameritrade History of Transactions from 2002 to April 9, 2016
Ameritrade History of Transactions from 2002 to April 9, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt)
or read online for free. Ameritrade History of Transactions from 2002 to April 9, 2016
Notice of Summary Appeal and IFP to Dauphin County Courthouse Re MJ-12104-TR0000911-2016 April 10, 2016
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Notice of Summary Appeal and IFP to Dauphin County Courthouse Re MJ-12104-TR0000911-2016 April 10, 2016
- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Notice of Summary Appeal and IFP to
Dauphin County Courthouse Re MJ-12104-TR0000911-2016 April 10, 2016
07-03442 CATERBONE v. Comcast DOCKET Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas 2007
07-03442 CATERBONE v. Comcast DOCKET Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas 2007 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 07-03442 CATERBONE v. Comcast DOCKET Lancaster
County Court of Common Pleas 2007
Recorded MOTION for RECONSIDERATION Re Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District
Court Judge Joyner in Case No. 15-03984 April 12, 2016
Recorded MOTION for RECONSIDERATION Re Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US
District Court Judge Joyner in Case No. 15-03984 April 12, 2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
File (.txt) or read book online for free. Recorded MOTION for RECONSIDERATION Re Petitioner Stanley J.
Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case No. 15-03984 April 12, 2016
Yolanda Caterbone Home-Care Medical Records January 2011 to Declared Deceased on June 29, 2011 by Hospice of
Lancaster County
Yolanda Caterbone Home-Care Medical Records January 2011 to Declared Deceased on June 29, 2011 by Hospice
of Lancaster County - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Yolanda Caterbone Home-Care
Medical Records January 2011 to Declared Deceased on June 29, 2011 by Hospice of Lancaster County
RECORDED 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Fruadulent Lancaster City Property Tax Records Re
Extortion of 1250 Fremont Street by the City of Lancaster, PA 17603 Reported on April 14, 2016
RECORDED 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Fruadulent Lancaster City Property Tax Records Re
Extortion of 1250 Fremont Street by the City of Lancaster, PA 17603 Reported on April 14, 2016 - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. RECORDED 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT
Re Fruadulent Lancaster City Property Tax Records Re Extortion of 1250 Fremont Street by the City of Lancaster,
PA 17603 Reported on April 14, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone INCIDENT REPORT With Statement for Threats and Harassment at Aroogas Bar and Grill 911 Call to
Manor Township January 24, 2016 Uploaded April 15, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone INCIDENT REPORT With Statement for Threats and Harassment at Aroogas Bar and Grill 911
Call to Manor Township January 24, 2016 Uploaded April 15, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File
(.txt) or read online for free. Stan J. Caterbone INCIDENT REPORT With Statement for Threats and Harassment at
Aroogas Bar and Grill 911 Call to Manor Township January 24, 2016 Uploaded April 15, 2016
Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual for Derrick Robinson's Document to the FBI on April 16, 2016
Recorded 05-03984 EXHIBIT Re Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual for Derrick Robinson's Document to the
FBI on April 18, 2016
Recorded 05-03984 EXHIBIT Re Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual for Derrick Robinson's Document to
the FBI on April 18, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded
05-03984 EXHIBIT Re Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual for Derrick Robinson's Document to the FBI on
April 18, 2016
Superior Court Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Residents DOCKET and ARGUMENT
LETTER for Oral Arguments on May 24, 2016 Filed on April 18, 2016
Superior Court Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Residents DOCKET and
ARGUMENT LETTER for Oral Arguments on May 24, 2016 Filed on April 18, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Superior Court Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 CATERBONE v. Lancaster
County Residents DOCKET and ARGUMENT LETTER for Oral Arguments on May 24, 2016 Filed on April 18,
Benefit Verification Letter From the Social Security Administration for April 19, 2016
Benefit Verification Letter From the Social Security Administration for April 19, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Benefit Verification Letter From the Social Security Administration for
April 19, 2016
Superior Court Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police DOCKET and ARGUMENT LETTER
for Oral Arguments on May 25, 2016 Filed on April 18, 2016 With Petition for Review
Superior Court Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police DOCKET and ARGUMENT
LETTER for Oral Arguments on May 25, 2016 Filed on April 18, 2016 With Petition for Review - Free download
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as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Superior Court Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 CATERBONE
v. Lancaster City Police DOCKET and ARGUMENT LETTER for Oral Arguments on May 25, 2016 Filed on April
18, 2016 With Petition for Review
Letter for Stan's Therapist Erin at Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Pearl Street, Lancaster, PA From Derrick Robinson
on June 2, 2010
Letter for Stan's Therapist Erin at Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Pearl Street, Lancaster, PA From Derrick
Robinson on June 2, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Letter for
Stan's Therapist Erin at Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Pearl Street, Lancaster, PA From Derrick Robinson on
June 2, 2010
15-03984 Recorded - AFFIDAVIT and State-Of-Affairs for Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, April 20, 2016
Filed in Federal Court on March 22, 2016
15-03984 Recorded - AFFIDAVIT and State-Of-Affairs for Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, April
20, 2016 Filed in Federal Court on March 22, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read
online for free. 15-03984 Recorded - AFFIDAVIT and State-Of-Affairs for Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media
Group, April 20, 2016 Filed in Federal Court on March 22, 2016
RECORDED U.S. District Court Case No. 15-03984 Habeus Corpus DECLARATION Re Stan J. Caterbone and
Advanced Media Group Biography April 20, 2016
RECORDED U.S. District Court Case No. 15-03984 Habeus Corpus DECLARATION Re Stan J. Caterbone and
Advanced Media Group Biography April 20, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online
for free. RECORDED U.S. District Court Case No. 15-03984 Habeus Corpus DECLARATION Re Stan J.
Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Biography April 20, 2016
Dr. Nick Begich Transcript of Covert Harassment Conference, Belgium Germany October 2, 2015 for April 21, 2016 Due
to the Hacker
Dr. Nick Begich Transcript of Covert Harassment Conference, Belgium Germany October 2, 2015 for April 21,
2016 Due to the Hacker - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Dr. Nick Begich
Transcript of Covert Harassment Conference, Belgium Germany October 2, 2015 for April 21, 2016 Due to the
Medical Records for Matrix Medical Network Meeting of April 22, 2016 With Section 303 Mental Health Court Orders of
2015 and 2016
Medical Records for Matrix Medical Network Meeting of April 22, 2016 With Section 303 Mental Health Court
Orders of 2015 and 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Medical
Records for Matrix Medical Network Meeting of April 22, 2016 With Section 303 Mental Health Court Orders of
2015 and 2016
Recorded 05-03984 Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re LAUNCH 2016 Harassment and Stalking Claims of April 25, 2016
Recorded 05-03984 Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re LAUNCH 2016 Harassment and Stalking Claims of April 25,
2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 05-03984 Habeus Corpus
EXHIBIT Re LAUNCH 2016 Harassment and Stalking Claims of April 25, 2016
RECORDED 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Fruadulent Lancaster City Property Tax Records Re
Extortion of 1250 Fremont Street by the City of Lancaster, PA 17603 Reported on April 14, 2016
U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734 Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS
U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734 Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS
- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734
Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS
The Assaults on Stan J. Caterbone's Family Began on November 12, 1904 - According to the LNP New Era of the Same
The Assaults on Stan J. Caterbone's Family Began on November 12, 1904 - According to the LNP New Era of the
Same Date - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. The Assaults on
Stan J. Caterbone's Family Began on November 12, 1904 - According to the LNP New Era of the Same Date
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus STATEMENT Re Letter to E. Phillip Wenger, CEO of Fulton Financial Corporation
Re COLLUSION of April 29, 2016
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus STATEMENT Re Letter to E. Phillip Wenger, CEO of Fulton Financial
Corporation Re COLLUSION of April 29, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online
for free. Good Luck, Binderup. This was filed the morning of April 29. 2016
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus DECLARATION Re Financial Fraud by the Lancaster County Tax Claim Bureau,
April 28, 2016
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus DECLARATION Re Financial Fraud by the Lancaster County Tax Claim
Bureau, April 28, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Tell the lady that
just called me at 3:06pm to kiss my ass!
5-Lancaster City Police PA Mental Health 302 Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone to Fairmount Behavioral Health Systems
as of April 21, 2010 for April 29, 2016
5-Lancaster City Police PA Mental Health 302 Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone to Fairmount Behavioral Health
Systems as of April 21, 2010 for April 29, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online
for free. You mean to tell me that the COURT via the 303 hearing never ORDERED any OUTPATIENT
TREATMENT? All of the 303 Court Orders were for INPATIENT ONLY - April of 2010, July of 2015, and
February of 2016 - That should tell you something!
Latest Human Cloning Claims Leave Sour Taste New Scientist 2009 Article Updated on April 29, 2016
Latest Human Cloning Claims Leave Sour Taste New Scientist 2009 Article Updated on April 29, 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 Very Important for the Pflumms April 30, 2016
Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 Very Important for the Pflumms April 30,
2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Like I said, COINTELPRO works
from the TOP down - The Corrupt Feds put pressure on the STATE (PA) Who then puts pressure on LOCAL law
15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Medical Records for Matrix Medical Network Meeting of April 25, 2016
Version April 30
15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Medical Records for Matrix Medical Network Meeting of April 25,
2016 Version April 30 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734 Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS
U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734 Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS
- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734
Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS Including Owen Kugel's" Owen
Kugel, Appellant, v. United States of America, Appellee, 947 F.2d 1504 (D.C. Cir. 1991)" US Circuit Opinion
Recorded 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Medical Records With SS Disability Evidence for Matrix
Medical Network Meeting of April 25, 2016 Version April 30
Recorded 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Medical Records With SS Disability Evidence for Matrix
Medical Network Meeting of April 25, 2016 Version April 30 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or
read online for free. 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT re Medical Records with SS Disability Evidence
for Matrix Medical Network Meeting of April 25, 2016 Version April 30 Part 1 with all Section 303 Court Orders of
April 2010, July 2015, and February 2016 and Section 302 Mental Health Warrant to Extract 2 Teeth at LGH
Intermediate Intensive Care for $30,000.00
Advanced Media Group-High-American Helix 1989 to 1991 Documents for Anti-Trust Litigation May 1, 2016
Advanced Media Group-High-American Helix 1989 to 1991 Documents for Anti-Trust Litigation May 1, 2016 -
Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Just in case the Marriott
people threaten me again this Sunday, May 1, 2016 at the bar for Service Night! Maybe Dale and Tom Smithgall put
a hit out on me?
9 US Third Circuit Court of Appeals CASES and FULL DOCKETS for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone as of May 3,
9 US Third Circuit Court of Appeals CASES and FULL DOCKETS for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone as of May
3, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 9 US Third Circuit Court of
Appeals CASES and FULL DOCKETS for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone as of May 3, 2016
Private Criminal Complaint - 1252 Fremont Street on March 30, 2016
Private Criminal Complaint - 1252 Fremont Street on March 30, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read
online for free. This is when they started to flood my basement - Private Criminal Complaint - 1252 Fremont Street
on March 30, 2016
Recorded Judge Mary Mclaughlin 05-2288 Amendment to Complaint Filed on October 12 2007 Recorded
Recorded Judge Mary Mclaughlin 05-2288 Amendment to Complaint Filed on October 12 2007 Recorded - Free
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded Judge Mary Mclaughlin 05-2288
Amendment to Complaint Filed on October 12 2007 Recorded
The History of Advanced Media Group From 1989 Published May 7, 2016
The History of Advanced Media Group From 1989 Published May 7, 2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. The History of Advanced Media Group From 1989 Published
May 7, 2016
Photos of May 7, 2016 Re Downtown Lancaster City Organized Stalking and Harassment by Perps
Federal Court Case No. 05-2288 CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, Fulton Bank, et. al., OPEN Case and U.S.
Third Circuit Reversal of Dismissal for May 6, 2016
Federal Court Case No. 05-2288 CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, Fulton Bank, et. al., OPEN Case and
U.S. Third Circuit Reversal of Dismissal for May 6, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read
online for free. Federal Court Case No. 05-2288 CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, Fulton Bank, et. al.,
OPEN Case and U.S. Third Circuit Reversal of Dismissal for May 6, 2016
MedExpress Pain Visit and Prescriptions for Pain on Tuesday, May 10, 2015
Recorded 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re NSA Whistleblower Karen
Stewart Disclosure of Electromagnetic Weapons Used to Kill May 10, 2016
Recorded 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re NSA Whistleblower
Karen Stewart Disclosure of Electromagnetic Weapons Used to Kill May 10, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone
Police Report and Photos for Accident of May 9, 2016 by East Hempfield Township Police
Lawsuit Accuses Pa. Senate Candidate Scott Martin of Using His Influence in Fatal Crash Aftermath With Prosecutors
and Police May 9, 2016
Lawsuit accuses Pa. Senate candidate Scott Martin of using his influence ...
Stamped-Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 EXHIBIT Re Corroborating Expert and Former Nsa
Whistleblower Karen Stewart's Disclosure of Electromagnetic Weapons Used to Kill May 12 - Copy
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 EXHIBIT Re Corroborating Expert and Former Nsa Whistleblower
Karen Stewart's Disclosure of Electromagnetic Weapons Used to Kill May 12 - Copy - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded 15-03984 EXHIBIT re 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Corroborating Expert And Former NSA
Whistleblower Karen Stewart Disclosure Of Electromagnetic Weapons Used To Kill, May 12, 2016.pdf
15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Corroborating Expert And Former NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart
Disclosure Of Electromagnetic Weapons Used To Kill, May 12, 2016.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
File (.txt) or read online for free.
Superior Court Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 and 1915 MDA 2015 MOTION to File EXHIBIT Re Recorded 15-03984
Habeus Case EXHIBIT Re Pennsylvania Judge Quashes 650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit Dated May11, 2016
Superior Court Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 and 1915 MDA 2015 MOTION to File EXHIBIT Re Recorded 15-03984
Habeus Case EXHIBIT Re Pennsylvania Judge Quashes 650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit Dated May11,
2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Lancaster man assaulted on sidewalk after words exchanged | Local News |
Victim suffers serious head injuries.
Forum finds ways to keep Lancaster a 'great place' | Local News |
A forum this week sought input from the business community to develop the county's comprehensive plan.
Letter From Stepanie Carfley Re FULTON FINANCIAL Ethics Point COMPLAINT to Board of DirectorsDec 28 2007
Letter From Stepanie Carfley Re FULTON FINANCIAL Ethics Point COMPLAINT to Board of DirectorsDec 28
2007 by stan5j.5caterbone
Law journal honors Nast with Lifetime Achievement Award | Local Business |
The Legal Intelligencer has selected long-time Lancaster resident Dianne M. Nast for its 2016 Lifetime
Achievement Award.
Recorded - Kane Amicus Superior Court Case No. 2016 1164 EDA Kathleen Kane Appeal DOCKET Sheet With Stan J.
Caterbone as AMICUS as of May 17 2016 with AMICUS that was filed in Person in Philadelphia on May 12, 2016
Superior Court Case No. 2016 1164 EDA Kathleen Kane Appeal DOCKET Sheet With Stan J. Caterbone as
AMICUS as of May 17 2016 with AMICUS that was filed in Person in Philadelphia on May 12, 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Usage Statistics for for March Thru May of 2016 Reported on May 17, 2016
(4) Amicus Curiae Filed by Stan J. Caterbone 2007 to 2016 - Kathleen Kane - The National Security Agency NSA - Lisa
Michelle Lambert - Mehgan Liappatt - Published May 18, 2016
(4) Amicus Curiae Filed by Stan J. Caterbone 2007 to 2016 - Kathleen Kane - The National Security Agency NSA -
Lisa Michelle Lambert - Mehgan Liappatt - Published May 18, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone
DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare Working Group
for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare Working
Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read
online for free. DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic
Warfare Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
Chapter 11 Case No. 16-10517 Judge Fehling and Judge Edward Smith Impeachment Case File of May 18, 2016
Chapter 11 Case No. 16-10517 Judge Fehling and Judge Edward Smith Impeachment Case File of May 18, 2016 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Advanced Media Group Letter to Steve, Phil and Mike Re 1250 Fremont Street Taxes December 28, 2015
Advanced Media Group Letter to Steve, Phil and Mike Re 1250 Fremont Street Taxes December 28, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Letter to Steve, Phil
and Mike Re 1250 Fremont Street Taxes December 28, 2015
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008 With Karen Stewart
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008 With Karen Stewart by stan5j.5caterbone
Changes implemented at county prison after inmate released 17 months late | Local News |
Changes are underway at Lancaster County Prison after an clerical error resulted in an inmate being released 17
months late.
When Will They Return My Property at 554 Berkley Road, Stone Harbor New Jersey, May 26, 2016
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
File (.txt) or read book online for free. Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons
and Founder of the Electronic Warfare Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
Malcolm Gladwell to Lancaster business community: Think soccer, not basketball | Local News |
From a community standpoint, he said, focusing on superstars is no longer a winning strategy.
Confirmation 15-03984 United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania - Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert in
Framingham Prison, May 28, 2016
United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania1 of 1
bin/ </...
Julianne McKinney Interview of 2007 on Microwave Harassment and Mind Control by the Advanced Media Group
Where are 17,000 Lancaster County vets buried? This list will tell you | Local News |
James Buchanan who served in the War of 1812 is on the list.
DA: Cultural decline fuels drug abuse | Local News |
County official discusses causes of epidemic during public meeting
Pennsylvania bill would ease rules for nurse practitioners | Local News |
Would lift doctor supervision requirement after 3,600 hours.
Diary of Workplace Mobbing Pflumm Contractors Feb 1998
Equity crowdfunding promises to 'break the monopoly of the rich' | Local Business |
Can equity crowdfunding change the world?
New 'Blue Lives Matter' bill makes crime against police hate crime | National |
Recorded - 15-03984 Habeus Case DECLARATION Re Findings of Facts 1998 - Original Claim Filed in United States
Eastern District of Pennaylvania in Case No. 05-2288 on May 16, 2005
Recorded - 15-03984 Habeus Case DECLARATION Re Findings of Facts 1998 - Original Claim Filed in United
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
States Eastern District of Pennaylvania in Case No. 05-2288 on May 16, 2005 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded - 15-03984 Habeus Case DECLARATION Re Findings of Facts
1998 - Original Claim Filed in United States Eastern District of Pennaylvania in Case No. 05-2288 on May 16, 2005
RECORDED 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Corroborating Expert And Former NSA Whistleblower Karen
Stewart Disclosure Of Electromagnetic Weapons Used To Kill, May 12, 2016.pdf
RECORDED 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Corroborating Expert And Former NSA Whistleblower Karen
Stewart Disclosure Of Electromagnetic Weapons Used To Kill, May 12, 2016.pdf - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Trip to Philadlephia Courthouse COURT DOCKETS and Lisa Michelle Lambert UPS Mailing of May 31, 2016
Trip to Philadelphia Dockets and FilingsPage 1 of 57 Tuesday, May 31, 2016 Trip to Philadelphia Dockets and
Filings Page...
We secretly dined at Barberet: Here's a review for our Incogneato series | Insider |
Bistro and bakery in downtown Lancaster has it all - a welcoming staff, great atmosphere and terrific food.
16-Mc-49 u.s. District Court Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal Statement of Issues to Be Presented on Appeal, June 1, 2016
Complete Doc
16-Mc-49 u.s. District Court Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal Statement of Issues to Be Presented on Appeal, June 1,
2016 Complete Doc - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. 16-
Mc-49 u.s. District Court Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal Statement of Issues to Be Presented on Appeal, June 1,
2016 Complete Doc
Superior Court Case No. 2016 1164 EDA Kathleen Kane Appeal ORDER Re Trial Court Record Filed With Docket Sheet
With Stan J. Caterbone as AMICUS June 2, 2016
9:51 A.M.Appeal Docket Sheet Superior Court of Pennsylvania Docket Number: 1164 EDA 2016 Page 1 of 3 May
Regular live music to end at The Lancaster Dispensing Company after Thanksgiving weekend | Entertainment |
After 38 years of regular live music, The Lancaster Dispensing Company will
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 ORDER Denying Motion to Quash by Lancaster County
District Attorney Until Time of Disposition April 1, 2016
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 ORDER Denying Motion to Quash by Lancaster County
District Attorney Until Time of Disposition April 1, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read
online for free. Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 ORDER Denying Motion to Quash by
Lancaster County District Attorney Until Time of Disposition April 1, 2016
Bar/lounge, bakery/bistro are latest projects on bustling downtown Lancaster block | Local Business |
A French bistro/bakery and a Venetian restaurant with a rooftop terrace are slated to open in June at 26 E. King St.,
Dave Dumeyer to continue as one of longest-serving leaders of Lancaster GOP | Politics |
Dave Dumeyer, one of the longest serving chairmen in the history of the Republican Committee of Lancaster
County, was re-elected to another two-year term Thursday night.
Lancaster man charged with hiding gun his girlfriend used in Weis Markets robberies | Local News |
The boyfriend of a woman charged with two armed robberies at Weis Markets, has been charged with hiding the gun
used in the hold-ups.
You need to make $17.25/hour to afford a 2-bedroom apartment in Lancaster County | Insider |
If youre struggling to make your rent each month, youre not alone far from it.
Hersheypark Stadium's summer lineup: From Bryan to Beyonce to Blink-182 | Entertainment |
Luke Bryan will kick off Hersheypark Stadium's summer lineup on Saturday.
Eight is enough: Parade of spokespersons reveals the dysfunction in Kathleen Kane's office | Editorials |
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has had eight count 'em spokespersons in her tenure in office.
People generally dont just walk away from a $120,000-a-year spokesperson position.
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 Re PRAECIPE to ADD DEFENDANTS King Street Bars June 3, 2016
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 Re PRAECIPE to ADD DEFENDANTS King Street Bars June 3,
2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Lancaster County Court Case No.
08-CI-13373 Re PRAECIPE to ADD DEFENDANTS King Street Bars June 3, 2016
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Is Oct. sale of Daniel Groff property the final chapter in tragic story? | News |
Groff's two-acre property, overgrown and strewn with some of his beloved junk, his gray Dodge Aspen and his
trailer home, is scheduled to be auctioned off at a county sale
Child killer is found dead in Arizona canyon | News |
A Mount Joy woman who was found not guilty by reason of insanity for killing her two sons in 2004 has died in a
minivan crash in Arizona.
Superior Court 1561 MDA 2015 Petition for Allowance to Pa Supreme Court of June 6, 2016
Superior Court 1915 MDA 2015 Petition for Allowance to Pa Supreme Court of June 6, 2016 Stanley J. Caterbone Advanced Media
Group 1250 Fremont Str...
Recorded - US District Court 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re EXCLUSIVE Transcripts of Whistleblower Testimonies as Targeted
Individuals of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and Related Hearings and Lectures, June 5, 2015 Wit Bio
Recorded - US District Court 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re EXCLUSIVE Transcripts of Whistleblower Testimonies as
Targeted Individuals of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and Related Hearings and Lectures, June 5,... by
stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Pennsylvania attorney general sued by twin sister for discrimination
Superior Court Cases 1915 MDA 2015 and 1561 MDA 2016 Stamped Copies-Invoices-Photos of Trip to Harrisburg PA to
File Appeal to PA Supreme Court on June 7, 2016
Gmail - Attacked by Pitbull at 1252 Fremont While Working on My Fence - My Statement of June 10, 2016
Gmail - Attacked by Pitbull at 1252 Fremont While Working on My Fence - My Statement of June 10, 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
RECORDED Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re CERTIFIED LETTER to Steve, Phil, And Mike Caterboner Re Taxes,
Insurance, And Expenses at 1250 Fremont Street - December 28, 2015 on June 11, 2016
RECORDED Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re CERTIFIED LETTER to Steve, Phil, And Mike Caterboner Re
Taxes, Insurance, And Expenses at 1250 Fremont Street - December 28, 2015 on June 11, 2016 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. RECORDED Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re CERTIFIED
LETTER to Steve, Phil, And Mike Caterboner Re Taxes, Insurance, And Expenses at 1250 Fremont Street -
December 28, 2015 on June 11, 2016
Obama Ordered Hit-list of Targeted Individuals Worldwide to CYBER ATTACK, ISOLATE, FINANCIALLY RUIN the
TARGETED INDIVIDUAL With Supporting Documents - Published by Debre Dupre in the Examiner on June 8, 2013
Obama Ordered Hit-list of Targeted Individuals Worldwide to CYBER ATTACK, ISOLATE, FINANCIALLY
RUIN the TARGETED INDIVIDUAL With Supporting Documents - Published by Debre Dupre in the Examiner on
June 8, 2013 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Obama Ordered
Hit-list of Targeted Individuals Worldwide to CYBER ATTACK, ISOLATE, FINANCIALLY RUIN the
TARGETED INDIVIDUAL With Supporting Documents - Published by Debre Dupre in the Examiner on June 8,
U.S. District Court Case No.49-MC-2016 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal Re in Forma Pauperis Application June 13, 2016
Letter to Dave Brown of Pearson, Koutcher Law Firm of June 14, 2016 With Docs
Letter to Dave Brown of Pearson, Koutcher Law Firm of June 14, 2016 With Docs - Free ebook download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Letter to Dave Brown of Pearson, Koutcher Law Firm of
June 14, 2016 With Docs
MJ 02102-Cv-0000137 Notice to Defend MDJ David Miller June 13, 2016
DIVISION Mariner Finance, LLC : :...
Lancaster Regional Medical Center Pitt Bull Attack at 1252 Fremont St. Emergency Room Medical File of June 10, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Capabilities Marketing Brochure Produced for Pflumm Contractors in 1995
Letter to J.C. Christensen & Associates Re Wells Fargo Collection of June 16, 2016
Letter to J.C. Christensen & Associates Re Wells Fargo Collection of June 16, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types >
Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Incident Report of Victimizations of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and
COINTELPRO of 2015 Updated October 31, 2015 for WELLS FARGO
Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Incident Report of Victimizations of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and
COINTELPRO of 2015 Updated October 31, 2015 for WELLS FARGO - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
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File (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded - Case No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re Letter Re Aggrevated Assualt by Rental Zone of Pennsylvania
Franchisee of Lancaster, PA of June 15, 2016
Recorded - Case No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re Letter Re Aggrevated Assualt by Rental Zone of Pennsylvania
Franchisee of Lancaster, PA of June 15, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia,
and dia
Is Lancaster County Harboring ISIS SYMPATHIZERS - Full Report - What We Know About the 300 ISIS Sympathizers
in the U.S., By Jane Harmon December 2015
By Stan J.Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Is Lancaster County Harboring ISIS Sypathizers? Page 1 of 506
June 16, 2016 <p...
Letter to Dr. Sivia Gratz, Fairmount Behavioral Health Systems June 19, 2016 Flat Rate Env 062S0000001307 Click-N-Ship Mailed from 17603 9405 5036 9930 0344 4958 37
For Pain Meds - Documentation to Obtain Whirlpool Spa from Medicare Via Humana Supplemental Policy June 20,
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus Corpus DECLARATIONS in Support of Amended Habeus Corpus Dated December
16, 2015, Filed on June 21, 2016
15-03984 DECLARATIONSPage 1 of 99 June 21, 2016 15-03984 DECLARATIONS Page 2 of 99 June 21, 2016
Recorded Letter to Dr. Anthony Mastropietro, System Chief Medical Officer at Lancaster Regional Medical Center With
Medial Records June 22, 2016
Recorded Letter to Dr. Anthony Mastropietro, System Chief Medical Officer at Lancaster Regional Medical Center
With Medial Records June 22, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Navy SEAL: The Best Things In Life Arent Things At All, But Relationships
A former Navy SEAL shares the way his perspective has evolved since getting out of the military.
PA Supreme Court Case No. 354 and 353 MT 2016 Letters and Orders of June 13, 2016
PA Supreme Court Case No. 354 and 353 MT 2016 Letters and Orders of June 13, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in
Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT re Stan J. Caterbone Cash Account Balances as of June 23, 2016 $31,109.00
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT re Stan J. Caterbone Cash Account Balances as of June 23, 2016
$31,109.00 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re Stan Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP 16 Year
Investment in Downtown Lancaster, June 2, 2007
Case 5:15-cv-03984-JCJ Document 72 Filed 06/24/16 Page 1 of 131Page 1 of 129 Downtonw Investments
USPS Priority Mail Confirmations and Letters for CD-ROMS as of June 24, 2016
USPS Priority Mail Confirmations and Letters for CD-ROMS as of June 24, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. USPS Priority Mail Confirmations and Letters for CD-ROMS as of
June 24, 2016
U.S. District Court Case No.49-MC-2016 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy ORDER of Hearing Date July 19 Re in Forma Pauperis
Application June 28, 2016
U.S. District Court Case No.49-MC-2016 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy ORDER of Hearing Date July 19 Re in Forma
Pauperis Application June 28, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief June 27, 2016 Work in Progress
Ver 6.0 With Exhibits
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief June 27, 2016 Work in
Progress Ver 6.0 With Exhibits - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for
free. Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief June 27, 2016 Work in
Progress Ver 6.0 With Exhibits
Stan Caterbone OFFICIAL POLICE INCIDENT Reports of Harassment and Vandalism From Southern Regional Police
Department May 27, 2006
Stan Caterbone OFFICIAL POLICE INCIDENT Reports of Harassment and Vandalism From Southern Regional
Police Department May 27, 2006 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Samuel Caterbone Criminal File From 1973
Samuel Caterbone Criminal File From 1973 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Letter to Epic Card Re Complaint of Bonnie Lee Polygraph Solutions and Supporting Documentation August 11, 2015
Executive Summary With Sworn Testimony and Affidavits of Stan J. Caterbone Family Victimization of U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control
Executive Summary With Sworn Testimony and Affidavits of Stan J. Caterbone Family Victimization of U.S.
Sponsored Mind Control - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free.
Stan Caterbone Address Book of the 1970's and 1980's Scanned on July 8, 2016
Stan Caterbone Address Book of the 1970's and 1980's Scanned on July 8, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf)
or read online for free.
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re Case No. 08-13373 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas in the Matter of
CATERBONE v Duke Street Business Center,, July 9, 2016
Case 5:15-cv-03984-JCJ Document 82 Filed 07/09/16 Page 1 of 83PROTHONOTARY OF LANCASTER
COUNTY Katherine Wood-Jacobs Prothonot...
Letter to the Honorable Judge Leonard G. Brown, III Re CI-16-05815 Re Prothonotary Problems July 10, 2016 With
Letter to the Honorable Judge Leonard G. Brown, III Re CI-16-05815 Re Prothonotary Problems July 10, 2016
With Attachments by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Court Docket Matrix
and Pro Se Billings July 11, 2016
CD-ROM to PA State Representative Todd Stephens Re Kathleen Kane Impeachment Committee and PA Supreme Court
Dockets and Electronic Filing Passcode Trip on July 11, 2016
CD-ROM to PA State Representative Todd Stephens Re Kathleen Kane Impeachment Committee and PA Supreme
Court Dockets and Electronic Filing Passcode Trip on July 11, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read
online for free.
CI-16-05815 Preliminary Injunction in Forma Pauperis ORDER DENIED by Judge Leonard G. Brown III on July 8, 2016
in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas With Docket of July 11, 2016
CI-16-05815 Preliminary Injunction in Forma Pauperis ORDER DENIED by Judge Leonard G. Brown III on July 8,
2016 in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas With Docket of July 11, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Stan J. Caterbone Court Schedule for July 12, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Court Schedule for July 12, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view
presentation slides online.
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus COMPLAINT Re IFP Approved by Judge Margaret Miller in CP-36-
SA-0000219-2016 Summary Appeal and DENIED in Preliminary Injunction by Judge Brown July 11, 2016
Gmail - Activity in Case 5:15-cv-03984-JCJ CATERBONE v. LANCA...
amp;ik=acf0584318&amp;view=pt&amp;sear... ...
CI-16-05815 Preliminary Injunction in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas MOTION for
RECONSIDERATION of IFP ORDER of July 8, 2016 Filed on July 12, 2016
Case No. CI-16-05815 Exhibit to Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Emergency Relief, Re Allstate Testimony Volume
2 and Volume 1 Filed on July 12, 2016
Case No. CI-16-05815 Exhibit to Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Emergency Relief, Re Allstate Testimony
Volume 2 and Volume 1 Filed on July 12, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for
Invoice to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter for Victimization of U.S. Sponsored Torture Program July 15, 2016
Invoice to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter for Victimization of U.S. Sponsored Torture Program July 15, 2016 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded Case No. 16-Cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal DECLARATION Re Invoice to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter for
Victimization of U.S. Sponsored Torture Program July 15, 2016
Case No. CI-16-05815 Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Emergency Relief ORDER DISMISSED by Judge Leonard
G. Brown on July 8, 2016
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
16-1001 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Case - OrDER Re Petition for Rehearing DENIED Judge Michael
Fisher July 8, 2016 to U.S. Supreme Court
16-1001 Petition to U.S.Supreme Court Page 1 of 89 July 15, 2016 16-1001 Petition to U.S. Supreme Court Page 2
Kohls Sketchers Reciept July 16, 2016
Kohls Sketchers Reciept July 16, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE re Press Release re CATERBONE v. the
United States of America,, July 16, 2016
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE re Press Release re CATERBONE v.
the United States of America,, July 16, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings,
cia, and dia
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-Cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE Re Press Release Re CATERBONE v. the
United States of America,, July 16, 2016
Case 2:16-mc-00049-EGS Document 13 Filed 07/16/16 Page 1 of 2Stan J. Caterbone ADVANCED MEDIA
GROUP Freedom From Covert Harassment ...
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-Cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE Re Press Release and Executive Summary
Re CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 16, 2016
Case 2:16-mc-00049-EGS Document 13 Filed 07/16/16 Page 1 of 2Stan J. Caterbone ADVANCED MEDIA
GROUP Freedom From Covert Harassment ...
USPS Monday DELIVERY CONFIRMATION and Invoice to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter for Victimization of U.S.
Sponsored Torture Program July 15, 2016
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE re Press Release and Executive Summary
re CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 16, 2016
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE re Press Release and Executive
Summary re CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 16, 2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free.
Linkedin Correspondence With My TI Friend Soleilmavis Liu of China and Her Published Books - July 18, 2016
List of conversations Active Conversation May 6 Soleilmavis Liu Dear Stan, Thanks for helping. I am fine.
Suffering still. I...
People to People International SELECTED Stan J. Caterbone as an OPTICAL PUBLISHING EXPERT in 1990 to Tour
Russia and Eastern Europe
Stan J. Caterbone Home Now and Since Birth at 1250 Fremont Street Photo Inventory of July 25, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Home Now and Since Birth at 1250 Fremont Street Photo Inventory of July 25, 2016 by
Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR
September 25, 2009 Important
Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR
September 25, 2009 Important by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Lancaster City Handout for Friday August 19, 2016
SONY-POWER STATION Joint Venture Proposal & Deal May 1987


August 4, 2016 - Letter From the OFFICE of the EXECUTIVE of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals Re Judicial
Complaint No. 03-16-900046 v. Edward G. Smith and ALL U.S. DISTRICT COURT JUDGES
Search - Supreme Court of the United States
New Film Exposes Black Magic and CIA Mind Control Connections To Scientology, Hollywood and More - Press
Release Rocket
Josh Reeves - The Spellcasters Volume One - Download Link - YouTube
Josh Reeves - The Spellcasters Volume One (2016) Purchase The New Film Here. Download Link -
Letter to Clerk of U.S. Supreme Court Re a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, August 9, 2016
Gmail - To Attorney Barry Goldman, Esq., Re Assault by Your Clients, Ben Frank and Altana Staff, At the Marriott Bar
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
(Penn Square Grill) Last Night Sunday August 8, 2016
Timeline of Kathleen Kane case - News - The Times-Tribune
Mediation Negotiations With Lancaster County and Lancaster City Police Chief Keith Sadler Through the Lancaster
Human Rights Commission, January 4, 2007
Mediation Negotiations With Lancaster County and Lancaster City Police Chief Keith Sadler Through the Lancaster
Human Rights Commission, January 4, 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for
US SUPREME COURT Rules and Guidance
CT Gov. Malloy Must Address NYPD-CIA and FBI Spying on and "COINTELPRO" Disruption of Muslims and Left-
Wing Activists | Black Star News
Lancaster County sheriff on indefinite leave | Insider |
Lancaster County sheriff is on leave.
Barack Obama speech at Democratic National Convention 2016 - YouTube
Barack Obama speech at Democratic National Convention 2016
Statement of Facts Re Lancaster City Police Department v. CATERBONE August 6, 2016
PA Supreme Court Decision On Kane Case | WDAC
One of the Most Painful (Physical) Days Ever - April 2, 2010
One of the Most Painful (Physical) Days Ever - April 2, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or
read online for free. One of the Most Painful (Physical) Days Ever - April 2, 2010
Deputy accuses Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese of sexual harassment | Insider |
The deputy sheriff, Jessica Padilla, alleges in a complaint filed with county commissioners Chairman Dennis
Stuckey that Sheriff Mark Reese tried to coerce her into a sexual relationship beginning in
Mike Pence town hall in Lancaster attracts ardent Trump supporters, no protestors | Local News |
The crowd that gathered for the Mike Pence town hall Tuesday in Lancaster had strong opinions about the man that
prompted them to attend the presidential campaign event.
Kathleen Kane's mixed poll results still golden in election
Threats and Assaults at Aroogas, Copper Hill, Jacks and Stalking by Dave Kagel and Millersville Boro Police (2) Officers
at Jacks Door August 9, 2016
Police chief says Lebanon County Philhaven no stranger to law enforcement | Local News |
The Lebanon County Philhaven is no stranger to local law enforcement.
LG Health picks nation's largest mental-health hospital chain for planned 126-bed facility | Insider |
Lancaster General Health has chosen the nations largest provider of inpatient mental health services as its partner to
build and operate the 126-bed psychiatric hospital it is planning in northwest
U.S. District Court Case No.15-03984 Habeus Corpus NOTICE by STANLEY J. CATERBONE the U.S. Government is
Hiring Irish Mobsters to Assisinate Me August 11, 2016
U.S. District Court Case No.49-MC-2016 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE by STANLEY J. CATERBONE the
U.S. Government is Hiring Irish Mobsters to Assisinate Me August 11, 2016
Lancaster City Water Payment on Website of 100 ILLEGAL BALANCE OF $269 August 10, 2016 EVIDENCE OF
Family awarded $8.4 million payout in malpractice suit | Insider |
A Lancaster County jury awarded a family more than $8.4 million Friday, nearly tripling what was believed to be
one of the largest medical malpractice lawsuits awarded in the county
Pennsylvania AG's former top deputy testifies for government | Local News |
NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane returns to the defense table and a
former boyfriend-turned-top deputy to the witness stand when Kane's perjury case resumes.
Najib teases ex-DPM; Justo may turn DOJ witness; Salleh warns of mind control - Malaysiakini
New Film Exposes Black Magic and CIA Mind Control Connections To Scientology, Hollywood and More
<img style=
Recorded-15-03984 u.s. District Court Habeus Corpus Motion to File Exhibit Titled - Lancaster City Evidence of
Conspiracy to Condemn and Extort Property - August 10, 2016 Updated August 11, 2016
Recorded-16-Mc-49 U.S. District Court Chapter 11 Motion to File Exhibit Titled - Lancaster City Evidence of Conspiracy
to Condemn and Extort Property - August 10, 2016 Updated August 11, 2016
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4 priests who served in Lancaster County accused of sexually abusing children | Faith |
Four priests who previously served Lancaster County parishes within the Diocese of Harrisburg are among 15
priests accused of child sexual abuse, according to an investigation by the York Daily
Consultant: I conspired with attorney general to frame aide | Local News |
NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) A political consultant told jurors Thursday that he "conspired" with Pennsylvania
Attorney General Kathleen Kane to pin a grand jury leak on her top deputy.
August 4, 2016 - Complaint No. 2016-462 (Brown) Letter From the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct
Board v. Leonard Smith III
Justice Scalia's unexamined death points to a problem -
Forensic pathologist Judy Melinek says that the justice's death feeds conspiracy theories unnecessarily; there should
have been an autopsy
More Documents Re Lancaster City Evidence of Conspiracy to Condem and Extort Property - August 11, 2016
Recorded-16-MC-49 - Lancaster City EVIDENCE of CONSPIRACY to CONDEMN and EXTORT PROPERTY - With
Banking History for PNC, Wells Fargo, And Bank of Bird-In-Hand - Published August 12, 2016
COINTELPRO action, not "Anonymous" video. : Indybay
Discussion of why the video call for a July 15th "Day of Rage" supposedly from "Anonymous" was almost certainly
a COINTELPRO action.
Jere Gish comes home to anchor WGAL's a.m. news | Entertainment |
Who says you can't go home again?
Gmail To All Contacts- (178 Pages in 5 Sections) What Gives You the Right to Torture Me County of Lancaster,
Pennsylvania - August 12, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone's VICTIMIZATION of TORTURE - What Gives You the Right, Lancaster County? August 12, 2016
TYPED VERSION - US District Case No. 16-Cv-4014 CATERBONE v. United States of America, Motion to
Withdraw Filed at Clerk of Court Counter on August 5, 2016
Police to hire law firms to tackle cyber criminals in radical pilot project | UK news | The Guardian
Private firms will use civil courts to seize fraud suspects assets, prompting concerns over profit motive
New York's JFK airport in chaos after unfounded shooting report and evacuations | US news | The Guardian
Reports of shots fired in the departures area of terminal eight appear to be a false alarm but spark severe delays
USPS Certified Mail Reciepts Re Pennsylvania State Police Liquor Control Enforcement Formal Complaint of August 12,
2012 - August 13, 2016
Lancaster County Prison Board announces new program aimed at transparency, efficiency | Local News |
Officials are promising an unprecedented view into the inner workings of Lancaster County Prison as they start
implementing a new initiative to improve efficiency, transparency and accountability.
Jerry Sandusky: 'Not the monster I was made out to be' | Pennsylvania |
BELLEFONTE, Pa. - Returning to court four years after the child sex-assault trial that put him in prison, Jerry
Sandusky on Friday decried the flawed defense put on by his
RECORDED 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re the Illegal Arms Trade the Iraq v. Iran War of 1980 James Guerin and Adm.
Bobby Ray Inman of the NSA October 25, 2015 and Letters to the Editors of LNP, Lancaster Newspapers Marc
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things' - YouTube
Edward Snowden: A Timeline - NBC News
From his school days on the East Coast to working for U.S. intelligence and contractors around the world to leaking
documents and fleeing to Russia.
Recorded U.S. District Case No. 15-03984 DECLARATION Re Pennsylvania State Police Liquor Control Enforcement
Formal Complaint of August 12, 2012 Updated
The Districts get ready to come home for Live on Vine | Entertainment |
The Districts, which features three Warwick High School graduates, will return home this weekend to perform at
Live on Vine.
Robber strikes Lancaster city bank | Local News |
Lancaster police are investigating a robbery at Wells Fargo bank Thursday afternoon.
19 things to know about FOX News anchor Megyn Kelly | PoliticsChatter
A star who has risen to the top of her network at FOX, Megyn Kelly will question and skewer commentators on
both sides of the political spectrum.
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Advanced Media Group Letter to Steve, Phil and Mike Re 1250 Fremont Street Taxes December 28, 2015
Letter to Mike Caterbone Re Response to Email and Lancaster County Ready to Work Graduate Certification With Job
Applications April 2, 2008
Recorded-15-03984 - Lancaster City EVIDENCE of CONSPIRACY to CONDEMN and EXTORT PROPERTY - With
Banking History for PNC, Wells Fargo, And Bank of Bird-In-Hand - Published August 12, 2016
U.S Court Dockets for Monday August 15, 2016 in Philadelphia
Case No. 14-02559 LAMBERT Habeus Judge Diamond ORDER of August 8, 2016 CLOSING Case
Comcast BROCHURES From Customer Serice Visit on Monday August 15, 2016
Stan J Caterbone-International Signal Control or ISC-The-CIA-The-NSA-And US Sponsored Mind Control in Lancaster,
Pennsylvania - September 25, 2015
Implant Victim?
Convicted killer Robert Zook Jr. dies in state prison | Local News |
Robert Zook Jr., serving a life sentence for a double murder in 1985, has died in prison.
Aleppo: Russia ready to 'fight together' with US in shattered Syrian city | World news | The Guardian
No confirmation from Washington but Russian defence minister talks of fighting together Im only talking about
Aleppo here to bring peace
Man charged with shooting at couple outside of Altana Rooftop Lounge |
Police said bar staff and patrons detained Jafohn Ahmere Carl after he allegedly fired a shot at two victims at around
1:20 a.m. Aug. 14 on the first block of East King Street.
SUBMITTED VERSION 16-1001 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Case to the Supreme Court of the
United States- A PETITION for a WRIT of CERTIORARI, August 9, 2016
16-cv-4014 - CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With Forms
July 22, 2016
16-cv-4014 - CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With
Forms July 22, 2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. 16-
cv-4014 - CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With
Forms July 22, 2016
Hacking group auctions 'cyber weapons' stolen from NSA | Technology | The Guardian
Group called Shadow Brokers says it infiltrated NSAs elite Equation Group and teases files including some named
in documents leaked by Edward Snowden
Lancaster County sheriff still being paid while under investigation for sexual harassment | Insider |
As an investigation into his alleged sexual harassment of a female subordinate was underway, Sheriff Mark Reese
was signed up to tour a brewing company and take in a ballgame
19-year-old man suffers graze wound in Lancaster shooting | Local News |
A 19-year-old man suffered a minor wound after being grazed by a bullet in Lancaster city Monday night.
Lancaster city to install accessible pedestrian signals; some wonder why it took so long | Insider |
When Brian Braightmeyer wants to walk between VisionCorps North Queen Street office and Lancaster Central
Market, he relies on his guide dog, Dewey, or a sighted person to help him
PRESERVED Claims in U.S. Federal Court for Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group August 16, 2016
The deep ocean: plunging to new depths to discover the largest migration on Earth | Environment | The Guardian
The deep ocean makes up 95% of Earth, yet only 0.0001% has been explored the Guardian joined a mission off
Bermuda looking deeper than ever before
Mind Control 1979 Project MKUltra documentary CIA LSD experiments movie film - YouTube
This documentary delves into the CIA's secret MKUltra project which experimented with various purported mind
control techniques including giving soldiers and...
Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group International Signal and Control, PLC (ISC) File of August 17, 2016
Copyright 2016
Recorded Case 16-mc-49 EXHIBIT Re LANCASTER COUNTY Convicted Killer and Now DECEASED Targeted
Individual and MIND CONTROL Victim Robert P. Zook, Jr. - August 17, 2016
Pennsylvania State Background Check for Stan J. Caterbone Re PA Capitol Press Pass of January 19, 2016
Whistleblower rewards | qui tam False Claims Act | attorneys
Whistleblower law firm Phillips & Cohen explains the rewards for qui tam whistleblowers under the False Claims
Act, based on over 28 years of experience.
July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
57 COUNTRIES VISIT Advanced Media Group Website - Statistics for - May to
August 18, 2016
RECORDED August 12, 2016 in Clerk of U.S. Supreme Court re FINAL - 16-1001 Third Circuit Court of Appeals
Habeus Corpus Case to the Supreme Court of the United States- A PETITION for a WRIT of CERTIORARI, August 7,
For Pain Meds - Documentation to Obtain Pain Medication From Lancaster Regional Hospital August 21, 2016 - With
For Pain Meds - Documentation to Obtain Pain Medication From Lancaster Regional Hospital August 21, 2016 -
With TOC - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. For Pain Meds -
Documentation to Obtain Pain Medication From Lancaster Regional Hospital August 21, 2016 - With TOC
How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet | TIME
Jay Curtis Corporation Video 1991 - YouTube
March 9, 2016 - I found cash missing from my safe at Fremont Street..
Washington Post Eastern Regional Free Agent Camp March 24 2005
Pro Football Tryout Camps: a Small Chance at Long OddsBy Christine Brennan Washington Post Staff Writer The
Washington Post (1974-Cu...
Mike Caterbone CFL Player of Week 1986 - YouTube
The quarterback for the Ottawa Roughriders that Mike played with was non other than JC Watts of Oklahoma, who
later would become a very influential member of...
Cheneys Spoon-Benders Pushing Nuclear Armageddon Intellegencer Review 2005 by Advanced Media Group August 19,
Cheney's 'Spoon-Benders' Pushing Nuclear Armageddon
Incredible | Secrets of United States - New Documentary - YouTube
Incredible | Secrets of United States - New Documentary Follow us on our Facebook page -
The Monetary Hawks | Jacobin


Request a Quote - Official Honda Web Site

Request a price quote from a dealer at the official Honda web site for cars, trucks and SUVs.
Pandora Internet Radio - Listen to Free Music You'll Love
Lancaster Freethought Society | Americans United
(1) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Stan J. Caterbone v. Lancaster Freethought Society August 27, 2016 With Lawsuit of August 25, 2016 Published on
August 27, 2016
Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version
Inbox (3) - - Gmail
U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals OPINION Reversal & JUDGMENT Case No. 07-4474 and _0
Ann Coulter - Official Home Page
Complaint to U.S. Attorney Re Samuel Caterbone Victimization Feb 9, 2009
16-cv-4014 - CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With Forms
July 22, 2016
Pandora Internet Radio - Listen to Free Music You'll Love
Lancaster Freethought Society | Americans United
Stan J. Caterbone v. Lancaster Freethought Society August 27, 2016 With Lawsuit of August 25, 2016 Published on
August 27, 2016
Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version
Inbox (3) - - Gmail
U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals OPINION Reversal & JUDGMENT Case No. 07-4474 and _0
Ann Coulter - Official Home Page
Complaint to U.S. Attorney Re Samuel Caterbone Victimization Feb 9, 2009
16-cv-4014 - CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With Forms
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July 22, 2016
How to Watch 2016 MTV Video Music Awards: Live Stream - Rolling Stone
2016 MTV VMAs take place August 28th at Madison Square Garden in New York City.


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Keeper password vault provides password management and online file storage. Manage passwords and store digital
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Upload a Document | Scribd | News, Comment and Culture for Lancaster County
NewsLanc is an alternative source of news, commentary, and cultural observation for Downtown Lancaster and
Google News
Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over the world by Google News.
Search WikiLeaks Mind Control
(1) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Search - Supreme Court of the United States
Civil Rights Attorneys Chicago | Peoples Law Office
Have Chicago police officers violated your civil rights? Call The People's Law Office to discuss your options with
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Appellate Courts Docket Sheets
KVNU-AM/FM is a radio station located in Logan, Utah, in the the United States. The station broadcasts on 610AM
& 102.1 FM, and is popularly known as The Voice of Northern Utah. The station is owned by Cache Valley Media
Group and offers a News/Talk format.
Harrisburg | Middle District of Pennsylvania | United States District Court
Stan Caterbone | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Listen to Stan Caterbone | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the
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Habeus Corpus - August 22, 2016

Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court for the MIDDLE DISTRICT of
PENNSYLVANIA on August 22, 2016 Ver 5.0 With Forms
Letter From Steve Caterbone Recieved on Monday August 22, 2016
Nice Try USA - Steve Caterbone Protection From Abuse Form August 23, 2016 BOOKMARKS (Download)
Recorded Case No. 16-Cv-1751 US District Court Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District
Court for the MIDDLE DISTRICT of PENNSYLVANIA on August 23, 2016
The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO With the COPS Gang-Stalking Program August 22, 2016 Written by
Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq.
EXHIBIT for Case No. U.S. District Court 16-Cv-1751 Re Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US
District Court for the MIDDLE DISTRICT of PENNSYLVANIA on August 24,, 2016
Central Italy earthquake: at least 35 dead in Amatrice says mayor live | World news | The Guardian
Mayor of Amatrice says half of the town is isnt here any more after severe earthquake hits central Italy and is felt
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
in Rome
Francis of Assisi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Evolution of Beyonc - Pentatonix - YouTube
Spotify: iTunes: Google:
/ButteflyGooglePlay Amazon: http://smart...
Sylvia H. Rambo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Judge Sylvia H. Rambo | Middle District of Pennsylvania | United States District Court
Case No. U.S. District Court 16-Cv-1751 DOCKET SHEET Re Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to
US District Court for the MIDDLE DISTRICT of PENNSYLVANIA on August 24, 2016
Facebook forgot the web's birthday and now it's trying to pretend it remembered | Technology | The Guardian
As Tim Berners-Lee has pointed out, nothing important happened online on August 23 1991
History of the Internet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Irrevocable Trust Free Legal Forms
HAARP's new owner holds open house to prove facility 'is not capable of mind control' - Alaska Dispatch News
FBI IC3 Complaint of August 26, 2016
Kane trial wrap-up: Was Kathleen Kanes jury trial rigged? |
A series of pre-trial decisions rendered against Kane in the weeks and months leading to the jury verdict helped to
seal her fate -- long before a jury was ever
Private Treble Damage Actions Under Federal Antitrust Law | Mahler Law Firm, LLC
Private Treble Damage Actions Under Federal Antitrust Law, Under federal antitrust law, persons and companies
harmed by anticompetitive conduct may seek an award of triple their damages, an injunction, and costs of the action
(including attorney fees) against a party that violates federal antitrust laws. For example, price fixing or an
agreement among competitors on the price they will charge is considered a per se illegal violation of Section 1 of
the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C.S. 1, that the government may prosecute as a felony. As a further deterrent to such
activity, those harmed by the violation may seek treble damages and an injunction.
First Digital Movie & Power Station/Tony Bongiovi (99) uploads | Scribd
99 uploads including Letter Dated December 10, 2015 - Postmarked December 22, 2015 - Received January 7, 2016
From the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Re Investigative Jurisdiction, Advanced Media
Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal Document re Tolling the Statute of Limitations for ALL Claims - Do I Have a
Rico Claim Authored on July 9, 2006, Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane & Stan Caterbone Strategic
Planning Notes for 2016, 15-3400 EXHIBIT Re Social Security Disability Benefits for Mind Control With
Application Documents and Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of 2009, December 27, 2015,
and Social Security Benefits Application Documents and Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators
of 2009, December 27, 2015
$168 million payout to Johnson & Johnson whistleblowers - Nov. 4, 2013
The $2.2 billion settlement includes millions paid out to whistleblowers in three states.
History of the Internet - DARPA and Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, August 25, 2016
Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version
Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of
Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version
GP found dead after being suspended over bipolar disorder blog | UK news | The Guardian
Dr Wendy Potts was suspended after patient complained about blog in which she wrote about having condition
Stan J. Caterbone v. Lancaster Freethought Society August 27, 2016 With Lawsuit of August 25, 2016 Published on
August 27, 2016
Scientists have created nanobots that can release drugs into the body using mind control |
Scientists believe the bots could be used to dispense drugs in people.
CrimeReports helps residents see and understand where crime is happening in their neighborhood and engage with
their local law enforcement agencies. Find out more!
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Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Pennsylvania Can Do More to End Marijuana Arrests, Gov. Tom Wolf Says | NBC 10 Philadelphia
Gov. Tom Wolf says Pennsylvania needs to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana possession in systematic
fashion, and remains guarded about the kind of recreational legalization in several western states.
Facebook mind control experiments linked to DoD research on civil unrest RT America
Facebook's experiment on over half-a-million unsuspecting users has taken a new twist with the revelation that a
researcher connected to a Department of Defense-funded program to use the military to quell civil unrest also
participated in the study.
Facebook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Advanced Media Group - Mark Zuckerberg and His Facebook Mind Control Strategies and Known Atheist Tuesday
August 30, 2016
PARTIAL LIST of Ameritrade History of DAY TRADING Transactions From 2002 to April 9, 2016
Executive Management Team
The Huntington Executive Management Team is here for you. Learn more about our team.
Historical revision: The Paxton Boys and the Conestoga Massacre | Editorial |
Paxton Boys - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Advanced Media Group - Mark Zuckerberg and His Facebook Mind Control Strategies and IS A Known ATHEIST
Tuesday August 30, 2016
Letter and Documents to Steve Caterbone Coral Gables Forida Re Coming Home - NO WAY, Tuesday August 30, 2016
Carisoprodol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pat Meehan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
US Attorney Patrick Meehan announces resignation
PHILADELPHIA - U.S. Attorney Patrick L. Meehan, who as chief prosecutor for southeastern Pennsylvania
cracked down on government corruption in Philadelphia, announced his resignation on Monday.
Former CIA Officer Evan McMullin Launches Independent Presidential Bid - ABC News
Former CIA Officer Launches Independent Presidential Bid
Gov. Wolf: Decriminalize marijuana - We break up families for reasons we shouldn't | WPXI
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf told Channel 11&rsquo;s Cara Sapida on Tuesday that he thinks marijuana should be
DoD Allowed Government Spending At Casinos And Strip Clubs, According To New Report
A new federal report found DoD workers spent nearly $100,000 at strip clubs and almost $1 million at casinos from
July 2013 through June 2014.
Carisoprodol: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects -
Carisoprodol is a muscle relaxer that works by blocking pain sensations. Learn about side effects, interactions and
16-3284 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Chapter 11 Appeal Case - Third Circuit Fully Completed Affidavit of Poverty of
August 31, 2016
Shhhh - Alberto Gonzales - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Cee Lo Green - FUCK YOU - YouTube
CeeLo's new album HEART BLANCHE - arriving worldwide on Friday, November 6th Pre-order on iTunes: Pre-order on Amazon: ht...
SpaceX Explosion Destroys Satellite, Sets Back Facebook's Internet Push in Africa - Yahoo
From Yahoo: An explosion occurred during a SpaceX fueling operation at its launch site in Florida around 9:07 a.m.
Eastern today, destroying a satellite that Facebook intended to use to provide internet connectivity to rural Africa,
SpaceX officials and local authorities said. SpaceX was conducting a fueling test on Launch Pad 40 at Cape
Canaveral when the incident took place, an engineer at the Kennedy Space Center told ABC News. The explosion
happened "in preparation for today's static fire," and resulted in "the loss of the vehicle and its payload," SpaceX
said in a statement.
Mind Control And Cyberwarfare: The Russians Are Coming! OpEd Eurasia Review
Filed - Case No. U.S. District Court 16-Cv-04641 Re Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus REQUEST
to FILE via ECH September 8, 2016
The human toll of America's public defender crisis | US news | The Guardian
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Years of drastic budget cuts have created bottomless caseloads for public defenders the pack mules of the system
and tipped the scales of justice against the poor
The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42__
Brief introduction of the book "The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42," which starts from introducing the Dong-
Yi People, Sheba(1)'s o The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42 QueenOfSouth
My TI Friend From China Soleilmavis Liu Video For Her Book Titled The Queen of the South in Matthe - YouTube
My TI Friend From China Soleilmavis Liu Video For Her Book Titled "The Queen of the South in Matthew"
Inside the fight to reveal the CIA's torture secrets | US news | The Guardian
The first part of the inside story of the Senate investigation into torture, the crisis with the CIA it spurred and the
man whose life would never be the same
Oliver Stone: 'I'll eat my (expletive) shirt' if Trump wins
The director of the upcoming 'Snowden' film spoke his mind Thursday.
How The US Military Invented The iPhone
Just about all of the underlying technology in the iPhone can be traced back to military research projects.
Untold History of United States - Bush & Obama: Age of Terror (Subtitulado Espaol) - YouTube
"Para cambiar radicalmente la conducta del rgimen debemos pensar con claridad y valenta, puesto que si algo
hemos aprendido, es que los regmenes no quiere...
Robert Scheer: U.S. Pledge of $90 Million to Laos for Cluster Munitions Legacy Is Chump Change - Truthdig
If the word terrorism has any meaning, it applies to the U.S. bombings in Laos during the Vietnam War, says
Truthdigs editor in chief. - 2016/09/09
US and Russia reach tentative agreement for Syria ceasefire | World news | The Guardian
Pause in fighting to begin on Monday night, allowing humanitarian aid to flow with Russian and US forces set to
launch joint airstrikes against extremists
Twitter Account From August 31, 2016 to September 9, 2016
IC3 Complaint Referral Form of September 9, 2016
Live Chat - XFINITY Chat - Comcast Corporation of Friday September 9, 2016
FBI IC3 Narrative of September 9, 2016
Mark Zuckerberg accused of abusing power after Facebook deletes 'napalm girl' post | Technology | The Guardian
Norways largest newspaper published a front-page letter to the Facebook CEO lambasting the companys decision
to censor a photograph of the Vietnam war
Guerin 'home' to complete sentence | News |
Soon hell come back under quieter conditions.
Bobby Ray Inman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Washington's $8 Billion Shadow - SAIC
Authentic and Original Documents of 1987 Archived on October 20, 2015 Reduced
Authentic and Original Documents of 1987 Archived on October 20, 2015 Reduced by stan5j.5caterbone in Types >
Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Mind Control Missile Murder Madness: Targets In The Unified Field
ISC Whistleblowing Timeline of Events Created on or About 1991 Proofed on September 17, 2015
Update: 2 shot in Columbia following large fight outside club early Sunday morning | Local News |
Two shot after large fight involving night club patrons.
Emma Niles (CIA TORTURE): Truthdigger of the Week: Former British Ambassador and Whistleblower Craig Murray -
Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
Murray, who has been denied entry into the United States to travel to an intelligence-community conference, was
removed from the British diplomatic service after he exposed human rights abuses in Uzbekistan. - 2016/09/10
Dr. Paul Newhart Pain Treatment of Monday September 12, 2016
What Trump Got Wrong About Veterans Suffering From Chronic Pain
We spoke with Rachel Fredericks, whose question to Trump during the recent Commander-in-Chief Forum raised
concerns about his knowledge of veterans suicide.
Will Peace Ever Be the Norm Again in the United States? - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and his team will discuss this question with peace activist, author and
filmmaker Frank Dorrel at 1 p.m. PDT (4 p.m. EDT) on Thursday. - 2016/09/14
What Did We Buy With the $5 Trillion That the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Have Cost Us? - Juan Cole - Truthdig
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
The Iraq War was a government-led Ponzi scheme. As usual, the little people are the ones who lost big. - 2016/09/13
Giuliani defends Trump idea to take Middle East oil: 'Anything is legal' in war | US news | The Guardian
Former New York mayor and close Trump ally discusses Republican nominees call to take Iraqs oil, a move which
appears to break international law
Lancaster Catholic shooting drill will test school, county emergency preparedness | Local News |
A training drill will take place at Lancaster Catholic High School Friday.
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-Mc-0049 Chapter 11 Appeal DECLARATION Re FBI IC3 Complaint Referral
Form of September 9, 2016
Sonali Kolhatkar: Inmates Launch Series of Work Stoppages to Protest Slave Labor - Truthdig
The U.S. incarcerates the greatest number of people in the world, and most of them are expected to work inside the
prisons that hold them, usually for well below minimum wage. - 2016/09/16
U.S. Seeks to Prevent Islamic State From Looting, Selling or Destroying Antiquities - Truthdig
Continuing Saga: The Fight to Reveal the CIAs Torture Secrets - Truthdig
The Guardian released the second and third installments of its inside chronicle of the struggle between the CIA and
the Senate over the 2014 report on torture from the Select Committee on Intelligence. - 2016/09/16
Stan J. Caterbone Financing Package of Saturday September 17, 2016
2004 Hyundai Santa Fe From Barry Miller Quality Cars for $5,495 CASH on Saturday September 17, 2016
Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Daniel Jones, the Senates Chief Investigator Into Torture by the CIA -
Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
Joneswho became a target of the CIA because he searched for the truththis week spoke out for the first time. He
has been a key force in the disclosure of a scandal that one senator compared to Watergate. - 2016/09/17
Pigs! Crusaders!: U.S.-Backed Fundamentalists Chase American Commandos Out of Syria - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Turning the Americans back across the Turkish border, the Free Syrian Army members cursed them and asserted
that the U.S. is attempting a military occupation of Syria. - 2016/09/19
NOTICE of HEARING October 5, 2016Summary Appeal CP-36-SA0000219-2016 MDJ Scott E Albert Vehicle Turning
Left September 6, 2016 Certified Mail
Members 1st Federal Credit Union Statement as of September 19, 2016 for Santa Fe Auto Check Payment and DEPOSIT
From TD on September 19, 2016
Gun nation: a journey to the heart of America's gun culture video | World news | The Guardian
A revealing and unsettling journey to the heart of Americas deadly love affair with the gun
Emma Niles: Footage in Oklahoma Police Shooting Prompts Nationwide Outrage - Truthdig
Terence Crutcher, an African-American man, was killed by a white police officer in Tulsa on Friday. A video of the
incident has caused many to argue that he was killed in cold blood. - 2016/09/20
Elizabeth Warren Skewers Wells Fargo CEO, Accusing Him of Greed and Gutless Leadership (Video) - Truthdig
You should resign, you should give back the money you took while this scam was going on and you should be
criminally investigated by both the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission. -
Angelina Jolie files for divorce from Brad Pitt citing irreconcilable differences | Film | The Guardian
Jolies attorney says decision was made for the health of the family after two years of marriage amid reports Jolie
has asked for custody of their six children
PACTS Testimonial - For PAIN MEDICATIONS - Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency
Injunction for Relief September 21, 2016
Case No. U.S. District Court 16-Cv-04641 ORDER Re Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus
DISMISSED Without Prejudice on September 19, 2016 by Judge Edward Smith
In FORMA PAUPERIS for Pain Medications - Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency
Injunction for Relief September 22, 2016
FINAL FILING - For PAIN MEDICATIONS - Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency
Injunction for Relief September 22, 2016
Directory List & Print: print directory tree, copy to clipboard and export into Word or Excel.
Free software for printing of directory trees, content of drives, MP3 lists, print the drive's directory structure.
Freeware to list, print and export of directory trees.
STAMPS - For PAIN MEDICATIONS - Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for
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Relief September 22, 2016
FILE EXHIBIT for PAIN MEDICATIONS - Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency
Injunction for Relief September 21, 2016
When Barack met Michelle: the presidential biopic as love story | Film | The Guardian
Southside With You is the latest in a long line of presidential biopics. But since its simply an account of the
Obamas first date, with little reference to their illustrious future, how will it rate alongside the likes of Young Mr
Lincoln and PT 109?
Sonali Kolhatkar: Standing Firm in the Face of Violence - Sonali Kolhatkar - Truthdig
With police killings of unarmed black men almost a weekly occurrence in the U.S., we must not let our trauma
weaken our resolve to insist onand organize forracial justice. - 2016/09/22
Charlotte protests: governor of North Carolina declares state of emergency | US news | The Guardian
Second night of unrest rocks the city following the fatal police shooting of Keith Scott, a black man who was
mistaken for a suspect
Stamped-FILE EXHIBIT for PAIN MEDICATIONS - Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency
Injunction for Relief September 21, 2016
Sep 22, 2016 - ORDER From the OFFICE of the EXECUTIVE of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals Re Judicial
Complaint No. 03-16-900046 v. Edward G. Smith and ALL U.S. DISTRICT COURT JUDGES
Women Seeking Refuge: a Crisis Within a Crisis - Truthdig
Sexual violence is part of the price many women and girls fleeing their countries for Europe must pay. This crisis
notably dire for Africanscan be mitigated if refugee aid agencies give priority to specific female-centered
measures. - 2016/09/23
Washington police hunt gunman who killed five at Burlington mall | US news | The Guardian
Authorities release image of darker complected suspect after fifth victim dies from wounds suffered at Cascade
Curfew imposed in Charlotte as Keith Scott's family view footage of killing | US news | The Guardian
Protesters block roads on third night of unrest as Scott family says police videos of shooting sparks more questions
than answers
The History of Italian American History - The Migration to Lancaster County and the Implications of the Intelligence
Community by the Advanced Media Group, September 24, 2016

Eastern District of Pennsylvania | United States District Court

Sirius Streaming Radio
My Youtube Channel
YouTube Channel
Live on Vine 2016 Block Party
CountySuite Civil Court
Docket Search - Supreme Court of the United States
Clerk of Court Common Pleas Docket Sheet
Docket Sheets | Supreme Court | Courts | Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania
CM/ECF Filer Registration | Third Circuit | United States Court of Appeals
TD Ameritrade
News for Lancaster, Pa. from WGAL News 8.
News and weather for Lancaster, Pennsylvania from WGAL News 8.
Mozilla Firefox Start Page


New fears for 1,000 lone children in Calais refugee camp | World news | The Guardian
French authorities hope Britain will honour pledges and rescue minors when the bulldozers move in
Post Purchase (PPE) Rate and Review
[Lancaster Congressman Joe Pitts] received the most money from pain killer manufacturers |

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
LEHIGH VALLEY MORNING CALL: A joint investigation by The Associated Press and the Center for Public
Integrity found that drugmakers that produce opioid
Fentanyl Maker Kicks In Half a Million to Defeat Arizona Marijuana Legalization |
By Phil Smith DRUG WAR CHRONICLE: Marijuana legalization advocates have long argued that pharmaceutical
companies, who could lose out if
LNP EDITORS GOT THIS RIGHT: An answer to the affordable housing crisis |
LNP EDITORIAL: Salisbury Township supervisors have said their goal isnt to keep people out, but they simply
dont want to build on land set aside for
KEISLING: Is Tom Wolfs moral compass broken? |
Gov. Tom earolf tries going along to get along with GOP leaders. But what's he getting from Senate Republicans
with whom he's going along? Gov. Wolf isn't
Truthdigger of the Week CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling - In Prison and Fighting for His Life by Truthdig September
25, 2016
Truthdig - Truthdigger of the Week: CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling, ...
Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group's ESP & Mental Telepathy Research Documents September 24, 2016
ACTIVITIES copyright 2007The calculated and technological ent...
Stan Caterbone's Home at 1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA Photo Inventory of September 25, 2016
City of Lancaster, PA Utilities Account for Water and Sewer Account for Stan Caterbone in 2016 Downloaded September
25, 2016
GEICO Auto Insurance ENDORSEMENTS for Policy No. 4430-72!86!85 of September 26, 2016
16-3284 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Chapter 11 Appeal Case - MOTION for CONTINUANCE of September 27, 2016
Case No. 495 - 496 MAL 2016 the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania - MOTION for CONTINUANCE of September 27,
16-3284 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Chapter 11 Appeal Case - MOTION for CONTINUANCE of September 27, 2016
Case No. 16 MDA 1924 Superior Court of Pennsylvania MOTION for CONTINUANCE Re Lancaster City Police
Department of September 27, 2016
Case No. Summary Appeal CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas - MOTION for
CONTINUANCE Re Lancaster City Police Department of September 27, 2016
Case No. 495 - 496 MAL 2016 the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania - MOTION for CONTINUANCE of September 27,
Case No. Summary Appeal CP-36-SA-0000247-2016 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas - MOTION for
CONTINUANCE Re Lancaster City Police Department of September 27, 2016
Case No. CI-16-08472 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CATERBONE v. LGH,, Re MOTION for
CONTINUANCE Re Lancaster City Police Department of September 27, 2016
Wells Fargo executives forfeit millions and CEO to forgo salary amid inquiry | Business | The Guardian
Announcement comes three weeks after Wells Fargo agreed to pay $185m in penalties after an audit found the bank
used aggressive, illegal sales tactics
Manheim Township to replace police chief; board cites 'change in direction' | Insider |
Manheim Township commissioners said they will not renew the contract of police Chief Neil Harkins.
Police seek person in clown mask after fatal stabbing Sunday in Reading | Local News |
The conversation about clowns which has ranged from light-hearted to downright creepy in recent weeks, as
unidentified people dressed like clowns have appeared in mysterious circumstances across the country
Gore Vidal: America the Great ... Police State - Gore Vidal's Essays - Truthdig
Let us accept that we are no longer a republic governed by lawsonly by armed men and force. This is just like the
days of Billy the Kid. You have an armed man going down a dusty street, and that is authority. And it has come to
this for us. - 2016/09/26
DOCUMENTATION For 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe From Barry Miller Quality Cars for $5495 CASH (Check) on Saturday
September 17, 2016
Yahoo 'secretly monitored emails on behalf of the US government' | Technology | The Guardian
Company complied with a classified directive, scanning hundreds of millions of Yahoo Mail accounts at the behest
of NSA or FBI, say former employees
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Maria Sharapovas reduced ban is good news for her bank balance | Kevin Mitchell | Sport | The Guardian
Although not exonerated, Maria Sharapova views the cutting of her drug ban to 15 months as a victory but the
biggest benefit will be financial before retirement beckons
Has Obama's White House Tried to Use Mind Control to Push Government Programs?
Maybe not quite. But newly released records reveal that the Obama Administration quietly hired 120 social and
behavioral research experts to help sell policy to the public.
How the White Helmets Became Global Heroes While Pushing for U.S. Military Intervention in Syria - Truthdig
Backed by Washington and marketed by a top public relations firm, the Syrian civil defense organization is saving
civiliansand lobbying for airstrikes and regime change. - 2016/10/04
The U.S. Breaks Off Military Cooperation With Russia in Syria (Video) - Juan Cole - Truthdig
On Monday, the United States government suspended talks with the Russian Federation on how to end the Syrian
conflict but said the step didnt imply all joint activity would end. - 2016/10/04
7-Year-Old Aleppo Girl Tweets Daily Struggle to Live Amid Bombings - NBC News
With the help of her mother, Bana al-Abed has been "live-tweeting" from the war-torn city that's being bombarded
by the Syrian and Russian governments.
Black Ops Advertising Dissects the Rise of Media Manipulation for Corporate Profit - Book Excerpt - Truthdig
The currency of maximum importance in our digital world is personal data, personal relationships and our very
identities. - 2016/10/04
Assange Promises Significant Leak Before Election, Urges Journalists to Lend a Hand - Truthdig
Some are calling it an October surprise that could affect the U.S. voting. But the WikiLeaks founder says only that
the website will release a mass of secret documents on American foreign policy over the next 10 weeks. And, he
adds, with more than a million documents to get through, WikiLeaks needs all the help it can get. - 2016/10/04
The training comes on the heels of a female deputy sheriff's recent allegations of "severe and pervasive sexual
harassment" by Sheriff Mark Reese.
Paul Ryan in Lancaster County: Elect Lloyd Smucker to help 'save this country' | Pennsylvania |
U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said he needs Republicans like Lloyd Smucker in Congress to slash business
regulations, simplify the tax code and build up the military.
Mike Farrell: Obama Stands Nuremberg on Its Head - Truthdig
President Obamas decision to spare CIA torturers from prosecution is wrong. Good Germans who were only
following orders are not exempt from the bar of justice. Individuals must be held responsible for war crimes and
crimes against humanity.&nbsp; - 2016/10/06
A Path That Could Lead to the Unthinkable: Nuclear War With Russia - Truthdig
The U.S. propaganda campaign against the Russian Federation is rolling downhill with a dangerous momentum that
threatens to drive the world into a catastrophic showdown. - 2016/10/06
Thinking Dangerously in the Age of Normalized Ignorance - Truthdig
What happens when the spheres of morality and spirituality give way to a savage market rationality? - 2016/10/06
Hurricane Matthew: storm weakens but continues to lash Florida and Georgia live | World news | The Guardian
Death toll in Haiti reaches 330, officials say, as Florida governor declares state of emergency
Eastern Aleppo could be destroyed by Christmas, warns UN Syria envoy | World news | The Guardian
Staffan de Mistura warns of another Rwanda and offers to personally escort Islamist fighters out of city to halt
Columbia forum to focus on police relations, racial violence | Local News |
The next session in an ongoing public conversation on community-police relations and racial violence is set for
Tuesday, Oct. 11, in Columbia.
NSA contractor arrested for alleged theft of top secret classified information | US news | The Guardian
Harold Thomas Martin, who worked at same consulting firm as Edward Snowden, may have stolen codes developed
to hack foreign governments
Whats Behind Time Magazines Putin Demonizing? - Truthdig
Russia Wants to Undermine Faith in the U.S. Election, declares a cover of Time magazine. We should undermine
our own faith in the U.S. election system. - 2016/10/05
Yahoo Spied on Customers Email at the U.S. Governments Request - Truthdig
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The news proves the failure of U.S. government reforms to curb NSAs tendency to try and indiscriminately
vacuum up the worlds data, say rights groups. - 2016/10/05
Damage from AC incident cost $13.5 million, Lancaster General Hospital says | Insider |
Nearly three months after an air-conditioning malfunction pumped humid air into operating rooms, Lancaster
General Hospital said Tuesday that it caused $13.5 million in damages.
Deputy sheriff notifies federal authorities of harassment allegations | Insider |
A Lancaster County deputy sheriff has filed a federal complaint of harassment.
Yahoo 'secretly monitored emails on behalf of the US government' | Technology | The Guardian
Company complied with a classified directive, scanning hundreds of millions of Yahoo Mail accounts at the behest
of NSA or FBI, say former employees
GEOCO - Documents & Photos
Manheim Township to replace police chief; board cites 'change in direction' | Insider |
Manheim Township commissioners said they will not renew the contract of police Chief Neil Harkins.
Sonali Kolhatkar: Destruction Is All We Have to Show for a 15-Year War in Afghanistan - Truthdig
Since 2001, the U.S. has spent more than $103 billion on the Asian countrymore than it spent on the entire
European continent after World War II. And there is no end in sight for the debacle that George W. Bush began and
Barack Obama continued. - 2016/10/07
The Age of Decline, Apple Pie and Americas Chosen Suicide Bomber - Truthdig
Thanks to perhaps trillions of words expended on him by nonstop commentators, pundits, talking heads, retired
generals and admirals, former intelligence chiefs and ex-Bush administration officials, Donald Trump and his
remarkable ego have become the wallpaper of our lives. - 2016/10/08
Penn State rapid reaction: Nittany Lions 38, Maryland 14 (Happy Homecoming from Beaver Stadium) |
Lions pummel previously unbeaten Maryland for 524 yards.
14th Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Amendment XIVSection 1.All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction
thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law
which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any
person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the
equal protection of the laws.
Site | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
ART MORRIS: Is a $10.3 million tax break fair to Lancaster residents? |
Letter to the Editor by former Lancaster mayor Art Morris Art Morris About 10 years ago, Lancaster Newspapers
(LNP) and High Associates (High) were given
Lower energy costs should again give homeowners a break on heating bills this winter | Local Business |
With the warm days of summer well behind us, residents may soon start thinking about their winter heating costs.
Log Cabin restaurant to close Oct. 31 then reopen in January with new operators | Local Business |
The Log Cabin restaurant in Warwick Township will close at the end of October, then is expected to reopen in
Dale High and the Building of the Marriott Expansion - Is IT FAIR? - The Taxpayer Subsidy Study by Art Morris and
Stan Caterbone - October 6, 2016
Police say they are becoming emergency mental health services | UK news | The Guardian
Chiefs blame cuts in psychiatric care for 50% rise in detentions under Mental Health Act
Facebook revenge pornography trial 'could open floodgates' | Technology | The Guardian
Case of 14-year-old taking social network to court over naked picture has already resulted in others seeking legal
Suzanne Vega: Its taken me a while to say, You are what you are, its fine | Music | The Guardian
The 80s pop-folk star talks about her confused identity growing up, and her new album about US writer Carson
Chris Hedges: The New Slave Revolt - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The work stoppages and hunger strikes being carried out in prisons across the country show that many of those
locked in cages have a political consciousness we must begin to emulate. - 2016/10/09
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How Far Will Americans Take Anti-Muslim Hate? - Juan Cole - Truthdig
The de facto criminalization of being Muslim or speaking Arabic is proceeding apace despite being contrary to
every core American value and contradicting the First Amendment. - 2016/10/09
Yemen and Dubai May Be at War, but Both Are Going Solar Big-Time - Juan Cole - Truthdig
There is news on the solar energy front, with the price of panels and installation falling rapidly and popular adoption
for novel purposes on the increase. - 2016/10/09
Saturday Night Live Tackles the VP Debate and Donald Trumps Sexism Scandal (Video) - Truthdig
Alec Baldwin is really getting the most out of his impression of the Republican presidential candidate. - 2016/10/09

LAMBERT US SUPREME - October 10, 2016

Reciepts for Florida Trip September 26 to September 28, 2016

Bob Dylan wins Nobel Prize in Literature | Entertainment |
What Bob Dylan song do you think is the most lyrically profound? Sound off in our poll.
USPS Confirmations - Re Final - Third Circuit Case No. 16-1149 Lambert Habeus Corpus Petition for Writ of Certiorari
to the United States Supreme Court October 12, 2016
Young scientist wins prestigious scholarship for developing mind-control device - The Connexion
Silicon Valley and Police Create COINTELPRO for the Tech Age | News | teleSUR English
teleSUR English is an alternative representation for world news. we focus on the people, the common citizen, stories
untold by traditonal media. you will only find them at teleSUR.
Ben Carson to speak at Lancaster GOP dinner | Pennsylvania |
Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon and former presidential hopeful, has been booked to speak at the Republican
Committee of Lancaster Countys fall fundraising banquet.
Robert De Niro calls Jon Voight 'delusional' over support for Trump | Film | The Guardian
De Niro urges Americans to vote against Donald Trump after Voight criticises him over video attack on Republican
presidential candidate
Eight years after the Great Recession, recovery still rings hollow | Business | The Guardian
Eight years after the Great Recessions, the White House claims the economic recovery is here. But many arent
feeling it. Here, five people reflect on how their lives have changed
SAVE THE DATE! Also: A chance to help make Cultivate Lancaster even better...
Mind-controlled tech to aid astronauts
Detective Clark Bearinger Email Letter and Response to Incident Report List of October 15, 2015
Lancaster City Council to hold hearing on Marriott expansion | Local News |
Lancaster City Council will hold a public hearing Tuesday night on the proposal to expand the Marriott hotel by 110
rooms and related financing for the $30 million project.
Lancaster County couple sells everything, moves to Kenya to build, run orphanage | Insider |
There is never a dull moment in the Dow household.
John Oliver Rips Into One of President Obamas Most Inarguable Failures: Gitmo (Video) - Truthdig
No amount of sugar coating can cover up the reality of what we have done at Guantanamo Bay, said the Last
Week Tonight host in a segment advocating the permanent closure of the controversial detention center. -
Police respond to fifth reported call of shots fired in five days | Local News |
Lancaster City police responded to a shots fired call Monday, the fifth reported time in the past five days. While
there are no reports of anyone being hit, bullets have
Turkmen v. Ashcroft | Center for Constitutional Rights
Class action lawsuit challenging the 9/11 immigration detentions
Smucker, Hartman, House debate in race for Lancaster County's rarely open congressional seat | Insider |
In the first and only debate for the highest-profile local race this year, congressional candidates Lloyd Smucker,
Christina Hartman and Shawn House revealed Monday the stark contrasts of how they
Crash: how computers are setting us up for disaster | Tim Harford | Technology | The Guardian
The Long Read: We increasingly let computers fly planes and carry out security checks. Driverless cars are next.
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But is our reliance on automation dangerously diminishing our skills?
Malcolm X Identified Psychological Warfare Tactics Used Against African-Americans and Muslims - Truthdig
Muslims were a polarizing subject in the United States long before the 2016 presidential race. In this 1963
interview, the civil rights leader discussed the nature of Islam and power of propaganda. - 2016/10/10
What you need to do to get Medicare to pay for your power wheelchair or power scooter - Medicare Interactive
Is Putins war on Syria prelude to something much worse? |
Aleppo, Syria By Slava Tsukerman Reading Russian newspapers and watching Russian state controlled TV can
bring one to conclusion that Russia is preparing
Comcast reaches $2.3M settlement after 2-year investigation into mischarging customers | National |
NEW YORK (AP) Government regulators are fining Comcast $2.3 million, saying the cable giant has charged
customers for stuff they never ordered, like premium channels or extra cable boxes.
Is our world a simulation? Why some scientists say it's more likely than not | Technology | The Guardian
A swath of technologists and physicists believe that simulation theory will be proved, just as it was proved that the
Earth was not the center of the universe
Lancaster City Council approves $30M Marriott hotel expansion | Local News |
Lancaster City Council approved a plan to expand the Marriott hotel by 110 rooms, and related financing for the $30
million project, in a 6-0 vote Tuesday night.
Rash of gunfire rattles some residents but not all after 6th shots fired incident in 5 days | Local News |
Residents in Lancaster city neighborhoods where gunfire has erupted six times over the past five days reacted with a
range of responses Tuesday afternoon.
Lancaster city mayor calls 6 shots fired reports over 5 days 'unusual occurrence' | Local News |
In what the mayor called an unusual occurrence, Lancaster city police responded to six reports of shots fired in the
city over the past five days.
With gargoyles, Lancaster city buildings are always watching you | Together |
Halloween and October go hand in hand. Ghosts and goblins, black cats, scary masks and all things frightening
erupt on Oct. 31 and evaporate by the next morning.
Is Trump the master of mind control?
Mr. Trump's book, "The Art of the Deals" reveals him to be a master of mind control.
Rash of gunfire rattles some residents but not all after 6th shots fired incident in 5 days | Local News |
Residents in Lancaster city neighborhoods where gunfire has erupted six times over the past five days reacted with a
range of responses Tuesday afternoon.
Document and Photos - How I Ended Up in Lewistown, Pennsylvania on October 12, 2016 - Authored on Thursday,
October 13, 2016
18-year-old shot in Lancaster; 5-6 more shots fired in separate incident | Local News |
An 18-year-old man was shot in the chest in Lancaster city Wednesday night, according to initial reports.
Jay Z Is Producing A TV Show About Legendary Sniper Nicholas Irving
Irving earned the nickname the Reaper for purportedly killing 33 insurgents during a deployment to Afghanistan
in 2009.
Jon Bon Jovi webchat your questions answered on Hillary Clinton, grunge and philanthropy | Music | The Guardian
The rock legend answered your questions from why he chose to support poor communities, to chord changes in
songs and the truth about buzzing Metallica
Hollywood, sometimes the truth is better than fiction | Catherine Shoard | Opinion | The Guardian
Why insist on reimagined propaganda when the real history behind The Birth of a Nation is as relevant?
Lancaster County scholars, musicians weigh in on Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize win | Insider |
Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize in Literature has started several points of conversations.
Nude dancing not allowed at Columbia club in residential area, court rules | Local News |
Club Good Times, an adult entertainment venue in Columbia Borough, will not be able to feature nude dancing,
according to a decision by the Commonwealth Court.
This Is What Led To The US Navy Launching Missiles Into Yemen
The Oct. 13 missile strike in Yemen marked the first time the U.S. military took direct action in the nations year-
long civil war.
Gary Tyler on Maintaining Hope and Compassion in the U.S. Prison System - Truthdig
At age 16, Gary Tyler was wrongly sent to death row, where he spent 41 years until being freed in April. The
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Truthdig team spoke with him about the prison system, the death penalty and maintaining hope throughout the
decades. - 2016/10/13
Eric Ortiz: WikiLeaks Should Be Applauded for Removing the Mask of U.S. Power - Truthdig
The Clinton campaign and Democratic Party want to bury inconvenient truths. But by choosing to demonize
journalistic organizations and deflecting blame to Russia, they are doing a disservice to America. - 2016/10/13
Denouncing Colossal Waste of Drug War, Report Makes Case for Decriminalization - Truthdig
Locking people up for using drugs causes tremendous harm, according to a joint assessment by Human Rights
Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union. - 2016/10/12
Those of You Who Still Dont Want to Vote for Hillary Clinton, Please Reconsider - Truthdig
I continue to hear from many people who call themselves progressives or liberals but tell me they wont vote for
Hillary Clinton in the upcoming election. With due respect, I believe theyre wrong. - 2016/10/12
Mind-controlled robot arm gives back sense of touch to paralysed man | Science | The Guardian
Robotic arm is surgically wired directly to Nathan Copelands brain, providing him with two-way feedback and an
almost natural sensation of touch
Hillary Clinton asks for landslide victory to rebuke Trump's 'bigotry and bullying' | US news | The Guardian
As Trump went on the attack, a confident Clinton encouraged her backers to double down on their efforts during the
final weeks of the 2016 campaign
Michelle Obama denounces Donald Trump's rhetoric: 'It has shaken me to my core' | US news | The Guardian
The first lady spoke at a Clinton rally in New Hampshire on Thursday, calling past comments and alleged
misconduct by the Republican nominee frightening
Aleppo must be 'cleaned', declares Assad, amid outcry over bloody siege | World news | The Guardian
Syrian president gives unrepentant interview vowing to use shattered city as springboard to push terrorists back to
Turkey or kill them
'Commercialization won out': will legal marijuana be the next big tobacco? | Society | The Guardian
As the legal pot movement steams ahead, opponents argue the cannabis industry may be little better than cigarette
companies in their pursuit of profit
Why Bob Dylan deserves his Nobel literature win | Music | The Guardian
There will be some who doubt Dylans right to the Nobel prize for literature. There are others who believe he should
get a special Nobel just for being Bob Dylan
Pennsylvania Insurance Department Complaint Form 2015A Re Allstate Insurance Claim October 14, 2016
Pennsylvania Insurance Department Complaint Form 2015a Re Geico Insurance Claim October 14, 2016
Game of the Week: Lancaster Catholic routs Pequea Valley in Rossmere Stadium finale | Football |
The moon rose through a haze behind the fieldhouse Friday night in Lancaster, overlooking Rossmere Stadium's
rusted bleacher railings and dim tower lights and a football field pocked and weathered
Mike Pence landed Thursday at Lancaster Airport | Local News |
Mike Pence visited Berks County on Thursday by way of Lancaster Airport.
Man charged with attempted homicide in Lancaster city shooting arrested | Local News |
A man charged with attempted homicide in a Thursday night shooting in Lancaster city was captured Friday.
Dylan, the American Left, and What We Have Lost - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Bob Dylan would no doubt be as distressed as the American corporate media to see an ideological interpretation of
his 1960s anthems that helped win him the Nobel Prize in Literature. - 2016/10/14
Sarah Wesley: Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise Weaves a Rich Fabric From the Authors Lived History - In the News -
New documentary featuring Angelous own narration delves deeply into the life of the iconic civil rights activist,
poet, dancer and singer. - 2016/10/14
Rayyan Al-Shawaf: The Return - Truthdig
When Qaddafi took my father, Hisham Matar writes in the long-awaited nonfiction account of his fathers
disappearance, he placed me in a space not much bigger than the cell Father was in. I paced back and forth, anger
in one direction, hatred in the other, until I could feel my insides grow small and hard. - 2016/10/14
Robert Downey Jr offers to voice Mark Zuckerberg's digital assistant | Technology | The Guardian
Actor offered to lend his voice to the Facebook founders artificial intelligence-based personal assistant, which
Zuckerberg calls kind of like Jarvis in Iron Man
Obama, National Security Team Huddle on Syrian Civil War - ABC News
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Obama, National Security Team Huddle on Syrian Civil War
KEISLING: Does Trump have hidden support in Pennsylvania? |
The 'Undercover Trump Voter': A 'Reverse Bradley Effect? Donald Trump is pandering to angry, often under-
educated and politically unsophisticated voters in
Samuel P Caterbone (My Father) MIND CONTROL and PUBLIC CORRUPTION Documentation and EVIDENCE
October 15, 2016
Syria talks in Switzerland produce only a decision to keep talking - The Washington Post
Secretary of State John F. Kerry said diplomats agreed the fighting must end, especially in Aleppo, but differed on
how to accomplish that.
PUBLIC CORRUPTION by CLERK of COURTS Re Case No. CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Summary Appeal in the
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas - October 16, 2016
Family seeks justice, transparency after slaying; DAs office says it has been forthcoming | Local News |
Friends and family members called for justice and greater transparency from the Lancaster County district attorneys
office during a vigil Saturday for Anthony Dudie Hunter in downtown Lancaster.
LancasterHistory exhibit explores freedom: 'What theme could be more gripping?' | Together |
Freedom: to Secure the Blessings of Liberty is Lancasterhistorys second exhibit at its new building
Welcome to - USPS Tracking
Alexander Reed Kelly: Photo of the Week: Rockets Explode as Media Spin Escalation of a U.S. War in Yemen - Truthdig
Mainstream internet, print and broadcast journalists reported a recent U.S. attack on rebel-controlled radar facilities
in Yemen as though the White House hasnt supported Saudi Arabias war there for 18 months. - 2016/10/15
Clinton may have taken performance-enhancing drugs before debate Trump | US news | The Guardian
Republican suggests drug tests before next showdown and repeats suspicion of rigged election at New Hampshire
NEXT WEBINAR: Movie night with "Citizen Four" - Oct. 24!
PA Atty General Ol Boy Bruce Beemer is likely to edit or bury #porngate report to influence election - YouTube
ABC27's Dennis Owens reports: Pa. taxpayers billed more than $1M for porn email report, so where is it? mirror:
Bob Dylan wins Nobel prize in literature | Music | The Guardian
Singer-songwriter takes award for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition
Central America's rampant violence fuels an invisible refugee crisis | World news | The Guardian
The numbers are staggering, and governments are doing little to protect people from warring gangs and corrupt
security forces. Yet entire families who are now seeking asylum are being sent back and told to simply live
Wells Fargo chief John Stumpf retires in wake of fake account scandal | Business | The Guardian
Stump will receive no severance payment for retirement which comes a month after $185m settlement with US
regulators over illegal sales practices
Is the U.S. Vulnerable to War Crimes Charge for Supporting Saudi Bombing of Innocents in Yemen? - Truthdig
Internal government documents exposed Monday by Reuters reveal that the Obama administration has long known
that the 18-month military campaign in Yemen is killing thousands of civilians and could implicate the United States
in war crimes. - 2016/10/11
Russia and Turkey Make Up: What Are the Implications for Syria and the Kurds? (Video) - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Russian President Vladimir Putin was in Turkey on Monday for direct talks with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan,
in a bid to further normalize relations between the two countries. - 2016/10/11
LNP editorial tip toes around citys hundred forty million dollar storm water / sanitary sewage price tag |
By Robert Field LNPs editorial Becoming good stewards of the Chesapeake Bay at long last lifts up the lid a
bit more to allow its
Used Cars For Sale In Lancaster, PA
Find a quality Used Cars For Sale In Lancaster, PA at CarMax. Our listings are updated hourly and each one comes
with a free Vehicle History Report.
Second coming: on the road with the Clintons | Global | The Guardian
Whats it been like to be on the campaign trail with Hillary, Bill and Chelsea? Dan Roberts went behind the scenes
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Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray endorses Christina Hartman, says Smucker will bring dysfunction and deadlock to Congress |
Insider |
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray and state Sen. Lloyd Smucker have crossed political boundaries and forged a solid
working relationship over the past eight years.
Race for Congress in Lancaster County: What to know about the candidates and what to watch for | Insider |
A two-term state senator and former construction company owner.
Lawsuit by ex-coach against Penn State set to get underway | National |
BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) A civil trial set to begin Monday in a Pennsylvania courtroom will determine if Penn
State should pay for a claim it mistreated a former assistant
Dear Hollywood, If We Win The Next War, Will You Stop Making WWII Movies?
Weve overdone it on World War II movies and now were just rinsing and repeating the same tired narrative.
Chris Hedges: Donald Trump: The Dress Rehearsal for Fascism - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The Democratic elites, we know from leaked emails, helped elevate a buffoonish rival whom they saw as the perfect
foil for Hillary Clinton. The game they are playingif they do not address our rising inequality, despair and loss of
civil libertieswill usher in an American fascism. - 2016/10/16
After Profiting from Weapons Sales and Bombing Yemen, U.S. Calls for Cease-Fire - Truthdig
U.S. and U.K. call for unconditional cease-fire in Yemen conflict within hours. - 2016/10/16
Robert Scheer: Robert Scheer: Why Does Freedom of the Press Protect Newspapers but Not Whistleblowers? (Video) -
Truthdigs editor in chief talks to Nowman Show host Dan Niswander about how Edward Snowden and Chelsea
Manning were hung out to dry even as the publications that profited from their stories were protected. - 2016/10/16
Saturday Night Live: Creepy Trump Leaves Unsympathetic Clinton Virtually Unchallenged (Video) - Truthdig
The comedy shows satire of the worst presidential debate ever sums up some of the sorriest aspects of this years
race to the White House, depicting an unelectable Donald Trump as essentially handing the presidency to an
unworthy Hillary Clinton. - 2016/10/16
Lancaster Chamber to host 35th annual Business Expo on Oct. 21 at Nook Sports | Local Business |
The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce &amp; Industry will hold its 35th annual Business Expo on Friday, Oct. 21 at
Spooky Nook Sports.
Hershey CEO Bilbrey to retire in July; search for successor underway | Local Business |
The Hershey Co. said Friday that John P. Bilbrey, its chairman, president and chief executive officer, will retire July
Rental Equipment Lancaster PA
Rental Equipment in Lancaster PA. Equipment rental assists Contractors and homeowners. We will get you the
equipment you need.
USPS Deliver Confirmation US Supreme Court Clerk October 17, 2016
Pennsylvania Insurance Department Complaint Form 2015A Re HUMANA Insurance Company October 17, 2016
Public Corruption by Clerk of Courts and Prothonotary Re Case No. Cp-36-Sa-0000219-2016 Summary Appeal and Case
No. CI-16-08472 October 17, 2016
STAN J. CATERBONE v. Steven P. Caterbone Re Protection From Abuse or PFA Petition October 17, 2016
The Lost Horizons News
Current events and resources for well-educated and well-motivated liberty-loving Americans
Montgomery County DA: House arrest no option for Kathleen Kane | Crime |
Convicted of perjury, the former Pennsylvania attorney general isn't a good candidate for house arrest, District
Attorney Kevin Steele argued in a court filing.
Kathleen Kane may seek non-jail sentence for perjury |
Lawyers for former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane are hinting they will seek probation or house
arrest when she is sentenced on perjury and obstruction charges.
Letter and Document to JUDGE WENDY DEMCHICK-ALLOY of Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas Case
No. CP-46-CR-0008423-2015 Re Kathleen Kane Sentencing October 17, 2016
WikiLeaks says Ecuador cut off Julian Assange's internet access | Media | The Guardian
Group says access was shut down soon after the publication of Hillary Clintons speeches and it has activated
appropriate contingency plans
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RedRose Transit Expired Bus Passes October 17, 2016
Lancaster County Voter Registration Card DEMOCRATIC Enrollment Date October 13, 2016 Signed at Penn Square
October 11, 2016
Samuel P Caterbone (My Father) MIND CONTROL and PUBLIC CORRUPTION Documentation and EVIDENCE
October 18, 2016
WikiLeaks says Ecuador cut off Julian Assange's internet access | Media | The Guardian
Group says access was shut down soon after the publication of Hillary Clintons speeches and it has activated
appropriate contingency plans
City cop accused of lying under oath will face perjury charge | Local News |
Lancaster city police Sgt. Raymond Corll is again facing a felony perjury charge following a preliminary hearing
Monday at the district court offices of Judge Janice Jimenez.
Emma Niles: Chris Hedges and Robert Scheer on War, Religion and Fighting American Neoliberalism - Truthdig
The Truthdig editor in chief sat down with the acclaimed journalist for an intimate conversation about their careers
and the American political landscape. - 2016/10/17
The Billionaire Oligarchs Dont Give Out Bread Anymore, but They Gleefully Supply Circuses - Juan Cole - Truthdig
The phrase bread and circuses, coined by a Roman satirist who said the commoners had to be provided food to
prevent their rioting and public spectacles to distract them from Augustus tyranny, rings true todaywith a key
difference. - 2016/10/17
E.J. Dionne Jr.: Catholic Controversy Sparked by WikiLeaks Will Continue Long After 2016 Election - Truthdig
To hear the many howls of protest from conservatives, youd think that a handful of emails demonstrates that
Hillary Clintons campaign is a nest of anti-Catholics. - 2016/10/17
Preparing For Future Wars Won't Be Easy (And The Stakes Are Getting Higher)
The military needs to shake off the old clich about preparing for the last war.
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray endorses Christina Hartman, says Smucker will bring dysfunction and deadlock to Congress |
Insider |
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray and state Sen. Lloyd Smucker have crossed political boundaries and forged a solid
working relationship over the past eight years.
The Revolution Has Come! | Dissident Voice
This week we bring you a special sedition on the anniversary of one of the most bad-ass and sophisticated
revolutionary organizations in the United Snakes The
Sean Hannity Warns Listeners About The Globalist Establishment And Mind Control
Some Medicare beneficiaries face another steep Part B premium hike | Local News |
Federal estimates show premiums for that group rising about 22 percent, with the base monthly amount going from
$121.80 to $149.
Lancaster County Community Foundation report offers ideas to better communities in county | Insider |
Three themes kept coming up in May during a countywide discussion on Lancaster County: Affordable housing,
community engagement and inclusion and equity.
Madeleine Albright endorses Christina Hartman in congressional race | Politics |
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright endorsed Democratic congressional hopeful Christina Hartman and
will campaign with her in Lancaster sometime before the election, Hartmans campaign announced.
How Lancaster County hospitals fared in death, readmission rates review | Local News |
The independent state agency Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council looks at death and readmission
rates for 16 conditions, adjusting to account for sicker patients.
Women Blockade Donald Trump Campaign Offices Nationwide - Truthdig
We are putting all politicians on notice: Get ready to be held accountable to our priorities and demands. -
As Islamic State Loses Territory, Will Weak States Gain Strength? (Video) - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Political scientist Khalid Rif says that the organizations forced withdrawal from the town of Dabiq in northern
Syria has a religious symbolism that could be fatal to its esprit de corps. - 2016/10/18
Michael Moore Reveals His Own October Surprise: New Donald Trump Documentary Drops Tuesday - In the News -
The outspoken Trump critic has been working on a secret movie about the heart of Trumpland. - 2016/10/18
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Ecuador says it cut WikiLeaks founder's internet over interference in US election | Media | The Guardian
Officials released a statement confirming that the government cut off internet access for Julian Assange following a
raft of leaked emails targeting Democrats
Preservationists make pitch to save local farmland, halt Oregon Dairy housing and commercial project | Insider |
About three dozen people trudged through a sun-drenched, corn-stubbled field Tuesday morning in southern
Manheim Township to perch on hay bales and discuss growth, planning and, specifically, a proposed, $120-million
PA Senate passes bill to allow gun suits against municipalities; moves to House | Local News |
State lawmakers are again trying again to pass a law that would make it easier to sue municipalities because of their
local gun laws.
Sean Hannity Unhinged: Everything That Conspiracy Theorists Have Said Is True
Facebook Postings From July 29 to November 24, 2015 Chris Hedges of Truthdig Lecture October 17, 2015 Church of
Train to State Street Copy Harrisburg Receipts October 18, 2016 With Usps Shipping Delivery Confirmations October 19,
Fulton Bank - ISC - James Guerin - Scooter Libby - William Clark - CIA - Valerie Plame - Chris Underhill - Joe Roda
October 19, 2016
Iraqi and Kurdish forces close in on Mosul after making quick gains | World news | The Guardian
Three-pronged attack brings troops to within around six miles of Iraqs second city, as Isis fighters appear to be
Here's how to submit questions for the state Senate debate featuring Scott Martin, Greg Paulson | Local News |
Readers: Send us your questions.
'Sorry for the inconvenience': Street work in Lancaster city is nearing its end for the season | Local News |
Mayor Rick Gray says he feels the pain of people living in or driving through Lancaster city during what seems like
an endless cycle of road construction projects this year.
Muslim Council of Britain to set up alternative counter-terror scheme | UK news | The Guardian
Mosque-centred strategy to start next year in challenge to Home Offices unpopular Prevent programme
People who welcome refugees are the true British patriots | Abi Wilkinson | Opinion | The Guardian
Forget the nasty headlines. What makes me proud to be British are the nurses, charity workers and volunteers
working to help those seeking sanctuary on our shores
If the US hacks Russia for revenge, that could lead to cyberwar | Trevor Timm | Opinion | The Guardian
The US should attempt to de-escalate tensions by negotiating some form of international cyber treaty before this
gets out of control
Read Full Contents of Three Hillary Clinton Speeches to Goldman Sachs - Truthdig
The transcripts were obtained via a hack of campaign chairman John Podestas personal email account and
published online by WikiLeaks. - 2016/10/19
50 Groups Urge Investigation Into Wild West of Facial Recognition Policing - Truthdig
Half of American adults are included in a vast facial recognition database populated in part by drivers license
photos and mugshots. - 2016/10/19
What the Narcissists Have Done to Our Jobs and Health - Truthdig
Many of the super wealthy move further to the political right, care less about the feelings and needs of others, and
become anti-social, less generous with their money and less willing to support the economic needs of all members
of society. - 2016/10/19
How Network Neuroscience Is Creating a New Era of Mind Control
The human brain is a complex network. Which is why neuroscientists hope to use network theory to control minds.
Melissa Leanza wins Singer-Songwriter Showcase at Tellus360 | Entertainment |
Four local songwriters faced off for cash prizes Wednesday night.
Assistant superintendent resigns, marking another exit from Manheim Township School District | Local News |
In a year marked by controversy, Manheim Township School District is losing another administrator.
Local attorney prompts task force formation to strengthen Pennsylvania's animal cruelty laws | Local News |
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A local animal rights advocate is fed up with Pennsylvanias reputation for being light on animal cruelty.
The Death of the Two-State Solution - Truthdig
The Obama administrations recent 10-year, $38 billion pledge to renew Israels arsenal of weaponry, while still
ostensibly pursuing peace, makes clear that Washingtons support for a two-state solution is bankrupt. -
Mike Farrell: Californias Proposition 62 Can End the Suffering Caused byand the Expense ofthe Death Penalty -
The states 38-year failed attempt to make capital punishment constitutional has resulted in more than 1,000 death
verdicts and 13 executionsat a total cost of $5 billion. - 2016/10/20
Emma Niles: Chris Hedges and Robert Scheer on Activism and the Future of American Politics - Truthdig
The journalists reflect on their own histories and share their insights on the current election season. - 2016/10/20
Receipts and U.S. Mail October 20, 2016
Case No. Summary Appeal CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas - FINES COSTS FEES
Re Lancaster City Police Department of October 5, 2016 HEARING in ABSENTIA
16-3284 U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Chapter 11 Appeal Case - ORDER GRANTING Motion for Continuance
October 18, 2016
Judicial Conduct Board Updated-Form and Docs Re Public Corruption by Clerk of Courts and Prothonotary Re Case No.
Cp-36-SA-0000219-2016 Summary Appeal and Case No. CI-16-08472 October 21, 2016
Filing a Complaint | Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania
West King Street merchants accuse panhandlers of 'taking your money for heroin' | Insider |
Merchants along West King Street in Lancaster want to take back their sidewalks from a growing number of
panhandlers who they say are using handouts mostly for drugs.
WVU experts claim mind controlled computers are just a decade away | Daily Mail Online
An expert at West Virginia University suggests human thought will soon communicate directly with computers,
which will move us toward an era of 'computing at the speed of thought.'
Donald Trump booed for calling Clinton 'corrupt' as bipartisan dinner soured | US news | The Guardian
Audience not amused at annual Alfred E Smith fundraiser in New York where presidential candidates usually trade
lighthearted barbs, to the enjoyment of all
Pennsylvania home of Grace Kelly sold to Prince Albert II for $754,000
Prince Albert II of Monaco has made a trip to Philadelphia to inspect the house he recently purchased: the home
where his mother, Oscar-winning actress Grace Kelly, grew up and accepted a marriage proposal from his father,
Prince Rainier III.
Grace Kelly - Wikipedia
Princess Stphanie of Monaco - Wikipedia
Caroline, Princess of Hanover - Wikipedia
France Warns Candidates on Cyber Risk After U.S. Election Hacks
Frances cyber-security watchdog is briefing the countrys presidential candidates on hacking threats, drawing
lessons from attacks that have disrupted the U.S. election campaign.
County Commissioners offer to loan $2.7M to Barnstormers owner for stadium rent | Insider |
The Lancaster County Commissioners on Tuesday offered a smaller rent-relief package to the owner of the
Lancaster Barnstormers, in hopes of keeping the team playing in Clipper Magazine Stadium.
Christian Cuevas, Lancaster Realtor's brother, wins knockout round on 'The Voice' | Entertainment |
Christian Cuevas, whose brother is Lancaster Realtor Handy Cuevas, won his "knockout" round on NBC's "The
Voice" to advance to the live competition round.
AT&Ts Secret Surveillance Program Spies on American Customers Without Warrants and for Profit - Truthdig
Heres yet another reason to be concerned about the implications of AT&amp;Ts proposed acquisition of Time
Warner: The Daily Beast has detailed a sophisticated surveillance program created by AT&amp;T that has been
covertly providing U.S. law enforcement with consumers data. And guess who profits from Project Hemisphere?
- 2016/10/25
Nukes are North Koreas ticket to survival: Clapper-INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily
The Music May Stop at a Storied Manhattan Studio - The New York Times
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Some of the most popular albums of rocks golden age were produced at the studio on West 53rd Street, but any
developer who bought it would almost certainly replace the recording equipment with apartments.

KANE SENTENCING - October 22, 2016

Trump says countries are turning on US because 'the world hates Obama' | US news | The Guardian
The Republican said America and Barack Obama are globally loathed, citing frosty relations with Rodrigo Duterte,
just hours after criticizing the first lady
Russian man charged with hacking LinkedIn and other tech firms | Technology | The Guardian
LinkedIn has suggested the 29-year-olds arrest is tied to a 2012 breach that resulted in more than 100 million of its
users passwords being compromised
Usage Statistics for TOTALS and MONTHLY to October 22, 2016 With 30 of
40 TOP COUNTRIES October 22, 2016
Zuckerberg proves he is Facebook's editor by allowing Trump's hate speech | Technology | The Guardian
Deciding to make judgments about the newsworthiness of content is a major shift for the social media platform
whose CEO insists it is not a media company
USPS Delivery Confirmation and Letter of Sentence Recommendation for Kathleen Kane to Honorable Judge Wendy
Demchick-Alloy October 22, 2016
Robert Scheer and David Dayen Uncover Untold Stories of the Mortgage Crisis - Truthdig
In this weeks episode of Scheer Intelligence, the Truthdig editor in chief speaks with the author of the book
Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Streets Great Foreclosure Fraud. Transcript
added. - 2016/10/21
Massive Cyberattack Hits U.S. Servers, Affects Twitter, Reddit and Other Sites - Truthdig
On Friday, dozens of popular websites around the globe were shut down. The identity of those responsible has not
been verified yet, although one hacker group has claimed responsibility. Updated. - 2016/10/21
Patty Hearst, Double Agents and the Symbionese Liberation Army - Truthdig
Jeffrey Toobins new book about the kidnapping of heiress Patty Hearst by the SLA in 1974 fails to treat the
revolutionary group in sufficient detail. - 2016/10/21
The Donalds Five-Point Plan to Defeat Islam - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Kellyanne Conway (pictured), Donald Trumps campaign manager, touted the Republican presidential candidates
plan on MSNBC. - 2016/10/21
Lancaster County tops in state for renewable energy and solar panels | Insider |
Growing popularity of solar energy by Plain sects helps drive Lancaster County to the top.
Trump to make campaign's closing arguments Saturday morning in Gettysburg | Politics |
While Hillary Clinton unveiled an emotional television ad featuring the parents of a slain Muslim American Army
captain, Donald Trump assured supporters he would have no regrets if he loses
Lancaster CRIZ earns city $3.4 million for development | Local News |
Lancaster city learned Friday it will receive $3.4 million in state money for downtown hotel expansions and other
projects under the second year of a novel economic development initiative.
Stan J. Caterbone Members 1st Federal Credit Union ACCOUNT ACTIVITY August 23, 2016 to October 22, 2016
Movie: 'Citizenfour' Coming Monday, October 24, 2016
3 Manheim Township school buses crash on I-76 | Local News |
Three school buses transporting Manheim Township students to a band exhibition in Springfield were involved in a
crash on I-76 east at about 3:30 p.m., according to state police.
Attacks on the internet keep getting bigger and nastier | National |
NEW YORK (AP) Could millions of connected cameras, thermostats and kids' toys bring the internet to its
knees? It's beginning to look that way.
SNL Final Debate Spoof - Trump Vs Hillary (Round 3) - YouTube
Enjoy the very best of SNL
Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Town Hall Debate Cold Open - SNL - YouTube
The gloves are off. Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) faces off against Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) again this
weekend on Saturday Night Live. Get more SNL: ht...
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Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Debate Cold Open - SNL - YouTube
Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) and Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) face off in the first presidential debate,
moderated by Lester Holt (Michael Che). Get more S...
Summit teaches School District of Lancaster seventh grade girls about empowerment | Local News |
Nearly 200 seventh-graders gathered Friday at an inaugural event designed to empower Lancaster city teenage girls
of color.
Day care leader confronts loitering, drugs in neighborhood | Insider |
Nina Moragne is fed up with the loitering, panhandling and drug dealing in front of and on the steps of the
Lancaster Early Education Center.
The Military Is Using Artificial Intelligence, But Its Not What You Think
However, the Pentagon is trying to integrate more AI technology into military robots.
Chris Hedges: How Power Works - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Historian Heather Ann Thompsons book on the 1971 Attica prison uprising details the governments brutality, lies
and propaganda, demonization of the poor, obstruction of justice and silencing of those who tried to tell the truth.
She exposes the American blueprint for social control. - 2016/10/23
Burnham profits in Q3 plummet 79.4% due to lower sales | Local Business |
Burnham Holdings said Wednesday that its third quarter net profits plunged 79.4 percent, due to a 21.7 percent drop
in sales.
Cyber attack: hackers 'weaponised' everyday devices with malware to mount assault | Technology | The Guardian
Hundreds of thousands of devices such as webcams and DVRs were infected with malicious code to create a so-
called botnet to target leading sites
In the Spotlight: With new job, Jeremy Young is building on the strength of the city | Local News |
In his new job, Lancaster city resident Jeremy Young is helping shape what the city will look like a decade from
Bill in PA Legislature could restrict information coroners could release | Local News |
Coroners would no longer be allowed to release circumstances of a persons death under legislation being
considered in Harrisburg.
Race for state Senate: Scott Martin and Greg Paulson would bring different perspectives to Harrisburg | Pennsylvania |
Scott Martin and Greg Paulson are far from freshmen to the Lancaster County political scene.
Bills concerning police transparency, police use of radar before PA Legislature in final days | Local News |
Pennsylvania senators are scheduled to vote on a House bill Monday that would protect the identity of officers who
fire their weapons or use force.
Ex-Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane faces sentencing -
Back in August, Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane resigned from office in disgrace after being
convicted of multiple felonies stemming from a politically-motivated act of retribution. Now a judge will decide
whether her abuse of her elected office was enough to send her to prison.
Bill Information - House Bill 1538; Regular Session 2015-2016 - PA General Assembly
CCR News: A victory for torture accountability
Analysis: Notre Dame bye week revelations, from mind control to lessons from Ara | Notre Dame Insider Football |
What matters most with Miami rolling into town
Hillary Clinton's record as secretary of state hints at possible presidential role | US news | The Guardian
The Democratic candidate visited 122 countries and faced crises in Afghanistan, Libya and Syria but insiders say
she defies easy categorisation as a hawk or dove
Supporters | The Guardian Members
Supporters protect our editorial freedom and help us seek out those stories that people are determined to keep
Say No again to judges |
By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS: Pennsylvania was once known for the quality of its judicial system. At least
that is the claim of Peter F. Vaira, a
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Recent Russian Events That Are of Significance |
By Slava Tsukerman The stuffed dummy of Solzhenitsyn hanging on the doors of the Gulag Museum in Moscow
This week three events were most commented upon
Where is Lancaster County most conservative? Most liberal? | Local News |
Lancaster County is 52 percent Republican, 32 percent Democrat and 15 percent independent, voter registration
figures show.
Commentary: Beating Ohio State a pivotal moment for PSU football | Football |
STATE COLLEGE The whole thing is a blur right now to be honest with you.
Repairing the damage done by disgraced Attorney General Kathleen Kane | Insider |
When he was sworn in as Pennsylvania's attorney general in August, Bruce Beemer had a massive task before him:
to clean up the mess left behind by Kathleen Kane, who
The Innocent Origins of Todays Corporate Crimes - WSJ
In an excerpt from his new book, Why They Do It: Inside the Mind of the White-Collar Criminal, Eugene Soltes
writes that for much of recorded history, businesses were financed by a single person or small group. But over time,
larger and more ambitious business ventures began to uproot this basic structure and the personal ties between
executives and investors eroded.
EDITORIAL: What does it take to get Pennsylvanians to wake up to statewide corruption? |
Publisher Robert Field and columnist Bill Keisling have long pondered how Pennsylvania can be consistently rated
among the most corrupt five states in the union
LETTER: Paul Ware bemoans losses to his foundation caused by institution he headed |
Re: Jamanis Family Concert September 14, 2016 at 4:24 pm Edit Good thing its free. Last time I contributed to
something by Veri & Jamanis, it
Gunshot strikes victim in groin during armed robbery in Manheim Township
The 18-year-old victim told police a man held him up yesterday at gunpoint on the 1000 block of Olde Hickory
Road. When the suspect started going through the mans pockets a gun went off, striking the victim in the groin
1 killed, 2 injured in shooting at Fort Lauderdale-area apartment WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort
Judge to Kathleen Kane: 'extraordinary abuse of the system' warrants 10 to 23 months in prison | Pennsylvania |
NORRISTOWN Former Attorney General Kathleen Kane was sentenced Monday to 10 to 23 months in prison
for her conviction on two counts of lying under oath to cover up
Former Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane gets 10 to 23 months in jail in revenge, perjury case - CBS News
Kane was also sentenced to 8 years probation by Montgomery County judge who said her ego drove her to break the
kathleen kane - Google Search
Ex-attorney general sentenced to jail, then cuffed in court | Local News - WTAE Home
Former Attorney General Kathleen Kane was sentenced Monday to 10 to 23 months in jail for illegally disclosing
details from a grand jury investigation to embarrass a rival and lying about it under oath.
Judge hands jail sentence to former Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane (+video) -
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was sentenced with 10 to 23 months in jail on Monday, after
she was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice after leaking grand jury information and then lying about it
under oath.
Kathleen Kane, Former Pennsylvania Attorney General, Is Sentenced to Prison - The New York Times
Ms. Kanes unlikely political career came to a humiliating close on Monday, when a judge sentenced her to 10 to 23
months in prison for perjury and abuse of her office.
Defendants Sentencing Memorandum
Kathleen Kane, Former Pennsylvania Attorney General, Is Sentenced to Prison - The New York Times
Ms. Kanes unlikely political career came to a humiliating close on Monday, when a judge sentenced her to 10 to 23
months in prison for perjury and abuse of her office.
Brad Bumsted - HOME
Who's News: Lancaster County hirings and promotions | Local Business |
Here's a roundup of recent hirings and promotions of management-level employees who live or work in Lancaster
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The Latest: Ex-attorney general: 2 sons have been suffering - The Washington Post
The Latest on the sentencing of former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane (all times local):
Former PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane gets prison term -
A judge sentenced former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane on Monday to 10 to 23 months in prison
for committing multiple felonies stemming from a politically motivated act of retribution.
5 Reasons That Snowden Is Probably A PsyOp | We see as through a glass darkly
1. If he were a real whistleblower, leaking super-secret classified documents and agendas that posed an existential
threat to the tyrannical powers, he would simply be dead. Typically, honest-to-goodness whistleblowers have a
tendency of suddenly committing "suicide", (often inflicting damage upon themselves that would be quite difficult
for a person to do themselves, such as
CITIZENFOUR Edward Snowden Documentary Film 2014 - YouTube
AT&T Is Spying on Americans for Profit - The Daily Beast
New documents reveal the telecom giant is doing NSA-style work for law enforcementwithout a warrantand
earning millions a year from taxpayers.
Ex-PA Attorney General Sentenced to Jail for Lying Under Oath, Leaking Docs | Fox News Insider
Pennsylvania's former top prosecutor has been sentenced to 10 to 23 months in prison, followed by 8 years
probation, after being convicted of leaking grand jury documents to the press to apparently retaliate against a rival
prosecutor, and then lying under oath about it.
Reactions to Kathleen Kanes Sentence | PoliticsPA
Facebook to consider public interest before removal of posts violating guidelines | Technology | The Guardian
Move comes after repeated criticism of Facebook from news organisations, charities and others over important posts
being taken down without notice
Input from Community and Partners on our Community Standards | Facebook Newsroom
Top 10 hackers who turned activists TechWorm
You should know these top 10 hackers who turned activists Hacking combined with activisms aka Hacktivism is an
occurrence definite to the digital age, repr
Kathleen Kane sentence: At least 10 months in county jail
When you put your hand on the Bible, the judge told the convicted ex-attorney general, you werent thinking of
[your children]. You were thinking of yourself.
Updated Post Sentencing - USPS Delivery Confirmation and Letter of Sentence Recommendation for Kathleen Kane to
Honorable Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy October 24, 2016
Kathleen Kane Posts Bail, Out of Jail Tuesday - Story | WETM-TV
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has posted bail hours after being sentenced for illegally
disclosing details from a grand jury investigation.
Bait and switch - The News
Dear Editor,
RECIEPTS of Sunday October 23, 2016 - Lowes, Villanova West, Christina Hartman, Marriott at Penn Square
Bon Jovi Vs: Bongiovi Rages On - MTV
August 27 -- Kissing cousins? Try kiss-off, cousin. A longstanding dispute between Jon Bon Jovi and his second
cousin Tony Bongiovi is in the news. Each is
Bongiovi DPS | Imagine Perfect Audio
A whole new way to enjoy sound on your computer
Quetta attack: Pakistan reels as more than 50 die in assault on police academy | World news | The Guardian
Terrorists explode suicide vests after storming into Balochistan police college firing machine guns and throwing
hand grenades, say cadets and authorities
Former Pennsylvania attorney general Kathleen Kane sentenced to prison - The Washington Post
The quick rise and even quicker fall of Pennsylvania's former Attorney General.
Lancaster County woman recalls being shot in her neck as she sat in her parents' home | Insider |
Gen Mark Graham On Mental Illness: Be There To Help, And Not Judge
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Retired Army Maj. Gen. Mark Graham encourages vets in need to get treatment.
Tom Hayden: Tom Haydens New Port Huron Statement - Articles - Truthdig
From the archives: The veteran social activist wrote a new preface to the manifesto that helped shape a generations
views on racial equality, participatory democracy and the military-industrial complex. - 2016/10/24
Tom Hayden: How I Became an Activist - Truthdig
In a 20-minute interview, left-wing activist Tom Hayden, who died Sunday at age 76, tells of his reluctant
transformation from journalist to activist following an encounter with Martin Luther King Jr. - 2016/10/24
On Contact: Chris Hedges and Hamza Yusuf Explore the Islamic World - Truthdig
The Truthdig columnist and the Islamic scholar review how Western interests have shaped Muslim societies and
how terror groups have perverted Islam. - 2016/10/24
'AT&T is Spying' report gets social media up in arms - CNET
Social Cues: Turns out, people aren't too happy with allegations that their privacy may be jeopardized even more
than they already knew.
Kathleen Kane, Former Pennsylvania Attorney General, Is Sentenced to Priso |
NEW YORK TIMES: The brief, unlikely political career of Kathleen G. Kane, Pennsylvanias brightest rising star
when she was elected attorney general less than
Robert Field of Common Sense for Drug Policy - YouTube
Robert Field, Co-Chairman of Common Sense For Drug Policy; is intervewed about his
contributions to drug policy reform, while in San Fran...
International Signal and Control - Wikipedia
Cluster bomb system and method - ISC Technologies, Inc.
Each bomblet within a cluster bomb is provided with an individually programmable detonation time delay, such that
the bomblets can be programmed to detonate at desired intervals over a relatively long
Pennsylvania attorney general Kathleen Kane is released on $75,000 bail after two hours in jail | Daily Mail Online
Kathleen Kane, 50, was freed Monday evening after a Pennsylvania judge sentenced her to 1- to 23 months in
prison for leaking grand jury documents and then lying about it under oath.
Prison Officials Ready To Welcome Kathleen Kane If Appeal Fails CBS Philly
When Kathleen Kane does eventually settle into her new digs at the Montgomery County lock up, she'll be treated
like any other inmate.
Kane Gets Slapped With Prison Time, Then Parking Ticket CBS Philly
To say it was a bad day for Kathleen Kane would be an understatement.
Mulberry Street in Lancaster city will again carry 2-way traffic beginning Nov. 1 | Local News |
Two-way traffic will resume on much of Mulberry Street on Nov. 1.
Poll: Kathleen Kane will serve up to 23 months, did judge get it right? |
Former Pennsylvania attorney general sentences for leaking grand jury information, lying about it under oath.
2004 Hyundai Santa Fe From Barry Miller Quality Cars REGISTRATION and TITLE Dated October 13, 2016
RECIEVED October 24, 2016
Tony Bongiovi created the Legendary Powerstation Studios and produced artist as Aerosmith, Jimi Hendrix, Ozzy
Ozbourne, The Ramones, Talking Heads, NoEnd, Scorpions, The Rezillos, Aldo Nova, among many others
Power Station Founder Bob Walters Passes |
Power Station Recording Studio
Power Station Recording Studio
The studio of the stars is up for sale -
From B.B. King to Lady Gaga and Eric Clapton, Avatar Studios has played host to many of the most famous names
in music -- and produced a string of iconic albums.
Superior Court Re in Forma Pauperis Fraud by the Judiciary of the County of Lancaster and the Common Pleas Court
October 9, 2015
1108-2015 Superior Court 1915-MDA-2015 ORDER by President Judge Dennis e. Reinaker ADMITTING
WRONGDOING AND DEFAMATION Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Lancaster City Police January 6, 2016
PA RAP (Rules of Procedure) Superior Court Citations Downloaded March 19, 2007
Carter suspends Pentagons demand of the return of cash bonuses to California soldiers | Fox News
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced Wednesday that he was ordering the Pentagon to suspend its efforts to
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recover decade-old reenlistment bonuses paid to thousands of California Army National Guard soldiers who fought
in Iraq and Afghanistan.
CIA Declassifies Report On The Man Who Ousted The Australian Government In 1975 | Gizmodo Australia
There are a lot of different conspiracy theories about what happened to the Australian government in November of
1975. In a surprise move, the ultra l...
OPINION WikiLeaks must continue to reveal priceless information | Opinion |
On Oct. 12, WikiLeaks released emails hacked from John Podesta, chairman of Hillary Clintons presidential
campaign. These emails joined a string of releases this year that included emails from the
Why Gov. Wolf is blocking an 'independent' inspector general to investigate waste and fraud | Insider |
HARRISBURG Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf will veto a bill sponsored by two Lancaster County Republican
legislators that would establish what they see as an independent inspector general to investigate
Chemical Concussions and Secret LSD: Pentagon Details Cold War Mind-Control Tests | WIRED
More than 30 years after it was written, the Pentagon has released a memorandum detailing its involvement in the
CIAs infamous Cold War mind-control experiments. But a warning to conspiracy theorists on the lookout for new
fodder: This isnt quite Men Who Stare at Goats II. The 17-page document (.pdf), Experimentation Programs
conducted by the
Tech privacy ally Feingold leads in Wisconsin Senate race | Reuters
Next month's Senate election in Wisconsin could gain Silicon Valley a key ally in Washington in the high-tech
industry's battle against the U.S. government's growing appetite for more access to private data.
Real Estate Tax | Berkheimer
The spy who couldnt spell: how the biggest heist in the history of US espionage was foiled | Yudhijit Bhattacharjee |
World news | The Guardian
The Long Read: Ever since childhood, Brian Regan had been made to feel stupid because of his severe dyslexia. So
he thought no one would suspect him of stealing secrets
SecDef Orders Pentagon To Suspend Collection Of Guard Bonuses
The defense chief has ordered the DoD to suspend the collection of bonuses improperly awarded to California
National Guardsmen.
Lancaster Fleet and Auto
Exclusive: Freed Panther Sekou Odinga on Joining the Panthers, COINTELPRO & Assata Shakur's Escape | Democracy
Former NSA exec: We misjudged potential of insider threats like Snowden | ZDNet
Chris Inglis, former deputy director of the NSA, warns that connected systems mean malicious insiders can now do
damage more quickly and more easily than ever.
AT&T, Time Warner and the Death of Privacy - Truthdig
Where you go, what you watch, with whom you speak, all your internet searches, gathered and vertically
integrated, sold to police and perhaps to corporate customersthis is our future, unless we stop this merger. -
Tom Hayden: Tom Hayden: Revolution, Protest and America - Truthdig
From the archives: The social and political activist discusses the war in Iraq, U.S.-Cuba relations, and Americas
war on drugs. (translated from a Cuban newspaper) - 2016/10/26
All-American Slaughter: The Youthful Carnage of Americas Gun Culture - Truthdig
The presence of gangs in neighborhoods where many American children are killed with guns daily is used as a way
to dismiss serious thinking about why this is happening. - 2016/10/26
Tom Hayden on the Vietnam War and Americas Collective Memory - Truthdig
In a speech last year in Washington, D.C., the late activist explained how Americans need to remember the
successes and the failures of the peace movement of the 1960s and &rsquo;70s in order to achieve political unity. -
Meth Smokers Drove To NSA HQ With Guns, Drugs And A Grenade, Government Claims
Meth users rock up to Fort Meade with drugs, a shotgun, a revolver and a grenade, according to a court filing.
Deputy attorney general fired by Kathleen Kane gets his job back |
A top lieutenant who was fired by former Attorney General Kathleen Kane after he testified against her in a grand
jury leak investigation has been restored to his former position in the Attorney General's Office.
Artist Kerry Sacco chases the light in new show at Garth Gallery | Entertainment |
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Kerry Sacco is not interested in creating exactly what she sees in front of her.
Music for Everyone to take over Tellus360 Thursday | Entertainment |
Music for Everyone will host a concert event at Tellus360 to celebrate its 10th year.
Jay Z becomes first rapper nominated for Songwriters Hall of Fame induction | Entertainment |
Jay Z, Madonna, Cat Stevens and Gloria Estefan are among the nominees for the 2017 Songwriters Hall of Fame
Snowden Speaks On the Protection of the People Pepperdine Graphic
Contact Us Lancaster Fleet and Auto
LETTER TO LANCASTER FLEET AND AUTO re: Santa Fe Recovery at Lancaster Fleet and Auto Tow Yard on
October 27, 2016
CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 Ver 2.0 Full
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
File (.txt) or read book online for free. Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons
and Founder of the Electronic Warfare Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
Jury rules in favor of ex-Penn State assistant coach in defamation case; $7 million in damages awarded
A jury has ruled in favor of ex-Penn State assistant coach Mike McQueary in his defamation case, awarding him
over $7 million in damages.
Man who shot, killed ex-girlfriend in Mt. Gretna has died, police say
The man who police say shot and killed his ex-girlfriend at a Mt. Gretna ice cream shop on Labor Day has died.
Names of Covert Agents Among Documents Stolen From NSA: Feds - NBC News
Documents found in the search of materials stolen by a former NSA contractor included names of covert
intelligence officers, federal prosecutors say.
Ex-Attorney General Gets 10 To 23 Months In Jail For Perjury | 90.5 WESA
Former Attorney General Kathleen Kane was sentenced Monday to 10 to 23 months in jail for illegally disclosing
details from a grand jury investigation to
US Approves Indefinite Gitmo Detention for CIA Torture Victim Abu Zubaydah
The Periodic Review Board at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has determined that alleged Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) torture victim Abu Zubaydah should remain in indefinite detention, according to a Department of Defense
What Happens in Gitmo Stays in Gitmo: How CIA Buries its Dirty Secrets
What does the US government do when they can neither charge nor acquit a tortured person? Evidently, they leave
them to die. Radio Sputniks Brian Becker discusses the case of Guantanamo inmate and torture victim Abu
Zabaydah with whistleblower and former CIA agent John Kiriakou.
Hacker who stole nude photos of celebrities gets 18 months in prison | Technology | The Guardian
Ryan Collins ran a two-year phishing scam to gain the passwords of more than 100 people, including Jennifer
Lawrence, Rihanna and Avril Lavigne
Jury hands ex-Penn St. assistant over $7M in defamation case | Pennsylvania |
BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) A jury awarded a former Penn State assistant football coach $7.3 million in damages
Thursday, finding the university defamed him after it became public that his
Lyft, app-based ride hailing service, 'exploring interest' in Lancaster | Insider |
Lyft has begun recruiting drivers in Lancaster and is showing other signs that it is preparing to launch its ride-
hailing service here.
'Don't believe the polls': Donald Trump's supporters back him against the odds | US news | The Guardian
At a rally in Geneva, the cries of lock her up! are loud and every negative opinion poll or media report only
entrenches the support of Trump fans
Michelle Obama showers Clinton with praise at joint rally: 'Hillary doesn't play' | US news | The Guardian
The first lady referred to the Democratic nominee as my girl and the two shared a big hug during their first
campaign appearance together in North Carolina
Vagina Dispatches episode three: the orgasm gap video | Life and style | The Guardian
Women are less likely to orgasm than men but is it really more difficult for women?
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Virtual Open House - Lancaster Catholic High School
VERE's Mind Control Robots Give Patients Out-of-Body Experience | Inverse
The VERE project uses an electroencephalogram (EEG) cap to allow paralyzed patients to control robots remotely.
Word of Life: 'Financial crime that went bad'
The Word of Life Christian Church tragedy was a multifaceted case, ranging from financial coersion to mind
control, according to the cases top prosecutor.
Zombies are real! | Science News for Students
Some parasites worm their way into other creatures brains and alter their victims behavior. Meet zombie ants,
spiders, cockroaches, fish and more.
Kathleen Kane goes from rising star to fallen star | Commentary |
The Kathleen Kane story is a tragedy.
Vet With PTSD, Service Dog Suing Airline After Abusive Treatment
She was denied boarding and grilled by airline employees about her dog and her illness.
Tom Hayden: Tom Hayden on Iraq: Beyond the Horizon, the Storm - Columns - Truthdig
From the archives: In 2006, the veteran social activist warned that an increasingly mainstream anti-war movement
can become unwieldy and prone to loss of focus: We no longer are a huddling minority. ... We are immersed in the
gradual soul-searching currents of the mainstream, where loss of direction is a constant risk. - 2016/10/27
Federal court asked to invalidate Pa. judge-retirement vote |
PHILLY.COM: : Two former Pennsylvania Supreme Court chief justices and a prominent Philadelphia lawyer are
now asking a federal court to declare a ballot
Ralph Nader and Noam Chomsky Have Their First Public Conversation (Video) - Truthdig
The renowned activists discuss Americas current electoral extravaganza, climate change, the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict and several other topics. - 2016/10/26
Former NSA contractor to ask to be released from prison at hearing Friday - Baltimore Sun
A former National Security Agency contractor charged with stealing government property and taking classified
information is again asking to be released from prison at hearing in federal court Friday.
Reciepts - October 26, 2016
U.S. Passport Renewal Check October 28, 2016
USPS Label Clerk of Court and National Passport Processing Center, Philadelphia Pa October 28, 2016
Case No. Cp-36-SA-0000219-2016 Notice of Appeal to Superior Court of Pennsylvania October 28, 2016
US: NSA Contractor, Glen Burnie Resident, St | WBAL Radio 1090 AM
WBAL Radio 1090 AM - US: NSA Contractor, Glen Burnie Resident, Stole Info On American Spies Abroad


The Global Intelligence Files - Loughner

UPDATED: Arizona Assassin Obsessed With Mind Control Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Leaked email says 'no charges' would be filed in puppy abuse case that has SPCA, DA's office sparring | Local News |
An email from a county detective appears to contradict a statement from the district attorneys office that the
investigation into an animal cruelty case is ongoing.
FBI investigating new emails tied to Hillary Clinton for classified information | National |
WASHINGTON (AP) The FBI is investigating whether there is classified information in new emails uncovered
during the sexting investigation of disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of
Hillary Clinton demands FBI give details on latest email inquiry 'immediately' | US news | The Guardian
Democratic candidate says sudden announcement with no explanation is not good enough after FBI director
notifies Congress of pertinent discovery
'I was left speechless': Bob Dylan breaks two-week silence over Nobel prize | Music | The Guardian
After being criticised as arrogant for not responding to his prize, artist says he will attend award ceremony if
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KiMi Robinson: Millennials Search for Truth on Election and Distrust Media, Intelligence Firm Reports - Truthdig
Young voters are using critical thinking, research and social media engagement to decide whom they want as their
next president. The big question is whether they will be motivated to vote for candidates that anger and disappoint
them. - 2016/10/28
Bill Boyarsky: Tom Hayden Fought for the Rights of All Living Things - Truthdig
The progressive activist compiled an impressive record in California and local politicsfrom 18 years in the state
Capitol to a variety of community crusades. Even shelter animals benefited from his work. - 2016/10/28
Tom Hayden: Tom Hayden: Things Come Around in the Mideast - Truthdig
From the archives: The veteran social activist, drawing upon his own rude political awakening to the realities of
Israeli and Middle East politics during the 1980s, warns that the Israel lobby in the U.S. aims to roll back the clock
and change the map of the region, and that its neoconservative supporters will probably try to use the current Middle
East crisis to ignite a larger war against Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran. - 2016/10/28
Iraqs Skies Darken as Islamic State Torches Oil - Truthdig
With many civilians likely to die in the conflict in Iraq and Syria, the fighting also threatens the environment as ISIS
torches oil wells. - 2016/10/28
Paul Von Blum: Invisible Nation - Book Review - Truthdig
Families represent 37 percent of todays homeless population. Entire families live in the streets, in cars, in
temporary shelters and in single motel rooms. A new book examines family homelessness in five American cities. -
Democrats pile pressure on FBI's Comey over eleventh-hour Clinton email letter | US news | The Guardian
Congressional heavyweights demand briefing on decision to bring up unspecified new material less than two weeks
before election
Barnstormers owner accepts Lancaster County's help with stadium rent, eyes more concerts and amenities | Insider |
On Tuesday, the Lancaster County Commissioners agreed to help the owner of the Lancaster Barnstormers pay its
rent on Clipper Magazine Stadium.
Lancaster city man fatally shot in head Friday night | Local News |
A Lancaster city man was fatally shot in the head Friday night, according to city police.
Schools focus on policies during election that's been 'a social studies teacher's worst nightmare' | Insider |
On Election Day, Cocalico Middle School students will have an important choice to make: Should the Ramen
Noodle Party or the Cookie Squad rule the school?
Kane sentence: Justice served | TribLIVE
I commend Montgomery County Common Pleas Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy for imposing an appropriate prison
sentence of 10 to 23 months on disgraced former Pennsylvania Attorney ...
The Best Way to Save Obamacare |
NEW YORK TIMES OP-ED: As someone involved in the debate over the Affordable Care Act from the start, I
dont find these unhappy events all that surprising.
The troubling similarities between Kane and Trump | Columnists |
I am hoping this is the last column I write, or need to, about either Kathleen Kane or Donald Trump.
Plame speaks on career of being a CIA agent
Ask anyone to describe a typical CIA agent, and youll get a furtive figure in a slouch hat and raincoat, with a pale
face from long nights in smoke-filled bars.
Take Action | Global Zero
There are more than 17,000 nuclear weapons in nine countries. Each one is a catastrophe waiting to happen.
Take Action | Global Zero
There are more than 17,000 nuclear weapons in nine countries. Each one is a catastrophe waiting to happen.
National conservative groups launch $800,000 effort against Congressional candidate Hartman | Insider |
A pair of influential national conservative organizations are staking big money on an effort to keep Democratic
candidate Christina Hartman out of Congress.
Annual conference brings cops, kids together in positive, proactive ways | Local News |
Hand Elementary eighth-grader Cody Marrero had heard police stories before.
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CIA to make 11mn declassified docs available to public online RT America
The CIA is finally putting its database of declassified documents up for public access. Since 2000, the 11 million
documents had only been accessible to academic researchers at a special facility in Maryland.
Ben Carson speaks to Lancaster GOP, sits down with LNP to talk FBI email probe, 'rigged' election and more | Insider |
Ben Carson, while campaigning for Donald Trump in Lancaster County Friday, was delighted at the news that the
FBI would reopen its investigation into Hillary Clintons private email servers.
LNP Game of the Week highlights: Lancaster Catholic at Donegal | Football |
Read more about Friday night's Crusaders-Indians game.
Clinton email inquiry: FBI gets search warrant as agency head accused of 'partisan' actions | US news | The Guardian
Senate minority leader accuses Comey of withholding information about email hacks and says he may have violated
Hatch Act with letter to Congress before election
Bruce Springsteen: You can change a life in three minutes with the right song | Music | The Guardian
The global superstar talks about the masculine facade of Donald Trump, the strength he inherited from his mother,
the philosophy he shares with fans, and the joy he delivers on stage
Updated - Fulton Bank - ISC - James Guerin - Scooter Libby - William Clark - CIA - Valerie Plame - Chris Underhill - Joe
Roda October 31, 2016
Receipts - Notes - Photos for Friday October 28, 2016 and Saturday October 29, 2016
ME, MY FATHER, AND THE MIDDLE EAST by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Monday October 31,
Chris Hedges: American Irrationalism - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
We are captive to images and forms of propaganda that make us the most self-deluded population on the planet. We
are driven by manipulated emotions, not fact or reason. And this is why, even now, Donald Trump could become
president.&nbsp; - 2016/10/30
We Must Tell the Truth About the Iraq War - Truthdig
The Peoples Tribunal on the Iraq War wants to expose the lies and human toll of the ongoing invasion. - 2016/10/30
In a cyberwar - Military Embedded Systems
WARFARE EVOLUTION BLOG: This is another broad, sticky, and complex topic, much like the previous article
on cryptology. So, lets get started by offering some definitions.
How the world views the US elections, from Israel to North Korea | US news | The Guardian
While many countries have shown a preference for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump has pockets of support, as
Guardian journalists around the world explain
Oakland's 'mega-evictor', the landlord who filed over 3,000 eviction notices | US news | The Guardian
Pro-tenant group says a landlord who has a seat on Oaklands housing cabinet is also the top evictor in the city,
where a housing crunch has reached crisis levels
CCR News: Fighting blacklists and round-ups - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Everything you need to know about the state House races in Lancaster County | Insider |
Lancaster County voters will decide which state House members to send back to Harrisburg in the Nov. 8 election.
Man shot to death Friday night in Lancaster is identified | Local News |
The man shot to death Friday night in Lancaster city has been identified.
Shadowbrokers' NSA dirty tricks spill points to compromised servers in China and Russia | Computing
NSA also partial to exploiting zero-day security flaws in Sun Solaris, Shadowbrokers' leak indicates,Security
,security,Cloud Computing
Lifeboat News: The Blog
VEREs Mind Control Robots Give Patients Out-of-Body Experience
Hackers threaten to reveal more NSA data | NT News
A group calling itself Shadow Brokers says it has released more from its trove of high-level hacking tools stolen
from the US National Security Agency, potentially offering added insight into how Americas spies operate online.
Dozens Of Prosecutors Chastise FBI Director Comey In Letter
Former Attorney General Eric Holder and dozens of other former federal prosecutors have signed a letter critical of
FBI Director James Comey. The
Read the Open Letter By Former Federal Prosecutors Criticizing James Comey - Truthdig
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Nearly 100 prosecutors and Department of Justice officials, including former Attorney General Eric Holder,
expressed serious concerns over FBI Director Comeys departure from long-standing department protocols. -
Donald Kaufman: Update: CNN Announces Donna Braziles Resignation in Light of New WikiLeaks Revelations -
The interim Democratic National Committee chairwoman came under scrutiny as new evidence points to abuses of
power.&nbsp; - 2016/10/31
Dozens of Groups Call on Facebook to End Censorship - Truthdig
As the social media giant comes under fire for its alleged censorship and tracking of activists and protesters, a
coalition of more than 70 groups and individuals has demanded that it clarify its policy on removing video and
other content, especially human rights documentation, at the request of government actors. - 2016/10/31
On Contact: Chris Hedges and Medea Benjamin on the U.S.-Saudi Alliance - Truthdig
On this weeks episode of RTs On Contact, the Truthdig columnist and the author of Kingdom of the Unjust:
Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection, explore why Saudi Arabia remains one of the United States closest allies in the
Middle East in spite of the monarchys record of human rights abuses. - 2016/10/31
Ex-CIA CTO: dont believe everything you hear about hacking | Security | Techworld
Bob Flores, who was CTO of the CIA for three years, tells Techworld what he believes are the most serious security
threats the world faces today - and that it's wiser to follow the money rather than uncritically believe everything you
hear about hacking.
MI5 head: increasingly aggressive Russia a growing threat to UK | UK news | The Guardian
Exclusive: In first newspaper interview given by a serving spy chief, Andrew Parker talks of terror, espionage and
balance between secrecy and privacy
Embattled Lancaster County SPCA director resigns, citing 'emotional challenge' | Local News |
The executive director of the Lancaster County SPCA is stepping down, effective Nov. 4.
Man shot to death Friday in Lancaster city identified; 9th homicide in county this year | Local News |
The man shot to death Friday night in Lancaster city has been identified as Pedro Flores Jr.
Hackers say they're revealing more from trove of NSA data - | Chattanooga News, Weather & Sports
A group calling itself "Shadow Brokers" says it has released another gem from its trove of high-level hacking tools
stolen from the U.S.'s National Security Agency, potentially offering...
Shadow Brokers leak second batch of data allegedly from NSA-linked 'Equation Group' hacking unit
The leak appears to consist of a list of servers compromised by NSA hackers.
ME, MY FATHER, AND THE MIDDLE EAST by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Monday October 31,
2016 With Supporting EVIDENCE
CIA Releases Draft History of Bay of Pigs |
JUST RELEASED! - Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Official History of the Bay of Pigs Operation
Commentary: Dont's be so sure Russia hacked the Clinton emails | Reuters
By James Bamford Last summer, cyber investigators plowing through the thousands of leaked emails from the
Democratic National Committee uncovered a
Clinton campaign dismisses polls putting Donald Trump in the lead | US news | The Guardian
A senior Clinton campaign official says a new ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll which put Trump one
point ahead is not what we see at all
Shadow Brokers hacking group threaten to release top secret spook files
Shadowy organisation says it has a trove of top secret data from the U.S. National Security Agency.
Deputy sheriffs or constables? Lancaster County officials debate who should serve warrants | Insider |
Lancaster County elected officials discussed whether a new system put in place earlier this year to serve outstanding
warrants is effective.
Defense Contractor Fraud Center
Defense Contractor Fraud Center
The Texas Military Force Museum | Brigadier General John C. L. Scribner Texas Military Forces Museum
Affidavit Form | Free General Affidavit Template (US) | LawDepot
Quickly create a customized Sworn Affadavit or Statutory Declaration using our online forms. Print or download for
Lancaster Fleet and Auto IMPOUND INVOICE October 27, 2016
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UPDATED - ME, MY FATHER, AND THE MIDDLE EAST by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group
Wednesday November 2, 2016 With Supporting EVIDENCE
Tony Bongiovi AFFIDAVIT November 2, 2016
Stan J.Caterbone ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP Freedom From Covert Harassment &amp; Surveillance,
Registered in Penns...
Suspect identified in 'ambush-style' killings of Des Moines police officers | US news | The Guardian
Iowa authorities name Scott Michael Greene as suspect in early Wednesday shootings and warn of clear and present
danger to officers in and around city
Mind Control EVIDENCE November 2, 2016
Director Brennan ushers in sweeping changes at CIA - Reuters.TV
Reuters National Security Investigations Editor David Rohde interviewed Central Intelligence Agency Director John
Brennan about his sweeping reforms to keep up with rapid changes in global cyber espionage.
16-3284 Third Circuit Case - ADDENDUM and SUPPLEMENTAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION for Consideration
Re Application for in Forma Pauperis November 3, 2016
Barack Obama delivers stinging critique of FBI: 'We don't operate on leaks' | US news | The Guardian
President censures James Comeys decision to announce review related to Hillary Clinton days before election as
campaigning reaches fever pitch
Facebook isn't looking out for your privacy. It wants your data for itself | Technology | The Guardian
Dont be fooled by the social networks hostile response to Admirals plan to price car insurance based on posts
High levels of carbon monoxide prompts Lancaster County Prison lockdown | Local News |
Lancaster County Prison was placed on lock down for two hours Wednesday because of high levels of carbon
Lancaster County man flies 4,000 miles in a go-kart with wings, touches down Wednesday in Smoketown | Local News |
David Grabowski, searching for an adventure, found the ultralight trike by accident during a Google search.
Anti-Black Surveillance Did Not End With COINTELPRO
Even as the Smithsonian Museum is documenting Black history, the US is continuing its repression of Black life.
convened a joint...
Former spy chiefs call for EU-US intelligence hub
Europe and the US need an "intelligence hub to fight terrorism, with grand ideas on EU military integration
unlikely to bear fruit, Germanys former spy chief has said.
Chris Hedges and Tavis Smiley Discuss Popular Resistance and the Failure of Mainstream Media - Truthdig
The talk show host asks Hedges about the current election and about what is in store for the United States after Nov.
8. - 2016/11/01
Jordan Riefe: Walt Whitmans America Through Edward Westons Eyes - Truthdig
Weston may not have studied Whitmans poetry before embarking on a photographic road trip for a special edition
of Leaves of Grass. Yet while having the time of his life, he also got the spirit right. - 2016/11/01
windows 10 | eBay
Find great deals on eBay for windows 10 windows 10 software. Shop with confidence.
Xerox WorkCentre 6505/DN Color Multifunction Printer- Automatic Duplexing 95205849189 | eBay
Introducing the Phaser 6500 and WorkCentre 6505. Style: Printer. Up to 24 ppm color and black and white. Item
model number: 6505/DN. Learn More. | eBay!
Feds probe Fulton Bank, 3 others for possible fair-lending violations | Insider |
Fulton Bank, the biggest bank in Lancaster County, and three sister banks are being investigated for possible
violations of federal fair-lending laws.
Inside the CIA, sweeping reforms during the age of cyberwar | INFORUM
Here are all of Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's campaign stops in Pennsylvania since June | Insider |
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have spent more time in Pennsylvania than almost anywhere else in the country
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since becoming presumptive presidential nominees last summer.
Ivanka Trump visit to Lancaster Sunday afternoon canceled | Local News |
Update at 10:45 a.m. Sunday: Ivanka Trump's Lancaster stop has been canceled, a spokesman for the Republican
Committee of Lancaster County said Sunday morning.
Julian Assange Speaks About Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Election and the Litany of Charges Against Him - Truthdig
In a 25-minute interview, WikiLeaks founder gives an analysis of the emails he published from the personal
account of John Podesta (Hillary Clintons presidential campaign chairman), and much more. - 2016/11/05
Allen Barra: America the Ingenious - Book Review - Truthdig
Truthdigs Allen Barra speaks with Kevin Baker, author of America the Ingenious: How a Nation of Dreamers,
Immigrants, and Tinkerers Changed the World, which explores the incredible diversity of inventions and
innovations that arose from our country. - 2016/11/05
Beyond Bob Dylan: authors, poets and musicians pick their favourite songwriter | Books | The Guardian
Dylans Nobel prize win sparked a debate about lyrics as literature. Here, Andrew Motion, Carol Ann Duffy, Johnny
Marr, Naomi Alderman and others nominate songwriters whose verse has the power of poetry
Joseph Kennedy III speaks to Democratic rally near spot where JFK campaigned in 1960 | Local News |
Fifty-six years after his great-uncle, John F. Kennedy, spoke in Penn Square during a 1960 presidential campaign
stop, U.S. Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy III addressed a get-out-the-vote rally for local
ON MENTAL ILLNESS: Donald Trump's Conspiracy Theories Resemble Psychosis. Category: Columns from The
Berkeley Daily Planet
The East Bay's Non-commercial Voice
Guess who came to the wedding? | News |
"Uncle Bob" slipped quietly into the Manheim Township suburbs last weekend.
A Passion for Leadership Audiobook | Robert M Gates |
Listen to A Passion for Leadership Audiobook by Robert M Gates, narrated by George Newbern.
Bill Blum: James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Anthony Weiner and Our Descent Into Pulp Fiction Democracy - Truthdig
Forget WikiLeaks, speeches to Goldman Sachs and the behind-the-scenes machinations of John Podesta. The FBI
directors letter to Congress was the ultimate October surprise. - 2016/11/04
Invoice US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter Re Mind Control July 5,2015
Invoice US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter Re Mind Control July 5,2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Invoice US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter Re Mind Control July 5,2015
Madeleine Albright in Lancaster to boost Hartman's campaign and talk foreign policy | Local News |
Madeleine Albrights brooches are said to signify her mood. During a Sunday roundtable discussion on foreign
policy at Lancasters Characters Pub with Democratic congressional candidate Christina Hartman and area college
Brother of Amish schoolgirl shooter uses photographs to reconcile the past | Together |
Photo exhibit of Zachary Roberts opens at Mulberry Art Studios in Lancaster.
TD Ameritrade
'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say | US news | The Guardian
Highly unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton intensified after James Comeys decision not to recommend an
indictment over her use of a private email server
Penn State faces $2.4m fine for handling of Jerry Sandusky case and other crimes | US news | The Guardian
US Department of Education hopes to extract record fine against university for long-term history of sustained
noncompliance, including in 2011 scandal
Lancaster Regional Medical Center installs touch-screen tablets at patients' bedsides | Insider |
Move aside, wall-mounted TV.
Feminism is still necessary, Gloria Steinem tells Lancaster County audience | Local News |
At the first of her stops in Lancaster Thursday, feminist icon Gloria Steinem doubled down on her signature call for
November supermoon will be biggest in nearly 70 years | National |
You may want to mark Nov. 13 and 14 down on your calendar.
For 10 years, Central Market Trust has steered its namesake Lancaster landmark | Insider |
When the Central Market Trust took over management of Lancasters city-owned Central Market a decade ago,
many standholders were suspicious at first, said Valerie Moul, the nonprofits chair.
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Teen accused of threatening to 'go Columbine' at Conestoga Valley High School | Local News |
A Conestoga Valley High School student threatened to "go Columbine" and "shoot people who p--- him off,"
according to East Lampeter Township police.
Partnership for Civil Justice Fund - Timeline | Facebook
Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, Washington, DC. 3,250 likes 4 talking about this. The Partnership for Civil
Justice Fund is a charitable and...
NYPD used undercover officers to spy on activists: Mara Verheyden-Hilliard interview on RT - Partnership for Civil
Justice Fund
Newly obtained documents indicate the New York Police Department may have committed constitutional violations
by deploying undercover officers to monitor peaceful Black Lives Matter protests, following the death of Eric
Garner in 2014.
Aussie and the Fox and Trust Performing Arts Center come together for special night in the city | Entertainment |
In a New York state of mind? Missing the glamour and the glitz of Manhattan? Want to hear some show tunes?
Beyonce teams up with the Dixie Chicks at CMA Awards | Entertainment |
The superstar will perform at the CMAs tonight, multiple news outlets report.
Lancaster band Carousel Kings sign to Victory Records | Entertainment |
The pop-punk band was on Lancaster's C.I. Records before signing to Victory Records.
U.S. Arms Transfers to Saudi Arabia and the War in Yemen | Research | Center for International Policy
Advocating a U.S. foreign policy based on cooperation, demilitarization and respect for human rights
Chicago Cubs defeat Cleveland Indians to win first World Series title since 1908 | Sport | The Guardian
The most famous drought in US sports is over. The Chicago Cubs are World Series champions for the first time
since 1908
Barack Obama delivers stinging critique of FBI: 'We don't operate on leaks' | US news | The Guardian
President censures James Comeys decision to announce review related to Hillary Clinton days before election as
campaigning reaches fever pitch
Facebook's profits soar as it continues to swallow online advertising market | Technology | The Guardian
Near tripling of the social media giants profits comes at a time when traditional news publishers are hemorrhaging
ad dollars and announcing cutbacks
Conspiracy theorists claim The Asgardia will be used 'for mind control and evil purposes' | Daily Mail Online
Asgardia was announced by the Aerospace International Research Centre in Vienna. Conspiracy theorists claim that
the Eye of Horus symbol used by the group, is linked to the Illuminati.
Two Arrested in Georgia for Planning to Attack HAARP Facility in Alaska
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around
the U.S. with news, information and resources.
Hillary Clinton, The Real October Surprise. :
Neil Brick Celebrates Twenty Five Years of Research, Education and Advocacy in the Child Abuse Prevention Field |
Neil Brick is celebrating twenty five years of research, education and advocacy in the child abuse
prevention field. Prior to 1995, Neil Brick wrote articles for newsletters and distributed information about child and
ritual abuse at conferences. In 1995, Neil Brick started the S.M.A.R.T. child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter,
printing and mailing out the first copy in March 1995. In 1996, the S.M.A.R.T. newsletter started being published
online. These child and ritual...
Say goodbye to the fingerprint; its your digital footprint the FBI wants | Jordan Times
WASHINGTON The era of the fingerprint has given way to the digital footprint. Counterterrorism investigators
still rely heavily on tools such as surveillance cameras, licence plate readers and facial recognition software to track
potential terror plots in the physical realm. But they now delve with as much vigour into the social media activity of
Alicia Keys: I want to make sure all the issues about race are addressed | Music | The Guardian
At a home town launch for her new album, Here, the New York singer-songwriter talks about the US election, Black
Lives Matter, and modern family life
LETTER: The fix was in, and the people are still paying for it |
The contributor refers to Bill Keisling's and NewsLanc's forthcoming book on decades of corruption in
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Pennsylvania: I hope your 50 corruptions include the
Democrats never learn |
By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS: In this years presidential battle of first time evers, history still repeats.
Not surprising, the story about
Former Fulton Bank manager sentenced for embezzling $99,100 | Local News |
A former manager of Fulton Banks Manor Shopping Center branch has been sentenced to 15 months in federal
prison for embezzling about $99,100 from an account with the bank.
Chinas New Cybersecurity Law Rattles Foreign Tech Firms - WSJ
Chinas government has approved a broad new cybersecurity law aimed at tightening and centralizing state control
over information flows and technology equipment, raising concerns among foreign companies.
FBI has found no criminal wrongdoing in new Clinton emails, says Comey | US news | The Guardian
James Comey says batch of emails have not changed conclusion but Trump doubts review, saying: You cant
review 650,000 emails in eight days
Trump rally protester: I was beaten for a 'Republicans against Trump' sign | US news | The Guardian
Exclusive: Self-declared Republican who sparked Nevada security scare says he was attacked for silently showing a
sign he printed from the web
Janet Reno, first female US attorney general, dies aged 78 | US news | The Guardian
One of the highest profile figures of President Clintons presidency, whose tenure included the Waco raid and
Lewinsky scandals
US seeks Turkish backing for Kurdish-led operation in Raqqa | World news | The Guardian
Senior military officials meet in Ankara after Turkey expressed alarm at Kurdish role in move to retake Isis
Chris Hedges: Defying the Politics of Fear - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The major political parties offer us nothing but continued corruption and oppression. A simple act of citizen
defiance can be a first step on a road to profound change. - 2016/11/06
How a Former District Attorney Finally Agreed With Activist Mike Farrell on the Death Penalty - Truthdig
Ira Reiner, who served Los Angeles County as D.A. for eight years, and Mike Farrell, president of the board of
Death Penalty Focus, have publicly and respectfully debated capital punishment many times over the years. But it
wasnt until now, with the proposed Justice That Works Act of 2016 on the California ballot, that they see eye to
eye. - 2016/11/06
Eden Resort to drop Best Western flag, operate independently | Local Business |
For the management of the Eden Resort &amp; Suites, being a Best Western Premier hotel has become more hassle
than its worth.
Pa. Treasury puts Wells Fargo on suspension | Pennsylvania |
The Pennsylvania Treasury has suspended dealings with Wells Fargo for a year due to the bank's fraudulent
accounts scandal.
Lancaster General Health opens sports medicine practice in Lititz | Local Business |
Lancaster General Health Physicians has opened its first sports medicine practice, in Warwick Township.
Cashier's check - Wikipedia
Edward Snowden Explains How FBI Could Review Clinton Emails So Fast - SFGate
Edward Snowden needed only 140 characters to shoot down the Donald Trump campaigns theory that FBI Director
James Comey couldnt have thoroughly reviewed Hillary Clintons new emails in such a short period of time.
Comey has been at the center of the Clinton email scandals, clearing the Democratic candidate last summer before
bringing a new investigation last week that turned out to be, well, nothing really. Comey announced yesterday that
the new evidence doesnt change the agencys opinion that Clinton shouldnt face criminal charges. [...] Read: FBI
Director Says Hillary Clinton Shouldn't Be Charged Over New Emails The Washington Post recently shocked
journalists when its editorial board came out in opposition to a pardon for Snowden, but the papers media
columnist Margaret Sullivan sided with the former NSA contractor. Sullivan wrote that President Obamas
administration has an unfortunate record of prosecuting whistleblowers, and he can fix that legacy by pardoning
Net Politics Do U.S. Efforts to Deter Russian Cyberattacks Signal the End of Cyber Norms?
CFR experts investigate the impact of information and communication technologies on security, privacy, and
international affairs.
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City Council to consider ban on aggressive panhandling | Insider |
Lancaster city is looking to crack down on panhandlers.
120 people gather in Lancaster with message of peace on eve of divisive election | Pennsylvania |
On the eve of the most divisive election in modern history, more than 120 people of varied faiths, races and political
beliefs joined together in downtown Lancaster for a message
Amid Clinton Controversy, FBI Documents Show Why Americans Should Worry About Intelligence Gathering
Lancaster city man acquitted on charges he sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl | Local News |
A Lancaster city man accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl in 2014 was acquitted of all charges in a
three-day jury trial held last week at Lancaster County Courthouse.
Prosecutors: Quarryville woman beat, bound and burned, fed laxatives and hot sauce to boyfriend's toddler | Local News |
A Quarryville woman fed her boyfriends young son hot sauce and laxatives, burned, beat and berated him and
would bind his legs and lock him in a closet, apparently resentful
Recietps and Notes for First Friday November 4, 2016
Receipts and Members1st With ATM Balances Re Fulton Lnp Article Fed Probe for Sunday November 6, 2016
RECEIPTS for Saturday Night City Cab Home November 5, 2016
Reciepts and Notes for First Friday November 4, 2016
Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Project X - By Kathy Perry November 8, Election Day 2016
Chef Cedric Barberet runs Lancaster eatery; worked at Le Bec-Fin and Donald Trump estate | Local News |
Cedric Barberet runs Cafe Barberet &amp; Bistro on East King Street.
Cluster munition - Wikipedia


Donald Trump wins US election: Obama offers congratulations live | US news | The Guardian
The US is waking up to a new president after Trump won a shock victory, and Hillary Clinton is expected to make
her concession speech this morning
How Trump won the election: volatility and a common touch | US news | The Guardian
The former Apprentice host has pulled off the most astonishing victory in US history, harnessing a disgruntled
electorate to beat an unpopular opponent
Why Hillary Clinton lost the election: the economy, trust and a weak message | US news | The Guardian
As Democrats grapple with their loss to such an unpopular and divisive rival, persistent problems with Clintons
campaign offer some explanation
World leaders react to Donald Trump's US election victory | US news | The Guardian
Politicians past and present, plus officials from the European Union, have been responding to the Republican
nominees win
Donald Trump becomes 1st Republican to win Pennsylvania since 1988 | Local News |
Donald Trump has won Pennsylvania and its prize of 20 electoral votes.
Donald Trump wins Lancaster County, gets more votes than Romney or McCain | Pennsylvania |
Republican Donald Trump, buoyed by rural and working-class voters and an anti-establishment fervor, won
Lancaster County with more votes than either of the last two GOP presidential nominees.
How Donald Trump Won The White House And Stunned The World
Donald Trump won by harnessing deep discontent with Washington and deep-seated loathing of Democrat Hillary
Dow Jones to fall after Trump election victory stuns stock markets - live updates | Business | The Guardian
Wall Street expected to drop after US presidential election shocks world markets
Fewer patients means fewer employees for 2 Lancaster County hospitals | Insider |
Danielle Gilmore, spokeswoman for Lancaster Regional Medical Center and Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical
Center, said in an email Monday that a small number of our employees are being placed
Marijuana wins big on election night - The Washington Post
But it faces considerable uncertainty under a presumptive Trump administration.
Transcript: Donald Trumps Victory Speech - The New York Times
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Donald J. Trump addressed supporters at a hotel in New York early Wednesday.
Feds Probe Fulton Bank and 3 Other Subsidiary Banks of Fulton Financial With Stan J. Caterbone Civil Actions and Mind
Control Research of Monday November 9, 2016
East Lampeter police officer on paid administrative leave following allegations he inappropriately touched teen girl | Local
News |
An East Lampeter police officer, facing allegations he inappropriately touched a 13-year-old girl, was placed on
paid administrative leave in August, township officials said Wednesday.
U.S. spy agencies to begin top secret Trump briefings within days | Reuters
U.S. intelligence agencies will soon begin giving President-elect Donald Trump the same top secret national security
briefings they give President Barack Obama, current and former intelligence officials said Wednesday.
Team Trump Struggling to Fill National Security Jobs - The Daily Beast
Turned down by top talent, Trumps administration-in-waiting is trying to find someone to operate the agencies
tasked with stopping hackers and terrorists.
Trump Election Ignites Fears Over U.S. Encryption, Surveillance Policy
Technology companies and civil libertarians are alarmed by Trump's election victory.
Worries and uncertainty cloud outlook for digital privacy under President Trump | PCWorld
When President-elect Donald Trump officially takes office, hell inherit a powerful U.S. surveillance apparatus,
including the National Security Agency, thats already been accused of trampling over privacy rights.
Trump set to get spy agency briefings, visit Oval Office | The Japan Times
President Barack Obama will host Donald Trump in the Oval Office Thursday, hoping to ease a smooth transition of
power and steady nerves after an election
Stan J. Caterbone FEDERAL COURT DOCKETS Sheets as of November 10, 2016
Canadian spy agency concealed mass data intelligence-bank from courts - World Socialist Web Site
The Federal Court criticized Canadas premier spy agency for lying about its retention and use of metadata from
persons not considered security threats.
US elections: protests held against president-elect as it happened | US news | The Guardian
Peaceful protests took place in cities across the country after Donald Trump won a shock victory in the US election
Hillary Clinton's concession speech in full video | US news | The Guardian
Clinton, who had been widely believed to be the frontrunner in the race going into election day, thanked her family
and campaign staff and encouraged supporters to press onward
The world's newspapers react to Trump's election victory | US news | The Guardian
Some predict disaster while others focus on the enormity of the challenge ahead as the world reels from the shock of
the new president-elect
Clinton and Obama lead calls for unity as US braces for Trump presidency | US news | The Guardian
President-elect insists he will deal fairly with everyone the day after stunning victory that left Americans bitterly
divided and the world uncertain
Weed is Going to Win Big in November |
Home Drug War Chronicle Issue #947 by Phil Smith This article was produced in collaboration with AlterNet
Listen: Kara Newhouse talks to Stevens' Sherri Linetty for Women in STEM podcast | Local News |
In 2007, Sherri Linetty was the first woman graduate at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology to receive the
Technology Competency Award, which recognizes the highest GPA in each field. For
Lancaster city councilman on Trump-Pence win: 'I don't want people to be afraid' | Local News |
At the end of City Councils meeting Wednesday, Councilman James Reichenbach took a few moments to reassure
any city residents worried by the outcome of Tuesdays election.
November 10, 2016
Goodbye Obama, hello Trump: how will the presidential handover work? | US news | The Guardian
The transition of power from Barack Obamas administration to Donald Trumps has begun. We answer the when,
what and how
More anti-Trump action planned after second night of protests across US | US news | The Guardian
Activists say they are weighing up their next moves, as hundreds of people take to the streets again following
election of Donald Trump
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Nuclear weapons: how foreign hotspots could test Trump's finger on the trigger | US news | The Guardian
From North Korea to Iran to Russia, a president-elect with civilisation-ending weaponry at his fingertips will face an
in-tray of potential international crises
Syrian opposition left with nowhere to turn after Trump's victory | World news | The Guardian
US president-elect likely to endorse Russias policy of bombing rebels to the negotiating table
Silicon Valley critics cautiously open their arms to Donald Trump | Technology | The Guardian
Most tech industry leaders railed against the Republican, but some are now changing their tune as they consider
what his presidency will mean
Hillary Clinton seen hiking day after conceding US election | US news | The Guardian
Democratic presidential nominee went for a hike with her husband near their New York home, hugging a supporter
and exchanging some sweet pleasantries
Facebooks failure: did fake news and polarized politics get Trump elected? | Technology | The Guardian
The company is being accused of abdicating its responsibility to clamp down on fake news stories and counter the
echo chamber that defined this election
Dow hits record high after Trump win but investors warn of volatility | Business | The Guardian
Warning of muddled trading as Dow Jones rallies, FTSE 100 dips and concern grows over new presidency effect
on global economy
Defense Intelligence Agency assessment of damage done by Edward Snowden leaks read the report | US news |
A top-secret Pentagon report on Edward Snowden's leaks concluded that 'the scope of the compromised knowledge
related to US intelligence capabilities is staggering'
UPDATED - EXCLUSIVE Transcripts of Whistleblower Testimonies as Targeted Individuals of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control and Related Hearings and Lectures, September 17, 2016
Retired physician, judge became 'Legends of Lancaster' by pushing for progress | Faith |
Dr. Harold White and Louise B. Williams share a commitment to serving others.
To President Elect Donald Trump With Stan J. Caterbone Civil Actions and Mind Control Research of Friday November
11, 2016
Life with PTSD: Army combat veteran works to move past drug use, homelessness | Insider |
You can see the excitement emanating from Art Westerfer as he talks about his 9-month-old son.
Family traditions: Lancaster County veteran opens up about WWII service, following in footsteps of dad, brothers | Insider
Jack McSherry Jr. was admiring 30-foot-high waves shortly before midnight in the North Atlantic when a
particularly aggressive swell broke over the bow of his ship and washed him overboard.
NSA/DHS officials designate institutions as National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense - Military
Embedded Systems
FORT MEADE, MD. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and National Security Agency (NSA) officials
designated the following eight institutions as NSA/DHS National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber
Defense: Augusta University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Florida International University, Middle
Georgia State University, University of Delaware, Clark State Community College, Lake Superior College, and Red
Rocks Community College.
Snowden Prompts Americans to Focus on 'Broad Social Issues' After US Election
National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden said that the outcome of the 2016 US presidential
election should be about social issues rather than individual cases like his own.
President-elect Trump to soon receive intel 'crown jewels' | The Siasat Daily
Mainstream media mind control failed so the establishment vows to dismantle alternative sources - Personal Liberty
Election 2016: What Happened? Whats Next? - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
Truthdig sat down with journalist Bill Boyarsky on Thursday to discuss the stunning results of Tuesdays election
and the future of the United States. - 2016/11/10
Abolish the Electoral College - Truthdig
For the sixth time in our history, a candidate for president of the United States may have won the popular vote and
lost the White House. - 2016/11/10
Resistance Movements Can Be More Powerful Than President Trump - Truthdig
Millions of people around the world are committed to opposing the Republicans dangerous and divisive agenda.
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Their work, like the work of the incoming administration, has just begun. &nbsp; - 2016/11/10
Politics Is the Solution to Our Problems - Truthdig
We cant move to Canada or hide under the bed. This is a moment to embrace democratic politics, not repudiate
them. - 2016/11/10
Here It Comes: Trumps 100-Day Plan to Make America Great Again - Truthdig
Republican control of Congress means much of the partys regressive agendaalong with some of Trumps radical
proposalscould pass. - 2016/11/10
Meet the Trumps: a look at America's new first family | US news | The Guardian
The Donald Trump clan is headed to the White House. Heres what we know about each of them
Modest shifts, no major redraft in Lancaster County's red electoral map | Insider |
Republican Donald Trump racked up large majorities in rural Lancaster County on Tuesday, and he won by 10
percentage points in Columbia Borough, a hardscrabble Democratic river town that backed
Lancaster city councilman on Trump-Pence win: 'I don't want people to be afraid' | Local News |
At the end of City Councils meeting Wednesday, Councilman James Reichenbach took a few moments to reassure
any city residents worried by the outcome of Tuesdays election.
The president is commander in chief? Yes, but it's complicated -
In his campaign, Trump promised to kill family members of Islamic State and institute torture in interrogations. But
presidents often find it tough to get the national security bureaucracy to carry out their programs.
WSJ CEO Council Assembles Worlds Top Chief Executives for 2016 Annual Meeting
Soleilmavis' Letter to President Donald Trump | Soleilmavis Liu | Pulse | LinkedIn
Joshua D. Lock - Goldberg KatzmanGoldberg Katzman
STAN J. CATERBONE and the DEPARTMENT of DEFENSE Documents and Evidence of Conspiracy to .... Saturday
November 12, 2016
Lancaster County has the highest premiums in the state | Local News |
Lancaster County has a new dubious distinction.
Chris Hedges: Its Worse Than You Think - Truthdig
The election of Donald Trump, whose appeal to voters is based on magical thinking, assures the rise of a police state
unlike anything seen in American history. Its fangs will appear the moment Trumps base realizes it has been
betrayed. - 2016/11/11
Chris Hedges, Columnist - Truthdig
Emma Niles: Donald Trump Promised to Drain the Swamp but His Transition Team List Raises Doubts - Truthdig
A leaked document of 41 potential cabinet appointments is rife with figures who have close ties to big business and
special interest groups. - 2016/11/11
Eric Ortiz: Donald Trump Praises Protesters After First Blaming Media for Inciting Them - Truthdig
The president-elect expressed an appreciation for dissent and called for unity in an early morning Twitter message
on Friday. But dont expect the protests to stop or protesters to be silenced. - 2016/11/11
Vladimir Putin Targets East Aleppo RebelsDid Donald Trumps Election Victory Doom Them? - Juan Cole - Truthdig
With Obama a lame duck and Trump a buddy of Putin, Russia and Syria may feel they have a free hand to defeat the
rebels completely in east Aleppo. - 2016/11/11
Elizabeth Warren: Democracy Demands That We Work Together on Americas Agenda - Truthdig
The Massachusetts senator is ready to help President-elect Trump rebuild the U.S. economy. But if Republicans
attempt to remove Wall Street regulations or gut the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, she will fight them. -
GOP National security world seeking dtente with President-elect Trump -
The Republican Party's most senior national security experts denounced their presidential candidate during the
campaign as too reckless to lead the nation safely.
Terror-Funding Conviction in San Diego Under Fire Over NSA Phone Data Collection
Anti-Trump protesters gear up for weekend demonstrations across the US | US news | The Guardian
One man shot and wounded during rowdy protests in Portland, Oregon while more than 10,000 sign up for Saturday
march in New York
Democrats begin fight against Trump: his election 'does not feel like America' | US news | The Guardian
Harry Reid issues blistering statement decrying president-elects forces of hate and bigotry as Elizabeth Warren
urges voters to put in the work to resist Trump
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Facebook's fake news: Mark Zuckerberg rejects 'crazy idea' that it swayed voters | Technology | The Guardian
Those who think fake news is why someone voted for Trump show profound lack of empathy and fail to
internalize the president-elects message, he said
Donald Trump May Select an Architect of Bushs Torture Program to Run CIA
Porter Goss Fast Facts - Honolulu, Hawaii news, sports & weather - KITV Channel 4
Here is a look at the life of Porter Goss, former CIA director and Florida congressman.
CIA Launches Signature School Program at the University of New Mexico - Albuquerque Business First
The program will deepen cooperation between the CIA and UNM.
New JFK assassination theory: Cuban double agent led plot | New York Post
More than 50 years after President John F. Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas, new evidence uncovered in the
secret diaries of a Cold War spy and assassin implicates another clandestine figure believed to be working as a
double agent for Cuba, an explosive new book claims. The never-before-revealed diaries of Douglas DeWitt Bazata,
a decorated officer for the United States Office of Strategic Services the forerunner of the Central Intelligence
Agency claim that his longtime close friend and fellow spy, Ren Alexander Dussaq, was a primary organizer
and plotter of Kennedys assassination on Nov. 22, 1963. The diaries reveal that Dussaq might even have fired the
fatal shot or shots that killed the 35th president of the United States, according to author Robert K. Wilcoxs latest
book, <a href=""
target="_blank">Target: JFK, The Spy Who Killed Kennedy?</a>, which goes on sale Nov. 14. Douglas Bazata
was deeply embedded in the world of secrets, especially those surrounding JFKs death, Wilcox writes. He was
there at the birth of the CIA as an early and major player in that murkiest of worlds He was an insider. In his
diaries, Bazata wrote that the two men first met in Havana, Cuba, during the early 1930s, when Bazata, a US
Marine, was given his first mission as a hitman: to assassinate a Cuban revolutionary. The mission failed, but the
pair's bond was sealed forever after Dussaq saved Bazatas life. The bond deepened in 1944, when both men were
part of WWII's Operation Jedburgh, in which more than 250 American and Allied paratroopers jumped behind
enemy lines across France, the Netherlands and Belgium to fight against German occupation. Dussaqs larger-than-
life legend began here: He was nicknamed Captain Bazooka for demonstrating the Armys new anti-tank rocket
launchers to the Maquis, French resistance guerrillas. Hes also credited with bluffing a German general into
believing he was surrounded by American troops, leading to the capture of up to 500 Nazis. Dussaq who was
born in Buenos Aires and educated in Geneva and Cuba became a naturalized US citizen in 1942. The son of a
Cuban diplomat, he had tried to enlist after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor but was deemed a potential security
risk. However, the US Army was desperate for infantrymen at the time and ultimately accepted him. Dussaq quickly
rose through the ranks, becoming a lieutenant instructor for the elite 101st Airborne Division, the "Screaming
Eagles." One top-ranked OSS official told his counterparts in London that Dussaq, who spoke six languages, was an
exceptional athlete and a master of unusual and hazardous work of a physical nature, references to earlier work as
a deep-sea diver, treasure hunter and Hollywood movie stuntman. He is keen, adaptable intelligent and a
dirty fighter conversant with jujitsu and the commando type of close combat fighting, the OSS official wrote.
Waldo Logan [of Chicagos Adventurers Club and backer of some of Dussaqs earlier seaborne expeditions] says
that he is the only man he has ever known who is entirely without fear. Following the war, Bazata became a world-
class spy and underground operative working for the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Dussaq, meanwhile, took
a job as a Prudential insurance agent in Los Angeles. Within two years, according to Freedom of Information Act
requests, he began infiltrating community groups in Hollywood and Mexico, if not elsewhere, on behalf of the FBI,
Wilcox writes. Around this time, Dussaq, according to Bazatas diaries, grew increasingly angry with the United
States dominance and exploitation of Cuba. Dussaq, according to Bazata's diaries, launched the assassination plot
to make a point to America about its leaders manipulation of smaller countries. Bazata was designated his historian.
He delegated Bazata, when the time was right after the assassinations shock had dissipated to tell the public
the truth about what happened in hopes Americas leaders would change and allow sovereign nations like Cuba to
decide their own fate rather than have America decide it for them," Wilcox writes. The CIA-sponsored Bay of Pigs
invasion in 1961 and continued attempts by Kennedys administration to kill Fidel Castro finally prompted Dussaq
to put his sinister Hydra-K assassination plot into motion, according to Bazatas diaries. [Cuba] could not
determine its own destiny and this was so big with Dussaq, Wilcox told The Post. He was a guy who believed that
every person should determine their own destiny and every country should do the same. Wilcox told The Post he
believes the coded diaries that Bazata gave him in 1999 prior to his death several thousand handwritten pages in
all clearly indicate Dussaq was a double agent working for Cuba. In fact, Bazata writes that one of the reasons
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the Bay of Pigs invasion failed was because Dussaq was informing Cuba all along. Dussaqs second wife, Charlotte,
also told Wilcox that Dussaq was asked by the CIA to help plan the operation, but he declined. Bazata and Dussaq
would later begin plotting and rehearsing Kennedy's assassination at meetings in the United States and Europe,
including at the upscale Tremoille Hotel in Paris, where Bazata told Dussaq about his failed attempts to get US
officials to take his warnings about the impending execution seriously. Wilcoxs book contains a memo he found
among Bazatas secret papers indicating that he and legendary CIA spy Lucien Conein discussed Operation Hydra-
K long before the assassination. This Hydra-K document is hard evidence of what Bazata alleges, Wilcox writes.
There is very little other outside documentation that supports his story although one can argue lack of
documentation would be expected in such a secret and monumental conspiracy. Dallas was selected as the location
for the assassination as far back as 1961, according to Bazata, since it was an anti-Kennedy hothouse for murder
with one of the most corrupt police departments in the country. Dussaq ordered five triggers for the assassination,
with a second commander-manager (COs) standing behind each gunman, according to Bazatas diaries. And if
anything went wrong, each CO had a cyanide inflictor, unavailable even to the CIA at the time, that would kill
instantly. The shooters included Dussaq, Lee Harvey Oswald, an assassin code-named Piatogorsky and two
unidentified CIA hitmen. Bazatas diaries also cite other fringe players in the plot, including backup shooters, five
body doubles for Oswald and random pointers and shouters designed to confuse police and witnesses. On
November 22, 1963, half past high noon, Hydra-K commenced, Wilcox writes. As the motorcade approached,
Ren, preparing to shoot, readied his weapon. Bazata doesnt say where he is, only that he was a great distance
from his target. He is in front of the motorcade. His soon-to-be-fired shot, however, would not be the first. It
would be the second. Oswald, according to the Warren Commission, acted alone. The United States House of
Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) later found a high probability that two gunmen fired
at Kennedy. But according to Bazatas account, Oswald fired the first shot from above and behind Kennedys
lurching motorcade. Wilcox notes that Bazatas account then deviates from the standard, adding that Dussaq
didnt trust or want to include Oswald, the unstable former Marine. He was, after all, tabbed to be the patsy,
Wilcox writes. Dussaq surreptitiously had Oswalds rifle armed with duds, blanks, which Oswald would fire
harmlessly at Kennedy. This ploy, this red herring, Dussaq believed, would later be discovered and serve to
exonerate the patsy and undermine and thus misdirect all official investigations, clearing a path for Bazatas
subsequent planned revelations. Oswalds CO, according to Bazatas diaries, secretly inserted the
dummy cartridges but Oswald instinctively realized something was off after firing the first shot: the signal that the
execution was under way. Oswald then intentionally let a clip fall from his rifle and inserted a real cartridge into
the gun and fired a second, authentic shot before the CO wrestled it away. Oswalds first dummy shot, as planned,
distracted the droves of onlookers in Dealey Plaza. That allowed Dussaq, a superb shot, to fire the first lethal shot
from his undisclosed location in front of the motorcade. At nearly the same time Dussaq fired, another shooter
identified only as a CIA operative fired from the rear, just as Oswald had done seconds earlier. The unidentified
assassin and Dussaq were essentially aiming for the exact same hole and the third shot was slightly higher in the
head, Bazata wrote. According to Bazata, four shots were fired in all, including Oswald's dummy. All shooters
wore gloves and face coverings to protect their skin from powder debris, and their weapons and incriminating
evidence were removed by experts as a squad extracted all involved. Dussaq left Dallas shortly afterward and fled
to Mexico by private boat, while the others stayed behind with solid cover-reasons to be there. Bazata, for his part,
says he was in Europe when Kennedy was killed. Wilcox acknowledges that means Bazata's description of the
assassination if true is second-hand in nature at best, most likely coming from Dussaq himself. To protect his
friend, Bazata referred to Dussaq throughout his diaries as Peter or, more often, Paul, a play on the biblical
transformation of Saul to Paul. But he occasionally slipped and identified Dussaq outright, Wilcox said. Long have
I kept Pauls story in my heart, one of Bazatas diaries read. Paul never spoke to me from bragging or compulsion.
He spoke in tears and hope He chose me to [tell the story] You either believe me or you dont. I care not one
fig either way. I merely set down here a story 50 years in the making. It is all totally true I change only the names
of those I love [Dussaq and other clandestine brothers involved] and those I fear. Although Bazatas diaries do not
include, according to Wilcox, a smoking gun or a direct link to Castro, they point to Dussaq being the
mastermind behind the assassination who led the operation in Dallas. Dussaq referred to Castro as boss at one
point in planning, according to Bazata. There are only four scenarios: It was the rogue CIA, it was Cuba, it was
Russia or it was the Mafia, Wilcox told The Post. Or, its a combination of all of those and my book fits into that
because the real finger is pointed toward Castro and Cuba, but there are CIA players and Mafia involved. Wilcox
said Bazata gave him the diaries during a series of interviews for his 2008 book on Gen. George Patton at Bazatas
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home just before his death at the age of 88. He never wouldve given them to me at the time unless he had a
stroke, Wilcox said. All of his defenses were down. I found these down in his basement and I said, Can I have
these? Upon realizing the monumental find he might have made in Bazatas diaries, Wilcox tracked down Dussaq
and realized he lived just miles away. Dussaq had died of cancer just three months earlier, but his second wife,
Charlotte, gave Wilcox the spys secret stuff, including an unpublished autobiography that was crucial to the
book. In 1994, Dussaq was among a group of WWII veterans who re-enacted their invasion of German-held France
50 years earlier. At 83, he was the oldest of the bunch. Prior to the jump, Dussaq told The Post's Kyle Smith from
his home in Encino, Calif., that he was not a worrying person. Those of us who were paratroopers have a very
strong feeling of oneness with each other, Dussaq said. And we have a very strong awareness of those who went
with us and didnt make it We are doing it to commemorate those who were not lucky enough to survive it. As
usual, nothing was simple or predictable for Dussaq, whose extraordinary life also included feats like walking on his
hands atop the Empire State Building and witnessing one of the first atomic bomb tests on Bikini Atoll in the
Marshall Islands. Strong winds during the re-enactment jump blew Dussaq miles from the drop zone. He was later
found in a nearby French town, drinking a glass of wine, <a href="
/me-15379_1_world-war-ii" target="_blank">the Los Angeles Times reported</a>. Dussaq <a
0f0a-4922-8ea1-64ce758d82c5/" target="_blank">told the Washington Post</a> at the time that he had been
coming to pieces of late, being treated for cancer, a collapsed lung, a hernia and asthma. Dussaq, who said he was
once a man of violence, suggested to a reporter that maybe he was there to redeem his youth, before saying he
found enough adventure of late by simply tending his garden. You know what they say: When the devil gets old, he
retires to a monastery, Dussaq said. <a href="
/dp/1621574873/" target="_blank">Target: JFK, The Spy Who Killed Kennedy?</a> by Robert K. Wilcox will be
available Nov. 14.
Former attorney general Kane hires new attorney for appeals - News weather sports for Youngstown-Warren
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has hired a new attorney to handle the appeals of her perjury
and obstruction conviction and related jail sentence.
Stan J. Caterbone - The Department of Defense - The Intelligence Community - Finding of Facts Re Isc Whistleblowing
Activities as of Saturday November 12, 2016
False Imprisonments and Illegal Interrogations by U.S. Intelligence Agencies November 12, 2016
Lancaster County taxpayers have paid $36k for sheriff facing impeachment over sexual harassment allegations | Insider |
Lancaster County commissioners do not have the power to remove Sheriff Mark Reese, an elected official, from
office but County Solicitor Chris Hausner said officials have been in touch with
Trump picks Jeff Sessions for attorney general and Mike Pompeo for CIA chief | US news | The Guardian
Sessions is a rightwing, anti-immigration senator while Pompeo supports NSA bulk data collection, as Trump also
taps Michael Flynn for national security team
Michael Flynn said to be offered job of Trump national security adviser | US news | The Guardian
Retired general called for more aggression towards Isis, as ex-CIA chief David Petraeus reportedly in race for
secretary of state
Former attorney general Kane hires new attorney for appeals - News weather sports for Youngstown-Warren
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has hired a new attorney to handle the appeals of her perjury
and obstruction conviction and related jail sentence.
Spring House Brewing Co.


Emma Niles: Truthdigger of the Week: The Thousands Who Are Peacefully Protesting Trumps Election - Truthdigger of
the Week - Truthdig
In the days since Donald Trump won the presidency, demonstrators around the country have banded together to
oppose the sexism and racism he condoned on the campaign trail. - 2016/11/12
LETTER: It is getting clearer every day |
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EDITORS NOTE: We don't want to censure thoughtful communications because it is politically incorrect to speak
critically about the President Elect so soon
Emma Niles: Thousands of Anti-Trump Protesters March in Los Angeles - Truthdig
A massive crowd gathered at MacArthur Park on Saturday morning and marched several miles through the heart of
downtown. - 2016/11/12
Trump voters hope for more jobs, immigration control, cheaper health plans | Insider |
The more than 130,000 Lancaster County residents who voted for Donald Trump are hoping the next president will
deliver on his promises.
Trump critics fear deportation, racism, losing health coverage, end of marriage equality | Insider |
Many local residents say they are afraid of how President-elect Trumps policies may affect their health and safety.
America will not be at the heart of a new world order | Fintan OToole | Opinion | The Guardian
The free world was built on US military, economic and ideological power. But it is no longer fit to bear that
burden and nor does it want to
What you need to know about The Lancaster County Community Foundation's Extraordinary Give | Local News |
The Lancaster County Community Foundation is gearing up for its fifth annual Extraordinary Give a 24-hour
online fundraising event for nonprofits in Lancaster County.
Donald Trump and the Normalization of Torture - Lawfare
US backflip on China policy likely, says ex-CIA director
The first sign of a striking new approach to China from the Donald Trump administration has come with the
suggestion the US may now reverse its opposition to the China-created Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
Lancaster Chamber honors Gene Garber with Delp Award for ag work | Local Business |
The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce &amp; Industry has honored Gene Garber with its George C. Delp Award,
for making a significant contribution to the agricultural community here.
The Flying Pig Deli & Gourmet opens in Lancaster city | Local Business |
The Flying Pig Deli &amp; Gourmet has opened in Lancaster, offering a variety deli sandwiches as well as gourmet
grocery items and options for meat and cheese boards.
Albert Wohlsen - Wikipedia
New Deed 1250 Fremont St Recorded on July 9, 2015
New Deed 1250 Fremont St Recorded on July 9, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Former CIA chief: Trump's presidency could damage economy -
When political populists ride to victory on a wave of economic disaffection, as Donald Trump did so effectively last
Tuesday, they often create more damage than they relieve, says the former acting director of the Central Intelligence
Fixated by iPhones and Snapchat, will kids ever again read for pleasure? | Local News |
Two hundred kids and parents attended the 8th annual Lititz Kid-Lit Festival.
Avenues - Nov/Dec 2016 - Powered by
Stephen Bannon and Reince Priebus to lead Trump's White House | US news | The Guardian
Chief of staff rewarded for campaign loyalty and former executive chair of far-right Breitbart News is senior
Stan J. Caterbone and Conflicts With the Trump Administration - Monday November 14, 2016
3 million 'criminal' immigrants to be deported, says Donald Trump video | US news | The Guardian
President-elect Donald Trump maintains his pre-election pledge to build a wall on the US border with Mexico
Obama made progress on criminal justice reform. Will it survive the next president? | US news | The Guardian
Gridlock and opposition in Congress forced Obama to resort to executive orders during his pronounced late-
presidency focus on prisons, sentencing and policing an ultimately limited course of action
Julian Assange faces Swedish prosecutor in London over rape accusation | Media | The Guardian
WikiLeaks founders Swedish lawyer says he has been barred from attending interview, which is scheduled to take
three days
Times Leader | State Rep. Tarah Toohil testifies against former state AG Kathleen Kane
CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Concise Statement of the Errors Complained of on Appeal November 14, 2016
Case No. 16-08472 Exhibit for Pain Medications - Re Case No. CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Concise Statement of the Errors
Complained Filed on November 15, 2016
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War crimes of torture: ICC prosecutor signals charges against US armed forces, CIA RT News
The US may have committed war crimes of torture, cruel treatment and rape, when it interrogated dozens of people
in Afghanistan between 2003 and 2004, the International Criminal Courts chief prosecutor says.
10 most shocking facts we found in CIA torture report RT America
The so-called torture report released by the Senate this week contains only a fraction of the findings on how the
CIA aimed to gather intelligence from detainees through interrogation. Still, it contains more than a few shocking
Facebook staff mount secret push to tackle fake news, reports say | Technology | The Guardian
Employees allegedly formed a task force to tackle the problem, while others say executives are reviewing products
to eliminate appearance of political bias
Effort underway to prevent Kathleen Kane from ever again holding public office | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
House panel that was considering the former attorney generals impeachment hears testimony about damage done to
the AGs office.
Recorded Case No. 16-mc-49 Declaration Re Case No. CP-36-SA-0000247-2016 No Parking Ticket - Motion to Dismiss
November 15, 2016
Letter REQUEST for COMMUTATION of the Sentence of Lisa Michell Lambert to President Obama, November 15,
NSA Director asks American CEOs to prioritize cybersecurity
NSA Director Michael Rogers told a room full of corporate executives Tuesday that they play a role strengthening
the entire country's cybersecurity posture.
Amid signs of transition trouble, Trump huddles with Pence | Politics |
NEW YORK (AP) Hidden from the public in his Manhattan high-rise, Donald Trump huddled Tuesday with
Vice President-elect Mike Pence as he tried to fill out key posts in
Release of Kathleen Kane's email report delayed until next week |
An office spokesman said AG Bruce Beemer had planned to release the report Wednesday but has delayed it in
order to attend the funeral of a police officer shot dead last week in Canonsburg.
Inquirer Editorial: Trump can't deny that the dog-whistle language of his election campaign has incited racism
In the days immediately after Donald Trump was elected president, more than 100 black freshmen at the University
of Pennsylvania received racist text messages; a black female student at Villanova was knocked to the ground by a
group of white males yelling "Trump, Trump, Trump," and racist graffiti and swastikas with references to Trump
were spray-painted on a storefront in South Philadelphia.
Donald Trumps Transition Team Reshaped - WSJ
Another round of staff changes buffeted President-elect Donald Trumps transition team Tuesday amid resistance
from within the Republican Party over a top choice for secretary of state.
What a Trump administration means for space -
A space policy of President-elect Trump is likely to focus on human spaceflight, technology development and
commercialization, and less on Earth science.
Op-ed | Donald Trumps peace through strength space vision -
Trump senior policy advisers Robert Walker and Peter Navarro say a Trump administration would "lead the way on
emerging technologies that have the potential to revolutionize warfare," such as constellations of micro-satellites.
Trump transition team in disarray after key adviser 'purged' | US news | The Guardian
National security adviser Mike Rogers leaves in Stalinesque purge as talks at Trump Tower continue amid
uncertainty over role of president-elects children
Ours Is a Hope of Action - Truthdig
In the movement for equality, justice and peace, we smile at trouble and gather strength from distress. We grow
brave by reflection and do not shrink. - 2016/11/14
Trump in the White House: An Interview With Noam Chomsky - Truthdig
Chomsky warned years ago that the U.S. was ripe for the rise of an authoritarian. Now he speaks about the election,
the state of the U.S. political system and the threat Donald Trump poses to the world. - 2016/11/14
Former state prosecutor says Kane interfered with investigations - News - Citizens' Voice
Donald Trump is going to appear on Alex Jones InfoWars -
The president-elect rejects his ties to the alt-right movement, but his embrace of Alex Jones suggests otherwise
RECORDED - Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center,, Re
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PRAECIPE to ADD DEFENDANTS Filed on November 16, 2016
Democrat Christina Hartman reflects on congressional bid that came closer than ever | Insider |
Democrat Christina Hartmans 11-point loss to Republican Lloyd Smucker in the Lancaster-based congressional
race is decisive in a traditionally red district but also a milestone for the Democratic Party.
Drug delivery resulting in death charge yet to provide results in Lancaster County following 2011 law change | Insider |
Five years after a Pennsylvania law targeting people accused of dealing drugs that results in someone's death was
updated, no one in Lancaster County has gone to trial on the
Missing Quarryville man found safe | Local News |
A missing Quarryville man was found safe Tuesday night.
McCaskey students march against Trump | Local News |
Madi Janz, a McCaskey High School junior, said the election of Donald Trump as president has made many of her
fellow students angry and fearful.
Trump shuffles transition team, eyes loyalists for Cabinet | Business Standard News
Read more about Trump shuffles transition team, eyes loyalists for Cabinet on Business Standard. Trump team still
needs to provide more paperwork before detailed agency-by-agency briefings can take place
I Used Mind Control to Fly a Honeywell Plane | WIRED
With no flight experience and 15 minutes of training, I use my thoughts and a brain-computer interface to swoop
through the air.
Truthdig - A Genuine U.S. Reset With Russia Is Long Overdue
President-elect Trumps willingness to rewrite the foreign and national security establishments playbook, and seek
to normalize relations with Russia, is a welcome development. - 2016/11/15
A Genuine U.S. Reset With Russia Is Long Overdue - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Spies Use Tinder, and It's as Creepy as You'd Think | Motherboard
The story of the Tinder infiltrator.
Trump transition team in disarray after top adviser 'purged' | US news | The Guardian
National security adviser Mike Rogers leaves in Stalinesque purge as talks at Trump Tower continue amid
uncertainty over role of president-elects children
Lets revisit a relevant moment in US history |
By Robert Field Harry Truman was a great president but the country was bitterly divided over many of his
proposals. Dwight Eisenhower became President and
LETTER: 389 suicides and rising over election results |
I read an article today which stated that 389 Americans have already committed suicide since the announcement of
Trump's presidency in fear for their lives and
CCR News: Resistance is our civic duty
Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 16-8822 DOCKET and COMMUTATION LETTER to OBAMA Re
CATERBONE v. Allison Hallet, Re Lisa Lambert Habeus November 17, 2016
Trump Says Transitions Going Smoothly, Disputing Disarray Reports - The New York Times
The president-elect used Twitter to assure Americans that the handover of power was going well, despite accounts
of infighting on his team.
Hillary Clinton: 'There have been times when I wanted never to leave the house again' | US news | The Guardian
In first public appearance after Trump victory, Hillary Clinton says America is worth fighting for, as Bernie Sanders
calls for Democrats to leave centre ground
18 U.S. Code 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-Ci-13373 Exhibit Re Current State of Affairs and Motion for Summary Judgment
November 17, 2016
Realscreen Archive Laura Poitras Project X to open in New York on Nov 18.
Realscreen - the best in non-fiction, is about the global business of factual entertainment
US intelligence chief Clapper resigns
US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Thursday that he had submitted his resignation, stepping
down as President-elect Donald Trump begins to assemble his new administration. Clapper, whose job is to
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coordinate the work of 17 disparate agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency
MedExpress 5 for PAIN VISITS for 2016 and Patient First 1 for PAIN VISIT for 2015 1 for Pneumonia - November 17,
Hackers mind controlled a Tesla Model S in hackathon project | Electrek
Rep. Mike Sturla of Lancaster city will lead policy committee for House Democrats for fifth time | Pennsylvania |
Rep. Mike Sturla, Lancaster Countys lone Democratic state lawmaker, will serve his fifth term as the partys top
policy official in the new two-year session starting in January.
Ephrata Main Theatre struggles to pay digital projection costs as ticket sales decline | Local News |
The Ephrata Main Theatre one of the last small, independent moviehouses in the area faces a double threat
that could sink the 78-year-old business at the heart of
New administration will be willing to alter American policy Trump adviser Woolsey to RT RT News
Donald Trumps administration will be made up of individuals willing to make changes to American policy, former
CIA director James Woolsey, his senior adviser, told RT.
Twitter suspends several accounts in alt-right 'purge' | Fox News
Twitter has suspended a number of prominent accounts associated with the so-called alt-right movement, in an
apparent purge.
James Clapper, of NSA-scandal fame, is stepping down - CNET
A remark to Congress by Clapper provided a key moment during the uproar over NSA spying.
Dark tower in lower Manhattan outed as NSA nerve center
A telecommunications hub built in 1969 to withstand a nuclear attack, now "appears" to serve as a surveillance site
for the National Security Agency (NSA).
US intelligence chief James Clapper resigns | Daily Mail Online
US intelligence chief James Clapper, whose 2013 denial that the US collects personal communications data on
millions of citizens led to the stunning Snowden ...
Spy critic Wyden attacks as Clapper resigns | TheHill
USPS Delivery Confirmation - Request for Commutation of the Sentence of Lisa Michell Lambert to President Obama,
November 17, 2016
Extraordinary Give: Events are held throughout the county | Together |
Events are being held throughout Lancaster County as the entire community comes together to raise money for
worthy organizations.
RECORDED Case No. 16-mc-49 Chapter 11 DECLARATION Re LETTER to Judy Astacio, Consumer Services
Investigator, Pennsylvania Department of Insurance November 18, 2016
Trump National Security Adviser Pick Has Medals and Baggage - NBC News
The choice to offer Michael Flynn the post is sure to thrill those who want a shakeup, but others worry that foreign
policy needs a calm hand.
Michael T. Flynn - Wikipedia
Defense Intelligence Agency - Wikipedia
Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency - Wikipedia
Lowell E. Jacoby - Wikipedia
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper resigns amidst dramatic transition process
The Director of National Intelligence DNI James Clappernbsphas submitted his resignation to Barack Obama
Inquirer Editorial: What else did Kathleen Kane do wrong as attorney general?
Former Attorney General Kathleen Kane is headed to jail, but questions remain about the apparent misdeeds and
botched cases she left behind.
Barack Obama on fake news: 'We have problems' if we can't tell the difference | Media | The Guardian
The US president denounced the spate of misinformation across social media platforms, including Facebook,
suggesting American politics can be affected
Blarney: Snowden files expose NSA spying on EU, UN World Bank and IMF
Court orders were obtained to spy on countries around the world, files show.
Top WikiLeaks Editor: Democrats Should Be Happy About the Organizations Commitment to Transparency - Truthdig
Writing in The New York Times, Sarah Harrison defended the publication against accusations that it abett[ed] the
candidacy of Donald J. Trump by publishing information about Hillary Clintons campaign and its influence over
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
the Democratic National Committee. - 2016/11/17
Honeywell Develops Mind Control for Airplanes | Flying Magazine
An engineer at Honeywell Aerospace has developed a "brain-computer interface that allows pilots to fly an
airplane using only their thoughts.
Kansas Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo would be partisan, strong-willed CIA director | McClatchy DC
Rep. Mike Pompeo wants NSA turncoat contractor Edward Snowden put to death, and thinks waterboarding is
acceptable. But hell have his hands full steering the CIA if he is confirmed as its director.
Former Pa. attorney general sentenced to jail time in perjury, obstruction case | WPXI
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was sentenced to --- --- Channel 11's Gordon Loesch is
covering the sentencing. He'll have any additional developments on Channel 11 News at 5:00 and...
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Will Likely Be Democratic for the Next 6 Years |
PHILADELPHIA MAGAZINE: On Tuesday, voters in Pennsylvania approved a state constitutional amendment
that raises the retirement age for judges to 75
Stan Caterbone Twitter Account FROM November 14 to November 19, 2016
Officials seek guidance from state Supreme Court before resentencing Lancaster County juvenile lifers | Local News |
Lancaster County officials are looking to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for direction before re-evaluating the life
without parole sentences of 13 local convicted killers.
Who are Trump's attorney general, national security adviser and CIA chief? | US news | The Guardian
The president-elect has appointed Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn and Mike Pompeo. None are without controversy
Factbox: Trump makes picks to fill security, legal posts
Republican U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Friday announced his selections for his top security posts,
including the head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), his national security adviser and attorney general. An
official with Trump's transition team told Reuters that Trump had chosen
Look Inside the Windowless New York Skyscraper Linked to the NSA
Mike Pompeo: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Mike Pompeo, who has defended the NSA's spying, has accepted Donald Trump's offer to become the new CIA
director, following in the footsteps of John Brennan.
Christopher P. Lyden, Shareholder at Miller Lyden Attorneys
Christopher P. Lyden in Lancaster is an experienced trial and appellate attorney who has served clients in
Pennsylvania courts for over 15 years.
Miller Lyden P.C. OUr Team
Our team: The attorneys and staff at Miller Lyden P.C.
Case No. SA-247-2016 ORDER by Judge Howard F. Knisely for Motion to Dismiss Dated Wednesday, November 16,
Michel Flynn, Trumps national security advisor, believes fake news and partisan conspiracy theories - Vox
And now his job is telling Donald Trump what to believe.
Proposed Anti-Stalking Legislation UPDATE With Federal Whistleblower and Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control Executive Summary Edited November 21, 2016
Pentagon, intelligence leaders reportedly seeking NSA chief's ouster | The Times of Israel
Admiral Michael Rogers, seen as possible National Intelligence pick for Trump, under fire from defense and intel
heads, prompting House hearing
Lancaster city sells 2 historic West King Street buildings | Local News |
Two historic city-owned buildings in the heart of downtown Lancaster are set to return to private hands.
Fire heavily damages My Place/Rosa Rosa Pizzeria on Harrisburg Pike | Local News |
A fire heavily damaged My Place/Rosa Rosa Pizzeria in Manheim Township Sunday evening.
Chris Hedges: We Are All Deplorables - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Liberals have no moral authority to preach to a dispossessed white working class about racism, multiculturalism,
identity politics or diversity. The abject failure by liberals to fight for economic justice triggered the protofascist
backlash embodied by Donald Trumps election victory. - 2016/11/20
Donald Trump Assembling Team of Swamp Creatures, Says Democratic Lawmaker Keith Ellison - Truthdig
The progressive congressman said its clear the president-elect is not doing what hes said hes gonna do for
average working Americans. - 2016/11/20
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Masons are History?

Local Pennsylvania Susquehanna Valley Breaking News and Live Alerts - WGAL News 8
Chris Hedges: We Are All Deplorables - - Gmail
Peter Richardson: The Crisis of Conservative Intellectuals? - Truthdig
Fire heavily damages My Place/Rosa Rosa Pizzeria on Harrisburg Pike | Local News |
Lancaster city sells 2 historic West King Street buildings | Local News |
Proposed Anti-Stalking Legislation UPDATE With Federal Whistleblower and Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control Executive Summary Edited November 21, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Feds Probe Fulton Bank and 3 Other Subsidiary Banks of Fulton Financial With Stan J. Caterbone Civil Actions and Mind
Control Research of Monday November 9, 2016
Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 16-8822 DOCKET and COMMUTATION LETTER to OBAMA Re
CATERBONE v. Allison Hallet, Re Lisa Lambert Habeus November 17, 2016
New Tab

Barack Obama says reality will force Trump to adjust his approach | US news | The Guardian
Outgoing president does not intend to be his successors constant critic but will speak out if policies breach certain
Dreams of undocumented young people start to crumble after Trump victory | US news | The Guardian
Donald Trump has promised to overturn Obamas Daca program that protects the children of undocumented
immigrants, a group known as the Dreamers
Manheim investors hope $1.55M incubator can help replicate Lititz's buzz in their borough | Local Business |
Manheim businessman T.J. Mousetis sees the advantages that Lititz Borough and Lancaster city get from their
bustling downtowns.
After 28 years in downtown Lancaster, Here to Timbuktu begins closing sale | Local Business |
A retirement sale has begun at Here to Timbuktu, a downtown Lancaster clothing and gift shop, whose owner hopes
to close by the end of the year.
Original Nino's Pizza & Grille opens in Millersville | Local Business |
The Original Ninos Pizza &amp; Grill has opened in Millersville after an extensive renovation of a building that
was most recently the home of a different Ninos pizza shop.
Shifting US policy to right, Trump taps Sessions, Flynn
Kane impeachment panel wrapping up work - News - Citizens' Voice
Facebook announces new push against fake news after Obama comments | Technology | The Guardian
Mark Zuckerberg says site has been working on problem for a long time and penalizes misinformation on news
feeds to reduce chances it will spread
Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Radical Political Strategist Micah White - Truthdigger of the Week -
To withstand and ultimately overcome the imminent Trump regime, American activists must move from detached
indignation to revolutionary engagement by using the techniques of social movement creation to dominate
elections, says the co-creator of Occupy Wall Street. - 2016/11/19
The Boat Rocker: An Unsettling Book About the Moral Dimensions of Modern Journalism - Truthdig
How timely it is to read this strange, intense novel from Ha Jin about the glories and limits of the press. A former
soldier in the Chinese army who chose to stay in the U.S. after the Tiananmen Square massacre, Ha Jin has lived
and worked under two very different sets of rules. - 2016/11/19
Free app to help Park City shoppers find parking during holidays | Insider |
Youre driving slowly past rows of parked cars, your head on a swivel.
Lancaster County Prison seeks funds for inmate bracelet program | Local News |
Lancaster County Prison officials say wristbands will help the facility to move away from paper-based tracking
NSA Director Faces Firing Calls From Pentagon, U.S. Intelligence Elites | The Huffington Post

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Rogers has faced criticism over security lapses in the post-Edward Snowden era.
Fears of government spying under Trump spur encryption use - San Francisco Chronicle
The day Donald Trump ascends from president-elect to commander in chief, he will assume control over U.S.
intelligence agencies and some of the most advanced surveillance systems in the world. The surge is prompted by
concerns of how Trump, a reality-TV star and real estate mogul who forged an unconventional and controversial
path in politics filled with personal attacks and feuds, may use this countrys intelligence apparatus. Years before
former contractor Edward Snowden revealed that the National Security Agency was engaged in widespread
domestic surveillance, the government had been bolstering its ability to gather and keep massive amounts of data on
peoples communications and online activities. [...] Trumps election, which has stoked fears of marginalization and
violence among communities of color, Muslims, LGBT people and immigrants, has brought concerns over digital
privacy to the public. The Obama administration drastically expanded and codified a lot of these programs that are
now being handed over to Donald Trump, said Evan Greer, the campaign director at activist group Fight for the
Future. During the Republican primaries, Trump said he would absolutely keep a database of Muslims in the U.S.
an idea that has since evolved into a national security registry of immigrants from countries with known terror
cells. The president-elect has called social justice group Black Lives Matter a threat and told conservative talk
show host Bill OReilly over the summer that at a minimum, were going to have to be watching. In 2015,
Congress passed the USA Freedom Act that constrained how the government can obtain records using the Patriot
Act and largely limited the NSAs ability to request data, like the private Internet and phone communications of
Americans, from telecom companies en masse. Weakening protections from government spying could also open
doors to others who want eyes on Americans data, said Gabe Rottman, a deputy director at the nonprofit Center for
Democracy and Technology. Pressuring tech companies to build more secure devices and protect user information,
Snowden said, is a safer bet than relying on the integrity of government officials. Earlier this year, Trump loudly
criticized Apple for refusing to build special software to unlock an iPhone used by Syed Rizwan Farook, the
gunman who killed 14 and injured 22 people in a mass shooting in San Bernardino last September. [...] Apple was
cheered by many of its customers, tech professionals and security experts for its decision to resist the governments
demands. Yahoo reportedly built a program last year that allowed U.S. intelligence officials to scour hundreds of
millions of peoples emails to find a signature associated with a terrorist group, according to Reuters. On Friday,
news reports indicated Trump had asked retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a three-star general who specialized in
intelligence gathering, to serve as his national security adviser. The app, which was created by nonprofit Open
Whisper Systems, offers a slew of privacy features including disappearing messages. Encryption helps prevent text
messages, emails, phone calls and video chats from being intercepted during transmission, which is often how
governments, law enforcement and hackers can spy on peoples communication. When messaging or phone calls are
encrypted, that means the communication is scrambled during transmission and then unscrambled by the intended
recipient using a secret key, typically held by the sender, recipient and the app maker.
Edward Snowden Live From Russia - YouTube
People Who Control America ? Mind Blowing Documentary HQ - YouTube
Who Controls United States Of America? Answer is here ! The Waiting Room is a documentary film and social
media project directed by Peter Nicks that follows ...
Oliver Stones Untold History of the United States Prequel A - YouTube
Link to Prequel B here :
Full Documentary: "Edward Snowden" 2016 - YouTube
Full Documentary: "Edward Snowden" 2016 This movie briefly covers NSA analyst-turned whistleblower Edward
Snowden and his escape from American authorities to...

November 21, 2016 - MASONS

Local Pennsylvania Susquehanna Valley Breaking News and Live Alerts - WGAL News 8
Full Documentary: "Edward Snowden" 2016 - YouTube
People Who Control America ? Mind Blowing Documentary HQ - YouTube
Fears of government spying under Trump spur encryption use - San Francisco Chronicle
NSA Director Faces Firing Calls From Pentagon, U.S. Intelligence Elites | The Huffington Post
Officials seek guidance from state Supreme Court before resentencing Lancaster County juvenile lifers | Local News |
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Lancaster County Prison seeks funds for inmate bracelet program | Local News |
The Boat Rocker: An Unsettling Book About the Moral Dimensions of Modern Journalism - Truthdig
Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Radical Political Strategist Micah White - Truthdigger of the Week -
Facebook announces new push against fake news after Obama comments | Technology | The Guardian
Kane impeachment panel wrapping up work - News - Citizens' Voice
Shifting US policy to right, Trump taps Sessions, Flynn
Dreams of undocumented young people start to crumble after Trump victory | US news | The Guardian
Barack Obama says reality will force Trump to adjust his approach | US news | The Guardian
Peter Richardson: The Crisis of Conservative Intellectuals? - Truthdig
Fire heavily damages My Place/Rosa Rosa Pizzeria on Harrisburg Pike | Local News |
Lancaster city sells 2 historic West King Street buildings | Local News |
Proposed Anti-Stalking Legislation UPDATE With Federal Whistleblower and Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control Executive Summary Edited November 21, 2016
Feds Probe Fulton Bank and 3 Other Subsidiary Banks of Fulton Financial With Stan J. Caterbone Civil Actions and Mind
Control Research of Monday November 9, 2016
Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 16-8822 DOCKET and COMMUTATION LETTER to OBAMA Re
CATERBONE v. Allison Hallet, Re Lisa Lambert Habeus November 17, 2016
New Tab

Trumps CIA pick defended torture and abuse | News | DW.COM | 21.11.2016
Donald Trump has nominated Mike Pompeo to lead the CIA. Professor Melvin Goodman, a former senior CIA
analyst, told DW that the Kansas Republican has a record of being an apologist for the agencys past misdeeds.
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray says there is room for improvement in police communication with community | Insider |
Here are excerpts from a Q&amp;A with Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray about LNPs findings on its community
policing efforts.
Lancaster city police chief, captain explain what department is doing to improve community relations | Insider |
Interviews with more than 80 residents throughout the city found widespread lack of knowledge about Lancaster
citys community policing efforts.
'They don't trust them': Dozens of Lancaster city residents say communities aren't connecting with neighborhood police
officers | Insider |
Stu Metzler is a neighborhood organizer in Cabbage Hill, a once tight-knit community in Lancaster that got its name
from the abundance of cabbage gardens maintained there by German immigrants
Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 16-8822 DOCKET, CLERK LETTER, and COMMUTATION LETTER to
OBAMA November 21, 2016
U.S. Supreme Court Case No. 16-6822 Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Re PROOF of SERVICE Notice and Waiver
Tuesday November 22, 2016
A New Breed -- Satellite Terrorism in America Movie
A new movie adapted from Dr. John Hall's book
Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 16-8822 EXHIBIT 1 Re Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal - U.S.
District Court Case No. 14-02559 Judge Diamond Motion to Recuse, Nov,29, 2015 FILED November 22, 2016
Alec Baldwins Return to SNL Playing Donald Trump Sets Off Twitter Feud With the President-Elect - Truthdig
You want more advice, call me, the Saturday Night Live actor wrote to Trump, who tweeted there was nothing
funny about the sketch starring Baldwin that aired this weekend. - 2016/11/21
Pentagon, military leaders seek NSA chief's removal
Washington: Top US military and intelligence leaders are pushing President Barack Obama to fire National Security
Agency chief Admiral Michael Rogers, US
Tony Blair aims to fight resurgent populism with centre-ground campaign | Politics | The Guardian

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Former PM to launch new organisation in the new year in response to global forces that have led to Brexit and
election of Donald Trump
Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 16-6822 EXHIBIT 1 Re Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal - U.S.
District Court Case No. 14-02559 Judge Diamond Motion to Recuse, Nov,29, 2015 FILED November 22, 2016
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray Says There is Room for Improvement in Police Communication - CATERBONE v. Lancaster
City Police Bureau,, November 22, 2016
Kathleen Kane's email report identified 13 judges or senior government officials as 'offenders': Read the report |
Tuesday saw the release of the oft-delayed report on an exchange of lewd and offensive emails commissioned by
former Attorney General Kathleen Kane.
Report of Douglas F. Gansler on Misuse of Commonwealth E-mail Systems
Yall Politics | Congressman Thompson (D): @realDonaldTrump National Security Selections Deeply Troubling
RELEASE: Thompson: National Security Selections Deeply Troubling November 18, 2016 (WASHINGTON)
Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the
following statement on the President-elects selections for key national security positions - Senator Jeff Sessions for
Attorney General, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and Rep. Mike Pompeo as Director of the
Central Intelligence Agency: Todays announcement by the President-elect of selections for key national security
and law enforcement positions is deeply troubling and cause for concern. For over two decades Senator Sessions has
aligned himself with far-right anti-immigrant groups
(31) Trips of Notes Cards Receipts From Lobby Efforts for Anti Stalking Legislation to Capitol Complex, Harrisburg PA -
Updated November 22, 2016.pdf
What Snowden Misses - YouTube
We'd love for this to be Edward Snowden's last Thanksgiving away from home. Take action now to ask President
Obama to bring an American whistleblower home wi...
Report of Douglas F Gansler/Kathleen Kane on Misuse of Commonwealth Email Systems November 22, 2016 Published
Trump Momentum Powers Wall Street to Fresh Records, Dow Trades Above 19K | Fox Business
A record week on Wall Street continued as the major averages hit fresh record levels and the Dow Jones Industrial
Average traded above 19000 for the first time ever.
Ex-Pennsylvania attorney general Kane to appeal perjury case - The Morning Call
Ex-Pennsylvania attorney general to appeal perjury case
Ex-PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane appeals her prison sentence | Local |
Kathleen Kane was sentenced last month to 10-23 months in county jail on perjury and related charges for leaking
secret grand jury information and then lying about it in a
Russia, China Said To Ramp Up Spying After Donald Trump's Victory
Russia and China are believed to be no strangers to espionage and stealing other countries secrets. But experts are
getting alarmed
Dentist Dr. Rashi Letter of Dismissal and Statement of Stan j. Caterbone November 19, 2016
News Features: The Single-Assassin Theory, the Media Establishment and the CIA | Flagpole Magazine | Athens, GA
News, Music, Arts, Restaurants
Trump Proposes an Advocate of Mass Public Surveillance as CIA Chief - Scientific American
Mike Pompeo wants to collect bulk data for detailed profiles of anyone who uses the Internet
Emails: CIA Official Reviewed Parts Of Times Reporter's Book Before Publication | Gizmodo Australia
New York Times reporter David Sanger worked extensively with former deputy CIA director Michael Morell during
the reporting of his book Confront and...
Contact Us - Interstate Hotels & Resorts
Contact Interstate Hotels & Resorts.
Stan Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP 16 Year Investment in Downtown Lancaster November 1, 2015
Stan Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP 16 Year Investment in Downtown Lancaster November 1, 2015
- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
STAN J. CATERBONE AND THE Dale High Building of the Marriott Expansion - IS IT FAIR? October 10, 2016
Recorded Case No. 49-mc-2016 Declaration Re Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 Re Praecipe to Add
Defendants Taproom Marriott, November 23, 2016
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Hillary Clinton urged to call for election vote recount in battleground states | US news | The Guardian
Alleged irregularities in battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin prompt demands for audit
amid concerns over foreign hackers
Since 2001, average Lancaster County worker earning 1 percent less | Insider |
Wage stagnation and loss of higher-paying manufacturing jobs are drags on Lancaster Countys economy and
quality of life, and its important employers craft solutions, a pollster says.
Lancaster city budget for 2017 calls for 3 percent property tax increase | Local News |
Refinancing city debt saved Lancaster enough money to avoid a property tax increase for 2016.
President Obama, First Cautiously Optimistic, Felt Deep Disappointment After Trumps Win - Truthdig
A new report by The New Yorker follows the outgoing president in the days leading up to and following Donald
Trumps stunning victory. - 2016/11/22
Obama Reckons with a Trump Presidency - The New Yorker
Teslapathic Cal Hacks 3.0 Creates Mind-Controlled Tesla Model S (Video) | CleanTechnica
Mark Zuckerberg, Dont Get Hoodwinked By Media And Politicians | Countercurrents
Shortly after Hillary Clinton's crushing defeat, the media came up with another spin: Zuckerberg and Facebook were
held responsible for her debacle! What crap!
Kathleen Kane appeals perjury conviction to state court
COURTHOUSE >> Disgraced former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane has appealed to a state
court her conviction and the jail term she received last month from a Montgomery County judge on perjury and
abuse of power charges.
News Wrap: Obama commutes prison sentences for 79 more | PBS NewsHour
In our news wrap Tuesday, President Obama commuted the sentences of another 79 federal offenders, taking him
over the 1,000 mark. The White House says thats more than the past 11 chief executives combined. Also, a federal
judge in Texas blocked a rule that would make more than 4 million workers eligible for overtime pay. The U.S.
Labor Department regulation was set to start Dec. 1.
RECEIPTS Tues November 22 - Wednesday November 23, 2016 WITH NOTES
Oldest dirty tactic to defame opponents, Anfrel says of CIA link claim - Malaysiakini
Winners at the Medal of Freedom ceremony include Tom Hanks, Space Jam -
The Medal of Freedom ceremony brought big names to the White House on Tuesday. Honorees included Diana
Ross, Michael Jordan and Robert De Niro. The award is the highest civilian honor given by the White House.
FULL EVENT President Obama Awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Nov 22. 2016. Michael Jordan - YouTube
President Obama Awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Nov 22. 2016. President Obama awards Presidential
Medal of Freedom one final time. President Obama ...
Pequea Township wants to take over Southern Regional Police | Local News |
Pequea Township wants to take control of the Southern Regional Police Department because it doesnt believe
Conestoga Township is paying its fair share of the costs.
Private Prisons Expect Surging Profits During the Trump Administration - Truthdig
People invested in the prison industry are set to get even richer off the mass incarceration of minority and low-
income people when Donald Trump and the tough-on-crime nominee for attorney general, Jeff Sessions, take
control of the federal justice system. - 2016/11/23
Jill Stein and Legal and Computing Experts Question Election Results, Call for Action - Truthdig
A number of sources, including a team of computer scientists and Green Party presidential nominee Stein, are
claiming that the results of the Nov. 8 election were affected by tampering tactics of various kinds. - 2016/11/23
Wolf vetoes bill to protect cops' names, but county lawmakers, law enforcement hope for its revival | Insider |
An effort by Pennsylvania lawmakers to shield the identity of officers involved in shootings died on the governors
table Monday, but supporters are banking on a swift resurrection.
Ideology Is Supplanting Intelligence | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
With Donald Trumps earliest appointments to senior national security positions, some of the disturbing implications
for the making of foreign policy of his own lack of qualifications for office are beginning to appear. A president-
elect whose outrage-filled campaign alienated many serious thinkers in both parties has made personal support even
more of a paramount consideration in the appointment process than it usually is, and even more than Trumps own
inclinations would have made it in the first place. Not only does the priority given to insight and objectivity thereby
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Joint Chiefs Urge Due Diligence in Targeting the Enemy |
The Pentagon won't say why its targeting manual was released online | Popular Science
A full instruction manual from the Pentagon appeared online.
Lancaster college presidents join letter urging Donald Trump to condemn hate speech, crimes | Local News |
The presidents of three Lancaster County institutions of higher educations have joined more than 100 of their peers
nationwide in calling on President-elect Donald Trump to condemn hate crimes.
Bill Boyarsky: Recount! Recount! - Bill Boyarsky - Truthdig
I doubt if the election was hacked, but I dont know for sure. Thats why its important to support a growing
campaign for a recount. - 2016/11/24
How to cook the perfect beef stroganoff | Life and style | The Guardian
This 70s favourite is overdue a revival. But do you stay authentically Russian with a flour-and-butter roux or add the
sharper notes of sour cream and mustard?
Tax credits may help jump-start Hotel Lancaster, Bulova projects in downtown Lancaster | Insider |
Millions of dollars in federal tax credits could be the missing piece that helps revitalize a key block in the heart of
downtown Lancaster.
Childhood friends Monica de Vitry and Jordan Rast reunite as a duo | Entertainment |
The Lancaster natives will reunite for a Friday night performance.
Christian Cuevas advances to top 10 on NBC's 'The Voice'; brother is Lancaster Realtor | Entertainment |
Christian Cuevas, whose brother is Lancaster Realtor Handy Cuevas, advanced to top 10 competition on NBC's
"The Voice." The results of the overnight audience vote was announced on Tuesday night's
VITALLY IMPORTANT - LETTER and DOCUMENT to Cappello & Noel, LLP of Santa Barbara, CA Friday November
25, 2016
Receipts Christmas Tree Lighting Friday November 25, 2016 RRTA in Taxi Out
USPS LABEL - LETTER and DOCUMENT to Cappello & Noel, LLP of Santa Barbara, CA Friday November 25, 2016
Fidel Castro and the secret war waged by CIA | Miami Herald
The clandestine campaign waged by the Kennedy administration and the CIA against Fidel Castro in the years that
followed the Bay of Pigs invasion rivaled open warfare in time, effort and money spent.
Fidel Castro survived half a century of CIA assassination attempts before his death at 90 | Daily Mail Online
The controversial Communist leader, who ruled his country with an iron fist as a one-party state from 1959 to 2008,
spent most of his fifty years in the cross-hairs of the U.S. government.
Pennsylvania's mental health ranking moves up to 9th in US | Local News |
Pennsylvanias mental health situation looks better than it used to compared to the rest of the United States,
according to a new national ranking.
Cuba's Fidel Castro, who defied US for 50 years, dies at 90 | World |
HAVANA (AP) Former President Fidel Castro, who led a rebel army to victory in Cuba, embraced Soviet-style
communism and defied the power of 10 U.S. presidents during his half
Robert Scheer and Journalist Johann Hari Discuss Addiction and the War on Drugs - Scheer Intelligence - Truthdig
British journalist Johann Hari discusses his new book Chasing the Scream, about the history of the drug wars in
the U.S. and how other nations approach drugs and addiction. - 2016/11/25
Paul Street: How the Republican Party Rules a Nation That Hates It - Truthdig
The strange political dominance of the Grand Old Party can be explained by 12 factors, including the neoliberal
agenda of the Democratic Party, gerrymandering, the politics of fear, and mass ignorance in much of the U.S.
populace. - 2016/11/25
Cubas revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro, dies aged 90 | World news | The Guardian
The comandante overthrew Batista, established a communist state and survived countless American assassination
1250 Fremont St, Lancaster, PA 17603-6812 to 114 N Old Stonehouse Rd Directions - MapQuest
View detailed information and reviews for 123 N Prince St in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and get driving directions
with road conditions and live traffic updates along the way.
Philhaven will start no-tobacco hiring policy in January | Local News |
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As of Jan. 1, the regions largest mental and behavioral health care provider will not hire people who use tobacco.
Robert Scheer: How Fidel Outlived His U.S. Government Assassins - Robert Scheer - Truthdig
John F. Kennedys administration tried to assassinate Fidel Castro by using Mafia hit men, wrote Robert Scheer,
Truthdig editor in chief, in a Los Angeles Times column first published in 1997. - 2016/11/26
Lancaster church leader works to save historic sacred places | Faith |
Former Community Mennonite pastor Chad Martin directs National Fund for Sacred Places
Obama expands elite unit's powers to hunt terrorists, United States News & Top Stories - The Straits Times
WASHINGTON President Barack Obama's administration is giving the elite Joint Special Operations Command
(JSOC) - the organisation that helped kill Osama bin Laden in a 2011 raid by Navy Seals - expanded power to track,
plan and potentially launch attacks on terrorist cells around the globe.. Read more at
'State of Surveillance' with Edward Snowden and Shane Smith (FULL EPISODE) - YouTube
The full episode of VICE on HBO's 'State of Surveillance' is available to stream for free on VICE News. When
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked details ...
Kanye West's Paranoia Overtakes Him |
Kanye West has been in desperate shape this week, paranoid and profoundly depressed, and he's been dealing with
these issues for a long time
Kanye West Hospitalized, Handcuffed in Ambulance |
Kanye West has been taken to UCLA Medical Center for evaluation.
Receipts Phils - Hershey Football - Sharks Saturday November 26, 2016
LETTER From Judy Astacio, Consumer Services Investigator, Pennsylvania Department of Insurance Re GEICO and
Lancaster Fleet and Auto Re REFER to PA ATTORNEY GENERAL November 18, 2016
Receipts Christmas Tree Lighting Friday November 25, 2016 RRTA in Taxi Out
Diana Krall Christmas Songs - YouTube
Artist: Diana Krall Feat Clayton - Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Album: Christmas Songs Label: Verve Genre: Jazz,
Vocal Jazz Year: 2005 Tracks: 01 Jingle Bells 00:...
Top 10 Elvis Costello Songs - YouTube
His aim is true. Welcome to, and today were counting down our picks for the top 10 Elvis Costello
songs. Check us out at
FBI Headquarters FBI
Our Headquarters is located between 9th and 10th Streets in northwest Washington, D.C. The closest Metro subway
stops are Federal Triangle on the Orange/Blue lines, Gallery Place/Chinatown and Metro Center on the Red line,
and Archives/Navy Memorial on the Yellow and Green lines.
The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with the COPS Gang-Stalking Program
In 1975 Senator Frank Church convened a joint senatorial/congressional inquiry into the egregious human rights and
civil liberties violations of the Central Intelligence Agency
18 U.S. Code 1513 - Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
COINTELPRO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania-United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Letter to James Comey, Director of FBI Re COINTELPRO Used to Obstruct Justice - Monday November 28, 2016
Train - Play That Song - YouTube
March 9, 2016 - I found cash missing from my safe at Fremont Street..
Letter to James Comey, Director of FBI Re Cointelpro Used to Obstruct Justice Monday November 28, 2016
The Lumineers - Ho Hey (Official Video) - YouTube
Passenger's new album 'Young As The Morning Old As The Sea' out now
/YATM_OATSID World Tour 2016 & 2017 tickets on sale now https...
Trump Considers Former CIA Chief Gen. Petraeus as US State Secretary
US President-elect Donald Trump is expected to meet retired four-star general and former CIA Director David
Petraeus on Monday as he is being considered as secretary of state.
Post-Resignation Kane Hearings Could Bring Oversight, Reform | The Legal Intelligencer
Impeachment hearings for former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane continued well past her
resignation from office three months ago, but attorneys s...
Defying poverty, part 1: At 3:40 in the morning, a single mom walks 2 miles to work | Insider |
Brenda Capps, 39, grabbed her backpack before heading out her front door at 3:40 on a Saturday morning. After
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months without work, she was starting a new job. She was
There's a tax credit for those about to rock at Rock Lititz | Insider |
Rock Lititz, the cluster of live entertainment production companies in Warwick Township, has been billed as a
regional economic driver from the start.
Sanctuary city? No, but Lancaster doesn't actively pursue the undocumented, either | Insider |
Two days after Donald Trump won the presidential election, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney affirmed his town
would remain a sanctuary city.
LG Health plans 2-story look for 1-story behavioral health hospital | Local News |
For safety reasons, Lancaster General Health's psychiatric hospital at Harrisburg Avenue and West Liberty Street is
laid out as a single story building.
Bullet goes through window of occupied home in shots-fired incident in Lancaster | Local News |
A bullet traveled through a window and into a home when shots were fired on a Lancaster city street Sunday night.
Report of shot fired during armed robbery at East Lampeter Twp. grocery outlet | Local News |
A shot reportedly was fired during the armed hold-up of an East Lampeter Township store Sunday night.
Scott Ritter: A Genuine U.S. Reset With Russia Is Long Overdue - Truthdig
President-elect Trumps willingness to rewrite the foreign and national security establishments playbook, and seek
to normalize relations with Russia, is a welcome development. - 2016/11/15
Chris Hedges and Rachel Moran Discuss the Reality of Prostitution - Truthdig
The Truthdig columnist and the anti-prostitution activist examine how capitalism is at the core of sex work, which
Moran calls the commercialization of sexual abuse. - 2016/11/21
Kanye West's Paranoia Overtakes Him |
Kanye West has been in desperate shape this week, paranoid and profoundly depressed, and he's been dealing with
these issues for a long time


Chris Hedges: Waiting for the Barbarians - Chris Hedges - Truthdig

The collapse of our democratic institutions, the pillaging of the economy by the elites and the surrender of our most
basic constitutional rights will be enshrined permanently into law by a crisis. - 2016/11/27
Bolivia Declares State of Emergency With Worst Drought in 25 Years - Truthdig
Climate change has shrunk Bolivian glaciers and left cities without water. - 2016/11/27
Quarryville-based contractor starts division to design and build medical marijuana growhouses | Local Business |
When DJ Risk approached his grandparents about creating a new division within Paul Risk Construction, he
wrestled with how to share his vision.
Social Security LETTER Re No Review Needed July 25, 2016 November 29, 2016
Fidel Castro, the man who couldnt be killed at least not by the CIA - LA Times
Two presidents ordered the CIA to kill Castro, but the revolutionary turned communist survived.
Brazilian team Chapecoense among those on board crashed plane | World news | The Guardian
Authorities name survivors after plane with more than 80 people on board went down during flight from Bolivia to
Donald Trump selects Tom Price as secretary of health and human services | US news | The Guardian
Georgia congressman would be expected to play key role in attempts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act,
Obamas landmark healthcare legislation
Trump Wants to Make the 1 Percent Even Richerand Use Washingtons Deceptive Language to Do It - Truthdig
Political economist Michael Hudson explains how economic terms such as capital gains are deployed to mislead
the public about who is benefiting from economic policy and where the wealth is going. - 2016/11/28
Defying poverty, part 2: Before finding work, single mom Brenda Capps makes peace with her past | Insider |
Second of three parts
11 hurt in Ohio State attack: Terrorism eyed as police seek more info | National |
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Investigators are looking into whether a car-and-knife attack at Ohio State University
that injured 11 people was an act of terror by a Somali-born student who
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Conspiracy Theorists: Kanye Is Being Reprogrammed For Speaking Out - Vocativ
Vocativ uses intelligent technology, smart journalists and the wisdom of the crowd to find story leads and angles no
other news organization can.
FBI and NSA Poised to Gain New Surveillance Powers Under Trump - Bloomberg
The FBI, National Security Agency and CIA are likely to gain expanded surveillance powers under President-elect
Donald Trump and a Republican-controlled Congress, a prospect that has privacy advocates and some lawmakers
trying to mobilize opposition.
Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Pro-Assad forces seize third of east Aleppo in rapid advance | World news | The Guardian
As many as 20,000 people reportedly trying to flee rebel-held area after push led by Iraqi militias and Hezbollah
ACCTS RECEIVABLES Future Value Calculator
Free online tool to calculate the future value of an investment with starting amount and periodical deposits. Also
find hundreds of other free online calculators here.
Congress raises concern over future of NSA's Rogers -
Reports about the job security of NSA director Adm. Mike Rogers has several members of Congress up in arms.
C.I.A. Doctors, Ethics and Torture - The New York Times
The psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton calls for an inquiry, and a New York assemblyman sponsors a preventive bill.
Obama should pursue leniency for Edward Snowden | TheHill
OPINION | The government whistleblowers acts drove necessary reforms.
Trump visits with national security nominees as his cyber defense plan raises legal questions - POLITICO
Warner, DHS discuss internet of things Two House bills hit floor today
Print Order # 72764301 - LD Products provides affordable and discount printer ink and laser toner to businesses and consumers
worldwide. Printer Inkjet Cartridges, Printer Ink Cartridge Refill Kits, Laser Toner Cartridges and many more
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Order # 72764301 - LD Products SHIPPED November 27, 2016
CIA Doctors, Ethics and Torture - New York Times, Tuesday November 29, 2016
Letter to James Comey, Director of FBI Re PRO SE BILLINGS INVOICE Wednesday November 30, 2016
Advanced Media Group Original Invoices and Accounts Receivables for November 30, 2016
Lancaster County Penn State fans prepare for Big Ten championship game | Insider |
Penn State will play for its first Big Ten championship, and lots of devoted fans from Lancaster County will be
heading to the Hoosier state.
51 voters submit petitions to recount Lancaster County election results | Insider |
Lancaster County officials will discuss Wednesday the possibility of recounting vote totals in nearly a dozen local
precincts after Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein challenged Pennsylvanias election results.
Lancaster Central Market's Turkey Lady retires after 15 years | Local News |
There's a new Turkey Lady in town.
Police: Lancaster shooting not as reported | Local News |
A reported shooting in Lancaster has turned out to be self-inflicted and accidental, police said.
Jimmy Carter Calls on Barack Obama to Recognize Palestine - Juan Cole - Truthdig
In a New York Times op-ed, the former president also urges Obama to let the United Nations condemn Israeli
presence on Palestinian land in the West Bank. - 2016/11/29
Kasia Anderson: Journalists Decry Washington Posts Story on Source That Blacklisted Truthdig and Other Outlets -
The paper published an article Thursday based on an organizations report that named more than 200 news outlets as
tools of the Putin administration. But not everyone in the media was convinced. - 2016/11/29
Live at Truthdig: Why Is The Washington Post Embracing the New McCarthyism? - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and his team will sit down Thursday, Dec. 1, to discuss the recent
Washington Post story that relied heavily on an unsubstantiated source that claims Truthdig and other news outlets
are spreading Russian propaganda. - 2016/11/29
Internet Archive looks to take digital collection to Canada | ZDNet
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The web page library is looking to duplicate its database under a domain outside of the US following the election of
Donald Trump.
Intelligence experts urge Obama to end Edward Snowden's 'untenable exile' | US news | The Guardian
Fifteen former staff members of the Church committee, the 1970s congressional inquiry into illegal activity by the
CIA, wrote jointly to the US president
Manheim Township's Marc Lemon is running Donald Trump's transportation and infrastructure policy team | Insider |
President-elect Donald Trumps campaign promised to transform Americas crumbling infrastructure into a golden
opportunity for accelerated economic growth.
Prosecutors issue guidelines on probes of police shootings | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association issued guidelines Tuesday for investigating
shootings by police officers, recommending that departments do not investigate their own and that the shooters'
names should
Pay Bills Members1st Paid Lancaster City Water Bill Wednesday November 30, 2016
Docket Number 3576 EDA 2016 KATHLEEN KANE Superior Court Appeal November 30, 2016
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 3576 EDA 2016 REQUEST for APPEARANCE Re Kathleen Kane Amicus in
Support of Motion to DISMISS Charges November 30, 2016
Lancaster County plans no tax increase for 2017 | Insider |
Lancaster County's budget proposal calls for the line to be held on taxes cash reserve levels to increase in 2017.
Millersville University to host forum on community-police relations | Local News |
The latest in a series of public forums on community-police relations will take place Monday at Millersville
Lancaster County bear hunter dies of heart attack | Local News |
A 55-year-old passionate bear hunter from Reinholds has died after suffering a series of heart attacks after unloading
his gear at his Clinton County hunt camp.
Eastern Aleppo becoming 'one giant graveyard' says UN humanitarian chief | World news | The Guardian
Stephen OBrien says 25,000 forced to flee homes since Saturday as Russia dismisses pointless resolutions in
security council emergency session
FBI, NSA, CIA Poised to Gain increased Surveillance Powers Under Trump
Trumps first two choices to head law enforcement and intelligence agencies are leading advocates for domestic
government spying at levels not seen since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Closeness With Kane Central to Reese Appellate Arguments | The Legal Intelligencer
During arguments before the Pennsylvania Superior Court, an attorney for Kathleen Kane's former aide, Patrick
Reese, argued that the two were close enough fo...
15 Former Church Committee Staffers Want Leniency for Edward Snowden - Hit & Run :
The president probably won't listen. But he should.
SCANS From Harrisburg Philadelphia Wednesday November 30, 2016
Letter to Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman re FULTON BANK Stamped Relieved in Lancaster County
District Attorney Office June 18, 2008 12-56pm
Memorandum for President Obama Re Leniency for Edward Snowden by 15 Former Intelligence Members November 28,
2016 With Director Comey Letter December 1, 2016
Superior Court Case No. Case No. 1219 MDA 2016 Brief in SUPPORT OF APPEAL and GRANTING OF
INJUNCTION Thursday December 1, 2016
The story of Soviet spy Robert Lipka, who was caught in Lancaster County | Local News |
Robert Lipka was living a quiet life near Millersville when he was arrested in 1996 and charged with selling secret
U.S. documents to the Soviets when he worked as a
An ex-CIA Senior Operative tells why Hillary lost |
WikiLeaks releases 2,000 files from German probe into Edward Snowden's NSA revelations
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange slammed the 'cowardly' German government.
Congress set to elevate CYBERCOM to unified combatant command
In the newly released National Defense Authorization Act, Congress authorizes the elevation of Cyber Command to
a fully unified combatant command.
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The Rolling Stones: 'We are theatre and reality at the same time' | Music | The Guardian
The bands best album in decades is an accidental covers collection of songs by their early heroes. Backstage in
Boston they talk about playing until theyre dead, Prince opening for them in his knickers and what Bob Dylan
really thinks about his Nobel prize
Kathleen Kane won't face full impeachment probe by Legislature - The Morning Call
Kathleen Kane will not face impeachment in Pennsylvania Legislature
Begin Again Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Keira Knightley, Adam Levine Movie HD - YouTube
Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on
FACEBOOK: Begin Again Official Trai...
Lancaster man waives hearing on charges he provided alcohol to Lancaster Catholic students | Local News |
Officials said they are continuing to investigate whether a man charged last month with buying alcohol for teens at a
Manheim Township school has done the same in other parts
Report recommends putting Kane impeachment on hold - News - Citizens' Voice
Remote control of the brain is coming: How will we use it?
Lancaster County Courthouse to ban cell phones in 2017 | Insider |
The Lancaster County courthouse will ban devices for many starting in January.
Wegmans in Lancaster County: $100M Crossings at Conestoga Creek construction set to begin in January | Insider |
This past March was the 10th anniversary of the unveiling of The Crossings at Conestoga Creek, a $100 million
commercial development at Route 30 and Harrisburg Pike.
7 facing DUI charges following 2 Thanksgiving Eve Lancaster County checkpoints | Local News |
Seven drivers were charged with DUI on Thanksgiving Eve at two checkpoints in Lancaster city.
Report: Lancaster County's foreign-born residents contribute $1.3 billion annually to economy | Local News |
In 2014, immigrants in Lancaster County contributed $1.3 billion to the local economy, or a little more than 5
percent of the total.
Trump Pick for Treasury Chief Is the Ultimate Wall Street and Government Insider, Says GOP Lawyer - Truthdig
Steven Mnuchin got rich with taxpayer money in a legal but distasteful corporate welfare scheme in which he
used dubious mortgages to foreclose on tens of thousands of families through a failed bank he bought cheap in the
2008 Wall Street crash, says California lawyer Saied Kashani. - 2016/12/01
From gaming to healthcare, mind control goes mainstream | The Network
Controlling machines with your mind is no longer just science fiction
Cellphone ban elicits mixed reviews from Lancaster County Courthouse visitors | Insider |
Officials at the Lancaster County Courthouse are bracing for a rough start, but an eventual smoothing out as visitors
get used to new rules restricting who can bring cellphones into
Medical marijuana means probable lawsuits against prohibitive workplace policies, advisers say | Insider |
Full implementation of Pennsylvanias medical marijuana law remains a year or so away, but experts say its high
time that employers started preparing.
Norman Bristol Colon announces run for mayor of Lancaster | Local News |
Norman Bristol Colon declared his candidacy for mayor of Lancaster twice on Thursday afternoon: First in Spanish,
then in English.
Trump's First 100 Days: Technology, Privacy and Intelligence - Scientific American
The new administration will likely defang efforts to enforce Net neutrality and online privacy protections, and
potentially ramp-up domestic and international surveillance &nbsp;
MINA Breaking News
Internet News Agency with daily news from Macedonia, the Balkans and Around the world. Information on Health,
Economy, Politics, Environment, Sports.
Donald Trump announces James 'Mad Dog' Mattis as secretary of defense | US news | The Guardian
The retired marine general, known for his blunt approach toward the US military and Middle East conflicts, raises
establishment hopes that he can rein in Trump
Contenders, picks for key jobs in Trump's administration | Jamestown Sun
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After Months Of Trash Talk, Trump Embraces Generals - Vocativ
Vocativ uses intelligent technology, smart journalists and the wisdom of the crowd to find story leads and angles no
other news organization can.
Depression has bigger impact on Lancaster County health than diabetes or substance abuse, insurer says | Insider |
Depression and anxiety have a bigger impact on health than diabetes or substance abuse, according to a new
Marjorie Cohn: The Remarkable Legacy of Fidel Castro - Truthdig
History will absolve me, the leader of the Cuban Revolution famously predicted. Its a hard point to argue in light
of what he achieved for his country despite incessant interference by the United States. - 2016/12/02
Forty Years Ago, the CIA Had Its Eye on Jamaicaand Bob Marley Got Shot - Truthdig
The groundbreaking musician sang about revolution against an unfair global system and nearly paid with his life in
1976. In the U.S., the rise of Bernie Sanders gives reason to believe Americans are becoming aware of the changes
that Marley envisioned. - 2016/12/02
John Kiriakou: Donald Trumps National Security Choices Are Not the A Team in Intelligence Circles - Truthdig
Progressives have no reason to be optimistic about retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as national security adviser or
Rep. Michael Pompeo as CIA director. - 2016/12/02
Donald Trump Picks Retired Gen. James Mad Dog Mattis for Defense Secretary - Truthdig
Its fun to shoot some people. Ill be right upfront with you, I like brawling, Mattis said in 2005, speaking about
the American invasion of Afghanistan. - 2016/12/02
The Field of Fight - Book Review - Truthdig
Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who is set to become Trumps national security adviser, writes in his new book,
[Religious war] created our world. The world badly needs an Islamic Reformation, and we should not be surprised
if violence is involved. Its normal. - 2016/12/02
Defend A Child: "Meet the Press NBC November 13, 2011 8:00am-9:00am PST" - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Facebook plans to invest $20m in affordable housing projects | Technology | The Guardian
The tech company, long criticized displacing low-income residents in Silicon Valley, will partner with advocacy
groups to amid massive campus expansion
Special committee issues recommendations to avoid another Kane-like debacle | State House Sound Bites |
After nearly a year of investigation, Kathleen Kane will not be officially impeached. (Photo by AP) (Harrisburg) --
An investigation into impeaching former state Attorney General Kathleen Kane is ending after nearly a year. But as
WITF's Katie Meyer reports, Republicans on a special House subcommittee are still releasing a slew of policy
recommendations based on misconduct the group found during its inquiry. The House panel began investigating
Kane for possible impeachment last February. Representative Todd Stephens, a Montgomery County Republican
who chaired the committee, said the panel's now fairly sure Kane won't hold office again, so following through is
not really necessary.
The Week in Pictures: Dec. 2, 2016 | |
Here are our picks for some of the most dramatic, and heartwarming, pictures published on LancasterOnline over
the past week.
Viral James Mattis Email About Reading - Business Insider
By reading, you learn through others experiences, generally a better way to do business, especially in our line of
work where the consequences of ...
Lawmakers scared of the return of a vindicated and vindictive Kathleen Kane |
NEWSLANC EDITOR: By impeaching former Attorney General Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania lawmakers
would disqualilfy her from returning to run for governor. They
Chapter 12 - ROHYPNOL AND SATELLITE and Chapter 11 - NEIGHBORS FROM HELL, from Satellite Terrorism in
America, by Dr. John Hall Copyright 2009
In Trumps Security Pick, Michael Flynn, Sharp Elbows and No Dissent - The New York Times
Past colleagues paint a mixed picture of a man who will have nearly unfettered access to the Oval Office and help
guide President Trump on world events.
Police find suspect in city rape, assault case hiding in Martic Township | Local News |
A Lancaster man on the lam for multiple charges including rape and aggravated assault was apprehended
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Friday in Martic Township.
Now's your chance to buy a president; Gettysburg attraction closes its doors, will auction wax figures | Local News |
Anyone whos been hankering for their very own life-sized Grover Cleveland or William Howard Taft should plan
on being in Gettysburg next month.
Trumps CIA pick is conservative Kansas congressman | info-europa
Pennsylvania recount: Jill Stein to take fight to federal court after $1m bond set | US news | The Guardian
Green party candidate vows to counter judges outrageous demand for $1m bond by seeking emergency relief in
federal court
Sherri Papini Branded: Expert Says Cult Could Have Been Behind Abduction Of California Mom
Sherri Papini's strange 3-week disappearance is being questioned by many, with some speculating the condition in
which the California mother was found, branded
Milbank: Trumps news source: aliens, mind control, voter fraud | The Columbian
Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens; Trump may have won popular vote.
Accupuncture, physical therapy part of new fight against opioid addiction | Insider |
Vicodin, Demerol, hydrocodone ...
Transgender Physician General Dr. Rachel Levine to speak at Franklin & Marshall | Local News |
Pennsylvania Physician General Dr. Rachel Levine will speak at a Franklin &amp; Marshall College "Common
Hour" next month.
Positive peer pressure helps Lancaster city's 'adopt a block' cleanup program succeed | Local News |
You could call it a sign.
Exclusive: Snowden says Petraeus disclosed far more highly classified secrets than I ever did [Video]
Come back to Yahoo News on Monday to watch the full clip of Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Courics
exclusive interview with Edward Snowden.
Twitter Says No to Helping Build Muslim Registry - Truthdig
The Intercept reached out to nine tech companies, including Facebook, to see where they stand on helping the
Trump administration track Muslims. - 2016/12/03
The Assassination of Fred Hampton: 47 Years Later
We must never forget the murderous role played by the FBI and COINTELPRO in destroying Black organizations
and leaders.
600 F2d 600 Hampton v. Hanrahan
600 F2d 600 Hampton v. Hanrahan | OpenJurist
The FBI COINTELPRO Program and the Fred Hampton Assassination | The Huffington Post
On December 4th it will be 44 years since a select unit of 14 Chicago Police officers, on special assignment to Cook
County State's Attorney Edward Hanra...
COINTELPRO - Case Law the Assassination of Fred Hampton 47 Years Later , By Flint Taylor Attorney, December 5,
With title, Penn State makes case for inclusion among college footballs best | Football |
INDIANAPOLIS As the college football world stumbled into this weekend, the die seemed cast.
$18M Press Building condos in downtown Lancaster to get first residents in early 17 | Local Business |
Developer Ed Drogaris knows that showing is more powerful than telling.
Carr's Restaurant expands in downtown Lancaster with street-level dining room/bar | Local Business |
Carrs Restaurant has completed a street-level expansion of its restaurant at the Shops at Hager, next to Lancaster
Central Market.
Lancaster General Health launches self-insurance option called Eliance Health Solutions | Local Business |
Lancaster Countys largest health system is jumping into part of the health insurance market.
Lancaster Brewing Co. opens taproom along Route 30 near Dutch Wonderland | Local Business |
The Lancaster Brewing Co. Taproom &amp; Grill has opened along Route 30 in East Lampeter Township, taking a
space just east of Dutch Wonderland.
The Latest: Snowden says Petraeus leak for personal benefit | Nation |
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WASHINGTON (AP) The Latest on President-elect Donald Trump (all times local):
McDonald's CEO: Chain still plans to expand in the US again | Nation |
NEW YORK (AP) Artisan burger buns, cage-free eggs and table service are some of the changes McDonald's is
promising in the U.S. as it scrambles to update its image
Pa. special committee issues recommendations to avoid another Kane-like debacle NewsWorks
Consideration of impeaching former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is ending after nearly a year.
Trump, Petraeus impressed with each other at Trump Tower meeting
Italian PM Matteo Renzi resigns after referendum defeat | World news | The Guardian
High voter turnout, the rise of the populist Five Star Movement and Northern League and the unpopularity of Renzi
were all factors
Defriend everyone on Facebook if you really want to see the world as it is | Opinion | The Guardian
Agreeing with everyone on your feed is boring and creates political apathy. Shake things up and become a social
media freedom fighter, working behind enemy lines
Natasha Hakimi: Truthdiggers of the Week: Journalists Who Ripped Washington Post, PropOrNot for McCarthyite
Hogwash - Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
Many reporters rallied around Truthdig and other news sites that were erroneously tarred as pro-Russian
propagandists by a dubious blacklist that had been given undeserved credence by the Post. - 2016/12/03
Snowden says he does not expect pardon from Obama | TODAYonline
WASHINGTON Edward Snowden says he does not expect a pardon from US President Barack Obama which
would spare the fugitive whistleblower from a toughened approach when Mr Donald Trump takes power. Im not
counting on it, Snowden said in an interview published by Yahoo News on Monday (Dec 5). The former National
Security Agency contractor leaked thousands of classified documents to the press in 2013 which revealed the vast
scope of US surveillance of private data that was put in place after the 9/11 attacks.
James Mattis a cerebral and audacious choice for secretary of defense -
President-elect Donald Trump certainly is relying heavily on retired senior generals.
Chris Hedges: The Mafia State - Truthdig
The greed of the 1 percent and their dismantling of good governance have given rise to a criminal economy and
criminal state embodied in the presidency of Donald J. Trump. - 2016/12/04
Donald Trumps Treasury Secretary Pick Is a Lucky Man. Very Lucky. - Truthdig
Steven Mnuchin has a long history of coming out ahead, even in questionable deals. - 2016/12/04
Trump Almost Certainly Will Violate the Constitution if He Continues to Own His Businesses - Truthdig
The meaning of the Emoluments Clause is fairly clear. And it all goes back to a diamond-encrusted snuffbox Ben
Franklin received from Louis XVI. - 2016/12/04
Ben Carson nominated for housing secretary in Trump administration | US news | The Guardian
President-elects former rival for Republican presidential nomination says he can help in making our inner cities
great for everyone
Standing Rock: US denies key permit for Dakota Access pipeline, in win for tribe | US news | The Guardian
Army Corps of Engineers will not grant the permit for the Dakota Access pipeline to drill under the Missouri river,
handing a major win to environmental activists
How 3 big projects will impact traffic in Lancaster area | Local News |
New stores. New housing. And new cars lots of them, spilling on to already congested roads.
FBI agent: Sting informant says he was told not to target Republicans |
PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: In a new court filing by the last sting defendant still fighting charges, FBI Special
Agent Robert J. Haag said that the operative,
16-3284 Third Circuit Case - EXHIBIT Re COINTELPRO - Case Law the Assassination of Fred Hampton by Flint Taylor
Attorney December 5, 2016
Obama Administration Releases Presidential Report on Counterterrorism Framework | Human Rights First
Washington, D.C. Human Rights First today said that the Obama Administration's release of a presidential report
and memorandumand related policy documentson the legal and policy frameworks for counterterrorism
operations, demonstrates a commitment to the rule of law and to upholding human rights norms.
Snowden 'not counting' on pardon from Obama | TheHill
Snowden said he isn't expecting a pardon from President Obama.
Cyberattacks are going to get a lot worse, former NSA official says | Healthcare IT News
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Healthcare tops the list for losing stuff and the ratio of incidents to breaches, Joel Brenner said Monday during the
HIMSS Privacy & Security Forum in Boston.
Snowden: Putin, Obama, pardon: a Couric Yahoo interview | McClatchy DC
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden says hes not counting on getting a presidential pardon in the waning days
of the Obama administration. He says history will eventually absolve him for breaking U.S. national security laws.
Twitter says it will ban Trump if he violates hate-speech rules | Fox News
Like all companies, Twitter has a set of user guidelines. These rules also apply to one Donald J. Trump, and Twitter
is putting him on notice. No hate-speech on their servers, or else.
CIA classified maps of Afghanistan, Russia, released
FROM tracking terrorist networks to revealing US military strategy, these are the maps you werent allowed to see
until now.
Boys & Girls Club's Hill Clubhouse in Lancaster getting $150K renovation of teen space | Local News |
The Boys &amp; Girls Club of Lancaster is going through a teenage growth spurt at its Hill Clubhouse.
Upside-down crosses, 666 spray-painted on Manheim Township church cupola | Local News |
Police are investigating an incident of vandalism at Westminster Presbyterian Church in which someone spray-
painted upside-down crosses and 666 on a cupola of the Manheim Township church.
Obama and the Supreme Court Just Made it Easier for the FBI to Hack Your Computer - Truthdig
Government agents can now use warrants obtained from a single judge to hack computers in multiple jurisdictions
rather than having to get a warrant for each jurisdiction. - 2016/12/05
Publish, Punish and Pardon: How Obama Could Reveal the Nature of the National Security State - Truthdig
At this late date, what might a president alarmed by his successor do, if not to hamper Trumps ability to create
global mayhem, then at least to set the record straight before he leaves the White House? - 2016/12/05
The Dark Conspiracy Theories That Consume The Mind Of Donald Trump
Trump seemingly cant, or chooses not to, distinguish fact from fiction. He has a long history of adopting conspiracy
Inquirer Editorial: Pa.'s next attorney general must avoid politics and run office without fear or favor
Contrary to what former Attorney General Kathleen Kane may believe, the latest revelation from a corruption sting
involving state lawmakers does not vindicate her. But a claim that only Democratic lawmakers were targeted does
underscore the need for future attorney generals to administer justice without fear or favor.
Snowden a case of real life drama trumping Hollywood - The Irish News
IN FEBRUARY 2015 documentary film-maker Laura Poitras deservedly won an Oscar for her riveting picture
Citizenfour, which charts the events leading up to Edward Snowden's decision to go public as the CIA contractor
who leaked sensitive material belonging to the National Security Agency (NSA).
Facebook, Twitter, Google and Microsoft team up to tackle extremist content | Technology | The Guardian
The tech companies plan to create a shared database of unique digital fingerprints that can identify images and
videos promoting terrorism
Google's satellite timelapses show the inconvenient truth about our planet | Art and design | The Guardian
Googles new Timelapse project allows you to see how anywhere in the world has changed in the last 32 years; from
evaporating lakes to exploding cities, its a document of recklessness
'More than a bike club': LifeCycles teaches teenage boys bike and life lessons | Insider |
Jeffrey Sanchez was skeptical that he could make it through a 10-mile bike ride.
Salisbury Township man died from 'multiple gunshot wounds,' coroner says | Local News |
A Salisbury Township man died this past weekend from multiple gunshot wounds in his home.
Millersville U. student accused of putting bleach in pregnant girlfriend's water faces second attempted homicide charge |
Local News |
A Millersville University student accused of trying to abort his girlfriend's pregnancy by placing bleach in her water
is now charged with trying to kill the woman.
Who's responsible for international terrorism? - World - Dunya News
The steps taken by United States that opened new ways for terrorism across the globe
Breakfast of Torturers: A Former CIA Psychologist Promotes His Memoir
Obama touts progress in terror fight, warns not to reverse course - CBS News
The president highlighted gains the U.S. has made against extremist groups like ISIS
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Trip to Harrisburg Superior Court 1219 Mda 2016 Brief Stamped Pages - Pa Attorney General Letter - Judicial Conduct
Board Letter December 6, 2016
Lancaster County Clerk of Court Fraud - USPS Delivery Confirmation - Case No. CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Notice of
Appeal to Superior Court December 7, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Appellate Courts Docket Sheets SUPERIOR COURT AUDIT of CASES December 7, 2016
LETTER From Pennsylvania Attorney General Re COMPLAINT v. Lancaster Fleet and Auto November 29, 2016 With
FILE December 7, 2016
Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board LETTER Re 2016-692 COMPLAINT v. Judge Donald Totaro December 1, 2016
'We set a tone': Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray reflects on his administration | Insider |
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray says he learned when he was a trial lawyer not to spend a lot of time looking back.
Sight & Sound to put movie of stage production in 600 theaters nationwide in spring | Insider |
Sight &amp; Sound Theatres has a good thing going.
Lancaster attorney, 28, successfully petitions Obama to take years off man's prison term | Local News |
A 28-year-old Lancaster attorney has successfully petitioned President Barack Obama to reduce the prison sentence
of a Louisiana man.
Edward Snowden: Do I Think Things Are Fixed? No. - The New York Times
The N.S.A. whistle-blower, still living in asylum in Russia, says that being patriotic doesnt mean simply agreeing
with your government.
Collection: CIA Cartography
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your
favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the
photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Secret CIA maps that shaped history | Perth Now
Pa Superior Court Case No. 1219 MDA 2016 Appeal Re Letter for ECF Password of July 30, 2016
Pearl Harbor attack inspired Lancaster County shoemaker to join Marines, storm beaches at Guadalcanal | Insider |
James F. Young doesnt like to share memories of Dec. 7, 1941, when a surprise attack by the Japanese navy on a
military base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, dragged the
Tickets Hershey, PA | Donald J Trump for President
Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence
in business, real estate and entertainment. Show support for his presidential campaign here.
Donald Trump is bringing his Thank You Tour to Hershey | Pennsylvania |
President-elect Donald Trump will bring his post-election tour of gratitude to Hershey next week, returning to the
Giant Center six weeks after he was there for a last-minute push to
$1,000 reward offered for information on Salisbury Township homicide | Local News |
Authorities have offered a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest or conviction of the person
who killed a Salisbury Township man.
Rock Lititz gets rolling: Tait Towers, Clair Global begin work on $100 million campus | Local News |
When a rock or pop star prepares to go on tour, the music for the concerts gets thoroughly rehearsed.
Trump will have wider spying powers than anything J. Edgar Hoover ever imagined - LA Times
Anyone who doubts Trump won't use wide surveillance authority to target people based on religion, political
activism, and personal vendettas has not been paying attention.
The Secrecy - Legendary spys story gets CIAs green light | Astro Awani
Ellis Cohen has long thought the CIA was killing his flick on late OSS officer Betty McIntosh. | Top stories, photos
and videos, world and Malaysia news
NSA workers leaving in increasingly large numbers following Snowden leaks former director RT America
Employees working for the National Security Agency are leaving their posts in increasingly large numbers
following the scandal caused by whistleblower Edward Snowden, the NSAs former director has revealed.
German Government Knew About NSA Espionage on Its Soil Since 2001
New secret dossiers of the German government published by WikiLeaks last week revealed that the Federal
Government under Chancellor Gerhard Schrder was informed - "very early and in detail" - about espionage
operations of the US and Great Britain on German soil.
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Intelligence battle erupts as Trump considers NSA chief for...
A public dispute inside the U.S. Intelligence Community over the weekend burst into full view this w
Hints of Ukrainian Fascism and CIA Spying Rise From Blacklist Case - Truthdig
A writer with considerable expertise about Russian and Ukrainian politics connects the dots after scrutinizing the
shadowy PropOrNot and a controversial Washington Post article. - 2016/12/09
Im a former CIA officer and a Democrat. Heres what Obama still doesnt get about terrorism - LA Times
Hes unwilling to acknowledge that Islamic ideology plays a role in attacks.
Republican senators set to probe Trumps relationship with Putin
Donald Trump faces a showdown with the US Senate, after Republicans said they would support a probe into
Russias alleged interference during the election.
Trump's cabinet picks: here are all of the appointments so far | US news | The Guardian
From retired marine corps Gen James Mattis leading the defense department to Steve Bannon as chief strategist,
heres who Trump has appointed so far
LG Health, other health providers: Don't repeal Obamacare without replacing it | Insider |
This week, the nations two largest hospital associations warned President-elect Donald Trump and Congress not to
repeal the Affordable Care Act before creating a viable replacement.
Pa. hunters feed thousands by donating deer to the hungry in program that began in Lancaster County | Insider |
On a chilly but fortuitously calm opening morning of the Pennsylvania deer season on Nov. 28, York County hunter
Kemp Thompson picked out an older doe and pulled the trigger.
School District of Lancaster: ACLU wants nearly $2M to recoup refugee education lawsuit costs | Local News |
The American Civil Liberties Union wants more than $1.88 million in attorney fees to settle claims that the School
District of Lancaster violated refugee students rights by putting them in
These 15 Election Takeaways Reveal the Electorate That Gave the U.S. President-Elect Trump - Truthdig
To start, a small percentage of Americans in both parties nominated the presidential candidateswho were disliked
by a majority of the country. - 2016/12/08
John Glenn, first US astronaut to orbit Earth, dies aged 95 | Science | The Guardian
Glenn served 24 years as a US senator from Ohio and later became the oldest person to be sent into space
Jennifer Lawrence offends with story about 'butt-scratching' on sacred rocks | Film | The Guardian
Actors story about actions while filming Hunger Games movie in Hawaii criticised as disrespectful and
For political women its Jackie Kennedy or bust | Jess Cartner-Morley | Opinion | The Guardian
No one criticises male politicians for their clothes, so why do the likes of Melania Trump and Theresa May come in
for such flak over their fashion choices?
Microsoft Word - House-Testimony-final-final-12-1-16.doc - House-Testimony-final-final-12-1-16.pdf
York diner owner expands site of future Round the Clock eatery near F&M, might add stores | Insider |
A York diner owner has gobbled up more prime real estate near Franklin &amp; Marshall College, courthouse
records show.
Rising test scores help Ross Elementary earn Title I Distinguished School award | Insider |
There are 365 students at George Ross Elementary School, and Principal Camille Hopkins knows the name of every
single one of them.
Residents concerned, cautious in Narvon neighborhood following recent homicide | Local News |
Nighttime lights are filling the Timothy Drive neighborhood in rural Narvon this week, residents say.
Ben Wizner | American Civil Liberties Union
Ben Wizner (@benwizner) is the director of the ACLUs Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project. For nearly 15
years, he has worked at the intersection of civil liberties and national security, litigating numerous cases
involving airport security policies, government watch lists, surveillance practices, targeted killing, and torture. He
appears regularly in the global media, has testified before Congress, and is an adjunct professor at New York
University School of Law.
EU slams US tech giants on hate speech | Fox News
The European Commission has slammed tech titans Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft, saying that they are
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not moving quickly enough to deal with online hate speech.
Samuel Caterbone, Jr (Dad) Naval Air Gunners Honors 1943 and Documents for AMVETS APPLICATION December 7,
Samuel Caterbone, Jr (Dad) Naval Air Gunners Honors 1943 and Documents for AMVETS APPLICATION
December 7, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone


Inbox - - Gmail

CIA controlling minds through drugs - Technology - Dunya News
On Human Rights Day, Let There Be Light - Pardon Edward Snowden
(1) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
It Doesn't Take A Foreign Government To Hack Our Election System
Former NSA head: Employees leaving agency for private sector - Capital Gazette
Search - Supreme Court of the United States
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
Jill Stein's Pennsylvania recount request: Federal judge to rule by Monday
United States District Court Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus ORDER Summary Judgement DENIED Case No 5-14-
Cv-02559-PD September 15, 2015
Lisa Michelle Lambert Summary Judgement Docket No. 8 Filed in Federal Court September 3, 2015


Russia helped Trump win the election says Americas intelligence service | New Delhi Times India's leading opinion
based newspaper
Former AG Kathleen Kane granted more time to mount appeal |
A Montgomery County judge granted Kathleen Kane a 3-week extension on the deadline for her attorneys to file an
appeal of her criminal conviction.
U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts 'defied the typical rules of politics' for 44 years | Insider |
On a mid-September morning three months before his retirement, U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts sits behind his desk in his cozy
Capitol Hill office and reads from a Washington newspaper with
5 things you didn't know about 44-year political veteran Congressman Joe Pitts | Insider |
U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts, a 44-year political veteran retiring this month, is well-versed in todays toughest policy issues
from the crises in the Middle East to the ins and
In the Spotlight: Interfaith leader urges solidarity, mindfulness in wake up a nasty election year | Local News |
As someone who has devoted her life to bringing together people of different backgrounds, ethnicities and faiths,
the Rev. Susan Minasian has never seen an election year quite like the
Team Trump rejects CIA claims of Russia's help in presidential poll victory | Business Standard News
Read more about Team Trump rejects CIA claims of Russia's help in presidential poll victory on Business Standard.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's transition team has totally rejected the validity of a report by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) that says Russia tried to help Trump win the U.S. presidency."These are the same people
that said Saddam
Bob Dylan Nobel prize speech: this is 'truly beyond words' | Music | The Guardian
Songwriter sends a speech and Patti Smith to the Nobel awards dinner in Sweden rather than attending in person
Former NSA head: Employees leaving agency for private sector - Capital Gazette
The former head of the National Security Agency said that the agency's employees "are increasingly leaving in large
numbers" for better opportunities in the private sector.
Top Story: Leaked! Government can spy on in-flight Wi-Fi |
I've warned you about the risks of using public Wi-Fi before, and what I've just learned makes those risks even more
serious. If you're using in-flight Wi-Fi, crooks might not be t...
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Judicial Nominations - Paul S. Diamond
It Doesn't Take A Foreign Government To Hack Our Election System
As Obama launches a probe into Russia's possible role in hacking, voting experts warn that our systems are already
vulnerable to amateur attacks.
On Human Rights Day, Let There Be Light - Pardon Edward Snowden
Sign the letter and urge President Obama to pardon Edward Snowden before leaving office. Time is running out.
'It's Not Just Water' campaign aims to inform high school students on impact of vaping | Insider |
Kerry Medina got her first taste of a cigarette when she was 8 years old.
Islamic Community Center of Lancaster distribute coats to those in need | Local News |
New coats were distributed at the Islamic Community Center of Lancaster (ICCL) Friday, December 9.
Obama orders deep dive into Russia election role, but public may never know results | National |
WASHINGTON President Barack Obama has ordered a full review of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016
elections, but the report may not be made public, a top White House
CIA controlling minds through drugs - Technology - Dunya News
IN 1950s, CIA did LSD experiments on humans and animals under its mind-control program
Jill Stein's Pennsylvania recount request: Federal judge to rule by Monday
Federal Judge Paul Diamond heard arguments today.
Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdiggers of the Week: The Water Protectors at Standing Rock - Truthdigger of the Week -
With a Donald Trump administration sure to spark resistance nationwide in the years ahead, indigenous activists and
their allies point the way for other Americans. - 2016/12/11
No, America, It Wasnt Russia: You Did This to Yourself - Juan Cole - Truthdig
I dont doubt that the Russian Federation employs hackers and PR people to influence public opinion and even
election outcomes in other countries. But I am skeptical that anything the Russians did caused Donald Trump to
become president. - 2016/12/10
Donald Trumps Capricious Use of Power to Denigrate and Even Endanger His Critics Must End - Truthdig
The President-elects tendency to go after people who criticize him by sending false and provocative statements to
his 17 million twitter followers not only imperils these individuals. It also poses a clear and present danger to our
democracy. - 2016/12/11
CIA concludes Russia intervened to help Trump win White House: WP report
Washington :The CIA has concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help President-elect Donald
Trump win the White House
Lancaster County judge proposes closing 4 district judge seats, saving $600,000 | Insider |
Four of Lancaster Countys 19 magisterial district judge seats would close under a proposed consolidation, saving
$600,000 a year, court officials said.
Poverty rate ticks up in Lancaster County, including Lancaster City | Local News |
Just days before a special commission unveils a new poverty-fighting strategy for Lancaster, new numbers from the
U.S. Census Bureau underscore the challenge:
Retired Mount Joy exec buys county Assistance Office building in Lancaster city for $2.55M | Local Business |
A retired businessman in Mount Joy is the new owner of the Lancaster County Assistance Office building at 826
Manor St.
High Construction wins $40M apartment job in Delaware County | Local Business |
High Construction said Thursday it has won a $40 million contract to build an apartment community in Ellis
Preserve at Newtown Square, Delaware County.
Orrstown Bank starts Manheim Township branch, its third in Lancaster County | Local Business |
Orrstown Bank broke ground Tuesday for a branch office at Manheim Pike and Lausch Lane, its third Lancaster
County branch office.
For all his threats, Trump is seen by businesses as key ally | Nation |
WASHINGTON (AP) President-elect Donald Trump has lost no chance to bash or threaten individual companies
that cross him.
California prison record system cost doubles to $386 million | Nation |
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FOLSOM, Calif. (AP) A massive project to modernize medical record-keeping for California prison inmates has
more than doubled in cost from original estimates to nearly $400 million in just
CIA must show evidence Russia intervened in the election: GOP | New York Post
Top Republicans blasted reports from anonymous <a href="
intervened-to-help-trump-win-election-report/">US intelligence sources that Russia hacked Democratic e-mail
accounts</a> with the intention of swaying Americans to vote for Donald Trump. Republican National Committee
spokesman Sean Spicer demanded Saturday that the Central Intelligence Agency show evidence Russia intervened
in the election. What proof does anyone have that they affected the outcome? Because Ive heard zero. OK? he
told CNN. So show me what facts have actually shown that anything undermined that election. If [the CIA] is so
certain it happened, why wont they go on the record and say it? Intelligence sources told The New York Times and
The Washington Post that they have high confidence that Russian cyberspies accessed Republican National
Committee, Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign records, but only forwarded Democratic
messages to WikiLeaks in an attempt to diminish Clinton and help Trump win the presidency. Spicer insisted the
reports were wrong and claimed the RNC account was never hacked. He accused intelligence officials of being
upset with the outcome of the election and pushing a personal agenda. Democrats fired back, accusing the FBI
of knowing Russia was trying to help Trump win and deliberately kept the information a secret anyway. This is
not fake news. Intelligence officials are hiding connections to the Russian government. There is no question,
outgoing Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said in an interview with MSNBC Saturday. On Friday,
President Obama <a href="
election/">ordered a full review of Russias role in the DNC leaks and the presidential election.</a> Incoming
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer demanded a congressional probe. But the Trump transition team
compared reports on alleged foreign hacking to claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and
said it was time for the country to move on.
Chris Hedges: Demagogue-in-Chief - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Donald Trump will use the presidency to inflate his personality cult and increase his familys wealth. Those who do
not pay homage to his megalomania, or swell the profits of his financial empire, will be viciously attacked and
persecuted. - 2016/12/11
U.S. Becoming a Popular Destination for Rich Foreigners Avoiding Corruption Charges - Truthdig
Wealthy politicians and businessmen suspected of wrongdoing in their native lands are fleeing to a safe haven where
their wealth and influence shields them from arrest. - 2016/12/11
Manheim Township shows residents it cares | Local News |
When Kingston Rounds saw the room of Christmas treasures, he couldn't contain his excitement.
The Next Five States That Could Legalize Marijuana |
by Phil Smith ( smith ) This article as produced in collaboration with AlterNet and first appeared here. DRUG
WAR CHRONICLE: Four states,
Trump already in command |
By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS: President-elect Donald Trump doesnt get sworn in until January 20, but
he already commands an important aspect of foreign
mens footed pajamas - Shop for and Buy mens footed pajamas Online - Macy's
Shop for and buy mens footed pajamas online at Macy's. Find mens footed pajamas at Macy's
Russian Stocks Roar as Investors Shrug Off CIA Election Findings
An agreement by non-OPEC oil producers to curb production to support crude prices is giving Russia a lift, despite
new revelations about Putin's role in the U.S. elections.
Superior Court Case No. Case No. 1219 MDA 2016 Preliminary Injunction Appeal v. Lancaster City Police DOCKET
SHEET for Monday December 12 2016
Devin Nunes says no need for more investigations into Russian hacking - Business Insider
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said there's no need for another investigation into Russian
interference in the US presidential election.
Syrias Aleppo Falling: Moscow Is a Player in the Region Again - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Russias success in shaping the outcome of the Syrian struggle has made Moscow a player in the region again for
the first time since the fall of the old Soviet Union. - 2016/12/12
Trumps Second Gilded Age: The Rule of Billionaires and Militarists - Truthdig
The president-elects appointment of incompetent and mean-spirited billionaires and generals to top cabinet
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positions signals a deepening embrace of anti-intellectualism, crony capitalism and disdain for the institutions that
give legitimacy to the social contract and the welfare state. - 2016/12/12
The Ascendance of Trump Makes Broad-Based Climate Action Essentialand Achievable
On December 5, former vice president Al Gore met with Donald and Ivanka Trump in an effort to convince the
president-elect that he should not gut federal p
Chinese state tabloid warns Donald Trump: 'Pride goes before a fall' | World news | The Guardian
Global Times attack comes as experts say Beijing will be looking for president-elects pressure points before
Terror arrests made after 'significant plot to attack UK is disrupted' | UK news | The Guardian
Six people arrested in Derby, Burton on Trent and London detained on suspicion of engaging in preparation of act of
Golden Globes 2017: La La Land leads pack with seven nominations | Film | The Guardian
Damien Chazelles movie musical gets another pre-Oscars boost, as Barry Jenkinss Moonlight chases its tail. Plus:
good news for Deadpool and Florence Foster Jenkins and snubs for Silence and Sully
La La Land trailer: Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone salute the Hollywood musical | Film | The Guardian
Damien Chazelle will follow up 2014s sleeper hit Whiplash with a more typical musical that at first glance looks
like a fond homage to a classic Hollywood genre
What factors will play a role in Pennsylvania's congressional redistricting in a few years? | Insider |
Pennsylvania is on its way to losing a seat in Congress at the beginning of the next decade.
4 dead during overdose spike in Lancaster County over weekend | Local News |
At least four people died and 20 others required emergency treatment after shooting up with heroin this past
weekend in what authorities say was an unprecedented spike in overdoses here.
F&M a founding member and model for American Talent Initiative, an effort to recruit low-income students to selective
colleges | Local News |
Organizers of the American Talent Initiative, a new national program to attract more low-income students to
selective colleges and universities, say Franklin &amp; Marshall College is a model for what
No. 13-356: Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius - Response (Hold) - 2013-0356.resp.pdf
Former US Rep. Chaka Fattah sentenced to 10 years for misspending government grants | Pennsylvania |
Former U.S. Rep Chaka Fattah will serve 10 years in prison for a racketeering scheme spanning seven years.
Aleppo: Russia-Turkey ceasefire deal offers hope of survival for residents | World news | The Guardian
Turkish intelligence and Russian military negotiate Syria agreement allowing civilians and moderate rebels to flee to
Idlib province
Unhappy Russians nostalgic for Soviet-style rule study | World news | The Guardian
Former states under Soviet Union from Estonia to Mongolia also covered by findings that happiness gap between
eastern and western Europe persists
The case for despair is made. Now lets start to get out of the mess were in | George Monbiot | Opinion | The Guardian
There is no going back, no comfort in old certainties. But reviving common ownership is one possible route to
social transformation
Trumps CIA rebukes create 'unprecedented' feud with intelligenc - WAOW - Newsline 9, Wausau News, Weather, Sports
Just 38 days before the inauguration, Donald Trump has given the intelligence community what amounts to a slap in
the face, according to current and former intelligence officials.
Snowden sends strong anti-surveillance message to Donald Trump | Business Standard News
Read more about Snowden sends strong anti-surveillance message to Donald Trump on Business Standard. In a
clear message to US President-elect Donald Trump, the famed National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower
Edward Snowden has said that government surveillance programmes will create "vulnerabilities" for social media
Complete File - Superior Court Case No. Case No. 1219 MDA 2016 v. Lancaster City Police Brief in Support of Appeal
and Granting of Injunction Thursday December 14, 2016
Google search results promote a lot of debunked conspiracy theories - Business Insider
For many conspiracy theories, the first Google search result is a website that purports to confirm the conspiracy is
true: from 9/11 being a hoax to...
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LETTER: President Barack Obamas legacy |
Twenty million people have insurance now that didn't have it before. That is a success. There are many aspects of
Obamacare that wants to keep. All evidence
Ex-CIA chief says Trump risks blame for an attack if he skips briefings | Reuters
Former CIA director Leon Panetta said on Wednesday that President-elect Donald Trump risked being blamed after
any potential attack on the United States if he refused to receive more regular intelligence briefings.
2013-0356 Conestoga Woods of LANCASTER COUNTY US Supreme Court Petition
RECEIPTS - December 11 to December 13, 2016
1219 MDA 2016 PRAECIPE to ENTER APPEARANCE - Zimmerman, Pfannebecker, Nuffort & Albert for Lancaster
City Police Dept. December 7, 2016 Recvd Dec 12, 2016
Certificate Service - APPELLANTS Choice for Disposition Superior Court Case No. Case No. 1219 MDA 2016
December 14, 2016
Social Security Benefit Statement for 2017 December 12, 2016
$4.2M was spent in Lancaster County's race for Congress; $1.4M of it came from 'dark money' | Insider |
The amount of money devoted to winning Lancaster Countys seat in Congress more than tripled this year with the
retirement of its longtime representative and the hard-fought battle to replace
Without Affordable Care Act, 52 million people with pre-existing conditions could be denied coverage | Local News |
More than 2 million working-age Pennsylvanians have health problems that previously would have allowed private
insurance companies to deny them individual coverage, a new analysis says.
Lancaster refugee center, community school marks 1 year anniversary of opening | Local News |
It can be hard for refugees and immigrants to become part of a new community.
'Growing Pains' star and TV host Alan Thicke dies at age 69 | National |
LOS ANGELES (AP) Alan Thicke's 1980s TV dad credentials were neatly in order on "Growing Pains." His Dr.
Jason Seaver was an open-hearted parent and an enlightened husband, working
Barnstormers $2.7M rent deal with Lancaster County falls through, but team expected to stay | Insider |
Despite a $2.7 million rent relief deal between Lancaster County and the Lancaster Barnstormers baseball team
falling through, officials say the team will play on.
Todays Entry - Case No. 16-cv-4014 Caterbone v. the United States of America,, Complaint Updated December 15,
CIA refuses to hand over so-called proof of Russian hacking to help Trump
CIA refuses to hand over so-called proof of Russian hacking to help Trump
Hawaii's Electors Join Effort to Get Intelligence Report on Russian Involvement - NBC News
"The information contained in the report is essential to carrying out our constitutional obligation of casting our
vote," the four electors said.
Russian Hacking Hysteria | Frontpage Mag
The Left can't stop blaming the vast Russian conspiracy.
Plamegate - Discover the Networks
Welcome to Discover the Networks. This website describes the networks and agendas of the political Left. The
database is divided into 9 major sections
Former CIA Head Hayden Urges Trump to Be More Open to Intelligence Community
President-elect has disputed US intelligence findings that Russia sought through hacking to influence election in his
favor, is skeptical of utility of daily briefings
Evacuation preparations begin after new Aleppo ceasefire deal | World news | The Guardian
Ceasefire went into effect at 2.30am local time but International Committee of the Red Cross rejects claims
evacuation is already underway
Stan J. Caterbone - The Department of Defense - The Intelligence Community - Finding of Facts Re ISC Whistleblowing
Activities as of Saturday November 12, 2016

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Inbox - - Gmail
Evacuation preparations begin after new Aleppo ceasefire deal | World news | The Guardian
Former CIA Head Hayden Urges Trump to Be More Open to Intelligence Community
Hawaii's Electors Join Effort to Get Intelligence Report on Russian Involvement - NBC News
Plamegate - Discover the Networks
Letter for Stan's Therapist Erin at Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Pearl Street, Lancaster, PA From Derrick Robinson
on June 2, 2010 | Psychiatry
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Todays Entry - Case No. 16-cv-4014 Caterbone v. the United States of America,, Complaint Updated December 15,
CIA refuses to hand over so-called proof of Russian hacking to help Trump
Russian Hacking Hysteria | Frontpage Mag
Updated - Fulton Bank - ISC - James Guerin - Scooter Libby - William Clark - CIA - Valerie Plame - Chris Underhill - Joe
Roda October 31, 2016 | Cheque | Saddam Hussein
Stan J. Caterbone - The Department of Defense - The Intelligence Community - Finding of Facts Re ISC Whistleblowing
Activities as of Saturday November 12, 2016


Ticket #TEXVKNXVFF Hershey, PA Event Time: Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 7:00 PM Giant Arena 550
Hersheypark Dr Hershey, PA 17033 General Information: No posters, banners, or signs may be brought...
Commentary: Mr. Trump, heres what other presidents learned from the CIA | Reuters
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assanges Ally Debunks U.S. Intelligence Reports, Claims DNC Hacks Were Carried By
Insiders, Not Russians
Amid the onslaught of U.S. media reports that Russians meddled with the U.S. presidential elections, former British
ambassador and Julian Assange's ally, Craig
Trump's war on facts | Columns |
Donald Trumps warped war on facts continues.
The Advanced Media Group, December 15, 2016 | Freemasonry
The Yahoo breach might have seriously compromised national security
Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current
events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.
Kathleen Kane prosecutor named as AG-elect Josh Shapiro's first deputy |
Bucks County ADA Michelle Henry will sign on as Shapiro's second-in-command, a position filled in the last year
by current AG Bruce Beemer.
Lancaster Bar Association releases ratings of 5 candidates for potential judiciary seat | Insider |
The Lancaster Bar Association released evaluations on five potential candidates for county judge Wednesday with
the expectation that a position could open for the 2017 election.
Julianne and Derek Hough to bring 'MOVE - Beyond - Live on Tour' to Lancaster | Entertainment |
Tickets for the show go on sale Friday.
Spill gears up for 'Top Ten' record release shows | Entertainment |
Spill's first full-length album will be released this weekend.
Theresa Caputo, the 'Long Island Medium' coming to Hershey Theatre in March | Entertainment |
Everybodys favorite medium, Theresa Caputo, from TLCs Long Island Medium will be appearing at Hershey
Theatre on Saturday, March 18 at 7:30 p.m.
Live reunites with Ed Kowalczyk for 2017 tour | Entertainment |
Veteran prosecutor Michelle Henry to be first deputy attorney general
NORRISTOWN >> A veteran prosecutor who helped convict disgraced former Pennsylvania Attorney General
Kathleen Kane of perjury will be joining the state prosecutors office in January as first deputy.
Case No. 16-Mc-49 U.S. Chapter 11 Appeal in the District Court ORDER by Judge Edward Smith Re NO ECF FILING
December 5, 2016
Authentic and ORIGINAL Documents of 1987 RESTORED ON DECEMBER 15, 2016

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Region 3 : Staff Directory | UST-REGIONS-R03 | Department of Justice
Case No. CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Commonwealth Response to Concise Statement December 7, 2016 With Judicial
Complaint of Dec 9, 2016
Editorial: Just who is undermining election? Russians or CIA? | Albuquerque Journal
The Central Intelligence Agency isn't being very open with our elected representatives
Steve and Cokie Roberts column: Trump's war on facts - Opinion - Times Reporter - New Philadelphia, OH
Donald Trump's warped war on facts continues.The Central Intelligence Agency has concluded with "high
confidence" that Russia tried to influence the presidential election in Trump's favor by hacking into Democratic
computers. Speaking on Fox News Sunday, the president-elect dismissed the finding as "ridiculous" and added, "I
think it's just another excuse, I don't believe it. ... No, I don't believe it at all."His close adviser Kellyanne Conway
called the CIA's report "laughable," and Trump
Case No. 16-cv-4014 CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT UPDATED December 15, 2016
Hundreds leave besieged east Aleppo on first day of evacuation | World news | The Guardian
Red Cross says thousands more are due to make journey in coming days under deal brokered by Turkey and Russia
Trump dismissal of CIA digs rift with key intel supplier
Paul HANDLEY - President-elect Donald Trumps brusque dismissal of the CIAs conclusion that Russia meddled in
the US election has created an unparalleled rift
Residents seeking property tax, rent rebate have until Dec. 31 to apply | Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania residents looking to save money on property taxes this year and rent have until Dec. 31 to make a
claim for the state Property Tax/Rent Rebate program, according to
Crowd control for the mind: coping with inner voices
The other day I had an altercation with someone whose opinion I respect. We were out shopping. For no reason, she
started criticising me. As I reached to get a shirt she snickered: You never choose bright colours. You always go for
white or cream. You have absolutely no imagination. But I guess playing safe is better than the alternative, because
you have no colour sense either.
Former Sunday school classmates eye Leola for medical marijuana business | Insider |
Three former Sunday school classmates at a Mennonite church in Lancaster County say they are seeking a license to
operate a medical marijuana growing and processing business in Leola.
Stan J. Caterbone Bank Account Balances $51,300 DOLLARS November 5, 2015 for LITIGATION December 16, 2016
Lancaster County Prison plans to stop charging inmates daily $10 housing fee Jan. 1 | Insider |
Starting Jan. 1, the Lancaster County Prison is scrapping the $10 per housing day fee.
Lancaster poverty report: cut rate in half, move 3,000 to good jobs over 15 years | Insider |
A special commission that has spent the past year studying ways to help the poor in Lancaster has issued an
ambitious, 15-year plan to lift at least half out of
Cold building temperatures get discussion at Lancaster County Prison board | Local News |
Lancaster County officials will release data on temperatures inside the prison.
Community First Fund starts $5M loan program to assist 95 small businesses, support 300 jobs | Local News |
A new loan program is designed to improve the financial strength of small businesses in Lancaster County and their
Is Britney Spears Ready to Stand on Her Own? - The New York Times
For years, the life of one of the worlds most successful pop stars has been controlled by a court-approved
conservatorship, designed for people who cannot take care of themselves.
Britney Spearss Conservatorship (Guardianship) Is Still in Place | Ginsberg Shulman, PL
December 16, 2016
Aleppo evacuation suspended as al-Qaida-linked rebels block deal | World news | The Guardian
Rebels sources suggest Jabhat Fateh al-Sham to allow wounded to leave pro-government villages, which could re-
start Aleppo evacuation
Stan J Caterbone v. Steven P. Caterbone Re Protection From Abuse or PFA Petition December 17, 2016
Newly Revealed FBI Documents Show Muhammad Ali Probe
It is no secret the U.S. government kept tabs on many high-profile and politically active celebrities during t...
CIA says FBI agrees with assessment on Russian hacking | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
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CIA says FBI agrees with assessment on Russian hacking - The FBI agrees with the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) assessment that Russia was involved in hacking of servers of the Democratic party and that of the Hillary
Clinton campaign during the elections, according to a media report.
Professor Who Criticized Trump Is in Hiding After Death Threats - Truthdig
Academics increasingly are being targeted by conservative elements. - 2016/12/15
Whistleblower John Kiriakou Critiques the CIAs Behavior Following the 2016 U.S. Election - Truthdig
On this weeks Informed Rant, Joshua Scheer speaks with CIA veteran Kiriakou about the U.S. intelligence
establishment and its claims that hackers interfered with the American election at the behest of the Russian
government. - 2016/12/16
The CIA's hypocritical stance on election interference by Informed Rant
Listen to Informed Rant | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds
you create.. 50 Tracks. 97 Followers. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Informed Rant on your desktop or mobile
Pa. Attorney General declines to prosecute in Manheim Township School Board case | Local News |
The state Attorney Generals Office said Thursday it will not prosecute members of the Manheim Township School
because its investigation did not reveal any evidence of an illegal intent to
A Missing Scientists Personal Diary Proves Existence Of Aliens, UFOs, And Secret Government Projects
A document titled Project Pulsar claims to have unearthed some dangerous information on aliens, UFOs, and other
secret government programs. The document stated
Watch As Donald Trump Practices Mind Control On His 'Vicious, Violent' Supporters
Lancaster police Sgt. Bill Hickey is department's new spokesman | Local News |
If Lancaster police Sgt. Bill Hickey stuck with his initial career goal, you might be hearing him announcing
professional football and baseball.
City police can live in any county around Lancaster under new union contract | Insider |
Currently, Lancaster city police officers must live in Lancaster County or within 20 miles of Penn Square.
Best albums of 2016: No 1 Lemonade by Beyonc | Music | The Guardian
Beyoncs vivid discourse on infidelity and race with equally brilliant film accompaniment was lacerating,
astute and emphatically disruptive, turning her from mere pop superstar into an avenging angel
The best albums of 2016: the full list | Music | The Guardian
The Guardian music critics favourite albums of the year
Golden Globes 2017: La La Land leads pack with seven nominations | Film | The Guardian
Damien Chazelles movie musical gets another pre-Oscars boost, as Barry Jenkinss Moonlight chases its tail. Plus:
good news for Deadpool and Florence Foster Jenkins and snubs for Silence and Sully


Atomic Designs CEO to resign, sees new career in developing entertainment venues | Local Business |
The chief executive officer of Atomic Design, one of three live-event industry powerhouses in the Lititz area, is
Turntable Vintage Audio opens in Manheim with audio equipment from the 'golden age' of audio | Local Business |
The Turntable Vintage Audio has opened in Manheim where it sells a variety of stereo equipment and speakers from
the 1970s and 1980s.
Now Listen Here to move hi-fi shop to new spot in Lancaster | Local Business |
Now Listen Here, a hi-fi music shop, will open in a new Lancaster spot next month.
Trump to Accept 'Meddling' in Elections if CIA, FBI Give Joint Conclusion
US President-elect Donald Trump will accept that Russia interfered in the US presidential elections if the
intelligence services would come to a joint conclusion on the issue, according to the Trump's pick for the White
House chief of staff Reince Priebus.
Restoring of historic Mayer-Hess farmhouse to start in spring | Insider |
The developer of Belmont will restore the outside of the historic Mayer-Hess farmhouse before selling its 5.8-acre
site to an investor, which wants to build a hotel next door.
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$14M hotel proposed for Belmont development on Fruitville Pike in Manheim Township | Insider |
Since David Hogg is in the business of developing and operating hotels, he has a stock question for people:
Taxpayers could be on hook for SDL legal bills | Local News |
School District of Lancaster might have to dip into funds meant for students to pay legal bills associated with its
ongoing fight with the ACLU over the appropriate education of
New LNP publication will dive deep into state government with investigative reporting and analysis | Politics |
Members of the General Assembly will return to Harrisburg to be sworn in to new terms on Jan. 3.
Here's a look at the 9 other times Penn State played USC | Football |
When Penn State and the University of Southern California play in the Rose Bowl Jan. 2, it will be the 10th meeting
between the two teams. The two schools first
Case No. 16-cv-4014 CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT UPDATED December 19, 2016
New Social Security Benefit Statement for 2017 December 19, 2016
Trial and Tribulations: Kane and the OAG in 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer
At the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, 2016 will go down as the year Attorney General Kathleen Kane led
the office without a law license, fought rem...
More than meets the eye to Russias Hillary hacking | New York Post
Months and months ago I told you that the Russians <a href="
aimed-to-hurt-hillary-not-help-trump/">had hacked the Democrats and Hillary Clintons computers</a>. I said it
was probably done through a surrogate in Bulgaria. I had gotten that and other information from a very reliable
intelligence source I have known for two decades. That information plus a whole lot of other stuff I knew about
Hillary and about the economy led me to write that the Democrats were making a terrible mistake by nominating
Clinton and that she would lose the election. Too many people know too many bad things about her, <a
href="">was the
shorthand I used to explain all of this.</a> She did lose. And now everyone, including the FBI and CIA, agrees that
the Russians did indeed hack e-mails. Since I was right on that much, let me remind you of some other things my
source told me months ago that make this story even more interesting and complex. First, I wrote that the National
Security Agency (NSA) knew what the Russians were doing and warned the Democrats. Howd I know? My source
told me that the NSA was hacking the Russians while the Russians were hacking the Democrats. (Apparently this
isnt unusual in the spy business.) And the NSA had offered the hacked e-mails to FBI director James Comey but
was turned down for reasons only Comey can explain. Another thing: Hillary, my source told me back then, had
asked special permission from the White House to have a non-secure room built at the State Department so should
could use her beloved Blackberry. Usually meetings are held inside whats called a Sensitive Compartmented
Information Facility, or SCIF. When a meeting is held inside a SCIF, spies cant snoop. And Blackberries dont
work inside a SCIP, I wrote in an Aug. 10 column. The NSA objected but the White House reluctantly gave its
approval to Clintons demand. So that gets President Obama who personally would have had to oblige the wish
directly involved in this mess. Since Clintons password had been stolen by the Russians during a trip to that
country, her information was easy pickins, I was told. President Obama said last week that he told Russian
President Putin to cut it out stop messing with the American election by releasing hacked e-mails. And that
might have done some good since Clintons hacked, personal e-mails never did come out, even though WikiLeaks
was primed to do Phase 4 of leaking material which we thought would be Hillarys personal e-mails the week
before the election. Anyway, let me just toss all that additional information into the pot thats already boiling over.
General Ray Odierno Says Vinnie Viola Is An Inspiring Choice
General (Ret.) Ray Odierno, former Chief of Staff of the Army praises the selection of Vinnie Viola to serve as
Secretary of the Army.
Bill Blum: The 2016 SCOTUS Awards: A Look Back at the Year That Was - Bill Blum - Truthdig
Its time for Truthdigs annualand only partially tongue-in-cheekreview of the highlights, lowlights, pratfalls
and pitfalls of the Supreme Court over the past 12 months. - 2016/12/20
Truthdig - After Antonin Scalias Death, Whats Next for the Supreme Court?
In addition to causing stalemates on cases in progress, the justices passing is likely to unleash a pitched battle to
name his successor and generate a key issue in the fight for the presidency. Updated - 2016/02/13
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas ranch - San Antonio Express-News
Free meals on Christmas and New Year's in Lancaster County | Local News |
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Lancaster County groups have planned meals for the needy on Christmas and New Year's.
Turkey, Russia vow cooperation after ambassador's killing | World |
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) Russian investigators worked Tuesday to determine whether the assassination of their
ambassador to Turkey was the work of a lone gunman or part of a wider
Ajit Doval, Donald Trump's National Security Advisor-Designate Michael Flynn Discuss Indo-US Ties
National Security Advisor Ajit Doval has met US President-elect Donald Trump's NSA-designate General (rtd)
Michael Flynn in Washington and is believed to have discussed a wide range of regional and global strategic issues
and explore ways to further Indo-US ties.
Uncertainty lingers in Berlin after deadly attack - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Killer's parents among six held over Russian ambassador shooting | World news | The Guardian
Turkey and Russia stress their desire for cooperation after Andrei Karlov shot by off-duty police officer Mevlut
Mert Altntas
Electoral college's 'faithless electors' fail to stop Trump but land democratic blow | US news | The Guardian
At least nine faithless electors attempted to cast a vote against the candidate they were mandated to support,
drawing attention to an arcane electoral system
Petra Kvitova fortunate to be alive after attack by knife-wielding intruder | Sport | The Guardian
Two-time Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova said I was badly injured on my left hand. The injury is severe after
a man with a knife attacked her at home
Police investigate deadly Berlin truck crash as 'presumed terrorist attack' | World news | The Guardian
Police questioning suspect following incident in Breitscheidplatz, in which truck was deliberately driven into busy
Christmas market
H.R.4919 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Kevin and Avonte's Law of 2016 | | Library of Congress
Summary of H.R.4919 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Kevin and Avonte's Law of 2016
Michael F. Doyle | | Library of Congress
Sponsored legislation by Michael F. Doyle, the Representative from Pennsylvania - in Congress from 2015 through
Russia-Hack Story against Donald Trump, Another Media Failure | Global Research - Centre for Research on
Mind Control and The Conspiracy Theory Meme. Echoes of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley | Global Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization
City Council Votes to Ban Mind Control Weapon Use Against Residents | Global Research - Centre for Research on
Search Global Research | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Defense Intelligence Agency Seeking Mind Control Weapons | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The U.S. has a long history of hacking other democracies - The Washington Post
Overthrow an election, install a dictator -- and voila, you have a loyal client state.
Joint DHS and ODNI Election Security Statement
CIA agent who debriefed Saddam Hussein says the agency is full of yes men -
John Nixon says the CIA is too eager to please the president giving him answers he wants to hear
Case No. 16-cv-4014 CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT UPDATED December 20, 2016
PENNSYLVANIA on December 21, 2016 | Federal Bureau Of Investigation | Contracts
Under Amazons CIA Cloud: The Washington Post | Black Agenda Report
Wyden calls for transparency on intelligence regarding potential Russian interference in U.S election - Homeland
Preparedness News
Andy Ozment to Step Down as DHS Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity, Communications
Prisoner mistakenly freed from Lancaster County Prison, officials say it's happened before | Insider |
Lancaster County Prison officials mistakenly freed a prisoner earlier this month and acknowledged to LNP there
have been similar cases since they put in place an electronic tracking system designed
Americas National Security Agencies Under Trump: Four Lessons from the Nixon Administration
The president-elect believed he knew enough about the world and did not make time for intelligence briefings. CIA
briefers were left hanging around in the
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Death penalty slowly disappearing from the US, end-of-year report suggests | World news | The Guardian
Twenty prisoners have been put to death in 2016, far below the peak of 98 in 1999, with 80% of executions taking
place in just two states
Private Criminal Complaint v. Eric Calhoun & Alley Kat Bar With Lancaster City Police Response To Scene - September
22, 2007
Mind Control - Government Will Soon Control, Trigger and Read Thoughts; Brain-to-Brain Communication is Here
Scientists are predicting that in 2017, the first true brain-to-brain communication, thought control, in people could
Lancaster city man charged in 2012 homicide still awaiting trial, wants case dismissed | Insider |
A Lancaster city man has filed a federal court motion to dismiss his homicide case following four years of
incarceration without a trial.
York County woman, kidnapped by Taliban, pleads with U.S. government in newly-released video | Local News |
A York County woman and her Canadian-born husband, held captive by the Taliban since 2012, are shown with the
woman's two young sons in a newly-released video.
2 Philadelphia judges removed from bench as ongoing probe into judicial corruption continues | Pennsylvania |
Two Philadelphia judges were removed from the bench Friday as an ongoing probe into judicial corruption
continues in the city, according to reports published on
Man sought in robbery of Millersville business | Local News |
Millersville police are investigating the robbery of a borough business earlier this month.
DISTRICT of PENNSYLVANIA IN HARRISBURG on December 21, 2016 | Federal Bureau Of Investigation
Chris Hedges: Fake News in America: Homegrown, and Far From New - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
For decades, the media have been dominated by manufactured reports. This skillful manipulation of information
erased the lines between fact and opinion and gave rise to the demagogue who will sit in the Oval Office. -
Law Enforcement Extortion of Financial Management Group, Ltd., From Stan Caterbone in 1987 Anti-Trust Litigation
File of December 22, 2016 | Stocks
KATHLEEN KANE WAS RIGHT - Judge Paul K. Allison Letter of May 8, 2007
Prophecy Club - Bible Prophecy News And End Times Updates For The Last Days
The Prophecy Club provides Bible prophecies, videos, news and insights carrying prophetic warnings
Prophecy Club MASONIC - YouTube
THEMSELVES INTO THE APOSTLES OF CHRIST. And no marvel; for Satan himself...
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania - Wikipedia
Masonic Articles, Graphics, Newsletters, Blog, and News
CIA Director John Brennan Urges Caution In U.S. Response To Russia Hacking : The Two-Way : NPR
John Brennan told NPR some retaliation techniques were "beneath this country's greatness." On the war in Syria,
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Brennan said he did not believe the violence would end, despite the fall of Aleppo.
John Brennan On The FBI-Apple Standoff, ISIS And His Future At The CIA : The Two-Way : NPR
John Brennan told NPR some retaliation techniques were "beneath this country's greatness." On the war in Syria,
Brennan said he did not believe the violence would end, despite the fall of Aleppo.
Edward Snowden, NSA Breach: Shortfalls Revealed In House Intelligence Report
Edward Snowden is taking to social media, defending himself against accusations and statements made in the
recently released House Intelligence Committee's
How The Snowman melted David Bowies heart | Music | The Guardian
The late, great singers filmed introduction to the animated Christmas movie might be one of the least well-known
parts of his career. But Bowie was a huge fan of Raymond Briggs, as those involved in the film recall
The CIA is delaying our books publication, and that hurts our democracy - The Washington Post
The review process for writings by former employees is broken. The solutions arent rocket science.
OAG Agents' Claims of Grand Jury Retaliation Survive | The Legal Intelligencer
A lawsuit brought by two agents of the Office of Attorney General, in which they claim Kathleen Kane retaliated
against them for giving grand jury testimony,...
Jewish family leaves Lancaster County in fear after being blamed for cancellation of Hempfield elementary Christmas
play | Insider |
A Hempfield elementary school is under fire for ending its longstanding production of Charles Dickens A
Christmas Carol, and a Jewish family has fled the county in fear because its
Lancaster Country Day graduate was in German market just before truck attack that killed 12 | Local News |
A Lancaster Country Day School graduate visited a Berlin Christmas market Monday about 20 minutes before a
tractor-trailer plowed into the crowd, killing 12 people and injuring about 50.
Gingerbread jail on display at Lancaster County Prison | Local News |
A gingerbread jail replica is helping boost morale at the Lancaster County Prison
Syria: Aleppo has returned to government control | World |
A statement by the Syrian armed forces says the northern city of Aleppo has returned to government control, ending
a four-year rebel hold over parts of the city.
Did Bill Clintons Meeting With the Attorney General Force FBI to Issue Letter on Hillarys Emails? - Truthdig
Had the former president not met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch at a Phoenix airport, bureau Director James
Comey would never have felt obliged to tell Congress just days before the election that the FBI was again looking
into emails related to Hillary Clinton, Michael Daly writes at The Daily Beast. - 2016/12/21
Older Americans Pushed Into Poverty as Feds Garnish Social Security for Student Debt - Truthdig
Data from the Government Accountability Office showed that people over the age of 50 are the fastest-growing
group with student debt, outpacing younger generations. - 2016/12/21
On Contact Discussion: Israeli Weapons Are Tested on Palestinians, Then Sold to the World - Truthdig
Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges and independent journalist Rania Khalek analyze the Israeli arms industry, which
was involved in global contracts worth $5.7 billion last year. - 2016/12/21
Watch: Her immigration story won Lancaster Story Slam's top prize | Entertainment |
Audrey Lopez won Lancaster Story Slam's grand slam with her story about Rising Above.
Kellyanne Conway chosen as Donald Trump's counselor | US news | The Guardian
Former campaign manager praised as tireless and tenacious advocate of my agenda by president-elect
Evacuations out of Aleppo resume following intermittent delays | World news | The Guardian
Thousands were left stranded in freezing temperatures for nearly 24 hours, with reports of four babies dying in the
extreme weather
Lancaster Barnstormers' $2.7M stadium rent deal with the county is back on | Local News |
On Wednesday, Lancaster County commissioners signed off on the loan proposal and a Lancaster Baseball LLC
official said team owners are on board.
Pennsylvania to offer medical marijuana dispensary permit for Lancaster County | Local News |
Pennsylvania regulators have released a list of 23 counties where they will offer permits for medical marijuana
dispensaries, and Lancaster is among them.
Legal threats against Nativity scenes, stolen baby Jesus statues cause issues in Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
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Last week, a woman was arraigned for stealing baby Jesus from a Nativity scene in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Trump and CIA, stop the fighting (Opinion) -
For Trump's presidency to succeed, he and the intelligence community will need to work together, says CIA veteran
John Nixon.
Mayor Gray to propose more transparency in process used to sell West King buildings | Insider |
The city has taken a fresh look at how it handled the sale of two historic properties on West King Street, and it
passes muster, legally and financially, Mayor Rick
Another Lancaster Cover-up the Sale of the Masonic Hall in the City of Lancaster, By the Advanced Media Group,
December 17, 2016
Shaq shares a crazy Pat Riley story about mind control
Shaq says the legendary coach held his breath underwater for 8 minutes. He saw it with his own eyes.
Obamas Grants of Clemency Top 1,300 in Effort to Address Justice System Problems - Truthdig
On Tuesday, he granted 78 pardons and 153 commutationsthe record for any president in a single dayto
individuals with nonviolent offenses. - 2016/12/21
Billionaire Carl Icahn Will Lead Trumps Deregulatory Charge, Consumer Advocate Says - Truthdig
Robert Weissman, president of the group Public Citizen, declares that Icahn epitomizes predatory corporate
capitalism. - 2016/12/22
Horsemen of the Trump Cabinet - Mike Luckovich - Truthdig
- 2016/12/22
CIA Chief Warns the Obama Administration Against Anti-Russian Moves
Central Intelligence Agency director John Brennan is warning the White House against waging cyber attacks on the
Russian government in retaliation for allegations that the Kremlin interfered with the US presidential election.
COURT DOCKET SHEET Friday December 23, 2016
Snowden still in contact with Russia's spy services, report says | National News |
WASHINGTON -- Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden has remained in contact with
Russian intelligence services since he arrived in Moscow three years ago, according to a declassified report
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 3575 EDA 2016 REQUEST FOR APPEARANCE re Kathleen Kane AMUCIS
in Support of Motion to DISMISS Charges December 23, 2016
Property crimes declined, but violent crime increased 10.6 percent in Lancaster County last year | Local News |
Serious crime fell 7.6 percent in Lancaster County last year, reaching its lowest level this century.
On eve of municipal election, GOP voters hitting historic lows in Lancaster city | Local News |
While they continue to dominate in countywide elections, Republicans have been struggling for years to remain
competitive in Lancaster city.
The Price of Freedom Is A Mind Bending Spy Story with Dragon Ball Actors
Have you ever heard of Project MK Ultra? Probably not unless you're a conspiracy theorist. The Price of Freedom is
a spooky spy story worth playing.
The Price of Freedom on Steam
You are Agent Zero. Your mission: assassinate Benjamin Miller, a radical who broke into CIA facilities and stole
top secret chemical weapons research. Your mission quickly takes a dark turn as you learn the truth of what Miller
was searching for that night.
Best of Truthdigs Live Blogs 2016: First Drafts of History Bring Shock, Sadness and Hope - Truthdig
Republican and Democratic conventions. Primary and presidential nominee debates. The Pulse club mass shooting.
The #NoDAPL fight. Some of the stories we covered in real time this year were long-scheduled. Other news was
unforeseen, unfoldingsome even ongoing. - 2016/12/23
Eric Ortiz: A Conversation on Privacy With Noam Chomsky, Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden - Truthdig
Finding the right balance between national security and individual rights has been a challenge since the Patriot Act
was enacted. - 2016/03/25
China on My Mind: Robert Scheer Interviews Hollywood Producer Janet Yang - Scheer Intelligence - Truthdig
On KCRWs Scheer Intelligence, Truthdigs editor in chief speaks with the veteran filmmaker about Donald
Trumps belligerence toward China and the experience of the American film industry doing business with the all-
too-convenient evil empire. - 2016/12/23
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Truthdig - Robert Scheer - They Know Everything About You
Inquiry says Snowden in contact with Russia's spy services | News |
WASHINGTON (AP) Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden remains in contact with
Russian intelligence services, according to a bipartisan congressional report released at a time when Russia is
US abstention allows UN to demand end to Israeli settlements | World news | The Guardian
Donald Trump and Israel had urged Washington to use its veto to stop historic security council resolution
Carrie Fisher in 'intensive care' after heart attack on flight to LA | Culture | The Guardian
Actor who played Princess Leia in Star Wars films transferred to hospital in LA after suffering cardiac arrest mid-
Carrie Fisher opens up about her manic bi-polar episode which lead to bizarre cruise ship performance | Daily Mail Online
Back in February, shock video footage emerged of Carrie onstage, pacing around, singing snippets of a song and
stopping along the way to clean up after her dog who had urinated and soiled the stage.
Truthdig - The Truth About Jesus
December 25, 2016
Are mind controlled toys the future of Christmas? - The Boar
Beth Kynman tells us about the latest Warwick research that could be part of next year's Christmas presents
Erotic Mind Control Through Hyponosis - m4mw
I am an experienced bisexual hypnotist with special powers in erotic mind control. Seeking bi males and bi females
to join my stable. You must be weight proportionate to height. Disease free (I will...
Belatedly, a Defense of a Whistleblower Consortiumnews
Pop superstar George Michael dies of heart failure at 53 | Local News |
LONDON (AP) George Michael's moment of liberation followed what seemed at first to be a time of deep
Snowden appeals for refugees who helped him
Canadians Help Snowdens Guardian Angels by Marc Andr Sguin
This a call for action for Ajith, Nadeeka, Supun and Vanessa. They are the four refugees who sheltered
whistleblower Edward Snowden in his time of need in Hong Kong. They are asking for Canada's help. We decided
to answer their call.
Families who sheltered Edward Snowden in Hong Kong say NSA whistleblower gave them hope | South China Morning
Before I met Snowden, I thought I was lost. [But] he never gave up and I have changed my life because of him
says Supun Thilina Kellapatha from Sri Lanka
2016 in review: Lancaster County's top business stories | Local Business |
A brisk year in the local housing market. A shakeup of local banking. An unprecedented overhaul to the states
liquor laws. Progress on mixed-use projects involving major national retailers.
Hershey Co, promotes COO to CEO, succeeding Bilbrey | Local Business |
The Hershey Co. said Wednesday it has promoted from within to fill the upcoming vacancy at CEO.
1998 Monday of December 26, 2016 | Radiation | Electromagnetic Radiation
Mom and Pop Pop ITALY SLIDES Sunday December 25, 2016
Pop superstar George Michael dies aged 53 | Music | The Guardian
Singer who first made his name as half of pop group Wham! before going on to solo success died peacefully at
Tech Experts Call on Trump to Focus on Cybersecurity
Tech experts say they hope President-elect Donald Trump will focus further on the issue of state-sponsored cyber
Britney Spears is not dead Sony was just hacked (again) | Technology | The Guardian
Sony Music Entertainments Twitter account was hacked on Monday, publishing fake statements including RIP
Looking back at 2016: Kathleen Kane's resignation | State House Sound Bites |
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Kane resigned from office in August, after being federally convicted of perjury. (Photo by AP) (Harrisburg) -- This
year saw the end of one of the most dramatic political rollercoasters in recent Pennsylvania history: the tenure of
former state Attorney General, Democrat Kathleen Kane. Kane was convicted of perjury this summer and stepped
down from her post, but the controversy surrounding her far predates that. It was shortly into her tenure, two years
before, when negative stories began to circulate about Kane shutting down an investigation into several Democratic
state lawmakers accepting bribes. She launched into an apparent plan for revenge against a former state prosecutor
she assumed to be a source in the negative story, and ultimately ended up leaking secret grand jury records to the
press in an attempt to discredit him. An investigation into her conduct began, but Kane consistently maintained her
innocence. She told reporters...
as of December 27, 2016 | Stocks
UPDATED - EXCLUSIVE Transcripts of Whistleblower Testimonies as Targeted Individuals of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control and Related Hearings and Lectures, December 27, 2016 | Torture
Spooked: How the CIA Manipulates the Media, Part 2 - WhoWhatWhy
CIA attempts to deceive the public are being thwarted, thanks to the Internet, the Freedom of Information Act,
Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and intrepid journalists like Jason Leopold (a FOIA terrorist).
Best of Truthdigs Book Reviews 2016: Top Reads, From Economics to Politics and Even Genetics - Book Feature -
In a year of many upheavals, its no surprise that books on income inequality, political protest and global warming
would wind up on our top 10 literary list of the past year. But theres also room for a little comedy and some ancient
history among the picks. - 2016/12/26
Legal tender: City resident says treasurer broke law by refusing coins as payment for fine | Local News |
Alfredo Santiago agrees it was a valid parking ticket.
Lancaster County program targets independent living for people with intellectual disabilities | Local News |
Two Lancaster County men are the first participants in a new program aimed at giving individuals with intellectual
disabilities a shot at living on their own.
Arrival of Uber and Lyft in Lancaster County forces cabbies to work harder to get riders | Insider |
Once again, New Years Eve revelers in Lancaster County will have the option of arranging a ride home with a
smartphone app.
Debbie Reynolds Rushed to Hospital: Report
Debbie Reynolds was reportedly at her son's house when someone called 911 to report a possible stroke
Obama Moves to End Dual-Hat Leadership of Cybercom, NSA
Lancaster County and LGH reach agreement on treatment of mentally ill prison inmates | Insider |
An agreement expected to be approved Wednesday by Lancaster County Commissioners should save time, shield
county from potential lawsuits.
Lancaster County considers transition plan to curb mentally ill inmate population | Insider |
Lancaster County Prison inmates who are mentally ill and awaiting transfer to a state hospital could soon be
temporarily housed and treated in a group setting here under a plan
Who's in jail? Lancaster County Prison population by gender, race, age, mental health status | Insider |
A new effort is underway to create a public, transparent set of data on the operations of the Lancaster County Prison.
LG Health may nearly triple size of inpatient psychiatric program | Local News |
It's working on a plan to replace the 37 psychiatric beds currently at Lancaster General Hospital with 70 to 100 beds
in a new facility operated with a partner.
Reducing the stigma around mental illness | Opinion |
As the world mourns the death of Robin Williams by suicide, Lancaster County can honor the actors legacy by
embarking on substantive discussions about mental health and suicide.
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Ponessa adds partial hospitalization for children with mental health needs | Local Business |
T.W. Ponessa &amp; Associates Counseling Services Inc. has added a new treatment option for children with severe
emotional, behavioral, or psychiatric disorders.
Neighbors, LG Health discuss traffic, parking impacts of planned behavioral health hospital | Insider |
Comments appear already to have influenced an important decision about the future Lancaster Behavioral Health
Hospital: The number of vehicular entry points.
CI-06-03349 DOCKET SHEET re CATERBONE v. Lancaster General Hospital Filed April of 2006 OPEN CASE
Penn State suspends Blacknall and Bowen for Rose Bowl | Football |
Saeed Blacknall and Manny Bowen, two starters whose roles have increased over this season, have been suspended
by Penn State coach James Franklin for the Rose Bowl.
Lancaster city police officer gets $9,800 heating system in giveaway honoring those who serve | Local News |
A Lancaster city police officer is getting a heating system donated by Neffsville Plumbing, Heating &amp; Cooling
Watch career highlights from 10 of the major influences who died in 2016 | Entertainment |
2016 saw the deaths of icons in the music, literary, acting and athletic worlds.
CES 2017: What to expect | Fox News
The eyes of the tech world will be firmly fixed on Las Vegas when the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) kicks off
next week.
Donated iPods, mp3 players help Lancaster's homeless cope with depression, mental health problems | Local News |
Many of our guests list music as a coping mechanism for depression, suicidal thoughts or other mental health
troubles, the nonprofit recently posted Thursday on its Facebook page. Our behavioral
Zipcar to make Lancaster County debut at Millersville University on Jan. 31 | Local News |
Car-sharing service Zipcar will make its Lancaster County debut next month, Millersville University announced
Best of Truthdigs Ear to the Ground 2016: A Showcase of Activists Approaches to the Election - Truthdig
Our Ear to the Ground section was filled with election news this year, of course. The most-read posts, however,
were less about the outcome than about activism inspired by the democratic process. - 2016/12/27
Six Important Executive Actions of President Obama That Donald Trump Is Targeting - Truthdig
As the incoming administration threatens to reverse nearly everything Obama has done, even nuclear deals are
imperiled. - 2016/12/27
White House races to save Middle East peace process before Trump takes office | World news | The Guardian
John Kerry to underline outgoing presidents support of two-state solution with speech setting out US vision of
Israel-Palestine agreement
UPDATED STATEMENT OF FACTS re CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police Department US District Court Case 08-
cv-08982 December 28, 2016
Mtn Dew Kickstart: Puppymonkeybaby | Super Bowl Spot - YouTube
When three friends decide to stay home for the night, a surprise visitor arrives with MTN DEW Kickstart on a
mission to change their minds. #puppymonkeybaby ...
New to home theaters: 'Snowden' tells the true story of NSA whistleblower | Local |
In May of 2013 Edward Snowden, boarded a plane to Hong Kong, China where he meet with journalists from The
Guardian and filmmaker Laura Poitras to share top-secret National Security
McCaskey grad tapped to lead Senate Democrats' campaign efforts | Politics |
A 1994 J.P. McCaskey High School graduate has been picked for a key national role to help Democrats take control
of the U.S. Senate in 2018.
Molly's Pub expected to open in February under new owner | Local News |
Its taken much longer than Jason Brandt had hoped, but Mollys Pub is expected to open in early February.
Debbie Reynolds, movie star and mother of Carrie Fisher, has died | National |
LOS ANGELES (AP) Actress Debbie Reynolds, star of the 1952 classic 'Singin' in the Rain' and mother of
Carrie Fisher, has died, her son announced.
John Kerry Rebukes Israel and Calls Settlements a Threat to Peace (Video) - Truthdig
In a public address, the secretary of state explained that the U.S. abstention at the United Nations Security Council
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meeting last week was driven by an effort to save Israel from the most extreme elements in its own government. -
White Supremacist Groups Will Revolt if Trump Disappoints Them, Leaders Say - Truthdig
Vocal members of the loosely organized racist coalition calling itself the alt-right fear that Trump will not deliver
the formally institutionalized white supremacy they desire. - 2016/12/28
Judge orders government to preserve Senate 'torture report' | TheHill
Earlier this month, Obama said he would preserve the report in his presidential papers.
Federal judge orders torture report preserved -
A federal judge ordered the government Wednesday to preserve a 2014 Senate report documenting the alleged abuse
of CIA detainees that occurred after the September 11 attacks.
The Biggest Mistakes of the Vietnam War The Tribune Papers
Debbie Reynolds: her life and career in pictures | Film | The Guardian
Best known for Singin in the Rain, here we look back at her life and her decades-long stage and screen career
PENNSYLVANIA - December 29, 2016 | Finance | Law Reference
Pennsylvania resists paying lawyers' bill for email report | News |
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) The Pennsylvania attorney general's office is resisting paying the bill from outside
lawyers who investigated the swapping of sexually explicit and offensive material for years through
US punishes Russia for hacking presidential campaign | McClatchy DC
The United States struck back Thursday at Russia for hacking the U.S. presidential campaign with a sweeping set of
punishments targeting Russia's spy agencies and diplomats. The U.S. said Russia must bear costs for its actions, but
Moscow called the Obama administration
Not the Russians: John McAfee talks hacking allegations, cybersecurity with Larry King (VIDEO) RT America
Following the release of an FBI report outlining Russias alleged role in hacking the 2016 election, Larry King sat
down to talk with tech pioneer John McAfee to discuss the current state of cybersecurity.
The Latest: NY AG says Trump can't dissolve foundation yet | WPXI
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Latest on President-elect Donald Trump (all times EST):
Carrie Rickey: Best of Truthdigs Film Reviews 2016: List Includes Arrival and La La Land - Truthdig
Given the presidential election and the premature deaths of a surprising number of Baby Boomer entertainers, 2016
was the worst of years. Nonetheless, this annus horribilis produced a surprising number of great films. - 2016/12/29
Russia Reaches Syria Cease-Fire Pact With Turkeyand the U.S. Had Nothing to Do With It - Truthdig
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that after negotiations in Moscow between his administration and
its Turkish and Iranian counterparts, an accord regarding the war in Syria has been reached, establishing a fragile
truce thats being hailed as a potential turning point in the bloody civil war that has raged for six years. -
Kathie Lee Gifford Unable to Eat Salad Because of Mind Control [Video]
Kari Byron and Tory Belleci were part of the Mythbusters team, but now theyre hosts of White Rabbit Project on
Netflix. The pair, without co-host Grant Imahara, were on Today to conduct a little experiment with Kathie Lee
Gifford. It was mind control! Sort of.
FBI analysis fingers Russian spy agencies for U.S. election ...
USA-RUSSIA/CYBER-FBI (UPDATE 1):UPDATE 1-FBI analysis fingers Russian spy agencies for U.S. election
US expels Russian diplomats over hacking, Moscow vows 'response' | Business Standard News
Read more about US expels Russian diplomats over hacking, Moscow vows 'response' on Business Standard. US
President Barack Obama ejected 35 Russian diplomats from the country as a punishment over the alleged hacking
during the 2016 US presidential election and also imposed sanctions on Moscows two leading intelligence services.
Superior Court Case No. Case No. 1219 MDA 2016 CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police DOCKET SHEET December
30, 2016
Case No. 16-cv-4014 CATERBONE v. the United States of America, AMENDED COMPLAINT December 30,
Why the 60 Minutes Attack on the Social Security Disability Program is Wrong! - YouTube
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In this video Marc Whitehead, a board certified Social Security Disability Attorney, discusses why what 60 Minutes
discussed about the Social Security Disabi...
Dr. Coburn talks Social Security Disability Fraud on the Senate Floor - YouTube
60 Minutes Report Denounced For Disability Misinformation
'60 Minutes' bungles another hit piece on Social Security - LA Times
"How many of you have been declared dead by the federal government?" host Scott Pelley asked a panel of four
taxpayers on Sunday night's "60 Minutes." All four raised their hands. "All of you," Pelley simpered. "You're
looking pretty well to me." And so began the CBS news program's latest hit piece...
Tom Coburn - Wikipedia

JANUARY 1, 2017

US, Israel Intelligence Collaboration at an All-Time High - Breaking Israel News

US intelligence chiefs say they are receiving more intelligence from Israel than they do from all the other US allies
put together.
US, Israel Intelligence Collaboration at an All-Time High - Breaking Israel News
US intelligence chiefs say they are receiving more intelligence from Israel than they do from all the other US allies
put together.
New Year's message from Steinman Communications executive vice president Ralph Martin | Local News |
On behalf of our family at LNP and LancasterOnline, we'd like to wish you and your family a happy and healthy
new year!
Readers decide: Here are the biggest news stories of 2016 in Lancaster County | Local News |
The biggest local news stories of 2016 included a damaging tornado, a high-profile murder trial, an embattled
school board under fire from parents, and the rising number of heroin overdose
The Best of Scheer Intelligence 2016: Robert Scheers Guests Offer a Wealth of Insight - Scheer Intelligence - Truthdig
Once a week, Truthdigs editor in chief interviews someone who, through long engagement with American culture
or politics, has an informed and highly personal perspective on pressing issues. - 2016/12/31
JAR-16-20296: GRIZZLY STEPPE Russian Malicious Cyber Activity - JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-
FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking | TheHill
Was Claim by Department of Homeland Security and FBI About Russian Hacking Fake News? - Truthdig
The fact that a list of IP addresses was the best evidence U.S. intelligence agencies could provide should be a strong
indication that there really is no evidence, a website design and security specialist contends. - 2016/12/31
The Best Truthdiggers of 2016: Risk-Takers Are Honored for Challenging the Status Quo - Truthdigger of the Week -
From politicians who went against the grain to activists who risked their lives for a cause, our most popular
Truthdiggers serve as a reminder to stand up for justice in the face of adversity. (Pictured here, David Archambault
II, tribal chairman of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota and a leader in the Dakota Access
pipeline fight.) - 2016/12/31
Natasha Hakimi: Truthdigger of the Week: CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling, in Prison and Fighting for His Life -
The Obama administration has made an example of Jeffrey Sterling, the first whistleblower convicted under the
Espionage Act. Now the former CIA agent is being denied proper medical care in the federal detention center where
he is imprisoned after being sentenced to three years. - 2016/09/24
Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Julian Assange, Publisher of the Clinton Campaign Emails - Truthdigger
of the Week - Truthdig
For illuminating what the Democratic presidential nominees camp does in the dark, the long-confined hacker-
turned-journalist is under fresh attack from familiar adversaries and taking hard, if necessary, criticism from
erstwhile allies. - 2016/10/22
Eight Mideast Stories That Shaped Our World in 2016 - Juan Cole - Truthdig
If we set aside the glib talking points of U.S. politicians and many pundits, what were the big stories this year that
actually didor likely willaffect the American public deeply? - 2016/12/31
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Hypnotist Spreads Positive Message for 2017 -
Hypnotist Spreads Positive Message for 2017 - on
Istanbul attack: Manhunt for attacker who killed 39 in nightclub live | World news | The Guardian
At least 15 foreign nationals confirmed dead as Turkish interior minister says gunman is still on loose despite earlier
reports attacker had been killed
US-Russia tensions rise as malware found at Vermont electric utility | Technology | The Guardian
New York compound allegedly linked to Russian intelligence evacuated after Obama announces new sanctions
LIGHTS OUT by Ted Koppel
The official site for Ted Koppel's book LIGHTS OUT: A Cyberattack, A Nation Unprepared, Surviving the
Aftermath. In this tour de force of investigati...
What's behind retirement communities' $220M investment in Lancaster County? | Insider |
The baby-boomer generation is retiring, and Lancaster Countys many senior communities know it.
In-depth: Hundreds struggle financially, emotionally after losing disability checks because of lawyer's alleged fraud |
National |
MINNIE, Ky. (AP) Donna Dye saw the coal truck come barreling over the horizon and her head started spinning
with that familiar, desperate urge to end it all.
The Obama Victims: Edward Snowden - Live Trading News
22-year-old Lancaster woman charged after stabbing man during domestic dispute | Local News |
A Lancaster woman has been charged with stabbing a man in the city early Saturday.
Parents accused of abusing, neglecting 3 kids had 24 pets in fair condition | Pennsylvania |
A couple accused of neglecting and abusing three children, two of whom officials say were near death, had 24 pets
who didn't appear underfed.
Experts Arent Convinced by FBI and Homeland Security Report on Alleged Russian Hacking - Truthdig
Among the skeptics are veteran intelligence analyst and NSA whistleblower William Binney and a former vice
president of security at Amazon. - 2016/12/30
Snowden Leak Suggests the NSA Could Prove Identity of DNC Hackers - Truthdig
If the NSA could use signals intelligence to track a specific hack of an American email account in 2005, its not too
much to assume that, 10 years later, the agency possesses the same or better capability, writes Sam Biddle at The
Intercept. - 2016/12/30
Vladimir Putin Says He Wont Retaliate Against U.S. Actions - Truthdig
Despite his foreign ministers advice, the Russian president says he will not hit back at the United States for
expelling his countrys diplomats and imposing new sanctions. - 2016/12/30
Humans can now control SWARMS of robots using the power of their MIND
Scientists were looking for ways to help those with disability or paralysis, but found an incredible innovation that
could be used in futuristic battles
Washington DC lawyer Douglas Gansler was initially contracted by former state Attorney General Kathleen Kane.
(Photo by AP) (Harrisburg) -- A conflict has sprung up between the state Attorney General's office and DC-based
Law Firm BuckleySandler over an investigation the firm conducted into the AG office's emails. The office--under
interim AG Bruce Beemer--said the resulting report was unsatisfactory, and it's resisting paying BuckleySandler in
full. Now the AG's office is trying to avoid a lawsuit. The investigation and subsequent report were ordered by
former AG Kathleen Kane in 2015, after she became aware of lewd emails being passed around by top justice
officials. Kane's since been convicted of perjury in a related case. She's appealing the conviction. The report was
overseen by special prosecutor and former Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler, who was initially promised
two million dollars for the work. But AG office spokesman Chuck Ardo said the...
Pa. prosecutors balk at $2 million bill from Porngate investigator
HARRISBURG - Kathleen G. Kane, the convicted former state attorney general, may be out of office, but a legal
fight is just beginning over her signature quest to investigate pornography shared over state computers. - Angela
Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
New Lancaster County advocacy group plans to promote public education, spotlight charter school issues | Local News |
A new advocacy group wants to be a legislative watchdog and support public schools across district lines in
Lancaster County.
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Rep. Mike Sturla thinks Pa. should legalize video gambling at bars and clubs; Here's why | Insider |
Pennsylvania has a gaping budget deficit. Organizations like the Elks and the Veterans of Foreign Wars need more
revenue. And bars are always looking for ways to attract customers.
More officers killed in line of duty this year, almost half were shot | National |
This year saw a major increase in the amount of police officers killed in the line of duty, according to WGAL.
Obama orders sanctions against Russian officials, intelligence services in response to election hacking | National |
HONOLULU (AP) In a sweeping response to election hacking and other meddlesome behavior, President
Barack Obama on Thursday sanctioned Russian intelligence services and their top officials, kicked out 35
9 local New Year's Eve parties in Lancaster County | Entertainment |
It's not too late to plan a big night out for New Year's Eve.
Sixth annual Mickel B-Day Bash returns to Tellus360 | Entertainment |
December birthdays are hard.
Lancaster Galleries celebrates artists with 'Prelude' exhibit running through Jan. 7 | Entertainment |
Lancaster Galleries owner Joyce Heberlein talks about her love for art and artists.
Unscripted: Remembering Stephen Kopfinger, former LNP staffer, correspondent and columnist | Entertainment |
Steve Kopfinger was a man of wit, intelligence and passions that included classic films, theater, ocean liners and
trains. He wrote for LNP for many years.
Kathie Lee Gifford Unable to Eat Salad Because of Mind Control [Video]
How North Korea and the Obama regime both use the same mind control techniques against their citizens (video)
Something went wrong on SoundCloud
FINAL - Third Circuit Case No. 16-1149 LAMBERT Habeus Corpus PETITION for WRIT of CERTIORARI to the
United States Supreme Court October 12, 2016
Kellyanne Conway Blames US Intelligence Agencies, Not Russia, For Election Hacking
DirecTV drops WGAL when agreement to carry the station expires | Local Business |
DirecTV dropped WGAL-TV on Sunday after the satellite TV provider and the stations owner failed to reach a new
retransmission agreement.
Insider Q&A: Your medical information is big business | Nation |
How much are your old prescriptions worth? Maybe not much to you. But for some companies, your medications,
test results and hospital records are the building blocks of a multinational
Fight against publishing notices in newspapers persists | Nation |
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) As classified advertising, once the lifeblood of newspapers, has dried up, one constant has
remained: a thick daily listing of government public notices. But legislative fights
US states, leery of Russia malware, re-examine cybersecurity - | News, Sports, Information on
the Blue Earth region - Faribault county Register
Take a look at what's ahead for Pennsylvania government officials in 2017 | Insider |
Should a criminal act against a police officer be considered the same as a racial or religion-based hate crime?
44-Sheryl Crow BOOKMARKED Documents of Monday, January 2, 2017 With Notes
HARASSMENT DOWNTOWN Scans - Kane Order - Att Receipt - Umpc Card - January 3, 2017
Trip to Philadelphia 34 US COURT DOCKET REPORTS and RECEIPTS Tuesday January 3, 2017
Trump doubtful as US spy chiefs to testify on Russian hacking
Top US spy chiefs will testify in Congress Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the US election as President-
elect Donald Trump continued to question intelligence that Moscow was behind the hacking of Democratic party
computers. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and National Security
CIA Chief Brennan Hopes US-Russia Relations to Revive Under Trump Administration
CIA Director John Brennan expressed hope that Washington-Moscow relations may improve under Donald Trump's
Former Attorney General Kathleen Kane Fights Conviction CBS Philly
She remains free while she appeals.
Ex-attorney general Kathleen Kane fighting conviction | News |
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane contends her nine-count perjury and obstruction conviction
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should be overturned because of trial errors and overlapping charges.
Ex-Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane Fights Conviction Over Leak | NBC 10 Philadelphia
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane says her nine-count perjury and obstruction conviction
should be overturned because of trial errors and overlapping charges.
Kathleen Kane outlines case for her appeal
NORRISTOWN >> Kathleen Kanes defense team filed a statement Tuesday in Montgomery County Court
outlining the complaints on which the former Attorney General of Pennsylvania will base her appeal.
Split widens between Trump, CIA over Russian hacking allegations - World Socialist Web Site
President-elect Trump and factions of the political establishment aligned with the CIA hurled accusations at each
other Wednesday over allegations that the Russian government sought to influence the 2016 US election.
Lancaster County Courthouse cellphone ban takes effect; Reactions range from content to disgruntled | Insider |
Despite a little grumbling here and there, a ban on cell phones at the Lancaster County Courthouse took effect
Tuesday with with little fanfare.
Barack Obama and Mike Pence slated for healthcare showdown | US news | The Guardian
President to address Democrats in Congress on how to save signature legislation while future vice-president will
meet with Republicans eager to repeal the law
Socioeconomic school integration is focus of Jan. 24 town hall at Ware Center in Lancaster | Local News |
A growing number of communities are starting to organize their schools around the idea that when children from
poor and privileged families learn together, everyone benefits.
A celebratory state Capitol: Lawmakers swear in for a new session in Harrisburg | Politics |
Pennsylvanias Capitol building was buzzing Tuesday as state lawmakers kicked off the new two-year legislative
session with the swearing-in of dozens of new officials -- including Lancaster Countys freshman state
Franklin & Marshall alumni connected to Donald Trump, Iraq and foreign policy | The Scribbler |
One grad had ties to Trump Tower, while another writes about mistake with Iraqi weapons of mass destruction
Paul Street: Barack Obamas Neoliberal Legacy: Rightward Drift and Donald Trump - Truthdig
The Wall Street takeover of Washington, D.C., and the related imperial agenda of the Pentagon System were
advanced more effectively by the nations first black president than they could have been by white Republicans such
as John McCain or Mitt Romney. - 2017/01/03
A Presidential Strategy Board: Enabling Strategic Competence Analysis Eurasia Review
Lancaster County athletic booster clubs spent more than $2.2M in 1 year; Here's a look at the numbers | Insider |
Booster clubs combined to spend more than $2.2 million in supporting athletic programs at the 16 public high
schools in Lancaster County during the 2014-15 school year.
Youth athletic opportunities booming in Lancaster city | Insider |
One July morning this summer, dozens of children took turns whacking tennis balls on the outdoor courts at
Franklin &amp; Marshall College.
Pa. teen charged for recording racist video; Targeted boy also charged for retaliatory attack | Pennsylvania |
Charges have been approved for an Easton, Pa., teenager after he allegedly recorded a racist video in October, the
Northampton County district attorney announced today.
Outcry after Republicans vote to dismantle independent ethics body | US news | The Guardian
Office of Congressional Ethics was created in 2008 to investigate allegations of misconduct by lawmakers
US intelligence officials: Russia poses serious cyberthreat -
Top U.S. intelligence officials say Russia poses a major and growing threat to U.S. government, military, diplomatic
and commercial operations as well as America's critical infrastructure.
Top U.S. cyber officials: Russia poses a major threat to the countrys infrastructure and networks - The Washington Post
The officials said that in recent years they have seen the Kremlin become more aggressive in their cyber operation.
Confronted with intel he didn't like, Trump eyes major CIA changes | MSNBC
Intelligence professionals told Donald Trump what he didn't want to hear. He's responding with a plan to cut back
intelligence agencies.
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Donald Trump's beefing with the two agencies that he's planning to revamp. Coincidence?
Four arrested over Facebook Live video of man tortured amid anti-Trump taunts | US news | The Guardian
Chicago police are investigating a video appearing to show a man tied up and assaulted while attackers shout fuck
Donald Trump and fuck white people
Trump inauguration tickets are in high demand in Lancaster County | Pennsylvania |
If youre planning to attend President-elect Donald Trumps inauguration in two weeks, there are a few days left to
request a ticket.
Landisville state senator re-selected to chair Communications & Technology Committee | Local News |
State Sen. Ryan Aument, a Republican from Landisville, has been selected by party leaders to chair the Senate
Communications &amp; Technology Committee for the second consecutive time.
Case No. 16-2513 Preliminary Injunction Middle District CATERBONE MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION With
EXHIBIT Thursday January 5, 2017 | Due Process | Conspiracy (Criminal)
KINDA BUSY TODAY - THURSDAY JANUARY 5, 2017 by Stan J. Caterbone, Director
Kane fights conviction over leak - - January 05, 2017
PHILADELPHIA Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane hopes to overturn her nine-count
perjury and obstruction conviction because of what she calls trial errors and overlapping charges.
Spy wars: Trump strikes back - Baltimore Sun
President-elect's unsubstantiated criticisms of U.S. intelligence community undermine his own credibility as well as
national security
Report: Trump taps former Sen. Dan Coats for top intelligence post | Donald Trump | Dallas News
WASHINGTON A top spokesman for President-elect Donald Trump shot down a report Thursday that Trump is
looking to revamp U.S. intelligence...
Coats reportedly Trump's favorite candidate for intelligence post | 2017-01-05 | Indianapolis Business Journal |
Former Indiana Sen. Dan Coats is the front-runner to become Donald Trumps director of national intelligence,
according to two people familiar with the decision, a move that would put him in the position of defending the
agencies whose conclusions on Russian hacking have been openly questioned by the president-elect. According to
the people, who requested anonymity because a final decision hasnt been made, Trump is also considering Fran
Townsend, President George W. Bushs former homeland security adviser; Admiral Mike Rogers, the current
director of the . . .
Russia hacking: US intelligence chief hits back at Donald Trump's 'disparagement' | Technology | The Guardian
James Clapper tells Congress he will release more evidence of Russian interference in US election and describes
multifaceted cyber assault
Crossings at Conestoga Creek developer High to pay $300K over 10 years for Long's Park upkeep | Local News |
Longs Park is likely to see more visitors when The Crossings at Conestoga Creek opens in 2018.
Flu is coming, but the stomach bug is here here's how to prevent it, or cure it if you're already sick | Local News |
Although flu season has not yet hit its stride, some doctors are seeing a spike in unrelated stomach viruses this
Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis introduce Constitutional Amendment to limit Congressional terms | National |
A Constitutional Amendment has been introduced to limit terms on members of the Congress.
Burning body found in rural area of York County; death being investigated as homicide | Local News |
York County authorities are investigating after a body was found on fire in West Manchester Township early
Everybody Loses in Trumps War on Intelligence Agencies - Bloomberg View
The U.S. needs to improve cybersecurity. But taking the feud to Twitter only helps the enemy.
Watch: Brett Eldredge encounters a snake in his toilet | Entertainment |
Country singer Brett Eldredge found a surprise visitor in his toilet Wednesday morning.
Food poisoning Symptoms - Mayo Clinic
Food poisoning Comprehensive overview covers causes, symptoms and treatments.
Sen. Scott Martin announces new Lancaster district office, staff | Politics |
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New state Sen. Scott Martin, a former Lancaster County commissioner sworn in this week to the state Legislature,
has selected several people experienced in county government and politics to lead
Guns Down, Drums Up program at Lancaster's Crispus Attucks aims to teach drumming, discipline | Local News |
Its called Guns Down, Drums Up, but there was no chance that those who turned out Thursday night for a new
program at Crispus Attucks Community Center had violence on
Inquiry Points Toward a Pentagon Plot to Subvert Obamas Syria Policy - Truthdig
An official investigation offers evidence that the U.S. military engineered a deliberate and lethal attack on Syrian
troops, an act that sabotaged the presidents effort to cooperate with Russia against Islamic State. - 2017/01/05
Trump, Assange, and the Control of the Republican Mind
The cruelest, most condescending, and also devastatingly correct indictment of Donald Trumps supporters was
uttered by Trump himself.
Former CIA chief leaves Trumps team | Obamacare wont be replaced all at once, senator says - MarketWatch
Former CIA chief leaves Donald Trumps team; senator says Obamacare wont be replaced all at once; Republican
leaders slow walk Trump infrastructure plans; and more.
Trump to name ex-senator Dan Coats as director of national intelligence | US news | The Guardian
Former Indiana lawmaker and member of the Senate intelligence committee has been banned from entering Russia:
Im not a big fan of Putin
Biden hits Trump's 'mindless' take on intelligence agencies - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Joe Biden attacks Trump for 'mindless' dismissal of agencies' intelligence | US news | The Guardian
Vice-president speaks out as agency chiefs prepare to brief president-elect on Russian election interference
Feds: Airport shooting suspect complained of mind control
Two months before airport shooting, suspect referred for psychiatric treatment.
Fort Lauderdale Shooting Suspect Spoke of Mind Control and Being Forced to Join Islamic State | KTLA
The young Iraq war veteran suspected of fatally shooting five people and wounding eight others at Fort
Lauderdales international airport Friday had become mentally agitated in recent weeks, family members said,
despite his happiness over the birth of a son less than four months ago.
Fort Lauderdale shooting suspect was an Iraq war veteran with delusions of being forced to fight for Islamic State - LA
Authorities say five people died and eight others are injured after a lone suspect opened fire at Fort Lauderdale-
Hollywood International Airport on Friday.
Fort Lauderdale shooting suspect was an Iraq war veteran with delusions of being forced to fight for Islamic State - LA
Authorities say five people died and eight others are injured after a lone suspect opened fire at Fort Lauderdale-
Hollywood International Airport on Friday.
Airport Shooter Said He Was "Mind Controlled" By A U.S. Intelligence Agency | Zero Hedge
Santiago told the F.B.I. he thought he was being mind controlled, possibly by the U.S. government or the C.I.A. and
admitted hearing voices, which Santiago said told him to study extremist materials on the Internet, the New York
Times reports. Despite the fact that Santiago himself, his girlfriend, and even co-workers warned authorities of his
experiences the F.B.I. failed to detain him before his travels to Florida.
Feds - Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooting of Friday January 6, 2017 suspect complained of mind control - by STAN J
CATERBONE and Advanced Media Group January 7, 2017
Case No. 16-2513 Preliminary Injunction Middle District EXHIBIT re FT. LAUDERDALE SHOOTER AND U.S.
SPONSORED MIND CONTROL January 9, 2017.pdf
Jack O'Rourke:Trump is right to question methods of security agencies - Opinion - - Providence,
President Dwight Eisenhower was convinced that nuclear war was unthinkable and small wars unwinnable. To
project American interests worldwide without resorting to war, Eisenhower added "covert actions" to the mission of
the intelligence gathering Central Intelligence Agency.Covert actions were undefined until the Reagan
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administration, when Congress concluded after an extensive investigation that the administration's conduct during
"the Iran Contra affair was characterized by pervasive
Emma Niles: Truthdigger of the Week: Ava DuVernay, Activist Filmmaker - Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
Even when off the set, the director of 13th and Selma regularly addresses issues of political injustice. -
Feds: Airport shooting suspect complained of mind control |
Two months before Esteban Santiago allegedly unleashed a deadly assault inside the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood
International Airport, the 26-year-old former National Guardsman showed up unannounced and troubled at the
Anchorage, Alaska offices of the FBI.
Airport Shooting Suspect Esteban Santiago Sought Help for Mental Problems: Brother - NBC News
Bryan Santiago said his brother went to the FBI to say he was hearing voices about the CIA and ISIS, but he was
only held in treatment for four days.
FBI: Gun Returned to Fla. Shooting Suspect Because He Was Not Legally Declared Mentally Ill
FBI: Gun Returned to Fla. Shooting Suspect Because He Was Not Legally Declared Mentally Ill
Esteban Santiago charged over Fort Lauderdale airport attack | US news | The Guardian
Former National Guardsman formally charged with act of violence causing death at international airport after five
were fatally shot and six wounded
Sandusky scandal costs for Penn State rise to nearly a quarter-billion dollars | Local News |
HARRISBURG (AP) Penn States costs related to the Jerry Sandusky scandal are approaching a quarter-billion
dollars and growing, five years after the former assistant football coachs arrest on child
Family: Florida airport shooting suspect 'lost his mind' after tour in Iraq | National |
The man police say opened fire with a gun from his checked baggage at a Florida airport had a history of mental
health issues some of which followed his
Lancaster County signs off on tax incentives to promote development in Manheim, Millersville and Mount Joy | Local
News |
Lancaster County and municipal officials are hoping a tax incentive program will spur development in three
Shoppers sad to see Kmart closing on Fruitville Pike as clearance sales begin | Insider |
Life goes on, a man clutching a pack of discounted white T-shirts said as he left Kmart at 1890 Fruitville Pike on
Gap man fired as police sergeant in Berks County after being accused of stealing cop's phone | Local News |
A former Berks County police sergeant has been accused of stealing an officer's smartphone before he was fired last
Elizabethtown College swimmers at Fort Lauderdale airport during fatal mass shooting, all reported safe | Local News |
Members of the Elizabethtown College mens and womens swim teams are safe after a shooting at a Florida airport
Friday afternoon left five people dead and at least eight injured.
Pa.'s attorney general-elect appoints ethics expert |
Pennsylvania's attorney general-elect has appointed an ethics reform expert as the state's first-ever Chief Integrity
Federal Charges Are Filed Against Accused Fort Lauderdale Airport Gunman - WSJ
The U.S. government announced charges against accused Fort Lauderdale airport shooter Esteban Santiago, saying
that he flew one-way to Florida from Alaska and planned the assault that left five people dead and six hospitalized.
Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis driven by delusions - The Washington Post
Federal and local authorities provide additional information on the Navy Yard shootings
North Group to leave Lancaster city for former Cargill space in Lititz | Local Business |
Companies frequently choose an office decor that reflects their business.
A Slice of Brooklyn Pizzeria opens restaurant in Lancaster | Local Business |
A Slice of Brooklyn Pizzeria has opened a new shop in downtown Lancaster, taking a space near the bus station
previously occupied by Spyro Gyros.
Ted Rall: CIA Spying on Congress, Foolish Spooks and Senators
In this exclusive to aNewDomain Ted Rall commentary, the political columnist digs into news about CIA's spying
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on U.S. senators. Here's why it's hilarious.
History News Network | While You Werent Looking, the FBI Acquired the Power to Spy on You
Fort Lauderdale suspect claimed government was controlling his mind months before shooting - The Washington Post
Suspect in Fort Lauderdale shooting charged with federal crimes and could face the death penalty.
Navy Yard Shooter Thought He Was Under Government Mind Control |
The gunman in this month's bloody rampage at the Washington Navy Yard claims that attempts at government mind
control drove him to the crime. The FBI on Wednesday released notes retrieved from the shooter, Aaron Alexis,
providing a window into a paranoid mind that felt under siege by "low-frequen...
Was the Washington D.C. Navy Yard Shooter, Aaron Alexis, a Target of Mind-Control? | Para-Political Journal
It's been a long time since I've blogged about anything (a whole month in fact), as I've been busy working on a book
project for a friend of mine. However, a hell of a lot has happened in just that short amount of time, and one thing in
particular is literally screaming at me to
FSU Shooter Myron May Left Message: 'I Do Not Want to Die in Vain' - NBC News
Hours before he shot three people and was killed by cops, lawyer Myron May sent paranoid messages and packages
to friends.
Ft. Lauderdale shooter thought the government was using mind control
CBS News' David Begnaud has the latest on the Fort Lauderdale shooting suspect Esteban Santiago.
Did VA, Army Blow Ft Lauderdale Gunman Mental Health Warnings?
Family members of the Ft Lauderdale shooter say the Iraq War combat veteran lost his mind in Iraq and later
showed symptoms of PTSD before shooting.
Chris Hedges: When Fear Comes - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Fear, a despotic states most potent weapon, keeps a population compliant. It will be lavishly supplied as we are
thrust into a new dark age. - 2017/01/08
Lancaster Councilwoman Danene Sorace announces run for mayor | Local News |
Lancaster Councilwoman Danene Sorace said shes running for mayor to continue the momentum the city has
generated over the past decade.
AMICUS FILE - Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooting of Friday January 6, 2017 suspect complained of mind control - by
STAN J CATERBONE and Advanced Media Group January 9, 2017
Lancaster County Prison marks year without suicides | Local News |
There were no suicides at the Lancaster County Prison in all of 2016, the first year without an inmate killing himself
since 2012, data show.
Nonlethal approach to controlling Lancaster County-bound crows has proved successful | Local News |
When Laurie Fuller moved to Lancaster city from Philadelphia in 2004, she was shocked to learn that poison was
being used to manage the 15,000 to 20,000 crows that migrate
Elizabethtown girl wins Farm Show's Got Talent competition | Local News |
Wearing a plaid Western shirt and cowboy boots, Maya Talarico, of Elizabethtown, strapped on her small guitar.
US Intelligence Report on 'Russian Hacking' Lacks Evidence and Credibility
The United States Intelligence Community published a joint report on "Russian activities and intentions" in the
recent US presidential elections. According to the document, Moscow used various tools, including cyberattacks
and media activities, to influence the results of the election.
Google vs. the NSA (parody video)
It's Google vs. the NSA (parody). Funny. Edgy. Courtesy Steve Wozniak, via Mark Graffis.
La La Land wins record seven Golden Globes as Moonlight takes best drama | Film | The Guardian
Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone win acting honours and Damien Chazelle earns best director but Meryl Streep steals
show with searing critique of Donald Trump
Meryl Streep attacks Donald Trump in Golden Globes speech video | Film | The Guardian
Without mentioning his name, Meryl Streep strongly criticizes Donald Trump in an emotional speech at the Golden
The rise of the cashless city: 'There is this real danger of exclusion' | Cities | The Guardian
Cities from Sweden to India are pushing for a totally cash-free society. But as more shops and transport networks
insist on electronic payments, where does this leave the smallest traders and poorest inhabitants?
Heres A Look At The Fort Lauderdale Shooters Now-Disabled Instagram Account
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Esteban Santiago served in the Army National Guard and posted Instagram photos from his deployment to Iraq.
Is The Mattis-Trump Honeymoon Over?
A new report in The Washington Post suggests tension between retired Marine Gen. James Mattis and the Trump
.:Middle East Online:::.

Monday January 9, 2017

Google Alert - national security agency - - Gmail

.:Middle East Online:::.
View Notification
Is The Mattis-Trump Honeymoon Over?
Heres A Look At The Fort Lauderdale Shooters Now-Disabled Instagram Account

JSTR CTUAL (@th3j35t3r) | Twitter
Meryl Streep attacks Donald Trump in Golden Globes speech video | Film | The Guardian
US Intelligence Report on 'Russian Hacking' Lacks Evidence and Credibility
Lancaster Councilwoman Danene Sorace announces run for mayor | Local News |
Fort Lauderdale airport shooting suspect had visited FBI office in Alaska last year - The Washington Post
History News Network | While You Werent Looking, the FBI Acquired the Power to Spy on You
Ted Rall: CIA Spying on Congress, Foolish Spooks and Senators
(1) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
AMICUS FILE - Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooting of Friday January 6, 2017 suspect complained of mind control - by
STAN J CATERBONE and Advanced Media Group January 9, 2017
Search | LinkedIn
The Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love? - YouTube

TD Ameritrade TRADEKEEPER PROFIT-LOSS FOR 2004 TRADES and 2017 FULTON STOCK January 9, 2017
PoliticsPA: Incoming AG Shapiro names Chief Integrity Officer - Philadelphia Business Journal
The officer is part of a larger response to the issues surrounding the AG office during Kathleen Kane's tenure.
Rising police costs, growing pensions among reasons 14 Lancaster County communities raise taxes for 2017 | Insider |
Rising police expenses, new municipal buildings, growing health care and pension costs and concerns about
pending property reassessments.
Alibaba's Jack Ma says job creation will focus on small business
Trump says "Jack and I are going to do some great things." Alibaba's Ma says its U.S. job creation will focus on
small business.
Trump names son-in-law Jared Kushner as senior adviser, testing nepotism law | US news | The Guardian
Kushner, who had Trumps ear in an informal role during the election, will need to argue a federal anti-nepotism law
does not apply to him
Kushner - Diversified real estate organization headquartered in New York
We are strategically focused on setting the pace for the way people live and work, through productive, efficient, and
state-of-the-art environments.
The New Intelligence Report On Russia Shows We Need An Independent Bipartisan Commission Now More Than Ever |
The Nation
In 1966, the scholar-diplomat George F. Kennan testified before Senator William J. Fulbrights Senate Foreign
Relations Committee and said that the United States would be well advised to quit its habit of overhyping
communist threats abroad.
My Friend and Colleague Soleilmavis Liu of China a Victim of Mind Control Living in China Who Started Peacepink-
August 28, 2016
Usage Statistics for TOTALS and MONTHLY From May of 2016 to January
2017 - January 10, 2017
Blue Lives Matter bill would make crimes against police a hate crime in Pa., advocacy groups push back | Insider |

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Crimes against police officers and other emergency-responders in Pennsylvania would be treated as hate crimes
under a new bill proposed by a state lawmaker from Lancaster County.
Rocky Springs to start $1.9M expansion and renovation this month | Insider |
Since buying the Rocky Springs Entertainment Center nearly eight years ago, Fred and Sherry ONeill have learned
a lot the hard way.
Suspect in Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting Is Assigned a Lawyer - The New York Times
Shackled, bearded and wearing a red jumpsuit, Esteban Santiago was appointed a public defender after he told a
federal magistrate that he had no money.
Lawyer assigned to Fort Lauderdale rampage suspect
Airport shooting spree suspect Esteban Santiago makes his first court appearance Monday.
Former Pa AG Investigators FMLA Claim Dismissed: No FMLA Protection After Leave Ends Despite Extension of
Leave | Saul Ewing LLP - JDSupra
The saga of former Attorney General Kathleen Kane continued in the courts on January 4, 2017 when Judge Sylvia
Rambo (Middle District of Pennsylvania) dismissed an FMLA claim brought...
ORDER: In accord with the Memorandum 21 filed this date; 1) Dfts mtn to dismiss Count II of the amended complaint 17
is GRANTED.2) Because the court has dismissed all claims over which it had original jurisdiction, the court declines to
exercise supplemental jurisdiction over Pltfs state law claim, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 13679(c)(3). Signed by Honorable
Sylvia H. Rambo on 1/4/17. (ma) - 0.pdf
Russian Hackers Gained Limited Access to R.N.C., Comey Says - The New York Times
James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, outlined the hacking of Republican computers to a panel of the Senate
Intelligence Committee.
Presidents Have Always Needed Unwelcome CIA Advice - Bloomberg View
History shows that faulty intelligence is dangerous. And that valid intelligence, unheeded, is worse.
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency - WSJ
President-elect Donald Trump, a harsh critic of U.S. intelligence agencies, is working with top advisers on a plan
that would restructure and pare back the nations top spy agency, people familiar with the planning said.
NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized
Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad Washington's Blog
Protocols, January 11, 2017
Essay: Trump, the CIA, and the historical fallacy NewsWorks
Donald Trump is correct: The American intelligence community misled us about Saddam Hussein and weapons of
mass destruction. So that means it's also mistaken about Russian cyberattacks on the...
William Binney: Cybersecurity and the New Cold War Are Big Swindles - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer sat down with veteran intelligence analyst and NSA whistleblower William
Binney to discuss the alleged Russian hacking of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. - 2017/01/10
UPDATE: Russian hackers claim to have compromising information on Trump, who says it's fake news | INFORUM
U.S. Cyber Policy Makes Americans Vulnerable to Our Own Government | TIME
Current rules make the government overuse subpoenas, turning companies into the gatekeepers of civilian privacy
Snowden to address Pitt students via video stream from Russia | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The student-run Pitt Program Council is paying an undisclosed amount for what it says will be a conversation
with Edward Snowden.
For the Record: Too much news for a Tuesday
Cabinet hearings. A Russian hacking hearing. A farewell speech. What else happens today?

January 11, 2017

Google Alert - national security agency - - Gmail

For the Record: Too much news for a Tuesday
Snowden to address Pitt students via video stream from Russia | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
U.S. Cyber Policy Makes Americans Vulnerable to Our Own Government | TIME
UPDATE: Russian hackers claim to have compromising information on Trump, who says it's fake news | INFORUM
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Essay: Trump, the CIA, and the historical fallacy NewsWorks
Protocols, January 11, 2017
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter

State grants key approval for $56 million, 50-foot-high expansion of Frey Farm Landfill | Insider |
The controversial $56 million proposal to raise the height of Lancaster Countys landfill by 50 feet has won a key
approval from the state.
School District of Lancaster may spend down reserve funds | Insider |
After spending much of the early 2000s in a deficit, the School District of Lancaster has completed a dramatic
turnaround that likely will force the school board to spend down
Freshman U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker named to House Budget Committee | Politics |
U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker, who swore-in as the new 16th Congressional District lawmaker one week ago, was
named Tuesday to the U.S. House Committee on the Budget.
January 11, 2017
ABAA | The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States by
Churchill, Ward; Wall, Jim Vander | Search for rare books
From 1980 to now in Lancaster County, more than $95M in restitution owed to victims | Insider |
Harry Koons needs his money.
Independent doctor offices are now a rarity; Here's what that means for consumers | Insider |
Small doctor offices nationwide have been selling to avoid having to deal with the expensive burden of complying
with a myriad of complex and expensive requirements on their own. And
Lancaster County DA Craig Stedman eyeing possible campaign for statewide judge | Pennsylvania |
Lancaster Countys top law enforcement official is throwing his name into consideration for one of several statewide
judicial openings this year.
Trump's rift with intel community is spooking spy agency contractors
Friction between President-elect Trump and the U.S. intelligence community could eventually hurt spy agency
contractors such as Booz Allen Hamilton.
Judge won't dismiss lawsuit over alleged NSA Olympic spying - Washington Times
A judge refused Tuesday to dismiss a lawsuit claiming the National Security Agency conducted a mass warrantless
surveillance program during the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.
JURIST - Federal judge rules NSA Olympic surveillance lawsuit may continue
NSA lawsuit ruling | Standing (Law) | Pleading
NSA lawsuit ruling - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A ruling by a federal
judge refusing to dismiss the lawsuit against the NSA over Olympic spying.
Fort Lauderdale airport shooting reveals deficiency in Alaska law on crisis intervention - Alaska Dispatch News
Former Girlfriend: VA Didnt Do Anything About Ft. Lauderdale Shooters Mental Illness - Breitbart
Veterans Affairs had been aware of, but did nothing about, the mental problems afflicting Esteban Santiago before
he attacked Ft. Lauderdale.
U.S. Third Circuit 16-3284 MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION re ORDER In Forma Pauperis DENIED January 12,
4 questions we want answered at the Senate confirmation hearing of CIA pick Mike Pompeo - Vox
The stakes of Pompeos confirmation hearing are high.
Outgoing attorney general settles email investigation bill - News - Republican Herald
US spy agencies in crisis over Trump claims | TODAYonline
WASHINGTON An escalating civil war between American President-elect Donald Trump and the United States
intelligence community is presenting the countrys spies with their biggest crisis since the failures in the run-up to
the Iraq war. By blaming intelligence agencies for the possible leak of a dossier detailing alleged efforts by the
Kremlin to cultivate and compromise him, and drawing parallels to Nazi Germany, Mr Trump has declared war
on officials who pride themselves for their non-partisan professionalism.
Media and intelligence agencies attacked by Trump over Russia claims | US news | The Guardian
At president-elects first press conference since July, originally called to explain how he would avoid conflicts of

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interest, Trump called Russia dossier fake news
James Mattis confirmation hearing for secretary of defense: the key points | US news | The Guardian
Live updates as the former marine general is questioned over security issues and whether his appointment would
undermine civilian control of the military
Mike Pompeo confirmation hearing for CIA director: the key points | US news | The Guardian
Live updates: the Kansas congressman and former army officer expected to be asked about Russian interference in
US election amid ongoing controversy
Florida ISIS Shooter Told FBI Intelligence Agencies Were Controlling His Mind
Esteban Santiago walked into an FBI field office on Nov. 7 and told federal agents he was under mind control
purveyed by a government intelligence agency.
Fort Lauderdale shooting suspect faces possible death penalty -
Fort Lauderdale airport shooting suspect Esteban Santiago will face three charges, including two that carry a
possible sentence of death, a judge ruled Monday.
Chelsea Manning Is on Obamas Short List for Commutation, DOJ Source Says - Truthdig
Manning, whose leaks exposed evidence of war crimes, has already served more time in prison than any other
whistleblower in U.S. history. - 2017/01/11
President Obama Retraces Past Eight Years in Farewell Speech, Throws in a Few Warnings (Video) - Truthdig
Far from the soaring hope evident in his first inaugural address, Obamas final speech as president was filled with
cautions regarding partisanship, racism and growing inequality. - 2017/01/11
cresttonic | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Listen to cresttonic | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you
create.. 2806 Followers. Stream Tracks and Playlists from cresttonic on your desktop or mobile device.
School District of Lancaster board member resigns | Local News |
Fanny Castellanos has resigned as a member of the School District of Lancaster's board, effective Feb. 1, leaving an
opening for another individual who may be interested in serving.
Trump's pick for CIA leader says he would refuse to restart enhanced interrogation techniques - The San Diego Union-
Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump's pick to run the CIA, made the comments in testimony prepared for his appearance
before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Judicial Conduct Board LETTER re COMPLAINT No. 2016-788 for JUDGE ASHWORTH and 2016-789 for JUDGE
REINAKER dated January 10, 2017
RESPONSE LETTER to the Judicial Conduct Board re Additional Information for COMPLAINT No. 2016-788 for
JUDGE ASHWORTH and 2016-789 for JUDGE REINAKER dated January 12, 2017
Have an old MP3 player? Water Street Mission wants to use it to help people heal | Entertainment |
Water Street Mission is seeking donations of MP3 players for its guests.
CIA nominee seeks to repair damage from Trump feud with spy agencies | Reuters
Donald Trump's nominee to head the CIA sought on Thursday to repair damage from the president-elects feud with
U.S. intelligence agencies, saying he accepted their findings on Russian hacking, would not comply if ordered to
renew use of harsh interrogation techniques and would always have their backs.
Days before Trump takes office, Obama expands surveillance powers | ZDNet
Activists asked President Obama to limit the government's surveillance powers before Trump takes office. Instead,
the outgoing president expanded them.
Members of the IC
Air Force Intelligence Army Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Coast Guard Intelligence Defense Intelligence
Agency Department of Energy Department of Homeland Security Department of State De
N.S.A. Gets More Latitude to Share Intercepted Communications - The New York Times
New rules relax longstanding limits on what the National Security Agency may do with the information gathered by
its most powerful surveillance operations.
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 re EXHIBIT FRIDAY JANUARY 13, 2017 | National Security Agency
Obama gives US intelligence greater access to warrantless data on foreigners | World news | The Guardian
CIA, FBI and other agencies will be able to access surveillance on foreigners abroad, including information
identifying Americans they may be in contact with
US warned: surveillance reform hinges on change to Reagan executive order | World news | The Guardian
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John Napier Tye says Americans' data remains vulnerable until executive order that provides NSA with a path to
collect data is reformed
Edward Snowden, seeking pardon, asks Obama to free Chelsea Manning first - Washington Times
Two of the nation's most infamous intelligence leakers, Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, are each seeking a
pass from President Obama before he leaves office this month. If he only acts on one, however, Mr. Snowden said
the president should pardon the incarcerated WikiLeaks source instead of himself.
Trump's CIA director wants to track your Facebook - CNET
The Senate intelligence committee asked potential CIA director Mike Pompeo what limits he'd have for mass

friday dec 30 2016

US expels Russian diplomats over hacking, Moscow vows 'response' | Business Standard News
FBI analysis fingers Russian spy agencies for U.S. election ...
Not the Russians: John McAfee talks hacking allegations, cybersecurity with Larry King (VIDEO) RT America
Stan Caterbone Mental Illness Argument with Descriptions of Illneses and Complete Mental Health Record December 30,
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter


Frustrated father says his family will get closure when Salisbury Township man's killer is found | Insider |
The father of a Salisbury Township man who was murdered in his home on Dec. 2 hopes for the peace of mind that
would come with finding his sons killer.
Community service to be honored at MLK Breakfast | Local News |
Former state Sen. Mike Brubaker, his wife, Cindy Brubaker, and Lancaster resident Dina Burch will be honored
with Essence of Humanity Awards at the 29th annual Martin Luther King Jr.
Watch: Teary-eyed Joe Biden awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom | Local News |
WASHINGTON (AP) President Barack Obama awarded Vice President Joe Biden with the highest civilian honor
Thursday, commemorating an "extraordinary man with an extraordinary career in public service."
Suspected NSA tool hackers dump more cyberweapons in farewell | CIO
The hacking group that stole cyberweapons suspected to be from the U.S. National Security Agency is signing off --
but not before releasing another arsenal of tools that appear designed to spy on Windows systems.
More US agencies getting access to raw NSA intercepts | Political News | US News
WASHINGTON (AP) More U.S. intelligence agencies are getting access to raw signals intelligence the National
Security Agency collects abroad, raising alarm among privacy advocates who worry about the information being
more broadly used and shared across U.S. government agencies.
CIA nominee talks tough against Russia
Trumps pick to run the CIA took a tough stand against Russia on Thursday, distancing himself from the president-
Donald Trump dossier: intelligence sources vouch for author's credibility | US news | The Guardian
Ex-MI6 officer Christopher Steele, named as writer of Donald Trump memo, is highly regarded professional
La La Land review Gosling and Stone sparkle in a gorgeous musical romance | Film | The Guardian
Damien Chazelles paean to Los Angeles is funny, romantic and utterly charming, with captivating performances
from its two stars
DVD FILE LIST January 13, 2017 - 16-cv-4014 US DISTRICT COURT - CATERBONE v. United States,,
Obama administration boosts spy powers with NSA data sharing rules days before Trump takes office
New regulations now allow NSA to share globally intercepted personal data with other government agencies.
President Obama and Mind Control Research and Related Published Articles October 23, 2015 ARCHIVE JANUARY 13,

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PRESIDENT OBAMA Defendant EXHIBIT re Third Circuit JANUARY 13, 2017
Debunked: Presidents don't criticize the intelligence community - AOL News
Donald Trump has made it no secret that hes got issues with the intelligence community, but he's not the first to be
vocal about it.
PETER OBORNE: Threat to Britain if MI6's meddling with Donald Trump backfires | Daily Mail Online
Trump is now engaged in a fight to the death with the CIA, the independent agency responsible for providing
national security intelligence to the White House and senior U.S. policy-makers.
How Trump's Cabinet Nominees Disagreed with the Incoming Boss
From Russia to Iran, and from Pacific trade to nuclear proliferation to climate change, the nominees staked out
sharply different positions than the president-elect
Call center layoffs cause massive snarls in Pa. unemployment compensation | Insider |
Unemployed county residents inquiring about missing or delayed compensation checks are facing long waits on the
phone and at the local CareerLink office.
U.S. Rep. Smucker gets his picks with first committee assignments | Pennsylvania |
U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker will officially represent Lancaster County and the rest of the 16th Congressional District
on House committees dealing with everything from education and infrastructure policies to poverty
Armstrong pedestrian bridge will be restored across Conestoga River thanks to $1M federal grant | Local News |
Lancaster City received close to $1 million in federal grant money to help repurpose the historic Armstrong
pedestrian bridge that formerly traversed the Dillerville rail yard by Harrisburg Avenue.
Here's a list of events to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Lancaster County | Local News |
Lancaster County residents will recognize the legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. this weekend and the
beginning of next week.
Part 2: Welcome to Prison, and Rediscovering Humanity - Going Home - Truthdig
After receiving a 30-year minimum life sentence for murder and an additional seven years for armed robbery, the
author learned to use his energy in a positive way while serving time in New Jersey penitentiaries. - 2017/01/12
The Hidden Figures Jeff Sessions Wants to Keep in the Shadows - Truthdig
A new movie reminds us of past racial injustice as a new administration tries to turn back the clock. - 2017/01/12
Exposing the Man Behind the Curtain - Truthdig
Americans have a right to know the full truth about claims of Russian hacking. - 2017/01/12
Hypnotist lets the subconcious 'work' in new Hagerstown practice | Local News |
After finding that hypnosis worked for her, Marie Hawse said she decided to learn how she could use it to help
others. Now a board-certified hypnotist, she has opened the
Fort Lauderdale Shooting: FBI Involvement in Another Act of Violence - WhoWhatWhy
Trump's security adviser in recent Russian contact
WASHINGTON -- President-elect Donald Trump's national security adviser and Russia's ambassador to the U.S.
have been in frequent contact in recent weeks, a senior U.S. official said Friday.
US intelligence agencies put on an uncommon public face - The China Post
Success cannot be advertised; failure cannot be explained. In the work of intelligence, heroes are undecorated and
unsung, often even among their own fraternity.
Donald Trump's campaign visit to Spooky Nook cost $60,000 for police and other agencies | Insider |
President-elect Donald Trumps October campaign rally in Lancaster County cost local police departments and other
agencies at least $60,000 in taxpayer dollars.
After 40 years, Lancaster County woman reunited with a photo she didn't know existed | Together |
Finding out the identity of a smiling young girl and her little brother brings a four-decade story full circle.
Study shows more people moved out of rather than to Pennsylvania in 2016 | Local News |
More people chose to move out of rather than to Pennsylvania last year, according to a recent study.
The Insanity of a New Cold War: A Top Russian Scholar Sounds the Alarm - Scheer Intelligence - Truthdig
Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer talks with professor Sergei Plekhanov about Western misconceptions of
todays Russia. - 2017/01/13
Why Some People Will Always Believe Fake News | Black Voice News
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The best defense against so-called fake news is to question what you read.
Donald Trump suggests he may drop Russia sanctions if Moscow 'is helpful' | US news | The Guardian
President-elect also hints that Beijing will need to show good faith on trade practices for him to commit to One
China policy
Dailytimes | Big security risks in Donald Trump feud with spy agencies
Team Trump: Flynn called Russia ambassador, no sanction talk 'plain and simple' | Fox News
The Donald Trump transition team has acknowledged that its incoming national security adviser has been in contact
with Russia's ambassador but denies reports they plotting over recently imposed sanctions on Moscow.
Airport shooting suspect sought mental health help, didn't get much
The former U.S. soldier knew he needed help in the months before authorities said he fatally shot five people.
William Binney: Cybersecurity and the New Cold War Are Big Swindles - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
Sunday pops | TribLIVE
Hamza bin Laden, a son of Osama bin Laden, was born in 1989, joined al-Qaida in 2015 and 'promised to carry on
al-Qaida's fight against ...
HVAC issues will keep city library's basement closed to patrons until renovation funds are found | Insider |
The basement level of the Lancaster Public Library will remain closed to patrons for the foreseeable future.
Bill Boyarsky: Intelligence Report Leak Damages Donald Trump, Just as FBI Hit Job Hurt Hillary Clinton - Truthdig
The news media have been reduced to bystanders while the intelligence agencies run the show. - 2017/01/13
16-cv-4014 U.S. District Court CATERBONE v. United States,, AMENDED COMPLAINT DVD FILE LIST
January 15, 2017
58-Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 January 15, 2017 | Audit
58-Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 January 15, 2017 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Taxes | Property Tax
2017 by stan5j.5caterbone
55-1987 JOINT VENTURE - Tony Bongiovi, Power Station Studios, and Flatbush Films with Stan J. Caterbone January
15, 2017 | Music Industry
1987Stan J. Caterbone ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP ...
57-STAN J. CATERBONE'S Financial Management Group, Ltd., Anti-Trust Litigation File of October 17, 2015 | Stocks |
Corporate Finance
57-STAN J. CATERBONE'S Financial Management Group, Ltd., Anti-Trust Litigation File of October 17, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 57-STAN J. CATERBONE'S Financial
Management Group, Ltd., Anti-Trust Litigation File of October 17, 2015
Former Intelligence Official: Trump Conflict With Spy Agencies Creates Dangerous Moment - ProPublica
Matthew Olsen, a senior national security official in both Democratic and Republican administrations, says the
ongoing conflict between President-elect Trump and the U.S. intelligence community poses grave risks.
*Updated* CIA Director John Brennan Attempts To Justify His Agency Leaks To Media Duping Delight - Right
Side News
US Intel report said Pakistan will be a failed state by 2015, facts turn out to be exact opposite as US faces steady decline
and Pakistan bounces back Daily Pakistan
ISLAMABAD - Known for its competence and articulated assessment, a report by top US intelligence agencies
predicting Pakistan would be a failed state by 2015 proved to be inaccurate as Pakistan prop
PressTV-Trump-CIA fight hints at US institutional crisis
A commentator says the recent war of words between the US president-elect and CIA is the tip of the iceberg in the
country's institutional crisis.
Trump attacks CIA boss Brennan as rift with intelligence agencies deepens |
US President-elect Donald Trump has taken aim at intelligence agencies in the country once again, criticising
Central Intelligence Agency boss John Brennan and questioning whether he was involved in leaking documents to
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the press.
Lancaster 10-year public art plan aims to remedy eyesores, enhance city livability | Local News |
There are places all over Lancaster where a little creativity could work wonders from prominent downtown
locations like Lancaster Square to small vacant lots tucked away on neighborhood side
For the Rev. Louis Butcher, Martin Luther King's 'Letter from Birmingham Jail' has relevance today | Local News |
Speaking at the NAACPs annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. commemorative service at Holy Trinity Church
on Sunday night, the Rev. Louis Butcher revealed that he had been instructed
As Trump presidency looms, #LancasterStandsUp reaffirms progressive values | Local News |
Less than a week before Donald Trumps inauguration as president, more than 350 Lancaster city and county
residents met to discuss the danger they believe he represents and ways to
Chris Hedges: Building the Institutions for Revolt - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
We must form our own, new structures and carry out continual mass protest and civil disobedience to wrest back
power from the corporate state. - 2017/01/15
Chris Hedges: Building the Institutions for Revolt - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
We must form our own, new structures and carry out continual mass protest and civil disobedience to wrest back
power from the corporate state. - 2017/01/15
Records show timesheet falsifications at NSA | WTOP
The National Security Agency's internal watchdog has found more than 100 cases in five years in which civilian
employees and contractors lied about work.
Pennsylvania's new attorney general hopes to restore confidence in the office - The Morning Call
When Shapiro takes office Tuesday, he said he will work to restore the office's image, which was tarnished under
former Attorney General Kathleen Kane's scandal-plagued administration,
Wheatland Shopping Center outside Lancaster sold for $4.56M | Local Business |
Wheatland Shopping Center has been sold for $4.56 million to a Florida-based real estate investment company with
local ties, according to public records.
Condos at The Press Building in downtown Lancaster to be ready Jan. 27 | Local Business |
The first residential condos will be ready before the end of the month at The Press Building, the six-story Lancaster
city landmark thats been mostly empty for the last 25
Obituaries |
Ivanka Trump to continue working on women's issues | Nation |
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) She may not be working in the White House, but that doesn't mean Ivanka Trump is
staying out of politics.
Free speech clash: Justices considering offensive trademarks | Nation |
WASHINGTON (AP) The Slants aren't exactly a household name when it comes to music, but the Asian-
American rock band has certainly made its mark in the legal world.
LETTER TO U.S. CONGRESSMAN ROBERT WALKER and PLEADING of July 7, 1991 Bookmarked January 17,
2017 | Central Intelligence Agency | Nuclear Proliferation
Pro Financial Group Brochure and Eastern Regional Free Agent Camp by Stan J. Caterbone January 16, 2017 | Financial
Adviser | Business
Monica Crowley won't take position in Trump administration amid plagiarism revelations -
Monica Crowley announced she won't take position in Donald Trump administration, one week after it was revealed
she plagiarized portions in book, Ph.D. thesis.
Obama is leaving office on an anti-privacy note and Donald Trump is coming in the same way | Rare
Instead of "tyrant-proofing" the Oval Office, Obama has decided to expand the NSA's abilities.
1999 Excelsior Place Business Plan by Stan J. Caterbone January 16, 2017 | Contracts | Lancaster
Brennan Backlash: Trump Likely To Depoliticize CIA | LifeZette
President-Elect Donald Trump is likely to mount an effort to depoliticize the Central Intelligence Agency as much
as possible shortly after taking office.
2018 Pennsylvania race for governor: Who's officially in and who's thinking about challenging Gov. Tom Wolf | Insider |
The first Pennsylvania Republican looking to unseat Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf officially stepped forward last
week, kicking off a two-year gubernatorial election season in the Keystone State.
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Pennsylvania Department of Corrections prison closures would 'impact several thousand inmates' | Pennsylvania |
The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections plans to close two state correctional institutions in June, potentially
sending around 1,000 inmates to SCI Camp Hill, according to a report from the Carlisle
City Recycling Drop-Off Center holding open house | Community |
The Lancaster city Recycling Drop-Off Center at 850 New Holland Ave. is holding an open house this week.
Trump attacks CIA boss Brennan as rift with intelligence agencies deepens - ShareCast News - London South East
How Barack Obama paved the way for Donald Trump | Gary Younge | Opinion | The Guardian
Dont blame it all on racism. During the financial crash Obama sided with the bankers, not people losing their
homes making Trumps victory possible
Three Democrats to be sworn into top state offices | State House Sound Bites |
Incoming Attorney General Josh Shapiro had a higher-profile race than usual, in the wake of Kathleen Kane's
tumultuous administration. (Photo by AP) (Harrisburg) -- Pennsylvania's three statewide row offices are swearing in
their new leaders Tuesday. Attorney General Josh Shapiro, Auditor General Eugene DePasquale, and Treasurer Joe
Torsella are taking their vows in separate locations around Harrisburg. Out of the three Democrats assuming row
office roles, only one is an incumbent. Auditor General Eugene DePasquale first assumed the position in 2013, and
has promised his second term will make his first look like
Porngate disclosure still lacking | News, Sports, Jobs - Altoona Mirror - LAMBERT COMUTATION TO OBAMA
Stan J. Caterbone, Controller of Pflumm Contractors, Inc., 1993 to 1998 January 17, 2017 | Pickup Truck
Sam Lombardo and Raolph Mazzochi Charlotte Street Proposal by Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone January
17, 2017 | Menu | Lancaster
16-cv-4014 U.S. District Court CATERBONE v. United States,, Amended Complaint DVD File List January 17,
2017 | Complaint
B2B Consulting From 1999 to 2002 January 16, 2017 | Defamation | Supreme Court Of The United States
Legal Implications of the 1959 Soviet Microwave Bombardment of the U.S Embassy January 17, 2017 | Diplomatic
Mission | Treaty
AMG LEGAL SYSTEMS PROTOTYPE Mastered on April 16, 1991 at Commadore Inc., January 17, 2017
Arthur Cyr - Intelligence agencies go public | Opinion Columnists |
Success cannot be advertised; failure cannot be explained. In the work of intelligence, heroes are undecorated and
unsung, often even among their own fraternity.
U.S. Department of Defense Expands Qorvo Microelectronics Trusted Source Status Nasdaq:QRVO
Category 1A Accreditation Extended to 2018 with design services added
Lancaster County residents prepare trek to D.C. to celebrate, protest Donald Trump's Inauguration | Insider |
Hundreds of Lancaster County residents will travel to the nations Capitol this week to celebrate or protest the
inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States,
Mattis Is Right. Heres Why NATO Is Not Obsolete
The NATO alliance needs renewal and strengthening, not disparagement.
Oxfam Finds Eight Mens Wealth Equals That of Half the Worlds People - Truthdig
This is the perfect but horribly sad point to make on MLK day, Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer writes in a
memo to staff. - 2017/01/16
Prosecutors: [Philadelphia] sting investigation was not partisan |
NEWSLANC EDITOR: Our contention all along was that Kathleen Kane was pilloried by partisan forces for the
type of minor offense that usually goes unnoticed
Prosecutors: Sting investigation was not partisan
City prosecutors Tuesday rebutted an allegation that the "sting" corruption investigation had unfairly targeted only
Democrats, accusing defense lawyers of twisting tactical decisions made during a complex undercover probe to
falsely smear it as partisan witch-hunt. - Craig R. McCoy and Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
White House: No Snowden clemency request |
More than a million supporters of Edward Snowden have petitioned President Barack Obama to pardon him, but the
former National Security Agency contractor hasn't submitted the required documents for clemency, according to the
White House. "Mr.
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Will Newt Gingrich and ex-senator Mark Kirk be picked in President-elect Trump team? - Weekly BLiTZ
Watchdogs ask new AG Shapiro to investigate Parks Miller, Castor | Centre Daily Times
Centre County District Attorney Stacy Parks Miller and her attorney Bruce Castor are having their relationship with
the Office of the Attorney General questioned by two watchdog groups. Taxpayers and Ratepayers United and Rock
the Capital are asking new AG Josh Shapiro to open an investigation.
Facebook's mind-control social network: The science behind brain-computer interfaces
Mark Zuckerberg wants to build a 'mind-reading' social network, here's how it could work.
The Extortion of 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, Pa by COINTELPRO PROGRAMS January 17, 2017
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's prison sentence - LA Times
President Obama reduces the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, the Army private convicted of leaking
thousands of classified reports to WikiLeaks.
CIA publishes its history and nearly 13 million declassified pages of documents online -
The Central Intelligence Agency moved nearly 13 million pages of declassified documents online, previously only
physically accessible from four terminals maintained at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland.
13 Million Pages of Declassified CIA Documents Were Just Posted Online | Motherboard
The CIA was losing money because a heroic citizen used the agency's ink and paper to print and scan them one by
How we sued the CIA and (mostly) won
The CIAs Secret History Is Now Online - BuzzFeed News
After restricting access to just four computers in a room in Washington, DC, the CIA is finally putting 12 million
declassified pages on...
Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room | CIA FOIA (
CREST: 25-Year Program Archive | CIA FOIA (
Row officers inaugurated; Shapiro pledges to stand up to Trump | State House Sound Bites |
Shapiro stands with his family as he is sworn in by PA Supreme Court Justice David Wecht (Photo by AP)
(Harrisburg) -- The three top state row officers--all Democrats--have taken their oaths of office in separate
ceremonies. Auditor General Eugene DePasquale is beginning his second term, while Treasurer Joe Torsella and
Attorney General Josh Shapiro are new to their respective offices. Thanks in large part to the last elected Attorney
General--Kathleen Kane, who has been convicted of perjury and obstruction--Shapiro's election to the office has had
the highest profile. At his swearing-in at Harrisburg's Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts, the former
Montgomery County Commissioner made an enthusiastic pledge to follow the rules of his new office to a T.
New Pa. AG Commits To Integrity, Diversity At Swearing In - Law360
Josh Shapiro took the oath as Pennsylvania&rsquo;s new attorney general on Tuesday as he promised to restore
public trust in an office shaken by years of scandal including both the resignation of his predecessor following a
perjury conviction and revelations of pornography swapped among state prosecutors.
Common Pleas Judge Gorbey not seeking retention, opening judicial seat for 2017 | Local News |
Judge Leslie Gorbey is not seeking retention to her seat on the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas.
Barack Obama shortens Chelsea Manning's term, grants clemency to hundreds | National |
WASHINGTON (AP) President Barack Obama commuted the prison sentence of Chelsea Manning on Tuesday,
allowing the Army intelligence officer who leaked scores of classified documents to go free nearly
Psychiatric emergency room to open in Berks County | Local News |
The unit with 10 private treatment rooms will be part of the larger emergency department at Reading Hospital, and
will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
OAG's Chief Integrity Officer Takes on Ethical Rebuild | The Legal Intelligencer
In the wake of a few tumultuous years at the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, newly sworn-in Attorney
General Josh Shapiro has created the position o...
OAG's Chief Integrity Officer Takes on Ethical Rebuild | The Legal Intelligencer
In the wake of a few tumultuous years at the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, newly sworn-in Attorney
General Josh Shapiro has created the position o...
Bob OBrien: What makes someone a conspiracy theorist? |
This is a response to Larry Lansburghs Conspiracy in the sky article in the Dec. 17 edition of The Union.Sadly,
Mr. Lansburghs article is filled with misinformation. As my
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In 1967, the CIA Created the Label Conspiracy Theorists : Waking Times
Some claims of conspiracy theorists have been proven true, some were not. But the bottom line is that each theory
should be judged on its own facts.
Greenwald: 'Very unlikely' Obama will grant Snowden clemency - Story
While Manning has shown remorse for her actions, Snowden&nbsp;remains defiant over his leaks of information on
American intelligence.
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 3575 EDA 2016 EXHIBIT 16-cv-4014 AMENDED COMPLAINT DVD re
Kathleen Kane AMICUS January 18, 2017
Will Edward Snowden Be Pardoned? Russia Slams Ex-CIA Heads Suggestion That Putin Gift NSA Whistleblower To
The announcement was a response to a suggestion by former acting CIA Director Michael Morell that Russia gift
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to Trump for his Jan. 20 inauguration.
CIA Director Bemoans Growing Up 'A White Male from New Jersey'
Director John Brennan said growing up a "white male from New Jersey" led him to his strong promotion of gay
rights in the Central Intelligence Agency.
Wax figure of James Buchanan comes home to Wheatland after winning bid at Gettysburg auction | Insider |
Shrouded in bubble wrap, the imposing figure of James Buchanan lurks in the corner of a dimly lit room in the
carriage house at Wheatland, Buchanans Lancaster home.
16-cv-4014 U.S. District Court CATERBONE v. United States,, AMENDED COMPLAINT DVD FILE LIST
January 18, 2017
Airport Shooting Suspect Blamed 'Mind Control,' IS Ties - ABC News
Airport Shooting Suspect Blamed 'Mind Control,' IS Ties
Fort Lauderdale airport shooting suspect blamed 'mind control,' ISIS ties
The man suspected of fatally shooting five people and wounding six others at a Florida airport told investigators
initially he was under government mind control and then claimed to be inspired by Islamic State websites and
chatrooms, authorities said at a hearing Tuesday.
CIA secret UFO and mind control files released to the public | World | News | Daily Express
MILLIONS of top secret CIA documents have been made public, finally revealing the truth behind state-sponsored
mind control, UFO sightings and classified operations deep in the Vietnamese jungle.
President Obama Commutes Chelsea Mannings Sentence - Truthdig
The whistleblower, originally set to be released in 2045, will now be freed on May 17. - 2017/01/17
Brain-Computer Interface Engineer, Building 8 Facebook Careers - Stan J. Caterbone JOB APPLICATION RECEIPT
January 18, 2017 | Computer File
Russia letting Snowden stay longer | TheHill
CNN reported the former National Security Agency contractor's leave to stay in Russia was extended until 2020.
Letters: Snowden deserves pardon
Snowden deserves pardon As people who deeply respect the rule of law but once felt it necessary to break the law to
reveal serious government wrongdoing, we urge President Obama to pardon former National Security Agency
private contractor Edward Snowden.
'Make dating great again': Trump singles site sees membership spike | Fox News
A dating site that matches Trump-supporting singles is enjoying a spike in membership ahead of the president-
elects inauguration Friday.
Global warning: everything you wanted to know about climate change live | Environment | The Guardian
With climate sceptics moving into the White House, the Guardian is spending 24 hours focusing on climate change
and what we can all do to help save the planet
Barack Obama: 'justice served' by Chelsea Manning commutation | US news | The Guardian
President says he is comfortable with decision and does not see contradiction between pardon and accusations of
Russian hacking of US election
'Sister march' to Women's March on Washington to be held in Lancaster | Local News |
Local residents can take part in Saturday's Women's March on Washington at a "sister march" at Penn Square.
Candidates begin to emerge for Lancaster City Council | Politics |
Lancaster City Council could have as many as eight or more candidates for what will be four seats on the ballot this
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Radio Garden Pravilnoe Radio
Explore live radio by rotating the globe.
Listen globally: New website features interactive globe with thousands of livestreaming radio stations | Entertainment |
It may be cold outside, but its a good time to grow a Radio.Garden.
Radio Garden Avtoritetnoe Radio
Explore live radio by rotating the globe.
Tough Tasks Ahead for CIA Director Nominee Mike Pompeo |
Some experts believe CIA pick Mike Pompeo may be the perfect pick to help smooth over Donald Trump's rocky
relations with the U.S. intelligence community. But Pompeo may have a bumpy road ahead of him.
President Obama has 'discussed' owning an NBA team -
President Obama has 'discussed' owning an NBA team
Russia extends Snowden's stay by 3 more years | NWADG
A day after President Barack Obama commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, the Russian government clarified
Wednesday the fate of Edward Snowden, the other main source of secrets about U.S. surveillance in recent years.
Airport shooting suspect told FBI he was under mind control | Duluth News Tribune
Clinton v. Jones - Wikipedia
Supreme Court Ruling in Bill Clinton Sexual Misconduct Case Could Spell Trouble for Trump - Truthdig
As president, Donald Trump may be required to testify in a defamation suit brought by one of the women who
allege he assaulted them. - 2017/01/18
Military Contractor Erik Prince Is a Shadow in Trumps Administration - Truthdig
A former senior U.S. official says the Blackwater founder has been advising Donald Trumps team on matters
related to intelligence and defense, The Intercept reports. - 2017/01/18
The Issue Isnt TrumpIts Us - Truthdig
Liberal elites obsession with Donald Trump as their bte noir masks an enduring complicity in putting both him
and his predecessor in the White House. - 2017/01/18
Puerto Rico Turns to Donald Trumps Former Campaign Manager to Lobby the President-Elect on Debt - Truthdig
The hedge funds and insurance companies that want financially strapped Puerto Rico to pay them back in full may
have found a new ally: Corey Lewandowski. - 2017/01/18
Former President George HW Bush and wife Barbara hospitalized in Texas | US news | The Guardian
Former president was admitted to intensive care unit for respiratory problem, and his wife was hospitalized as
precaution after fatigue and coughing
Al Gore's Inconvenient Sequel to open Sundance in acutely political year | Film | The Guardian
Politics looks set to overshadow Utah film festivals 2017 edition, with a march by women film-makers, a
documentary on Donald Trumps presidential victory, and a slew of films on climate change. Then theres Jack
Blacks skit on polka
FMLA claim in retaliation suit against former AG Kane tossed by federal judge | Pennsylvania Record
HARRISBURG A federal judge on Jan. 4 dismissed a Family and Medical Leave Act claim lodged against former
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, who was recently found guilty of perjury and other criminal charges
and was sentenced in October to up to 23 months in prison..
Airport shooter Esteban Santiago said he visited 'jihadi chat rooms' online, prosecutors say - Sun Sentinel
Accused airport shooter Esteban Santiago is due back in federal court in Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday f
That time the CIA was convinced a self-proclaimed psychic had paranormal abilities - The Washington Post
"As a result of Geller's success in this experimental period, we consider that he has demonstrated his paranormal
perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner."
Facebook's Building 8 job postings - Business Insider
There is no Building 8 structure to serve as a home base on Facebook's campus yet, but the company is already well
into a recruiting drive to enlist top...
ERIC COHEN, Federal Public Defender for Esteban Santiago, Ft. Lauderdale Shooter, MAILING OF FLASH DRIVE
January 19, 2017
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AMG LEGAL SYSTEMS PROTOTYPE Mastered on April 16, 1991 at Commadore Inc., January 17, 2017
AMG LEGAL SYSTEMS PROTOTYPE Mastered on April 16, 1991 at Commadore Inc., January 17, 2017
The Interview Seth Rogen Videos at ABC News Video Archive at
Browse, search and watch The Interview Seth Rogen videos and more at
Blue Lives Matter bill would make crimes against police a hate crime in Pa., advocacy groups push back by State Rep
David Zimmerman R-Lancaster County LNP January 10, 201

Radio Garden
Explore live radio by rotating the globe.

President Donald Trump

Rule 702. Testimony by Expert Witnesses | Federal Rules of Evidence | LII / Legal Information Institute
A witness who is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education may testify in the
form of an opinion or otherwise if: (a) the experts scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will help the
trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue; (b) the testimony is based on sufficient facts
or data; (c) the testimony is the product of reliable principles and methods; and
00008002hold.pdf - 1994-08.pdf
United States District Court: Magistrate Judges
District Offices
On eve of inauguration, Trump addresses nation in shadow of Lincoln | World news | The Guardian
Trump spoke at the Lincoln Memorial, where Martin Luther King Jr declared I have a dream, and told the largely
white crowd: Youre not forgotten any more
As the CIA release 800,000 declassified files online, we take a look at some of the US' past secrets
FOLLOWING a long-running campaign and lawsuit, the Central Intelligence Agency has finally allowed the online
publication of hundreds of thousands of files
Editorial: Fresh faces, fresh start for 2 damaged Pa. offices
As the nation awaits a day of high pomp in circumstance in Washington, D.C., there is also something of a new
beginning taking place in the state capital as well.
Train will return to Hersheypark Stadium | Entertainment |
The band behind "Hey, Soul Sister," "Drops of Jupiter" and "Marry Me" will return to Hershey this summer.
Petitions to watch | Conference of January 19 - SCOTUSblog
Argument analysis: Six-justice court sympathetic to government in detainee case - SCOTUSblog
ERIC COHEN, Federal Public Defender for Esteban Santiago, Ft. Lauderdale Shooter, INVOICE AND FEE SCHEDULE
January 20, 2017
Trump gives up smartphone for security reasons
Edward Snowden: BlackBerry will be 'erased from the pages of history' over privacy stance
NSA whistleblower slammed the mobile firms' compliance with state spying
IN MY WEBSITE - Muslim Brotherhood Holds Coup Interior Ministry Responsible for Detained Suez Leaders' Lives -
The official English website of Muslim Brotherhood including statements about MB & West, MB Statements, MB
today, news and information about muslim brotherhood
Obama's last hours as president: a cup of coffee, farewells and a letter to Trump | US news | The Guardian
The presidents final day in office is largely dictated by a number of traditions. Then begins the process of returning
to a (semi) ordinary life
Lancaster woman against plea deal for York bail bondsman who allegedly terrorized her in 2015 | Local News |
A Lancaster County woman said she is confused and hurt that a York bail bondsman was being offered a plea deal
after allegedly assaulting her, damaging her home and stealing
Should We Be Optimistic About the Effectiveness of a Trump White House? - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
The Long Ordeal of Whistleblower Chelsea Manning - Truthdig
The WikiLeaks whistleblower has now served seven years of her sentence, experiencing extraordinary hardship as a

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person seeking gender-reassignment treatment while imprisoned by the U.S. military. - 2017/01/19
Military Mind Control? Psychic Army Division Revealed in CIA Files
A collection of declassified files for Stargate a U.S. Army investigation of psychic abilities for use by military
intelligence was recently shared online by the CIA.
Florida airport shooting suspect blamed mind control, IS ties | The Mississippi Link
Colossal Trailer: Anne Hathaway Mind-Controls a Kaiju
Monsters within and without combine in the trailer for Nacho Vigalondos latest film.
Media Blacks Out Edward Snowden's Talk On CointelPro & History Of Mass Surveillance
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden talks about the history of intelligence agencies and some notable
How America Lost Its Secrets, by Edward Jay Epstein - San Francisco Chronicle
On June 6, 2013, Britains Guardian newspaper published an explosive story revealing it had obtained official
documents showing that the super-secret National Security Agency had been engaging in the bulk collection of
phone bill records of millions of Americans. Three days later, in a video posted on the Guardians website, a 29-
year-old employee of Booz Allen Hamilton, a firm contracted to provide tech support to the NSA, declared that he
was the source of the documents. From a Hong Kong hotel room, Edward Joseph Snowden claimed the NSA was
undermining privacy and democracy around the world. Snowden, already the subject of books, a documentary and a
feature film, has been hailed as a hero. Epstein concedes that some of Snowdens disclosures had positive results but
contends that ultimately Snowden was no whistle-blower but was at the least a defector and, wittingly or
unwittingly, even part of an elaborate Russian spy operation. (That seemed unlikely to start, and this week Obama
commuted the prison sentence of former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning for leaking military secrets but
did not act on Snowdens request.) The book is also timely given the Russian hacking of the Democratic National
Committee and newly inaugurated President Trumps controversial comments about both Russia and U.S.
intelligence agencies. Epstein is a veteran investigative journalist whose previous books have delved into the murky
world of intelligence agencies, examining what he calls the envelope of circumstances surrounding events such as
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In Snowden, he employs this methodology in an effort to walk
back the cat, in spy parlance, and solve the mystery of how a young analyst for the NSA pulled off the largest
theft of secret documents in the history of American intelligence. Posting under his alias TheTrueHooHa, he
boasted that he precision-shaped his body with weight lifting, practiced martial arts and had blond hair with
volume. In May 2004, at age 20, Snowden enlisted in the Army Reserve as a special forces recruit. Epstein says he
did not meet minimum CIA standards and suggests he got the job through his grandfather, a career Coast Guard man
and top intelligence official. Rather than face a security investigation, Snowden resigned, which left his top secret
security clearance intact. The CIA did not share personnel information with private firms, so Dell didnt know why
hed left the CIA. Snowden decided to apply for a senior job in the NSA, hacked into the system and stole the
entrance exam, a breach that went undetected for a year. (The NSA would say it had no record of that.) He began
wearing a jacket to work with a modified insignia that showed the NSA eagle clutching AT&T phone lines. [...]
order, Snowden managed to get passwords to 24 separate compartments of Level 3 documents so sensitive NSA
officials call them the Keys to the Kingdom. The documents Snowden purloined from the NSA would be the basis
for a spate of stories revealing an astonishing range of electronic spying not only by the NSA but by its British
counterpart, the GCHQ. According to Epstein, Snowden had obtained no visas, strongly suggesting he was
headed to Moscow all along. [...] this spy story leaves us with the most obvious facts and troubling questions.
The FBIs War on Student Radicals, and Reagans Rise to Power (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), winner of the 2013
American Book Award.
How America Lost Its Secrets, by Edward Jay Epstein - San Francisco Chronicle
On June 6, 2013, Britains Guardian newspaper published an explosive story revealing it had obtained official
documents showing that the super-secret National Security Agency had been engaging in the bulk collection of
phone bill records of millions of Americans. Three days later, in a video posted on the Guardians website, a 29-
year-old employee of Booz Allen Hamilton, a firm contracted to provide tech support to the NSA, declared that he
was the source of the documents. From a Hong Kong hotel room, Edward Joseph Snowden claimed the NSA was
undermining privacy and democracy around the world. Snowden, already the subject of books, a documentary and a
feature film, has been hailed as a hero. Epstein concedes that some of Snowdens disclosures had positive results but
contends that ultimately Snowden was no whistle-blower but was at the least a defector and, wittingly or
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unwittingly, even part of an elaborate Russian spy operation. (That seemed unlikely to start, and this week Obama
commuted the prison sentence of former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning for leaking military secrets but
did not act on Snowdens request.) The book is also timely given the Russian hacking of the Democratic National
Committee and newly inaugurated President Trumps controversial comments about both Russia and U.S.
intelligence agencies. Epstein is a veteran investigative journalist whose previous books have delved into the murky
world of intelligence agencies, examining what he calls the envelope of circumstances surrounding events such as
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In Snowden, he employs this methodology in an effort to walk
back the cat, in spy parlance, and solve the mystery of how a young analyst for the NSA pulled off the largest
theft of secret documents in the history of American intelligence. Posting under his alias TheTrueHooHa, he
boasted that he precision-shaped his body with weight lifting, practiced martial arts and had blond hair with
volume. In May 2004, at age 20, Snowden enlisted in the Army Reserve as a special forces recruit. Epstein says he
did not meet minimum CIA standards and suggests he got the job through his grandfather, a career Coast Guard man
and top intelligence official. Rather than face a security investigation, Snowden resigned, which left his top secret
security clearance intact. The CIA did not share personnel information with private firms, so Dell didnt know why
hed left the CIA. Snowden decided to apply for a senior job in the NSA, hacked into the system and stole the
entrance exam, a breach that went undetected for a year. (The NSA would say it had no record of that.) He began
wearing a jacket to work with a modified insignia that showed the NSA eagle clutching AT&T phone lines. [...]
order, Snowden managed to get passwords to 24 separate compartments of Level 3 documents so sensitive NSA
officials call them the Keys to the Kingdom. The documents Snowden purloined from the NSA would be the basis
for a spate of stories revealing an astonishing range of electronic spying not only by the NSA but by its British
counterpart, the GCHQ. According to Epstein, Snowden had obtained no visas, strongly suggesting he was
headed to Moscow all along. [...] this spy story leaves us with the most obvious facts and troubling questions.
The FBIs War on Student Radicals, and Reagans Rise to Power (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), winner of the 2013
American Book Award.
Mitch McConnell spokesman: CIA has no director after Trump inauguration | Miami Herald
CIA Director John Brennan resigned effective at noon on Friday, leaving the CIA without any top leader, said
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The agencys deputy director also stepped down, McConnell said. In a
speech on the Senate floor, he slammed Democrats for blocking a confirmation vote for Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo,
President Donald Trumps pick to head the CIA.
Photos: Long-married Bushes hospitalized together | Nation |
Former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, have been married longer than any U.S. presidential
couple. This week, they are being treated in the same Houston hospital. Here's
Photos: Long-married Bushes hospitalized together | Nation |
Former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, have been married longer than any U.S. presidential
couple. This week, they are being treated in the same Houston hospital. Here's
Trump, in CIA visit, attacks media for coverage of inaugural crowds - SFGate
Trump Receives Cheers from CIA for Criticizing Media
President Donald Trump was met with cheers from Central Intelligence Agency officers on Saturday when he
criticized the media's portrayal of the relationship between him and the agency.
Denying feud over Russia hacking, Trump vows support to CIA | Reuters
U.S. President Donald Trump tried to ease tensions with the CIA on Saturday, telling officers he had their back after
he had leveled unprecedented criticism against spy agencies for their investigation into Russian hacking during the
Hundreds rally in Penn Square for women's rights | Local News |
Hundreds of people packed into the northeast quadrant of Penn Square in downtown Lancaster this morning for a
"sister march" in support of those who gathered in Washington D.C. today
Felon from Lancaster is given permission to briefly leave corrections center, never returns | Local News |
An arrest warrant has been issued for a Lancaster city felon who was given permission to leave a state corrections
center in Harrisburg and never returned.
Hundreds of thousands of women protest against Donald Trump | National |
WASHINGTON (AP) Wearing pink, pointy-eared "pussyhats" to mock the new president, hundreds of thousands
of women massed in the nation's capital and cities around the globe Saturday to send
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New AG Shapiro axes Kane's twin sister and other allies
HARRISBURG - Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane's twin sister was ousted late last week
from her $105,000 job with the agency, part of a larger personnel sweep by the office's new top prosecutor,
according to sources familiar with the decision. - Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
'American carnage': Donald Trump's vision casts shadow over day of pageantry | World news | The Guardian
In Donald Trumps first speech as US president, he offered a sinister view of the US: cities afflicted by crime,
political elite in control and closed-down factories
How the world reacted to Trump's inauguration as US president | World news | The Guardian
Caution in China, sorrow and anger in Mexico, cork-popping in Moscow here are some of the global responses to
Fridays power handover
The Guardian view on Donald Trumps inauguration: a declaration of political war | Editorial | Opinion | The Guardian
Editorial: The presidential handover observed all the usual civilities, but the tone of Trumps speech marked a
frightening change in America
Kirkwood campground's new owners greeted by nearly full occupancy during 'slow' season | Insider |
On a dreary Wednesday morning in January, you might guess that a campground in southern Lancaster County is a
ghost town.
East Lampeter police chief, ex-detective sue over rape, corruption claims in Lisa Michelle Lambert book | Insider |
East Lampeter's police chief and a former detective have filed separate lawsuits claiming a book co-authored by
convicted killer Lisa Michelle Lambert libeled them.


Inbox - - Gmail

Letter REQUEST for COMMUTATION of the Sentence of Lisa Michell Lambert to President Obama, November 15,
Stan J. Caterbone and Conflicts With the Trump Administration - Monday November 14, 2016 | False Claims Act |
STAN J. CATERBONE and the DEPARTMENT of DEFENSE Documents and Evidence of Conspiracy to .... Saturday
November 12, 2016
Feds Probe Fulton Bank and 3 Other Subsidiary Banks of Fulton Financial With Stan J. Caterbone Civil Actions and Mind
Control Research of Monday November 9, 2016 | Robert Gates
Letter to James Comey, Director of FBI Re Cointelpro Used to Obstruct Justice Monday November 28, 2016 | Federal
Bureau Of Investigation | Central Intelligence Agency
VITALLY IMPORTANT - LETTER and DOCUMENT to Cappello & Noel, LLP of Santa Barbara, CA Friday November
25, 2016
Report of Douglas F Gansler/Kathleen Kane on Misuse of Commonwealth Email Systems November 22, 2016 Published
by ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP | Pro Se Legal Representation In The United States | Motion In United States Law
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray Says There is Room for Improvement in Police Communication - CATERBONE v. Lancaster
City Police Bureau,, November 22, 2016 | Central Intelligence Agency
Chapter 12 - ROHYPNOL AND SATELLITE and Chapter 11 - NEIGHBORS FROM HELL, from Satellite Terrorism in
America, by Dr. John Hall Copyright 2009 | J. Edgar Hoover | Federal Bureau Of Investigation
JIM GUERIN, FOUNDER OF ISC, FAREWELL LETTER OF 1989 December 26, 2016 | Justice | Government
December 16, 2016
The Advanced Media Group, December 15, 2016 | Fraternal Service Organizations
Usage Statistics for TOTALS and MONTHLY From May of 2016 to January
2017 - January 10, 2017
My Friend and Colleague Soleilmavis Liu of China a Victim of Mind Control Living in China Who Started Peacepink-
August 28, 2016
TD Ameritrade TRADEKEEPER PROFIT-LOSS FOR 2004 TRADES and 2017 FULTON STOCK January 9, 2017
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
2017 | Judiciaries
UPDATED STATEMENT OF FACTS re CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police Department US District Court Case 08-
cv-08982 December 28, 2016 | Section 504 Of The Rehabilitation Act | Rehabilitation Act Of 1973
UPDATED - EXCLUSIVE Transcripts of Whistleblower Testimonies as Targeted Individuals of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control and Related Hearings and Lectures, December 27, 2016 | Torture
Stan J. Caterbone on Twitter: "I'm reading FALSE IMPRISONMENT AND ILLEGAL INTERROGATIONS by U.S.
Intelligence... on @Scribd! #ReadMore"
stan caterbone social security - Google Search

Trump, Butt-Hurt Over the Size of His Inauguration Crowd, Lies About It (So Does His Whole Team)
Donald Trump and his squad remind me of that old 90s classic by En Vogue. The hook goes something like this:
Lies. Lies. Using lies as alibis. Lies. Lies. Just the devil in disguise.
In his first full day in office, President Trump declared war on the media - Recode
Journalists are apparently "the most dishonest human beings on Earth."
32 Lancaster County landowners holding out even as gas pipeline may be approved in weeks | Insider |
After nearly two years of reviews and uproar, the controversial Atlantic Sunrise pipeline could get federal approval
in a matter of weeks.
VIDEO: Police seek information after armed hold-up at Lancaster city grocery store | Local News |
Lancaster police have released video of an armed robbery in the city Saturday night.
New AG Shapiro axes Kane's twin sister and other allies | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane's twin sister was ousted late last week from her $105,000 job
with the agency.
Ron Gula, NSA hacker-turned-CEO, steps into the investment space
(c) 2017, The Washington Post. WASHINGTON - When Ron Gula joined the National Security Agency in the
mid-1990s, the world was still storing information on floppy disks. The agency hired him as a...
The White House |
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 re PRAECIPE TO ADD DEFENDANTS COMEY AND TRUMP
REMOVE OBAMA January 23, 2017
INVOICE AND Letter to James Comey, Director of FBI Re Pro Se Billings Invoice Wednesday November 30, 2016
TARGETING Awareness/Action Letter & Support Invitation
[GovCuff] Ohio pro-boner attorney punished - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Senate confirms Kansas Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo as CIA director | The Kansas City Star
Kansas Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo secured 66 votes late Monday, enough to be confirmed as CIA director. But
the real drama involved Democrats and one Republican who voted no on Pompeo and are likely to remind
voters of the stand they took in the next presidential election. The dissenters have been building this case almost
since the day President Donald Trump nominated Pompeo in November.
Overnight shooting in Lancaster was police-involved, DA's office says
Police in Lancaster are investigating an overnight shooting.
Trump retains FBI Director James Comey, sources say | Fox News
President Trump has decided to retain controversial FBI Director James Comey, two law enforcement sources
confirmed to Fox News, just months after Comey's revelations about Hillary Clintons emails twice rocked the
presidential race.
Mike Pompeo Is Confirmed to Lead C.I.A., as Rex Tillerson Advances - The New York Times
Despite Democratic opposition and shaky appearances from his nominees, the president has faced few meaningful
barriers to installing the team of his choice.
Will Hurd gets key intelligence post - San Antonio Express-News
WASHINGTON - U.S. Rep. Will Hurd is getting a coveted seat on the House Permanent Select Committee on

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Intelligence, giving him another key post at a time when cybersecurity and foreign entanglements will be key
focuses in Washingtons GOP-controlled government. Hurd, R-San Antonio, who was re-elected to a second term in
November, also sits on the Homeland Security Committee and chairs an influential House Oversight subcommittee
on information technology. During his first term in Congress, he was a leader on national security and cybersecurity
issues, drawing from his personal experience to help educate his colleagues and shape policy. Having served both
in congressional oversight staff and the CIA myself, I know his exemplary service and experience will be
invaluable, Tenet said. Hurd also received congratulations from Maj. Gen. Christopher Weggeman, commander of
the 24th Air Force at Joint Base San Antonio, who released a statement calling him a vocal advocate and ally for
the Air Force and cyberspace operations.
Infographic: Cloud is Still a Concern for Government Agencies
IRVINE, Calif., Jan. 24, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Netwrix Corporation, the first vendor to introduce a visibility and
governance platform for hybrid cloud security, extracted data about government agencies from its 2016 Cloud
Security Survey and released an infographic that reveals key cloud security concerns
The National Security Agency's Definition of Success in Iraq | Oye! Times
Kathy Harrison (KATHLEEN HARRISON NAMED IN SAVAGE SUIT v. Dave Brown) Email Re Bi Polar March 10,
The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with the COPS Gang-Stalking Program - Lancaster City Police
Strategic Plan, August 24, 2016
Curiae | National Security Agency
Family of Karlie Hall files suit against Millersville University, others; calls death preventable | Local News |
The parents of Karlie Hall have filed a federal lawsuit against Millersville University, and others, claiming her 2015
death could have been prevented had more action been taken following previous
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Injury & Accident Lawyers, NJ Injury Attorneys
Phila. PA & NJ injury & accident lawyers; highly rated personal injury lawyers. Over $150 million in verdicts,
Philadelphia Accident Injury Lawyers: Laffey, Bucci & Kent
Philadelphia, PA accident injury lawyers at Laffey, Bucci & Kent. Located in Center City, Philadelphia on Walnut
Obama Gave Palestinian Authority $221 Million in Humanitarian Aid - Truthdig
The outgoing president granted the sum during his final hours in the White House, though it doesnt approximate
the billions in military aid pledged to Israel. - 2017/01/25
Donald Trump Against the World - Truthdig
For all their international experience, the new president and his appointees care about the planet the way
pornographers care about sex. - 2017/01/25
Mind-reading and the Cold War: An Interview with The Psychic Project - The Oxford Student
Teens Report Surge in Bullying in Wake of Divisive Election Campaign - Truthdig
In a survey of 50,000 teens, 70 percent reported abusive behavior largely targeting race, sexual orientation and
immigration status. - 2017/01/25
George Orwell: 'Alternative Facts' Sends 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' Sales Through Roof |
State senators kick-off process to forcefully remove Sheriff Mark Reese | Insider |
Two state senators from Lancaster County have asked the Legislature to investigate and consider removing
embattled county Sheriff Mark Reese from office.
Teenager killed following exchange of gunfire with Lancaster city police, DA says | Local News |
A teenager was killed by Lancaster city police following a confrontation early Tuesday, according to the district
attorney's office.
New state AG Shapiro dismisses Kanes sister - News - Citizens' Voice
State Sen. Scott Martin named to powerful Appropriations Committee, vice chair of Local Government Committee |
Politics |
Lancaster Countys newest state senator has picked up prominent roles in two legislative committees as lawmakers
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get back to work in Harrisburg for a new two-year session.
Manheim Township commissioners reject $120 million Oregon Village project | Local News |
Manheim Township commissioners delivered an emphatic no to Oregon Village on Monday night.
Read Mattis' Rousing Memo To The DoD
After his confirmation, Defense Secretary James Mattis wrote a memo to his new department.
Alec Kreider never revealed motive for killing his friend, friend's parents, in brutal 2007 stabbing | Local News |
For more than a month, Alec Kreider kept quiet, concealing his involvement in the May 12, 2007, stabbing deaths of
a close friend and the friends parents in a Manheim
Microsoft Word - Final-10thCIr..doc - genberg amicus.pdf
Alec Kreider commits suicide in prison, was serving 3 life terms for brutal Manheim Township killings | Local News |
Alec Kreider, who brutally murdered three members of a Manheim Township family in 2007, killed himself in
prison Friday.
Felony Riot Charges Against Inauguration Protesters Signal a Dangerous Wave of Repression - Truthdig
More than 200 who were mass-arrested in Washington, D.C., on Friday are facing up to 10 years behind bars. -
Lancaster Chamber names new leaders to its board | Local Business |
The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce &amp; Industry has named Mary Kohler its chair for 2017 and Nelson
Longenecker its chair-elect.
Trump defends inauguration turnout against 'dishonest media' | i24news - See beyond
Former CIA director criticizes Trump for a 'despicable display of self-aggrandizement' after Langley speech - CIA,
Russia, White House, inauguration, Donald Trump, Women's March on Washington, Sean Spicer
21st-century COINTELPRO: Project Veritas, far-left groups post countering undercover videos RT America
A broad coalition of far-left groups is planning to disrupt President-elect Donald Trumps inauguration, after the
right-leaning Project Veritas admitted it had infiltrated their meetings to record their plans. Now, it's a case of right
said/left said.
Inconvenient Fact Of the Day. The FBI's COINTELPRO Set the Stage For MLK's Success | RedState
Inconvenient Fact Of the Day. The FBIs COINTELPRO Set the Stage For MLKs Success
Edward Snowden Live From Russia - YouTube
Oliver Stones Untold History of the United States Prequel A - YouTube
Former CIA Director Awarded Air Force Academy's Highest Honor |
Michael Hayden received the Air Force Academy's annual Character and Leadership Award.
Trump says torture works but will follow CIA, Pentagon advice - Daily Nation
Trump says it is necessary to "fight fire with fire".
Toxic Mind Control Contaminates The Public Sphere | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Lancaster County officials investigating sheriff could look for cues from Northumberland | Insider |
Northumberland County has also dealt with charges against an elected official this year.
Family of Karlie Hall files suit against Millersville University, others; calls death preventable January 25, 2017 | Law
Reference | Government
Stan J. Caterbone Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case Filled in Forms January 27, 2017
Every AG's Office staffer signs new code of conduct |
Josh Shapiro made ethics a key priority as he ran last fall for the office formerly held by Kathleen Kane.
Josh Shapiro releases new code of conduct for AG's Office employees |
Pennsylvania's new attorney general released an updated code of conduct Thursday to strengthen ethics
requirements in the office in the wake of Kathleen Kane.
Stacy Parks Miller fake Facebook page raised in Centre County court | Centre Daily Times
Centre County District Attorney Stacy Parks Miller circulated credentials for a fake Facebook profile for
prosecutors and information on the page became public in a filing on Jalene McClures case.
Father of convicted killer Alec Kreider addresses son's suicide in blog post | Local News |
The father of convicted killer Alec Kreider addressed his son's suicide in a blog post Wednesday.
Parents of slain Millersville student Karlie Hall suing school, court documents say
News 8 has learned that the parents of a Millersville University student who was slain by her boyfriend are suing the
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Financial Workshops | Ann B. Barshinger Financial Empowerment Ctr
Explore our variety of free educational workshops or consider working on on one to imrpove your financial health.
Trump defends order for visa crackdown, refugee halt: 'We can't take chances' | Fox News
President Donald Trump defended his forthcoming executive orders suspending the United States' refugee program
for 120 days and halting the issuing of visas to citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries, saying, We can't
take any chances.
New York University and the military-university complex - World Socialist Web Site
The US military/intelligence apparatus exercises immense influence over the schools political and intellectual life.
CIA Implicates Sekeramayi In Gukurahundi Killings | ZimEye
Porn and politics give way to ethics in attorney generals office - The Morning Call
The vast majority of employees in the Pennsylvania Attorney Generals Office did not trade porn, racist and other
inappropriate emails between 2008 and 2012.
Listen: BBC radio interviews Republicans in Lancaster about Donald Trump | Politics |
BBC World Service, a subdivision of the British Broadcasting Corporation, stopped by Lancaster city recently for a
radio program featuring local Republican voters.
Worried about fake news? Here's how Facebook is responding | National |
After rising concerns of fake news, a major social media company announced steps to clean up its digital space.
North Americans Are Spending Nearly as Much on Weed as They Do on Wine |
DRUG WAR CHRONICLE: Move over, Napa Valley, there's a new kid on the block. When it comes to spending
on mind-altering substances, Americans and Canadians are
Executive Summary_Edition5_Final.indd - executive-summary_the-state-of-legal-marijuana-markets_5th-
The Media Needs to Relentlessly Document the Impact of the Trump Administration - Truthdig
Since Saturday, when millions walked in unity with the Womens March on Washington, Trump has been busy
signing presidential directives. The Truthdig team and contributor Bill Boyarsky discuss what to expect now. -
Sanctuary Cities Refuse to Be Bullied by Trumps Threats to Cut Funding - Truthdig
Seattle, New York and Los Angeles are among several cities that have declared they will protect undocumented
immigrants despite the presidents possibly unconstitutional ultimatums. - 2017/01/26
The Injustices of Chelsea Mannings Imprisonment - Truthdig
For exposing war crimes, the whistleblower spent nearly seven years in prison, an ordeal President Obama finally
endedwithout acting on what she exposed. - 2017/01/26
Rubab Player Breaks Down Barriers for Female Musicians in Afghanistan - Truthdig
Music is for boys and not girls, 22-year-old Fazila Zamir was told. Now she is proving her instructors wrong by
performing on television and leading an all-male band. - 2017/01/26
Standing Rock Sioux to Trump: Creating a Second Flint Does Not Make America Great Again - Truthdig
It will take more than the stroke of the presidents pen to quash the vigorous resistance to the Keystone XL and
Dakota Access pipelines. - 2017/01/26
How Donald Trump Is Endangering U.S. Troops in Iraq and Essentially Aiding Islamic State - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Since his inauguration less than a week ago, the president has not been making a good impression in Iraq. -
Fort Lauderdale airport shooting suspect indicted on 22 counts WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort
How well do you know Lancaster County history? Take the quiz | Local News |
Lancaster County is a unique place rooted in rich history.
Esteban Santiago, suspected Fort Lauderdale shooter, indicted -
A federal grand jury on Thursday indicted Esteban Santiago, the man accused of killing five people inside a Fort
Lauderdale airport this month, authorities said.
Stay in health insurance market, state official tells Pennsylvanians | Pennsylvania |
The future of the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare is cloudy, to say the least, but that's no reason for
Pennsylvanians to stay out of the health insurance
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Title - Indictment-File-Stamped.pdf
Alleged Fort Lauderdale Shooter Indicted For Airport Killings : The Two-Way : NPR
Esteban Santiago Ruiz has been indicted on 22 counts related to the five people he allegedly killed in the baggage
claim area of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport earlier this month.
President Trump cant fix his relationship with the CIA just by giving a speech - The Washington Post
The president's Nazi Germany comparison isn't even the only problem.
Looking back at the Church Committee
Reports | Intelligence Committee
Search | Intelligence Committee
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January 27, 2017
Senate Select Committee REPORT on Intelligence 1977 to 1978 | Federal Bureau Of Investigation
Indictment-File-Stamped ESTABAN SANTIAGO-RUIZ January 26, 2017 | Public Sphere | Crimes
Russian arrests ignite worries that U.S. lost informant on vote meddling | News & Observer
Russia arrests senior cybersecurity experts, and veteran American cyber warriors say it may have been a blow
directed at the United States. Did U.S. intelligence just suffer a humongous loss of a spy in Russia?
Recent incident with Manor Township couple revives debate over assisted suicide in Pennsylvania | Insider |
The law against helping someone attempt or commit suicide rarely gets used in Lancaster County, according to
Lancaster mayor calls Trump's immigration executive order 'unnecessary distraction' | Politics |
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray on Friday said President Donald Trumps executive order to enforce immigration
policies is an unnecessary distraction and that city police officers do not enforce federal immigration
Watch: Lancaster County takes 20 times more refugees per capita than rest of US, BBC says | Local News |
BBC News released a short video report Friday, reporting Lancaster as "America's refugee capital."
Gov. Tom Wolf wants to consolidate 4 state agencies to combat budget deficit | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) Gov. Tom Wolfs administration notified state officials and employees Friday
afternoon that he wants to consolidate four state agencies into a single department as the first-term
Schneider: Media keep falling for Trump's mind control tricks
The president keeps bamboozling the national media into covering superfluous nonsense while his actual policies
evade proper scrutiny.
Truthdig - Donald Trumps Call for Spying on U.S. Muslims Recalls FBI Bugging of MLK and Black Churches
As Trump supporters beat a Black Lives Matter protester at a rally in Birmingham, Ala., Trump himself reminded
us of the days when J. Edgar Hoovers FBI monitored the Rev. Martin Luther King and Southern Christian
Leadership Conference churches. - 2015/11/23
Catholics Ask Trump to Probe Soros-Obama-Clinton Conspiracy at Vatican
Aging spies save forerunner of CIA -
Wartime headquarters added to historic register.
Stan J. Caterbone Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case No. 17-10615 Judge Fehling Filed On January 27, 2017 - CASE FILE |
Plea | Defamation
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 EXHIBIT re THE DONALD TRUMP PRESIDENCY and STAN J.
CATERBONE as of January 28, 2017 - electronically filed | Federal Bureau Of Investigation | Nasa
28, 2017
UNHCR: Refugees Pose No Threat to US National Security
Refugee agency, other UN agencies and human rights advocates urge United States to reconsider its ban on
Federal Judge Blocks Part of Trumps Immigration Ban - Truthdig
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Following protests at a number of airports across the country and legal intervention by civil liberties watchdog
groups, a U.S. District Court temporarily halts the deportation of people with valid visas or approved refugee
papers. - 2017/01/28
Emma Niles: Protesters Descend on Kennedy International, Demanding Release of Detained Travelers - Truthdig
Crowds gathered Saturday outside the New York airport, where travelers were held as a result of President Trumps
executive order on refugees. - 2017/01/28
Emma Niles: Truthdigger of the Week: Charlie Liteky, Decorated U.S. Army Chaplain Turned Peace Activist -
Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
The former Roman Catholic priest, who died Jan. 20, was the only American to renounce the Medal of Honor. -
Trump Visa Denials Target Same Countries Bush Vowed to Overthrow - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Before Projecting Power Around the World, America Should Look in the Mirror - Truthdig
The collateral damage of the Iraq War continuesfor Iraqis and Americans alike. - 2017/01/28
Mikhail Gorbachev: It Appears the World Is Preparing for War - Truthdig
Wars must be outlawed, because none of the global problems we are facing can be resolved by war, the former
Soviet leader writes. - 2017/01/28
Clara Romeo: At the March for Life, a Deeper Look Into the Anti-Abortion Movement - Truthdig
Fridays rally in Washington, D.C., showed that not all opponents of abortion rights think alike. - 2017/01/28
Mikhail Gorbachev - Wikipedia

January 29, 2017 - IMIGRATION FALLOUT

Federal Judge Blocks Part of Trump's Immigration Ban - - Gmail

Clara Romeo: At the March for Life, a Deeper Look Into the Anti-Abortion Movement - Truthdig
Mikhail Gorbachev: It Appears the World Is Preparing for War - Truthdig
Mikhail Gorbachev - Wikipedia
Before Projecting Power Around the World, America Should Look in the Mirror - Truthdig
Trump Visa Denials Target Same Countries Bush Vowed to Overthrow - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Emma Niles: Truthdigger of the Week: Charlie Liteky, Decorated U.S. Army Chaplain Turned Peace Activist -
Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
Emma Niles: Protesters Descend on Kennedy International, Demanding Release of Detained Travelers - Truthdig
Federal Judge Blocks Part of Trumps Immigration Ban - Truthdig
UNHCR: Refugees Pose No Threat to US National Security
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 PRAECIPE TO AMEND COMPLAINT January 29, 2017 - FILED
ELECTRONICALLY January 29, 2017
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
New Tab

PASSHE orders operational review in face of lower enrollment, potential cutbacks | Pennsylvania |
The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) announced this week that it's looking to hire
consultants for a study reviewing its overall operations, according to WPMT.
Libre's Law, other animal cruelty laws reintroduced in Pennsylvania | Local News |
A state representative is reviving a bill thought dead after The House failed to vote on it at the end of 2016.
Trump Strategist Stephen Bannon: Media Should Keep Its Mouth Shut - Truthdig
The man charged with guiding the presidents nationalist vision describes the media as the opposition party to the
new administration. - 2017/01/27
Torture Produces Fake Newsand Thats How We Got Into Iraq - Truthdig
The psychopaths in the White House will be perfectly happy to run with fake news gained from torture and use it to
bamboozle the public for their own nefarious purposes. - 2017/01/27

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The Past is Present for American Muslims - The Islamic Monthly
The Past is Present for American Muslims - The Islamic Monthly
Listen: Jon Ferguson and Jenelle Janci with police chief Keith Sadler for My Generation podcast | Features |
Hanging in Keith Sadlers office is a print of A Great Day in Harlem, a photograph of 57 notable jazz musicians
posing in front of a brownstown in New York
2 Berkshire Hathaway Homesale leaders make Power 200 list | Local Business |
Two prominent Lancaster County real estate executives have made the 2017 Swanepoel Power 200 ranking of the
industrys most powerful leaders.
First on CNN: Report finds national security agencies at risk in foreign-owned buildings -
US law-enforcement agencies are at risk of being spied on and hacked because some of their field offices are located
in foreign-owned buildings without even knowing it, according to a new government report.
Fire Sunday morning closes Rainmakers Association lodge in Lancaster city | Local News |
The Rainmakers Association will be closed indefinitely after a two-alarm fire early Sunday.
Group looks to remake Lancaster's Southwest neighborhood with possible $1.2M grant | Local News |
Emerson Sampaio was born in West Africa, lived mostly in New York City, and has only been a part of the
Southwest neighborhood in Lancaster for two years.
Blame Hollywood: A Conversation With Stewart Baker, Former General Counsel Of The National Security Agency - Data
Protection - United States
Editor's Note: In the world of cyber law, privacy and cybersecurity, one of the largest and most colorful figures is
Stewart Baker, whose resume includes a stint as General Counsel at the National Security Agency and Assistant
Secretary of Homeland Security. United States Data Protection Poyner Spruill LLP 30 Jan 2017
Stewart Baker - Wikipedia

Stewart A. Baker - NSA COUNSEL

Google Alert - national security agency - - Gmail

Blame Hollywood: A Conversation With Stewart Baker, Former General Counsel Of The National Security Agency - Data
Protection - United States
Stewart Baker - Wikipedia
Steptoe & Johnson LLP: Stewart A. Baker - Partner
Inbox - - Gmail

What Trumps Travel Ban Means For Iraqi Interpreters Who Served Alongside US Troops
Task & Purpose spoke to Matt Zeller about what Trumps travel ban means for Iraqis who supported troops during
the U.S. war effort.
UFO investigator Tony Topping claims to be victim of secret service mind control' | Weird | News | Daily Express
A BRITISH man claims he is monitored by secret government agents who regularly torture him through mind
control because of his persistence in investigating the existence of aliens.
Chris Hedges: American Psychosis - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The barrage of lies from demagogues such as Donald Trump creates profound cognitive dissonance among the
population that ends in a nationwide collective mental illness. - 2017/01/29
Trump Adds Bannon to National Security Council, Removes Intelligence Officials - Truthdig
Council meetings will include the presidents adviser and leave out key national security figures, except when their
expertise is requested. - 2017/01/29
Support | Black and White laser | imageCLASS MF216n | Canon USA
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Trump Receives Cheers from CIA for Criticizing Media

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President Donald Trump was met with cheers from Central Intelligence Agency officers on Saturday when he
criticized the media's portrayal of the relationship between him and the agency.
Trump Receives Cheers from CIA for Criticizing Media
President Donald Trump was met with cheers from Central Intelligence Agency officers on Saturday when he
criticized the media's portrayal of the relationship between him and the agency.
32 Lancaster County landowners holding out even as gas pipeline may be approved in weeks | Insider |
After nearly two years of reviews and uproar, the controversial Atlantic Sunrise pipeline could get federal approval
in a matter of weeks.
16-cv-2513 Preliminary Injunction for Emergency Relief in Middle District NOTICE OF APPEAL TO USCA THIRD
CIRCUIT January 26, 2017 | Defamation
National Security Council Changes Are Very Significant, Hayden Says : NPR
Rachel Martin talks to ex-NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden about the reorganization of the White House
National Security Council. Political adviser Steve Bannon has a permanent seat at the table.
Trump cybersecurity draft policy drops FBI role | McClatchy DC
A draft policy from the White House on cybersecurity sets out a 60-day timetable to determine vulnerabilities and
identify major cyber adversaries. But some see the draft policy as timid and incomplete.
Trump To Add CIA Director To National Security Council | Fox Business
President Donald Trump will add the Mike Pompeo, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, to the National
Security Council, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Monday.
Homeowners Rehab Application File of June 8, 2015 - COINTELPRO EXTORTION MODEL RESULTS January 30,
Federal appeals court upholds order to admit refugee students at McCaskey High School | Local News |
School District of Lancaster must allow refugee students with limited English skills and formal schooling to attend
McCaskey High School, a federal appeals court ruled Monday.
Smucker, Toomey react to executive order on immigration | Politics |
Two of three Republican lawmakers who represent Lancaster County in Washington supported President Donald
Trumps decision to temporarily bar refugees fleeing violence from entering the country but said the implementation
Mindflix Is Mind Control for Netflix On Your TV | Variety
Change channels with the power of your brainwaves with Mindflix, a new hack that was developed as part of
Netflix's recent hack day.
Netflix project lets you mind-control its interface
Netflix's developers are at it again, using the company's annual Hack Day to come up with clever, if sometimes
wild, ideas on how to improve the streaming servi...
Trumps Muslim Ban May Spark a Constitutional Crisis, Says Free Speech Activist - Truthdig
If security agencies are violating a court order to halt the deportation of green card holders and allow the detained to
access lawyers, the rule of law has completely broken down. - 2017/01/30
Sister of 16-Year-Old American Killed in Yemen in 2011 Dies in Raid Ordered by Trump - Truthdig
Abdulrahman al-Awlaki and his sister were children of the U.S.-born Yemeni preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, whom the
U.S. assassinated with a drone in 2011. - 2017/01/30
Lawyer for opponent predicts Oregon Village appeal, but developer says no decision yet on next step | Local News |
Manheim Township officials rejected the $120 million housing and retail plan a week ago, but haven't yet explained
their decision.
Trump voters in Lancaster County support executive order temporarily suspending refugee program | Insider |
President Donald Trumps recent executive order temporarily barring citizens from seven Muslim-majority
countries has sparked widespread protests, but his supporters in Lancaster County are sticking by the presidents
Syrian refugee who settled in Lancaster fears Trump's executive order barring countrymen from US | Local News |
Mohammad Alsalkini, a Syrian refugee, brought his family to Lancaster seeking peace from the violence back
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Mind Control Your Netflix Account With The MindFlix Headband
The human race is getting lazier with each passing year; now the technology to control Netflix with your mind could
be closer than we think
MindFlix Is Netflix's Idea For A Mind Control Interface Regal Tribune
During Hack Day, Netflix developers have presented the prototype version of the MindFlix, a device which should
work as a mind control interface.
Bill Blum: Meet Neil Gorsuch, the New Antonin Scalia - Bill Blum - Truthdig
President Trump has very likely found just the man to pick up where the late Supreme Court justice left off, given
Gorsuchs track record and originalist approach to interpreting the Constitution. - 2017/01/31
Senate Democrats Delay Sessions Confirmation Amid Concerns Rule of Trump Will Trump Rule of Law - Truthdig
Legislators worry that as attorney general, Sessions will act as a rubber stamp for the president and his policies. -
Monday Night Massacre: Trump Fires Acting Attorney General and Acting Immigration Director - Truthdig
Referring to the Saturday Night Massacre that took place during the Watergate scandal, the hashtag
#MondayNightMassacre comes alive. - 2017/01/31
Why Stoning Is Still Used in Afghanistan - Truthdig
Although officially banned, this Islamic practice has gained popularity as the environment worsens for Afghan
women. - 2017/01/31
Former Senior FBI Counterterrorism Agent Slams Trump on Torture and Muslim Ban
App-based Shadow Delivery provides on-demand delivery drivers for Lancaster restaurants | Insider |
After Slice of Brooklyn opened earlier this month in Lancaster city, owner Joseph Naimo got calls from people
asking if the new pizza shop offered delivery.
10-year-old Lafayette Elementary School student competes for national boxing title | Boxing |
It was chilly inside Lancaster City Boxing Club last week, despite the unseasonable sunshine outside.
Game Commission approves measure to allow semi-automatic rifles for hunting | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG The Pennsylvania Game Commission board unanimously approved allowing the use of semi-
automatic rifles for hunting, including deer and bear, during Tuesdays quarterly meeting.
21-year-old man suffers hand, arm injuries in 2nd shooting in 2 days in Lancaster | Local News |
A 21-year-old Lancaster man was wounded in the hand and arm in a daylight shooting in Lancaster city Tuesday.
Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se, U.S.C.A. Third Circuit BRIEF STATEMENT OF JUDICIAL MISCONDUCT OR
DISABILITY of February 1, 2017
DISTRICT of PENNSYLVANIA With IFP and Civil Cover Sheet - on February 2, 2017
Pa. fraud victims eligible for up to $21.5 million in restitution after Western Union settlement | Pennsylvania |
State Attorney General Josh Shapiro announced this week that Pennsylvania residents victimized by fraud-induced
wire transfers may be eligible for up to $21.5 million.
Bankruptcy Counseling & Bankruptcy Certificates | Advantage CCS
Advantage CCS, a national non-profit organization, provides online bankruptcy counseling, a bankruptcy education
class & bankruptcy certificates.
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case 17-10615REF SUBMITTALS FOR FEBRUARY 3 - February 2, 2017
When it comes to Lancaster refugees, its faith, not politics, that carries the day | Insider |
Faith trumps politics.
After $7.7M land purchase, High to start building Harrisburg Pike project this month | Local News |
High Real Estate Group this week bought the site of the proposed Crossings at Conestoga Creek, setting up a
groundbreaking later this month.
George HW Bush Will Flip The Coin At The Super Bowl
Out of the hospital after battling pneumonia, Americas 41st president will toss the coin to start the game.
America First Could Bring the World Closer to a Nuclear Holocaust - Truthdig
If not supervised by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Donald Trump and Steve Bannon could endanger the world. -
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Trump Cut Mortgage Aid to Home Buyers During First Day in Office - Truthdig
What a terrible thing to do to homeowners, said Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer. - 2017/02/01
Football Is Trump-ball Lite - Truthdig
Who needs a reality show about violence, domination and sexism now that we have a reality that replicates
footballs authoritarianism? - 2017/02/01
Truthdig - Football Is Trump-ball Lite
Who needs a reality show about violence, domination and sexism now that we have a reality that replicates
footballs authoritarianism? - 2017/02/01
The Tulane Hullabaloo : Risk of internet surveillance increases under President Trump The Tulane Hullabaloo
Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans
House Passes Bill Allowing Government to Microchip Citizens With "Mental Disabilities"
Giving local police the authority to decide who gets a microchip and who does not based on their mental soundness
is a recipe for disaster.
Actions - H.R.4919 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Kevin and Avonte's Law of 2016 | | Library of Congress
Actions on H.R.4919 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Kevin and Avonte's Law of 2016
Journalist Is Fired From Public Radio Show for Questioning Objective Reporting Under Trump - Truthdig
Lewis Wallace had a successful career on American Public Medias Marketplace until he blogged about the
meaning of journalistic neutrality. - 2017/02/02
Paul Street: Trumps Shock and Awe Campaign and the Early Resistance - Truthdig
The anti-Trump movement needs to do more than elevate the political power of corporate-captive Blue America
over corporate-captive Red America. - 2017/02/02
Wind Turbines Head for Home Again - Truthdig
Cutting-edge research helps revive European plans for many homes to have their own turbines as part of a clean-
energy revolution. - 2017/02/02
Here We Go Again: Trump Administration Threatens Iran (Video) - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Mike Flynn, the presidents national security adviser, made a brief statement Wednesday putting Iran on notice. -
Jeremy Scahill on Donald Trump and the Military-Industrial Complex - Truthdig
In an interview with acTVism, the investigative journalist also discusses the significance of the Ramstein Air Base
in Germany. - 2017/02/02
Pennsylvania State Police Liquor Control Enforcement Formal Complaint AGAINST DOWNTOWN LANCASTER
BARS, August 12, 2016 | Lawsuit | United States Courts Of Appeals
Case No. CI-16-08472 EMERGENCY INJUNCTION FOR PAIN MEDICATIONS - Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas September 21, 2016 - CRIMINAL ACT OF TORTURE | National Security Agency | Opioid
Manheim Township commissioners explain rejection of 75-acre Oregon Village development | Insider |
Manheim Township officials say they rejected the 75-acre Oregon Village housing, restaurant and retail complex
because developers couldnt acquire a small piece of preserved farmland to build a street.
Atlantic Sunrise gets last-minute approval; Pipeline to run through 36.5 miles of Lancaster County | Local News |
At the last minute before it would no longer have a voting quorum, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Friday evening approved the controversial Atlantic Sunrise natural gas pipeline that would
Tom + Chee returned to ABC's 'Shark Tank' Friday for company update | Food |
Tom + Chee, which has a Lancaster location in Overlook Town Center, will be featured in a company update tonight
on ABC's TV investment show, "Shark Tank."


Will 5-year, $10.6-million revitalization plan be a game changer for Lancaster's Southeast? | Insider |
Community leaders Thursday unveiled a five-year, $10.6 million plan to attract businesses, build homes and train
workers in the southeast section of Lancaster city, home to the highest concentration of
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A tale of two Lancasters: How economic development is creating income gaps in the city | Local News |
A new report says economic development strategies over the past 15 years that revived Lancaster's downtown may
have caused precipitous decline throughout much of the rest of the city where
Non-profit run by Lancaster Catholic student to host charity event Saturday for the homeless | Lacrosse |
A junior at Lancaster Catholic High School, Devin McMahon often takes journeys into Lancaster City alongside his
parents on their visits to Central Market.
Is torture against the law?
According to an article in today's New York Times, the CIA is using "coercive interrogation methods" against some
al-Qaida suspects. The piece notes th ...
Torture and the United States - Wikipedia
Torture LAW and the United States - Wikipedia by Stan J. Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP, February 4,
CI-16-08472 DOCKET SHEET February 3, 2017 and Torture LAW and the United States - Wikipedia by Stan J.
Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP, February 4, 2017
Emma Niles: UC Berkeley Protests Spark Debate Over First Amendment - Truthdig
The campus was rocked this week by both peaceful and violent protests that ultimately shut down the planned
appearance of far-right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos. - 2017/02/03
The Bowling Green Massacre That Never Happened - Juan Cole - Truthdig
The new administrations spokespersons are happy to deal in fake news when it promotes the Trump worldview. -
Female Business Owners Undermine Afghanistans Patriarchal Society - Truthdig
Under the Taliban, women were rarely seen in business, but that is starting to change. - 2017/02/03
Economist Richard Wolff Explains Marxism - Truthdig
Americas most prominent Marxist economist discusses why economic turmoil is making headlines while the
stock market booms. - 2017/02/03
China Moves Ballistic Missiles to Russian Border |
By Slava Tsukerman Intercontinental ballistic missile Dongfeng-41 moves to Russian border. Russian press
informed readers that China posted a Dongfeng-41
LNPs article makes important points |
Unfortunately this front page article in todays Sunday LNP is not available at, which
seems to often be a problem. The
Draft excerpt from Bill Keislings book underway: Noahs Ark Deal (Act 61 of 1985) |
Editor: Bill Keisling's publications have been suspended as he works on his latest book, a compilation of
representative items of
Dick Thornburgh - Wikipedia
Judge uses pushups in Lancaster County Veterans Court to build camaraderie, remember fallen soldiers | Insider |
How many pushups can you give me? Judge Jeffery Wright asks from his bench at Lancaster County Veterans
YWCA Lancaster needs a new boiler, or the Women's Winter Shelter could be forced to close | Local News |
Without a new boiler, the Lancaster YWCA risks losing its ability to provide long-term housing and an emergency
cold-weather shelter in the city.
Bridge linking Pennsylvania, NJ to stay closed 2 more months | Pennsylvania |
A heavily traveled bridge linking Pennsylvania and New Jersey that has a fractured steel truss is expected to remain
closed for at least two more months, Pennsylvania Turnpike officials said
LIP News J Wright Luke Karpathios
Tonight! Updates: The Epsom Salt Bath Protocol - Brittany from Texas shares her story - "So far, so good" - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
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Wallet Law Andrew Wallet, Attorney at Law
LETTER to Andrew Wallet re Britney Spears Conservatorship February 4, 2017
Manage Your Gift Card - Card Activity
This tree law attorney tries to defuse spats between neighbors | Local News |
If Rachel Roat, a tree law attorney, had her way, power lines would be buried and utilities wouldnt butcher
homeowners trees.
Got the flu? Virtual visit options mean you might be able to see a doc from home | Local News |
Next time you have a minor illness, you may not have to drive anywhere to get it checked, thanks to more doctors
offices and health insurance companies offering virtual doctor
Newsmaker Q&A: Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania attorney general - The Morning Call
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro is the subject of this week's Morning Call newsmaker.
Lancaster County Veterans Court reaches 5-year anniversary, deemed a 'tremendous success' | Insider |
Lancaster County Veterans Court has been a "tremendous success," according to district attorney Craig Stedman.
Charges dropped against Lebanon dumpster divers who donate to food banks, including Lancaster | Local News |
Two men arrested after dumpster diving last October have had their charges dropped this week.
Dumpster-diving lands Lebanon pair in legal trouble; Lancaster attorney helping | Insider |
When dumpster-diving activist Rob Greenfield heard from one of two Pennsylvania men who were arrested last
month while looking through a stores trash for still-good food, he returned to Lancaster
Lancaster County DA Stedman earns GOP endorsement for statewide judge | Local News |
Next step: gathering enough signatures to earn placement on May's primary ballot.
Trump addresses federal judge's ruling on travel ban, says it 'will be overturned' | National |
PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) President Donald Trump lashed out Saturday at "this so-called judge" who put a
nationwide hold on his executive order denying entry to the U.S. to
The McCaskey junior varsity boys basketball team trailed late in the second half on a January weeknight inside the
Manheim Township High School gymnasium. A McCaskey shot rimmed out, the
Chris Hedges: Make America Ungovernable - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The window to overthrow the Trump regime is rapidly closing. We must move swiftly to make governance
impossible through nationwide strikes and other nonviolent resistance. If we do not, the last vestiges of democracy
will die. - 2017/02/05
Court Rejects Appeal on Travel Ban - Truthdig
Despite the president promising a win on the Muslim ban, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denies a
request for an immediate reinstatement. - 2017/02/05
A Plot to Control American Universities? - Truthdig
Events at UC Berkeley on Wednesday have been a boon to Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart News (pictured) and
Trump consigliere Steve Bannon. - 2017/02/05
Yes, Mr. Trump, You Bear Blame for Cultivating White Supremacists - Juan Cole - Truthdig
I dont have any way of knowing whether Mr. Putin has ordered anyone to be rubbed out. But we do know who
murders in the United States. - 2017/02/05
Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Sally Yates, Fired for Defying Trumps Immigration Order - Truthdigger
of the Week - Truthdig
Kasia Anderson: Politics at the Super Bowl: Commercials Play on Immigration Theme, Lady Gaga Plays It Low-Key -
Despite rumors that there would be a politically charged halftime show and an ensuing boycott from the right, main
act Lady Gaga delivered a tame performance, while corporate sponsors took bigger risks. - 2017/02/05
Lady Gagas Super Bowl show just reignited her career | New York Post
At pre-Super Bowl LI press conference, Lady Gaga <a href="
no-super-bowl-wardrobe-malfunctions/">hinted that her halftime show would be about inclusion.</a> She got
that right. It was hard to imagine anybody not enjoying the 12-minute, stunt-laden, firework-decked, tightly-
choreographed spectacular <a href="
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show/">she laid out in Houston</a>. For Gaga, this was potentially a career-saving triumph. <a
href="">Her last
album, Joanne</a> stalled both critically and commercially, but her halftime show gave the world a much-needed
reason to fall in love with the New Yorker all over again. Beginning the show seemingly from the top of NRG
Stadium, she let her voice shine with pointed versions of God Bless America and Woody Guthries This Land is
Your Land, as a drone display representing the stars and stripes lit the night sky behind her. After being lowered,
Spiderwoman style into the stadium, the onslaught of hits began. Poker Face, and Just Dance were delivered
with a fierceness and fabulousness that Gaga has been missing of late. If there was one small shortcoming, its that
Beyonc wasnt able to make a small guest appearance (in her hometown, no less) to recreate her part in the 2010
hit Telephone. But as the world found out this week, the pregnant Bey has another kind of double act to worry
about. Much of the pre-show talk was about whether Gaga would get overtly political. But she didn't need to,
because everything she's ever wanted to say has always been in her lyrics. Her 2011 smash "Born This Way" was
sung with brio and spoke loudly to her promised theme of "inclusion." "Whether life's disabilities/Left you outcast,
bullied or teased/Rejoice and love yourself today/'Cause baby, you were born this way." No shocks here. Gaga's
been saying this stuff for almost a decade. Were here to make you feel good, said Gaga, as she sat down at a
piano to play the Joanne standout Million Reasons, complete with touching shout-outs to her mom and dad. She
might be a world-famous superstar but Gaga has never been too cool to publicly honor her always-supportive
parents Cynthia and Joe Germanotta, and this career high performance was no exception. Her final act was a
thrumming version of Bad Romance, backed with dozens of dancers dressed in football-themed costumes. As she
climbed the stairs to take her final bow, Gaga was breathless but clearly knew shed restored herself as an A-list pop
star. She earned the emphatic mic-drop, and deserves the sales spike thats coming her way. Get ready for a second
wave of Gaga-Mania. If only for a moment, it might just unite the nation again.
Yorgos planning major expansion/renovation of downtown Lancaster restaurant | Local Business |
Yorgos in downtown Lancaster is planning a major renovation that will add a rooftop deck, second-floor dining
room, new kitchen and third-floor banquet room.
Watch: Tom + Chee returned to ABC's 'Shark Tank' Friday for company update | Food |
Tom + Chee, which has a Lancaster location in Overlook Town Center, will be featured in a company update tonight
on ABC's TV investment show, "Shark Tank."
Lancaster County Realtors group honors 3 | Local Business |
The Lancaster County Association of Realtors honored three members on Thursday at its 82nd annual banquet at the
Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square.
After $7.7M land purchase, High to start building Harrisburg Pike project this month | Local News |
High Real Estate Group this week bought the site of the proposed Crossings at Conestoga Creek, setting up a
groundbreaking later this month.
Anti Arrest or 302 Packet Sunday February 5, 2017 - MAJOR FILINGS OF 2017 | Torture
Lady Gagas Super Bowl 2017 Halftime Show: She's a Legacy Artist Now, But What a Legacy | Billboard
When Stefani Germanotta took the stage at hafltime of Falcons-Patriots on Sunday night (Feb. 5), it was worth
wondering what she would use the performance for: as an aggregation of past accomplishments, or an argument for
contemporary relevance?
Lady Gaga - Super Bowl Halftime Show 2017 (FULL PERFORMANCE) - YouTube
Super Bowl Halftime Will Be 'Uniquely Lady Gaga': Pepsi Execs Promise 'One of the Greatest Halftime Shows
Ever' ady Gaga's Super Bowl halftime show was annou...
Lady Gaga's FULL Pepsi Zero Sugar Super Bowl LI Halftime Show | NFL - YouTube
Watch Lady Gaga goes from the roof to the stage in one of the most acrobatic & incredible Pepsi Zero Sugar Super
Bowl LI Halftime show performances of all ti...
The Latest: Tech companies oppose Trump's refugee order | Nation |
WASHINGTON (AP) The Latest on the lawsuit involving President Donald Trump's executive order restraining
immigration (all times local):
Super Bowl ad winners: Tide, T-Mobile | Nation |
NEW YORK (AP) The New England Patriots defeated the Atlanta Falcons during a nailbiter Super Bowl 51
and there were clear winners and losers off the field, too.
North Korean economics 101: How much is a dollar worth? | Nation |
PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) To get a feel for how North Korea's economy works, go buy a roll of toilet
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paper. Or start up a mobile phone network.
Wall St. lending to Main St. even as many decry Dodd-Frank | Nation |
NEW YORK (AP) President Donald Trump has wasted little time in beginning a push to reverse the stricter
banking regulations enacted after the 2008 financial crisis. Trump has branded
Truthdigger of the Week: Sally Yates, Acting Attorney General Fired by Trump - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Pennsylvania AG announces lawsuit against President Trump's executive order on immigration
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro and others are taking legal action against Trumps executive order
barring travel into and from the United States from certain countries.
Trump Foreign Policy May Test US Spy Alliances |
Donald Trump's unpredictable foreign policy could hamper long-standing U.S. intelligence-sharing partnerships.
9th Circuit hearing over travel ban lawsuit will be streamed live Tuesday |
PORTLAND, Ore. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments from both sides on Tuesday
afternoon in an appeal of a Seattle judge's ruling that temporarily blocked President Donald Trump's travel
16-Cv-2513 Preliminary Injunction for EMERGENCY RELIEF in Middle District ORDER by JUDGE KANE
Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board LETTER Re 2016-788 (Asworth) 2016-789 (Reinaker) February 2, 2017
Chapter 11 17-10615ref REORGANIZATION PLAN February 7, 2017 | Bankruptcy | Chapter 11
Women Worldwide Will Strike Against Trump on March 8 - Truthdig
The goal is to mobilize populations against the president, his antisocial policies and the ongoing neoliberal attack
on social provision and labor rights. - 2017/02/06
What Happens When All We Have Left Is the Pentagon? - Truthdig
If your military is the only well-funded, well-stocked arm of the government, its obvious whom youre going to
turn to in any crisis. - 2017/02/06
This Land: The Pro-Immigrant Radicalism of Lady Gaga and Woody Guthrie at the Super Bowl - Music - Truthdig
By beginning with God Bless America and then switching to This Land Is Your Land, Lady Gaga offered a
subtle but radical critique of the presidents policies. - 2017/02/06
Taxpayers' costs for Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese rise to $69,000 as lawmakers review forced removal | Insider |
Lancaster County taxpayers have paid nearly $69,000 toward embattled Sheriff Mark Reeses salary, benefits and
legal expenses.
Lancaster GOP straw polls hint at endorsement for Common Pleas judge | Politics |
The Republican Committee of Lancaster County will meet next week to choose among three local attorneys vying
for the partys endorsement to seek a Court of Common Pleas judgeship opening
Lancaster man charged with making false report after accidentally shooting himself | Local News |
A Lancaster man is facing charges after falsely reporting to police that he was shot by an unknown man in the city
early Saturday.
This App Lets You Control A Sex Toy With Your Mind - Vocativ
Judge reduces sentence for father in Word of Life case
Why Im Not Afraid of Baby Donald - POLITICO Magazine
President Trump isnt a tyrant in the making. Hes just a toddler throwing a tantrum.
STATEMENT February 7, 2017
CIAs man in Syria: the rise and fall of a rebel commander
Once a fixer for anti-Assad forces, covert operator comes to terms with failed US policy
Former NSA contractor indicted over 50TB gov't classified data theft | ZDNet
The former contractor reportedly spent 20 years pilfering government secrets and helping himself to the cream of
the NSA's hacking tools library.
US spy agency contractor charged with taking top secret materials
A contractor for the US National Security Agency was indicted Wednesday for removing massive amounts of top
secret materials, but was not accused of leaking or selling them to anyone. In a case that had worried US officials
over a possible repeat of the hugely damaging Edward Snowden leaks, Harold Martin
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Atlantic Sunrise pipeline builder can seize land in Lancaster County, but construction months off | Insider |
With federal approval in hand for the Atlantic Sunrise gas pipeline, Williams Partners can now begin the court
process to seize land from 32 Lancaster County landowners.
Abortion in Pennsylvania: 1 percent of procedures are beyond 20 weeks of pregnancy | Local News |
A state Senate proposal to limit abortions to 20 weeks of pregnancy, rather than the current 24 weeks, would affect
about 1 percent of the procedures, according to Pennsylvania Health
City Council to consider Central Market parking restrictions, city property sales at Feb. 14 meeting | Local News |
A revised Market Area parking ordinance that is much simpler than the original version is on the docket for City
Councils Feb. 14 meeting.
Watch This Guy Control a Vibrator With His Mind | Mens Health
French developers are testing an app that lets you control a vibrating sex toy using just your mind. See how it works
The number-one mind-control program at US colleges Jon Rappoport's Blog
The number-one mind-control program at US colleges If youre a college student or have a child at college, read this
The unspoken secret in plain sight by Jon Rappoport February 7, 2017 Here is a staggering statistic from the
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): More than 25 percent of college students have been diagnosed
Scott Ritter: The U.S. Is Playing With Fire on Iran - Truthdig
Bellicose rhetoric by Mike Flynn (pictured), U.S. national security adviser, about Tehrans missile test points toward
a potentially disastrous policy in the Trump administration. - 2017/02/07
Scott Ritter, Contributor - Truthdig
PressTV-NSA agent indicted in 'largest theft' of secrets
A former NSA contractor has been charged with a heist of classified US secrets that officials say dwarfs the
conducts of Edward Snowden.
Meet Donald Trumps sister, the tough, respected federal judge Ted Cruz called a radical pro-abortion extremist - The
Washington Post
After the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Cruz warned that Trump might appoint justices to the high
court like his sister, citing an opinion she wrote about a New Jersey abortion law.
Maryanne Trump Barry - Wikipedia
3rd Circ. Judge, Trump's Sister, Stops Hearing Cases - Law360
Third Circuit Senior Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, who is President Donald Trump&rsquo;s older sister, decided
this week to go inactive on the bench, relinquishing her staff and chambers despite being scheduled to hear cases
this year.
Contact the Department | DOJ | Department of Justice
State wants assurances earthquake won't threaten Lancaster County landfill | Insider |
The state is asking Lancaster Countys waste authority to do more research to ensure that piling more waste atop the
Frey Farm Landfill would be safe from an earthquake and
Lancaster County DA Craig Stedman hopes to bring prosecution perspective to state Superior Court | Local News |
Craig Stedman feels he is a needed voice on the Pennsylvania Superior Court.
Is President Trumps executive order constitutional? - The Washington Post
A debate on one of the biggest fights of Trumps early presidency.
Lancaster County Conservation District's annual tree seedling sale begins | Local News |
Heres a worthwhile purchase that offers the promise of spring while helping the environment throughout Lancaster
Federal appeals court refuses to reinstate Trump travel ban | National |
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A federal appeals court refused Thursday to reinstate President Donald Trump's ban on
travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations, dealing another legal setback to the new
Pa. funeral home director stole $340,000 from elderly clients, attorney general says | Pennsylvania |
A funeral home director has been accused of stealing $340,000 from at least 49 elderly clients, at least in part to
support a gambling habit.
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Senate worried CIA's psychic program was part of mind control plot
What the Streets of Los Angeles Can Teach Us About Policing in America - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
The Truthdig team spoke with author Wellford (Buzz) Wilms about the complex relationship between urban
neighborhoods and law enforcement. - 2017/02/07
Ethics Experts: Top Presidential Aide Broke Law by Promoting Ivanka Trump Brand - Truthdig
Adviser Kellyanne Conway encouraged Americans to go buy Ivankas stuff after the president slammed the
Nordstrom department store company for dropping his daughters fashion line. - 2017/02/09
Silenced Twice by the Senate, Coretta Scott Kings Words Live On - Truthdig
Sen. Elizabeth Warren made history Tuesday by quoting another history-making womans 1986 letter to a Senate
segregationist. - 2017/02/09
Lessons from the 1950s on mind control | Chatham House
Sarah Marks and Daniel Pick explore the difficulty in pinpointing how radicalization works in practice
Lessons on mind control from the 1950s Marks & Pick.pdf
The Army Wants To Recruit Cyber Experts By Hiring Civilians At Rank Of Colonel
The Army is looking at ways to commission civilian experts who could help fill some of its capability gaps.
What's causing the house-shaking booms in southern Lancaster County? | Local News |
The booms are loud and deep, enough to rattle the dishes.
History says semiauto rifles won't be a problem for PA hunting | Outdoors |
PA Game Commission has tentatively said semiautomatic rifles will be allowed for hunting big and small game next
Elizabethtown College student group will wear white puzzle piece pins to think about 'white privilege' | Pennsylvania |
A group of students at one local college is looking to raise awareness about what it means to live with white
Lancaster County GOP lawmakers oppose unions, Gov. Wolf over 'paycheck protection' | Pennsylvania |
Lancaster County Republican lawmakers dont think public-sector unions should be able to collect money for
political advocacy from their members through automatic payroll deductions.
Trump signs three new executive orders on crime reduction -
President Donald Trump signed three new executive orders Thursday that he said are "designed to restore safety in
STAN J. CATERBONE June 18, 2008 US District Court Case 08-02982 CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police Bureau,, CASE FILE | Complaint
Democrat moves to force House debate on Trumps alleged business conflicts and Russia ties - The Washington Post
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) filed a resolution of inquiry, a tactic used to force presidents and executive-branch
agencies to share records with Congress.
Contact your Reps, Influence Congress, Vote on Bills - Countable
Democrat moves to force House debate on Trumps alleged business conflicts and Russia ties - The Washington Post
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) filed a resolution of inquiry, a tactic used to force presidents and executive-branch
agencies to share records with Congress.
Could This Be The 1st Step In The Impeachment Process? Democrat Files 'Resolution of Inquiry' on Trump
A senior member of the House Judiciary Committee introduced a Resolution of Inquiry on Thursday that directs the
Department of Justice to provide the House of Representatives with any and all information relevant to an inquiry
into President Trump and his associates conflicts of interest, ethical violations (including the Emoluments Clause),
and Russia ties.
Homelessness, crime could rise if debt-burdened Neighborhood Services in Lancaster shuts down | Insider |
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In September 2010, after a night out dancing with about a dozen girlfriends, Cindy Ford suffered a debilitating
stroke. Seven years later, she struggles to walk.
Meet refugees now living in Lancaster County who are impacted by the immigration order | Insider |
For some Lancaster County residents, President Donald Trumps executive order on immigration had an immediate
personal impact.
Sight & Sound to put movie of Jonah in 600 theaters on May 2 | Insider |
Starting this spring, Sight &amp; Sound Theatres will give people across the country a new choice.
Mayoral candidates welcome Bulova building redevelopment | Local News |
Lancasters three announced mayoral candidates say theyre excited by Zamagias Properties plans to renovate the
Bulova building at 101 N. Queen St.
Adele wins top Grammys, but pays tribute to Beyonce | National |
In an extraordinary moment between the music industry's top female artists, Adele beat Beyonce for three of the top
Grammy Awards then said her competitor deserved at least one
Many US presidents visited Lancaster County over the centuries; here are a few | Local News |
From sitting presidents seeking re-election to presidential hopefuls rallying supporters, Lancaster County has been a
stop on the road to the White House for centuries.
Moscow did not discuss Snowdens fate with new U.S. administration | Russia Beyond The Headlines
"At the moment it is not among bilateral issues"
'Draconian' changes to UK espionage laws branded 'full frontal' attack on whistleblowing
National security journalists may face prison time for handling leaked information.
Chris Hedges: The Elites Wont Save Us - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The danger we face does not come, in the end, from Trump and his malignant cabal. It comes from severely
weakened and corrupted democratic institutions. - 2017/02/12
Huge Counterprotests Overwhelm Defund Planned Parenthood Rallies - Truthdig
Hundreds of demonstrations in support of the beleaguered reproductive health services provider were held across
the country Saturday. - 2017/02/12
Colorado gunman posted religious rant against government and Satanic mind control two days before shooting | Democrat
COLUMN: Government spying will increase | Indiana Daily Student
We must remain vigilant about government spying
Lancaster County religious leaders lukewarm on Trump's promise to allow politics from the pulpit | Insider |
President Donald Trump on Thursday promised he would totally destroy the law that bars religious leaders from
politicking from the pulpit.
Shopping cart yields stash of suspected stolen property after arrest in Lancaster | Local News |
Lancaster police believe they may have uncovered a wealth of stolen items after arresting a suspected package thief
Thursday afternoon.
House scraps background check regulation for gun ownership | National |
The House has voted to scrap an Obama administration regulation extending background checks for disabled Social
Security recipients mentally incapable of managing their own affairs.
Fake News 101: The new civics course in US schools? | Nation |
This Feb. 6, 2017, screen shot shows a website that falsely implies that it is from ABC News. The site is actually an
imposter pedaling stories that aren't true and
Russia Considers Returning Snowden to U.S. to 'Curry Favor' With Trump: Official - NBC News
Trump has called the former NSA contractor a "spy" and a "traitor."
Deputy to Michael Flynn forced off National Security Council - NY Daily News
The report comes amid growing concerns over Mike Flynn's alleged ties to Russia.
The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force is Monitoring Standing Rock Water Protectors | Colorlines
Civil rights attorney Lauren Regan: "The idea that the government would attempt to construe this indigenous-led
nonviolent movement into some kind of domestic terrorism investigation is unfathomable to me."
Lancaster County police relying more on breath rather than blood tests for suspected DUIs | Insider |
A U.S. Supreme Court ruling is prompting several Lancaster County police departments to change the way they test
motorists suspected of driving drunk.
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Martin Sheen reprises 'West Wing' role for Pennsylvania judge's campaign ad | Pennsylvania |
Sheen reprised his "West Wing" role as President Josiah Bartlet in an ad for Judge Joe Cosgrove, who is seeking
election to the Commonwealth Court.
Philadelphia prosecutor will not seek reelection after ethics fine | Reuters
Aretha Franklin: 'I am retiring this year' | Entertainment |
The Queen of Soul plans to retire to spend more time with her family.

Pa. funeral home director stole $340,000 from elderly clients, attorney general says | Pennsylvania |
A funeral home director has been accused of stealing $340,000 from at least 49 elderly clients, at least in part to
support a gambling habit.

1252 MUST GO

Michael Flynn resigns: Trump's national security adviser quits over Russia links as it happened | US news | The
Flynn says he inadvertently briefed the vice-president-elect and others over calls to Russian ambassador which
reportedly discussed lifting of sanctions
Mike Flynn might be done but Trump's nightmare has just begun | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian
This resignation and scandal is not a surprise. After all, we have a president who is too careless to handle a national
security incident in a confidential manner
David Petraeus among contenders to replace Michael Flynn as national security adviser
His administration dealt a significant blow after not even a month in office, President Donald Trump must now fill a
vital national security post after the resignation of embattled national security adviser Michael Flynn.
Michael Flynn a dramatic early casualty in Donald Trump's administration
Donald Trump's embattled national security adviser Michael Flynn resigned late on Monday, a dramatic early
casualty in an administration hobbled by security ...
Donald Trump-Russia dossier: What we know and what we don't know
How did US intelligence officials come to brief President Barack Obama, President-elect Donald Trump and
lawmakers about supposed Russian plans to try to ...
Pa. Supreme Court denies petition filed by Lancaster County DA in verdict dispute | Local News |
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has denied a petition filed by Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman
that would have ordered a local district judge to replace a verdict from a
Vehicle bursts into flames near Penn Square, halts downtown traffic | Local News |
A blazing SUV briefly halted traffic through downtown Lancaster Monday evening, as city firefighters responded to
a working vehicle fire in the first block of North Queen Street, just north
Jerry Sandusky's son Jeffrey charged with child sexual abuse | Pennsylvania |
One of Jerry Sandusky's adult sons faces multiple charges of sexual offenses involving children, more than five
years after the former Penn State assistant coach was himself first arrested.
March 2 open house welcomes public input on Lancaster County biking, walking enhancements | Local News |
Lancaster County and municipal officials are beginning the next phase of gathering public input for a
comprehensive plan to improve local walking, hiking and biking infrastructure.
Here's how Lancaster County gets to work (and how long it takes) | Local News |
It's Monday morning, the start of a new work week. And if you're like most Lancaster County residents, you're
getting into a car, truck or van to drive alone to
Michael Flynn resigns as Trumps national security adviser | New York Post
President Trumps national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigned late Monday night <a href="
/2017/02/13/trump-evaluating-the-situation-involving-flynn-russia/">amid mounting accusations that he had illicit
communications</a> with the Russian ambassador to the United States that positioned him as a potential target for

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blackmail. Flynn submitted his letter of resignation to the president just three weeks into the administration, saying
he inadvertently gave Vice President Mike Pence incomplete information on phone calls he had with Russian
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in which he allegedly discussed lifting sanctions against Moscow. I have sincerely
apologized to the President and the Vice President, the letter stated, and they have accepted my apology. Flynn,
who was fired by then-President Barack Obama as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said he was honored to
serve with Trump and believed in the mission to make America great again. Retired Army Gen. Keith Kellogg
will take over on an interim basis. The swift resignation came just hours <a href="
f228-11e6-8d72-263470bf0401_story.html?utm_term=.e39f6c84a885">after The Washington Post</a> reported that
weeks ago, then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates had warned the White House that Flynn had misled Pence
about the nature of his conversations with Kislyak. Yates told the White House counsel that <a
href="">the Justice Department
was concerned Flynn might be vulnerable to blackmail</a> after he insisted to Pence and others that he had not
discussed Obamas sanctions against Russia during a call with Kislyak, the paper reported. <a
levied the sanctions</a> after it was revealed that Russia was all but certainly involved in hacking and interference
in the US presidential election. Flynns contact with the Russian ambassador before Trump was sworn in could
violate the Logan Act, which bans unauthorized US citizens from communicating with a foreign government. The
national security adviser made conflicting public statements on the communications as more information came to
light. US intelligence agencies regularly monitor calls by Russian diplomats, and reports claim there is a transcript
of the Dec. 29 phone call as the sanctions were levied against Vladimir Putin. Flynn appeared to be in the
presidents good graces just hours before his resignation Monday as he sat in the front row of <a
news conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.</a> Later Monday evening, the White House press
secretary, Sean Spicer, said that Trump was evaluating the situation. <a href="
clickSource=story-heading&module=a-lede-package-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news">The New York
Times also reported</a> that the US Army has been investigating Flynns ties to Russia and whether he was paid by
that country during a trip he took to Moscow in 2015. During an interview with The Washington Post last year,
Flynn admitted that he had been paid by the Russian state-run television station RT. Trumps 36-year-old son-in-law,
Jared Kushner, has been assisting in the search to replace Flynn. One of the names being considered was disgraced
former Gen. David Petraeus, <a href="
234977">according to Politico</a>. Petraeus, a former head of the CIA for Obama, was himself caught in a scandal
when it was revealed that he had leaked classified information to his mistress and biographer, Paula Broadwell. He
resigned in 2012 and served two years probation as part of a plea deal. Other possible picks for the high-level
position include: Stephen Hadley, former national security adviser to President George W. Bush; Tom Bossert, who
also served as a national security aide under Bush; Adm. James Stavridis; and Department of Homeland Security
head John Kelly.
Who is Mike Flynn and why did he quit as Donald Trump's National Security Adviser? - Mirror Online
Lt General Michael Flynn resigned over claims he lied to the Vice President about talking to Russia about sanctions
before he took office. Here's everything you need to know
Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn resigns over contacts with Russia - LA Times
President Trump is "evaluating the situation" with National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, spokesman Sean
Spicer told reporters Monday.
Prolonged effort to remove Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese continues to cost taxpayers | Insider |
A resolution aimed at investigating and potentially removing embattled Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese will
wait at least a month before it can be evaluated by the Pennsylvania Senate's Rules
Politics drove Milton Hershey from Lancaster County, unpublished manuscript explains | The Scribbler |
Did you ever wonder why Milton Hershey, who made his first fortune manufacturing caramels in Lancaster, moved
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to Dauphin County to make chocolate?
Short hits winner with 3 seconds left as McCaskey girls top Lancaster Catholic in L-L semifinals | Basketball |
No one can say Jaileen Short doesn't follow directions.
One Nation Candidate Says LGBT People Are Using Nazi-Style Mind Control Tactics - BuzzFeed News
It's to convince people to support same-sex marriage...
Companies developing mind-controlled computers - WPSD Local 6: Your news, weather, and sports authority
If you're too lazy to pick up a remote control, someday your problem will be solved. Dozens of companies are
working on technology that will allow humans to control computers, prosthetic limbs and ...
Bill Blum: Court Takes Trump to the Woodshed for a Lesson on Judicial Review - Truthdig
The Muslim ban has been addressed under a time-honored scrutiny. But with the presidents team sending mixed
signals, the question is: Has the administration learned anything? - 2017/02/14
Flynn Scandal Spotlight Falls on What Trump Knew and When He Knew It - Truthdig
Democratic lawmakers demand an investigation into the former national security advisers talks with Russia. -
Time Is Already Running Out on Our Democracy, Scholar Says - Truthdig
We may have a year or less, and it has happened to countries like ours before, according to a Yale professor. -
Why Did Donald Trump Appoint Gen. Michael Flynn in the First Place? - Juan Cole - Truthdig
It reflects poorly on the presidents judgment that he could not see that his hand-picked national security adviser,
pictured, was a disaster. - 2017/02/14
Groups ask for Atlantic Sunrise pipeline approval to be taken back, cite lack of need | Insider |
Seven national and local environmental groups, including Lancaster Against Pipelines, have asked the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission to withdraw their approval of the Atlantic Sunrise gas pipeline project.
Fighting fake news: Lancaster's schools and colleges focus on media literacy | Trending |
After a presidential campaign filled with accusations, plus fake news and alternative facts, schools stress media
Lancaster ranked 41st best place to live in America; Harrisburg ranks higher | Local News |
U.S. News and World Report says Lancaster County is the 41st best place to live in America.
After Mega-Lies by Trump Adviser Stephen Miller, Its Time to Rev Up the Reality-Based Community - Juan Cole -
On Sundays edition of Meet the Press, the White House senior policy adviser (pictured) delivered himself of
many big, bold, imaginative untruths. - 2017/02/13
Chelsea Manning Pens Thank-You to Fellow Inmates - Truthdig
When I was afraid, you taught me how to keep going, the whistleblower wrote. When I was lost, you showed me
the way. - 2017/02/13
Rethinking Orwells 1984 and Huxleys Brave New World in Trumps America - Truthdig
For Aldous Huxley, there was hope in a pessimism that had exhausted itself; for George Orwell, optimism had to be
tempered by a sense of educated hope. - 2017/02/13
Trump Launches Blue Lives Matter Regime With Executive Orders on Law Enforcement - Truthdig
Among the orders is a directive for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to prioritize fighting illegal immigration, drug
trafficking and violent crime. - 2017/02/13
Suspect charged with robbing, shooting man outside city pub Monday night surrenders | Local News |
A man was shot in the hip outside O'Halloran's pub in Lancaster Monday night.
Vice admiral turns down national security job | Fox17
(AP) - Vice Admiral Robert Harward has turned down an offer to be President Donald Trump's new national
security adviser. A senior White House official says Harward turned the offer down due to financial and family
Trump anti-leak drive could prompt prosecutions - POLITICO
The legal consequences could be severe for leakers decried by the president.
Colin Jost of 'Saturday Night Live's' 'Weekend Update' stops by Wax on Wednesday at Tellus360 | Entertainment |
Colin Jost of "Saturday Night Live" stopped by Tellus360 Wednesday night.
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Stadium Groundbreaking Highlights - YouTube
Crusader Connection Week of 2.20.17
Elizabethtown College supports student initiative to discuss racial identity and 'white privilege' | Insider |
Elizabethtown College is standing behind a recently launched student initiative, about white privilege and racial
identity, that triggered a flood of feedback from alumni, parents and prospective students.
Phased rollout of LanCity Connect, Lancaster's high-speed fiber network, to start this spring | Local News |
Lancaster citys computer users may want to mark Feb. 27 on their calendars.
SoundCloud - Listen to music
Keisling: The building of the State Capitol |
EDITOR'S NOTE: Assigned to write a book concerning corruption in Pennsylvania government over the past few
decades, historian Bill Keisling could not
Judicial Conduct & Disability | United States Courts
The Judicial Conduct and Disability Act establishes a process by which any person can file a complaint in federal
court alleging that a federal judge has engaged in "conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious
administration of the business of the courts" or has become, by reason of a temporary or permanent condition,
"unable to discharge the duties" of the judicial office. This process cannot be used as a means to collaterally attack a
judge's rulings. An attorney can explain any rights you have as a litigant to seek review of a judicial decision.
Information Institute
Rep. Smuckers campaign group has the least amount of cash on hand among 18 Pa. congressmen | Politics |
U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker has the least amount of money in his campaign account compared with all 18
Pennsylvanian congressmen.
She helped convict Kathleen Kane. Now, former Bucks prosecutor hopes to bring change to the AG's office
It was August. Pennsylvania&rsquo;s attorney general was standing trial, nearing the end of a spectacular scandal.
In the middle of a packed Montgomery County courtroom stood Michelle Henry, introducing Kathleen Kane to the
jury as someone bent on revenge. - Justine McDaniel, Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News
Fulton Financial eyes investment in small Philadelphia bank with minority-customer focus | Local News |
As the federal government looks at its lending practices, Fulton Financial wants to buy a small stake in a tiny but
ailing Philadelphia bank which focuses on that citys minority
Lancaster Catholic downs Lebanon in final seconds to win L-L boys hoops tournament title | Basketball |
Down six points with a little over two minutes remaining, Lebanon scored the next seven points to go in front with
33 seconds left in Fridays Lancaster-Lebanon League boys basketball
How some madrassas brainwash students into becoming suicide bombers
Brainwashing is real and easier than you might expect. Sadly, the majority of madrassas hold exalted ranks when it
comes to brainwashing and producing the
Esteban Santiago declared to be mentally competent Concord Register
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Response to Elizabethtown College Democrats effort reflects national conversation on race and privilege, professors say |
Insider |
A recent initiative to spur a conversation about race among students in Elizabethtown College, which quickly
devolved into name calling and personal attacks, is a reflection of a complicated national
Man who attempted suicide gets face transplant from man who committed suicide | National |
ROCHESTER, Minn. (AP) He'd been waiting for this day, and when his doctor handed him the mirror, Andy
Sandness stared at his image and absorbed the enormity of the
One-Time Kane Lawyer Must Face Extortion Lawsuit | Delaware Law Weekly
A federal judge ruled Amil Minora and his co-defendants must face allegations that they abused the legal process to
extort a settlement from a businessman.

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The Cure - Greatest Hits (Full Album) Remastered - YouTube
A collection of top songs featuring The Cure.
Taylor Swift - Bad Blood ft. Kendrick Lamar - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
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The Police - Greatest Hits (Full Album) - YouTube
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Baby Gaga Loves Lady Gaga - YouTube
please follow us on twitter for an update on our next video! ft my little cousin! :) Well my
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Sheryl Crow - Home - YouTube
Music video by Sheryl Crow performing A Change Would Do You Good. (C) 1996 A&M Records
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Sheryl Crow - Strong Enough HQ - YouTube
Music video by Sheryl Crow performing A Change Would Do You Good. (C) 1996 A&M Records
Joe Walsh - Life's Been Good - YouTube
A collection of top songs featuring The Cure.
Sheryl Crow Kid Rock Picture - YouTube
Music video by Sheryl Crow performing A Change Would Do You Good. (C) 1996 A&M Records
Sheryl Crow - A Change Would Do You Good - YouTube
Music video by Sheryl Crow performing Soak Up The Sun. (C) 2002 A&M Records
Sheryl Crow - Leaving Las Vegas - YouTube
Music video by Sheryl Crow performing A Change Would Do You Good. (C) 1996 A&M Records
Sheryl Crow - Everyday Is A Winding Road - YouTube
Music video by Sheryl Crow performing Soak Up The Sun. (C) 2002 A&M Records
Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun - YouTube
Music video by Sheryl Crow performing Soak Up The Sun. (C) 2002 A&M Records
Sheryl Crow - Gasoline - YouTube
Music video by Sheryl Crow performing A Change Would Do You Good. (C) 1996 A&M Records
Sheryl Crow - The First Cut Is The Deepest - YouTube
Music video by Sheryl Crow performing A Change Would Do You Good. (C) 1996 A&M Records
Little Big Town - Girl Crush - YouTube
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Joe Walsh- Rocky Mountain Way - YouTube
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Lady Gaga - "What's Up" 4 Non Blondes Live Cover at #artRaveVienna - YouTube
At the 46th annual Songwriters Hall of Fame awards dinner and induction ceremony to honor Linda Perry.
Lady Gaga - Born This Way (GRAMMYs on CBS) - YouTube
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Lady Gaga & The Art of Fame - YouTube
please follow us on twitter for an update on our next video! ft my little cousin! :) Well my
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Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance" live on The X-Factor [HD CRYSTAL CLEAR 720p] - YouTube
Live footage and vocals from the sound board from #artRaveVienna, Lady Gaga singing 4 Non Blondes' "What's
Jenifer Lawrence - Are You Coming to the Tree?
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
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Country Songs of the Summer 2015 - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
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BLONDIE - "The Best Of Blondie" Complete Album - YouTube
A collection of top songs featuring The Cure.
The Pretenders - Hits (Full Album) - YouTube
A collection of top songs featuring The Cure.
Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side (Lyrics in Description) - YouTube
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The Cars "You're All I've Got Tonight" - YouTube
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Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
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Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
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Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
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Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
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Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
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Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
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Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
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Katy Perry - Wide Awake - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
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Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
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Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
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Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
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okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
The B-52's - "Roam" (Official Music Video) - YouTube
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okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
The Bangles - Hazy Shade of Winter - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
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The Bangles - In Your Room - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
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The Go-Go's - We Got The Beat - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
The Go-Go's - Our Lips Are Sealed - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
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Divinyls - I Touch Myself - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
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Dire Straits - Tunnel of Love Music Video - YouTube
Sharks - Closer - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
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Sharks - Loving You Or Losing You - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
Modern English - I Melt With You (Official Video) - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
Sharks video collection - Sam Lugar - YouTube
okay so the audio I think is muted for some people, so sorry about that, but hopefully it works for most people...even
if the audio doesn't work, I'm keeping...
SOFT CELL TAINTED LOVE HQ official video mp4 - YouTube
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Tommy Conwell, The Young Rumblers - I'm Not Your Man - YouTube
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Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (Official Video) - YouTube
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Aimee Mann - She Really Wants You - YouTube
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Aimee Mann - Wise up [It's not going to stop] - YouTube
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Aimee Mann - Pavlov's Bell - YouTube
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Aimee Mann - This Is How It Goes - YouTube
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by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Aimee Mann - That's Just What You Are - YouTube
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Destiny's Child - Say My Name (Official Video) - YouTube
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Destiny's Child - Lose My Breath - YouTube
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Insensitive - Jann Arden - Spotify
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The Very Best of Enya - YouTube
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World on Fire - Sarah McLachlan
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Lady Gaga: "Google Goes Gaga" | Musicians at Google - YouTube
With her outrageous costumes and mega-hit dance songs, Lady Gaga has become the world's most talked about
entertainer. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports.
Katy Perry - Super Bowl 2015 - HD - YouTube
Katy Perry - Show del entre Tiempo del SUPER BOWL
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Stan Caterbone
My History as a Victim Of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and Resume - peacepink -
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief v Residents of County of
Lancaster August 16, 2015
Judge Jeffrey Wright OPINION as Ordered by Superior Court in Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 on November 23, 2015 for
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YouTube Videos

Exceptional Interviews on Video Re: U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and Related Technologies | Stan Caterbone |
November 3, 2015 The following video interviews are some of the most compelling and most accurate regarding the
subject of U.S. Sponsored Mind Contro
The Killing of Laurie Show (Documentary) Pt 1 - YouTube
The true story behind the movie The Stalking of Laurie Show. Part 1
The Neuro Revolution - Full HD - YouTube
The Neuro Revolution is a Book recommendation for victims of Neuroscience research. The video is based on the
Book by the same name by author Zack Lynch. The...
FEDERAL False Claims Act 1991 Video - ISC & THE CIA - YouTube
Section 3729 False claims (a) Liability for certain acts. Any person who (1) knowingly presents, or causes to be
presented, to an officer or employee of the ...
Global Mind Control 2013 - Nick Begich - YouTube
From special assignment news story "Do you believe in government mind control?" by reporter Ross Blackstone
which appeared on KOVR 13 News, Sacramento, Calif...
What Do Gang Stalkers Want And How To Defeat Them, Greensboro,NC - YouTube
I made this video for Targeted Individuals who have not had success in their battle against gang stalkers and also for
the public sector that is unaware that...
Commodore Amiga CDTV Review - YouTube
The CDTV (an acronym for "Commodore Dynamic Total Vision", a backronym of an acronym for "Compact Disk
Television", giving it a double meaning) was a multime...
The TV Mind Control Movie | 2015 - YouTube
Alex welcomes to the Infowars studio Dr. John Hall, anesthesiologist and author of "Satellite Terrorism" to discuss
the facts of the possibilities of Governm...
August 15, 2015 Targeted Individual Awareness 3 - YouTube
YouTube - Dr Scott Johnson- Coming US Holocaust,Digital TV,HAARP,GWEN Towers,Silent Sound Mind Control 1/21
YouTube - The CIA Doctors: Psychiatry & Mind Control
Coast To Coast AM - February 9, 2015 New World Order & Electronic Harassment - YouTube
Coast To Coast AM - February 9, 2015 New World Order & Electronic Harassment In the first half, former Minister
of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer, ...
Coast To Coast AM - February 9, 2015 New World Order & Electronic Harassment - YouTube
Coast To Coast AM - February 9, 2015 New World Order & Electronic Harassment In the first half, former Minister
of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer, ...
YouTube HAARP Video
Julianne McKinney on microwave harassment and mind control - YouTube
YouTube - Brice Taylor on Mind Control
YouTube - Bill Clinton under Mind Control
YouTube - Mind Control Goes Public 1 of 5
YouTube - Mind Control Goes Public 1 of 5
YouTube - Mind Control Goes Public 2 of 5
YouTube - Mind Control Goes Public 3 of 5
YouTube - Mind Control Goes Public 5 of 5
Do You Believe in Government Mind Control? -- Part 2: Cheryl Welsh - YouTube
From special assignment news story "Do you believe in government mind control?" by reporter Ross Blackstone
which appeared on KOVR 13 News, Sacramento, Calif...
Julianne McKinney on microwave harassment and mind control - YouTube
YouTube - MK-Ultra, CIA Mind Control & Brain Washing to Make Assassins
President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version 2 - YouTube
"Listen to this incredible audio recording of a speech made by JFK before the American Newspaper Publishers
Association where he warns the press about the se...
Lawyer Dr Cordero exposes the fraud in Judiciary, Astounding Discoveries - YouTube
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Recurring Issues in False Claims Act Litigation - YouTube
I have been a Targeted Individual, TI, and Victim since 1987. In 1987 I blew the whistle (public Allegations and
Complaints to State and Federal Authorities ...
"Targeted Individuals" Dr. John Hall and Dr. Terry Robertson - YouTube
Alex welcomes to the Infowars studio Dr. John Hall, anesthesiologist and author of "Satellite Terrorism" to discuss
the facts of the possibilities of Governm...
Coast To Coast AM - February 9, 2015 New World Order & Electronic Harassment - YouTube
Coast To Coast AM - February 9, 2015 New World Order & Electronic Harassment In the first half, former Minister
of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer, ...
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things' - YouTube
Lifetime Movies 2015 | The Stalking of Laurie Show AKA Rivals | Best Lifetime Movies 2015 - YouTube
The true story behind the movie The Stalking of Laurie Show. Part 3
US Army Intelligence Officer: Gang Stalking Phenomenon is Precursor to Coming Holocaust - YouTube
Do You Believe in Government Mind Control? -- Part 3: Dr. Nick Begich - YouTube
From special assignment news story "Do you believe in government mind control?" by reporter Ross Blackstone
which appeared on KOVR 13 News, Sacramento, Calif...
Stan Caterbone Channel - YouTube
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San Francisco Bay View Cointelpro government agency
The FRONTLINE Interview: Diane Roark | United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE | PBS
Diane Roark served as a top staff member on the House Intelligence Committee from 1985 to 2002. She fought to
end the NSA's post-9/11 warrantless wiretapping initiative, telling FRONTLINE she considered the program
"unethical, immoral, politically stupid, illegal and unconstitutional."
Jay Curtis Corporation Video 1991 - YouTube
I have been a Targeted Individual, TI, and Victim since 1987. In 1987 I blew the whistle (public Allegations and
Complaints to State and Federal Authorities ...
FMG Video St Joseph Hospital George Werner April 1987 - YouTube
I have been a Targeted Individual, TI, and Victim since 1987. In 1987 I blew the whistle (public Allegations and
Complaints to State and Federal Authorities ...
Govt Mind Control Technologies with Dr. John Hall - YouTube
Alex welcomes to the Infowars studio Dr. John Hall, anesthesiologist and author of "Satellite Terrorism" to discuss
the facts of the possibilities of Governm...
Surveillance Of Black Lives Matter Movement Recalls COINTELPRO Tactics
Mind Control - YouTube
From special assignment news story "Do you believe in government mind control?" by reporter Ross Blackstone
which appeared on KOVR 13 News, Sacramento, Calif...
Cheryl Welsh Do You Believe in Government Mind Control? -- Part 2: Cheryl Welsh - YouTube
From special assignment news story "Do you believe in government mind control?" by reporter Ross Blackstone
which appeared on KOVR 13 News, Sacramento, Calif...
Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean? - YouTube
Roberta Lee Streeter, professionally known as Bobbie Gentry, is an American singer-songwriter notable as one of
the first female country artists to compose a...
"The Mind Has No Firewall" -- Psychotronic Warfare, from the US Army War College -- Alan Watt - YouTube
The article Alan reads from is
From Alan Watt's May 6, 2010 broadcast. Listen to A...
US Army War College
Dr. Phil Sued -- Guest Claims, He Made Me Look Crazy! |
A man who says a detective planted crystal meth in his home and appeared on Dr. Phil's show, has filed a lawsuit
claiming the good Doc made him look
Gang Stalking = Counterintelligence - Mike German & Scott Crow - FBI's Domestic Surveillance Program - YouTube
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Slideshow of Trip To California - Kennett, MO; Austin, TX; Little Rock, AR; Santa Barbara, CA; - YouTube
Trip of July 21, 2005 to August 26, 2005 Visit Sheryl Crow Aquatic Center of Kennett, MO; Phil Caterbone in
Austin, TX; Clinton Library in Little Rock, AR; G...
Richmond Resolution On Space-Based Weaponry Prompts Flood Of Calls To Police From Targeted Individuals CBS
San Francisco
Richmond police have been inundated with calls for help from people who feel under attack from space-based
weaponry because of a City Council resolution passed last month, according to Mayor Tom Butt.
Another NSA Whistleblower Steps Forward - YouTube
Diane Roark is a former congressional staffer who was assigned to the intelligence committee. Undaunted by FBI
raids on her home and others who also served o...
V2K: Voice to Skull - peacepink
Does the technology exist that could encode speech, transmit it via microwaves, and be heard inside the human
skull... without using a receiver? An investiga...
CIA WhistleBlower Susan Lindauer EXPOSES Everything (Extreme Prejudice) - peacepink
CIA WhistleBlower EXPOSES Everything ( Extreme Prejudice)
DOCUMENTARY: Edward Snowden - Terminal F (2015) - YouTube
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things' Subscribe to
the Guardian HERE: ...
"60 Minutes" interview: President Obama - YouTube
Is the U.S. taking a backseat to Russia in Syria? Steve Kroft asks President Obama in an interview for 60 Minutes.
Wake Up America - 6/16/14 - Atty Shawn Abrell part 1 - YouTube
Atty Shawn Abrell calls in from Hawaii, talks about lawsuits and his travels meeting different clients, RFID,
microchips, people being targeted by electronic...
Wake Up America - 6/16/14 - Atty Shawn Abrell part 2 - YouTube
Atty Shawn Abrell calls in from Hawaii, talks about lawsuits and his travels meeting different clients, RFID,
microchips, people being targeted by electronic...
Direct Energy Weapons - YouTube
they sure are acting weird. watch the whole video here
Live and Recorded Public meetings of Council Meeting 5192015 for City of Richmond - YouTube
Richmond police have been inundated with calls for help from people who feel under attack from space-based
weaponry because of a City Council resolution pass...
Lancaster Catholic Football 1974 1975 Season Tri County Champs My Junior Year Number 36, Dec 7, 2015 - YouTube
Upload - YouTube
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Alec Krieder May 12, 2007 David Ludwig Nov 13, 2005 Jessie Wise April 8, 2006 Young People Mur - YouTube
I have been a Targeted Individual, TI, and Victim since 1987. In 1987 I blew the whistle (public Allegations and
Complaints to State and Federal Authorities ...
Welcome to your electromagnetic concentration camp - YouTube
USED AGAINST AMERICAN TARGETED INDIVIDUALS First, all 315 million Americans a...
Richmond City Council ban spaced-based weapons - YouTube
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The Neuro Revolution - Full HD - YouTube
The Neuro Revolution is a Book recommendation for victims of Neuroscience research. The video is based on the
Book by the same name by author Zack Lynch. The...
Lawyer Dr Cordero exposes the fraud in Judiciary, Astounding Discoveries - YouTube

Atty Shawn Abrell on Wake Up America -
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Support Desk
Digital Angel Corp., Prior to Merger with Applied Digital Solutions, Inc.: Private Company Information - Businessweek
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Wake Up America - 6/16/14 - Atty Shawn Abrell part 1 - YouTube
Julianne McKinney on microwave harassment and mind control - YouTube
Julianne McKinney on microwave harassment and mind control - YouTube

3rd Circuit Valuation Nov 27, 2015

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Finance Calculator
The Historical Rate of Return for the Stock Market Since 1900 | Stock Picks System
Is 1% management fee typical for Wealth Management? Any recommendations on cheaper alternatives? - Nerdwallet
Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 Very Important

Audio Files

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Audio Account Channel for Yourlisten an audio website where users can upload, listen, share, download, search, embed and discuss audio
files which consist of podcasts, interviews, sound bites, sound effects, ringtones, audio books and music.
Appointment with Dr. Brian Sullivan of Abbeyville Family Med Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Appointment with Dr. Brian Sullivan of Abbeyville Family Med uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
1979 Economic Analysis by Samuel P. Caterbone October 3, 201 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
1979 Economic Analysis by Samuel P. Caterbone October 3, 201 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #5 Side A September 28, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #5 Side A September 28, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #3 Side B September 26, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #3 Side B September 26, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #3 Side A September 26, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #3 Side A September 26, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #1 Side B September 12, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #1 Side B September 12, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #4 Side A September 26, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #4 Side A September 26, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #1 Side A September 12, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #1 Side A September 12, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #5 Side B September 28, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #5 Side B September 28, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Stan J. Caterbone Interview on Freedom From Covert Harassmen Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Stan J. Caterbone Interview on Freedom From Covert Harassmen uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Riverside Club re Screamin Daisies LOCKOUT November 7, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Riverside Club re Screamin Daisies LOCKOUT November 7, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Public Access to Court Electronic Records
Memo of October 28, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Memo of October 28, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Authentic 1987 Taped Recorded Audio Conversations of Crimina Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Authentic 1987 Taped Recorded Audio Conversations of Crimina uploaded by Stan.Caterbone

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Busser 302 Arrest Apr 5 2006 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Busser 302 Arrest Apr 5 2006 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Samuel Caterbone Tape #4 Side B September 26, 2015 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Samuel Caterbone Tape #4 Side B September 26, 2015 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
AUDIO: Robert Scheer Hosts Dennis Kucinichan Unpredictable American Original - Truthdig
In the third episode of Scheer Intelligence, eight-term Ohio congressman and two-time presidential candidate
Dennis Kucinich raps about the underbelly of U.S. politics going back to his days as Clevelands boy mayor in the
late 1970s. - 2015/11/28
FFCHS Conference Nov 16, 2015
Upload Music and Audio on Yourlisten
Upload Music and Audio on Yourlisten
The Jim Guest Show Week 3 with Dr. Hall and Dr. Robertson Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
The Jim Guest Show Week 3 with Dr. Hall and Dr. Robertson uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
The Jim Guest Show Week 4 with Dr. Hall and Dr. Robertson Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
The Jim Guest Show Week 4 with Dr. Hall and Dr. Robertson uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Jim Guest Show of Mind Control November 15, 2009 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Jim Guest Show of Mind Control November 15, 2009 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Dr. Hall and Jim Robertson on Jim Guest Show of November 22, Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Dr. Hall and Jim Robertson on Jim Guest Show of November 22, uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Call to Itunes Customer Service to Repair Apple ID in Iphone Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Call to Itunes Customer Service to Repair Apple ID in Iphone uploaded by Stan.Caterbone

AUDIO: Robert Scheer Hosts John KiriakouA Whistleblower on Torture - Truthdig

On Scheer Intelligence, KCRWs new podcast with Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer, John Kiriakou, author
of The Reluctant Spy: My Secret Life in the CIAs War on Terror, details his 15 years as a CIA analyst and
counterterrorism operations officer specializing in the Middle East. - 2015/12/11
Audio Appointment with Psychiatrist Al Shulz in January of 1 Uploaded by Stan.Caterbone at Your Listen
Audio Appointment with Psychiatrist Al Shulz in January of 1 uploaded by Stan.Caterbone
Audio Recording of False Imprisonment at Lancaster Parking.. Uploaded by SCaterbone at Your Listen
Audio Recording of False Imprisonment at Lancaster Parking.. uploaded by SCaterbone
Return Call from U.S. Attorney Christie Fawcett in 2010 Uploaded by SCaterbone at Your Listen
Return Call from U.S. Attorney Christie Fawcett in 2010 uploaded by SCaterbone

Christmas Songs

Diana Krall Christmas Songs - YouTube

Katy Perry - Show del entre Tiempo del SUPER BOWL
Mannheim Steamroller - Christmas - Full Album - YouTube
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Christmas Eve/ Sarajevo [Timeless Version] - YouTube
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Lady Gaga & Tony Bennett | "Winter Wonderland" | Christmas In Rockefeller 2014 - YouTube
Katy Perry - Show del entre Tiempo del SUPER BOWL
Sheryl Crow - "Merry Christmas Baby" - YouTube
Katy Perry - Show del entre Tiempo del SUPER BOWL

Dead Man Walking Tabs Dec 5, 2015

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FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 5, 2015
Lancaster County DA Releases Report on Fatal Police Shooting of Mentally Ill Man on North Queen Street in 2013
Blood Alcohol Calculator Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Julie McNamara
People You May Know | LinkedIn
1987 Burdette Tomlin Hospital Medical Records with Jim Warner Calling Stone Harbor Police - Phony Suicide Allegation
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Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re 806 Authentic Original Documents
From 1983 to 2006, November 18, 2015
The CGI Mission | Clinton Global Initiative
Advanced Media Group Capabilities Statement 1990 Apr 29 2007

Sol January 1, 2016

Stan Caterbone
Stan J. Caterbone U.S. Federal ELECTRONIC Court Filings for Thursday, December 31, 2015
3...2...1... - - Gmail
Kathleen Kane's racism comments challenge her "absolute immunity" to lawsuits. - The Morning Call
Messaging | LinkedIn
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Stan J. Caterbone United Nations Human Rights Council of Geneva Switzerland Complaint and Exhibit re U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control, October 4, 2009.pdf -
Self Publishing, Book Printing and Publishing Online - Lulu
adobe epub reader - SecureSearch
Download | Adobe Digital Editions
Advanced Media Group Press Release Re Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary December 17, 2015

Obstruction of Due Process Law

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Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Present the ISC Story as It Relates to U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and the
Federal False Claims Act December 18, 2015
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Lambert filed in this 28 U.S.C. &#167; 2254 habeas action. Also pending is the third iteration of a motion for
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Stan J. Caterbone (stan5j.5caterbone) 532 uploads | Scribd -
GoFundMe: #1 for Crowdfunding & Fundraising Websites
Don Eberly will not challenge Smucker for 16th district | Local News |
Lancaster Online - Cheney's top aide indicted; CIA leak probe continues - Oct 28, 2005
CIA: A History: John Ranelagh: 9780563362500: Books
CIA: A History [John Ranelagh] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This history of America's
Central Intelligence Agency traces the organization's 50 years of existence and the people who made it the world's
foremost secret service. Agency directors
Taylor Bradley | LinkedIn
valerie plame - Google Search
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With Executive
Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald Letter to Joseph Tate, Jim Guerin Attorney, Re Scooter Libby October 3, 2005
Tony Blair makes qualified apology for Iraq war ahead of Chilcot report | UK news | The Guardian
Former British PM admits mistakes and conflicts role in rise of Islamic State but defends armed intervention in
Ted Koppel Compares Donald Trump To Benito Mussolini | Video | Media Matters for America
President Obama - CBS News
Steve Kroft questions President Obama on topics including Russia&#039;s incursion in Syria, ISIS and the 2016
presidential race
George W Bush provides unlikely ally for Clinton, Obama as they counter Republicans on Islam | Fox News
Democrats are turning to an unlikely ally, George W.
Legal Aid Fund by Stan Caterbone - GoFundMe
Lancaster Freethought Society - Promoting positive atheism and the separation of church and state. Lancaster, PA
Promoting positive atheism and the separation of church and state. Lancaster, PA
Loss of Control: Lawyers' Greatest Fear - Attorney at Work - Attorney at Work
When lawyers are surveyed about what keeps them awake at night, their top issue is almost always feeling that their
offices or cases are out of control.
Marjorie Cohn: Want Endless War? Love the U.S. Empire? Well, Hillary Clintons Your Choice - Truthdig
If the candidates foreign policy record is any guide, a Hillary Clinton presidency would perpetuate and bolster some
of our most hateful national characteristics. - 2016/02/01
How U.S. Arms and Technology Were Transferred to Iraq
Julian Assange Arbitrarily Detained, a U.N. Panel Has Found - Truthdig
The panel is expected to announce Friday a finding that the WikiLeaks founders long stay in Ecuadors London
embassy is the result of improper actions by Sweden and Britain. - 2016/02/04
ONLINE REGISTRATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and
Surveillence Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone on March 25, 2016
ONLINE REGISTRATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and
Surveillence Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone on March 25, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File
(.txt) or read online for free. ONLINE REGISTRATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From
Covert Harassment and Surveillence Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone on March 25, 2016
Gmail - Email to All Contacts Re NOTICE Official Dissolution of FFCHS March 25, 2016
Gmail - Email to All Contacts Re NOTICE Official Dissolution of FFCHS March 25, 2016 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Gmail - Email to All Contacts Re NOTICE Official Dissolution of
FFCHS March 25, 2016
TalkShoe - Call - PACTS, International
History-Changing FBI Whistleblowers Reveal Themselves in '1971'
On March 8, 1971, a group of anti-war activists broke into an FBI office in Media, Pa., and subsequently changed
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the course of history, blowing the whistle on illegal surveillance and bully tactics employed by J. Edgar Hoover and
his government agency.In spite of one of the biggest FBI dragnets in history
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With Executive

Truthdig Articles

Chris Hedges: The Great Forgetting - Chris Hedges - Truthdig

Americas refusal to fund and sustain its intellectual and cultural heritage has come with an enormous cost. We are
now paying the bill. - 2016/01/10
Chris Hedges: The Mirage of Justice - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
There seldom are trials for the poor. Instead, under threat of draconian sentences, they are forced to accept plea
bargains. The system is a sham set up for elites with godlike powers who seek to advance themselves and their
agendas at the expense of the downtrodden.&nbsp; - 2016/01/17
Chris Hedges: Pity the Children - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
If we continue to ignore the hunger, poverty and desperate families and communities of our young, we guarantee
there will be a huge, violent population plagued by crime, drug addiction and high incarceration rates. If we save the
children, we save society. - 2016/01/31

Micah RIP

Inbox - - Gmail

(2) Twitter
Lincoln-Reagan Dinner 2016 featuring Senator Rand Paul - YouTube
President Obama - CBS News
About Us |
State police investigate prison death of Cortney Fry killer Micah Stewart, autopsy results pending | Local News |
Convicted killer dies at Montco prison
State police investigate prison death of Cortney Fry killer Micah Stewart, autopsy results pending | Local News |
Court: No relief for Micah Stewart, killer of 19-year-old girlfriend in Columbia | News |
I hate you Micah Stewart | News |

Julian Assange & Me

Credit Occupy in Bernie Sanders' Surge - - Gmail

Julian Assange Arbitrarily Detained, a U.N. Panel Has Found - Truthdig
Stan Caterbone
Edit Profile | LinkedIn
Ten Years Ago Today a Dixie Chick Dared to Hit Bush on Warand a Hate Campaign Began | The Nation
The group's career suffered over Natalie Maines' comment against invading Iraq.
Attorney General warns of new 'phishing' scam | Local News |
Attorney General warns of new 'phishing' scam | Local News |

Obama v. Snowden

Inbox (6) - - Gmail

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UPS: Tracking Information
Obama in 2007: No more spying on citizens who are not suspected of a crime - YouTube
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Lancaster Freethought Society - Promoting positive atheism and the separation of church and state. Lancaster, PA
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things' - YouTube
Statement and Video of False Imprisonment at NSA National Security Agency at Ft Meade, Maryland of - YouTube
Trang Do | LinkedIn
Edward Snowden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trang Do | LinkedIn
Edward Snowden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - ash carter invoice

Complaint to ICE

Inbox (1) - - Gmail

United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania-United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Messaging | LinkedIn
(1) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
When the CIA ran a LSD sex-house in San Francisco - San Francisco Chronicle
Email Re Registration of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Survellience in the State of Pennsylvania to ALL
CONTACTS on April 3, 2016
CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillence
Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group on March 25, 2016
Thomas L. Flannery, Intell investigative reporter, dies at 56 - Intelligencer Journal Lancaster, PA | HighBeam Research
Pro Financial Group Brochure
Guns, cash, 800 bags of heroin seized in Fremont Street raid | Local News |
Letter to Lancaster City Chief of Police Sam Gatshell June 25 2007
HSI Tip Form | ICE
Stan J Caterbone, International Signal Control or ISC, The CIA, The NSA, And U.S. Sponsored Mind Control in
Lancaster Pennsylvania - November 18, 2015 Copyright
usingmind control aginst the us - Google Search
Did Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge Put Stan Caterbone on the Terrorist NoFly List in or Around 2004 November
16, 2015
My History as a Victim Of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and Resume - peacepink
How horse rides for children are helping to heal in Lancaster County | Insider |
There's just a scrap of sign marking Green Meadow Farm in Leola. But there's no mistaking it, sign or not.

2 Reaserch Documents links

Classic Tracks: My Life, Billy Joel | Mixonline

Facebook Rules About Swearing | Business & Entrepreneurship -
While Facebook generally promotes free speech, there are some exceptions when it comes to hateful or harassing
content. Generally, cursing and swearing is not against Facebook's Terms or ...
Navy Yard killer eyed revenge | New York Post
Aaron Alexis and extremely low frequency attacks: Truth or fiction? | Washington Times Communities
Ultra low frequency attack ... [are] what has driven me to this. - Aaron Alexis
By Julianne McKinney - Microwave_Harassment_And_Mind_Control_Experimentation.pdf
v. City of Lancaster 08-02982
Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential: James Moore, Wayne Slater: 0723812622771: Books - The Military's Pandora's Box by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning
Sanity for Superheroes: O.A.K.: New Physics-Sythetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars
Local veteran to appear on CNN special - - - News Source for Jacksonville, North Carolina -
42 days after "microwave mind control" complaint, Alexis kills 12 | Washington Times Communities

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Alexis complained that persons were ...keep(ing) him awake by talking to himusing some sort of microwave
U.S. Department of Homeland Security seal, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services logo
Activist Post: Report: Was Navy Yard Shooter Gangstalked with Mind Control Microwave Weapons?
AFFIDAVIT to Judge Stewart Dalzall in Authored in 1998 With DOCKET of 5-14-Cv-02559-PD False Arrests No
Trespass Notices August 19, 2015
Mind Wars - Kindle edition by Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @
Navy Yard Shooter Had Mind Control Group Contact - National Human Rights |
Navy Yard tragedy's Aaron Alexis was reportedly in contact with an electronic surveillance and mind control
"human rights support group" two weeks before killin
The Robing Room
Pentagon plans telepathic troops that can read each others' minds
Pentagon plans telepathic troops that can read each others' minds
FFCHS Home - Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance
Nebraska killer contradicted trial testimony to state senator in COINTELPRO case - National Cointelpro |
Mind Wars by Jonathan D Moreno review | Books | The Guardian
Jim Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Movant legal definition of Movant
David R. Cook Sr., 64, Founded Penna. Convenience-store Chain - philly-archives
In Contraventoin of Cenventional Wisdom - wisdom.pdf
PNC Bank - Personal Banking
Wells Fargo - Session Time Out
Lisa Lambert Faces Jail Again For Slaying The Lancaster County Woman's Murder Conviction Was Reinstated By A
Federal Appeals Panel. - philly-archives
ABC News Documentary Reveals Secret Government Mind Control Project MKULTRA - National US Intelligence |
In 1979, just two years after U.S. Senate hearings revealed disturbing information about a secret government mind
control program code-named Project MKULTRA, AB
Synthetic telepathy | Cyberbrain
Scientists Warn of Ethical Battle Concerning Military Mind Control - US News and World Report
The time for America to determine how to ethically use new neuroscience technologies in war is rapidly
The Legacy of the CIAs Secret LSD Experiments on America | Healthland |
Before LSD escaped the lab and was evangelized by hippies, the U.S. government was secretly testing the effects of
the drug on hundreds of unsuspecting American civilians and military personnel.
My ELF Weapon: More Proof Navy Yard Shooter Targeted with Mind Control Weapons | The Daily Sheeple
Reports are surfacing that the military contractor had carved My ELF Weapon and Better off this way into the
stock of his shotgun prior to the shootings.
Hillary's Alien Baby And 7 Other Out-of-This-World Tabloid Tales | Mother Jones
Peter A. Grossi | Obituaries |
Peter A. Grossi, 95, of Lancaster, PA, passed away on Friday, November 6, 2015 at Country Meadows Retirement
Man wounded in East Madison Street shooting | Local News |
A man suffered an injury that was not life-threatening in a shooting in the 700 block of East Madison Street around
11:30 p.m. Tuesday, police said. - Detained Cat Stevens heading home - Sep 22, 2004
The singer formerly known as Cat Stevens was making his way back to London Wednesday after being taken off a
diverted trans-Atlantic flight by U.S. officials.
The Steinmans should pack their LNP bags and move on |
LNP cannot conscientiously serve as the shepherd and at the same time be the wolf.
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David K. Bortzfield | DeBord Snyder Funeral Home & Crematory
David K. Bortzfield, 59, of Lititz, died at home on Friday, May 20, 2011. Born in Lancaster, he was the son of the
late J. Robert Bortzfield and Virginia S
FREMONT ST Neighborhood
BAC Blood Alcohol Calculator Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
81 Percent of Islamic State-Linked Suspects Charged in the U.S. Are American - Truthdig
None of the Islamic State-linked suspects ever charged in the United States came from Syria, and the overwhelming
majority were born here, research shows. - 2015/11/21
Nigger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Libel and Slander legal definition of Libel and Slander
Definition of Libel and Slander in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What
is Libel and Slander? Meaning of Libel and Slander as a legal term. What does Libel and Slander mean in law?
Vote on medical marijuana next week? | News |
HARRISBURG - After years of discussion, Pennsylvania lawmakers appear poised to cast a historic vote next week
that could legalize medical marijuana.
Panhandlers less common in downtown Lancaster | Local News |
Panhandling has declined at least 50 percent in downtown Lancaster, according to the Lancaster City Alliance, a
survey of city shoppers and some downtown retailers.
Marriott expansion plan would include 105 new hotel rooms, demolition of 3 downtown buildings | Local News |
The citys Historical Commission got its first look at plans for a 12-story, 105-room expansion of the Lancaster
Marriott at Penn Square.
The Danger of Politically Correct History By Callista Gingrich
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Envirolet Composting Toilets are an environment-friendly sanitation solution for homes, cottage, cabins and more.
1250 Fremont St to 114 Old Stonehouse Rd N - Google Maps
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1250 Fremont St to 114 Old Stonehouse Rd N - Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Millersville University - The Review Magazine
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AG Kathleen Kane says removal attempt is unconstitutional, plans to appoint special prosecutors |
In her statement, Kane said she intends to vigorously defend the Office of Attorney General against any and all
future efforts by this committee or the Senate as a whole.
AG Kathleen Kane says removal attempt is 'unconstitutional,' plans to appoint special prosecutors |
Attorney General Kathleen Kane, in responding to news of the Senate's possible removal process moving forward,
vowed to challenge to constitutionality of the action.
The FRONTLINE Interview: Diane Roark | United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE | PBS
Diane Roark served as a top staff member on the House Intelligence Committee from 1985 to 2002. She fought to
end the NSA's post-9/11 warrantless wiretapping initiative, telling FRONTLINE she considered the program
"unethical, immoral, politically stupid, illegal and unconstitutional."
Callista Gingrich: Learning history is a civic responsibility | New Hampshire
As someone who had a front row seat to New Hampshire's presidential nominating contest four years ago, I was
impressed with the voters' commitment to this civic responsibility.
Brandeis Brief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Community focus puts Bank of Bird-in-Hands growth ahead of schedule | Local Business |
Since opening in December 2013, Bank of Bird-in-Hand has made a habit of doing things its way.
Children at play on 'Tommy's Field' | News |
"Soccer is the in thing right now," said Jefferson, president of the Schreiber center in East Hempfield Township.
"Here, kids can learn and play the game of soccer, and when
Bing Trends 2015
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Explore the moments that moved us and people who made 2015 memorable @Bing #TopSearches2015
Mary (Mimm) Grossi | Obituaries |
Mary (Mimm) Grossi, 92, of Lancaster, died Sunday, December 13, 2015 at Hospice &amp; Community Care,
Mount Joy.
Pope Francis recognises second Mother Teresa 'miracle' - BBC News
Pope Francis recognises a second miracle attributed to Mother Teresa, clearing the way for the Roman Catholic nun
to be made a saint next year.
Truthdig - 40 Years On, the Vietnam War Continues for Victims of Agent Orange
A Vietnamese delegation is in the U.S. to support a bill that would help remedy this humanitarian crisis, which
inflicts suffering on both the old and the newly born. The U.S. has a moral obligation to make this bill law. -
Petition update Over 66,000 Strong!
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Management Directives
At Linden Hall, diverse backgrounds meet basketball culture | Basketball |
A core group of seniors, including players with international backgrounds, helped fuel the Lions' 9-1 start to the
Medical marijuana bill passes Pa. House, will be sent to Gov. Wolf |
The Pennsylvania House passed the bill Wednesday, 149-46, approving legislation that had bounced between the
House and Senate starting last May.
Lancaster Co. prosecutor, detective to be on TV to talk about 'rape' foiled by fitness tracker | Local News |
Data from an activity tracker led to criminal charges in a claimed rape but not against who you might expect.
Juan Cole: Panama Papers Revelation of Assad Familys Stolen Wealth Helps Explain the Syrian Revolution - Juan Cole -
The revelation in the leaked Panama Papers that Mossack Fonseca and HSBC serviced the companies of corrupt
Syrian billionaire Rami Makhlouf (first cousin of dictator Bashar Assad) long after the U.S. imposed sanctions on
him is a reminder of why Syrians revolted against the regime in 2011. - 2016/04/06
Scientists Warn of Ethical Battle Concerning Military Mind Control - US News and World Report
The time for America to determine how to ethically use new neuroscience technologies in war is rapidly
Navy Yard Shooter Had Mind Control Group Contact - National Human Rights |
Navy Yard tragedy's Aaron Alexis was reportedly in contact with an electronic surveillance and mind control
"human rights support group" two weeks before killin
The Legacy of the CIAs Secret LSD Experiments on America | Healthland |
Before LSD escaped the lab and was evangelized by hippies, the U.S. government was secretly testing the effects of
the drug on hundreds of unsuspecting American civilians and military personnel.
My ELF Weapon: More Proof Navy Yard Shooter Targeted with Mind Control Weapons | The Daily Sheeple
Reports are surfacing that the military contractor had carved My ELF Weapon and Better off this way into the
stock of his shotgun prior to the shootings.
Activist Post: Report: Was Navy Yard Shooter Gangstalked with Mind Control Microwave Weapons?
Aaron Alexis and extremely low frequency attacks: Truth or fiction? | Washington Times Communities
Ultra low frequency attack ... [are] what has driven me to this. - Aaron Alexis
Navy Yard killer eyed revenge | New York Post
42 days after "microwave mind control" complaint, Alexis kills 12 | Washington Times Communities
Alexis complained that persons were ...keep(ing) him awake by talking to himusing some sort of microwave

Lisa M Release

Love, Murder, and Corruption in Lancaster County: My Story: Lisa Michelle Lambert and David Brown: 9781933822884:
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017 Books
Love, Murder, and Corruption in Lancaster County: My Story [Lisa Michelle Lambert and David Brown] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The police and prosecutorial misconduct was not only
outrageous, but also led directly to the conviction of a woman we have found by clear and convincing evidence to
have been actually innocent of first-degree murder. So said Philadelphia federal court judge Stewart Dalzell in 1997
as he overturned Lisa Lambert s 1992 conviction for the murder of her supposed romantic rival
Advanced Media Group Rebuttal to LNP - In a Killers Words Lisa Michelle Lambert, Nearly 25 Years Since Laurie
Shows Murder, LAMBERT Claims Innocence in New Book Published in Sunday News Front Page on January 31, 2016
President Obama just commuted 95 sentences. How do presidential commutations and pardons work? - The Washington
Here is a simple guide to pardons, commutations and why President Obama has released dozens of offenders this
year. Stan J. Caterbone's review of Love, Murder, and Corruption in Lancaster ...
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Love, Murder, and Corruption in Lancaster County: My Story
at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
Former inmates get lunch with President Obama | Fusion

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MassTimes - Map
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June 17, 2016

Michelle Gershfeld | LinkedIn

Inbox - - Gmail
EMERGENCY INJUCTION v Fulton Bank Recorded April 14, 2010 Filed on April 1, 2010 in US District Court -
Chester Springs man co-authors murder novel
Court rejects man's claim that Lancaster County's residents are torturing him with mind control |
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) |
Federal Court Case No. 05-2288 CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, Fulton Bank, et. al., OPEN Case and U.S.
Third Circuit Reversal of Dismissal for May 6, 2016
LNP analysis: Police in Lancaster County have paid out $2.4 million to settle allegations of excessive force | Local News |
Superior Court Case No. 2016 1164 EDA Kathleen Kane Appeal DOCKET Sheet With Stan J. Caterbone as AMICUS as
of May 17 2016 with AMICUS that was filed in Person in Philadelphia on May 12, 2016
Case No. 08-Cv-02982 U.S. District Court Re CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police Department and Pete Anders
Millersville University Police as of June 16, 2016
What We Know About The 300 ISIS Sympathizers In The U.S. | ThinkProgress

June 20, 2016

Michelle Gershfeld | LinkedIn

First Read: Morning Local News Headlines - - Gmail
The bizarre tenure of Kathleen Kane continues | Editorials |
Mind Control by Narcissists | Narcissism Meets Normalcy
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Satanists Infiltrate a Ritual Abuse Conference in Oakland: Your Guide to What Happened and Why | Religion Dispatches
EMERGENCY INJUCTION v Fulton Bank Recorded April 14, 2010 Filed on April 1, 2010 in US District Court -
Court rejects man's claim that Lancaster County's residents are torturing him with mind control |
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
RECORDED Case No. 15-03984 STATEMENT Re CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police Bureau and Family History of
Caterbone Family and the Lancaster City Police Bureau, June 18 2016
Is Lancaster County Harboring ISIS SYMPATHIZERS - Full Report - What We Know About the 300 ISIS Sympathizers
in the U.S., By Jane Harmon December 2015
Letter to Dr. Sivia Gratz, Fairmount Behavioral Health Systems June 19, 2016
CD-ROM Certified Mail Reciepts, Letters, And USPS Priority Mail Labels June 20, 2016

Main Tabs of Dec 23, 2015

Edit Profile | LinkedIn

Stan J. Caterbone (stan5j.5caterbone) 645 uploads | Scribd -
Stan Caterbone - YouTube
Account | News, Comment and Culture for Lancaster County Your Lancaster County News, Sports & Weather Source
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Erin Andrews | Filmography, Relationships, Photos
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Stan J. Caterbone Bio
Stan Caterbone
Christie Brinkley John Mellencamp Engaged Rumors Singer Wants To Marry The Model But Shes Holding Him Off
| Radar Online
John Mellencamp - Authority Song - YouTube
John Mellencamp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lisa-Germano - Lisa Germano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gibbons: What was he thinking? - The Intelligencer: Margaret Gibbons | Montgomery County politics | Courthouse
While always politically ambitious, Democratic Montgomery County Commissioners Chairman Josh Shapiro is one
of the most cautious politicians that I know.
Live Blog: Sparks Fly Between Sanders and Clinton in Flint Showdown (Updated) - Truthdig
Both the setting of Sunday nights Democratic debate in Flint, Mich., and the timing were significant. Update: The
two Democratic presidential hopefuls united front came tumbling down, and news broke that Sanders had won the
Maine caucuses. - 2016/03/06
Truthdigger of the Week: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Who Risked Her Career to Endorse Bernie Sanders - Truthdig
The Hawaii congresswoman defied Democratic leaders and resigned as vice chair of the Democratic National
Committee so she could promote the senator for president. Why? Because we need a commander in chief who has
foresight and exercises good judgment. - 2016/03/05
Chris Hedges: We All Are Islamic State - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The killings in Brussels or Paris and the killings in U.S. military strikes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria or
July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage
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Libya perpetuate the same dark lusts. The savage tit-for-tat game will not end until we rouse ourselves from our
hypnotized state.&nbsp; - 2016/03/27

Begin Again - 1904 The Begining of the Hate Crime

(1) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter

Congressman Robert Walker Pleading July 7 1991 Important
Inbox (1) - - Gmail
Gmail - Allstate Claim 0411061054 Your Recent Property Insurance Claim Has Been Successfully Submitted April 26,
Edit Profile | LinkedIn
Stan J. Caterbone United Nations Human Rights Council of Geneva Switzerland Complaint and Exhibit re U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control, October 4, 2009.pdf
Dixie Chicks - I Hope (Telethon) - YouTube
Amended COMPLAINT in U.S. District Court Case No. 05-2288 File on October 15, 2007
MAGIC! - Rude - YouTube
Letter to Mike Caterbone Re Response to Email and Lancaster County Ready to Work Graduate Certification With Job
Applications April 2, 2008
Upload a Document | Scribd
The Assaults on Stan J. Caterbone's Family Began on November 12, 1904 - According to the LNP New Era of the Same
Gmail - Allstate Claim 0411061054 Your Recent Property Insurance Claim Has Been Successfully Submitted April 26,

Federal False Claims Act

(2) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Stan Caterbone Football Scrapbook Senior Year Season 1975 June 24 2007 Created by Yolanda Caterbone
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Share petition Facebook: Remove pages that are reported and proven to be fake
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Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 Very Important for the Pflumms April 30, 2016
U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734 Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS
Owen Kugel, Appellant, v. United States of America, Appellee, 947 F.2d 1504 (D.C. Cir. 1991) :: Justia
Lancaster General Health wants to build a 126-bed mental health facility | Insider |

The Killing of a tI

Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter

MedExpress Pain Visit and Prescriptions for Pain on Tuesday, May 10, 2015
Edit Profile | LinkedIn
Inbox (1) - - Gmail
NSA Whistleblower Comes Out of the Shadows Into the Light | Canada Free Press
Recorded 15-03984 Habeus Case EXHIBIT Re - Pennsylvania Judge Quashes 650M Government
Mind Control Lawsuit September 28, 2013
Superior Court Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 and 1915 MDA 2015 MOTION to File EXHIBIT Re Recorded 15-03984
Habeus Case EXHIBIT Re Pennsylvania Judge Quashes 650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit Dated May11, 2016
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 EXHIBIT Re Corroborating Expert and Former Nsa Whistleblower Karen
Stewart's Disclosure of Electromagnetic Weapons Used to Kill May 12 - Copy
Trip to Philadelphia Courthouse Dockets and Filings of May 12, 2016
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The Killing of a TI - EXCLUSIVE Former NSA Employee Karen Stewart Speaks Out on Its Corruption With Stan J
Caterbone Habeus Filing May 13, 2016
EXCLUSIVE: Former NSA Employee Speaks Out on its Corruption | Canada Free Press
Kasia Anderson: Friends of Abe, Hollywood Conservatives Secret Society, Is Calling It Quits (Exclusive) - Truthdig
Heres a bit of breaking news that may have an impact on this election cycle: Friends of Abe, a secret organization
made up of some 1,500 right-leaning members of the Hollywood community, is dissolving. - 2016/04/21
Put Down the Tinfoil: Science Ministry Insists Mind Control Not Possible - Khaosod English
Touched With Fire, Spike Lee Movie re Bi Polar Disease June 20, 2016 - YouTube
Touched With Fire, Spike Lee Movie re Bi Polar Disease June 20, 2016
Video of the Movie IN YOUR EYES about 2 People That Are Telepathic Made In 2013, Published June 18, - YouTube
Video of the Movie IN YOUR EYES about 2 People That Are Telepathic Made In 2013, Published June 18,
Here's how psychologists can 'implant' thoughts in your brain - Tech Insider
People are way too easily influenced.
Satanists Infiltrate a Ritual Abuse Conference in Oakland: Your Guide to What Happened and Why | Religion Dispatches
U.S. household incomes grow; highest incomes grow the most | Nation |
America enjoyed broad-based income growth in 2014, but the country's top 1 percent did even better, according to
new Internal Revenue Service data.

Rental Zone Assault

Michelle Gershfeld | LinkedIn

Inbox - - Gmail
Public meeting on gas pipeline ends in chaos, federal officials leaving stage | Local News |
Chester Springs man co-authors murder novel
Court rejects man's claim that Lancaster County's residents are torturing him with mind control |
(22) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Letter to Dave Brown of Pearson, Koutcher Law Firm of June 14, 2016 With Docs
MJ 02102-Cv-0000137 Notice to Defend MDJ David Miller June 13, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Capabilities Marketing Brochure Produced for Pflumm Contractors in 1995
Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Documentation as a Contractor for the Department of Defense in 1990
Letter to Edward M. Marsico, Jr. District Attorney of June 15, 2016
Chapter 27 - Title 18 - CRIMES AND OFFENSES
FBI Overview
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Keanu Reeves Is Building Custom Bikes, And They Look Awesome
Keanu Reeves will build your dream hog from the ground up. For a price.


What We Know About The 300 ISIS Sympathizers In The U.S. | ThinkProgress
There is a small but active cadre of individuals infatuated with ISIS ideology in the U.S. according to a new
report from the Program on Extremism at the George Washington University.
NewsBusters |
The American Police State | Fight "Gang Stalking"
__________________________________________________________ Everyone has either personally experienced
- or witnessed someone else experience - a dog straining against its leash to the point where the dog is essentially
taking its owner for a walk, rather than the other way around. Currently, America is the dog owner, and the dog
taking us for a walk is the
The Irish Mafia : The Oldest Gang In USA [ Crime Documentary ] - YouTube
The Dixie Chicks debuted their song "I Hope" on the telethon raising money for those caught in Hurricane Katrina.
They released an awesome version of the son...
Editorial: Amid political arguments, there are still reasons for optimism and celebration this Fourth of July | Opinion |
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
As we head into a presidential election, polls show Americans are more frustrated than any other time in recent
memory. Both presidential candidates are historically unpopular. The debate over issues
The Report of the Iraq Inquiry Executive Summary July 6, 2016
The Report of the Iraq InquiryExecutive Summary Report of a Committee of Privy Counsellors HC 264 Return to
an Addres...
Conspiracy Theories About Dallas Cop Shootings | News One
The conspiracy theories have already started as racial tensions rise over the deaths of two unarmed Black men, and
the Dallas cop shootings

Amicus Stall


Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Case eFiling
Messaging | LinkedIn
Wired. Mind-Control Research | Covert Harassment UK | LinkedIn
"Amicus Curiae Brief" filing WSPRED00082210 rejected for case "Com. v. Kane, K." (1164 EDA 2016) - - Gmail
Case eFiling
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. EDA 1164-16 Re Kathleen Kane Amicus in Support of Motion to Quash,April
28, 2016 Filed on May 2, 2016 Final Verification
Advanced Media Group-High-American Helix 1989 to 1991 Documents for Anti-Trust Litigation May 1, 2016
17 Closed Cases in the Superior Court of Pennsylvania - Appellate Courts Docket Sheets Cases for Stan J. Caterbone May
3, 2016
9 US Third Circuit Court of Appeals CASES and FULL DOCKETS for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone as of May 3,
Private Criminal Complaint - 1252 Fremont Street on March 30, 2016
Is Oct. sale of Daniel Groff property the final chapter in tragic story? | News |
How do Olympians make a living? | Local Business |
The Lancaster-based U.S. Olympic women's field hockey team is a full-time job with a stipend. Many add side jobs,
such as private coaching, or look for sponsorships.


Inbox - - Gmail

Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief June 27, 2016 Work in Progress
Ver 6.0 With Exhibits
Matthew M. Barasch, Esq. | LinkedIn
Latest human cloning claims leave sour taste | New Scientist
Community - upload
Criminal Court Case 3179-2007 FLEEING CHARGE Sentencing and Trial Transcript Copy July 1, 2016
Lancaster City Police Department 302 (Mulslim Brotherhood Email Included) Mental Health Warrant of July 9, 2015 and
COURT ORDER of 303 Hearing
Classic Tracks: My Life, Billy Joel | Mixonline
Christie Brinkley 'wants to make John Mellencamp her FIFTH husband' | Daily Mail Online
John Mellencamp - Walk Tall - YouTube
From SEALs to startups: Special ops drawn to Silicon Valley | Nation |
SAN DIEGO (AP) Keith David spent years flying around the globe on covert missions, making life-and-death
decisions and overseeing multiple units unleashing airstrikes against insurgents. The former Navy SEAL
Iraq Inquiry
5 Crazy Weapons That Are Banned From War
Sadly, you cant use flamethrowers anymore.
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Party in the USA: America celebrates its independence | Local News |
From fireworks soaring above the Washington Monument to hot dogs being downed in New York City's frank-
eating contest, Americans aren't shy about celebrating their nation's birthday. Many places are rolling
Veteran used vest, military-style rifle in Dallas sniper slayings that killed 5 officers | National |
DALLAS (AP) The black Army veteran who killed five Dallas police officers donned a protective vest and used
a military-style semi-automatic rifle in the sniper slayings, officials said, an
I Saw It Coming, Says Iraq Vet Of ISIS Rise
National Guard vets remember the base that will now be a hub for Iraqi and American troops to attack the Islamic

Trip to Philadelphia Filings to Third Circuit Case 16-3298 and US District Case No. 16-Cv-4014 CATERBONE v. United
States of America, August 5, 2016

BellTel Girl Music Videos

Dido - Thank You - YouTube

Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Jennifer Lawrence - Hanging Tree (Lyrics) - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Dido - White Flag (Official Video) - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Evanescence - My Immortal - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Seether feat. Amy Lee - Broken ft. Amy Lee - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Nickelback - Someday - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Train - Drops of Jupiter (Official Video) - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
3 Doors Down - Kryptonite - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Train - Meet Virginia - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Hootie And The Blowfish - Let Her Cry (Video) - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Matchbox Twenty - 3AM [Official Video] - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Fast car -Tracy Chapman - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Tracy Chapman - Give me one reason - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...

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Yusuf Islam - Peace Train - OUTSTANDING! - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Cat Stevens - Tea For The Tillerman - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Cat Stevens - Teaser And The Firecat" - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Dire Straits Greatest Hits Essential Album Songs - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
R.E.M. In Time: The Best Of R.E.M. 1988 - 2003 - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Cat Stevens - The Very Best of Cat Stevens Full Album - YouTube
Dido's official music video for 'Thank You'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify:
/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoTY As featured on Greatest Hits. Cl...
Daryl Hall & John Oates - "Abandoned Luncheonette" (Full Album) - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Linkin Park - Numb (Official Video) - YouTube
Music video by Evanescence performing My Immortal. (C) 2004 Wind-Up Records, LLC
Nickelback - Photograph - YouTube
2007 WMG Photograph Buy it on iTunes: See Nickelback on the worldwide 'No Fixed
Address' Tour. Get your tickets now: http://www.nickel...
Let The River Run - Carly Simon - YouTube
Info: Website:
James Taylor - Sweet Baby James (1970) (Full Album) HD - YouTube
Info: Website:
Coming Around Again / Itsy Bitsy Spider - Carly Simon - YouTube
Info: Website:
Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made for Walkin' - YouTube
Nancy Sandra Sinatra is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of the late singer/actor Frank Sinatra
and is widely known for her 1966 signature...
The Animals - The House of the Rising Sun (The best video top 10 of all time) Mafia 3 - YouTube
Nancy Sandra Sinatra is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of the late singer/actor Frank Sinatra
and is widely known for her 1966 signature...
The kinks - Lola - YouTube
Nancy Sandra Sinatra is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of the late singer/actor Frank Sinatra
and is widely known for her 1966 signature...
Eric Clapton - Layla - YouTube
Nancy Sandra Sinatra is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of the late singer/actor Frank Sinatra
and is widely known for her 1966 signature...
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (HD) - YouTube
Nancy Sandra Sinatra is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of the late singer/actor Frank Sinatra
and is widely known for her 1966 signature...
Lynyrd Skynyrd-Free bird - YouTube
Nancy Sandra Sinatra is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of the late singer/actor Frank Sinatra
and is widely known for her 1966 signature...
The Logical Song - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Goodbye Stranger (2010 Remastered) - YouTube
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Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Casual Conversations (2010 Remastered) - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
Harry Chapin--Taxi - YouTube
"Baby's so high that shes skying, yeah she's flying afraid to fall, I'll tell you why Baby's crying, cuz' she's dying
arent we all". The greatest person to f...
American Pie - Don McLean - Full Length 1989 Video from Original 1971/72 Song - YouTube
"Baby's so high that shes skying, yeah she's flying afraid to fall, I'll tell you why Baby's crying, cuz' she's dying
arent we all". The greatest person to f...
Billy Joel - Piano Man - YouTube
"Baby's so high that shes skying, yeah she's flying afraid to fall, I'll tell you why Baby's crying, cuz' she's dying
arent we all". The greatest person to f...
Al Stewart - Year Of The Cat - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Taylor Swift - Shake It Off - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Passenger - Let Her Go [Official Video] - YouTube
Get "Roar" from Katy Perry's 'PRISM': Official music video for Katy Perry's "Roar"
brought to you in Junglescope directed by Grady H...
Rihanna - Umbrella (Pepsi Smash) - YouTube
Music video by Adele performing Someone Like You. (C) 2011 XL Recordings Ltd
Blake Shelton - "Lonely Tonight" featuring Ashley Monroe (Official Video) - YouTube
Blake Shelton - "Lonely Tonight" featuring Ashley Monroe (Official Video) https://twitter.c...
Wildflower (Deluxe Edition) - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
The Corrs Unplugged - MTV unplugged full concert - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
The Cranberries - MTV Unplugged (Full Concert) - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
P!nk - Just Give Me A Reason ft. Nate Ruess - YouTube
Official music video for Katy Perry's "Firework" off her album 'Teenage Dream'. Director: Dave Meyers. Producers:
Robert Bray & Danny Lockwood. Get 'Teenage ...
paula cole where have all the cowboys gone - YouTube
Official music video for Katy Perry's "Firework" off her album 'Teenage Dream'. Director: Dave Meyers. Producers:
Robert Bray & Danny Lockwood. Get 'Teenage ...
P!nk - Get The Party Started - YouTube
From the album The Truth About Love. Available Now on iTunes P!nk's DVD
"The Truth About Love Tour - Live from Melbourne" Av...
P!nk - So What - YouTube
From the album The Truth About Love. Available Now on iTunes P!nk's DVD
"The Truth About Love Tour - Live from Melbourne" Av...
Lady Gaga - "What's Up" 4 Non Blondes Live Cover at #artRaveVienna - YouTube
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Live footage and vocals from the sound board from #artRaveVienna, Lady Gaga singing 4 Non Blondes' "What's
4 Non Blondes - What's Up - YouTube
My Lady Pink.... The Best!!
3 doors down - Kryptonite / Superman (Music video)(Lyrics) - YouTube
2005 WMG Let Her Cry (Video)
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 "The Hanging Tree" [HD] - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
The Key Studio Sessions: The Innocence Mission | The Key
The new album from Lancaster folk trio The Innocence Mission shows that even at their 30-year mark, it can still
reach those same emotional centers in a collection of songs about memory, family and travel.
Natalie Merchant - Wonder
Maddie & Tae - Girl In A Country Song - YouTube
Find Girl Crush at all retailers and streaming services or click here: Music video
by Little Big Town performing Girl Crush....
David Bowie -Best of Bowie(2002) [FULL ALBUM] (disc 1) - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
The Wallflowers - One Headlight - YouTube
Music video by The Wallflowers performing One Headlight. (C) 2005 Interscope Records
Closer To You - The Wallflowers - YouTube
The Wallflowers , banda de Los Angeles, Califrnia , liderada por Jakob Dylan . Formada em 1989 e originalmente
conhecida como The Apples, o conjunto passou ...
The Wallflowers - Closer to You - YouTube
The Wallflowers - 6th Avenue Heartache - YouTube
Talking Heads - "Burning Down The House" - YouTube
Social Distortion - Story of My Life - YouTube
social distortions studio version of ring of fire
Social Distortion- Ring of Fire - YouTube
Social Distortion's official music video for 'Story Of My Life'. Click to listen to Social Distortion on Spotify:
Keira Knightley | "Like A Fool" (Begin Again Soundtrack) | Interscope - YouTube
Keira Knightley performs "Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home" from Begin Again. Buy the soundtrack now: Connect with Begin Aga...
OneRepublic - Counting Stars - YouTube
Keira Knightley performs "Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home" from Begin Again. Buy the soundtrack now: Connect with Begin Aga...
The Eagles Farewell Tour - YouTube
Keira Knightley | "Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home" (Begin Again Soundtrack) | Interscope - YouTube
Keira Knightley performs "Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home" from Begin Again. Buy the soundtrack now: Connect with Begin Aga...
SCinfo - Sheryl Crow - Live! - 2005 Index
John Mellencamp - Pink Houses - YouTube
Music video by John Mellencamp performing Authority Song. (C) 1984 John Mellencamp under exclusive license
to The Island Def Jam Music Group
Twenty One Pilots - Stressed Out (Tomsize Remix) - YouTube
Soundcloud: Spotify: iTunes: Google
Play: Support Trap...
Adele - Send My Love (To Your New Lover) - YouTube
Send My Love (To Your New Lover)' is taken from the new album, 25, out now. Available now
from iTunes Available...
In Your Eyes 2015 HD new Hollywood thriller movie - YouTube
Selena Gomez - Kill Em With Kindness - YouTube
Send My Love (To Your New Lover)' is taken from the new album, 25, out now. Available now
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from iTunes Available...
Green Day - 21 Guns [Official Music Video] - YouTube
Send My Love (To Your New Lover)' is taken from the new album, 25, out now. Available now
from iTunes Available...
Eminem - Stan (Long Version) ft. Dido - YouTube
Download this song: Spotify: -
SUBSCRIBE! **Support my vid...
The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony - YouTube
Download this song: Spotify: -
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RUNAGROUND | Chase You Down | Official Music Video - YouTube
Download this song: Spotify: -
SUBSCRIBE! **Support my vid...
Avril Lavigne - Sippin' On Sunshine (Music Video) - YouTube
UNOFFICIAL Music video by Avril Lavigne performing Sippin' On Sunshine. (C) 2014 Epic
Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment. Buy the "Avril La...
Rachel Platten - Fight Song (Official Video) - YouTube
UNOFFICIAL Music video by Avril Lavigne performing Sippin' On Sunshine. (C) 2014 Epic
Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment. Buy the "Avril La...
Joan Osborne - What If God Was One Of Us - YouTube
Joan Osborne - What If God Was One Of Us Lyrics If God had a name what would it be? And would you call it to
his face? If you were faced with him In all his ...
SHOWER THE PEOPLE by The Dixie Chicks - YouTube
Add "&fmt=18" for the stereo version. This is from a tribute-to-James-Taylor wankfest
Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass - YouTube
Get OneRepublics new single KIDS, out now: Spotify: iTunes:
/KIDS_1R Sign up for updates: http://smarturl....

Research Links to Documents

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland : Email Me

The official website of the U.S. Representative for Georgia's 3rd congressional district, serving since 2007.
Kennett, MO Chamber of Commerce
Cathy O'Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim - YouTube
Alex welcomes to the Infowars studio Dr. John Hall, anesthesiologist and author of "Satellite Terrorism" to discuss
the facts of the possibilities of Governm...
Syrians Under Siege Since July Say They Are Eating Leaves and Dying of Starvation - Truthdig
Roughly 30,000 residents of a Syrian town a few dozen miles from the capital, Damascus, say they are trapped and
dying of starvation as a result of a monthslong siege by forces loyal to President Bashar Assad. - 2016/01/07
JFK and the CIA: Mortal Enemies?
John Kennedy, rather than being an enemy of the Central Intelligence Agency, was a supporter who was strongly
supportive of covert operations
Over 50 Pa. faith leaders urge passage of medical marijuana bill | Local News - WGAL Home
A group of Pennsylvania's religious leaders have planned a rally at the State Capitol on Wednesday.
Behind The Blue Wall: [PA] Domestic violence victim Rosa Torres-Sadler's letter to Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor
The CIA Mind Control Doctors: From Harvard to Guantanamo CCHR International
Georgia GOP leaders suggest Obama is using mind-control - CBS46 News
The debate is firing up over a controversial seminar held at the state capitol.
Obama Funds Development Of Mind Control Implants, For Real | | Mr. Conservative is the top
website for news, political cartoons, breaking news, republican election news, conservative facts and commentary on
political elections
Mr. Conservative is the top website for news, political cartoons, breaking news, republican election news,
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conservative facts and commentary on political elections.
Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed: Leaked Document
Whistleblower Reveals Military Mind Control Project At Major University
Why You Should Care about Pentagon Funding of Obama's BRAIN Initiative - Cross-Check - Scientific American Blog
Judge Quashes $650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit | Truthstream Media
Obama Interrogation Official Linked to U.S. Mind Control Research | The Public Record
A new article at Truthout I co-wrote with author and investigative journalist H.P. Albarelli describes how the CIAs
Artichoke Project was the contemporaneous
Usage Statistics for - October 2015 | Day Trading: Your Dollars at Risk
The facts and risks you should know about day trading, which involves the rapidly buying and selling of stocks
throughout the day hoping that stocks will continue climbing or falling in value for the seconds to minutes they are
CIA torture survivors sue psychologists who designed infamous program | US news | The Guardian
Psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen targeted in lawsuit by ACLU on behalf of suspects who were
subjected to mock drowning and more - The Military's Pandora's Box by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning
Commodore CDTV | Video Game Console Library
History, technical specs, pictures and indepth review of the Commodore CDTV video game console.
Brain fingerprint is as unique as those on our hands RT USA
Edward Snowden: Clinton Made False Claim About Whistleblower Protection - Truthdig
The former government contractor accused Hillary Clinton of a lack of political courage for asserting that he
bypassed options for disclosing illegal government spying programs that would have granted him whistleblower
protections. - 2015/10/17
Hidden Towers - Radio Frequency and Mind Control -
Smoking Gun on CIA Torture Conspiracy? Human Experimentation Central to EIT Program | The Public Record
Cynthia McKinney's Dissertation: Hugo Chavez, White Supremacy, COINTELPRO and Wikileaks | the narcosphere
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With Executive
Summary | Stan Caterbone | LinkedIn
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With
Executive Summary - Click Here For Document (Downloa
LNP analysis: Police in Lancaster County have paid out $2.4 million to settle allegations of excessive force | Local News |
Lay Institute Research on Telepathy
Shades of Rituals Beliefs- Guest Steven Jacobson Author of Mind Control in America 9/7/2009 - Sovereign Mind Radio
on Blog Talk Radio
Sonia Barrett - Sovereign Mind Radio
Did Christy Mirack's killer call the Sunday News? | News |
Police seek tips in teacher's 1992 slaying -
As a child, Christy Ann Mirack played teacher while her brother and sister pretended to be her students.
Federal Bureau of Investigation Seeking Information - Christy Ann Mirack
Scientists find you can reduce peoples' belief in God by directing magnetic energy into the brain - Telegraph
They found the same results when trying to reduce intolerance towards immigrants
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
News site providing: expert coverage of current affairs; thoughtful, provocative columnists, presented from a
progressive point of view.
CCSO Phonebook (Garofolo, John S. (Gaithersburg))
Notifications Disqus
The web's community of communities now has one central hub.
CIA - Table of Contents
Ninth Circuit Gives the A-OK For Warrantless Home Video Surveillance | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Can law enforcement enter your house and use a secret video camera to record the intimate details inside? On
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Tuesday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unfortunately answered that question with "yes."
RFID chip technology, ultimate human rights violation |
RFID chip technology is perhaps the ultimate covert weapon against humans, the ultimate means to abuse, to torture
to death an individual, and used en mass, the
Fulton Financial sees net profits fall 11.2% in Q3 | Local Business |
Fulton Financial on Tuesday reported an 11.2 percent drop in net profits for the third quarter.
Web Site Statistics and Logs - Omnis Network - Account Manager
Commodore News Page - News: Video - 1
This is the Commodore News Page. This web page will bring you Commodore related news every week. In this
section you can find news about: Video Page: 1
History Timeline for Technologies by John Giudice
A historical timeline of technology - This timeline is a continually growing effort to capture a broad timeline of the
improvements in technology by humanity.
Police checking if Sundays fatal shooting in Lancaster Twp. is linked to others in city | Local News |
Investigators not saying yet if they believe fatal shooting of Jared Weaver Sunday in Lancaster Twp. is related to
recent incidents in the city.
What does it mean when we say ISIS operates as a mind control cult?
Emotionally Disturbed/Mentally Ill Stalkers |
'Every breath you take, every move you make...I'll be watching you. '
Conflict Resolution Services Mediation
Bon Jovi Family Feud: The Hidden Records | The Smoking Gun
Public Documents, Mug Shots
David R. Cook Sr., 64, Founded Penna. Convenience-store Chain - philly-archives
David R. Cook Sr., 64, founder of Turkey Hill Minit Markets and a long-time benefactor of Villanova University,
died of heart failure Saturday at his home in Lancaster.Mr. Cook, who received a
Lisa Lambert Faces Jail Again For Slaying The Lancaster County Woman's Murder Conviction Was Reinstated By A
Federal Appeals Panel. - philly-archives
Lisa Michelle Lambert, the young Lancaster County woman whose life sentence for first-degree murder was
overturned in April, now faces a return to prison after a federal appeals court ruling
More shootings, more hunger for law and order | Smart Remarks
Pennsylvania First Degree Murder Laws - FindLaw
Chart providing details of Pennsylvania First Degree Murder Laws
Karl Rove
GAO-12-479, ELECTRONIC WARFARE: DOD Actions Needed to Strengthen Management and Oversight - 592211.pdf
LIP News J Wright Luke Karpathios
Thomas L. Flannery, Intell investigative reporter, dies at 56 - Intelligencer Journal Lancaster, PA | HighBeam Research
Thomas L. Flannery, an award-winning Intelligencer Journal investigative reporter, died... | Article from
Intelligencer Journal Lancaster, PA June 26, 2004
The American Express Company announced yesterday that Sanford I. Weill had resigned as president and that it had
named Louis V. Gerstner Jr., head of travel services, to succeed him. Mr. Weill's resignation came after months of
rumors that the strong-willed Wall Street executive was restless in the huge company and after he made at least two
unreported attempts to buy the troubled Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, which he headed, from American
Express. Mr. Gerstner, 43 years old, will assume the No. 2 post Aug. 1, when Mr. Weill's resignation becomes
effective. Mr. Weill will continue as a consultant to American Express until his employment contract expires in June
of 1986. The new president, described by associates as a consummate operations man, is credited with revitalizing
the company's travel division, now American Express's biggest profit center. [Page D5.] The company also
announced that it planned a partial divestiture of Fireman's Fund. [Page D5.] Mr. Weill, who is 52, made his mark
by forging a string of brokerage houses into what today is the giant Shearson Lehman Brothers investment banking
arm of American Express.
alexandra armstrong money magazine - Google Search
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The Birth of the Bloods, Crips and Latino Gangs | trappedinamasonicworld
The Bloods whose colours are red, are a street gang founded in Los Angeles, California, the gang is widely
known for its rivalry with the Crips, whose colours are blue. Theyre identified by the colours worn by their
members and by particular gang symbols, including distinctive secret hand signs and passwords [7]. Crips are
On two Lancasters, the causes of poverty in the city, and anticipating a way forward | Editorials |
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray said he'd name the members of his poverty commission after Labor Day. We ask him to
name them as soon as possible.
Human suffering on a huge scale: Europe's refugee crisis in pictures | World news | The Guardian
Images illustrate the enormous challenge facing Europe from refugee centres in Germany to hundreds walking
from Budapest to Austria
Weird Russian Mind-Control Research Behind Homeland Security Contract
The Department of Homeland Security will go anywhere to acquire the most-effective counter-terrorism technology,
even if it means traveling to a basement laboratory in the heart of the old Soviet empire to dabble in some pretty
dubious mind-control theory.
Randall Combines Schizophrenia and Mind Control Into An Amazing Platforming Experience | PAX Prime 2015 | The
Randall makes a tough plot look easy, and easy moves feel difficult.
FULT Message Board | Fulton Financial Corporation Stock - Yahoo! Finance
MB threadview page
Welcome to Pick 'em Up Productions
Harrisburg is awful, Lancaster is great, blah, blah, blah: Nancy Eshelman |
Per capita, I'm certain Lancaster is home to just as many drug addicts, people wielding illegal guns and thieves as
Old Black Panther versus New Black Panthers over Dhoruba bin Wahad beating - National Cointelpro |
Seventy-seven year-old Elbert Big Man Howard, one of the founding members of the original Black Panthers,
wrote a blistering critique of the New Black Panther
Tomberlin sentenced to 45 months | The Andalusia Star-News
Contact Your Representative - PA House of Representatives
Jayne Duncans Supreme Court Advantage |
daddy justice -
Looking Left, Leaning Right: Excerpt from Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America
A progressive perspective on world events since 1952.
Facebook mind control experiments linked to DoD research on civil unrest RT USA
Meet our Board - Welcome to the BCCAC/SIU
IkhwanScope | The Largest Muslim Brotherhood's Scope On The Web
The Largest Muslim Brotherhood's Scope on the web
Business Litigation Support Services | Reinsel Kuntz Lesher - RKL
RKLs Business Litigation team researches, quantifies and presents the financial impact of business disputes and
economic damages.
Office of Naval Intelligence
WTF | Mark Zuckerberg thinks we'll be using Facebook via mind control pretty soon -
Are you paranoid enough? - TimesDaily: Culture-shock
When The X-Files original run limped to an end in 2002, the war on terror was just beginning. The idea that the
government might have surveillance programs capable of spying on the phone calls and emails of every American
seemed like just another of Mulders wild conspiracy theories.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,AS AMENDED with ADA Amendments Act of 2008
The ADA Home Page provides access to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations for businesses and
State and local governments, technical assistance materials, ADA Standards for Accessible Design, links to Federal
agencies with ADA responsibilities and information, updates on new ADA requirements, streaming video,
information about Department of Justice ADA settlement agreements, consent decrees, and enforcement activities
and access to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ADA material
Legal Aid Fund by Stan Caterbone - GoFundMe
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Legal Aid Fund by Stan Caterbone - I am a victim of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and considered an "ememy of
the state" by the Obama Administration. Please help me complete my legal journey in the U.S. District Court for
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania as a Pro Se Litigant. To verify my story please GOOGLE "Stan Caterbone an...
2007 Honda CRV, awd 4x4 Automatic Available
This 2007 White Honda CRV is in good condition and has 111,036 miles (mostly highways miles). The car is well
maintained, one owner vehicle with repair records. See photos attached. Email me please...
Mind Wars - Kindle edition by Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @
Mind Wars - Kindle edition by Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device,
PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Mind Wars.
TW Ponessa & Associates- About
T.W. Ponessa and Associates Counseling Services is based in Lancaster, PA. Contact us at 717.560.7917
Jacobi & Jacobi
Jacobi and Jacobi, P.A., attorneys at law, handle all legal cases pertaining marital and family law, real estate, wills,
probate, estates, personal injuries, wrongful deaths, and small business claims.
Navy Yard Shooter Had Mind Control Group Contact - National Human Rights |
Navy Yard tragedy's Aaron Alexis was reportedly in contact with an electronic surveillance and mind control
"human rights support group" two weeks before killin
Council Meeting - 5/19/2015 - May 19th, 2015
Live and Recorded Public meetings of Council Meeting - 5/19/2015 for City of Richmond
Kennett, MO Chamber of Commerce
Targeted Individuals |
Read the latest Targeted Individuals news and view Targeted Individuals pictures from our team of local insiders.
Senate Judiciary Committee - PA State Senate
Contact Your Senator - PA State Senate
Bill would allow police in Pa. to record inside homes using body cameras; footage would be banned from public records
requests | Local News |
Should police officers in Pennsylvania be required to wear body cameras, and should they be permitted to use them
inside homes? Take our polls.
Who Is the Maddest of All the Mad Scientists? | Inverse
For as long as there have been scientists, there have been scientists willing to take experimentation to the extreme.
Navy Yard Shooter Had Mind Control Group Contact |
Navy Yard tragedy's Aaron Alexis was reportedly in contact with an electronic surveillance and mind control
"human rights support group" two weeks before killin
Stand with Katie
Chris Hedges: Sheldon Wolin and Inverted Totalitarianism - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Americas most important contemporary political theorist, who died Oct. 21, warned that militarists and corporate
capitalists, obsessed with creating a global empire, would extinguish our democracy. We should have heeded his
warning.&nbsp; - 2015/11/01
Elder Bush says his son was served badly by aides | Tampa Bay Times
WASHINGTON After years of holding back, former President George H.W. Bush has finally broken his public
silence about some of the key figures in his son's administration, issuing scathing critiques of Vice President Dick
Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
14 seek convention center board seat | News |
Fourteen hopefuls have lined up to serve on the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority board, among them
one of the project's fiercest adversaries - Ronald Harper Jr.
Supreme Court's special counsel says Justice Eakin's emails don't warrant emergency action |
But report authors caution that their limited finding should not be confused with an exoneration.
Cineplex: Roll em in Nov. | News |
The opening of the $8.5 million cineplex, originally scheduled for Ma y and later pushed back to October is now
slated for Nov. 17.
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CMA Awards 2015: Little Big Town wasnt sure Girl Crush would have a chance |
Some radio stations reportedly pulled Girl Crush in response to listener beliefs that it was about lesbianism.
Photos: CMA Awards 2015 spotlight Little Big Town, Chris Stapleton | Atlanta Music Scene with Melissa Ruggieri
BY MELISSA RUGGIERI NASHVILLE It was a night of unconventionality, no doubt. Little Big Town stirred
plenty of controversy with their oft-misunderstood ballad, "Girl Crush.
The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42: Soleilmavis Liu: 9781304745354: Books
The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42 [Soleilmavis Liu] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying
offers. The Bible prophesies the Queen of the South will rise at the judgment, but did not give her name or any other
detail about her. The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42
peacepink - Worldwide Campaign to stop the Abuse and Torture of Mind Control/DEWs
Peacepink is the name of a kind of Pink Color Rose. It means: Peace and Love. We share Peace, Love and Care.
Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis driven by delusions - The Washington Post
Federal and local authorities provide additional information on the Navy Yard shootings
CCHR: get the truth psychs dont want you to know
Get the message straight from the President of CCHR about the devastating impact psychiatric practices have had
on lives and communities and her quest to inform the public about this deadly menace. She tells the truth
psychiatrists think you dont need to know. Read Jan Eastgates letter and find out.
Background Report on Stanley J Caterbone
Matter of Law legal definition of Matter of Law
Definition of Matter of Law in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is
Matter of Law? Meaning of Matter of Law as a legal term. What does Matter of Law mean in law?
U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts will not seek re-election in 2016 | Local News |
U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts announced Friday he will not seek re-election next year to the House position he's held for nearly
two decades.
An endless loop of police violence | Smart Remarks
Winona Rider filming 'Girl Interrupted' in Lancaster | |
Actress Winona Ryder walks along North Pine Street during filming of the Columbia Pictures movie "Girl,
Interrupted" in 1999.
Conspiracy Planet - Review: Book: 'Bushwhacked' by Uri Dowbenko - US Secret Govt Rears Its Ugly Head in Bush
Lancaster (City of) PA Credit Rating - Moody's
Terrorizing Schoolchildren in the American Police State - Truthdig
Under the regime of a predatory neoliberalism, compassion and respect for others are viewed increasingly with
contempt while the spectacle of violence titillates the multitudes and moves markets. - 2015/11/06
Latest human cloning claims leave sour taste | New Scientist
A fertility expert says he has implanted cloned human embryos into women's wombs, but is it truth or more hoopla?
All Live U.S. District Court and Third Circuit Court of Appeals Docket Sheets of April 25, 2016 From Trip to
Philadelphia Federal Courthouse on April 25, 2016
All Live U.S. District Court and Third Circuit Court of Appeals Docket Sheets of April 25, 2016 From Trip to
Philadelphia Federal Courthouse on April 25, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. All
Live U.S. District Court and Third Circuit Court of Appeals Docket Sheets of April 25, 2016 From Trip to
Philadelphia Federal Courthouse on April 25, 2016
Reporter | News Team - WGAL Home
Former RCA executives make it big in PCs - tribunedigital-baltimoresun
LANCASTER, Pa. -- Just four years ago, seven former RCA Corp. executives did the unthinkable.They bet their
life savings that they could build from scratch a formidable competitor in one of the
Stereowise Plus: Bongiovi Acoustics Re-Masters Your Audio in Real-Time with the Bongiovi DPS (Digital Power
Station) Application for Your iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad
Actors of the 2000s: Then and now
<p>Heres a glimpse of how the actors and actresses from the 2000s look now.</p>
Technology - CD's Store the Data, But Sifting's a Chore -
The amount of information being stored by government and industry on compact disks is growing rapidly, largely
because the contents of a five-drawer file cabinet can be placed on just one disk. A personal computer is then used
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to quickly locate and display information. The problem with the technology, known as CD-ROM, is the confusing
welter of programs that makes it difficult for the disks to be transferred from one type of computer to another.
210 Pa. Code Rule 1112. Appeals by Allowance.
210 Pa. Code Rule 531. Participation by Amicus Curiae.
Juan Cole: No, Bill Clinton Didnt Kill Himself to Give the Palestinians a State (Video) - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Former President Bill Clinton on Saturday claimed I killed myself to give the Palestinians a state, and maintained
that he secured an agreement, which the Palestinians turned down. - 2016/05/15
C6032 BW Combination Bathtub | Watertech Whirlpools and Airbaths
When remodeling, the C6032BW bathtub fits or replaces the standard fiberglass, one piece tub/shower found in
most homes. The C6032BW combo bath has two arm rests and a soap dish designed into the bathtub. A recessed
back jet, 2 foot jets and 4 additional jets provide a high pressure water massage. Air jets located in the floor of the
tub provide the bather with a non-aggressive air massage.
Veteran Burial Index | Lancaster County, PA - Official Website
Title 75 - PA General Assembly
Property Crime | Lancaster City Bureau of Police
26 music festivals in driving distance of Lancaster | Entertainment |
Few things celebrate summer quite like a great music festival.
Clipper Magazine Stadium, home of the Barnstormers, vying to be best in US | Baseball |
Clipper Magazine Stadium is one of the eight best independent league stadiums in the country. That's according to a
vote by fans at And the home of the Barnstormers
2 teens shot after house party in northeast Lancaster city, police make arrest | Local News |
Two 18-year-old men were shot after attending a party in northeast Lancaster city Friday morning and police say
they have made an arrest.
Judge dismisses lawsuit against Martin | Local News |
A federal judge has thrown out a truck drivers lawsuit alleging he was the victim of a political conspiracy at the
highest levels of Lancaster County government.
The internet of me: Connected People
This is the 4th and final blog in the series 'Bank of Things' Connected people is really about the r...
Adamstown man called 'Holocaust impostor and historical fraud' over Auschwitz claims | Local News |
History teacher calls out Joseph B. Hirt of Adamstown over Hirt's claim that he escaped from Auschwitz in 1942.
Juan Cole: Donald Trumps Politics of Whiteness and the CIA Tip That Jailed Nelson Mandela - Juan Cole - Truthdig
The revelation that the Central Intelligence Agency provided the tip to the Apartheid South African government that
led to Nelson Mandelas arrest should come as no great shock. Nor is it unconnected to the popularity of Donald
Trump. - 2016/05/16
Police: 2 men posing as drug agents break into apartment, try to rob residents of marijuana | Local News |
Two armed men impersonating Drug Enforcement Agency officers kicked in the door of a Lancaster Township
apartment Saturday and tried to rob the residents of their marijuana, police said.
Crossings at Conestoga Creek project advances, but neighbors' opposition remains high | Insider |
A $100 million shopping center, hotel and housing project planned for a site across from Longs Park moved a step
closer to final approval Monday night.
Lancaster lead poisoning one of the highest in U.S. | Insider |
Children in Lancaster County are being poisoned by lead at one of the highest rates in the country, putting them at
risk for lower intelligence, behavior problems, personality disorders and
A neighborhood spot: Smithgalls Pharmacy turns 100 | Insider |
Katie Holmes and cast talk 'Touched With Fire' at New York premiere |
On Feb. 10, was on the scene for the New York premiere of Roadside Attractions' latest release
"Touched With Fire." The film is now playing.
Touched with Fire Trailer & Official Movie Site | NOW ON DIGITAL HD DVD & BLU-RAY June 7
Natalie Maines Makes Controversial Comments About Pres. Bush
On March 10, 2003, Natalie Maines made a comment criticizing President George W. Bush, resulting in the end of
the Dixie Chicks' country music career.
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Kathleen Kane's mixed poll results still golden in election - The Morning Call
Ten Years Ago Today a Dixie Chick Dared to Hit Bush on Warand a Hate Campaign Began | The Nation
The group's career suffered over Natalie Maines' comment against invading Iraq.
Lady Gaga gets her driver's license at 30: 'Praise him' | Trending |
Lady Gaga now has her drivers license.
Lancaster's moment in the sun: 2015 U.S. Women's Open | Insider |
Liz Hess is an artist with a small gallery featuring her own work on Prince Street in Lancaster.
Support of Lancaster Country Club membership was crucial for Open's success | Insider |
Early each morning during the week of the 2015 U.S. Women's Open, tournament chairman Jerry Hostetter got in
his cart and rode to the main entrance to watch the crowds
Lancaster Historical Commission to consider building plans for Wi-Fi system | Local News |
The Lancaster Historical Commission is holding a special meeting Wednesday on the city's plans to build two
structures in parks for the broadband network its installing.
How Close Are We To Having Mind-Controlled Bionic Prosthetics?
'We are part of the same societies we police': Officers reflect on modern job pressures |
In the midstate, across Pennsylvania and throughout the U.S., police are increasingly being asked to take on more
responsibilities with the same or fewer resources than in the past. Most law enforcers are capable of handling the
myriad duties, though, police say.
The Legal Prohibition Against Torture | Human Rights Watch
Last Updated on June 1, 2004
Lancaster group focused on preventing police violence | Local News |
There was anger in the room, but there was also determination and focus when a group of local black pastors
announced Friday they will work to prevent deadly confrontations between
Lancaster police investigate potential stabbing involving brothers | Local News |
Lancaster city police were investigating a reported stabbing involving two brothers Saturday afternoon.
In the Spotlight: Tracey Lavallias went from football to behavioral health | Local News |
He made it to the Washington Redskins practice team, then the Saskatchewan Roughriders, but injuries ended that
dream. Now he's executive director of behavioral health at Lancaster General Health.
Stonebridge Bank buyers fined $190,000 by state | Local Business |
A small group of local residents, who are trying to buy a small Chester County bank and move it here, has been
fined $190,000 for allegedly selling unregistered securities.
1250 Fremont Street to US District Court Clerk - Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Manheim Township man calls Gulen scapegoat in Turkish coup attempt | Local News |
Manheim Township resident Sait Onal is president of the Turkish Cultural Association of Pennsylvania.
Marcus Luttrell: 'I Challenge All Of You To Fight For This Country'
Navy SEAL and Navy Cross recipient Marcus Luttrell endorsed Trump in a passionate speech that rocked the
Republican National Convention Monday night.
Supreme Court DUI blood test ruling forces reviews of hundreds of Lancaster County cases | Insider |
A recent Supreme Court ruling is forcing the review of possibly hundreds of DUI cases within the county, according
to the district attorney's office.
Review: McCartney is charming at jaw-dropping Hershey show | Features |
McCartney played a whopping 38 songs at his Tuesday night show at Hersheypark Stadium.
Borough Council Standing Committees Borough of Stone Harbor
Lancaster's candid cameras: Who funds them and what the controversial videos show | News |
The snapshots of anonymous faces navigating city streets are at once mundane and riveting.
Surveillance cameras in Lancaster, Pennsylvania prompt privacy concerns | US news | The Guardian
Surveillance system in the Amish town of Lancaster will be bigger than cities such as Boston and San Francisco
Kidnapped by Mind Control Weapons, and Sent to US Embassy in Hong Kong Soleilmavis - peacepink
Kidnapped by Mind Control Weapons, and Sent to US Embassy in Hong Kong Soleilmavis Nickname:
Soleilmavis Citizenship: Chinese Year Torture began: Dec. 2001 E
Officers felled by Dallas sniper hailed as kind, devoted - The Washington Post
They were spouses and parents. They volunteered in schools and at church. And they had sworn to serve and
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Lady Gaga says she's 'on a break' with Taylor Kinney | Entertainment |
Lady Gaga says she and Neffsville native Taylor Kinney are "taking a break."
Penn Cinema to add 2 luxury, big-screen theaters in $2M project | Insider |
When Penn Ketchum opened Penn Cinema in 2006, he saw the complex as world class.
VIDEO: Remember when a clock was pulled from the wall by an overeager museum patron? Its back | Local News |
It became a world-famous blunder and a caution to anyone who ignores a museums warning not to touch the
exhibits when an overeager patron of the National Watch
Your Estimated Blood Alcohol Concentration | Alcohol Help Center
An interactive CBT program with a Support Group moderated by trained Health Educators.
NAACP event seeks strategies, solutions | Local News |
NAACP forum focuses on community relations in wake of recent shootings in other cities
CRIZ authority approves financing Marriott expansion costs | Local News |
The planned $30-million expansion of the Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square has received approval to finance some
costs using funding from a state economic development program.
Outside Democratic convention, protests take center stage | Insider |
PHILADELPHIA - With 51-foot inflatable marijuana joints and giant paper mache versions of Bernie Sanders,
protesters have drawn plenty of attention this week at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
2 Soldiers Shot And Killed Protecting A Woman In A South Carolina Bar
On Sunday, two soldiers were shot and killed after trying to protect woman who was being physically assaulted in a
South Carolina bar.
Public daylight sex epidemic caused by 'government mind control', conspiracy theorists claim
The internet's wilder minds struggle to understand why so people are stripping off to enjoy al fresco romps
LightForce Lasers | NFL Alumni
NFL Alumni is non-profit organization to support youth charities and former football players.
Art inspired by diversity: Mural at Lafayette Elementary showcases student perspectives | Local News |
The ode to diversity stretches 15 feet into the air, collections of wild animals, vehicles, instruments and seasonal
artscapes demonstrating how differences bring color to students lives.
'I can't deny how historic this is;' DNC delegates from Lancaster react to Hillary Clinton's nomination | Insider |
PHILADELPHIA Lancaster Countys five delegates to the Democratic National Convention may not have all
supported Hillary Clinton, but the historic moment Thursday night wasnt lost on any of them.
Lemon Street park plan to have public hearing before Lancaster City Council | Local News |
Next month, residents will have a chance to weigh in on a city agency's plan to build a park next to luxury condo
project by tearing down three vacant rowhouses.
Manheim Township grad Jim Furyk shoots PGA Tour record 58 | Golf |
CROMWELL, Conn. Jim Furyk has a place in PGA Tour history all to himself with a new magic number in golf. - The Military's Pandora's Box by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning
SpaceX founder Elon Musk plans to get humans to Mars in six years | Technology | The Guardian
SpaceX founder tells meeting of astronautical experts that his only purpose is to make life interplanetary, revealing
plans for reusable ship to Mars

ISC and Mind Control links

From nazis to mind control the 4 craziest O.J. Simpson conspiracy theories Zap2It
Tuesday's episode of "The People v. OJ Simpson" explored the case's conspiracy theories. Here are four of the
craziest ones.
Irish Mob - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mon Dec 7 - Neil Sanders - Modern Mind Control - Art Bell
Pennsylvania Civil Rights Law Network | Working to provide equal justice under the law in Pennsylvania
Bobby Ray Inman and South Africa
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The withdrawal of Bobby Ray Inman?s nomination for Secretary of Defense brought to public attention the case of
International Signal and Control, a defense and technology company. James Guerin, the company's founder, was
recently sentenced to jail for illegal arms sales to South Africa, as reported in ?Inman Faced Scrutiny on Jailed Arms
Dealer? (news article, Jan. 20, 1994).
Alec Kreider | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Murderpedia, the free online encyclopedic dictionary of murderers. The largest database about serial killers, mass
murderers and spree killers around the world
David Ludwig | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Murderpedia, the free online encyclopedic dictionary of murderers. The largest database about serial killers, mass
murderers and spree killers around the world
Jesse Wise | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Murderpedia, the free online encyclopedic dictionary of murderers. The largest database about serial killers, mass
murderers and spree killers around the world
Man who killed girl, 7, in murder-suicide spoke of mind control - Story | WJBK
&quot;We found evidence that Obeshaw believed someone was trying to control him through mind control,&quot;
Chief&nbsp;Sclabassi said. &quot;And other statements indicating he thought someone was out to get him.&quot;
Juan Cole: Donald Trumps Call for Spying on U.S. Muslims Recalls FBI Bugging of MLK and Black Churches - Juan
Cole - Truthdig
As Trump supporters beat a Black Lives Matter protester at a rally in Birmingham, Ala., Trump himself reminded
us of the days when J. Edgar Hoovers FBI monitored the Rev. Martin Luther King and Southern Christian
Leadership Conference churches. - 2015/11/23
Tom Ridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Patriots and Profiteers: Economic Warfare, Embargo Busting, and State-Sponsored Crime - Kindle edition by R.T. Naylor.
Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @
Patriots and Profiteers: Economic Warfare, Embargo Busting, and State-Sponsored Crime - Kindle edition by R.T.
Naylor. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks,
note taking and highlighting while reading Patriots and Profiteers: Economic Warfare, Embargo Busting, and State-
Sponsored Crime.
Arms Dealer Is Sentenced To 15 Years James H. Guerin Of Lancaster Ran A Billion-dollar Fraud. In 15 Days, He'll Enter
Federal Prison. - philly-archives
A former international arms merchant was sentenced yesterday to 15 years in prison for masterminding a $1 billion
financial fraud and overseeing the shipment of sophisticated weaponry to South
The Illegal Arms Trade IraqIran War 1980 1988 (Part 4) | Eyre International - Bringing You The News No One Else
Wants To Bring You
Part 4 We can now look into the illegal arms trade to Iraq which in itself became very sophisticated with its
concealed web of distribution. The UK played a major role in support for Saddam Hussein with one company that
really did stand out from the rest. A Scottish Company called Allivane
A Lancaster Firm, The Cia And Illegal Arms Deals - philly-archives
In the 1980s, James Guerin built a lavish corporate headquarters, became one of this city's largest employers and
ultimately sold his company for a fortune.Not bad for a firm whose first engineering
Clinton's Pentagon nominee has always been singled out and sought after - tribunedigital-baltimoresun
WASHINGTON -- In the early days of the Reagan administration, when few Carter appointees were held in high
esteem, there was one exception: Bobby Ray Inman.Republicans were competing with each other
A NOMINEE'S WITHDRAWAL - Inman Faced Scrutiny On Jailed Arms Dealer -
While Bobby Ray Inman's confirmation as Defense Secretary by the Senate Armed Services Committee next week
was considered a foregone conclusion, he faced potentially embarrassing questions about his work as a member of
an outside board for a corrupt arms company. His connection with the company, International Signal and Control,
was reported by the press in 1991 and was raised again by several newspaper columnists in the last month. Their
columns so irked Mr. Inman that he cited them on Tuesday as a major reason for his withdrawal.
Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq | Democracy Now!
Tom Porter - Government Research into ESP & Mind Control
Bobby Ray Inman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Earthpulse Press
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Tony Blair says he's sorry for Iraq War 'mistakes' -
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says he's sorry for "mistakes" made in the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in
2003 but doesn't regret ousting Saddam Hussein.
Top 10 Weirdest CIA Programs -
Over the years, the American Central Intelligence Agency has gained a reputation for being the most far-reaching,
sophisticated, and effective government i
Unjust enrichment legal definition of unjust enrichment
Definition of unjust enrichment in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What
is unjust enrichment? Meaning of unjust enrichment as a legal term. What does unjust enrichment mean in law?
Case No. 15-3400 U.S.Third Circuit Court of Appeals re Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus REQUEST for HEARING by
Appellant Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se October 26, 2015 RECORDED
Case No. 15-3400 U.S.Third Circuit Court of Appeals re Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus REQUEST for HEARING
by Appellant Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se October 26, 2015 RECORDED - Free ebook download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Case No. 15-3400 U.S.Third Circuit Court of Appeals re Lisa
Michelle Lambert Habeus REQUEST for HEARING by Appellant Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se October 26, 2015

MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL: Modern torture and Control Mechanisms eliminating human rights and privacy |
by Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD Norsk utgave (Marit Hanssen's side ble plutselig 'dd' etter at jeg la ut denne
artikkel): HELSINGIN
Patriots and Profiteers: Economic Warfare, Embargo Busting, and State ... - R.T. Naylor - Google Books
Almost everyone assumes that by enforcing trade sanctions and arms embargoes, modern democracies make tin-pot
dictators and rogue states mend their ways - that the application of economic pressure is easily the most effective
way to curb aggression and encourage respect for human rights. R.T. Naylor demonstrates that economic warfare
fails almost everywhere it is attempted, and that even when it succeeds, it has consequences that are not only
unintended, but also frequently the precise opposite of their advertised result. For instance, embargoes drove Cuba
into the awkward embrace of the Soviet Union. Everywhere that economic pressures have been used to either
replace or augment military actions, the result has been confusion leading to criminality. From east to west, from
before WWI to the recent confrontations with Pakistan, Bosnia, and Iraq, the legacy of economic warfare has been
money laundering, gun-running, drug smuggling, and evasion of the rule of law. Naylor's approach is at once epic
and anecdotal. His survey is populated by a bizarre underworld of warriors and smugglers, gangsters and spies,
whose singular careers would be comic if they weren't absolutely real.
Military secret brain-chipping soldiers program exposed |
The United States is secretly implanting mind control brain chips in soldiers under the guise of proactively helping
to heal battlefield brain injuries, accordi
Seymour M. Hersh - The New Yorker
Seymour M. Hersh wrote his first piece for The New Yorker in 1971 and has been a regular contributor to the
magazine since 1993.
Rick Santorum profited from treasonous US missiles sales to Iran [SECRET TEAM!]
Rick Santorum profited from treasonous US missiles sales to Iran [SECRET TEAM!]
Daniel Inouyes Conscience - The New Yorker
Daniel Inouye had been shocked, and very hurt to face anti-Japanese racism and hatred of Nips after the war. But
over the next decades he seemed more
Juan Cole: Bush Sr. Blames Neocons for Ruining W.s Presidency: Is He Warning Jeb? (Video) - Juan Cole - Truthdig
In interviews given for a new biography, George H.W. Bush, 91, lets loose against Dick Cheney and Donald
Rumsfeld, whom he clearly blames for many of the failures of the presidency of his son, George W. Bush. -
Chris Hedges, Columnist - Truthdig - Cheney's top aide indicted; CIA leak probe continues - Oct 28, 2005
The CIA leak investigation is "not over," special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said Friday after announcing charges

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against I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff.
Krysten Ritter Fights Against Mind Control in the Newest Jessica Jones Trailer | Maxim
We're a little more than a week away from the premiere of Marvel's Jessica Jones and Netflix is keeping the
anticipation high with yet another trailer the second full-length spot amid a seemingly endless parade of teasers.
Project MKUltra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Case opinion for PA Supreme Court COMMONWEALTH v. ZOOK. Read the Court's full decision on FindLaw.
American War in the 21st Century: A Scam, a Swindle and a Fraud - Truthdig
In the post-9/11 years, reconstruction and war have really been euphemisms for what, in other countries, would
be recognized as a massive system of corruption. - 2015/11/12
Did Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge Put Stan Caterbone on the Terrorist NoFly List in or Around 2004 November
16, 2015
Did Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge Put Stan Caterbone on the Terrorist NoFly List in or Around 2004
November 16, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Did Homeland
Security Director Tom Ridge Put Stan Caterbone on the Terrorist NoFly List in or Around 2004 November 16, 2015
Keep the Ethical Light Burning | Seeking justice for survivors of nonconsensual human experimentation
Keep the Ethical Light Burning (KELB) is a non-profit organization. Lynn Bowne Weed is a NYC Paralegal having
done support on many cases including the Microsoft Case in New York City Member of the Bowne House
Historical Society, Flushing, New York David Beauchamp, Vice President is a music promoter in New York City
and former Director Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge eBook: Rosaura Torres: Kindle Store
Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge - Kindle edition by Rosaura Torres. Download it once and read it on your Kindle
device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Abuse
Hidden Behind The Badge.
The National Security States Incestuous Relationship With Islamic State - Truthdig
Paris changed everything; Paris changes nothing. Each view is, in its own way, undoubtedly true. And heres a third
sentence I know to be true: This cant end well. - 2015/11/19
Chris Hedges: States of Terror - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
We waded into conflicts in the Middle East we did not understand, propelled forward by fantasy. And our folly
spawned a death spiral of political, social and economic collapse, widespread poverty, massive displacement, misery
and radical jihadism. - 2015/11/22
Iraq Crisis, 2005
History of Iraq
Iraq Crisis, 20022003
History of Iraq
Does a Koch Intelligence Agency Secretly Keep Tabs on Liberals? - Truthdig
An investigation by Politico suggests that the billionaire right-wing Koch brothers possess their own high-tech
surveillance and intelligence-gathering operation devoted to stealthily tracking liberal and Democratic groups. -
Finance Calculator
Free finance calculator! You can define any of the FV, PMT, I/Y, N, and starting investment to calculate the others.
Also find hundreds of other free online calculators here.
Marcia Silen Films Announces Patriotic New Film
As the newest and most socially conscious of their Bloodhounds, Inc. series of films for young people, Marcia
Silen Films announces the release of Bloodhounds the Movie, Young Citizen Patriots: A Test of Faith and Bravery
Part 1. The first in what will be a series of films centered on the theme of patriotism and tolerance, Young Citizen
Patriots is aimed at young people and focuses on the efforts of popular teen detectives &quot;Sean&quot; and
&quot;Melissa&quot; to save their town from a terrorist threat.
Forget Islamic State: Humanity Itself Is at Stake - Truthdig
The crux of the matter: We either live in dignity together or continue to perish alone, in warring tribes and grief-
stricken nations. This is not just about indiscriminate bombing. Our humanityin fact, the future of the human race
is at stake. - 2015/11/27
Kathleen Kane appoints 'Porngate' prosecutors led by former Md. attorney general |
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Attorney General Kathleen Kane appointed special prosecutors Tuesday to oversee a review of pornographic and
otherwise offensive emails exchanged by state officials.
John Cusack and Arundhati Roy: Things That Can and Cannot Be Said - Truthdig
This is the narrative result of an encounter between Cusack, Roy and whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Daniel
Ellsberg. Cusack and Roy provide their own accounts and joint conversations. - 2015/12/01
Lancaster County DA releases report on fatal police shooting | News |
(Lancaster) -- Lancaster Countys top prosecutor is calling a Lancaster City police officer's fatal shooting of a
homeless man who was urinating in public earlier this month justified. District Attorney Craig Stedman says he
would have preferred an independent investigation into the shooting, but will accept the version of events from the
Lancaster City police. On the morning of June 10th, 35-year-old Gregory Bayne was allegedly urinating in public
when officers confronted him. They said they believed Bayne was mentally ill and he became aggressive --lunging
at them with a nine-inch knife. According to the police, they chased Bayne down the street, and unsuccessfully tried
to taser him. When three officers cornered him in front of a store on Queen Street, the officers say they repeatedly
asked him to drop the knife. But when he continued towards them, he was fatally shot by Officer Jose De La Torre.
Digital Angel Corp., Prior to Merger with Applied Digital Solutions, Inc.: Private Company Information - Businessweek
EMF Weapons
Historic St. Marys Church is among 5 pilgrim sites in the Harrisburg diocese in this Jubilee Year of Mercy | Faith |
With the opening of the holy doors at St. Peters Basilica on Tuesday, Pope Francis launched a yearlong,
Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.
EFI Conspirator From Ala. Gets 45 Months - Suddenlink Communications
Suddenlink Communications delivers breaking news and information on the latest top stories, weather, business,
entertainment, politics, video, photo galleries and more.
Bill Boyarsky: Trumps Muslim Policy Conjures Up Demons From Fascisms History - Truthdig
If you think its impossible for a demagogue to seize control and destroy American democracy, think again. Trumps
hate-filled call for banning Muslims from entering the U.S. appeals to many angry and scared Americans. -
Talk about mind control: Chinese develop a car operated by brain waves - The Washington Post
So far it can only drive straight ahead, but a link with self-driving systems may lie in the future.
Health Issues - Targeted Individuals 101
This is a site for activism, advocacy and networking for people who are targeted by organized stalking and
electronic harassment as well as people who supports the TI community and who believe these criminal activities
are a violation of human rights legislations in Canada and around the globe.
KEISLING: Palace coup: what the Kathleen Kane prosecution is really about |
Are the criminal charges brought by Republican officials against AG Kane, her subsequent law license suspension,
and efforts by the state senate to remove her from office all simply a ruse meant to distract voters from what is really
going on: an attempt by Republicans to control policy in the attorney general's office, and throughout state
government, without having won an election?
Sam Katz to produce documentary on Kathleen Kane
Sam Katz is turning his lens away from Philadelphia's history to Pennsylvania's present.<br/>The three-time
mayoral candidate announced Thursday that his next documentary will focus on the saga of embattled Pennsylvania
Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane. Katz, who is seeking funding for the project, plans to call it The Kane Mutiny.
- Molly Eichel, Philadelphia Inquirer
Torturing | Define Torturing at
Torturing definition, the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a
confession or information, or for sheer cruelty. See more.
Mental Illness Diagnosis - Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System |
Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
kathleen kane - Google Search
Kathleen Kane's aide convicted of...
Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over the world by Google News.
Kathleen Kane's Gay Marriage Mutiny | Philadelphia magazine
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How a tough chick from Scranton became Pennsylvania's Attorney Generaland Tom Corbett's worst nightmare.
Kathleen Kane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paranoid schizophrenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bipolar disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Delusional disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Subtitle Now, from their own words and symbols, Freemasonry is proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be
Satanic to the core! You can be deceived no longer.
Former Fulton Bank manager accused of stealing $99,000 from Manor merchants | Local Business |
A former manager of Fulton Banks Manor Shopping Center branch has been accused of stealing $99,000 from the
centers merchants association.
Candy Jones - Mind Control and Hypnosis | Online Universities
Candy Jones - A case of Mind Control? By Brian Haughton
Diary: Lancaster County, The CIA, and U.S. Sponsored Mind Control | OpEdNews
Diary: Lancaster County, The CIA, and U.S. Sponsored Mind Control - Diary: This article is a 1998 narrative by
Stan J. Caterbone before he learned he was a victim of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control. At the time of this writing
Stan J. Caterbone was a federal whistle-blower dating back to 1987 concerning the Lancaster firm of International
Signal & Control, or ISC. ISC was later indicted in 1991 and plead quilty to a $1 Billion fraud and selling arms to
Murder And Mind Control In The UK
Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind | Global Research
Dr. Nick Begich - Covert Harassment Conference 2015, Berlin 1-2 October 2015
The Covert Harassment Conference 2015 Berlin is a human rights conference to create awareness on the Covert
Harassment of civilians with the use of non-lethal weaponry and organized stalking.
Covert Harassment Conference 2015, Berlin 1-2 October 2015
The Covert Harassment Conference 2015 Berlin is a human rights conference to create awareness on the Covert
Harassment of civilians with the use of non-lethal weaponry and organized stalking.
Chris Hedges: The Illusion of Freedom - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
This deception will exist as long as we stay in our place. Once we call out power for what it is, once we resist, the
chimera will vanish. The iron fist of historys most sophisticated security and surveillance apparatus will assert itself
with a terrifying fury. - 2015/12/27
U.S. Federal Indian Law and Mind Control -
Lets be clear about something.
Shield: Signal Proof Headwear by Shield Apparel Kickstarter
Shield Apparel is raising funds for Shield: Signal Proof Headwear on Kickstarter! Stylish & Comfortable Signal
Proof Hats That Incredibly Fit And Reflect Electromagnetic Waves.
Soleilmavis Liu | LinkedIn | Stuff Kenny's Already Googled For You.Now Go Do Your Homework
I Am A Targeted Individual A Conversation With GMNs Ken Rhoades |
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PACTS, International - Home
TheFuelFilm Deborah Dupre' Peace Peace International Green Fuel Human Rights Green Consulting Consultant Speaking
Projects Youth Family Intervention Environment Biodiesel Renewable Energy Indigenous Aboriginal Research
International Humanitarian Schools Compassion Louisiana Australia Celebrity
TheFuelFilm Deborah Dupre' Consultant and Associated for EcoPeace Empower through mission of
2007 Honda CR-V EX Sport Utility 4D Trade In Values - Kelley Blue Book
Get the trade-in value for your 2007 Honda CR-V EX Sport Utility 4D. Find out how to get the most for your
Honda CR-V EX Sport Utility 4D, how to sell it fast, or shop for your next car.
Monica Lewinsky Is Back, but This Time Its on Her Terms - The New York Times
Once vilified as a predatory White House intern, Ms. Lewinsky has re-emerged, taking on the fight against
New wave in tech hacking the brain - Technology - NZ Herald News
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The next frontier for the tech sector is the human brain. - New Zealand Herald
Philadelphia police: Man who tried to kill officer pledged allegiance to the Islamic State - The Washington Post
A police officer in Philadelphia survived being shot multiple times in what officials described as an ambush.
Hacking the human brain: Company unveils 'mind control' headband to help people with disabilities | Christian News on
Christian Today
When we say the word &quot;hack,&quot; the first thing that usually comes to mind is computers. In reality,
though, scientists have long been trying to hack the brain for various purposes, from offering new healthcare
services to providing new ways to control technological devices.
Safe and Sane? Pondering China's Mind-Controlled Cars - Quoted
On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology | Global Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization
On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology by Carole Smith | Stan
Caterbone | LinkedIn
&quot;The calculated and technological entry into another persons mind is an act of monumental barbarism which
obliterates perhaps with the twiddling of
The IBM engineer that controlled a 'Star Wars' toy with his mind thinks brain readers could be the next big thing |
Business Insider
Earlier this week Business...
PACTS, International Newsletter, vol. I - Monday, January 18, 2016
Dr. John Halls book A new Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America to become movie
When Dr. John Hall wrote the book A new Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America, information about the
technologies and techniques for remote influencing, where basically unknown to most people.
DARPA wants to build wetware so we can mind control computers
Hot damn, our Ghost in the Shell future is getting closer by the day. DARPA announced on Tuesday that it is
interested in developing wetware -- implantable brai...
Soleilmavis Liu's Books and Publications Spotlight
DARPA wants to build wetware so we can mind control computers - HueWire
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has launched a new project under which an implantable
chip will be developed that will allow th
Timeline of Secret Government Projects
The Executive Summary: Neuropsychological and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report by Robert Duncan, A.B., S.M.,
M.B.A., Ph.D.
Control things with your mind: US military wants to build brain modem
THE United States military has grown tired of traditional tactics and is working on a new technology that promises
to revolutionise modern warfare.
PA House of Representatives
The Neurologist Who Hacked His BrainAnd Almost Lost His Mind | WIRED
Neurologist Phil Kennedy set out to build the ultimate brain-computer interface. In the process he almost lost his
Russia developing mind-controlled 'exoskeletons' for its soldiers | Latest News | Breaking UK News & World News
Headlines | Daily Star
THE era of the 'robo-soldier' is nearing as Russia claims to be perfecting machines that will revolutionise warfare.
CSUF students develop app, hardware for mind-controlled wheelchairs - The Orange County Register
Life: CSUF students develop app, hardware for mind-controlled wheelchairs | project, students, electric, wheelchair,
george, controlled, working, brain, pals, application
Mom murdered her autistic son after seeking help from therapist who believes in Satanic mind control
HAARP Season 1 Episode 1Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura 2013 - Watch Online | Conspiracy Theory with Jesse
Ventura 2013 - Watch Online
Premiere On: Wed, December 2 at 10PWatch Episode 1- HAARP Conspiracy Theory Jesse VenturaIs it a
communications research project or a doomsday weapon that can change the weather, shoot satellites
Outrage at U.S. torture dwindles
Jonathan Turley: The president has kept his promise to not prosecute CIA torturers, leaving them unaccountable for
their actions.
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More Than Half the Worlds Population Faces Severe Water Scarcity - Truthdig
A new study indicates that global water shortages are much more severe than previously thought, finding that 4
billion people suffer water scarcity during at least one month during the year, while half a billion experience it
throughout the year. - 2016/02/13
Pa. Woman Who Killed Her Two Children Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity | JONATHAN TURLEY
Meghan Lippiatt has been found not guilty by reason of insanity in a Lancaster court. Lippiatt admitted suffocating
her infant son and drowning her 2-year-old son in 2004. The killing two-year-old Silas and his four-month-old
brother Miles occurred weeks after a break-up with her husband. Lippiatt called 911 and told the operator: "I did
Massive Fraud Threatens to Bring Down Sterling Financial Corporation - Monitordaily
ICYMI: Fast brain upload, mind-control monkeys &amp; more
Today on In Case You Missed It: Researchers at HRL Labs have developed a system to upload information to your
brain using electrical signals already mapped fr...

Working Tabs Dec 24, 2015

Edit Profile | LinkedIn

Stan J. Caterbone (stan5j.5caterbone) 645 uploads | Scribd -
Recorded Chapter 11 Case No. 16-10517-REF MOTION for Leave to File in Forma Pauperis February 5, 2016 and
ORDER Dismissing Case Due to Missing Hearing Today, February 5, 2016 - OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE, AGAIN

Medical marijuana: County lawmakers leaning 'no,' or undecided | Pennsylvania |

Republican county lawmakers are either leaning against or are undecided on the question of legalizing medical
marijuana, which the House may vote on as early as Tuesday.
PACTS, International Newsletter - Sunday, March 20, 2016
UPDATE! PACTS, International, 2016
Insiders: The Mental Crisis of Myron May; Gang Stalking or Paranoia | News |
November 20th, 2014 is day many will never forget in Tallahassee and beyond. What started out as a night of
studying in a college library, turned to tragedy because of
Mind Control Better Than Pills At Beating Debilitating Back Pain : Health : Headlines & Global News
Cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction via yoga and meditation might be better at
treating back pain than painkiller prescriptions, new findings suggest.
Medical Marijuana - Senate Bill 3; Regular Session 2015-2016 - PA General Assembly
Tucson Shooter Sues Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Claims Mind Control
Jared Loughner files lawsuit alleging he is innocent of a 2011 shooting spree that killed six people and wounded 13,
including Gabrielle Giffords
Exposing the Truth: FFCHS Suicide Cult An Unprecedented Numbers of Suicides
Nazi occult, UFOs and MKULTRA
Mind Justice - Home Page
Mind Justice. A nonprofit 501(c)3 human rights group working for the rights and protections of mental integrity and
freedom from new technologies and weapons which target the mind and nervous system. Formed to stop
nonconsensual experimentation by the U.S. and other governments. Includes victims advocacy, research, legislative,
legal and international remedies and public education.
When the CIA ran a LSD sex-house in San Francisco - San Francisco Chronicle
Yet from 1955 to 1965, this building was the site of Operation Midnight Climax a top-secret mind-control
program in which CIA agents used hookers to lure unsuspecting johns from North Beach bars to what they called
the pad, then dosed the men with LSD and observed the X-rated goings-on through a two-way mirror while sitting
on a portable toilet swilling martinis. The first field test in 1943 was administered to a New York mobster by George
White, a tough-guy OSS captain who had been an agent in the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Eastern bloc show trials
like that of Hungarian Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty, who in 1949 confessed to crimes he apparently did not commit,
and reports of communist brainwashing during the Korean War led the CIA to fear there was a mind-control gap
and that the U.S. was in second place. Drugs were given to people deemed expendable, including North Korean

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POWs, mental patients, prisoners, addicts and prostitutes. When the technical branch of the CIA learned about this
drug, the gung-ho head of its chemical division, a young chemist named Sidney Gottlieb, persuaded CIA official
Richard Helms that the agency should investigate it as a spy tool. On April 13, 1953, CIA director Allen Dulles
approved a program for covert use of biological and chemical materials with an initial budget of $300,000.
Gottlieb soon hired White, the narcotics agent and former OSS captain, to run two safe houses for LSD testing in
Greenwich Village. White administered LSD, knockout drops and marijuana to his unwitting guests using food,
drinks and cigarettes, then tried to get them to talk. To give his pad the desired French-whorehouse look, White
furnished it with Toulouse-Lautrec posters, a picture of a French can-can dancer and kinky photos of women in
bondage and domination poses. White installed bugging equipment and a two-way mirror behind which he would sit
on a portable toilet, quaffing a martini from the pitcher he kept in the refrigerator, and observe the proceedings. At
first White and his colleagues wondered if having the prostitute offer some extra sexual service might work, but
soon realized that, in the words of an observer, We found the guy was focused solely on hormonal needs. CIA
operatives began dosing people with acid in restaurants, bars and beaches. [...] the agency began using the
prostitutes to lure men of all sorts, not just marginal figures, back to the safe house. Because the agency destroyed
most of MKULTRAs files, no one will ever know how many lives and minds its illegal and unethical activities
damaged or destroyed. (It should go without saying that it achieved none of its murky-at-best research objectives.)
Had New York Times reporter Seymour Hersh not exposed the CIAs illegal spying on Americans in 1974, opening
the door to subsequent investigations, this weird and ugly chapter in U.S. history might never have come to light.
Microwaving Embassy Moscow Another Perspective | Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training
By Julianne McKinney
Lodge No. 43 History - Masonic Lodge No. 43
Inside Bilderberg 2014 - YouTube
This year's highly secretive Bilderberg Meeting takes place May 29th thru June 1st in Copenhagen, Denmark. This
gathering has been held for 60 years. The fir...
This Is How You Turn a Family History of CIA Mind-Control Experiments into Art | VICE | Canada
Winnipeg visual artist Sarah Anne Johnson's ongoing series explores how psychological torture impacted her
matriarchal family.
Telepathic Band Sit-In: Christmas Version - Late Night with Seth Meyers - YouTube
Norwegian black metal guitarist Grbn Hausinfrud returns to the 8G Band to read Seth's mind. Subscribe to Late
Night: Get mo...
Coast Insider Members
Brave New World: Mind-Controlled Drones Revolutionizing Sports And Warfare
As Brain-Computer Interface is rapidly developed worldwide, mind-controlled drones turn into sports and weapons
of today. Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge eBook: Rosaura Torres: Kindle Store
Abuse Hidden Behind The Badge - Kindle edition by Rosaura Torres. Download it once and read it on your Kindle
device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Abuse
Hidden Behind The Badge. Stan J. Caterbone's review of Spider's Web: The Secret History of How th...
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House
Illegally Armed Iraq at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
Wired. Mind-Control Research | Covert Harassment UK | LinkedIn
The Weird Russian Mind-Control Research Behind a DHS Contract By Sharon Weinberger 09.20.07A dungeon-
like room in the Psychotechnology Research Institute in Moscow is used for human testing. The
Mind-Controlled Drones Are Now Real, And They Could Transform The Battlefield
Brain-mapping technology is progressing at warp speed and can turn our minds into remote controls. So what does
this mean for our military?
Chris Hedges: The Socialist Alternative - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Seattles socialist City Council member, Kshama Sawant, has called on Bernie Sanders to break with the
Democratic Party and run as an independent. If he refuses, she says, his supporters must build a third party without
him. - 2016/05/01
A Free Press - Krimsky on Role of Media in Democracy - USIA
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Secret Societies - Full Documentary - HD - Illuminati - Freemasonry - YouTube
Mysteries of the Freemasons - The Beginning FULL [History Channel documentary] Illuminati Game "SECRET
WORLDS": How To Make A Ful...
Army captain sues Obama over lack of ISIS war authorization | TheHill
The lawsuit says the fight against ISIS is being carried out illegally.
Watch recording for Anna Smith v. Barack Obama, et al, No. 14-35555
Task & Purpose Radio Podcast
Listen to Task & Purposes podcast on season two of Serial and its coverage of the Bowe Bergdahl case.
The FRONTLINE Interview: Diane Roark | United States of Secrets | FRONTLINE | PBS
Diane Roark served as a top staff member on the House Intelligence Committee from 1985 to 2002. She fought to
end the NSA's post-9/11 warrantless wiretapping initiative, telling FRONTLINE she considered the program
"unethical, immoral, politically stupid, illegal and unconstitutional."
NSA whistle blower Karen Stewart exposes targeted Individuals, 9/11 - YouTube
April 10 2016 Love Guns & Freedom Radio show first hour with NSA whistle blower Karen Stewart exposes
targeted Individuals, 9/11, electronic harassment, and ...
Wheel of Freedom (WUA) 4/4/16 Ex-NSA Karen Stewart - YouTube
NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart tells her story of being fired on false premises, she filed a complaint & lawsuit,
and then became "targeted" by organized st...
NSA Whistleblower Comes Out of the Shadows Into the Light | Canada Free Press - Pennsylvania Judge Quashes 650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit September 28, 2013 - Pennsylvania Judge Quashes 650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit September 28,
2013 by stan5j.5caterbone
EXCLUSIVE: Former NSA Employee Speaks Out on its Corruption | Canada Free Press
Chris Hedges: Welcome to 1984 - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The faade of democracy and the disempowerment of the citizenry by corporations has sparked a nationwide revolt.
Elites, fearing unrest, will soon become ruthless. We must engage now in acts of sustained civic mobilization and
civil disobedience or be crushed. - 2016/05/14
Christopher Hitchens and Ed Meese - YouTube
Christopher Hitchens and Ed Meese face off on CNN's Crossfire
All Art Is Propaganda: Christopher Hitchens on George Orwell - George Packer Interview (2009) - YouTube
Christopher Hitchens and Ed Meese face off on CNN's Crossfire
Targeted Individuals: The FBI harassment nightmare
Aussie Tech Breakthrough Makes DARPAs Thought-controlled Weapons a Practical Reality : Science : Chinatopix
This device will make it safer to implant microchips in the brain.
Podcast: DARPA brought us the internet - is mind control next? | Reuters
For a group of scientists working on weapons some of which could end the world DARPA has a surprisingly
good reputation. The Defense
New DARPA Tech Gives Soldiers Futuristic Edge In Urban Combat
DARPAs VirtualEye program could change the way soldiers maneuver on the urban battlefield.
Jovanka Beckles for Richmond City Council
Bush-41 Finally Speaks on Iraq War | Consortiumnews
Tony Blair: Clear lesson of Iraq war -
Not until Middle East has gone through its painful transition to modernity can we pass a full judgment on effects of
decision to go to war, says Tony Blair.
1989 Sound of Silence Patent Reveals Military Mind Control Secret | Top Secret Writers
A patent was taken out in 1989 by one Oliver M. Lowery for something called a silent subliminal presentation
system that seems to describe a device that
Former British Army soldier makes sensational claim he was abducted by aliens | Weird | News | Daily Express
A FORMER soldier claims he was repeatedly abducted by aliens and even subjected to 'mind control experiments'
that involved the British Army.
Arizona State University researchers develop US army drones that can be guided by MIND CONTROL, Daily Mail
Online July 20, 2016
Arizona State University researchers develop US army drones that can be guided by brain waves | Daily Mail Online
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Researchers at Arizona State University developed the technology, where a controller wears a skull cap outfitted
with 128 electrodes wired to a computer.
TI? - Courtney Love Talks Beautiful Ghost Of Kurt Cobain Haunting Her & Frances Bean -
Sheryl Crow Nashville Home - Sheryl Crow House Tour
Look inside Sheryl Crow's Nashville property, which includes her home, barn, and a church.
Hypnotist mum causes a stir on This Morning after revealing she uses mind control on her kids - goodtoknow
Lisa Machenburg told Eamonn and Ruth that her kids have been hypnotised all their lives, and can even use their
mum's skills for themselves!
Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences invests in simulation technology | Local Business |
There are mannequins everywhere in the Center for Excellence in Practice at the Pennsylvania College of Health
Neurable developing technology to control things with your mind - Story | WJBK
In this edition of Tech Talk, Ramses Alcaide from Neurable joins us to tell us about the company&#39;s developing
technology that can interpret recorded brain activity.&nbsp;
Bowie and the missing soundtrack: the amazing story behind The Man Who Fell to Earth | Music | The Guardian
David Bowie is rumoured to have written a score to the sci-fi classic thats locked up in some vault. But the truth is
much stranger involving screaming maids, boozy brawls and coke-induced hearing hallucinations
Robert Scheer: U.S. Pledge of $90 Million to Laos for Cluster Munitions Legacy Is Chump Change - Truthdig
If the word terrorism has any meaning, it applies to the U.S. bombings in Laos during the Vietnam War, says
Truthdigs editor in chief. - 2016/09/09
Russian Scientists Develop Thought-Controlled Robotic Interface
Russian software company Neurobotics is engaged in creating technology that would enable a person to use his or
her mind to control computers and computer-assisted technologies including robotic prosthetics.

Court Links

Pennsylvania Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Law and Exceptions That Allow Me to Record November 21, 2015
Pennsylvania Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Law and Exceptions That Allow Me to Record November
21, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Pennsylvania Wiretapping and
Electronic Surveillance Law and Exceptions That Allow Me to Record November 21, 2015
Pa. begins process for sick children to get pot | Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania is about to start allowing children with epilepsy and other conditions to be treated with medical
Third Circuit | United States Court of Appeals
Without Prejudice legal definition of Without Prejudice
Definition of Without Prejudice in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What
is Without Prejudice? Meaning of Without Prejudice as a legal term. What does Without Prejudice mean in law?
Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check January 8, 2016
Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check January 8, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check January 8, 2016
CountySuite Civil Court
Petition for Review Docket
United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania-United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System
Rule 3. Appeal as of Right | Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure | LII / Legal Information Institute
(a) Filing the Notice of Appeal. (1) An appeal permitted by law as of right from a district court to a court of appeals
may be taken only by filing a notice of appeal with the district clerk within the time allowed by Rule 4. At the time
of filing, the appellant must furnish the clerk with enough copies of the notice to enable the clerk to comply with
Rule 3(d).
Superior Court ECF Login
U.S. District Search
CM/ECF Appellate Filer Account Update
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Duke Street
Superior Court ECF Dashboard
Common Pleas Docket Sheet
Lanc Co File & ServeXpress
Court Case Schedule and Yearly Calendars | Lancaster County Courts, PA - Official Website
Prothonotary | Lancaster County, PA - Official Website
Lancaster County Court Calendar Admin : Court Schedule
Rules & Policies | United States Courts
Microsoft Word - clkdir2.doc - clkdir2.pdf
Adult Probation | Lancaster County Courts, PA - Official Website
Learn about Adult Probation & Parole Services.
File & ServeXpress Basic
234 Pa. Code Rule 506. Approval of Private Complaints.
Habeus District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Lambert Habeus District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Third Circuit Search
Federal Kidnapping Act - Federal Statutes on Kidnapping - Abduction and Kidnapping
210 Pa. Code Rule 552. Application to Lower Court for Leave to Appeal In FormaPauperis.
The Polygraph Place - Pennsylvania Polygraph Examiners
Register of Wills | Lancaster County, PA - Official Website
Take a look at services offered by the Register of Wills.
Lancaster County Office of the Recorder of Deeds Home Page
Welcome to the Lancaster County Office of the Recorder of Deeds website! We are located in Lancaster, PA and
serve the residents of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Timothy A. Lanza - a Lancaster, Pennsylvania (PA) Criminal Law Law Firm
Timothy A. Lanza, a Lancaster, Pennsylvania (PA) Law Firm - Criminal Law
Electronic Recording Information
These are the companies that Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds currently accepts electronic recordings from.
Pennsylvania Probate: An Overview |
If you need to shepherd an estate through probate in Pennsylvania, you'll probably get good help from the local
court, including downloadable court forms.
Grant Deed Form - Download - Fill In The Blank Form
State Specific Grant Deed Forms, Downloadable Fill in the Blank Grant Deed Forms, State Specific
For the Public | Forms | Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania
U.S. District Court Directory
The Robing Room
CountySuite Civil Court
Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General
Are politicians afraid to impeach and openly try A. G. Kathleen Kane? |
What's happening with Kane is particularly pernicious in that they are attempting to forego a full hearing, and
instead substitute one limited to the much smaller, sole issue of her law license.
Senator Camera Bartolotta - PA State Senate
Blood Alcohol Calculator Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
File & ServeXpress Basic
Recording Police Officers and Public Officials | Digital Media Law Project
PA Wiretap - Title 18 - PA General Assembly
City Of Harrisburg | Bureau of Police
Mayor Eric Papenfuse
National Constitution Center
IC3 Complaint Information
Learning to Live with Pro Se Opponents
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Judicial Nominations - Paul S. Diamond
Pennsylvania Assault and Battery Laws | Criminal Law
In Pennsylvania, misdemeanor simple assault involves intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly inflicting bodily
injury on another, attempting to do so, or putting someone in fear of imminent bodily injury.
Rule 42. Voluntary Dismissal | Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure | LII / Legal Information Institute
(a) Dismissal in the District Court. Before an appeal has been docketed by the circuit clerk, the district court may
dismiss the appeal on the filing of a stipulation signed by all parties or on the appellant's motion with notice to all
Meet the U.S. Attorney | USAO-EDPA | Department of Justice
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Clerk's Office
McDonald at Law Personal Injury Lawyers - Lancaster, PA - Philadelphia, PA
The experienced, compassionate personal injury lawyers at McDonald at Law in Lancaster, PA, are proud to fight on
behalf of victims in our community.
In the Spotlight: Jacquelyn Pfursich begins new job as Lancaster County Clerk of Courts | Local News |
With a new year comes a new job for Jacquelyn Pfursich who is the county's new clerk of courts.
Dashboard | Credit Karma
Instantly receive your free credit score and free credit report online. Free credit tools to track and optimize your
credit score. No credit card needed & no hidden fees.
Tolling the Statute of Limitations in my Civil Complaints with the RICO Act and the Lambert Appeal in the U.S. Third
Circuit - Judgement Day. | Stan Caterbone | LinkedIn
U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Reinstates and Protects Claims for CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison,, in Case No. 07-4474 U.S. Distric
5 things to know about Josh Parsons, Lancaster County's newest commissioner | Local News |
Josh Parsons, an army infantry veteran, former prosecutor and former clerk of courts, took the oath of office
Monday morning as Lancaster County's newest commissioner.
Seeking Guardianship for a Loved One - McAndrews Law Firm
Owen Kugel, Appellant, v. United States of America, Appellee, 947 F.2d 1504 (D.C. Cir. 1991) :: Justia
Owen Kugel, Appellant, v. United States of America, Appellee, 947 F.2d 1504 (D.C. Cir. 1991) case opinion from
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
Table of Contents of the Study Judicial Discipline Reform
Chapter 27 - Title 18 - CRIMES AND OFFENSES
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) |
Passed in 1970, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a federal law designed to
combat organized crime in the United States.
Contact Us | USAO-EDPA | Department of Justice
Supreme Court Tie Dooms Obama Immigration Policy - NBC News
The split was reflected in a one sentence statement from the court: "The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided
Bankruptcy Judge. I...
Court rejects man's claim that Lancaster County's residents are torturing him with mind control |
A state Superior Court panel upheld a Lancaster County judge's ruling that Stanley Caterbone's suit is frivolous.
Government Treaty With Large Gray Aliens Requires Full UFO And ET Disclosure In 2016, Conspiracy Theorists Say
A report that emerged last week in the conspiracy theory blogosphere claims that a treaty between the government
and an extraterrestrial species known as the
Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion law -
In a dramatic ruling, the Supreme Court on Monday threw out a Texas abortion access law in a victory to supporters
of abortion rights who argued it would have shuttered all but a handful of clinics in the state.
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Baby abandoned on an Amish porch 40 years ago now seeks family connection | Insider |
Forty years ago, a widowed Amish woman and her daughter watched from their window late one night as someone
in dark clothing walked up to their farmhouse near Gordonville and
Medical Society elects Simons president for 2-year term | Local Business |
The Lancaster City &amp; County Medical Society said Thursday it has elected Dr. David J. Simons president for a
two-year term.
Chester Springs man co-authors murder novel
Lancaster County native, ex-Tour de France winner Floyd Landis to launch cannabis business | Local News |
Floyd Landis is back in business.
Consumer Reports takes on America's student debt crisis | National |
"I kind of ruined my life by going to college."
Lancaster City Police Department 302 (Mulslim Brotherhood Email Included) Mental Health Warrant of July 9, 2015 and
COURT ORDER of 303 Hearing
15-03984 EXHIBIT Re Preliminary Injunction for EMERGENCY RELIEF Filed in the Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas Case No. CI-16-05815 July 3, 2016
15-03984 EXHIBIT Re Lancaster City Police Department 302 (Muslim Brotherhood Email Included) Mental Health
Warrant of July 9, 2015 and COURT ORDER of 303 Hearing July 3, 2016
15-03984 EXHIBIT Re Lancaster City Police Department 302 (Muslim Brotherhood Email Included) Mental
Health Warrant of July 9, 2015 and COURT ORDER of 303 Hearing July 3, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
What is IP Law?
Code of Judicial Conduct: Effective July 1, 2014 | Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania
PA Supreme Court Case No. 354 and 353 MT 2016 Letters and Orders of June 13, 2016 Re CATERBONE v. Lancaster
County Residents and Lancaster City Police OPEN CASES
PA Supreme Court Case No. 354 and 353 MT 2016 Letters and Orders of June 13, 2016 Re CATERBONE v.
Lancaster County Residents and Lancaster City Police OPEN CASES - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text File (.txt) or read book online for free.
Lancaster Convention Center | Lancaster history and culture
Convention hotel and conference center located in charming and sophisticated Downtown Lancaster Pennsylvania
Incident Reports of Harassment, Vandalism, Hacking, & Thefts From 1987 to March 22, 2010
Christie Brinkley 'wants to make John Mellencamp her FIFTH husband' | Daily Mail Online
The former Sports Illustrated cover girl wants to wed rocker John Mellencamp, 64, is the fall in his hometown of
Daufuskie Island, South Carolina, in the fall, a source told the publication.
New Lancaster County Sheriffs App connects office to community | WPMT FOX43
16-05815 Docket
Nebraska killer contradicted trial testimony to state senator in COINTELPRO case - National Cointelpro |
1998 AFFIDAVIT to Judge Stewart Dalzall of the US District Court for Eastern Pennsylvania
Sheryl Crow excited about Nashvilles firework display after performance | WKRN News 2
Sheryl Crows July Fourth performance at Ascend Amphitheater will precede a big fireworks show, a show Crow
has said shes excited for.
jim boyerClassic Tracks: My Life, Billy Joel | Mixonline Petition by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group to President Obama March 17, 2016 With Affidavit
and Kane Op Ed Letter Petition by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group to President Obama March 17, 2016 With
Affidavit and Kane Op Ed Letter - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Dockets and Stamped Cover Pages U.S. District Court, U.S. Third Circuit Dockets and Reciepts Fairmount Health
Systems Wednesday, July 6, 2016 w Page Numbers
NOW with David Brancaccio. Politics & Economy. Criminalizing Dissent. COINTELPRO Again? | PBS
In an era where commercial values in journalism risk overwhelming democratic values and corporate interests can
prevail over the public interest, NOW continues to stand apart as the one program going against the grain.
Summary Appeal Form for MDJ Scott E Albert Vehicle Turning Left of June 10, 2016 Filed on July 7, 2016
Summary Appeal Form for MDJ Scott E Albert Vehicle Turning Left of June 10, 2016 Filed on July 7, 2016 - Free
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download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Stewart Dalzell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
8 local Republicans and Democratic delegates will participate in the conventions; Here's what they expect | Insider |
Barring any surprises, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton look set to be their party's official picks to replace
President Barack Obama.
Allstate Sworn Testimony of Stan J. Caterbone TRANSCRIPT Volume 2 (June 28, 2016) and Volume 1 (June 9, 2016)
July 12, 2016
AG Kathleen Kane's criminal trial set to begin Aug. 8 |
Despite a raft of pretrial motions this spring, a judge has reaffirmed an Aug. 8 start date for Attorney General
Kathleen Kane's criminal trial.
Recorded 15-03984 STATEMENT Re Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County Case No. CP-46-
CR-0008423-2015 REQUEST for APPEARANCE and AMICUS in Support of Kathleen Kane July 12, 2016
Recorded 15-03984 STATEMENT Re Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County Case No. CP-46-
CR-0008423-2015 REQUEST for APPEARANCE and AMICUS in Support of Kathleen Kane July 12, 2016 by
stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Former Reinholds woman admits to drinking three beers before crash that killed Lancaster woman | Local News |
Patricia Halgash admitted to drinking three beers before a fatal car crash in 2014, according to her own testimony
Wednesday afternoon at Lancaster County Courthouse.
Stan J. Caterbone CORROBORATING WITNESS for Former Reinholds Woman Admits to Drinking Three Beers Before
Crash That Killed Lancaster Woman Local News Lancasteronline September 14, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone CORROBORATING WITNESS for Former Reinholds Woman Admits to Drinking Three Beers
Before Crash That Killed Lancaster Woman Local News Lancasteronline September 14, 2016 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Stan J. Caterbone CORROBORATING WITNESS for
Former Reinholds Woman Admits to Drinking Three Beers Before Crash That Killed Lancaster Woman Local News
Lancasteronline September 14, 2016
CORRUPT Lancaster County Prothonotary and Judge Leonard G. Brown - EVIDENCE July 14, 2016
CORRUPT Lancaster County Prothonotary and Judge Leonard G. Brown - EVIDENCE July 14, 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. CORRUPT Lancaster County Prothonotary and
Judge Leonard G. Brown - EVIDENCE July 14, 2016
2016-17 Governor Proposed Revenues and Tax Changes
PROPOSED TAX AND REVENUE MODIFICATIONSGovernor Tom Wolf - FY2016-17 Executive Budget
GENERAL FUND Effective Date FY...
Surprising New Evidence Shows Bias in Police Use of Force but Not in Shootings - The New York Times
Contradicting conventional wisdom: When it comes to the most lethal form of force, a study finds no racial bias.
Former Reinholds woman found guilty of DUI-related vehicular homicide | Local News |
A former Reinholds woman was found guilty Thursday of driving drunk in a 2014 car crash that killed a Lancaster
woman and severely injured her son.
Supervisors meet amid speculation over future of Southern Regional police | Local News |
Residents of Pequea and Conestoga townships are expected to turn out in large numbers at a special meeting
Thursday night amid speculation that the Southern Regional Police Department could soon
Letter From Dauphin County Probation Services Re Fines and Costs for CP-22-0000067SA2016 and RESPONSE July 18,
Letter From Dauphin County Probation Services Re Fines and Costs for CP-22-0000067SA2016 and RESPONSE
July 18, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Letter From Dauphin
County Probation Services Re Fines and Costs for CP-22-0000067SA2016 and RESPONSE July 18, 2016
Recorded PA Supreme Court Case No. 353 and 354 MT 2016 Motion for Reconsideration for in Forma Pauperis Status
July 18, 2016
Recorded PA Supreme Court Case No. 353 and 354 MT 2016 Motion for Reconsideration for in Forma Pauperis
Status July 18, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Letter to Barry G. Goldman, Attorney at Law Re Altana Rooftop No Tresspass of July 14, 2015
Letter to Barry G. Goldman, Attorney at Law Re Altana Rooftop No Tresspass of July 14, 2015 - Free download as
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Letter to Barry G. Goldman, Attorney at Law Re Altana
Rooftop No Tresspass of July 14, 2015
16-MC-49 U.S. District Court Chapter 11 MOTION to File Exhibit Re Press Release and Executive Summary Re
CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 19, 2016
16-MC-49 U.S. District Court Chapter 11 MOTION to File Exhibit Re Press Release and Executive Summary Re
CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 19, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law >
Court Filings, cia, and dia
Recorded 16-MC-49 U.S. District Court Chapter 11 MOTION to File Exhibit Re Press Release and Executive Summary
Re CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 19, 2016
Recorded 16-MC-49 U.S. District Court Chapter 11 MOTION to File Exhibit Re Press Release and Executive
Summary Re CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 19, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types >
Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
U.S. District Court and Third Circuit Court DOCKET SHEETS for July 19, 2016
U.S. District Court and Third Circuit Court DOCKET SHEETS for July 19, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types >
Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
CATERBONE Complaint to Lancaster City Police Union April 29, 2009
CATERBONE Complaint to Lancaster City Police Union April 29, 2009 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
File (.txt) or read online for free. CATERBONE Complaint to Lancaster City Police Union April 29, 2009
Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County Case No. CP-46-CR-0008423-2015 REQUEST for APPEARANCE Re
Kathleen Kane Amicus in Support of Motion to DISMISS Charges July 20, 2016
16-1149 (To US Supreme Court for Lisa) Third Circuit Lambert Appeal Order by the Clerk of Courts Dismissing Appeal
Dated July 18, 2016
Signed - Letter to the OFFICE of the EXECUTIVE of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals Re Judicial Complaint No.
03-16-90007 Lisa Michelle Lambert July 24, 2016 Full Document Sent
231 Pa. Code Rule 240. In Forma Pauperis.
PA JUDICIAL CONDUCT COMPLAINT - Recorded 16-Mc-49 Bankruptcy Appeal DECLARATION Re Judicial
Conduct Board COMPLAINT Re CI-16-05815 Preliminary Injunction for Relief Filed on July 26, 2016 Signed Copy -
Recorded 16-Mc-49 Bankruptcy Appeal DECLARATION Re Judicial Conduct Board COMPLAINT Re
CI-16-05815 Preliminary Injunction for Relief Filed on July 26, 2016 Signed Copy - UPDATED HACKER
DELETED 7 PAGES by stan5j.5caterbone
judge edward smith eastern district - Google Search
16-cv-4014 - CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With Forms
July 22, 2016
CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With Forms July 22,
2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. CATERBONE v. the
United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With Forms July 22, 2016
42 U.S. Code 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Case No. CI-16-05815 EXHIBIT to Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Emergency Relief, Re Downtown Lancaster
Handout Friday August 19, 2016


Case No. 16-05715 Emergency Injunction Re CULLEN Motion to Recuse EXHIBIT Re Complaint Re Courthouse
Employees - June 28, 2016
Case No. 16-05815 Cullen Motion to Recuse Exhibit Re Email to Paul Cambell Re 3179-06 Appeal April 5 2008
Corruption in the Fleeing Criminal Case and Appeal June 28, 2016
From: To: CC:;; <br...
Case No. 16-05815 Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Immediate Relief Re SCANNED Cover Pages of June 27, 2016
Letter to P. Michael Sturla Re Millersville University of June 4, 2009
Letter to P. Michael Sturla Re Millersville University of June 4, 2009 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law
> Court Filings, cia, and dia
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re Gang Stalking in America, Death by a Thousand Cuts DECLARATION of
June 22, 2016
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re Gang Stalking in America, Death by a Thousand Cuts DECLARATION
of June 22, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
J.C. No. 03-16-90005 Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Third Circuit ORDER of DISMISSAL Dated June 24,
2016 Signed by Circuit Judge Thomas Ambro

Police Shootings

In the Spotlight: Cross Connections Ministries leader says Its all about relationships | Local News |
Families in New Holland can find a place of community on Franklin Street.
Senseless, chilling: Two Columbia teens charged with trying to kill police officers; bail $2 million each | Local News |
Two Columbia teenagers used a scoped sniper rifle in an attempt to gun down police officers in an early Friday
morning shooting in the borough, officials said at a press
Lancaster County police on heightened alert after recent shooting incidents | Local News |
It was only this past Monday when some police chiefs in Lancaster County were discussing what they should do, or
could do, to prevent their officers from being ambushed and
Recent incidents of shots at police in Lancaster County | Local News |
At least a half-dozen local police officers have been wounded by gunfire in the past 16 years, according to LNP
Danish prime minister, not presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, caused Friday hubbub in downtown Lancaster | Local
News |
Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was not hitting the hot spots in downtown Lancaster on Friday, despite plenty
of rumors that the former first lady, senator and secretary of state was
2 in custody, charges expected after shots fired at police in Columbia | Local News |
Two males are expected to be charged after shots were fired at police, and residents were warned to remain in their
homes Friday morning in Columbia.
In wake of shootings, Lancaster County police act to ensure officers make it home safely each day | Insider |
Local police, after being targeted in two shootings last week in Lancaster and Columbia, are taking steps to ensure
they remain safe on the job.
Clergy, police, NAACP and civic leaders find new urgency in conversation about escalating police violence | Local News |
The conversation about violence both by and against police took on a new sense of urgency in Lancaster
County last week when gunmen opened fire on officers in
Teen charged in Columbia shooting apparently refers to Lancaster gunfire incident on Facebook | Insider |
A Facebook page apparently belonging to one of two teenagers charged with shooting at police in Columbia early
Friday references last weeks shooting in Lancaster city in which officers reported
How Cops Are Gearing Up After Mass Killings And Police Shootings
Police are ready in the wake of attacks in France and the United States, and police shootings in Texas and Louisiana.

Lambert Letter

(4) Amicus Curiae Filed by Stan J. Caterbone 2007 to 2016 - Kathleen Kane - The National Security Agency NSA - Lisa
Michelle Lambert - Mehgan Liappatt - Published May 18, 2016
Connections | LinkedIn
Google Alert - kathleen kane - - Gmail
Results of probe into inappropriate...
Results of probe into inappropriate emails to be released - The Washington Post
'Lancaster County': A convicted killer's memoir - but much is missing
Chuck Ardo, the 7th Kathleen Kane spokesman, ran out of 'good answers' |
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Malcolm Gladwell to Lancaster business community: Think soccer, not basketball | Local News |
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Stan J. Caterbone United Nations Human Rights Council of Geneva Switzerland Complaint and Exhibit re U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control, October 4, 2009.pdf
PA Attorney General Mike Fisher Applauds Third Circuit Court Ruling in Lambert Case
16-1001 Third Circuit Habeus DISMISSAL Re Exhaust State Courts Dated May 24, 2016 by Panel With Fisher
Stan J. Caterbone Mental Health Arguments With Newslanc Editiorial Re Kathleen Kane and Mental Health Issues
December 18, 2015
Confirmation 15-03984 United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania - Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert in
Framingham Prison, May 28, 2016
Chester Springs man co-authors murder novel
After writing four sports-related books, local author and lawyer, Dave Brown, took a walk on the dark side.
In a killers words: Lisa Michelle Lambert, nearly 25 years since Laurie Shows murder, claims innocence in new book |
Local News |
Lisa Michelle Lambert, serving a life sentence for the 1991 murder of romantic rival Laurie Show, has painted
herself as a victim of ruthless friends, sinister authorities and unavoidable circumstances
'He got off light': Students ponder verdict after Millersville University's first murder, trial | Insider |
Many students at Millersville University already stressed over final examinations this week and, for some,
graduation this weekend are also remembering Karlie Hall in the wake of her
Remembering Karlie Hall: Student's death at boyfriend's hands spurs family to tackle domestic violence issues | Insider |
Karlie Halls death at the hands of her boyfriend has left her family mother Jeanette and sisters Katelyn and
Kristen grasping for ways to regain focus in their


Rudy Giuliani to speak in Lancaster at Boy Scouts fundraiser | Politics |

Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor and a Donald Trump surrogate, will travel to Lancaster city next
month as the keynote speaker for an annual fundraising dinner benefiting local
Lawsuit: Expert calls pace at Phoenix Academy totally inappropriate for refugee students | Insider |
EASTON Refugee students are being asked to fly without a runway at Phoenix Academy in Lancaster, an
education expert said in federal court Thursday.
Commissioners approve Erin Court sale agreement | Local News |
Loss on Erin Court properties in East Hempfield Township is a source of frustration for county officials.
Man with gun tackled on Wabank Street | Local News |
Lancaster City Police reported an unidentified man carrying a handgun was tackled and had the gun wrestled from
him in front of a Lancaster residence Friday.
Woman shot on North Street | Local News |
Police said early Saturday that the woman was still in the hospital, but did not release her name. They did not
provide any further information on the incident but said
Construction of $35M medical building at Stockyards office park gets underway | Insider |
Its taken eight years of effort to bring something other than stores to the vacant east side of the former Lancaster
Papa Joe's Pizza & Pasta reopens at the Buck after fire | Local Business |
Papa Joes Pizza &amp; Pasta reopened this week at the Buck, eleven months after a devastating fire.
Embattled Lancaster County sheriff's pension may be jeopardized if he is impeached | Insider |
The embattled Lancaster County sheriff could collect nearly $20,000 a year in taxpayer-funded pension payments if
he heeds calls for him to resign amid sexual harassment allegations.But his retirement plan
Man charged in Lancaster bank robbery | Local News |
A man is behind bars on $750,000 bail after being charged with robbing a Lancaster bank earlier this month.
Driver injured when car flips on West End Avenue in Lancaster Township | Local News |
A woman was injured Saturday afternoon when a car she was driving overturned in the 700 block of S. West End
Avenue, near Manor Street, in Lancaster Township, authorities said.
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The Classy Crab opens in Lancaster, featuring blue crabs from Louisiana | Local Business |
The small, takeout shop at 3 Ruby St. is in a former laundromat at Ruby Street and Columbia Avenue. In addition to
different sizes of crabs, the shop sells shrimp
PNC Bank to close branches at 4 Lancaster County retirement communities | Local Business |
PNC Bank is closing branches on the campuses of four Lancaster County retirement communities.
County leaders lock out sheriff amid sexual harassment allegations | Insider |
Sheriff Mark Reese is on leave amid sexual harassment allegations
Chief John Fiorill retires from Southern Regional department amid budget woes | Local News |
The chief of Southern Regional police announced his retirement after more than a decade of leading the department
and 42 years working in law enforcement in Lancaster County.
New owner for Mosby's Pub in Mount Joy | Local Business |
Earlier this month, John Katras bought Mosbys Pub at 215 E. Main St. for an undisclosed price from George
Vekios, who owned it for nine years.
NY teen who swam in stream that flows through Lancaster County dies from brain-eating amoeba | Insider |
Relatives of Ohio girl think organism entered her nose while swimming near Conowingo, Md.
Man stabbed to death in Lancaster, person of interest interviewed and released | Local News |
One person has reportedly been stabbed in Lancaster city.
Lancaster city Planners approve of proposal for $30 million Marriott expansion | Insider |
The Lancaster city Planning Commission approves of the city Redevelopment Authoritys redevelopment proposal
for the $30 million, 110-room Marriott hotel expansion.
Police: Two men shot outside McCaskey-York football game in York city | Local News |
Two men were shot in a parking lot outside a football game Friday night in York between J.P. McCaskey and
William Penn.
Verdict dispute with county DA goes to state Supreme Court | Local News |
A Commonwealth Court judge has ruled that a dispute between Elizabethtown District Judge Jayne Duncan and
Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman should be heard by the state Supreme Court.
School District of Lancaster officials set meetings to address Friday night shooting | Local News |
School District of Lancaster officials will hold meetings Monday and Tuesday regarding a shooting at a McCaskey
football game in York Friday night.
Car hits 2 houses on Hershey Avenue in Lancaster city | Local News |
Driver has to be extricated in early Sunday accident. Is not seriously injured.
TEDx Lancaster inspires audience to be connected | Local News |
"I want to connect with ," read the poster in the lobby of the Ware Center. Nearby, Sharpie markers scattered on
tables invited Saturdays attendees of TEDx Lancaster to
Ponessa adds partial hospitalization for children with mental health needs | Local Business |
T.W. Ponessa &amp; Associates Counseling Services Inc. has added a new treatment option for children with severe
emotional, behavioral, or psychiatric disorders.
Atomic opens rental office in Germany, continuing global expansion | Local Business |
Atomic Design, which designs and builds sets for the live-event industry, has opened a rental office in Frankfurt,
Motions to dismiss civil rights suit against Lancaster County police officer, prosecutor denied | Local News |
A judge has denied motions by a Lancaster County police officer and a former county prosecutor to have a lawsuit
accusing them of violating a man's civil rights dismissed.
Columbia football game evacuated, student in custody for threat | Local News |
Columbia High School's home game against York Suburban was postponed and the stadium evacuated Friday night
based on an unspecified threat made by a student.
Lancaster County judge shows heroin defendants sticky notes with overdose tally | Insider |
With a dramatic gesture, Judge Howard Knisely admits he's trying to scare people from returning to the streets and
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using heroin.
Police looking for 28-year-old man following explosions in New York City, New Jersey; Amtrak issues service alert |
Local News |
NEW YORK (AP) 7:45 a.m.
With opening of Novara, concierge medicine gains ground in Lancaster County | Insider |
Novara looks more like a spa than a doctors office, and thats on purpose.
Study: For every hour doctors see patients, they spend two on records & desk work | Local News |
Accompanying editorial said the study shows that electronic health records have not yet fulfilled their promise of
improving the efficiency and quality of health care.
What does Gov. Wolf's call for a joint session on opioid epidemic entail? | Politics |
As Pennsylvania hurdles toward the end of another especially deadly year in the opioid crisis, the governor and state
lawmakers are racing against time to contain the epidemic.
Court hearing next stop for Lancaster man in RRTA bus riding dispute | Insider |
Bill Horn, the Lancaster man charged with theft of service for riding a Red Rose Transit Authority bus beyond his
zone pass, is receiving community support for his plight.
Refugee lawsuit: Federal judge calls School District of Lancaster back to court | Insider |
Attorneys for six refugee students who sued the district this summer say the district is not fully complying with the
court's order regarding where the district places older refugee students
Lancaster Realtor's brother advances on NBC's 'The Voice' | Entertainment |
Lancaster Realtor Handy Cuevas' brother, Christian, chose to join Team Alicia Keys on Monday night's "The Voice"
competition on NBC.
Lancaster city logs its 9,000 public trees in searchable database | Local News |
Ever see an unfamiliar tree while walking in Lancaster city and want to know what kind it is?
Fuss over bus ride gains public support; matter will end up in court | Insider |
Bill Horn, the Lancaster man charged with theft of service for riding a Red Rose Transit Authority bus beyond his
zone pass, is receiving community support for his plight.
Benefit to celebrate life of US Marine from Millersville who died in 2015 accidental drowning | Local News |
Jim Livermore and Natascha Gyorke should have been celebrating four months of marriage Wednesday.
Lower energy costs should again give homeowners a break on heating bills this winter | Local Business |
With the warm days of summer well behind us, residents may soon start thinking about their winter heating costs.
Among young voters, Lancaster County is a competitive battleground | Insider |
It's no secret that younger voters are more likely to be liberal and older voters skew conservative.

Kathleen Kane

Pennsylvania's judicial ethics court is giving Attorney General Kathleen Kane two weeks to produce material for a
pending disciplinary case against Supreme Court Justice Michael Eakin
Kane aide sues for wrongful termination
HARRISBURG - A former aide to Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has sued her for wrongful
termination, contending he was dismissed in retaliation for recommending the firing of her controversial chief of
staff, who had been accused of sexually harassing female colleagues. - Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
Senate facing a decision on attorney generals removal - News - Standard Speaker
Kane aide files wrongful termination suit against her
HARRISBURG - A former aide to Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane has sued her over wrongful
termination, contending he was dismissed in retaliation for recommending the firing of her controversial chief of
staff, who had been accused of sexually harassing female colleagues. - Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
Kathleen Kane v. The "Good Old Boys" by Stan J. Caterbone and The Advanced Media Group | Stan Caterbone | LinkedIn
December 15, 2015 &quot;Kane, the first woman and Democrat elected to the position of Pennsylvania's top
prosecutor, has dismissed the case as a backlash
Frank Fina, and possibly Kathleen Kane, to testify in Philadelphia bribery case |

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Former state prosecutor Frank Fina will testify Wednesday in a legislative bribery case that ensnared several top
Philadelphia lawmakers. He may be joined by Attorney General Kathleen Kane
Kane, aides sued by HR analyst with whistleblower claims - The Morning Call
Kane, aides sued by HR analyst with whistleblower claims
Northeast Pa. prosecutor joins pack vying for Kane's job NewsWorks
A Northeast Pennsylvania prosecutor said he'll seek the Democratic nomination for state Attorney General Kathleen
Kane's job. Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli said Tuesday...
Allentown, Lehigh Valley news from The Morning Call and - The Morning Call
Allentown news, Bethlehem news, Easton news, Poconos news, Lehighton news, Quakertown news, Lehigh Valley
PA Senate brandishes 19th-century pseudo mental health laws against Kane |
Though they live worlds apart, on separate continents, a 54-year-old Armenian woman named Julietta Amarikian
has something in common with Pennsylvania Attorney
Kane's sister received emails mocking Asians, blacks and domestic violence | TribLIVE
PA Senate brandishes 19th-century pseudo mental health laws against Kane |
Though they live worlds apart, on separate continents, a 54-year-old Armenian woman named Julietta Amarikian
has something in common with Pennsylvania Attorney
The Kathleen Kane chronicles: The mess grows (again) | TribLIVE
Stan J. Caterbone Mental Health Arguments With Newslanc Editiorial Re Kathleen Kane and Mental Health Issues
December 18, 2015
Stan J. Caterbone Mental Health Arguments With Newslanc Editiorial Re Kathleen Kane and Mental Health Issues
December 18, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Stan J. Caterbone
Mental Health Arguments With Newslanc Editiorial Re Kathleen Kane and Mental Health Issues December 18,
Memo from Kane's top deputy shows dissent within office: report |
The top deputy for embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane doesn't seem to agree with his boss's view in the
ongoing the controversial email scandal.
AG Kathleen Kane's appointment of special prosecutor raises more questions |
On the same day that a Philadelphia district attorney spoke out on Kathleen Kane's involvement in the exchange of
vulgar emails, the attorney general signed a document appointing Douglas Gansler as special prosecutor.
The Democrats' Problem in Pennsylvania Is Falling Star Kathleen Kane - Bloomberg Politics
Indicted in August for perjury, the state's attorney general could prove to be a liability for a Clinton presidential run.
Kane's 'Porngate' prosecutor has baggage of his own: Dennis Roddy |
Attorney General Kathleen Kane on Tuesday appointed a special prosecutor who was himself sanctioned by the
courts, is not licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania, and has been photographed in the middle of a teen drinking
AG Kathleen Kane now faces investigation by State Ethics Commission |
Attorney General Kathleen Kane now faces an investigation by the State Ethics Commission, in addition to criminal
charges, a Senate removal process and various civil lawsuits.
Attorney General Kathleen Kane's battle with the 'old boys' network' - The Morning Call
Kathleen Kane's year can be summed up with three words: perjury, porn, patronage.
Report: AG Kane now being investigated by state ethics commission | Local News - WGAL Home
News 8 has learned that state Attorney General Kathleen Kane is being investigated by the Pennsylvania Ethics
Pornographic email scandal roils Pennsylvania politics |
WASHINGTON POST: ...Over the past 15 months, beleaguered Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has
released a steady stream of messages retrieved from a
AG's office makes case for Kathleen Kane's continued leadership |
Attorney General Kathleen Kane's office has responded to a Supreme Court petition challenging her legal status.
Lancaster blunders and missed opportunities in 2015 |
By Robert Field Looking back on 2015, we are again reminded of how difficult, most times impossible, it has been
to avoid tragedies and spur
Suspended license puts Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane's re-election bid in jeopardy | Southeastern PA
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News - Home
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane acknowledges she may not run for re-election unless her law license
suspension is lifted.
'Porngate' scandal in Pennsylvania: The basics and the background |
The porngate email exchanges include offensive material about domestic violence, homosexuals and various racial
and ethnic stereotypes.
Pa. politics: what lies ahead?
A new political year brings chances for change or the sad possibility of sameness. Here are key issues and events
that will shape state news in 2016. - John Baer, Philadelphia Daily News
Lancaster County News and Commentary - News from Lancaster County
Kane to skip removal hearing - News - The Times-Tribune
Kane "unlikely" to show for removal hearing | State House Sound Bites |
Photo by Mary Wilson / WITF State Attorney General Kathleen Kane might be a no-show at the special hearing
scheduled next Tuesday by the Senate committee considering her ouster. Spokesman Chuck Ardo said Wednesday
that the embattled official is still considering how she will respond to the panel, but it is
Kane to skip removal hearing - News - The Times-Tribune
Pennsylvania AG Kane confidant could face six-month jail sentence | TribLIVE
KEISLING: Senate unwittingly exposes darkest chapter in state legislative history in Kane removal bid |
Senate invokes constitutional provision against AG Kathleen Kane tied to era of eugenics, forced sterilizations, and
the Holocaust by Bill
KEISLING: PA AG Kathleen Kane: Gagged, bound, and tied to the sawmill |
Kathleen Kane posed a tangible threat to the well-entrenched cadre of corrupted officials from both parties who've
been running the state, and who all rely on a
In defense of two prosecutors
I came to appreciate prosecutors Frank Fina and Pat Blessington for their honesty, intelligence, and diligence as they
evenhandedly and without fear or favor uprooted both Democratic and Republican corruption. - By George Parry,
Philadelphia Inquirer
Kane planning to seek another term, aide says | State |
HARRISBURG Embattled attorney general Kathleen Kane intends to run for a second term despite facing
criminal charges and lacking a law license, but she has not made a final
Kane spokesman: She's running again
She is facing a criminal trial, the Senate might yank her out of office, her poll numbers are sinking, rivals in her own
party are lining up for her job, and the husband who bankrolled her last campaign is no longer in the picture. - Craig
R. McCoy andAngela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
What's the next explosion in the Kane email scandal? | TribLIVE
Kathleen Kane faces ouster vote by Senate panel on Tuesday - The Morning Call
The Special Committee on Senate Address will meet Tuesday to decide whether Kathleen Kane should be removed
from office.
AG Kane plans to skip hearing at which her job is at stake | News |
Photo by AP Photo/Matt Slocum Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane looks on while arriving at
Benjamin Franklin Parkway ahead of the Papal Mass Sunday, Sept. 27, 2015, in Philadelphia. (Harrisburg) -- State
Attorney General Kathleen Kane faces a fourth and final Senate hearing in a process that could lead to her removal
from office on grounds that she can't perform her duties while her law license remains suspended. Her spokesman
said Friday she doesn't plan to be present when the Special Committee on Senate Address convenes tomorrow to
hear from her. The hearing to get her side is required under an obscure constitutional provision that could soon be
used against her. Her spokesman says she'll meet a noon deadline today to submit a written statement of some sort.
The first-term Democrat has said the Senate can't remove her on its own. The state Supreme Court suspended Kane's
license as...
Attorney General Kathleen Kane says she'll run for re-election - Philadelphia Business Journal
The Attorney Generals political consultant Ken Smukler believes Kane will run for re-election this year.
Armstrong County judge rules AG office has authority to continue trying cases | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Ruling upends challenges to the offices authority in wake of Kathleen Kanes suspension.
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Kathleen Kane cites 1891 case in response to planned removal hearing |
Kathleen Kane has confirmed what most assumed: That the attorney general would forego a Senate hearing Tuesday
that would be the next step toward her removal from office.
AG Kathleen Kane's future is in the hands of 19th-century lawmakers |
Criminal charges aside, the most urgent threat to Attorney General Kathleen Kane is an arcane removal provision
last used in another headline-grabbing scandal 125 years ago.
Gov. Ed Rendell plans to testify in support of AG Kathleen Kane at hearing |
Gov. Ed Rendell plans to testify in support of Attorney General Kathleen Kane at a Senate hearing that could lead to
her ultimate removal.
Kathleen Kane wants law license back, protests Supreme Court decision - Philadelphia Business Journal
Kane has no plans to testify at a Senate hearing on her removal.
Pennsylvania committee delays vote on attorney generals removal - Yahoo News
From Yahoo News: A Pennsylvania Senate committee delayed a vote on Tuesday on whether to recommend
removing embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane from her post because of a suspended law license. The move
to put off the vote followed testimony from former Pennsylvania Governor Edward Rendell and the attorney
general's chief of staff, Jonathan Decker, who said Kane could continue to perform her job adequately without a law
license. The only time it would be relevant for the attorney general not to be able to go to court would be if
everyone else was wiped out, Rendell said.
Rendell urges Senate not to use direct removal power on Kane - News - Citizens' Voice
Attorney General Kathleen Kanes Ability to Perform Duties, Hearing
Kathleen Kane's law license suspension appeal moving through court - The Morning Call
Kathleen Kane's law license suspension appeal moving through court
Pennsylvania's Office of Attorney General blasted for agent shortfall | TribLIVE
Pa. Senate Presses OAG on Special Prosecutor's Role | The Legal Intelligencer
Doug Gansler, the special prosecutor hired by Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane to review offensive
emails exchanged by government employees, has b...
Drinking the Kane Kool-Aid | TribLIVE
Ron Southwick: Why Kathleen Kane shouldn't run again | Reading Eagle - NEWS
The state Attorney General may launch an improbable re-election bid, even as she fights to stay out of prison.
On Kane, Senate in wait-and-see mode | State House Sound Bites |
Photo by Mary Wilson / WITF The state Senate is in a bit of a pickle as it advances its analysis of whether or not to
boot Attorney General Kathleen Kane from office due to the suspension of her law license last year pending her trial
on perjury and other criminal charges. Last week, the attorney general asked the state Supreme Court to reconsider
its September ruling shelving her legal credential. She argued that sitting Justice Michael Eakin should not have
participated in the discussion, as he has since been suspended from the bench due to inappropriate e-mails he
exchanged that she had released. Kane's petition to the Supreme Court was filed the evening before a hearing called
by the Senate panel considering her ouster. The next day, at the hearing intended to give Kane a chance to defend
herself, former Governor Ed Rendell testified instead. Rendell noted the...
PA Senate Weighs Whether Or Not To Remove AG Kane From Office | WSKG
The Pennsylvania state Senate is in a bind as it advances its analysis of whether or not to remove Attorney General
Kathleen Kane from office due to the
Board Argues Attorney General Kane's Law License Should Remain Suspended | NBC 10 Philadelphia
The state office that investigates misconduct by lawyers argued Wednesday that Pennsylvania Attorney General
Kathleen Kane waited too long to object to Justice Michael Eakin's participation with four other...
A top state prosecutor is raising questions about Attorney General Kathleen Kane's hiring of a team of outside lawyers to
investigate a government email scandal
A top state prosecutor is raising questions about Attorney General Kathleen Kane's hiring of a team of outside
lawyers to investigate a government email scandal. Updated 1/21/16 7:44 PM.
Special Committee on Senate Address | Home
Top News |
Read the latest Top News news and view Top News pictures from our team of local insiders.
KEISLING: Lancaster County newspaper publisher disbarred before becoming state attorney general |
AG William Hensel caught Philly Inquirer bribing city treasurer by Bill Keisling Note to readers: The
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Pennsylvania Senate plans to invoke a
Misconduct board argues AG Kanes law license should remain suspended |
WALKILEAKS / AP: The office that investigates misconduct by lawyers is arguing that Pennsylvania Attorney
General Kathleen Kane waited too long to complain
LETTER: Shady Lancaster City |
This rambling text is copied from the RACL November 17 minutes. Risks: moral hazard and the American dream.
Hyperbole aside, I'm concerned that we
Kane - Crisis of credibility
A report that two more Pennsylvania Supreme Court justices were no strangers to the state's sprawling electronic
profanity exchange shows why the high court has been widely urged to order an independent investigation of the
scandal - and why it hasn't done so.
Senate panel to release Kane report Wednesday - News - The Times-Tribune
Representative Martina A. White - PA House of Representatives
Pornocopia insanity in Harrisburg | TribLIVE
Woes across government branches tarnish Pa.'s image, experts say
House panel take steps to launch impeachment proceedings against AG Kane
HARRISBURG - A key House committee is taking the first steps toward launching impeachment proceedings
against Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane, even as the Senate is poised to decide whether to remove
her from office. - Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
Panel votes to authorize probe toward possible impeachment of Kane | Reading Eagle - NEWS
If the full House follows suit, a subcommittee investigating the embattled attorney general would have subpoena
Committee: Senate Should Delay Vote on Kane Removal - Story
A special committee&#39;s ruling leaves the embattled AG in doubt
Divided Pa. Senate panel supports Kane removal vote
Divided Pa. Senate panel supports Kane removal vote
RAW VIDEO: Sen. John Gordner on decision not to take impeachment vote on Kane - The Morning Call
Sen. John Gordner, R-Columbia, says once the state Supreme Court makes a decision on Kathleen Kane's law
license appeal, he would be the first to push for a vote on whether she should be impeached.
On Kane's removal, Pa. Senate panel equivocates - Philadelphia Business Journal
One local Democrat is not happy with the Senate's latest decision.
Senate panel: Delay vote on Kane removal - News - Citizens' Voice
Political Winners & Losers: Polls, polls and more polls. But what do they tell us? |
Kane up, Wolf down and no one knows how to feel about the U.S. Senate race. Yep, it's campaign season in
Kane ouster not being done in vacuum - News - The Times-Tribune
Court ruling on Sandusky cover-up case presents Kane with complex choices
A long-awaited Superior Court ruling that landed last month did more than just dismiss the most serious charges
against three former Penn State administrators accused of covering up child sex attacks by Jerry Sandusky. - Susan
Snyder and Craig R. McCoy, Philadelphia Inquirer
Kathleen Kane: The Rise and Fall | Philadelphia Magazine
Attorney General Kathleen Kane was the most promising political figure in Pennsylvania, until she became
obsessed with an enemy she just couldnt destroy.
PA Atty General Website
Pa. Activist Wants Kane's Campaign Spending Investigated - Law360
A Pennsylvania activist again asked the state to take action regarding embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane,
asking the Office of General Counsel on Wednesday to investigate her alleged use of campaign funds to pay legal
fees related to her indictment and law license suspension.
Pa. House Leader plans vote to launch Kane impeachment process next week |
Majority Leader David Reed, R-Indiana County, says the floor vote to launch an investigation will come Monday or
Pa. House set to vote Monday on starting Kane impeachment investigation | TribLIVE Mobile
AG Kathleen Kane: Dismiss federal lawsuit by 'insubordinate' agents |
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Whether Kane, who is embattled on several legal fronts, is entitled to immunity from the suit by Agents Michael
Carlson and Michael Cranga will be a call for U.S. Middle District Chief Judge Christopher C. Conner.
Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane has August trial date for alleged perjury charge - King Of Prussia Courier - Main Line
Media News
Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane has August trial date for alleged perjury charge - NORRISTOWN >> Embattled
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kanes trial on perjury-related charges will get under way with jury
selection on Aug. 8, a judge ruled on Friday.
Pa. Supreme Court Rejects Kane Bid To Restore Law License; Senate Expected To Vote On Removal CBS Philly
The state Supreme Court has rejected Attorney General Kathleen Kanes bid to lift the suspension of her law
Senate to vote Wednesday on Pennsylvania AG Kane ouster | TribLIVE
HARRISBURGThe Senate plans to vote Wednesday on removing embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane
from office, the top GOP leader said. Kane, A Democrat elected statewide in ...
Pennsylvania Senate plans vote this week on AG Kane removal |
The top-ranking Republican in the state Senate said Monday the chamber will vote this week on whether to remove
from office Attorney General Kathleen Kane, a first-term Democrat who has spent the past two years working to
expose an explicit and objectiona
More evidence of Ole boys club desperation to block public hearings |
February 7, 2016 Featured, News and Commentary Comments Edit By Robert Field As Porngate hits state high
court, Sprague brought in as mediator
Senate to vote Wednesday on whether to oust Pennsylvania AG Kane | TribLIVE
HARRISBURG The Senate plans to vote Wednesday on removing embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane
from office, the top GOP leader said. Kane, a Democrat ...
AG Kathleen Kane's Senate removal vote may kick off a whole new controversy |
A Senate vote to remove Kathleen Kane from office planned for Wednesday may seem like an end, but it's probably
just the beginning.
Read the Senate's Kathleen Kane removal resolution |
The resolution to remove Attorney General Kathleen Kane that will be considered by the Pennsylvania Senate on
Senate Poised to Vote on Whether to Remove Attorney General Kane | NBC 10 Philadelphia
Pennsylvania senators planned a Wednesday vote on whether to remove Attorney General Kathleen Kane on
grounds that her suspended law license has rendered it impossible for her to do the job.
Kathleen Kane impeachment to be considered by state House - The Morning Call
Kathleen Kane impeachment to be considered by Pennsylvania House
PA Senate votes against removing Kathleen Kane as Attorney General | WPMT FOX43
Some Kane staffers disappointed she survived Senate's attempt to oust her |
Press secretary Chuck Ardo says those employees want the spotlight on their agency to end.
Kathleen Kane talks failed ouster in Attorney General's first interview in months - Philadelphia Business Journal
Kane talked about her supporters and a possible re-election run.
Kathleen Kane manages to keep her job but can't avoid impeachment proceedings
Pennsylvania's embattled attorney general won't run again - Yahoo News
From Yahoo News: SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) The state's embattled attorney general said Tuesday she will not seek
a second term, facing pressure from within her own party after being hobbled for months by perjury charges and the
suspension of her law license.
Capitolwire: Senate vote to remove Kane fails; House starts investigation. |
By Kevin Zwick & Chris Comisac Capitolwire HARRISBURG (Feb. 10) Attorney General Kathleen Kane
survived a removal attempt Wednesday after the state
Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane will not seek re-election
SCRANTON, Pa. >> Pennsylvanias embattled attorney general said Tuesday she will not seek a second term,
facing pressure from within her own party after being hobbled for months by criminal perjury charges and the
suspension of her law li
Media company lawyer objects to handing over original documents in Kane case - Bucks County Courier Times: Bucks
County | Local news | Breaking News
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A lawyer for Philadelphia Media Network, which owns the Philadelphia Daily News and The Philadelphia Inquirer,
is battling efforts by the Montgomery County District Attorneys Office to obtain the original documents of secret
grand jury information that state Attorney General Kathleen Kane allegedly leaked to a news reporter.
D.A., newspaper, at odds over documents in Kane probe
NORRISTOWN >> Lawyers for a Philadelphia newspaper have asked a judge to quash the request of Montgomery
County prosecutors who are seeking original documents leaked to the newspaper allegedly at the direction of
Pennsylvania Attorney General Ka
Democratic leader says Senate moving too fast to remove Kane
News, weather, traffic and sports for Harrisburg, Pa. Also York, Lancaster and Lebanon | WHTM-TV, ABC
Kane says she won't seek reelection
SCRANTON - Facing criminal charges, a suspended law license, and potential impeachment, Pennsylvania
Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane on Tuesday said she would not run for reelection. - Craig R. McCoy and
Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
Letter: Give Kane credit, not criticism
While praising a panel of the Court of Judicial Discipline for rejecting a proposed deal and insisting on a public
airing of the charges against Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin, the Inquirer did not lose sight of its overriding
principle in all things related to this matter: to vilify Attorney General Kathleen Kane ("Justice ought to be judged,"
Kane wants her charges tossed, county judges taken off case
News, weather, traffic and sports for Harrisburg, Pa. Also York, Lancaster and Lebanon | WHTM-TV, ABC
Embattled Pennsylvania Attorney General Says That She Will Not Seek Re-election - The New York Times
Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane of Pennsylvania said she would continue battling what she has called a corrupt
old-boys network that has plotted to remove her from office.
Kane wants her charges tossed, judges taken off case | Reading Eagle - NEWS
State attorney general's filing comes five months before her scheduled trial.
Kane wants her charges tossed, county judges taken off case | Local News - WTAE Home
A new court filing by Attorney General Kathleen Kane seeks to have the criminal charges against her thrown out
and all the judges in Montgomery County removed from her case.
Kane fights back against leak charges | TribLIVE
HARRISBURG Attorney General Kathleen Kane is fighting back against criminal charges against her, asking
Friday for the case to be thrown out for selective ...
Hotline for Altoona-Johnstown diocese abuse gets 150 calls in first week
News, weather, traffic and sports for Harrisburg, Pa. Also York, Lancaster and Lebanon | WHTM-TV, ABC
Kane: Ive Done Nothing Wrong (VIDEO) | PoliticsPA
PoliticsPA: Kane says, 'I've done nothing wrong' - Philadelphia Business Journal
Kane once again asserted that she wont resign.
Politically Uncorrected: The Fall of Kathleen Kane | PoliticsPA

Porngate: Inside the XXX Emails that Exposed Pennsylvania's Polluted Politics
They should've made Kathleen Kane's career. Instead, they destroyed it.
Passing budget more important than impeaching Kathleen Kane - The Morning Call
If Pennsylvania's House devoted as much time to the budget as it does to Attorney General Kathleen Kane, perhaps
we would have a budget.
Pa. legislators, advocates rally for statute of limitations reform | Centre Daily Times
In the wake of a grand jury report on abuse in the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese released earlier this month, state
representatives, adult victims of child sexual abuse and advocates gathered Monday at the Capitol to push for statute
of limitations reform.
2nd Pennsylvania Justice Resigns Over Raunchy Email Scandal - ABC News
2nd Pennsylvania Justice Resigns Over Raunchy Email Scandal
Kathleen Kane seeks hearing on FBI recording leak about leaks - The Morning Call
Kathleen Kane seeks court hearing on FBI recording leak about leaks

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Kathleen Kane wins another court fight to keep porn emails from public - The Morning Call
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane wins another court fight to keep porn emails from public
Kathleen Kane hearing scheduled amid accusations of prosecution leaks |
The judge presiding over Kathleen Kane's criminal case declined to rule on pretrial motions Tuesday amid
accusations of leaks from the Montgomery County Prosecutor's Office.
Tempers Flare In Kathleen Kane Pre-trial CBS Philly
The case against Kane revolves around allegations that she leaked grand jury information to the Philadelphia Daily
News that, in turn, was retaliation for leaks about her to the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Media coalition asks judge to deny Kane's secret motion request - The Morning Call
Media coalition asks judge to deny Kathleen Kane's secret motion request
Williams calls for new ethics legislation for state judges - The Philadelphia Tribune: News
Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane's hire may be way she can keep exerting power | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Kathleen Kane has hired former Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce Castor to fill a newly created
executive position in her office.
Suit: Kane aide quickly went from ally to outcast
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane invited her aide to her home on a Friday night and offered him a
beer from the wet bar. - Craig R. McCoy and Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
Federal Prosecutors to File Racketeering Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania Diocese Officials in connection to Child Sexual
Abuse Cover Up : Lawfirm | Lawyer : Lawyer Herald
US attorney David Hickton said, he is consideirng to file racketeering lawsuit against Altoona-Johnstown diocese in
Pennsylvania. It is in connection to former bishops' over ups of child sexual abuses in the church for more than 40
years by over 50 clergys.
Too many pictures of Kathleen Kane - The Morning Call
Subscribers to your newspaper are much too familiar with Attorney General Kathleen Kane's looks.
My Dashboard - PENN File
Prosecutors oppose Pennsylvania AG Kanes appeal to state court - King Of Prussia Courier - Main Line Media News
Prosecutors oppose Pennsylvania AG Kanes appeal to state court - NORRISTOWN >> Montgomery County
prosecutors oppose embattled Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane taking an appeal of a county judges
pretrial rulings to a state court.
Kathleen Kane motion to quash
Kathleen Kane motion to quash - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Attorney General
Kathleen Kane filed a new motion Wednesday to dismiss the criminal charges against her.
Montgomery County prosecutors call AG Kanes claim of vindictive prosecution frivolous
NORRISTOWN >> Montgomery County prosecutors maintain embattled Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen
G. Kanes claim that she is the victim of selective and vindictive prosecution is frivolous and not a basis on which
Prosecutors assail AG Kane's bid to drop charges
The Montgomery County District Attorney's Office on Monday assailed Attorney General Kathleen Kane's latest
bid to dismiss the criminal case against her, calling frivolous and irrelevant her claim that she is the victim of a
selective and vindictive prosecution. - Laura McCrystal, Philadelphia Inquirer
Prosecutors oppose A.G. Kanes appeal to state court
NORRISTOWN >> Montgomery County prosecutors oppose embattled Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen
Kane taking an appeal of a county judges pretrial rulings to a state court.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane suspects that prosecutors leaked FBI recordings in her criminal case to a
LETTER: LNP remains a lily-white newspaper |
Re: LNP takes cheap shot at Hillary Clinton by publishing Lewistown Sentinel bogus editorial NEWSLANC'S
editor responded to a comment: EDITOR: We believe
Kathleen Kane to 6abc: Everybody makes mistakes |
Action News anchor Brian Taff sat down with Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane on Tuesday.
Pennsylvania taxpayers foot hefty legal bill for Kathleen Kane | TribLIVE
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HARRISBURG Attorney General Kathleen Kane has charged taxpayers more than $250,000 to have an outside
law firm represent her in three lawsuits filed by ...
PA Attorney General Mike Fisher Applauds Third Circuit Court Ruling in Lambert Case
re><br /> HARRISBURG, Pa., Dec. 29 /PRNewswire/ -- PA Attorney General Mike Fisher Applauds Third Circuit
Court Ruling in Lambert Case. <br />.
Results of probe into inappropriate emails to be released - The Washington Post
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has announced that preliminary results of an investigation into
inappropriate emails found on state servers will be released Tuesday.
Rampant paranoia in AG Kathleen Kane's office: 'You never knew if they'd come for you' |
Current and former staffers share their experiences working for Kathleen Kane as she engaged in a feud with former
prosecutors and now faces criminal charges.
Inside the government's secret NSA program to target terrorists | Fox News
EXCLUSIVE: Relentless attacks on American military personnel at the height of the Iraq war made the U.S.
intelligence community confront a dire problem: They needed real-time intelligence to take Al Qaeda off the
battlefield and dismantle its bomb-making factories.
Chuck Ardo, the 7th Kathleen Kane spokesman, ran out of 'good answers' |
"I could no longer in good conscience do the job she had hired me to do," Ardo said, explaining his decision.
Ardo paints picture of distrust in Attorney General's office | News |
Photo by AP Photo/ Joseph Kaczmarek (Harrisburg) -- Kathleen Kane lost her seventh spokesperson in three-and-
a-half years after Chuck Ardo's resignation last week. The well-respected Ardo tells WITF's Smart Talk he simply
had finally had enough. He served as spokesman for former Governor Ed Rendell and former Harrisburg Mayor
Linda Thompson, both of which could be called challenging jobs. Ardo also spent a year in that same capacity with
state Attorney General Kathleen Kane before he stepped down. He says the tipping point came after a simple and
routine office tour.
Kathleen Kane talks past, present, future in interview with Rick Williams |
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane sat down for an interview at our studio with Rick Williams.
PoliticsPA: AG Kane's office had 'culture of paranoia,' say former staff - Philadelphia Business Journal
There was almost this sense that every day, theyd shoot another hostage, a former staffer told McKelvey.
Montgomery DA: Kane's claim of 'selective and vindictive' prosecution does not merit hearing - Bucks County Courier
Times: Bucks County | Local news | Breaking News
Montgomery County prosecutors advised a county judge that she should not waste her time even holding a hearing
on state Attorney General Kathleen Kanes claim that she is a victim of selective and vindictive prosecution.
In the future, Air Force pilots could control planes with their minds - Business Insider
The military appear interested in the potential for jet fighters to control their planes with direct thought control,
rather than using their arms."
Embattled Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane Accused of Discrimination by Twin Ellen Granahan
When you've been accused of illegally firing and demoting state employees and possibly leaking secret grand jury
material, it's nice to know you can still count on family to have your back. Oh,... Politics News Summaries. | Newser
Kathleen Kane's administration hit with discrimination complaint from her twin sister - The Morning Call
Attorney General Kathleen Kane's twin sister Ellen Granahan files EEOC complaint against Kane's administration,
alleging gender and wage discrimination.
Fed up Lancaster County DA eyes mandatory state prison terms for heroin-related convictions | Local News |
Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman says his office will seek mandatory prison sentences for anyone
convicted of selling heroin in the county.
AG Kane seeks dismissal of agent's lawsuit - News - The Times-Tribune
Frank Fina, prosecutor ensnared in Porngate, leaves Phila. DA's office | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Fina said he would pursue a second career as a criminal defense lawyer and investigator, working for corporate
clients and others.
Kathleen Kane testifies for change to Pennsylvania's statue of limitations. - YouTube
A man was arrested at a Harrisburg vigil for victims of the Orlando shooting on June 12, 2016.
Kathleen Kane Takes Another Loss | PoliticsPA
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The bizarre tenure of Kathleen Kane continues | Editorials |
As if Kathleen Kane didn't have enough to worry about, she's now being sued, in effect, by her twin sister for
discrimination. It is yet another distraction for an office
Judge rejects AG Kathleen Kane's bid to dismiss criminal charges |
Kathleen Kane's bid to have criminal charges against her dropped due to "selective and vindictive prosecution" has
been rejected by a Montgomery County judge.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Exposed 1000s of Pornographic, Racist Government Emails But Now Faces Her Own
Scandal - ABC News
Katheen Kane didn't expect her career to be in jeopardy after outing a scandal.
District Attorney: Police shooting of homeless man was 'clearly justified' | News |
A police officer was justified in fatally shooting a homeless man who lunged at another officer with a 9-inch knife,
the district attorney announced Friday, saying he would not prosecute
Superior Court Rejects Kane's Criminal Appeal | The Legal Intelligencer
The Pennsylvania Superior Court has quashed an appeal by Attorney General Kathleen Kane, in which she argued
that the charges against her should have been di...
Superior Court rejects Kathleen Kane's attempt to recuse judges from criminal case |
The Superior Court, in a one-sentence ruling, effectively quashed Attorney General Kathleen Kane's bid to recuse
all 22 judges of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas.
Impeachment of Kane now? - Bucks County Courier Times: Editorials
Last week, the Republican-controlled state House Subcommittee on Courts voted to authorize subcommittee
Chairman Todd Stephens, R-151, to issue subpoenas in connection with possible impeachment proceedings against
state Attorney General Kathleen Kane, a Democrat.
Investigation of Kathleen Kane moves forward with subpoenas, protection order |
A House investigation of possible misconduct by Attorney General Kathleen Kane took another step forward
Tuesday toward the issuance of subpoenas for current and former Kane staffers.
what do they have on Kathleen Kane
vindictiveness make sure you vote against those voting for her impeachment.
Kathleen Kane spent at least $160,000 on an email probe that may never see the light of day |
Will we ever see Kathleen Kane's long-gestating report on offensive and pornographic emails circulating through
Pennsylvania's halls of power?
Sources: Top-ranking career prosecutor pushed from post in Philadelphia D.A.'s office | PhillyVoice
A top-ranking career prosecutor, Philadelphias deputy district attorney of investigations, Curtis Douglas, was fired
last week by DA Seth Williams, who had hired him away from the feds six years ago.
Cost of Kane Email Report Already at $160K | PoliticsPA
Trial date set for Kathleen Kane
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane's criminal trial is set to begin Aug. 8 in Norristown. Attorneys on
both sides emerged from a closed-door conference with Montgomery County Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy on
Monday afternoon and said they had resolved all pre-trial matters, paving the way for the case to go before a jury. -
Laura McCrystal, Philadelphia Inquirer
AG Kane's sister gets $16K raise to settle gender discrimination case - News - Citizens' Voice
Defamation case against Pa. AG Kathleen Kane dropped
PHILADELPHIA A federal judge has dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed by former Pennsylvania attorney
general staffers against Attorney General Kathleen Kane, and says any comments Kane made weren't damaging
enough to warrant litigation.
Leak prosecutor sees Kathleen Kane's Williams exclusion and raises her porn |
Court filings are coming fast and furious as Kathleen Kane and her prosecutors lay out a series of legal maneuvers
in advance of the attorney general's criminal trial next month on charges related to the leak case.
Philadelphia Inquirer - Philly's a Great Place for a Party, But Its Democrats Are a Disgrace, July 24, 2016 (Masons?)
Kathleen Kane in Court - Story | PAHomepage | WBRE and WYOU
MONTGOMERGY COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) Embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane in a Montgomery
County Court room this morning. &nbsp; &nbsp; Prosecutors say Kane leaked secret grand jury information to the
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Kane in Court for Pretrial Hearing |
At final hearing before Kane trial, prosecutors, defense clash over porn
A prosecutor in Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane's looming criminal trial told a judge Tuesday that
Kane's request to tell a jury about her unearthing of offensive emails would mire jurors in "a distraction, a red
herring." - Craig R. McCoy, Philadelphia Inquirer
Judge: AG Kane can't present 'vindictive prosecution' defense - News - The Times-Tribune
Judge blocks AG Kathleen Kane's 'porn' defense at criminal trial |
A judge ruled Thursday barring Attorney General Kathleen Kane's legal team from using the ongoing porn email
probe as part of her criminal defense.
Consultant said AG Kane directed him to leak grand jury information - News - Standard Speaker
Revenge motive at issue in Kane criminal case
Judge considers motion in Pa. attorney general trial
Resent -Montgomery County Kane AMICUS
Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County Case No. CP-46-CR-0008423-2015 REQUEST for
APPEARANCE and AMICUS in Support of Kathleen Kane July 12, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types >
Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Kane case far from one-dimensional - News - Citizens' Voice
Pennsylvania AG asks justices to step in, week before trial
News, weather, traffic and sports for Harrisburg, Pa. Also York, Lancaster and Lebanon | WHTM-TV, ABC
Judge Blocks 'Porn' Defense in Kathleen Kane Case | NBC 10 Philadelphia
The judge in Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane's criminal case won't allow jurors to hear as a trial
defense that she was prosecuted to stop her from revealing a pornographic email scandal her...
AG Kathleen Kane launches 11th-hour bid to throw out criminal charges |
AG Kane's office settles ex-worker's whistle-blower suit | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The AGs office settles with a former employee who alleges he was fired in retaliation for recommending dismissal
of a top aide.
Judge: Ex-Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky may testify - The Morning Call
Judge: Ex-Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky may testify
Kathleen Kane is on her way to trial, but the saga is far from over |
With a single word, the state Supreme Court opened the final chapter in the saga of Kathleen Kane. The trial begins
Term about over, Pennsylvanias top prosecutor goes on trial
News, weather, traffic and sports for Harrisburg, Pa. Also York, Lancaster and Lebanon | WHTM-TV, ABC
Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania AG, Starts Trial With Jury Selection
Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania's attorney general, is set to face trial, with jury selection beginning Monday.
A.G. Kathleen Kane's trial to begin Monday
Attorney General Kathleen Kane has arrived at Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown in the role of
defendant for the scheduled start of her criminal trial. - Laura McCrystal and Craig R. McCoy, Philadelphia Inquirer
'Now is the time for trial' | Editorials |
The long-awaited trial of state Attorney General Kathleen Kane, accused of leaking grand jury information to
embarrass a political rival and then lying about it under oath, is scheduled to
The revenge texts Kathleen Kane sent before the alleged leak
It was just one of a series of texts she sent to Josh Morrow, the man who ultimately leaked secret grand jury
materials to a reporter in 2014.
Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane Wont Testify At Perjury Trial CBS Philly
Kane told Montgomery County judge Wendy Demchick Alloy I dont believe its necessary for me to testify on my
own behalf.
Kane Trial Day 3: Back stabbing, broken trust, and a clown newspaper company |
Adrian King says his old friend Kathleen Kane is trying to frame him by Bill Keisling Wednesday, August 10 -- To
hear former First Deputy
CHRIS KELLY: Kane v. Kane - Opinion - The Times-Tribune
Attorney General Kathleen Kane will not testify, defense rests in leak trial | Local News |
NORRISTOWN Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane said she will not testify in her trial as her
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defense team rested its case without calling witnesses Friday.
What criminal charges are Kathleen Kane's jury considering? |
A Montgomery County jury began deliberating 12 criminal charges Monday against Kathleen Kane, including two
counts of felony perjury.
Kane Trial Day 5: AG Kane declines to testify, and rests her defense without presenting witnesses |
Since state Treasurer Budd Dwyer's conviction and tragic death, this type of non-defense at trial hasn't been used
again by state officials facing prosecution,
Ron Southwick: Imagining a different future for Kathleen Kane | Reading Eagle - NEWS
If she would have been a merely adequate attorney general, she could be pursuing higher office.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane convicted in perjury and obstruction case related to grand jury leak |
Pennsylvania |
Jury: A.G. Kane guilty of perjury, obstruction, all other charges
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was convicted Monday of perjury, obstruction and other crimes after
squandering her once bright political future on an illegal vendetta against an enemy. - Craig R. McCoy Angela
Couloumbis and Laura McCrystal, Philadelphia Inquirer
Jury deliberating Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kanes fate
COURTHOUSE >> Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kanes fate is in the hands of a jury after prosecutors
and defense lawyers presented their closing remarks during the trial of the states top law enforcement officer who is
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane Found Guilty Of Perjury
She was accused of leaking grand jury information to a reporter.
Letter to Kathleen Kane Attorneys Re Montgomery County Clerk of Courts Letter and Alleged Misconduct August 4,
Letter to Kathleen Kane Attorneys Re Montgomery County Clerk of Courts Letter and Alleged Misconduct August
4, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
PA AG Kathleen Kane Found Guilty On All Counts CBS Philly
In her criminal trial, Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was found guilty on all counts.
BREAKING: Attorney General Kane announces resignation - Story
HARRISBURG, DAUPHIN COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane&nbsp;
on Tuesday announced that she will resign her position as Attorney General effective at the close of business
tomorrow, August. 17.
PA AG Kathleen Kane Found Guilty in Perjury Case
'Do what is right': Gov. Tom Wolf urges Kathleen Kane to resign | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) Pennsylvania's attorney general faced growing pressure to resign Tuesday, hours after
her conviction on charges she abused the powers of the state's top law enforcement office
Gov. Wolf endorses local Democratic candidate Hartman for Congress | Politics |
Gov. Tom Wolf has endorsed the Democratic Lancaster-area congressional candidate Christina Hartman in the race
to replace U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts in the 16th Congressional District.
Kane Trial Verdict: The night of the long knives |
Kathleen Kane remained a Rashomon Rorschach test, a carrier of what you believe she carried, a doer of what you
believed she did, a sayer of what you believed
Kathleen Kane Resigns As Pennsylvania Attorney General After Perjury Conviction : The Two-Way : NPR
Kathleen Kane, once a rising star in the Democratic Party, was convicted on charges that she leaked grand jury
information to target a political rival and then lied about it under oath.
Kathleen Kane resigns after conviction - YouTube
Kathleen Kane's resignation is mandated by state law. Learn more about this story at Find
more videos like this at Follow ...
Kane Interrogated At Budget Hearing - YouTube
Kathleen Kane's resignation is mandated by state law. Learn more about this story at Find
more videos like this at Follow ...
Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane to resign Wednesday -
The first woman and Democrat ever elected as Pennsylvania's top law enforcement officer will quit Wednesday after
her conviction on a number of criminal counts.
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Governor likely to appoint acting AG after Kane resigns | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Officials said once Ms. Kanes resignation takes effect today, Bruce L. Castor Jr., second-in-command, will become
acting attorney general.
Hon. Wendy Demchick-Alloy - Ratings, reviews, comments, and information - Gavel Bangers
Montgomery County Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy - Google Search
AG Kathleen Kane now faces investigation by State Ethics Commission |
Attorney General Kathleen Kane now faces an investigation by the State Ethics Commission, in addition to criminal
charges, a Senate removal process and various civil lawsuits.
Pa. politics: what lies ahead?
A new political year brings chances for change or the sad possibility of sameness. Here are key issues and events
that will shape state news in 2016. - John Baer, Philadelphia Daily News
Attorney General Beemer fires 2 top Kane aides | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG Attorney General Bruce Beemer fired two staffers emblematic of the controversy under his
predecessor, Kathleen Kane, who was convicted of crimes last month, the attorney general's office said

COINTELPRO Nov 10, 2015 -
Evidence of a COINTELPRO Program Operating in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. | Stan Caterbone | LinkedIn
15-3400 Lambert U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se in the LISA
MICHELLE LAMBERT Case as MOVANT as of November 10, 2015
U.S. District Court Case No. 08-02982 CATERBONE v City of Lancaster Bureau of Police July 2008
Evidence of a COINTELPRO Program Operating in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. | Stan Caterbone | LinkedIn
COINTELPRO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cynthia McKinney's Dissertation: Hugo Chavez, White Supremacy, COINTELPRO and Wikileaks | the narcosphere
Attorney Profile | Claypool Law Firm - Litigation and Civil Rights Law
Litigation and Civil Rights Law
Letter Dated December 10, 2015 - Postmarked December 22, 2015 - Received January 7, 2016 From the U.S. Department
of Justice Office of the Inspector General Re Investigative Jurisdiction
Letter Dated December 10, 2015 - Postmarked December 22, 2015 - Received January 7, 2016 From the U.S.
Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Re Investigative Jurisdiction - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf) or read online for free. Letter Dated December 10, 2015 - Postmarked December 22, 2015 - Received January
7, 2016 From the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Re Investigative Jurisdiction
Lancaster, Pa., keeps a close eye on itself - latimes
This historic town, where America's founding fathers plotted during the Revolution and Milton Hershey later crafted
his first chocolates, now boasts another distinction.It may become the nation's
D. Michael Fisher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lancaster police chief talks on-duty shootings, threats against his officers after ambush |
After last week's shooting of a Philadelphia police officer, Lancaster Police Chief Keith Sadler recalled his own on-
duty shootings, threats against his officers and social media's indispensable role in 21st century policing in an
exclusive interview with Pennlive.
Sonali Kolhatkar: Thanks to Donald Trump, Police Brutality and Guns, the United States Reputation Is Plummeting -
Sonali Kolhatkar - Truthdig
When I was visiting abroad recently, my non-American friends were quite candid with me: They see my country as
increasingly intolerant, violent and inhospitable. - 2016/01/15
Nebraska claims Omaha Two have not asked for release from prison |
The Nebraska Board of Pardons claims neither Edward Poindexter nor Mondo we Langa, former David Rice, have
asked for reconsideration of their sentence.
Teac AG 370 2 Home Theater Unit Am FM Receiver Seems to Work Well 0043774016709 | eBay
Electronics, TV, Video & Home Audio, Home Audio Stereos, Components | eBay
Rand Paul for President
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Make America Great Again! | Donald J Trump for President
Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence
in business, real estate and entertainment. Show support for his presidential campaign here.
Thanks for signing up! Now, donate to help us build this campaign. | Thank you | Hillary for America
ACLU of PA Sues Police Over Citations For Profanity | American Civil Liberties Union
State Troopers Issued Over 750 Similar Citations in a Single Year FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECONTACT: PHILADELPHIA The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania filed separate federal
lawsuits today against the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) and the Mahanoy City Police (Schuylkill County) for
issuing disorderly conduct citations to two Pennsylvania residents for using profanity. The ACLU argues that
profanity and profane gestures are constitutionally protected speech.
Philadelphia police: Man who tried to kill officer pledged allegiance to the Islamic State - The Washington Post
A police officer in Philadelphia survived being shot multiple times in what officials described as an ambush.
IMPEACH OBAMA - Sign the pledge
Section 2709 - Title 18 - CRIMES AND OFFENSES
Current Board Members | Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania
U.S. Senate: Constitution of the United States
Constitution of the United States
James Buchanan: Why is he considered Americas worst president? - Yahoo News
From Yahoo News: April 23 marks the birthday of James Buchanan, the man regarded by many historians as one of
the worstif not the worstpresidents of all time. So what did Buchanan do to earn the disrespect of so many
Robert Gates CIA Nomination Hearing - YouTube
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Reading's police chief also made an impact in Lancaster | Reading Eagle - NEWS
William Heim served as chief in Lancaster for several years and he left a lasting impression as a smart, innovative
Pentagon Releases Almost 200 Photos of Bush-Era Military Abuse - Truthdig
After a decade-long legal battle, the Department of Defense releases 198 photos of detainee abuse at two dozen U.S.
military sites across Iraq and Afghanistan. - 2016/02/06
COINTELPRO, Leonard Peltier and the Limits of Resistance | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Obstruction of Justice legal definition of Obstruction of Justice
Definition of Obstruction of Justice in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia.
What is Obstruction of Justice? Meaning of Obstruction of Justice as a legal term. What does Obstruction of Justice
mean in law?
UST - Region 3 | Department of Justice
U.S. Senate: Senators of the 114th Congress
Senators of the 114th Congress
Comcast Business | Get Help & Support
Comcast Business Customer Service is here to provide Help and Support for your Comcast Business Internet, TV,
Voice, and other services.
OnlineFaxes Control Panel
COINTELPRO, Cherokee Freedmen and Survival Tactics: Black History Month For Natives Pt.2 -
The Thing About Skins: COINTELPRO, Cherokee Freedmen and Black History Month
If Ferguson dissolves police department, who would step in? | National |
FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) As Ferguson prepares to do legal battle with the Justice Department, the city's leaders
have acknowledged the possibility that they might someday disband the police department
Christian Fiction Addiction: A nail-biting story: The Newsmakers by Lis Wiehl
Concert at LNP studios will give a glimpse of this year's Roots & Blues Music Festival | Entertainment |
Audience members will have the chance to win two VIP tickets to this year's music festival.
Castle Doctrine & Stand Your Ground
The U.S. Military Is Working to Turn Your Brain Into a Remote Control | Complex
A real-life brain modem could eventually let people turn their minds into remote controls.
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Keith Forsyth Reddit AMA on COINTELPRO - Business Insider
This man helped rein in massive abuses by the FBI.
#Apple Wins Ruling in New York #iPhone #Hacking Order
fairmount hospital philadelphia - Google Search
Behavioral Health Services | Philadelphia | Fairmount BHS
Fairmount is a provider of behavioral health services and is the largest freestanding behavioral health hospital in
southeastern Pennsylvania.
Safe Step Walk-In Tubs
Huge Verdict Regarding The Digital Privacy World: U.S. wrestler Hulk Hogan wins $115 million in sex-tape suit
Lancaster man charged in Jennifer Lawrence hacking scandal | Local News - WGAL Home
The hacking resulted in leaked nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities.
IC3 Complaint Information
Statement and Video of False Imprisonment at NSA National Security Agency at Ft Meade, Maryland of - YouTube
Statement and Video of False Imprisonment re Handcuffed and Interrogation for an hour at NSA Headquarters
(National Security Agency at Ft. Meade, Maryland) b...
Lancaster Freethought Society (Lancaster, PA) - Meetup
Don't believe in God? You are not alone! It is an exciting time to be a nonbeliever in the U.S. There are more people
shedding dogma and religion in this country than at any other time in the past. M
Chloroform Usage In Crime On The High
Biggest News Source for News in Uganda and the East African Region ,Breaking news in Uganda and Daily news
and the latest from Uganda
What is torture? - Defining torture
Definition of torture and explanation about its victims, effects and perpetrators
18 U.S. Code 249 - Hate crime acts | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Gaslighting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Revolution from Above - Kerry Bolton - Google Books
In Revolution from Above, Dr. Bolton demonstrates that the supposed rivalry between Marxist-inspired movements
and capitalism has always been an illusion. Marxism, Communism and liberalism have been and continue to be
exploited by the forces of international capitalism to further their global agenda, despite their surface disagreements.
Dr. Bolton shows that the ultimate goal of capitalism is to create a worldwide collectivist society of consumers, and
Marxism is merely one means of attaining this. He traces this idea back to Plato, through the Illuminati, the
Freemasons, the French Revolution, and Communism, and examines the evidence for the existence of a shadowy
network of bankers who control a large portion of the world's political and economic power. He then discusses the
various instruments this network uses to maintain control, such as tax-exempt foundations and think tanks. Dr.
Bolton also reveals how capitalist governments actually worked closely with Communist regimes and, in fact,
frustrated genuinely anti-Communist efforts during the Cold War. He discusses the impact this has had on Western
society, resulting in such trends as the sexual revolution and the promotion of drug use. Dr. Bolton then brings us
up-to-date by discussing the role of the recent "Arab spring" in these ongoing developments. One will never be able
to view modern history the same way again after reading Dr. Bolton's arguments and examining the supporting
evidence. K. R. Bolton holds doctorates in Historical Theology and Theology; Ph.D. (Hist. Th.), Th.D. as well as in
other areas. He is a contributing writer for The Foreign Policy Journal, and a Fellow of the Academy of Social and
Political Research in Greece. His papers and articles have been published by both scholarly and popular media,
including the International Journal of Social Economics; Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies;
Geopolitika; World Affairs; India Quarterly; and The Initiate: Journal of Traditional Studies. His work has been
translated into Russian, Vietnamese, Italian, Czech, Latvian, Farsi and French.
The US Department of Justice and the State of Oregon set me up, warrantlessly spied on me, and tortured me with a
microwave weapon. | Oregon State Hospital: The abusive and warehouse exposed
Rosaura Torres (@AuthorRTorres) | Twitter
Chris Hedges: Revolution Is in the Air - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The arrests of hundredsincluding mein or near the Capitol have been going on every day for a week. They
presage a growing, nationwide uprising against the corporate state. - 2016/04/16
The Feds Have a Long History of Skirting Probable Cause For National Security | Houston Press
Whether its called domestic investigation, as the FBI prefers, or pre-emptive prosecution, as critics term it, the
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bureaus undercover...
Thomas Andrews Drake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wheel Of Freedom W.U.A 11/30/15 Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe - YouTube
NSA whistleblower Karen Stewart tells her story of being fired on false premises, she filed a complaint & lawsuit,
and then became "targeted" by organized st...
Edward Snowdens Father Speaks | News | Philadelphia Magazine
Lon Snowden on his son, on the courage of John and Bonnie Raines, and the price activists pay for exposing
national secrets.
United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers - The New York Times
An online community known as targeted individuals says its members are being surveilled by groups of stalkers
as part of a sprawling conspiracy. But psychiatrists beg to differ.
FBI Overview
This Is Your Brain On War
Task & Purpose teamed up with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman to produce this visual guide to what happens to the mind
and body before, during, and after combat.
Assessment ordered for accused Coventry Hills killer after outburst about mind c
Ranting in court about a jailhouse mind control conspiracy helped earn an accused double killer a psychiatric
assessment on Monday.
Hackers Crack Pentagons Cyber Walls More Than 130 Times
Under the Hack The Pentagon program, hackers found 138 vulnerabilities in the Defense Departments cyber
Competing with COINTELPRO, NYPD Finds Decades Old Political Surveillance Documents It Lost
Modiano: How Muhammad Ali helped expose Hoover's FBI - NY Daily News
RIP to Muhammad Ali, the greatest boxer, sports personality, and sports activist who has ever lived.
Russian Minister Calls Netflix a US-Backed Mind Control Machine
Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky believes the U.S. has financed its own global mind controlling device:
Millersville University - Pete Anders
KEISLING: Sen. Arlen Specter offered to help investigate the murder of Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan Luna |
One would think that Luna's superiors in the U.S. Justice Department, and the broader American government, would
be interested in solving Luna's murder, and
FBI Jack Anderson Part 10 of 11
Small US Town First to Be Closely Watched by Private Network of Cameras
The growing number of closed-circuit cameras that monitor Lancaster, Pa., are run by a private group of citizens,
unlike the government-run CCTV system in the U.K.
Lancaster is being watched - by private group Police don't operate the surveillance cameras. - philly-archives
On a sunny afternoon at H.M. Musser Park in Lancaster City, Vilma Caraballo pushed her grandson on a swing.
Marion Young, 60, ate tortilla chips from her bagged lunch. And Maicol Ortiz, 19, sat on a
Police arrest 'person of interest' following road closure, shots fired incident in Lancaster | Local News |
Several blocks of Manor Street have been shut down because of a police incident.
Manor Street has re-opened after police incident in Lancaster | Local News |
Several blocks of Manor Street have been shut down because of a police incident.
Red Rose Exhaust - Is tight credit hurting local small businesses? | Insider |
A few years ago, auto mechanic Chris Laboy approached several local banks and a credit union, seeking a loan to
open his own repair shop in Lancaster.
Inquirer editorial: Philly's a great place for a party, but its Democrats are a disgrace
With new flags on the Parkway, new lights on the boathouses, and new efforts to shelter the homeless, the
Democrats who have run Philadelphia for more than half a century have cleaned up the city for the Democratic
National Convention.
Family of local Marine killed in 1983 Beirut bombing part of lawsuit against Iran | Insider |
More than 32 years after a local U.S. Marine was killed in a terror attack in Beirut, his family is part of a lawsuit
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against the Islamic Republic of Iran
EMERGENCY INJUCTION v Fulton Bank Recorded April 14, 2010 Filed on April 1, 2010 in US District Court -
EMERGENCY INJUCTION v Fulton Bank Recorded April 14, 2010 Filed on April 1, 2010 in US District Court
COINTELPRO | Democracy Now!
Targeted Individuals - Are They Really Crazy?
Mind Control Experiments, CIA Hypnosis, Sex Abuse
Mind Control Experiments: Declassified CIA documents (links to originals provided) reveal CIA hypnosis, sex
abuse, disturbing mind control experiments to create super spies, unsuspecting assassins, and more.
For Pain Meds - Documentation to Obtain Pain Medication From Lancaster Regional Medical Center - August 21, 2016 -
With Table of Contents
Letter to Chrisopher M. Reeser of Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin Re Allstate Insurance Property Claim
of April 16, 2016 on August 21, 2016
2ND Attempt for Pain Meds at Lancaster Regional Medical Ctr. Uploaded by SCaterbone at Your Listen
2ND Attempt for Pain Meds at Lancaster Regional Medical Ctr. uploaded by SCaterbone
Heres Proof That the U.K. Has Helped Americas National Security Agency With Its Targeted Killings - Truthdig
The UK flamboyantly touts its death penalty opposition, yet uses [a] (previously) secret base with the US to target
people for due-process-free assassinations, wrote journalist Glenn Greenwald in a Facebook post linking to a
groundbreaking Intercept investigation by Ryan Gallagher. - 2016/09/06

Scribd Documents

Financial Management Group, Ltd., Anti-Trust Litigation Memo to Counter the Crooks of Lancaster County May 2, 1987
Financial Management Group, Ltd., Anti-Trust Litigation Memo to Counter the Crooks of Lancaster County May 2,
1987 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Financial Management Group, Ltd.,
Anti-Trust Litigation Memo to Counter the Crooks of Lancaster County May 2, 1987
ISC Whistleblowing Timeline of Events Created on or About 1991 Proofed on September 17, 2015
ISC Whistleblowing Timeline of Events Created on or About 1991 Proofed on September 17, 2015 - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or view presentation slides online. ISC Whistleblowing Timeline of Events
Created on or About 1991 Proofed on September 17, 2015
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane & Stan Caterbone Strategic Planning Notes for 2016
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane & Stan Caterbone Strategic Planning Notes for 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane
& Stan Caterbone Strategic Planning Notes for 2016
Stamped Superior Court Re in Forma Pauperis Application Case No. 1915 Mda 2015 November 13, 2015
Stamped Superior Court Re in Forma Pauperis Application Case No. 1915 Mda 2015 November 13, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Stamped Superior Court Re in Forma Pauperis
Application Case No. 1915 Mda 2015 November 13, 2015
Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR
September 25, 2009 Important
Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR
September 25, 2009 Important - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Complaint
and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR September
25, 2009 Important
Lisa Michelle Lambert Summary Judgement Filed in Federal Court September 3, 2015
U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals OPINION Reversal & JUDGMENT Case No. 07-4474 and _0
Electronic Surveillance Project By Julianne McKinney, Director of the National Security Alumni
Electronic Surveillance Project By Julianne McKinney, Director of the National Security Alumni - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Electronic Surveillance Project and Director of the
Association of National Security Alumni By Julianne McKinney
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief December 27, 2009
Advanced Media Group Capabilities Statement 1990 Apr 29 2007
ORDER DISMISSAL Preliminary Injunction Case No. CI-15-06985 August 20, 2015
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Appeal for Reconsideration Case No. 15-06985 Injunction August 24, 2015
Clinton Global Initiative Invitation July 5 2006
Bonnie Lee Polygraph RESULTS and Social Security Documentation for Stanley Caterbone August 8, 2015
My Accounting & MIS System for Pflumm Contractors Using Database Software and Peachtree Accounting Feb 1998
My Accounting & MIS System for Pflumm Contractors Using Database Software and Peachtree Accounting Feb
1998 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. My Accounting & MIS
System for Pflumm Contractors Using Database Software and Peachtree Accounting Feb 1998
Disability Benefits and Application File July 7, 2015 No Compression by Hackers
Disability Benefits and Application File July 7, 2015 No Compression by Hackers - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Disability Benefits and Application File July 7, 2015 No Compression
by Hackers
Breaking News Chief Keith Sadler is a Wife Beater - Lancaster Independant Press July 2012
Breaking News Chief Keith Sadler is a Wife Beater - Lancaster Independant Press July 2012 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Breaking News Chief Keith Sadler is a Wife Beater -
Lancaster Independant Press July 2012
Amici Curiae for ACLU v NSA February 18 2007
Amici Curiae for ACLU v NSA February 18 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Amici Curiae for ACLU v NSA February 18 2007
Letter to George Werner of Barley Snyder, LLC Re Safety Deposit Boxes of April 23, 2010
Letter to George Werner of Barley Snyder, LLC Re Safety Deposit Boxes of April 23, 2010 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Letter to George Werner of Barley Snyder, LLC Re Safety Deposit
Boxes of April 23, 2010
ABC News Nighline July & September 1991 Transcript Re ISC and Sec of Defense Robert Gates
ABC News Nighline July & September 1991 Transcript Re ISC and Sec of Defense Robert Gates - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. ABC News Nighline July & September 1991 Transcript Re
ISC and Sec of Defense Robert Gates
Judge Farina East Lampeter 2843-06 Transcript Dec 5 2006 Important
Judge Farina East Lampeter 2843-06 Transcript Dec 5 2006 Important - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Judge Farina East Lampeter 2843-06 Transcript Dec 5 2006 Important
Pflumm Contractors American Management Proposal April 26 1996 May 4 2007
Pflumm Contractors American Management Proposal April 26 1996 May 4 2007 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Pflumm Contractors American Management Proposal April 26 1996
May 4 2007
Sheryl Crow and Mental Telepathy From Advanced Media Group Website December 26, 2009
Sheryl Crow and Mental Telepathy From Advanced Media Group Website December 26, 2009 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Sheryl Crow and Mental Telepathy From Advanced Media
Group Website December 26, 2009
Pro Se Sales Journal Billings Feb 12 2008
Pro Se Sales Journal Billings Feb 12 2008 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
Pro Se Sales Journal Billings Feb 12 2008
Amended COMPLAINT in U.S. District Court Case No. 05-2288 File on October 15, 2007
Amended COMPLAINT in U.S. District Court Case No. 05-2288 File on October 15, 2007 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Amended COMPLAINT in U.S. District Court Case No. 05-2288
File on October 15, 2007
Washington Post Eastern Regional Free Agent Camp March 24 2005
Washington Post Eastern Regional Free Agent Camp March 24 2005 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Washington Post Eastern Regional Free Agent Camp March 24 2005
Pro Financial Group Brochure
Pro Financial Group Brochure - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Pro
Financial Group, LTD., is a highly sophisticated network of various professional advisors needed to perform
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accountants, a Financial Planning Consulting Firm, a Registered Investment Advisor, a Broker Dealer support
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Ananamous Letter Disparaging Fulton Financial Corporation Dec 16 2007
Ananamous Letter Disparaging Fulton Financial Corporation Dec 16 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or
read online for free. Ananamous Letter Disparaging Fulton Financial Corporation Dec 16 2007
Netwerk Management & Clipper Stadium Agreement for Sara McLachlan July 8, 2005
Netwerk Management & Clipper Stadium Agreement for Sara McLachlan July 8, 2005 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Netwerk Management & Clipper Stadium Agreement for Sara
McLachlan July 8, 2005
Stan Caterbone Family Photo Album Created on October 15, 2015
Stan Caterbone Family Photo Album Created on October 15, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or view
presentation slides online. Stan Caterbone Family Photo Album Created on October 15, 2015
Amid Russian airstrikes, a Putin craze takes hold in Mideast - The York Daily Record
BEIRUT (AP) Amid the ornate walls of Damascus' famed Omayyad Mosque, preacher Maamoun Rahmeh stood
before worshippers last week, declaring Russian President Vladimir Putin a "giant and beloved leader" who has
"destroyed the myth of the self-aggrandizing America.
FMG Board - Newletter - Harsco - PA Law Review 1987
FMG Board - Newletter - Harsco - PA Law Review 1987 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. FMG Board - Newletter - Harsco - PA Law Review 1987
IMPORTANT - All Laptop-Desktop Calenders Migrated Sept 29 2006
IMPORTANT - All Laptop-Desktop Calenders Migrated Sept 29 2006 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text file (.txt) or view presentation slides online. IMPORTANT - All Laptop-Desktop Calenders Migrated Sept 29
Farimount Behavioral Health Medical Records September 28, 2015
Farimount Behavioral Health Medical Records September 28, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read
online for free. Farimount Behavioral Health Medical Records September 28, 2015
Clinton Global Initiative (1st) Invitation From Essay July 5, 2006
Clinton Global Initiative (1st) Invitation From Essay July 5, 2006 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online
for free. Clinton Global Initiative (1st) Invitation From Essay July 5, 2006
Discrimination Complaint to the Lancaster County Human Relations Commission Discrimination Complaint August 22
Discrimination Complaint to the Lancaster County Human Relations Commission Discrimination Complaint August
22 2007 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Discrimination
Complaint to the Lancaster County Human Relations Commission Discrimination Complaint August 22 2007
Advanced Media Press Release Organized Stalking and Directed Energy Devices and Weapons Bill July 4, 2015
Advanced Media Press Release Organized Stalking and Directed Energy Devices and Weapons Bill July 4, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Press Release Organized
Stalking and Directed Energy Devices and Weapons Bill July 4, 2015
Lisa Michelle Lambert Summary Judgement Docket No. 9 by Lambert Filed in Federal Court September 3, 2015
Lisa Michelle Lambert Summary Judgement Docket No. 9 by Lambert Filed in Federal Court September 3, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Lisa Michelle Lambert Summary
Judgement Docket No. 9 by Lambert Filed in Federal Court September 3, 2015
Tom Caterbone Estate & Fulton Bank Fraud Documents March 22, 2010
Tom Caterbone Estate & Fulton Bank Fraud Documents March 22, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Tom Caterbone Estate & Fulton Bank Fraud Documents March 22, 2010
Advanced Media Group Invoices for September 3, 2015
Advanced Media Group Invoices for September 3, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Advanced Media Group Invoices for September 3, 2015
1998 AFFIDAVIT to Judge Stewart Dalzall of the US District Court for Eastern Pennsylvania
Timeline of 220 Stone Hill Road Illegal Reposession
Timeline of 220 Stone Hill Road Illegal Reposession - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Timeline of 220 Stone Hill Road Illegal Reposession
Why Did Tommy, Sammy, And Samuel Caterbone All Die Out of the State of Pennsylvania - March 18, 2010
Why Did Tommy, Sammy, And Samuel Caterbone All Die Out of the State of Pennsylvania - March 18, 2010 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Why Did Tommy, Sammy, And Samuel
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Caterbone All Die Out of the State of Pennsylvania - March 18, 2010
Habeus Corpus Petition Case No. 2-06-Cv-05138-Jcj July 12, 2015
Habeus Corpus Petition Case No. 2-06-Cv-05138-Jcj July 12, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Habeus Corpus Petition Case No. 2-06-Cv-05138-Jcj July 12, 2015
New Deed 1250 Fremont St Recorded on July 9, 2015
New Deed 1250 Fremont St Recorded on July 9, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
New Deed 1250 Fremont St Recorded on July 9, 2015
Lancaster Newspapers Defamation September 4 1987 - July 10, 2015
Lancaster Newspapers Defamation September 4 1987 - July 10, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Lancaster Newspapers Defamation September 4 1987 - July 10, 2015
Question and Answer From Terry Robertson of Jim Guest Show Re is Mind Control Legal December 1, 2009 Important
Question and Answer From Terry Robertson of Jim Guest Show Re is Mind Control Legal December 1, 2009
Important - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Question and Answer From
Terry Robertson of Jim Guest Show Re is Mind Control Legal December 1, 2009 Important
Joseph F Roda Documents for Stan J. Caterbone, Sammy & Guerin June 29 2007
Joseph F Roda Documents for Stan J. Caterbone, Sammy & Guerin June 29 2007 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Joseph F Roda Documents for Stan J. Caterbone, Sammy & Guerin
June 29 2007
No Touch Torture by Cheryl Welsh 2008
No Touch Torture by Cheryl Welsh 2008 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
No Touch Torture by Cheryl Welsh 2008
Lancaster Newspapers Lambert Search Book Jun 10 2006
Lancaster Newspapers Lambert Search Book Jun 10 2006 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Lancaster Newspapers Lambert Search Book Jun 10 2006
Thomas P. Caterbone Estate Xakellis-Samly Motion for Leave & Discharge August 4 1996
Thomas P. Caterbone Estate Xakellis-Samly Motion for Leave & Discharge August 4 1996 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Thomas P. Caterbone Estate Xakellis-Samly Motion for Leave &
Discharge August 4 1996
Letter to Matt Samley-Xekellis Re ISC November 23 1997
Letter to Matt Samley-Xekellis Re ISC November 23 1997 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. Letter to Matt Samley-Xekellis Re ISC November 23 1997
Kerry Kennedy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Kerry Kennedy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Kerry Kennedy - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Mediation Negotiations With Lancaster County Jan 4 2007
Mediation Negotiations With Lancaster County Jan 4 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. Mediation Negotiations With Lancaster County Jan 4 2007
FMG Diary of Events May 2, 2015
FMG Diary of Events May 2, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. FMG
Diary of Events May 2, 2015
FMG, Ltd v Fulton Bank & Mellon Bank
FMG, Ltd v Fulton Bank & Mellon Bank - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
FMG, Ltd v Fulton Bank & Mellon Bank
FMG Shareholders of Record May 1987
FMG Shareholders of Record May 1987 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
FMG Shareholders of Record May 1987
Millersville University Grad Program Documents for Litigation September 16, 2009 IMPORTANT
Millersville University Grad Program Documents for Litigation September 16, 2009 IMPORTANT - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Millersville University Grad Program Documents for
Litigation September 16, 2009 IMPORTANT
Financial Management Group, Ltd. Business Plan and Developing Documents as of May 8, 2010
Financial Management Group, Ltd. Business Plan and Developing Documents as of May 8, 2010 - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Financial Management Group, Ltd. Business Plan and
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Developing Documents as of May 8, 2010
Yolanda Marie Roda & Samuel P. Caterbone Wedding Memorium September 25, 1948
Yolanda Marie Roda & Samuel P. Caterbone Wedding Memorium September 25, 1948 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf) or read online for free. Yolanda Marie Roda & Samuel P. Caterbone Wedding Memorium September 25, 1948
Samuel Caterbone Effects of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
Samuel Caterbone Effects of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control 1983 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online
for free. Samuel Caterbone Effects of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control 1983
Letter To and From Debbie Fochs of Disclosure Project re Samuel Caterbone ET Experience is Mind Control Feb 26 2008
1990 AMG Legal Systems Prototype Text From 1987 Criminal Conspiracy
Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 Very Important
Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 Very Important - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of
1987 Very Important
3rd Circuit "DAD" Exhibit
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement by Appellant October 22, 2015 Recorded Copy - Free
ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Third Circuit Lambert Appeal
SUBMISSION Statement by Appellant October 22, 2015 Recorded Copy
Federal Whistleblower and Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control Executive Summary Updated October 12,
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION 1 Statement by Appellant October 20, 2015 Recorded
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION 1 Statement by Appellant October 20, 2015 Recorded - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION 1
Statement by Appellant October 20, 2015 Recorded
Third Circuit in Forma Pauperis APPEAL for RECONSIDERATION Case No. 15-3400 October 21, 2015 Recorded Copy
Third Circuit in Forma Pauperis APPEAL for RECONSIDERATION Case No. 15-3400 October 21, 2015 Recorded
Copy - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Third Circuit in Forma Pauperis
APPEAL for RECONSIDERATION Case No. 15-3400 October 21, 2015 Recorded Copy
15-3400 Summary
Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Notice of Appeal to Third Circuit September 30, 2015
Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Notice of Appeal to Third Circuit September 30, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Notice of Appeal to Third Circuit
September 30, 2015
Obama at Bucanan Park Finger Under Eye September 4, 2008
Obama at Bucanan Park Finger Under Eye September 4, 2008 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for
free. Obama at Bucanan Park Finger Under Eye September 4, 2008
Patient First Medical File to Date October 22, 2015
Duke Street Defendants List
Duke Street Business Center 08-13373 DOCKET AND DEFENDANTS LIST on Amended Caption DOCKET
Sheet Court Record October 7, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Duke
Street Business Center 08-13373 DOCKET AND DEFENDANTS LIST on Amended Caption DOCKET Sheet
Court Record October 7, 2015
Letter to Dianne Nast Re Fulton Class Action Jan 25 2008
Letter to Dianne Nast Re Fulton Class Action Jan 25 2008 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. Letter to Dianne Nast Re Fulton Class Action Jan 25 2008
Obama ordered hit-list of Targeted Individuals worldwide to cyber-attack |
Barack Obama ordered national security leaders to compile a new targeted individual hit-list, this one consisting of
possible adversaries overseas and, in eme
Congressman Robert Walker Pleading July 7 1991 Important
Congressman Robert Walker Pleading July 7 1991 Important - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. Congressman Robert Walker Pleading July 7 1991 Important
Complaint to U.S. Attorney Re Samuel Caterbone Victimization Feb 9, 2009
Complaint to U.S. Attorney Re Samuel Caterbone Victimization Feb 9, 2009 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or
read online for free. Complaint to U.S. Attorney Re Samuel Caterbone Victimization Feb 9, 2009
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Samuel Caterbone ORDER to Vacate County of Lancaster
Samuel Caterbone ORDER to Vacate County of Lancaster - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for
free. Samuel Caterbone ORDER to Vacate County of Lancaster
Proofed Stan J Caterbone Biography June 29, 2015
Proofed Stan J Caterbone Biography June 29, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Proofed Stan J Caterbone Biography June 29, 2015
Lancaster City Police 302 of July 9, 2015 IMPORTANT
Lancaster City Police 302 of July 9, 2015 IMPORTANT - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Lancaster City Police 302 of July 9, 2015 IMPORTANT
LGH Medical File From 302 by Detective Bearinger of Lancaster City Police of July 10, 2015un
LGH Medical File From 302 by Detective Bearinger of Lancaster City Police of July 10, 2015un - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. LGH Medical File From 302 by Detective Bearinger of
Lancaster City Police of July 10, 2015un
St Joseph Hospital Evaluations September 9 1987
St Joseph Hospital Evaluations September 9 1987 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. St
Joseph Hospital Evaluations September 9 1987
Last Meeting With Psychiatrist Dr. Al Shulz Transcript of January 1998 Important
Last Meeting With Psychiatrist Dr. Al Shulz Transcript of January 1998 Important - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Last Meeting With Psychiatrist Dr. Al Shulz Transcript of January 1998
Pennsylvania Mental Health Procedures Act - The Written Law Archived by Stan Caterbone on July 28, 2009
Pennsylvania Mental Health Procedures Act - The Written Law Archived by Stan Caterbone on July 28, 2009 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Pennsylvania Mental Health Procedures Act -
The Written Law Archived by Stan Caterbone on July 28, 2009
Lancaster City Police and Fairmount Hospital Section 303 Certificate of the PA Mental Health Act Executed on July 14,
2015 and Section 302 Executed on July 9, 2015
Lancaster City Police and Fairmount Hospital Section 303 Certificate of the PA Mental Health Act Executed on July
14, 2015 and Section 302 Executed on July 9, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Lancaster City Police and Fairmount Hospital Section 303 Certificate of the PA Mental Health Act
Executed on July 14, 2015 and Section 302 Executed on July 9, 2015
Stan Caterbone's Comment for Article Edward Snowden Clinton Made False Claim About Whistleblower Protection -
Truthdig October 18, 2015
Stan Caterbone's Comment for Article Edward Snowden Clinton Made False Claim About Whistleblower
Protection - Truthdig October 18, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
Stan Caterbone's Comment for Article Edward Snowden Clinton Made False Claim About Whistleblower
Protection - Truthdig October 18, 2015
Detective Clark Bearinger Email Response to Incident Report List of October 15, 2015
Detective Clark Bearinger Email Response to Incident Report List of October 15, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Detective Clark Bearinger Email Response to Incident Report List of
October 15, 2015
Law Enforcement Extortion of Financial Management Group, Ltd., From Stan Caterbone in 1987 Anti-Trust Litigation
File of October 17, 2015
Law Enforcement Extortion of Financial Management Group, Ltd., From Stan Caterbone in 1987 Anti-Trust
Litigation File of October 17, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Law
Enforcement Extortion of Financial Management Group, Ltd., From Stan Caterbone in 1987 Anti-Trust Litigation
File of October 17, 2015
Pflumm Contractors Performance Review 1994-1998
Pflumm Contractors Performance Review 1994-1998 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Pflumm Contractors Performance Review 1994-1998
Email Revised- VANDALISM & THEFT of MY HOME-Updated Oct 14, 2015 With Attachments
Email Revised- VANDALISM & THEFT of MY HOME-Updated Oct 14, 2015 With Attachments - Free ebook
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Email Revised- VANDALISM & THEFT
of MY HOME-Updated Oct 14, 2015 With Attachments
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
CATERBONE v. Dave Pflumm, Brett Stabley, And Mike Caterbone CI-06-07376 2006
CATERBONE v. Dave Pflumm, Brett Stabley, And Mike Caterbone CI-06-07376 2006 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf) or read online for free. CATERBONE v. Dave Pflumm, Brett Stabley, And Mike Caterbone CI-06-07376
Incident Reports of Harassment, Vandalism, Hacking, & Thefts From 1987 to March 22, 2010
Incident Reports of Harassment, Vandalism, Hacking, & Thefts From 1987 to March 22, 2010 - Free ebook
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Incident Reports of Harassment,
Vandalism, Hacking, & Thefts From 1987 to March 22, 2010
Ameritrade History of Transactions From 2002 to April 3, 2010
Ameritrade History of Transactions From 2002 to April 3, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read online for free. Ameritrade History of Transactions From 2002 to April 3, 2010
FMG Head Resigns (Robert Kauffman); Team Takes Reins June 10, 1990
Lancaster Newspapers Defamation September 4 1987 - July 10, 2015
Letter to Chief Sadler
Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version
Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of
Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version
Stan J. Caterbone Bio
Advanced Media Group/Global Entertainment Group of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is an information technologies
company founded by Stan J. Caterbone in 1989
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With Executive
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With
Executive Summary - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Third Circuit
Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement and EXHIBIT by Appellant October 23, 2015 With Executive Summary
Petition of Private Criminal Complaint in Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Clerk of Court v. Lancaster City
Police for 302 Warrant of July 9, 2015 Filed September 23, 2015
Petition of Private Criminal Complaint in Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Clerk of Court v. Lancaster
City Police for 302 Warrant of July 9, 2015 Filed September 23, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Petition of Private Criminal Complaint in Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas
Clerk of Court v. Lancaster City Police for 302 Warrant of July 9, 2015 Filed September 23, 2015
Tony Bongiovi's Power Station Studios Avatar Website With Client List
Tony Bongiovi's Power Station Studios Avatar Website With Client List - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Tony Bongiovi's Power Station Studios Avatar Website With Client List
Fulton Bank Letter From Mark Crowe General Counsel March 25 2005
Fulton Bank Letter From Mark Crowe General Counsel March 25 2005 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Fulton Bank Letter From Mark Crowe General Counsel March 25 2005
Letter to R Scott Smith Chairman of Fulton Financial Re Rufus Fulton Intelliegence Officer Interview of Nov 21, 2007 on
WGAL-TV 8 News at 6, the letter is dated December 3, 2007
Letter to R Scott Smith Chairman of Fulton Financial Re Rufus Fulton Intelliegence Officer Interview of Nov 21,
2007 on WGAL-TV 8 News at 6, the letter is dated December 3, 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Letter to R Scott Smith Chairman of Fulton Financial Re Rufus Fulton Intelliegence
Officer Interview of Nov 21, 2007 on WGAL-TV 8 News at 6, the letter is dated December 3, 2007
Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Incident Report of Victimizations of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and
COINTELPRO of 2015 Updated October 31, 2015
Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Incident Report of Victimizations of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and
COINTELPRO of 2015 Updated October 31, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Incident Report of Victimizations of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control and COINTELPRO of 2015 Updated October 31, 2015
Case No. 15-3400 U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals re: Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Corpus Appeal REQUEST for
HEARING by Appellant, Stanley J. Caterbone Dated October 26, 2015 RECORDED Copy With TOC
Case No. 15-3400 U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals re: Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Corpus Appeal
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
REQUEST for HEARING by Appellant, Stanley J. Caterbone Dated October 26, 2015 RECORDED Copy With
TOC - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Case No. 15-3400 U.S.
Third Circuit Court of Appeals re: Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Corpus Appeal REQUEST for HEARING by
Appellant, Stanley J. Caterbone Dated October 26, 2015 RECORDED Copy With TOC
Excelsior Business Plan 1999
Excelsior Business Plan 1999 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or view presentation slides online.
Excelsior Business Plan Aug 18 1999
Lisa Michelle Lambert MOTION to File STATEMENT by Movant Case No. 5-14-Cv-02259 August 25, 2015
Stan Caterbone Football Scrapbook Senior Year Season 1975 June 24 2007 Created by Yolanda Caterbone
Stan Caterbone - Samuel P. Caterbone - Sammy a. Caterbone Notarized AFFIDAVIT of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
August 18, 2015
Advanced Media Group's Lancaster County Historical Society-History of Italian American History-2
Advanced Media Group's Lancaster County Historical Society-History of Italian American History-2 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group's Lancaster County
Historical Society-History of Italian American History-2
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of Computer Expertise by Appellant November 2,
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of Computer Expertise by Appellant
November 2, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Third
Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of Computer Expertise by Appellant November 2,
Stan Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP 16 Year Investment in Downtown Lancaster November 1, 2015
Stan Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP 16 Year Investment in Downtown Lancaster November 1, 2015
- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Stan Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA
GROUP 16 Year Investment in Downtown Lancaster November 1, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement Re EXHIBITStan Caterbone and ADVANCED
MEDIA GROUP 16 Year Investment in Downtown Lancaster November 3, 2015
Recorded Updated Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of Computer Expertise With
Video Links by Appellant November 3, 2015
Recorded Updated Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of Computer Expertise
With Video Links by Appellant November 3, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
book online for free. Recorded Updated Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of
Computer Expertise by Appellant Stan J. Caterbone November 3, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal UPDATED SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Incendent Reports of
Obstruction of Due Process November 4, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal UPDATED SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Incendent
Reports of Obstruction of Due Process November 4, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read book online for free. Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal UPDATED SUBMISSION Statement as an
EXHIBIT Re Incendent Reports of Obstruction of Due Process November 4, 2015
Letter to US Postal Inspection Services Sept 19 2007 With Lancaster Chamber Check for Leadership Conference
November 3, 2015
Lancaster Chamber & Obama on Duke Street
Duke Street Business Center 08-13373 Reinstatement and DEFENDANTS Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, October 8, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Duke Street
Business Center 08-13373 Reinstatement and DEFENDANTS Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
October 8, 2015
SONY-POWER STATION Joint Venture Proposal & Deal May 1987
Recorded Completed 15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Documents ORDER and in Forma Pauperis Application
November 4, 2015
Recorded Completed 15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Documents ORDER and in Forma Pauperis
Application November 4, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded
Completed 15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Documents ORDER and in Forma Pauperis Application
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
November 4, 2015
Tabitha Buck and Lisa Michelle Lambert Working Theory August 10, 2015
Advanced Media Group Downtown Lancaster Theater at Hotel Brunswick Evidence December 26, 2009 Important
Advanced Media Group Downtown Lancaster Theater at Hotel Brunswick Evidence December 26, 2009 Important -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Downtown
Lancaster Theater at Hotel Brunswick Evidence December 26, 2009 Important
15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET and Letter to Lancaster County District Attorney Re Electronic Filing
November 5, 2015
15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET and Letter to Lancaster County District Attorney Re Electronic
Filing November 5, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 15-3400 Third
Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET and Letter to Lancaster County District Attorney Re Electronic Filing
November 5, 2015
Advanced Media Group Invoices 1990-1991 Oct 26 2006 for Dale High and High Industries
Advanced Media Group Invoices 1990-1991 Oct 26 2006 for Dale High and High Industries - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Invoices 1990-1991 Oct 26 2006 for
Dale High and High Industries
Advanced Media Group v Lancaster Film Commission June 9, 2008
Advanced Media Group v Lancaster Film Commission June 9, 2008 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or view presentation slides online. Advanced Media Group v Lancaster Film Commission June 9, 2008
ORIGINAL With DETAILES Advanced Media Group Aged Receivables With Invoices May 13 2007
ORIGINAL With DETAILES Advanced Media Group Aged Receivables With Invoices May 13 2007 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. ORIGINAL With DETAILES Advanced Media
Group Aged Receivables With Invoices May 13 2007
Former director of Lancaster Film Commission says position ruined him financially | News |
The defunct Lancaster Film Commission was developed to draw filmmakers and the money they and their crews
would spend to the area.
1915 MDA 2015 DOCKET Statement Re Petition for Review November 5, 2015
1915 MDA 2015 DOCKET Statement Re Petition for Review November 5, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 1915 MDA 2015 DOCKET Statement Re Petition for Review
November 5, 2015 Mac Rutherford: Books
Online shopping from a great selection at Books Store.
Superior Court MDA 1561 LETTER to Judge Wright Re Missing Items November 5, 2015
Superior Court MDA 1561 LETTER to Judge Wright Re Missing Items November 5, 2015 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Superior Court MDA 1561 LETTER to Judge Wright Re Missing
Items November 5, 2015
Superior Court MDA 1561 Briefing Schedule Order November 5, 2015
Superior Court MDA 1561 Briefing Schedule Order November 5, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Superior Court MDA 1561 Briefing Schedule Order November 5, 2015
Mac Rutherford Luckees Elbow Room of Lancaster PA Project November 5, 2015
Mac Rutherford Luckees Elbow Room of Lancaster PA Project November 5, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Mac Rutherford Luckees Elbow Room of Lancaster PA Project
November 5, 2015
Finance Calculator
Free finance calculator! You can define any of the FV, PMT, I/Y, N, and starting investment to calculate the others.
Also find hundreds of other free online calculators here.
Its Always the Same War - Truthdig
Barack Obama originally ran for president as the anti-war candidate. Now, as his second term winds down, the two
George W. Bush/Obama wars are winding up, with a third in Syria. - 2015/11/04
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement Re EXHIBIT Advanced Media Group and Stan J
Caterbone PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS as of November 6, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement Re EXHIBIT Advanced Media Group and Stan J
Caterbone PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS as of November 6, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION
Statement Re EXHIBIT Advanced Media Group and Stan J Caterbone PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS as of
November 6, 2015
recorded 15-3400 Third Circuit Lambert Court of Appeal MOTION for Considerations Re Advanced Media Group Pro Se
Billings and Sales Journal From Jauuary 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008 November 9, 2015
recorded 15-3400 Third Circuit Lambert Court of Appeal MOTION for Considerations Re Advanced Media Group
Pro Se Billings and Sales Journal From Jauuary 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008 November 9, 2015 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. recorded 15-3400 Third Circuit Lambert Court of Appeal
MOTION for Considerations Re Advanced Media Group Pro Se Billings and Sales Journal From Jauuary 1, 2007 to
August 31, 2008 November 9, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Advanced Media Group and Stan J
Caterbone Audio File of Authentic Recordings of 1987 and 1991 November 9, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Advanced Media Group and
Stan J Caterbone Audio File of Authentic Recordings of 1987 and 1991 November 9, 2015 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement
as an EXHIBIT Re Advanced Media Group and Stan J Caterbone Audio File of Authentic Recordings of 1987 and
1991 November 9, 2015
U.S. District Court Case No. 08-02982 CATERBONE v City of Lancaster Bureau of Police July 2008
U.S. District Court Case No. 08-02982 CATERBONE v City of Lancaster Bureau of Police July 2008 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. U.S. District Court Case No. 08-02982
CATERBONE v City of Lancaster Bureau of Police July 2008
Letter to Mike Caterbone Re Response to Email and Lancaster County Ready to Work Graduate Certification With Job
Applications April 2, 2008
Geeg Squad Lenevo Laptop Drop Off November 10, 2015
15-3400 Lambert U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se in the LISA
MICHELLE LAMBERT Case as MOVANT as of November 10, 2015
15-3400 Lambert U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se in the
LISA MICHELLE LAMBERT Case as MOVANT as of November 10, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 15-3400 Lambert U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals DOCKET for
APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se in the LISA MICHELLE LAMBERT Case as MOVANT as of November
10, 2015
Problem Homes of 1200 Block of Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA November 11, 2015
Thomas P. Caterbone Obituary May 1 1996
Thomas P. Caterbone Obituary May 1 1996 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Thomas P.
Caterbone Obituary May 1 1996
Judge Mary McLaughlin Order and Memorandum June 13 2006
Judge Mary McLaughlin Order and Memorandum June 13 2006 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read online for free. Judge Mary McLaughlin Order and Memorandum June 13 2006
Letter to Kathleen Kane Re Old Boys Network of November 12, 2015
Letter to Kathleen Kane Re Old Boys Network of November 12, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Letter to Kathleen Kane Re Old Boys Network of November 12, 2015
INCIDENT REPORTS to PALCB Office of General Counsel November 12, 2015
INCIDENT REPORTS to PALCB Office of General Counsel November 12, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. INCIDENT REPORTS to PALCB Office of General Counsel with
Executive Summary November 12, 2015
Superior Court 1915 MDA 2015 Peitition for Review DOCKETING STATEMENT of November 12, 2015
Superior Court 1915 MDA 2015 Peitition for Review DOCKETING STATEMENT of November 12, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Superior Court 1915 MDA 2015 Peitition for Review
DOCKETING STATEMENT of November 12, 2015
Photos and Documents Re Trip to Harrisburg Pa to Superior Court, General Counsel of PLCB, And Office of Kathleen
Kane on November 12, 2015
Photos and Documents Re Trip to Harrisburg Pa to Superior Court, General Counsel of PLCB, And Office of
Kathleen Kane on November 12, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Photos and Documents Re Trip to Harrisburg Pa to Superior Court, General Counsel of PLCB, And Office of
Kathleen Kane on November 12, 2015
Samuel Caterbone Personal Files From New York June 18, 2015
Samuel Caterbone Personal Files From New York June 18, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online
for free. Samuel Caterbone Personal Files From New York June 18, 2015
James Guerin, ISC, Joseph Tate, Chris Underhill, William Clark, Joe Roda, Fulton Bank, Scooter Libby and CIA
Operative Valerie Plame with Direct Ties to Lancaster and Stan J. Caterbone November 13, 2015
James Guerin, ISC, Joseph Tate, Chris Underhill, William Clark, Joe Roda, Fulton Bank, Scooter Libby and CIA
Operative Valerie Plame with Direct Ties to Lancaster and Stan J. Caterbone November 13, 2015 - Free ebook
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. James Guerin, ISC, Joseph Tate, Chris
Underhill, William Clark, Joe Roda, Fulton Bank, Scooter Libby and CIA Operative Valerie Plame with Direct Ties
to Lancaster and Stan J. Caterbone November 13, 2015
TD Ameritrade Fulton Financial Transaction History Own 7 Shares - Bought 2 Shares on July 11, 2006 and Bought 2
Shares on September 17, 2015
TD Ameritrade Fulton Financial Transaction History Own 7 Shares - Bought 2 Shares on July 11, 2006 and Bought
2 Shares on September 17, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or view presentation slides
online. TD Ameritrade Fulton Financial Transaction History Own 7 Shares - Bought 2 Shares on July 11, 2006 and
Bought 2 Shares on September 17, 2015
Had Lancaster County Lost It's Sovereignty Before It Lost It's Soul by Stan Caterbone, Authored in May of 1998
Had Lancaster County Lost It's Sovereignty Before It Lost It's Soul by Stan Caterbone, Authored in May of 1998 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Had Lancaster County Lost It's Sovereignty
Before It Lost It's Soul by Stan Caterbone, Authored in May of 1998
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Letter to Mike Caterbone Re Response to Email
and Lancaster County Ready to Work Graduate Certification With Job Applications November 10, 2015
DocumeThird Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Letter to Mike Caterbone Re
Response to Email and Lancaster County Ready to Work Graduate Certification With Job Applications November
10, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. DocumeThird Circuit Lambert
Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Letter to Mike Caterbone Re Response to Email and Lancaster
County Ready to Work Graduate Certification With Job Applications November 10, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Restricted Access
and Computer Hacking Documentation November 16, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Restricted
Access and Computer Hacking Documentation November 16, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT Re Restricted Access and Computer Hacking Documentation November 16, 2015
Letter From Kathleen Kane Re Good Old Boys November 13, 2015
Letter From Kathleen Kane Re Good Old Boys November 13, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read
online for free. Letter From Kathleen Kane Re Good Old Boys November 13, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re Important Documents From 1987
Supporting Claims and Estimate of Monetary Damages and Intellectual Property Rights November 17, 2005
Recorded 3rd Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re Important Documents From 1987
Supporting Claims and Estimate of Monetary Damages and Intellectual Property Rights November 17, 2005 - Free
ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Recorded 3rd Circuit Lambert
Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re Important Documents From 1987 Supporting Claims and
Estimate of Monetary Damages and Intellectual Property Rights November 17, 2005
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re 806 Authentic Original Documents
From 1983 to 2006, November 18, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re 806 Authentic Original
Documents From 1983 to 2006, November 18, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read book online for free. Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re 806
Authentic Original Documents From 1983 to 2006, November 18, 2015
Complaint Re Courthouse Employees - Letter to Judicial Council 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and Joseph Massa of the
Judicial Conduct Reveiw Board April 26 2007
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Complaint Re Courthouse Employees - Letter to Judicial Council 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and Joseph Massa of
the Judicial Conduct Reveiw Board April 26 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Complaint Re Courthouse Employees - Letter to Judicial Council 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and Joseph
Massa of the Judicial Conduct Reveiw Board April 26 2007
recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Complaint Re Courthouse Employees
and Prosecutorial and Judicial Misconduct Towards APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone Dating Back to 1987, November 19,
recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Complaint Re Courthouse
Employees and Prosecutorial and Judicial Misconduct Towards APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone Dating Back to
1987, November 19, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free.
recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Complaint Re Courthouse
Employees and Prosecutorial and Judicial Misconduct Towards APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone Dating Back to
1987, November 19, 2015
Stan J. Caterbon's Legal Formation Documents for Financial Management Group, Ltd., Or FMG, Ltd. in 1986
CIA NO TOUCH TORTURE Makes Sense Out of Mind Control Allegations by Cheryl Welsh January 2008
recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Complaint to General Counsel of PLCB
and Letter to and From Kathleen Kane on November 21, 2015
recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re Complaint to General Counsel of
PLCB and Letter to and From Kathleen Kane on November 21, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT re
Complaint to General Counsel of PLCB and Letter to and From Kathleen Kane on November 21, 2015
Advanced Media Group Press Release Re Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary November 21, 2015
Advanced Media Group Press Release Re Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary November 21, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Press Release Re
Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary November 21, 2015
Dave Pflumm Arrest Record of 2004 Possesion of Marijuana IS DAVE PFLUMM A Confidential Informant?
Dave Pflumm Arrest Record of 2004 Possesion of Marijuana IS DAVE PFLUMM A Confidential Informant? - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Dave Pflumm Arrest Record of 2004 Possesion
of Marijuana IS DAVE PFLUMM A Confidential Informant?
September 21 1987 ISC In $1-5 Billion Dollar Merger November 22, 2015
September 21 1987 ISC In $1-5 Billion Dollar Merger November 22, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or view presentation slides online. September 21 1987 ISC In $1-5 Billion Dollar Merger November 22,
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal MOTION for CONTINUANCE, November 22, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal MOTION for CONTINUANCE, November 22, 2015 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal
MOTION for CONTINUANCE, November 22, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to
November 22, 2015 Establishing State of Mind and Daily Activities Re Stalking and Harassment, November 22, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re FACEBOOK Postings From
July 29 to November 22, 2015 Establishing State of Mind and Daily Activities Re Stalking and Harassment,
November 22, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Recorded
Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT Re FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to
November 22, 2015 Establishing State of Mind and Daily Activities Re Stalking and Harassment, November 22,
Conducting-Shadow-Wars CIA by F&M Professor
Conducting-Shadow-Wars CIA by F&M Professor - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Conducting-Shadow-Wars CIA by F&M Professor
Stan Caterbone - Samuel P. Caterbone - Sammy A. Caterbone Notarized AFFIDAVIT of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
August 18, 2015
CI-15-10167 Lancaster County Court MOTION to WITHDRAW WITHOUT PREJUDICE Re Caterbone v Brunswick-
Fitzwater-Lancaster Film November 24, 2015
CI-15-10167 Lancaster County Court MOTION to WITHDRAW WITHOUT PREJUDICE Re Caterbone v
July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage
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Brunswick-Fitzwater-Lancaster Film November 24, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. CI-15-10167 Lancaster County Court MOTION to WITHDRAW WITHOUT PREJUDICE Re
Caterbone v Brunswick-Fitzwater-Lancaster Film November 24, 2015
CI-15-10167 Lancaster County Court MOTION for Leave to File in Forma Pauperis Caterbone v Brunswick-Fitzwater-
Lancaster Film November 24, 2015
FACEBOOK Postings From the First Day July 29 to November 24, 2015
FACEBOOK Postings From the First Day July 29 to November 24, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. FACEBOOK Postings From the First Day July 29 to November 24, 2015
Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal ORDER Appellant Stan J. Caterbone Motion for Continuance GRANTED
November 24, 2015
United Nations Human Rights Council of Geneva Switzerland Complaint and Exhibit October 4, 2009.pdf
United Nations Human Rights Council of Geneva Switzerland Complaint and Exhibit October 4, 2009.pdf - Free
ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free.
Letters From US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Re Email Complaints November 24, 2015
Letters From US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Re Email Complaints November 24, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Letters From US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
Re Email Complaints November 24, 2015
STATEMENT of MATTERS COMPLAINED Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Lancaster City Police 1108-2015
November 25, 2015
STATEMENT of MATTERS COMPLAINED Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Lancaster City Police 1108-2015
November 25, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. STATEMENT of
MATTERS COMPLAINED Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Lancaster City Police 1108-2015 November 25, 2015
FBI IC3 Complaints of June 2015 Naming Dave Pflumm and Brett Stabley and Brochures November 26, 2015
FBI IC3 Complaints of June 2015 Naming Dave Pflumm and Brett Stabley and Brochures November 26, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. FBI IC3 Complaints of June 2015 Naming
Dave Pflumm and Brett Stabley and Brochures November 26, 2015
July 6, 2015 Trip to PA Attorney General, PA Legislators and FBI in Harrisburg PA November 26, 2015
July 6, 2015 Trip to PA Attorney General, PA Legislators and FBI in Harrisburg PA November 26, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf) or view presentation slides online. July 6, 2015 Trip to PA Attorney General, PA
Legislators and FBI in Harrisburg PA November 26, 2015
Obstruction of Due Process in the Filing of 1108-2015 and Superior Court Case No. 1915-2015 Statement of Matters
Complained on November 25, 2015
Obstruction of Due Process in the Filing of 1108-2015 and Superior Court Case No. 1915-2015 Statement of
Matters Complained on November 25, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for
free. Obstruction of Due Process in the Filing of 1108-2015 and Superior Court Case No. 1915-2015 Statement of
Matters Complained on November 25, 2015
Chapter 11 Reorganization Plan for Case No. Case 05-23059 Filed January 12, 2010.pdf
Chapter 11 Reorganization Plan for Case No. Case 05-23059 Filed January 12, 2010.pdf - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re Chapter 11 Reorganization Plan for Case No. 05-23059 and 50 Million Dollar
Valuation Filed January 12, 2010, November 27, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re Chapter 11 Reorganization Plan for Case No. 05-23059 and 50 Million Dollar
Valuation Filed January 12, 2010, November 27, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re Chapter 11 Reorganization Plan for Case No. 05-23059 and 50
Million Dollar Valuation Filed January 12, 2010, November 27, 2015
Judge Jeffrey Wright OPINION as Ordered by Superior Court in Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 on November 23, 2015 for
Emergency Injunction Case No. 15-06985
Judge Jeffrey Wright OPINION as Ordered by Superior Court in Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 on November 23, 2015
for Emergency Injunction Case No. 15-06985 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Judge
Jeffrey Wright OPINION as Ordered by Superior Court in Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 on November 23, 2015 for
Emergency Injunction Case No. 15-06985
Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re Affidavit of APPELLANT Stanley J. Caterbone Re Judge Diamond Misconduct,
November 28, 2015
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Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re Affidavit of APPELLANT Stanley J. Caterbone Re Judge Diamond Misconduct,
November 28, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 3rd Circuit
EXHIBIT Re Affidavit of APPELLANT Stanley J. Caterbone Re Judge Diamond Misconduct, November 28, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit AFFIDAVITS of APPELLANT Stanley J. Caterbone Re Judge Diamond and Jeremy H.G. Ibrahim,
Sr., Esq Misconduct, November 28, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit AFFIDAVITS of APPELLANT Stanley J. Caterbone Re Judge Diamond and Jeremy H.G.
Ibrahim, Sr., Esq Misconduct, November 28, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Recorded 3rd Circuit AFFIDAVITS of APPELLANT Stanley J. Caterbone Re Judge Diamond and Jeremy H.G.
Ibrahim, Sr., Esq Misconduct, November 28, 2015
06-Cv-05012 Third Circuit BRIEF Authored and Filed by APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone Re Bankruptcy Case July 2,
06-Cv-05012 Third Circuit BRIEF Authored and Filed by APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone Re Bankruptcy Case
July 2, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 06-Cv-05012 Third Circuit
BRIEF Authored and Filed by APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone Re Bankruptcy Case July 2, 2010
14-02259 Lambert Habeus MOTION to Recuse Judge Paul Diamond November 29, 2015
14-02259 Lambert Habeus MOTION to Recuse Judge Paul Diamond November 29, 2015 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 14-02259 Lambert Habeus MOTION to Recuse Judge Paul
Diamond November 29, 2015
Breaking News - Pete Anders on Payroll of Benecon in Caterbone v. Copy Max and Sam Lombardo CI-07-03924 Case
File April 7, 2009 With November 28, 2015 Millersville Review
Breaking News - Pete Anders on Payroll of Benecon in Caterbone v. Copy Max and Sam Lombardo CI-07-03924
Case File April 7, 2009 With November 28, 2015 Millersville Review - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Breaking News - Pete Anders on Payroll of Benecon in Caterbone v.
Copy Max and Sam Lombardo CI-07-03924 Case File April 7, 2009 With November 28, 2015 Millersville Review
Sam Lombardo and Raolph Mazzochi Charlotte Street Proposal by Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone March
10 2007
Sam Lombardo and Raolph Mazzochi Charlotte Street Proposal by Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone
March 10 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Sam Lombardo and
Raolph Mazzochi Charlotte Street Proposal by Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone March 10 2007
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re U.S. District Court Case No. 14-02559 Judge Diamond
Motion to Recuse, November 29, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re U.S. District Court Case No. 14-02559 Judge
Diamond Motion to Recuse, November 29, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re U.S. District Court Case No. 14-02559 Judge
Diamond Motion to Recuse, November 29, 2015
1108-2015 Superior Court 1915-MDA-2015 STATEMENT of MATTERS COMPLAINED Re Private Criminal Complaint
v. Lancaster City Police 1108-2015 November 25, 2015
1108-2015 Superior Court 1915-MDA-2015 STATEMENT of MATTERS COMPLAINED Re Private Criminal
Complaint v. Lancaster City Police 1108-2015 November 25, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. 1108-2015 Superior Court 1915-MDA-2015 STATEMENT of MATTERS
COMPLAINED Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Lancaster City Police 1108-2015 November 25, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re LNP Article Rogue FBI Agents in Lancaster Killing US Attorney on February 27,
2007 Are the Still Here - Of Course They Are, November 30, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re LNP Article Rogue FBI Agents in Lancaster Killing US Attorney on February
27, 2007 Are the Still Here - Of Course They Are, November 30, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 3rd Circuit EXHIBIT Re LNP Article Rogue FBI Agents in Lancaster Killing
US Attorney on February 27, 2007 Are the Still Here - Of Course They Are, November 30, 2015
Samuell Caterbone Jr Writings as Evidence of MKULTRA Dates of 1957 and 1943 December 1, 2015
Samuell Caterbone Jr Writings as Evidence of MKULTRA Dates of 1957 and 1943 December 1, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Samuell Caterbone Jr Writings as Evidence of MKULTRA
Dates of 1957 and 1943 December 1, 2015
Suspicious Charactars Caught on Camera on My Security System on May 29, 2006
FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 1, 2015
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FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 1, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read book online for free. FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 1, 2015
ISA Computer Installation 37,000 and 38 Per Hour Proposal for Dave Pflumm Paving and Excavating March of 1989
ISA Computer Installation 37,000 and 38 Per Hour Proposal for Dave Pflumm Paving and Excavating March of
1989 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. ISA Computer Installation 37,000
and 38 Per Hour Proposal for Dave Pflumm Paving and Excavating March of 1989
Stan J. Caterbon's LEASE AGREEMENT to 1755 Oregon Pike and Other Documents for Financial Management Group,
Ltd., Or FMG, Ltd. in 1986
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Outstanding Receivables with Pro Se Billings To Date of
4,295,443.24, December 2, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Outstanding Receivables with Pro Se Billings To Date
of 4,295,443.24, December 2, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Outstanding Receivables with Pro Se Billings To Date
of 4,295,443.24, December 2, 2015
Letter to Lancaster City Chief of Police Sam Gatshell June 25 2007
Letter to Lancaster City Chief of Police Sam Gatshell June 25 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Letter to Lancaster City Chief of Police Sam Gatshell June 25 2007
Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal Docket With Summaries of ALL Recorded Filings as of December 2, 2015
Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal Docket With Summaries of ALL Recorded Filings as of December 2, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal
Docket With Summaries of ALL Recorded Filings as of December 2, 2015
FACEBOOK Updated Links with Documents and Videos December 3, 2015 (will work from clicking on this document)
FACEBOOK Updated Links with Documents and Videos December 3, 2015 (will work from clicking on this
document) - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. FACEBOOK
Updated Links with Documents and Videos December 3, 2015 (will work from clicking on this document)
FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 5, 2015
FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 5, 2015 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read book online for free. FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to December 5, 2015
Lancaster County DA Releases Report on Fatal Police Shooting of Mentally Ill Man on North Queen Street in 2013
Southeast Clinic Physical Invoice December 3, 2015
Southeast Clinic Physical Invoice December 3, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Southeast Clinic Physical Invoice December 3, 2015
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Notes - Cards - Receipts From Lobby Efforts in PA
Legislature 2015 December 6, 2015 w DOCKET
Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Notes - Cards - Receipts From Lobby Efforts in PA
Legislature 2015 December 6, 2015 w DOCKET - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online
for free. Recorded 3rd Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Notes - Cards - Receipts From Lobby Efforts
in PA Legislature 2015 December 6, 2015 w DOCKET
United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania Stan Caterbone Amicus Filed as MOVANT in the Lisa
Michelle Lambert Habeus Corpus Case DOCKET 14-Cv-02559 December 6, 2015
United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania Stan Caterbone Amicus Filed as MOVANT in the Lisa
Michelle Lambert Habeus Corpus Case DOCKET 14-Cv-02559 December 6, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania Stan
Caterbone Amicus Filed as MOVANT in the Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Corpus Case DOCKET 14-Cv-02559
December 6, 2015
Question and Answer From Terry Robertson of Jim Guest Show Re is Mind Control Legal? December 1, 2009
Question and Answer From Terry Robertson of Jim Guest Show Re is Mind Control Legal? December 1, 2009 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Question and Answer From Terry
Robertson of Jim Guest Show Re is Mind Control Legal? December 1, 2009
Recorded and Docketed 14-02259 Lambert Habeus MOTION to Recuse Judge Paul Diamond November 29, 2015
Docketed on December 7, 2015 (Small)
Recorded and Docketed 14-02259 Lambert Habeus MOTION to Recuse Judge Paul Diamond November 29, 2015
Docketed on December 7, 2015 (Small) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
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Recorded and Docketed 14-02259 Lambert Habeus MOTION to Recuse Judge Paul Diamond November 29, 2015
Docketed on December 7, 2015 (Small)
Recorded Copy1561 MDA 2015 Superior Court BRIEF re Preliminary Emergency Injunction v. Lancaster Residents
December 7, 2015
Recorded Copy1561 MDA 2015 Superior Court BRIEF re Preliminary Emergency Injunction v. Lancaster
Residents December 7, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded
Copy1561 MDA 2015 Superior Court BRIEF re Preliminary Emergency Injunction v. Lancaster Residents
December 7, 2015
Filed Copy1561 MDA 2015 Superior Court LETTER Re Brief or Oral Argument Form Due by Dec 27, 2015 - December
7, 2015
Filed Copy1561 MDA 2015 Superior Court LETTER Re Brief or Oral Argument Form Due by Dec 27, 2015 -
December 7, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Filed Copy1561 MDA
2015 Superior Court LETTER Re Brief or Oral Argument Form Due by Dec 27, 2015 - December 7, 2015
EBay Order Details Verizon 5 64gb Delivered on December 7, 2015 as a T-Mobile Phone Will Have To Send Back - They
Just Don't Want Me Taking Good Pictures
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re in Forma Pauperis FRAUD by the Judiciary of the Lancaster County
Courts, The U.S. District Court, And the PA Superior Court, December 8, 2015
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re in Forma Pauperis FRAUD by the Judiciary of the Lancaster
County Courts, The U.S. District Court, And the PA Superior Court, December 8, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re in Forma Pauperis
FRAUD by the Judiciary of the Lancaster County Courts, The U.S. District Court, And the PA Superior Court,
December 8, 2015
ACCIDENT REPORT by Hampden Twp Police Officer Robert Higgens Incident No. 20151200340 of December 8, 2015
ACCIDENT REPORT by Hampden Twp Police Officer Robert Higgens Incident No. 20151200340 of December 8,
2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or view presentation slides online. ACCIDENT REPORT by Hampden
Twp Police Officer Robert Higgens Incident No. 20151200340 of December 8, 2015
CONFIRMATION OF IPHONE HACKING - eBay iPhone 5 64GB Delivered on December 7, 2015 as a T-Mobile Phone
Instead of a Verizon Phone as Shipped December 8, 2015
CONFIRMATION OF IPHONE HACKING - eBay iPhone 5 64GB Delivered on December 7, 2015 as a T-Mobile
Phone Instead of a Verizon Phone as Shipped December 8, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read online for free. CONFIRMATION OF IPHONE HACKING - eBay iPhone 5 64GB Delivered on December
7, 2015 as a T-Mobile Phone Instead of a Verizon Phone as Shipped December 8, 2015
Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case No. 15-03984
December 10, 2015
Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case No.
15-03984 December 10, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded
Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case No. 15-03984
December 10, 2015
Screamin Daisies Guestbook Page with My Comments December 28, 2007
Screamin Daisies Guestbook Page with My Comments December 28, 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Screamin Daisies Guestbook Page with My Comments December 28, 2007
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Copy of Clerk Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus
Corpus to US District Court Judge Curtis Joyner in Case No. 15-03984 Dec10, 2015 - December 12, 2015
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Copy of Clerk Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of
Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Curtis Joyner in Case No. 15-03984 Dec10, 2015 - December 12, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal
EXHIBIT Re Copy of Clerk Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court
Judge Curtis Joyner in Case No. 15-03984 Dec10, 2015 - December 12, 2015
Apology by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group of December 11, 2015
Apology by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group of December 11, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Apology by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group of
December 11, 2015
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. ARGUMENT IN OPPOSITION OF
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal MOTION to DISMISS December 14, 2015
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal MOTION to DISMISS December 14, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal MOTION to DISMISS December 14,
Patent First Medical File for December 12, 2015
Patent First Medical File for December 12, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Patent
First Medical File for December 12, 2015
Kane Aide Files Wrongful Termination Suit Against Her in December 14, 2015
Kane Aide Files Wrongful Termination Suit Against Her in December 14, 2015 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Kane Aide Files Wrongful Termination Suit Against Her in December 14, 2015
Kane Story Comment of December 15, 2015
Kane Story Comment of December 15, 2015 - Free download as Open Office file (.odt), PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Kane Story Comment of December 15, 2015
CP-36-MD-1108-2015 Petition for Review OPINION of MEMORANDUM Judge Reinaker December 9, 2015
CP-36-MD-1108-2015 Petition for Review OPINION of MEMORANDUM Judge Reinaker December 9, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. CP-36-MD-1108-2015 Petition for Review OPINION of
MEMORANDUM Judge Reinaker December 9, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus STATEMENT Re Argument in Opposition of Mental
Illness Diagnosis, December 15, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus STATEMENT Re Argument in Opposition of
Mental Illness Diagnosis, December 15, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for
free. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus STATEMENT Re Argument in Opposition of
Mental Illness Diagnosis, December 15, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus DOCKET as of December 16, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus DOCKET as of December 16, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of
Habeus Corpus DOCKET as of December 16, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT re Outstanding Receivables with Pro Se
Billings To Date of $4,295,443.24, December 16, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT re Outstanding Receivables with Pro
Se Billings To Date of $4,295,443.24, December 16, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT re Outstanding
Receivables with Pro Se Billings To Date of $4,295,443.24, December 16, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Open Letter to the Editor of
Re Kathleen Kane and Old Boys Network December 15, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Open Letter to the Editor of Re Kathleen Kane and Old Boys Network December 15, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re
Open Letter to the Editor of Re Kathleen Kane and Old Boys Network December 15, 2015
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Argument in Opposition of Mental Illness
Diagnosis, December 15, 2015 (Small)
15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Argument in Opposition of Mental
Illness Diagnosis, December 15, 2015 (Small) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for
free. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Argument in Opposition of
Mental Illness Diagnosis, December 15, 2015 (Small)
ESP & Mental Telepathy Research Documents Before I Learned my In-Depth Knowledge of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control September 10, 2007
ESP & Mental Telepathy Research Documents Before I Learned my In-Depth Knowledge of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control September 10, 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. ESP &
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Mental Telepathy Research Documents Before I Learned my In-Depth Knowledge of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
September 10, 2007
Clerk Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case No.
15-03984 December 16, 2015
Clerk Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case
No. 15-03984 December 16, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Clerk
Recorded Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case No.
15-03984 December 16, 2015
Advanced Media Group Press Release Re Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary December 17, 2015
Advanced Media Group Press Release Re Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary December 17, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Press Release Re
Stalking Legislation With Executive Summary December 17, 2015
Lancaster General Hospital Medical Records of the 302 Mental Health Warrant of April 6, 2006
Lancaster General Hospital Medical Records of the 302 Mental Health Warrant of April 6, 2006 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Lancaster General Hospital Medical Records of the 302 Mental Health
Warrant of April 6, 2006
Lancaster General Hospital No Trespass May 25, 2010
Lancaster General Hospital No Trespass May 25, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Lancaster General Hospital No Trespass May 25, 2010
Kane family email surfaces in 'porngate' - and more NewsWorks
Say what? The twin sister and employee of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane herself traded nasty
email, and sent one to Kane herself? That stunning revelation has surfaced, one of...
Lancaster City Police PA Mental Health 302 Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone to Fairmount Behavioral Health Systems as
of April 21, 2010
Lancaster City Police PA Mental Health 302 Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone to Fairmount Behavioral Health
Systems as of April 21, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Lancaster
City Police PA Mental Health 302 Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone to Fairmount Behavioral Health Systems as of
April 21, 2010
One of the Most Painful (Physical) Days Ever - April 2, 2010
One of the Most Painful (Physical) Days Ever - April 2, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. One of the Most Painful (Physical) Days Ever - April 2, 2010
Recorded in 15-3400 Lambert Appeal as EXHIBIT of COMPLAINT to U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania Re Fulton Bank Criminal Conspiracy December 19, 2015
Recorded in 15-3400 Lambert Appeal as EXHIBIT of COMPLAINT to U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania Re Fulton Bank Criminal Conspiracy December 19, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded in 15-3400 Lambert Appeal as EXHIBIT of COMPLAINT to U.S.
Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Re Fulton Bank Criminal Conspiracy December 19, 2015
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Samuel Caterbone Jr Evidence of MKULTRA Dates of 1957 and 1943
December 19, 2015
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Samuel Caterbone Jr Evidence of MKULTRA Dates of 1957 and
1943 December 19, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded
15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Samuel Caterbone Jr Evidence of MKULTRA Dates of 1957 and 1943
December 19, 2015
Last Meeting With Psychiatrist Dr. Al Shulz Transcript of January 1998 Important
Last Meeting With Psychiatrist Dr. Al Shulz Transcript of January 1998 Important - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Last Meeting With Psychiatrist Dr. Al Shulz Transcript of January 1998
ACCIDENT REPORT and STATEMENT With Hampden Twp Police Officer Robert Higgens Incident REPORT No.
20151200340 of December 18, 2015
ACCIDENT REPORT and STATEMENT With Hampden Twp Police Officer Robert Higgens Incident REPORT
No. 20151200340 of December 18, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free.
ACCIDENT REPORT and STATEMENT With Hampden Twp Police Officer Robert Higgens Incident REPORT
No. 20151200340 of December 18, 2015
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Petition for Administrator of Thomas Caterbone 36-1996-0729 Jan 17 2008 Important
Petition for Administrator of Thomas Caterbone 36-1996-0729 Jan 17 2008 Important - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Petition for Administrator of Thomas Caterbone 36-1996-0729 Jan 17
2008 Important
1987 Burdette Tomlin Hospital Medical Records with Jim Warner Calling Stone Harbor Police - Phony Suicide Allegation
1987 Burdette Tomlin Hospital Medical Records with Jim Warner Calling Stone Harbor Police - Phony Suicide
Allegation - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 1987 Burdette Tomlin Hospital
Medical Records with Jim Warner Calling Stone Harbor Police - Phony Suicide Allegation
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Dr. Nick Begich Lecture at the Covert Harassment Conference in Berlin
Germany October 1, 2015, Submitted on December 25, 2015
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Dr. Nick Begich Lecture at the Covert Harassment Conference in
Berlin Germany October 1, 2015, Submitted on December 25, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file
(.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Dr. Nick Begich Lecture at the
Covert Harassment Conference in Berlin Germany October 1, 2015, Submitted on December 25, 2015
FBI IC3 Complaint Referral Form Reciept and RECORDED Complaint I1512261722030362[1] of Decmeber 26, 2015 as
per instructions of the Lancaster City Policed Department Meeting of December 26, 2015
FBI IC3 Complaint Referral Form Reciept and RECORDED Complaint I1512261722030362[1] of Decmeber 26,
2015 as per instructions of the Lancaster City Policed Department Meeting of December 26, 2015 - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. FBI IC3 Complaint Referral Form Reciept and
RECORDED Complaint I1512261722030362[1] of Decmeber 26, 2015 as per instructions of the Lancaster City
Policed Department Meeting of December 26, 2015
File an Antitrust Complaint
Social Security Benefits Application Documents and Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of 2009,
December 27, 2015
Social Security Benefits Application Documents and Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of
2009, December 27, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Social Security
Benefits Application Documents and Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of 2009, December
27, 2015
15-3400 EXHIBIT Re Social Security Disability Benefits for Mind Control With Application Documents and
Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of 2009, December 27, 2015
15-3400 EXHIBIT Re Social Security Disability Benefits for Mind Control With Application Documents and
Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of 2009, December 27, 2015 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 15-3400 EXHIBIT Re Social Security Disability Benefits for Mind
Control With Application Documents and Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of 2009,
December 27, 2015
Yolies Recipes From Stan J. Caterbone December 23, 2015
Yolies Recipes From Stan J. Caterbone December 23, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for
free. Yolies Recipes From Stan J. Caterbone December 23, 2015
Unix Tarpit Article
Advanced Media Group/Global Entertainment Group of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is an information technologies
company founded by Stan J. Caterbone in 1989
Up-To-Date U.S. Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal DOCKET With SUMMARIES of ALL 54 Recorded Filings as of
December 29, 2015
Up-To-Date U.S. Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal DOCKET With SUMMARIES of ALL 54 Recorded
Filings as of December 29, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Up-To-
Date U.S. Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal DOCKET With SUMMARIES of ALL 54 Recorded Filings as of
December 29, 2015
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus NOTICE of APPEAL to U.S.C.a. in
US District Court Judge Joyner Order of December 29, 2015 Submitted on December 31, 2015
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus NOTICE of APPEAL to
U.S.C.a. in US District Court Judge Joyner Order of December 29, 2015 Submitted on December 31, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley
July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus NOTICE of APPEAL to U.S.C.a. in US District Court Judge Joyner Order of
December 29, 2015 Submitted on December 31, 2015
15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals LETTER to Clerk of Court Re RESCIND Motion to Dismiss Without Prejudice,
December 31, 2015
15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals LETTER to Clerk of Court Re RESCIND Motion to Dismiss Without
Prejudice, December 31, 2015 - Free download as Open Office file (.odt), PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read
online for free. 15-3400 Third Circuit Court of Appeals LETTER to Clerk of Court Re RESCIND Motion to
Dismiss Without Prejudice, December 31, 2015
Stan J. Caterbone U.S. Federal ELECTRONIC Court Filings for Thursday, December 31, 2015
Stan J. Caterbone U.S. Federal ELECTRONIC Court Filings for Thursday, December 31, 2015 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Stan J. Caterbone U.S. Federal ELECTRONIC Court Filings
for Thursday, December 31, 2015
Stan Caterbone Football Scrapbook Sophmore & Junior Year 1974-1975 June 24 2007 Created by Yolanda Caterbone
Habeus Corpus Form 15-3984 August 16, 2015 Filed in U.S. District Court
Habeus Corpus Form 15-3984 August 16, 2015 Filed in U.S. District Court - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or
read online for free. Habeus Corpus Form 15-3984 August 16, 2015 Filed in U.S. District Court
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Document Re Mind Control Victims Symptoms and Demographics Sent
From My Friend Soleilmavis Liu of China, Sent Jan 1, 2016 Filed January 2, 2016
Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Document Re Mind Control Victims Symptoms and
Demographics Sent From My Friend Soleilmavis Liu of China, Sent Jan 1, 2016 Filed January 2, 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT
Re Document Re Mind Control Victims Symptoms and Demographics Sent From My Friend Soleilmavis Liu of
China, Sent Jan 1, 2016 Filed January 2, 2016
Sammy v County of Santa Barbara October 3, 2015
Sammy v County of Santa Barbara October 3, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Sammy v County of Santa Barbara October 3, 2015
Snyder Funeral Home Bill for Sammy
Snyder Funeral Home Bill for Sammy - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Snyder Funeral
Home Bill for Sammy
Third Circuit & US District Court LAMBERT Case 14-2559 in Forma Pauperis
Notarized Letter to California State Attorney General Re LSD Experiments in MK ULTRA and Sammy Notarized
October 23, 1991
Notarized Letter to California State Attorney General Re LSD Experiments in MK ULTRA and Sammy Notarized
October 23, 1991 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Notarized Letter to California State
Attorney General Re LSD Experiments in MK ULTRA and Sammy Notarized October 23, 1991
RICO - Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal Document re Tolling the Statute of Limitations for ALL
Claims - Do I Have a Rico Claim Authored on July 9, 2006
Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal Document re Tolling the Statute of Limitations for ALL
Claims - Do I Have a Rico Claim Authored on July 9, 2006 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal Document re Tolling the Statute of
Limitations for ALL Claims - Do I Have a Rico Claim Authored on July 9, 2006
15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Document Re Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal Document Re
Tolling the Statute of Limitations for ALL Claims - Do I Have a Rico Claim Authored on Jul 9, 2006, January 4, 2016
15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Document Re Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal
Document Re Tolling the Statute of Limitations for ALL Claims - Do I Have a Rico Claim Authored on Jul 9, 2006,
January 4, 2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. 15-3400
Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT Re Document Re Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal Document Re
Tolling the Statute of Limitations for ALL Claims - Do I Have a Rico Claim Authored on Jul 9, 2006, January 4,
Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal DOCKET With SUMMARIES of ALL Recorded Filings as of January 5, 2016
Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal DOCKET With SUMMARIES of ALL Recorded Filings as of January 5,
2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read book online for free. Third Circuit 15-3400
Lambert Appeal DOCKET With SUMMARIES of ALL Recorded Filings as of January 5, 2016
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Advanced Media Group Letter to Jacquelyn Pfursich, Clerk of Court in Lancaster County January 6, 2016
Advanced Media Group Letter to Jacquelyn Pfursich, Clerk of Court in Lancaster County January 6, 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. z
Geek Squad Agent Notes of January 6, 2016 for Lenovo Laptop
Geek Squad Agent Notes of January 6, 2016 for Lenovo Laptop - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read online for free. Geek Squad Agent Notes of January 6, 2016 for Lenovo Laptop
16-1001 U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Notice of Appeal and OPENING DOCUMENTS of January
7, 2016
16-1001 U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Notice of Appeal and OPENING DOCUMENTS of
January 7, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 16-1001 U.S. Third
Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Notice of Appeal and OPENING DOCUMENTS of January 7, 2016
December 9, 2015 Letter From Ms. Diana Crone, Contact Claims Associate Re Nationwide Claim 446004-GC
December 9, 2015 Letter From Ms. Diana Crone, Contact Claims Associate Re Nationwide Claim 446004-GC -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. December 9, 2015 Letter From Ms. Diana
Crone, Contact Claims Associate Re Nationwide Claim 446004-GC
Jones Body Shop 2007 Honda CRV Repair ESTIMATE From Russ Willis on January 7, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case Forms January 11, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case Forms January 11, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
file (.txt) or read online for free. Stan J. Caterbone Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case Forms January 11, 2016
FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to January 9, 2016
FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to January 9, 2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read book online for free. FACEBOOK Postings From July 29 to January 9, 2016
Recorded 16-1001 Third Circuit Habeus Appeal EXHIBIT Re Case No. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of
Habeus Corpus FILING FEE RECEIPT for 5 DOLLARS in US District Court August 14, 2015
Recorded 16-1001 Third Circuit Habeus Appeal EXHIBIT Re Case No. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone
Writ of Habeus Corpus FILING FEE RECEIPT for 5 DOLLARS in US District Court August 14, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 16-1001 Third Circuit Habeus Appeal
EXHIBIT Re Case No. 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus FILING FEE RECEIPT
for 5 DOLLARS in US District Court August 14, 2015
Recorded 16-1001 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Case - PETITION in Support of Application for
Certificate of Appealability January 11, 2016 With DOCKET
Recorded 16-1001 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Case - PETITION in Support of Application for
Certificate of Appealability January 11, 2016 With DOCKET - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or
read online for free. Recorded 16-1001 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Case - PETITION in Support
of Application for Certificate of Appealability January 11, 2016 With DOCKET
Lambert MOTION to File EXHIBIT by Movant Jeremy Email Case No. 5-14-Cv-02259 September 8, 2015
Recorded Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal MOTION for IMMEDIATE REINSTATEMENT OF APPEAL, January
13, 2016
Recorded Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal MOTION for IMMEDIATE REINSTATEMENT OF APPEAL,
January 13, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded Third Circuit
15-3400 Lambert Appeal MOTION for IMMEDIATE REINSTATEMENT OF APPEAL, January 13, 2016
STAN J. CATERBONE v. Commonwealth Bank of Lancaster County (Mellon Bank) Re Illegal Reposession of Navajo
Chieften Airplane in 1987 and Third Circuit Victory on September 30, 2008
STAN J. CATERBONE v. Commonwealth Bank of Lancaster County (Mellon Bank) Re Illegal Reposession of
Navajo Chieften Airplane in 1987 and Third Circuit Victory on September 30, 2008 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf) or read online for free. STAN J. CATERBONE v. Commonwealth Bank of Lancaster County (Mellon Bank)
Re Illegal Reposession of Navajo Chieften Airplane in 1987 and Third Circuit Victory on September 30, 2008
Recorded Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal Motion for Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Michael Fisher to
Recuse January 15, 2016
Recorded Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal Motion for Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Michael Fisher
to Recuse January 15, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Recorded Third Circuit
15-3400 Lambert Appeal Motion for Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Michael Fisher to Recuse January 15,
July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
14-02559 LAMBERT Habeus Corpus NOTICE of APPEAL to Reinstate Appeal 15-3400 in the U.S. Third Circuit
January 17, 2016
14-02559 LAMBERT Habeus Corpus NOTICE of APPEAL to Reinstate Appeal 15-3400 in the U.S. Third Circuit
January 17, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 14-02559 LAMBERT
Habeus Corpus NOTICE of APPEAL to Reinstate Appeal 15-3400 in the U.S. Third Circuit January 17, 2016
14-02559 Re Stan J Caterbone, The MOVANT, The Federal Courts and the New Book - Love, Murder, And
CORRUPTION in Lancaster County My Story by Lisa Michelle Lambert and Attorney Dave Brown January 18, 2016
14-02559 Re Stan J Caterbone, The MOVANT, The Federal Courts and the New Book - Love, Murder, And
CORRUPTION in Lancaster County My Story by Lisa Michelle Lambert and Attorney Dave Brown January 18,
2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. 14-02559 Re Stan J Caterbone, The
MOVANT, The Federal Courts and the New Book - Love, Murder, And CORRUPTION in Lancaster County My
Story by Lisa Michelle Lambert and Attorney Dave Brown January 18, 2016
Dr Phil Caterbone's Career Path to $$$Millions January 18, 2016
Dr Phil Caterbone's Career Path to $$$Millions January 18, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt)
or read online for free. Dr Phil Caterbone's Career Path to $$$Millions January 18, 2016
Open Letter to the Editor of Re Kathleen Kane and Old Boys Network - January 20, 2016
Recorded 16-1001 Stan J. Caterbone Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group United
States Department of Justice Civil Rights Complaint January 19, 2016
Pennsylvania Superior Court Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 - CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police re Briefing Schedule
Date DUE FEBRUARY 29, 2016
Change of Venue to District Magistrate Barbara Pinaka, January 23, 2016
January 24, 2016 Facebook Post Re Motivatin Factors of Lancaster County v. Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media
Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se, U.S.C.A. Third Circuit Complaint of Judicial Misconduct or Disability of January 25, 2016
Samuel Caterbone, Jr. (Father) Naval Air Gunners Honors 1943 January 24, 2016 - Prior To U.S Sponsored Mind Control
2016 Chapter 11 New Case for Filing in Eastern District of Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Court, Reading, PA January 27,
2016 Numbered and Bookmarked
Findings of Facts 1998 - Original Claim Filed in Federal Courthouse, United States Eastern District of Pennaylvania in
Case No. 05-2288 on May 16, 2005
Sorry Lancaster - My Father, Samuell P. Caterbone Jr, Was a Victim of MKULTRA - January 26, 2016
1989 - Radio Science Laboratories (Microwave Technologies) Business Plan by Stan J. Caterbone, Scribd on January 27,
Recorded and Stamped by DA Office - Private Criminal Complaint v. Southeast Medical Clinic and Patient First Urgent
Care Re Refusal to Prescribe Pain Medications, January 27, 2016
Jan 28, 2016 - Fax Cover Sheet for U.S. Third Circuit Clerk of Court Marcia Waldron Re 16-1149 LEGAL DIVISION
LETTER SENT Possible Dismissal Due to Jurisdictional Defect. (EAL) January 27, 2016
Pennsylvania State Criminal Background Check of January19, 2016
Department of General Services Press Application Signed January 6, 2016 for Troy Thompson, Press Secretary January
27, 2016
16-10517 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy OPEN Case Letter of January 27, 2016
Open Letter to the Editor of Re Kathleen Kane and Good Old Boys Network, December 15, 2015
Open Letter to the Editor of Re Kathleen Kane and Good Old Boys Network, December 15, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or read online for free. Open Letter to the Editor of
Re Kathleen Kane and Good Old Boys Network, December 15, 2015
Senate will not vote for now to remove Kathleen Kane - The Morning Call
State Senate opts not to remove Attorney General Kathleen Kane from office until the state Supreme Court rules on
request to have her law license reinstated.
Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Documentation as a Contractor for the Department of Defense in 1990
EMERGENCY INJUCTION v Fulton Bank Recorded April 14, 2010 Filed on April 1, 2010 in US District Court
ALL FACEBOOK Postings and Incidents From July 29 to January 28, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Central Intelligence Agency, Or CIA Contacts Connected in My LinkedIn
Network as of February 1, 2016
July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
HANDOUT - Private Criminal Complaint v. Southeast Medical Clinic and Patient First Urgent Care Re Refusal to
Prescribe Pain Medications, February 1, 2016
CI-15-10167 Lancaster County Court MOTION for Leave to File in Forma Pauperis Caterbone v Brunswick-Fitzwater-
Lancaster Film February 2, 2016
CI-08-13373 Lancaster County Court MOTION for Leave to File in Forma Pauperis Caterbone v Duke Street Business
Center February 2, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group - Pennsylvania Attorney General Consumer Affairs Complaint Form re
Computer Hacking and February 2, 2016
TOC - Advanced Media Group Version - In a Killers Words Lisa Michelle Lambert, Nearly 25 Years Since Laurie Shows
Murder, LAMBERT Claims Innocence in New Book, January 31, 2016
Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Obstruction of Justice - A LANDMARK CASE, re 15-3400; 16-1001;
16-1149 in the Third Circuit - 14-02259; 15-03984; 05-2288; 06-4650; etc., in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania - February 3, 2016
Stan J Caterbone, International Signal Control or ISC, The CIA, The NSA, And U.S. Sponsored Mind Control in
Lancaster Pennsylvania - November 18, 2015 Copyright
Trip to Harrisburg - Attorney General Drop Box and Capitol Building, Photos, Itinerary, and Receipts of February 4, 2016
Social Security Application for Benefits, April 8, 2009, Approved on August 26, 2009 with a Check for 21,400.00 for 1
Year of Retroactive Benefits - Declared Disabled on December 1, 2005 for Symptoms and Illnesses Related to U.S.
Sponsored Mind Control
Photos of Trip to Pennsylvania Capitol for Senate Vote on PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane Impeachment and
Complaint to LCPD Re 1252 Fremont St., February 10, 2016
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police Department, BRIEF
Dated February 12, 2016
Electronic Filing - Recorded 1915 MDA 2015 Form Report 3012 Reply Letter Request Filled Out Form for ORAL
ARGUMENTS or JUST BRIEF February 13, 2016 with Proof of Service and Verification
Return Letter From James J. Fitzpatrick, Chief Deputy Attorney General of PA Atty General Office Re Advanced Media
Group COMPLAINT to Insurance Fraud Section Re Nationwide Claim 446004-GC February 8, 2016
Advanced Media Group COMPLAINT to the Office of Attorney General's Insurance Fraud Section Re Nationwide Claim
446004-GC February 8, 2016
08-13373 DEFENDANT LIST and DOCKET Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas in the Matter of CATERBONE v
Duke Street Business Center February 14, 2016
Original Documents of 1987 Re Lancaster County Prison, Dr. Al Shultz, Unemployment Compensation, St. Joseph
Hospital, And EVIDENCE In The Matter of Anti-Trust Litigation, Scanned February 16, 2016
Gmail -U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals 16-1149 Lisa Lambert v ORDER DISMISS CASE for Failure to File Fee
Dated February 16, 2016 - SEE COMPLAINTS ON PAGE 2; PA Atty General and U.S. Third Circuit Judicial Board
Chapter 11 Case No. 16-10517-REF NOTICE Show Cause Hearing Thursday, February 18, 2016 U.S. Courthouse
Madison Bldg, Reading PA 11am February 5, 2016
Living Declaration and Statement of Facts in the Matter of CATERBONE v. the County and City of Lancaster
Pennsylvania, Et Al February 18, 2016
Recorded Chapter 11 Case No. 16-10517-REF NOTICE to File Exhibit Re Living Declaration and Statement of Facts, In
Show Cause Hearing of February 18, 2016
Chapter 11 Case No. 16-10517-REF NOTICE to File Exhibit in Show Cause Hearing of February 18, 2016
Updated IC3 Report to the FBI Re Lowes Non-Delivery of Paid Building Materials for New Fence and Patio Roof on
March 26, 2016
Updated IC3 Report to the FBI Re Lowes Non-Delivery of Paid Building Materials for New Fence and Patio Roof
on March 26, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Updated IC3 Report
to the FBI Re Lowes Non-Delivery of Paid Building Materials for New Fence and Patio Roof on March 26, 2016
181 Page U.S. District Court Habeus Case 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re - AFFIDAVIT and State-Of-Affairs of U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control for Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, March 27, 2016 with Bookmarks and Table of Contents
181 Page U.S. District Court Habeus Case 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re - AFFIDAVIT and State-Of-Affairs of U.S.
Sponsored Mind Control for Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, March 27, 2016 with Bookmarks and
Table of Contents - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. 181 Page U.S. District
Court Habeus Case 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re - AFFIDAVIT and State-Of-Affairs of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control for
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, March 27, 2016 with Bookmarks and Table of Contents
Information Inventory Assets of all file folders in 1250 Fremont Street on May 17, 2009 and in 1992 with Rick Gray File,
March 27 2016
Information Inventory Assets of all file folders in 1250 Fremont Street on May 17, 2009 and in 1992 with Rick Gray
File, March 27 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Information
Inventory Assets of all file folders in 1250 Fremont Street on May 17, 2009 and in 1992 with Rick Gray File, March
27 2016
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re the Timeline of Secret Government Projects and Letter to Editor of
LNP, March 29, 2016
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re the Timeline of Secret Government Projects and Letter to Editor
of LNP, March 29, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded Case
No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re the Timeline of Secret Government Projects and Letter to Editor of LNP, March
29, 2016
Section 2709. Harassment and Stalking of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code March 30, 2016
Section 2709. Harassment and Stalking of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code March 30, 2016 - Free download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Section 2709. Harassment and Stalking of the
Pennsylvania Crimes Code March 30, 2016
Pennsylvania State Background Check For Stan J. Caterbone as of January 19, 2016
Pennsylvania State Background Check For Stan J. Caterbone as of January 19, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Pennsylvania State Background Check For Stan J. Caterbone as of
January 19, 2016
March 29, 2016 LETTER From the Office of the Circuit Executive Re PETITION for REVIEW Re 15-3400 and
LAMBERT Judicial Complaint of February 25, 2016 - Filed on March 16, 2016
March 29, 2016 LETTER From the Office of the Circuit Executive Re PETITION for REVIEW Re 15-3400 and
LAMBERT Judicial Complaint of February 25, 2016 - Filed on March 16, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text File (.txt) or read online for free. March 29, 2016 LETTER From the Office of the Circuit Executive Re
PETITION for REVIEW Re 15-3400 and LAMBERT Judicial Complaint of February 25, 2016 - Filed on March 16,
Allstate Insurance Claim April 3, 2016
Allstate Insurance Claim April 3, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Allstate Insurance Claim April 3, 2016
Email Re Registration of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Survellience in the State of Pennsylvania to ALL
CONTACTS on April 3, 2016
Email Re Registration of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Survellience in the State of Pennsylvania to ALL
CONTACTS on April 3, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Email Re
Registration of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Survellience in the State of Pennsylvania to ALL
CONTACTS on April 3, 2016
Samuel Caterbone Jr. Passport Renewal February 3 1964b Worldwide Stamps in the 1960's - Covert Courier and
Samuel Caterbone Jr. Passport Renewal February 3 1964b Worldwide Stamps in the 1960's - Covert Courier and
Affidavits - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Samuel Caterbone Jr. Passport
Renewal February 3 1964b Worldwide Stamps in the 1960's - Covert Courier and Affidavits
Letter to Craig Stedman Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Southeast Medical Clinic and Patient First Urgent Care Re
Refusal to Prescribe Pain Medications, January 27, 2016 - April 6, 2016
Letter to Craig Stedman Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Southeast Medical Clinic and Patient First Urgent Care
Re Refusal to Prescribe Pain Medications, January 27, 2016 - April 6, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Letter to Craig Stedman Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Southeast Medical
Clinic and Patient First Urgent Care Re Refusal to Prescribe Pain Medications, January 27, 2016 - April 6, 2016
CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillence
Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group on March 25, 2016
CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillence
Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group on March 25, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
From Covert Harassment and Surveillence Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group on
March 25, 2016
CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillence
Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone on March 25, 2016
CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillence
Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone on March 25, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read
online for free. CONFIRMATION of Pennsylvania Registration of FFCHS or Freedom From Covert Harassment
and Surveillence Ficticious Name by Stan J. Caterbone on March 25, 2016
Stan J. Caterbon's Legal Formation Documents for Financial Management Group, Ltd., Or FMG, Ltd. in 1986
Advanced Media Group Corporate Search by Stan J. Caterbone, April 8, 2016
Advanced Media Group Corporate Search by Stan J. Caterbone, April 8, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Corporate Search by Stan J. Caterbone, April 8, 2016
Original Advanced Media Group, Ltd., Articles of Incorporation August 28, 1990
Original Advanced Media Group, Ltd., Articles of Incorporation August 28, 1990 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Original Advanced Media Group, Ltd., Articles of Incorporation
August 28, 1990
Ameritrade History of Transactions from 2002 to April 9, 2016
Ameritrade History of Transactions from 2002 to April 9, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt)
or read online for free. Ameritrade History of Transactions from 2002 to April 9, 2016
Notice of Summary Appeal and IFP to Dauphin County Courthouse Re MJ-12104-TR0000911-2016 April 10, 2016
Notice of Summary Appeal and IFP to Dauphin County Courthouse Re MJ-12104-TR0000911-2016 April 10, 2016
- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Notice of Summary Appeal and IFP to
Dauphin County Courthouse Re MJ-12104-TR0000911-2016 April 10, 2016
07-03442 CATERBONE v. Comcast DOCKET Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas 2007
07-03442 CATERBONE v. Comcast DOCKET Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas 2007 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 07-03442 CATERBONE v. Comcast DOCKET Lancaster
County Court of Common Pleas 2007
Recorded MOTION for RECONSIDERATION Re Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District
Court Judge Joyner in Case No. 15-03984 April 12, 2016
Recorded MOTION for RECONSIDERATION Re Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US
District Court Judge Joyner in Case No. 15-03984 April 12, 2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
File (.txt) or read book online for free. Recorded MOTION for RECONSIDERATION Re Petitioner Stanley J.
Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court Judge Joyner in Case No. 15-03984 April 12, 2016
Yolanda Caterbone Home-Care Medical Records January 2011 to Declared Deceased on June 29, 2011 by Hospice of
Lancaster County
Yolanda Caterbone Home-Care Medical Records January 2011 to Declared Deceased on June 29, 2011 by Hospice
of Lancaster County - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Yolanda Caterbone Home-Care
Medical Records January 2011 to Declared Deceased on June 29, 2011 by Hospice of Lancaster County
RECORDED 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Fruadulent Lancaster City Property Tax Records Re
Extortion of 1250 Fremont Street by the City of Lancaster, PA 17603 Reported on April 14, 2016
RECORDED 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Fruadulent Lancaster City Property Tax Records Re
Extortion of 1250 Fremont Street by the City of Lancaster, PA 17603 Reported on April 14, 2016 - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. RECORDED 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT
Re Fruadulent Lancaster City Property Tax Records Re Extortion of 1250 Fremont Street by the City of Lancaster,
PA 17603 Reported on April 14, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone INCIDENT REPORT With Statement for Threats and Harassment at Aroogas Bar and Grill 911 Call to
Manor Township January 24, 2016 Uploaded April 15, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone INCIDENT REPORT With Statement for Threats and Harassment at Aroogas Bar and Grill 911
Call to Manor Township January 24, 2016 Uploaded April 15, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File
(.txt) or read online for free. Stan J. Caterbone INCIDENT REPORT With Statement for Threats and Harassment at
Aroogas Bar and Grill 911 Call to Manor Township January 24, 2016 Uploaded April 15, 2016
Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual for Derrick Robinson's Document to the FBI on April 16, 2016
Recorded 05-03984 EXHIBIT Re Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual for Derrick Robinson's Document to the
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
FBI on April 18, 2016
Recorded 05-03984 EXHIBIT Re Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual for Derrick Robinson's Document to
the FBI on April 18, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded
05-03984 EXHIBIT Re Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual for Derrick Robinson's Document to the FBI on
April 18, 2016
Superior Court Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Residents DOCKET and ARGUMENT
LETTER for Oral Arguments on May 24, 2016 Filed on April 18, 2016
Superior Court Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Residents DOCKET and
ARGUMENT LETTER for Oral Arguments on May 24, 2016 Filed on April 18, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Superior Court Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 CATERBONE v. Lancaster
County Residents DOCKET and ARGUMENT LETTER for Oral Arguments on May 24, 2016 Filed on April 18,
Benefit Verification Letter From the Social Security Administration for April 19, 2016
Benefit Verification Letter From the Social Security Administration for April 19, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Benefit Verification Letter From the Social Security Administration for
April 19, 2016
Superior Court Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police DOCKET and ARGUMENT LETTER
for Oral Arguments on May 25, 2016 Filed on April 18, 2016 With Petition for Review
Superior Court Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police DOCKET and ARGUMENT
LETTER for Oral Arguments on May 25, 2016 Filed on April 18, 2016 With Petition for Review - Free download
as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Superior Court Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 CATERBONE
v. Lancaster City Police DOCKET and ARGUMENT LETTER for Oral Arguments on May 25, 2016 Filed on April
18, 2016 With Petition for Review
Letter for Stan's Therapist Erin at Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Pearl Street, Lancaster, PA From Derrick Robinson
on June 2, 2010
Letter for Stan's Therapist Erin at Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Pearl Street, Lancaster, PA From Derrick
Robinson on June 2, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Letter for
Stan's Therapist Erin at Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Pearl Street, Lancaster, PA From Derrick Robinson on
June 2, 2010
15-03984 Recorded - AFFIDAVIT and State-Of-Affairs for Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, April 20, 2016
Filed in Federal Court on March 22, 2016
15-03984 Recorded - AFFIDAVIT and State-Of-Affairs for Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, April
20, 2016 Filed in Federal Court on March 22, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read
online for free. 15-03984 Recorded - AFFIDAVIT and State-Of-Affairs for Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media
Group, April 20, 2016 Filed in Federal Court on March 22, 2016
RECORDED U.S. District Court Case No. 15-03984 Habeus Corpus DECLARATION Re Stan J. Caterbone and
Advanced Media Group Biography April 20, 2016
RECORDED U.S. District Court Case No. 15-03984 Habeus Corpus DECLARATION Re Stan J. Caterbone and
Advanced Media Group Biography April 20, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online
for free. RECORDED U.S. District Court Case No. 15-03984 Habeus Corpus DECLARATION Re Stan J.
Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Biography April 20, 2016
Dr. Nick Begich Transcript of Covert Harassment Conference, Belgium Germany October 2, 2015 for April 21, 2016 Due
to the Hacker
Dr. Nick Begich Transcript of Covert Harassment Conference, Belgium Germany October 2, 2015 for April 21,
2016 Due to the Hacker - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Dr. Nick Begich
Transcript of Covert Harassment Conference, Belgium Germany October 2, 2015 for April 21, 2016 Due to the
Medical Records for Matrix Medical Network Meeting of April 22, 2016 With Section 303 Mental Health Court Orders of
2015 and 2016
Medical Records for Matrix Medical Network Meeting of April 22, 2016 With Section 303 Mental Health Court
Orders of 2015 and 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Medical
Records for Matrix Medical Network Meeting of April 22, 2016 With Section 303 Mental Health Court Orders of
2015 and 2016
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Recorded 05-03984 Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re LAUNCH 2016 Harassment and Stalking Claims of April 25, 2016
Recorded 05-03984 Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re LAUNCH 2016 Harassment and Stalking Claims of April 25,
2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded 05-03984 Habeus Corpus
EXHIBIT Re LAUNCH 2016 Harassment and Stalking Claims of April 25, 2016
RECORDED 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Fruadulent Lancaster City Property Tax Records Re
Extortion of 1250 Fremont Street by the City of Lancaster, PA 17603 Reported on April 14, 2016
U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734 Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS
U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734 Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS
- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734
Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS
The Assaults on Stan J. Caterbone's Family Began on November 12, 1904 - According to the LNP New Era of the Same
The Assaults on Stan J. Caterbone's Family Began on November 12, 1904 - According to the LNP New Era of the
Same Date - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. The Assaults on
Stan J. Caterbone's Family Began on November 12, 1904 - According to the LNP New Era of the Same Date
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus STATEMENT Re Letter to E. Phillip Wenger, CEO of Fulton Financial Corporation
Re COLLUSION of April 29, 2016
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus STATEMENT Re Letter to E. Phillip Wenger, CEO of Fulton Financial
Corporation Re COLLUSION of April 29, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online
for free. Good Luck, Binderup. This was filed the morning of April 29. 2016
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus DECLARATION Re Financial Fraud by the Lancaster County Tax Claim Bureau,
April 28, 2016
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus DECLARATION Re Financial Fraud by the Lancaster County Tax Claim
Bureau, April 28, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Tell the lady that
just called me at 3:06pm to kiss my ass!
5-Lancaster City Police PA Mental Health 302 Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone to Fairmount Behavioral Health Systems
as of April 21, 2010 for April 29, 2016
5-Lancaster City Police PA Mental Health 302 Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone to Fairmount Behavioral Health
Systems as of April 21, 2010 for April 29, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online
for free. You mean to tell me that the COURT via the 303 hearing never ORDERED any OUTPATIENT
TREATMENT? All of the 303 Court Orders were for INPATIENT ONLY - April of 2010, July of 2015, and
February of 2016 - That should tell you something!
Latest Human Cloning Claims Leave Sour Taste New Scientist 2009 Article Updated on April 29, 2016
Latest Human Cloning Claims Leave Sour Taste New Scientist 2009 Article Updated on April 29, 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 Very Important for the Pflumms April 30, 2016
Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 Very Important for the Pflumms April 30,
2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Like I said, COINTELPRO works
from the TOP down - The Corrupt Feds put pressure on the STATE (PA) Who then puts pressure on LOCAL law
15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Medical Records for Matrix Medical Network Meeting of April 25, 2016
Version April 30
15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Medical Records for Matrix Medical Network Meeting of April 25,
2016 Version April 30 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734 Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS
U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734 Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS
- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4734
Federal False Claim Act Filing of October 19 2006 Documents and ORDERS Including Owen Kugel's" Owen
Kugel, Appellant, v. United States of America, Appellee, 947 F.2d 1504 (D.C. Cir. 1991)" US Circuit Opinion
Recorded 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Medical Records With SS Disability Evidence for Matrix
Medical Network Meeting of April 25, 2016 Version April 30
Recorded 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re Medical Records With SS Disability Evidence for Matrix
Medical Network Meeting of April 25, 2016 Version April 30 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or
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read online for free. 15-03984 Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT re Medical Records with SS Disability Evidence
for Matrix Medical Network Meeting of April 25, 2016 Version April 30 Part 1 with all Section 303 Court Orders of
April 2010, July 2015, and February 2016 and Section 302 Mental Health Warrant to Extract 2 Teeth at LGH
Intermediate Intensive Care for $30,000.00
Advanced Media Group-High-American Helix 1989 to 1991 Documents for Anti-Trust Litigation May 1, 2016
Advanced Media Group-High-American Helix 1989 to 1991 Documents for Anti-Trust Litigation May 1, 2016 -
Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Just in case the Marriott
people threaten me again this Sunday, May 1, 2016 at the bar for Service Night! Maybe Dale and Tom Smithgall put
a hit out on me?
9 US Third Circuit Court of Appeals CASES and FULL DOCKETS for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone as of May 3,
9 US Third Circuit Court of Appeals CASES and FULL DOCKETS for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone as of May
3, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 9 US Third Circuit Court of
Appeals CASES and FULL DOCKETS for APPELLANT Stan J. Caterbone as of May 3, 2016
Private Criminal Complaint - 1252 Fremont Street on March 30, 2016
Private Criminal Complaint - 1252 Fremont Street on March 30, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read
online for free. This is when they started to flood my basement - Private Criminal Complaint - 1252 Fremont Street
on March 30, 2016
Recorded Judge Mary Mclaughlin 05-2288 Amendment to Complaint Filed on October 12 2007 Recorded
Recorded Judge Mary Mclaughlin 05-2288 Amendment to Complaint Filed on October 12 2007 Recorded - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded Judge Mary Mclaughlin 05-2288
Amendment to Complaint Filed on October 12 2007 Recorded
The History of Advanced Media Group From 1989 Published May 7, 2016
The History of Advanced Media Group From 1989 Published May 7, 2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. The History of Advanced Media Group From 1989 Published
May 7, 2016
Photos of May 7, 2016 Re Downtown Lancaster City Organized Stalking and Harassment by Perps
Federal Court Case No. 05-2288 CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, Fulton Bank, et. al., OPEN Case and U.S.
Third Circuit Reversal of Dismissal for May 6, 2016
Federal Court Case No. 05-2288 CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, Fulton Bank, et. al., OPEN Case and
U.S. Third Circuit Reversal of Dismissal for May 6, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read
online for free. Federal Court Case No. 05-2288 CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, Fulton Bank, et. al.,
OPEN Case and U.S. Third Circuit Reversal of Dismissal for May 6, 2016
MedExpress Pain Visit and Prescriptions for Pain on Tuesday, May 10, 2015
Recorded 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re NSA Whistleblower Karen
Stewart Disclosure of Electromagnetic Weapons Used to Kill May 10, 2016
Recorded 15-03984 Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus EXHIBIT Re NSA Whistleblower
Karen Stewart Disclosure of Electromagnetic Weapons Used to Kill May 10, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone
Police Report and Photos for Accident of May 9, 2016 by East Hempfield Township Police
Lawsuit Accuses Pa. Senate Candidate Scott Martin of Using His Influence in Fatal Crash Aftermath With Prosecutors
and Police May 9, 2016
Lawsuit accuses Pa. Senate candidate Scott Martin of using his influence ...
Stamped-Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 EXHIBIT Re Corroborating Expert and Former Nsa
Whistleblower Karen Stewart's Disclosure of Electromagnetic Weapons Used to Kill May 12 - Copy
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 EXHIBIT Re Corroborating Expert and Former Nsa Whistleblower
Karen Stewart's Disclosure of Electromagnetic Weapons Used to Kill May 12 - Copy - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded 15-03984 EXHIBIT re 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Corroborating Expert And Former NSA
Whistleblower Karen Stewart Disclosure Of Electromagnetic Weapons Used To Kill, May 12, 2016.pdf
15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Corroborating Expert And Former NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart
Disclosure Of Electromagnetic Weapons Used To Kill, May 12, 2016.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
File (.txt) or read online for free.
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Superior Court Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 and 1915 MDA 2015 MOTION to File EXHIBIT Re Recorded 15-03984
Habeus Case EXHIBIT Re Pennsylvania Judge Quashes 650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit Dated May11, 2016
Superior Court Case No. 1561 MDA 2015 and 1915 MDA 2015 MOTION to File EXHIBIT Re Recorded 15-03984
Habeus Case EXHIBIT Re Pennsylvania Judge Quashes 650M Government Mind Control Lawsuit Dated May11,
2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Lancaster man assaulted on sidewalk after words exchanged | Local News |
Victim suffers serious head injuries.
Forum finds ways to keep Lancaster a 'great place' | Local News |
A forum this week sought input from the business community to develop the county's comprehensive plan.
Letter From Stepanie Carfley Re FULTON FINANCIAL Ethics Point COMPLAINT to Board of DirectorsDec 28 2007
Letter From Stepanie Carfley Re FULTON FINANCIAL Ethics Point COMPLAINT to Board of DirectorsDec 28
2007 by stan5j.5caterbone
Law journal honors Nast with Lifetime Achievement Award | Local Business |
The Legal Intelligencer has selected long-time Lancaster resident Dianne M. Nast for its 2016 Lifetime
Achievement Award.
Recorded - Kane Amicus Superior Court Case No. 2016 1164 EDA Kathleen Kane Appeal DOCKET Sheet With Stan J.
Caterbone as AMICUS as of May 17 2016 with AMICUS that was filed in Person in Philadelphia on May 12, 2016
Superior Court Case No. 2016 1164 EDA Kathleen Kane Appeal DOCKET Sheet With Stan J. Caterbone as
AMICUS as of May 17 2016 with AMICUS that was filed in Person in Philadelphia on May 12, 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Usage Statistics for for March Thru May of 2016 Reported on May 17, 2016
(4) Amicus Curiae Filed by Stan J. Caterbone 2007 to 2016 - Kathleen Kane - The National Security Agency NSA - Lisa
Michelle Lambert - Mehgan Liappatt - Published May 18, 2016
(4) Amicus Curiae Filed by Stan J. Caterbone 2007 to 2016 - Kathleen Kane - The National Security Agency NSA -
Lisa Michelle Lambert - Mehgan Liappatt - Published May 18, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone
DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare Working Group
for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare Working
Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read
online for free. DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic
Warfare Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
Chapter 11 Case No. 16-10517 Judge Fehling and Judge Edward Smith Impeachment Case File of May 18, 2016
Chapter 11 Case No. 16-10517 Judge Fehling and Judge Edward Smith Impeachment Case File of May 18, 2016 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Advanced Media Group Letter to Steve, Phil and Mike Re 1250 Fremont Street Taxes December 28, 2015
Advanced Media Group Letter to Steve, Phil and Mike Re 1250 Fremont Street Taxes December 28, 2015 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Letter to Steve, Phil
and Mike Re 1250 Fremont Street Taxes December 28, 2015
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008 With Karen Stewart
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008 With Karen Stewart by stan5j.5caterbone
Changes implemented at county prison after inmate released 17 months late | Local News |
Changes are underway at Lancaster County Prison after an clerical error resulted in an inmate being released 17
months late.
When Will They Return My Property at 554 Berkley Road, Stone Harbor New Jersey, May 26, 2016
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
File (.txt) or read book online for free. Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons
and Founder of the Electronic Warfare Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
Malcolm Gladwell to Lancaster business community: Think soccer, not basketball | Local News |
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
From a community standpoint, he said, focusing on superstars is no longer a winning strategy.
Confirmation 15-03984 United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania - Letter to Lisa Michelle Lambert in
Framingham Prison, May 28, 2016
United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania1 of 1
bin/ </...
Julianne McKinney Interview of 2007 on Microwave Harassment and Mind Control by the Advanced Media Group
Where are 17,000 Lancaster County vets buried? This list will tell you | Local News |
James Buchanan who served in the War of 1812 is on the list.
DA: Cultural decline fuels drug abuse | Local News |
County official discusses causes of epidemic during public meeting
Pennsylvania bill would ease rules for nurse practitioners | Local News |
Would lift doctor supervision requirement after 3,600 hours.
Diary of Workplace Mobbing Pflumm Contractors Feb 1998
Equity crowdfunding promises to 'break the monopoly of the rich' | Local Business |
Can equity crowdfunding change the world?
New 'Blue Lives Matter' bill makes crime against police hate crime | National |
Recorded - 15-03984 Habeus Case DECLARATION Re Findings of Facts 1998 - Original Claim Filed in United States
Eastern District of Pennaylvania in Case No. 05-2288 on May 16, 2005
Recorded - 15-03984 Habeus Case DECLARATION Re Findings of Facts 1998 - Original Claim Filed in United
States Eastern District of Pennaylvania in Case No. 05-2288 on May 16, 2005 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Recorded - 15-03984 Habeus Case DECLARATION Re Findings of Facts
1998 - Original Claim Filed in United States Eastern District of Pennaylvania in Case No. 05-2288 on May 16, 2005
RECORDED 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Corroborating Expert And Former NSA Whistleblower Karen
Stewart Disclosure Of Electromagnetic Weapons Used To Kill, May 12, 2016.pdf
RECORDED 15-3400 Lambert Appeal EXHIBIT re Corroborating Expert And Former NSA Whistleblower Karen
Stewart Disclosure Of Electromagnetic Weapons Used To Kill, May 12, 2016.pdf - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Trip to Philadlephia Courthouse COURT DOCKETS and Lisa Michelle Lambert UPS Mailing of May 31, 2016
Trip to Philadelphia Dockets and FilingsPage 1 of 57 Tuesday, May 31, 2016 Trip to Philadelphia Dockets and
Filings Page...
We secretly dined at Barberet: Here's a review for our Incogneato series | Insider |
Bistro and bakery in downtown Lancaster has it all - a welcoming staff, great atmosphere and terrific food.
16-Mc-49 u.s. District Court Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal Statement of Issues to Be Presented on Appeal, June 1, 2016
Complete Doc
16-Mc-49 u.s. District Court Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal Statement of Issues to Be Presented on Appeal, June 1,
2016 Complete Doc - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. 16-
Mc-49 u.s. District Court Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal Statement of Issues to Be Presented on Appeal, June 1,
2016 Complete Doc
Superior Court Case No. 2016 1164 EDA Kathleen Kane Appeal ORDER Re Trial Court Record Filed With Docket Sheet
With Stan J. Caterbone as AMICUS June 2, 2016
9:51 A.M.Appeal Docket Sheet Superior Court of Pennsylvania Docket Number: 1164 EDA 2016 Page 1 of 3 May
Regular live music to end at The Lancaster Dispensing Company after Thanksgiving weekend | Entertainment |
After 38 years of regular live music, The Lancaster Dispensing Company will
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 ORDER Denying Motion to Quash by Lancaster County
District Attorney Until Time of Disposition April 1, 2016
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 ORDER Denying Motion to Quash by Lancaster County
District Attorney Until Time of Disposition April 1, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read
online for free. Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1915 MDA 2015 ORDER Denying Motion to Quash by
Lancaster County District Attorney Until Time of Disposition April 1, 2016
Bar/lounge, bakery/bistro are latest projects on bustling downtown Lancaster block | Local Business |
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
A French bistro/bakery and a Venetian restaurant with a rooftop terrace are slated to open in June at 26 E. King St.,
Dave Dumeyer to continue as one of longest-serving leaders of Lancaster GOP | Politics |
Dave Dumeyer, one of the longest serving chairmen in the history of the Republican Committee of Lancaster
County, was re-elected to another two-year term Thursday night.
Lancaster man charged with hiding gun his girlfriend used in Weis Markets robberies | Local News |
The boyfriend of a woman charged with two armed robberies at Weis Markets, has been charged with hiding the gun
used in the hold-ups.
You need to make $17.25/hour to afford a 2-bedroom apartment in Lancaster County | Insider |
If youre struggling to make your rent each month, youre not alone far from it.
Hersheypark Stadium's summer lineup: From Bryan to Beyonce to Blink-182 | Entertainment |
Luke Bryan will kick off Hersheypark Stadium's summer lineup on Saturday.
Eight is enough: Parade of spokespersons reveals the dysfunction in Kathleen Kane's office | Editorials |
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has had eight count 'em spokespersons in her tenure in office.
People generally dont just walk away from a $120,000-a-year spokesperson position.
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 Re PRAECIPE to ADD DEFENDANTS King Street Bars June 3, 2016
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 Re PRAECIPE to ADD DEFENDANTS King Street Bars June 3,
2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Lancaster County Court Case No.
08-CI-13373 Re PRAECIPE to ADD DEFENDANTS King Street Bars June 3, 2016
Is Oct. sale of Daniel Groff property the final chapter in tragic story? | News |
Groff's two-acre property, overgrown and strewn with some of his beloved junk, his gray Dodge Aspen and his
trailer home, is scheduled to be auctioned off at a county sale
Child killer is found dead in Arizona canyon | News |
A Mount Joy woman who was found not guilty by reason of insanity for killing her two sons in 2004 has died in a
minivan crash in Arizona.
Superior Court 1561 MDA 2015 Petition for Allowance to Pa Supreme Court of June 6, 2016
Superior Court 1915 MDA 2015 Petition for Allowance to Pa Supreme Court of June 6, 2016 Stanley J. Caterbone Advanced Media
Group 1250 Fremont Str...
Recorded - US District Court 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re EXCLUSIVE Transcripts of Whistleblower Testimonies as Targeted
Individuals of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and Related Hearings and Lectures, June 5, 2015 Wit Bio
Recorded - US District Court 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re EXCLUSIVE Transcripts of Whistleblower Testimonies as
Targeted Individuals of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and Related Hearings and Lectures, June 5,... by
stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Pennsylvania attorney general sued by twin sister for discrimination
Superior Court Cases 1915 MDA 2015 and 1561 MDA 2016 Stamped Copies-Invoices-Photos of Trip to Harrisburg PA to
File Appeal to PA Supreme Court on June 7, 2016
Gmail - Attacked by Pitbull at 1252 Fremont While Working on My Fence - My Statement of June 10, 2016
Gmail - Attacked by Pitbull at 1252 Fremont While Working on My Fence - My Statement of June 10, 2016 - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
RECORDED Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re CERTIFIED LETTER to Steve, Phil, And Mike Caterboner Re Taxes,
Insurance, And Expenses at 1250 Fremont Street - December 28, 2015 on June 11, 2016
RECORDED Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re CERTIFIED LETTER to Steve, Phil, And Mike Caterboner Re
Taxes, Insurance, And Expenses at 1250 Fremont Street - December 28, 2015 on June 11, 2016 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. RECORDED Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re CERTIFIED
LETTER to Steve, Phil, And Mike Caterboner Re Taxes, Insurance, And Expenses at 1250 Fremont Street -
December 28, 2015 on June 11, 2016
Obama Ordered Hit-list of Targeted Individuals Worldwide to CYBER ATTACK, ISOLATE, FINANCIALLY RUIN the
TARGETED INDIVIDUAL With Supporting Documents - Published by Debre Dupre in the Examiner on June 8, 2013
Obama Ordered Hit-list of Targeted Individuals Worldwide to CYBER ATTACK, ISOLATE, FINANCIALLY
RUIN the TARGETED INDIVIDUAL With Supporting Documents - Published by Debre Dupre in the Examiner on
June 8, 2013 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Obama Ordered
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Hit-list of Targeted Individuals Worldwide to CYBER ATTACK, ISOLATE, FINANCIALLY RUIN the
TARGETED INDIVIDUAL With Supporting Documents - Published by Debre Dupre in the Examiner on June 8,
U.S. District Court Case No.49-MC-2016 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal Re in Forma Pauperis Application June 13, 2016
Letter to Dave Brown of Pearson, Koutcher Law Firm of June 14, 2016 With Docs
Letter to Dave Brown of Pearson, Koutcher Law Firm of June 14, 2016 With Docs - Free ebook download as PDF
File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Letter to Dave Brown of Pearson, Koutcher Law Firm of
June 14, 2016 With Docs
MJ 02102-Cv-0000137 Notice to Defend MDJ David Miller June 13, 2016
DIVISION Mariner Finance, LLC : :...
Lancaster Regional Medical Center Pitt Bull Attack at 1252 Fremont St. Emergency Room Medical File of June 10, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Capabilities Marketing Brochure Produced for Pflumm Contractors in 1995
Letter to J.C. Christensen & Associates Re Wells Fargo Collection of June 16, 2016
Letter to J.C. Christensen & Associates Re Wells Fargo Collection of June 16, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types >
Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Incident Report of Victimizations of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and
COINTELPRO of 2015 Updated October 31, 2015 for WELLS FARGO
Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Incident Report of Victimizations of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control and
COINTELPRO of 2015 Updated October 31, 2015 for WELLS FARGO - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
File (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded - Case No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re Letter Re Aggrevated Assualt by Rental Zone of Pennsylvania
Franchisee of Lancaster, PA of June 15, 2016
Recorded - Case No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re Letter Re Aggrevated Assualt by Rental Zone of Pennsylvania
Franchisee of Lancaster, PA of June 15, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia,
and dia
Is Lancaster County Harboring ISIS SYMPATHIZERS - Full Report - What We Know About the 300 ISIS Sympathizers
in the U.S., By Jane Harmon December 2015
By Stan J.Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Is Lancaster County Harboring ISIS Sypathizers? Page 1 of 506
June 16, 2016 <p...
Letter to Dr. Sivia Gratz, Fairmount Behavioral Health Systems June 19, 2016 Flat Rate Env 062S0000001307 Click-N-Ship Mailed from 17603 9405 5036 9930 0344 4958 37
For Pain Meds - Documentation to Obtain Whirlpool Spa from Medicare Via Humana Supplemental Policy June 20,
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus Corpus DECLARATIONS in Support of Amended Habeus Corpus Dated December
16, 2015, Filed on June 21, 2016
15-03984 DECLARATIONSPage 1 of 99 June 21, 2016 15-03984 DECLARATIONS Page 2 of 99 June 21, 2016
Recorded Letter to Dr. Anthony Mastropietro, System Chief Medical Officer at Lancaster Regional Medical Center With
Medial Records June 22, 2016
Recorded Letter to Dr. Anthony Mastropietro, System Chief Medical Officer at Lancaster Regional Medical Center
With Medial Records June 22, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Navy SEAL: The Best Things In Life Arent Things At All, But Relationships
A former Navy SEAL shares the way his perspective has evolved since getting out of the military.
PA Supreme Court Case No. 354 and 353 MT 2016 Letters and Orders of June 13, 2016
PA Supreme Court Case No. 354 and 353 MT 2016 Letters and Orders of June 13, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in
Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT re Stan J. Caterbone Cash Account Balances as of June 23, 2016 $31,109.00
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT re Stan J. Caterbone Cash Account Balances as of June 23, 2016
$31,109.00 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re Stan Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP 16 Year
Investment in Downtown Lancaster, June 2, 2007
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Case 5:15-cv-03984-JCJ Document 72 Filed 06/24/16 Page 1 of 131Page 1 of 129 Downtonw Investments
USPS Priority Mail Confirmations and Letters for CD-ROMS as of June 24, 2016
USPS Priority Mail Confirmations and Letters for CD-ROMS as of June 24, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. USPS Priority Mail Confirmations and Letters for CD-ROMS as of
June 24, 2016
U.S. District Court Case No.49-MC-2016 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy ORDER of Hearing Date July 19 Re in Forma Pauperis
Application June 28, 2016
U.S. District Court Case No.49-MC-2016 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy ORDER of Hearing Date July 19 Re in Forma
Pauperis Application June 28, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief June 27, 2016 Work in Progress
Ver 6.0 With Exhibits
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief June 27, 2016 Work in
Progress Ver 6.0 With Exhibits - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for
free. Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Relief June 27, 2016 Work in
Progress Ver 6.0 With Exhibits
Stan Caterbone OFFICIAL POLICE INCIDENT Reports of Harassment and Vandalism From Southern Regional Police
Department May 27, 2006
Stan Caterbone OFFICIAL POLICE INCIDENT Reports of Harassment and Vandalism From Southern Regional
Police Department May 27, 2006 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Samuel Caterbone Criminal File From 1973
Samuel Caterbone Criminal File From 1973 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Letter to Epic Card Re Complaint of Bonnie Lee Polygraph Solutions and Supporting Documentation August 11, 2015
Executive Summary With Sworn Testimony and Affidavits of Stan J. Caterbone Family Victimization of U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control
Executive Summary With Sworn Testimony and Affidavits of Stan J. Caterbone Family Victimization of U.S.
Sponsored Mind Control - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free.
Stan Caterbone Address Book of the 1970's and 1980's Scanned on July 8, 2016
Stan Caterbone Address Book of the 1970's and 1980's Scanned on July 8, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf)
or read online for free.
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re Case No. 08-13373 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas in the Matter of
CATERBONE v Duke Street Business Center,, July 9, 2016
Case 5:15-cv-03984-JCJ Document 82 Filed 07/09/16 Page 1 of 83PROTHONOTARY OF LANCASTER
COUNTY Katherine Wood-Jacobs Prothonot...
Letter to the Honorable Judge Leonard G. Brown, III Re CI-16-05815 Re Prothonotary Problems July 10, 2016 With
Letter to the Honorable Judge Leonard G. Brown, III Re CI-16-05815 Re Prothonotary Problems July 10, 2016
With Attachments by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus EXHIBIT Re Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Court Docket Matrix
and Pro Se Billings July 11, 2016
CD-ROM to PA State Representative Todd Stephens Re Kathleen Kane Impeachment Committee and PA Supreme Court
Dockets and Electronic Filing Passcode Trip on July 11, 2016
CD-ROM to PA State Representative Todd Stephens Re Kathleen Kane Impeachment Committee and PA Supreme
Court Dockets and Electronic Filing Passcode Trip on July 11, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read
online for free.
CI-16-05815 Preliminary Injunction in Forma Pauperis ORDER DENIED by Judge Leonard G. Brown III on July 8, 2016
in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas With Docket of July 11, 2016
CI-16-05815 Preliminary Injunction in Forma Pauperis ORDER DENIED by Judge Leonard G. Brown III on July 8,
2016 in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas With Docket of July 11, 2016 - Free download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Stan J. Caterbone Court Schedule for July 12, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Court Schedule for July 12, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view
presentation slides online.
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Bookmarks file:///C:/Users/Stan J. Caterbone/Documents/0000000 Temp Folder/bo...
STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus COMPLAINT Re IFP Approved by Judge Margaret Miller in CP-36-
SA-0000219-2016 Summary Appeal and DENIED in Preliminary Injunction by Judge Brown July 11, 2016
Gmail - Activity in Case 5:15-cv-03984-JCJ CATERBONE v. LANCA...
amp;ik=acf0584318&amp;view=pt&amp;sear... ...
CI-16-05815 Preliminary Injunction in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas MOTION for
RECONSIDERATION of IFP ORDER of July 8, 2016 Filed on July 12, 2016
Case No. CI-16-05815 Exhibit to Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Emergency Relief, Re Allstate Testimony Volume
2 and Volume 1 Filed on July 12, 2016
Case No. CI-16-05815 Exhibit to Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Emergency Relief, Re Allstate Testimony
Volume 2 and Volume 1 Filed on July 12, 2016 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for
Invoice to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter for Victimization of U.S. Sponsored Torture Program July 15, 2016
Invoice to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter for Victimization of U.S. Sponsored Torture Program July 15, 2016 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Recorded Case No. 16-Cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal DECLARATION Re Invoice to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter for
Victimization of U.S. Sponsored Torture Program July 15, 2016
Case No. CI-16-05815 Preliminary Emergency Injunction for Emergency Relief ORDER DISMISSED by Judge Leonard
G. Brown on July 8, 2016
16-1001 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Case - OrDER Re Petition for Rehearing DENIED Judge Michael
Fisher July 8, 2016 to U.S. Supreme Court
16-1001 Petition to U.S.Supreme Court Page 1 of 89 July 15, 2016 16-1001 Petition to U.S. Supreme Court Page 2
Kohls Sketchers Reciept July 16, 2016
Kohls Sketchers Reciept July 16, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE re Press Release re CATERBONE v. the
United States of America,, July 16, 2016
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE re Press Release re CATERBONE v.
the United States of America,, July 16, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings,
cia, and dia
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-Cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE Re Press Release Re CATERBONE v. the
United States of America,, July 16, 2016
Case 2:16-mc-00049-EGS Document 13 Filed 07/16/16 Page 1 of 2Stan J. Caterbone ADVANCED MEDIA
GROUP Freedom From Covert Harassment ...
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-Cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE Re Press Release and Executive Summary
Re CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 16, 2016
Case 2:16-mc-00049-EGS Document 13 Filed 07/16/16 Page 1 of 2Stan J. Caterbone ADVANCED MEDIA
GROUP Freedom From Covert Harassment ...
USPS Monday DELIVERY CONFIRMATION and Invoice to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter for Victimization of U.S.
Sponsored Torture Program July 15, 2016
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE re Press Release and Executive Summary
re CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 16, 2016
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-cv-49 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE re Press Release and Executive
Summary re CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, July 16, 2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File
(.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free.
Linkedin Correspondence With My TI Friend Soleilmavis Liu of China and Her Published Books - July 18, 2016
List of conversations Active Conversation May 6 Soleilmavis Liu Dear Stan, Thanks for helping. I am fine.
Suffering still. I...
People to People International SELECTED Stan J. Caterbone as an OPTICAL PUBLISHING EXPERT in 1990 to Tour
Russia and Eastern Europe
Stan J. Caterbone Home Now and Since Birth at 1250 Fremont Street Photo Inventory of July 25, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Home Now and Since Birth at 1250 Fremont Street Photo Inventory of July 25, 2016 by
July 20, 1977 CIA Mind Control Project MKUltraPage
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR
September 25, 2009 Important
Complaint and CONFIRMATION of Psychiatric Abuses From Citizens Commission for Human Rights or CCHR
September 25, 2009 Important by stan5j.5caterbone in Types > Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Lancaster City Handout for Friday August 19, 2016
SONY-POWER STATION Joint Venture Proposal & Deal May 1987


August 4, 2016 - Letter From the OFFICE of the EXECUTIVE of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals Re Judicial
Complaint No. 03-16-900046 v. Edward G. Smith and ALL U.S. DISTRICT COURT JUDGES
Search - Supreme Court of the United States
New Film Exposes Black Magic and CIA Mind Control Connections To Scientology, Hollywood and More - Press
Release Rocket
Josh Reeves - The Spellcasters Volume One - Download Link - YouTube
Josh Reeves - The Spellcasters Volume One (2016) Purchase The New Film Here. Download Link -
Letter to Clerk of U.S. Supreme Court Re a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, August 9, 2016
Gmail - To Attorney Barry Goldman, Esq., Re Assault by Your Clients, Ben Frank and Altana Staff, At the Marriott Bar
(Penn Square Grill) Last Night Sunday August 8, 2016
Timeline of Kathleen Kane case - News - The Times-Tribune
Mediation Negotiations With Lancaster County and Lancaster City Police Chief Keith Sadler Through the Lancaster
Human Rights Commission, January 4, 2007
Mediation Negotiations With Lancaster County and Lancaster City Police Chief Keith Sadler Through the Lancaster
Human Rights Commission, January 4, 2007 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for
US SUPREME COURT Rules and Guidance
CT Gov. Malloy Must Address NYPD-CIA and FBI Spying on and "COINTELPRO" Disruption of Muslims and Left-
Wing Activists | Black Star News
Lancaster County sheriff on indefinite leave | Insider |
Lancaster County sheriff is on leave.
Barack Obama speech at Democratic National Convention 2016 - YouTube
Barack Obama speech at Democratic National Convention 2016
Statement of Facts Re Lancaster City Police Department v. CATERBONE August 6, 2016
PA Supreme Court Decision On Kane Case | WDAC
One of the Most Painful (Physical) Days Ever - April 2, 2010
One of the Most Painful (Physical) Days Ever - April 2, 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or
read online for free. One of the Most Painful (Physical) Days Ever - April 2, 2010
Deputy accuses Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese of sexual harassment | Insider |
The deputy sheriff, Jessica Padilla, alleges in a complaint filed with county commissioners Chairman Dennis
Stuckey that Sheriff Mark Reese tried to coerce her into a sexual relationship beginning in
Mike Pence town hall in Lancaster attracts ardent Trump supporters, no protestors | Local News |
The crowd that gathered for the Mike Pence town hall Tuesday in Lancaster had strong opinions about the man that
prompted them to attend the presidential campaign event.
Kathleen Kane's mixed poll results still golden in election
Threats and Assaults at Aroogas, Copper Hill, Jacks and Stalking by Dave Kagel and Millersville Boro Police (2) Officers
at Jacks Door August 9, 2016
Police chief says Lebanon County Philhaven no stranger to law enforcement | Local News |
The Lebanon County Philhaven is no stranger to local law enforcement.
LG Health picks nation's largest mental-health hospital chain for planned 126-bed facility | Insider |
Lancaster General Health has chosen the nations largest provider of inpatient mental health services as its partner to
build and operate the 126-bed psychiatric hospital it is planning in northwest
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
U.S. District Court Case No.15-03984 Habeus Corpus NOTICE by STANLEY J. CATERBONE the U.S. Government is
Hiring Irish Mobsters to Assisinate Me August 11, 2016
U.S. District Court Case No.49-MC-2016 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal NOTICE by STANLEY J. CATERBONE the
U.S. Government is Hiring Irish Mobsters to Assisinate Me August 11, 2016
Lancaster City Water Payment on Website of 100 ILLEGAL BALANCE OF $269 August 10, 2016 EVIDENCE OF
Family awarded $8.4 million payout in malpractice suit | Insider |
A Lancaster County jury awarded a family more than $8.4 million Friday, nearly tripling what was believed to be
one of the largest medical malpractice lawsuits awarded in the county
Pennsylvania AG's former top deputy testifies for government | Local News |
NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane returns to the defense table and a
former boyfriend-turned-top deputy to the witness stand when Kane's perjury case resumes.
Najib teases ex-DPM; Justo may turn DOJ witness; Salleh warns of mind control - Malaysiakini
New Film Exposes Black Magic and CIA Mind Control Connections To Scientology, Hollywood and More
<img style=
Recorded-15-03984 u.s. District Court Habeus Corpus Motion to File Exhibit Titled - Lancaster City Evidence of
Conspiracy to Condemn and Extort Property - August 10, 2016 Updated August 11, 2016
Recorded-16-Mc-49 U.S. District Court Chapter 11 Motion to File Exhibit Titled - Lancaster City Evidence of Conspiracy
to Condemn and Extort Property - August 10, 2016 Updated August 11, 2016
4 priests who served in Lancaster County accused of sexually abusing children | Faith |
Four priests who previously served Lancaster County parishes within the Diocese of Harrisburg are among 15
priests accused of child sexual abuse, according to an investigation by the York Daily
Consultant: I conspired with attorney general to frame aide | Local News |
NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) A political consultant told jurors Thursday that he "conspired" with Pennsylvania
Attorney General Kathleen Kane to pin a grand jury leak on her top deputy.
August 4, 2016 - Complaint No. 2016-462 (Brown) Letter From the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct
Board v. Leonard Smith III
Justice Scalia's unexamined death points to a problem -
Forensic pathologist Judy Melinek says that the justice's death feeds conspiracy theories unnecessarily; there should
have been an autopsy
More Documents Re Lancaster City Evidence of Conspiracy to Condem and Extort Property - August 11, 2016
Recorded-16-MC-49 - Lancaster City EVIDENCE of CONSPIRACY to CONDEMN and EXTORT PROPERTY - With
Banking History for PNC, Wells Fargo, And Bank of Bird-In-Hand - Published August 12, 2016
COINTELPRO action, not "Anonymous" video. : Indybay
Discussion of why the video call for a July 15th "Day of Rage" supposedly from "Anonymous" was almost certainly
a COINTELPRO action.
Jere Gish comes home to anchor WGAL's a.m. news | Entertainment |
Who says you can't go home again?
Gmail To All Contacts- (178 Pages in 5 Sections) What Gives You the Right to Torture Me County of Lancaster,
Pennsylvania - August 12, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone's VICTIMIZATION of TORTURE - What Gives You the Right, Lancaster County? August 12, 2016
TYPED VERSION - US District Case No. 16-Cv-4014 CATERBONE v. United States of America, Motion to
Withdraw Filed at Clerk of Court Counter on August 5, 2016
Police to hire law firms to tackle cyber criminals in radical pilot project | UK news | The Guardian
Private firms will use civil courts to seize fraud suspects assets, prompting concerns over profit motive
New York's JFK airport in chaos after unfounded shooting report and evacuations | US news | The Guardian
Reports of shots fired in the departures area of terminal eight appear to be a false alarm but spark severe delays
USPS Certified Mail Reciepts Re Pennsylvania State Police Liquor Control Enforcement Formal Complaint of August 12,
2012 - August 13, 2016
Lancaster County Prison Board announces new program aimed at transparency, efficiency | Local News |
Officials are promising an unprecedented view into the inner workings of Lancaster County Prison as they start
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implementing a new initiative to improve efficiency, transparency and accountability.
Jerry Sandusky: 'Not the monster I was made out to be' | Pennsylvania |
BELLEFONTE, Pa. - Returning to court four years after the child sex-assault trial that put him in prison, Jerry
Sandusky on Friday decried the flawed defense put on by his
RECORDED 15-03984 EXHIBIT Re the Illegal Arms Trade the Iraq v. Iran War of 1980 James Guerin and Adm.
Bobby Ray Inman of the NSA October 25, 2015 and Letters to the Editors of LNP, Lancaster Newspapers Marc
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things' - YouTube
Edward Snowden: A Timeline - NBC News
From his school days on the East Coast to working for U.S. intelligence and contractors around the world to leaking
documents and fleeing to Russia.
Recorded U.S. District Case No. 15-03984 DECLARATION Re Pennsylvania State Police Liquor Control Enforcement
Formal Complaint of August 12, 2012 Updated
The Districts get ready to come home for Live on Vine | Entertainment |
The Districts, which features three Warwick High School graduates, will return home this weekend to perform at
Live on Vine.
Robber strikes Lancaster city bank | Local News |
Lancaster police are investigating a robbery at Wells Fargo bank Thursday afternoon.
19 things to know about FOX News anchor Megyn Kelly | PoliticsChatter
A star who has risen to the top of her network at FOX, Megyn Kelly will question and skewer commentators on
both sides of the political spectrum.
Advanced Media Group Letter to Steve, Phil and Mike Re 1250 Fremont Street Taxes December 28, 2015
Letter to Mike Caterbone Re Response to Email and Lancaster County Ready to Work Graduate Certification With Job
Applications April 2, 2008
Recorded-15-03984 - Lancaster City EVIDENCE of CONSPIRACY to CONDEMN and EXTORT PROPERTY - With
Banking History for PNC, Wells Fargo, And Bank of Bird-In-Hand - Published August 12, 2016
U.S Court Dockets for Monday August 15, 2016 in Philadelphia
Case No. 14-02559 LAMBERT Habeus Judge Diamond ORDER of August 8, 2016 CLOSING Case
Comcast BROCHURES From Customer Serice Visit on Monday August 15, 2016
Stan J Caterbone-International Signal Control or ISC-The-CIA-The-NSA-And US Sponsored Mind Control in Lancaster,
Pennsylvania - September 25, 2015
Implant Victim?
Convicted killer Robert Zook Jr. dies in state prison | Local News |
Robert Zook Jr., serving a life sentence for a double murder in 1985, has died in prison.
Aleppo: Russia ready to 'fight together' with US in shattered Syrian city | World news | The Guardian
No confirmation from Washington but Russian defence minister talks of fighting together Im only talking about
Aleppo here to bring peace
Man charged with shooting at couple outside of Altana Rooftop Lounge |
Police said bar staff and patrons detained Jafohn Ahmere Carl after he allegedly fired a shot at two victims at around
1:20 a.m. Aug. 14 on the first block of East King Street.
SUBMITTED VERSION 16-1001 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Habeus Corpus Case to the Supreme Court of the
United States- A PETITION for a WRIT of CERTIORARI, August 9, 2016
16-cv-4014 - CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With Forms
July 22, 2016
16-cv-4014 - CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With
Forms July 22, 2016 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. 16-
cv-4014 - CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With
Forms July 22, 2016
Hacking group auctions 'cyber weapons' stolen from NSA | Technology | The Guardian
Group called Shadow Brokers says it infiltrated NSAs elite Equation Group and teases files including some named
in documents leaked by Edward Snowden
Lancaster County sheriff still being paid while under investigation for sexual harassment | Insider |
As an investigation into his alleged sexual harassment of a female subordinate was underway, Sheriff Mark Reese
was signed up to tour a brewing company and take in a ballgame
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
19-year-old man suffers graze wound in Lancaster shooting | Local News |
A 19-year-old man suffered a minor wound after being grazed by a bullet in Lancaster city Monday night.
Lancaster city to install accessible pedestrian signals; some wonder why it took so long | Insider |
When Brian Braightmeyer wants to walk between VisionCorps North Queen Street office and Lancaster Central
Market, he relies on his guide dog, Dewey, or a sighted person to help him
PRESERVED Claims in U.S. Federal Court for Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group August 16, 2016
The deep ocean: plunging to new depths to discover the largest migration on Earth | Environment | The Guardian
The deep ocean makes up 95% of Earth, yet only 0.0001% has been explored the Guardian joined a mission off
Bermuda looking deeper than ever before
Mind Control 1979 Project MKUltra documentary CIA LSD experiments movie film - YouTube
This documentary delves into the CIA's secret MKUltra project which experimented with various purported mind
control techniques including giving soldiers and...
Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group International Signal and Control, PLC (ISC) File of August 17, 2016
Copyright 2016
Recorded Case 16-mc-49 EXHIBIT Re LANCASTER COUNTY Convicted Killer and Now DECEASED Targeted
Individual and MIND CONTROL Victim Robert P. Zook, Jr. - August 17, 2016
Pennsylvania State Background Check for Stan J. Caterbone Re PA Capitol Press Pass of January 19, 2016
Whistleblower rewards | qui tam False Claims Act | attorneys
Whistleblower law firm Phillips & Cohen explains the rewards for qui tam whistleblowers under the False Claims
Act, based on over 28 years of experience.
57 COUNTRIES VISIT Advanced Media Group Website - Statistics for - May to
August 18, 2016
RECORDED August 12, 2016 in Clerk of U.S. Supreme Court re FINAL - 16-1001 Third Circuit Court of Appeals
Habeus Corpus Case to the Supreme Court of the United States- A PETITION for a WRIT of CERTIORARI, August 7,
For Pain Meds - Documentation to Obtain Pain Medication From Lancaster Regional Hospital August 21, 2016 - With
For Pain Meds - Documentation to Obtain Pain Medication From Lancaster Regional Hospital August 21, 2016 -
With TOC - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. For Pain Meds -
Documentation to Obtain Pain Medication From Lancaster Regional Hospital August 21, 2016 - With TOC
How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet | TIME
Jay Curtis Corporation Video 1991 - YouTube
March 9, 2016 - I found cash missing from my safe at Fremont Street..
Washington Post Eastern Regional Free Agent Camp March 24 2005
Pro Football Tryout Camps: a Small Chance at Long OddsBy Christine Brennan Washington Post Staff Writer The
Washington Post (1974-Cu...
Mike Caterbone CFL Player of Week 1986 - YouTube
The quarterback for the Ottawa Roughriders that Mike played with was non other than JC Watts of Oklahoma, who
later would become a very influential member of...
Cheneys Spoon-Benders Pushing Nuclear Armageddon Intellegencer Review 2005 by Advanced Media Group August 19,
Cheney's 'Spoon-Benders' Pushing Nuclear Armageddon
Incredible | Secrets of United States - New Documentary - YouTube
Incredible | Secrets of United States - New Documentary Follow us on our Facebook page -
The Monetary Hawks | Jacobin


Request a Quote - Official Honda Web Site

Request a price quote from a dealer at the official Honda web site for cars, trucks and SUVs.
Pandora Internet Radio - Listen to Free Music You'll Love
Lancaster Freethought Society | Americans United
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(1) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Stan J. Caterbone v. Lancaster Freethought Society August 27, 2016 With Lawsuit of August 25, 2016 Published on
August 27, 2016
Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version
Inbox (3) - - Gmail
U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals OPINION Reversal & JUDGMENT Case No. 07-4474 and _0
Ann Coulter - Official Home Page
Complaint to U.S. Attorney Re Samuel Caterbone Victimization Feb 9, 2009
16-cv-4014 - CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With Forms
July 22, 2016
Pandora Internet Radio - Listen to Free Music You'll Love
Lancaster Freethought Society | Americans United
Stan J. Caterbone v. Lancaster Freethought Society August 27, 2016 With Lawsuit of August 25, 2016 Published on
August 27, 2016
Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version
Inbox (3) - - Gmail
U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals OPINION Reversal & JUDGMENT Case No. 07-4474 and _0
Ann Coulter - Official Home Page
Complaint to U.S. Attorney Re Samuel Caterbone Victimization Feb 9, 2009
16-cv-4014 - CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 ver 3.0 Full With Forms
July 22, 2016
How to Watch 2016 MTV Video Music Awards: Live Stream - Rolling Stone
2016 MTV VMAs take place August 28th at Madison Square Garden in New York City.


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Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over the world by Google News.
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Listen to Stan Caterbone | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the
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Habeus Corpus - August 22, 2016

Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District Court for the MIDDLE DISTRICT of
PENNSYLVANIA on August 22, 2016 Ver 5.0 With Forms
Letter From Steve Caterbone Recieved on Monday August 22, 2016
Nice Try USA - Steve Caterbone Protection From Abuse Form August 23, 2016 BOOKMARKS (Download)
Recorded Case No. 16-Cv-1751 US District Court Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US District
Court for the MIDDLE DISTRICT of PENNSYLVANIA on August 23, 2016
The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO With the COPS Gang-Stalking Program August 22, 2016 Written by
Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq.
EXHIBIT for Case No. U.S. District Court 16-Cv-1751 Re Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to US
District Court for the MIDDLE DISTRICT of PENNSYLVANIA on August 24,, 2016
Central Italy earthquake: at least 35 dead in Amatrice says mayor live | World news | The Guardian
Mayor of Amatrice says half of the town is isnt here any more after severe earthquake hits central Italy and is felt
in Rome
Francis of Assisi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Evolution of Beyonc - Pentatonix - YouTube
Spotify: iTunes: Google:
/ButteflyGooglePlay Amazon: http://smart...
Sylvia H. Rambo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Judge Sylvia H. Rambo | Middle District of Pennsylvania | United States District Court
Case No. U.S. District Court 16-Cv-1751 DOCKET SHEET Re Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus to
US District Court for the MIDDLE DISTRICT of PENNSYLVANIA on August 24, 2016
Facebook forgot the web's birthday and now it's trying to pretend it remembered | Technology | The Guardian
As Tim Berners-Lee has pointed out, nothing important happened online on August 23 1991

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
History of the Internet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Irrevocable Trust Free Legal Forms
HAARP's new owner holds open house to prove facility 'is not capable of mind control' - Alaska Dispatch News
FBI IC3 Complaint of August 26, 2016
Kane trial wrap-up: Was Kathleen Kanes jury trial rigged? |
A series of pre-trial decisions rendered against Kane in the weeks and months leading to the jury verdict helped to
seal her fate -- long before a jury was ever
Private Treble Damage Actions Under Federal Antitrust Law | Mahler Law Firm, LLC
Private Treble Damage Actions Under Federal Antitrust Law, Under federal antitrust law, persons and companies
harmed by anticompetitive conduct may seek an award of triple their damages, an injunction, and costs of the action
(including attorney fees) against a party that violates federal antitrust laws. For example, price fixing or an
agreement among competitors on the price they will charge is considered a per se illegal violation of Section 1 of
the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C.S. 1, that the government may prosecute as a felony. As a further deterrent to such
activity, those harmed by the violation may seek treble damages and an injunction.
First Digital Movie & Power Station/Tony Bongiovi (99) uploads | Scribd
99 uploads including Letter Dated December 10, 2015 - Postmarked December 22, 2015 - Received January 7, 2016
From the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Re Investigative Jurisdiction, Advanced Media
Group and Stan J. Caterbone Legal Document re Tolling the Statute of Limitations for ALL Claims - Do I Have a
Rico Claim Authored on July 9, 2006, Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane & Stan Caterbone Strategic
Planning Notes for 2016, 15-3400 EXHIBIT Re Social Security Disability Benefits for Mind Control With
Application Documents and Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators of 2009, December 27, 2015,
and Social Security Benefits Application Documents and Correspondence From SSA Examiners and Investigators
of 2009, December 27, 2015
$168 million payout to Johnson & Johnson whistleblowers - Nov. 4, 2013
The $2.2 billion settlement includes millions paid out to whistleblowers in three states.
History of the Internet - DARPA and Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, August 25, 2016
Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version
Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version - Free
download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Advanced Media Group Letter to the Editor of
Lancaster Newspapers September 6, 2015 Full Version
GP found dead after being suspended over bipolar disorder blog | UK news | The Guardian
Dr Wendy Potts was suspended after patient complained about blog in which she wrote about having condition
Stan J. Caterbone v. Lancaster Freethought Society August 27, 2016 With Lawsuit of August 25, 2016 Published on
August 27, 2016
Scientists have created nanobots that can release drugs into the body using mind control |
Scientists believe the bots could be used to dispense drugs in people.
CrimeReports helps residents see and understand where crime is happening in their neighborhood and engage with
their local law enforcement agencies. Find out more!
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Pennsylvania Can Do More to End Marijuana Arrests, Gov. Tom Wolf Says | NBC 10 Philadelphia
Gov. Tom Wolf says Pennsylvania needs to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana possession in systematic
fashion, and remains guarded about the kind of recreational legalization in several western states.
Facebook mind control experiments linked to DoD research on civil unrest RT America
Facebook's experiment on over half-a-million unsuspecting users has taken a new twist with the revelation that a
researcher connected to a Department of Defense-funded program to use the military to quell civil unrest also
participated in the study.
Facebook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Advanced Media Group - Mark Zuckerberg and His Facebook Mind Control Strategies and Known Atheist Tuesday
August 30, 2016
PARTIAL LIST of Ameritrade History of DAY TRADING Transactions From 2002 to April 9, 2016
Executive Management Team
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The Huntington Executive Management Team is here for you. Learn more about our team.
Historical revision: The Paxton Boys and the Conestoga Massacre | Editorial |
Paxton Boys - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Advanced Media Group - Mark Zuckerberg and His Facebook Mind Control Strategies and IS A Known ATHEIST
Tuesday August 30, 2016
Letter and Documents to Steve Caterbone Coral Gables Forida Re Coming Home - NO WAY, Tuesday August 30, 2016
Carisoprodol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pat Meehan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
US Attorney Patrick Meehan announces resignation
PHILADELPHIA - U.S. Attorney Patrick L. Meehan, who as chief prosecutor for southeastern Pennsylvania
cracked down on government corruption in Philadelphia, announced his resignation on Monday.
Former CIA Officer Evan McMullin Launches Independent Presidential Bid - ABC News
Former CIA Officer Launches Independent Presidential Bid
Gov. Wolf: Decriminalize marijuana - We break up families for reasons we shouldn't | WPXI
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf told Channel 11&rsquo;s Cara Sapida on Tuesday that he thinks marijuana should be
DoD Allowed Government Spending At Casinos And Strip Clubs, According To New Report
A new federal report found DoD workers spent nearly $100,000 at strip clubs and almost $1 million at casinos from
July 2013 through June 2014.
Carisoprodol: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects -
Carisoprodol is a muscle relaxer that works by blocking pain sensations. Learn about side effects, interactions and
16-3284 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Chapter 11 Appeal Case - Third Circuit Fully Completed Affidavit of Poverty of
August 31, 2016
Shhhh - Alberto Gonzales - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Cee Lo Green - FUCK YOU - YouTube
CeeLo's new album HEART BLANCHE - arriving worldwide on Friday, November 6th Pre-order on iTunes: Pre-order on Amazon: ht...
SpaceX Explosion Destroys Satellite, Sets Back Facebook's Internet Push in Africa - Yahoo
From Yahoo: An explosion occurred during a SpaceX fueling operation at its launch site in Florida around 9:07 a.m.
Eastern today, destroying a satellite that Facebook intended to use to provide internet connectivity to rural Africa,
SpaceX officials and local authorities said. SpaceX was conducting a fueling test on Launch Pad 40 at Cape
Canaveral when the incident took place, an engineer at the Kennedy Space Center told ABC News. The explosion
happened "in preparation for today's static fire," and resulted in "the loss of the vehicle and its payload," SpaceX
said in a statement.
Mind Control And Cyberwarfare: The Russians Are Coming! OpEd Eurasia Review
Filed - Case No. U.S. District Court 16-Cv-04641 Re Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus REQUEST
to FILE via ECH September 8, 2016
The human toll of America's public defender crisis | US news | The Guardian
Years of drastic budget cuts have created bottomless caseloads for public defenders the pack mules of the system
and tipped the scales of justice against the poor
The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42__
Brief introduction of the book "The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42," which starts from introducing the Dong-
Yi People, Sheba(1)'s o The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42 QueenOfSouth
My TI Friend From China Soleilmavis Liu Video For Her Book Titled The Queen of the South in Matthe - YouTube
My TI Friend From China Soleilmavis Liu Video For Her Book Titled "The Queen of the South in Matthew"
Inside the fight to reveal the CIA's torture secrets | US news | The Guardian
The first part of the inside story of the Senate investigation into torture, the crisis with the CIA it spurred and the
man whose life would never be the same
Oliver Stone: 'I'll eat my (expletive) shirt' if Trump wins
The director of the upcoming 'Snowden' film spoke his mind Thursday.
How The US Military Invented The iPhone
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Just about all of the underlying technology in the iPhone can be traced back to military research projects.
Untold History of United States - Bush & Obama: Age of Terror (Subtitulado Espaol) - YouTube
"Para cambiar radicalmente la conducta del rgimen debemos pensar con claridad y valenta, puesto que si algo
hemos aprendido, es que los regmenes no quiere...
Robert Scheer: U.S. Pledge of $90 Million to Laos for Cluster Munitions Legacy Is Chump Change - Truthdig
If the word terrorism has any meaning, it applies to the U.S. bombings in Laos during the Vietnam War, says
Truthdigs editor in chief. - 2016/09/09
US and Russia reach tentative agreement for Syria ceasefire | World news | The Guardian
Pause in fighting to begin on Monday night, allowing humanitarian aid to flow with Russian and US forces set to
launch joint airstrikes against extremists
Twitter Account From August 31, 2016 to September 9, 2016
IC3 Complaint Referral Form of September 9, 2016
Live Chat - XFINITY Chat - Comcast Corporation of Friday September 9, 2016
FBI IC3 Narrative of September 9, 2016
Mark Zuckerberg accused of abusing power after Facebook deletes 'napalm girl' post | Technology | The Guardian
Norways largest newspaper published a front-page letter to the Facebook CEO lambasting the companys decision
to censor a photograph of the Vietnam war
Guerin 'home' to complete sentence | News |
Soon hell come back under quieter conditions.
Bobby Ray Inman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Washington's $8 Billion Shadow - SAIC
Authentic and Original Documents of 1987 Archived on October 20, 2015 Reduced
Authentic and Original Documents of 1987 Archived on October 20, 2015 Reduced by stan5j.5caterbone in Types >
Business/Law > Court Filings, cia, and dia
Mind Control Missile Murder Madness: Targets In The Unified Field
ISC Whistleblowing Timeline of Events Created on or About 1991 Proofed on September 17, 2015
Update: 2 shot in Columbia following large fight outside club early Sunday morning | Local News |
Two shot after large fight involving night club patrons.
Emma Niles (CIA TORTURE): Truthdigger of the Week: Former British Ambassador and Whistleblower Craig Murray -
Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
Murray, who has been denied entry into the United States to travel to an intelligence-community conference, was
removed from the British diplomatic service after he exposed human rights abuses in Uzbekistan. - 2016/09/10
Dr. Paul Newhart Pain Treatment of Monday September 12, 2016
What Trump Got Wrong About Veterans Suffering From Chronic Pain
We spoke with Rachel Fredericks, whose question to Trump during the recent Commander-in-Chief Forum raised
concerns about his knowledge of veterans suicide.
Will Peace Ever Be the Norm Again in the United States? - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and his team will discuss this question with peace activist, author and
filmmaker Frank Dorrel at 1 p.m. PDT (4 p.m. EDT) on Thursday. - 2016/09/14
What Did We Buy With the $5 Trillion That the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Have Cost Us? - Juan Cole - Truthdig
The Iraq War was a government-led Ponzi scheme. As usual, the little people are the ones who lost big. - 2016/09/13
Giuliani defends Trump idea to take Middle East oil: 'Anything is legal' in war | US news | The Guardian
Former New York mayor and close Trump ally discusses Republican nominees call to take Iraqs oil, a move which
appears to break international law
Lancaster Catholic shooting drill will test school, county emergency preparedness | Local News |
A training drill will take place at Lancaster Catholic High School Friday.
Recorded U.S. District Court Case No. 16-Mc-0049 Chapter 11 Appeal DECLARATION Re FBI IC3 Complaint Referral
Form of September 9, 2016
Sonali Kolhatkar: Inmates Launch Series of Work Stoppages to Protest Slave Labor - Truthdig
The U.S. incarcerates the greatest number of people in the world, and most of them are expected to work inside the
prisons that hold them, usually for well below minimum wage. - 2016/09/16
U.S. Seeks to Prevent Islamic State From Looting, Selling or Destroying Antiquities - Truthdig
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Continuing Saga: The Fight to Reveal the CIAs Torture Secrets - Truthdig
The Guardian released the second and third installments of its inside chronicle of the struggle between the CIA and
the Senate over the 2014 report on torture from the Select Committee on Intelligence. - 2016/09/16
Stan J. Caterbone Financing Package of Saturday September 17, 2016
2004 Hyundai Santa Fe From Barry Miller Quality Cars for $5,495 CASH on Saturday September 17, 2016
Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Daniel Jones, the Senates Chief Investigator Into Torture by the CIA -
Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
Joneswho became a target of the CIA because he searched for the truththis week spoke out for the first time. He
has been a key force in the disclosure of a scandal that one senator compared to Watergate. - 2016/09/17
Pigs! Crusaders!: U.S.-Backed Fundamentalists Chase American Commandos Out of Syria - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Turning the Americans back across the Turkish border, the Free Syrian Army members cursed them and asserted
that the U.S. is attempting a military occupation of Syria. - 2016/09/19
NOTICE of HEARING October 5, 2016Summary Appeal CP-36-SA0000219-2016 MDJ Scott E Albert Vehicle Turning
Left September 6, 2016 Certified Mail
Members 1st Federal Credit Union Statement as of September 19, 2016 for Santa Fe Auto Check Payment and DEPOSIT
From TD on September 19, 2016
Gun nation: a journey to the heart of America's gun culture video | World news | The Guardian
A revealing and unsettling journey to the heart of Americas deadly love affair with the gun
Emma Niles: Footage in Oklahoma Police Shooting Prompts Nationwide Outrage - Truthdig
Terence Crutcher, an African-American man, was killed by a white police officer in Tulsa on Friday. A video of the
incident has caused many to argue that he was killed in cold blood. - 2016/09/20
Elizabeth Warren Skewers Wells Fargo CEO, Accusing Him of Greed and Gutless Leadership (Video) - Truthdig
You should resign, you should give back the money you took while this scam was going on and you should be
criminally investigated by both the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission. -
Angelina Jolie files for divorce from Brad Pitt citing irreconcilable differences | Film | The Guardian
Jolies attorney says decision was made for the health of the family after two years of marriage amid reports Jolie
has asked for custody of their six children
PACTS Testimonial - For PAIN MEDICATIONS - Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency
Injunction for Relief September 21, 2016
Case No. U.S. District Court 16-Cv-04641 ORDER Re Petitioner Stanley J. Caterbone Writ of Habeus Corpus
DISMISSED Without Prejudice on September 19, 2016 by Judge Edward Smith
In FORMA PAUPERIS for Pain Medications - Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency
Injunction for Relief September 22, 2016
FINAL FILING - For PAIN MEDICATIONS - Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency
Injunction for Relief September 22, 2016
Directory List & Print: print directory tree, copy to clipboard and export into Word or Excel.
Free software for printing of directory trees, content of drives, MP3 lists, print the drive's directory structure.
Freeware to list, print and export of directory trees.
STAMPS - For PAIN MEDICATIONS - Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency Injunction for
Relief September 22, 2016
FILE EXHIBIT for PAIN MEDICATIONS - Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency
Injunction for Relief September 21, 2016
When Barack met Michelle: the presidential biopic as love story | Film | The Guardian
Southside With You is the latest in a long line of presidential biopics. But since its simply an account of the
Obamas first date, with little reference to their illustrious future, how will it rate alongside the likes of Young Mr
Lincoln and PT 109?
Sonali Kolhatkar: Standing Firm in the Face of Violence - Sonali Kolhatkar - Truthdig
With police killings of unarmed black men almost a weekly occurrence in the U.S., we must not let our trauma
weaken our resolve to insist onand organize forracial justice. - 2016/09/22
Charlotte protests: governor of North Carolina declares state of emergency | US news | The Guardian
Second night of unrest rocks the city following the fatal police shooting of Keith Scott, a black man who was
mistaken for a suspect
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Stamped-FILE EXHIBIT for PAIN MEDICATIONS - Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Preliminary Emergency
Injunction for Relief September 21, 2016
Sep 22, 2016 - ORDER From the OFFICE of the EXECUTIVE of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals Re Judicial
Complaint No. 03-16-900046 v. Edward G. Smith and ALL U.S. DISTRICT COURT JUDGES
Women Seeking Refuge: a Crisis Within a Crisis - Truthdig
Sexual violence is part of the price many women and girls fleeing their countries for Europe must pay. This crisis
notably dire for Africanscan be mitigated if refugee aid agencies give priority to specific female-centered
measures. - 2016/09/23
Washington police hunt gunman who killed five at Burlington mall | US news | The Guardian
Authorities release image of darker complected suspect after fifth victim dies from wounds suffered at Cascade
Curfew imposed in Charlotte as Keith Scott's family view footage of killing | US news | The Guardian
Protesters block roads on third night of unrest as Scott family says police videos of shooting sparks more questions
than answers
The History of Italian American History - The Migration to Lancaster County and the Implications of the Intelligence
Community by the Advanced Media Group, September 24, 2016


New fears for 1,000 lone children in Calais refugee camp | World news | The Guardian
French authorities hope Britain will honour pledges and rescue minors when the bulldozers move in
Post Purchase (PPE) Rate and Review
[Lancaster Congressman Joe Pitts] received the most money from pain killer manufacturers |
LEHIGH VALLEY MORNING CALL: A joint investigation by The Associated Press and the Center for Public
Integrity found that drugmakers that produce opioid
Fentanyl Maker Kicks In Half a Million to Defeat Arizona Marijuana Legalization |
By Phil Smith DRUG WAR CHRONICLE: Marijuana legalization advocates have long argued that pharmaceutical
companies, who could lose out if
LNP EDITORS GOT THIS RIGHT: An answer to the affordable housing crisis |
LNP EDITORIAL: Salisbury Township supervisors have said their goal isnt to keep people out, but they simply
dont want to build on land set aside for
KEISLING: Is Tom Wolfs moral compass broken? |
Gov. Tom earolf tries going along to get along with GOP leaders. But what's he getting from Senate Republicans
with whom he's going along? Gov. Wolf isn't
Truthdigger of the Week CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling - In Prison and Fighting for His Life by Truthdig September
25, 2016
Truthdig - Truthdigger of the Week: CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling, ...
Stan Caterbone and Advanced Media Group's ESP & Mental Telepathy Research Documents September 24, 2016
ACTIVITIES copyright 2007The calculated and technological ent...
Stan Caterbone's Home at 1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA Photo Inventory of September 25, 2016
City of Lancaster, PA Utilities Account for Water and Sewer Account for Stan Caterbone in 2016 Downloaded September
25, 2016
GEICO Auto Insurance ENDORSEMENTS for Policy No. 4430-72!86!85 of September 26, 2016
16-3284 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Chapter 11 Appeal Case - MOTION for CONTINUANCE of September 27, 2016
Case No. 495 - 496 MAL 2016 the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania - MOTION for CONTINUANCE of September 27,
16-3284 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Chapter 11 Appeal Case - MOTION for CONTINUANCE of September 27, 2016
Case No. 16 MDA 1924 Superior Court of Pennsylvania MOTION for CONTINUANCE Re Lancaster City Police
Department of September 27, 2016
Case No. Summary Appeal CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas - MOTION for
CONTINUANCE Re Lancaster City Police Department of September 27, 2016
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Case No. 495 - 496 MAL 2016 the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania - MOTION for CONTINUANCE of September 27,
Case No. Summary Appeal CP-36-SA-0000247-2016 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas - MOTION for
CONTINUANCE Re Lancaster City Police Department of September 27, 2016
Case No. CI-16-08472 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CATERBONE v. LGH,, Re MOTION for
CONTINUANCE Re Lancaster City Police Department of September 27, 2016
Wells Fargo executives forfeit millions and CEO to forgo salary amid inquiry | Business | The Guardian
Announcement comes three weeks after Wells Fargo agreed to pay $185m in penalties after an audit found the bank
used aggressive, illegal sales tactics
Manheim Township to replace police chief; board cites 'change in direction' | Insider |
Manheim Township commissioners said they will not renew the contract of police Chief Neil Harkins.
Police seek person in clown mask after fatal stabbing Sunday in Reading | Local News |
The conversation about clowns which has ranged from light-hearted to downright creepy in recent weeks, as
unidentified people dressed like clowns have appeared in mysterious circumstances across the country
Gore Vidal: America the Great ... Police State - Gore Vidal's Essays - Truthdig
Let us accept that we are no longer a republic governed by lawsonly by armed men and force. This is just like the
days of Billy the Kid. You have an armed man going down a dusty street, and that is authority. And it has come to
this for us. - 2016/09/26
DOCUMENTATION For 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe From Barry Miller Quality Cars for $5495 CASH (Check) on Saturday
September 17, 2016
Yahoo 'secretly monitored emails on behalf of the US government' | Technology | The Guardian
Company complied with a classified directive, scanning hundreds of millions of Yahoo Mail accounts at the behest
of NSA or FBI, say former employees
Maria Sharapovas reduced ban is good news for her bank balance | Kevin Mitchell | Sport | The Guardian
Although not exonerated, Maria Sharapova views the cutting of her drug ban to 15 months as a victory but the
biggest benefit will be financial before retirement beckons
Has Obama's White House Tried to Use Mind Control to Push Government Programs?
Maybe not quite. But newly released records reveal that the Obama Administration quietly hired 120 social and
behavioral research experts to help sell policy to the public.
How the White Helmets Became Global Heroes While Pushing for U.S. Military Intervention in Syria - Truthdig
Backed by Washington and marketed by a top public relations firm, the Syrian civil defense organization is saving
civiliansand lobbying for airstrikes and regime change. - 2016/10/04
The U.S. Breaks Off Military Cooperation With Russia in Syria (Video) - Juan Cole - Truthdig
On Monday, the United States government suspended talks with the Russian Federation on how to end the Syrian
conflict but said the step didnt imply all joint activity would end. - 2016/10/04
7-Year-Old Aleppo Girl Tweets Daily Struggle to Live Amid Bombings - NBC News
With the help of her mother, Bana al-Abed has been "live-tweeting" from the war-torn city that's being bombarded
by the Syrian and Russian governments.
Black Ops Advertising Dissects the Rise of Media Manipulation for Corporate Profit - Book Excerpt - Truthdig
The currency of maximum importance in our digital world is personal data, personal relationships and our very
identities. - 2016/10/04
Assange Promises Significant Leak Before Election, Urges Journalists to Lend a Hand - Truthdig
Some are calling it an October surprise that could affect the U.S. voting. But the WikiLeaks founder says only that
the website will release a mass of secret documents on American foreign policy over the next 10 weeks. And, he
adds, with more than a million documents to get through, WikiLeaks needs all the help it can get. - 2016/10/04
The training comes on the heels of a female deputy sheriff's recent allegations of "severe and pervasive sexual
harassment" by Sheriff Mark Reese.
Paul Ryan in Lancaster County: Elect Lloyd Smucker to help 'save this country' | Pennsylvania |
U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said he needs Republicans like Lloyd Smucker in Congress to slash business
regulations, simplify the tax code and build up the military.
Mike Farrell: Obama Stands Nuremberg on Its Head - Truthdig
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President Obamas decision to spare CIA torturers from prosecution is wrong. Good Germans who were only
following orders are not exempt from the bar of justice. Individuals must be held responsible for war crimes and
crimes against humanity.&nbsp; - 2016/10/06
A Path That Could Lead to the Unthinkable: Nuclear War With Russia - Truthdig
The U.S. propaganda campaign against the Russian Federation is rolling downhill with a dangerous momentum that
threatens to drive the world into a catastrophic showdown. - 2016/10/06
Thinking Dangerously in the Age of Normalized Ignorance - Truthdig
What happens when the spheres of morality and spirituality give way to a savage market rationality? - 2016/10/06
Hurricane Matthew: storm weakens but continues to lash Florida and Georgia live | World news | The Guardian
Death toll in Haiti reaches 330, officials say, as Florida governor declares state of emergency
Eastern Aleppo could be destroyed by Christmas, warns UN Syria envoy | World news | The Guardian
Staffan de Mistura warns of another Rwanda and offers to personally escort Islamist fighters out of city to halt
Columbia forum to focus on police relations, racial violence | Local News |
The next session in an ongoing public conversation on community-police relations and racial violence is set for
Tuesday, Oct. 11, in Columbia.
NSA contractor arrested for alleged theft of top secret classified information | US news | The Guardian
Harold Thomas Martin, who worked at same consulting firm as Edward Snowden, may have stolen codes developed
to hack foreign governments
Whats Behind Time Magazines Putin Demonizing? - Truthdig
Russia Wants to Undermine Faith in the U.S. Election, declares a cover of Time magazine. We should undermine
our own faith in the U.S. election system. - 2016/10/05
Yahoo Spied on Customers Email at the U.S. Governments Request - Truthdig
The news proves the failure of U.S. government reforms to curb NSAs tendency to try and indiscriminately
vacuum up the worlds data, say rights groups. - 2016/10/05
Damage from AC incident cost $13.5 million, Lancaster General Hospital says | Insider |
Nearly three months after an air-conditioning malfunction pumped humid air into operating rooms, Lancaster
General Hospital said Tuesday that it caused $13.5 million in damages.
Deputy sheriff notifies federal authorities of harassment allegations | Insider |
A Lancaster County deputy sheriff has filed a federal complaint of harassment.
Yahoo 'secretly monitored emails on behalf of the US government' | Technology | The Guardian
Company complied with a classified directive, scanning hundreds of millions of Yahoo Mail accounts at the behest
of NSA or FBI, say former employees
GEOCO - Documents & Photos
Manheim Township to replace police chief; board cites 'change in direction' | Insider |
Manheim Township commissioners said they will not renew the contract of police Chief Neil Harkins.
Sonali Kolhatkar: Destruction Is All We Have to Show for a 15-Year War in Afghanistan - Truthdig
Since 2001, the U.S. has spent more than $103 billion on the Asian countrymore than it spent on the entire
European continent after World War II. And there is no end in sight for the debacle that George W. Bush began and
Barack Obama continued. - 2016/10/07
The Age of Decline, Apple Pie and Americas Chosen Suicide Bomber - Truthdig
Thanks to perhaps trillions of words expended on him by nonstop commentators, pundits, talking heads, retired
generals and admirals, former intelligence chiefs and ex-Bush administration officials, Donald Trump and his
remarkable ego have become the wallpaper of our lives. - 2016/10/08
Penn State rapid reaction: Nittany Lions 38, Maryland 14 (Happy Homecoming from Beaver Stadium) |
Lions pummel previously unbeaten Maryland for 524 yards.
14th Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Amendment XIVSection 1.All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction
thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law
which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any
person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the
equal protection of the laws.
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Site | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
ART MORRIS: Is a $10.3 million tax break fair to Lancaster residents? |
Letter to the Editor by former Lancaster mayor Art Morris Art Morris About 10 years ago, Lancaster Newspapers
(LNP) and High Associates (High) were given
Lower energy costs should again give homeowners a break on heating bills this winter | Local Business |
With the warm days of summer well behind us, residents may soon start thinking about their winter heating costs.
Log Cabin restaurant to close Oct. 31 then reopen in January with new operators | Local Business |
The Log Cabin restaurant in Warwick Township will close at the end of October, then is expected to reopen in
Dale High and the Building of the Marriott Expansion - Is IT FAIR? - The Taxpayer Subsidy Study by Art Morris and
Stan Caterbone - October 6, 2016
Police say they are becoming emergency mental health services | UK news | The Guardian
Chiefs blame cuts in psychiatric care for 50% rise in detentions under Mental Health Act
Facebook revenge pornography trial 'could open floodgates' | Technology | The Guardian
Case of 14-year-old taking social network to court over naked picture has already resulted in others seeking legal
Suzanne Vega: Its taken me a while to say, You are what you are, its fine | Music | The Guardian
The 80s pop-folk star talks about her confused identity growing up, and her new album about US writer Carson
Chris Hedges: The New Slave Revolt - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The work stoppages and hunger strikes being carried out in prisons across the country show that many of those
locked in cages have a political consciousness we must begin to emulate. - 2016/10/09
How Far Will Americans Take Anti-Muslim Hate? - Juan Cole - Truthdig
The de facto criminalization of being Muslim or speaking Arabic is proceeding apace despite being contrary to
every core American value and contradicting the First Amendment. - 2016/10/09
Yemen and Dubai May Be at War, but Both Are Going Solar Big-Time - Juan Cole - Truthdig
There is news on the solar energy front, with the price of panels and installation falling rapidly and popular adoption
for novel purposes on the increase. - 2016/10/09
Saturday Night Live Tackles the VP Debate and Donald Trumps Sexism Scandal (Video) - Truthdig
Alec Baldwin is really getting the most out of his impression of the Republican presidential candidate. - 2016/10/09

LAMBERT US SUPREME - October 10, 2016

Reciepts for Florida Trip September 26 to September 28, 2016

Bob Dylan wins Nobel Prize in Literature | Entertainment |
What Bob Dylan song do you think is the most lyrically profound? Sound off in our poll.
USPS Confirmations - Re Final - Third Circuit Case No. 16-1149 Lambert Habeus Corpus Petition for Writ of Certiorari
to the United States Supreme Court October 12, 2016
Young scientist wins prestigious scholarship for developing mind-control device - The Connexion
Silicon Valley and Police Create COINTELPRO for the Tech Age | News | teleSUR English
teleSUR English is an alternative representation for world news. we focus on the people, the common citizen, stories
untold by traditonal media. you will only find them at teleSUR.
Ben Carson to speak at Lancaster GOP dinner | Pennsylvania |
Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon and former presidential hopeful, has been booked to speak at the Republican
Committee of Lancaster Countys fall fundraising banquet.
Robert De Niro calls Jon Voight 'delusional' over support for Trump | Film | The Guardian
De Niro urges Americans to vote against Donald Trump after Voight criticises him over video attack on Republican
presidential candidate
Eight years after the Great Recession, recovery still rings hollow | Business | The Guardian
Eight years after the Great Recessions, the White House claims the economic recovery is here. But many arent
feeling it. Here, five people reflect on how their lives have changed
SAVE THE DATE! Also: A chance to help make Cultivate Lancaster even better...
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Mind-controlled tech to aid astronauts
Detective Clark Bearinger Email Letter and Response to Incident Report List of October 15, 2015
Lancaster City Council to hold hearing on Marriott expansion | Local News |
Lancaster City Council will hold a public hearing Tuesday night on the proposal to expand the Marriott hotel by 110
rooms and related financing for the $30 million project.
Lancaster County couple sells everything, moves to Kenya to build, run orphanage | Insider |
There is never a dull moment in the Dow household.
John Oliver Rips Into One of President Obamas Most Inarguable Failures: Gitmo (Video) - Truthdig
No amount of sugar coating can cover up the reality of what we have done at Guantanamo Bay, said the Last
Week Tonight host in a segment advocating the permanent closure of the controversial detention center. -
Police respond to fifth reported call of shots fired in five days | Local News |
Lancaster City police responded to a shots fired call Monday, the fifth reported time in the past five days. While
there are no reports of anyone being hit, bullets have
Turkmen v. Ashcroft | Center for Constitutional Rights
Class action lawsuit challenging the 9/11 immigration detentions
Smucker, Hartman, House debate in race for Lancaster County's rarely open congressional seat | Insider |
In the first and only debate for the highest-profile local race this year, congressional candidates Lloyd Smucker,
Christina Hartman and Shawn House revealed Monday the stark contrasts of how they
Crash: how computers are setting us up for disaster | Tim Harford | Technology | The Guardian
The Long Read: We increasingly let computers fly planes and carry out security checks. Driverless cars are next.
But is our reliance on automation dangerously diminishing our skills?
Malcolm X Identified Psychological Warfare Tactics Used Against African-Americans and Muslims - Truthdig
Muslims were a polarizing subject in the United States long before the 2016 presidential race. In this 1963
interview, the civil rights leader discussed the nature of Islam and power of propaganda. - 2016/10/10
What you need to do to get Medicare to pay for your power wheelchair or power scooter - Medicare Interactive
Is Putins war on Syria prelude to something much worse? |
Aleppo, Syria By Slava Tsukerman Reading Russian newspapers and watching Russian state controlled TV can
bring one to conclusion that Russia is preparing
Comcast reaches $2.3M settlement after 2-year investigation into mischarging customers | National |
NEW YORK (AP) Government regulators are fining Comcast $2.3 million, saying the cable giant has charged
customers for stuff they never ordered, like premium channels or extra cable boxes.
Is our world a simulation? Why some scientists say it's more likely than not | Technology | The Guardian
A swath of technologists and physicists believe that simulation theory will be proved, just as it was proved that the
Earth was not the center of the universe
Lancaster City Council approves $30M Marriott hotel expansion | Local News |
Lancaster City Council approved a plan to expand the Marriott hotel by 110 rooms, and related financing for the $30
million project, in a 6-0 vote Tuesday night.
Rash of gunfire rattles some residents but not all after 6th shots fired incident in 5 days | Local News |
Residents in Lancaster city neighborhoods where gunfire has erupted six times over the past five days reacted with a
range of responses Tuesday afternoon.
Lancaster city mayor calls 6 shots fired reports over 5 days 'unusual occurrence' | Local News |
In what the mayor called an unusual occurrence, Lancaster city police responded to six reports of shots fired in the
city over the past five days.
With gargoyles, Lancaster city buildings are always watching you | Together |
Halloween and October go hand in hand. Ghosts and goblins, black cats, scary masks and all things frightening
erupt on Oct. 31 and evaporate by the next morning.
Is Trump the master of mind control?
Mr. Trump's book, "The Art of the Deals" reveals him to be a master of mind control.
Rash of gunfire rattles some residents but not all after 6th shots fired incident in 5 days | Local News |
Residents in Lancaster city neighborhoods where gunfire has erupted six times over the past five days reacted with a
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range of responses Tuesday afternoon.
Document and Photos - How I Ended Up in Lewistown, Pennsylvania on October 12, 2016 - Authored on Thursday,
October 13, 2016
18-year-old shot in Lancaster; 5-6 more shots fired in separate incident | Local News |
An 18-year-old man was shot in the chest in Lancaster city Wednesday night, according to initial reports.
Jay Z Is Producing A TV Show About Legendary Sniper Nicholas Irving
Irving earned the nickname the Reaper for purportedly killing 33 insurgents during a deployment to Afghanistan
in 2009.
Jon Bon Jovi webchat your questions answered on Hillary Clinton, grunge and philanthropy | Music | The Guardian
The rock legend answered your questions from why he chose to support poor communities, to chord changes in
songs and the truth about buzzing Metallica
Hollywood, sometimes the truth is better than fiction | Catherine Shoard | Opinion | The Guardian
Why insist on reimagined propaganda when the real history behind The Birth of a Nation is as relevant?
Lancaster County scholars, musicians weigh in on Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize win | Insider |
Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize in Literature has started several points of conversations.
Nude dancing not allowed at Columbia club in residential area, court rules | Local News |
Club Good Times, an adult entertainment venue in Columbia Borough, will not be able to feature nude dancing,
according to a decision by the Commonwealth Court.
This Is What Led To The US Navy Launching Missiles Into Yemen
The Oct. 13 missile strike in Yemen marked the first time the U.S. military took direct action in the nations year-
long civil war.
Gary Tyler on Maintaining Hope and Compassion in the U.S. Prison System - Truthdig
At age 16, Gary Tyler was wrongly sent to death row, where he spent 41 years until being freed in April. The
Truthdig team spoke with him about the prison system, the death penalty and maintaining hope throughout the
decades. - 2016/10/13
Eric Ortiz: WikiLeaks Should Be Applauded for Removing the Mask of U.S. Power - Truthdig
The Clinton campaign and Democratic Party want to bury inconvenient truths. But by choosing to demonize
journalistic organizations and deflecting blame to Russia, they are doing a disservice to America. - 2016/10/13
Denouncing Colossal Waste of Drug War, Report Makes Case for Decriminalization - Truthdig
Locking people up for using drugs causes tremendous harm, according to a joint assessment by Human Rights
Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union. - 2016/10/12
Those of You Who Still Dont Want to Vote for Hillary Clinton, Please Reconsider - Truthdig
I continue to hear from many people who call themselves progressives or liberals but tell me they wont vote for
Hillary Clinton in the upcoming election. With due respect, I believe theyre wrong. - 2016/10/12
Mind-controlled robot arm gives back sense of touch to paralysed man | Science | The Guardian
Robotic arm is surgically wired directly to Nathan Copelands brain, providing him with two-way feedback and an
almost natural sensation of touch
Hillary Clinton asks for landslide victory to rebuke Trump's 'bigotry and bullying' | US news | The Guardian
As Trump went on the attack, a confident Clinton encouraged her backers to double down on their efforts during the
final weeks of the 2016 campaign
Michelle Obama denounces Donald Trump's rhetoric: 'It has shaken me to my core' | US news | The Guardian
The first lady spoke at a Clinton rally in New Hampshire on Thursday, calling past comments and alleged
misconduct by the Republican nominee frightening
Aleppo must be 'cleaned', declares Assad, amid outcry over bloody siege | World news | The Guardian
Syrian president gives unrepentant interview vowing to use shattered city as springboard to push terrorists back to
Turkey or kill them
'Commercialization won out': will legal marijuana be the next big tobacco? | Society | The Guardian
As the legal pot movement steams ahead, opponents argue the cannabis industry may be little better than cigarette
companies in their pursuit of profit
Why Bob Dylan deserves his Nobel literature win | Music | The Guardian
There will be some who doubt Dylans right to the Nobel prize for literature. There are others who believe he should
get a special Nobel just for being Bob Dylan
Pennsylvania Insurance Department Complaint Form 2015A Re Allstate Insurance Claim October 14, 2016
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Pennsylvania Insurance Department Complaint Form 2015a Re Geico Insurance Claim October 14, 2016
Game of the Week: Lancaster Catholic routs Pequea Valley in Rossmere Stadium finale | Football |
The moon rose through a haze behind the fieldhouse Friday night in Lancaster, overlooking Rossmere Stadium's
rusted bleacher railings and dim tower lights and a football field pocked and weathered
Mike Pence landed Thursday at Lancaster Airport | Local News |
Mike Pence visited Berks County on Thursday by way of Lancaster Airport.
Man charged with attempted homicide in Lancaster city shooting arrested | Local News |
A man charged with attempted homicide in a Thursday night shooting in Lancaster city was captured Friday.
Dylan, the American Left, and What We Have Lost - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Bob Dylan would no doubt be as distressed as the American corporate media to see an ideological interpretation of
his 1960s anthems that helped win him the Nobel Prize in Literature. - 2016/10/14
Sarah Wesley: Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise Weaves a Rich Fabric From the Authors Lived History - In the News -
New documentary featuring Angelous own narration delves deeply into the life of the iconic civil rights activist,
poet, dancer and singer. - 2016/10/14
Rayyan Al-Shawaf: The Return - Truthdig
When Qaddafi took my father, Hisham Matar writes in the long-awaited nonfiction account of his fathers
disappearance, he placed me in a space not much bigger than the cell Father was in. I paced back and forth, anger
in one direction, hatred in the other, until I could feel my insides grow small and hard. - 2016/10/14
Robert Downey Jr offers to voice Mark Zuckerberg's digital assistant | Technology | The Guardian
Actor offered to lend his voice to the Facebook founders artificial intelligence-based personal assistant, which
Zuckerberg calls kind of like Jarvis in Iron Man
Obama, National Security Team Huddle on Syrian Civil War - ABC News
Obama, National Security Team Huddle on Syrian Civil War
KEISLING: Does Trump have hidden support in Pennsylvania? |
The 'Undercover Trump Voter': A 'Reverse Bradley Effect? Donald Trump is pandering to angry, often under-
educated and politically unsophisticated voters in
Samuel P Caterbone (My Father) MIND CONTROL and PUBLIC CORRUPTION Documentation and EVIDENCE
October 15, 2016
Syria talks in Switzerland produce only a decision to keep talking - The Washington Post
Secretary of State John F. Kerry said diplomats agreed the fighting must end, especially in Aleppo, but differed on
how to accomplish that.
PUBLIC CORRUPTION by CLERK of COURTS Re Case No. CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Summary Appeal in the
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas - October 16, 2016
Family seeks justice, transparency after slaying; DAs office says it has been forthcoming | Local News |
Friends and family members called for justice and greater transparency from the Lancaster County district attorneys
office during a vigil Saturday for Anthony Dudie Hunter in downtown Lancaster.
LancasterHistory exhibit explores freedom: 'What theme could be more gripping?' | Together |
Freedom: to Secure the Blessings of Liberty is Lancasterhistorys second exhibit at its new building
Welcome to - USPS Tracking
Alexander Reed Kelly: Photo of the Week: Rockets Explode as Media Spin Escalation of a U.S. War in Yemen - Truthdig
Mainstream internet, print and broadcast journalists reported a recent U.S. attack on rebel-controlled radar facilities
in Yemen as though the White House hasnt supported Saudi Arabias war there for 18 months. - 2016/10/15
Clinton may have taken performance-enhancing drugs before debate Trump | US news | The Guardian
Republican suggests drug tests before next showdown and repeats suspicion of rigged election at New Hampshire
NEXT WEBINAR: Movie night with "Citizen Four" - Oct. 24!
PA Atty General Ol Boy Bruce Beemer is likely to edit or bury #porngate report to influence election - YouTube
ABC27's Dennis Owens reports: Pa. taxpayers billed more than $1M for porn email report, so where is it? mirror:
Bob Dylan wins Nobel prize in literature | Music | The Guardian
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Singer-songwriter takes award for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition
Central America's rampant violence fuels an invisible refugee crisis | World news | The Guardian
The numbers are staggering, and governments are doing little to protect people from warring gangs and corrupt
security forces. Yet entire families who are now seeking asylum are being sent back and told to simply live
Wells Fargo chief John Stumpf retires in wake of fake account scandal | Business | The Guardian
Stump will receive no severance payment for retirement which comes a month after $185m settlement with US
regulators over illegal sales practices
Is the U.S. Vulnerable to War Crimes Charge for Supporting Saudi Bombing of Innocents in Yemen? - Truthdig
Internal government documents exposed Monday by Reuters reveal that the Obama administration has long known
that the 18-month military campaign in Yemen is killing thousands of civilians and could implicate the United States
in war crimes. - 2016/10/11
Russia and Turkey Make Up: What Are the Implications for Syria and the Kurds? (Video) - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Russian President Vladimir Putin was in Turkey on Monday for direct talks with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan,
in a bid to further normalize relations between the two countries. - 2016/10/11
LNP editorial tip toes around citys hundred forty million dollar storm water / sanitary sewage price tag |
By Robert Field LNPs editorial Becoming good stewards of the Chesapeake Bay at long last lifts up the lid a
bit more to allow its
Used Cars For Sale In Lancaster, PA
Find a quality Used Cars For Sale In Lancaster, PA at CarMax. Our listings are updated hourly and each one comes
with a free Vehicle History Report.
Second coming: on the road with the Clintons | Global | The Guardian
Whats it been like to be on the campaign trail with Hillary, Bill and Chelsea? Dan Roberts went behind the scenes
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray endorses Christina Hartman, says Smucker will bring dysfunction and deadlock to Congress |
Insider |
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray and state Sen. Lloyd Smucker have crossed political boundaries and forged a solid
working relationship over the past eight years.
Race for Congress in Lancaster County: What to know about the candidates and what to watch for | Insider |
A two-term state senator and former construction company owner.
Lawsuit by ex-coach against Penn State set to get underway | National |
BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) A civil trial set to begin Monday in a Pennsylvania courtroom will determine if Penn
State should pay for a claim it mistreated a former assistant
Dear Hollywood, If We Win The Next War, Will You Stop Making WWII Movies?
Weve overdone it on World War II movies and now were just rinsing and repeating the same tired narrative.
Chris Hedges: Donald Trump: The Dress Rehearsal for Fascism - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The Democratic elites, we know from leaked emails, helped elevate a buffoonish rival whom they saw as the perfect
foil for Hillary Clinton. The game they are playingif they do not address our rising inequality, despair and loss of
civil libertieswill usher in an American fascism. - 2016/10/16
After Profiting from Weapons Sales and Bombing Yemen, U.S. Calls for Cease-Fire - Truthdig
U.S. and U.K. call for unconditional cease-fire in Yemen conflict within hours. - 2016/10/16
Robert Scheer: Robert Scheer: Why Does Freedom of the Press Protect Newspapers but Not Whistleblowers? (Video) -
Truthdigs editor in chief talks to Nowman Show host Dan Niswander about how Edward Snowden and Chelsea
Manning were hung out to dry even as the publications that profited from their stories were protected. - 2016/10/16
Saturday Night Live: Creepy Trump Leaves Unsympathetic Clinton Virtually Unchallenged (Video) - Truthdig
The comedy shows satire of the worst presidential debate ever sums up some of the sorriest aspects of this years
race to the White House, depicting an unelectable Donald Trump as essentially handing the presidency to an
unworthy Hillary Clinton. - 2016/10/16
Lancaster Chamber to host 35th annual Business Expo on Oct. 21 at Nook Sports | Local Business |
The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce &amp; Industry will hold its 35th annual Business Expo on Friday, Oct. 21 at
Spooky Nook Sports.
Hershey CEO Bilbrey to retire in July; search for successor underway | Local Business |
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The Hershey Co. said Friday that John P. Bilbrey, its chairman, president and chief executive officer, will retire July
Rental Equipment Lancaster PA
Rental Equipment in Lancaster PA. Equipment rental assists Contractors and homeowners. We will get you the
equipment you need.
USPS Deliver Confirmation US Supreme Court Clerk October 17, 2016
Pennsylvania Insurance Department Complaint Form 2015A Re HUMANA Insurance Company October 17, 2016
Public Corruption by Clerk of Courts and Prothonotary Re Case No. Cp-36-Sa-0000219-2016 Summary Appeal and Case
No. CI-16-08472 October 17, 2016
STAN J. CATERBONE v. Steven P. Caterbone Re Protection From Abuse or PFA Petition October 17, 2016
The Lost Horizons News
Current events and resources for well-educated and well-motivated liberty-loving Americans
Montgomery County DA: House arrest no option for Kathleen Kane | Crime |
Convicted of perjury, the former Pennsylvania attorney general isn't a good candidate for house arrest, District
Attorney Kevin Steele argued in a court filing.
Kathleen Kane may seek non-jail sentence for perjury |
Lawyers for former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane are hinting they will seek probation or house
arrest when she is sentenced on perjury and obstruction charges.
Letter and Document to JUDGE WENDY DEMCHICK-ALLOY of Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas Case
No. CP-46-CR-0008423-2015 Re Kathleen Kane Sentencing October 17, 2016
WikiLeaks says Ecuador cut off Julian Assange's internet access | Media | The Guardian
Group says access was shut down soon after the publication of Hillary Clintons speeches and it has activated
appropriate contingency plans
RedRose Transit Expired Bus Passes October 17, 2016
Lancaster County Voter Registration Card DEMOCRATIC Enrollment Date October 13, 2016 Signed at Penn Square
October 11, 2016
Samuel P Caterbone (My Father) MIND CONTROL and PUBLIC CORRUPTION Documentation and EVIDENCE
October 18, 2016
WikiLeaks says Ecuador cut off Julian Assange's internet access | Media | The Guardian
Group says access was shut down soon after the publication of Hillary Clintons speeches and it has activated
appropriate contingency plans
City cop accused of lying under oath will face perjury charge | Local News |
Lancaster city police Sgt. Raymond Corll is again facing a felony perjury charge following a preliminary hearing
Monday at the district court offices of Judge Janice Jimenez.
Emma Niles: Chris Hedges and Robert Scheer on War, Religion and Fighting American Neoliberalism - Truthdig
The Truthdig editor in chief sat down with the acclaimed journalist for an intimate conversation about their careers
and the American political landscape. - 2016/10/17
The Billionaire Oligarchs Dont Give Out Bread Anymore, but They Gleefully Supply Circuses - Juan Cole - Truthdig
The phrase bread and circuses, coined by a Roman satirist who said the commoners had to be provided food to
prevent their rioting and public spectacles to distract them from Augustus tyranny, rings true todaywith a key
difference. - 2016/10/17
E.J. Dionne Jr.: Catholic Controversy Sparked by WikiLeaks Will Continue Long After 2016 Election - Truthdig
To hear the many howls of protest from conservatives, youd think that a handful of emails demonstrates that
Hillary Clintons campaign is a nest of anti-Catholics. - 2016/10/17
Preparing For Future Wars Won't Be Easy (And The Stakes Are Getting Higher)
The military needs to shake off the old clich about preparing for the last war.
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray endorses Christina Hartman, says Smucker will bring dysfunction and deadlock to Congress |
Insider |
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray and state Sen. Lloyd Smucker have crossed political boundaries and forged a solid
working relationship over the past eight years.
The Revolution Has Come! | Dissident Voice
This week we bring you a special sedition on the anniversary of one of the most bad-ass and sophisticated
revolutionary organizations in the United Snakes The
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Sean Hannity Warns Listeners About The Globalist Establishment And Mind Control
Some Medicare beneficiaries face another steep Part B premium hike | Local News |
Federal estimates show premiums for that group rising about 22 percent, with the base monthly amount going from
$121.80 to $149.
Lancaster County Community Foundation report offers ideas to better communities in county | Insider |
Three themes kept coming up in May during a countywide discussion on Lancaster County: Affordable housing,
community engagement and inclusion and equity.
Madeleine Albright endorses Christina Hartman in congressional race | Politics |
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright endorsed Democratic congressional hopeful Christina Hartman and
will campaign with her in Lancaster sometime before the election, Hartmans campaign announced.
How Lancaster County hospitals fared in death, readmission rates review | Local News |
The independent state agency Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council looks at death and readmission
rates for 16 conditions, adjusting to account for sicker patients.
Women Blockade Donald Trump Campaign Offices Nationwide - Truthdig
We are putting all politicians on notice: Get ready to be held accountable to our priorities and demands. -
As Islamic State Loses Territory, Will Weak States Gain Strength? (Video) - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Political scientist Khalid Rif says that the organizations forced withdrawal from the town of Dabiq in northern
Syria has a religious symbolism that could be fatal to its esprit de corps. - 2016/10/18
Michael Moore Reveals His Own October Surprise: New Donald Trump Documentary Drops Tuesday - In the News -
The outspoken Trump critic has been working on a secret movie about the heart of Trumpland. - 2016/10/18
Ecuador says it cut WikiLeaks founder's internet over interference in US election | Media | The Guardian
Officials released a statement confirming that the government cut off internet access for Julian Assange following a
raft of leaked emails targeting Democrats
Preservationists make pitch to save local farmland, halt Oregon Dairy housing and commercial project | Insider |
About three dozen people trudged through a sun-drenched, corn-stubbled field Tuesday morning in southern
Manheim Township to perch on hay bales and discuss growth, planning and, specifically, a proposed, $120-million
PA Senate passes bill to allow gun suits against municipalities; moves to House | Local News |
State lawmakers are again trying again to pass a law that would make it easier to sue municipalities because of their
local gun laws.
Sean Hannity Unhinged: Everything That Conspiracy Theorists Have Said Is True
Facebook Postings From July 29 to November 24, 2015 Chris Hedges of Truthdig Lecture October 17, 2015 Church of
Train to State Street Copy Harrisburg Receipts October 18, 2016 With Usps Shipping Delivery Confirmations October 19,
Fulton Bank - ISC - James Guerin - Scooter Libby - William Clark - CIA - Valerie Plame - Chris Underhill - Joe Roda
October 19, 2016
Iraqi and Kurdish forces close in on Mosul after making quick gains | World news | The Guardian
Three-pronged attack brings troops to within around six miles of Iraqs second city, as Isis fighters appear to be
Here's how to submit questions for the state Senate debate featuring Scott Martin, Greg Paulson | Local News |
Readers: Send us your questions.
'Sorry for the inconvenience': Street work in Lancaster city is nearing its end for the season | Local News |
Mayor Rick Gray says he feels the pain of people living in or driving through Lancaster city during what seems like
an endless cycle of road construction projects this year.
Muslim Council of Britain to set up alternative counter-terror scheme | UK news | The Guardian
Mosque-centred strategy to start next year in challenge to Home Offices unpopular Prevent programme
People who welcome refugees are the true British patriots | Abi Wilkinson | Opinion | The Guardian
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Forget the nasty headlines. What makes me proud to be British are the nurses, charity workers and volunteers
working to help those seeking sanctuary on our shores
If the US hacks Russia for revenge, that could lead to cyberwar | Trevor Timm | Opinion | The Guardian
The US should attempt to de-escalate tensions by negotiating some form of international cyber treaty before this
gets out of control
Read Full Contents of Three Hillary Clinton Speeches to Goldman Sachs - Truthdig
The transcripts were obtained via a hack of campaign chairman John Podestas personal email account and
published online by WikiLeaks. - 2016/10/19
50 Groups Urge Investigation Into Wild West of Facial Recognition Policing - Truthdig
Half of American adults are included in a vast facial recognition database populated in part by drivers license
photos and mugshots. - 2016/10/19
What the Narcissists Have Done to Our Jobs and Health - Truthdig
Many of the super wealthy move further to the political right, care less about the feelings and needs of others, and
become anti-social, less generous with their money and less willing to support the economic needs of all members
of society. - 2016/10/19
How Network Neuroscience Is Creating a New Era of Mind Control
The human brain is a complex network. Which is why neuroscientists hope to use network theory to control minds.
Melissa Leanza wins Singer-Songwriter Showcase at Tellus360 | Entertainment |
Four local songwriters faced off for cash prizes Wednesday night.
Assistant superintendent resigns, marking another exit from Manheim Township School District | Local News |
In a year marked by controversy, Manheim Township School District is losing another administrator.
Local attorney prompts task force formation to strengthen Pennsylvania's animal cruelty laws | Local News |
A local animal rights advocate is fed up with Pennsylvanias reputation for being light on animal cruelty.
The Death of the Two-State Solution - Truthdig
The Obama administrations recent 10-year, $38 billion pledge to renew Israels arsenal of weaponry, while still
ostensibly pursuing peace, makes clear that Washingtons support for a two-state solution is bankrupt. -
Mike Farrell: Californias Proposition 62 Can End the Suffering Caused byand the Expense ofthe Death Penalty -
The states 38-year failed attempt to make capital punishment constitutional has resulted in more than 1,000 death
verdicts and 13 executionsat a total cost of $5 billion. - 2016/10/20
Emma Niles: Chris Hedges and Robert Scheer on Activism and the Future of American Politics - Truthdig
The journalists reflect on their own histories and share their insights on the current election season. - 2016/10/20
Receipts and U.S. Mail October 20, 2016
Case No. Summary Appeal CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas - FINES COSTS FEES
Re Lancaster City Police Department of October 5, 2016 HEARING in ABSENTIA
16-3284 U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Chapter 11 Appeal Case - ORDER GRANTING Motion for Continuance
October 18, 2016
Judicial Conduct Board Updated-Form and Docs Re Public Corruption by Clerk of Courts and Prothonotary Re Case No.
Cp-36-SA-0000219-2016 Summary Appeal and Case No. CI-16-08472 October 21, 2016
Filing a Complaint | Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania
West King Street merchants accuse panhandlers of 'taking your money for heroin' | Insider |
Merchants along West King Street in Lancaster want to take back their sidewalks from a growing number of
panhandlers who they say are using handouts mostly for drugs.
WVU experts claim mind controlled computers are just a decade away | Daily Mail Online
An expert at West Virginia University suggests human thought will soon communicate directly with computers,
which will move us toward an era of 'computing at the speed of thought.'
Donald Trump booed for calling Clinton 'corrupt' as bipartisan dinner soured | US news | The Guardian
Audience not amused at annual Alfred E Smith fundraiser in New York where presidential candidates usually trade
lighthearted barbs, to the enjoyment of all
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Pennsylvania home of Grace Kelly sold to Prince Albert II for $754,000
Prince Albert II of Monaco has made a trip to Philadelphia to inspect the house he recently purchased: the home
where his mother, Oscar-winning actress Grace Kelly, grew up and accepted a marriage proposal from his father,
Prince Rainier III.
Grace Kelly - Wikipedia
Princess Stphanie of Monaco - Wikipedia
Caroline, Princess of Hanover - Wikipedia
France Warns Candidates on Cyber Risk After U.S. Election Hacks
Frances cyber-security watchdog is briefing the countrys presidential candidates on hacking threats, drawing
lessons from attacks that have disrupted the U.S. election campaign.
County Commissioners offer to loan $2.7M to Barnstormers owner for stadium rent | Insider |
The Lancaster County Commissioners on Tuesday offered a smaller rent-relief package to the owner of the
Lancaster Barnstormers, in hopes of keeping the team playing in Clipper Magazine Stadium.
Christian Cuevas, Lancaster Realtor's brother, wins knockout round on 'The Voice' | Entertainment |
Christian Cuevas, whose brother is Lancaster Realtor Handy Cuevas, won his "knockout" round on NBC's "The
Voice" to advance to the live competition round.
AT&Ts Secret Surveillance Program Spies on American Customers Without Warrants and for Profit - Truthdig
Heres yet another reason to be concerned about the implications of AT&amp;Ts proposed acquisition of Time
Warner: The Daily Beast has detailed a sophisticated surveillance program created by AT&amp;T that has been
covertly providing U.S. law enforcement with consumers data. And guess who profits from Project Hemisphere?
- 2016/10/25
Nukes are North Koreas ticket to survival: Clapper-INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily
The Music May Stop at a Storied Manhattan Studio - The New York Times
Some of the most popular albums of rocks golden age were produced at the studio on West 53rd Street, but any
developer who bought it would almost certainly replace the recording equipment with apartments.

KANE SENTENCING - October 22, 2016

Trump says countries are turning on US because 'the world hates Obama' | US news | The Guardian
The Republican said America and Barack Obama are globally loathed, citing frosty relations with Rodrigo Duterte,
just hours after criticizing the first lady
Russian man charged with hacking LinkedIn and other tech firms | Technology | The Guardian
LinkedIn has suggested the 29-year-olds arrest is tied to a 2012 breach that resulted in more than 100 million of its
users passwords being compromised
Usage Statistics for TOTALS and MONTHLY to October 22, 2016 With 30 of
40 TOP COUNTRIES October 22, 2016
Zuckerberg proves he is Facebook's editor by allowing Trump's hate speech | Technology | The Guardian
Deciding to make judgments about the newsworthiness of content is a major shift for the social media platform
whose CEO insists it is not a media company
USPS Delivery Confirmation and Letter of Sentence Recommendation for Kathleen Kane to Honorable Judge Wendy
Demchick-Alloy October 22, 2016
Robert Scheer and David Dayen Uncover Untold Stories of the Mortgage Crisis - Truthdig
In this weeks episode of Scheer Intelligence, the Truthdig editor in chief speaks with the author of the book
Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Streets Great Foreclosure Fraud. Transcript
added. - 2016/10/21
Massive Cyberattack Hits U.S. Servers, Affects Twitter, Reddit and Other Sites - Truthdig
On Friday, dozens of popular websites around the globe were shut down. The identity of those responsible has not
been verified yet, although one hacker group has claimed responsibility. Updated. - 2016/10/21
Patty Hearst, Double Agents and the Symbionese Liberation Army - Truthdig
Jeffrey Toobins new book about the kidnapping of heiress Patty Hearst by the SLA in 1974 fails to treat the
revolutionary group in sufficient detail. - 2016/10/21
The Donalds Five-Point Plan to Defeat Islam - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Kellyanne Conway (pictured), Donald Trumps campaign manager, touted the Republican presidential candidates
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plan on MSNBC. - 2016/10/21
Lancaster County tops in state for renewable energy and solar panels | Insider |
Growing popularity of solar energy by Plain sects helps drive Lancaster County to the top.
Trump to make campaign's closing arguments Saturday morning in Gettysburg | Politics |
While Hillary Clinton unveiled an emotional television ad featuring the parents of a slain Muslim American Army
captain, Donald Trump assured supporters he would have no regrets if he loses
Lancaster CRIZ earns city $3.4 million for development | Local News |
Lancaster city learned Friday it will receive $3.4 million in state money for downtown hotel expansions and other
projects under the second year of a novel economic development initiative.
Stan J. Caterbone Members 1st Federal Credit Union ACCOUNT ACTIVITY August 23, 2016 to October 22, 2016
Movie: 'Citizenfour' Coming Monday, October 24, 2016
3 Manheim Township school buses crash on I-76 | Local News |
Three school buses transporting Manheim Township students to a band exhibition in Springfield were involved in a
crash on I-76 east at about 3:30 p.m., according to state police.
Attacks on the internet keep getting bigger and nastier | National |
NEW YORK (AP) Could millions of connected cameras, thermostats and kids' toys bring the internet to its
knees? It's beginning to look that way.
SNL Final Debate Spoof - Trump Vs Hillary (Round 3) - YouTube
Enjoy the very best of SNL
Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Town Hall Debate Cold Open - SNL - YouTube
The gloves are off. Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) faces off against Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) again this
weekend on Saturday Night Live. Get more SNL: ht...
Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Debate Cold Open - SNL - YouTube
Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) and Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) face off in the first presidential debate,
moderated by Lester Holt (Michael Che). Get more S...
Summit teaches School District of Lancaster seventh grade girls about empowerment | Local News |
Nearly 200 seventh-graders gathered Friday at an inaugural event designed to empower Lancaster city teenage girls
of color.
Day care leader confronts loitering, drugs in neighborhood | Insider |
Nina Moragne is fed up with the loitering, panhandling and drug dealing in front of and on the steps of the
Lancaster Early Education Center.
The Military Is Using Artificial Intelligence, But Its Not What You Think
However, the Pentagon is trying to integrate more AI technology into military robots.
Chris Hedges: How Power Works - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Historian Heather Ann Thompsons book on the 1971 Attica prison uprising details the governments brutality, lies
and propaganda, demonization of the poor, obstruction of justice and silencing of those who tried to tell the truth.
She exposes the American blueprint for social control. - 2016/10/23
Burnham profits in Q3 plummet 79.4% due to lower sales | Local Business |
Burnham Holdings said Wednesday that its third quarter net profits plunged 79.4 percent, due to a 21.7 percent drop
in sales.
Cyber attack: hackers 'weaponised' everyday devices with malware to mount assault | Technology | The Guardian
Hundreds of thousands of devices such as webcams and DVRs were infected with malicious code to create a so-
called botnet to target leading sites
In the Spotlight: With new job, Jeremy Young is building on the strength of the city | Local News |
In his new job, Lancaster city resident Jeremy Young is helping shape what the city will look like a decade from
Bill in PA Legislature could restrict information coroners could release | Local News |
Coroners would no longer be allowed to release circumstances of a persons death under legislation being
considered in Harrisburg.
Race for state Senate: Scott Martin and Greg Paulson would bring different perspectives to Harrisburg | Pennsylvania |
Scott Martin and Greg Paulson are far from freshmen to the Lancaster County political scene.
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Bills concerning police transparency, police use of radar before PA Legislature in final days | Local News |
Pennsylvania senators are scheduled to vote on a House bill Monday that would protect the identity of officers who
fire their weapons or use force.
Ex-Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane faces sentencing -
Back in August, Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane resigned from office in disgrace after being
convicted of multiple felonies stemming from a politically-motivated act of retribution. Now a judge will decide
whether her abuse of her elected office was enough to send her to prison.
Bill Information - House Bill 1538; Regular Session 2015-2016 - PA General Assembly
CCR News: A victory for torture accountability
Analysis: Notre Dame bye week revelations, from mind control to lessons from Ara | Notre Dame Insider Football |
What matters most with Miami rolling into town
Hillary Clinton's record as secretary of state hints at possible presidential role | US news | The Guardian
The Democratic candidate visited 122 countries and faced crises in Afghanistan, Libya and Syria but insiders say
she defies easy categorisation as a hawk or dove
Supporters | The Guardian Members
Supporters protect our editorial freedom and help us seek out those stories that people are determined to keep
Say No again to judges |
By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS: Pennsylvania was once known for the quality of its judicial system. At least
that is the claim of Peter F. Vaira, a
Recent Russian Events That Are of Significance |
By Slava Tsukerman The stuffed dummy of Solzhenitsyn hanging on the doors of the Gulag Museum in Moscow
This week three events were most commented upon
Where is Lancaster County most conservative? Most liberal? | Local News |
Lancaster County is 52 percent Republican, 32 percent Democrat and 15 percent independent, voter registration
figures show.
Commentary: Beating Ohio State a pivotal moment for PSU football | Football |
STATE COLLEGE The whole thing is a blur right now to be honest with you.
Repairing the damage done by disgraced Attorney General Kathleen Kane | Insider |
When he was sworn in as Pennsylvania's attorney general in August, Bruce Beemer had a massive task before him:
to clean up the mess left behind by Kathleen Kane, who
The Innocent Origins of Todays Corporate Crimes - WSJ
In an excerpt from his new book, Why They Do It: Inside the Mind of the White-Collar Criminal, Eugene Soltes
writes that for much of recorded history, businesses were financed by a single person or small group. But over time,
larger and more ambitious business ventures began to uproot this basic structure and the personal ties between
executives and investors eroded.
EDITORIAL: What does it take to get Pennsylvanians to wake up to statewide corruption? |
Publisher Robert Field and columnist Bill Keisling have long pondered how Pennsylvania can be consistently rated
among the most corrupt five states in the union
LETTER: Paul Ware bemoans losses to his foundation caused by institution he headed |
Re: Jamanis Family Concert September 14, 2016 at 4:24 pm Edit Good thing its free. Last time I contributed to
something by Veri & Jamanis, it
Gunshot strikes victim in groin during armed robbery in Manheim Township
The 18-year-old victim told police a man held him up yesterday at gunpoint on the 1000 block of Olde Hickory
Road. When the suspect started going through the mans pockets a gun went off, striking the victim in the groin
1 killed, 2 injured in shooting at Fort Lauderdale-area apartment WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort
Judge to Kathleen Kane: 'extraordinary abuse of the system' warrants 10 to 23 months in prison | Pennsylvania |
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NORRISTOWN Former Attorney General Kathleen Kane was sentenced Monday to 10 to 23 months in prison
for her conviction on two counts of lying under oath to cover up
Former Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane gets 10 to 23 months in jail in revenge, perjury case - CBS News
Kane was also sentenced to 8 years probation by Montgomery County judge who said her ego drove her to break the
kathleen kane - Google Search
Ex-attorney general sentenced to jail, then cuffed in court | Local News - WTAE Home
Former Attorney General Kathleen Kane was sentenced Monday to 10 to 23 months in jail for illegally disclosing
details from a grand jury investigation to embarrass a rival and lying about it under oath.
Judge hands jail sentence to former Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane (+video) -
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was sentenced with 10 to 23 months in jail on Monday, after
she was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice after leaking grand jury information and then lying about it
under oath.
Kathleen Kane, Former Pennsylvania Attorney General, Is Sentenced to Prison - The New York Times
Ms. Kanes unlikely political career came to a humiliating close on Monday, when a judge sentenced her to 10 to 23
months in prison for perjury and abuse of her office.
Defendants Sentencing Memorandum
Kathleen Kane, Former Pennsylvania Attorney General, Is Sentenced to Prison - The New York Times
Ms. Kanes unlikely political career came to a humiliating close on Monday, when a judge sentenced her to 10 to 23
months in prison for perjury and abuse of her office.
Brad Bumsted - HOME
Who's News: Lancaster County hirings and promotions | Local Business |
Here's a roundup of recent hirings and promotions of management-level employees who live or work in Lancaster
The Latest: Ex-attorney general: 2 sons have been suffering - The Washington Post
The Latest on the sentencing of former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane (all times local):
Former PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane gets prison term -
A judge sentenced former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane on Monday to 10 to 23 months in prison
for committing multiple felonies stemming from a politically motivated act of retribution.
5 Reasons That Snowden Is Probably A PsyOp | We see as through a glass darkly
1. If he were a real whistleblower, leaking super-secret classified documents and agendas that posed an existential
threat to the tyrannical powers, he would simply be dead. Typically, honest-to-goodness whistleblowers have a
tendency of suddenly committing "suicide", (often inflicting damage upon themselves that would be quite difficult
for a person to do themselves, such as
CITIZENFOUR Edward Snowden Documentary Film 2014 - YouTube
AT&T Is Spying on Americans for Profit - The Daily Beast
New documents reveal the telecom giant is doing NSA-style work for law enforcementwithout a warrantand
earning millions a year from taxpayers.
Ex-PA Attorney General Sentenced to Jail for Lying Under Oath, Leaking Docs | Fox News Insider
Pennsylvania's former top prosecutor has been sentenced to 10 to 23 months in prison, followed by 8 years
probation, after being convicted of leaking grand jury documents to the press to apparently retaliate against a rival
prosecutor, and then lying under oath about it.
Reactions to Kathleen Kanes Sentence | PoliticsPA
Facebook to consider public interest before removal of posts violating guidelines | Technology | The Guardian
Move comes after repeated criticism of Facebook from news organisations, charities and others over important posts
being taken down without notice
Input from Community and Partners on our Community Standards | Facebook Newsroom
Top 10 hackers who turned activists TechWorm
You should know these top 10 hackers who turned activists Hacking combined with activisms aka Hacktivism is an
occurrence definite to the digital age, repr
Kathleen Kane sentence: At least 10 months in county jail
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When you put your hand on the Bible, the judge told the convicted ex-attorney general, you werent thinking of
[your children]. You were thinking of yourself.
Updated Post Sentencing - USPS Delivery Confirmation and Letter of Sentence Recommendation for Kathleen Kane to
Honorable Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy October 24, 2016
Kathleen Kane Posts Bail, Out of Jail Tuesday - Story | WETM-TV
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has posted bail hours after being sentenced for illegally
disclosing details from a grand jury investigation.
Bait and switch - The News
Dear Editor,
RECIEPTS of Sunday October 23, 2016 - Lowes, Villanova West, Christina Hartman, Marriott at Penn Square
Bon Jovi Vs: Bongiovi Rages On - MTV
August 27 -- Kissing cousins? Try kiss-off, cousin. A longstanding dispute between Jon Bon Jovi and his second
cousin Tony Bongiovi is in the news. Each is
Bongiovi DPS | Imagine Perfect Audio
A whole new way to enjoy sound on your computer
Quetta attack: Pakistan reels as more than 50 die in assault on police academy | World news | The Guardian
Terrorists explode suicide vests after storming into Balochistan police college firing machine guns and throwing
hand grenades, say cadets and authorities
Former Pennsylvania attorney general Kathleen Kane sentenced to prison - The Washington Post
The quick rise and even quicker fall of Pennsylvania's former Attorney General.
Lancaster County woman recalls being shot in her neck as she sat in her parents' home | Insider |
Gen Mark Graham On Mental Illness: Be There To Help, And Not Judge
Retired Army Maj. Gen. Mark Graham encourages vets in need to get treatment.
Tom Hayden: Tom Haydens New Port Huron Statement - Articles - Truthdig
From the archives: The veteran social activist wrote a new preface to the manifesto that helped shape a generations
views on racial equality, participatory democracy and the military-industrial complex. - 2016/10/24
Tom Hayden: How I Became an Activist - Truthdig
In a 20-minute interview, left-wing activist Tom Hayden, who died Sunday at age 76, tells of his reluctant
transformation from journalist to activist following an encounter with Martin Luther King Jr. - 2016/10/24
On Contact: Chris Hedges and Hamza Yusuf Explore the Islamic World - Truthdig
The Truthdig columnist and the Islamic scholar review how Western interests have shaped Muslim societies and
how terror groups have perverted Islam. - 2016/10/24
'AT&T is Spying' report gets social media up in arms - CNET
Social Cues: Turns out, people aren't too happy with allegations that their privacy may be jeopardized even more
than they already knew.
Kathleen Kane, Former Pennsylvania Attorney General, Is Sentenced to Priso |
NEW YORK TIMES: The brief, unlikely political career of Kathleen G. Kane, Pennsylvanias brightest rising star
when she was elected attorney general less than
Robert Field of Common Sense for Drug Policy - YouTube
Robert Field, Co-Chairman of Common Sense For Drug Policy; is intervewed about his
contributions to drug policy reform, while in San Fran...
International Signal and Control - Wikipedia
Cluster bomb system and method - ISC Technologies, Inc.
Each bomblet within a cluster bomb is provided with an individually programmable detonation time delay, such that
the bomblets can be programmed to detonate at desired intervals over a relatively long
Pennsylvania attorney general Kathleen Kane is released on $75,000 bail after two hours in jail | Daily Mail Online
Kathleen Kane, 50, was freed Monday evening after a Pennsylvania judge sentenced her to 1- to 23 months in
prison for leaking grand jury documents and then lying about it under oath.
Prison Officials Ready To Welcome Kathleen Kane If Appeal Fails CBS Philly
When Kathleen Kane does eventually settle into her new digs at the Montgomery County lock up, she'll be treated
like any other inmate.
Kane Gets Slapped With Prison Time, Then Parking Ticket CBS Philly
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To say it was a bad day for Kathleen Kane would be an understatement.
Mulberry Street in Lancaster city will again carry 2-way traffic beginning Nov. 1 | Local News |
Two-way traffic will resume on much of Mulberry Street on Nov. 1.
Poll: Kathleen Kane will serve up to 23 months, did judge get it right? |
Former Pennsylvania attorney general sentences for leaking grand jury information, lying about it under oath.
2004 Hyundai Santa Fe From Barry Miller Quality Cars REGISTRATION and TITLE Dated October 13, 2016
RECIEVED October 24, 2016
Tony Bongiovi created the Legendary Powerstation Studios and produced artist as Aerosmith, Jimi Hendrix, Ozzy
Ozbourne, The Ramones, Talking Heads, NoEnd, Scorpions, The Rezillos, Aldo Nova, among many others
Power Station Founder Bob Walters Passes |
Power Station Recording Studio
Power Station Recording Studio
The studio of the stars is up for sale -
From B.B. King to Lady Gaga and Eric Clapton, Avatar Studios has played host to many of the most famous names
in music -- and produced a string of iconic albums.
Superior Court Re in Forma Pauperis Fraud by the Judiciary of the County of Lancaster and the Common Pleas Court
October 9, 2015
1108-2015 Superior Court 1915-MDA-2015 ORDER by President Judge Dennis e. Reinaker ADMITTING
WRONGDOING AND DEFAMATION Re Private Criminal Complaint v. Lancaster City Police January 6, 2016
PA RAP (Rules of Procedure) Superior Court Citations Downloaded March 19, 2007
Carter suspends Pentagons demand of the return of cash bonuses to California soldiers | Fox News
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced Wednesday that he was ordering the Pentagon to suspend its efforts to
recover decade-old reenlistment bonuses paid to thousands of California Army National Guard soldiers who fought
in Iraq and Afghanistan.
CIA Declassifies Report On The Man Who Ousted The Australian Government In 1975 | Gizmodo Australia
There are a lot of different conspiracy theories about what happened to the Australian government in November of
1975. In a surprise move, the ultra l...
OPINION WikiLeaks must continue to reveal priceless information | Opinion |
On Oct. 12, WikiLeaks released emails hacked from John Podesta, chairman of Hillary Clintons presidential
campaign. These emails joined a string of releases this year that included emails from the
Why Gov. Wolf is blocking an 'independent' inspector general to investigate waste and fraud | Insider |
HARRISBURG Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf will veto a bill sponsored by two Lancaster County Republican
legislators that would establish what they see as an independent inspector general to investigate
Chemical Concussions and Secret LSD: Pentagon Details Cold War Mind-Control Tests | WIRED
More than 30 years after it was written, the Pentagon has released a memorandum detailing its involvement in the
CIAs infamous Cold War mind-control experiments. But a warning to conspiracy theorists on the lookout for new
fodder: This isnt quite Men Who Stare at Goats II. The 17-page document (.pdf), Experimentation Programs
conducted by the
Tech privacy ally Feingold leads in Wisconsin Senate race | Reuters
Next month's Senate election in Wisconsin could gain Silicon Valley a key ally in Washington in the high-tech
industry's battle against the U.S. government's growing appetite for more access to private data.
Real Estate Tax | Berkheimer
The spy who couldnt spell: how the biggest heist in the history of US espionage was foiled | Yudhijit Bhattacharjee |
World news | The Guardian
The Long Read: Ever since childhood, Brian Regan had been made to feel stupid because of his severe dyslexia. So
he thought no one would suspect him of stealing secrets
SecDef Orders Pentagon To Suspend Collection Of Guard Bonuses
The defense chief has ordered the DoD to suspend the collection of bonuses improperly awarded to California
National Guardsmen.
Lancaster Fleet and Auto
Exclusive: Freed Panther Sekou Odinga on Joining the Panthers, COINTELPRO & Assata Shakur's Escape | Democracy
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Former NSA exec: We misjudged potential of insider threats like Snowden | ZDNet
Chris Inglis, former deputy director of the NSA, warns that connected systems mean malicious insiders can now do
damage more quickly and more easily than ever.
AT&T, Time Warner and the Death of Privacy - Truthdig
Where you go, what you watch, with whom you speak, all your internet searches, gathered and vertically
integrated, sold to police and perhaps to corporate customersthis is our future, unless we stop this merger. -
Tom Hayden: Tom Hayden: Revolution, Protest and America - Truthdig
From the archives: The social and political activist discusses the war in Iraq, U.S.-Cuba relations, and Americas
war on drugs. (translated from a Cuban newspaper) - 2016/10/26
All-American Slaughter: The Youthful Carnage of Americas Gun Culture - Truthdig
The presence of gangs in neighborhoods where many American children are killed with guns daily is used as a way
to dismiss serious thinking about why this is happening. - 2016/10/26
Tom Hayden on the Vietnam War and Americas Collective Memory - Truthdig
In a speech last year in Washington, D.C., the late activist explained how Americans need to remember the
successes and the failures of the peace movement of the 1960s and &rsquo;70s in order to achieve political unity. -
Meth Smokers Drove To NSA HQ With Guns, Drugs And A Grenade, Government Claims
Meth users rock up to Fort Meade with drugs, a shotgun, a revolver and a grenade, according to a court filing.
Deputy attorney general fired by Kathleen Kane gets his job back |
A top lieutenant who was fired by former Attorney General Kathleen Kane after he testified against her in a grand
jury leak investigation has been restored to his former position in the Attorney General's Office.
Artist Kerry Sacco chases the light in new show at Garth Gallery | Entertainment |
Kerry Sacco is not interested in creating exactly what she sees in front of her.
Music for Everyone to take over Tellus360 Thursday | Entertainment |
Music for Everyone will host a concert event at Tellus360 to celebrate its 10th year.
Jay Z becomes first rapper nominated for Songwriters Hall of Fame induction | Entertainment |
Jay Z, Madonna, Cat Stevens and Gloria Estefan are among the nominees for the 2017 Songwriters Hall of Fame
Snowden Speaks On the Protection of the People Pepperdine Graphic
Contact Us Lancaster Fleet and Auto
LETTER TO LANCASTER FLEET AND AUTO re: Santa Fe Recovery at Lancaster Fleet and Auto Tow Yard on
October 27, 2016
CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT July 20, 2016 Ver 2.0 Full
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
File (.txt) or read book online for free. Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons
and Founder of the Electronic Warfare Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
Jury rules in favor of ex-Penn State assistant coach in defamation case; $7 million in damages awarded
A jury has ruled in favor of ex-Penn State assistant coach Mike McQueary in his defamation case, awarding him
over $7 million in damages.
Man who shot, killed ex-girlfriend in Mt. Gretna has died, police say
The man who police say shot and killed his ex-girlfriend at a Mt. Gretna ice cream shop on Labor Day has died.
Names of Covert Agents Among Documents Stolen From NSA: Feds - NBC News
Documents found in the search of materials stolen by a former NSA contractor included names of covert
intelligence officers, federal prosecutors say.
Ex-Attorney General Gets 10 To 23 Months In Jail For Perjury | 90.5 WESA
Former Attorney General Kathleen Kane was sentenced Monday to 10 to 23 months in jail for illegally disclosing
details from a grand jury investigation to
US Approves Indefinite Gitmo Detention for CIA Torture Victim Abu Zubaydah
The Periodic Review Board at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has determined that alleged Central Intelligence Agency
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(CIA) torture victim Abu Zubaydah should remain in indefinite detention, according to a Department of Defense
What Happens in Gitmo Stays in Gitmo: How CIA Buries its Dirty Secrets
What does the US government do when they can neither charge nor acquit a tortured person? Evidently, they leave
them to die. Radio Sputniks Brian Becker discusses the case of Guantanamo inmate and torture victim Abu
Zabaydah with whistleblower and former CIA agent John Kiriakou.
Hacker who stole nude photos of celebrities gets 18 months in prison | Technology | The Guardian
Ryan Collins ran a two-year phishing scam to gain the passwords of more than 100 people, including Jennifer
Lawrence, Rihanna and Avril Lavigne
Jury hands ex-Penn St. assistant over $7M in defamation case | Pennsylvania |
BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) A jury awarded a former Penn State assistant football coach $7.3 million in damages
Thursday, finding the university defamed him after it became public that his
Lyft, app-based ride hailing service, 'exploring interest' in Lancaster | Insider |
Lyft has begun recruiting drivers in Lancaster and is showing other signs that it is preparing to launch its ride-
hailing service here.
'Don't believe the polls': Donald Trump's supporters back him against the odds | US news | The Guardian
At a rally in Geneva, the cries of lock her up! are loud and every negative opinion poll or media report only
entrenches the support of Trump fans
Michelle Obama showers Clinton with praise at joint rally: 'Hillary doesn't play' | US news | The Guardian
The first lady referred to the Democratic nominee as my girl and the two shared a big hug during their first
campaign appearance together in North Carolina
Vagina Dispatches episode three: the orgasm gap video | Life and style | The Guardian
Women are less likely to orgasm than men but is it really more difficult for women?
Virtual Open House - Lancaster Catholic High School
VERE's Mind Control Robots Give Patients Out-of-Body Experience | Inverse
The VERE project uses an electroencephalogram (EEG) cap to allow paralyzed patients to control robots remotely.
Word of Life: 'Financial crime that went bad'
The Word of Life Christian Church tragedy was a multifaceted case, ranging from financial coersion to mind
control, according to the cases top prosecutor.
Zombies are real! | Science News for Students
Some parasites worm their way into other creatures brains and alter their victims behavior. Meet zombie ants,
spiders, cockroaches, fish and more.
Kathleen Kane goes from rising star to fallen star | Commentary |
The Kathleen Kane story is a tragedy.
Vet With PTSD, Service Dog Suing Airline After Abusive Treatment
She was denied boarding and grilled by airline employees about her dog and her illness.
Tom Hayden: Tom Hayden on Iraq: Beyond the Horizon, the Storm - Columns - Truthdig
From the archives: In 2006, the veteran social activist warned that an increasingly mainstream anti-war movement
can become unwieldy and prone to loss of focus: We no longer are a huddling minority. ... We are immersed in the
gradual soul-searching currents of the mainstream, where loss of direction is a constant risk. - 2016/10/27
Federal court asked to invalidate Pa. judge-retirement vote |
PHILLY.COM: : Two former Pennsylvania Supreme Court chief justices and a prominent Philadelphia lawyer are
now asking a federal court to declare a ballot
Ralph Nader and Noam Chomsky Have Their First Public Conversation (Video) - Truthdig
The renowned activists discuss Americas current electoral extravaganza, climate change, the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict and several other topics. - 2016/10/26
Former NSA contractor to ask to be released from prison at hearing Friday - Baltimore Sun
A former National Security Agency contractor charged with stealing government property and taking classified
information is again asking to be released from prison at hearing in federal court Friday.
Reciepts - October 26, 2016
U.S. Passport Renewal Check October 28, 2016
USPS Label Clerk of Court and National Passport Processing Center, Philadelphia Pa October 28, 2016
Case No. Cp-36-SA-0000219-2016 Notice of Appeal to Superior Court of Pennsylvania October 28, 2016
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US: NSA Contractor, Glen Burnie Resident, St | WBAL Radio 1090 AM
WBAL Radio 1090 AM - US: NSA Contractor, Glen Burnie Resident, Stole Info On American Spies Abroad


The Global Intelligence Files - Loughner

UPDATED: Arizona Assassin Obsessed With Mind Control Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Leaked email says 'no charges' would be filed in puppy abuse case that has SPCA, DA's office sparring | Local News |
An email from a county detective appears to contradict a statement from the district attorneys office that the
investigation into an animal cruelty case is ongoing.
FBI investigating new emails tied to Hillary Clinton for classified information | National |
WASHINGTON (AP) The FBI is investigating whether there is classified information in new emails uncovered
during the sexting investigation of disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of
Hillary Clinton demands FBI give details on latest email inquiry 'immediately' | US news | The Guardian
Democratic candidate says sudden announcement with no explanation is not good enough after FBI director
notifies Congress of pertinent discovery
'I was left speechless': Bob Dylan breaks two-week silence over Nobel prize | Music | The Guardian
After being criticised as arrogant for not responding to his prize, artist says he will attend award ceremony if
KiMi Robinson: Millennials Search for Truth on Election and Distrust Media, Intelligence Firm Reports - Truthdig
Young voters are using critical thinking, research and social media engagement to decide whom they want as their
next president. The big question is whether they will be motivated to vote for candidates that anger and disappoint
them. - 2016/10/28
Bill Boyarsky: Tom Hayden Fought for the Rights of All Living Things - Truthdig
The progressive activist compiled an impressive record in California and local politicsfrom 18 years in the state
Capitol to a variety of community crusades. Even shelter animals benefited from his work. - 2016/10/28
Tom Hayden: Tom Hayden: Things Come Around in the Mideast - Truthdig
From the archives: The veteran social activist, drawing upon his own rude political awakening to the realities of
Israeli and Middle East politics during the 1980s, warns that the Israel lobby in the U.S. aims to roll back the clock
and change the map of the region, and that its neoconservative supporters will probably try to use the current Middle
East crisis to ignite a larger war against Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran. - 2016/10/28
Iraqs Skies Darken as Islamic State Torches Oil - Truthdig
With many civilians likely to die in the conflict in Iraq and Syria, the fighting also threatens the environment as ISIS
torches oil wells. - 2016/10/28
Paul Von Blum: Invisible Nation - Book Review - Truthdig
Families represent 37 percent of todays homeless population. Entire families live in the streets, in cars, in
temporary shelters and in single motel rooms. A new book examines family homelessness in five American cities. -
Democrats pile pressure on FBI's Comey over eleventh-hour Clinton email letter | US news | The Guardian
Congressional heavyweights demand briefing on decision to bring up unspecified new material less than two weeks
before election
Barnstormers owner accepts Lancaster County's help with stadium rent, eyes more concerts and amenities | Insider |
On Tuesday, the Lancaster County Commissioners agreed to help the owner of the Lancaster Barnstormers pay its
rent on Clipper Magazine Stadium.
Lancaster city man fatally shot in head Friday night | Local News |
A Lancaster city man was fatally shot in the head Friday night, according to city police.
Schools focus on policies during election that's been 'a social studies teacher's worst nightmare' | Insider |
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On Election Day, Cocalico Middle School students will have an important choice to make: Should the Ramen
Noodle Party or the Cookie Squad rule the school?
Kane sentence: Justice served | TribLIVE
I commend Montgomery County Common Pleas Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy for imposing an appropriate prison
sentence of 10 to 23 months on disgraced former Pennsylvania Attorney ...
The Best Way to Save Obamacare |
NEW YORK TIMES OP-ED: As someone involved in the debate over the Affordable Care Act from the start, I
dont find these unhappy events all that surprising.
The troubling similarities between Kane and Trump | Columnists |
I am hoping this is the last column I write, or need to, about either Kathleen Kane or Donald Trump.
Plame speaks on career of being a CIA agent
Ask anyone to describe a typical CIA agent, and youll get a furtive figure in a slouch hat and raincoat, with a
pale face from long nights in smoke-filled bars.
Take Action | Global Zero
There are more than 17,000 nuclear weapons in nine countries. Each one is a catastrophe waiting to happen.
Take Action | Global Zero
There are more than 17,000 nuclear weapons in nine countries. Each one is a catastrophe waiting to happen.
National conservative groups launch $800,000 effort against Congressional candidate Hartman | Insider |
A pair of influential national conservative organizations are staking big money on an effort to keep Democratic
candidate Christina Hartman out of Congress.
Annual conference brings cops, kids together in positive, proactive ways | Local News |
Hand Elementary eighth-grader Cody Marrero had heard police stories before.
CIA to make 11mn declassified docs available to public online RT America
The CIA is finally putting its database of declassified documents up for public access. Since 2000, the 11 million
documents had only been accessible to academic researchers at a special facility in Maryland.
Ben Carson speaks to Lancaster GOP, sits down with LNP to talk FBI email probe, 'rigged' election and more | Insider |
Ben Carson, while campaigning for Donald Trump in Lancaster County Friday, was delighted at the news that the
FBI would reopen its investigation into Hillary Clintons private email servers.
LNP Game of the Week highlights: Lancaster Catholic at Donegal | Football |
Read more about Friday night's Crusaders-Indians game.
Clinton email inquiry: FBI gets search warrant as agency head accused of 'partisan' actions | US news | The Guardian
Senate minority leader accuses Comey of withholding information about email hacks and says he may have violated
Hatch Act with letter to Congress before election
Bruce Springsteen: You can change a life in three minutes with the right song | Music | The Guardian
The global superstar talks about the masculine facade of Donald Trump, the strength he inherited from his mother,
the philosophy he shares with fans, and the joy he delivers on stage
Updated - Fulton Bank - ISC - James Guerin - Scooter Libby - William Clark - CIA - Valerie Plame - Chris Underhill - Joe
Roda October 31, 2016
Receipts - Notes - Photos for Friday October 28, 2016 and Saturday October 29, 2016
ME, MY FATHER, AND THE MIDDLE EAST by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Monday October 31,
Chris Hedges: American Irrationalism - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
We are captive to images and forms of propaganda that make us the most self-deluded population on the planet. We
are driven by manipulated emotions, not fact or reason. And this is why, even now, Donald Trump could become
president.&nbsp; - 2016/10/30
We Must Tell the Truth About the Iraq War - Truthdig
The Peoples Tribunal on the Iraq War wants to expose the lies and human toll of the ongoing invasion. - 2016/10/30
In a cyberwar - Military Embedded Systems
WARFARE EVOLUTION BLOG: This is another broad, sticky, and complex topic, much like the previous article
on cryptology. So, lets get started by offering some definitions.
How the world views the US elections, from Israel to North Korea | US news | The Guardian
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While many countries have shown a preference for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump has pockets of support, as
Guardian journalists around the world explain
Oakland's 'mega-evictor', the landlord who filed over 3,000 eviction notices | US news | The Guardian
Pro-tenant group says a landlord who has a seat on Oaklands housing cabinet is also the top evictor in the city,
where a housing crunch has reached crisis levels
CCR News: Fighting blacklists and round-ups - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Everything you need to know about the state House races in Lancaster County | Insider |
Lancaster County voters will decide which state House members to send back to Harrisburg in the Nov. 8 election.
Man shot to death Friday night in Lancaster is identified | Local News |
The man shot to death Friday night in Lancaster city has been identified.
Shadowbrokers' NSA dirty tricks spill points to compromised servers in China and Russia | Computing
NSA also partial to exploiting zero-day security flaws in Sun Solaris, Shadowbrokers' leak indicates,Security
,security,Cloud Computing
Lifeboat News: The Blog
VEREs Mind Control Robots Give Patients Out-of-Body Experience
Hackers threaten to reveal more NSA data | NT News
A group calling itself Shadow Brokers says it has released more from its trove of high-level hacking tools stolen
from the US National Security Agency, potentially offering added insight into how Americas spies operate online.
Dozens Of Prosecutors Chastise FBI Director Comey In Letter
Former Attorney General Eric Holder and dozens of other former federal prosecutors have signed a letter critical of
FBI Director James Comey. The
Read the Open Letter By Former Federal Prosecutors Criticizing James Comey - Truthdig
Nearly 100 prosecutors and Department of Justice officials, including former Attorney General Eric Holder,
expressed serious concerns over FBI Director Comeys departure from long-standing department protocols. -
Donald Kaufman: Update: CNN Announces Donna Braziles Resignation in Light of New WikiLeaks Revelations -
The interim Democratic National Committee chairwoman came under scrutiny as new evidence points to abuses of
power.&nbsp; - 2016/10/31
Dozens of Groups Call on Facebook to End Censorship - Truthdig
As the social media giant comes under fire for its alleged censorship and tracking of activists and protesters, a
coalition of more than 70 groups and individuals has demanded that it clarify its policy on removing video and
other content, especially human rights documentation, at the request of government actors. - 2016/10/31
On Contact: Chris Hedges and Medea Benjamin on the U.S.-Saudi Alliance - Truthdig
On this weeks episode of RTs On Contact, the Truthdig columnist and the author of Kingdom of the Unjust:
Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection, explore why Saudi Arabia remains one of the United States closest allies in the
Middle East in spite of the monarchys record of human rights abuses. - 2016/10/31
Ex-CIA CTO: dont believe everything you hear about hacking | Security | Techworld
Bob Flores, who was CTO of the CIA for three years, tells Techworld what he believes are the most serious security
threats the world faces today - and that it's wiser to follow the money rather than uncritically believe everything you
hear about hacking.
MI5 head: increasingly aggressive Russia a growing threat to UK | UK news | The Guardian
Exclusive: In first newspaper interview given by a serving spy chief, Andrew Parker talks of terror, espionage and
balance between secrecy and privacy
Embattled Lancaster County SPCA director resigns, citing 'emotional challenge' | Local News |
The executive director of the Lancaster County SPCA is stepping down, effective Nov. 4.
Man shot to death Friday in Lancaster city identified; 9th homicide in county this year | Local News |
The man shot to death Friday night in Lancaster city has been identified as Pedro Flores Jr.
Hackers say they're revealing more from trove of NSA data - | Chattanooga News, Weather & Sports
A group calling itself "Shadow Brokers" says it has released another gem from its trove of high-level hacking tools
stolen from the U.S.'s National Security Agency, potentially offering...
Shadow Brokers leak second batch of data allegedly from NSA-linked 'Equation Group' hacking unit
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The leak appears to consist of a list of servers compromised by NSA hackers.
ME, MY FATHER, AND THE MIDDLE EAST by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group Monday October 31,
2016 With Supporting EVIDENCE
CIA Releases Draft History of Bay of Pigs |
JUST RELEASED! - Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Official History of the Bay of Pigs Operation
Commentary: Dont's be so sure Russia hacked the Clinton emails | Reuters
By James Bamford Last summer, cyber investigators plowing through the thousands of leaked emails from the
Democratic National Committee uncovered a
Clinton campaign dismisses polls putting Donald Trump in the lead | US news | The Guardian
A senior Clinton campaign official says a new ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll which put Trump one
point ahead is not what we see at all
Shadow Brokers hacking group threaten to release top secret spook files
Shadowy organisation says it has a trove of top secret data from the U.S. National Security Agency.
Deputy sheriffs or constables? Lancaster County officials debate who should serve warrants | Insider |
Lancaster County elected officials discussed whether a new system put in place earlier this year to serve outstanding
warrants is effective.
Defense Contractor Fraud Center
Defense Contractor Fraud Center
The Texas Military Force Museum | Brigadier General John C. L. Scribner Texas Military Forces Museum
Affidavit Form | Free General Affidavit Template (US) | LawDepot
Quickly create a customized Sworn Affadavit or Statutory Declaration using our online forms. Print or download for
Lancaster Fleet and Auto IMPOUND INVOICE October 27, 2016
UPDATED - ME, MY FATHER, AND THE MIDDLE EAST by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group
Wednesday November 2, 2016 With Supporting EVIDENCE
Tony Bongiovi AFFIDAVIT November 2, 2016
Stan J.Caterbone ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP Freedom From Covert Harassment &amp; Surveillance,
Registered in Penns...
Suspect identified in 'ambush-style' killings of Des Moines police officers | US news | The Guardian
Iowa authorities name Scott Michael Greene as suspect in early Wednesday shootings and warn of clear and present
danger to officers in and around city
Mind Control EVIDENCE November 2, 2016
Director Brennan ushers in sweeping changes at CIA - Reuters.TV
Reuters National Security Investigations Editor David Rohde interviewed Central Intelligence Agency Director John
Brennan about his sweeping reforms to keep up with rapid changes in global cyber espionage.
16-3284 Third Circuit Case - ADDENDUM and SUPPLEMENTAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION for Consideration
Re Application for in Forma Pauperis November 3, 2016
Barack Obama delivers stinging critique of FBI: 'We don't operate on leaks' | US news | The Guardian
President censures James Comeys decision to announce review related to Hillary Clinton days before election as
campaigning reaches fever pitch
Facebook isn't looking out for your privacy. It wants your data for itself | Technology | The Guardian
Dont be fooled by the social networks hostile response to Admirals plan to price car insurance based on posts
High levels of carbon monoxide prompts Lancaster County Prison lockdown | Local News |
Lancaster County Prison was placed on lock down for two hours Wednesday because of high levels of carbon
Lancaster County man flies 4,000 miles in a go-kart with wings, touches down Wednesday in Smoketown | Local News |
David Grabowski, searching for an adventure, found the ultralight trike by accident during a Google search.
Anti-Black Surveillance Did Not End With COINTELPRO
Even as the Smithsonian Museum is documenting Black history, the US is continuing its repression of Black life.
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convened a joint...
Former spy chiefs call for EU-US intelligence hub
Europe and the US need an "intelligence hub to fight terrorism, with grand ideas on EU military integration
unlikely to bear fruit, Germanys former spy chief has said.
Chris Hedges and Tavis Smiley Discuss Popular Resistance and the Failure of Mainstream Media - Truthdig
The talk show host asks Hedges about the current election and about what is in store for the United States after Nov.
8. - 2016/11/01
Jordan Riefe: Walt Whitmans America Through Edward Westons Eyes - Truthdig
Weston may not have studied Whitmans poetry before embarking on a photographic road trip for a special edition
of Leaves of Grass. Yet while having the time of his life, he also got the spirit right. - 2016/11/01
windows 10 | eBay
Find great deals on eBay for windows 10 windows 10 software. Shop with confidence.
Xerox WorkCentre 6505/DN Color Multifunction Printer- Automatic Duplexing 95205849189 | eBay
Introducing the Phaser 6500 and WorkCentre 6505. Style: Printer. Up to 24 ppm color and black and white. Item
model number: 6505/DN. Learn More. | eBay!
Feds probe Fulton Bank, 3 others for possible fair-lending violations | Insider |
Fulton Bank, the biggest bank in Lancaster County, and three sister banks are being investigated for possible
violations of federal fair-lending laws.
Inside the CIA, sweeping reforms during the age of cyberwar | INFORUM
Here are all of Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's campaign stops in Pennsylvania since June | Insider |
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have spent more time in Pennsylvania than almost anywhere else in the country
since becoming presumptive presidential nominees last summer.
Ivanka Trump visit to Lancaster Sunday afternoon canceled | Local News |
Update at 10:45 a.m. Sunday: Ivanka Trump's Lancaster stop has been canceled, a spokesman for the Republican
Committee of Lancaster County said Sunday morning.
Julian Assange Speaks About Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Election and the Litany of Charges Against Him - Truthdig
In a 25-minute interview, WikiLeaks founder gives an analysis of the emails he published from the personal
account of John Podesta (Hillary Clintons presidential campaign chairman), and much more. - 2016/11/05
Allen Barra: America the Ingenious - Book Review - Truthdig
Truthdigs Allen Barra speaks with Kevin Baker, author of America the Ingenious: How a Nation of Dreamers,
Immigrants, and Tinkerers Changed the World, which explores the incredible diversity of inventions and
innovations that arose from our country. - 2016/11/05
Beyond Bob Dylan: authors, poets and musicians pick their favourite songwriter | Books | The Guardian
Dylans Nobel prize win sparked a debate about lyrics as literature. Here, Andrew Motion, Carol Ann Duffy, Johnny
Marr, Naomi Alderman and others nominate songwriters whose verse has the power of poetry
Joseph Kennedy III speaks to Democratic rally near spot where JFK campaigned in 1960 | Local News |
Fifty-six years after his great-uncle, John F. Kennedy, spoke in Penn Square during a 1960 presidential campaign
stop, U.S. Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy III addressed a get-out-the-vote rally for local
ON MENTAL ILLNESS: Donald Trump's Conspiracy Theories Resemble Psychosis. Category: Columns from The
Berkeley Daily Planet
The East Bay's Non-commercial Voice
Guess who came to the wedding? | News |
"Uncle Bob" slipped quietly into the Manheim Township suburbs last weekend.
A Passion for Leadership Audiobook | Robert M Gates |
Listen to A Passion for Leadership Audiobook by Robert M Gates, narrated by George Newbern.
Bill Blum: James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Anthony Weiner and Our Descent Into Pulp Fiction Democracy - Truthdig
Forget WikiLeaks, speeches to Goldman Sachs and the behind-the-scenes machinations of John Podesta. The FBI
directors letter to Congress was the ultimate October surprise. - 2016/11/04
Invoice US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter Re Mind Control July 5,2015
Invoice US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter Re Mind Control July 5,2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text
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file (.txt) or read online for free. Invoice US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter Re Mind Control July 5,2015
Madeleine Albright in Lancaster to boost Hartman's campaign and talk foreign policy | Local News |
Madeleine Albrights brooches are said to signify her mood. During a Sunday roundtable discussion on foreign
policy at Lancasters Characters Pub with Democratic congressional candidate Christina Hartman and area college
Brother of Amish schoolgirl shooter uses photographs to reconcile the past | Together |
Photo exhibit of Zachary Roberts opens at Mulberry Art Studios in Lancaster.
TD Ameritrade
'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say | US news | The Guardian
Highly unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton intensified after James Comeys decision not to recommend an
indictment over her use of a private email server
Penn State faces $2.4m fine for handling of Jerry Sandusky case and other crimes | US news | The Guardian
US Department of Education hopes to extract record fine against university for long-term history of sustained
noncompliance, including in 2011 scandal
Lancaster Regional Medical Center installs touch-screen tablets at patients' bedsides | Insider |
Move aside, wall-mounted TV.
Feminism is still necessary, Gloria Steinem tells Lancaster County audience | Local News |
At the first of her stops in Lancaster Thursday, feminist icon Gloria Steinem doubled down on her signature call for
November supermoon will be biggest in nearly 70 years | National |
You may want to mark Nov. 13 and 14 down on your calendar.
For 10 years, Central Market Trust has steered its namesake Lancaster landmark | Insider |
When the Central Market Trust took over management of Lancasters city-owned Central Market a decade ago,
many standholders were suspicious at first, said Valerie Moul, the nonprofits chair.
Teen accused of threatening to 'go Columbine' at Conestoga Valley High School | Local News |
A Conestoga Valley High School student threatened to "go Columbine" and "shoot people who p--- him off,"
according to East Lampeter Township police.
Partnership for Civil Justice Fund - Timeline | Facebook
Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, Washington, DC. 3,250 likes 4 talking about this. The Partnership for Civil
Justice Fund is a charitable and...
NYPD used undercover officers to spy on activists: Mara Verheyden-Hilliard interview on RT - Partnership for Civil
Justice Fund
Newly obtained documents indicate the New York Police Department may have committed constitutional violations
by deploying undercover officers to monitor peaceful Black Lives Matter protests, following the death of Eric
Garner in 2014.
Aussie and the Fox and Trust Performing Arts Center come together for special night in the city | Entertainment |
In a New York state of mind? Missing the glamour and the glitz of Manhattan? Want to hear some show tunes?
Beyonce teams up with the Dixie Chicks at CMA Awards | Entertainment |
The superstar will perform at the CMAs tonight, multiple news outlets report.
Lancaster band Carousel Kings sign to Victory Records | Entertainment |
The pop-punk band was on Lancaster's C.I. Records before signing to Victory Records.
U.S. Arms Transfers to Saudi Arabia and the War in Yemen | Research | Center for International Policy
Advocating a U.S. foreign policy based on cooperation, demilitarization and respect for human rights
Chicago Cubs defeat Cleveland Indians to win first World Series title since 1908 | Sport | The Guardian
The most famous drought in US sports is over. The Chicago Cubs are World Series champions for the first time
since 1908
Barack Obama delivers stinging critique of FBI: 'We don't operate on leaks' | US news | The Guardian
President censures James Comeys decision to announce review related to Hillary Clinton days before election as
campaigning reaches fever pitch
Facebook's profits soar as it continues to swallow online advertising market | Technology | The Guardian
Near tripling of the social media giants profits comes at a time when traditional news publishers are hemorrhaging
ad dollars and announcing cutbacks
Conspiracy theorists claim The Asgardia will be used 'for mind control and evil purposes' | Daily Mail Online
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Asgardia was announced by the Aerospace International Research Centre in Vienna. Conspiracy theorists claim that
the Eye of Horus symbol used by the group, is linked to the Illuminati.
Two Arrested in Georgia for Planning to Attack HAARP Facility in Alaska
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around
the U.S. with news, information and resources.
Hillary Clinton, The Real October Surprise. :
Neil Brick Celebrates Twenty Five Years of Research, Education and Advocacy in the Child Abuse Prevention Field |
Neil Brick is celebrating twenty five years of research, education and advocacy in the child abuse
prevention field. Prior to 1995, Neil Brick wrote articles for newsletters and distributed information about child and
ritual abuse at conferences. In 1995, Neil Brick started the S.M.A.R.T. child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter,
printing and mailing out the first copy in March 1995. In 1996, the S.M.A.R.T. newsletter started being published
online. These child and ritual...
Say goodbye to the fingerprint; its your digital footprint the FBI wants | Jordan Times
WASHINGTON The era of the fingerprint has given way to the digital footprint. Counterterrorism investigators
still rely heavily on tools such as surveillance cameras, licence plate readers and facial recognition software to track
potential terror plots in the physical realm. But they now delve with as much vigour into the social media activity of
Alicia Keys: I want to make sure all the issues about race are addressed | Music | The Guardian
At a home town launch for her new album, Here, the New York singer-songwriter talks about the US election, Black
Lives Matter, and modern family life
LETTER: The fix was in, and the people are still paying for it |
The contributor refers to Bill Keisling's and NewsLanc's forthcoming book on decades of corruption in
Pennsylvania: I hope your 50 corruptions include the
Democrats never learn |
By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS: In this years presidential battle of first time evers, history still repeats.
Not surprising, the story about
Former Fulton Bank manager sentenced for embezzling $99,100 | Local News |
A former manager of Fulton Banks Manor Shopping Center branch has been sentenced to 15 months in federal
prison for embezzling about $99,100 from an account with the bank.
Chinas New Cybersecurity Law Rattles Foreign Tech Firms - WSJ
Chinas government has approved a broad new cybersecurity law aimed at tightening and centralizing state control
over information flows and technology equipment, raising concerns among foreign companies.
FBI has found no criminal wrongdoing in new Clinton emails, says Comey | US news | The Guardian
James Comey says batch of emails have not changed conclusion but Trump doubts review, saying: You cant
review 650,000 emails in eight days
Trump rally protester: I was beaten for a 'Republicans against Trump' sign | US news | The Guardian
Exclusive: Self-declared Republican who sparked Nevada security scare says he was attacked for silently showing a
sign he printed from the web
Janet Reno, first female US attorney general, dies aged 78 | US news | The Guardian
One of the highest profile figures of President Clintons presidency, whose tenure included the Waco raid and
Lewinsky scandals
US seeks Turkish backing for Kurdish-led operation in Raqqa | World news | The Guardian
Senior military officials meet in Ankara after Turkey expressed alarm at Kurdish role in move to retake Isis
Chris Hedges: Defying the Politics of Fear - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The major political parties offer us nothing but continued corruption and oppression. A simple act of citizen
defiance can be a first step on a road to profound change. - 2016/11/06
How a Former District Attorney Finally Agreed With Activist Mike Farrell on the Death Penalty - Truthdig
Ira Reiner, who served Los Angeles County as D.A. for eight years, and Mike Farrell, president of the board of
Death Penalty Focus, have publicly and respectfully debated capital punishment many times over the years. But it
wasnt until now, with the proposed Justice That Works Act of 2016 on the California ballot, that they see eye to
eye. - 2016/11/06
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Eden Resort to drop Best Western flag, operate independently | Local Business |
For the management of the Eden Resort &amp; Suites, being a Best Western Premier hotel has become more hassle
than its worth.
Pa. Treasury puts Wells Fargo on suspension | Pennsylvania |
The Pennsylvania Treasury has suspended dealings with Wells Fargo for a year due to the bank's fraudulent
accounts scandal.
Lancaster General Health opens sports medicine practice in Lititz | Local Business |
Lancaster General Health Physicians has opened its first sports medicine practice, in Warwick Township.
Cashier's check - Wikipedia
Edward Snowden Explains How FBI Could Review Clinton Emails So Fast - SFGate
Edward Snowden needed only 140 characters to shoot down the Donald Trump campaigns theory that FBI Director
James Comey couldnt have thoroughly reviewed Hillary Clintons new emails in such a short period of time.
Comey has been at the center of the Clinton email scandals, clearing the Democratic candidate last summer before
bringing a new investigation last week that turned out to be, well, nothing really. Comey announced yesterday that
the new evidence doesnt change the agencys opinion that Clinton shouldnt face criminal charges. [...] Read: FBI
Director Says Hillary Clinton Shouldn't Be Charged Over New Emails The Washington Post recently shocked
journalists when its editorial board came out in opposition to a pardon for Snowden, but the papers media
columnist Margaret Sullivan sided with the former NSA contractor. Sullivan wrote that President Obamas
administration has an unfortunate record of prosecuting whistleblowers, and he can fix that legacy by pardoning
Net Politics Do U.S. Efforts to Deter Russian Cyberattacks Signal the End of Cyber Norms?
CFR experts investigate the impact of information and communication technologies on security, privacy, and
international affairs.
City Council to consider ban on aggressive panhandling | Insider |
Lancaster city is looking to crack down on panhandlers.
120 people gather in Lancaster with message of peace on eve of divisive election | Pennsylvania |
On the eve of the most divisive election in modern history, more than 120 people of varied faiths, races and political
beliefs joined together in downtown Lancaster for a message
Amid Clinton Controversy, FBI Documents Show Why Americans Should Worry About Intelligence Gathering
Lancaster city man acquitted on charges he sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl | Local News |
A Lancaster city man accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl in 2014 was acquitted of all charges in a
three-day jury trial held last week at Lancaster County Courthouse.
Prosecutors: Quarryville woman beat, bound and burned, fed laxatives and hot sauce to boyfriend's toddler | Local News |
A Quarryville woman fed her boyfriends young son hot sauce and laxatives, burned, beat and berated him and
would bind his legs and lock him in a closet, apparently resentful
Recietps and Notes for First Friday November 4, 2016
Receipts and Members1st With ATM Balances Re Fulton Lnp Article Fed Probe for Sunday November 6, 2016
RECEIPTS for Saturday Night City Cab Home November 5, 2016
Reciepts and Notes for First Friday November 4, 2016
Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone Project X - By Kathy Perry November 8, Election Day 2016
Chef Cedric Barberet runs Lancaster eatery; worked at Le Bec-Fin and Donald Trump estate | Local News |
Cedric Barberet runs Cafe Barberet &amp; Bistro on East King Street.
Cluster munition - Wikipedia


Donald Trump wins US election: Obama offers congratulations live | US news | The Guardian
The US is waking up to a new president after Trump won a shock victory, and Hillary Clinton is expected to make
her concession speech this morning
How Trump won the election: volatility and a common touch | US news | The Guardian
The former Apprentice host has pulled off the most astonishing victory in US history, harnessing a disgruntled
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electorate to beat an unpopular opponent
Why Hillary Clinton lost the election: the economy, trust and a weak message | US news | The Guardian
As Democrats grapple with their loss to such an unpopular and divisive rival, persistent problems with Clintons
campaign offer some explanation
World leaders react to Donald Trump's US election victory | US news | The Guardian
Politicians past and present, plus officials from the European Union, have been responding to the Republican
nominees win
Donald Trump becomes 1st Republican to win Pennsylvania since 1988 | Local News |
Donald Trump has won Pennsylvania and its prize of 20 electoral votes.
Donald Trump wins Lancaster County, gets more votes than Romney or McCain | Pennsylvania |
Republican Donald Trump, buoyed by rural and working-class voters and an anti-establishment fervor, won
Lancaster County with more votes than either of the last two GOP presidential nominees.
How Donald Trump Won The White House And Stunned The World
Donald Trump won by harnessing deep discontent with Washington and deep-seated loathing of Democrat Hillary
Dow Jones to fall after Trump election victory stuns stock markets - live updates | Business | The Guardian
Wall Street expected to drop after US presidential election shocks world markets
Fewer patients means fewer employees for 2 Lancaster County hospitals | Insider |
Danielle Gilmore, spokeswoman for Lancaster Regional Medical Center and Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical
Center, said in an email Monday that a small number of our employees are being placed
Marijuana wins big on election night - The Washington Post
But it faces considerable uncertainty under a presumptive Trump administration.
Transcript: Donald Trumps Victory Speech - The New York Times
Donald J. Trump addressed supporters at a hotel in New York early Wednesday.
Feds Probe Fulton Bank and 3 Other Subsidiary Banks of Fulton Financial With Stan J. Caterbone Civil Actions and Mind
Control Research of Monday November 9, 2016
East Lampeter police officer on paid administrative leave following allegations he inappropriately touched teen girl | Local
News |
An East Lampeter police officer, facing allegations he inappropriately touched a 13-year-old girl, was placed on
paid administrative leave in August, township officials said Wednesday.
U.S. spy agencies to begin top secret Trump briefings within days | Reuters
U.S. intelligence agencies will soon begin giving President-elect Donald Trump the same top secret national security
briefings they give President Barack Obama, current and former intelligence officials said Wednesday.
Team Trump Struggling to Fill National Security Jobs - The Daily Beast
Turned down by top talent, Trumps administration-in-waiting is trying to find someone to operate the agencies
tasked with stopping hackers and terrorists.
Trump Election Ignites Fears Over U.S. Encryption, Surveillance Policy
Technology companies and civil libertarians are alarmed by Trump's election victory.
Worries and uncertainty cloud outlook for digital privacy under President Trump | PCWorld
When President-elect Donald Trump officially takes office, hell inherit a powerful U.S. surveillance apparatus,
including the National Security Agency, thats already been accused of trampling over privacy rights.
Trump set to get spy agency briefings, visit Oval Office | The Japan Times
President Barack Obama will host Donald Trump in the Oval Office Thursday, hoping to ease a smooth transition of
power and steady nerves after an election
Stan J. Caterbone FEDERAL COURT DOCKETS Sheets as of November 10, 2016
Canadian spy agency concealed mass data intelligence-bank from courts - World Socialist Web Site
The Federal Court criticized Canadas premier spy agency for lying about its retention and use of metadata from
persons not considered security threats.
US elections: protests held against president-elect as it happened | US news | The Guardian
Peaceful protests took place in cities across the country after Donald Trump won a shock victory in the US election
Hillary Clinton's concession speech in full video | US news | The Guardian
Clinton, who had been widely believed to be the frontrunner in the race going into election day, thanked her family
and campaign staff and encouraged supporters to press onward
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The world's newspapers react to Trump's election victory | US news | The Guardian
Some predict disaster while others focus on the enormity of the challenge ahead as the world reels from the shock of
the new president-elect
Clinton and Obama lead calls for unity as US braces for Trump presidency | US news | The Guardian
President-elect insists he will deal fairly with everyone the day after stunning victory that left Americans bitterly
divided and the world uncertain
Weed is Going to Win Big in November |
Home Drug War Chronicle Issue #947 by Phil Smith This article was produced in collaboration with AlterNet
Listen: Kara Newhouse talks to Stevens' Sherri Linetty for Women in STEM podcast | Local News |
In 2007, Sherri Linetty was the first woman graduate at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology to receive the
Technology Competency Award, which recognizes the highest GPA in each field. For
Lancaster city councilman on Trump-Pence win: 'I don't want people to be afraid' | Local News |
At the end of City Councils meeting Wednesday, Councilman James Reichenbach took a few moments to reassure
any city residents worried by the outcome of Tuesdays election.
November 10, 2016
Goodbye Obama, hello Trump: how will the presidential handover work? | US news | The Guardian
The transition of power from Barack Obamas administration to Donald Trumps has begun. We answer the when,
what and how
More anti-Trump action planned after second night of protests across US | US news | The Guardian
Activists say they are weighing up their next moves, as hundreds of people take to the streets again following
election of Donald Trump
Nuclear weapons: how foreign hotspots could test Trump's finger on the trigger | US news | The Guardian
From North Korea to Iran to Russia, a president-elect with civilisation-ending weaponry at his fingertips will face an
in-tray of potential international crises
Syrian opposition left with nowhere to turn after Trump's victory | World news | The Guardian
US president-elect likely to endorse Russias policy of bombing rebels to the negotiating table
Silicon Valley critics cautiously open their arms to Donald Trump | Technology | The Guardian
Most tech industry leaders railed against the Republican, but some are now changing their tune as they consider
what his presidency will mean
Hillary Clinton seen hiking day after conceding US election | US news | The Guardian
Democratic presidential nominee went for a hike with her husband near their New York home, hugging a supporter
and exchanging some sweet pleasantries
Facebooks failure: did fake news and polarized politics get Trump elected? | Technology | The Guardian
The company is being accused of abdicating its responsibility to clamp down on fake news stories and counter the
echo chamber that defined this election
Dow hits record high after Trump win but investors warn of volatility | Business | The Guardian
Warning of muddled trading as Dow Jones rallies, FTSE 100 dips and concern grows over new presidency effect
on global economy
Defense Intelligence Agency assessment of damage done by Edward Snowden leaks read the report | US news |
A top-secret Pentagon report on Edward Snowden's leaks concluded that 'the scope of the compromised knowledge
related to US intelligence capabilities is staggering'
UPDATED - EXCLUSIVE Transcripts of Whistleblower Testimonies as Targeted Individuals of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control and Related Hearings and Lectures, September 17, 2016
Retired physician, judge became 'Legends of Lancaster' by pushing for progress | Faith |
Dr. Harold White and Louise B. Williams share a commitment to serving others.
To President Elect Donald Trump With Stan J. Caterbone Civil Actions and Mind Control Research of Friday November
11, 2016
Life with PTSD: Army combat veteran works to move past drug use, homelessness | Insider |
You can see the excitement emanating from Art Westerfer as he talks about his 9-month-old son.
Family traditions: Lancaster County veteran opens up about WWII service, following in footsteps of dad, brothers | Insider
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Jack McSherry Jr. was admiring 30-foot-high waves shortly before midnight in the North Atlantic when a
particularly aggressive swell broke over the bow of his ship and washed him overboard.
NSA/DHS officials designate institutions as National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense - Military
Embedded Systems
FORT MEADE, MD. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and National Security Agency (NSA) officials
designated the following eight institutions as NSA/DHS National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber
Defense: Augusta University, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Florida International University, Middle
Georgia State University, University of Delaware, Clark State Community College, Lake Superior College, and Red
Rocks Community College.
Snowden Prompts Americans to Focus on 'Broad Social Issues' After US Election
National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden said that the outcome of the 2016 US presidential
election should be about social issues rather than individual cases like his own.
President-elect Trump to soon receive intel 'crown jewels' | The Siasat Daily
Mainstream media mind control failed so the establishment vows to dismantle alternative sources - Personal Liberty
Election 2016: What Happened? Whats Next? - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
Truthdig sat down with journalist Bill Boyarsky on Thursday to discuss the stunning results of Tuesdays election
and the future of the United States. - 2016/11/10
Abolish the Electoral College - Truthdig
For the sixth time in our history, a candidate for president of the United States may have won the popular vote and
lost the White House. - 2016/11/10
Resistance Movements Can Be More Powerful Than President Trump - Truthdig
Millions of people around the world are committed to opposing the Republicans dangerous and divisive agenda.
Their work, like the work of the incoming administration, has just begun. &nbsp; - 2016/11/10
Politics Is the Solution to Our Problems - Truthdig
We cant move to Canada or hide under the bed. This is a moment to embrace democratic politics, not repudiate
them. - 2016/11/10
Here It Comes: Trumps 100-Day Plan to Make America Great Again - Truthdig
Republican control of Congress means much of the partys regressive agendaalong with some of Trumps radical
proposalscould pass. - 2016/11/10
Meet the Trumps: a look at America's new first family | US news | The Guardian
The Donald Trump clan is headed to the White House. Heres what we know about each of them
Modest shifts, no major redraft in Lancaster County's red electoral map | Insider |
Republican Donald Trump racked up large majorities in rural Lancaster County on Tuesday, and he won by 10
percentage points in Columbia Borough, a hardscrabble Democratic river town that backed
Lancaster city councilman on Trump-Pence win: 'I don't want people to be afraid' | Local News |
At the end of City Councils meeting Wednesday, Councilman James Reichenbach took a few moments to reassure
any city residents worried by the outcome of Tuesdays election.
The president is commander in chief? Yes, but it's complicated -
In his campaign, Trump promised to kill family members of Islamic State and institute torture in interrogations. But
presidents often find it tough to get the national security bureaucracy to carry out their programs.
WSJ CEO Council Assembles Worlds Top Chief Executives for 2016 Annual Meeting
Soleilmavis' Letter to President Donald Trump | Soleilmavis Liu | Pulse | LinkedIn
Joshua D. Lock - Goldberg KatzmanGoldberg Katzman
STAN J. CATERBONE and the DEPARTMENT of DEFENSE Documents and Evidence of Conspiracy to .... Saturday
November 12, 2016
Lancaster County has the highest premiums in the state | Local News |
Lancaster County has a new dubious distinction.
Chris Hedges: Its Worse Than You Think - Truthdig
The election of Donald Trump, whose appeal to voters is based on magical thinking, assures the rise of a police state
unlike anything seen in American history. Its fangs will appear the moment Trumps base realizes it has been
betrayed. - 2016/11/11
Chris Hedges, Columnist - Truthdig
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Emma Niles: Donald Trump Promised to Drain the Swamp but His Transition Team List Raises Doubts - Truthdig
A leaked document of 41 potential cabinet appointments is rife with figures who have close ties to big business and
special interest groups. - 2016/11/11
Eric Ortiz: Donald Trump Praises Protesters After First Blaming Media for Inciting Them - Truthdig
The president-elect expressed an appreciation for dissent and called for unity in an early morning Twitter message
on Friday. But dont expect the protests to stop or protesters to be silenced. - 2016/11/11
Vladimir Putin Targets East Aleppo RebelsDid Donald Trumps Election Victory Doom Them? - Juan Cole - Truthdig
With Obama a lame duck and Trump a buddy of Putin, Russia and Syria may feel they have a free hand to defeat the
rebels completely in east Aleppo. - 2016/11/11
Elizabeth Warren: Democracy Demands That We Work Together on Americas Agenda - Truthdig
The Massachusetts senator is ready to help President-elect Trump rebuild the U.S. economy. But if Republicans
attempt to remove Wall Street regulations or gut the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, she will fight them. -
GOP National security world seeking dtente with President-elect Trump -
The Republican Party's most senior national security experts denounced their presidential candidate during the
campaign as too reckless to lead the nation safely.
Terror-Funding Conviction in San Diego Under Fire Over NSA Phone Data Collection
Anti-Trump protesters gear up for weekend demonstrations across the US | US news | The Guardian
One man shot and wounded during rowdy protests in Portland, Oregon while more than 10,000 sign up for Saturday
march in New York
Democrats begin fight against Trump: his election 'does not feel like America' | US news | The Guardian
Harry Reid issues blistering statement decrying president-elects forces of hate and bigotry as Elizabeth Warren
urges voters to put in the work to resist Trump
Facebook's fake news: Mark Zuckerberg rejects 'crazy idea' that it swayed voters | Technology | The Guardian
Those who think fake news is why someone voted for Trump show profound lack of empathy and fail to
internalize the president-elects message, he said
Donald Trump May Select an Architect of Bushs Torture Program to Run CIA
Porter Goss Fast Facts - Honolulu, Hawaii news, sports & weather - KITV Channel 4
Here is a look at the life of Porter Goss, former CIA director and Florida congressman.
CIA Launches Signature School Program at the University of New Mexico - Albuquerque Business First
The program will deepen cooperation between the CIA and UNM.
New JFK assassination theory: Cuban double agent led plot | New York Post
More than 50 years after President John F. Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas, new evidence uncovered in the
secret diaries of a Cold War spy and assassin implicates another clandestine figure believed to be working as a
double agent for Cuba, an explosive new book claims. The never-before-revealed diaries of Douglas DeWitt Bazata,
a decorated officer for the United States Office of Strategic Services the forerunner of the Central Intelligence
Agency claim that his longtime close friend and fellow spy, Ren Alexander Dussaq, was a primary organizer
and plotter of Kennedys assassination on Nov. 22, 1963. The diaries reveal that Dussaq might even have fired the
fatal shot or shots that killed the 35th president of the United States, according to author Robert K. Wilcoxs latest
book, <a href=""
target="_blank">Target: JFK, The Spy Who Killed Kennedy?</a>, which goes on sale Nov. 14. Douglas Bazata
was deeply embedded in the world of secrets, especially those surrounding JFKs death, Wilcox writes. He was
there at the birth of the CIA as an early and major player in that murkiest of worlds He was an insider. In his
diaries, Bazata wrote that the two men first met in Havana, Cuba, during the early 1930s, when Bazata, a US
Marine, was given his first mission as a hitman: to assassinate a Cuban revolutionary. The mission failed, but the
pair's bond was sealed forever after Dussaq saved Bazatas life. The bond deepened in 1944, when both men were
part of WWII's Operation Jedburgh, in which more than 250 American and Allied paratroopers jumped behind
enemy lines across France, the Netherlands and Belgium to fight against German occupation. Dussaqs larger-than-
life legend began here: He was nicknamed Captain Bazooka for demonstrating the Armys new anti-tank rocket
launchers to the Maquis, French resistance guerrillas. Hes also credited with bluffing a German general into
believing he was surrounded by American troops, leading to the capture of up to 500 Nazis. Dussaq who was
born in Buenos Aires and educated in Geneva and Cuba became a naturalized US citizen in 1942. The son of a
Cuban diplomat, he had tried to enlist after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor but was deemed a potential security
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risk. However, the US Army was desperate for infantrymen at the time and ultimately accepted him. Dussaq quickly
rose through the ranks, becoming a lieutenant instructor for the elite 101st Airborne Division, the "Screaming
Eagles." One top-ranked OSS official told his counterparts in London that Dussaq, who spoke six languages, was an
exceptional athlete and a master of unusual and hazardous work of a physical nature, references to earlier work as
a deep-sea diver, treasure hunter and Hollywood movie stuntman. He is keen, adaptable intelligent and a
dirty fighter conversant with jujitsu and the commando type of close combat fighting, the OSS official wrote.
Waldo Logan [of Chicagos Adventurers Club and backer of some of Dussaqs earlier seaborne expeditions] says
that he is the only man he has ever known who is entirely without fear. Following the war, Bazata became a world-
class spy and underground operative working for the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Dussaq, meanwhile, took
a job as a Prudential insurance agent in Los Angeles. Within two years, according to Freedom of Information Act
requests, he began infiltrating community groups in Hollywood and Mexico, if not elsewhere, on behalf of the FBI,
Wilcox writes. Around this time, Dussaq, according to Bazatas diaries, grew increasingly angry with the United
States dominance and exploitation of Cuba. Dussaq, according to Bazata's diaries, launched the assassination plot
to make a point to America about its leaders manipulation of smaller countries. Bazata was designated his historian.
He delegated Bazata, when the time was right after the assassinations shock had dissipated to tell the public
the truth about what happened in hopes Americas leaders would change and allow sovereign nations like Cuba to
decide their own fate rather than have America decide it for them," Wilcox writes. The CIA-sponsored Bay of Pigs
invasion in 1961 and continued attempts by Kennedys administration to kill Fidel Castro finally prompted Dussaq
to put his sinister Hydra-K assassination plot into motion, according to Bazatas diaries. [Cuba] could not
determine its own destiny and this was so big with Dussaq, Wilcox told The Post. He was a guy who believed that
every person should determine their own destiny and every country should do the same. Wilcox told The Post he
believes the coded diaries that Bazata gave him in 1999 prior to his death several thousand handwritten pages in
all clearly indicate Dussaq was a double agent working for Cuba. In fact, Bazata writes that one of the reasons
the Bay of Pigs invasion failed was because Dussaq was informing Cuba all along. Dussaqs second wife, Charlotte,
also told Wilcox that Dussaq was asked by the CIA to help plan the operation, but he declined. Bazata and Dussaq
would later begin plotting and rehearsing Kennedy's assassination at meetings in the United States and Europe,
including at the upscale Tremoille Hotel in Paris, where Bazata told Dussaq about his failed attempts to get US
officials to take his warnings about the impending execution seriously. Wilcoxs book contains a memo he found
among Bazatas secret papers indicating that he and legendary CIA spy Lucien Conein discussed Operation Hydra-
K long before the assassination. This Hydra-K document is hard evidence of what Bazata alleges, Wilcox writes.
There is very little other outside documentation that supports his story although one can argue lack of
documentation would be expected in such a secret and monumental conspiracy. Dallas was selected as the location
for the assassination as far back as 1961, according to Bazata, since it was an anti-Kennedy hothouse for murder
with one of the most corrupt police departments in the country. Dussaq ordered five triggers for the assassination,
with a second commander-manager (COs) standing behind each gunman, according to Bazatas diaries. And if
anything went wrong, each CO had a cyanide inflictor, unavailable even to the CIA at the time, that would kill
instantly. The shooters included Dussaq, Lee Harvey Oswald, an assassin code-named Piatogorsky and two
unidentified CIA hitmen. Bazatas diaries also cite other fringe players in the plot, including backup shooters, five
body doubles for Oswald and random pointers and shouters designed to confuse police and witnesses. On
November 22, 1963, half past high noon, Hydra-K commenced, Wilcox writes. As the motorcade approached,
Ren, preparing to shoot, readied his weapon. Bazata doesnt say where he is, only that he was a great distance
from his target. He is in front of the motorcade. His soon-to-be-fired shot, however, would not be the first. It
would be the second. Oswald, according to the Warren Commission, acted alone. The United States House of
Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) later found a high probability that two gunmen fired
at Kennedy. But according to Bazatas account, Oswald fired the first shot from above and behind Kennedys
lurching motorcade. Wilcox notes that Bazatas account then deviates from the standard, adding that Dussaq
didnt trust or want to include Oswald, the unstable former Marine. He was, after all, tabbed to be the patsy,
Wilcox writes. Dussaq surreptitiously had Oswalds rifle armed with duds, blanks, which Oswald would fire
harmlessly at Kennedy. This ploy, this red herring, Dussaq believed, would later be discovered and serve to
exonerate the patsy and undermine and thus misdirect all official investigations, clearing a path for Bazatas
subsequent planned revelations. Oswalds CO, according to Bazatas diaries, secretly inserted the
dummy cartridges but Oswald instinctively realized something was off after firing the first shot: the signal that the
execution was under way. Oswald then intentionally let a clip fall from his rifle and inserted a real cartridge into
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the gun and fired a second, authentic shot before the CO wrestled it away. Oswalds first dummy shot, as planned,
distracted the droves of onlookers in Dealey Plaza. That allowed Dussaq, a superb shot, to fire the first lethal shot
from his undisclosed location in front of the motorcade. At nearly the same time Dussaq fired, another shooter
identified only as a CIA operative fired from the rear, just as Oswald had done seconds earlier. The unidentified
assassin and Dussaq were essentially aiming for the exact same hole and the third shot was slightly higher in the
head, Bazata wrote. According to Bazata, four shots were fired in all, including Oswald's dummy. All shooters
wore gloves and face coverings to protect their skin from powder debris, and their weapons and incriminating
evidence were removed by experts as a squad extracted all involved. Dussaq left Dallas shortly afterward and fled
to Mexico by private boat, while the others stayed behind with solid cover-reasons to be there. Bazata, for his part,
says he was in Europe when Kennedy was killed. Wilcox acknowledges that means Bazata's description of the
assassination if true is second-hand in nature at best, most likely coming from Dussaq himself. To protect his
friend, Bazata referred to Dussaq throughout his diaries as Peter or, more often, Paul, a play on the biblical
transformation of Saul to Paul. But he occasionally slipped and identified Dussaq outright, Wilcox said. Long have
I kept Pauls story in my heart, one of Bazatas diaries read. Paul never spoke to me from bragging or compulsion.
He spoke in tears and hope He chose me to [tell the story] You either believe me or you dont. I care not one
fig either way. I merely set down here a story 50 years in the making. It is all totally true I change only the names
of those I love [Dussaq and other clandestine brothers involved] and those I fear. Although Bazatas diaries do not
include, according to Wilcox, a smoking gun or a direct link to Castro, they point to Dussaq being the
mastermind behind the assassination who led the operation in Dallas. Dussaq referred to Castro as boss at one
point in planning, according to Bazata. There are only four scenarios: It was the rogue CIA, it was Cuba, it was
Russia or it was the Mafia, Wilcox told The Post. Or, its a combination of all of those and my book fits into that
because the real finger is pointed toward Castro and Cuba, but there are CIA players and Mafia involved. Wilcox
said Bazata gave him the diaries during a series of interviews for his 2008 book on Gen. George Patton at Bazatas
home just before his death at the age of 88. He never wouldve given them to me at the time unless he had a
stroke, Wilcox said. All of his defenses were down. I found these down in his basement and I said, Can I have
these? Upon realizing the monumental find he might have made in Bazatas diaries, Wilcox tracked down Dussaq
and realized he lived just miles away. Dussaq had died of cancer just three months earlier, but his second wife,
Charlotte, gave Wilcox the spys secret stuff, including an unpublished autobiography that was crucial to the
book. In 1994, Dussaq was among a group of WWII veterans who re-enacted their invasion of German-held France
50 years earlier. At 83, he was the oldest of the bunch. Prior to the jump, Dussaq told The Post's Kyle Smith from
his home in Encino, Calif., that he was not a worrying person. Those of us who were paratroopers have a very
strong feeling of oneness with each other, Dussaq said. And we have a very strong awareness of those who went
with us and didnt make it We are doing it to commemorate those who were not lucky enough to survive it. As
usual, nothing was simple or predictable for Dussaq, whose extraordinary life also included feats like walking on his
hands atop the Empire State Building and witnessing one of the first atomic bomb tests on Bikini Atoll in the
Marshall Islands. Strong winds during the re-enactment jump blew Dussaq miles from the drop zone. He was later
found in a nearby French town, drinking a glass of wine, <a href="
/me-15379_1_world-war-ii" target="_blank">the Los Angeles Times reported</a>. Dussaq <a
0f0a-4922-8ea1-64ce758d82c5/" target="_blank">told the Washington Post</a> at the time that he had been
coming to pieces of late, being treated for cancer, a collapsed lung, a hernia and asthma. Dussaq, who said he was
once a man of violence, suggested to a reporter that maybe he was there to redeem his youth, before saying he
found enough adventure of late by simply tending his garden. You know what they say: When the devil gets old, he
retires to a monastery, Dussaq said. <a href="
/dp/1621574873/" target="_blank">Target: JFK, The Spy Who Killed Kennedy?</a> by Robert K. Wilcox will be
available Nov. 14.
Former attorney general Kane hires new attorney for appeals - News weather sports for Youngstown-Warren
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has hired a new attorney to handle the appeals of her perjury
and obstruction conviction and related jail sentence.
Stan J. Caterbone - The Department of Defense - The Intelligence Community - Finding of Facts Re Isc Whistleblowing
Activities as of Saturday November 12, 2016
False Imprisonments and Illegal Interrogations by U.S. Intelligence Agencies November 12, 2016
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Lancaster County taxpayers have paid $36k for sheriff facing impeachment over sexual harassment allegations | Insider |
Lancaster County commissioners do not have the power to remove Sheriff Mark Reese, an elected official, from
office but County Solicitor Chris Hausner said officials have been in touch with
Trump picks Jeff Sessions for attorney general and Mike Pompeo for CIA chief | US news | The Guardian
Sessions is a rightwing, anti-immigration senator while Pompeo supports NSA bulk data collection, as Trump also
taps Michael Flynn for national security team
Michael Flynn said to be offered job of Trump national security adviser | US news | The Guardian
Retired general called for more aggression towards Isis, as ex-CIA chief David Petraeus reportedly in race for
secretary of state
Former attorney general Kane hires new attorney for appeals - News weather sports for Youngstown-Warren
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has hired a new attorney to handle the appeals of her perjury
and obstruction conviction and related jail sentence.
Spring House Brewing Co.


Emma Niles: Truthdigger of the Week: The Thousands Who Are Peacefully Protesting Trumps Election - Truthdigger of
the Week - Truthdig
In the days since Donald Trump won the presidency, demonstrators around the country have banded together to
oppose the sexism and racism he condoned on the campaign trail. - 2016/11/12
LETTER: It is getting clearer every day |
EDITORS NOTE: We don't want to censure thoughtful communications because it is politically incorrect to speak
critically about the President Elect so soon
Emma Niles: Thousands of Anti-Trump Protesters March in Los Angeles - Truthdig
A massive crowd gathered at MacArthur Park on Saturday morning and marched several miles through the heart of
downtown. - 2016/11/12
Trump voters hope for more jobs, immigration control, cheaper health plans | Insider |
The more than 130,000 Lancaster County residents who voted for Donald Trump are hoping the next president will
deliver on his promises.
Trump critics fear deportation, racism, losing health coverage, end of marriage equality | Insider |
Many local residents say they are afraid of how President-elect Trumps policies may affect their health and safety.
America will not be at the heart of a new world order | Fintan OToole | Opinion | The Guardian
The free world was built on US military, economic and ideological power. But it is no longer fit to bear that
burden and nor does it want to
What you need to know about The Lancaster County Community Foundation's Extraordinary Give | Local News |
The Lancaster County Community Foundation is gearing up for its fifth annual Extraordinary Give a 24-hour
online fundraising event for nonprofits in Lancaster County.
Donald Trump and the Normalization of Torture - Lawfare
US backflip on China policy likely, says ex-CIA director
The first sign of a striking new approach to China from the Donald Trump administration has come with the
suggestion the US may now reverse its opposition to the China-created Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
Lancaster Chamber honors Gene Garber with Delp Award for ag work | Local Business |
The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce &amp; Industry has honored Gene Garber with its George C. Delp Award,
for making a significant contribution to the agricultural community here.
The Flying Pig Deli & Gourmet opens in Lancaster city | Local Business |
The Flying Pig Deli &amp; Gourmet has opened in Lancaster, offering a variety deli sandwiches as well as gourmet
grocery items and options for meat and cheese boards.
Albert Wohlsen - Wikipedia
New Deed 1250 Fremont St Recorded on July 9, 2015
New Deed 1250 Fremont St Recorded on July 9, 2015 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
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Former CIA chief: Trump's presidency could damage economy -
When political populists ride to victory on a wave of economic disaffection, as Donald Trump did so effectively last
Tuesday, they often create more damage than they relieve, says the former acting director of the Central Intelligence
Fixated by iPhones and Snapchat, will kids ever again read for pleasure? | Local News |
Two hundred kids and parents attended the 8th annual Lititz Kid-Lit Festival.
Avenues - Nov/Dec 2016 - Powered by
Stephen Bannon and Reince Priebus to lead Trump's White House | US news | The Guardian
Chief of staff rewarded for campaign loyalty and former executive chair of far-right Breitbart News is senior
Stan J. Caterbone and Conflicts With the Trump Administration - Monday November 14, 2016
3 million 'criminal' immigrants to be deported, says Donald Trump video | US news | The Guardian
President-elect Donald Trump maintains his pre-election pledge to build a wall on the US border with Mexico
Obama made progress on criminal justice reform. Will it survive the next president? | US news | The Guardian
Gridlock and opposition in Congress forced Obama to resort to executive orders during his pronounced late-
presidency focus on prisons, sentencing and policing an ultimately limited course of action
Julian Assange faces Swedish prosecutor in London over rape accusation | Media | The Guardian
WikiLeaks founders Swedish lawyer says he has been barred from attending interview, which is scheduled to take
three days
Times Leader | State Rep. Tarah Toohil testifies against former state AG Kathleen Kane
CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Concise Statement of the Errors Complained of on Appeal November 14, 2016
Case No. 16-08472 Exhibit for Pain Medications - Re Case No. CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Concise Statement of the Errors
Complained Filed on November 15, 2016
War crimes of torture: ICC prosecutor signals charges against US armed forces, CIA RT News
The US may have committed war crimes of torture, cruel treatment and rape, when it interrogated dozens of people
in Afghanistan between 2003 and 2004, the International Criminal Courts chief prosecutor says.
10 most shocking facts we found in CIA torture report RT America
The so-called torture report released by the Senate this week contains only a fraction of the findings on how the
CIA aimed to gather intelligence from detainees through interrogation. Still, it contains more than a few shocking
Facebook staff mount secret push to tackle fake news, reports say | Technology | The Guardian
Employees allegedly formed a task force to tackle the problem, while others say executives are reviewing products
to eliminate appearance of political bias
Effort underway to prevent Kathleen Kane from ever again holding public office | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
House panel that was considering the former attorney generals impeachment hears testimony about damage done to
the AGs office.
Recorded Case No. 16-mc-49 Declaration Re Case No. CP-36-SA-0000247-2016 No Parking Ticket - Motion to Dismiss
November 15, 2016
Letter REQUEST for COMMUTATION of the Sentence of Lisa Michell Lambert to President Obama, November 15,
NSA Director asks American CEOs to prioritize cybersecurity
NSA Director Michael Rogers told a room full of corporate executives Tuesday that they play a role strengthening
the entire country's cybersecurity posture.
Amid signs of transition trouble, Trump huddles with Pence | Politics |
NEW YORK (AP) Hidden from the public in his Manhattan high-rise, Donald Trump huddled Tuesday with
Vice President-elect Mike Pence as he tried to fill out key posts in
Release of Kathleen Kane's email report delayed until next week |
An office spokesman said AG Bruce Beemer had planned to release the report Wednesday but has delayed it in
order to attend the funeral of a police officer shot dead last week in Canonsburg.
Inquirer Editorial: Trump can't deny that the dog-whistle language of his election campaign has incited racism
In the days immediately after Donald Trump was elected president, more than 100 black freshmen at the University
of Pennsylvania received racist text messages; a black female student at Villanova was knocked to the ground by a
group of white males yelling "Trump, Trump, Trump," and racist graffiti and swastikas with references to Trump
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were spray-painted on a storefront in South Philadelphia.
Donald Trumps Transition Team Reshaped - WSJ
Another round of staff changes buffeted President-elect Donald Trumps transition team Tuesday amid resistance
from within the Republican Party over a top choice for secretary of state.
What a Trump administration means for space -
A space policy of President-elect Trump is likely to focus on human spaceflight, technology development and
commercialization, and less on Earth science.
Op-ed | Donald Trumps peace through strength space vision -
Trump senior policy advisers Robert Walker and Peter Navarro say a Trump administration would "lead the way on
emerging technologies that have the potential to revolutionize warfare," such as constellations of micro-satellites.
Trump transition team in disarray after key adviser 'purged' | US news | The Guardian
National security adviser Mike Rogers leaves in Stalinesque purge as talks at Trump Tower continue amid
uncertainty over role of president-elects children
Ours Is a Hope of Action - Truthdig
In the movement for equality, justice and peace, we smile at trouble and gather strength from distress. We grow
brave by reflection and do not shrink. - 2016/11/14
Trump in the White House: An Interview With Noam Chomsky - Truthdig
Chomsky warned years ago that the U.S. was ripe for the rise of an authoritarian. Now he speaks about the election,
the state of the U.S. political system and the threat Donald Trump poses to the world. - 2016/11/14
Former state prosecutor says Kane interfered with investigations - News - Citizens' Voice
Donald Trump is going to appear on Alex Jones InfoWars -
The president-elect rejects his ties to the alt-right movement, but his embrace of Alex Jones suggests otherwise
RECORDED - Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center,, Re
PRAECIPE to ADD DEFENDANTS Filed on November 16, 2016
Democrat Christina Hartman reflects on congressional bid that came closer than ever | Insider |
Democrat Christina Hartmans 11-point loss to Republican Lloyd Smucker in the Lancaster-based congressional
race is decisive in a traditionally red district but also a milestone for the Democratic Party.
Drug delivery resulting in death charge yet to provide results in Lancaster County following 2011 law change | Insider |
Five years after a Pennsylvania law targeting people accused of dealing drugs that results in someone's death was
updated, no one in Lancaster County has gone to trial on the
Missing Quarryville man found safe | Local News |
A missing Quarryville man was found safe Tuesday night.
McCaskey students march against Trump | Local News |
Madi Janz, a McCaskey High School junior, said the election of Donald Trump as president has made many of her
fellow students angry and fearful.
Trump shuffles transition team, eyes loyalists for Cabinet | Business Standard News
Read more about Trump shuffles transition team, eyes loyalists for Cabinet on Business Standard. Trump team still
needs to provide more paperwork before detailed agency-by-agency briefings can take place
I Used Mind Control to Fly a Honeywell Plane | WIRED
With no flight experience and 15 minutes of training, I use my thoughts and a brain-computer interface to swoop
through the air.
Truthdig - A Genuine U.S. Reset With Russia Is Long Overdue
President-elect Trumps willingness to rewrite the foreign and national security establishments playbook, and seek
to normalize relations with Russia, is a welcome development. - 2016/11/15
A Genuine U.S. Reset With Russia Is Long Overdue - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Spies Use Tinder, and It's as Creepy as You'd Think | Motherboard
The story of the Tinder infiltrator.
Trump transition team in disarray after top adviser 'purged' | US news | The Guardian
National security adviser Mike Rogers leaves in Stalinesque purge as talks at Trump Tower continue amid
uncertainty over role of president-elects children
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Lets revisit a relevant moment in US history |
By Robert Field Harry Truman was a great president but the country was bitterly divided over many of his
proposals. Dwight Eisenhower became President and
LETTER: 389 suicides and rising over election results |
I read an article today which stated that 389 Americans have already committed suicide since the announcement of
Trump's presidency in fear for their lives and
CCR News: Resistance is our civic duty
Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 16-8822 DOCKET and COMMUTATION LETTER to OBAMA Re
CATERBONE v. Allison Hallet, Re Lisa Lambert Habeus November 17, 2016
Trump Says Transitions Going Smoothly, Disputing Disarray Reports - The New York Times
The president-elect used Twitter to assure Americans that the handover of power was going well, despite accounts
of infighting on his team.
Hillary Clinton: 'There have been times when I wanted never to leave the house again' | US news | The Guardian
In first public appearance after Trump victory, Hillary Clinton says America is worth fighting for, as Bernie Sanders
calls for Democrats to leave centre ground
18 U.S. Code 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-Ci-13373 Exhibit Re Current State of Affairs and Motion for Summary Judgment
November 17, 2016
Realscreen Archive Laura Poitras Project X to open in New York on Nov 18.
Realscreen - the best in non-fiction, is about the global business of factual entertainment
US intelligence chief Clapper resigns
US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Thursday that he had submitted his resignation, stepping
down as President-elect Donald Trump begins to assemble his new administration. Clapper, whose job is to
coordinate the work of 17 disparate agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency
MedExpress 5 for PAIN VISITS for 2016 and Patient First 1 for PAIN VISIT for 2015 1 for Pneumonia - November 17,
Hackers mind controlled a Tesla Model S in hackathon project | Electrek
Rep. Mike Sturla of Lancaster city will lead policy committee for House Democrats for fifth time | Pennsylvania |
Rep. Mike Sturla, Lancaster Countys lone Democratic state lawmaker, will serve his fifth term as the partys top
policy official in the new two-year session starting in January.
Ephrata Main Theatre struggles to pay digital projection costs as ticket sales decline | Local News |
The Ephrata Main Theatre one of the last small, independent moviehouses in the area faces a double threat
that could sink the 78-year-old business at the heart of
New administration will be willing to alter American policy Trump adviser Woolsey to RT RT News
Donald Trumps administration will be made up of individuals willing to make changes to American policy, former
CIA director James Woolsey, his senior adviser, told RT.
Twitter suspends several accounts in alt-right 'purge' | Fox News
Twitter has suspended a number of prominent accounts associated with the so-called alt-right movement, in an
apparent purge.
James Clapper, of NSA-scandal fame, is stepping down - CNET
A remark to Congress by Clapper provided a key moment during the uproar over NSA spying.
Dark tower in lower Manhattan outed as NSA nerve center
A telecommunications hub built in 1969 to withstand a nuclear attack, now "appears" to serve as a surveillance site
for the National Security Agency (NSA).
US intelligence chief James Clapper resigns | Daily Mail Online
US intelligence chief James Clapper, whose 2013 denial that the US collects personal communications data on
millions of citizens led to the stunning Snowden ...
Spy critic Wyden attacks as Clapper resigns | TheHill
USPS Delivery Confirmation - Request for Commutation of the Sentence of Lisa Michell Lambert to President Obama,
November 17, 2016
Extraordinary Give: Events are held throughout the county | Together |
Events are being held throughout Lancaster County as the entire community comes together to raise money for
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worthy organizations.
RECORDED Case No. 16-mc-49 Chapter 11 DECLARATION Re LETTER to Judy Astacio, Consumer Services
Investigator, Pennsylvania Department of Insurance November 18, 2016
Trump National Security Adviser Pick Has Medals and Baggage - NBC News
The choice to offer Michael Flynn the post is sure to thrill those who want a shakeup, but others worry that foreign
policy needs a calm hand.
Michael T. Flynn - Wikipedia
Defense Intelligence Agency - Wikipedia
Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency - Wikipedia
Lowell E. Jacoby - Wikipedia
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper resigns amidst dramatic transition process
The Director of National Intelligence DNI James Clappernbsphas submitted his resignation to Barack Obama
Inquirer Editorial: What else did Kathleen Kane do wrong as attorney general?
Former Attorney General Kathleen Kane is headed to jail, but questions remain about the apparent misdeeds and
botched cases she left behind.
Barack Obama on fake news: 'We have problems' if we can't tell the difference | Media | The Guardian
The US president denounced the spate of misinformation across social media platforms, including Facebook,
suggesting American politics can be affected
Blarney: Snowden files expose NSA spying on EU, UN World Bank and IMF
Court orders were obtained to spy on countries around the world, files show.
Top WikiLeaks Editor: Democrats Should Be Happy About the Organizations Commitment to Transparency - Truthdig
Writing in The New York Times, Sarah Harrison defended the publication against accusations that it abett[ed] the
candidacy of Donald J. Trump by publishing information about Hillary Clintons campaign and its influence over
the Democratic National Committee. - 2016/11/17
Honeywell Develops Mind Control for Airplanes | Flying Magazine
An engineer at Honeywell Aerospace has developed a "brain-computer interface that allows pilots to fly an
airplane using only their thoughts.
Kansas Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo would be partisan, strong-willed CIA director | McClatchy DC
Rep. Mike Pompeo wants NSA turncoat contractor Edward Snowden put to death, and thinks waterboarding is
acceptable. But hell have his hands full steering the CIA if he is confirmed as its director.
Former Pa. attorney general sentenced to jail time in perjury, obstruction case | WPXI
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was sentenced to --- --- Channel 11's Gordon Loesch is
covering the sentencing. He'll have any additional developments on Channel 11 News at 5:00 and...
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court Will Likely Be Democratic for the Next 6 Years |
PHILADELPHIA MAGAZINE: On Tuesday, voters in Pennsylvania approved a state constitutional amendment
that raises the retirement age for judges to 75
Stan Caterbone Twitter Account FROM November 14 to November 19, 2016
Officials seek guidance from state Supreme Court before resentencing Lancaster County juvenile lifers | Local News |
Lancaster County officials are looking to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for direction before re-evaluating the life
without parole sentences of 13 local convicted killers.
Who are Trump's attorney general, national security adviser and CIA chief? | US news | The Guardian
The president-elect has appointed Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn and Mike Pompeo. None are without controversy
Factbox: Trump makes picks to fill security, legal posts
Republican U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Friday announced his selections for his top security posts,
including the head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), his national security adviser and attorney general. An
official with Trump's transition team told Reuters that Trump had chosen
Look Inside the Windowless New York Skyscraper Linked to the NSA
Mike Pompeo: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Mike Pompeo, who has defended the NSA's spying, has accepted Donald Trump's offer to become the new CIA
director, following in the footsteps of John Brennan.
Christopher P. Lyden, Shareholder at Miller Lyden Attorneys
Christopher P. Lyden in Lancaster is an experienced trial and appellate attorney who has served clients in
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Pennsylvania courts for over 15 years.
Miller Lyden P.C. OUr Team
Our team: The attorneys and staff at Miller Lyden P.C.
Case No. SA-247-2016 ORDER by Judge Howard F. Knisely for Motion to Dismiss Dated Wednesday, November 16,
Michel Flynn, Trumps national security advisor, believes fake news and partisan conspiracy theories - Vox
And now his job is telling Donald Trump what to believe.
Proposed Anti-Stalking Legislation UPDATE With Federal Whistleblower and Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control Executive Summary Edited November 21, 2016
Pentagon, intelligence leaders reportedly seeking NSA chief's ouster | The Times of Israel
Admiral Michael Rogers, seen as possible National Intelligence pick for Trump, under fire from defense and intel
heads, prompting House hearing
Lancaster city sells 2 historic West King Street buildings | Local News |
Two historic city-owned buildings in the heart of downtown Lancaster are set to return to private hands.
Fire heavily damages My Place/Rosa Rosa Pizzeria on Harrisburg Pike | Local News |
A fire heavily damaged My Place/Rosa Rosa Pizzeria in Manheim Township Sunday evening.
Chris Hedges: We Are All Deplorables - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Liberals have no moral authority to preach to a dispossessed white working class about racism, multiculturalism,
identity politics or diversity. The abject failure by liberals to fight for economic justice triggered the protofascist
backlash embodied by Donald Trumps election victory. - 2016/11/20
Donald Trump Assembling Team of Swamp Creatures, Says Democratic Lawmaker Keith Ellison - Truthdig
The progressive congressman said its clear the president-elect is not doing what hes said hes gonna do for
average working Americans. - 2016/11/20

Masons are History?

Local Pennsylvania Susquehanna Valley Breaking News and Live Alerts - WGAL News 8
Chris Hedges: We Are All Deplorables - - Gmail
Peter Richardson: The Crisis of Conservative Intellectuals? - Truthdig
Fire heavily damages My Place/Rosa Rosa Pizzeria on Harrisburg Pike | Local News |
Lancaster city sells 2 historic West King Street buildings | Local News |
Proposed Anti-Stalking Legislation UPDATE With Federal Whistleblower and Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control Executive Summary Edited November 21, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Feds Probe Fulton Bank and 3 Other Subsidiary Banks of Fulton Financial With Stan J. Caterbone Civil Actions and Mind
Control Research of Monday November 9, 2016
Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 16-8822 DOCKET and COMMUTATION LETTER to OBAMA Re
CATERBONE v. Allison Hallet, Re Lisa Lambert Habeus November 17, 2016
New Tab

Barack Obama says reality will force Trump to adjust his approach | US news | The Guardian
Outgoing president does not intend to be his successors constant critic but will speak out if policies breach certain
Dreams of undocumented young people start to crumble after Trump victory | US news | The Guardian
Donald Trump has promised to overturn Obamas Daca program that protects the children of undocumented
immigrants, a group known as the Dreamers
Manheim investors hope $1.55M incubator can help replicate Lititz's buzz in their borough | Local Business |
Manheim businessman T.J. Mousetis sees the advantages that Lititz Borough and Lancaster city get from their
bustling downtowns.
After 28 years in downtown Lancaster, Here to Timbuktu begins closing sale | Local Business |
A retirement sale has begun at Here to Timbuktu, a downtown Lancaster clothing and gift shop, whose owner hopes

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to close by the end of the year.
Original Nino's Pizza & Grille opens in Millersville | Local Business |
The Original Ninos Pizza &amp; Grill has opened in Millersville after an extensive renovation of a building that
was most recently the home of a different Ninos pizza shop.
Shifting US policy to right, Trump taps Sessions, Flynn
Kane impeachment panel wrapping up work - News - Citizens' Voice
Facebook announces new push against fake news after Obama comments | Technology | The Guardian
Mark Zuckerberg says site has been working on problem for a long time and penalizes misinformation on news
feeds to reduce chances it will spread
Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Radical Political Strategist Micah White - Truthdigger of the Week -
To withstand and ultimately overcome the imminent Trump regime, American activists must move from detached
indignation to revolutionary engagement by using the techniques of social movement creation to dominate
elections, says the co-creator of Occupy Wall Street. - 2016/11/19
The Boat Rocker: An Unsettling Book About the Moral Dimensions of Modern Journalism - Truthdig
How timely it is to read this strange, intense novel from Ha Jin about the glories and limits of the press. A former
soldier in the Chinese army who chose to stay in the U.S. after the Tiananmen Square massacre, Ha Jin has lived
and worked under two very different sets of rules. - 2016/11/19
Free app to help Park City shoppers find parking during holidays | Insider |
Youre driving slowly past rows of parked cars, your head on a swivel.
Lancaster County Prison seeks funds for inmate bracelet program | Local News |
Lancaster County Prison officials say wristbands will help the facility to move away from paper-based tracking
NSA Director Faces Firing Calls From Pentagon, U.S. Intelligence Elites | The Huffington Post
Rogers has faced criticism over security lapses in the post-Edward Snowden era.
Fears of government spying under Trump spur encryption use - San Francisco Chronicle
The day Donald Trump ascends from president-elect to commander in chief, he will assume control over U.S.
intelligence agencies and some of the most advanced surveillance systems in the world. The surge is prompted by
concerns of how Trump, a reality-TV star and real estate mogul who forged an unconventional and controversial
path in politics filled with personal attacks and feuds, may use this countrys intelligence apparatus. Years before
former contractor Edward Snowden revealed that the National Security Agency was engaged in widespread
domestic surveillance, the government had been bolstering its ability to gather and keep massive amounts of data on
peoples communications and online activities. [...] Trumps election, which has stoked fears of marginalization and
violence among communities of color, Muslims, LGBT people and immigrants, has brought concerns over digital
privacy to the public. The Obama administration drastically expanded and codified a lot of these programs that are
now being handed over to Donald Trump, said Evan Greer, the campaign director at activist group Fight for the
Future. During the Republican primaries, Trump said he would absolutely keep a database of Muslims in the U.S.
an idea that has since evolved into a national security registry of immigrants from countries with known terror
cells. The president-elect has called social justice group Black Lives Matter a threat and told conservative talk
show host Bill OReilly over the summer that at a minimum, were going to have to be watching. In 2015,
Congress passed the USA Freedom Act that constrained how the government can obtain records using the Patriot
Act and largely limited the NSAs ability to request data, like the private Internet and phone communications of
Americans, from telecom companies en masse. Weakening protections from government spying could also open
doors to others who want eyes on Americans data, said Gabe Rottman, a deputy director at the nonprofit Center for
Democracy and Technology. Pressuring tech companies to build more secure devices and protect user information,
Snowden said, is a safer bet than relying on the integrity of government officials. Earlier this year, Trump loudly
criticized Apple for refusing to build special software to unlock an iPhone used by Syed Rizwan Farook, the
gunman who killed 14 and injured 22 people in a mass shooting in San Bernardino last September. [...] Apple was
cheered by many of its customers, tech professionals and security experts for its decision to resist the governments
demands. Yahoo reportedly built a program last year that allowed U.S. intelligence officials to scour hundreds of
millions of peoples emails to find a signature associated with a terrorist group, according to Reuters. On Friday,
news reports indicated Trump had asked retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a three-star general who specialized in
intelligence gathering, to serve as his national security adviser. The app, which was created by nonprofit Open
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Whisper Systems, offers a slew of privacy features including disappearing messages. Encryption helps prevent text
messages, emails, phone calls and video chats from being intercepted during transmission, which is often how
governments, law enforcement and hackers can spy on peoples communication. When messaging or phone calls are
encrypted, that means the communication is scrambled during transmission and then unscrambled by the intended
recipient using a secret key, typically held by the sender, recipient and the app maker.
Edward Snowden Live From Russia - YouTube
People Who Control America ? Mind Blowing Documentary HQ - YouTube
Who Controls United States Of America? Answer is here ! The Waiting Room is a documentary film and social
media project directed by Peter Nicks that follows ...
Oliver Stones Untold History of the United States Prequel A - YouTube
Link to Prequel B here :
Full Documentary: "Edward Snowden" 2016 - YouTube
Full Documentary: "Edward Snowden" 2016 This movie briefly covers NSA analyst-turned whistleblower Edward
Snowden and his escape from American authorities to...

November 21, 2016 - MASONS

Local Pennsylvania Susquehanna Valley Breaking News and Live Alerts - WGAL News 8
Full Documentary: "Edward Snowden" 2016 - YouTube
People Who Control America ? Mind Blowing Documentary HQ - YouTube
Fears of government spying under Trump spur encryption use - San Francisco Chronicle
NSA Director Faces Firing Calls From Pentagon, U.S. Intelligence Elites | The Huffington Post
Officials seek guidance from state Supreme Court before resentencing Lancaster County juvenile lifers | Local News |
Lancaster County Prison seeks funds for inmate bracelet program | Local News |
The Boat Rocker: An Unsettling Book About the Moral Dimensions of Modern Journalism - Truthdig
Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Radical Political Strategist Micah White - Truthdigger of the Week -
Facebook announces new push against fake news after Obama comments | Technology | The Guardian
Kane impeachment panel wrapping up work - News - Citizens' Voice
Shifting US policy to right, Trump taps Sessions, Flynn
Dreams of undocumented young people start to crumble after Trump victory | US news | The Guardian
Barack Obama says reality will force Trump to adjust his approach | US news | The Guardian
Peter Richardson: The Crisis of Conservative Intellectuals? - Truthdig
Fire heavily damages My Place/Rosa Rosa Pizzeria on Harrisburg Pike | Local News |
Lancaster city sells 2 historic West King Street buildings | Local News |
Proposed Anti-Stalking Legislation UPDATE With Federal Whistleblower and Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored
Mind Control Executive Summary Edited November 21, 2016
Feds Probe Fulton Bank and 3 Other Subsidiary Banks of Fulton Financial With Stan J. Caterbone Civil Actions and Mind
Control Research of Monday November 9, 2016
Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 16-8822 DOCKET and COMMUTATION LETTER to OBAMA Re
CATERBONE v. Allison Hallet, Re Lisa Lambert Habeus November 17, 2016
New Tab

Trumps CIA pick defended torture and abuse | News | DW.COM | 21.11.2016
Donald Trump has nominated Mike Pompeo to lead the CIA. Professor Melvin Goodman, a former senior CIA
analyst, told DW that the Kansas Republican has a record of being an apologist for the agencys past misdeeds.
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray says there is room for improvement in police communication with community | Insider |
Here are excerpts from a Q&amp;A with Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray about LNPs findings on its community

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
policing efforts.
Lancaster city police chief, captain explain what department is doing to improve community relations | Insider |
Interviews with more than 80 residents throughout the city found widespread lack of knowledge about Lancaster
citys community policing efforts.
'They don't trust them': Dozens of Lancaster city residents say communities aren't connecting with neighborhood police
officers | Insider |
Stu Metzler is a neighborhood organizer in Cabbage Hill, a once tight-knit community in Lancaster that got its name
from the abundance of cabbage gardens maintained there by German immigrants
Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 16-8822 DOCKET, CLERK LETTER, and COMMUTATION LETTER to
OBAMA November 21, 2016
U.S. Supreme Court Case No. 16-6822 Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus Re PROOF of SERVICE Notice and Waiver
Tuesday November 22, 2016
A New Breed -- Satellite Terrorism in America Movie
A new movie adapted from Dr. John Hall's book
Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 16-8822 EXHIBIT 1 Re Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal - U.S.
District Court Case No. 14-02559 Judge Diamond Motion to Recuse, Nov,29, 2015 FILED November 22, 2016
Alec Baldwins Return to SNL Playing Donald Trump Sets Off Twitter Feud With the President-Elect - Truthdig
You want more advice, call me, the Saturday Night Live actor wrote to Trump, who tweeted there was nothing
funny about the sketch starring Baldwin that aired this weekend. - 2016/11/21
Pentagon, military leaders seek NSA chief's removal
Washington: Top US military and intelligence leaders are pushing President Barack Obama to fire National Security
Agency chief Admiral Michael Rogers, US
Tony Blair aims to fight resurgent populism with centre-ground campaign | Politics | The Guardian
Former PM to launch new organisation in the new year in response to global forces that have led to Brexit and
election of Donald Trump
Supreme Court of the United States Case No. 16-6822 EXHIBIT 1 Re Third Circuit 15-3400 Lambert Appeal - U.S.
District Court Case No. 14-02559 Judge Diamond Motion to Recuse, Nov,29, 2015 FILED November 22, 2016
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray Says There is Room for Improvement in Police Communication - CATERBONE v. Lancaster
City Police Bureau,, November 22, 2016
Kathleen Kane's email report identified 13 judges or senior government officials as 'offenders': Read the report |
Tuesday saw the release of the oft-delayed report on an exchange of lewd and offensive emails commissioned by
former Attorney General Kathleen Kane.
Report of Douglas F. Gansler on Misuse of Commonwealth E-mail Systems
Yall Politics | Congressman Thompson (D): @realDonaldTrump National Security Selections Deeply Troubling
RELEASE: Thompson: National Security Selections Deeply Troubling November 18, 2016 (WASHINGTON)
Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the
following statement on the President-elects selections for key national security positions - Senator Jeff Sessions for
Attorney General, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor, and Rep. Mike Pompeo as Director of the
Central Intelligence Agency: Todays announcement by the President-elect of selections for key national security
and law enforcement positions is deeply troubling and cause for concern. For over two decades Senator Sessions has
aligned himself with far-right anti-immigrant groups
(31) Trips of Notes Cards Receipts From Lobby Efforts for Anti Stalking Legislation to Capitol Complex, Harrisburg PA -
Updated November 22, 2016.pdf
What Snowden Misses - YouTube
We'd love for this to be Edward Snowden's last Thanksgiving away from home. Take action now to ask President
Obama to bring an American whistleblower home wi...
Report of Douglas F Gansler/Kathleen Kane on Misuse of Commonwealth Email Systems November 22, 2016 Published
Trump Momentum Powers Wall Street to Fresh Records, Dow Trades Above 19K | Fox Business
A record week on Wall Street continued as the major averages hit fresh record levels and the Dow Jones Industrial
Average traded above 19000 for the first time ever.
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Ex-Pennsylvania attorney general Kane to appeal perjury case - The Morning Call
Ex-Pennsylvania attorney general to appeal perjury case
Ex-PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane appeals her prison sentence | Local |
Kathleen Kane was sentenced last month to 10-23 months in county jail on perjury and related charges for leaking
secret grand jury information and then lying about it in a
Russia, China Said To Ramp Up Spying After Donald Trump's Victory
Russia and China are believed to be no strangers to espionage and stealing other countries secrets. But experts are
getting alarmed
Dentist Dr. Rashi Letter of Dismissal and Statement of Stan j. Caterbone November 19, 2016
News Features: The Single-Assassin Theory, the Media Establishment and the CIA | Flagpole Magazine | Athens, GA
News, Music, Arts, Restaurants
Trump Proposes an Advocate of Mass Public Surveillance as CIA Chief - Scientific American
Mike Pompeo wants to collect bulk data for detailed profiles of anyone who uses the Internet
Emails: CIA Official Reviewed Parts Of Times Reporter's Book Before Publication | Gizmodo Australia
New York Times reporter David Sanger worked extensively with former deputy CIA director Michael Morell during
the reporting of his book Confront and...
Contact Us - Interstate Hotels & Resorts
Contact Interstate Hotels & Resorts.
Stan Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP 16 Year Investment in Downtown Lancaster November 1, 2015
Stan Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP 16 Year Investment in Downtown Lancaster November 1, 2015
- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
STAN J. CATERBONE AND THE Dale High Building of the Marriott Expansion - IS IT FAIR? October 10, 2016
Recorded Case No. 49-mc-2016 Declaration Re Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 Re Praecipe to Add
Defendants Taproom Marriott, November 23, 2016
Hillary Clinton urged to call for election vote recount in battleground states | US news | The Guardian
Alleged irregularities in battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin prompt demands for audit
amid concerns over foreign hackers
Since 2001, average Lancaster County worker earning 1 percent less | Insider |
Wage stagnation and loss of higher-paying manufacturing jobs are drags on Lancaster Countys economy and
quality of life, and its important employers craft solutions, a pollster says.
Lancaster city budget for 2017 calls for 3 percent property tax increase | Local News |
Refinancing city debt saved Lancaster enough money to avoid a property tax increase for 2016.
President Obama, First Cautiously Optimistic, Felt Deep Disappointment After Trumps Win - Truthdig
A new report by The New Yorker follows the outgoing president in the days leading up to and following Donald
Trumps stunning victory. - 2016/11/22
Obama Reckons with a Trump Presidency - The New Yorker
Teslapathic Cal Hacks 3.0 Creates Mind-Controlled Tesla Model S (Video) | CleanTechnica
Mark Zuckerberg, Dont Get Hoodwinked By Media And Politicians | Countercurrents
Shortly after Hillary Clinton's crushing defeat, the media came up with another spin: Zuckerberg and Facebook were
held responsible for her debacle! What crap!
Kathleen Kane appeals perjury conviction to state court
COURTHOUSE >> Disgraced former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane has appealed to a state
court her conviction and the jail term she received last month from a Montgomery County judge on perjury and
abuse of power charges.
News Wrap: Obama commutes prison sentences for 79 more | PBS NewsHour
In our news wrap Tuesday, President Obama commuted the sentences of another 79 federal offenders, taking him
over the 1,000 mark. The White House says thats more than the past 11 chief executives combined. Also, a federal
judge in Texas blocked a rule that would make more than 4 million workers eligible for overtime pay. The U.S.
Labor Department regulation was set to start Dec. 1.
RECEIPTS Tues November 22 - Wednesday November 23, 2016 WITH NOTES
Oldest dirty tactic to defame opponents, Anfrel says of CIA link claim - Malaysiakini
Winners at the Medal of Freedom ceremony include Tom Hanks, Space Jam -
The Medal of Freedom ceremony brought big names to the White House on Tuesday. Honorees included Diana
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Ross, Michael Jordan and Robert De Niro. The award is the highest civilian honor given by the White House.
FULL EVENT President Obama Awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Nov 22. 2016. Michael Jordan - YouTube
President Obama Awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Nov 22. 2016. President Obama awards Presidential
Medal of Freedom one final time. President Obama ...
Pequea Township wants to take over Southern Regional Police | Local News |
Pequea Township wants to take control of the Southern Regional Police Department because it doesnt believe
Conestoga Township is paying its fair share of the costs.
Private Prisons Expect Surging Profits During the Trump Administration - Truthdig
People invested in the prison industry are set to get even richer off the mass incarceration of minority and low-
income people when Donald Trump and the tough-on-crime nominee for attorney general, Jeff Sessions, take
control of the federal justice system. - 2016/11/23
Jill Stein and Legal and Computing Experts Question Election Results, Call for Action - Truthdig
A number of sources, including a team of computer scientists and Green Party presidential nominee Stein, are
claiming that the results of the Nov. 8 election were affected by tampering tactics of various kinds. - 2016/11/23
Wolf vetoes bill to protect cops' names, but county lawmakers, law enforcement hope for its revival | Insider |
An effort by Pennsylvania lawmakers to shield the identity of officers involved in shootings died on the governors
table Monday, but supporters are banking on a swift resurrection.
Ideology Is Supplanting Intelligence | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
With Donald Trumps earliest appointments to senior national security positions, some of the disturbing implications
for the making of foreign policy of his own lack of qualifications for office are beginning to appear. A president-
elect whose outrage-filled campaign alienated many serious thinkers in both parties has made personal support even
more of a paramount consideration in the appointment process than it usually is, and even more than Trumps own
inclinations would have made it in the first place. Not only does the priority given to insight and objectivity thereby
Joint Chiefs Urge Due Diligence in Targeting the Enemy |
The Pentagon won't say why its targeting manual was released online | Popular Science
A full instruction manual from the Pentagon appeared online.
Lancaster college presidents join letter urging Donald Trump to condemn hate speech, crimes | Local News |
The presidents of three Lancaster County institutions of higher educations have joined more than 100 of their peers
nationwide in calling on President-elect Donald Trump to condemn hate crimes.
Bill Boyarsky: Recount! Recount! - Bill Boyarsky - Truthdig
I doubt if the election was hacked, but I dont know for sure. Thats why its important to support a growing
campaign for a recount. - 2016/11/24
How to cook the perfect beef stroganoff | Life and style | The Guardian
This 70s favourite is overdue a revival. But do you stay authentically Russian with a flour-and-butter roux or add the
sharper notes of sour cream and mustard?
Tax credits may help jump-start Hotel Lancaster, Bulova projects in downtown Lancaster | Insider |
Millions of dollars in federal tax credits could be the missing piece that helps revitalize a key block in the heart of
downtown Lancaster.
Childhood friends Monica de Vitry and Jordan Rast reunite as a duo | Entertainment |
The Lancaster natives will reunite for a Friday night performance.
Christian Cuevas advances to top 10 on NBC's 'The Voice'; brother is Lancaster Realtor | Entertainment |
Christian Cuevas, whose brother is Lancaster Realtor Handy Cuevas, advanced to top 10 competition on NBC's
"The Voice." The results of the overnight audience vote was announced on Tuesday night's
VITALLY IMPORTANT - LETTER and DOCUMENT to Cappello & Noel, LLP of Santa Barbara, CA Friday November
25, 2016
Receipts Christmas Tree Lighting Friday November 25, 2016 RRTA in Taxi Out
USPS LABEL - LETTER and DOCUMENT to Cappello & Noel, LLP of Santa Barbara, CA Friday November 25, 2016
Fidel Castro and the secret war waged by CIA | Miami Herald
The clandestine campaign waged by the Kennedy administration and the CIA against Fidel Castro in the years that
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
followed the Bay of Pigs invasion rivaled open warfare in time, effort and money spent.
Fidel Castro survived half a century of CIA assassination attempts before his death at 90 | Daily Mail Online
The controversial Communist leader, who ruled his country with an iron fist as a one-party state from 1959 to 2008,
spent most of his fifty years in the cross-hairs of the U.S. government.
Pennsylvania's mental health ranking moves up to 9th in US | Local News |
Pennsylvanias mental health situation looks better than it used to compared to the rest of the United States,
according to a new national ranking.
Cuba's Fidel Castro, who defied US for 50 years, dies at 90 | World |
HAVANA (AP) Former President Fidel Castro, who led a rebel army to victory in Cuba, embraced Soviet-style
communism and defied the power of 10 U.S. presidents during his half
Robert Scheer and Journalist Johann Hari Discuss Addiction and the War on Drugs - Scheer Intelligence - Truthdig
British journalist Johann Hari discusses his new book Chasing the Scream, about the history of the drug wars in
the U.S. and how other nations approach drugs and addiction. - 2016/11/25
Paul Street: How the Republican Party Rules a Nation That Hates It - Truthdig
The strange political dominance of the Grand Old Party can be explained by 12 factors, including the neoliberal
agenda of the Democratic Party, gerrymandering, the politics of fear, and mass ignorance in much of the U.S.
populace. - 2016/11/25
Cubas revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro, dies aged 90 | World news | The Guardian
The comandante overthrew Batista, established a communist state and survived countless American assassination
1250 Fremont St, Lancaster, PA 17603-6812 to 114 N Old Stonehouse Rd Directions - MapQuest
View detailed information and reviews for 123 N Prince St in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and get driving directions
with road conditions and live traffic updates along the way.
Philhaven will start no-tobacco hiring policy in January | Local News |
As of Jan. 1, the regions largest mental and behavioral health care provider will not hire people who use tobacco.
Robert Scheer: How Fidel Outlived His U.S. Government Assassins - Robert Scheer - Truthdig
John F. Kennedys administration tried to assassinate Fidel Castro by using Mafia hit men, wrote Robert Scheer,
Truthdig editor in chief, in a Los Angeles Times column first published in 1997. - 2016/11/26
Lancaster church leader works to save historic sacred places | Faith |
Former Community Mennonite pastor Chad Martin directs National Fund for Sacred Places
Obama expands elite unit's powers to hunt terrorists, United States News & Top Stories - The Straits Times
WASHINGTON President Barack Obama's administration is giving the elite Joint Special Operations Command
(JSOC) - the organisation that helped kill Osama bin Laden in a 2011 raid by Navy Seals - expanded power to track,
plan and potentially launch attacks on terrorist cells around the globe.. Read more at
'State of Surveillance' with Edward Snowden and Shane Smith (FULL EPISODE) - YouTube
The full episode of VICE on HBO's 'State of Surveillance' is available to stream for free on VICE News. When
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked details ...
Kanye West's Paranoia Overtakes Him |
Kanye West has been in desperate shape this week, paranoid and profoundly depressed, and he's been dealing with
these issues for a long time
Kanye West Hospitalized, Handcuffed in Ambulance |
Kanye West has been taken to UCLA Medical Center for evaluation.
Receipts Phils - Hershey Football - Sharks Saturday November 26, 2016
LETTER From Judy Astacio, Consumer Services Investigator, Pennsylvania Department of Insurance Re GEICO and
Lancaster Fleet and Auto Re REFER to PA ATTORNEY GENERAL November 18, 2016
Receipts Christmas Tree Lighting Friday November 25, 2016 RRTA in Taxi Out
Diana Krall Christmas Songs - YouTube
Artist: Diana Krall Feat Clayton - Hamilton Jazz Orchestra Album: Christmas Songs Label: Verve Genre: Jazz,
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Top 10 Elvis Costello Songs - YouTube
His aim is true. Welcome to, and today were counting down our picks for the top 10 Elvis Costello
songs. Check us out at
FBI Headquarters FBI
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Our Headquarters is located between 9th and 10th Streets in northwest Washington, D.C. The closest Metro subway
stops are Federal Triangle on the Orange/Blue lines, Gallery Place/Chinatown and Metro Center on the Red line,
and Archives/Navy Memorial on the Yellow and Green lines.
The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with the COPS Gang-Stalking Program
In 1975 Senator Frank Church convened a joint senatorial/congressional inquiry into the egregious human rights and
civil liberties violations of the Central Intelligence Agency
18 U.S. Code 1513 - Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
COINTELPRO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania-United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Letter to James Comey, Director of FBI Re COINTELPRO Used to Obstruct Justice - Monday November 28, 2016
Train - Play That Song - YouTube
March 9, 2016 - I found cash missing from my safe at Fremont Street..
Letter to James Comey, Director of FBI Re Cointelpro Used to Obstruct Justice Monday November 28, 2016
The Lumineers - Ho Hey (Official Video) - YouTube
Passenger's new album 'Young As The Morning Old As The Sea' out now
/YATM_OATSID World Tour 2016 & 2017 tickets on sale now https...
Trump Considers Former CIA Chief Gen. Petraeus as US State Secretary
US President-elect Donald Trump is expected to meet retired four-star general and former CIA Director David
Petraeus on Monday as he is being considered as secretary of state.
Post-Resignation Kane Hearings Could Bring Oversight, Reform | The Legal Intelligencer
Impeachment hearings for former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane continued well past her
resignation from office three months ago, but attorneys s...
Defying poverty, part 1: At 3:40 in the morning, a single mom walks 2 miles to work | Insider |
Brenda Capps, 39, grabbed her backpack before heading out her front door at 3:40 on a Saturday morning. After
months without work, she was starting a new job. She was
There's a tax credit for those about to rock at Rock Lititz | Insider |
Rock Lititz, the cluster of live entertainment production companies in Warwick Township, has been billed as a
regional economic driver from the start.
Sanctuary city? No, but Lancaster doesn't actively pursue the undocumented, either | Insider |
Two days after Donald Trump won the presidential election, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney affirmed his town
would remain a sanctuary city.
LG Health plans 2-story look for 1-story behavioral health hospital | Local News |
For safety reasons, Lancaster General Health's psychiatric hospital at Harrisburg Avenue and West Liberty Street is
laid out as a single story building.
Bullet goes through window of occupied home in shots-fired incident in Lancaster | Local News |
A bullet traveled through a window and into a home when shots were fired on a Lancaster city street Sunday night.
Report of shot fired during armed robbery at East Lampeter Twp. grocery outlet | Local News |
A shot reportedly was fired during the armed hold-up of an East Lampeter Township store Sunday night.
Scott Ritter: A Genuine U.S. Reset With Russia Is Long Overdue - Truthdig
President-elect Trumps willingness to rewrite the foreign and national security establishments playbook, and seek
to normalize relations with Russia, is a welcome development. - 2016/11/15
Chris Hedges and Rachel Moran Discuss the Reality of Prostitution - Truthdig
The Truthdig columnist and the anti-prostitution activist examine how capitalism is at the core of sex work, which
Moran calls the commercialization of sexual abuse. - 2016/11/21
Kanye West's Paranoia Overtakes Him |
Kanye West has been in desperate shape this week, paranoid and profoundly depressed, and he's been dealing with
these issues for a long time


Chris Hedges: Waiting for the Barbarians - Chris Hedges - Truthdig

The collapse of our democratic institutions, the pillaging of the economy by the elites and the surrender of our most
basic constitutional rights will be enshrined permanently into law by a crisis. - 2016/11/27
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Bolivia Declares State of Emergency With Worst Drought in 25 Years - Truthdig
Climate change has shrunk Bolivian glaciers and left cities without water. - 2016/11/27
Quarryville-based contractor starts division to design and build medical marijuana growhouses | Local Business |
When DJ Risk approached his grandparents about creating a new division within Paul Risk Construction, he
wrestled with how to share his vision.
Social Security LETTER Re No Review Needed July 25, 2016 November 29, 2016
Fidel Castro, the man who couldnt be killed at least not by the CIA - LA Times
Two presidents ordered the CIA to kill Castro, but the revolutionary turned communist survived.
Brazilian team Chapecoense among those on board crashed plane | World news | The Guardian
Authorities name survivors after plane with more than 80 people on board went down during flight from Bolivia to
Donald Trump selects Tom Price as secretary of health and human services | US news | The Guardian
Georgia congressman would be expected to play key role in attempts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act,
Obamas landmark healthcare legislation
Trump Wants to Make the 1 Percent Even Richerand Use Washingtons Deceptive Language to Do It - Truthdig
Political economist Michael Hudson explains how economic terms such as capital gains are deployed to mislead
the public about who is benefiting from economic policy and where the wealth is going. - 2016/11/28
Defying poverty, part 2: Before finding work, single mom Brenda Capps makes peace with her past | Insider |
Second of three parts
11 hurt in Ohio State attack: Terrorism eyed as police seek more info | National |
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Investigators are looking into whether a car-and-knife attack at Ohio State University
that injured 11 people was an act of terror by a Somali-born student who
Conspiracy Theorists: Kanye Is Being Reprogrammed For Speaking Out - Vocativ
Vocativ uses intelligent technology, smart journalists and the wisdom of the crowd to find story leads and angles no
other news organization can.
FBI and NSA Poised to Gain New Surveillance Powers Under Trump - Bloomberg
The FBI, National Security Agency and CIA are likely to gain expanded surveillance powers under President-elect
Donald Trump and a Republican-controlled Congress, a prospect that has privacy advocates and some lawmakers
trying to mobilize opposition.
Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Pro-Assad forces seize third of east Aleppo in rapid advance | World news | The Guardian
As many as 20,000 people reportedly trying to flee rebel-held area after push led by Iraqi militias and Hezbollah
ACCTS RECEIVABLES Future Value Calculator
Free online tool to calculate the future value of an investment with starting amount and periodical deposits. Also
find hundreds of other free online calculators here.
Congress raises concern over future of NSA's Rogers -
Reports about the job security of NSA director Adm. Mike Rogers has several members of Congress up in arms.
C.I.A. Doctors, Ethics and Torture - The New York Times
The psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton calls for an inquiry, and a New York assemblyman sponsors a preventive bill.
Obama should pursue leniency for Edward Snowden | TheHill
OPINION | The government whistleblowers acts drove necessary reforms.
Trump visits with national security nominees as his cyber defense plan raises legal questions - POLITICO
Warner, DHS discuss internet of things Two House bills hit floor today
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CIA Doctors, Ethics and Torture - New York Times, Tuesday November 29, 2016
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Letter to James Comey, Director of FBI Re PRO SE BILLINGS INVOICE Wednesday November 30, 2016
Advanced Media Group Original Invoices and Accounts Receivables for November 30, 2016
Lancaster County Penn State fans prepare for Big Ten championship game | Insider |
Penn State will play for its first Big Ten championship, and lots of devoted fans from Lancaster County will be
heading to the Hoosier state.
51 voters submit petitions to recount Lancaster County election results | Insider |
Lancaster County officials will discuss Wednesday the possibility of recounting vote totals in nearly a dozen local
precincts after Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein challenged Pennsylvanias election results.
Lancaster Central Market's Turkey Lady retires after 15 years | Local News |
There's a new Turkey Lady in town.
Police: Lancaster shooting not as reported | Local News |
A reported shooting in Lancaster has turned out to be self-inflicted and accidental, police said.
Jimmy Carter Calls on Barack Obama to Recognize Palestine - Juan Cole - Truthdig
In a New York Times op-ed, the former president also urges Obama to let the United Nations condemn Israeli
presence on Palestinian land in the West Bank. - 2016/11/29
Kasia Anderson: Journalists Decry Washington Posts Story on Source That Blacklisted Truthdig and Other Outlets -
The paper published an article Thursday based on an organizations report that named more than 200 news outlets as
tools of the Putin administration. But not everyone in the media was convinced. - 2016/11/29
Live at Truthdig: Why Is The Washington Post Embracing the New McCarthyism? - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and his team will sit down Thursday, Dec. 1, to discuss the recent
Washington Post story that relied heavily on an unsubstantiated source that claims Truthdig and other news outlets
are spreading Russian propaganda. - 2016/11/29
Internet Archive looks to take digital collection to Canada | ZDNet
The web page library is looking to duplicate its database under a domain outside of the US following the election of
Donald Trump.
Intelligence experts urge Obama to end Edward Snowden's 'untenable exile' | US news | The Guardian
Fifteen former staff members of the Church committee, the 1970s congressional inquiry into illegal activity by the
CIA, wrote jointly to the US president
Manheim Township's Marc Lemon is running Donald Trump's transportation and infrastructure policy team | Insider |
President-elect Donald Trumps campaign promised to transform Americas crumbling infrastructure into a golden
opportunity for accelerated economic growth.
Prosecutors issue guidelines on probes of police shootings | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association issued guidelines Tuesday for investigating
shootings by police officers, recommending that departments do not investigate their own and that the shooters'
names should
Pay Bills Members1st Paid Lancaster City Water Bill Wednesday November 30, 2016
Docket Number 3576 EDA 2016 KATHLEEN KANE Superior Court Appeal November 30, 2016
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 3576 EDA 2016 REQUEST for APPEARANCE Re Kathleen Kane Amicus in
Support of Motion to DISMISS Charges November 30, 2016
Lancaster County plans no tax increase for 2017 | Insider |
Lancaster County's budget proposal calls for the line to be held on taxes cash reserve levels to increase in 2017.
Millersville University to host forum on community-police relations | Local News |
The latest in a series of public forums on community-police relations will take place Monday at Millersville
Lancaster County bear hunter dies of heart attack | Local News |
A 55-year-old passionate bear hunter from Reinholds has died after suffering a series of heart attacks after unloading
his gear at his Clinton County hunt camp.
Eastern Aleppo becoming 'one giant graveyard' says UN humanitarian chief | World news | The Guardian
Stephen OBrien says 25,000 forced to flee homes since Saturday as Russia dismisses pointless resolutions in
security council emergency session
FBI, NSA, CIA Poised to Gain increased Surveillance Powers Under Trump
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Trumps first two choices to head law enforcement and intelligence agencies are leading advocates for domestic
government spying at levels not seen since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Closeness With Kane Central to Reese Appellate Arguments | The Legal Intelligencer
During arguments before the Pennsylvania Superior Court, an attorney for Kathleen Kane's former aide, Patrick
Reese, argued that the two were close enough fo...
15 Former Church Committee Staffers Want Leniency for Edward Snowden - Hit & Run :
The president probably won't listen. But he should.
SCANS From Harrisburg Philadelphia Wednesday November 30, 2016
Letter to Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman re FULTON BANK Stamped Relieved in Lancaster County
District Attorney Office June 18, 2008 12-56pm
Memorandum for President Obama Re Leniency for Edward Snowden by 15 Former Intelligence Members November 28,
2016 With Director Comey Letter December 1, 2016
Superior Court Case No. Case No. 1219 MDA 2016 Brief in SUPPORT OF APPEAL and GRANTING OF
INJUNCTION Thursday December 1, 2016
The story of Soviet spy Robert Lipka, who was caught in Lancaster County | Local News |
Robert Lipka was living a quiet life near Millersville when he was arrested in 1996 and charged with selling secret
U.S. documents to the Soviets when he worked as a
An ex-CIA Senior Operative tells why Hillary lost |
WikiLeaks releases 2,000 files from German probe into Edward Snowden's NSA revelations
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange slammed the 'cowardly' German government.
Congress set to elevate CYBERCOM to unified combatant command
In the newly released National Defense Authorization Act, Congress authorizes the elevation of Cyber Command to
a fully unified combatant command.
The Rolling Stones: 'We are theatre and reality at the same time' | Music | The Guardian
The bands best album in decades is an accidental covers collection of songs by their early heroes. Backstage in
Boston they talk about playing until theyre dead, Prince opening for them in his knickers and what Bob Dylan
really thinks about his Nobel prize
Kathleen Kane won't face full impeachment probe by Legislature - The Morning Call
Kathleen Kane will not face impeachment in Pennsylvania Legislature
Begin Again Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Keira Knightley, Adam Levine Movie HD - YouTube
Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Like us on
FACEBOOK: Begin Again Official Trai...
Lancaster man waives hearing on charges he provided alcohol to Lancaster Catholic students | Local News |
Officials said they are continuing to investigate whether a man charged last month with buying alcohol for teens at a
Manheim Township school has done the same in other parts
Report recommends putting Kane impeachment on hold - News - Citizens' Voice
Remote control of the brain is coming: How will we use it?
Lancaster County Courthouse to ban cell phones in 2017 | Insider |
The Lancaster County courthouse will ban devices for many starting in January.
Wegmans in Lancaster County: $100M Crossings at Conestoga Creek construction set to begin in January | Insider |
This past March was the 10th anniversary of the unveiling of The Crossings at Conestoga Creek, a $100 million
commercial development at Route 30 and Harrisburg Pike.
7 facing DUI charges following 2 Thanksgiving Eve Lancaster County checkpoints | Local News |
Seven drivers were charged with DUI on Thanksgiving Eve at two checkpoints in Lancaster city.
Report: Lancaster County's foreign-born residents contribute $1.3 billion annually to economy | Local News |
In 2014, immigrants in Lancaster County contributed $1.3 billion to the local economy, or a little more than 5
percent of the total.
Trump Pick for Treasury Chief Is the Ultimate Wall Street and Government Insider, Says GOP Lawyer - Truthdig
Steven Mnuchin got rich with taxpayer money in a legal but distasteful corporate welfare scheme in which he
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used dubious mortgages to foreclose on tens of thousands of families through a failed bank he bought cheap in the
2008 Wall Street crash, says California lawyer Saied Kashani. - 2016/12/01
From gaming to healthcare, mind control goes mainstream | The Network
Controlling machines with your mind is no longer just science fiction
Cellphone ban elicits mixed reviews from Lancaster County Courthouse visitors | Insider |
Officials at the Lancaster County Courthouse are bracing for a rough start, but an eventual smoothing out as visitors
get used to new rules restricting who can bring cellphones into
Medical marijuana means probable lawsuits against prohibitive workplace policies, advisers say | Insider |
Full implementation of Pennsylvanias medical marijuana law remains a year or so away, but experts say its high
time that employers started preparing.
Norman Bristol Colon announces run for mayor of Lancaster | Local News |
Norman Bristol Colon declared his candidacy for mayor of Lancaster twice on Thursday afternoon: First in Spanish,
then in English.
Trump's First 100 Days: Technology, Privacy and Intelligence - Scientific American
The new administration will likely defang efforts to enforce Net neutrality and online privacy protections, and
potentially ramp-up domestic and international surveillance &nbsp;
MINA Breaking News
Internet News Agency with daily news from Macedonia, the Balkans and Around the world. Information on Health,
Economy, Politics, Environment, Sports.
Donald Trump announces James 'Mad Dog' Mattis as secretary of defense | US news | The Guardian
The retired marine general, known for his blunt approach toward the US military and Middle East conflicts, raises
establishment hopes that he can rein in Trump
Contenders, picks for key jobs in Trump's administration | Jamestown Sun
After Months Of Trash Talk, Trump Embraces Generals - Vocativ
Vocativ uses intelligent technology, smart journalists and the wisdom of the crowd to find story leads and angles no
other news organization can.
Depression has bigger impact on Lancaster County health than diabetes or substance abuse, insurer says | Insider |
Depression and anxiety have a bigger impact on health than diabetes or substance abuse, according to a new
Marjorie Cohn: The Remarkable Legacy of Fidel Castro - Truthdig
History will absolve me, the leader of the Cuban Revolution famously predicted. Its a hard point to argue in light
of what he achieved for his country despite incessant interference by the United States. - 2016/12/02
Forty Years Ago, the CIA Had Its Eye on Jamaicaand Bob Marley Got Shot - Truthdig
The groundbreaking musician sang about revolution against an unfair global system and nearly paid with his life in
1976. In the U.S., the rise of Bernie Sanders gives reason to believe Americans are becoming aware of the changes
that Marley envisioned. - 2016/12/02
John Kiriakou: Donald Trumps National Security Choices Are Not the A Team in Intelligence Circles - Truthdig
Progressives have no reason to be optimistic about retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as national security adviser or
Rep. Michael Pompeo as CIA director. - 2016/12/02
Donald Trump Picks Retired Gen. James Mad Dog Mattis for Defense Secretary - Truthdig
Its fun to shoot some people. Ill be right upfront with you, I like brawling, Mattis said in 2005, speaking about
the American invasion of Afghanistan. - 2016/12/02
The Field of Fight - Book Review - Truthdig
Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who is set to become Trumps national security adviser, writes in his new book,
[Religious war] created our world. The world badly needs an Islamic Reformation, and we should not be surprised
if violence is involved. Its normal. - 2016/12/02
Defend A Child: "Meet the Press NBC November 13, 2011 8:00am-9:00am PST" - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Facebook plans to invest $20m in affordable housing projects | Technology | The Guardian
The tech company, long criticized displacing low-income residents in Silicon Valley, will partner with advocacy
groups to amid massive campus expansion
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Special committee issues recommendations to avoid another Kane-like debacle | State House Sound Bites |
After nearly a year of investigation, Kathleen Kane will not be officially impeached. (Photo by AP) (Harrisburg) --
An investigation into impeaching former state Attorney General Kathleen Kane is ending after nearly a year. But as
WITF's Katie Meyer reports, Republicans on a special House subcommittee are still releasing a slew of policy
recommendations based on misconduct the group found during its inquiry. The House panel began investigating
Kane for possible impeachment last February. Representative Todd Stephens, a Montgomery County Republican
who chaired the committee, said the panel's now fairly sure Kane won't hold office again, so following through is
not really necessary.
The Week in Pictures: Dec. 2, 2016 | |
Here are our picks for some of the most dramatic, and heartwarming, pictures published on LancasterOnline over
the past week.
Viral James Mattis Email About Reading - Business Insider
By reading, you learn through others experiences, generally a better way to do business, especially in our line of
work where the consequences of ...
Lawmakers scared of the return of a vindicated and vindictive Kathleen Kane |
NEWSLANC EDITOR: By impeaching former Attorney General Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania lawmakers
would disqualilfy her from returning to run for governor. They
Chapter 12 - ROHYPNOL AND SATELLITE and Chapter 11 - NEIGHBORS FROM HELL, from Satellite Terrorism in
America, by Dr. John Hall Copyright 2009
In Trumps Security Pick, Michael Flynn, Sharp Elbows and No Dissent - The New York Times
Past colleagues paint a mixed picture of a man who will have nearly unfettered access to the Oval Office and help
guide President Trump on world events.
Police find suspect in city rape, assault case hiding in Martic Township | Local News |
A Lancaster man on the lam for multiple charges including rape and aggravated assault was apprehended
Friday in Martic Township.
Now's your chance to buy a president; Gettysburg attraction closes its doors, will auction wax figures | Local News |
Anyone whos been hankering for their very own life-sized Grover Cleveland or William Howard Taft should plan
on being in Gettysburg next month.
Trumps CIA pick is conservative Kansas congressman | info-europa
Pennsylvania recount: Jill Stein to take fight to federal court after $1m bond set | US news | The Guardian
Green party candidate vows to counter judges outrageous demand for $1m bond by seeking emergency relief in
federal court
Sherri Papini Branded: Expert Says Cult Could Have Been Behind Abduction Of California Mom
Sherri Papini's strange 3-week disappearance is being questioned by many, with some speculating the condition in
which the California mother was found, branded
Milbank: Trumps news source: aliens, mind control, voter fraud | The Columbian
Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens; Trump may have won popular vote.
Accupuncture, physical therapy part of new fight against opioid addiction | Insider |
Vicodin, Demerol, hydrocodone ...
Transgender Physician General Dr. Rachel Levine to speak at Franklin & Marshall | Local News |
Pennsylvania Physician General Dr. Rachel Levine will speak at a Franklin &amp; Marshall College "Common
Hour" next month.
Positive peer pressure helps Lancaster city's 'adopt a block' cleanup program succeed | Local News |
You could call it a sign.
Exclusive: Snowden says Petraeus disclosed far more highly classified secrets than I ever did [Video]
Come back to Yahoo News on Monday to watch the full clip of Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Courics
exclusive interview with Edward Snowden.
Twitter Says No to Helping Build Muslim Registry - Truthdig
The Intercept reached out to nine tech companies, including Facebook, to see where they stand on helping the
Trump administration track Muslims. - 2016/12/03
The Assassination of Fred Hampton: 47 Years Later
We must never forget the murderous role played by the FBI and COINTELPRO in destroying Black organizations
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and leaders.
600 F2d 600 Hampton v. Hanrahan
600 F2d 600 Hampton v. Hanrahan | OpenJurist
The FBI COINTELPRO Program and the Fred Hampton Assassination | The Huffington Post
On December 4th it will be 44 years since a select unit of 14 Chicago Police officers, on special assignment to Cook
County State's Attorney Edward Hanra...
COINTELPRO - Case Law the Assassination of Fred Hampton 47 Years Later , By Flint Taylor Attorney, December 5,
With title, Penn State makes case for inclusion among college footballs best | Football |
INDIANAPOLIS As the college football world stumbled into this weekend, the die seemed cast.
$18M Press Building condos in downtown Lancaster to get first residents in early 17 | Local Business |
Developer Ed Drogaris knows that showing is more powerful than telling.
Carr's Restaurant expands in downtown Lancaster with street-level dining room/bar | Local Business |
Carrs Restaurant has completed a street-level expansion of its restaurant at the Shops at Hager, next to Lancaster
Central Market.
Lancaster General Health launches self-insurance option called Eliance Health Solutions | Local Business |
Lancaster Countys largest health system is jumping into part of the health insurance market.
Lancaster Brewing Co. opens taproom along Route 30 near Dutch Wonderland | Local Business |
The Lancaster Brewing Co. Taproom &amp; Grill has opened along Route 30 in East Lampeter Township, taking a
space just east of Dutch Wonderland.
The Latest: Snowden says Petraeus leak for personal benefit | Nation |
WASHINGTON (AP) The Latest on President-elect Donald Trump (all times local):
McDonald's CEO: Chain still plans to expand in the US again | Nation |
NEW YORK (AP) Artisan burger buns, cage-free eggs and table service are some of the changes McDonald's is
promising in the U.S. as it scrambles to update its image
Pa. special committee issues recommendations to avoid another Kane-like debacle NewsWorks
Consideration of impeaching former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is ending after nearly a year.
Trump, Petraeus impressed with each other at Trump Tower meeting
Italian PM Matteo Renzi resigns after referendum defeat | World news | The Guardian
High voter turnout, the rise of the populist Five Star Movement and Northern League and the unpopularity of Renzi
were all factors
Defriend everyone on Facebook if you really want to see the world as it is | Opinion | The Guardian
Agreeing with everyone on your feed is boring and creates political apathy. Shake things up and become a social
media freedom fighter, working behind enemy lines
Natasha Hakimi: Truthdiggers of the Week: Journalists Who Ripped Washington Post, PropOrNot for McCarthyite
Hogwash - Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
Many reporters rallied around Truthdig and other news sites that were erroneously tarred as pro-Russian
propagandists by a dubious blacklist that had been given undeserved credence by the Post. - 2016/12/03
Snowden says he does not expect pardon from Obama | TODAYonline
WASHINGTON Edward Snowden says he does not expect a pardon from US President Barack Obama which
would spare the fugitive whistleblower from a toughened approach when Mr Donald Trump takes power. Im not
counting on it, Snowden said in an interview published by Yahoo News on Monday (Dec 5). The former National
Security Agency contractor leaked thousands of classified documents to the press in 2013 which revealed the vast
scope of US surveillance of private data that was put in place after the 9/11 attacks.
James Mattis a cerebral and audacious choice for secretary of defense -
President-elect Donald Trump certainly is relying heavily on retired senior generals.
Chris Hedges: The Mafia State - Truthdig
The greed of the 1 percent and their dismantling of good governance have given rise to a criminal economy and
criminal state embodied in the presidency of Donald J. Trump. - 2016/12/04
Donald Trumps Treasury Secretary Pick Is a Lucky Man. Very Lucky. - Truthdig
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Steven Mnuchin has a long history of coming out ahead, even in questionable deals. - 2016/12/04
Trump Almost Certainly Will Violate the Constitution if He Continues to Own His Businesses - Truthdig
The meaning of the Emoluments Clause is fairly clear. And it all goes back to a diamond-encrusted snuffbox Ben
Franklin received from Louis XVI. - 2016/12/04
Ben Carson nominated for housing secretary in Trump administration | US news | The Guardian
President-elects former rival for Republican presidential nomination says he can help in making our inner cities
great for everyone
Standing Rock: US denies key permit for Dakota Access pipeline, in win for tribe | US news | The Guardian
Army Corps of Engineers will not grant the permit for the Dakota Access pipeline to drill under the Missouri river,
handing a major win to environmental activists
How 3 big projects will impact traffic in Lancaster area | Local News |
New stores. New housing. And new cars lots of them, spilling on to already congested roads.
FBI agent: Sting informant says he was told not to target Republicans |
PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: In a new court filing by the last sting defendant still fighting charges, FBI Special
Agent Robert J. Haag said that the operative,
16-3284 Third Circuit Case - EXHIBIT Re COINTELPRO - Case Law the Assassination of Fred Hampton by Flint Taylor
Attorney December 5, 2016
Obama Administration Releases Presidential Report on Counterterrorism Framework | Human Rights First
Washington, D.C. Human Rights First today said that the Obama Administration's release of a presidential report
and memorandumand related policy documentson the legal and policy frameworks for counterterrorism
operations, demonstrates a commitment to the rule of law and to upholding human rights norms.
Snowden 'not counting' on pardon from Obama | TheHill
Snowden said he isn't expecting a pardon from President Obama.
Cyberattacks are going to get a lot worse, former NSA official says | Healthcare IT News
Healthcare tops the list for losing stuff and the ratio of incidents to breaches, Joel Brenner said Monday during the
HIMSS Privacy & Security Forum in Boston.
Snowden: Putin, Obama, pardon: a Couric Yahoo interview | McClatchy DC
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden says hes not counting on getting a presidential pardon in the waning days
of the Obama administration. He says history will eventually absolve him for breaking U.S. national security laws.
Twitter says it will ban Trump if he violates hate-speech rules | Fox News
Like all companies, Twitter has a set of user guidelines. These rules also apply to one Donald J. Trump, and Twitter
is putting him on notice. No hate-speech on their servers, or else.
CIA classified maps of Afghanistan, Russia, released
FROM tracking terrorist networks to revealing US military strategy, these are the maps you werent allowed to see
until now.
Boys & Girls Club's Hill Clubhouse in Lancaster getting $150K renovation of teen space | Local News |
The Boys &amp; Girls Club of Lancaster is going through a teenage growth spurt at its Hill Clubhouse.
Upside-down crosses, 666 spray-painted on Manheim Township church cupola | Local News |
Police are investigating an incident of vandalism at Westminster Presbyterian Church in which someone spray-
painted upside-down crosses and 666 on a cupola of the Manheim Township church.
Obama and the Supreme Court Just Made it Easier for the FBI to Hack Your Computer - Truthdig
Government agents can now use warrants obtained from a single judge to hack computers in multiple jurisdictions
rather than having to get a warrant for each jurisdiction. - 2016/12/05
Publish, Punish and Pardon: How Obama Could Reveal the Nature of the National Security State - Truthdig
At this late date, what might a president alarmed by his successor do, if not to hamper Trumps ability to create
global mayhem, then at least to set the record straight before he leaves the White House? - 2016/12/05
The Dark Conspiracy Theories That Consume The Mind Of Donald Trump
Trump seemingly cant, or chooses not to, distinguish fact from fiction. He has a long history of adopting conspiracy
Inquirer Editorial: Pa.'s next attorney general must avoid politics and run office without fear or favor
Contrary to what former Attorney General Kathleen Kane may believe, the latest revelation from a corruption sting
involving state lawmakers does not vindicate her. But a claim that only Democratic lawmakers were targeted does
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underscore the need for future attorney generals to administer justice without fear or favor.
Snowden a case of real life drama trumping Hollywood - The Irish News
IN FEBRUARY 2015 documentary film-maker Laura Poitras deservedly won an Oscar for her riveting picture
Citizenfour, which charts the events leading up to Edward Snowden's decision to go public as the CIA contractor
who leaked sensitive material belonging to the National Security Agency (NSA).
Facebook, Twitter, Google and Microsoft team up to tackle extremist content | Technology | The Guardian
The tech companies plan to create a shared database of unique digital fingerprints that can identify images and
videos promoting terrorism
Google's satellite timelapses show the inconvenient truth about our planet | Art and design | The Guardian
Googles new Timelapse project allows you to see how anywhere in the world has changed in the last 32 years; from
evaporating lakes to exploding cities, its a document of recklessness
'More than a bike club': LifeCycles teaches teenage boys bike and life lessons | Insider |
Jeffrey Sanchez was skeptical that he could make it through a 10-mile bike ride.
Salisbury Township man died from 'multiple gunshot wounds,' coroner says | Local News |
A Salisbury Township man died this past weekend from multiple gunshot wounds in his home.
Millersville U. student accused of putting bleach in pregnant girlfriend's water faces second attempted homicide charge |
Local News |
A Millersville University student accused of trying to abort his girlfriend's pregnancy by placing bleach in her water
is now charged with trying to kill the woman.
Who's responsible for international terrorism? - World - Dunya News
The steps taken by United States that opened new ways for terrorism across the globe
Breakfast of Torturers: A Former CIA Psychologist Promotes His Memoir
Obama touts progress in terror fight, warns not to reverse course - CBS News
The president highlighted gains the U.S. has made against extremist groups like ISIS
Trip to Harrisburg Superior Court 1219 Mda 2016 Brief Stamped Pages - Pa Attorney General Letter - Judicial Conduct
Board Letter December 6, 2016
Lancaster County Clerk of Court Fraud - USPS Delivery Confirmation - Case No. CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Notice of
Appeal to Superior Court December 7, 2016
Stan J. Caterbone Appellate Courts Docket Sheets SUPERIOR COURT AUDIT of CASES December 7, 2016
LETTER From Pennsylvania Attorney General Re COMPLAINT v. Lancaster Fleet and Auto November 29, 2016 With
FILE December 7, 2016
Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board LETTER Re 2016-692 COMPLAINT v. Judge Donald Totaro December 1, 2016
'We set a tone': Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray reflects on his administration | Insider |
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray says he learned when he was a trial lawyer not to spend a lot of time looking back.
Sight & Sound to put movie of stage production in 600 theaters nationwide in spring | Insider |
Sight &amp; Sound Theatres has a good thing going.
Lancaster attorney, 28, successfully petitions Obama to take years off man's prison term | Local News |
A 28-year-old Lancaster attorney has successfully petitioned President Barack Obama to reduce the prison sentence
of a Louisiana man.
Edward Snowden: Do I Think Things Are Fixed? No. - The New York Times
The N.S.A. whistle-blower, still living in asylum in Russia, says that being patriotic doesnt mean simply agreeing
with your government.
Collection: CIA Cartography
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your
favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the
photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Secret CIA maps that shaped history | Perth Now
Pa Superior Court Case No. 1219 MDA 2016 Appeal Re Letter for ECF Password of July 30, 2016
Pearl Harbor attack inspired Lancaster County shoemaker to join Marines, storm beaches at Guadalcanal | Insider |
James F. Young doesnt like to share memories of Dec. 7, 1941, when a surprise attack by the Japanese navy on a
military base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, dragged the
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Tickets Hershey, PA | Donald J Trump for President
Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence
in business, real estate and entertainment. Show support for his presidential campaign here.
Donald Trump is bringing his Thank You Tour to Hershey | Pennsylvania |
President-elect Donald Trump will bring his post-election tour of gratitude to Hershey next week, returning to the
Giant Center six weeks after he was there for a last-minute push to
$1,000 reward offered for information on Salisbury Township homicide | Local News |
Authorities have offered a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest or conviction of the person
who killed a Salisbury Township man.
Rock Lititz gets rolling: Tait Towers, Clair Global begin work on $100 million campus | Local News |
When a rock or pop star prepares to go on tour, the music for the concerts gets thoroughly rehearsed.
Trump will have wider spying powers than anything J. Edgar Hoover ever imagined - LA Times
Anyone who doubts Trump won't use wide surveillance authority to target people based on religion, political
activism, and personal vendettas has not been paying attention.
The Secrecy - Legendary spys story gets CIAs green light | Astro Awani
Ellis Cohen has long thought the CIA was killing his flick on late OSS officer Betty McIntosh. | Top stories, photos
and videos, world and Malaysia news
NSA workers leaving in increasingly large numbers following Snowden leaks former director RT America
Employees working for the National Security Agency are leaving their posts in increasingly large numbers
following the scandal caused by whistleblower Edward Snowden, the NSAs former director has revealed.
German Government Knew About NSA Espionage on Its Soil Since 2001
New secret dossiers of the German government published by WikiLeaks last week revealed that the Federal
Government under Chancellor Gerhard Schrder was informed - "very early and in detail" - about espionage
operations of the US and Great Britain on German soil.
Intelligence battle erupts as Trump considers NSA chief for...
A public dispute inside the U.S. Intelligence Community over the weekend burst into full view this w
Hints of Ukrainian Fascism and CIA Spying Rise From Blacklist Case - Truthdig
A writer with considerable expertise about Russian and Ukrainian politics connects the dots after scrutinizing the
shadowy PropOrNot and a controversial Washington Post article. - 2016/12/09
Im a former CIA officer and a Democrat. Heres what Obama still doesnt get about terrorism - LA Times
Hes unwilling to acknowledge that Islamic ideology plays a role in attacks.
Republican senators set to probe Trumps relationship with Putin
Donald Trump faces a showdown with the US Senate, after Republicans said they would support a probe into
Russias alleged interference during the election.
Trump's cabinet picks: here are all of the appointments so far | US news | The Guardian
From retired marine corps Gen James Mattis leading the defense department to Steve Bannon as chief strategist,
heres who Trump has appointed so far
LG Health, other health providers: Don't repeal Obamacare without replacing it | Insider |
This week, the nations two largest hospital associations warned President-elect Donald Trump and Congress not to
repeal the Affordable Care Act before creating a viable replacement.
Pa. hunters feed thousands by donating deer to the hungry in program that began in Lancaster County | Insider |
On a chilly but fortuitously calm opening morning of the Pennsylvania deer season on Nov. 28, York County hunter
Kemp Thompson picked out an older doe and pulled the trigger.
School District of Lancaster: ACLU wants nearly $2M to recoup refugee education lawsuit costs | Local News |
The American Civil Liberties Union wants more than $1.88 million in attorney fees to settle claims that the School
District of Lancaster violated refugee students rights by putting them in
These 15 Election Takeaways Reveal the Electorate That Gave the U.S. President-Elect Trump - Truthdig
To start, a small percentage of Americans in both parties nominated the presidential candidateswho were disliked
by a majority of the country. - 2016/12/08
John Glenn, first US astronaut to orbit Earth, dies aged 95 | Science | The Guardian
Glenn served 24 years as a US senator from Ohio and later became the oldest person to be sent into space
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Jennifer Lawrence offends with story about 'butt-scratching' on sacred rocks | Film | The Guardian
Actors story about actions while filming Hunger Games movie in Hawaii criticised as disrespectful and
For political women its Jackie Kennedy or bust | Jess Cartner-Morley | Opinion | The Guardian
No one criticises male politicians for their clothes, so why do the likes of Melania Trump and Theresa May come in
for such flak over their fashion choices?
Microsoft Word - House-Testimony-final-final-12-1-16.doc - House-Testimony-final-final-12-1-16.pdf
York diner owner expands site of future Round the Clock eatery near F&M, might add stores | Insider |
A York diner owner has gobbled up more prime real estate near Franklin &amp; Marshall College, courthouse
records show.
Rising test scores help Ross Elementary earn Title I Distinguished School award | Insider |
There are 365 students at George Ross Elementary School, and Principal Camille Hopkins knows the name of every
single one of them.
Residents concerned, cautious in Narvon neighborhood following recent homicide | Local News |
Nighttime lights are filling the Timothy Drive neighborhood in rural Narvon this week, residents say.
Ben Wizner | American Civil Liberties Union
Ben Wizner (@benwizner) is the director of the ACLUs Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project. For nearly 15
years, he has worked at the intersection of civil liberties and national security, litigating numerous cases
involving airport security policies, government watch lists, surveillance practices, targeted killing, and torture. He
appears regularly in the global media, has testified before Congress, and is an adjunct professor at New York
University School of Law.
EU slams US tech giants on hate speech | Fox News
The European Commission has slammed tech titans Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft, saying that they are
not moving quickly enough to deal with online hate speech.
Samuel Caterbone, Jr (Dad) Naval Air Gunners Honors 1943 and Documents for AMVETS APPLICATION December 7,
Samuel Caterbone, Jr (Dad) Naval Air Gunners Honors 1943 and Documents for AMVETS APPLICATION
December 7, 2016 by stan5j.5caterbone


Inbox - - Gmail

CIA controlling minds through drugs - Technology - Dunya News
On Human Rights Day, Let There Be Light - Pardon Edward Snowden
(1) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
It Doesn't Take A Foreign Government To Hack Our Election System
Former NSA head: Employees leaving agency for private sector - Capital Gazette
Search - Supreme Court of the United States
Recorded-DefenseNews Story by Joe Pitts ELECTROMAGNETIC Weapons and Founder of the Electronic Warfare
Working Group for Securing Weapons of the Future July 7, 2008
Jill Stein's Pennsylvania recount request: Federal judge to rule by Monday
United States District Court Lisa Michelle Lambert Habeus ORDER Summary Judgement DENIED Case No 5-14-
Cv-02559-PD September 15, 2015
Lisa Michelle Lambert Summary Judgement Docket No. 8 Filed in Federal Court September 3, 2015


Russia helped Trump win the election says Americas intelligence service | New Delhi Times India's leading opinion
based newspaper
Former AG Kathleen Kane granted more time to mount appeal |
A Montgomery County judge granted Kathleen Kane a 3-week extension on the deadline for her attorneys to file an
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appeal of her criminal conviction.
U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts 'defied the typical rules of politics' for 44 years | Insider |
On a mid-September morning three months before his retirement, U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts sits behind his desk in his cozy
Capitol Hill office and reads from a Washington newspaper with
5 things you didn't know about 44-year political veteran Congressman Joe Pitts | Insider |
U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts, a 44-year political veteran retiring this month, is well-versed in todays toughest policy issues
from the crises in the Middle East to the ins and
In the Spotlight: Interfaith leader urges solidarity, mindfulness in wake up a nasty election year | Local News |
As someone who has devoted her life to bringing together people of different backgrounds, ethnicities and faiths,
the Rev. Susan Minasian has never seen an election year quite like the
Team Trump rejects CIA claims of Russia's help in presidential poll victory | Business Standard News
Read more about Team Trump rejects CIA claims of Russia's help in presidential poll victory on Business Standard.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's transition team has totally rejected the validity of a report by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) that says Russia tried to help Trump win the U.S. presidency."These are the same people
that said Saddam
Bob Dylan Nobel prize speech: this is 'truly beyond words' | Music | The Guardian
Songwriter sends a speech and Patti Smith to the Nobel awards dinner in Sweden rather than attending in person
Former NSA head: Employees leaving agency for private sector - Capital Gazette
The former head of the National Security Agency said that the agency's employees "are increasingly leaving in large
numbers" for better opportunities in the private sector.
Top Story: Leaked! Government can spy on in-flight Wi-Fi |
I've warned you about the risks of using public Wi-Fi before, and what I've just learned makes those risks even more
serious. If you're using in-flight Wi-Fi, crooks might not be t...
Judicial Nominations - Paul S. Diamond
It Doesn't Take A Foreign Government To Hack Our Election System
As Obama launches a probe into Russia's possible role in hacking, voting experts warn that our systems are already
vulnerable to amateur attacks.
On Human Rights Day, Let There Be Light - Pardon Edward Snowden
Sign the letter and urge President Obama to pardon Edward Snowden before leaving office. Time is running out.
'It's Not Just Water' campaign aims to inform high school students on impact of vaping | Insider |
Kerry Medina got her first taste of a cigarette when she was 8 years old.
Islamic Community Center of Lancaster distribute coats to those in need | Local News |
New coats were distributed at the Islamic Community Center of Lancaster (ICCL) Friday, December 9.
Obama orders deep dive into Russia election role, but public may never know results | National |
WASHINGTON President Barack Obama has ordered a full review of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016
elections, but the report may not be made public, a top White House
CIA controlling minds through drugs - Technology - Dunya News
IN 1950s, CIA did LSD experiments on humans and animals under its mind-control program
Jill Stein's Pennsylvania recount request: Federal judge to rule by Monday
Federal Judge Paul Diamond heard arguments today.
Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdiggers of the Week: The Water Protectors at Standing Rock - Truthdigger of the Week -
With a Donald Trump administration sure to spark resistance nationwide in the years ahead, indigenous activists and
their allies point the way for other Americans. - 2016/12/11
No, America, It Wasnt Russia: You Did This to Yourself - Juan Cole - Truthdig
I dont doubt that the Russian Federation employs hackers and PR people to influence public opinion and even
election outcomes in other countries. But I am skeptical that anything the Russians did caused Donald Trump to
become president. - 2016/12/10
Donald Trumps Capricious Use of Power to Denigrate and Even Endanger His Critics Must End - Truthdig
The President-elects tendency to go after people who criticize him by sending false and provocative statements to
his 17 million twitter followers not only imperils these individuals. It also poses a clear and present danger to our
democracy. - 2016/12/11
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CIA concludes Russia intervened to help Trump win White House: WP report
Washington :The CIA has concluded that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help President-elect Donald
Trump win the White House
Lancaster County judge proposes closing 4 district judge seats, saving $600,000 | Insider |
Four of Lancaster Countys 19 magisterial district judge seats would close under a proposed consolidation, saving
$600,000 a year, court officials said.
Poverty rate ticks up in Lancaster County, including Lancaster City | Local News |
Just days before a special commission unveils a new poverty-fighting strategy for Lancaster, new numbers from the
U.S. Census Bureau underscore the challenge:
Retired Mount Joy exec buys county Assistance Office building in Lancaster city for $2.55M | Local Business |
A retired businessman in Mount Joy is the new owner of the Lancaster County Assistance Office building at 826
Manor St.
High Construction wins $40M apartment job in Delaware County | Local Business |
High Construction said Thursday it has won a $40 million contract to build an apartment community in Ellis
Preserve at Newtown Square, Delaware County.
Orrstown Bank starts Manheim Township branch, its third in Lancaster County | Local Business |
Orrstown Bank broke ground Tuesday for a branch office at Manheim Pike and Lausch Lane, its third Lancaster
County branch office.
For all his threats, Trump is seen by businesses as key ally | Nation |
WASHINGTON (AP) President-elect Donald Trump has lost no chance to bash or threaten individual companies
that cross him.
California prison record system cost doubles to $386 million | Nation |
FOLSOM, Calif. (AP) A massive project to modernize medical record-keeping for California prison inmates has
more than doubled in cost from original estimates to nearly $400 million in just
CIA must show evidence Russia intervened in the election: GOP | New York Post
Top Republicans blasted reports from anonymous <a href="
intervened-to-help-trump-win-election-report/">US intelligence sources that Russia hacked Democratic e-mail
accounts</a> with the intention of swaying Americans to vote for Donald Trump. Republican National Committee
spokesman Sean Spicer demanded Saturday that the Central Intelligence Agency show evidence Russia intervened
in the election. What proof does anyone have that they affected the outcome? Because Ive heard zero. OK? he
told CNN. So show me what facts have actually shown that anything undermined that election. If [the CIA] is so
certain it happened, why wont they go on the record and say it? Intelligence sources told The New York Times and
The Washington Post that they have high confidence that Russian cyberspies accessed Republican National
Committee, Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign records, but only forwarded Democratic
messages to WikiLeaks in an attempt to diminish Clinton and help Trump win the presidency. Spicer insisted the
reports were wrong and claimed the RNC account was never hacked. He accused intelligence officials of being
upset with the outcome of the election and pushing a personal agenda. Democrats fired back, accusing the FBI
of knowing Russia was trying to help Trump win and deliberately kept the information a secret anyway. This is
not fake news. Intelligence officials are hiding connections to the Russian government. There is no question,
outgoing Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said in an interview with MSNBC Saturday. On Friday,
President Obama <a href="
election/">ordered a full review of Russias role in the DNC leaks and the presidential election.</a> Incoming
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer demanded a congressional probe. But the Trump transition team
compared reports on alleged foreign hacking to claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and
said it was time for the country to move on.
Chris Hedges: Demagogue-in-Chief - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Donald Trump will use the presidency to inflate his personality cult and increase his familys wealth. Those who do
not pay homage to his megalomania, or swell the profits of his financial empire, will be viciously attacked and
persecuted. - 2016/12/11
U.S. Becoming a Popular Destination for Rich Foreigners Avoiding Corruption Charges - Truthdig
Wealthy politicians and businessmen suspected of wrongdoing in their native lands are fleeing to a safe haven where
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their wealth and influence shields them from arrest. - 2016/12/11
Manheim Township shows residents it cares | Local News |
When Kingston Rounds saw the room of Christmas treasures, he couldn't contain his excitement.
The Next Five States That Could Legalize Marijuana |
by Phil Smith ( smith ) This article as produced in collaboration with AlterNet and first appeared here. DRUG
WAR CHRONICLE: Four states,
Trump already in command |
By Dick Miller WE.CONNECT.DOTS: President-elect Donald Trump doesnt get sworn in until January 20, but
he already commands an important aspect of foreign
mens footed pajamas - Shop for and Buy mens footed pajamas Online - Macy's
Shop for and buy mens footed pajamas online at Macy's. Find mens footed pajamas at Macy's
Russian Stocks Roar as Investors Shrug Off CIA Election Findings
An agreement by non-OPEC oil producers to curb production to support crude prices is giving Russia a lift, despite
new revelations about Putin's role in the U.S. elections.
Superior Court Case No. Case No. 1219 MDA 2016 Preliminary Injunction Appeal v. Lancaster City Police DOCKET
SHEET for Monday December 12 2016
Devin Nunes says no need for more investigations into Russian hacking - Business Insider
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said there's no need for another investigation into Russian
interference in the US presidential election.
Syrias Aleppo Falling: Moscow Is a Player in the Region Again - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Russias success in shaping the outcome of the Syrian struggle has made Moscow a player in the region again for
the first time since the fall of the old Soviet Union. - 2016/12/12
Trumps Second Gilded Age: The Rule of Billionaires and Militarists - Truthdig
The president-elects appointment of incompetent and mean-spirited billionaires and generals to top cabinet
positions signals a deepening embrace of anti-intellectualism, crony capitalism and disdain for the institutions that
give legitimacy to the social contract and the welfare state. - 2016/12/12
The Ascendance of Trump Makes Broad-Based Climate Action Essentialand Achievable
On December 5, former vice president Al Gore met with Donald and Ivanka Trump in an effort to convince the
president-elect that he should not gut federal p
Chinese state tabloid warns Donald Trump: 'Pride goes before a fall' | World news | The Guardian
Global Times attack comes as experts say Beijing will be looking for president-elects pressure points before
Terror arrests made after 'significant plot to attack UK is disrupted' | UK news | The Guardian
Six people arrested in Derby, Burton on Trent and London detained on suspicion of engaging in preparation of act of
Golden Globes 2017: La La Land leads pack with seven nominations | Film | The Guardian
Damien Chazelles movie musical gets another pre-Oscars boost, as Barry Jenkinss Moonlight chases its tail. Plus:
good news for Deadpool and Florence Foster Jenkins and snubs for Silence and Sully
La La Land trailer: Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone salute the Hollywood musical | Film | The Guardian
Damien Chazelle will follow up 2014s sleeper hit Whiplash with a more typical musical that at first glance looks
like a fond homage to a classic Hollywood genre
What factors will play a role in Pennsylvania's congressional redistricting in a few years? | Insider |
Pennsylvania is on its way to losing a seat in Congress at the beginning of the next decade.
4 dead during overdose spike in Lancaster County over weekend | Local News |
At least four people died and 20 others required emergency treatment after shooting up with heroin this past
weekend in what authorities say was an unprecedented spike in overdoses here.
F&M a founding member and model for American Talent Initiative, an effort to recruit low-income students to selective
colleges | Local News |
Organizers of the American Talent Initiative, a new national program to attract more low-income students to
selective colleges and universities, say Franklin &amp; Marshall College is a model for what
No. 13-356: Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius - Response (Hold) - 2013-0356.resp.pdf
Former US Rep. Chaka Fattah sentenced to 10 years for misspending government grants | Pennsylvania |
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Former U.S. Rep Chaka Fattah will serve 10 years in prison for a racketeering scheme spanning seven years.
Aleppo: Russia-Turkey ceasefire deal offers hope of survival for residents | World news | The Guardian
Turkish intelligence and Russian military negotiate Syria agreement allowing civilians and moderate rebels to flee to
Idlib province
Unhappy Russians nostalgic for Soviet-style rule study | World news | The Guardian
Former states under Soviet Union from Estonia to Mongolia also covered by findings that happiness gap between
eastern and western Europe persists
The case for despair is made. Now lets start to get out of the mess were in | George Monbiot | Opinion | The Guardian
There is no going back, no comfort in old certainties. But reviving common ownership is one possible route to
social transformation
Trumps CIA rebukes create 'unprecedented' feud with intelligenc - WAOW - Newsline 9, Wausau News, Weather, Sports
Just 38 days before the inauguration, Donald Trump has given the intelligence community what amounts to a slap in
the face, according to current and former intelligence officials.
Snowden sends strong anti-surveillance message to Donald Trump | Business Standard News
Read more about Snowden sends strong anti-surveillance message to Donald Trump on Business Standard. In a
clear message to US President-elect Donald Trump, the famed National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower
Edward Snowden has said that government surveillance programmes will create "vulnerabilities" for social media
Complete File - Superior Court Case No. Case No. 1219 MDA 2016 v. Lancaster City Police Brief in Support of Appeal
and Granting of Injunction Thursday December 14, 2016
Google search results promote a lot of debunked conspiracy theories - Business Insider
For many conspiracy theories, the first Google search result is a website that purports to confirm the conspiracy is
true: from 9/11 being a hoax to...
LETTER: President Barack Obamas legacy |
Twenty million people have insurance now that didn't have it before. That is a success. There are many aspects of
Obamacare that wants to keep. All evidence
Ex-CIA chief says Trump risks blame for an attack if he skips briefings | Reuters
Former CIA director Leon Panetta said on Wednesday that President-elect Donald Trump risked being blamed after
any potential attack on the United States if he refused to receive more regular intelligence briefings.
2013-0356 Conestoga Woods of LANCASTER COUNTY US Supreme Court Petition
RECEIPTS - December 11 to December 13, 2016
1219 MDA 2016 PRAECIPE to ENTER APPEARANCE - Zimmerman, Pfannebecker, Nuffort & Albert for Lancaster
City Police Dept. December 7, 2016 Recvd Dec 12, 2016
Certificate Service - APPELLANTS Choice for Disposition Superior Court Case No. Case No. 1219 MDA 2016
December 14, 2016
Social Security Benefit Statement for 2017 December 12, 2016
$4.2M was spent in Lancaster County's race for Congress; $1.4M of it came from 'dark money' | Insider |
The amount of money devoted to winning Lancaster Countys seat in Congress more than tripled this year with the
retirement of its longtime representative and the hard-fought battle to replace
Without Affordable Care Act, 52 million people with pre-existing conditions could be denied coverage | Local News |
More than 2 million working-age Pennsylvanians have health problems that previously would have allowed private
insurance companies to deny them individual coverage, a new analysis says.
Lancaster refugee center, community school marks 1 year anniversary of opening | Local News |
It can be hard for refugees and immigrants to become part of a new community.
'Growing Pains' star and TV host Alan Thicke dies at age 69 | National |
LOS ANGELES (AP) Alan Thicke's 1980s TV dad credentials were neatly in order on "Growing Pains." His Dr.
Jason Seaver was an open-hearted parent and an enlightened husband, working
Barnstormers $2.7M rent deal with Lancaster County falls through, but team expected to stay | Insider |
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Despite a $2.7 million rent relief deal between Lancaster County and the Lancaster Barnstormers baseball team
falling through, officials say the team will play on.
Todays Entry - Case No. 16-cv-4014 Caterbone v. the United States of America,, Complaint Updated December 15,
CIA refuses to hand over so-called proof of Russian hacking to help Trump
CIA refuses to hand over so-called proof of Russian hacking to help Trump
Hawaii's Electors Join Effort to Get Intelligence Report on Russian Involvement - NBC News
"The information contained in the report is essential to carrying out our constitutional obligation of casting our
vote," the four electors said.
Russian Hacking Hysteria | Frontpage Mag
The Left can't stop blaming the vast Russian conspiracy.
Plamegate - Discover the Networks
Welcome to Discover the Networks. This website describes the networks and agendas of the political Left. The
database is divided into 9 major sections
Former CIA Head Hayden Urges Trump to Be More Open to Intelligence Community
President-elect has disputed US intelligence findings that Russia sought through hacking to influence election in his
favor, is skeptical of utility of daily briefings
Evacuation preparations begin after new Aleppo ceasefire deal | World news | The Guardian
Ceasefire went into effect at 2.30am local time but International Committee of the Red Cross rejects claims
evacuation is already underway
Stan J. Caterbone - The Department of Defense - The Intelligence Community - Finding of Facts Re ISC Whistleblowing
Activities as of Saturday November 12, 2016


Inbox - - Gmail

Evacuation preparations begin after new Aleppo ceasefire deal | World news | The Guardian
Former CIA Head Hayden Urges Trump to Be More Open to Intelligence Community
Hawaii's Electors Join Effort to Get Intelligence Report on Russian Involvement - NBC News
Plamegate - Discover the Networks
Letter for Stan's Therapist Erin at Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Pearl Street, Lancaster, PA From Derrick Robinson
on June 2, 2010 | Psychiatry
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
Todays Entry - Case No. 16-cv-4014 Caterbone v. the United States of America,, Complaint Updated December 15,
CIA refuses to hand over so-called proof of Russian hacking to help Trump
Russian Hacking Hysteria | Frontpage Mag
Updated - Fulton Bank - ISC - James Guerin - Scooter Libby - William Clark - CIA - Valerie Plame - Chris Underhill - Joe
Roda October 31, 2016 | Cheque | Saddam Hussein
Stan J. Caterbone - The Department of Defense - The Intelligence Community - Finding of Facts Re ISC Whistleblowing
Activities as of Saturday November 12, 2016


Ticket #TEXVKNXVFF Hershey, PA Event Time: Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 7:00 PM Giant Arena 550
Hersheypark Dr Hershey, PA 17033 General Information: No posters, banners, or signs may be brought...
Commentary: Mr. Trump, heres what other presidents learned from the CIA | Reuters
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assanges Ally Debunks U.S. Intelligence Reports, Claims DNC Hacks Were Carried By
Insiders, Not Russians
Amid the onslaught of U.S. media reports that Russians meddled with the U.S. presidential elections, former British
ambassador and Julian Assange's ally, Craig
Trump's war on facts | Columns |
Donald Trumps warped war on facts continues.

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
The Advanced Media Group, December 15, 2016 | Freemasonry
The Yahoo breach might have seriously compromised national security
Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current
events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.
Kathleen Kane prosecutor named as AG-elect Josh Shapiro's first deputy |
Bucks County ADA Michelle Henry will sign on as Shapiro's second-in-command, a position filled in the last year
by current AG Bruce Beemer.
Lancaster Bar Association releases ratings of 5 candidates for potential judiciary seat | Insider |
The Lancaster Bar Association released evaluations on five potential candidates for county judge Wednesday with
the expectation that a position could open for the 2017 election.
Julianne and Derek Hough to bring 'MOVE - Beyond - Live on Tour' to Lancaster | Entertainment |
Tickets for the show go on sale Friday.
Spill gears up for 'Top Ten' record release shows | Entertainment |
Spill's first full-length album will be released this weekend.
Theresa Caputo, the 'Long Island Medium' coming to Hershey Theatre in March | Entertainment |
Everybodys favorite medium, Theresa Caputo, from TLCs Long Island Medium will be appearing at Hershey
Theatre on Saturday, March 18 at 7:30 p.m.
Live reunites with Ed Kowalczyk for 2017 tour | Entertainment |
Veteran prosecutor Michelle Henry to be first deputy attorney general
NORRISTOWN >> A veteran prosecutor who helped convict disgraced former Pennsylvania Attorney General
Kathleen Kane of perjury will be joining the state prosecutors office in January as first deputy.
Case No. 16-Mc-49 U.S. Chapter 11 Appeal in the District Court ORDER by Judge Edward Smith Re NO ECF FILING
December 5, 2016
Authentic and ORIGINAL Documents of 1987 RESTORED ON DECEMBER 15, 2016
Region 3 : Staff Directory | UST-REGIONS-R03 | Department of Justice
Case No. CP-36-SA-0000219-2016 Commonwealth Response to Concise Statement December 7, 2016 With Judicial
Complaint of Dec 9, 2016
Editorial: Just who is undermining election? Russians or CIA? | Albuquerque Journal
The Central Intelligence Agency isn't being very open with our elected representatives
Steve and Cokie Roberts column: Trump's war on facts - Opinion - Times Reporter - New Philadelphia, OH
Donald Trump's warped war on facts continues.The Central Intelligence Agency has concluded with "high
confidence" that Russia tried to influence the presidential election in Trump's favor by hacking into Democratic
computers. Speaking on Fox News Sunday, the president-elect dismissed the finding as "ridiculous" and added, "I
think it's just another excuse, I don't believe it. ... No, I don't believe it at all."His close adviser Kellyanne Conway
called the CIA's report "laughable," and Trump
Case No. 16-cv-4014 CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT UPDATED December 15, 2016
Hundreds leave besieged east Aleppo on first day of evacuation | World news | The Guardian
Red Cross says thousands more are due to make journey in coming days under deal brokered by Turkey and Russia
Trump dismissal of CIA digs rift with key intel supplier
Paul HANDLEY - President-elect Donald Trumps brusque dismissal of the CIAs conclusion that Russia meddled in
the US election has created an unparalleled rift
Residents seeking property tax, rent rebate have until Dec. 31 to apply | Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania residents looking to save money on property taxes this year and rent have until Dec. 31 to make a
claim for the state Property Tax/Rent Rebate program, according to
Crowd control for the mind: coping with inner voices
The other day I had an altercation with someone whose opinion I respect. We were out shopping. For no reason, she
started criticising me. As I reached to get a shirt she snickered: You never choose bright colours. You always go for
white or cream. You have absolutely no imagination. But I guess playing safe is better than the alternative, because
you have no colour sense either.
Former Sunday school classmates eye Leola for medical marijuana business | Insider |
Three former Sunday school classmates at a Mennonite church in Lancaster County say they are seeking a license to
operate a medical marijuana growing and processing business in Leola.
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Stan J. Caterbone Bank Account Balances $51,300 DOLLARS November 5, 2015 for LITIGATION December 16, 2016
Lancaster County Prison plans to stop charging inmates daily $10 housing fee Jan. 1 | Insider |
Starting Jan. 1, the Lancaster County Prison is scrapping the $10 per housing day fee.
Lancaster poverty report: cut rate in half, move 3,000 to good jobs over 15 years | Insider |
A special commission that has spent the past year studying ways to help the poor in Lancaster has issued an
ambitious, 15-year plan to lift at least half out of
Cold building temperatures get discussion at Lancaster County Prison board | Local News |
Lancaster County officials will release data on temperatures inside the prison.
Community First Fund starts $5M loan program to assist 95 small businesses, support 300 jobs | Local News |
A new loan program is designed to improve the financial strength of small businesses in Lancaster County and their
Is Britney Spears Ready to Stand on Her Own? - The New York Times
For years, the life of one of the worlds most successful pop stars has been controlled by a court-approved
conservatorship, designed for people who cannot take care of themselves.
Britney Spearss Conservatorship (Guardianship) Is Still in Place | Ginsberg Shulman, PL
December 16, 2016
Aleppo evacuation suspended as al-Qaida-linked rebels block deal | World news | The Guardian
Rebels sources suggest Jabhat Fateh al-Sham to allow wounded to leave pro-government villages, which could re-
start Aleppo evacuation
Stan J Caterbone v. Steven P. Caterbone Re Protection From Abuse or PFA Petition December 17, 2016
Newly Revealed FBI Documents Show Muhammad Ali Probe
It is no secret the U.S. government kept tabs on many high-profile and politically active celebrities during t...
CIA says FBI agrees with assessment on Russian hacking | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
CIA says FBI agrees with assessment on Russian hacking - The FBI agrees with the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) assessment that Russia was involved in hacking of servers of the Democratic party and that of the Hillary
Clinton campaign during the elections, according to a media report.
Professor Who Criticized Trump Is in Hiding After Death Threats - Truthdig
Academics increasingly are being targeted by conservative elements. - 2016/12/15
Whistleblower John Kiriakou Critiques the CIAs Behavior Following the 2016 U.S. Election - Truthdig
On this weeks Informed Rant, Joshua Scheer speaks with CIA veteran Kiriakou about the U.S. intelligence
establishment and its claims that hackers interfered with the American election at the behest of the Russian
government. - 2016/12/16
The CIA's hypocritical stance on election interference by Informed Rant
Listen to Informed Rant | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds
you create.. 50 Tracks. 97 Followers. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Informed Rant on your desktop or mobile
Pa. Attorney General declines to prosecute in Manheim Township School Board case | Local News |
The state Attorney Generals Office said Thursday it will not prosecute members of the Manheim Township School
because its investigation did not reveal any evidence of an illegal intent to
A Missing Scientists Personal Diary Proves Existence Of Aliens, UFOs, And Secret Government Projects
A document titled Project Pulsar claims to have unearthed some dangerous information on aliens, UFOs, and other
secret government programs. The document stated
Watch As Donald Trump Practices Mind Control On His 'Vicious, Violent' Supporters
Lancaster police Sgt. Bill Hickey is department's new spokesman | Local News |
If Lancaster police Sgt. Bill Hickey stuck with his initial career goal, you might be hearing him announcing
professional football and baseball.
City police can live in any county around Lancaster under new union contract | Insider |
Currently, Lancaster city police officers must live in Lancaster County or within 20 miles of Penn Square.
Best albums of 2016: No 1 Lemonade by Beyonc | Music | The Guardian
Beyoncs vivid discourse on infidelity and race with equally brilliant film accompaniment was lacerating,
astute and emphatically disruptive, turning her from mere pop superstar into an avenging angel
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The best albums of 2016: the full list | Music | The Guardian
The Guardian music critics favourite albums of the year
Golden Globes 2017: La La Land leads pack with seven nominations | Film | The Guardian
Damien Chazelles movie musical gets another pre-Oscars boost, as Barry Jenkinss Moonlight chases its tail. Plus:
good news for Deadpool and Florence Foster Jenkins and snubs for Silence and Sully


Atomic Designs CEO to resign, sees new career in developing entertainment venues | Local Business |
The chief executive officer of Atomic Design, one of three live-event industry powerhouses in the Lititz area, is
Turntable Vintage Audio opens in Manheim with audio equipment from the 'golden age' of audio | Local Business |
The Turntable Vintage Audio has opened in Manheim where it sells a variety of stereo equipment and speakers from
the 1970s and 1980s.
Now Listen Here to move hi-fi shop to new spot in Lancaster | Local Business |
Now Listen Here, a hi-fi music shop, will open in a new Lancaster spot next month.
Trump to Accept 'Meddling' in Elections if CIA, FBI Give Joint Conclusion
US President-elect Donald Trump will accept that Russia interfered in the US presidential elections if the
intelligence services would come to a joint conclusion on the issue, according to the Trump's pick for the White
House chief of staff Reince Priebus.
Restoring of historic Mayer-Hess farmhouse to start in spring | Insider |
The developer of Belmont will restore the outside of the historic Mayer-Hess farmhouse before selling its 5.8-acre
site to an investor, which wants to build a hotel next door.
$14M hotel proposed for Belmont development on Fruitville Pike in Manheim Township | Insider |
Since David Hogg is in the business of developing and operating hotels, he has a stock question for people:
Taxpayers could be on hook for SDL legal bills | Local News |
School District of Lancaster might have to dip into funds meant for students to pay legal bills associated with its
ongoing fight with the ACLU over the appropriate education of
New LNP publication will dive deep into state government with investigative reporting and analysis | Politics |
Members of the General Assembly will return to Harrisburg to be sworn in to new terms on Jan. 3.
Here's a look at the 9 other times Penn State played USC | Football |
When Penn State and the University of Southern California play in the Rose Bowl Jan. 2, it will be the 10th meeting
between the two teams. The two schools first
Case No. 16-cv-4014 CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT UPDATED December 19, 2016
New Social Security Benefit Statement for 2017 December 19, 2016
Trial and Tribulations: Kane and the OAG in 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer
At the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, 2016 will go down as the year Attorney General Kathleen Kane led
the office without a law license, fought rem...
More than meets the eye to Russias Hillary hacking | New York Post
Months and months ago I told you that the Russians <a href="
aimed-to-hurt-hillary-not-help-trump/">had hacked the Democrats and Hillary Clintons computers</a>. I said it
was probably done through a surrogate in Bulgaria. I had gotten that and other information from a very reliable
intelligence source I have known for two decades. That information plus a whole lot of other stuff I knew about
Hillary and about the economy led me to write that the Democrats were making a terrible mistake by nominating
Clinton and that she would lose the election. Too many people know too many bad things about her, <a
href="">was the
shorthand I used to explain all of this.</a> She did lose. And now everyone, including the FBI and CIA, agrees that
the Russians did indeed hack e-mails. Since I was right on that much, let me remind you of some other things my
source told me months ago that make this story even more interesting and complex. First, I wrote that the National
Security Agency (NSA) knew what the Russians were doing and warned the Democrats. Howd I know? My source
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told me that the NSA was hacking the Russians while the Russians were hacking the Democrats. (Apparently this
isnt unusual in the spy business.) And the NSA had offered the hacked e-mails to FBI director James Comey but
was turned down for reasons only Comey can explain. Another thing: Hillary, my source told me back then, had
asked special permission from the White House to have a non-secure room built at the State Department so should
could use her beloved Blackberry. Usually meetings are held inside whats called a Sensitive Compartmented
Information Facility, or SCIF. When a meeting is held inside a SCIF, spies cant snoop. And Blackberries dont
work inside a SCIP, I wrote in an Aug. 10 column. The NSA objected but the White House reluctantly gave its
approval to Clintons demand. So that gets President Obama who personally would have had to oblige the wish
directly involved in this mess. Since Clintons password had been stolen by the Russians during a trip to that
country, her information was easy pickins, I was told. President Obama said last week that he told Russian
President Putin to cut it out stop messing with the American election by releasing hacked e-mails. And that
might have done some good since Clintons hacked, personal e-mails never did come out, even though WikiLeaks
was primed to do Phase 4 of leaking material which we thought would be Hillarys personal e-mails the week
before the election. Anyway, let me just toss all that additional information into the pot thats already boiling over.
General Ray Odierno Says Vinnie Viola Is An Inspiring Choice
General (Ret.) Ray Odierno, former Chief of Staff of the Army praises the selection of Vinnie Viola to serve as
Secretary of the Army.
Bill Blum: The 2016 SCOTUS Awards: A Look Back at the Year That Was - Bill Blum - Truthdig
Its time for Truthdigs annualand only partially tongue-in-cheekreview of the highlights, lowlights, pratfalls
and pitfalls of the Supreme Court over the past 12 months. - 2016/12/20
Truthdig - After Antonin Scalias Death, Whats Next for the Supreme Court?
In addition to causing stalemates on cases in progress, the justices passing is likely to unleash a pitched battle to
name his successor and generate a key issue in the fight for the presidency. Updated - 2016/02/13
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas ranch - San Antonio Express-News
Free meals on Christmas and New Year's in Lancaster County | Local News |
Lancaster County groups have planned meals for the needy on Christmas and New Year's.
Turkey, Russia vow cooperation after ambassador's killing | World |
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) Russian investigators worked Tuesday to determine whether the assassination of their
ambassador to Turkey was the work of a lone gunman or part of a wider
Ajit Doval, Donald Trump's National Security Advisor-Designate Michael Flynn Discuss Indo-US Ties
National Security Advisor Ajit Doval has met US President-elect Donald Trump's NSA-designate General (rtd)
Michael Flynn in Washington and is believed to have discussed a wide range of regional and global strategic issues
and explore ways to further Indo-US ties.
Uncertainty lingers in Berlin after deadly attack - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Killer's parents among six held over Russian ambassador shooting | World news | The Guardian
Turkey and Russia stress their desire for cooperation after Andrei Karlov shot by off-duty police officer Mevlut
Mert Altntas
Electoral college's 'faithless electors' fail to stop Trump but land democratic blow | US news | The Guardian
At least nine faithless electors attempted to cast a vote against the candidate they were mandated to support,
drawing attention to an arcane electoral system
Petra Kvitova fortunate to be alive after attack by knife-wielding intruder | Sport | The Guardian
Two-time Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova said I was badly injured on my left hand. The injury is severe after
a man with a knife attacked her at home
Police investigate deadly Berlin truck crash as 'presumed terrorist attack' | World news | The Guardian
Police questioning suspect following incident in Breitscheidplatz, in which truck was deliberately driven into busy
Christmas market
H.R.4919 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Kevin and Avonte's Law of 2016 | | Library of Congress
Summary of H.R.4919 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Kevin and Avonte's Law of 2016
Michael F. Doyle | | Library of Congress
Sponsored legislation by Michael F. Doyle, the Representative from Pennsylvania - in Congress from 2015 through
Russia-Hack Story against Donald Trump, Another Media Failure | Global Research - Centre for Research on
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Mind Control and The Conspiracy Theory Meme. Echoes of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley | Global Research -
Centre for Research on Globalization
City Council Votes to Ban Mind Control Weapon Use Against Residents | Global Research - Centre for Research on
Search Global Research | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Defense Intelligence Agency Seeking Mind Control Weapons | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The U.S. has a long history of hacking other democracies - The Washington Post
Overthrow an election, install a dictator -- and voila, you have a loyal client state.
Joint DHS and ODNI Election Security Statement
CIA agent who debriefed Saddam Hussein says the agency is full of yes men -
John Nixon says the CIA is too eager to please the president giving him answers he wants to hear
Case No. 16-cv-4014 CATERBONE v. the United States of America,, COMPLAINT UPDATED December 20, 2016
PENNSYLVANIA on December 21, 2016 | Federal Bureau Of Investigation | Contracts
Under Amazons CIA Cloud: The Washington Post | Black Agenda Report
Wyden calls for transparency on intelligence regarding potential Russian interference in U.S election - Homeland
Preparedness News
Andy Ozment to Step Down as DHS Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity, Communications
Prisoner mistakenly freed from Lancaster County Prison, officials say it's happened before | Insider |
Lancaster County Prison officials mistakenly freed a prisoner earlier this month and acknowledged to LNP there
have been similar cases since they put in place an electronic tracking system designed
Americas National Security Agencies Under Trump: Four Lessons from the Nixon Administration
The president-elect believed he knew enough about the world and did not make time for intelligence briefings. CIA
briefers were left hanging around in the
Death penalty slowly disappearing from the US, end-of-year report suggests | World news | The Guardian
Twenty prisoners have been put to death in 2016, far below the peak of 98 in 1999, with 80% of executions taking
place in just two states
Private Criminal Complaint v. Eric Calhoun & Alley Kat Bar With Lancaster City Police Response To Scene - September
22, 2007
Mind Control - Government Will Soon Control, Trigger and Read Thoughts; Brain-to-Brain Communication is Here
Scientists are predicting that in 2017, the first true brain-to-brain communication, thought control, in people could
Lancaster city man charged in 2012 homicide still awaiting trial, wants case dismissed | Insider |
A Lancaster city man has filed a federal court motion to dismiss his homicide case following four years of
incarceration without a trial.
York County woman, kidnapped by Taliban, pleads with U.S. government in newly-released video | Local News |
A York County woman and her Canadian-born husband, held captive by the Taliban since 2012, are shown with the
woman's two young sons in a newly-released video.
2 Philadelphia judges removed from bench as ongoing probe into judicial corruption continues | Pennsylvania |
Two Philadelphia judges were removed from the bench Friday as an ongoing probe into judicial corruption
continues in the city, according to reports published on
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Man sought in robbery of Millersville business | Local News |
Millersville police are investigating the robbery of a borough business earlier this month.
DISTRICT of PENNSYLVANIA IN HARRISBURG on December 21, 2016 | Federal Bureau Of Investigation
Chris Hedges: Fake News in America: Homegrown, and Far From New - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
For decades, the media have been dominated by manufactured reports. This skillful manipulation of information
erased the lines between fact and opinion and gave rise to the demagogue who will sit in the Oval Office. -
Law Enforcement Extortion of Financial Management Group, Ltd., From Stan Caterbone in 1987 Anti-Trust Litigation
File of December 22, 2016 | Stocks
KATHLEEN KANE WAS RIGHT - Judge Paul K. Allison Letter of May 8, 2007
Prophecy Club - Bible Prophecy News And End Times Updates For The Last Days
The Prophecy Club provides Bible prophecies, videos, news and insights carrying prophetic warnings
Prophecy Club MASONIC - YouTube
THEMSELVES INTO THE APOSTLES OF CHRIST. And no marvel; for Satan himself...
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania - Wikipedia
Masonic Articles, Graphics, Newsletters, Blog, and News
CIA Director John Brennan Urges Caution In U.S. Response To Russia Hacking : The Two-Way : NPR
John Brennan told NPR some retaliation techniques were "beneath this country's greatness." On the war in Syria,
Brennan said he did not believe the violence would end, despite the fall of Aleppo.
John Brennan On The FBI-Apple Standoff, ISIS And His Future At The CIA : The Two-Way : NPR
John Brennan told NPR some retaliation techniques were "beneath this country's greatness." On the war in Syria,
Brennan said he did not believe the violence would end, despite the fall of Aleppo.
Edward Snowden, NSA Breach: Shortfalls Revealed In House Intelligence Report
Edward Snowden is taking to social media, defending himself against accusations and statements made in the
recently released House Intelligence Committee's
How The Snowman melted David Bowies heart | Music | The Guardian
The late, great singers filmed introduction to the animated Christmas movie might be one of the least well-known
parts of his career. But Bowie was a huge fan of Raymond Briggs, as those involved in the film recall
The CIA is delaying our books publication, and that hurts our democracy - The Washington Post
The review process for writings by former employees is broken. The solutions arent rocket science.
OAG Agents' Claims of Grand Jury Retaliation Survive | The Legal Intelligencer
A lawsuit brought by two agents of the Office of Attorney General, in which they claim Kathleen Kane retaliated
against them for giving grand jury testimony,...
Jewish family leaves Lancaster County in fear after being blamed for cancellation of Hempfield elementary Christmas
play | Insider |
A Hempfield elementary school is under fire for ending its longstanding production of Charles Dickens A
Christmas Carol, and a Jewish family has fled the county in fear because its
Lancaster Country Day graduate was in German market just before truck attack that killed 12 | Local News |
A Lancaster Country Day School graduate visited a Berlin Christmas market Monday about 20 minutes before a
tractor-trailer plowed into the crowd, killing 12 people and injuring about 50.
Gingerbread jail on display at Lancaster County Prison | Local News |
A gingerbread jail replica is helping boost morale at the Lancaster County Prison
Syria: Aleppo has returned to government control | World |
A statement by the Syrian armed forces says the northern city of Aleppo has returned to government control, ending
a four-year rebel hold over parts of the city.
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Did Bill Clintons Meeting With the Attorney General Force FBI to Issue Letter on Hillarys Emails? - Truthdig
Had the former president not met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch at a Phoenix airport, bureau Director James
Comey would never have felt obliged to tell Congress just days before the election that the FBI was again looking
into emails related to Hillary Clinton, Michael Daly writes at The Daily Beast. - 2016/12/21
Older Americans Pushed Into Poverty as Feds Garnish Social Security for Student Debt - Truthdig
Data from the Government Accountability Office showed that people over the age of 50 are the fastest-growing
group with student debt, outpacing younger generations. - 2016/12/21
On Contact Discussion: Israeli Weapons Are Tested on Palestinians, Then Sold to the World - Truthdig
Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges and independent journalist Rania Khalek analyze the Israeli arms industry, which
was involved in global contracts worth $5.7 billion last year. - 2016/12/21
Watch: Her immigration story won Lancaster Story Slam's top prize | Entertainment |
Audrey Lopez won Lancaster Story Slam's grand slam with her story about Rising Above.
Kellyanne Conway chosen as Donald Trump's counselor | US news | The Guardian
Former campaign manager praised as tireless and tenacious advocate of my agenda by president-elect
Evacuations out of Aleppo resume following intermittent delays | World news | The Guardian
Thousands were left stranded in freezing temperatures for nearly 24 hours, with reports of four babies dying in the
extreme weather
Lancaster Barnstormers' $2.7M stadium rent deal with the county is back on | Local News |
On Wednesday, Lancaster County commissioners signed off on the loan proposal and a Lancaster Baseball LLC
official said team owners are on board.
Pennsylvania to offer medical marijuana dispensary permit for Lancaster County | Local News |
Pennsylvania regulators have released a list of 23 counties where they will offer permits for medical marijuana
dispensaries, and Lancaster is among them.
Legal threats against Nativity scenes, stolen baby Jesus statues cause issues in Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
Last week, a woman was arraigned for stealing baby Jesus from a Nativity scene in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Trump and CIA, stop the fighting (Opinion) -
For Trump's presidency to succeed, he and the intelligence community will need to work together, says CIA veteran
John Nixon.
Mayor Gray to propose more transparency in process used to sell West King buildings | Insider |
The city has taken a fresh look at how it handled the sale of two historic properties on West King Street, and it
passes muster, legally and financially, Mayor Rick
Another Lancaster Cover-up the Sale of the Masonic Hall in the City of Lancaster, By the Advanced Media Group,
December 17, 2016
Shaq shares a crazy Pat Riley story about mind control
Shaq says the legendary coach held his breath underwater for 8 minutes. He saw it with his own eyes.
Obamas Grants of Clemency Top 1,300 in Effort to Address Justice System Problems - Truthdig
On Tuesday, he granted 78 pardons and 153 commutationsthe record for any president in a single dayto
individuals with nonviolent offenses. - 2016/12/21
Billionaire Carl Icahn Will Lead Trumps Deregulatory Charge, Consumer Advocate Says - Truthdig
Robert Weissman, president of the group Public Citizen, declares that Icahn epitomizes predatory corporate
capitalism. - 2016/12/22
Horsemen of the Trump Cabinet - Mike Luckovich - Truthdig
- 2016/12/22
CIA Chief Warns the Obama Administration Against Anti-Russian Moves
Central Intelligence Agency director John Brennan is warning the White House against waging cyber attacks on the
Russian government in retaliation for allegations that the Kremlin interfered with the US presidential election.
COURT DOCKET SHEET Friday December 23, 2016
Snowden still in contact with Russia's spy services, report says | National News |
WASHINGTON -- Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden has remained in contact with
Russian intelligence services since he arrived in Moscow three years ago, according to a declassified report
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 3575 EDA 2016 REQUEST FOR APPEARANCE re Kathleen Kane AMUCIS
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in Support of Motion to DISMISS Charges December 23, 2016
Property crimes declined, but violent crime increased 10.6 percent in Lancaster County last year | Local News |
Serious crime fell 7.6 percent in Lancaster County last year, reaching its lowest level this century.
On eve of municipal election, GOP voters hitting historic lows in Lancaster city | Local News |
While they continue to dominate in countywide elections, Republicans have been struggling for years to remain
competitive in Lancaster city.
The Price of Freedom Is A Mind Bending Spy Story with Dragon Ball Actors
Have you ever heard of Project MK Ultra? Probably not unless you're a conspiracy theorist. The Price of Freedom is
a spooky spy story worth playing.
The Price of Freedom on Steam
You are Agent Zero. Your mission: assassinate Benjamin Miller, a radical who broke into CIA facilities and stole
top secret chemical weapons research. Your mission quickly takes a dark turn as you learn the truth of what Miller
was searching for that night.
Best of Truthdigs Live Blogs 2016: First Drafts of History Bring Shock, Sadness and Hope - Truthdig
Republican and Democratic conventions. Primary and presidential nominee debates. The Pulse club mass shooting.
The #NoDAPL fight. Some of the stories we covered in real time this year were long-scheduled. Other news was
unforeseen, unfoldingsome even ongoing. - 2016/12/23
Eric Ortiz: A Conversation on Privacy With Noam Chomsky, Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden - Truthdig
Finding the right balance between national security and individual rights has been a challenge since the Patriot Act
was enacted. - 2016/03/25
China on My Mind: Robert Scheer Interviews Hollywood Producer Janet Yang - Scheer Intelligence - Truthdig
On KCRWs Scheer Intelligence, Truthdigs editor in chief speaks with the veteran filmmaker about Donald
Trumps belligerence toward China and the experience of the American film industry doing business with the all-
too-convenient evil empire. - 2016/12/23
Truthdig - Robert Scheer - They Know Everything About You
Inquiry says Snowden in contact with Russia's spy services | News |
WASHINGTON (AP) Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden remains in contact with
Russian intelligence services, according to a bipartisan congressional report released at a time when Russia is
US abstention allows UN to demand end to Israeli settlements | World news | The Guardian
Donald Trump and Israel had urged Washington to use its veto to stop historic security council resolution
Carrie Fisher in 'intensive care' after heart attack on flight to LA | Culture | The Guardian
Actor who played Princess Leia in Star Wars films transferred to hospital in LA after suffering cardiac arrest mid-
Carrie Fisher opens up about her manic bi-polar episode which lead to bizarre cruise ship performance | Daily Mail Online
Back in February, shock video footage emerged of Carrie onstage, pacing around, singing snippets of a song and
stopping along the way to clean up after her dog who had urinated and soiled the stage.
Truthdig - The Truth About Jesus
December 25, 2016
Are mind controlled toys the future of Christmas? - The Boar
Beth Kynman tells us about the latest Warwick research that could be part of next year's Christmas presents
Erotic Mind Control Through Hyponosis - m4mw
I am an experienced bisexual hypnotist with special powers in erotic mind control. Seeking bi males and bi females
to join my stable. You must be weight proportionate to height. Disease free (I will...
Belatedly, a Defense of a Whistleblower Consortiumnews
Pop superstar George Michael dies of heart failure at 53 | Local News |
LONDON (AP) George Michael's moment of liberation followed what seemed at first to be a time of deep
Snowden appeals for refugees who helped him
Canadians Help Snowdens Guardian Angels by Marc Andr Sguin
This a call for action for Ajith, Nadeeka, Supun and Vanessa. They are the four refugees who sheltered
whistleblower Edward Snowden in his time of need in Hong Kong. They are asking for Canada's help. We decided
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to answer their call.
Families who sheltered Edward Snowden in Hong Kong say NSA whistleblower gave them hope | South China Morning
Before I met Snowden, I thought I was lost. [But] he never gave up and I have changed my life because of him
says Supun Thilina Kellapatha from Sri Lanka
2016 in review: Lancaster County's top business stories | Local Business |
A brisk year in the local housing market. A shakeup of local banking. An unprecedented overhaul to the states
liquor laws. Progress on mixed-use projects involving major national retailers.
Hershey Co, promotes COO to CEO, succeeding Bilbrey | Local Business |
The Hershey Co. said Wednesday it has promoted from within to fill the upcoming vacancy at CEO.
1998 Monday of December 26, 2016 | Radiation | Electromagnetic Radiation
Mom and Pop Pop ITALY SLIDES Sunday December 25, 2016
Pop superstar George Michael dies aged 53 | Music | The Guardian
Singer who first made his name as half of pop group Wham! before going on to solo success died peacefully at
Tech Experts Call on Trump to Focus on Cybersecurity
Tech experts say they hope President-elect Donald Trump will focus further on the issue of state-sponsored cyber
Britney Spears is not dead Sony was just hacked (again) | Technology | The Guardian
Sony Music Entertainments Twitter account was hacked on Monday, publishing fake statements including RIP
Looking back at 2016: Kathleen Kane's resignation | State House Sound Bites |
Kane resigned from office in August, after being federally convicted of perjury. (Photo by AP) (Harrisburg) -- This
year saw the end of one of the most dramatic political rollercoasters in recent Pennsylvania history: the tenure of
former state Attorney General, Democrat Kathleen Kane. Kane was convicted of perjury this summer and stepped
down from her post, but the controversy surrounding her far predates that. It was shortly into her tenure, two years
before, when negative stories began to circulate about Kane shutting down an investigation into several Democratic
state lawmakers accepting bribes. She launched into an apparent plan for revenge against a former state prosecutor
she assumed to be a source in the negative story, and ultimately ended up leaking secret grand jury records to the
press in an attempt to discredit him. An investigation into her conduct began, but Kane consistently maintained her
innocence. She told reporters...
as of December 27, 2016 | Stocks
UPDATED - EXCLUSIVE Transcripts of Whistleblower Testimonies as Targeted Individuals of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control and Related Hearings and Lectures, December 27, 2016 | Torture
Spooked: How the CIA Manipulates the Media, Part 2 - WhoWhatWhy
CIA attempts to deceive the public are being thwarted, thanks to the Internet, the Freedom of Information Act,
Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and intrepid journalists like Jason Leopold (a FOIA terrorist).
Best of Truthdigs Book Reviews 2016: Top Reads, From Economics to Politics and Even Genetics - Book Feature -
In a year of many upheavals, its no surprise that books on income inequality, political protest and global warming
would wind up on our top 10 literary list of the past year. But theres also room for a little comedy and some ancient
history among the picks. - 2016/12/26
Legal tender: City resident says treasurer broke law by refusing coins as payment for fine | Local News |
Alfredo Santiago agrees it was a valid parking ticket.
Lancaster County program targets independent living for people with intellectual disabilities | Local News |
Two Lancaster County men are the first participants in a new program aimed at giving individuals with intellectual
disabilities a shot at living on their own.
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Arrival of Uber and Lyft in Lancaster County forces cabbies to work harder to get riders | Insider |
Once again, New Years Eve revelers in Lancaster County will have the option of arranging a ride home with a
smartphone app.
Debbie Reynolds Rushed to Hospital: Report
Debbie Reynolds was reportedly at her son's house when someone called 911 to report a possible stroke
Obama Moves to End Dual-Hat Leadership of Cybercom, NSA
Lancaster County and LGH reach agreement on treatment of mentally ill prison inmates | Insider |
An agreement expected to be approved Wednesday by Lancaster County Commissioners should save time, shield
county from potential lawsuits.
Lancaster County considers transition plan to curb mentally ill inmate population | Insider |
Lancaster County Prison inmates who are mentally ill and awaiting transfer to a state hospital could soon be
temporarily housed and treated in a group setting here under a plan
Who's in jail? Lancaster County Prison population by gender, race, age, mental health status | Insider |
A new effort is underway to create a public, transparent set of data on the operations of the Lancaster County Prison.
LG Health may nearly triple size of inpatient psychiatric program | Local News |
It's working on a plan to replace the 37 psychiatric beds currently at Lancaster General Hospital with 70 to 100 beds
in a new facility operated with a partner.
Reducing the stigma around mental illness | Opinion |
As the world mourns the death of Robin Williams by suicide, Lancaster County can honor the actors legacy by
embarking on substantive discussions about mental health and suicide.
Ponessa adds partial hospitalization for children with mental health needs | Local Business |
T.W. Ponessa &amp; Associates Counseling Services Inc. has added a new treatment option for children with severe
emotional, behavioral, or psychiatric disorders.
Neighbors, LG Health discuss traffic, parking impacts of planned behavioral health hospital | Insider |
Comments appear already to have influenced an important decision about the future Lancaster Behavioral Health
Hospital: The number of vehicular entry points.
CI-06-03349 DOCKET SHEET re CATERBONE v. Lancaster General Hospital Filed April of 2006 OPEN CASE
Penn State suspends Blacknall and Bowen for Rose Bowl | Football |
Saeed Blacknall and Manny Bowen, two starters whose roles have increased over this season, have been suspended
by Penn State coach James Franklin for the Rose Bowl.
Lancaster city police officer gets $9,800 heating system in giveaway honoring those who serve | Local News |
A Lancaster city police officer is getting a heating system donated by Neffsville Plumbing, Heating &amp; Cooling
Watch career highlights from 10 of the major influences who died in 2016 | Entertainment |
2016 saw the deaths of icons in the music, literary, acting and athletic worlds.
CES 2017: What to expect | Fox News
The eyes of the tech world will be firmly fixed on Las Vegas when the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) kicks off
next week.
Donated iPods, mp3 players help Lancaster's homeless cope with depression, mental health problems | Local News |
Many of our guests list music as a coping mechanism for depression, suicidal thoughts or other mental health
troubles, the nonprofit recently posted Thursday on its Facebook page. Our behavioral
Zipcar to make Lancaster County debut at Millersville University on Jan. 31 | Local News |
Car-sharing service Zipcar will make its Lancaster County debut next month, Millersville University announced
Best of Truthdigs Ear to the Ground 2016: A Showcase of Activists Approaches to the Election - Truthdig
Our Ear to the Ground section was filled with election news this year, of course. The most-read posts, however,
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were less about the outcome than about activism inspired by the democratic process. - 2016/12/27
Six Important Executive Actions of President Obama That Donald Trump Is Targeting - Truthdig
As the incoming administration threatens to reverse nearly everything Obama has done, even nuclear deals are
imperiled. - 2016/12/27
White House races to save Middle East peace process before Trump takes office | World news | The Guardian
John Kerry to underline outgoing presidents support of two-state solution with speech setting out US vision of
Israel-Palestine agreement
UPDATED STATEMENT OF FACTS re CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police Department US District Court Case 08-
cv-08982 December 28, 2016
Mtn Dew Kickstart: Puppymonkeybaby | Super Bowl Spot - YouTube
When three friends decide to stay home for the night, a surprise visitor arrives with MTN DEW Kickstart on a
mission to change their minds. #puppymonkeybaby ...
New to home theaters: 'Snowden' tells the true story of NSA whistleblower | Local |
In May of 2013 Edward Snowden, boarded a plane to Hong Kong, China where he meet with journalists from The
Guardian and filmmaker Laura Poitras to share top-secret National Security
McCaskey grad tapped to lead Senate Democrats' campaign efforts | Politics |
A 1994 J.P. McCaskey High School graduate has been picked for a key national role to help Democrats take control
of the U.S. Senate in 2018.
Molly's Pub expected to open in February under new owner | Local News |
Its taken much longer than Jason Brandt had hoped, but Mollys Pub is expected to open in early February.
Debbie Reynolds, movie star and mother of Carrie Fisher, has died | National |
LOS ANGELES (AP) Actress Debbie Reynolds, star of the 1952 classic 'Singin' in the Rain' and mother of
Carrie Fisher, has died, her son announced.
John Kerry Rebukes Israel and Calls Settlements a Threat to Peace (Video) - Truthdig
In a public address, the secretary of state explained that the U.S. abstention at the United Nations Security Council
meeting last week was driven by an effort to save Israel from the most extreme elements in its own government. -
White Supremacist Groups Will Revolt if Trump Disappoints Them, Leaders Say - Truthdig
Vocal members of the loosely organized racist coalition calling itself the alt-right fear that Trump will not deliver
the formally institutionalized white supremacy they desire. - 2016/12/28
Judge orders government to preserve Senate 'torture report' | TheHill
Earlier this month, Obama said he would preserve the report in his presidential papers.
Federal judge orders torture report preserved -
A federal judge ordered the government Wednesday to preserve a 2014 Senate report documenting the alleged abuse
of CIA detainees that occurred after the September 11 attacks.
The Biggest Mistakes of the Vietnam War The Tribune Papers
Debbie Reynolds: her life and career in pictures | Film | The Guardian
Best known for Singin in the Rain, here we look back at her life and her decades-long stage and screen career
PENNSYLVANIA - December 29, 2016 | Finance | Law Reference
Pennsylvania resists paying lawyers' bill for email report | News |
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) The Pennsylvania attorney general's office is resisting paying the bill from outside
lawyers who investigated the swapping of sexually explicit and offensive material for years through
US punishes Russia for hacking presidential campaign | McClatchy DC
The United States struck back Thursday at Russia for hacking the U.S. presidential campaign with a sweeping set of
punishments targeting Russia's spy agencies and diplomats. The U.S. said Russia must bear costs for its actions, but
Moscow called the Obama administration
Not the Russians: John McAfee talks hacking allegations, cybersecurity with Larry King (VIDEO) RT America
Following the release of an FBI report outlining Russias alleged role in hacking the 2016 election, Larry King sat
down to talk with tech pioneer John McAfee to discuss the current state of cybersecurity.
The Latest: NY AG says Trump can't dissolve foundation yet | WPXI
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WASHINGTON (AP) - The Latest on President-elect Donald Trump (all times EST):
Carrie Rickey: Best of Truthdigs Film Reviews 2016: List Includes Arrival and La La Land - Truthdig
Given the presidential election and the premature deaths of a surprising number of Baby Boomer entertainers, 2016
was the worst of years. Nonetheless, this annus horribilis produced a surprising number of great films. - 2016/12/29
Russia Reaches Syria Cease-Fire Pact With Turkeyand the U.S. Had Nothing to Do With It - Truthdig
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that after negotiations in Moscow between his administration and
its Turkish and Iranian counterparts, an accord regarding the war in Syria has been reached, establishing a fragile
truce thats being hailed as a potential turning point in the bloody civil war that has raged for six years. -
Kathie Lee Gifford Unable to Eat Salad Because of Mind Control [Video]
Kari Byron and Tory Belleci were part of the Mythbusters team, but now theyre hosts of White Rabbit Project on
Netflix. The pair, without co-host Grant Imahara, were on Today to conduct a little experiment with Kathie Lee
Gifford. It was mind control! Sort of.
FBI analysis fingers Russian spy agencies for U.S. election ...
USA-RUSSIA/CYBER-FBI (UPDATE 1):UPDATE 1-FBI analysis fingers Russian spy agencies for U.S. election
US expels Russian diplomats over hacking, Moscow vows 'response' | Business Standard News
Read more about US expels Russian diplomats over hacking, Moscow vows 'response' on Business Standard. US
President Barack Obama ejected 35 Russian diplomats from the country as a punishment over the alleged hacking
during the 2016 US presidential election and also imposed sanctions on Moscows two leading intelligence services.
Superior Court Case No. Case No. 1219 MDA 2016 CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police DOCKET SHEET December
30, 2016
Why the 60 Minutes Attack on the Social Security Disability Program is Wrong! - YouTube
In this video Marc Whitehead, a board certified Social Security Disability Attorney, discusses why what 60 Minutes
discussed about the Social Security Disabi...
Dr. Coburn talks Social Security Disability Fraud on the Senate Floor - YouTube
60 Minutes Report Denounced For Disability Misinformation
'60 Minutes' bungles another hit piece on Social Security - LA Times
"How many of you have been declared dead by the federal government?" host Scott Pelley asked a panel of four
taxpayers on Sunday night's "60 Minutes." All four raised their hands. "All of you," Pelley simpered. "You're
looking pretty well to me." And so began the CBS news program's latest hit piece...
Tom Coburn - Wikipedia

JANUARY 1, 2017

US, Israel Intelligence Collaboration at an All-Time High - Breaking Israel News

US intelligence chiefs say they are receiving more intelligence from Israel than they do from all the other US allies
put together.
US, Israel Intelligence Collaboration at an All-Time High - Breaking Israel News
US intelligence chiefs say they are receiving more intelligence from Israel than they do from all the other US allies
put together.
New Year's message from Steinman Communications executive vice president Ralph Martin | Local News |
On behalf of our family at LNP and LancasterOnline, we'd like to wish you and your family a happy and healthy
new year!
Readers decide: Here are the biggest news stories of 2016 in Lancaster County | Local News |
The biggest local news stories of 2016 included a damaging tornado, a high-profile murder trial, an embattled
school board under fire from parents, and the rising number of heroin overdose
The Best of Scheer Intelligence 2016: Robert Scheers Guests Offer a Wealth of Insight - Scheer Intelligence - Truthdig
Once a week, Truthdigs editor in chief interviews someone who, through long engagement with American culture
or politics, has an informed and highly personal perspective on pressing issues. - 2016/12/31
JAR-16-20296: GRIZZLY STEPPE Russian Malicious Cyber Activity - JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-
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FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking | TheHill
Was Claim by Department of Homeland Security and FBI About Russian Hacking Fake News? - Truthdig
The fact that a list of IP addresses was the best evidence U.S. intelligence agencies could provide should be a strong
indication that there really is no evidence, a website design and security specialist contends. - 2016/12/31
The Best Truthdiggers of 2016: Risk-Takers Are Honored for Challenging the Status Quo - Truthdigger of the Week -
From politicians who went against the grain to activists who risked their lives for a cause, our most popular
Truthdiggers serve as a reminder to stand up for justice in the face of adversity. (Pictured here, David Archambault
II, tribal chairman of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota and a leader in the Dakota Access
pipeline fight.) - 2016/12/31
Natasha Hakimi: Truthdigger of the Week: CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling, in Prison and Fighting for His Life -
The Obama administration has made an example of Jeffrey Sterling, the first whistleblower convicted under the
Espionage Act. Now the former CIA agent is being denied proper medical care in the federal detention center where
he is imprisoned after being sentenced to three years. - 2016/09/24
Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Julian Assange, Publisher of the Clinton Campaign Emails - Truthdigger
of the Week - Truthdig
For illuminating what the Democratic presidential nominees camp does in the dark, the long-confined hacker-
turned-journalist is under fresh attack from familiar adversaries and taking hard, if necessary, criticism from
erstwhile allies. - 2016/10/22
Eight Mideast Stories That Shaped Our World in 2016 - Juan Cole - Truthdig
If we set aside the glib talking points of U.S. politicians and many pundits, what were the big stories this year that
actually didor likely willaffect the American public deeply? - 2016/12/31
Hypnotist Spreads Positive Message for 2017 -
Hypnotist Spreads Positive Message for 2017 - on
Istanbul attack: Manhunt for attacker who killed 39 in nightclub live | World news | The Guardian
At least 15 foreign nationals confirmed dead as Turkish interior minister says gunman is still on loose despite earlier
reports attacker had been killed
US-Russia tensions rise as malware found at Vermont electric utility | Technology | The Guardian
New York compound allegedly linked to Russian intelligence evacuated after Obama announces new sanctions
LIGHTS OUT by Ted Koppel
The official site for Ted Koppel's book LIGHTS OUT: A Cyberattack, A Nation Unprepared, Surviving the
Aftermath. In this tour de force of investigati...
What's behind retirement communities' $220M investment in Lancaster County? | Insider |
The baby-boomer generation is retiring, and Lancaster Countys many senior communities know it.
In-depth: Hundreds struggle financially, emotionally after losing disability checks because of lawyer's alleged fraud |
National |
MINNIE, Ky. (AP) Donna Dye saw the coal truck come barreling over the horizon and her head started spinning
with that familiar, desperate urge to end it all.
The Obama Victims: Edward Snowden - Live Trading News
22-year-old Lancaster woman charged after stabbing man during domestic dispute | Local News |
A Lancaster woman has been charged with stabbing a man in the city early Saturday.
Parents accused of abusing, neglecting 3 kids had 24 pets in fair condition | Pennsylvania |
A couple accused of neglecting and abusing three children, two of whom officials say were near death, had 24 pets
who didn't appear underfed.
Experts Arent Convinced by FBI and Homeland Security Report on Alleged Russian Hacking - Truthdig
Among the skeptics are veteran intelligence analyst and NSA whistleblower William Binney and a former vice
president of security at Amazon. - 2016/12/30
Snowden Leak Suggests the NSA Could Prove Identity of DNC Hackers - Truthdig
If the NSA could use signals intelligence to track a specific hack of an American email account in 2005, its not too
much to assume that, 10 years later, the agency possesses the same or better capability, writes Sam Biddle at The
Intercept. - 2016/12/30
Vladimir Putin Says He Wont Retaliate Against U.S. Actions - Truthdig
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Despite his foreign ministers advice, the Russian president says he will not hit back at the United States for
expelling his countrys diplomats and imposing new sanctions. - 2016/12/30
Humans can now control SWARMS of robots using the power of their MIND
Scientists were looking for ways to help those with disability or paralysis, but found an incredible innovation that
could be used in futuristic battles
Washington DC lawyer Douglas Gansler was initially contracted by former state Attorney General Kathleen Kane.
(Photo by AP) (Harrisburg) -- A conflict has sprung up between the state Attorney General's office and DC-based
Law Firm BuckleySandler over an investigation the firm conducted into the AG office's emails. The office--under
interim AG Bruce Beemer--said the resulting report was unsatisfactory, and it's resisting paying BuckleySandler in
full. Now the AG's office is trying to avoid a lawsuit. The investigation and subsequent report were ordered by
former AG Kathleen Kane in 2015, after she became aware of lewd emails being passed around by top justice
officials. Kane's since been convicted of perjury in a related case. She's appealing the conviction. The report was
overseen by special prosecutor and former Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler, who was initially promised
two million dollars for the work. But AG office spokesman Chuck Ardo said the...
Pa. prosecutors balk at $2 million bill from Porngate investigator
HARRISBURG - Kathleen G. Kane, the convicted former state attorney general, may be out of office, but a legal
fight is just beginning over her signature quest to investigate pornography shared over state computers. - Angela
Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
New Lancaster County advocacy group plans to promote public education, spotlight charter school issues | Local News |
A new advocacy group wants to be a legislative watchdog and support public schools across district lines in
Lancaster County.
Rep. Mike Sturla thinks Pa. should legalize video gambling at bars and clubs; Here's why | Insider |
Pennsylvania has a gaping budget deficit. Organizations like the Elks and the Veterans of Foreign Wars need more
revenue. And bars are always looking for ways to attract customers.
More officers killed in line of duty this year, almost half were shot | National |
This year saw a major increase in the amount of police officers killed in the line of duty, according to WGAL.
Obama orders sanctions against Russian officials, intelligence services in response to election hacking | National |
HONOLULU (AP) In a sweeping response to election hacking and other meddlesome behavior, President
Barack Obama on Thursday sanctioned Russian intelligence services and their top officials, kicked out 35
9 local New Year's Eve parties in Lancaster County | Entertainment |
It's not too late to plan a big night out for New Year's Eve.
Sixth annual Mickel B-Day Bash returns to Tellus360 | Entertainment |
December birthdays are hard.
Lancaster Galleries celebrates artists with 'Prelude' exhibit running through Jan. 7 | Entertainment |
Lancaster Galleries owner Joyce Heberlein talks about her love for art and artists.
Unscripted: Remembering Stephen Kopfinger, former LNP staffer, correspondent and columnist | Entertainment |
Steve Kopfinger was a man of wit, intelligence and passions that included classic films, theater, ocean liners and
trains. He wrote for LNP for many years.
Kathie Lee Gifford Unable to Eat Salad Because of Mind Control [Video]
How North Korea and the Obama regime both use the same mind control techniques against their citizens (video)
Something went wrong on SoundCloud
FINAL - Third Circuit Case No. 16-1149 LAMBERT Habeus Corpus PETITION for WRIT of CERTIORARI to the
United States Supreme Court October 12, 2016
Kellyanne Conway Blames US Intelligence Agencies, Not Russia, For Election Hacking
DirecTV drops WGAL when agreement to carry the station expires | Local Business |
DirecTV dropped WGAL-TV on Sunday after the satellite TV provider and the stations owner failed to reach a new
retransmission agreement.
Insider Q&A: Your medical information is big business | Nation |
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How much are your old prescriptions worth? Maybe not much to you. But for some companies, your medications,
test results and hospital records are the building blocks of a multinational
Fight against publishing notices in newspapers persists | Nation |
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) As classified advertising, once the lifeblood of newspapers, has dried up, one constant has
remained: a thick daily listing of government public notices. But legislative fights
US states, leery of Russia malware, re-examine cybersecurity - | News, Sports, Information on
the Blue Earth region - Faribault county Register
Take a look at what's ahead for Pennsylvania government officials in 2017 | Insider |
Should a criminal act against a police officer be considered the same as a racial or religion-based hate crime?
44-Sheryl Crow BOOKMARKED Documents of Monday, January 2, 2017 With Notes
HARASSMENT DOWNTOWN Scans - Kane Order - Att Receipt - Umpc Card - January 3, 2017
Trip to Philadelphia 34 US COURT DOCKET REPORTS and RECEIPTS Tuesday January 3, 2017
Trump doubtful as US spy chiefs to testify on Russian hacking
Top US spy chiefs will testify in Congress Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the US election as President-
elect Donald Trump continued to question intelligence that Moscow was behind the hacking of Democratic party
computers. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and National Security
CIA Chief Brennan Hopes US-Russia Relations to Revive Under Trump Administration
CIA Director John Brennan expressed hope that Washington-Moscow relations may improve under Donald Trump's
Former Attorney General Kathleen Kane Fights Conviction CBS Philly
She remains free while she appeals.
Ex-attorney general Kathleen Kane fighting conviction | News |
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane contends her nine-count perjury and obstruction conviction
should be overturned because of trial errors and overlapping charges.
Ex-Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane Fights Conviction Over Leak | NBC 10 Philadelphia
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane says her nine-count perjury and obstruction conviction
should be overturned because of trial errors and overlapping charges.
Kathleen Kane outlines case for her appeal
NORRISTOWN >> Kathleen Kanes defense team filed a statement Tuesday in Montgomery County Court
outlining the complaints on which the former Attorney General of Pennsylvania will base her appeal.
Split widens between Trump, CIA over Russian hacking allegations - World Socialist Web Site
President-elect Trump and factions of the political establishment aligned with the CIA hurled accusations at each
other Wednesday over allegations that the Russian government sought to influence the 2016 US election.
Lancaster County Courthouse cellphone ban takes effect; Reactions range from content to disgruntled | Insider |
Despite a little grumbling here and there, a ban on cell phones at the Lancaster County Courthouse took effect
Tuesday with with little fanfare.
Barack Obama and Mike Pence slated for healthcare showdown | US news | The Guardian
President to address Democrats in Congress on how to save signature legislation while future vice-president will
meet with Republicans eager to repeal the law
Socioeconomic school integration is focus of Jan. 24 town hall at Ware Center in Lancaster | Local News |
A growing number of communities are starting to organize their schools around the idea that when children from
poor and privileged families learn together, everyone benefits.
A celebratory state Capitol: Lawmakers swear in for a new session in Harrisburg | Politics |
Pennsylvanias Capitol building was buzzing Tuesday as state lawmakers kicked off the new two-year legislative
session with the swearing-in of dozens of new officials -- including Lancaster Countys freshman state
Franklin & Marshall alumni connected to Donald Trump, Iraq and foreign policy | The Scribbler |
One grad had ties to Trump Tower, while another writes about mistake with Iraqi weapons of mass destruction
Paul Street: Barack Obamas Neoliberal Legacy: Rightward Drift and Donald Trump - Truthdig
The Wall Street takeover of Washington, D.C., and the related imperial agenda of the Pentagon System were
advanced more effectively by the nations first black president than they could have been by white Republicans such
as John McCain or Mitt Romney. - 2017/01/03
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A Presidential Strategy Board: Enabling Strategic Competence Analysis Eurasia Review
Lancaster County athletic booster clubs spent more than $2.2M in 1 year; Here's a look at the numbers | Insider |
Booster clubs combined to spend more than $2.2 million in supporting athletic programs at the 16 public high
schools in Lancaster County during the 2014-15 school year.
Youth athletic opportunities booming in Lancaster city | Insider |
One July morning this summer, dozens of children took turns whacking tennis balls on the outdoor courts at
Franklin &amp; Marshall College.
Pa. teen charged for recording racist video; Targeted boy also charged for retaliatory attack | Pennsylvania |
Charges have been approved for an Easton, Pa., teenager after he allegedly recorded a racist video in October, the
Northampton County district attorney announced today.
Outcry after Republicans vote to dismantle independent ethics body | US news | The Guardian
Office of Congressional Ethics was created in 2008 to investigate allegations of misconduct by lawmakers
US intelligence officials: Russia poses serious cyberthreat -
Top U.S. intelligence officials say Russia poses a major and growing threat to U.S. government, military, diplomatic
and commercial operations as well as America's critical infrastructure.
Top U.S. cyber officials: Russia poses a major threat to the countrys infrastructure and networks - The Washington Post
The officials said that in recent years they have seen the Kremlin become more aggressive in their cyber operation.
Confronted with intel he didn't like, Trump eyes major CIA changes | MSNBC
Intelligence professionals told Donald Trump what he didn't want to hear. He's responding with a plan to cut back
intelligence agencies.
Donald Trump's beefing with the two agencies that he's planning to revamp. Coincidence?
Four arrested over Facebook Live video of man tortured amid anti-Trump taunts | US news | The Guardian
Chicago police are investigating a video appearing to show a man tied up and assaulted while attackers shout fuck
Donald Trump and fuck white people
Trump inauguration tickets are in high demand in Lancaster County | Pennsylvania |
If youre planning to attend President-elect Donald Trumps inauguration in two weeks, there are a few days left to
request a ticket.
Landisville state senator re-selected to chair Communications & Technology Committee | Local News |
State Sen. Ryan Aument, a Republican from Landisville, has been selected by party leaders to chair the Senate
Communications &amp; Technology Committee for the second consecutive time.
Case No. 16-2513 Preliminary Injunction Middle District CATERBONE MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION With
EXHIBIT Thursday January 5, 2017 | Due Process | Conspiracy (Criminal)
KINDA BUSY TODAY - THURSDAY JANUARY 5, 2017 by Stan J. Caterbone, Director
Kane fights conviction over leak - - January 05, 2017
PHILADELPHIA Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane hopes to overturn her nine-count
perjury and obstruction conviction because of what she calls trial errors and overlapping charges.
Spy wars: Trump strikes back - Baltimore Sun
President-elect's unsubstantiated criticisms of U.S. intelligence community undermine his own credibility as well as
national security
Report: Trump taps former Sen. Dan Coats for top intelligence post | Donald Trump | Dallas News
WASHINGTON A top spokesman for President-elect Donald Trump shot down a report Thursday that Trump is
looking to revamp U.S. intelligence...
Coats reportedly Trump's favorite candidate for intelligence post | 2017-01-05 | Indianapolis Business Journal |
Former Indiana Sen. Dan Coats is the front-runner to become Donald Trumps director of national intelligence,
according to two people familiar with the decision, a move that would put him in the position of defending the
agencies whose conclusions on Russian hacking have been openly questioned by the president-elect. According to
the people, who requested anonymity because a final decision hasnt been made, Trump is also considering Fran
Townsend, President George W. Bushs former homeland security adviser; Admiral Mike Rogers, the current
director of the . . .
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Russia hacking: US intelligence chief hits back at Donald Trump's 'disparagement' | Technology | The Guardian
James Clapper tells Congress he will release more evidence of Russian interference in US election and describes
multifaceted cyber assault
Crossings at Conestoga Creek developer High to pay $300K over 10 years for Long's Park upkeep | Local News |
Longs Park is likely to see more visitors when The Crossings at Conestoga Creek opens in 2018.
Flu is coming, but the stomach bug is here here's how to prevent it, or cure it if you're already sick | Local News |
Although flu season has not yet hit its stride, some doctors are seeing a spike in unrelated stomach viruses this
Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis introduce Constitutional Amendment to limit Congressional terms | National |
A Constitutional Amendment has been introduced to limit terms on members of the Congress.
Burning body found in rural area of York County; death being investigated as homicide | Local News |
York County authorities are investigating after a body was found on fire in West Manchester Township early
Everybody Loses in Trumps War on Intelligence Agencies - Bloomberg View
The U.S. needs to improve cybersecurity. But taking the feud to Twitter only helps the enemy.
Watch: Brett Eldredge encounters a snake in his toilet | Entertainment |
Country singer Brett Eldredge found a surprise visitor in his toilet Wednesday morning.
Food poisoning Symptoms - Mayo Clinic
Food poisoning Comprehensive overview covers causes, symptoms and treatments.
Sen. Scott Martin announces new Lancaster district office, staff | Politics |
New state Sen. Scott Martin, a former Lancaster County commissioner sworn in this week to the state Legislature,
has selected several people experienced in county government and politics to lead
Guns Down, Drums Up program at Lancaster's Crispus Attucks aims to teach drumming, discipline | Local News |
Its called Guns Down, Drums Up, but there was no chance that those who turned out Thursday night for a new
program at Crispus Attucks Community Center had violence on
Inquiry Points Toward a Pentagon Plot to Subvert Obamas Syria Policy - Truthdig
An official investigation offers evidence that the U.S. military engineered a deliberate and lethal attack on Syrian
troops, an act that sabotaged the presidents effort to cooperate with Russia against Islamic State. - 2017/01/05
Trump, Assange, and the Control of the Republican Mind
The cruelest, most condescending, and also devastatingly correct indictment of Donald Trumps supporters was
uttered by Trump himself.
Former CIA chief leaves Trumps team | Obamacare wont be replaced all at once, senator says - MarketWatch
Former CIA chief leaves Donald Trumps team; senator says Obamacare wont be replaced all at once; Republican
leaders slow walk Trump infrastructure plans; and more.
Trump to name ex-senator Dan Coats as director of national intelligence | US news | The Guardian
Former Indiana lawmaker and member of the Senate intelligence committee has been banned from entering Russia:
Im not a big fan of Putin
Biden hits Trump's 'mindless' take on intelligence agencies - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Joe Biden attacks Trump for 'mindless' dismissal of agencies' intelligence | US news | The Guardian
Vice-president speaks out as agency chiefs prepare to brief president-elect on Russian election interference
Feds: Airport shooting suspect complained of mind control
Two months before airport shooting, suspect referred for psychiatric treatment.
Fort Lauderdale Shooting Suspect Spoke of Mind Control and Being Forced to Join Islamic State | KTLA
The young Iraq war veteran suspected of fatally shooting five people and wounding eight others at Fort
Lauderdales international airport Friday had become mentally agitated in recent weeks, family members said,
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despite his happiness over the birth of a son less than four months ago.
Fort Lauderdale shooting suspect was an Iraq war veteran with delusions of being forced to fight for Islamic State - LA
Authorities say five people died and eight others are injured after a lone suspect opened fire at Fort Lauderdale-
Hollywood International Airport on Friday.
Fort Lauderdale shooting suspect was an Iraq war veteran with delusions of being forced to fight for Islamic State - LA
Authorities say five people died and eight others are injured after a lone suspect opened fire at Fort Lauderdale-
Hollywood International Airport on Friday.
Airport Shooter Said He Was "Mind Controlled" By A U.S. Intelligence Agency | Zero Hedge
Santiago told the F.B.I. he thought he was being mind controlled, possibly by the U.S. government or the C.I.A. and
admitted hearing voices, which Santiago said told him to study extremist materials on the Internet, the New York
Times reports. Despite the fact that Santiago himself, his girlfriend, and even co-workers warned authorities of his
experiences the F.B.I. failed to detain him before his travels to Florida.
Feds - Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooting of Friday January 6, 2017 suspect complained of mind control - by STAN J
CATERBONE and Advanced Media Group January 7, 2017
Case No. 16-2513 Preliminary Injunction Middle District EXHIBIT re FT. LAUDERDALE SHOOTER AND U.S.
SPONSORED MIND CONTROL January 9, 2017.pdf
Jack O'Rourke:Trump is right to question methods of security agencies - Opinion - - Providence,
President Dwight Eisenhower was convinced that nuclear war was unthinkable and small wars unwinnable. To
project American interests worldwide without resorting to war, Eisenhower added "covert actions" to the mission of
the intelligence gathering Central Intelligence Agency.Covert actions were undefined until the Reagan
administration, when Congress concluded after an extensive investigation that the administration's conduct during
"the Iran Contra affair was characterized by pervasive
Emma Niles: Truthdigger of the Week: Ava DuVernay, Activist Filmmaker - Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
Even when off the set, the director of 13th and Selma regularly addresses issues of political injustice. -
Feds: Airport shooting suspect complained of mind control |
Two months before Esteban Santiago allegedly unleashed a deadly assault inside the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood
International Airport, the 26-year-old former National Guardsman showed up unannounced and troubled at the
Anchorage, Alaska offices of the FBI.
Airport Shooting Suspect Esteban Santiago Sought Help for Mental Problems: Brother - NBC News
Bryan Santiago said his brother went to the FBI to say he was hearing voices about the CIA and ISIS, but he was
only held in treatment for four days.
FBI: Gun Returned to Fla. Shooting Suspect Because He Was Not Legally Declared Mentally Ill
FBI: Gun Returned to Fla. Shooting Suspect Because He Was Not Legally Declared Mentally Ill
Esteban Santiago charged over Fort Lauderdale airport attack | US news | The Guardian
Former National Guardsman formally charged with act of violence causing death at international airport after five
were fatally shot and six wounded
Sandusky scandal costs for Penn State rise to nearly a quarter-billion dollars | Local News |
HARRISBURG (AP) Penn States costs related to the Jerry Sandusky scandal are approaching a quarter-billion
dollars and growing, five years after the former assistant football coachs arrest on child
Family: Florida airport shooting suspect 'lost his mind' after tour in Iraq | National |
The man police say opened fire with a gun from his checked baggage at a Florida airport had a history of mental
health issues some of which followed his
Lancaster County signs off on tax incentives to promote development in Manheim, Millersville and Mount Joy | Local
News |
Lancaster County and municipal officials are hoping a tax incentive program will spur development in three
Shoppers sad to see Kmart closing on Fruitville Pike as clearance sales begin | Insider |
Life goes on, a man clutching a pack of discounted white T-shirts said as he left Kmart at 1890 Fruitville Pike on
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Gap man fired as police sergeant in Berks County after being accused of stealing cop's phone | Local News |
A former Berks County police sergeant has been accused of stealing an officer's smartphone before he was fired last
Elizabethtown College swimmers at Fort Lauderdale airport during fatal mass shooting, all reported safe | Local News |
Members of the Elizabethtown College mens and womens swim teams are safe after a shooting at a Florida airport
Friday afternoon left five people dead and at least eight injured.
Pa.'s attorney general-elect appoints ethics expert |
Pennsylvania's attorney general-elect has appointed an ethics reform expert as the state's first-ever Chief Integrity
Federal Charges Are Filed Against Accused Fort Lauderdale Airport Gunman - WSJ
The U.S. government announced charges against accused Fort Lauderdale airport shooter Esteban Santiago, saying
that he flew one-way to Florida from Alaska and planned the assault that left five people dead and six hospitalized.
Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis driven by delusions - The Washington Post
Federal and local authorities provide additional information on the Navy Yard shootings
North Group to leave Lancaster city for former Cargill space in Lititz | Local Business |
Companies frequently choose an office decor that reflects their business.
A Slice of Brooklyn Pizzeria opens restaurant in Lancaster | Local Business |
A Slice of Brooklyn Pizzeria has opened a new shop in downtown Lancaster, taking a space near the bus station
previously occupied by Spyro Gyros.
Ted Rall: CIA Spying on Congress, Foolish Spooks and Senators
In this exclusive to aNewDomain Ted Rall commentary, the political columnist digs into news about CIA's spying
on U.S. senators. Here's why it's hilarious.
History News Network | While You Werent Looking, the FBI Acquired the Power to Spy on You
Fort Lauderdale suspect claimed government was controlling his mind months before shooting - The Washington Post
Suspect in Fort Lauderdale shooting charged with federal crimes and could face the death penalty.
Navy Yard Shooter Thought He Was Under Government Mind Control |
The gunman in this month's bloody rampage at the Washington Navy Yard claims that attempts at government mind
control drove him to the crime. The FBI on Wednesday released notes retrieved from the shooter, Aaron Alexis,
providing a window into a paranoid mind that felt under siege by "low-frequen...
Was the Washington D.C. Navy Yard Shooter, Aaron Alexis, a Target of Mind-Control? | Para-Political Journal
It's been a long time since I've blogged about anything (a whole month in fact), as I've been busy working on a book
project for a friend of mine. However, a hell of a lot has happened in just that short amount of time, and one thing in
particular is literally screaming at me to
FSU Shooter Myron May Left Message: 'I Do Not Want to Die in Vain' - NBC News
Hours before he shot three people and was killed by cops, lawyer Myron May sent paranoid messages and packages
to friends.
Ft. Lauderdale shooter thought the government was using mind control
CBS News' David Begnaud has the latest on the Fort Lauderdale shooting suspect Esteban Santiago.
Did VA, Army Blow Ft Lauderdale Gunman Mental Health Warnings?
Family members of the Ft Lauderdale shooter say the Iraq War combat veteran lost his mind in Iraq and later
showed symptoms of PTSD before shooting.
Chris Hedges: When Fear Comes - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Fear, a despotic states most potent weapon, keeps a population compliant. It will be lavishly supplied as we are
thrust into a new dark age. - 2017/01/08
Lancaster Councilwoman Danene Sorace announces run for mayor | Local News |
Lancaster Councilwoman Danene Sorace said shes running for mayor to continue the momentum the city has
generated over the past decade.
AMICUS FILE - Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooting of Friday January 6, 2017 suspect complained of mind control - by
STAN J CATERBONE and Advanced Media Group January 9, 2017
Lancaster County Prison marks year without suicides | Local News |
There were no suicides at the Lancaster County Prison in all of 2016, the first year without an inmate killing himself
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since 2012, data show.
Nonlethal approach to controlling Lancaster County-bound crows has proved successful | Local News |
When Laurie Fuller moved to Lancaster city from Philadelphia in 2004, she was shocked to learn that poison was
being used to manage the 15,000 to 20,000 crows that migrate
Elizabethtown girl wins Farm Show's Got Talent competition | Local News |
Wearing a plaid Western shirt and cowboy boots, Maya Talarico, of Elizabethtown, strapped on her small guitar.
US Intelligence Report on 'Russian Hacking' Lacks Evidence and Credibility
The United States Intelligence Community published a joint report on "Russian activities and intentions" in the
recent US presidential elections. According to the document, Moscow used various tools, including cyberattacks
and media activities, to influence the results of the election.
Google vs. the NSA (parody video)
It's Google vs. the NSA (parody). Funny. Edgy. Courtesy Steve Wozniak, via Mark Graffis.
La La Land wins record seven Golden Globes as Moonlight takes best drama | Film | The Guardian
Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone win acting honours and Damien Chazelle earns best director but Meryl Streep steals
show with searing critique of Donald Trump
Meryl Streep attacks Donald Trump in Golden Globes speech video | Film | The Guardian
Without mentioning his name, Meryl Streep strongly criticizes Donald Trump in an emotional speech at the Golden
The rise of the cashless city: 'There is this real danger of exclusion' | Cities | The Guardian
Cities from Sweden to India are pushing for a totally cash-free society. But as more shops and transport networks
insist on electronic payments, where does this leave the smallest traders and poorest inhabitants?
Heres A Look At The Fort Lauderdale Shooters Now-Disabled Instagram Account
Esteban Santiago served in the Army National Guard and posted Instagram photos from his deployment to Iraq.
Is The Mattis-Trump Honeymoon Over?
A new report in The Washington Post suggests tension between retired Marine Gen. James Mattis and the Trump
.:Middle East Online:::.

Monday January 9, 2017

Google Alert - national security agency - - Gmail

.:Middle East Online:::.
View Notification
Is The Mattis-Trump Honeymoon Over?
Heres A Look At The Fort Lauderdale Shooters Now-Disabled Instagram Account

JSTR CTUAL (@th3j35t3r) | Twitter
Meryl Streep attacks Donald Trump in Golden Globes speech video | Film | The Guardian
US Intelligence Report on 'Russian Hacking' Lacks Evidence and Credibility
Lancaster Councilwoman Danene Sorace announces run for mayor | Local News |
Fort Lauderdale airport shooting suspect had visited FBI office in Alaska last year - The Washington Post
History News Network | While You Werent Looking, the FBI Acquired the Power to Spy on You
Ted Rall: CIA Spying on Congress, Foolish Spooks and Senators
(1) Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
AMICUS FILE - Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooting of Friday January 6, 2017 suspect complained of mind control - by
STAN J CATERBONE and Advanced Media Group January 9, 2017
Search | LinkedIn
The Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love? - YouTube

TD Ameritrade TRADEKEEPER PROFIT-LOSS FOR 2004 TRADES and 2017 FULTON STOCK January 9, 2017
PoliticsPA: Incoming AG Shapiro names Chief Integrity Officer - Philadelphia Business Journal
The officer is part of a larger response to the issues surrounding the AG office during Kathleen Kane's tenure.
Rising police costs, growing pensions among reasons 14 Lancaster County communities raise taxes for 2017 | Insider |

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Rising police expenses, new municipal buildings, growing health care and pension costs and concerns about
pending property reassessments.
Alibaba's Jack Ma says job creation will focus on small business
Trump says "Jack and I are going to do some great things." Alibaba's Ma says its U.S. job creation will focus on
small business.
Trump names son-in-law Jared Kushner as senior adviser, testing nepotism law | US news | The Guardian
Kushner, who had Trumps ear in an informal role during the election, will need to argue a federal anti-nepotism law
does not apply to him
Kushner - Diversified real estate organization headquartered in New York
We are strategically focused on setting the pace for the way people live and work, through productive, efficient, and
state-of-the-art environments.
The New Intelligence Report On Russia Shows We Need An Independent Bipartisan Commission Now More Than Ever |
The Nation
In 1966, the scholar-diplomat George F. Kennan testified before Senator William J. Fulbrights Senate Foreign
Relations Committee and said that the United States would be well advised to quit its habit of overhyping
communist threats abroad.
My Friend and Colleague Soleilmavis Liu of China a Victim of Mind Control Living in China Who Started Peacepink-
August 28, 2016
Usage Statistics for TOTALS and MONTHLY From May of 2016 to January
2017 - January 10, 2017
Blue Lives Matter bill would make crimes against police a hate crime in Pa., advocacy groups push back | Insider |
Crimes against police officers and other emergency-responders in Pennsylvania would be treated as hate crimes
under a new bill proposed by a state lawmaker from Lancaster County.
Rocky Springs to start $1.9M expansion and renovation this month | Insider |
Since buying the Rocky Springs Entertainment Center nearly eight years ago, Fred and Sherry ONeill have learned
a lot the hard way.
Suspect in Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting Is Assigned a Lawyer - The New York Times
Shackled, bearded and wearing a red jumpsuit, Esteban Santiago was appointed a public defender after he told a
federal magistrate that he had no money.
Lawyer assigned to Fort Lauderdale rampage suspect
Airport shooting spree suspect Esteban Santiago makes his first court appearance Monday.
Former Pa AG Investigators FMLA Claim Dismissed: No FMLA Protection After Leave Ends Despite Extension of
Leave | Saul Ewing LLP - JDSupra
The saga of former Attorney General Kathleen Kane continued in the courts on January 4, 2017 when Judge Sylvia
Rambo (Middle District of Pennsylvania) dismissed an FMLA claim brought...
ORDER: In accord with the Memorandum 21 filed this date; 1) Dfts mtn to dismiss Count II of the amended complaint 17
is GRANTED.2) Because the court has dismissed all claims over which it had original jurisdiction, the court declines to
exercise supplemental jurisdiction over Pltfs state law claim, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 13679(c)(3). Signed by Honorable
Sylvia H. Rambo on 1/4/17. (ma) - 0.pdf
Russian Hackers Gained Limited Access to R.N.C., Comey Says - The New York Times
James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, outlined the hacking of Republican computers to a panel of the Senate
Intelligence Committee.
Presidents Have Always Needed Unwelcome CIA Advice - Bloomberg View
History shows that faulty intelligence is dangerous. And that valid intelligence, unheeded, is worse.
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency - WSJ
President-elect Donald Trump, a harsh critic of U.S. intelligence agencies, is working with top advisers on a plan
that would restructure and pare back the nations top spy agency, people familiar with the planning said.
NSA Whistleblower Karen Stewart Speaks Candidly About Illegal and Criminal NSA & FBI Programs of Organized
Stalking and Electronic Harassment in the USA & Abroad Washington's Blog
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Protocols, January 11, 2017
Essay: Trump, the CIA, and the historical fallacy NewsWorks
Donald Trump is correct: The American intelligence community misled us about Saddam Hussein and weapons of
mass destruction. So that means it's also mistaken about Russian cyberattacks on the...
William Binney: Cybersecurity and the New Cold War Are Big Swindles - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer sat down with veteran intelligence analyst and NSA whistleblower William
Binney to discuss the alleged Russian hacking of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. - 2017/01/10
UPDATE: Russian hackers claim to have compromising information on Trump, who says it's fake news | INFORUM
U.S. Cyber Policy Makes Americans Vulnerable to Our Own Government | TIME
Current rules make the government overuse subpoenas, turning companies into the gatekeepers of civilian privacy
Snowden to address Pitt students via video stream from Russia | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The student-run Pitt Program Council is paying an undisclosed amount for what it says will be a conversation
with Edward Snowden.
For the Record: Too much news for a Tuesday
Cabinet hearings. A Russian hacking hearing. A farewell speech. What else happens today?

January 11, 2017

Google Alert - national security agency - - Gmail

For the Record: Too much news for a Tuesday
Snowden to address Pitt students via video stream from Russia | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
U.S. Cyber Policy Makes Americans Vulnerable to Our Own Government | TIME
UPDATE: Russian hackers claim to have compromising information on Trump, who says it's fake news | INFORUM
Essay: Trump, the CIA, and the historical fallacy NewsWorks
Protocols, January 11, 2017
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter

State grants key approval for $56 million, 50-foot-high expansion of Frey Farm Landfill | Insider |
The controversial $56 million proposal to raise the height of Lancaster Countys landfill by 50 feet has won a key
approval from the state.
School District of Lancaster may spend down reserve funds | Insider |
After spending much of the early 2000s in a deficit, the School District of Lancaster has completed a dramatic
turnaround that likely will force the school board to spend down
Freshman U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker named to House Budget Committee | Politics |
U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker, who swore-in as the new 16th Congressional District lawmaker one week ago, was
named Tuesday to the U.S. House Committee on the Budget.
January 11, 2017
ABAA | The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States by
Churchill, Ward; Wall, Jim Vander | Search for rare books
From 1980 to now in Lancaster County, more than $95M in restitution owed to victims | Insider |
Harry Koons needs his money.
Independent doctor offices are now a rarity; Here's what that means for consumers | Insider |
Small doctor offices nationwide have been selling to avoid having to deal with the expensive burden of complying
with a myriad of complex and expensive requirements on their own. And
Lancaster County DA Craig Stedman eyeing possible campaign for statewide judge | Pennsylvania |
Lancaster Countys top law enforcement official is throwing his name into consideration for one of several statewide
judicial openings this year.
Trump's rift with intel community is spooking spy agency contractors
Friction between President-elect Trump and the U.S. intelligence community could eventually hurt spy agency
contractors such as Booz Allen Hamilton.
Judge won't dismiss lawsuit over alleged NSA Olympic spying - Washington Times

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A judge refused Tuesday to dismiss a lawsuit claiming the National Security Agency conducted a mass warrantless
surveillance program during the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.
JURIST - Federal judge rules NSA Olympic surveillance lawsuit may continue
NSA lawsuit ruling | Standing (Law) | Pleading
NSA lawsuit ruling - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A ruling by a federal
judge refusing to dismiss the lawsuit against the NSA over Olympic spying.
Fort Lauderdale airport shooting reveals deficiency in Alaska law on crisis intervention - Alaska Dispatch News
Former Girlfriend: VA Didnt Do Anything About Ft. Lauderdale Shooters Mental Illness - Breitbart
Veterans Affairs had been aware of, but did nothing about, the mental problems afflicting Esteban Santiago before
he attacked Ft. Lauderdale.
U.S. Third Circuit 16-3284 MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION re ORDER In Forma Pauperis DENIED January 12,
4 questions we want answered at the Senate confirmation hearing of CIA pick Mike Pompeo - Vox
The stakes of Pompeos confirmation hearing are high.
Outgoing attorney general settles email investigation bill - News - Republican Herald
US spy agencies in crisis over Trump claims | TODAYonline
WASHINGTON An escalating civil war between American President-elect Donald Trump and the United States
intelligence community is presenting the countrys spies with their biggest crisis since the failures in the run-up to
the Iraq war. By blaming intelligence agencies for the possible leak of a dossier detailing alleged efforts by the
Kremlin to cultivate and compromise him, and drawing parallels to Nazi Germany, Mr Trump has declared war
on officials who pride themselves for their non-partisan professionalism.
Media and intelligence agencies attacked by Trump over Russia claims | US news | The Guardian
At president-elects first press conference since July, originally called to explain how he would avoid conflicts of
interest, Trump called Russia dossier fake news
James Mattis confirmation hearing for secretary of defense: the key points | US news | The Guardian
Live updates as the former marine general is questioned over security issues and whether his appointment would
undermine civilian control of the military
Mike Pompeo confirmation hearing for CIA director: the key points | US news | The Guardian
Live updates: the Kansas congressman and former army officer expected to be asked about Russian interference in
US election amid ongoing controversy
Florida ISIS Shooter Told FBI Intelligence Agencies Were Controlling His Mind
Esteban Santiago walked into an FBI field office on Nov. 7 and told federal agents he was under mind control
purveyed by a government intelligence agency.
Fort Lauderdale shooting suspect faces possible death penalty -
Fort Lauderdale airport shooting suspect Esteban Santiago will face three charges, including two that carry a
possible sentence of death, a judge ruled Monday.
Chelsea Manning Is on Obamas Short List for Commutation, DOJ Source Says - Truthdig
Manning, whose leaks exposed evidence of war crimes, has already served more time in prison than any other
whistleblower in U.S. history. - 2017/01/11
President Obama Retraces Past Eight Years in Farewell Speech, Throws in a Few Warnings (Video) - Truthdig
Far from the soaring hope evident in his first inaugural address, Obamas final speech as president was filled with
cautions regarding partisanship, racism and growing inequality. - 2017/01/11
cresttonic | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Listen to cresttonic | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you
create.. 2806 Followers. Stream Tracks and Playlists from cresttonic on your desktop or mobile device.
School District of Lancaster board member resigns | Local News |
Fanny Castellanos has resigned as a member of the School District of Lancaster's board, effective Feb. 1, leaving an
opening for another individual who may be interested in serving.
Trump's pick for CIA leader says he would refuse to restart enhanced interrogation techniques - The San Diego Union-
Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump's pick to run the CIA, made the comments in testimony prepared for his appearance
before the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Judicial Conduct Board LETTER re COMPLAINT No. 2016-788 for JUDGE ASHWORTH and 2016-789 for JUDGE
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REINAKER dated January 10, 2017
RESPONSE LETTER to the Judicial Conduct Board re Additional Information for COMPLAINT No. 2016-788 for
JUDGE ASHWORTH and 2016-789 for JUDGE REINAKER dated January 12, 2017
Have an old MP3 player? Water Street Mission wants to use it to help people heal | Entertainment |
Water Street Mission is seeking donations of MP3 players for its guests.
CIA nominee seeks to repair damage from Trump feud with spy agencies | Reuters
Donald Trump's nominee to head the CIA sought on Thursday to repair damage from the president-elects feud with
U.S. intelligence agencies, saying he accepted their findings on Russian hacking, would not comply if ordered to
renew use of harsh interrogation techniques and would always have their backs.
Days before Trump takes office, Obama expands surveillance powers | ZDNet
Activists asked President Obama to limit the government's surveillance powers before Trump takes office. Instead,
the outgoing president expanded them.
Members of the IC
Air Force Intelligence Army Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Coast Guard Intelligence Defense
Intelligence Agency Department of Energy Department of Homeland Security Department of State De
N.S.A. Gets More Latitude to Share Intercepted Communications - The New York Times
New rules relax longstanding limits on what the National Security Agency may do with the information gathered by
its most powerful surveillance operations.
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 re EXHIBIT FRIDAY JANUARY 13, 2017 | National Security Agency
Obama gives US intelligence greater access to warrantless data on foreigners | World news | The Guardian
CIA, FBI and other agencies will be able to access surveillance on foreigners abroad, including information
identifying Americans they may be in contact with
US warned: surveillance reform hinges on change to Reagan executive order | World news | The Guardian
John Napier Tye says Americans' data remains vulnerable until executive order that provides NSA with a path to
collect data is reformed
Edward Snowden, seeking pardon, asks Obama to free Chelsea Manning first - Washington Times
Two of the nation's most infamous intelligence leakers, Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning, are each seeking a
pass from President Obama before he leaves office this month. If he only acts on one, however, Mr. Snowden said
the president should pardon the incarcerated WikiLeaks source instead of himself.
Trump's CIA director wants to track your Facebook - CNET
The Senate intelligence committee asked potential CIA director Mike Pompeo what limits he'd have for mass

friday dec 30 2016

US expels Russian diplomats over hacking, Moscow vows 'response' | Business Standard News
FBI analysis fingers Russian spy agencies for U.S. election ...
Not the Russians: John McAfee talks hacking allegations, cybersecurity with Larry King (VIDEO) RT America
Stan Caterbone Mental Illness Argument with Descriptions of Illneses and Complete Mental Health Record December 30,
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter


Frustrated father says his family will get closure when Salisbury Township man's killer is found | Insider |
The father of a Salisbury Township man who was murdered in his home on Dec. 2 hopes for the peace of mind that
would come with finding his sons killer.
Community service to be honored at MLK Breakfast | Local News |
Former state Sen. Mike Brubaker, his wife, Cindy Brubaker, and Lancaster resident Dina Burch will be honored
with Essence of Humanity Awards at the 29th annual Martin Luther King Jr.
Watch: Teary-eyed Joe Biden awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom | Local News |
WASHINGTON (AP) President Barack Obama awarded Vice President Joe Biden with the highest civilian honor
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Thursday, commemorating an "extraordinary man with an extraordinary career in public service."
Suspected NSA tool hackers dump more cyberweapons in farewell | CIO
The hacking group that stole cyberweapons suspected to be from the U.S. National Security Agency is signing off --
but not before releasing another arsenal of tools that appear designed to spy on Windows systems.
More US agencies getting access to raw NSA intercepts | Political News | US News
WASHINGTON (AP) More U.S. intelligence agencies are getting access to raw signals intelligence the National
Security Agency collects abroad, raising alarm among privacy advocates who worry about the information being
more broadly used and shared across U.S. government agencies.
CIA nominee talks tough against Russia
Trumps pick to run the CIA took a tough stand against Russia on Thursday, distancing himself from the president-
Donald Trump dossier: intelligence sources vouch for author's credibility | US news | The Guardian
Ex-MI6 officer Christopher Steele, named as writer of Donald Trump memo, is highly regarded professional
La La Land review Gosling and Stone sparkle in a gorgeous musical romance | Film | The Guardian
Damien Chazelles paean to Los Angeles is funny, romantic and utterly charming, with captivating performances
from its two stars
DVD FILE LIST January 13, 2017 - 16-cv-4014 US DISTRICT COURT - CATERBONE v. United States,,
Obama administration boosts spy powers with NSA data sharing rules days before Trump takes office
New regulations now allow NSA to share globally intercepted personal data with other government agencies.
President Obama and Mind Control Research and Related Published Articles October 23, 2015 ARCHIVE JANUARY 13,
PRESIDENT OBAMA Defendant EXHIBIT re Third Circuit JANUARY 13, 2017
Debunked: Presidents don't criticize the intelligence community - AOL News
Donald Trump has made it no secret that hes got issues with the intelligence community, but he's not the first to be
vocal about it.
PETER OBORNE: Threat to Britain if MI6's meddling with Donald Trump backfires | Daily Mail Online
Trump is now engaged in a fight to the death with the CIA, the independent agency responsible for providing
national security intelligence to the White House and senior U.S. policy-makers.
How Trump's Cabinet Nominees Disagreed with the Incoming Boss
From Russia to Iran, and from Pacific trade to nuclear proliferation to climate change, the nominees staked out
sharply different positions than the president-elect
Call center layoffs cause massive snarls in Pa. unemployment compensation | Insider |
Unemployed county residents inquiring about missing or delayed compensation checks are facing long waits on the
phone and at the local CareerLink office.
U.S. Rep. Smucker gets his picks with first committee assignments | Pennsylvania |
U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker will officially represent Lancaster County and the rest of the 16th Congressional District
on House committees dealing with everything from education and infrastructure policies to poverty
Armstrong pedestrian bridge will be restored across Conestoga River thanks to $1M federal grant | Local News |
Lancaster City received close to $1 million in federal grant money to help repurpose the historic Armstrong
pedestrian bridge that formerly traversed the Dillerville rail yard by Harrisburg Avenue.
Here's a list of events to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Lancaster County | Local News |
Lancaster County residents will recognize the legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. this weekend and the
beginning of next week.
Part 2: Welcome to Prison, and Rediscovering Humanity - Going Home - Truthdig
After receiving a 30-year minimum life sentence for murder and an additional seven years for armed robbery, the
author learned to use his energy in a positive way while serving time in New Jersey penitentiaries. - 2017/01/12
The Hidden Figures Jeff Sessions Wants to Keep in the Shadows - Truthdig
A new movie reminds us of past racial injustice as a new administration tries to turn back the clock. - 2017/01/12
Exposing the Man Behind the Curtain - Truthdig
Americans have a right to know the full truth about claims of Russian hacking. - 2017/01/12
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Hypnotist lets the subconcious 'work' in new Hagerstown practice | Local News |
After finding that hypnosis worked for her, Marie Hawse said she decided to learn how she could use it to help
others. Now a board-certified hypnotist, she has opened the
Fort Lauderdale Shooting: FBI Involvement in Another Act of Violence - WhoWhatWhy
Trump's security adviser in recent Russian contact
WASHINGTON -- President-elect Donald Trump's national security adviser and Russia's ambassador to the U.S.
have been in frequent contact in recent weeks, a senior U.S. official said Friday.
US intelligence agencies put on an uncommon public face - The China Post
Success cannot be advertised; failure cannot be explained. In the work of intelligence, heroes are undecorated and
unsung, often even among their own fraternity.
Donald Trump's campaign visit to Spooky Nook cost $60,000 for police and other agencies | Insider |
President-elect Donald Trumps October campaign rally in Lancaster County cost local police departments and other
agencies at least $60,000 in taxpayer dollars.
After 40 years, Lancaster County woman reunited with a photo she didn't know existed | Together |
Finding out the identity of a smiling young girl and her little brother brings a four-decade story full circle.
Study shows more people moved out of rather than to Pennsylvania in 2016 | Local News |
More people chose to move out of rather than to Pennsylvania last year, according to a recent study.
The Insanity of a New Cold War: A Top Russian Scholar Sounds the Alarm - Scheer Intelligence - Truthdig
Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer talks with professor Sergei Plekhanov about Western misconceptions of
todays Russia. - 2017/01/13
Why Some People Will Always Believe Fake News | Black Voice News
The best defense against so-called fake news is to question what you read.
Donald Trump suggests he may drop Russia sanctions if Moscow 'is helpful' | US news | The Guardian
President-elect also hints that Beijing will need to show good faith on trade practices for him to commit to One
China policy
Dailytimes | Big security risks in Donald Trump feud with spy agencies
Team Trump: Flynn called Russia ambassador, no sanction talk 'plain and simple' | Fox News
The Donald Trump transition team has acknowledged that its incoming national security adviser has been in contact
with Russia's ambassador but denies reports they plotting over recently imposed sanctions on Moscow.
Airport shooting suspect sought mental health help, didn't get much
The former U.S. soldier knew he needed help in the months before authorities said he fatally shot five people.
William Binney: Cybersecurity and the New Cold War Are Big Swindles - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
Sunday pops | TribLIVE
Hamza bin Laden, a son of Osama bin Laden, was born in 1989, joined al-Qaida in 2015 and 'promised to carry on
al-Qaida's fight against ...
HVAC issues will keep city library's basement closed to patrons until renovation funds are found | Insider |
The basement level of the Lancaster Public Library will remain closed to patrons for the foreseeable future.
Bill Boyarsky: Intelligence Report Leak Damages Donald Trump, Just as FBI Hit Job Hurt Hillary Clinton - Truthdig
The news media have been reduced to bystanders while the intelligence agencies run the show. - 2017/01/13
16-cv-4014 U.S. District Court CATERBONE v. United States,, AMENDED COMPLAINT DVD FILE LIST
January 15, 2017
58-Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 January 15, 2017 | Audit
58-Institutional Investors Mortgage Banking Business Development of 1987 January 15, 2017 - Free download as
PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Taxes | Property Tax
2017 by stan5j.5caterbone
55-1987 JOINT VENTURE - Tony Bongiovi, Power Station Studios, and Flatbush Films with Stan J. Caterbone January
15, 2017 | Music Industry
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1987Stan J. Caterbone ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP ...
57-STAN J. CATERBONE'S Financial Management Group, Ltd., Anti-Trust Litigation File of October 17, 2015 | Stocks |
Corporate Finance
57-STAN J. CATERBONE'S Financial Management Group, Ltd., Anti-Trust Litigation File of October 17, 2015 -
Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 57-STAN J. CATERBONE'S Financial
Management Group, Ltd., Anti-Trust Litigation File of October 17, 2015
Former Intelligence Official: Trump Conflict With Spy Agencies Creates Dangerous Moment - ProPublica
Matthew Olsen, a senior national security official in both Democratic and Republican administrations, says the
ongoing conflict between President-elect Trump and the U.S. intelligence community poses grave risks.
*Updated* CIA Director John Brennan Attempts To Justify His Agency Leaks To Media Duping Delight - Right
Side News
US Intel report said Pakistan will be a failed state by 2015, facts turn out to be exact opposite as US faces steady decline
and Pakistan bounces back Daily Pakistan
ISLAMABAD - Known for its competence and articulated assessment, a report by top US intelligence agencies
predicting Pakistan would be a failed state by 2015 proved to be inaccurate as Pakistan prop
PressTV-Trump-CIA fight hints at US institutional crisis
A commentator says the recent war of words between the US president-elect and CIA is the tip of the iceberg in the
country's institutional crisis.
Trump attacks CIA boss Brennan as rift with intelligence agencies deepens |
US President-elect Donald Trump has taken aim at intelligence agencies in the country once again, criticising
Central Intelligence Agency boss John Brennan and questioning whether he was involved in leaking documents to
the press.
Lancaster 10-year public art plan aims to remedy eyesores, enhance city livability | Local News |
There are places all over Lancaster where a little creativity could work wonders from prominent downtown
locations like Lancaster Square to small vacant lots tucked away on neighborhood side
For the Rev. Louis Butcher, Martin Luther King's 'Letter from Birmingham Jail' has relevance today | Local News |
Speaking at the NAACPs annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. commemorative service at Holy Trinity Church
on Sunday night, the Rev. Louis Butcher revealed that he had been instructed
As Trump presidency looms, #LancasterStandsUp reaffirms progressive values | Local News |
Less than a week before Donald Trumps inauguration as president, more than 350 Lancaster city and county
residents met to discuss the danger they believe he represents and ways to
Chris Hedges: Building the Institutions for Revolt - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
We must form our own, new structures and carry out continual mass protest and civil disobedience to wrest back
power from the corporate state. - 2017/01/15
Chris Hedges: Building the Institutions for Revolt - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
We must form our own, new structures and carry out continual mass protest and civil disobedience to wrest back
power from the corporate state. - 2017/01/15
Records show timesheet falsifications at NSA | WTOP
The National Security Agency's internal watchdog has found more than 100 cases in five years in which civilian
employees and contractors lied about work.
Pennsylvania's new attorney general hopes to restore confidence in the office - The Morning Call
When Shapiro takes office Tuesday, he said he will work to restore the office's image, which was tarnished under
former Attorney General Kathleen Kane's scandal-plagued administration,
Wheatland Shopping Center outside Lancaster sold for $4.56M | Local Business |
Wheatland Shopping Center has been sold for $4.56 million to a Florida-based real estate investment company with
local ties, according to public records.
Condos at The Press Building in downtown Lancaster to be ready Jan. 27 | Local Business |
The first residential condos will be ready before the end of the month at The Press Building, the six-story Lancaster
city landmark thats been mostly empty for the last 25
Obituaries |
Ivanka Trump to continue working on women's issues | Nation |
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) She may not be working in the White House, but that doesn't mean Ivanka Trump is
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staying out of politics.
Free speech clash: Justices considering offensive trademarks | Nation |
WASHINGTON (AP) The Slants aren't exactly a household name when it comes to music, but the Asian-
American rock band has certainly made its mark in the legal world.
LETTER TO U.S. CONGRESSMAN ROBERT WALKER and PLEADING of July 7, 1991 Bookmarked January 17,
2017 | Central Intelligence Agency | Nuclear Proliferation
Pro Financial Group Brochure and Eastern Regional Free Agent Camp by Stan J. Caterbone January 16, 2017 | Financial
Adviser | Business
Monica Crowley won't take position in Trump administration amid plagiarism revelations -
Monica Crowley announced she won't take position in Donald Trump administration, one week after it was revealed
she plagiarized portions in book, Ph.D. thesis.
Obama is leaving office on an anti-privacy note and Donald Trump is coming in the same way | Rare
Instead of "tyrant-proofing" the Oval Office, Obama has decided to expand the NSA's abilities.
1999 Excelsior Place Business Plan by Stan J. Caterbone January 16, 2017 | Contracts | Lancaster
Brennan Backlash: Trump Likely To Depoliticize CIA | LifeZette
President-Elect Donald Trump is likely to mount an effort to depoliticize the Central Intelligence Agency as much
as possible shortly after taking office.
2018 Pennsylvania race for governor: Who's officially in and who's thinking about challenging Gov. Tom Wolf | Insider |
The first Pennsylvania Republican looking to unseat Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf officially stepped forward last
week, kicking off a two-year gubernatorial election season in the Keystone State.
Pennsylvania Department of Corrections prison closures would 'impact several thousand inmates' | Pennsylvania |
The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections plans to close two state correctional institutions in June, potentially
sending around 1,000 inmates to SCI Camp Hill, according to a report from the Carlisle
City Recycling Drop-Off Center holding open house | Community |
The Lancaster city Recycling Drop-Off Center at 850 New Holland Ave. is holding an open house this week.
Trump attacks CIA boss Brennan as rift with intelligence agencies deepens - ShareCast News - London South East
How Barack Obama paved the way for Donald Trump | Gary Younge | Opinion | The Guardian
Dont blame it all on racism. During the financial crash Obama sided with the bankers, not people losing their
homes making Trumps victory possible
Three Democrats to be sworn into top state offices | State House Sound Bites |
Incoming Attorney General Josh Shapiro had a higher-profile race than usual, in the wake of Kathleen Kane's
tumultuous administration. (Photo by AP) (Harrisburg) -- Pennsylvania's three statewide row offices are swearing in
their new leaders Tuesday. Attorney General Josh Shapiro, Auditor General Eugene DePasquale, and Treasurer Joe
Torsella are taking their vows in separate locations around Harrisburg. Out of the three Democrats assuming row
office roles, only one is an incumbent. Auditor General Eugene DePasquale first assumed the position in 2013, and
has promised his second term will make his first look like
Porngate disclosure still lacking | News, Sports, Jobs - Altoona Mirror - LAMBERT COMUTATION TO OBAMA
Stan J. Caterbone, Controller of Pflumm Contractors, Inc., 1993 to 1998 January 17, 2017 | Pickup Truck
Sam Lombardo and Raolph Mazzochi Charlotte Street Proposal by Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone January
17, 2017 | Menu | Lancaster
16-cv-4014 U.S. District Court CATERBONE v. United States,, Amended Complaint DVD File List January 17,
2017 | Complaint
B2B Consulting From 1999 to 2002 January 16, 2017 | Defamation | Supreme Court Of The United States
Legal Implications of the 1959 Soviet Microwave Bombardment of the U.S Embassy January 17, 2017 | Diplomatic
Mission | Treaty
AMG LEGAL SYSTEMS PROTOTYPE Mastered on April 16, 1991 at Commadore Inc., January 17, 2017
Arthur Cyr - Intelligence agencies go public | Opinion Columnists |
Success cannot be advertised; failure cannot be explained. In the work of intelligence, heroes are undecorated and
unsung, often even among their own fraternity.
U.S. Department of Defense Expands Qorvo Microelectronics Trusted Source Status Nasdaq:QRVO
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Category 1A Accreditation Extended to 2018 with design services added
Lancaster County residents prepare trek to D.C. to celebrate, protest Donald Trump's Inauguration | Insider |
Hundreds of Lancaster County residents will travel to the nations Capitol this week to celebrate or protest the
inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States,
Mattis Is Right. Heres Why NATO Is Not Obsolete
The NATO alliance needs renewal and strengthening, not disparagement.
Oxfam Finds Eight Mens Wealth Equals That of Half the Worlds People - Truthdig
This is the perfect but horribly sad point to make on MLK day, Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer writes in a
memo to staff. - 2017/01/16
Prosecutors: [Philadelphia] sting investigation was not partisan |
NEWSLANC EDITOR: Our contention all along was that Kathleen Kane was pilloried by partisan forces for the
type of minor offense that usually goes unnoticed
Prosecutors: Sting investigation was not partisan
City prosecutors Tuesday rebutted an allegation that the "sting" corruption investigation had unfairly targeted only
Democrats, accusing defense lawyers of twisting tactical decisions made during a complex undercover probe to
falsely smear it as partisan witch-hunt. - Craig R. McCoy and Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
White House: No Snowden clemency request |
More than a million supporters of Edward Snowden have petitioned President Barack Obama to pardon him, but the
former National Security Agency contractor hasn't submitted the required documents for clemency, according to the
White House. "Mr.
Will Newt Gingrich and ex-senator Mark Kirk be picked in President-elect Trump team? - Weekly BLiTZ
Watchdogs ask new AG Shapiro to investigate Parks Miller, Castor | Centre Daily Times
Centre County District Attorney Stacy Parks Miller and her attorney Bruce Castor are having their relationship with
the Office of the Attorney General questioned by two watchdog groups. Taxpayers and Ratepayers United and Rock
the Capital are asking new AG Josh Shapiro to open an investigation.
Facebook's mind-control social network: The science behind brain-computer interfaces
Mark Zuckerberg wants to build a 'mind-reading' social network, here's how it could work.
The Extortion of 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, Pa by COINTELPRO PROGRAMS January 17, 2017
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's prison sentence - LA Times
President Obama reduces the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, the Army private convicted of leaking
thousands of classified reports to WikiLeaks.
CIA publishes its history and nearly 13 million declassified pages of documents online -
The Central Intelligence Agency moved nearly 13 million pages of declassified documents online, previously only
physically accessible from four terminals maintained at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland.
13 Million Pages of Declassified CIA Documents Were Just Posted Online | Motherboard
The CIA was losing money because a heroic citizen used the agency's ink and paper to print and scan them one by
How we sued the CIA and (mostly) won
The CIAs Secret History Is Now Online - BuzzFeed News
After restricting access to just four computers in a room in Washington, DC, the CIA is finally putting 12 million
declassified pages on...
Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room | CIA FOIA (
CREST: 25-Year Program Archive | CIA FOIA (
Row officers inaugurated; Shapiro pledges to stand up to Trump | State House Sound Bites |
Shapiro stands with his family as he is sworn in by PA Supreme Court Justice David Wecht (Photo by AP)
(Harrisburg) -- The three top state row officers--all Democrats--have taken their oaths of office in separate
ceremonies. Auditor General Eugene DePasquale is beginning his second term, while Treasurer Joe Torsella and
Attorney General Josh Shapiro are new to their respective offices. Thanks in large part to the last elected Attorney
General--Kathleen Kane, who has been convicted of perjury and obstruction--Shapiro's election to the office has had
the highest profile. At his swearing-in at Harrisburg's Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts, the former
Montgomery County Commissioner made an enthusiastic pledge to follow the rules of his new office to a T.
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New Pa. AG Commits To Integrity, Diversity At Swearing In - Law360
Josh Shapiro took the oath as Pennsylvania&rsquo;s new attorney general on Tuesday as he promised to restore
public trust in an office shaken by years of scandal including both the resignation of his predecessor following a
perjury conviction and revelations of pornography swapped among state prosecutors.
Common Pleas Judge Gorbey not seeking retention, opening judicial seat for 2017 | Local News |
Judge Leslie Gorbey is not seeking retention to her seat on the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas.
Barack Obama shortens Chelsea Manning's term, grants clemency to hundreds | National |
WASHINGTON (AP) President Barack Obama commuted the prison sentence of Chelsea Manning on Tuesday,
allowing the Army intelligence officer who leaked scores of classified documents to go free nearly
Psychiatric emergency room to open in Berks County | Local News |
The unit with 10 private treatment rooms will be part of the larger emergency department at Reading Hospital, and
will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
OAG's Chief Integrity Officer Takes on Ethical Rebuild | The Legal Intelligencer
In the wake of a few tumultuous years at the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, newly sworn-in Attorney
General Josh Shapiro has created the position o...
OAG's Chief Integrity Officer Takes on Ethical Rebuild | The Legal Intelligencer
In the wake of a few tumultuous years at the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, newly sworn-in Attorney
General Josh Shapiro has created the position o...
Bob OBrien: What makes someone a conspiracy theorist? |
This is a response to Larry Lansburghs Conspiracy in the sky article in the Dec. 17 edition of The Union.Sadly,
Mr. Lansburghs article is filled with misinformation. As my
In 1967, the CIA Created the Label Conspiracy Theorists : Waking Times
Some claims of conspiracy theorists have been proven true, some were not. But the bottom line is that each theory
should be judged on its own facts.
Greenwald: 'Very unlikely' Obama will grant Snowden clemency - Story
While Manning has shown remorse for her actions, Snowden&nbsp;remains defiant over his leaks of information on
American intelligence.
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 3575 EDA 2016 EXHIBIT 16-cv-4014 AMENDED COMPLAINT DVD re
Kathleen Kane AMICUS January 18, 2017
Will Edward Snowden Be Pardoned? Russia Slams Ex-CIA Heads Suggestion That Putin Gift NSA Whistleblower To
The announcement was a response to a suggestion by former acting CIA Director Michael Morell that Russia gift
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to Trump for his Jan. 20 inauguration.
CIA Director Bemoans Growing Up 'A White Male from New Jersey'
Director John Brennan said growing up a "white male from New Jersey" led him to his strong promotion of gay
rights in the Central Intelligence Agency.
Wax figure of James Buchanan comes home to Wheatland after winning bid at Gettysburg auction | Insider |
Shrouded in bubble wrap, the imposing figure of James Buchanan lurks in the corner of a dimly lit room in the
carriage house at Wheatland, Buchanans Lancaster home.
16-cv-4014 U.S. District Court CATERBONE v. United States,, AMENDED COMPLAINT DVD FILE LIST
January 18, 2017
Airport Shooting Suspect Blamed 'Mind Control,' IS Ties - ABC News
Airport Shooting Suspect Blamed 'Mind Control,' IS Ties
Fort Lauderdale airport shooting suspect blamed 'mind control,' ISIS ties
The man suspected of fatally shooting five people and wounding six others at a Florida airport told investigators
initially he was under government mind control and then claimed to be inspired by Islamic State websites and
chatrooms, authorities said at a hearing Tuesday.
CIA secret UFO and mind control files released to the public | World | News | Daily Express
MILLIONS of top secret CIA documents have been made public, finally revealing the truth behind state-sponsored
mind control, UFO sightings and classified operations deep in the Vietnamese jungle.
President Obama Commutes Chelsea Mannings Sentence - Truthdig
The whistleblower, originally set to be released in 2045, will now be freed on May 17. - 2017/01/17
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Brain-Computer Interface Engineer, Building 8 Facebook Careers - Stan J. Caterbone JOB APPLICATION RECEIPT
January 18, 2017 | Computer File
Russia letting Snowden stay longer | TheHill
CNN reported the former National Security Agency contractor's leave to stay in Russia was extended until 2020.
Letters: Snowden deserves pardon
Snowden deserves pardon As people who deeply respect the rule of law but once felt it necessary to break the law to
reveal serious government wrongdoing, we urge President Obama to pardon former National Security Agency
private contractor Edward Snowden.
'Make dating great again': Trump singles site sees membership spike | Fox News
A dating site that matches Trump-supporting singles is enjoying a spike in membership ahead of the president-
elects inauguration Friday.
Global warning: everything you wanted to know about climate change live | Environment | The Guardian
With climate sceptics moving into the White House, the Guardian is spending 24 hours focusing on climate change
and what we can all do to help save the planet
Barack Obama: 'justice served' by Chelsea Manning commutation | US news | The Guardian
President says he is comfortable with decision and does not see contradiction between pardon and accusations of
Russian hacking of US election
'Sister march' to Women's March on Washington to be held in Lancaster | Local News |
Local residents can take part in Saturday's Women's March on Washington at a "sister march" at Penn Square.
Candidates begin to emerge for Lancaster City Council | Politics |
Lancaster City Council could have as many as eight or more candidates for what will be four seats on the ballot this
Radio Garden Pravilnoe Radio
Explore live radio by rotating the globe.
Listen globally: New website features interactive globe with thousands of livestreaming radio stations | Entertainment |
It may be cold outside, but its a good time to grow a Radio.Garden.
Radio Garden Avtoritetnoe Radio
Explore live radio by rotating the globe.
Tough Tasks Ahead for CIA Director Nominee Mike Pompeo |
Some experts believe CIA pick Mike Pompeo may be the perfect pick to help smooth over Donald Trump's rocky
relations with the U.S. intelligence community. But Pompeo may have a bumpy road ahead of him.
President Obama has 'discussed' owning an NBA team -
President Obama has 'discussed' owning an NBA team
Russia extends Snowden's stay by 3 more years | NWADG
A day after President Barack Obama commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, the Russian government clarified
Wednesday the fate of Edward Snowden, the other main source of secrets about U.S. surveillance in recent years.
Airport shooting suspect told FBI he was under mind control | Duluth News Tribune
Clinton v. Jones - Wikipedia
Supreme Court Ruling in Bill Clinton Sexual Misconduct Case Could Spell Trouble for Trump - Truthdig
As president, Donald Trump may be required to testify in a defamation suit brought by one of the women who
allege he assaulted them. - 2017/01/18
Military Contractor Erik Prince Is a Shadow in Trumps Administration - Truthdig
A former senior U.S. official says the Blackwater founder has been advising Donald Trumps team on matters
related to intelligence and defense, The Intercept reports. - 2017/01/18
The Issue Isnt TrumpIts Us - Truthdig
Liberal elites obsession with Donald Trump as their bte noir masks an enduring complicity in putting both him
and his predecessor in the White House. - 2017/01/18
Puerto Rico Turns to Donald Trumps Former Campaign Manager to Lobby the President-Elect on Debt - Truthdig
The hedge funds and insurance companies that want financially strapped Puerto Rico to pay them back in full may
have found a new ally: Corey Lewandowski. - 2017/01/18
Former President George HW Bush and wife Barbara hospitalized in Texas | US news | The Guardian
Former president was admitted to intensive care unit for respiratory problem, and his wife was hospitalized as
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precaution after fatigue and coughing
Al Gore's Inconvenient Sequel to open Sundance in acutely political year | Film | The Guardian
Politics looks set to overshadow Utah film festivals 2017 edition, with a march by women film-makers, a
documentary on Donald Trumps presidential victory, and a slew of films on climate change. Then theres Jack
Blacks skit on polka
FMLA claim in retaliation suit against former AG Kane tossed by federal judge | Pennsylvania Record
HARRISBURG A federal judge on Jan. 4 dismissed a Family and Medical Leave Act claim lodged against former
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, who was recently found guilty of perjury and other criminal charges
and was sentenced in October to up to 23 months in prison..
Airport shooter Esteban Santiago said he visited 'jihadi chat rooms' online, prosecutors say - Sun Sentinel
Accused airport shooter Esteban Santiago is due back in federal court in Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday f
That time the CIA was convinced a self-proclaimed psychic had paranormal abilities - The Washington Post
"As a result of Geller's success in this experimental period, we consider that he has demonstrated his paranormal
perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner."
Facebook's Building 8 job postings - Business Insider
There is no Building 8 structure to serve as a home base on Facebook's campus yet, but the company is already well
into a recruiting drive to enlist top...
ERIC COHEN, Federal Public Defender for Esteban Santiago, Ft. Lauderdale Shooter, MAILING OF FLASH DRIVE
January 19, 2017
AMG LEGAL SYSTEMS PROTOTYPE Mastered on April 16, 1991 at Commadore Inc., January 17, 2017
AMG LEGAL SYSTEMS PROTOTYPE Mastered on April 16, 1991 at Commadore Inc., January 17, 2017
The Interview Seth Rogen Videos at ABC News Video Archive at
Browse, search and watch The Interview Seth Rogen videos and more at
Blue Lives Matter bill would make crimes against police a hate crime in Pa., advocacy groups push back by State Rep
David Zimmerman R-Lancaster County LNP January 10, 201

President Donald Trump

Rule 702. Testimony by Expert Witnesses | Federal Rules of Evidence | LII / Legal Information Institute
A witness who is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education may testify in the
form of an opinion or otherwise if: (a) the experts scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will help the
trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue; (b) the testimony is based on sufficient facts
or data; (c) the testimony is the product of reliable principles and methods; and
00008002hold.pdf - 1994-08.pdf
United States District Court: Magistrate Judges
District Offices
On eve of inauguration, Trump addresses nation in shadow of Lincoln | World news | The Guardian
Trump spoke at the Lincoln Memorial, where Martin Luther King Jr declared I have a dream, and told the largely
white crowd: Youre not forgotten any more
As the CIA release 800,000 declassified files online, we take a look at some of the US' past secrets
FOLLOWING a long-running campaign and lawsuit, the Central Intelligence Agency has finally allowed the online
publication of hundreds of thousands of files
Editorial: Fresh faces, fresh start for 2 damaged Pa. offices
As the nation awaits a day of high pomp in circumstance in Washington, D.C., there is also something of a new
beginning taking place in the state capital as well.
Train will return to Hersheypark Stadium | Entertainment |
The band behind "Hey, Soul Sister," "Drops of Jupiter" and "Marry Me" will return to Hershey this summer.
Petitions to watch | Conference of January 19 - SCOTUSblog
Argument analysis: Six-justice court sympathetic to government in detainee case - SCOTUSblog
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ERIC COHEN, Federal Public Defender for Esteban Santiago, Ft. Lauderdale Shooter, INVOICE AND FEE SCHEDULE
January 20, 2017
Trump gives up smartphone for security reasons
Edward Snowden: BlackBerry will be 'erased from the pages of history' over privacy stance
NSA whistleblower slammed the mobile firms' compliance with state spying
IN MY WEBSITE - Muslim Brotherhood Holds Coup Interior Ministry Responsible for Detained Suez Leaders' Lives -
The official English website of Muslim Brotherhood including statements about MB & West, MB Statements, MB
today, news and information about muslim brotherhood
Obama's last hours as president: a cup of coffee, farewells and a letter to Trump | US news | The Guardian
The presidents final day in office is largely dictated by a number of traditions. Then begins the process of returning
to a (semi) ordinary life
Lancaster woman against plea deal for York bail bondsman who allegedly terrorized her in 2015 | Local News |
A Lancaster County woman said she is confused and hurt that a York bail bondsman was being offered a plea deal
after allegedly assaulting her, damaging her home and stealing
Should We Be Optimistic About the Effectiveness of a Trump White House? - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
The Long Ordeal of Whistleblower Chelsea Manning - Truthdig
The WikiLeaks whistleblower has now served seven years of her sentence, experiencing extraordinary hardship as a
person seeking gender-reassignment treatment while imprisoned by the U.S. military. - 2017/01/19
Military Mind Control? Psychic Army Division Revealed in CIA Files
A collection of declassified files for Stargate a U.S. Army investigation of psychic abilities for use by military
intelligence was recently shared online by the CIA.
Florida airport shooting suspect blamed mind control, IS ties | The Mississippi Link
Colossal Trailer: Anne Hathaway Mind-Controls a Kaiju
Monsters within and without combine in the trailer for Nacho Vigalondos latest film.
Media Blacks Out Edward Snowden's Talk On CointelPro & History Of Mass Surveillance
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden talks about the history of intelligence agencies and some notable
How America Lost Its Secrets, by Edward Jay Epstein - San Francisco Chronicle
On June 6, 2013, Britains Guardian newspaper published an explosive story revealing it had obtained official
documents showing that the super-secret National Security Agency had been engaging in the bulk collection of
phone bill records of millions of Americans. Three days later, in a video posted on the Guardians website, a 29-
year-old employee of Booz Allen Hamilton, a firm contracted to provide tech support to the NSA, declared that he
was the source of the documents. From a Hong Kong hotel room, Edward Joseph Snowden claimed the NSA was
undermining privacy and democracy around the world. Snowden, already the subject of books, a documentary and a
feature film, has been hailed as a hero. Epstein concedes that some of Snowdens disclosures had positive results but
contends that ultimately Snowden was no whistle-blower but was at the least a defector and, wittingly or
unwittingly, even part of an elaborate Russian spy operation. (That seemed unlikely to start, and this week Obama
commuted the prison sentence of former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning for leaking military secrets but
did not act on Snowdens request.) The book is also timely given the Russian hacking of the Democratic National
Committee and newly inaugurated President Trumps controversial comments about both Russia and U.S.
intelligence agencies. Epstein is a veteran investigative journalist whose previous books have delved into the murky
world of intelligence agencies, examining what he calls the envelope of circumstances surrounding events such as
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In Snowden, he employs this methodology in an effort to walk
back the cat, in spy parlance, and solve the mystery of how a young analyst for the NSA pulled off the largest
theft of secret documents in the history of American intelligence. Posting under his alias TheTrueHooHa, he
boasted that he precision-shaped his body with weight lifting, practiced martial arts and had blond hair with
volume. In May 2004, at age 20, Snowden enlisted in the Army Reserve as a special forces recruit. Epstein says he
did not meet minimum CIA standards and suggests he got the job through his grandfather, a career Coast Guard man
and top intelligence official. Rather than face a security investigation, Snowden resigned, which left his top secret
security clearance intact. The CIA did not share personnel information with private firms, so Dell didnt know why
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hed left the CIA. Snowden decided to apply for a senior job in the NSA, hacked into the system and stole the
entrance exam, a breach that went undetected for a year. (The NSA would say it had no record of that.) He began
wearing a jacket to work with a modified insignia that showed the NSA eagle clutching AT&T phone lines. [...]
order, Snowden managed to get passwords to 24 separate compartments of Level 3 documents so sensitive NSA
officials call them the Keys to the Kingdom. The documents Snowden purloined from the NSA would be the basis
for a spate of stories revealing an astonishing range of electronic spying not only by the NSA but by its British
counterpart, the GCHQ. According to Epstein, Snowden had obtained no visas, strongly suggesting he was
headed to Moscow all along. [...] this spy story leaves us with the most obvious facts and troubling questions.
The FBIs War on Student Radicals, and Reagans Rise to Power (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), winner of the 2013
American Book Award.
How America Lost Its Secrets, by Edward Jay Epstein - San Francisco Chronicle
On June 6, 2013, Britains Guardian newspaper published an explosive story revealing it had obtained official
documents showing that the super-secret National Security Agency had been engaging in the bulk collection of
phone bill records of millions of Americans. Three days later, in a video posted on the Guardians website, a 29-
year-old employee of Booz Allen Hamilton, a firm contracted to provide tech support to the NSA, declared that he
was the source of the documents. From a Hong Kong hotel room, Edward Joseph Snowden claimed the NSA was
undermining privacy and democracy around the world. Snowden, already the subject of books, a documentary and a
feature film, has been hailed as a hero. Epstein concedes that some of Snowdens disclosures had positive results but
contends that ultimately Snowden was no whistle-blower but was at the least a defector and, wittingly or
unwittingly, even part of an elaborate Russian spy operation. (That seemed unlikely to start, and this week Obama
commuted the prison sentence of former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning for leaking military secrets but
did not act on Snowdens request.) The book is also timely given the Russian hacking of the Democratic National
Committee and newly inaugurated President Trumps controversial comments about both Russia and U.S.
intelligence agencies. Epstein is a veteran investigative journalist whose previous books have delved into the murky
world of intelligence agencies, examining what he calls the envelope of circumstances surrounding events such as
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In Snowden, he employs this methodology in an effort to walk
back the cat, in spy parlance, and solve the mystery of how a young analyst for the NSA pulled off the largest
theft of secret documents in the history of American intelligence. Posting under his alias TheTrueHooHa, he
boasted that he precision-shaped his body with weight lifting, practiced martial arts and had blond hair with
volume. In May 2004, at age 20, Snowden enlisted in the Army Reserve as a special forces recruit. Epstein says he
did not meet minimum CIA standards and suggests he got the job through his grandfather, a career Coast Guard man
and top intelligence official. Rather than face a security investigation, Snowden resigned, which left his top secret
security clearance intact. The CIA did not share personnel information with private firms, so Dell didnt know why
hed left the CIA. Snowden decided to apply for a senior job in the NSA, hacked into the system and stole the
entrance exam, a breach that went undetected for a year. (The NSA would say it had no record of that.) He began
wearing a jacket to work with a modified insignia that showed the NSA eagle clutching AT&T phone lines. [...]
order, Snowden managed to get passwords to 24 separate compartments of Level 3 documents so sensitive NSA
officials call them the Keys to the Kingdom. The documents Snowden purloined from the NSA would be the basis
for a spate of stories revealing an astonishing range of electronic spying not only by the NSA but by its British
counterpart, the GCHQ. According to Epstein, Snowden had obtained no visas, strongly suggesting he was
headed to Moscow all along. [...] this spy story leaves us with the most obvious facts and troubling questions.
The FBIs War on Student Radicals, and Reagans Rise to Power (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), winner of the 2013
American Book Award.
Mitch McConnell spokesman: CIA has no director after Trump inauguration | Miami Herald
CIA Director John Brennan resigned effective at noon on Friday, leaving the CIA without any top leader, said
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The agencys deputy director also stepped down, McConnell said. In a
speech on the Senate floor, he slammed Democrats for blocking a confirmation vote for Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo,
President Donald Trumps pick to head the CIA.
Photos: Long-married Bushes hospitalized together | Nation |
Former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, have been married longer than any U.S. presidential
couple. This week, they are being treated in the same Houston hospital. Here's
Photos: Long-married Bushes hospitalized together | Nation |
Former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, have been married longer than any U.S. presidential
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couple. This week, they are being treated in the same Houston hospital. Here's
Trump, in CIA visit, attacks media for coverage of inaugural crowds - SFGate
Trump Receives Cheers from CIA for Criticizing Media
President Donald Trump was met with cheers from Central Intelligence Agency officers on Saturday when he
criticized the media's portrayal of the relationship between him and the agency.
Denying feud over Russia hacking, Trump vows support to CIA | Reuters
U.S. President Donald Trump tried to ease tensions with the CIA on Saturday, telling officers he had their back after
he had leveled unprecedented criticism against spy agencies for their investigation into Russian hacking during the
Hundreds rally in Penn Square for women's rights | Local News |
Hundreds of people packed into the northeast quadrant of Penn Square in downtown Lancaster this morning for a
"sister march" in support of those who gathered in Washington D.C. today
Felon from Lancaster is given permission to briefly leave corrections center, never returns | Local News |
An arrest warrant has been issued for a Lancaster city felon who was given permission to leave a state corrections
center in Harrisburg and never returned.
Hundreds of thousands of women protest against Donald Trump | National |
WASHINGTON (AP) Wearing pink, pointy-eared "pussyhats" to mock the new president, hundreds of thousands
of women massed in the nation's capital and cities around the globe Saturday to send
New AG Shapiro axes Kane's twin sister and other allies
HARRISBURG - Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane's twin sister was ousted late last week
from her $105,000 job with the agency, part of a larger personnel sweep by the office's new top prosecutor,
according to sources familiar with the decision. - Angela Couloumbis, Philadelphia Inquirer
'American carnage': Donald Trump's vision casts shadow over day of pageantry | World news | The Guardian
In Donald Trumps first speech as US president, he offered a sinister view of the US: cities afflicted by crime,
political elite in control and closed-down factories
How the world reacted to Trump's inauguration as US president | World news | The Guardian
Caution in China, sorrow and anger in Mexico, cork-popping in Moscow here are some of the global responses to
Fridays power handover
The Guardian view on Donald Trumps inauguration: a declaration of political war | Editorial | Opinion | The Guardian
Editorial: The presidential handover observed all the usual civilities, but the tone of Trumps speech marked a
frightening change in America
Kirkwood campground's new owners greeted by nearly full occupancy during 'slow' season | Insider |
On a dreary Wednesday morning in January, you might guess that a campground in southern Lancaster County is a
ghost town.
East Lampeter police chief, ex-detective sue over rape, corruption claims in Lisa Michelle Lambert book | Insider |
East Lampeter's police chief and a former detective have filed separate lawsuits claiming a book co-authored by
convicted killer Lisa Michelle Lambert libeled them.


Inbox - - Gmail

Letter REQUEST for COMMUTATION of the Sentence of Lisa Michell Lambert to President Obama, November 15,
STAN J. CATERBONE and the DEPARTMENT of DEFENSE Documents and Evidence of Conspiracy to .... Saturday
November 12, 2016
Feds Probe Fulton Bank and 3 Other Subsidiary Banks of Fulton Financial With Stan J. Caterbone Civil Actions and Mind
Control Research of Monday November 9, 2016 | Robert Gates
Letter to James Comey, Director of FBI Re Cointelpro Used to Obstruct Justice Monday November 28, 2016 | Federal
Bureau Of Investigation | Central Intelligence Agency
VITALLY IMPORTANT - LETTER and DOCUMENT to Cappello & Noel, LLP of Santa Barbara, CA Friday November
25, 2016
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
Report of Douglas F Gansler/Kathleen Kane on Misuse of Commonwealth Email Systems November 22, 2016 Published
by ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP | Pro Se Legal Representation In The United States | Motion In United States Law
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray Says There is Room for Improvement in Police Communication - CATERBONE v. Lancaster
City Police Bureau,, November 22, 2016 | Central Intelligence Agency
Chapter 12 - ROHYPNOL AND SATELLITE and Chapter 11 - NEIGHBORS FROM HELL, from Satellite Terrorism in
America, by Dr. John Hall Copyright 2009 | J. Edgar Hoover | Federal Bureau Of Investigation
JIM GUERIN, FOUNDER OF ISC, FAREWELL LETTER OF 1989 December 26, 2016 | Justice | Government
December 16, 2016
The Advanced Media Group, December 15, 2016 | Fraternal Service Organizations
Usage Statistics for TOTALS and MONTHLY From May of 2016 to January
2017 - January 10, 2017
My Friend and Colleague Soleilmavis Liu of China a Victim of Mind Control Living in China Who Started Peacepink-
August 28, 2016
TD Ameritrade TRADEKEEPER PROFIT-LOSS FOR 2004 TRADES and 2017 FULTON STOCK January 9, 2017
2017 | Judiciaries
UPDATED STATEMENT OF FACTS re CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police Department US District Court Case 08-
cv-08982 December 28, 2016 | Section 504 Of The Rehabilitation Act | Rehabilitation Act Of 1973
UPDATED - EXCLUSIVE Transcripts of Whistleblower Testimonies as Targeted Individuals of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control and Related Hearings and Lectures, December 27, 2016 | Torture
Stan J. Caterbone on Twitter: "I'm reading FALSE IMPRISONMENT AND ILLEGAL INTERROGATIONS by U.S.
Intelligence... on @Scribd! #ReadMore"
stan caterbone social security - Google Search

Trump, Butt-Hurt Over the Size of His Inauguration Crowd, Lies About It (So Does His Whole Team)
Donald Trump and his squad remind me of that old 90s classic by En Vogue. The hook goes something like this:
Lies. Lies. Using lies as alibis. Lies. Lies. Just the devil in disguise.
In his first full day in office, President Trump declared war on the media - Recode
Journalists are apparently "the most dishonest human beings on Earth."
32 Lancaster County landowners holding out even as gas pipeline may be approved in weeks | Insider |
After nearly two years of reviews and uproar, the controversial Atlantic Sunrise pipeline could get federal approval
in a matter of weeks.
VIDEO: Police seek information after armed hold-up at Lancaster city grocery store | Local News |
Lancaster police have released video of an armed robbery in the city Saturday night.
New AG Shapiro axes Kane's twin sister and other allies | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane's twin sister was ousted late last week from her $105,000 job
with the agency.
Ron Gula, NSA hacker-turned-CEO, steps into the investment space
(c) 2017, The Washington Post. WASHINGTON - When Ron Gula joined the National Security Agency in the
mid-1990s, the world was still storing information on floppy disks. The agency hired him as a...
The White House |
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 re PRAECIPE TO ADD DEFENDANTS COMEY AND TRUMP
REMOVE OBAMA January 23, 2017
INVOICE AND Letter to James Comey, Director of FBI Re Pro Se Billings Invoice Wednesday November 30, 2016
TARGETING Awareness/Action Letter & Support Invitation
[GovCuff] Ohio pro-boner attorney punished - - Gmail
Google's approach to email

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Senate confirms Kansas Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo as CIA director | The Kansas City Star
Kansas Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo secured 66 votes late Monday, enough to be confirmed as CIA director. But
the real drama involved Democrats and one Republican who voted no on Pompeo and are likely to remind
voters of the stand they took in the next presidential election. The dissenters have been building this case almost
since the day President Donald Trump nominated Pompeo in November.
Overnight shooting in Lancaster was police-involved, DA's office says
Police in Lancaster are investigating an overnight shooting.
Trump retains FBI Director James Comey, sources say | Fox News
President Trump has decided to retain controversial FBI Director James Comey, two law enforcement sources
confirmed to Fox News, just months after Comey's revelations about Hillary Clintons emails twice rocked the
presidential race.
Mike Pompeo Is Confirmed to Lead C.I.A., as Rex Tillerson Advances - The New York Times
Despite Democratic opposition and shaky appearances from his nominees, the president has faced few meaningful
barriers to installing the team of his choice.
Will Hurd gets key intelligence post - San Antonio Express-News
WASHINGTON - U.S. Rep. Will Hurd is getting a coveted seat on the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence, giving him another key post at a time when cybersecurity and foreign entanglements will be key
focuses in Washingtons GOP-controlled government. Hurd, R-San Antonio, who was re-elected to a second term in
November, also sits on the Homeland Security Committee and chairs an influential House Oversight subcommittee
on information technology. During his first term in Congress, he was a leader on national security and cybersecurity
issues, drawing from his personal experience to help educate his colleagues and shape policy. Having served both
in congressional oversight staff and the CIA myself, I know his exemplary service and experience will be
invaluable, Tenet said. Hurd also received congratulations from Maj. Gen. Christopher Weggeman, commander of
the 24th Air Force at Joint Base San Antonio, who released a statement calling him a vocal advocate and ally for
the Air Force and cyberspace operations.
Infographic: Cloud is Still a Concern for Government Agencies
IRVINE, Calif., Jan. 24, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Netwrix Corporation, the first vendor to introduce a visibility and
governance platform for hybrid cloud security, extracted data about government agencies from its 2016 Cloud
Security Survey and released an infographic that reveals key cloud security concerns
The National Security Agency's Definition of Success in Iraq | Oye! Times
Kathy Harrison (KATHLEEN HARRISON NAMED IN SAVAGE SUIT v. Dave Brown) Email Re Bi Polar March 10,
The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with the COPS Gang-Stalking Program - Lancaster City Police
Strategic Plan, August 24, 2016
Curiae | National Security Agency
Family of Karlie Hall files suit against Millersville University, others; calls death preventable | Local News |
The parents of Karlie Hall have filed a federal lawsuit against Millersville University, and others, claiming her 2015
death could have been prevented had more action been taken following previous
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Injury & Accident Lawyers, NJ Injury Attorneys
Phila. PA & NJ injury & accident lawyers; highly rated personal injury lawyers. Over $150 million in verdicts,
Philadelphia Accident Injury Lawyers: Laffey, Bucci & Kent
Philadelphia, PA accident injury lawyers at Laffey, Bucci & Kent. Located in Center City, Philadelphia on Walnut
Obama Gave Palestinian Authority $221 Million in Humanitarian Aid - Truthdig
The outgoing president granted the sum during his final hours in the White House, though it doesnt approximate
the billions in military aid pledged to Israel. - 2017/01/25
Donald Trump Against the World - Truthdig
For all their international experience, the new president and his appointees care about the planet the way
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pornographers care about sex. - 2017/01/25
Mind-reading and the Cold War: An Interview with The Psychic Project - The Oxford Student
Teens Report Surge in Bullying in Wake of Divisive Election Campaign - Truthdig
In a survey of 50,000 teens, 70 percent reported abusive behavior largely targeting race, sexual orientation and
immigration status. - 2017/01/25
George Orwell: 'Alternative Facts' Sends 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' Sales Through Roof |
State senators kick-off process to forcefully remove Sheriff Mark Reese | Insider |
Two state senators from Lancaster County have asked the Legislature to investigate and consider removing
embattled county Sheriff Mark Reese from office.
Teenager killed following exchange of gunfire with Lancaster city police, DA says | Local News |
A teenager was killed by Lancaster city police following a confrontation early Tuesday, according to the district
attorney's office.
New state AG Shapiro dismisses Kanes sister - News - Citizens' Voice
State Sen. Scott Martin named to powerful Appropriations Committee, vice chair of Local Government Committee |
Politics |
Lancaster Countys newest state senator has picked up prominent roles in two legislative committees as lawmakers
get back to work in Harrisburg for a new two-year session.
Manheim Township commissioners reject $120 million Oregon Village project | Local News |
Manheim Township commissioners delivered an emphatic no to Oregon Village on Monday night.
Read Mattis' Rousing Memo To The DoD
After his confirmation, Defense Secretary James Mattis wrote a memo to his new department.
Alec Kreider never revealed motive for killing his friend, friend's parents, in brutal 2007 stabbing | Local News |
For more than a month, Alec Kreider kept quiet, concealing his involvement in the May 12, 2007, stabbing deaths of
a close friend and the friends parents in a Manheim
Microsoft Word - Final-10thCIr..doc - genberg amicus.pdf
Alec Kreider commits suicide in prison, was serving 3 life terms for brutal Manheim Township killings | Local News |
Alec Kreider, who brutally murdered three members of a Manheim Township family in 2007, killed himself in
prison Friday.
Felony Riot Charges Against Inauguration Protesters Signal a Dangerous Wave of Repression - Truthdig
More than 200 who were mass-arrested in Washington, D.C., on Friday are facing up to 10 years behind bars. -
Lancaster Chamber names new leaders to its board | Local Business |
The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce &amp; Industry has named Mary Kohler its chair for 2017 and Nelson
Longenecker its chair-elect.
Trump defends inauguration turnout against 'dishonest media' | i24news - See beyond
Former CIA director criticizes Trump for a 'despicable display of self-aggrandizement' after Langley speech - CIA,
Russia, White House, inauguration, Donald Trump, Women's March on Washington, Sean Spicer
21st-century COINTELPRO: Project Veritas, far-left groups post countering undercover videos RT America
A broad coalition of far-left groups is planning to disrupt President-elect Donald Trumps inauguration, after the
right-leaning Project Veritas admitted it had infiltrated their meetings to record their plans. Now, it's a case of right
said/left said.
Inconvenient Fact Of the Day. The FBI's COINTELPRO Set the Stage For MLK's Success | RedState
Inconvenient Fact Of the Day. The FBIs COINTELPRO Set the Stage For MLKs Success
Edward Snowden Live From Russia - YouTube
Oliver Stones Untold History of the United States Prequel A - YouTube
Former CIA Director Awarded Air Force Academy's Highest Honor |
Michael Hayden received the Air Force Academy's annual Character and Leadership Award.
Trump says torture works but will follow CIA, Pentagon advice - Daily Nation
Trump says it is necessary to "fight fire with fire".
Toxic Mind Control Contaminates The Public Sphere | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Lancaster County officials investigating sheriff could look for cues from Northumberland | Insider |
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Northumberland County has also dealt with charges against an elected official this year.
Family of Karlie Hall files suit against Millersville University, others; calls death preventable January 25, 2017 | Law
Reference | Government
Stan J. Caterbone Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case Filled in Forms January 27, 2017
Every AG's Office staffer signs new code of conduct |
Josh Shapiro made ethics a key priority as he ran last fall for the office formerly held by Kathleen Kane.
Josh Shapiro releases new code of conduct for AG's Office employees |
Pennsylvania's new attorney general released an updated code of conduct Thursday to strengthen ethics
requirements in the office in the wake of Kathleen Kane.
Stacy Parks Miller fake Facebook page raised in Centre County court | Centre Daily Times
Centre County District Attorney Stacy Parks Miller circulated credentials for a fake Facebook profile for
prosecutors and information on the page became public in a filing on Jalene McClures case.
Father of convicted killer Alec Kreider addresses son's suicide in blog post | Local News |
The father of convicted killer Alec Kreider addressed his son's suicide in a blog post Wednesday.
Parents of slain Millersville student Karlie Hall suing school, court documents say
News 8 has learned that the parents of a Millersville University student who was slain by her boyfriend are suing the
Financial Workshops | Ann B. Barshinger Financial Empowerment Ctr
Explore our variety of free educational workshops or consider working on on one to imrpove your financial health.
Trump defends order for visa crackdown, refugee halt: 'We can't take chances' | Fox News
President Donald Trump defended his forthcoming executive orders suspending the United States' refugee program
for 120 days and halting the issuing of visas to citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries, saying, We can't
take any chances.
New York University and the military-university complex - World Socialist Web Site
The US military/intelligence apparatus exercises immense influence over the schools political and intellectual life.
CIA Implicates Sekeramayi In Gukurahundi Killings | ZimEye
Porn and politics give way to ethics in attorney generals office - The Morning Call
The vast majority of employees in the Pennsylvania Attorney Generals Office did not trade porn, racist and other
inappropriate emails between 2008 and 2012.
Listen: BBC radio interviews Republicans in Lancaster about Donald Trump | Politics |
BBC World Service, a subdivision of the British Broadcasting Corporation, stopped by Lancaster city recently for a
radio program featuring local Republican voters.
Worried about fake news? Here's how Facebook is responding | National |
After rising concerns of fake news, a major social media company announced steps to clean up its digital space.
North Americans Are Spending Nearly as Much on Weed as They Do on Wine |
DRUG WAR CHRONICLE: Move over, Napa Valley, there's a new kid on the block. When it comes to spending
on mind-altering substances, Americans and Canadians are
Executive Summary_Edition5_Final.indd - executive-summary_the-state-of-legal-marijuana-markets_5th-
The Media Needs to Relentlessly Document the Impact of the Trump Administration - Truthdig
Since Saturday, when millions walked in unity with the Womens March on Washington, Trump has been busy
signing presidential directives. The Truthdig team and contributor Bill Boyarsky discuss what to expect now. -
Sanctuary Cities Refuse to Be Bullied by Trumps Threats to Cut Funding - Truthdig
Seattle, New York and Los Angeles are among several cities that have declared they will protect undocumented
immigrants despite the presidents possibly unconstitutional ultimatums. - 2017/01/26
The Injustices of Chelsea Mannings Imprisonment - Truthdig
For exposing war crimes, the whistleblower spent nearly seven years in prison, an ordeal President Obama finally
endedwithout acting on what she exposed. - 2017/01/26
Rubab Player Breaks Down Barriers for Female Musicians in Afghanistan - Truthdig
Music is for boys and not girls, 22-year-old Fazila Zamir was told. Now she is proving her instructors wrong by
performing on television and leading an all-male band. - 2017/01/26
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Standing Rock Sioux to Trump: Creating a Second Flint Does Not Make America Great Again - Truthdig
It will take more than the stroke of the presidents pen to quash the vigorous resistance to the Keystone XL and
Dakota Access pipelines. - 2017/01/26
How Donald Trump Is Endangering U.S. Troops in Iraq and Essentially Aiding Islamic State - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Since his inauguration less than a week ago, the president has not been making a good impression in Iraq. -
Fort Lauderdale airport shooting suspect indicted on 22 counts WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort
How well do you know Lancaster County history? Take the quiz | Local News |
Lancaster County is a unique place rooted in rich history.
Esteban Santiago, suspected Fort Lauderdale shooter, indicted -
A federal grand jury on Thursday indicted Esteban Santiago, the man accused of killing five people inside a Fort
Lauderdale airport this month, authorities said.
Stay in health insurance market, state official tells Pennsylvanians | Pennsylvania |
The future of the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare is cloudy, to say the least, but that's no reason for
Pennsylvanians to stay out of the health insurance
Title - Indictment-File-Stamped.pdf
Alleged Fort Lauderdale Shooter Indicted For Airport Killings : The Two-Way : NPR
Esteban Santiago Ruiz has been indicted on 22 counts related to the five people he allegedly killed in the baggage
claim area of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport earlier this month.
President Trump cant fix his relationship with the CIA just by giving a speech - The Washington Post
The president's Nazi Germany comparison isn't even the only problem.
Looking back at the Church Committee
Reports | Intelligence Committee
Search | Intelligence Committee
YouMail Voicemail
Simply better visual voicemail for your iPhone or Android! Get caller ID, call blocking, voicemail-to-text, online
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January 27, 2017
Senate Select Committee REPORT on Intelligence 1977 to 1978 | Federal Bureau Of Investigation
Indictment-File-Stamped ESTABAN SANTIAGO-RUIZ January 26, 2017 | Public Sphere | Crimes
Russian arrests ignite worries that U.S. lost informant on vote meddling | News & Observer
Russia arrests senior cybersecurity experts, and veteran American cyber warriors say it may have been a blow
directed at the United States. Did U.S. intelligence just suffer a humongous loss of a spy in Russia?
Recent incident with Manor Township couple revives debate over assisted suicide in Pennsylvania | Insider |
The law against helping someone attempt or commit suicide rarely gets used in Lancaster County, according to
Lancaster mayor calls Trump's immigration executive order 'unnecessary distraction' | Politics |
Lancaster Mayor Rick Gray on Friday said President Donald Trumps executive order to enforce immigration
policies is an unnecessary distraction and that city police officers do not enforce federal immigration
Watch: Lancaster County takes 20 times more refugees per capita than rest of US, BBC says | Local News |
BBC News released a short video report Friday, reporting Lancaster as "America's refugee capital."
Gov. Tom Wolf wants to consolidate 4 state agencies to combat budget deficit | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) Gov. Tom Wolfs administration notified state officials and employees Friday
afternoon that he wants to consolidate four state agencies into a single department as the first-term
Schneider: Media keep falling for Trump's mind control tricks
The president keeps bamboozling the national media into covering superfluous nonsense while his actual policies
evade proper scrutiny.
Truthdig - Donald Trumps Call for Spying on U.S. Muslims Recalls FBI Bugging of MLK and Black Churches
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As Trump supporters beat a Black Lives Matter protester at a rally in Birmingham, Ala., Trump himself reminded
us of the days when J. Edgar Hoovers FBI monitored the Rev. Martin Luther King and Southern Christian
Leadership Conference churches. - 2015/11/23
Catholics Ask Trump to Probe Soros-Obama-Clinton Conspiracy at Vatican
Aging spies save forerunner of CIA -
Wartime headquarters added to historic register.
Stan J. Caterbone Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case No. 17-10615 Judge Fehling Filed On January 27, 2017 - CASE FILE |
Plea | Defamation
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 EXHIBIT re THE DONALD TRUMP PRESIDENCY and STAN J.
CATERBONE as of January 28, 2017 - electronically filed | Federal Bureau Of Investigation | Nasa
28, 2017
UNHCR: Refugees Pose No Threat to US National Security
Refugee agency, other UN agencies and human rights advocates urge United States to reconsider its ban on
Federal Judge Blocks Part of Trumps Immigration Ban - Truthdig
Following protests at a number of airports across the country and legal intervention by civil liberties watchdog
groups, a U.S. District Court temporarily halts the deportation of people with valid visas or approved refugee
papers. - 2017/01/28
Emma Niles: Protesters Descend on Kennedy International, Demanding Release of Detained Travelers - Truthdig
Crowds gathered Saturday outside the New York airport, where travelers were held as a result of President Trumps
executive order on refugees. - 2017/01/28
Emma Niles: Truthdigger of the Week: Charlie Liteky, Decorated U.S. Army Chaplain Turned Peace Activist -
Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
The former Roman Catholic priest, who died Jan. 20, was the only American to renounce the Medal of Honor. -
Trump Visa Denials Target Same Countries Bush Vowed to Overthrow - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Before Projecting Power Around the World, America Should Look in the Mirror - Truthdig
The collateral damage of the Iraq War continuesfor Iraqis and Americans alike. - 2017/01/28
Mikhail Gorbachev: It Appears the World Is Preparing for War - Truthdig
Wars must be outlawed, because none of the global problems we are facing can be resolved by war, the former
Soviet leader writes. - 2017/01/28
Clara Romeo: At the March for Life, a Deeper Look Into the Anti-Abortion Movement - Truthdig
Fridays rally in Washington, D.C., showed that not all opponents of abortion rights think alike. - 2017/01/28
Mikhail Gorbachev - Wikipedia

January 29, 2017 - IMIGRATION FALLOUT

Federal Judge Blocks Part of Trump's Immigration Ban - - Gmail

Clara Romeo: At the March for Life, a Deeper Look Into the Anti-Abortion Movement - Truthdig
Mikhail Gorbachev: It Appears the World Is Preparing for War - Truthdig
Mikhail Gorbachev - Wikipedia
Before Projecting Power Around the World, America Should Look in the Mirror - Truthdig
Trump Visa Denials Target Same Countries Bush Vowed to Overthrow - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Emma Niles: Truthdigger of the Week: Charlie Liteky, Decorated U.S. Army Chaplain Turned Peace Activist -
Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
Emma Niles: Protesters Descend on Kennedy International, Demanding Release of Detained Travelers - Truthdig
Federal Judge Blocks Part of Trumps Immigration Ban - Truthdig
UNHCR: Refugees Pose No Threat to US National Security
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 PRAECIPE TO AMEND COMPLAINT January 29, 2017 - FILED
ELECTRONICALLY January 29, 2017
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter
New Tab
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PASSHE orders operational review in face of lower enrollment, potential cutbacks | Pennsylvania |
The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) announced this week that it's looking to hire
consultants for a study reviewing its overall operations, according to WPMT.
Libre's Law, other animal cruelty laws reintroduced in Pennsylvania | Local News |
A state representative is reviving a bill thought dead after The House failed to vote on it at the end of 2016.
Trump Strategist Stephen Bannon: Media Should Keep Its Mouth Shut - Truthdig
The man charged with guiding the presidents nationalist vision describes the media as the opposition party to the
new administration. - 2017/01/27
Torture Produces Fake Newsand Thats How We Got Into Iraq - Truthdig
The psychopaths in the White House will be perfectly happy to run with fake news gained from torture and use it to
bamboozle the public for their own nefarious purposes. - 2017/01/27
The Past is Present for American Muslims - The Islamic Monthly
The Past is Present for American Muslims - The Islamic Monthly
Listen: Jon Ferguson and Jenelle Janci with police chief Keith Sadler for My Generation podcast | Features |
Hanging in Keith Sadlers office is a print of A Great Day in Harlem, a photograph of 57 notable jazz musicians
posing in front of a brownstown in New York
2 Berkshire Hathaway Homesale leaders make Power 200 list | Local Business |
Two prominent Lancaster County real estate executives have made the 2017 Swanepoel Power 200 ranking of the
industrys most powerful leaders.
First on CNN: Report finds national security agencies at risk in foreign-owned buildings -
US law-enforcement agencies are at risk of being spied on and hacked because some of their field offices are located
in foreign-owned buildings without even knowing it, according to a new government report.
Fire Sunday morning closes Rainmakers Association lodge in Lancaster city | Local News |
The Rainmakers Association will be closed indefinitely after a two-alarm fire early Sunday.
Group looks to remake Lancaster's Southwest neighborhood with possible $1.2M grant | Local News |
Emerson Sampaio was born in West Africa, lived mostly in New York City, and has only been a part of the
Southwest neighborhood in Lancaster for two years.
Blame Hollywood: A Conversation With Stewart Baker, Former General Counsel Of The National Security Agency - Data
Protection - United States
Editor's Note: In the world of cyber law, privacy and cybersecurity, one of the largest and most colorful figures is
Stewart Baker, whose resume includes a stint as General Counsel at the National Security Agency and Assistant
Secretary of Homeland Security. United States Data Protection Poyner Spruill LLP 30 Jan 2017
Stewart Baker - Wikipedia

Stewart A. Baker - NSA COUNSEL

Google Alert - national security agency - - Gmail

Blame Hollywood: A Conversation With Stewart Baker, Former General Counsel Of The National Security Agency - Data
Protection - United States
Stewart Baker - Wikipedia
Steptoe & Johnson LLP: Stewart A. Baker - Partner
Inbox - - Gmail

What Trumps Travel Ban Means For Iraqi Interpreters Who Served Alongside US Troops
Task & Purpose spoke to Matt Zeller about what Trumps travel ban means for Iraqis who supported troops during
the U.S. war effort.
UFO investigator Tony Topping claims to be victim of secret service mind control' | Weird | News | Daily Express
A BRITISH man claims he is monitored by secret government agents who regularly torture him through mind

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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
control because of his persistence in investigating the existence of aliens.
Chris Hedges: American Psychosis - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The barrage of lies from demagogues such as Donald Trump creates profound cognitive dissonance among the
population that ends in a nationwide collective mental illness. - 2017/01/29
Trump Adds Bannon to National Security Council, Removes Intelligence Officials - Truthdig
Council meetings will include the presidents adviser and leave out key national security figures, except when their
expertise is requested. - 2017/01/29
Support | Black and White laser | imageCLASS MF216n | Canon USA
With the MF216n you can bring efficiency and productivity into your small or home office.
Canon imageCLASS MF216n Toner - LD Products
Choose LD Products for low prices on Canon imageCLASS MF216n toner. Our cost-saving replacement toner is
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Canon Imageclass MF216n All in one Laser / Toner Printer
Canon printer. In good slightly used condition. Starter cartridge is almost empty will need new toner soon.
Trump Receives Cheers from CIA for Criticizing Media
President Donald Trump was met with cheers from Central Intelligence Agency officers on Saturday when he
criticized the media's portrayal of the relationship between him and the agency.
Trump Receives Cheers from CIA for Criticizing Media
President Donald Trump was met with cheers from Central Intelligence Agency officers on Saturday when he
criticized the media's portrayal of the relationship between him and the agency.
32 Lancaster County landowners holding out even as gas pipeline may be approved in weeks | Insider |
After nearly two years of reviews and uproar, the controversial Atlantic Sunrise pipeline could get federal approval
in a matter of weeks.
16-cv-2513 Preliminary Injunction for Emergency Relief in Middle District NOTICE OF APPEAL TO USCA THIRD
CIRCUIT January 26, 2017 | Defamation
National Security Council Changes Are Very Significant, Hayden Says : NPR
Rachel Martin talks to ex-NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden about the reorganization of the White House
National Security Council. Political adviser Steve Bannon has a permanent seat at the table.
Trump cybersecurity draft policy drops FBI role | McClatchy DC
A draft policy from the White House on cybersecurity sets out a 60-day timetable to determine vulnerabilities and
identify major cyber adversaries. But some see the draft policy as timid and incomplete.
Trump To Add CIA Director To National Security Council | Fox Business
President Donald Trump will add the Mike Pompeo, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, to the National
Security Council, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Monday.
Homeowners Rehab Application File of June 8, 2015 - COINTELPRO EXTORTION MODEL RESULTS January 30,
Federal appeals court upholds order to admit refugee students at McCaskey High School | Local News |
School District of Lancaster must allow refugee students with limited English skills and formal schooling to attend
McCaskey High School, a federal appeals court ruled Monday.
Smucker, Toomey react to executive order on immigration | Politics |
Two of three Republican lawmakers who represent Lancaster County in Washington supported President Donald
Trumps decision to temporarily bar refugees fleeing violence from entering the country but said the implementation
Mindflix Is Mind Control for Netflix On Your TV | Variety
Change channels with the power of your brainwaves with Mindflix, a new hack that was developed as part of
Netflix's recent hack day.
Netflix project lets you mind-control its interface
Netflix's developers are at it again, using the company's annual Hack Day to come up with clever, if sometimes
wild, ideas on how to improve the streaming servi...
Trumps Muslim Ban May Spark a Constitutional Crisis, Says Free Speech Activist - Truthdig
If security agencies are violating a court order to halt the deportation of green card holders and allow the detained to
access lawyers, the rule of law has completely broken down. - 2017/01/30
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Sister of 16-Year-Old American Killed in Yemen in 2011 Dies in Raid Ordered by Trump - Truthdig
Abdulrahman al-Awlaki and his sister were children of the U.S.-born Yemeni preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, whom the
U.S. assassinated with a drone in 2011. - 2017/01/30
Lawyer for opponent predicts Oregon Village appeal, but developer says no decision yet on next step | Local News |
Manheim Township officials rejected the $120 million housing and retail plan a week ago, but haven't yet explained
their decision.
Trump voters in Lancaster County support executive order temporarily suspending refugee program | Insider |
President Donald Trumps recent executive order temporarily barring citizens from seven Muslim-majority
countries has sparked widespread protests, but his supporters in Lancaster County are sticking by the presidents
Syrian refugee who settled in Lancaster fears Trump's executive order barring countrymen from US | Local News |
Mohammad Alsalkini, a Syrian refugee, brought his family to Lancaster seeking peace from the violence back
Mind Control Your Netflix Account With The MindFlix Headband
The human race is getting lazier with each passing year; now the technology to control Netflix with your mind could
be closer than we think
MindFlix Is Netflix's Idea For A Mind Control Interface Regal Tribune
During Hack Day, Netflix developers have presented the prototype version of the MindFlix, a device which should
work as a mind control interface.
Bill Blum: Meet Neil Gorsuch, the New Antonin Scalia - Bill Blum - Truthdig
President Trump has very likely found just the man to pick up where the late Supreme Court justice left off, given
Gorsuchs track record and originalist approach to interpreting the Constitution. - 2017/01/31
Senate Democrats Delay Sessions Confirmation Amid Concerns Rule of Trump Will Trump Rule of Law - Truthdig
Legislators worry that as attorney general, Sessions will act as a rubber stamp for the president and his policies. -
Monday Night Massacre: Trump Fires Acting Attorney General and Acting Immigration Director - Truthdig
Referring to the Saturday Night Massacre that took place during the Watergate scandal, the hashtag
#MondayNightMassacre comes alive. - 2017/01/31
Why Stoning Is Still Used in Afghanistan - Truthdig
Although officially banned, this Islamic practice has gained popularity as the environment worsens for Afghan
women. - 2017/01/31
Former Senior FBI Counterterrorism Agent Slams Trump on Torture and Muslim Ban
App-based Shadow Delivery provides on-demand delivery drivers for Lancaster restaurants | Insider |
After Slice of Brooklyn opened earlier this month in Lancaster city, owner Joseph Naimo got calls from people
asking if the new pizza shop offered delivery.
10-year-old Lafayette Elementary School student competes for national boxing title | Boxing |
It was chilly inside Lancaster City Boxing Club last week, despite the unseasonable sunshine outside.
Game Commission approves measure to allow semi-automatic rifles for hunting | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG The Pennsylvania Game Commission board unanimously approved allowing the use of semi-
automatic rifles for hunting, including deer and bear, during Tuesdays quarterly meeting.
21-year-old man suffers hand, arm injuries in 2nd shooting in 2 days in Lancaster | Local News |
A 21-year-old Lancaster man was wounded in the hand and arm in a daylight shooting in Lancaster city Tuesday.
Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se, U.S.C.A. Third Circuit BRIEF STATEMENT OF JUDICIAL MISCONDUCT OR
DISABILITY of February 1, 2017
DISTRICT of PENNSYLVANIA With IFP and Civil Cover Sheet - on February 2, 2017
Pa. fraud victims eligible for up to $21.5 million in restitution after Western Union settlement | Pennsylvania |
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
State Attorney General Josh Shapiro announced this week that Pennsylvania residents victimized by fraud-induced
wire transfers may be eligible for up to $21.5 million.
Bankruptcy Counseling & Bankruptcy Certificates | Advantage CCS
Advantage CCS, a national non-profit organization, provides online bankruptcy counseling, a bankruptcy education
class & bankruptcy certificates.
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case 17-10615REF SUBMITTALS FOR FEBRUARY 3 - February 2, 2017
When it comes to Lancaster refugees, its faith, not politics, that carries the day | Insider |
Faith trumps politics.
After $7.7M land purchase, High to start building Harrisburg Pike project this month | Local News |
High Real Estate Group this week bought the site of the proposed Crossings at Conestoga Creek, setting up a
groundbreaking later this month.
George HW Bush Will Flip The Coin At The Super Bowl
Out of the hospital after battling pneumonia, Americas 41st president will toss the coin to start the game.
America First Could Bring the World Closer to a Nuclear Holocaust - Truthdig
If not supervised by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Donald Trump and Steve Bannon could endanger the world. -
Trump Cut Mortgage Aid to Home Buyers During First Day in Office - Truthdig
What a terrible thing to do to homeowners, said Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer. - 2017/02/01
Football Is Trump-ball Lite - Truthdig
Who needs a reality show about violence, domination and sexism now that we have a reality that replicates
footballs authoritarianism? - 2017/02/01
Truthdig - Football Is Trump-ball Lite
Who needs a reality show about violence, domination and sexism now that we have a reality that replicates
footballs authoritarianism? - 2017/02/01
The Tulane Hullabaloo : Risk of internet surveillance increases under President Trump The Tulane Hullabaloo
Student newspaper serving Tulane University, Uptown New Orleans
House Passes Bill Allowing Government to Microchip Citizens With "Mental Disabilities"
Giving local police the authority to decide who gets a microchip and who does not based on their mental soundness
is a recipe for disaster.
Actions - H.R.4919 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Kevin and Avonte's Law of 2016 | | Library of Congress
Actions on H.R.4919 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Kevin and Avonte's Law of 2016
Journalist Is Fired From Public Radio Show for Questioning Objective Reporting Under Trump - Truthdig
Lewis Wallace had a successful career on American Public Medias Marketplace until he blogged about the
meaning of journalistic neutrality. - 2017/02/02
Paul Street: Trumps Shock and Awe Campaign and the Early Resistance - Truthdig
The anti-Trump movement needs to do more than elevate the political power of corporate-captive Blue America
over corporate-captive Red America. - 2017/02/02
Wind Turbines Head for Home Again - Truthdig
Cutting-edge research helps revive European plans for many homes to have their own turbines as part of a clean-
energy revolution. - 2017/02/02
Here We Go Again: Trump Administration Threatens Iran (Video) - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Mike Flynn, the presidents national security adviser, made a brief statement Wednesday putting Iran on notice. -
Jeremy Scahill on Donald Trump and the Military-Industrial Complex - Truthdig
In an interview with acTVism, the investigative journalist also discusses the significance of the Ramstein Air Base
in Germany. - 2017/02/02
Pennsylvania State Police Liquor Control Enforcement Formal Complaint AGAINST DOWNTOWN LANCASTER
BARS, August 12, 2016 | Lawsuit | United States Courts Of Appeals
Case No. CI-16-08472 EMERGENCY INJUNCTION FOR PAIN MEDICATIONS - Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas September 21, 2016 - CRIMINAL ACT OF TORTURE | National Security Agency | Opioid
Manheim Township commissioners explain rejection of 75-acre Oregon Village development | Insider |
Manheim Township officials say they rejected the 75-acre Oregon Village housing, restaurant and retail complex
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because developers couldnt acquire a small piece of preserved farmland to build a street.
Atlantic Sunrise gets last-minute approval; Pipeline to run through 36.5 miles of Lancaster County | Local News |
At the last minute before it would no longer have a voting quorum, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Friday evening approved the controversial Atlantic Sunrise natural gas pipeline that would
Tom + Chee returned to ABC's 'Shark Tank' Friday for company update | Food |
Tom + Chee, which has a Lancaster location in Overlook Town Center, will be featured in a company update tonight
on ABC's TV investment show, "Shark Tank."


Will 5-year, $10.6-million revitalization plan be a game changer for Lancaster's Southeast? | Insider |
Community leaders Thursday unveiled a five-year, $10.6 million plan to attract businesses, build homes and train
workers in the southeast section of Lancaster city, home to the highest concentration of
A tale of two Lancasters: How economic development is creating income gaps in the city | Local News |
A new report says economic development strategies over the past 15 years that revived Lancaster's downtown may
have caused precipitous decline throughout much of the rest of the city where
Non-profit run by Lancaster Catholic student to host charity event Saturday for the homeless | Lacrosse |
A junior at Lancaster Catholic High School, Devin McMahon often takes journeys into Lancaster City alongside his
parents on their visits to Central Market.
Is torture against the law?
According to an article in today's New York Times, the CIA is using "coercive interrogation methods" against some
al-Qaida suspects. The piece notes th ...
Torture and the United States - Wikipedia
Torture LAW and the United States - Wikipedia by Stan J. Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP, February 4,
CI-16-08472 DOCKET SHEET February 3, 2017 and Torture LAW and the United States - Wikipedia by Stan J.
Caterbone and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP, February 4, 2017
Emma Niles: UC Berkeley Protests Spark Debate Over First Amendment - Truthdig
The campus was rocked this week by both peaceful and violent protests that ultimately shut down the planned
appearance of far-right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos. - 2017/02/03
The Bowling Green Massacre That Never Happened - Juan Cole - Truthdig
The new administrations spokespersons are happy to deal in fake news when it promotes the Trump worldview. -
Female Business Owners Undermine Afghanistans Patriarchal Society - Truthdig
Under the Taliban, women were rarely seen in business, but that is starting to change. - 2017/02/03
Economist Richard Wolff Explains Marxism - Truthdig
Americas most prominent Marxist economist discusses why economic turmoil is making headlines while the
stock market booms. - 2017/02/03
China Moves Ballistic Missiles to Russian Border |
By Slava Tsukerman Intercontinental ballistic missile Dongfeng-41 moves to Russian border. Russian press
informed readers that China posted a Dongfeng-41
LNPs article makes important points |
Unfortunately this front page article in todays Sunday LNP is not available at, which
seems to often be a problem. The
Draft excerpt from Bill Keislings book underway: Noahs Ark Deal (Act 61 of 1985) |
Editor: Bill Keisling's publications have been suspended as he works on his latest book, a compilation of
representative items of
Dick Thornburgh - Wikipedia
Judge uses pushups in Lancaster County Veterans Court to build camaraderie, remember fallen soldiers | Insider |
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How many pushups can you give me? Judge Jeffery Wright asks from his bench at Lancaster County Veterans
YWCA Lancaster needs a new boiler, or the Women's Winter Shelter could be forced to close | Local News |
Without a new boiler, the Lancaster YWCA risks losing its ability to provide long-term housing and an emergency
cold-weather shelter in the city.
Bridge linking Pennsylvania, NJ to stay closed 2 more months | Pennsylvania |
A heavily traveled bridge linking Pennsylvania and New Jersey that has a fractured steel truss is expected to remain
closed for at least two more months, Pennsylvania Turnpike officials said
LIP News J Wright Luke Karpathios
Tonight! Updates: The Epsom Salt Bath Protocol - Brittany from Texas shares her story - "So far, so good" - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Wallet Law Andrew Wallet, Attorney at Law
LETTER to Andrew Wallet re Britney Spears Conservatorship February 4, 2017
Manage Your Gift Card - Card Activity
This tree law attorney tries to defuse spats between neighbors | Local News |
If Rachel Roat, a tree law attorney, had her way, power lines would be buried and utilities wouldnt butcher
homeowners trees.
Got the flu? Virtual visit options mean you might be able to see a doc from home | Local News |
Next time you have a minor illness, you may not have to drive anywhere to get it checked, thanks to more doctors
offices and health insurance companies offering virtual doctor
Newsmaker Q&A: Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania attorney general - The Morning Call
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro is the subject of this week's Morning Call newsmaker.
Lancaster County Veterans Court reaches 5-year anniversary, deemed a 'tremendous success' | Insider |
Lancaster County Veterans Court has been a "tremendous success," according to district attorney Craig Stedman.
Charges dropped against Lebanon dumpster divers who donate to food banks, including Lancaster | Local News |
Two men arrested after dumpster diving last October have had their charges dropped this week.
Dumpster-diving lands Lebanon pair in legal trouble; Lancaster attorney helping | Insider |
When dumpster-diving activist Rob Greenfield heard from one of two Pennsylvania men who were arrested last
month while looking through a stores trash for still-good food, he returned to Lancaster
Lancaster County DA Stedman earns GOP endorsement for statewide judge | Local News |
Next step: gathering enough signatures to earn placement on May's primary ballot.
Trump addresses federal judge's ruling on travel ban, says it 'will be overturned' | National |
PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) President Donald Trump lashed out Saturday at "this so-called judge" who put a
nationwide hold on his executive order denying entry to the U.S. to
The McCaskey junior varsity boys basketball team trailed late in the second half on a January weeknight inside the
Manheim Township High School gymnasium. A McCaskey shot rimmed out, the
Chris Hedges: Make America Ungovernable - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The window to overthrow the Trump regime is rapidly closing. We must move swiftly to make governance
impossible through nationwide strikes and other nonviolent resistance. If we do not, the last vestiges of democracy
will die. - 2017/02/05
Court Rejects Appeal on Travel Ban - Truthdig
Despite the president promising a win on the Muslim ban, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denies a
request for an immediate reinstatement. - 2017/02/05
A Plot to Control American Universities? - Truthdig
Events at UC Berkeley on Wednesday have been a boon to Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart News (pictured) and
Trump consigliere Steve Bannon. - 2017/02/05
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Yes, Mr. Trump, You Bear Blame for Cultivating White Supremacists - Juan Cole - Truthdig
I dont have any way of knowing whether Mr. Putin has ordered anyone to be rubbed out. But we do know who
murders in the United States. - 2017/02/05
Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdigger of the Week: Sally Yates, Fired for Defying Trumps Immigration Order - Truthdigger
of the Week - Truthdig
Kasia Anderson: Politics at the Super Bowl: Commercials Play on Immigration Theme, Lady Gaga Plays It Low-Key -
Despite rumors that there would be a politically charged halftime show and an ensuing boycott from the right, main
act Lady Gaga delivered a tame performance, while corporate sponsors took bigger risks. - 2017/02/05
Lady Gagas Super Bowl show just reignited her career | New York Post
At pre-Super Bowl LI press conference, Lady Gaga <a href="
no-super-bowl-wardrobe-malfunctions/">hinted that her halftime show would be about inclusion.</a> She got
that right. It was hard to imagine anybody not enjoying the 12-minute, stunt-laden, firework-decked, tightly-
choreographed spectacular <a href="
show/">she laid out in Houston</a>. For Gaga, this was potentially a career-saving triumph. <a
href="">Her last
album, Joanne</a> stalled both critically and commercially, but her halftime show gave the world a much-needed
reason to fall in love with the New Yorker all over again. Beginning the show seemingly from the top of NRG
Stadium, she let her voice shine with pointed versions of God Bless America and Woody Guthries This Land is
Your Land, as a drone display representing the stars and stripes lit the night sky behind her. After being lowered,
Spiderwoman style into the stadium, the onslaught of hits began. Poker Face, and Just Dance were delivered
with a fierceness and fabulousness that Gaga has been missing of late. If there was one small shortcoming, its that
Beyonc wasnt able to make a small guest appearance (in her hometown, no less) to recreate her part in the 2010
hit Telephone. But as the world found out this week, the pregnant Bey has another kind of double act to worry
about. Much of the pre-show talk was about whether Gaga would get overtly political. But she didn't need to,
because everything she's ever wanted to say has always been in her lyrics. Her 2011 smash "Born This Way" was
sung with brio and spoke loudly to her promised theme of "inclusion." "Whether life's disabilities/Left you outcast,
bullied or teased/Rejoice and love yourself today/'Cause baby, you were born this way." No shocks here. Gaga's
been saying this stuff for almost a decade. Were here to make you feel good, said Gaga, as she sat down at a
piano to play the Joanne standout Million Reasons, complete with touching shout-outs to her mom and dad. She
might be a world-famous superstar but Gaga has never been too cool to publicly honor her always-supportive
parents Cynthia and Joe Germanotta, and this career high performance was no exception. Her final act was a
thrumming version of Bad Romance, backed with dozens of dancers dressed in football-themed costumes. As she
climbed the stairs to take her final bow, Gaga was breathless but clearly knew shed restored herself as an A-list pop
star. She earned the emphatic mic-drop, and deserves the sales spike thats coming her way. Get ready for a second
wave of Gaga-Mania. If only for a moment, it might just unite the nation again.
Yorgos planning major expansion/renovation of downtown Lancaster restaurant | Local Business |
Yorgos in downtown Lancaster is planning a major renovation that will add a rooftop deck, second-floor dining
room, new kitchen and third-floor banquet room.
Watch: Tom + Chee returned to ABC's 'Shark Tank' Friday for company update | Food |
Tom + Chee, which has a Lancaster location in Overlook Town Center, will be featured in a company update tonight
on ABC's TV investment show, "Shark Tank."
Lancaster County Realtors group honors 3 | Local Business |
The Lancaster County Association of Realtors honored three members on Thursday at its 82nd annual banquet at the
Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square.
After $7.7M land purchase, High to start building Harrisburg Pike project this month | Local News |
High Real Estate Group this week bought the site of the proposed Crossings at Conestoga Creek, setting up a
groundbreaking later this month.
Anti Arrest or 302 Packet Sunday February 5, 2017 - MAJOR FILINGS OF 2017 | Torture
Lady Gagas Super Bowl 2017 Halftime Show: She's a Legacy Artist Now, But What a Legacy | Billboard
When Stefani Germanotta took the stage at hafltime of Falcons-Patriots on Sunday night (Feb. 5), it was worth
wondering what she would use the performance for: as an aggregation of past accomplishments, or an argument for
contemporary relevance?
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Lady Gaga - Super Bowl Halftime Show 2017 (FULL PERFORMANCE) - YouTube
Super Bowl Halftime Will Be 'Uniquely Lady Gaga': Pepsi Execs Promise 'One of the Greatest Halftime Shows
Ever' ady Gaga's Super Bowl halftime show was annou...
Lady Gaga's FULL Pepsi Zero Sugar Super Bowl LI Halftime Show | NFL - YouTube
Watch Lady Gaga goes from the roof to the stage in one of the most acrobatic & incredible Pepsi Zero Sugar Super
Bowl LI Halftime show performances of all ti...
The Latest: Tech companies oppose Trump's refugee order | Nation |
WASHINGTON (AP) The Latest on the lawsuit involving President Donald Trump's executive order restraining
immigration (all times local):
Super Bowl ad winners: Tide, T-Mobile | Nation |
NEW YORK (AP) The New England Patriots defeated the Atlanta Falcons during a nailbiter Super Bowl 51
and there were clear winners and losers off the field, too.
North Korean economics 101: How much is a dollar worth? | Nation |
PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) To get a feel for how North Korea's economy works, go buy a roll of toilet
paper. Or start up a mobile phone network.
Wall St. lending to Main St. even as many decry Dodd-Frank | Nation |
NEW YORK (AP) President Donald Trump has wasted little time in beginning a push to reverse the stricter
banking regulations enacted after the 2008 financial crisis. Trump has branded
Truthdigger of the Week: Sally Yates, Acting Attorney General Fired by Trump - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Pennsylvania AG announces lawsuit against President Trump's executive order on immigration
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro and others are taking legal action against Trumps executive order
barring travel into and from the United States from certain countries.
Trump Foreign Policy May Test US Spy Alliances |
Donald Trump's unpredictable foreign policy could hamper long-standing U.S. intelligence-sharing partnerships.
9th Circuit hearing over travel ban lawsuit will be streamed live Tuesday |
PORTLAND, Ore. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments from both sides on Tuesday
afternoon in an appeal of a Seattle judge's ruling that temporarily blocked President Donald Trump's travel
16-Cv-2513 Preliminary Injunction for EMERGENCY RELIEF in Middle District ORDER by JUDGE KANE
Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board LETTER Re 2016-788 (Asworth) 2016-789 (Reinaker) February 2, 2017
Chapter 11 17-10615ref REORGANIZATION PLAN February 7, 2017 | Bankruptcy | Chapter 11
Women Worldwide Will Strike Against Trump on March 8 - Truthdig
The goal is to mobilize populations against the president, his antisocial policies and the ongoing neoliberal attack
on social provision and labor rights. - 2017/02/06
What Happens When All We Have Left Is the Pentagon? - Truthdig
If your military is the only well-funded, well-stocked arm of the government, its obvious whom youre going to
turn to in any crisis. - 2017/02/06
This Land: The Pro-Immigrant Radicalism of Lady Gaga and Woody Guthrie at the Super Bowl - Music - Truthdig
By beginning with God Bless America and then switching to This Land Is Your Land, Lady Gaga offered a
subtle but radical critique of the presidents policies. - 2017/02/06
Taxpayers' costs for Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese rise to $69,000 as lawmakers review forced removal | Insider |
Lancaster County taxpayers have paid nearly $69,000 toward embattled Sheriff Mark Reeses salary, benefits and
legal expenses.
Lancaster GOP straw polls hint at endorsement for Common Pleas judge | Politics |
The Republican Committee of Lancaster County will meet next week to choose among three local attorneys vying
for the partys endorsement to seek a Court of Common Pleas judgeship opening
Lancaster man charged with making false report after accidentally shooting himself | Local News |
A Lancaster man is facing charges after falsely reporting to police that he was shot by an unknown man in the city
early Saturday.
This App Lets You Control A Sex Toy With Your Mind - Vocativ
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Judge reduces sentence for father in Word of Life case
Why Im Not Afraid of Baby Donald - POLITICO Magazine
President Trump isnt a tyrant in the making. Hes just a toddler throwing a tantrum.
STATEMENT February 7, 2017
CIAs man in Syria: the rise and fall of a rebel commander
Once a fixer for anti-Assad forces, covert operator comes to terms with failed US policy
Former NSA contractor indicted over 50TB gov't classified data theft | ZDNet
The former contractor reportedly spent 20 years pilfering government secrets and helping himself to the cream of
the NSA's hacking tools library.
US spy agency contractor charged with taking top secret materials
A contractor for the US National Security Agency was indicted Wednesday for removing massive amounts of top
secret materials, but was not accused of leaking or selling them to anyone. In a case that had worried US officials
over a possible repeat of the hugely damaging Edward Snowden leaks, Harold Martin
Atlantic Sunrise pipeline builder can seize land in Lancaster County, but construction months off | Insider |
With federal approval in hand for the Atlantic Sunrise gas pipeline, Williams Partners can now begin the court
process to seize land from 32 Lancaster County landowners.
Abortion in Pennsylvania: 1 percent of procedures are beyond 20 weeks of pregnancy | Local News |
A state Senate proposal to limit abortions to 20 weeks of pregnancy, rather than the current 24 weeks, would affect
about 1 percent of the procedures, according to Pennsylvania Health
City Council to consider Central Market parking restrictions, city property sales at Feb. 14 meeting | Local News |
A revised Market Area parking ordinance that is much simpler than the original version is on the docket for City
Councils Feb. 14 meeting.
Watch This Guy Control a Vibrator With His Mind | Mens Health
French developers are testing an app that lets you control a vibrating sex toy using just your mind. See how it works
The number-one mind-control program at US colleges Jon Rappoport's Blog
The number-one mind-control program at US colleges If youre a college student or have a child at college, read this
The unspoken secret in plain sight by Jon Rappoport February 7, 2017 Here is a staggering statistic from the
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): More than 25 percent of college students have been diagnosed
Scott Ritter: The U.S. Is Playing With Fire on Iran - Truthdig
Bellicose rhetoric by Mike Flynn (pictured), U.S. national security adviser, about Tehrans missile test points toward
a potentially disastrous policy in the Trump administration. - 2017/02/07
PressTV-NSA agent indicted in 'largest theft' of secrets
A former NSA contractor has been charged with a heist of classified US secrets that officials say dwarfs the
conducts of Edward Snowden.
Meet Donald Trumps sister, the tough, respected federal judge Ted Cruz called a radical pro-abortion extremist - The
Washington Post
After the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Cruz warned that Trump might appoint justices to the high
court like his sister, citing an opinion she wrote about a New Jersey abortion law.
Maryanne Trump Barry - Wikipedia
3rd Circ. Judge, Trump's Sister, Stops Hearing Cases - Law360
Third Circuit Senior Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, who is President Donald Trump&rsquo;s older sister, decided
this week to go inactive on the bench, relinquishing her staff and chambers despite being scheduled to hear cases
this year.
Contact the Department | DOJ | Department of Justice
State wants assurances earthquake won't threaten Lancaster County landfill | Insider |
The state is asking Lancaster Countys waste authority to do more research to ensure that piling more waste atop the
Frey Farm Landfill would be safe from an earthquake and
Lancaster County DA Craig Stedman hopes to bring prosecution perspective to state Superior Court | Local News |
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Craig Stedman feels he is a needed voice on the Pennsylvania Superior Court.
Is President Trumps executive order constitutional? - The Washington Post
A debate on one of the biggest fights of Trumps early presidency.
Federal appeals court refuses to reinstate Trump travel ban | National |
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A federal appeals court refused Thursday to reinstate President Donald Trump's ban on
travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations, dealing another legal setback to the new
Pa. funeral home director stole $340,000 from elderly clients, attorney general says | Pennsylvania |
A funeral home director has been accused of stealing $340,000 from at least 49 elderly clients, at least in part to
support a gambling habit.
Senate worried CIA's psychic program was part of mind control plot
What the Streets of Los Angeles Can Teach Us About Policing in America - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
The Truthdig team spoke with author Wellford (Buzz) Wilms about the complex relationship between urban
neighborhoods and law enforcement. - 2017/02/07
Ethics Experts: Top Presidential Aide Broke Law by Promoting Ivanka Trump Brand - Truthdig
Adviser Kellyanne Conway encouraged Americans to go buy Ivankas stuff after the president slammed the
Nordstrom department store company for dropping his daughters fashion line. - 2017/02/09
Silenced Twice by the Senate, Coretta Scott Kings Words Live On - Truthdig
Sen. Elizabeth Warren made history Tuesday by quoting another history-making womans 1986 letter to a Senate
segregationist. - 2017/02/09
Lessons from the 1950s on mind control | Chatham House
Sarah Marks and Daniel Pick explore the difficulty in pinpointing how radicalization works in practice
Lessons on mind control from the 1950s Marks & Pick.pdf
The Army Wants To Recruit Cyber Experts By Hiring Civilians At Rank Of Colonel
The Army is looking at ways to commission civilian experts who could help fill some of its capability gaps.
What's causing the house-shaking booms in southern Lancaster County? | Local News |
The booms are loud and deep, enough to rattle the dishes.
History says semiauto rifles won't be a problem for PA hunting | Outdoors |
PA Game Commission has tentatively said semiautomatic rifles will be allowed for hunting big and small game next
Elizabethtown College student group will wear white puzzle piece pins to think about 'white privilege' | Pennsylvania |
A group of students at one local college is looking to raise awareness about what it means to live with white
Lancaster County GOP lawmakers oppose unions, Gov. Wolf over 'paycheck protection' | Pennsylvania |
Lancaster County Republican lawmakers dont think public-sector unions should be able to collect money for
political advocacy from their members through automatic payroll deductions.
Trump signs three new executive orders on crime reduction -
President Donald Trump signed three new executive orders Thursday that he said are "designed to restore safety in
STAN J. CATERBONE June 18, 2008 US District Court Case 08-02982 CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Police Bureau,, CASE FILE | Complaint
Democrat moves to force House debate on Trumps alleged business conflicts and Russia ties - The Washington Post
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) filed a resolution of inquiry, a tactic used to force presidents and executive-branch
agencies to share records with Congress.
Contact your Reps, Influence Congress, Vote on Bills - Countable
Democrat moves to force House debate on Trumps alleged business conflicts and Russia ties - The Washington Post
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) filed a resolution of inquiry, a tactic used to force presidents and executive-branch
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agencies to share records with Congress.
Could This Be The 1st Step In The Impeachment Process? Democrat Files 'Resolution of Inquiry' on Trump
A senior member of the House Judiciary Committee introduced a Resolution of Inquiry on Thursday that directs the
Department of Justice to provide the House of Representatives with any and all information relevant to an inquiry
into President Trump and his associates conflicts of interest, ethical violations (including the Emoluments Clause),
and Russia ties.
Homelessness, crime could rise if debt-burdened Neighborhood Services in Lancaster shuts down | Insider |
In September 2010, after a night out dancing with about a dozen girlfriends, Cindy Ford suffered a debilitating
stroke. Seven years later, she struggles to walk.
Meet refugees now living in Lancaster County who are impacted by the immigration order | Insider |
For some Lancaster County residents, President Donald Trumps executive order on immigration had an immediate
personal impact.
Sight & Sound to put movie of Jonah in 600 theaters on May 2 | Insider |
Starting this spring, Sight &amp; Sound Theatres will give people across the country a new choice.
Mayoral candidates welcome Bulova building redevelopment | Local News |
Lancasters three announced mayoral candidates say theyre excited by Zamagias Properties plans to renovate the
Bulova building at 101 N. Queen St.
Adele wins top Grammys, but pays tribute to Beyonce | National |
In an extraordinary moment between the music industry's top female artists, Adele beat Beyonce for three of the top
Grammy Awards then said her competitor deserved at least one
Many US presidents visited Lancaster County over the centuries; here are a few | Local News |
From sitting presidents seeking re-election to presidential hopefuls rallying supporters, Lancaster County has been a
stop on the road to the White House for centuries.
Moscow did not discuss Snowdens fate with new U.S. administration | Russia Beyond The Headlines
"At the moment it is not among bilateral issues"
'Draconian' changes to UK espionage laws branded 'full frontal' attack on whistleblowing
National security journalists may face prison time for handling leaked information.
Chris Hedges: The Elites Wont Save Us - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The danger we face does not come, in the end, from Trump and his malignant cabal. It comes from severely
weakened and corrupted democratic institutions. - 2017/02/12
Huge Counterprotests Overwhelm Defund Planned Parenthood Rallies - Truthdig
Hundreds of demonstrations in support of the beleaguered reproductive health services provider were held across
the country Saturday. - 2017/02/12
Colorado gunman posted religious rant against government and Satanic mind control two days before shooting | Democrat
COLUMN: Government spying will increase | Indiana Daily Student
We must remain vigilant about government spying
Lancaster County religious leaders lukewarm on Trump's promise to allow politics from the pulpit | Insider |
President Donald Trump on Thursday promised he would totally destroy the law that bars religious leaders from
politicking from the pulpit.
Shopping cart yields stash of suspected stolen property after arrest in Lancaster | Local News |
Lancaster police believe they may have uncovered a wealth of stolen items after arresting a suspected package thief
Thursday afternoon.
House scraps background check regulation for gun ownership | National |
The House has voted to scrap an Obama administration regulation extending background checks for disabled Social
Security recipients mentally incapable of managing their own affairs.
Fake News 101: The new civics course in US schools? | Nation |
This Feb. 6, 2017, screen shot shows a website that falsely implies that it is from ABC News. The site is actually an
imposter pedaling stories that aren't true and
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Russia Considers Returning Snowden to U.S. to 'Curry Favor' With Trump: Official - NBC News
Trump has called the former NSA contractor a "spy" and a "traitor."
Deputy to Michael Flynn forced off National Security Council - NY Daily News
The report comes amid growing concerns over Mike Flynn's alleged ties to Russia.
The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force is Monitoring Standing Rock Water Protectors | Colorlines
Civil rights attorney Lauren Regan: "The idea that the government would attempt to construe this indigenous-led
nonviolent movement into some kind of domestic terrorism investigation is unfathomable to me."
Lancaster County police relying more on breath rather than blood tests for suspected DUIs | Insider |
A U.S. Supreme Court ruling is prompting several Lancaster County police departments to change the way they test
motorists suspected of driving drunk.
Martin Sheen reprises 'West Wing' role for Pennsylvania judge's campaign ad | Pennsylvania |
Sheen reprised his "West Wing" role as President Josiah Bartlet in an ad for Judge Joe Cosgrove, who is seeking
election to the Commonwealth Court.
Philadelphia prosecutor will not seek reelection after ethics fine | Reuters
Aretha Franklin: 'I am retiring this year' | Entertainment |
The Queen of Soul plans to retire to spend more time with her family.

1252 MUST GO

Michael Flynn resigns: Trump's national security adviser quits over Russia links as it happened | US news | The
Flynn says he inadvertently briefed the vice-president-elect and others over calls to Russian ambassador which
reportedly discussed lifting of sanctions
Mike Flynn might be done but Trump's nightmare has just begun | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian
This resignation and scandal is not a surprise. After all, we have a president who is too careless to handle a national
security incident in a confidential manner
David Petraeus among contenders to replace Michael Flynn as national security adviser
His administration dealt a significant blow after not even a month in office, President Donald Trump must now fill a
vital national security post after the resignation of embattled national security adviser Michael Flynn.
Michael Flynn a dramatic early casualty in Donald Trump's administration
Donald Trump's embattled national security adviser Michael Flynn resigned late on Monday, a dramatic early
casualty in an administration hobbled by security ...
Donald Trump-Russia dossier: What we know and what we don't know
How did US intelligence officials come to brief President Barack Obama, President-elect Donald Trump and
lawmakers about supposed Russian plans to try to ...
Pa. Supreme Court denies petition filed by Lancaster County DA in verdict dispute | Local News |
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has denied a petition filed by Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman
that would have ordered a local district judge to replace a verdict from a
Vehicle bursts into flames near Penn Square, halts downtown traffic | Local News |
A blazing SUV briefly halted traffic through downtown Lancaster Monday evening, as city firefighters responded to
a working vehicle fire in the first block of North Queen Street, just north
Jerry Sandusky's son Jeffrey charged with child sexual abuse | Pennsylvania |
One of Jerry Sandusky's adult sons faces multiple charges of sexual offenses involving children, more than five
years after the former Penn State assistant coach was himself first arrested.
March 2 open house welcomes public input on Lancaster County biking, walking enhancements | Local News |
Lancaster County and municipal officials are beginning the next phase of gathering public input for a
comprehensive plan to improve local walking, hiking and biking infrastructure.
Here's how Lancaster County gets to work (and how long it takes) | Local News |
It's Monday morning, the start of a new work week. And if you're like most Lancaster County residents, you're
getting into a car, truck or van to drive alone to
Michael Flynn resigns as Trumps national security adviser | New York Post
President Trumps national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigned late Monday night <a href="
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/2017/02/13/trump-evaluating-the-situation-involving-flynn-russia/">amid mounting accusations that he had illicit
communications</a> with the Russian ambassador to the United States that positioned him as a potential target for
blackmail. Flynn submitted his letter of resignation to the president just three weeks into the administration, saying
he inadvertently gave Vice President Mike Pence incomplete information on phone calls he had with Russian
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in which he allegedly discussed lifting sanctions against Moscow. I have sincerely
apologized to the President and the Vice President, the letter stated, and they have accepted my apology. Flynn,
who was fired by then-President Barack Obama as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said he was honored to
serve with Trump and believed in the mission to make America great again. Retired Army Gen. Keith Kellogg
will take over on an interim basis. The swift resignation came just hours <a href="
f228-11e6-8d72-263470bf0401_story.html?utm_term=.e39f6c84a885">after The Washington Post</a> reported that
weeks ago, then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates had warned the White House that Flynn had misled Pence
about the nature of his conversations with Kislyak. Yates told the White House counsel that <a
href="">the Justice Department
was concerned Flynn might be vulnerable to blackmail</a> after he insisted to Pence and others that he had not
discussed Obamas sanctions against Russia during a call with Kislyak, the paper reported. <a
levied the sanctions</a> after it was revealed that Russia was all but certainly involved in hacking and interference
in the US presidential election. Flynns contact with the Russian ambassador before Trump was sworn in could
violate the Logan Act, which bans unauthorized US citizens from communicating with a foreign government. The
national security adviser made conflicting public statements on the communications as more information came to
light. US intelligence agencies regularly monitor calls by Russian diplomats, and reports claim there is a transcript
of the Dec. 29 phone call as the sanctions were levied against Vladimir Putin. Flynn appeared to be in the
presidents good graces just hours before his resignation Monday as he sat in the front row of <a
news conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.</a> Later Monday evening, the White House press
secretary, Sean Spicer, said that Trump was evaluating the situation. <a href="
clickSource=story-heading&module=a-lede-package-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news">The New York
Times also reported</a> that the US Army has been investigating Flynns ties to Russia and whether he was paid by
that country during a trip he took to Moscow in 2015. During an interview with The Washington Post last year,
Flynn admitted that he had been paid by the Russian state-run television station RT. Trumps 36-year-old son-in-law,
Jared Kushner, has been assisting in the search to replace Flynn. One of the names being considered was disgraced
former Gen. David Petraeus, <a href="
234977">according to Politico</a>. Petraeus, a former head of the CIA for Obama, was himself caught in a scandal
when it was revealed that he had leaked classified information to his mistress and biographer, Paula Broadwell. He
resigned in 2012 and served two years probation as part of a plea deal. Other possible picks for the high-level
position include: Stephen Hadley, former national security adviser to President George W. Bush; Tom Bossert, who
also served as a national security aide under Bush; Adm. James Stavridis; and Department of Homeland Security
head John Kelly.
Who is Mike Flynn and why did he quit as Donald Trump's National Security Adviser? - Mirror Online
Lt General Michael Flynn resigned over claims he lied to the Vice President about talking to Russia about sanctions
before he took office. Here's everything you need to know
Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn resigns over contacts with Russia - LA Times
President Trump is "evaluating the situation" with National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, spokesman Sean
Spicer told reporters Monday.
Prolonged effort to remove Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese continues to cost taxpayers | Insider |
A resolution aimed at investigating and potentially removing embattled Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese will
wait at least a month before it can be evaluated by the Pennsylvania Senate's Rules
Politics drove Milton Hershey from Lancaster County, unpublished manuscript explains | The Scribbler |
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Did you ever wonder why Milton Hershey, who made his first fortune manufacturing caramels in Lancaster, moved
to Dauphin County to make chocolate?
Short hits winner with 3 seconds left as McCaskey girls top Lancaster Catholic in L-L semifinals | Basketball |
No one can say Jaileen Short doesn't follow directions.
One Nation Candidate Says LGBT People Are Using Nazi-Style Mind Control Tactics - BuzzFeed News
It's to convince people to support same-sex marriage...
Companies developing mind-controlled computers - WPSD Local 6: Your news, weather, and sports authority
If you're too lazy to pick up a remote control, someday your problem will be solved. Dozens of companies are
working on technology that will allow humans to control computers, prosthetic limbs and ...
Bill Blum: Court Takes Trump to the Woodshed for a Lesson on Judicial Review - Truthdig
The Muslim ban has been addressed under a time-honored scrutiny. But with the presidents team sending mixed
signals, the question is: Has the administration learned anything? - 2017/02/14
Flynn Scandal Spotlight Falls on What Trump Knew and When He Knew It - Truthdig
Democratic lawmakers demand an investigation into the former national security advisers talks with Russia. -
Time Is Already Running Out on Our Democracy, Scholar Says - Truthdig
We may have a year or less, and it has happened to countries like ours before, according to a Yale professor. -
Why Did Donald Trump Appoint Gen. Michael Flynn in the First Place? - Juan Cole - Truthdig
It reflects poorly on the presidents judgment that he could not see that his hand-picked national security adviser,
pictured, was a disaster. - 2017/02/14
Groups ask for Atlantic Sunrise pipeline approval to be taken back, cite lack of need | Insider |
Seven national and local environmental groups, including Lancaster Against Pipelines, have asked the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission to withdraw their approval of the Atlantic Sunrise gas pipeline project.
Fighting fake news: Lancaster's schools and colleges focus on media literacy | Trending |
After a presidential campaign filled with accusations, plus fake news and alternative facts, schools stress media
Lancaster ranked 41st best place to live in America; Harrisburg ranks higher | Local News |
U.S. News and World Report says Lancaster County is the 41st best place to live in America.
After Mega-Lies by Trump Adviser Stephen Miller, Its Time to Rev Up the Reality-Based Community - Juan Cole -
On Sundays edition of Meet the Press, the White House senior policy adviser (pictured) delivered himself of
many big, bold, imaginative untruths. - 2017/02/13
Chelsea Manning Pens Thank-You to Fellow Inmates - Truthdig
When I was afraid, you taught me how to keep going, the whistleblower wrote. When I was lost, you showed me
the way. - 2017/02/13
Rethinking Orwells 1984 and Huxleys Brave New World in Trumps America - Truthdig
For Aldous Huxley, there was hope in a pessimism that had exhausted itself; for George Orwell, optimism had to be
tempered by a sense of educated hope. - 2017/02/13
Trump Launches Blue Lives Matter Regime With Executive Orders on Law Enforcement - Truthdig
Among the orders is a directive for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to prioritize fighting illegal immigration, drug
trafficking and violent crime. - 2017/02/13
Suspect charged with robbing, shooting man outside city pub Monday night surrenders | Local News |
A man was shot in the hip outside O'Halloran's pub in Lancaster Monday night.
Vice admiral turns down national security job | Fox17
(AP) - Vice Admiral Robert Harward has turned down an offer to be President Donald Trump's new national
security adviser. A senior White House official says Harward turned the offer down due to financial and family
Trump anti-leak drive could prompt prosecutions - POLITICO
The legal consequences could be severe for leakers decried by the president.
Colin Jost of 'Saturday Night Live's' 'Weekend Update' stops by Wax on Wednesday at Tellus360 | Entertainment |
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Colin Jost of "Saturday Night Live" stopped by Tellus360 Wednesday night.
Stadium Groundbreaking Highlights - YouTube
Crusader Connection Week of 2.20.17
Elizabethtown College supports student initiative to discuss racial identity and 'white privilege' | Insider |
Elizabethtown College is standing behind a recently launched student initiative, about white privilege and racial
identity, that triggered a flood of feedback from alumni, parents and prospective students.
Phased rollout of LanCity Connect, Lancaster's high-speed fiber network, to start this spring | Local News |
Lancaster citys computer users may want to mark Feb. 27 on their calendars.
SoundCloud - Listen to music
Keisling: The building of the State Capitol |
EDITOR'S NOTE: Assigned to write a book concerning corruption in Pennsylvania government over the past few
decades, historian Bill Keisling could not
Judicial Conduct & Disability | United States Courts
The Judicial Conduct and Disability Act establishes a process by which any person can file a complaint in federal
court alleging that a federal judge has engaged in "conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious
administration of the business of the courts" or has become, by reason of a temporary or permanent condition,
"unable to discharge the duties" of the judicial office. This process cannot be used as a means to collaterally attack a
judge's rulings. An attorney can explain any rights you have as a litigant to seek review of a judicial decision.
Information Institute
Rep. Smuckers campaign group has the least amount of cash on hand among 18 Pa. congressmen | Politics |
U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker has the least amount of money in his campaign account compared with all 18
Pennsylvanian congressmen.
She helped convict Kathleen Kane. Now, former Bucks prosecutor hopes to bring change to the AG's office
It was August. Pennsylvania&rsquo;s attorney general was standing trial, nearing the end of a spectacular scandal.
In the middle of a packed Montgomery County courtroom stood Michelle Henry, introducing Kathleen Kane to the
jury as someone bent on revenge. - Justine McDaniel, Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News
Fulton Financial eyes investment in small Philadelphia bank with minority-customer focus | Local News |
As the federal government looks at its lending practices, Fulton Financial wants to buy a small stake in a tiny but
ailing Philadelphia bank which focuses on that citys minority
Lancaster Catholic downs Lebanon in final seconds to win L-L boys hoops tournament title | Basketball |
Down six points with a little over two minutes remaining, Lebanon scored the next seven points to go in front with
33 seconds left in Fridays Lancaster-Lebanon League boys basketball
How some madrassas brainwash students into becoming suicide bombers
Brainwashing is real and easier than you might expect. Sadly, the majority of madrassas hold exalted ranks when it
comes to brainwashing and producing the
Esteban Santiago declared to be mentally competent Concord Register
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Response to Elizabethtown College Democrats effort reflects national conversation on race and privilege, professors say |
Insider |
A recent initiative to spur a conversation about race among students in Elizabethtown College, which quickly
devolved into name calling and personal attacks, is a reflection of a complicated national
Man who attempted suicide gets face transplant from man who committed suicide | National |
ROCHESTER, Minn. (AP) He'd been waiting for this day, and when his doctor handed him the mirror, Andy
Sandness stared at his image and absorbed the enormity of the
One-Time Kane Lawyer Must Face Extortion Lawsuit | Delaware Law Weekly
A federal judge ruled Amil Minora and his co-defendants must face allegations that they abused the legal process to
extort a settlement from a businessman.
Book review: Author delves into Snowden sage | Entertainment |
The relentless growth of data-collection technology had come to endanger personal privacy. Smart phones in our
pockets, GPS recorders in our cars, CCTV monitors in stores and network-connected devices in
Lancaster County nonprofits merge to create new conflict mediation group, Advoz | Local News |
Two Lancaster County nonprofits with a long track record of helping residents and organizations resolve conflicts
are joining forces.
Trump's election sparks Democratic renewal in Lancaster County | Local News |
For more than 100 diehard Democrats filling an auditorium Saturday, it was a morning for plodding, routine
Pa. funeral home director stole $340,000 from elderly clients, attorney general says | Pennsylvania |
A funeral home director has been accused of stealing $340,000 from at least 49 elderly clients, at least in part to
support a gambling habit.
Lancaster County Democrats endorse 45 candidates for municipal, school board posts | Local News |
Lancaster County Democrats endorsed the following 45 candidates for municipal and school board posts Saturday at
their convention in Mountville.
Why 14 Lancaster County residents abandoned creature comforts to camp in harsh, snowy woods | Local News |
MILFORD, Pike County If you choose wisely and with a little luck, heres whats possible in only 18 hours by
hiking a mere 1.6 miles from a road:
Emma Niles: Truthdiggers of the Week: Sanctuary Churches, Havens for Undocumented Immigrants - Truthdig
Despite serious risks, religious institutions across the U.S. are opening their doors to immigrants who fear
deportation under the Trump administration. - 2017/02/18
Lawmakers Feel the Heat as Resistance Ignites in Town Hall Meetings - Truthdig
Overflow crowds and tough questions marked Saturdays congressional recess events around the country. -
Lancaster County nonprofits merge to create new conflict mediation group, Advoz LANCASTERONLINE February 19,
2017 with STAN CATERBONE MEDIATION FILE | Mediation | Alternative Dispute Resolution
FOR TRIAL DE NOVO February 18, 2017 | Expense | Social Security (United States)
BROWN,, REQUEST FOR APPEARANCE and AMICUS BRIEF February 19, 2017 | Amicus Curiae | Appeal
Live-event firms begin sharing a building and ideas at Rock Lititz | Insider |
Special effects maven Scott Dunlop thinks Rock Lititz has the right idea.
Behind the scenes of the main stage at Lancaster Roots and Blues | Entertainment |
Here's just a portion of what it takes to keep the main stage operations running smoothly during Lancaster Roots and
5 things to know about Lancaster Roots and Blues 2017 | Entertainment |
Here's what you should know about this year's Lancaster Roots and Blues music festival.
Elizabeth College's Young Center to begin expansion project, adding space for Amish research, exhibits | Local News |
Lancaster County is home to the United States premier center for academic research into Amish and other Plain
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Sect culture, and it's expanding.
Lawmakers Feel the Heat at Town Hall Meetings - Truthdig
Overflow crowds and tough questions marked Saturdays congressional recess events around the country. -
Trump Lied About Immigrant Crime and Terror Attack on Sweden That Never Happened - Juan Cole - Truthdig
It is clear that the president and his advisers despise Sweden and Germany for sheltering more than their fair share
of refugees since the crisis began. - 2017/02/19
Republicans Push a Corporate Tax Plan That Could Cost Americans a Bundle - Truthdig
Heres what you should know about the so-called border adjustment tax. - 2017/02/19
Brothers stabbed to death during robbery at Lancaster home; 2 suspects charged | Local News |
City residents Juan Cristo-Munoz Jr., 19, and Joshua Michael Proper, 18, were charged with two counts of criminal
homicide, one count of burglary, one count of criminal conspiracy to commit
Tree Sale | Lancaster County Conservation District
Lancaster County Conservation District
Lancaster County Conservation District's annual tree seedling sale begins | Local News |
Heres a worthwhile purchase that offers the promise of spring while helping the environment throughout Lancaster
SUBMISSION Statement as EXHIBIT of Computer Expertise by STAN J. CATERBONE - November 2, 2015 Recorded
ARCHIVED February 20, 2017
STAN J. CATERBONE'S Computer Hacking Documentation With Table of Contents Nov 16, 2015 ARCHIVED
FEBRUARY 20, 2017
Healthy discussions about 'white privilege,' racial injustice are necessary, Elizabethtown College president says | Local
News |
Its a students right to express his or her opinion, but expressing it in a way thats respectful is more important than
ever before, Elizabethtown College President Carl Strikwerda told
This Week in History: TIME Goes Inside the CIA |
A TIME cover story from 1967 takes readers inside the workings of the Cold War-era Central Intelligence Agency.
Donald Kaufman: Standing Rock: Last Stand at Oceti Sakowin Camp - Truthdig
The water protectors in North Dakota realize they may lose the #NoDAPL fight. But their resistance to an oil
pipeline has sparked a movement that could lead to something invaluable. - 2017/02/20
Beware of the World Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Are Making, The Observer Warns - Truthdig
Facebook is the grim sign of something going seriously wrong in our economic model, according to editors at the
British newspaper. - 2017/02/20
The Observer view on Mark Zuckerberg | Observer editorial | Opinion | The Guardian
His Facebook vision is anything but benign
Benjamin Netanyahu Rejected an Offer by John Kerry and Arab Leaders for Peace Talks - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Lets acknowledge that Israels Likud Party and its allies on the right do not want peace with the Arabs. -
The Lies Donald Trump Told in His First Month as President - Truthdig
What is clear is that we have a serial liar in the White House. And that one month in, its only getting murkier,
The Guardian says in a video. - 2017/02/20
Brian Taska heard a thud in the middle of the night Saturday. But it didn't seem unusual at first.
Walk-out planned to protest Manheim Twp. School District response to murder, rape threats | Local News |
A walk-out is planned Wednesday at Landis Run Intermediate School to protest the school districts handling of
murder and rape threats, reportedly made by one student to another last week.
SuperValu Foundation donates $40K to Meals on Wheels of Lancaster | Local News |
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The funds, which will go to provide daily meals to seniors and homebound individuals, come from $80,000 the
foundation contributed in Pennsylvania because of the wholesale distribution business its parent
5 Powerful Lessons That Gen McMaster Brings To The White House
Here are five quotes that express the leadership and insight Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster brings to the White House.
Developer ends fight for affordable, multifamily housing in Gap, plans to sell 105 acres for industry | Insider |
A developer has abandoned plans for multifamily housing in Gap, deciding to sell the 105 acres and end a bruising
legal fight with Salisbury Township it began to doubt it
Group to hold health care town hall in Allentown Tuesday, with or without Toomey | Local News |
"If Senator Toomey is not in attendance, constituents will pose their questions to an empty suit," Pennsylvania
Health Access Network said.
Shout Out Lancaster: Son gifts a Harley-Davidson motorcyle to his dad so they can ride together | Local News |
Shout Out Lancaster has relaunched with a new look and in its first segment, Jeremy Kline of East Petersburg is
spotlighted for his giving spirit.
CLERK FEB 21 - USPS Tracking
'Did this really happen?' Lancaster woman recounts moment her husband was shot along Route 283 | Insider |
The speeding Ford Mustang was incredibly loud, Deb Lohr remembers.
Lancaster County DA: Double homicide example of why burglars should face harsher penalties | Local News |
Lancaster County's lead prosecutor thinks Sunday's burglary and double homicide in Lancaster city is another
example of why burglars should face harsher penalties.
Washington may have carved a nation, but who carved Lancaster's rendition of him? | The Scribbler |
George Washington, if he were residing in Lancaster on this, his 285th birthday, might be mystified by a full-size
carving of himself in the Masonic Center on West Chestnut Street.
Historical Commission members praise Bulova building overhaul plan | Local News |
Lancaster citys Historical Commission gave a warm reception Tuesday to plans to strip the blank brick facades off
the former Bulova building at 101 N. Queen St. and turn it
23-year-old Wrightsville man who killed ex-girlfriend sentenced to life in prison | Pennsylvania |
A 23-year-old Wrightsville man will spend the rest of his life in prison for stabbing his ex-girlfriend to death in
April 2015.
Former NSA Analyst: American Deep State Is a Myth | Observer
There is no secret entrenched bureaucracy plotting to overthrow Donald Trump.
Bill Boyarsky: Welcome to the Police State of America for Immigrants - Truthdig
Donald Trumps new orders give immigration officials and local cops around the country new and almost unlimited
power to enforce a vague law. - 2017/02/21
Should Bannon Resign? He and Yiannopoulos Falsely Linked Hillary Clinton to Pedophilia. - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Steve Bannons choice of protgs tells us all we need to know about him and his agenda in the Trump White
House. (Pictured, Milo Yiannopoulos.) - 2017/02/21
Lancaster County Animal Coalition fields cruelty officer to assist in local investigations | Insider |
The Lancaster County Animal Coalition, a fledgling group created last year to provide alternative solutions for
animal welfare concerns in the region, is fielding its own Humane Society police officer
Elizabethtown College joins Franklin & Marshall in organization to boost college access | Local News |
Elizabethtown College announced Tuesday it has joined the American Talent Initiative, a consortium to facilitate
college attendance for low- and middle-income students.
Millions targeted for possible deportation under Trump rules | National |
WASHINGTON (AP) Millions of people living in the United States illegally could be targeted for deportation
including people simply arrested for traffic violations under a sweeping rewrite
Intelligence Community Leaking | Frontpage Mag
Saboteurs set on bringing down a president.
Attorney general: Costs related to Kane hit $3.6M | News |
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Pennsylvanias top prosecutor estimates that legal bills stemming from his convicted predecessors actions cost
about $3.6 million.
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 re PRAECIPE TO ADD DEFENDANTS February 23, 2017 With CASE
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro Says Costs Related to Kathleen Kane Reached $3.6M | NBC 10 Philadelphia
Pennsylvania's top prosecutor estimates that legal bills stemming from his convicted predecessor's actions cost about
$3.6 million.
Arbitration sought on payment amount for condemned Lemon Street row house | Local News |
A Lancaster city board wants arbitrators to decide how much it must pay the owners of a row house slated to be
pulled down to make way for a small
Condos at The Press Building in downtown Lancaster to be ready Jan. 27 | Local Business |
The first residential condos will be ready before the end of the month at The Press Building, the six-story Lancaster
city landmark thats been mostly empty for the last 25
Expect a preliminary reassessment report on your property in early March, final figures to follow in June | Local News |
Anyone with questions about their preliminary reassessment report can shop for answers at the mall.
190,000 Lancaster County property values to be reassessed for first time since 2005 | Insider |
Officials to hold public meetings to explain process
Trump gets 32 percent approval rating in Pennsylvania in first F&M poll of 2017 | Politics |
Keystone State conservatives are overwhelmingly supportive of President Donald Trumps first few weeks in office
while self-described liberals are nearly unanimously opposed, according to Franklin &amp; Marshall Colleges first
Manheim Township School District parents, students gather for anti-bullying rally | Local News |
Manheim Township School District parents and students were among a group of people who held an anti-bullying
rally Wednesday after a student was accused of threatening to kill and rape
'Morning Joe' Co-Host Mika Brzezinksi Wants Control Of Your Mind
Mika Brzezinski, co-host of The Morning Joe Show thinks it's bad if Donald Trump controls your mind. But only
because she wants to.
Cats are full of mind-controlling parasites but owning one probably doesn't cause mental illness - The Verge
Cat owners can breathe easy: theres little danger that your beloved tabby will make it more likely for you to
develop a mental illness. New research has cleared the name of cats, helping put to...
And That's How I Beat Shaq ... At A Game Of Mind Control | The Huffington Post
"I swear that I'm telling you the facts."
#NoDAPL Live Blog: Police Arrest 10 Water Protectors at Oceti Sakowin Camp - Truthdig
Although many Standing Rock demonstrators departed after a peaceful prayer walk, others plan to passively resist
evacuation from the North Dakota encampment. - 2017/02/22
Misuse of American Military Power Leaves the Middle East in Chaos - Truthdig
Policymakers seriously overestimated the efficacy of American power to shape foreign peoples and cultures. -
As Tyrants Take Control of Democracies, They Typically Do 7 Things (Video) - Truthdig
Consider yourself warned. - 2017/02/22
Manheim Township student charged for allegedly sending murder, rape threats to fellow student | Local News |
A Landis Run Intermediate School student is facing criminal charges for allegedly sending Snapchat messages
containing murder and rape threats to a schoolmate last week.
GIEICO Damage Inspection


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NSA Deputy Director: I Spent 40 Years In National Security |
'Ive seen what went on behind the headlines of everything from the North Korean destructive attack on Sony to
Russian cyber exploitation'
TRUMP HITS FBI: 'Totally unable to stop the national security "leakers"'
President Donald Trump took a swing at the FBI over Twitter Friday morning, saying the agency was...
Whistleblower Reinstated in Job in Test Case for NSA and Intelligence Community | Just Security
A Forum on Law, Rights, and U.S. National Security
Donegal board names new superintendent, who plans to expand laptop initiative | Local News |
The Donegal school board has appointed J. Michael Lausch as its new superintendent, effective July 1.
It's been 1 year since a tornado with 100 mph winds hit Lancaster County, causing $8M in damage | Local News |
Today marks one year since a rare February tornado touched down in Lancaster County.
Lance Wallnau: The Media Is Using Mind Control And Witchcraft To Whip Up Opposition To Trump | Right Wing
A project of People For the American Way
Mika pummeled all over again after she fervently responds to media mind control blunder | BizPac Review
Top 5 Creepy Facts About Mind Control
The most fascinating pieces of information about Mind Control.
Pipeline activist arrested at Conestoga Township meeting sues supervisor, police | Insider |
A Conestoga woman is suing a township supervisor and police officers, who she says wrongfully arrested her and
suppressed her First Amendment rights.


Evening Update: The Latest News Headlines - - Gmail

Pipeline activist arrested at Conestoga Township meeting sues supervisor, police | Insider |
Disorderly conduct conviction against Conestoga pipeline activist thrown out | Local News |
Problem loading page
Ahead of Vote for DNC Chair, Ellison Calls the Trump-Impeachment Issue Legitimate - Truthdig
Stan J. Caterbone (@SCaterbone) | Twitter

Top 5 Creepy Facts About Mind Control

The most fascinating pieces of information about Mind Control.
US Homeland Security secretary: No mass deportations or use of military to enforce immigration | National |
MEXICO CITY (AP) U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly pledged Thursday that America won't enlist
its military to enforce immigration laws and that there will be "no mass deportations."
Penn State coaches caravan returns in 2017, but initial schedule doesn't include Lancaster County | Football |
The Penn State Coaches Caravan is coming back, but its apparently not coming back to Lancaster.
Conspiracy charge added against former Penn State administrators in Sandusky scandal | Local News |
HARRISBURG A judges ruling is increasing the possible penalty that three former Penn State administrators
could face if convicted of crimes for how they responded to the Jerry Sandusky
Buyers Remorse: Americans Think Donald Trump Is Bad at Almost Everything - Juan Cole - Truthdig
A national poll shows most Americans do not believe the president is honest or level-headed or shares their values. -
Crimes of the Trump Era (a Preview) - Truthdig
The 25/8 news cycle is already rolling, but the looting of America hasnt really begun. - 2017/02/23
BohoZone to host in-store events with Lancaster Roots & Blues artists | Entertainment |
Here's how to meet some of your favorite Lancaster Roots &amp; Blues artists this weekend.
Curtis Salgado, original 'Blues Brother,' has new lease on life after surviving cancer | Entertainment |
The musician credited with inspiring John Belushis Blues Brothers character will perform at Roots and Blues this

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Carsie Blanton to show off independent spirit at Lancaster Roots & Blues | Entertainment |
Carsie Blanton is one of more than 70 acts at Lancaster Roots &amp; Blues this weekend.
Festival Schedule Lancaster Roots & Blues
Lancaster Roots & Blues
Lancaster judge refuses to toss farmland preservation's lawsuit over Atlantic Sunrise pipeline | Insider |
The first legal battle involving the controversial Atlantic Sunrise pipeline project and preserved farmland looks set
to be fought in the courts after a county judge rejected the pipeline builders
William Murry, Manheim Township school board member, sues LNP over coverage of closed-door meetings | Local News
The former president of the Manheim Township school board has sued LNP Media Group, its executive editor and
two reporters for libel, alleging they ruined his reputation last year with
STAN J. CATERBONE GEICO CLAIM NUMBER 055746172-0101-030 - AFFIDAVIT February 24, 2017
Lancaster police reported four incidents involving shots fired in the city between Feb. 17 and 19.
East Walnut Street site eyed for $18M housing, offices, restaurant project | Insider |
On the east side of Lancaster city, theres a short, obscure alley named Tobacco Avenue.
Major Media Outlets Barred From White House Briefing - Truthdig
The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, CNN and several others are denied access. - 2017/02/24
Lancaster plans public meeting Monday to discuss proposed lead hazard policy changes | Local News |
Lancaster's city government will hold a special public meeting Monday evening, Feb. 27, to discuss its plan to
tighten lead hazard regulations.
Basketball - Linden Hall School For Girls
Basketball - Linden Hall School For Girls
NUMBER 055746172-0101-030 - with NOTARIZED AFFIDAVIT February 25, 2017
Replace fog lights 2002 Santa Fe - YouTube
Replacing the fog lights in my Santa Fe. I also restore the headlights' clarity.
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 re PRAECIPE TO ADD DEFENDANTS February 25, 2017
2017 - February 26, 2017 | Bankruptcy
NUMBER 055746172-0101-030 - with AFFIDAVIT February 25, 2017
Battery Research Boosts Prospects of Renewable Energy Sources - Truthdig
Scientists have moved one step closer to the industrys dream: batteries that can store large amounts of energy
cheaply for long periods. - 2017/02/25
Watch: Democratic National Committee Chooses Tom Perez as New Chair - Truthdig
In his first move, the former labor secretary appointed opponent Keith Ellison as deputy chair. - 2017/02/25
New Holland: Industry and community combine in a town made famous by farm machinery | Insider |
The towns name New Holland is known around the world because of its namesake farm machinery brand.
Trump is Killing Puppies and Other Mind Control Triggers Cathy OBrien |
Discount Auto Parts and Accessories - PartsGeek
Discount auto parts and accessories catalog for all foreign and import cars and trucks. Low Prices, Quality, Service
and Free shipping.
04 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe Fog Light Connector - Body Electrical - Standard Motor Products - PartsGeek
Buy a 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe Fog Light Connector at discount prices. Choose top quality brands Standard Motor
McCaskey grad, former NFL star Dennison envisions youth facility for Lancaster County | Local News |
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He has called Lancaster, Texas, his home for decades, but Doug Dennison has always kept Lancaster, Pennsylvania,
in his heart.
Reading police shoot, kill man who allegedly pointed gun at them | Pennsylvania |
Reading police shot and killed a man after he pointed a gun at them Friday, authorities said.
Hover Cover Microwave Splatter Cover | Stop Splatters In The Microwave | Official TV Site
Hover Cover is the microwave splatter guard that uses plastic magnets to store in your microwave. Just pull down to
cover, then lift and let it hover!
Watch: Here's what happened onstage during the Oscars' mistake announcement of best picture | National |
If it were in the screenplay of a Hollywood drama or maybe farce directors would surely reject it. But let's set
the scene anyway for the Academy Awards
For Barnstormers manager Ross Peeples, faith, family are top priorities | Local News |
Ross Peeples grew up in the South playing sports and was good enough to become a professional baseball player.
Chris Hedges: The Return of American Race Laws - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The campaign to deport millions is a first step toward the clash of civilizations that the white supremacists in the
White House believe is inevitable at home and abroad. - 2017/02/26
White House Power Player Jared Kushner Is Keeping Parts of His Real Estate Empire - Truthdig
Given his vast portfolio, its not clear how the Trump son-in-law and presidential adviser is going to avoid issues
that could affect his bank account. - 2017/02/26
Carrie Rickey: That Final Twist Was More Surprising Than the Politics at the 2017 Oscars - Truthdig
Contemporary actors, including a few at Sundays Academy Awards, might catch heat for mixing politics with gold
statuettes, but politics are in Oscars DNA. - 2017/02/26
2017 - February 26, 2017
LETTER TO ABBE EDISON February 27, 2017 | Federal Bureau Of Investigation
STAN J. CATERBONE NEW Case No. 17-cv-00867-EGS Preliminary Injunction for Emergency Relief in EASTERN
District of Pennsylvania February 16, 2016
Hershey Co. new CEO could earn $7M in salary, incentives | Local Business |
The Hershey Co.s new president and chief executive officer will earn a seven-figure base salary and be eligible for
a pair of seven-figure incentives, lifting her potential total compensation above
Police searching for 20-year-old man wanted in Sunday shooting in Lancaster | Local News |
A 20-year-old Lancaster man is wanted on attempted homicide and other charges after a shooting Sunday in the city.
McCaskey grad, former NFL star Dennison envisions youth facility for Lancaster County | Local News |
He has called Lancaster, Texas, his home for decades, but Doug Dennison has always kept Lancaster, Pennsylvania,
in his heart.
Installation Process - LanCity Connect
Bill Blum: Trumps War on Immigrants Has Already Reached the Supreme Court - Bill Blum - Truthdig
A series of cases on the current docketnot the presidents Muslim banhas brought the contentious issue of
immigration to the nations top court. - 2017/02/27
Fourth annual Lancaster Roots & Blues draws 9,000 to Lancaster city | Entertainment |
Rich Ruoff reflects on another year of his massive Lancaster city music festival.
Lancaster Catholic boys hoops advances to district title game with 39-38 win over Bishop McDevitt | Basketball |
There are some high-scoring games that just come down to whichever team has the ball last. Then there was
Monday's District Three Class 4A boys basketball semifinal, which came down
Jesse Ventura And Chris Kyle's Family Fight Over $37,000 Legal Bill
The clash is the latest dust-up between the two sides in a long-running battle.
Happy Mattis Day: The Plan To Defeat ISIS Is Due Today
NAU Events - Using COINTELPRO and FBI Documents in Research and Scholarship Development
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Ex-Kane Aide's Contempt Conviction Affirmed On Appeal - Law360
A former top aide to Pennsylvania&rsquo;s convicted ex-attorney general saw a state appeals court on Monday
affirm his contempt conviction for snooping through his office&#39;s email system in search of information about a
grand jury investigation targeting his boss.
United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Court upholds contempt conviction of Kathleen Kane aide Patrick Reese - News - The Times-Tribune


Man, 19, dies after weekend shooting in Lancaster

A 19-year old man shot this past weekend in Lancaster has died.
Italy Grants Partial Pardon to Ex-CIA Officer on Rendition Charges
Sabrina de Sousa, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent who faces a four-year sentence in Italy for her
role in a 2003 kidnapping of a terror suspect in Milan, has been granted a partial pardon by Italys president, media
19-year-old man wounded in Sunday shooting has died; suspect remains at large | Local News |
A 19-year-old Lancaster man, wounded in a shooting Sunday in the city, has died.
Amazon server problem causes issues across the internet; Lancaster schools affected | Local News |
An Amazon server problem is causing problems across the internet today, particularly along the East Coast,
including at some Lancaster County school districts.
Lancaster man sentenced to 10-years probation after attempted homicide charge reduced to assault | Local News |
A Lancaster man will serve 10-years probation on assault charges related to a 2016 fight with his former girlfriend.
ENOUGH is ENOUGH by Stan J. Caterbone on March 1, 2017 | Defamation | Federal Bureau Of Investigation
Impeachment resolution will attempt to oust Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese | Insider |
A county lawmaker will soon open another front in the battle to forcibly remove Lancasters Sheriff Mark Reese,
who faces allegations of sexual harassment.
Lancaster Township residents worry that new Buchanan school will deplete open, green spaces | Local News |
Some Lancaster Township residents are worried that the city school districts plans for a new elementary school
might eat into the limited supply of open, green spaces in the township.
$3 million in funding proposed to underwrite residential rollout of LanCity Connect broadband | Local News |
A Lancaster city official recommended Tuesday that City Council authorize lending $1.5 million to the company
building LanCity Connect, the citys broadband network, in order to help it roll out
Here's when you can hook up to LanCity Connect, the city's new broadband network | Local News |
Residents of Lancaster northwest and southeast will be first in line as MAW Communications begins hooking up
customers to LanCity Connect, the lightning-fast fiber optic broadband network it is building
Trump sees 'new chapter of American greatness' in big speech | National |
WASHINGTON (AP) Heralding a "new chapter of American greatness," President Donald Trump stood before
Congress for the first time Tuesday night and issued a broad call for overhauling the
Beware of Another Reichstag Fire - Truthdig
The lessons of the Holocaust warn against authoritarianism and the danger of a single crisis solidifying power. -
Who Says It Cant Happen Here? - Truthdig
We have endured 40 years of creeping authoritarianism, which now may run right over democracy. - 2017/02/28
Commentary: Chasing leaks is a road to hell in Washington. See: Nixon. | Reuters
By Tim Weiner(Editors note: Language in paragraph 17 may be offensive to some readers.)The Trump White
House has moved at warp speed toward
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 CATERBONE v Duke Street Business Center,, re AFFIDAVIT re
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH March 2, 2017 | Defamation | Federal Bureau Of Investigation
SEALED - NOTARY PAGE for ENOUGH IS ENOUGH by Stan J. Caterbone on March 2, 2017.pdf
Here is a list of musicals Lancaster County high schools are performing | Entertainment |
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It's spring musical season at Lancaster County high schools!
The April Skies, at Tellus360 Saturday, isn't afraid of evolving | Entertainment |
The band will perform at Tellus360 Saturday.
Check out trailer for Jonathan Groff's Netflix series, 'Mindhunter' | Entertainment |
A trailer for Jonathan Groffs Netflix series, Mindhunter was released Wednesday, announcing that the series
would begin airing in October.
Morale Slump, Trump Concerns Push Talent Away From US Spy Agency
Cybersecurity executives report marked increase in number of US intelligence officers, government contractors
seeking employment in private sector since Trump took office
With Lancaster's CRIZ now flush with money, a task force will study how to allocate it | Insider |
The amount of state money flowing into Lancaster city as part of a 3-year-old revitalization program had been a
Former Lancaster County quarry might replenish Susquehanna, recreation use unknown | Local News |
Whether a popular former scuba diving center in northern Lancaster County will be opened for public recreation is
still up in the air, more than a year after its purchase
Commonwealth v. Kathleen Granahan Kane | Montgomery County, PA - Official Website
Commonwealth vs Kane updated on 3/2/2017
Around 40 Lancaster County police chiefs, officers gather for cultural diversity training | Local News |
As community demographics change, policing needs to change with them, according to Southern Regional Police
Cpl. John Michener.
Under Pressure, Jeff Sessions Recuses Himself From Russia Probes - Truthdig
Clamor from his colleagues and the public stops the attorney general from investigating possible Russian
interference in the 2016 election. - 2017/03/02
How Luther Acres nursing home honors the end of life by not shunning death | Insider |
Death is a frequent visitor at the Luther Acres health center. And when it came last week for 96-year-old Dorothy
Fisher, staffers stopped what they were doing for a simple
One last round in the ring: Friends say farewell to boxer who died after shooting in Lancaster | Local News |
Jose Arroyo pulled on his gloves and stepped into the ring for one last sparring session with a talented young boxer
from Lancaster.
Conversation on drug addiction with Sen. Scott Martin and Rep. Bryan Cutler set for March 21 | Pennsylvania |
Two state lawmakers will join the Lancaster County Anti-Heroin Task Force, health officials and others for a
conversation about the opioid epidemic this month at Penn Manor High School.
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 3575 EDA 2016 MONTGOMERY COUNTY OPINION AND STAN J.
CATERBONE AMICUS - March 2, 2017 | Jury | Jury Trial
Attorney General Jeff Sessions recuses himself from Russia probe | National |
WASHINGTON (AP) Under growing pressure from Democrats and Republicans alike, Attorney General Jeff
Sessions agreed Thursday to recuse himself from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential
Nancy Pelosi Says Case for Impeaching Trump Has Not Fully Been Made (Video) - Truthdig
At a National Press Club Newsmaker event, the House minority leader (pictured with Sen. Chuck Schumer) says
impeachment of any president is very hard.&nbsp; - 2017/03/01
Lancaster General chooses downtown Lancaster for fifth urgent care center | Local News |
Conditions suitable for urgent care visits include colds, sore throats, flu, ear pain, rash, fever, diarrhea, cuts,
fractures and sprains. Patients may walk in or use the system's website check
Trial date scheduled for Bucks County man, Quarryville parents in sex abuse case | Local News |
The trial of a man accused of sexually assaulting six underage Quarryville sisters is scheduled to begin May 30 in
Bucks County.
Pennsylvania in bottom half of US News & World Report 'Best States' rankings | Local News |
A few weeks ago, U.S. News and World Report rated Lancaster County as the 41st best place to live in America.
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Trump torture remarks lay down gauntlet for other states: UN expert - The Globe and Mail
Trump said in late January he felt absolutely that the practice of waterboarding a form of simulated drowning
worked as an intelligence-gathering tool
Can America's Spies Work With Russia's? - The Atlantic
Trumps hoped-for cooperation is doomed if not.
Another Hatchet Job on Snowden Consortiumnews
Jinji Boxing Club owner recalls fighter who died in shooting: 'He just wanted to be wanted' | Insider |
The phone rings in Fransonet "Jinji" Martinez's office Thursday.
Utility allows Atlantic Sunrise pipeline to be built under Native American burial site near Conestoga | Local News |
Some local Native American groups are unhappy about the owner of the Holtwood Dam allowing the controversial
Atlantic Pipeline to be drilled under an Indian burial site near Conestoga.
Lancaster Township residents seek compromise regarding new Buchanan Elementary School site | Local News |
More than 70 concerned Lancaster Township residents attended a meeting Thursday, hosted by School District of
Lancaster, to discuss details of the districts plan to build a new 63,000-square-foot Buchanan
Philadelphia stops seeking payments from parents for juvenile detentions | Pennsylvania |
Philadelphia is scrapping its policy of billing parents when their children are put behind bars.
Pennsylvania-based restaurant tech company bought by Yelp in $40M deal | Technology |
A Pittsburgh-based startup company known for its mobile restaurant waiting list technology sealed a $40 million
cash deal with Yelp Inc. this week.
Montgomery County judge: Kathleen Kanes trial was fair, verdict just | News |
NORRISTOWN &gt;&gt; A Montgomery County judge says former Attorney General Kathleen G. Kanes trial was
fair and that her conviction of perjury and abuse of power charges should be upheld
Montgomery County judge: Kathleen Kane received a fair trial | Crime |
Montgomery County Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy urges the Pennsylvania Superior Court to uphold the conviction
and sentence of former state Attorney General Kathleen Kane.
Porn would have misled jurors, judge in Kathleen Kane trial says
State Sens. Ryan Aument and Scott Martin have filed a civil lawsuit against Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese
saying the embattled sheriff has vacated his office and they therefore have
Rep. Lloyd Smucker interacts with critics who disrupted Lancaster Chamber event | Local News |
U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker on Friday got a taste of the deep public discontent that some voters across the country
have directed toward their members of Congress in recent weeks.
Lancaster Central Market manager to take job at Community Foundation | Local News |
The manager of Lancaster's Central Market is moving on.
STAN J. CATERBONE NEW CASE - Case No. 17-cv-00867-EGS Preliminary Injunction for EMERGENCY RELIEF in
U.S. EASTERN District of Pennsylvania March 4, 2017 CASE FILE | Defamation | Complaint
D.C. insiders seek to defeat Donald Trump - even in aftermath of his victory ex CIA agent RT Op-Edge
There are still senior people in jobs at the Director of National Intelligence office, the office of the Central
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Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency that ought to be fired, Larry Johnson, retired CIA and State
Department official, told RT.
Family Security Matters
Despite Evidence That They Harm Children, Trump Touts School Vouchers - Truthdig
Children who use vouchers to attend private schools perform worse on average than their public-school peers,
according to numerous studies. - 2017/03/04
'It burns, it burns': Children rushed to hospital after drinking caustic substance | Local News |
Friday was Richie Zaragozas 10th birthday, and he wanted to go to the Star Buffet &amp; Grill.
128-page book presents 185-year history, revival of Strasburg Rail Road in 220 photos | Local News |
It would have been easier to produce a bigger book.
Stan J. Caterbone LETTER to Matthew H. Haverstick re MARTIN v. Reese CI-17-04626 March 5, 2017
NOTARIZED ENOUGH IS ENOUGH by Stan J. Caterbone on March 2, 2017 and Case No. CI-16-08472 EMERGENCY
LETTER to Clerk of Court U.S. Bankruptcy for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania re Case No. 10615 Hearing
Transcripts March 4, 2017 with RECONSIDERATION March 6, 2017
President George W. Bush sat down with Task & Purpose to talk about his remarkable transformation from president
to painter.
US spies have 'considerable intelligence' on high-level Trump-Russia talks, claims ex-NSA analyst | The Independent
A former National Security Agency (NSA) counterintelligence officer says US agents have considerable
intelligence of high-level Russians discussing collusion with Donald Trumps election team. John Schindler, a
security expert specialised in espionage and terrorism, tweeted : Ahem: US IC has considerable SIGINT featuring
high-level Russians talking about their collusion with Team Trump. The former agent said that intelligence has
been gathered from the NSA and its partners from intercepted electronic and communication signals.
Lancaster city fire chief wants his firefighters to reflect the community | Insider |
When Timothy Gregg took on the role as chief of the Lancaster City Bureau of Fire in 2007, only 10 percent of his
staff were minorities.
Auditor general says regulating marijuana could add $200 million to Pennsylvania's budget | Pennsylvania |
Regulating and taxing recreational marijuana could help Pennsylvania create jobs, reduce corrections costs and raise
much-needed revenue, state Auditor General Eugene DePasquale said Monday.
Blackface incident at Millersville University triggers forum on campus racism, responsiveness | Local News |
Some students walking into an open forum on racism Monday evening at Millersville University were taken aback
to see Al Jolson a well-known blackface performer from the early 20th
19-year-old jailed on $1 million bond after gunfire erupts on Lancaster street | Local News |
A 19-year-old Lancaster man is behind bars with bail set at $1 million on charges connected to a shots fired incident
last month in the city.
Elderly man dies after jumping from parking garage in downtown Lancaster | Local News |
A man died after jumping from a Lancaster city parking garage Monday afternoon, police said.
East Lampeter police investigate if incident of children drinking caustic substance at restaurant was criminal or accidental |
Local News |
East Lampeter police are trying to determine if an incident that resulted in children being hospitalized after drinking
a caustic substance at a township restaurant was criminal or accidental.
Ending Harassment Of Women In The Corps Starts With Marine Leadership
A Marine vet calls on Corps leadership to take action against those sharing explicit photos of servicewomen on
Glenn Greenwald: Democrats Demonize Trump for Pursuing Russia Policy Obama Championed - Truthdig
The refusal to arm Ukraine with lethal weapons was one of Barack Obamas most steadfastly held policies, The
Intercept journalist writes. - 2017/03/06
Still Unconstitutional: Critics Lambaste Trumps Muslim Ban 2.0 - Truthdig
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Its still religious discrimination in the pre-textual guise of national security, says a director of the American Civil
Liberties Union. - 2017/03/06
Nearly 75,000 people visited urgent care centers run by Lancaster General Health in 2016 | Insider |
Last year, nearly 75,000 people visited urgent care centers run by Lancaster General Health, a 53 percent jump from
Revised US travel ban leaves Syrians confused, yet hopeful | National |
AMMAN, Jordan (AP) It's been an emotional roller coaster for Mahmoud Mansour and his family, Syrian
refugees tapped for possible resettlement to the United States, since President Donald Trump
Feds, bishop to spell out abuse plan in troubled diocese | News |
PITTSBURGH (AP) Western Pennsylvania's top federal prosecutor and a Catholic bishop who heads a diocese
where investigators say two former bishops helped cover up child-sex abuse by dozens of
EXCLUSIVE: An Interview With President George W. Bush - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Jordan Riefe: Cries From Syria Carries Heart-Rending Stories From the Civil War - Truthdig
Evgeny Afineevskys Oscar-nominated documentary doesnt shy away from the wars brutal realities. The childrens
voices are especially poignant. - 2017/03/05
It's not just Wheatland: Pennsylvania is home to 6 presidential residences | Pennsylvania |
In the long history of the United States, only one Pennsylvania native has risen to the nations highest office.
Gaslighting and Mind Control Disable Rational Thought: How to Resist | The Impact of Sex Addiction
Authoritarian mind control techniques are hazardous to your mental health in ways that bypass rational thought.
Gaslighting, brainwashing, cults, hostage
State's decades-old charter school law needs major overhaul, Lancaster County officials say | Insider |
Besides attracting tax dollars out of public schools, local school education leaders say that charter schools need
better oversight. Pennsylvanias two-decades-old charter school law, which a top state official called
Criminal Complaint | United States Courts
Advanced Media Group INVOICES and STATEMENTS for March 8, 2017 | Dentistry | Unemployment Benefits
IN FORMA PAUPERIS GRANTED APPEAL DOCKETED February 22, 2017 - March 8, 2017 | Social Security (United
States) | Expense
7, 2017
WikiLeaks Publishes Thousands of Documents on Alleged CIA Hacking Techniques - Truthdig
The whistleblowing organization says that the Vault 7 leak details how the CIA uses sophisticated technology to
hack into smartphones and computers. - 2017/03/07
[WATCH] Donald Trump Was Not Wiretapped By Obama, Former CIA Director Tells Stephen Colbert | Deadline
UPDATED with video: "On Saturday morning, at 6:35 in the morning the president tweeted that Barack Obama
wiretapped him in Trump Tower. Is that possible?" CBS Late Show host Stephen Colbert asked Michael Hayden,
the retired United States Air Force four-star general who is former Director of the Nati...
Edward Snowden claims US government is secretly paying to keep US software unsafe" after Wikileaks Year Zero
release - Mirror Online
The former National Security Agent made the shocking statement as Wikileaks announced a huge release of
confidential documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency
Landlords to offer suggestions as Lancaster examines its lead hazard policy | Local News |
A group of Lancaster landlords is pledging to offer recommendations in coming weeks on how it thinks the city can
best address its lead paint problem.
CIA blasts WikiLeaks for publishing secret documents
The Central Intelligence Agency on Wednesday accused WikiLeaks of endangering Americans, helping US rivals
and hampering the fight against terror threats by releasing what the anti-secrecy site claimed was a trove of CIA ...
FBI and CIA launch criminal investigation into 'malware leaks' - BBC News
US agencies seek to determine how files said to detail CIA hacking came into Wikileaks' possession.
East Lampeter Township residents told not to pay property taxes over rift with tax collector | Pennsylvania |
Hold off on paying your real estate taxes, if you are an East Lampeter Township resident.
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Lancaster County ranked happiest, healthiest place in Pennsylvania and No. 28 in US | Local News |
Lancaster County's rank in the 2016 Gallup-Healthways well-being index of 189 communities jumped to No. 28, up
from No. 39 the previous year. But it still hasn't recaptured the best-in-the-nation
Vogue features Lancaster County Mennonite women in 125th anniversary issue | Local News |
Photos of Mennonite women in Lancaster County are featured in a Vogue series on American Women.
Sylvester Stallone Just Gave The Internet A Gift Of Super-Rare Rocky Photos
He claims he took a real beating at the hands of Hulk Hogan and he wasn't the only one.
Smoking to be banned anywhere outside Lancaster County Courthouse, downtown government center | Insider |
Smoke breaks will be getting harder for some county employees.
May primaries for Pennsylvania high court to be uncontested | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) The May party primary elections for an open seat on Pennsylvania's highest court will
be uncontested.
Cowboys to release Tony Romo Thursday, according to sources | Football |
Tony Romo's star-crossed career as the starting quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys will soon be over.
Constitution Society: Everything needed to decide constitutional issues
Comprehensive collection of constitutional materials, including books, articles, and tools.
WASHINGTON (AP) WikiLeaks published thousands of documents Tuesday described as secret files about CIA
hacking tools the government employs to break into users' computers, mobile phones and even smart


UN pushes for cyber surveillance treaty, but controversy may arise | Fox News
As cybersecurity threats around the globe rise, the United Nations is pushing to come up with an international treaty
to protect people's data from government surveillance.
Sheryl Crow
Sheryl Crow - Halfway There (Official Animated Video) - YouTube
Official Animated video for Sheryl Crow's "Halfway There" from the upcoming new album "Be Myself' Available
April 21st. Pre-Order at
WikiLeaks offers to help tech firms defeat CIA hacking - News -
PARIS, France (AP) WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his group will work with technology companies to
help defend them against the Central Intelligence Agencys (CIA) hacking tools. In an online press conference,
Assange acknowl ...
PPL joins some states in challenging Atlantic Sunrise gas pipeline | Insider |
The state public utilities commissions of New York and North Carolina, as well as PPL, have joined those calling
for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to reconsider its approval of
Preliminary report: It wasn't the juice that sickened 2 children at a suburban Lancaster restaurant | Local News |
Police say it wasn't the apple juice that sickened two children at an East Lampeter Township restaurant last week.
WikiLeaks CIA Dump: Washington's Data Security Is a Mess |
The new WikiLeaks revelation of CIA hacking capabilities showed that Washington is still struggling to secure its
Hackers turn our gadgets against us, plus our favorite supercharged routers on The CultCast
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FBI gets Lititz firms help in probe of Russian banks odd interest in Trump Hotels marketing emails | Local News |
Listrak is a Lititz company that gets hired to send emails on behalf of stores, hotels and other businesses.
Zoners, protesters agree to terms to continue encampment against pipeline in Conestoga | Local News |
Protesters of the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline will be allowed to continue their encampment on a Conestoga Township
Have Scientists Discovered A Mind Control Drug? Using Dopamine To Read Thoughts, Treat Addiction And OCD
Scientists have discovered how to predict your actions and even change them, thanks to the brain chemical
dopamine. This "mind-control drug" could be used to treat OCD and addiction.
The Debate Over WikiLeaks and Privacy Rights - Truthdig
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange offers to use the latest leaks to help companies improve their cybersecurity, but
critics argue that privacy is dead. - 2017/03/10
Gov. Wolf says Pennsylvania isn't ready for legalized recreational marijuana | Pennsylvania |
Gov. Tom Wolf said yesterday that he doesn't "think Pennsylvania is ready for" legalized recreational marijuana.
Is the Public Turning on Trump Over Russia Ties and Jeff Sessions Statements? - Juan Cole - Truthdig
Move to honor 'Porngate' prosecutor ignites Council
Two years after a scandal over pornographic emails rocked the state Attorney Generals Office, a member of City
Council on Thursday introduced a resolution to honor one of the attorneys implicated. Councilman David Oh said
he introduced the resolution to help clear the name of lawyer Patrick Blessington
Trump Plan Would Separate Immigrant Children From Their Parents - Truthdig
The Department of Homeland Security has identified 20,000 beds for the detention of asylum-seekersa 500
percent increase from current capacity, according to MSNBC. - 2017/03/07
Al Franken Slams Jeff Sessions Insulting Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee - Truthdig
I think he owes it to this committee to come back and to explain himself, the Minnesota senator (pictured) said of
the attorney general. - 2017/03/07
Bird-in Hand man says social security numbers are the mark of the beast; Convicted of tax fraud over 20 years | Local
News |
A Lancaster County man is facing up to five years in prison after being found guilty Tuesday in federal court of
committing 20 years worth of tax fraud.
Bird-in Hand man says social security numbers are the mark of the beast; Convicted of tax fraud over 20 years | Local
News |
A Lancaster County man is facing up to five years in prison after being found guilty Tuesday in federal court of
committing 20 years worth of tax fraud.
Lancaster PA Homes and Real Estate - Younger Realty Group
Younger Realty Group will help you find a home in Lancaster. Contact us Today.
Blyew v. United States (full text) :: 80 U.S. 581 (1871) :: Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center
Leeke v. Timmerman (full text) :: 454 U.S. 83 (1981) :: Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center
[WATCH] Donald Trump Was Not Wiretapped By Obama, Former CIA Director Tells Stephen Colbert | Deadline
UPDATED with video: "On Saturday morning, at 6:35 in the morning the president tweeted that Barack Obama
wiretapped him in Trump Tower. Is that possible?" CBS Late Show host Stephen Colbert asked Michael Hayden,
the retired United States Air Force four-star general who is former Director of the Nati...
Bird-in Hand man says social security numbers are the mark of the beast; Convicted of tax fraud over 20 years | Local
News |
A Lancaster County man is facing up to five years in prison after being found guilty Tuesday in federal court of
committing 20 years worth of tax fraud.
Linda RS v. Richard D., 410 US 614 - Supreme Court 1973 - Google Scholar
Preliminary reassessment values provide only a hint of possible tax increases, decreases | Insider |
Thousands of Lancaster County property owners opened preliminary reassessment notices recently and learned their
propertys value, for tax purposes, has gone up.
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Prosecutors considering death penalty for mom of Allentown girl killed in 'rape-murder fantasy' | Pennsylvania |
DOYLESTOWN, Pa. (AP) Prosecutors say they haven't decided whether to seek the death penalty for a
Pennsylvania woman charged along with her boyfriend in the rape, death and dismemberment
Justice Department Turns to a Rarely Used Rule in Trying to Prevent CIA Testimony in Torture Lawsuit - Truthdig
The Trump administration invokes the state secret privilege to keep intelligence officials from revealing
interrogation techniques. - 2017/03/11
New York U.S. Attorney Fired After Refusing Trump Administrations Request to Step Down - Truthdig
Lancaster County woman pleads guilty to federal charges of healthcare fraud | Local News |
A Lancaster County woman pleaded guilty earlier this week to charges of healthcare fraud.
The Global Intelligence Files - RE: microwave is working again
The Global Intelligence Files - FW: IMPEACH THESE CRIMINALS PLEASE - with 100 attached TORTURE CASE
Who and why, twin mysteries behind leak of CIAs cybertools | The Seattle Times
WASHINGTON (AP) It's not just who did it, but why. WikiLeaks' release of nearly 8,000 documents that
purportedly reveal secrets about the CIA's tools for breaking into targeted computers,...
This Week in Tech: The CIA-WikiLeaks Fiasco Takes Center Stage
["The CIA-WikiLeaks drama upended Apple and the rest of the tech world this week. This didn't stop the Apple
rumor mill from churning, however."]
LETTER From Pennsylvania Department of Insurance Re GEICO COMPLAINT No. 17-188-207983 February 28, 2017
Chapter 11 17-10615ref Transcript Order Form March 10, 2017
March 10, 2017.pdf
History of the Internet - DARPA and Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group March 12, 2017
Letter to High Industries Re MARRIOTT HOTEL BAR - Threats, Harassment, Theft of Monies March 13, 2017
LETTER From Pennsylvania Department of Insurance Re GEICO COMPLAINT No. 17-188-207983 February 28, 2017
Chapter 11 17-10615ref Transcript Order Form March 10, 2017
March 10, 2017.pdf
History of the Internet - DARPA and Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group March 12, 2017
Radio Garden
Explore live radio by rotating the globe.
Terri Brown | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Listen to Terri Brown | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds
you create.. 1063 Followers. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Terri Brown on your desktop or mobile device.
Ted and Alley Ackroyd are offering 10 cents to a Masonic cause for each 10 minutes logged at the campus wellness
Columbia police investigate reported Sunday morning shooting | Local News |
Police said they were dispatched to a home at 318 Avenue I at 7:43 a.m. this morning and "learned that a resident of
the home suffered a gunshot wound earlier
Edward Snowden: Three families who helped shelter former NSA agent seek asylum in Canada | The Independent
Three families who helped shelter former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden in Hong
Kong in 2013 after his mass leak of information about surveillance programmes have asked Canada for asylum,
their lawyer said on Friday. The families - three Sri Lankan adults, a Filipina, and three stateless children - have had
long-pending asylum claims in Hong Kong that they fear may soon be rejected, lawyer Marc-Andre Seguin said in a
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phone interview from Hong Kong.
How Did Michael Flynn Ever Get Hired as National Security Adviser? - The Atlantic
Flynns acknowledgment this week that he lobbied for Turkey, and the revelation that the White House knew that,
raise new questions about Trumps vetting process.
The long-term risk of surveillance laws | TechCentral
Did you hear the latest gaffe from government? They want to monitor your WhatsApp messages. The fools!
Everyone knows you cant do that. For one thing, theres just too much of it. For another, a lot of private
communication is now encrypted. From Turkey
Lets prevent the CIA from spying on citizens | Letters To Editor |
I wonder if President Trump still loves WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks has just released documents that show some of the
hacking tools used by the Central Intelligence Agency. If you have a
Children of undocumented immigrant parents fear deportation, separation under Trump promise | Insider |
A couple of weeks ago, McCaskey High School junior Roger Avila-Vidal started driving a different route to school.
2 men found dead in separate units on same floor of Lancaster apartment building | Local News |
Lancaster police are investigating after two men were found dead in a city apartment building Sunday night.
Chris Hedges: The Dance of Death - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Falling civilizations embrace what Freud calls the death instinct. They are dominated by oligarchic elites, imbeciles,
narcissists and con artists who, on the way down, feed us fantasies and steal as much as they can.&nbsp; -
Donald Trump releases 2005 tax information ahead of TV report | National |
WASHINGTON (AP) The White House said Tuesday that President Donald Trump made more than $150
million in income in 2005 and paid $38 million in income taxes that year.
Scott Ritter: Trumps Wiretapping Charge Could Contain Some Explosive Truth - Truthdig
The mere existence of a transcript of a phone conversation involving Michael Flynn, the former national security
adviser (pictured), carries the potential for a Watergate-size scandal that would land on the Democrats.&nbsp; -
Spy agency, DOE, see China nearing supercomputing leadership | Computerworld
China's computing efforts are a threat to U.S. national security and may undermine profitable parts of the U.S.
economy, a new report warns.
US Military Suffers Massive Leak Of Confidential Air Force Data
Thousands of confidential US Air Force documents were exposed online in a mass military leak through an
unsecured internet-connected backup drive
Pennsylvania Superior Court 3575 Eda 2016 Caterbone Amicus Kathllen Kane Briefing Schedule March 7, 2017
Advanced Media Group Website as of September 6, 2009 ARCHIVED March 16, 2017 | Pro Se Legal Representation In
The United States
STAN CATERBONE April 2010 Bookmarks March 16, 2017 | Msn


UK says U.S. claims about spying will not be repeated | Reuters

British Prime Minister Theresa May has received assurances from the White House it would not repeat allegations
that Britain's GCHQ spy agency had helped former U.S. President Barack Obama eavesdrop on Donald Trump, her
spokesman said on Friday.
EEG Brain Wearables Are Being Used to Diagnose Neurological Disorders, Enable Telekinesis
March 17, 2017 - Letter From Dave Brown and Megan McCarrin Re "Take Article Down" - IRISH ASSHOLES TODAY!
Review: 'A Great Place to Have a War: America in Laos and the Birth of a Military CIA,' by Joshua Kurlantzick -
The war in Laos (1961-1975) brought the U.
British intelligence agency denies it spied on Trump Tower | GCHQ | trump | obama | NTD.TV
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STAN J. CATERBONE - A LANDMARK TORTURE CASE, Published by The Advanced Media Group Copyright 2017
At tiny, surprising Pequea Valley, the goal is nothing less than reinventing school | Insider |
Kate Stoltzfus wishes she could steal time. Anything to help in the Pequea Valley teachers dash to get 19 ninth-
graders up to speed in basic algebra for a looming, high-stakes
Prayer bench dedicated to Nicole Mathewson, who was killed in Lancaster home in 2014 | Local News |
Nicole Mathewson was remembered Saturday with a Blueberry Brunch at Community Fellowship Church in
Lancaster. Friends and family gathered to dedicate a memorial prayer bench and plaque in honor of
Natasha Hakimi: Truthdigger of the Week: Angela Davis, an Activist for the Ages - Truthdigger of the Week - Truthdig
Davis inspiring talk at the recent Women of the World festival shows that this civil rights icon is as relevant in
todays fraught world as in the turbulent era from which she sprang decades ago. - 2017/03/18
Trumps Awkward Meeting With German Chancellor Angela Merkel - Truthdig
President Trump slipped up and called the U.S. a company, ignored Merkels request for a handshake and said a
German reporters question was based on fake news. - 2017/03/18
The former head of the CIA reveals the best advice he's ever gotten
Former CIA and NSA director Michael Hayden, author of Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence...
Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror: Michael V. Hayden: 9780143109983:
Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror [Michael V. Hayden] on *FREE*
shipping on qualifying offers. <b>An unprecedented high-level master narrative of America's intelligence wars,
demonstrating in a time of new threats that espionage and the search for facts are essential to our democracy</b>
For General Michael Hayden
Daily Inter Lake - Frank Miele: Editor's 2 Cents, EDITORS 2 CENTS: Trumps war with CIA was preceded by
The New York Times, in a front-page story, said that the president wanted to splinter the CIA in a thousand p
Mike Flynn failed to report 2014 encounter with Russian national when he was intelligence agency head: WSJ
Trump's budget threatens funding source for Lancaster County's Meals on Wheels | Insider |
Kathy Cortright was upset when she saw the news this week that President Donald Trumps proposed budget would
cut part of the funding behind her Lancaster County Meals on Wheels.
1 shot, 1 injured in Friday night incident in East Lampeter Township home | Local News |
One man shot himself and another person in the same house was injured Friday night in East Lampeter Township.
1 shot, 1 injured in Friday night incident in East Lampeter Township home | Local News |
One man shot himself and another person in the same house was injured Friday night in East Lampeter Township.
The CIAs 60-Year History of Fake News: How the Deep State Corrupted Many American Writers - Scheer Intelligence -
Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer interviews Joel Whitney, author of Finks, about how the spy agency
turned literary figures into propagandists for militarism and imperial power. Transcript added. - 2017/03/17
Case No. 17-cv-867-EGS Preliminary Injunction for Emergency Relief MOTION TO FILE EXHIBIT TITLED LETTER
TO HUNTINGTON BANK ANDREW GRIMMIT re Liquidation Offer March 21, 2017 | Defamation | Federal Bureau Of
Local media representatives, scholars discuss trust, transparency and 'fake news' at Elizabethtown panel | Local News |
The first step is admitting you have a problem.
FBI wiretapped Russian gambling ring headquarted at Trump Tower - NY Daily News
Turns out there was a wiretap at Trump Tower after all just not the way President Trump has said.
How did Park City's J.C. Penney store, deemed at risk of closing, elude shutdown? | Insider |
Two weeks ago, a well-regarded credit-rating firm made national headlines by issuing a list of 39 J.C. Penney Co.
stores at the highest risk of closing.
Vetoed bill protecting officers' names gets another shot in the Legislature | Politics |
A controversial bill that would shield the names of police officers involved in shootings passed the state House on
Monday for the first time since Gov. Tom Wolf vetoed a
Media representatives, scholars discuss trust, transparency and 'fake news' at Elizabethtown panel | Local News |
The first step is admitting you have a problem.
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GPS tracking redefines bus safety for many Lancaster County school districts | Insider |
Eastern Lancaster County, Pequea Valley and Conestoga Valley either have implemented, or are in the process of
implementing, a service that requires all students riding school buses to scan their
Ephrata Public Library's Exploratorium gets financial boost from $80,000 state Keystone grant | Local News |
An $80,000 grant will help Ephrata Public Library convert a neighboring building into a financial literacy and
community hub.
Learn about Pennsylvanias pardon process - This THURSDAY
Hoarding makes an already-dangerous situation worse for firefighters | Local News |
When firefighters are confronted with hoarding conditions, an already-bad situation can get much worse.



School District of Lancaster notches another legal victory over rejected charter school | Local News |
The states Commonwealth Court last week upheld a Lancaster County Court ruling that struck petition signatures
that ABECS needed to file an appeal to the Pennsylvania Charter School Appeals Board.
Encampment of Atlantic Sunrise opponents in Lancaster County breaking camp for now | Local News |
Opponents of the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline are temporarily ending the continuous encampment they had set up near
Conestoga as a base for mass, nonviolent actions.
Lancaster chamber HQ gets $6.25M in tax credits from Community First Fund | Local Business |
A Lancaster-based nonprofit lender has given a major boost to the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce &amp;
Industrys new headquarters.
Electronic Frontier Foundation Pleads for Action to Save Online Privacy Rules - Truthdig
CIA and Pentagon given expanded power in counter terrorism fight | SOFREP
In some ways this restores power taken away by the Obama administration, in some ways it could go beyond that.
'I knew if I didn't get help I was going to die': Thousands in Lancaster County rely on expanded Medicaid for drug,
alcohol treatment | Insider |
The lowest moment of Roberts life came just a week after his most joyous.
Pennsylvania Superior Court 3575 EDA 2016 Caterbone Amicus Kathllen Kane Continuance March 24, 2017
Superior Court Case No. Case No. 1219 MDA 2016 Caterbone v. Lancaster City Police Oral Arguments
Acknowledgement March 24, 2017
Panhandlers offered work and lunch by some US cities | Local News |
Panhandling is a tough topic in most cities.
PPL Payment Plan Confirmation March 23, 2017
March 23, 2017 - Letter From US District Court Clerk of Court Re Private Criminal Complaint WITH COMPLAINT TO
March 23, 2017 - Letter From US District Court Clerk of Court Re Private Criminal Complaint WITH
COMPLAINT TO US ATTORNEY IN HARRISBURG - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt)
or read book online for free. March 23, 2017 - Letter From US District Court Clerk of Court Re Private Criminal
State awards $2M grant for The Crossings project opposite Longs Park | Local News |
The High Real Estate Group is getting a $2 million state grant for The Crossings at Conestoga Creek, it was
announced Thursday.
Lancaster city police Sgt. Raymond Corll resigns after felony perjury conviction | Local News |
A day after being found guilty of lying under oath, Lancaster city police Sgt. Raymond Corll has tendered his
resignation to the Lancaster Bureau of Police and the Lancaster County
Snail Mail Congress: Website started in Lititz will format, print, stamp and mail your letters to Congress | Insider |
Lititz-area software developer Ryan Epp hit a dead-end a few months ago when he tried to reach U.S. Sen. Pat
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Toomeys office to give his 2 cents about an issue
Lancaster Film Commission Website 2006 ARCHIVED March 16, 2017 | Lancaster
Stedman: 18-year-old shot by police had 'opportunity after opportunity to comply and surrender' | Local News |
City police officers were absolutely justified in shooting and killing an 18-year-old man who shot at police in
January, Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman announced Friday.
Letter to President Trump Re Request for Asylum for Solielmavis LIU April 8, 2017 | Travel Visa
Secret Governnment Mind Control Experiments (And Other Things Your Tax Dollars Paid For) | WNPR News
Over the years our government has been involved in some pretty shady affairs. After eugenics and internment camps
but before Watergate and Iran-Contra,
Secret Governnment Mind Control Experiments (And Other Things Your Tax Dollars Paid For) | WNPR News
Over the years our government has been involved in some pretty shady affairs. After eugenics and internment camps
but before Watergate and Iran-Contra,
Snail Mail Congress: Website started in Lititz will format, print, stamp and mail your letters to Congress | Insider |
Lititz-area software developer Ryan Epp hit a dead-end a few months ago when he tried to reach U.S. Sen. Pat
Toomeys office to give his 2 cents about an issue
DARPA-Funded Deep Brain Stimulator is Ready for Human Testing MeriTalk
A military-funded technology that can influence the emotional centers in a persons brain is ready to receive its first
human test subjects. The device, a deep brain stimulator, was created as part of the Department of Defenses
Systems-Based Neurotechnology for Emerging Therapies (SUBNETS) program.
TOOK CONTROL as of April 19, 2017 UPDATED
Arrest of WikiLeakss Assange a priority: US top cop | Arab News
WASHINGTON: The arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is a US priority, Attorney General Jeff Sessions
said Thursday, as media reports indicated his office was preparing charges against the fugitive anti-hero. We are
going to step up our effort and already are stepping up our efforts on all leaks, Sessions, Americas top cop, said at
a news conference in response to a reporters question about a US priority to arrest Assange. The Justice Department
chief said a rash of leaks of sensitive secrets appeared unprecedented.
Bankruptcy Forms | United States Courts
Bill Blum: Why Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III Is Unfit to Be Attorney General - Bill Blum - Truthdig
In the few short weeks since his confirmation, Sessions has come forth with a number of loathsome actions or
statements on race, ethnicity or minority rights. And hes probably just getting started. - 2017/04/23
Yorgos to close for 6-month renovation/expansion of downtown Lancaster restaurant | Local Business |
Yorgos will close its downtown Lancaster restaurant Monday for a major renovation that will add a rooftop deck,
second-floor dining room, new kitchen and third-floor banquet room.
2.3 magnitude earthquake shakes Lancaster County; no reports of damage | Local News |
A 2.3 magnitude earthquake shook parts of Lancaster County Sunday, rattling the nerves of some residents but
causing no damage or injuries.
March for Science protesters fill Penn Square: 'Science is integral to our health' | Local News |
Marcia Rowe drove from Reading to be part of Lancaster County's March for Science Saturday.
Donald Trump will return to Pennsylvania for a rally at the Farm Show Complex next weekend | Politics |
President Donald Trump will travel to Harrisburg next weekend for his first rally in Pennsylvania since taking
If you're not using these 78 house hacks, you're wasting money, time and effort | Home + Garden |
Check out these "tricks of the trade."
Facebook Unveils Plan for Typing via Mind Control and Hearing Through Your Skin - RealClearLife
Facebook announced at its F8 conference Thursday its plan to build a brain-computer interface for typing by mind
control and hearing sounds with skin.
Lancaster work crews scramble to keep up with weeklong water main breaks in Millersville area | Local News |
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A weeklong series of water main breaks are frustrating residents of the Millersville area as city workers scramble to
keep up with repairs.
Gov. Wolf strips Lt. Gov. Stack of security detail, cuts his mansion staff amid scandal | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG Gov. Tom Wolf has stripped his embattled lieutenant governor of his state police security team
and drastically cut his mansion staff amid allegations of verbal abuse.
George HW Bush to stay through weekend in Houston hospital | National |
HOUSTON (AP) A spokesman for former President George H.W. Bush says the nation's 41st president will
remain in a Houston hospital through the weekend while he recovers from a
Forget Typing: Facebook Teases Internet Mind Control | News & Opinion |
You could also be able to listen to speech and other sounds using an artificial skin. It's all part of Facebook's
advanced Building 8 research efforts.
Mark Zuckerberg confirms Facebook's 'brain interface' | Daily Mail Online
The social network's founder took to the stage at the firm's annual F8 developer conference at the San Jose McEnery
Convention Center to show off new AR software.
F&M experts to talk Russian-American relations and Trump | Politics |
Questions about President Donald Trumps relationship with Russia have come to the forefront during his first few
months in office.
Chris Hedges: The Price of Resistance - Truthdig
To stand with the oppressed means being treated like the oppressed. - 2017/04/17
Neocons Have a Long List of Endless-War Ideas for Donald Trump - Truthdig
The Democrats Russia-made-Hillary-lose hysteria has pushed a weakened president toward hawks who support
massive U.S. military intervention worldwide. (Pictured, at center, neocon Robert Kagan.) - 2017/04/17
The World According to Trump Is Becoming Increasingly Dangerousand His Actions Are One Reason - Truthdig
As commander in chief, the president is empowered to manage the military might of the nation. But he is not
empowered to initiate warfare on his own. - 2017/04/17
Gmail - Thank You For Your Order
Is This the Worst Moment in American-Russian Relations Since the Cuban Missile Crisis? - Truthdig
Stephen Cohen (pictured, left), professor emeritus of Russian studies and politics and contributing editor at The
Nation, analyzes the relationship between the U.S. and Russia. - 2017/04/15
New Snowden leaks reveal secret deals between Japan and NSA RT News
New papers released by whistleblower Edward Snowden, and published by The Intercept, reveal that Japan made
secret deals with the NSA with one document noting that the agency's relationship with Tokyo goes back to the
Sonali Kolhatkar: Donald Trumps Modern-Day Gestapo - Sonali Kolhatkar - Truthdig
The Republican Partys professed reverence for family values doesnt apply to undocumented immigrants. -
Rogue insiders become growing threat to U.S. intelligence agencies | McClatchy Washington Bureau
Disgruntled employees and contractors at U.S. intelligence agencies can do as much damage as spies, and these days
they are a growing concern. Rather than work for a foreign adversary, these insiders spill to the internet.
The U.S. Bombed ISIS In Afghanistan, But The Taliban Are Winning The War
The 'mother of all bombs' may have impressed U.S. political leaders at home, but elsewhere in Afghanistan the
Taliban are regrouping.
On Contact With Chris Hedges: Putting the War in Syria in Full Context - Truthdig
Its been more than a week since the Trump administration abruptly switched out of America first mode and into
intervention mode in Syria, and the public should be asking important questions. - 2017/04/16
Today in science history: Mind control and satellites - The Daily Wildcat
April 13 is as ordinary a day as any otherwhich means that over the years it has seen its fair share of science
headlines. Read on for the details.
DARPA's work with mind control, force fields, and parapsychology - Business Insider
The research arm of the US government has also worked on some weird stuff that never came to fruition.
The Menace of Trump and the New Authoritarianism: An Interview With Henry Giroux - Truthdig
The renowned intellectual and social activist analyzes the underlying forces of authoritarianism in the U.S. and
Europe and argues the need for resistance. - 2017/04/13
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Trumps Making Good on One of His Many Campaign Promises: Promoting Unfettered Police Power - Truthdig
As the world focuses on state violence from Syria to Iraq to Yemen to North Korea, the groundwork is being laid for
unchecked state violence here at home. - 2017/04/13
Eric Ortiz: Is WikiLeaks an Ethical News Source or a Hostile Intelligence Service? - Truthdig
CIA Director Mike Pompeo blasted WikiLeaks on Thursday after Julian Assange defended his organization in a
Washington Post op-ed earlier in the week. - 2017/04/13
A Discussion on National Security with CIA Director Mike Pompeo | Center for Strategic and International Studies
(Applause.) JOHN J. HAMRE: Thank you. I rarely get applause when I come out. Im sorry, no, I (laughter).
Welcome. Thank you. Were delighted to have all of you here. My name is John Hamre. Im the president at CSIS. I
told the director that weve got standing room only, and I said lets not wait another 15 minutes to watch the clock
come; lets get going. And he said of course, lets do that. And typical of his character, hes always getting at it. And
I want to say thank you for coming, sir.
U.S. Drops Massive Bomb on ISIS - - Gmail
Google's approach to email
Scott Ritter, Contributor - Truthdig
Pope Francis Puts Migrant Rights Front and Centerand Some Americans May Not Like It - Truthdig
Scott Ritter, Contributor - Truthdig
Mozilla Firefox Web Browser Download Firefox for Android and iOS Mozilla
A Discussion on National Security with CIA Director Mike Pompeo | Center for Strategic and International Studies
(Applause.) JOHN J. HAMRE: Thank you. I rarely get applause when I come out. Im sorry, no, I (laughter).
Welcome. Thank you. Were delighted to have all of you here. My name is John Hamre. Im the president at CSIS. I
told the director that weve got standing room only, and I said lets not wait another 15 minutes to watch the clock
come; lets get going. And he said of course, lets do that. And typical of his character, hes always getting at it. And
I want to say thank you for coming, sir.
With Neuralink, Could Elon Musk End Up Creating Mind Control? | Inverse
Elon Musk's newest futurist venture looks to meld the minds of man and machine, but he doesn't seem ready to deal
with the full implications of his pl...
New human rights to protect against 'mind hacking' and brain data theft proposed | Science | The Guardian
A response to advances in neurotechnology that can read or alter brain activity, new human rights would protect
people from theft, abuse and hacking
The CIA was on to Something With Project MKUltra: New Evidence of Drug-Induced Higher Consciousness - Edgy Labs
As mentioned in Stranger Things, Project MKUltra was a real life CIA experiment into psychedelic drug-induced
mind control. New evidence thickens the plot.
08-13373 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CATERBONE v. Duke Street Business Center re Defendants List
Study raises alarm about drugged drivers: 'Drivers dont understand the risk' | National |
Driving under the influence of legal and illegal drugs is causing the same concern for motorists today that drunken
driving caused 40 years ago and should generate the same response.
Fulton Financial plans $21M downtown expansion to make room for 400 more employees | Insider |
Fulton Financial executive E. Philip Wenger remembers the public reaction four years ago, when the firm put a
downtown expansion project on hold and refilled its excavated site.
Leola group is among hundreds awaiting medical marijuana permit decision | Local News |
A group hoping to grow and process medical marijuana in Leola is proceeding with building plans while it and
hundreds of other applicants wait and hope for permits.
The schedule: Long's Park 2017 Summer Music Series lineup | Entertainment |
Dust off that lawn chair and find your picnic blanket, because the 55th season of the Longs Park Summer Music
Series is upon us.
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 re PRAECIPE TO ADD DEFENDANTS LANCASTER
BARNSTORMERS April 28, 2017
As medical costs rise nationwide, most Lancaster County hospitals maintain high profits | Insider |
Despite growing public concern over rising medical costs, most hospitals in and around Lancaster County have been
pulling in high profits for years, a new report from an independent state
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To solve poverty, first make housing affordable, Pulitzer winner Matthew Desmond says in Lancaster speech | Local News
For 15 months, sociologist Matthew Desmond immersed himself in the raw, tattered world of Milwaukees
affordable housing crisis, living in a run-down trailer court and an inner-city rooming house and
Here's how to get $20 tickets for Luke Bryan, John Legend and more | Entertainment |
Live Nation will discount select tickets to $20 next week in celebration of National Concert Day.
Trumps Tax Plan Draws Immediate Criticism From Progressives - Truthdig
The plan prompts allegations of conflicts of interest and excessive benefits to the wealthy. - 2017/04/26
Mount Joy man sits down with Trump as part of 'Farmers Roundtable' at White House | Insider |
A Mount Joy farmer was one of 14 agriculture leaders from around the country who sat down with President Trump
on Tuesday for a "Farmers Roundtable" at the White House.
Reading, Lancaster County religious scholars write to Trump as part of '100 Days. 100 letters.' campaign | Faith + Values |
Greg Carey is not averse to writing letters to elected officials. That includes U.S. presidents.
911: Man accidentally shot himself in the leg in Conestoga Twp. | Local News |
A 29-year-old male appeared to have accidentally shot himself in the leg in the 900 block of Conestoga Boulevard at
approximately 4:06 p.m. Saturday, according to 911.
Americans assess Trump's 100 days: 'I'll be praying for you' | National |
They are young and old: a high school student who can't yet vote, a Vietnam vet who did so proudly. They hail from
all corners of the United States and
Lancaster man fleeing 'zombie apocalypse' charged in Lehigh County incident | Local News |
A Lancaster man, saying he needed to get away because of an impending zombie apocalypse, fought with police
and took an officers gun earlier this month in Lehigh County.


Director Laura Poitras Learns Why She Was Being Detained at Airports - In the News - Truthdig
For six years, the Citizenfour filmmaker was repeatedly stopped at airports without explanation. Recently, a
lawsuit uncovered the startling reason. - 2017/04/24
U.S. spy agency abandons controversial surveillance technique
The U.S. National Security Agency said on Friday it had stopped a form of surveillance that allowed it to collect
without a warrant the digital communications of Americans who mentioned a foreign intelligence target in their
messages, marking an unexpected triumph for privacy advocates long critical
Former President Obama Has a New Job: Control the Official Narrative of American Exceptionalism - Truthdig
Barack Obama now must protect the ruling class, the empire and his role in maintaining the empire: his legacy. -
The CIA was on to Something With Project MKUltra: New Evidence of Drug-Induced Higher Consciousness - Edgy Labs
As mentioned in Stranger Things, Project MKUltra was a real life CIA experiment into psychedelic drug-induced
mind control. New evidence thickens the plot.
A Discussion on National Security with CIA Director Mike Pompeo | Center for Strategic and International Studies
(Applause.) JOHN J. HAMRE: Thank you. I rarely get applause when I come out. Im sorry, no, I (laughter).
Welcome. Thank you. Were delighted to have all of you here. My name is John Hamre. Im the president at CSIS. I
told the director that weve got standing room only, and I said lets not wait another 15 minutes to watch the clock
come; lets get going. And he said of course, lets do that. And typical of his character, hes always getting at it. And
I want to say thank you for coming, sir.
How the CIA Created a Fake Western Reality for Unconventional Warfare - Universal Empire - Truthdig
In 1950, the CIA helped establish the Congress for Cultural Freedoman anti-communist advocacy groupto
neutralize political opposition to Anglo-American culture. - 2017/04/26
How Neocons Push for War by Cooking the Books - Truthdig
To understand Americas drift into despotism over the last 40 years, we must de-encrypt the evolution of its secret
double government. - 2017/04/25
Facebook unveils AR software and confirm plans for futuristic 'mind control' map
Chris Hedges: Terrorizing the Vulnerable - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
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Undocumented people are living in fear as the Trump administration accelerates arrests under a brutal policy whose
family values call for ripping families apart. - 2017/04/26
Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern on the CIAs History of Disseminating Faulty Intelligence - Scheer Intelligence -
Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and McGovern discuss the agencys influence during the Vietnam War and
the role it now plays in Americas perception of Russia. - 2017/04/28
Will Trump Repeat the Historic Chinese Exclusion Act Mistake? - Truthdig
The presidents executive orders hurl America back to 1882, when Congress passed a law barring immigration
based on a specific race and national origin. - 2017/04/28
American Imperialism Leads the World Into Dantes Vision of Hell - Universal Empire - Truthdig
This four-part series called Universal Empire examines the current stage of the neocon takeover of American
policy that began after World War II. - 2017/04/24
Trumps Sanctuary City Threat Is Quashed. Does Our President Have Any Grasp of the Constitution? - Juan Cole -
Tuesday marked the third time a Donald Trump policy connected to immigration has been struck down on
constitutional grounds. - 2017/04/26
TSUKERMAN: Chechen Anti-Gay Scandal Keeps Growing |
By Slava Tsukerman Moscow police is investigating the office of Novaya Gazeta where letters from
Chechnya, containing
LETTER: What will Baghdad face in 2017? |
What will Baghdad face in 2017? by Cathy Breen January 2, 2017 Being stuck in traffic is a daily fare in Baghdad.
While checkpoints have been
Tsukerman on Russia |
NewsLanc is an alternative source of news, commentary, and cultural observation for Downtown Lancaster and
Will AG Kane next investigate Lancaster Convention Center miracle? |
Lancaster city Mayor Rick Gray announced a plan Thursday to keep alive a hotel/convention center project by
plugging a $20 million funding gap.
Scott Ritter: Dereliction of Duty, Redux - Scott Ritter - Truthdig
All the evidence in Syria leads to an inescapable conclusion: The American military strike was a violation of
international law. - 2017/04/12
5 takeaways from Gov. Tom Wolfs meeting with LNPs editorial board | Insider |
Gov. Tom Wolf is staring down his budding reelection campaign and beginning to make his case for a second term.
Peoples Climate March Pushes Back Against Trump Agenda (Multimedia) - Truthdig
Truthdig is on the ground for the march in Washington, D.C., as tens of thousands draw attention to the presidents
climate change policy. - 2017/04/29
Officials Detain Undocumented Immigrant as an Adult on His 18th Birthday, Law Firm Reports - Truthdig
Erik Javier Flores Hernandez has an asylum application pending, but the Immigrant Defenders Law Center says he
was shackled and taken from a childrens shelter to an adult detention facility. - 2017/04/29
Government Watchdogs: Trumps First 100 Days Are Fueling a Golden Era of Activism - Truthdig
While the president is doing everything he can to dismantle recent progress on critical measures, his actions have
given rise to game-changing grass-roots resistance. - 2017/04/29
Trumps First 99 Days in 99 Seconds (Video) - Truthdig
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert gives viewers a rapid-fire look at what it calls the 99-day dumpster fire
you just lived through. - 2017/04/29
NSA Ends Upstream About Data Collection - Infosecurity Magazine
NSA Ends Upstream About Data Collection. Agency claims failure to comply with FISC rules was inadvertent
Facebook unveils AR software and confirm plans for futuristic mind control map Normangee Star
Leadership, 'showing up' debated at Lancaster mayoral forum | Local News |
Lancasters three Democratic mayoral candidates sharpened their attacks on each other Monday evening at their
latest forum.
More than 300 pack Penn Square for Lancaster's May Day rally to support immigrants, refugees | Local News |
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Shayna Watson thinks maybe shes an unusual Christian.
Chris Hedges: Reign of Idiots - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Heading the mindless generals, economists, bankers and politicians is the King of the Idiots, who victimizes the
mass of Americans between tweets. - 2017/04/30
Lancaster city readies for traffic snarls as 3 big construction projects gear up in Penn Square radius | Insider |
While lauding the financial boon of several big, high-profile construction projects in Lancaster, city officials are
gearing up for the inevitable traffic crunch that comes with the territory.
Pleasure - Feist
Johns Hopkins Secretively Partners With Facebook To Develop Technology For Mind Control Typing | Town of
Morningside Maryland
Dozens of Russian deaths cast suspicion on President Vladimir Putin
A large proportion of the unexplained deaths involve people trying to expose corruption.
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 re PRAECIPE TO ADD DEFENDANTS BELVEDERE INN AND
FREMONT STREET April 29, 2017 | Complaint
CASE FILE-Judicial Conduct Board re COMPLAINT DOCKET No. 2017-199 v. JUDGE REINAKER for CI-08-13373
CASE FILE-Judicial Conduct Board re COMPLAINT DOCKET No. 2017-199 v. JUDGE REINAKER for
North Dakota officials warn Lancaster County in preparation for mass pipeline protests: 'Go big. Go fast.' | Insider |
If opposition surrounding the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline has even the possibility of evolving into the next hotbed for
national environmental protests, then local officials better start getting ready now.
Manheim Township's new police chief makes community involvement top priority | Local News |
Tom Rudzinski talks a lot about the Manheim Township community.
Manheim Township's new police chief makes community involvement top priority | Local News |
Tom Rudzinski talks a lot about the Manheim Township community.
How Joe Montana Went From NFL Quarterback to Angel Investor | Fox Business
While NFL Hall of Famer Joe Montanas football career ended more than 20 years ago, his investment game has
been growing since the late 1990s.
Cee Lo Green - FUCK YOU - YouTube
You can now watch the new, official video for "FUCK YOU" on Cee Lo's Youtube channel: Download "Fuck You" at http:...
North Korea Accuses CIA of Biochemical Plot to Assassinate Kim Jong-Un | News | teleSUR English
Pyongyang says this effort from the U.S. and South Korea has gone &ldquo;beyond the limits.&rdquo;
Janice Raymond: The Women Who Are Staring Down Duterte - Truthdig
U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 17-1904 Re Exhibit Dated May 8, 2017
BREAKING NEWS - The Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group State-Of-Affairs Updated May 11, 2017
SMOKING GUN DOCUMENT - Judge Anita Brody Letter of September 1, 2005 re CHAPTER 11 CASE 05-23059 -
UPDATED MAY 15, 2017 | Bankruptcy | Chapter 11
SMOKING GUN DOCUMENT - Judge Anita Brody Letter of September 1, 2005 re CHAPTER 11 CASE
05-23059 - UPDATED MAY 15, 2017 by stan5j.5caterbone
Florida WR Cole Caterbone Believes He Fits Well with Hawkeyes | HawkeyeNation
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 3575 EDA 2016 Kathleen Kane AMICUS REQUEST TO FILE STATEMENT
May 17, 2017


Chapter 11 | Defamation
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All Laptop-Desktop Calenders Migrated Sept 29 2006.pdf
SMOKING GUN FILE - Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement as an EXHIBIT re
Restricted Access and Computer Hacking Documentation MAY 22, 2017.pdf | Pro Se Legal Representation In The United
States | Complaint
Global Effects of the Persecution of Religious Minorities in the Middle East | HuffPost
The speech, Global Effects of the Persecution of Religious Minorities in the Middle East, that I delivered at the
34th Session of the United Nations Hu...
Updated - Letter Only 18 Pages to James Comey, Director of FBI Re Russian Contacts at Marriott Bar and Restaurant
April 3, 2017 Final | Federal Bureau Of Investigation | United States Government
Updated - Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-Ci-13373 Re Praecipe to Add Defendants Lancaster Ymca - Remove
James Comey May 16, 2017
Lancaster County businesses hoping to cash in on Atlantic Sunrise gas pipeline | Insider |
When an estimated 220 to 261 workers mostly from out of state and heavy equipment begin laying 37 miles
of the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline in Lancaster County, local
3 more arrested in Manchester; attacker's Libya ties probed | World |
MANCHESTER, England (AP) British police and intelligence agencies arrested three more suspects Wednesday
in connection with the Manchester suicide bombing and moved quickly to secure key sites across the
Editorial: Unspeakable act of terror in Manchester won't defeat Mancunians, or us | Editorials |
Female Entrepreneurs in Afghanistan Inspire Hope by Starting Their Own Businesses - Global Voices - Truthdig
The conservative country still presents major obstacles for companies led by women, but progress is being made.
(Pictured: Afghan businesswoman Mariyam Omerkhil.) - 2017/05/23
Time's running out to make your choice, Stan
Has the U.S. Intelligence Communitys Assessment of Russiagate Been Politicized? - Truthdig
Information from President Obamas intelligence chiefs raises new doubts about a Jan. 6 report and its allegation
that Russia hacked the 2016 election. - 2017/05/23
July 20 2005 Call FBI London Re National Security Bombed Next Morning Monday May 22, 2017 Call FBI Re Terrorism
Manchester Bombed May 23, 2017
July 20 2005 Call FBI London Re National Security Bombed Next Morning Monday May 22, 2017 Call FBI Re
Terrorism Manchester Bombed May 23, 2017 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
The case for protecting America's intelligence agency whistleblowers | TheHill
OPINION | The expansion of whistleblower protections must be immediately given to those who proudly serve our
country in federal agencies which have national security and or intelligence functions.
Ex-CIA chief shines light on nexus of Trump, Russia | Opinion | The Journal Gazette
Former CIA director John Brennan told the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday that he grew worried last
year about communications between the Russ ...
Manchester police name suspect in concert bombing, hunt for accomplices; Victims young as 8 | National |
MANCHESTER, England (AP) Investigators hunted Tuesday for possible accomplices of the suicide bomber
who attacked an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, killing 22 people and sparking a stampede of
Two Views on Trump and the Israel Reality - Truthdig
Can Donald Trump bring peace to the Middle East? Author Yoav Litvin and Tom Dine, former head of the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee, examine the possibility. - 2017/05/22
Robert Scheer: All the WikiLeaks Fit to Print - Robert Scheer - Truthdig
Why are whistleblowers and whistleblower publishers punishedand not the government officials who kept hidden
unpleasant truths about this nations policies that the public has a right to know? - 2017/05/22
Capitol Police say 23 arrested in protests over reform bills | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) Pennsylvania state Capitol police say 23 people have been arrested as protesters seek
to push forward a ban on gifts to lawmakers.
PACTS, International Newsletter - Monday, May 22, 2017
Army Testing Microwave Weapon System In New Mexico Mountains
The Air Force Research Laboratory has turned its massive MaxPower microwave weapon system over to the U.S.
Army for new rounds of research and development
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Chris Hedges: The Death of the Republic - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The despotic forces that destroyed ancient Rome and other empires are destroying us. And removing Trump would
not halt the disintegration. - 2017/05/21
E.J. Dionne Jr.: Can the Pope Save Trump? - Truthdig
If anyone ever needed a conversion experienceand fastit is President Trump. - 2017/05/21
Trump son-in-law Kushner under Federal Bureau of Investigation scrutiny in Russian Federation probe Normangee Star
The International Persecution of Julian Assange - Truthdig
The WikiLeaks founder has survived the efforts of Sweden, Britain, Australia, the U.S. and parts of the press to
destroy himat least so far. Although the Swedish inquiry was dropped last week, no end is in sight for the long
collusion against him. - 2017/05/21
Lititz man honored as 2017 top security professional | Local Business |
The Central Pennsylvania Chapter of ASIS International has named a Lancaster County security officer its Security
Professional of the Year.
Syphilis precautions urged for pregnant women in Lancaster County | Local News |
Pennsylvania health authorities are recommending that health care providers in Lancaster and 21 other counties take
special testing precautions for all pregnant women because of an increase in syphilis cases.
Danene Sorace wins Lancaster's Democratic mayoral primary over Norman Bristol Colon, Kevin Ressler | Local News |
Danene Soraces message of experience and continuity prevailed in Tuesdays Democratic mayoral primary in
Appeals Court Refuses to Uphold Trumps Travel Ban - Truthdig
The court writes that the ban, which prevents people from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.,
drips with religious intolerance, animus and discrimination. Updated with further analysis. - 2017/05/25
Appeals Court Refuses to Uphold Trumps Travel Ban - Truthdig
The court writes that the ban, which prevents people from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.,
drips with religious intolerance, animus and discrimination. Updated with further analysis. - 2017/05/25
Pentagon Confirms Airstrike Killed More Than 100 Civilians in Mosul - Truthdig
This account is at odds with what the U.S.-led coalitions top officer suggested during a Pentagon press briefing held
11 days after the strike. - 2017/05/25
Pope Francis Tells Trump That Climate Change Is Real and Solidarity Is Key - Juan Cole - Truthdig
The pontiff gave the president a going-away present at their meeting Wednesdaya copy of his encyclical on the
challenge of climate change. - 2017/05/25
Paul Street: Beyond the Madness of King Donald - Truthdig
The sooner Donald Trump is removed from the White House, the better. But we need a radical reorganizing of our
national institutions. - 2017/05/15
New Poll Shows More Voters Support Trump Impeachment Than Oppose It - Truthdig
A whopping 48 percent of respondents to a new survey from Public Policy Polling say they are in favor of
impeaching the president. - 2017/05/16
Comey Reportedly Willing to Testify, but Wants It to Be in Public - Truthdig
Questions continue to swirl after FBI Director James Comey was unexpectedly fired by Donald Trump this week. -
Oliver Stone on the History of Wall Street Corruption and the Future of American Military Power - Scheer Intelligence -
The award-winning director speaks with Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer in Part 2 of a conversation about
filmmaking, Wall Street greed, and the past and future of Americas military exploits. Transcript added. -
Firefighters union to sue over Lancaster city's retention of Chief Tim Gregg | Insider |
The union representing Lancasters city firefighters said Thursday it plans to sue over the citys retention of Tim
Gregg as acting fire chief.
Former Lancaster city police Sgt. Ray Corll gets 7 to 23 months in prison for perjury | Local News |
Former Lancaster city police Sgt. Ray Corll has been sentenced to seven to 23 months in prison for lying under oath
during the prosecution of a city man he arrested
BREAKING NEWS-USCA Third Circuit Case No. 17-1904 US District Court Case 17-0897 ARGUMENT from ORDER
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of May 22, 2017 Filed on May 27, 2017
At least 28 killed in ambush attack on Christians in Egypt | National |
CAIRO (AP) Masked gunmen ambushed a bus carrying Coptic Christians to a monastery south of Cairo on
Friday, killing at least 28 people, and Egypt responded by launching airstrikes
State funding formula, utility projects bedevil Lancaster's efforts to keep streets in good repair | Local News |
A plea from Mayor Rick Gray at Tuesdays City Council meeting regarding state funding for street repair evolved
into a discussion of UGI Utilities homeowner notification practices.
Credit Counseling & Debtor Education Information | UST | Department of Justice
Bankruptcy Course |
U.S. Trustee approved non-profit organization providing the pre-filing bankruptcy credit counseling course for
bankruptcy filers. Receive your certificate immediately after completing the course.
OF PASTA-ASHLEY-GRAHAMS May 29, 2017 | Chapter 11 | Defamation
Case No. 17-01233 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal CERTIFICATION FOR CREDIT COUNSELING MAY 30, 2017
Residents, business owners react to plan to close TMI, say shutdown would hurt local economy | Local News |
Plans to close the nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island in 2019 caught residents and business owners in the
vicinity off guard.
Jury selected in case of man accused of sexually abusing 6 Quarryville sisters | Local News |
DOYLESTOWN Opening arguments in the case of the man accused of sexually abusing six underage
Quarryville sisters are scheduled for Wednesday morning.
Bill Blum: Trump Will Be a Nightmare Client for His Legal Dream Team - Truthdig
Even the best defense attorneys may not be able to save the president from himself. (Marc Kasowitz, Donald
Trumps longtime attorney, is pictured.) - 2017/05/30
Lancaster County school districts grow general fund balances by about $75 million in 5 years, increase taxes 9 percent on
average | Insider |
Lancaster County school districts grew their general fund balances by nearly $75 million over five years while their
tax rates climbed an average of 9 percent, new data show.
UPMC GREIVANCE re LANCASTER CENTER BRANCH YMCA of MAY 31, 2017 | Federal Bureau Of Investigation |
United States Government
Report: Pennsylvania among most gerrymandered states in U.S. | National |
A new report makes the case that Pennsylvania is one of the three most blatantly gerrymandered states in the
Woods found asleep at the wheel, no alcohol in his system | National |
Police found Tiger Woods asleep at the wheel on the side of a six-lane Florida road in the dark of morning, the
engine running and his right blinker flashing. His
Police seek to identify 9 or more ATV trespassers on Conestoga Township natural landmarks, private properties | Local
News |
Police are looking for 9 or more people who have driven all-terrain vehicles on private properties and some of
Lancaster County's most popular, natural landmarks in Conestoga Township over the
Cut To the Feeling - Single - Carly Rae Jepsen
The Districts return home to kick off 55th season of Long's Park Summer Music Series | Local News |
The Districts, an indie rock band that features three Warwick High School graduates, performed at Long's Park
Sunday night.
Seven People Killed in Terrorist Incidents on London Bridge and in Nearby Market - Truthdig
London officials describe the Saturday night attack as the latest in a string of deadly strikes on Britain. - 2017/06/04
NSA Director Mike Rogers poised to drop a bomb on Trump admin during Wednesday testimony: MSNBC
Meduseld Meadery opens in Lancaster with multiple varieties of traditional alcoholic drink made with honey | Local
Business |
Meduseld Meadery has opened in Lancaster with a variety of versions of the traditional alcoholic drink made from
fermented honey.
Amorette Restaurant, featuring high-end dining, planned for former Lancaster Press building | Local Business |
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Some construction work has begun for Amorette Restaurant, a new fine-dining restaurant on the first floor of The
Press Building at the northeast corner of Prince and Lemon streets.
NSA contractor charged in first criminal leak case under Trump - SFGate
WASHINGTON An intelligence contractor was charged with sending a classified report about Russias
interference in the 2016 election to the news media, the Justice Department announced Monday, the first criminal
leak case under President Trump. The case showed the departments willingness to crack down on leaks, as Trump
has called for in complaining that they are undermining his administration. The Justice Department announced the
case against the contractor, Reality Leigh Winner, 25, about an hour after the national-security news outlet the
Intercept published the apparent document, a May 5 intelligence report from the National Security Agency. The
report described two cyberattacks by Russias military intelligence unit, the GRU one in August against a
company that sells voter-registration-related software and another, a few days before the election, against 122 local
election officials. The FBI affidavit said reporters for the news outlet had approached the NSA with questions for
their story and, in the course of that dialogue, provided a copy of the document in their possession.
Lancaster County Conservancy adds 44 acres to Steinman Run Nature Preserve in Martic Township | Outdoors |
The Lancaster County Conservancy has added 44 acres to the popular Steinman Run Nature Preserve, swelling the
Martic Township preserve to 315 acres.
Senate OKs Kellogg Hansen Partner As CIA General Counsel - Law360
The Central Intelligence Agency could soon have a new general counsel after the Senate voted to confirm a Kellogg
Hansen Todd Figel & Frederick PLLC partner and Bush administration veteran to the post Tuesday.
Coroner says mother shot her 2 children then herself in murder-suicide in Strasburg Township home | Local News |
Carola Arnau shot her two children to death before fatally shooting herself, according to Lancaster County Coroner
Dr. Stephen Diamantoni, who ruled the deaths a murder-suicide Wednesday morning.
What We Know About Reality Winner, Government Contractor Accused Of NSA Leak : The Two-Way : NPR
Winner, a 25-year-old Air Force veteran, is accused of mailing classified material to an online news outlet. A report
Monday in The Intercept details a Russian cyberattack on U.S. election systems.
LanCity Connect rethinking its deployment plan for residential fiber optic Internet service | Local News |
LanCity Connect is hitting the pause button on its rollout of high-speed fiber optic service in Lancaster.
Privatizing air traffic control? At Lancaster Airport, it's been that way since 1999 | Local News |
The Trump administration's proposal to privatize air traffic control is likely to have little or no effect on Lancaster
Airport, according to airport Director David Eberly.
Case No. 17-01233 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal BRIEF PER ORDER OF MAY 26, 2017 Filed on June 7, 2017
Would closing Pennsylvania's 5 nuclear plants hurt you? | Insider |
From producing electricity that was famously billed as too cheap to meter, Pennsylvania suddenly finds itself
reacting to the very real prospect that all five of its nuclear plants could
Energy has powered Pennsylvania's economy for centuries; what's next for the industry? | Insider |
PITTSBURGH By the time Edwin Laurentine Drake tapped the first American oil well, in Crawford County in
1859, Pennsylvanias energy industry had already been chugging along for about a
Public can help rebuild Star Barn at July festival in West Donegal Township | Together |
The Star Barn is getting new life at Ironstone Ranch wedding and event venue in West Donegal Township. The
public can watch the barn go back up at a festival
Lancaster Mennonite High School graduates 150 students from 22 countries | News |
Students celebrated graduation Saturday at Lancaster Mennonite High School. They were urged to lead lives filled
with love, generosity and compassion.
First-time entrants win 41st Red Rose Run in Lancaster | Local Sports |
In it's 41st year, the Red Rose Run saw some firsts on Saturday morning.
Bill Maher apologizes for using racial slur during HBO show | Entertainment |
LOS ANGELES (AP) Bill Maher apologized Saturday for using a racial slur to describe himself as a house slave
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during a live segment for his HBO talk show.
Final Lancaster County reassessment notices to be mailed June 9 | Local News |
Property owners will have 40 days until July 19 to appeal.
How should statewide judges get their jobs? Rep. Cutler pushes for merit-selection, not election | Politics |
After years of scandals on Pennsylvanias highest court, southern Lancaster County Rep. Bryan Cutler is once again
pushing to take politics and the money that comes with it
Penn State takes control of Greek system after pledge death | Pennsylvania |
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) Penn State is making a slew of changes to its Greek system, including taking
control of the previously self-governing fraternities and sororities, in the wake
The state lawmaker leading the impeachment investigation into Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese has begun
issuing subpoenas and gathering information for what he hopes will be a process that moves
State funding formula, utility projects bedevil Lancaster's efforts to keep streets in good repair | Local News |
A plea from Mayor Rick Gray at Tuesdays City Council meeting regarding state funding for street repair evolved
into a discussion of UGI Utilities homeowner notification practices.
San Francisco Bay View Neutralize their activities: The footprints of COINTELPRO from the Black Panther Party to the
MOVE Organization and beyond
Course |
USCA Third Circuit Case No. 17-1904 US District Court Case 17-0897 MOTION TO FILE EXHIBIT STAN J.


5 takeaways from Attorney General Josh Shapiros editorial board meeting with LNP | Insider |
Attorney General Josh Shapiro says he inherited a mess earlier this year when he assumed his role following the
scandal-plagued years of Kathleen Kane.
Case No. 16-cv-4014 CATERBONE v. the United States of America, AMENDED COMPLAINT December 30,
Trump signs three new executive orders on crime reduction -
President Donald Trump signed three new executive orders Thursday that he said are "designed to restore safety in
Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and
Preventing International Trafficking |
Tracking Trumps Executive Actions - Countable
MJ-02101-NT-0001214-2016 re NOISE TOO LOUD - MOTION TO DISMISS February 9, 2017 FOR SUMMARY
James Comey Sued for Allegedly Covering Up Massive Surveillance Scandal | People's Pundit Daily
A federal lawsuit filed Monday alleges former FBI director James Comey buried evidence provided to him to cover
up a massive domestic surveillance scandal.
DM DOJ July 2015 Agreement
DM DOJ July 2015 Agreement - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
Lawmaker Steve Scalise is critically injured in GOP baseball shooting; gunman James T. Hodgkinson is killed by police -
The Washington Post
Although the motive is still under investigation, the shooter had posted anti-Trump rhetoric on social media.
US special prosecutor Mueller expands FBI probe to Trump
Ex-FBI director to examine whether US president tried to obstruct justice, reports say
Lancaster County agencies offer free microchips for cats, dogs at Saturday clinics | Local News |
Two local animal welfare agencies will provide free microchips to 100 dogs and cats this Saturday at two Lancaster
County locations.
'Shark Tank' will hold open auditions in Philadelphia this month | Local Business |
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"Shark Tank" is looking for bait in Pennsylvania for its ninth season.
For the past several months, Lancasters City Council has been operating without three-term member Louise
Lancaster County Court Case No. 08-CI-13373 re PRAECIPE TO ADD DEFENDANTS MANHEIM TOWNSHIP
OF JUSTICE Friday June 16, 2017
Microsoft Word - 2017.06.05 - Spying Comp.doc - 170606-2017.06.05 - Spying Comp.pdf
James Comey, FBI, and Others Sued by Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery and His Counsel Larry Klayman for Illegal
Surveillance and Cover-Up!
Comey Also Alleged to Have Obstructed Justice! (Washington, D.C., June 6, 2017). Larry Klayman, the founder
of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, and a former prosecutor of the U.S. Department of Justice has announced
that he and his client have filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against former
FBI Director James Comey, the FBI itself, the CIA, NSA and other intelligence agencies, as well as their former and
current heads, for illegal and unconstituti
STAN J. CATERBONE v. FBI, NSA, CIA, and The United States of America,, June 17, 2017
Pennsylvania House Republicans consider leasing state assets to reduce deficit | Insider |
As the General Assembly tries to climb out of a deep budget deficit, legislative leaders in closed-door talks are
discussing leasing state assets to private companies to help reduce the
Lancaster's anti-poverty initiative already hitting milestones, leaders say | Local News |
Lancasters Coalition to Combat Poverty has gotten off to a strong start and is close to or above several of its one-
year goals, six months ahead of schedule, its leaders
Hundreds gather at protest after Minnesota officer acquitted | National |
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) A Minnesota police officer was cleared Friday in the fatal shooting of Philando Castile, a
black motorist whose death captured national attention when his girlfriend
Robert Scheer: Oliver Stone Hopes The Putin Interviews Can Ease U.S.-Russia Relations - Book Excerpt - Truthdig
In a series of historic conversations, the filmmaker humanizes the Russian president while examining the current
state of tension in the new Cold War. - 2017/06/16
Trump Administration Authorizes Short-Term Continuation of DACA Program - Truthdig
The president may still uphold a campaign promise to eliminate the 2012 program, Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals, which protects undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. - 2017/06/16
Police Officer Who Fatally Shot Philando Castile During Traffic Stop Is Acquitted - Truthdig
Officer Jeronimo Yanez is cleared on all charges by a jury nearly a year after part of the lethal encounter was
streamed online.&nbsp; - 2017/06/16
How Gentrification Is Destroying Americas Cities (Audio) - Truthdig
In a new episode of Scheer Intelligence, host and Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and author Peter
Moskowitz discuss gentrification, poverty and the concept of housing as a human right. - 2017/06/16
Trump Tried to Convince NSA Chief to Absolve Him of Any Russian Collusion: Report
A memo drawn up by a National Security Agency deputy reportedly records Trump pressuring NSA Director Mike
Rogers to influence the Russia investigation.
Putin compares former FBI Director Comey to NSA leaker Snowden, offers asylum
The Russian president was slated to take questions from residents all over his country in a phone-in expected to last
for several hours on Thursday.
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Convicted attorney general: Prosecutor given too much power - The Washington Post
The former Pennsylvania attorney general whos been sentenced to jail for leaking secret grand jury information and
lying about it said in an appeal filing Friday that a judge gave too much power to the special prosecutor who
investigated her.
The Lancaster County district attorney's office has turned to the U.S. Court of Appeals in an attempt to prevent the
resentencing, or unconditional release, of two convicted killers by the
Police: 8 charged after stray bullets shot into Manor Twp. park | Local News |
Manor Township police charged seven men and one juvenile with reckless endangerment for allegedly firing shots
that crossed into Herr Park last month.
Judge says convicted killer Leeton Thomas should go to 'top of list' if Pennsylvania resumes executions | Local News |
Leeton Thomas should go to the very top of the list for killing a mother and her teen daughter if Pennsylvania
resumes executions, a Lancaster County judge said Friday in
7 sailors missing from US Navy warship involved in collision, US admiral says | Fox News
The USS Fitzgerald was involved in a collision with a merchant vessel while operating about 56 nautical miles
southwest of Yokosuka, Japan, according to a statement Friday from the U.S. military.
Russia claims it has killed IS leader al-Baghdadi | Local News |
BEIRUT (AP) Russia claimed Friday it killed the leader of the Islamic State group in an airstrike targeting a
meeting of IS leaders just outside the group's de facto
Man, 23, shot in chest late Thursday in Lancaster | Local News |
A 23-year-old man was shot in the chest during an incident late Thursday in Lancaster, police said.
'The Art of Time' - literally - at the National Watch and Clock Museum in Columbia | Entertainment |
Artists use pieces from the National Watch and Clock Museum in Columbia as inspiration for the new exhibit, "The
Art of Time."
Police ask Lancaster County to encrypt radios, barring public and media from hearing scanner broadcasts | Local News |
Lancaster County police departments want to encrypt radio transmissions so that people with scanners including
the media are no longer able to listen in on their broadcasts.
Truthdig - Trump Administration Quietly Rolls Back Federal Civil Rights Efforts
New directives limit use of a storied civil rights enforcement tool in the Justice Department and loosen Education
Department rules on investigations. - 2017/06/18
Manheim-based Kreider Farms looks to grow its dairy business with new products, more capacity | Insider |
Kreider Farms has long emphasized the farm-fresh aspect of its products, to distinguish itself from the competition.
Boost Mobile store to open at Manor Shopping Center | Local Business |
Central PA Wireless will be opening a Boost Mobile store later this month in the Manor Shopping Center.
The Republic Of Africa I Imagine: Lets Begin With A Movie!
Biggest News Source for News in Uganda and the East African Region ,Breaking news in Uganda and Daily news
and the latest from Uganda
The Politics Behind the Fire in Londons Grenfell Tower - Truthdig
WikiLeaks reveals list of home Wi-Fi routers that may be vulnerable to CIA hacking tools
Is your home Wi-Fi router on the list? - WikiLeaks reveals list of home Wi-Fi routers that may be vulnerable to CIA
hacking tools
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Otto Warmbier, an American student freed by North Korea in a coma, has died at 22 | National |
CINCINNATI (AP) Otto Warmbier, an American college student who was released by North Korea in a coma
last week, died Monday afternoon. He was 22.
Supreme Court: High-Level Bush Officials Immune from Liability for Muslim Profiling, Abuse | Center for Constitutional
But Possibility to Prove Liability of Prison Administrators Remains
Stan J. Caterbone and Conflicts With the Trump Administration - Monday November 14, 2016 | False Claims Act |
John Kiriakou: CIA No Longer Can Defend the IndefensibleIts Torture Program - Truthdig
Four new human rights proposed to protect us from mind reading and brain hacking
The human brain remains an enigma, but neuroscience is beginning to unravel its secrets. To help us navigate the
murky waters of peering into the human mind, researchers from Switzerland have proposed four new human rights
relating to limitations on how the brain should be read or manipulated.
Psychologists Open a Window on Brutal C.I.A. Interrogations - The New York Times
A lawsuit filed on behalf of former prisoners reveals new details about a program that used techniques widely
viewed as torture.
How Conspiracy Theories Changed Our Way of Thinking - VICE
Tracking the history that led to the mass questioning of authority.
Pipeline court fight: 7 Lancaster County property owners still refusing to give up land for project | Insider |
The number of Lancaster County property owners who refuse to give up their land for the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline
has shrunk to seven.
Neighbors like LG Health's greenspace plans for YMCA site, though some would prefer more parking instead | Local
News |
Though some would prefer more parking instead, residents in the neighborhood around the shuttered YMCA
property on North Queen Street appear to be on board with Lancaster General Healths plan
Canadian charged in US airport attack investigated as terror | National |
FLINT, Mich. (AP) A Canadian man shouted in Arabic before stabbing a police officer in the neck Wednesday at
a Michigan airport, and referenced people being killed overseas during
Col. Ann Wright: Killer Drones and the Militarization of U.S. Foreign Policy - Truthdig
BB&T's CEO talks about bank mergers, Obamacare and living wage | Insider |
North Carolina-based BB&amp;T became the new bank in town through a 2015 merger, a deal thats been good for
Lancaster County, Kelly S. King, BB&amp;Ts top executive, said.
House passes Lloyd Smucker bill smoothing the way for foster children to be placed with relatives | Local News |
The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a bill proposed by local lawmaker Lloyd Smucker that would
make it easier to place foster children in the homes of relatives.
Mount Joy man will stand trial for allegedly sending sexually explicit video of woman to her friends, family | Local News
A Mount Joy man will stand trial on charges he sent a sexually explicit video of a woman to her friends and family.
Report: Opioid epidemic filling hospital rooms and emergency wards faster than ever | National |
It's the hospitals that are bearing the initial weight of the opioid epidemic, according to the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality, filling emergency rooms and regular hospital rooms at
Value of all taxable real estate in Lancaster County worth $42.15 billion, final reassessments show | Insider |
The final numbers are in, and they show the value of all the real estate in Lancaster County to be worth:
No tapes: Trump says he didn't record meetings with Comey | National |
WASHINGTON (AP) President Donald Trump said Thursday he "did not make" and doesn't have any recordings
of his private conversations with ousted FBI Director James Comey, speaking up on
C:\Users\ern\AppData\Local\Temp\ERN17282.loc - SENATEHEALTHCARE.pdf
Psychologist suffered 'torment' designing CIA interrogations - ABC News
Psychologist suffered 'torment' designing CIA interrogations
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James Comey, a Whistleblower, Really?
Kiriakou writes: The first time I ever heard former FBI director James Comey described as a 'whistleblower,' I
chuckled to myself. After thinking about it, though, I concluded that, in a way, Comey actually is a whistleblower.
The legal definition of a whistleblower is 'any person who brings to light evidence of waste, fraud, abuse, illegality,
or threats to the public health or public safety.' So I guess, technically, Comey fits the bill.
Directions to MCI - Framingham
Directions to MCI - Framingham
JUNE 22, 2017
Atlantic Sunrise pipeline owner made plans to protect fake cemetery planted by opponents in Conestoga Twp. | Insider |
Can a fake cemetery stop the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline?
Lancaster city to launch bicycle network, bike-share program | Local News |
The Lancaster City Bicycle Network is about to move off the drawing board and onto the street, followed by the
launch of a long-planned bike share program.
Spokesman: Cosby plans tour to educate youth on misbehavior | Pennsylvania |
LOS ANGELES (AP) Bill Cosby will organize a series of town hall meetings to help educate young people
about problems their misbehavior could create and other issues, a spokesman
U.S. Interrogations Held at Secret Yemeni Prison - Truthdig
Senate GOP Releases Obamacare Overhaul to Immediate Criticism From Both Sides of the Aisle - Truthdig
The latest attempt to replace the Affordable Care Act meets with solid Democratic oppositionand complaints from
some Republicans. (Pictured, President Obamas signature on the ACA.) - 2017/06/22
Medicare for All: A Prescription for What Ails Us - Truthdig
As the Senates disclosure of its version of Trumpcare dominates news channels, the underreported movement for
single-payer health care grows. - 2017/06/22
Jordan Riefe: Syrias Hell on Earth, Up Close and Personal - Film Review - Truthdig
Footage of real-life bloodshed justifies the infernal title of Sebastian Jungers documentary film, co-directed by
Nick Quested. - 2017/06/22
Canadian security bill would forbid CSIS from torturing people when disrupting terror - National |
"There is work for this committee to do."
Few takers so far for $600,000 in federal lead-abatement funds for Lancaster County | Insider |
Even though Lancaster County has one of the nations highest rates of child lead poisoning, few homeowners or
landlords are taking advantage of a new program that pays to make
Lancaster DA Stedman, state Attorney General won't file civil suits to oust sheriff Mark Reese, backing senators' lawsuit
instead | Local News |
Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman and state Attorney General Josh Shapiro declined invitations to
bring civil suits against embattled Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese in an attempt to oust
These companies got permits to grow medical marijuana in the county adjacent to Lancaster | Local News |
There were 65 applications for the eight-county southeast region including Lancaster, and both organizations
awarded them Franklin Labs LLC and Prime Wellness of Pennsylvania LLC are planning operations
Report: Lancaster County has nation's healthiest housing market | Local Business |
Lancaster County has the healthiest housing market in the U.S., according to economics researchers at the
Nationwide insurance company.
4 key takeaways from auditor general's report on Manheim Township school board | Insider |
Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene DePasquale today announced the Manheim Township school board violated
the law in 2016 in their handling of former Superintendent Jon Nodeckers termination. Here are the key
2 Lancaster children in serious but stable condition after loose dog attacks them in their minivan | Local News |
Two children were seriously injured after they were attacked by a loose dog Monday in Lancaster, police said.
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Emma Niles: Democrats Have a Bigger Problem Than Jill Stein - Truthdig
The Green Partys 2016 presidential nominee has been popping up in headlines again, drawing renewed ire from
Democrats for her role in the election. - 2017/06/20
A Psychedelic Spin on National Security - Truthdig
Two kinds of radicalism emerged in the 60s: one promoting a more humane idea of security, the other aimed at
building a life that transcended the question of security altogether. - 2017/06/20
2 more juvenile lifers receive deadline for resentencing on life without parole sentences | Local News |
Two more of Lancaster County's 12 convicted killers serving life sentences for crimes they committed as juveniles
must be resentenced by the end of the year.
Historical Commission gives thumbs-up to LG Health's plan to make YMCA site into temporary green space | Local News
Lancaster General Health's plan to demolish several buildings at the former YMCA property it owns and turn the
site into temporary community open space received the blessing of the city
U.S. Is a Sorry 36th Among Nations in Quality-of-Childhood Ranking - Truthdig
For 700 million kids around the world, childhood ends too soon. - 2017/06/19
US DISTRICT COURT HEARING CASE NO. 17-01233 JUDGE E SMITH MAY 26, 2017 by Stan Caterbone | Free
Listening on SoundCloud
Caterbone from desktop or your mobile device
SavetheChildren_EndofChildhood_Index_2017_EastAfrica Edition.indd -
Kane Alleges Montco Judges' 'Personal Animus' in Appeal of Conviction | The Legal Intelligencer
Former state Attorney General Kathleen Kane is pointing to a decision allowing a Montgomery County judge to
oversee her criminal case as part of the reason w...
NBC: Coats Told House Intel Committee Trump Is Obsessed With Russia Probe Talking Points Memo
U.S. Is a Sorry 36th Among Nations in Quality-of-Childhood Ranking, Posted by STAN J. CATERBONE AND
Crisis negotiators get mentally unstable Lititz resident to surrender after making threats | Local News |
A potential armed standoff ended peacefully Saturday night in Lititz after police negotiators talked a subject into
surrendering, borough police said in a press release.
SMOKING GUN DOCUMENT - Judge Anita Brody Letter of September 1, 2005 re CHAPTER 11 CASE 05-23059 -
UPDATED MAY 15, 2017 | Bankruptcy | Chapter 11
SMOKING GUN DOCUMENT - Judge Anita Brody Letter of September 1, 2005 re CHAPTER 11 CASE
05-23059 - UPDATED MAY 15, 2017 by stan5j.5caterbone
USCA Third Circuit Case No. 17-1904 US District Court Case 17-0897 EXHIBIT FLASH DRIVE - THE TORTURE
CP-36-SA-0000046-2017 re NOISE TOO LOUD - NOTICE OF APPEAL TO SUPERIOR COURT Dated June 26, 2017
USCA Third Circuit Case No. 17-1904 US District Court Case 17-0897 EXHIBIT FLASH DRIVE - THE TORTURE
MEMO Per ORDER of June 20, 2017 FILED June 25, 2017 | Defamation | Supreme Court Of The United States
FOR LISA LAMBERT JUNE 24, 2017 | Defamation | Justice
STAMPED DOCKETS - USCA Third Circuit Case No. 17-1904 US District Court Case 17-0897 EXHIBIT FLASH
DRIVE - THE TORTURE MEMO Per ORDER of June 20, 2017 FILED June 25, 2017
Case No. 17-01233 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal DOCKET REPORTS AS OF JUNE 26, 2017
CP-36-SA-0000046-2017 re NOISE TOO LOUD - NOTICE OF APPEAL TO SUPERIOR COURT Dated June 26, 2017
Companies struggle to recover after massive cyber attack with ransom demands - The Washington Post
Systems as far afield as Asia were hit, but the epicenter of the outbreak was in Ukraine.
Court: Prosecutors must prove juvenile lifers are 'permanently incorrigible;' Lancaster's 12 now closer to resentencing |
Insider |
Following a long-awaited state Supreme Court decision Monday, Lancaster County is making plans to move
forward with the resentencing of 12 people who were sentenced to life without parole as
Nonprofit director Jessica King becomes third Democrat planning to challenge US Rep. Smucker | Politics |
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Local nonprofit leader Jessica King is joining the growing list of Lancaster County Democrats who intend to
challenge U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker in 2018.
Lancaster County settles excessive force claim for $12K, says 'it would cost more to try the case' | Local News |
Lancaster County has reached a settlement with a former Lancaster County Prison inmate who accused a corrections
officer of excessive force in 2010.
Norman Solomon: Russiagate May Be Collapsing as a Political Strategy - Truthdig
Democrats in Congress and other party leaders are starting to face an emerging reality: The winning issue of
Russia is a losing issue. - 2017/06/27
Elizabeth Warren on Conservative Obamacare and Why the Next Step is Single-Payer - Truthdig
In an interview, the Massachusetts senator explains how shes reaching out to Trump voters and why the Democratic
Party needs to follow a more progressive agenda. - 2017/06/27
New Cyberattack Wallops Europe; Spreads More Slowly in U.S. - Truthdig
Ukraine and Russia appear hardest hit by the ransomware, with Poland, Italy and Germany following in order of
countries most affected. - 2017/06/27
Bill Blum: For the Left, Trumps Obstruction Probe Is a Call to Action - Truthdig
Robert Muellers investigation is about more than ousting the president. Its about respecting democratic institutions
and protecting constitutional norms. - 2017/06/26
Mayors to Trump: Immigration Orders Meddle With Cities - Truthdig
Toughening of immigration enforcement actually creates problems, they say. (Pictured, Los Angeles Mayor Eric
Garcetti.) - 2017/06/26
Joe Scarborough: Obama Uses 'Jedi Mind Tricks' To Control 'Jealous' Trump | HuffPost
"The Force is strong with this one," the MSNBC host said of Obama on Monday.
DA's office appeals 'excessively lenient' sentence in felony burglary case to state Superior Court | Insider |
The Lancaster County District attorney's office is appealing what it calls an "excessively lenient" sentence of a
Lancaster man on felony burglary charges.
City Covers Up Dealings with Penn Square Partners |
Reneges on promise to cooperate with Right-to-Know Request NewsLanc files complaint with state
officials Excerpts from Complaint to The Office of Open Records "Gentle Persons: " publishes
news letters and has been an active web site, for approximat
2017 DRAFT Ver. 2 | Lawsuit | Lancaster
2017 by Stan Caterbone | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Listen to Stan Caterbone | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the
sounds you create.. 15 Tracks. 2 Followers. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Stan Caterbone on your desktop or
mobile device.
Dog in Lancaster attack euthanized; Medical care continues for 2 children | Local News |
The dog that attacked two children outside their Lancaster home last week was being euthanized Friday, according
to the county's dog warden.


July 5, 2017 | Defamation | Government
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WHEELCHAIR of July 5, 2017 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for
FRIDAY JUNE 30, 2017 | Defamation | United States Courts Of Appeals
TRUMP ORDERS &quot;1984&quot; TACTICS Page No.1 of 172 TUESDAY JULY 4, 2017 TRUMP ORDERS
&quot;1984&quot; TACTICS Page No. 2 ...
REMOTE VIEWING TIMELINE July 5, 2017 | Central Intelligence Agency | Daniel Ellsberg
REMOTE VIEWING TIMELINE July 5, 2017 by stan5j.5caterbone
STAN J. CATERBONE ANTI-TRUST CASE FILE OF JULY 2, 2017 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. STAN J. CATERBONE ANTI-TRUST CASE FILE OF JULY 2, 2017
The Space Review: Re-opening the American frontier: Recent Congressional hearings on space
Sale Listing
George Nahodil named acting president at Members 1st credit union after death of Bob Marquette | Local Business |
The board of Members 1st Federal Credit Union has named George Nahodil the organization's acting president and
IDIOTS - Pro Financial Group Brochure and Eastern Regional Free Agent Camp by Stan J Caterbone January 16, 2017
Weis Markets is high bidder for 2 Lancaster County liquor licenses; prices down sharply in recent statewide auction |
Local News |
After hitting $407,600 in March, the high bid for a Lancaster County restaurant liquor license dropped to $335,419
in the most recent statewide auction of expired licenses.
Government Ethics Chief Resigns, Casting Uncertainty Over Agency - The New York Times
Walter M. Shaub Jr., the United States top ethics watchdog, has clashed repeatedly with the Trump administration,
but said he had not been pressured to leave.
Attorneys general sue DeVos over delay of rule to protect students from predatory colleges - The Washington Post
State attorneys general say DeVos violated federal law by halting updates to a regulation known as the borrower
defense to repayment.
Russia wants spy mansions returned as Putin meets Trump | World | The Times & The Sunday Times
Russia is pushing for the return of two mansions allegedly used for spying in the United States as Presidents Putin
and Trump prepare to meet for the first time
How Ex-Spies Think Putin Will Sucker Sociopathic Narcissist Trump
KGB, CIA, and FBI veterans say Russias leader is well-positioned to dominate Americas president in their one-on-
one meeting.
Trump Jr. met with Russian lawyer he thought could help dad's campaign
Donald Trump Jr. says he met with the attorney after she dangled information that might help his father's campaign.
Willow Street woman puts clothing boutique on wheels | Insider |
Jayne Brighton is hoping people will get on board with her fashion idea.

STAN J. CATERBONE ANTI-TRUST CASE FILE OF JULY 2, 2017 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf),
Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. STAN J. CATERBONE ANTI-TRUST CASE FILE OF JULY 2, 2017


Owner of The Intercept media outlet assisting accused NSA leaker Reali | Depend On WOKV - Jacksonville's News,
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Let North Korea keep some nukes? Robert Gates lays out a vision for a solution : North Korea : News : The Hankyoreh
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Written by Robert M Gates, narrated by George Newbern. Listen to this Audiobook FREE with 30 day Trial!
Christopher A. Wray - Wikipedia

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Manipulating public opinion the hi-tech way
Operating as virtual mind police, influential leaders of some of the worlds most recognized companies are using
their online presence and real estate to manipulate public opinion so that their agendas and ideals are the ones that
are heard and the ones they oppose are the ones that are silenced or altogether eradicated.
What Is MKUltra And How Is It Related To Stranger Things 2?
Will the second season of 'Stranger Things' dive into the mysterious company at the heart of the Upside Down?
Rockvale Outlets defaults on $92.4M mortgage, transferred to CWCapital for $10 | Insider |
Rockvale Outlets, struggling under the weight of two dozen vacancies, has defaulted on its mortgage and is likely to
be offered for sale.
It's a seller's market in Lancaster County thanks to low interest rates, shortage of available homes | Local Business |
Last year, Matt Buckwalter and a friend started buying homes in Lancaster city, fixing them up, then selling them.
Norman Solomon: A Message for Rep. Barbara Lee: Please Stop the Madness of Militarism - Truthdig
We need the congresswoman from California to be a brave voiceas she was in the post-9/11 war frenzyand
encourage diplomatic discourse between the U.S. and Russian governments, not castigate it. &nbsp; - 2017/07/11
Destroying Mosul to Save It: Possible U.S.-Backed War Crimes in Iraq Are Exposed - Truthdig
As President Trump applauds victory against Islamic State in the devastated Iraqi city, Amnesty International details
the deaths and suffering among civilians. - 2017/07/11
Trump Says the U.S. Must Work With Russia and Move Past Election Issues - Truthdig
The president does not want questions of Russian interference to prevent him from working with Putins
government on other matters, including the civil war in Syria, officials say. - 2017/07/10
15 years later, Lancaster city police continue to seek killer who gunned down 29-year-old husband, father | Insider |
Fifteen years after Victor Shorty Melendez Jr. was gunned down on a city street, Lancaster police still have little
information about his killer.
Emails show Trump Jr. embraced help said to be from Kremlin | Politics |
WASHINGTON (AP) Donald Trump's eldest son revealed Tuesday that he was eager to hear damaging
information about Hillary Clinton from the Russian government, disclosing a series of emails that
Soldier supported Islamic State but remained in military | National |
HONOLULU (AP) A U.S. soldier who was recently arrested on terrorism charges expressed support for the
Islamic State group as early as 2011, but remained in the Army for
Cadaver dogs used, dirt sifted in search for 4 missing men | National |
PHILADELPHIA (AP) Police used cadaver dogs, a backhoe and other construction equipment Tuesday to help
search a sprawling farm for four missing men believed to be victims of foul
New research explores ethics, morality of conformity, empathy and mind control - The Kenan Institue for Ethics at Duke
Mind control as a guide for the mind | Nature Human Behaviour
Palestine Remains the Greatest Moral Issue of Our Time - Truthdig
The historic injustice in Palestine is at the heart of the Middle East dilemma. Until that injustice is resolved, there
will be no peace in the region, or perhaps anywhere. - 2017/07/10
Eric Ortiz: In a Lawsuit Affidavit, NSA Whistleblower William Binney Confirms U.S. Government Spies on Citizens -
The case, part of a lawyers long legal battle against intelligence officials for allegedly violating his Fourth
Amendment rights, was filed when Barack Obama was president. - 2017/07/10
Fourth Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Amendment IVThe right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,
supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be
Post-apocalyptic Amish life depicted in 'When the English Fall' | Local News |
A new novel aims to portray how the Amish would fare if mainstream civilization collapsed.
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| Compact Disc
Whistleblower John Kiriakou Tells Robert Scheer How the CIA Returned to Its Violent Roots After 9/11 - Truthdig
The CIA-analyst-turned-whistleblower sits down with Truthdigs editor in chief for a discussion about intelligence
and counterterrorism in the Middle East. - 2017/07/15
How do Republicans and Democrats view higher education, national media, religion? | Politics |
In a country that many already see as too partisan, Republicans and Democrats are getting even farther apart in their
views on some of the nations major institutions, according to
How hard will it be to get medical marijuana in Pennsylvania? Here's what we know [Q&A] | Insider |
There are still many unanswered questions about how things will play out for people who want medical marijuana in
Lancaster County, including how hard it will be to get the
In Search of the Lost Chord: Peace, Love and the Hippie Idea in 1967 - Book Excerpt - Truthdig
The counterculture movement championed the fight for civil rights, the protests against the Vietnam War and
spiritual values above and beyond fame and fortune. - 2017/07/14
Lancaster County Prison inmate who died after being found unresponsive in cell identified | Local News |
The Lancaster County Prison inmate who died after he was found passed out in his cell early Wednesday morning
has been identified as Brandon J. Schatz, according to a statement
Ex-West Hempfield officer faces charges after allegedly filing false report on vehicle accident | Local News |
A former West Hempfield police officer is now facing criminal charges over a false police report he allegedly filed
after rolling his personal vehicle in a farm field.
Lancaster hires special counsel for firefighter union contract talks | Local News |
Lancaster city will be able to call on extra legal expertise in its contract negotiations with the city firefighters union.
Sonali Kolhatkar: The NRA Is Playing a Deadly Game in Labeling the Left as Violent - Sonali Kolhatkar - Truthdig
Although the National Rifle Associations recent violent liberal messaging campaign may be based on false
premises, the danger it poses is all too real. - 2017/07/13
Tobacco Industry Makes Strides in Trumps Washington - Truthdig
Cigarette companies that supported the presidents campaign are gaining crucial political victories under his
administration, even as tobacco use remains the leading preventable cause of death. - 2017/07/13
| Compact Disc
Preparing for Doomsday: A Shelter-in-Place Mentality Is the New American Normal - Truthdig
A former Air Force software engineer writes about his time living underground in the Cheyenne Mountain
Complex, Americas nuclear command center. - 2017/07/13
Shea Quinn of the Sharks to tribute Bowie at Tellus360 | Entertainment |
When Shea Quinn first saw a David Bowie album, he was nearly certain he would hate it.
Edward Snowden's leaks has NSA in damage-control mode, spy agency official tells Lancaster audience | Insider |
A high-ranking official of the National Security Agency said in a talk here Wednesday that the electronic
surveillance agency is working to improve its public relations in the wake of
Emma Niles: Heres How Republican Lawmakers Are Responding to Medicaid Advocates - Truthdig
Disability rights activists protesting the proposed GOP health care bills cuts to Medicaid are being met with
slammed doors and, in some cases, police force. - 2017/07/12
Can the U.S.-Russia Cease-Fire Agreement in Syria Stick? - Truthdig
While alleged 2016 election interference grabs headlines, the bigger test may be whether the Donald Trump-
Vladimir Putin accord made at the G-20 summit holds. - 2017/07/12
Budget woes threaten Pennsylvania's credit rating | Insider |
As Pennsylvania lawmakers continue hashing out a compromise on how to fund a $32 billion state budget that went
into law Tuesday, they are facing a familiar pressure the
Prosecutor Says Ex-Pa. AG Slandered Him - Law360
A former top prosecutor in the Pennsylvania attorney general&rsquo;s office has sued former Attorney General
Kathleen Kane in state court, saying that she smeared his reputation by exposing his name in a leak of sealed grand
jury evidence that led to her 2016 perjury conviction.
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Judge orders freeze of Reese's salary while litigation to stop it full-time continues | Insider |
A judge has frozen the salary of Lancaster County Sheriff Mark Reese, who has been on paid administrative leave
since last year after allegations that he sexually harassed a sheriff's
Pennsylvania budget takes effect amid fight over funding it | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) For the second straight year, Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf will let a state budget bill
become law despite being badly out of balance as he presses
C6397 MoM Ed Guide Interior_2010.indd - 01-living-will.pdf
Man wanted in fatal Luzerne County bar shooting arrested in Lancaster County | Local News |
A Wilkes-Barre man wanted for the fatal shooting of a bar patron early Sunday in Luzerne County, was arrested
later in the day in Lancaster County.
Stan J. Caterbone BOOKMARKS and HISTORY To JULY 17, 2017.pdf | The Guardian | Twitter
What Would Gates Do? A Defense Chiefs Plan for North Korea - WSJ
Everybody whos wrestled with the North Korean nuclear problem agrees on one thing: There are no good options
for solving it. Few are more qualified to offer an answer than Robert Gates, the most seasoned senior U.S. national-
security official of the last half-century, Gerald F. Seib writes.
What Would Gates Do_ A Defense Chiefs Plan for North Korea - WSJ.pdf
Should Lancaster declare itself a sanctuary city? [We The People report] | Local News |
The majority of lawmakers, leaders and law enforcement officials representing Lancaster agree: Lancaster shouldn't
declare itself as a sanctuary city.
Trio of Lancaster County anglers take home $200,000 in world's largest tuna tournament | Outdoors |
A Lancaster banker, architect and business owner get in a boat...
Not just bike lanes: Upcoming city street painting to add 50+ parking spaces downtown | Local News |
Lancaster citys traffic commission gave its blessing last week to the first phase of the citys bicycle network and to
changes to lane markings on several streets that will add
Talks over Pennsylvania budget deadlock take unexpected turn | Pennsylvania |
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) Efforts to end Pennsylvania's 18-day stalemate over how to pay for a $32 billion
budget took an unexpected turn Tuesday when House Republican leaders abruptly retreated
A Q&A With CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou (Video) - Live at Truthdig - Truthdig
Nuclear War Would Set Off Climate Catastrophe - Truthdig
The explosion of even a single warhead could chill the atmosphere and cause a nuclear drought, new study finds. -
The US is reportedly close to separating military-focused Cyber Command from the NSA - The Verge
After a long debate, the United States is reportedly moving forward with plans to separate its military-focused Cyber
Command branch from the National Security Agency. The changes could be...
Spying, surveillance and sabotage - what will it take to bring an end to political policing? | openDemocracy
Cam Gallagher admits it. The words he was hearing were harsh ones for any professional athlete.
NEW CASE - CASE NO. CI-17-05668 CASE FILE - Preliminary Injunction for Emergency Relief for PAIN
North Korea Wants to Deter a U.S. Attack. Thats Why It Has Nukes. - Truthdig
Kim Jong Uns decision to maintain nuclear weapons is rational in light of U.S. regime-change policies toward Iraq
and Libya, neither of which were nuclear states. - 2017/07/17
Truthdig - North Korea Wants to Deter a U.S. Attack. Thats Why It Has Nukes.
Kim Jong Uns decision to maintain nuclear weapons is rational in light of U.S. regime-change policies toward Iraq
and Libya, neither of which were nuclear states. - 2017/07/17
| Compact Disc

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Trump halts covert Central Intelligence Agency program to train anti-Assad rebels in Syria
artificial intelligence COINTELPRO & the Truth About Organized Stalking & 21st Century Torture | AITopics
"Frey found that human subjects exposed to 1310 MHz and 2982 MHz microwaves at average power densities of
0.4 to 2 mW/cm2 perceived auditory sensations described as buzzing or knocking sounds. Pulsed microwave voice-
to-skull (or other-sound-to-skull) transmission was discovered during World War II by radar technicians who found
they could hear the buzz of the train of pulses being transmitted by radar equipment they were working on. A spread
spectrum signal received on a spectrum analyzer appears as just more "static" or noise. In 1975, researcher A. W.
Guy stated that "one of the most widely observed and accepted biologic effects of low average power
electromagnetic energy is the auditory sensation evoked in man when exposed to pulsed microwaves."
July 20, 1977: CIA Mind Control Project MKUltra Docs Released for First Time - Sputnik International
"Project MKUltra" was the name given to an illegal program of human experimentation conducted by the US
Central Intelligence Agency, which investigated mind control. The 1975 Church Committee hearings exposed the
operation and on July 20, 1977 a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents
relating to it.
It's Official: Psychedelic Drugs Really Do Produce Higher State of Consciousness - Sputnik International
A study of brain scans by researchers at the University of Sussex and Imperial College London has revealed the
psychedelic drugs LSD, ketamine and psilocybin do in fact induce heightened states of consciousness, confirming
the claims of psychedelic advocates that have abounded since the psychotropic 1960s.
Wayback Machine
1977 Senate Hearing on MKULTRA: Table of Contents/Main Index
Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification. Joint Hearing Before the Select
Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human
Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-Fifth Congress, First Session. August 3, 1977.
Why did People magazine out-report the Associated Press on a cult-related killing? GetReligion
If ever there was a crime for which the word "bizarre" was coined, the recent tragic events in Coolbaugh Township,
Pennsylvania would likely be "Exhibit A." Local police allege Barbara Rogers shot and killed her boyfriend, Steven
Mineo, whose body was found on July 15 after Rogers called police to report the shooting. According to police,
Rogers claims she shot Mineo at his request, over issues involving a religious cult to which both adults apparently
belonged. The Associated Press picks up the barest essence of the story from there, presenting us with a key
journalistic issue: Rogers told officers Mineo, 32, was having online issues with a cult and asked her to kill him,
said Lt. Steven Williams, of the Pocono Mountain Regional Police. She said her boyfriend believed the cults leader
to be a reptilian pretending to be a human, according to an affidavit. Rogers, 42, told police the group centers on
aliens and raptures. Online postings associated with the cult detail a theory that a group of alien reptiles is
subverting the human race through mind control. I should note that I found the AP story at the website of the
Wilkes-Barre, Penna., Times Leader, a newspaper whose offices are a mere 45 minutes away, by car, from the crime
scene. (I'll have more to say about that in a moment.) American author Mark Twain once declared, There are only
two forces that can carry light to all the corners of the globe the sun in the heavens and the Associated Press down
here. In reporting this cult case, I believe the AP got a head start on that total eclipse of the sun due in mid-August.
Pennsylvania's cybersecurity efforts, IT infrastructure might get an overhaul | Politics |
As concerns rage at the national level about Russian hacking attempts in the 2016 U.S. election, Pennsylvania
government could be on its way to revamping its own cybersecurity efforts and
Fulton Financial expansion takes on different look | Local Business |
Fulton Financial Corp.s $21 million headquarters expansion on East King Street has a new look, thanks to the city
Historical Commission.
Lancaster City Land Bank starts up | Local News |
The Lancaster City Land Bank officially began operations this week, giving the city a new option for turning
abandoned properties into occupied homes and thriving businesses.
CIA Director Pompeo Blasts NYT for Publishing Name of Clandestine Officer
At roughly nine oclock Eastern Time Fox News Channels Ed Henry broke in with breaking news from the Aspen
Security Forum in Colorado. At the forum, CIA Director Mike Pompeo took to the stage slammed The New York
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Times for putting the life of an officer at risk. We had a publication, you work for Bret, that published the name of
an undercover officer at the Central Intelligence Agency. I find that unconscionable, he angrily declared to the
applause of the audience.
How Toxic Waste Sites Run by the Pentagon Are Poisoning Americans - Truthdig
A report by ProPublica reveals how the military is using unsafe methods to destroy hazardous waste at sites across
the country. (Pictured, nerve gas incinerators in Utah.) - 2017/07/20
Death by Cop: Black and White Issues - Truthdig
Both Justine Damond and Charleena Lyles were killed by cops, but the two deaths are quite different in political and
historical terms. - 2017/07/20
Truthdig - Death by Cop: Black and White Issues
Both Justine Damond and Charleena Lyles were killed by cops, but the two deaths are quite different in political and
historical terms. - 2017/07/20
Torture Doesnt Work. But Facts Never Have Bothered the President. - Truthdig
Trumps refusal to condemn our secret prisons, together with his appointments of people who played roles in the
George W. Bush torture program, should set off alarm bells. - 2017/07/20
Challenging the U.S. Empire by Spotlighting the Brutality of Drone Killing - Truthdig
Demonstrators are using protestsand risking legal consequencesto raise awareness of the expansion of drone
bases across America. - 2017/07/20
| Compact Disc
After Penn State, Kane Cases, Court Launches Grand Jury Review | The Legal Intelligencer
In the wake of several high-profile grand jury investigations in Pennsylvania, the state Supreme Court has enlisted a
team to re-evaluate how grand juries op...
O.J. Simpson granted parole in armed robbery case | National |
LOVELOCK, Nev. (AP) O.J. Simpson was granted parole Thursday after more than eight years in prison for a
Las Vegas hotel heist, successfully making his case in a nationally
Landowner accuses Atlantic Sunrise pipeline of being 'on an illogical path' as hearing testimony ends | Local News |
READING Landowners along the proposed Atlantic Sunrise pipeline route were denied due process to appeal the
plan, an attorney argued in federal court Thursday.

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Stan J. Caterbone
Freedom From Covert Harassment &

Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603




v. : CASE NO. 16-cv-4014
The United States of America, et al. :

Letter to the Editor (LNP) by James Guerin, 1989

Our (Guerin) family has lived in Lancaster County (Landisville) for 20 years now. Until
recently it had been the happiest time or our life. We've seen our children grow up, get an
excellent education through the Hempfield school system, participate in sports and activities, and
gain a sense of moral purpose in our church.

I have had the opportunity to start a company here (ISC or INTERNATIONAL SIGNAL
AND CONTROL, PLC.,) and watch it grow to 5,500 people (1,000 in Lancaster) before merging it
with Ferranti. The key people I've worked with, and others in the Company and community have
been instrumental in the success we have known and I have appreciated them very much.

I have had the privilege to work on numerous boards in Lancaster alongside some of the
finest people I've met anywhere.

I have not written this letter to dwell on problems, only to extend warnings and thanks.
Lancaster is a wonderful county. Be careful that it's growth is planned carefully it still does not
fully address the future. Make the fine organization of Lancaster and in particular the URBAN
LEGUEA and SACA a more integral part of this planning process.

In our American cycle that occurs when problems and accusations arise, many seem to
convert or return to the Church when troubles hit them. It is significant to me that I have been
a practicing CHRISTIAN for three decades and it forms the center of our family life and stregnth.

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Our family is immensely grateful for all that Lancaster has done us and in return we have
done our best to give back to Lancaster.

I have helped 15 small companies to start up over the years. Eleven of those have done fine
while four have failed. Of these 15 companies 15 had significantly minority ownership and only
UCC (United Chem Con) of these four has failed. I worked extensively with minorities in East
Oakland in the 60's through a program with Lockeed to promote job opportunities for those hard-
to-employ through job training and minority business assistance. After moving to Lancaster, I
kept up this interest in the development of opportunities for minorities.

Jim Christian chose to appoint me the mastermind for the malfeasance. This is simply not
true. A father teaches his sons how to use a gun to go hunting. In later years, the son murders
someone with a gun. The son blames the father and becomes his immediate scape goat.... NOT

On LANCASTER NEWSPATERS (LNP) in my opinion, Tim Mekeel. Mekeel has not

always been kind to me, but he always been fair, accurate and balanced. The also have some
unprofessional and irresponsible reporters. A source who knows these Newspapers well state that
one of the most irresponsible ones is Doug Thomas. The source stated that Tom Flannery is
almost as bad. In a recent story, Flannery wrote that I was forced to resign by Ferranti. When
asked Flannery stated that Tony Thomas (Ferranti's PR Manager) said that. Thomas states that he
never told him such a thing and has a witness to prove it. Fact: I resigned from the Board as my
idea to support a Leveraged Buy Out which I had to forestall myself, partly due to distorted
newspaper coverage in Lancaster.

Recently the Intell Journal (Flannery) transmitted that his source on UCC (United Chem Con)
and Clark to a Ft. Myers newspaper where Parent is moving. This harassing action is affecting the
ability of a lot of good people to earn a decent living. The prosecutors have state that I am not
even a subject in the UCC investigation. But Flannery keeps on. Where's the fairness? Where's
the decency?

My masterminding of Christian has been refuted by a number of responsible people

(Crump, Szezesny, 2 other UCC managers, etc.,) but these irresponsible reporters keep repeating
the same quote from Christian each time a story appears. It is as if these reporters choose to
ignore what the responsible people have said in favor of me by only continuing on with Christian's
side of the story.

I have been saddened somewhat by the lack of protest to Mr. Christian's quotes by the many
who understood the story at UCC, such as UCC Legal Counsel, Meridian Bank, and others.
However I do understand how ominous a loose cannon such as Christian can appear to these
people. So be it.

Mix in to this the great damage a trusted inside corporate lawyer (William Clark) can do
when he decides to exploit that trust. You have a mighty tense situation indeed.

I will continue with my policy not to answer to the newspapers. I will be gone from
Lancaster. I wonder who these few irresponsible reporters will serve up next on a plattter? (STAN

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Remember, people are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.

Love them anyway.
If you do good people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you're successful, you'll win false friends and make true enemies.
Try to succeed anyway.
Honesty and frankness will get you nowhere; they make you vulberable.
Be honest and frank anyway....

DATED: December 26, 2016

Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,
Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered, defamed, and
publicly discredited since 1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud
within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via
South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our reputation and the
truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally prosecute and expose public
corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our
property, and our business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications
are a means of protecting our rights to continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a
member of the media. Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact List. How long can Lancaster County
and Lancaster City hide me and Continue to Cover-Up my Whistle Blowing of the ISC Scandel (And the Torture
from U.S. Sponsored Mind Control)?


J.C. No. 03-16-90005 Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals -
COMPLAINT OF JUDICIALMISCONDUCT OR DISABILITY re 15-3400 and 16-1149; 03-16-900046 re ALL
U.S. Supreme Court Case No. 16-6822 PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI re Case No. 16-1149
MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert
U.S.C.A. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 16-1149 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert;15-3400
MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert;; 16-1001; 07-4474
U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA Case No. 16-4014 CATERBONE v. United States,; Case
No. 16-cv-49; 15-03984; 14-02559 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert; 05-2288; 06-4650, 08-02982;
U.S. District Court Middle District of PA Case No. 16-cv-1751 PETITION FOR HABEUS CORPUS
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board Case No. 2016-462 Complaint against
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Leonard Brown III
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case No. 353 MT 2016; 354 MT 2016; 108 MM 2016 Amicus for Kathleen Kane
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Summary Appeal Case No. CP-36-SA-0000219-2016, AMICUS for Kathleen
Kane Case No. 1164 EDA 2016; Case No. 1561 MDA 2015; 1519 MDA 2015; 16-1219 Preliminary
Injunction Case of 2016
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No. 08-13373; 15-10167; 06-03349, CI-06-03401
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for The Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case No. 16-10157

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FEB, 1987 MAY, 1987 June, 1987

Mortgage Banking Take Control of Purchase Airplane

Activities Are Started Board of Directors $25,000 Down
Meet With Power Beat Commonwealth FMG 2 Years Ahead of Plan
Station Studios For Bank on $5 Million Mtg. Value Approx. $5 million
Digital Movie Meet with Movie Producers Named Executive Producer
Develop SONY Proposal Of Digital Movie
& PSDMS (Power Station
Digital Movie System)

June 23, 1987 June 25, 1987 June 29, 1987

10:30 Meet with Receive Patent Dave Cook/Bennet

ISC, My Office Research for Williams Deal, Kauffman
Fraud Allegations Digital Movie/FMG Tries to Steal Deal

ISC/Ferranti Kauffman & Company Meet w/Romar Aviation

Reviewing Merger Burglarize My Office To Move Plane From
& Forge Stock Certificates Lancaster Aviation
2:00 pm Have My
Locks Changed To Kauffman Tells Me Via
My Office Telephone of Stock
Certificate by Mistake
4:30 Fly to Phil for
Meetings, Fly to
Stone Harbor
Lancaster Aviation
Grounds Plane

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July 2, 1987 July 3, 1987 July 4, 1987

Remove All Files Visit With Joe Early In AM Pilot

From My Office Roda, Offers No Calls And Said The
At Night. Help, Suggests Bank Repos Plane
I Get Some Rest In The Middle of The
Kauffman tells client After Hearing My Night With All Files
John Green that Stan Story. On Board/23 days before
Is Having Mental 1st Payment/Loose $25,000
Problems. Load Files On Plane
For Stone Harbor. Call Joe Roda, He Told
Me To Quit Fabricating
Drive to Stone Harbor Things.
Romar Aviation Is To
Fly Files To Stone Harbor Hire Pilot To Fly To Lanc.
The Next Mourning. To Get Files From Plane.

July 5-10, 1987 July 6th , 1987 July 14, 1987

Meet With Attorneys Commonwealth Bank PSG Revokes Securities

Sends notice of Repo Licenses, No Reason Given.
Try To Salvage Dave 4 days after it was taken.
Cook Deal/Heard I
Am Having Problems. Meet With Tony Bongiovi
in Wildwood re: Digital
Dr. Umiker removes Movie, rumors of insanity
me as Trustee Of Estate. have reached everyone.

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July 16, 1987 July 14th 1987 July 21st, 1987

Kauffman Sends Contact The Following Travel To Santa Barbara

Letter To All Clients Authorities For Help: CA To Law Firm Of Cappelo
Notifying Them That Fed SEC; NASD, Atlanta & Foley, Who Specializes
I Am No Longer With Bennett Ripole; SEC John In Lender Liability Fraud
FMG, Ltd., And I May Nocella; Cong. Robert With Banks. See Invoice.
Not Handle Investments Walker, Sen Gib Armstrong
At All. Manheim Twp. Police, Etc., Visit With Gamillion Studios
Fred Martin (FBI Harisburg. Of Hollywood CA To Discuss
Pay Atty Lew Schweller Travel To Sulfolk Library To Restructuring The Debt Of
Of NJ $500 Retainer Fee. Research Lender Liability, The Studio. Meet With
In Boston, MA. Austin Properties For MTG
Banking. Allegations Of
Insanity Had Reached My
Hollywood CA Contacts.

July 22, 1987 July 24th, 1987 August 7, 1987

Dave Cook Decides Not Mike Hartlett Sends Letter Contact Dr. Marshall
To Do The Bennett Williams To All FMG Creditors Stating Levin Of Northfield, NJ
Deal And States That I Have That I Never Had Authority To For Psychiatric Evaluation.
Been Advised By My Make Corporate CommitmentsTake MMPI Test For $250.00
Attorney Not To Associate On Behalf Of FMG Or Make Any In An Attempt To Subdue The
With You. Financial Decisions On Allegations Of Insanity.
Behalf Of FMG.

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August 11th , 1987 August 14th, 1987 August 28th, 1987

Family Members Abduct Family Members Again In A Desperate Plea For Help,
Me & I Am Taken To The Invade My House In Stone After All Authorities Ignored Me,
Stone Harbor Police Station Harbor Trying To Get A I contact Dianne Sawyer, Of
And Then To The Burdette Confession Of Wrongdoing. CBS News 60 Minutes.
Tomlin Hospital Where A Phone I Travel To Avalon To Try To See Receipt.
Phone Call Was Made Earlier Get A Restraining Order, But
That Day Saying Stan Had I Am Arrested On The Way To
A Gun And Was Going To The Police Station For Speeding.
The Beach To Kill Himself. The Avalon Police Impounded
I Was Released After I Would My Car, And Kept Me In Prison
Sign A Suicide Letter. For 4 Hours.

Receive My Credit Report Receive Letter From FMG Board

From the Lancaster Credit Threatening To File Criminal
Bureau Reporting That Up Until Charges And Refusing To Discuss
July 30, My Credit Report was Any Talks Regarding My Past
Flawless, With All Accounts Affiliation.
Paid Within 30 Days.

Jim Guerin
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September 1st, 1987 September 3, 1987 September 3, 1987

I Call A Meeting With I Board At The Cape May I End Up In Jail With
Bob Long and Alan Loss Airport at about 1:30 pm. The Following Charges:
of FMG, Ltd., in Lancaster. To Lancaster. Burglary, Theft,
Unlawful Use Of A
Romar Aviation Owes Me FMG, Ltd., Calls The Manheim Computer, Terroristic
A Flight, So I Schedule A Township Police And Reports Threats, Robbery,
Charter Flight For September That I Had Made A Bomb Threat Criminal Mischief, And
3rd, From Cape May To Two Days Earlier, On September Unlawful Restraint.
Lancaster 1st. Manheim Township Police
Issue A Warrant For My Arrest For The Conestoga Police
Terroristic Threats, Just Before I Let Me Ride In The
Am Scheduled To Land In Lancaster. Front Seat, The Manheim
Twp. Police Physically
I Borrow A Friends Car To Go To And Mentally Abused
Play Basketball. I See One Of My Me.
Secretaries And She Is Crying
Hysterical. Insinuating That I Had Lancaster Nespapers
Committed A Horrendous Crime. Prints Ex-Worker
Charged In Burglary
I Politely Ask For The Keys To FMG At Firm and Conestoga
Man Linked To Theft
Later That Night I Went Into My Office
And Removed My Lost Files.

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Sept 4th To Sept 9th 1987 Sept. 9th To Sept. 15th 1987 Sept. 15th, 1987

Committed To Lancaster Involuntarily Committed To The Attorney Robert Byer

County Prison. Placed In Psychiatric Unit of The St. Joseph Admits That I Am Not
Psychiatric Cell Unit. Hospital. Legally Committed To
Plead For Someone To The Psychiatric Ward.
Post Bail. After Posting
Bail, I Am Coerced Into I Immediately Order
The St. Joseph Hospital For My Discharge And
Psychiatric Ward, As The Walk Out Of The
Only Way I Can Get Out Of Hospital And Go Home.
Jail, By Robert Byer, Atty.

September 21st, 1987 September 28th, 1987 September 29th, 1987

Lancaster Newspapers St. Joseph Hospital Investigator Howard

Headlines Reports The Demands Payment Of Eisler Of The PA
ISC/Ferrantti Merger, $3,064.66 For The Seven Securities Commission
Said To Be Worth A Days of Hospitalization Conducts A Five Hour
Billion Dollars. In The Psychiatric Unit. Interview In My Home
With Attorney Robert
Beyer, And Client
Bill Johnson. I Discuss
ISC Allegations In

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October 2, 1987 October 5, 1987 October 7, 1987

District Justice Murray Sir Speedy Printing Farmers First Bank

Horton Presides Over duplicates 1103 And Hamilton Bank
Preliminary Hearing For Images Billed To The Refuse To Cash A
All Charges. Transcript Law Firm Of Arnold, Check From FSC
Provides Evidence of Beyer & Homsher Agency, In Atlanta
Perjury By Almost All At The Park City
Witnesses Testimony. Branches.

Several Creditors File

Judgments For Non

Parent Federal Bank

(ISC Owned) Proceeds
With Foreclosure Against
My House.

Unemployment Compensation
Review Board Denies Benefits
Due To Criminal Wrongdoing.

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October 10, 1987 November 9, 1987 November 20, 1987

Meeting With Intercon The Pennsylvania Attorney Robert Byer

Special Services, Which Unemployment Compensation Corresponds Regarding
Specializes In White Review Board Denies Me The Preparation Of
Collar Crime. The Benefits Due To Willful My Defense Against
Meeting Was In New Misconduct When All Charges Pending
York To My Own Property

Law Firm Of Capello

And Fol.ey, Of Santa
Barbara, CA Returns
3 Binders Of Documents
Which I Delivered In

November 25, 1987 November 30, 1987 November 31, 1987

Pennsylvania Securities Attorney Lew Schweller I Submit 9,079

Commission Sends Notice Of New Jersey, Demands Documents For
That Complaint Must Be Payment of $1460 For Processing Into
Submitted In Writing In Legal Services In The Diazode Microfiche
Order To Be Considered. Summer. At Good Sheppard
Industries, Reading.

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December 1, 1987 December 19, 1987 January 8, 1988

I Personally Deliver I File Complaint No. The Pennsylvania

Evidence To Senator 08662 With The U.S. Unemployment
Gib Armstrong and PA Postal Inspector Which Compensation Review
Securities Commission Refereed To The Changing Board Again Denies
Investigator Howard Of My Address By FMG Benefits.
Eisler In Harrisburg. Executives.

January 14, 1988 January 15, 1988 January 26, 1988

Purchase Mobile Home Secretar-Al Transcribes The Pennsylvania

To Travel To California 10 Microcassette Tapes Housing & Financing
To Meet With Attorney To Electronic Word Format. Agency Denies
Sandra Gray, In San Benefits Under The
Diego. Homeowners
Emergency Assistance

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February 4, 1988 March 14, 1988 March 21, 1988

Lancaster Aviation Files Parent Federal The Lancaster

A Civil Complaint For Bank Files Formal County District
$3,411 Allegedly From Foreclosure Notice Attorneys Office
Repair Work On My For My Home. In Formally Drops
Plane Conestoga All Criminal Charges
After $2,000 In
Restitution Is Paid.

October 25, 1988 October 30, 1990 October 31, 1990

Mr. Robert Kauffman Congressman Robert Department Of

Purchases 40,000 Walker Reports The Defense Agrees
Shares Of FMG, Ltd.,. Status Of My Complaint To Reopening The
For $60,000 Involving A $2.5 Million Bidding, Which
Department of Defense Included Me, Sony,
Contract For The Defense Phillips DuPont, and
Mapping Agency (DMA) To Disc Manufacturing
Digitize And Publish On Inc.,
CD-ROM Medium.


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October 23, 1990 November 18, 1990 December 12, 1990

The Assistant Secretary The National Institute Travel To Captiva

Of Defense Dave Gribben Of Standards And Island To Program
And Brigadier General Technology, NIST, Approves And Produce The
Kelly, Intervene In Contract An Article Written By Me Information For The
Dispute. And Computer Scientist AMG Legal System
John Garofolo Escaping The CD-ROM, Containing
Unix Tar Pit Printed In DISC All Of My Evidence.

February, 1991 April 16, 1991 May 16, 1991

Mr. Jay Curtis Solicits Me The Audio CD Containing At the Tech Lab
Me To A Joint Venture For The Evidence Is At Commodore
The Department of Mastered and Replicated Computer, In West
Defense. At American Helix. Chester, PA, I
PreMaster and Master
Mr. Curtis Became One-Off CD-ROM of
Increasingly Interested AMG Legal Systems.
In The CD-ROM, And
Began To Interrogate
Me As To What I Was
Going To Do.


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May 23, 1991 May 24, 1991 May 28th, 1991

Mr. Jay Curtis Calls I Travel To Stone The Stone Harbor

And Interrogates Me Harbor, New Jersey Police Pull Me Over
Extensively About The And In A Newspaper, I And Arrest Me For
CIA Activities With ISC Learn Of The CIA And Drinking And Driving,
And Tells Me That The ISC Story. However, I kept Passing
Authorities Have My The Breathalyzer Tests.
Information. I Plant Several CD-ROMs of I Ended Up In Prison,
The AMG Legal Systems In Again, For Nothing.
In Fear For My Life, I Various Strategic Places.
Pack My Bags. There was one attempt
on my life.
That Night On ABC October 12, 1991
News Nightline, Ted
Koppel Featured The I Meet Ted Koppel At
Story About The CIA The Dulles Airport In
And ISC. Washington, D.C. And
Ask Him If He Knew Mr.
Allegations Of Insanity Jay Curtis, And Told Him
Have Already Begun. How I Was Interrogated Just
Hours Before The CIA and
ISC Sell Arms To Iraq.


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November 12, 1997 November 23, 1997 December 2nd , 1997

I E-Mail Lancaster I Write For A Legal I receive via certified

Newspapers About Opinion From Attorney mail return receipt
ISC And My Story. Christina Rainville, And materials & letter from
Attorney Mat Samly, Of Ms. Rainville stating her
Xekallis, Reese, & Pugh. Firm will not take any
Mr. Samley promises to new clients from
have a 6 page opinion Lancaster County.
Immediately after the holidays.

December 22, 1997 December 29th, 1997 December 31st, 1997

I send letter to Dr. Shulz I Send Letter And Evidence I Deliver Evidence To
describing my need to Ted Kopple of ABC News Chambers Of U.S.
resolve all issues due to Nightline. District Judge Stewart
my inability to bear the Dalzall in Philadelphia
fruits of my labor due to I receive a threat from Jim Courthouse.
The mitigating Christian via telephone who
circumstances. said if you raise these issues
again, your life will be much
I also begin to make worst off than it is now, let it be.
a diary of the mental duress He continued to try to threaten me
at Pflumm Contractors, Inc., from raising these issues.


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January 13, 1998 January 14, 1998 January 14th Cont.

In a desperate plead I meet with Fr. Lavelle before I speak one
for intervention with who mysteriously would word tells me Stan
the mental duress at on suggest that I continue you are sick, you are
Pflumm Cont., and the to talk to my therapist not well, you need to
invasion of my privacy and would not call Dave take different medicine
all trying to stop my Pflumm to alleviate the you need help. The last
pursuit of justice I call incidents of mental duress time that I saw Dr. Shulz
Fr. Lavelle at the Office unless Al Shulz would tell in September, I was fine.
Of the Bishop for help him to do so. Someone apparently
and advise. A meeting called Dr. Shulz prior to
is set for the next morning Pam Pflumm call me on my arrival. See Tape.
at 9:00 am. My car phone as soon as
I leave the Bishops Office January 15th, 1998
Coincidentally Dr. Al Shulz crying hysterically that I send a certified letter
calls me to reschedule my she needs to see me and to Dr. Al Shulz notifying
Quarterly checkup soon after wants to go to Dr. Shulzs him that I am leaving his
following my meeting with office with me. She demands practice.
Fr. Lavelle, in Harrisburg. To go with me to my appointment
but I make her wait in the car. Everyone makes an
Pam Pflumm arrives at my ordeal of my session
house in the evening trying to I sense wrongdoing, and tape with Dr. Shulz as if
confuse me and annoy me record my session with Dr. I was some lunatic, it
before my meetings. Shulz, who is a violation of my right


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January 16, 1998 February 5, 1998 February 171998

Due to the inflammation In a desperate plead to ACLU responds that
of further mental duress resolve the issues I file they do not have the
I take my 1 st sick day and a formal complaint to the available resources
take my 2 week vacation PA Chapter of the American to look into my case.
in an effort for a cooling-off Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
period at Pflumm in Philadelphia, PA. Frank Kent of the ACLU
Contractors, Inc., in order had called me at my
to protect my sanity. Office to inform me
that they did not have
See Diary of Mental the resources to
Duress filed with the PA consider my case.
Unemployment Comp. Office. which I had politely

February 17, 1998 February 19th, 1998 February 20th, 1998

Immediately prior to the At 11:30 pm Pam Pflumm Immediately upon
telephone call from the ACLU arrives at my home, and entering my office
I had mailed a personal letter after I request her to leave I confront Dave Pflumm
to Bishop Dittilo of the Dioc. Several occasions, she tries and ask him if my mother
of Harrisburg pleading for to convince me that my mother is dying, He had no
help and intervention is dying - she said Your response.
regarding all matters. mother Is dying, and you
dont even care.


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February 20th, 1998 (Cont) February 22, 1998 February 25, 1998
Extremely distraught and Mr. Keneth Burnette comes I file a claim for
upset I went home at lunch to visit me at my home to discuss Unemployment
and called Mr. Kenneth my note. He said that Pam Compensation on the
never said my mother was dying grounds of quitting due
Burnette, Stepfather of but rather that she was sick. He to mental duress caused
Pam Pflumm, and Chaplain at states that my situation is over Mr. David Pflumm and
Lancaster General Hospital his head . I told him that work several key employees,
and asked him to talk to Pam has been like Hell for the past that had begun when
Pflumm. Several months and asked him be began to pursue
to help. He repeated to me, so my claim for justice for
That evening I had dropped work is like Hell?. He said he the issues of the past
a copy of the letter to Bishop would check on me. And I ten years.
Dittilo into his mailbox. Distinctly told him that I will call
him if I wanted to see him.

February 28, 1998 March 17, 1998

Coincidentally, more than Mr. Ken Burnette continued to I am again denied
2 months late, I receive come to my home on at least 5 Unemployment
a legal opinion from more occasions despite my polite Compensation for the
Mr. Matt Samley of Xekallis, way of saying, dont call me Ill call 3rd time in my life.
Reese, and Pugh. Which you.
Was totally without any
legal merit.


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March 24, 1998 April 13, 1998 April 21, 1998

I file an appeal with the A hearing is held at My appeal for UC

Lancaster Job Center for the Lancaster Job Center Benefits is again
Unemployment Comp. for UC Benefits with D.D. denied for illegitimate
Benefits. Hukill presiding as Referee reasons including
and myself and Dave Pflumm discrimination for
I reject the offer in attendance. My testimony going to Fr. Lavelle
from her due to is my diary of mental duress. to intervene into the
questionable motives. We ate lunch afterwards at problems at Pflumm
P.J. Mathews in Place Marie Contractors.

April 27, 1998

I file another appeal

to the UC Board of Review
for my UC benefits.


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I, Stanley J. Caterbone being duly sworn according to law, make the following affidavit concerning the years during which I was
maliciously and purposefully mentally abused, subjected to a massive array of prosecutorial misconduct, while enduring an exhaustive fight
for the sovereignty of my constitutional rights, shareholder rights, civil liberties, and right of due access to the law. I will detail a deliberate
attempt on my life, in 1991, exhibiting the dire consequences of this complaint. These allegations are substantiated through a
preponderance of evidence including but not limited to over 10,000 documents, over 50 hours of recorded conversations, transcripts, and
archived on several digital mediums. A Findings of Facts is attached herewith providing merits and the facts pertaining to this affidavit.
These issues and incidents identified herein have attempted to conceal my disclosures of International Signal & Control, Plc. However, the
merits of the violations contained in this affidavit will be proven incidental to the existence of any conspiracy.

The plaintiff protests the courts for all remedial actions mandated by law. Financial considerations would exceed $1 million. These violations
began on June 23, 1987 while I was a resident and business owner in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and have continued to the present.
These issues are a direct consequence of my public disclosure of fraud within International Signal & Control, Plc., of County of Lancaster,
Pennsylvania, which were in compliance with federal and state statutes governing my shareholder rights granted in 1983, when I purchased
my interests in International Signal & Control., Plc.. I will also prove intentional undo influence against family and friends towards
compromising the credibility of myself, with malicious and selfserving accusations of insanity. I conclude that the courts must provide me
with fair access to the law, and most certainly, the process must void any technical deficiencies found in this filing as being material to the
conclusions. Such arrogance by the Courts would only challenge the judicial integrity of our Constitution .

1. The activities contained herein may raise the argument of fair disclosure regarding the scope of law pertaining to issues and activities
compromising the National Security of the United States. The Plaintiff will successfully argue that due to the criminal record of International
Signal & Control, including the illegal transfer of arms and technologies to an end user Iraq, the laws of disclosure must be forfeited by
virtue that said activities posed a direct compromise to the National Security of the United States.; the plaintiff will argue that his public
allegations of misconduct within the operations of International Signal & Control, Plc., as early as June of 1987 ;demonstrated actions were
proven to protect the National Security of the United States.. The activities of International Signal & Control, Pls., placed American troops in
harms way. The plaintiffs actions should have taken the American troops out of harms way causing the activities of the International Signal
& Control, Plc., to cease and desist.

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All activities contained herein have greatly compromised the National Security of the United States, and the laws of jurist prudence must
apply towards the Plaintiffs intent and motive of protecting the rights of his fellow citizens. Had the plaintiff been protected under the law,
and subsequently had the law enforcement community of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the County of Lancaster administer
justice, United States troops may have been taken out of harms way, as a direct result of ceasing the operations of International Signal &
Control, Plc., in as early as 1987.

2. The plaintiff will successfully prove that the following activities and the prosecutorial misconduct were directed at intimidating the plaintiff
from continuing his public disclosures regarding illegal activities within International Signal & Control, Plc,. On June 23, 1998, International
Signal & Control, Plc was negotiating for the $1.14 billion merger with Ferranti International, of England. Such disclosures threatened the
integrity of International Signal & Controls organization, and Mr. James Guerin himself, consequently resulting in adverse financial
considerations to all parties if such disclosures provided any reason to question the integrity of the transaction, which later became the
central criminal activity in the in The United States District Court For The Eastern District Of Pennsylvania.

3. The plaintiff will prove that undo influence was also responsible for the adverse consequences and fabricated demise of his business
enterprises and personal holdings. The dire consequences of the plaintiffs failed business dealings will demonstrate and substantiate
financial incentive and motive. Defendants responsible for administering undo influence and interference in the plaintiffs business and
commercial enterprises had financial interests. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a taxing authority, Lancaster County had a great
investment whos demise would facilitate grave consequences to its economic development. . Commonwealth National Bank (Mellon) would
have less competition in the mortgage banking business and other financial services, violating the
lender liability laws . The Steinman Enterprises, Inc., would loose a pioneer in the information technologies industries, and would protect the
public domain from truthful disclosure. The plaintiff will also provide significant evidence of said perpetrators violating common laws
governing intellectual property rights.


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4. Given the plaintiffs continued and obstructed right to due process of the law, beginning in June of 1987 and continuing to the present,
the plaintiff must be given fair access to the law with the opportunity for any and all remedial actions required under the federal and state
statutes. The plaintiff will successfully argue his rights to the courts to rightfully claim civil actions with regards to the totality of these
activities, so described in the following Findings of Facts, regardless of any statute of limitations. Given the plaintiffs genuine efforts for
due process has been inherently and maliciously obstructed, the courts must provide the opportunity for any and all remedial actions
deserving to the plaintiff.

5. Under current laws, the plaintiffs intellectual capacity has been exploited as means of discrediting the plaintiffs disclosures and
obstructing the plaintiffs right to due process of the law. The plaintiff has always had the proper rights under federal and state laws to enter
into contract. The logic and reason towards the plaintiffs activities and actions are a matter of record, demonstrated in the Findings of
Facts, contained herein.. The plaintiff will argue and successfully prove that the inherent emotional consequences to all of the activities
contained herein have resulted in Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

The evidence of the stress subjected to the plaintiff, will prove to be the direct result of the activities contained herein, rather than the
exhibited behavior of any mental deficiency the plaintiff may or may not have. The courts must provide for the proper interpretations of all
laws, irrespective of the plaintiffs alleged intellectual capacity. The plaintiff successfully argue that his mental capacity is of very little
legal consequence, if any; other than in its malicious representations used to diminish the credibility of the plaintiff.

6. The plaintiff will demonstrate that the following incidents of illegal prosecutions were purposefully directed at intimidating the plaintiff
from further public disclosure into the activities of International Signal & Control, Plc., consequently obstructing the plaintiffs access to due
process of the law. Due to the fact that these activities to which the plaintiffs perpetrators were protecting were illegal activities, the RICO
statutes would apply. To this day, the plaintiff has never been convicted of any crime with the exception of 2 speeding tickets. The following
report identifies 34 instances of prosecutorial misconduct during the prosecutions and activities beginning on June 23, 1987 and continuing
to today.


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7) Given the preponderance of evidence associated with this affidavit, the courts must conclude that In The United
States District Court For The Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Federal Judge Stuart Dalzalls findings of April 14, 1997,
in the Lisa Lambert case identifying acts of prosecutorial Misconduct, now, by virtue of this affidavit, now discloses
evidence of a bona fide pattern of prosecutorial misconduct, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and in the County of
Lancaster. Criminal law must now determine if these disclosures would warrant investigations of a possible criminal
enterprise. This affidavit is of material interest to the Lambert case, for the very fact that this affidavit compromises the
very same integrity of the court, which would tip the scales of justice even further from the peoples deserving rights..
In the truthfulness of this affidavit, The Commonwealth must concede Lisa Michelle Lambert to balance the scales of
justice, which no other act could accomplish. Commonwealth must yield the criminal culpability of Lisa Michelle
Lambert to the superior matter of restoring the integrity to the courts; by its own admission of wrongdoing, assuring
the peoples of its commitment to administer equalities of justice, not inequalities of justice. Balancing the scales of
justice. Anything less, would take the full scope of jurisdiction out of the boundaries of our laws, negating our
democracy and impugning the Constitution of the United States. The plaintiff must be restored to whole.

Authored and Produced on September 17, 2015 by,

Stan J. Caterbone
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
717-459-7588 Fax


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ISC linked to Iraq arms deals from early 1980s

New book reveals wide scope of the arming of Iraq
Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Publication Date: November 8, 1993
Tag: 124F627FCCDCC538
Section: NEWS
Page: A01

By Jennifer Kopf

Intelligencer Journal reporter Thomas L. Flannery was in a pay telephone booth along the Old Philadelphia Pike, poring over notes from an interview with
an International Signal & Control Corp. machinist.

He compared his information with that of journalist Alan Friedman, the investigative reporter who first had broken the "Iraqgate" story.

The two were in the last days of a three-month joint investigation by the Intell and the Financial Times that would result in a May 1991 program for ABC's

It clicked.

A big story had just gotten much, much bigger.

The 1991 conversation was one of the major links connecting decades of classified documents, covert operations and bribes to prove American support of
arms shipments to Saddam Hussein.

The end result, "Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq," written by Friedman after four years of work, will be
published Wednesday by Bantam Books.

Woven in with names familiar to every American - George Bush, James Baker, Ronald Reagan - are other situations less familiar to many of them.

Former Lancastrian James Guerin's ties to illegal arms shipments to South Africa. ISC's sale to British defense industry power Ferranti. Fake contracts for
Pakistani missile deals.

The issues have been covered regularly in the Intelligencer Journal by Flannery for the past several years. In "Spider's Web," his research dovetails with
Friedman's to chronicle White House-directed arms transfers, illegal financial dealings with Iraq and investigative delays orchestrated by high-ranking
officials, including former Attorney General Richard Thornburgh.

A four-time winner of British Press Awards, the British equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize, Friedman credits Flannery with much of the investigative project's

"He's brilliant," Friedman said Sunday from New York. "We've worked hard to bring Tom and his world-beating work on the ISC story together with other
information" gathered from government sources.

As his own research on Bank of Credit and Commerce International and the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro progressed, Friedman said, he "decided the full
story needed to get out."

He pulled together "seven top investigative researchers and associates, of which Tom Flannery was one of the most senior and best on the team."

In his introduction, Friedman writes that Flannery "helped mightily to make sense of this dark chapter in the history of the CIA."

The local reporter has won an Associated Press award for his work in unearthing the local connection to illegal international arms shipments.

Among other claims, "Spider's Web" references on-the-record interviews to say:

Some of the arms deals were channeled to Baghdad and Saddam Hussein through U.S. military bases, including Frankfurt's Rhein-Main, with the
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knowledge of then-Vice President Bush, CIA Director William Casey and National Security Adviser William Clark;

James Baker's State Department in 1989 approved export of equipment intelligence sources said was likely to go into Saddam's nuclear weapons;

The CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency knew of billions of dollars of loans, sent from an Atlanta bank, that financed work on Iraqi Scud missiles and
nuclear weapons projects.

Both Flannery and Friedman said they were surprised, as they pursued the story, with the willingness of top government officials to come forward.

"Former White House and intelligence officials were confirming White House-directed operations," Friedman said, along with a cover-up by Bush and
former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft.

"I like to think of myself as a hard-boiled investigative reporter," he added, but some of the American, British and Italian documents he found "made my
toes curl.

"...The abuse of power, and the duplicity, lying to the American public and Congress, it's broader than anyone's suspected to date."

The subsequent "egregious" cover-up, he added, "was a silent threat to the principles of American democracy, although the politicians perceived it as
`damage control', or the legitimate desire to protect state secrets."

More indictments should be coming relatively soon, Friedman said, adding that he hopes the Clinton administration honors its campaign pledge to take the
investigation wherever it leads.

"I hope it (the investigation) is expanded, to look at the involvement and knowledge of American intelligence services in the money flow" stemming from
illegal, covertly endorsed, arms sales.

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Guerin, Clark settle $2.75 million lawsuit

Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Publication Date: March 20, 1990
Tag: 124F60A4B997C258
Section: NEWS
Page: A01

By Thomas L. Flannery

After more than seven months of legal maneuvering, the $2.75 million battle between James H. Guerin and his former chief attorney ended Monday.

Terms of the out-of-court settlement accepted by Lancaster County Common Pleas Judge Michael A. Georgelis were not released with the order and are
expected in a March 29 joint statement by Guerin's attorney, Joseph A. Tate of Philadelphia, and Joseph F. Roda, the Lancaster attorney representing
William A. Clark.

The statement will coincide with the scheduled release of nearly $2.1 million in escrowed cash to Roda who will handle its disbursement.

Roda delined comment on the terms of the settlement Monday afternoon and Tate could not be reached for comment, however a source close to the case
who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the bulk of the money _ including some $100,000 in attorney's fees _ will go to Clark.

The remainder will go to Guerin's former personal holding company, Parent Industries Inc., now Urban Industries Inc., of Austin, Texas, not Guerin
according to the source.

The Clark / Guerin dispute centered around a contract signed between the two in March 1989.

The document was to repay Clark for unfulfilled financial promises made by Guerin to lure him from his Washington law firm and into Guerin's former
flagship defense contracting firm, International Signal & Control Corp., now Ferranti International PLC, as its vice president and general counsel.

Also the agreement called for Guerin and Urban Industries to buy Clark's York County estate for $750,000.

Had the pact to end Clark's five-year tenure at ISC been honored, Roda previously said there would have been no reason for Clark to exercise a
provision of the deal that allowed him to seek help from the courts to recover the money.

The private agreement between the two spilled into the Lancaster County courts in July 1989 when Clark exercised this provision by filing a judgment for
the $1.75 million balance owed under the agreement. That filing also froze all of Guerin's assets and those of Urban Industries.

Guerin obligated both himself and Urban to fulfill the terms of the agreement.

Guerin immediately countered saying he paid had Clark $1 million of the pact, but quit paying on the deal because Clark had used coercion and extortion
to secure it, threatening to go public with various aspects of Guerin's business practices that would end any possibility of a $350 million buy-back by
Guerin of several ISC divisions Guerin sold to Ferranti when the companies merged in November 1987.

Guerin also asked for the $1 million back he had given Clark, saying he could could prove his claim of Clark's alleged criminal actions through a number
of recordings secretly made when the two drafted the settlement document.

In January, Clark again sued Guerin, this time for violation of the state's Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillence Act requiring two-party consent to the
taping of any conversation, unless the taping is part of a police investigation.

Monday's settlement also puts an end to this civil action, but still leaves the possibility of criminal action by the district attorney unanswered.

"At this point I still want my office to review the history of this case," said Lancaster County District Attorney Henry S. Kenderdine Jr.

When the existence of the tapes first became known Kenderdine did not rule out the possibility of prosecuting Guerin for initiating the recordings without
Clark's consent.

The Monday order directed Lancaster County Prothonotary Clair L. Wolf to liquidate a more than $2 million escrow account established in August 1989.
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The escrow account was established on the order of Lancaster County President Judge D. Richard Eckman when it became clear the Clark / Guerin
dispute would not be quickly resolved and both Guerin and Urban Industries needed access to their funds.

According to Wolf, the current status of the escrow account held at the Fulton Bank includes $2,070,000 in principal and interest in treasury bills, and a
regular savings account of $26,077 in principal and interest.

Yield on the treasury bills varied between 7.3 percent and 7.47 percent, based on a 30-day reinvestment schedule, Wolf said.

Guerin was one of several former ISC executives named in a $200 million civil suit filed by Ferranti in hopes of recovering some of $443 million the firm
claims it lost when it purchased overvalued and non-existent contracts carried on the books of ISC Technologies Ltd. at the time of the merger.

ISC Technologies was one of the companies Guerin had hoped to buy back from Ferranti in the failed $350 million attempt last Spring.

To date, Ferranti has filed more than $1 billion in claims against individuals and companies associated with Guerin, including the international accounting
firm of KPMG Peat Marwick, Guerin's personal and business accountants who vouched for the accuracy of ISC's books internationally.

Guerin has also been named in a $93 million suit by James B. Christian, former president of the defunct Lancaster defense contract firm, United
Chem-Con Corp. Christian has charged that Guerin allegedly masterminded a $16 million fraud within Chem-Con that has sent nine of its top executives
to jail.

Christian is presently serving time in federal prison for his role in the fraud.

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Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
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News Displaying 10 articles
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Weather Article 11 of 149, 10224806
Uniform Solutions.
Sports Published on January 3, 2005, Lancaster New Era Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Blogs (PA) The Bedstead.

Business Guerin 'home' to complete sentence Visit the Marketplace

Entertainment Former ISC chief will serve final months of his 1992 >>
Technology sentencing for directing illegal arms scams in home
Health confinement here.
Archives In 1989, local business icon James H. Guerin moved from Lancaster to

La Voz Florida, defiant as a storm gathered around him.

Hispana Soon he'll come back under quieter conditions. Central

Market Cone Woman's Minnetonka
Services Guerin, 74, will return in late January to serve the last six months of his Light #39 Pile-Lined Mule Slipper
Classifieds 1992 sentence for directing illegal schemes at his International Signal & Olde Mill #3511
Control. Lighting C o y o t e T r a i l s $28.99
Cars $171.00
Guerin, who admitted running ISC's $1.14 billion fake-contract scam and
Realty $50 million smuggling ring, will complete his sentence
Apartments C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1369 words)

Personals Article 12 of 149, 10205546

Community Published on July 6, 2004, Lancaster New Era

Sterling Silver
(PA) Sterling Silver Pipe Cut
Visit White Satin
Spinner Ring-Size 14
Ring-Size 9
Lancaster LGH in top 50 in 2 specialties $19.99

My Hospital cited for care of heart and hormonal disorders in

Headlines new survey.
Talkback Lancaster General Hospital has been named one of the 50 best hospitals in
eEditions the country in two specialties, according to U.S. News and World Report's

Photos 15th annual "America's Best Hospitals" survey.

Features The hospital ranked 26th in the area of heart and heart surgery care and
34th in the area of hormonal disorders and endocrinology, according to the
Celebrations rankings appearing in the July 12 issue.
Taking such things as reputation, mortality ratio, nursing
Sections C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (454 words)

Interests Article 13 of 149, 10204256

Customer Published on June 26, 2004, Intelligencer Journal

Service (Lancaster, PA)
Subscribe Thomas L. Flannery, Intell investigative reporter, dies at 56
Care Center
Thomas L. Flannery, an award-winning Intelligencer Journal investigative
Place an Ad reporter, died unexpectedly Thursday night, just hours after filing what was
Advertising to be his last story for the newspaper. He was 56.

Contact Us Flannery, of 10 Upper Green, was stricken ill at home and died of natural
Live Support causes at Lancaster General Hospital. Earlier in the day, he had covered a
court case.
A court reporter at the time of his death, Flannery began his journalism
Site Map career as an intern with the Intell in 1987 and joined
Index C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (837 words)

RSS Feeds

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Need a Article 14 of 149, 10200504

Published on May 24, 2004, Intelligencer Journal
(Lancaster, PA)

Larry A. Schick, 62, engineer, CEO

Larry Allan Schick, 62, of 120 Buck Run Road, Conestoga, died Friday at
Essa Flory Hospice Center after a long illness.

He worked 17 years for the former International Signal and Control Inc. of
Lancaster and was chief executive officer of the former ISC Educational
Systems Inc.

A graduate of the University of Illinois with a degree in electrical

engineering, he received his master's degree from Florida Institute of

Schick worked for the former Pan American

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (295 words)

Article 15 of 149, 10168098

Published on August 3, 2003, SUNDAY NEWS

Local players help Keating's win state 'B' softball title

Several Lancaster County players helped Keating's Fitness Center of
Wilkes-Barre win the Class B Fast-Pitch Pennsylvania state championship
last weekend at Lebanon's Prescott Field.

Keating's was 4-0 in winning its third straight state championship.

They defeated Kreider & Flick of Bedford twice in the tournament, 9-5 in the
second game and 8-0 in the championship game.

Art Devoe of Wakefield and Dave Stokes of Holtwood

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (347 words)

Article 16 of 149, 10151920

Published on March 20, 2003, INTELLIGENCER

Helen L. Kiehl, 72, ISC Corp. retiree

Helen L. Kiehl, 72, of 411 Pheasant Ridge Circle, died Tuesday at Essa Flory
Hospice Center. She was under the care of a physician.

A retiree of the former International Signal & Control Corp., she previously
worked at the former L.P. Henderson Umbrella Factory.

Mrs. Kiehl was a member of Church of the Apostles United Church of Christ.

She enjoyed traveling, flowers and music.

Born in Lancaster, she was the daughter of the late Phillip and Pearl

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (143 words)

Article 17 of 149, 10151776

Published on March 19, 2003, INTELLIGENCER

Solomon Lasof, 85, RCA physicist

Solomon Lasof, 85, of Eden Road, formerly of Trenton, N.J., died Tuesday
at Lancaster General Hospital after a brief illness.

He worked 29 years as a physicist and engineer for the former RCA Corp.
He also worked for the former ISC/Ferranti Inc.

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Lasof graduated from Trenton High School, Cornell University and the
University of Pennsylvania.

An avid flyer, he was a member of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots


He also belonged to Phi Beta Kappa and the

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (160 words)

Article 18 of 149, 10151866

Published on March 19, 2003, LANCASTER NEW

Solomon Lasof, 85, RCA physicist

Solomon Lasof, 85, of Eden Road, formerly of Trenton, N.J., died Tuesday
at Lancaster General Hospital after a brief illness.

He worked 29 years as a physicist and engineer for the former RCA Corp.
He also worked for the former ISC/Ferranti Inc.

Lasof graduated from Trenton High School, Cornell University and the
University of Pennsylvania.

An avid flier, he was a member of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots


He also belonged to Phi Beta Kappa and the

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (155 words)

Article 19 of 149, 10151142

Published on March 13, 2003, LANCASTER NEW

Sold cluster bombs

Editor, New Era:

The other morning I was in the barbershop and the guy in the next chair was
joking about his former employer, ISC. Someone mentioned Pakistan and
he said, "We used to sell them cluster bombs. We sold cluster bombs to all
those countries. Our motto was, "We sell third-rate weapons to
second-rate countries at first-rate prices."

Perhaps, if all previous administrations had focused a bit more on trying to

make the world safer

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (211 words)

Article 20 of 149, 10149773

Published on March 2, 2003, SUNDAY NEWS

In defense of Guerin
I read the editorial in Sunday's paper (Feb. 23) called "A tainted
nomination," and I think it's time to stand up and be counted in support of
Jim Guerin. I take issue with your first and second sentences --"Jim Guerin
had a talent for dirtying everything he touched. Especially reputations."

I was an employee of ISC for five years, managing the employee fitness
center, and Mr. Guerin impacted my life positively.

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (218 words)

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Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 10 articles
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Weather Article 131 of 149, 1996030196
Uniform Solutions.
Sports Published on January 30, 1996, Lancaster New Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Blogs Era (PA) The Bedstead.


Entertainment Ferranti International Inc. has sold the last of its 16 businesses in the United >>
Technology States, completing the divestiture of its operating companies.
Health Lancaster-based Ferranti sold Mountain Optec Inc. of Boulder, Colo., to
Archives Phillips Services Industries Inc. earlier this month. The price was not
disclosed, but it consists of an initial payment plus future payments based
La Voz
Hispana on the firm's performance over the next two years.
Mountain Optec toughens or "ruggedizes" Minnetonka
Services Pile-Lined
Classifieds C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (436 words) Mule Slipper
O l d e M i l l H o u s e $0.00
Cars Coyote Trails
Realty Article 132 of 149, 1996020237 $28.99
Wizard Published on January 20, 1996, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Edward A. Davis, a former Navy captain and Vietnam-era prisoner of war,
Community said Friday he won't seek the endorsement of Republican committee people
Visit for the congressional seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Robert S. Walker. Keys Fitness
However, Davis said he still might run in the Republican primary. 12-program
Lancaster EKG
Silver Ball and Gemstone
Bead Earrings-onyx
My Davis, 56, serves on the Penn Manor School Board and is facility manager Recumbent
for Summit Aviation at the Lancaster Airport. He previously worked for Exercise Bike
Headlines Ferranti International PLC and ISC Corp. Eight $304.99
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (521 words)
Features Article 133 of 149, 1995328030
Published on November 24, 1995, Lancaster New
Celebrations Era (PA)
Sections James H. Guerin, who stole $189.9 million from Ferranti International,
Columns believes he's entitled to his pension from the company too.

Interests Now serving a 15-year sentence for his crimes, Guerin filed court papers
Customer last month to initiate receipt of his $2,800-a-month pension. But Ferranti,
which has won court judgments against Guerin for the $189.9 million,
Service contends the pension payments should go to the company instead.
"We've collected something close to $3
Care Center
Place an Ad C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (491 words)

Contact Us Article 134 of 149, 1995313084

Live Support Published on November 9, 1995, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Acting on the recommendation of prosecutors, a federal judge dismissed tax
RSS Feeds evasion and false filing charges against a former executive of International

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Need a Signal & Control Corp.

Website? Thomas P. Jasin, 50, of 2473 Butter Road, was indicted by a federal grand
jury in August on two counts of violating the U.S. Tax Code - one for filing a
false income tax return in 1988 and one for tax evasion for allegedly hiding
taxable income he and his wife, Mary Jane, earned in 1987. If federal

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (485 words)

Article 135 of 149, 1995313031

Published on November 9, 1995, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


A timing technicality has led to the dismissal of a pair of federal tax charges
against former ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin.

The tax evasion and false filing charges were thrown out Oct. 31 by U.S.
District Judge Franklin S. Van Antwerpen in Philadelphia. Federal
prosecutors thought they had secured a further extension of the six-year
statute of limitations for the case, according to a source familiar with the

But, due to an error in the paperwork, the extra extension was

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (381 words)

Article 136 of 149, 1995286010

Published on October 13, 1995, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


When ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin claimed on a 1988 expense account
that he took business prospects to hear the Orlando Symphony, two
problems arose.

There was no Orlando Symphony, and Jasin's $974 in receipts were for
weekend passes at Orlando's Disney World and meals at Epcot Center.
Discovery of such discrepancies led to the conclusion that Jasin embezzled
more than $350,000 from International Signal & Control and its successor,

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1094 words)

Article 137 of 149, 1995223033

Published on August 11, 1995, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


A former executive of International Signal & Control has been indicted
again, this time for allegedly cheating on his income taxes.

Thomas P. Jasin, who was convicted of smuggling conspiracy in December

1992, was accused Tuesday of two counts of tax wrongdoing. If convicted of
the tax violations, Jasin faces up to five years in prison, three years of
probation and a $250,000 fine.

He has been free on bail pending sentencing of his 1992 smuggling

conspiracy conviction, which

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (632 words)

Article 138 of 149, 1995138100

Published on May 18, 1995, Intelligencer Journal
(Lancaster, PA)


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Harry D. Heist, 37, of 6726 Kings Highway South, Zionsville, Lehigh County,
died Tuesday at Lehigh Valley Hospital Center, Salisbury Township, as the
result of a motor vehicle accident.

Heist had worked for the former International Signal and Control Company,
Lancaster, for 14 years. At the time of his death he was employed as an
electrical maintenance technician by Luther Crest, Allentown.

Born in Allentown, he was a son of Floyd N. and Loretta E. Dunstan Heist of



C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (206 words)

Article 139 of 149, 1995138025

Published on May 18, 1995, Lancaster New Era


Harry D. Heist, 37, of 6726 Kings Highway South, Zionsville, Lehigh County,
died Tuesday at Lehigh Valley Hospital, Allentown.

He had been in the hospital since he was involved in a motor vehicle

accident in April, a family spokesman said. Heist had worked for the former
International Signal and Control, Lancaster, for 14 years.

At the time of his death he was employed as an electrical maintenance

technician by Luther Crest, Allentown.

Born in Allentown, he was a son of Floyd N. and

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (213 words)

Article 140 of 149, 1995135098

Published on May 15, 1995, Intelligencer Journal
(Lancaster, PA)


Growing up, Les Lipman was often benched for wreaking havoc at the pool
he belonged to, sometimes before he even got into the water.

"As soon as I walked in they'd say, "Hey, how are ya doing? Let's have a
seat," says Lipman. When he protested that he hadn't even done anything,
the lifeguards replied, "You will." That was the early 1970s. Today, Lipman is
a business partner with one of those

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1079 words)

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News Displaying 10 articles
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Weather Article 121 of 149, 1997044280
Uniform Solutions.
Sports Published on February 13, 1997, Lancaster New Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Blogs Era (PA) The Bedstead.


Entertainment James H. Guerin - admitted smuggler, tax cheat, money launderer and >>
Technology phony-contract author - is being suspected of a new offense:
Health Fraudulent divorce. In the ongoing battle over who gets Guerin's
Archives $2,700-a-month pension, the pension plan administrator says Guerin's
divorce might be an attempt to preserve the money for his ex-wife, Helen.
La Voz
Hispana "The case is the latest installment in a 15-year fraud perpetrated by James 3 Watt Large
H. Guerin against his former employer, Penn State Tailgate Grill
Silicone Bulb
Services Olde Mill
S t e r m e r B r o t h e r s $0.00
Classifieds C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (867 words) L i g h t i n g $1.65

Realty Article 122 of 149, 1997032211

Wizard Published on February 1, 1997, Lancaster New

Era (PA)
Personals 18-kt. Gold
A city-based mapmaking firm will move into the former headquarters of Vermeil
Community International Signal & Control outside Mountville. Champagne
Visit GeoSystems Global Corp. will occupy the vacant 62,000-square-foot,
CZ Dangle
14-kt. Yellow Gold
Lancaster one-story office building this May, said David R. Bowen, corporate Gold over SS
Fashion Ring-Size 8
My manager of human resources and facilities. GeoSystems will vacate its Champagne
leased 25,000-square-foot office at 53 W. James St., where 60 employees CZ Dangle
Headlines work, and its leased 22,000-square-foot office at 227 Granite Run Drive, Necklace
Talkback where 85 $39.99

eEditions C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (626 words)

Article 123 of 149, 1996358068
Celebrations Published on December 23, 1996, Intelligencer
Obituaries Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Columns Muriel R. "Midge" Horton, 60, of 509 Koser Road, Lititz, died at home
Saturday after a long illness.
Customer She was the wife of Bruce R. Horton. They observed their 40th anniversary
in July. Born in Patton, Maine, she was the daughter of Virginia Kennedy
Service Glidden of Lancaster and the late Chester Glidden.
She worked as a receptionist for the former International Signal and Control
Care Center Corp. for 17 years, retiring in 1993.
Place an Ad Mrs. Horton was past treasurer of the ISC Credit
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (195 words)
Contact Us
Live Support
Site Article 124 of 149, 1996356037
Published on December 21, 1996, Lancaster New
Site Map
Era (PA)
RSS Feeds
PHILADELPHIA - Former ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin could have

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Need a completed almost all of his prison term by now.

Website? Instead, four years after a jury found him guilty of conspiring to smuggle
arms to South Africa, the Manheim Township resident has yet to start it.
Jasin, 51, who faces a five-year sentence, remains free on $100,000 bail
while a federal judge weighs his 1993 request to see classified Central
Intelligence Agency documents.

The secret documents are believed to answer the largest

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (880 words)

Article 125 of 149, 1996284014

Published on October 10, 1996, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


Timothy N. Reist had been pondering for a long time whether to go into
business for himself.

Then his employer, Bulova Technologies, nudged him into a decision - by

laying him off after eight years on the job. Reist, a machinist, opted to
start his own company. Now, five years later, it seems that he made a
wise choice.

Reist and his wife, Joanne, have bought a Mountville area building so they
can expand their firm, Reist Precision Machine.

They bought a 3,500-square-foot building

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (450 words)

Article 126 of 149, 1996261179

Published on September 17, 1996, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Former Lancaster resident Richard E. "Dick" Hoffman, 73, of 8351-B S.W.
93rd Lane, Ocala, Fla., died Saturday at Lancaster General Hospital.

An employee at RCA and International Signal & Control, Hoffman retired in

1987 and moved to Ocala. He and his wife of 52 years, Dorothy J. Stuart
Hoffman, were formerly of 362 Ruth Ridge Drive.

Born in Steelton, he was the son of the late Clark and Carrie Hoffman. A
graduate of Steelton High School, he earned his

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (288 words)

Article 127 of 149, 1996139081

Published on May 18, 1996, Lancaster New Era


Ten Lancaster New Era staff members were honored today for excellence
in journalism in statewide newspaper award ceremonies in State College.

A team of reporters took a first place prize in the New Era's division in the
Keystone Press Awards, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Society of
Newspaper Editors. The top honor was for best deadline news reporting for
coverage of the February 1995 fire at Reifsnyder's music store on South
Queen Street.

The Keystone awards

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (985 words)

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Article 128 of 149, 1996119194

Published on April 28, 1996, Sunday News
(Lancaster, PA)


In remote areas of Laos, villagers sometimes plant herbs in shell casings
left over from the Vietnam War.

Some of the casings still have manufacturer's tags on them, said Titus
Peachey, of Lancaster. Brush the dirt away and you will find the names of
American towns and companies. "It was always for me a feeling of sadness
to see my own country represented in that way."

Part of a worldwide campaign to ban land mines and other anti-personnel


C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (406 words)

Article 129 of 149, 1996081169

Published on March 21, 1996, Lancaster New Era


PHILADELPHIA - A federal prosecutor wants accused spy Robert Stephan
Lipka to undergo a psychiatric examination.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Barbara J. Cohan asked a federal judge today to

order tests to establish that the Manor Township man is competent to stand
trial. Also today, an FBI agent disclosed that Lipka once claimed to have
laundered money for Oliver L. North and James H. Guerin, and to have
seen evidence that Richard M. Nixon was a Soviet spy.

In her court filing, Cohan noted

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1007 words)

Article 130 of 149, 1996032198

Published on February 1, 1996, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Ferranti International Inc. has sold the last of its 16 businesses in the United
States, completing the divestiture of its operating companies.

Lancaster-based Ferranti sold Mountain Optec Inc. of Boulder, Colo., to

Phillips Services Industries Inc. A price was not disclosed, but it consists of
an initial payment plus future payments based on the firm's performance
over the next two years.

Mountain Optec toughens optical disk drives that gather, store and play data,
so they

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (333 words)

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Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 10 articles
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Weather Article 111 of 149, 1991203248
Uniform Solutions.
Sports Published on April 30, 1997, Intelligencer Journal Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Blogs (Lancaster, PA) The Bedstead.

Business WHAT IS AMERICA COMING TO? Visit the Marketplace

Entertainment To the Editor: >>
What is our United States coming to! Michelle Lambert and O. J. Simpson
Health are both murderers, but are free. Robert Clyde Ivy and Jim Guerin are
Archives architects of a $1.14 billion scam at ISC to put Ferranti International out of
business and put thousands of honest workers out of jobs. Ivy got six
La Voz
Hispana months in jail and six months of home detention. Guerin got 15 years in
prison for one of the worst U.S. financial crimes ever committed in this Amimoc
country. Our president is in a scandal every Papoose
Services Deerskin
Real Men Fry Turkeys
Classifieds C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (175 words) Moccasin
Men's & Ladies
Cars #51023
S t e r m e r B r o t h e r s $0.00

Realty Article 112 of 149, 1991132950 Coyote Trails

Wizard Published on April 23, 1997, Lancaster New Era
Apartments (PA)
Personals PUNISHED
Editor, New Era:
14-kt. White
Lancaster What is our United States coming to!!! Michelle Lambert and O.J. Simpson
Gold 3/4-ct.
are both murderers, but are free. Robert Clyde Ivy and Jim Guerin are
My architects of a $1.14 billion scam at ISC to put Ferranti International out of
Diamond 14-kt. Yellow Gold
Three Row Diamond Pink
Headlines business and put thousands of honest workers out of jobs. What did they get
Flexible Tourmaline Pendant
in prison? Clyde Ivy got six months in jail and six months of home
Talkback detention. Guerin got 15 years in prison for one of the worst U.S. financial
Wedding $96.99
Band-size 7
eEditions crimes ever committed in this
Photos C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (200 words)
Article 113 of 149, 1990962489
Obituaries Published on April 6, 1997, Sunday News
Special (Lancaster, PA)
Customer In what may be the final chapter of the long-running ISC court case, a
Service former ISC top executive, Robert Clyde Ivy, admitted in federal court
Friday that he smuggled arms to South Africa.
Facing 52 counts of corporate crime and the potential of 515 years in prison
Care Center and a $44 million dollar fine, Ivy opted for a plea bargain with federal
Place an Ad prosecutors after a series of setbacks in his defense. Prosecutors agreed
to lessen the charges to one count of smuggling conspiracy in exchange for
Contact Us C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (648 words)
Live Support
Site Article 114 of 149, 1990951690
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Need a
Robert Clyde Ivy, the former top ISC executive who eluded trial for 5 1/2
Website? years, admitted in federal court Friday that he smuggled arms to South

The Lancaster resident pleaded guilty to one count of smuggling conspiracy,

bringing the prosecution of one of America's largest corporate crimes nearly
to a close. Of 20 companies and individuals indicted in the ISC case in
October 1991, Ivy faced the most charges - 52 counts, posing up to 515
years in prison and a $44 million

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (950 words)

Article 115 of 149, 1997066321

Published on March 7, 1997, Intelligencer Journal
(Lancaster, PA)


Ruth N. Friedel, 67, of 761 Stoney Battery Road, died Thursday from injuries
sustained in a car crash, according to Lancaster County coroner Dr. Barry

She was found in cardiac arrest following a five-vehicle accident along

Rohrerstown Road late Wednesday night. Born in Lancaster, she was a
daughter of the late Jack and Naomi G. Erb Patterson.

A lifelong resident of the Lancaster area, she had attended McCaskey High

She had worked at Willow Valley Market as a deli clerk

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (238 words)

Article 116 of 149, 1997066248

Published on March 7, 1997, Lancaster New Era


Ruth N. Friedel, 67, of 761 Stoney Battery Road, died unexpectedly

An autopsy has been ordered. Mrs. Friedel was found in cardiac arrest
following a five-vehicle accident along Rohrerstown Road late Wednesday
night. Born in Lancaster, she was a daughter of the late Jack and Naomi G.
Erb Patterson.

A lifelong resident of the Lancaster area, she had attended McCaskey High

She had worked at Willow Valley Market as a deli clerk for two years and,
prior to that, at ISC

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (232 words)

Article 117 of 149, 1997059329

Published on February 28, 1997, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA - Three South African companies that were part of an
international arms smuggling operation masterminded by International Signal
& Control were fined a total of $12.5 million Thursday.

The plea agreement in federal court here is another sign that the Republic of
South Africa and the United States are taking positive steps toward
normalizing relations. Both governments have sought for the past five
years to resolve charges of arms smuggling brought by the U.S.

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (769 words)

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Article 118 of 149, 1997059266

Published on February 28, 1997, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - When South Africa went shopping for high-tech arms in
the 1980s, former ISC executive Robert Clyde Ivy was virtually a
Wal-Mart of weaponry, federal prosecutors allege.

The Lancaster resident helped smuggle into South Africa dozens of kinds of
sophisticated electronic parts for the country's fighter aircraft, helicopters,
missiles and artillery shells, they say. Now, following events here
Thursday, federal prosecutors hoping to convict Ivy of smuggling,

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1009 words)

Article 119 of 149, 1997058304

Published on February 27, 1997, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - International Signal & Control's corporate arms smuggling
partners in South Africa finally came to justice here today.

More than five years after their indictment, three South African weapons
companies appeared in U.S. District Court this morning on charges they
participated in the $50 million scheme. One company pleaded guilty and two
pleaded no contest.

The three firms agreed to pay a total of $12.5 million in fines.

As part of a plea

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (862 words)

Article 120 of 149, 1997045298

Published on February 14, 1997, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Imprisoned arms smuggler James H. Guerin has apparently come up with a
new scam while spending his 15 years behind bars.

This time, a fraudulent divorce to ensure his ex-wife, Helen, gets his
disputed $2,700-a-month pension, said the pension plan's administrator and
former Guerin employee, James P. Shinehouse. "The case is the latest
installment in a 15-year fraud perpetrated by James H. Guerin against his
former employer, Ferranti International Inc.,"

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (695 words)

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PO Box 1328, Lancaster PA 17608, (717) 291-8811

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Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 10 articles
Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Weather Article 101 of 149, 1998198117
The Bedstead.
Sports Published on July 17, 1998, Intelligencer Journal Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Blogs (Lancaster, PA) Uniform Solutions.

Entertainment PHILADELPHIA - After waiting almost six years to be sentenced, a former >>
Technology executive with International Signal & Control Corp. was allowed to remain
Health free when a federal judge finally meted out his punishment Thursday.

Archives U.S District Judge Jan E. DuBois, after listening to hours of impassioned
remarks from Thomas P. Jasin's defense attorney, departed from the
La Voz
Hispana federal sentencing guidelines mandating five years in prison and sentenced
the Manheim Township man to two years in "Border Crossing"
Wall Sconce 27
Stainless Steel Knife with
Services Olde Mill
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (875 words) Sheath
L i g h t i n g $60.00
Classifieds C o y o t e T r a i l s $12.50

Article 102 of 149, 1998198035
Realty Published on July 17, 1998, Lancaster New Era
Wizard (PA)
Personals PHILADELPHIA - For eight hours here Thursday, federal judge Jan E. Suunto Cross
Sterling Silver Hoop
Sports Heart
Community DuBois sounded like he'd throw the book at Thomas P. Jasin.
Rate Watch
Fashion Earrings
Visit As defense attorneys raised argument after argument for leniency, time $120.99
and again DuBois agreed with prosecutors in rejecting them. Until the ninth
Lancaster hour came.
Instead of sentencing the former ISC executive to five years in prison, as
Headlines prescribed by federal sentencing guidelines, DuBois used his discretion to
Talkback sentence Jasin to two years.

eEditions DuBois then

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (957 words)
Article 103 of 149, 1998197101
Published on July 16, 1998, Intelligencer Journal
Special (Lancaster, PA)
Interests A former executive of International Signal & Control Corp. who was
Customer convicted in December 1992 of conspiring to smuggle arms to South
Africa will finally be sentenced today in a Philadelphia federal courtroom.
Subscribe Thomas P. Jasin, 53, of 2473 Butter Road, faces a five-year prison
sentence mandated by federal sentencing guidelines when he appears
Care Center before U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois at 10 a.m. Jasin's crimes were
Place an Ad discovered during a federal investigation into

Advertising C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (390 words)

Contact Us
Live Support
Article 104 of 149, 1998197001
Site Published on July 16, 1998, Lancaster New Era
Site Map (PA)
RSS Feeds PHILADELPHIA - It's been nearly seven years since Thomas P. Jasin was
indicted in the International Signal & Control case.

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Need a It's been 5 1/2 years since a federal court jury convicted him of conspiring
to help ISC smuggle weapons to South Africa. Now, a baffling series of
Website? delays apparently has run its course.

The Lancaster man was scheduled to be sentenced in federal court here

today. He faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.


C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (559 words)

Article 105 of 149, 1998175132

Published on June 24, 1998, Intelligencer Journal
(Lancaster, PA)


The developer of a massive food distribution center has finally revealed
who will occupy the East Cocalico complex: Acme Markets.

Thomas D. Smithgall, director of development for the real estate arm of

High Industries Inc., announced Tuesday that American Stores Co., the Salt
Lake City-based owner of Acme Markets, bought the land in the Turnpike
21 Business Park. It's been two years since "Project 264" hit the drawing
board, and as expected with

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (391 words)

Article 106 of 149, 1998109071

Published on April 19, 1998, Sunday News
(Lancaster, PA)
The following is a look back at local news events during the past week.

April 13 - In the ongoing story of Lisa Michelle Lambert and her quest to be
released from prison and from her murder conviction in the death of Laurie
Show, Lambert's attorneys argued that they should be paid out-of-pocket
expenses by Lancaster County. They said the cost could be more than
$100,000. Tuesday, Judge Lawrence Stengel modified his gag order to
allow relatives and witnesses to talk to the

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (538 words)

Article 107 of 149, 1998107114

Published on April 17, 1998, Intelligencer Journal
(Lancaster, PA)


A federal judge has agreed to hold a hearing concerning former Lancaster
businessman James H. Guerin's contention that he was ineffectively
represented when he pleaded guilty in 1991 to a number of crimes, including
money laundering and illegal arms sales.

Guerin, 68, is currently serving a 15-year prison sentence in a federal

prison in Florida. He was once one of Lancaster County's most prominent
philanthropists and business leaders. The hearing will be held

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (478 words)

Article 108 of 149, 1998015016

Published on January 15, 1998, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


A Lancaster company plans to develop a $3.2 million warehouse and

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distribution center at the Ferranti International Inc. campus in West

Hempfield Township.

D. Kasun Associates has purchased 10 acres at Hempland Road from

Ferranti for $562,500. Kasun's company, Kasun Development Corp.,
intends to build a 140,000-square-foot warehouse on the tract, according to
Vice President Lee Kasun. The structure will have 30-foot-high ceilings to
allow for tall storage space.

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (686 words)

Article 109 of 149, 1997225504

Published on August 13, 1997, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin - who is serving a 15-year
prison sentence after pleading guilty in 1991 to a number of crimes,
including money laundering and illegal arms sales - has asked a federal
judge to free him.

Guerin, 67, who is incarcerated in a federal prison in Florida, was once one
of Lancaster County's most prominent philanthropists and business leaders.
Guerin's motion before Chief U.S. Judge Louis C. Bechtle accuses Joseph
Tate, his

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (982 words)

Article 110 of 149, 1997155392

Published on June 4, 1997, Lancaster New Era


Susan E. Savage and Shaun Balani can tell you about surprises on the
route to success.

Savage, now president of Abel/Savage Marketing and Communications Inc.,

discovered she was pregnant shortly before she started her freshman year
at Franklin and Marshall College. Balani, president of Travel Time Travel
Agency Inc., said a business broker stole his family's savings while helping
him look for a company to buy.

On Thursday, the two will receive awards from The Lancaster

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (924 words)

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Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 10 articles
Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Weather Article 91 of 149, 1998261094
The Bedstead.
Sports Published on September 18, 1998, Intelligencer Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Blogs Journal (Lancaster, PA) Uniform Solutions.

Business GUERIN REVISITED Visit the

Entertainment Six years ago the attorney for James H. Guerin called his client "the Marketplace >>
Technology embodiment of the American dream and the American tragedy."
Health As Guerin was about to be sentenced for fraud, money laundering and illegal
Archives arms sales, Joseph A. Tate spoke of Guerin's "zeal" to expand his
Lancaster-based company, his many philanthropic works in the community,
La Voz
Hispana his deep spiritual beliefs and his loving family. "We ask you to fashion a
Golf Balls Porcelain Feather
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (615 words) LancasterOnline Jewelry "Half Wolf Face"
Services $13.30 C o y o t e T r a i l s $18.00
Cars Article 92 of 149, 1998260097
Published on September 17, 1998, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Shopping PHILADELPHIA - James H. Guerin took the witness stand in a federal 14-kt. Yellow 14kt White Gold 3/8-ct
Personals courtroom Wednesday and admitted that he lied to his defense attorneys Gold Heart Diamond and Citrine
Pendant Earrings
Community one or two times from 1989 to 1991.
$78.99 $270.99
Visit Guerin, 68, also told Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert E. Goldman that there
were six times when the government "showed me a conflict" in information
Lancaster he provided as part of a plea agreement he signed in 1992. Wednesday
My marked the second and final day of a hearing before U.S. Magistrate Judge
Headlines Diane

Talkback C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1357 words)

Photos Article 93 of 149, 1998260035
Features Published on September 17, 1998, Lancaster
Celebrations New Era (PA)
Sections PHILADELPHIA - Deceit is what landed former Lancaster businessman
James H. Guerin in federal prison for 15 years.
Now a federal judge will decide in the coming weeks whether Guerin is using
his old tactic to try to get out. Guerin, the founder of now-defunct
Customer International Signal & Control, testified for two hours here Wednesday,
Service concluding a two-day hearing on his bid for a reduced sentence.

Subscribe At issue was essentially just one thing:

Care Center Whether Guerin was truthfully

Place an Ad
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1105 words)
Contact Us
Live Support Article 94 of 149, 1998259163
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Need a
PHILADELPHIA - Two of James H. Guerin's former attorneys testified
Website? Tuesday that their ex-client was just what federal prosecutors have called
him for nearly 10 years: a habitual liar.

Philadelphia attorneys Joseph A. Tate and Stephen D. Brown testified in

federal court that Guerin told one lie after another to federal prosecutors
probing criminal wrongdoing within his Lancaster-based defense contracting
firm, International Signal & Control Corp. The attorneys said

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1010 words)

Article 95 of 149, 1998259035

Published on September 16, 1998, Lancaster
New Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - Former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin never
grasped a simple concept, his ex-attorney testified here Tuesday:

Honesty is the best policy. In a remarkable three hours in federal court,

Joseph A. Tate said his one-time client frequently lied not only to
government investigators, but to his own defense attorneys as well.

"Jim and I had a falling out over my view that, very often, Jim would rewrite
history," said Tate.


C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1191 words)

Article 96 of 149, 1998258077

Published on September 15, 1998, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin will be back in federal
court today to try to convince a judge his attorney was ineffective in 1991
when Guerin pleaded guilty to fraud, money laundering and illegal arms

The 68-year-old Guerin, once one of Lancaster County's most prominent

philanthropists and business leaders, is serving a 15-year sentence in
Florida. Guerin was the founder of International Signal & Control Corp.,
which employed 1,800 people in

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (431 words)

Article 97 of 149, 1998258002

Published on September 15, 1998, Lancaster
New Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - The last time James H. Guerin appeared in federal court
here, he was dispatched with a 15-year prison sentence.

Today, six years into that sentence, the former Lancaster businessman
came back to argue that his penalty was too harsh. Guerin's request to be
resentenced was getting under way at presstime. He was expected to
testify at length in the courtroom of U.S. Magistrate Judge Diane M. Welsh.

The founder of the now-defunct International Signal &

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (750 words)

Article 98 of 149, 1998248062

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Published on September 5, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Joseph F. Mickoseff, 44, of 6088 Sundra Circle, East Petersburg, died
Thursday afternoon at home after a lengthy illness.

He was an assembler of automatic machines for the last three years at

Synergistech, Lewisberry. From 1983 to 1995, he worked for the former
ISC Corp., Lancaster, as a tool maker. A 1972 graduate of Nativity High
School, Pottsville, he earned an associate's degree in art from Penn State
University and an associate's degree from Williamsport Area

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (194 words)

Article 99 of 149, 1998199066

Published on July 18, 1998, Intelligencer Journal
(Lancaster, PA)


Pauline A. Beam, 79, of 1726 Sammar Road, died Thursday evening at
Lancaster General Hospital of natural causes.

She worked at International Signal Control from 1980 to 1990, when she
retired. She previously worked for the former Schick Inc., Lancaster, for 24
years. She was of the Protestant faith.

Born in West Earl Township, she was the daughter of the late Frank and
Mary Gamber Adams.

She was the wife of Lester J. Beam, who died in 1989.

Surviving are a grandson, Shawn Beam

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (156 words)

Article 100 of 149, 1998199013

Published on July 18, 1998, Lancaster New Era


Pauline A. Beam, 79, of 1726 Sammar Road, died Thursday evening at
Lancaster General Hospital of natural causes.

She worked at International Signal and Control from 1980 to 1990, when she
retired. She previously worked for the former Schick Inc. for 24 years. Born
in West Earl Township, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Mary
Gamber Adams.

She was the wife of Lester J. Beam, who died in 1989.

Surviving are a grandson and a sister, Anna G. Sweigart of Ephrata.

She was

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (144 words)

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2004-2007 Lancaster Newspapers

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T e r m s o f S e r v i c e Privacy Policy

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Cars | Jobs | Homes | Customer Care Center LancasterOnline Keyword Go

Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 10 articles
Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Weather Article 91 of 149, 1998261094
The Bedstead.
Sports Published on September 18, 1998, Intelligencer Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Blogs Journal (Lancaster, PA) Uniform Solutions.

Business GUERIN REVISITED Visit the

Entertainment Six years ago the attorney for James H. Guerin called his client "the Marketplace >>
Technology embodiment of the American dream and the American tragedy."
Health As Guerin was about to be sentenced for fraud, money laundering and illegal
Archives arms sales, Joseph A. Tate spoke of Guerin's "zeal" to expand his
Lancaster-based company, his many philanthropic works in the community,
La Voz
Hispana his deep spiritual beliefs and his loving family. "We ask you to fashion a
Golf Balls Porcelain Feather
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (615 words) LancasterOnline Jewelry "Half Wolf Face"
Services $13.30 C o y o t e T r a i l s $18.00
Cars Article 92 of 149, 1998260097
Published on September 17, 1998, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Shopping PHILADELPHIA - James H. Guerin took the witness stand in a federal 14-kt. Yellow 14kt White Gold 3/8-ct
Personals courtroom Wednesday and admitted that he lied to his defense attorneys Gold Heart Diamond and Citrine
Pendant Earrings
Community one or two times from 1989 to 1991.
$78.99 $270.99
Visit Guerin, 68, also told Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert E. Goldman that there
were six times when the government "showed me a conflict" in information
Lancaster he provided as part of a plea agreement he signed in 1992. Wednesday
My marked the second and final day of a hearing before U.S. Magistrate Judge
Headlines Diane

Talkback C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1357 words)

Photos Article 93 of 149, 1998260035
Features Published on September 17, 1998, Lancaster
Celebrations New Era (PA)
Sections PHILADELPHIA - Deceit is what landed former Lancaster businessman
James H. Guerin in federal prison for 15 years.
Now a federal judge will decide in the coming weeks whether Guerin is using
his old tactic to try to get out. Guerin, the founder of now-defunct
Customer International Signal & Control, testified for two hours here Wednesday,
Service concluding a two-day hearing on his bid for a reduced sentence.

Subscribe At issue was essentially just one thing:

Care Center Whether Guerin was truthfully

Place an Ad
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1105 words)
Contact Us
Live Support Article 94 of 149, 1998259163
Published on September 16, 1998, Intelligencer
Site Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Site Map
RSS Feeds

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July 20, 1977
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Need a
PHILADELPHIA - Two of James H. Guerin's former attorneys testified
Website? Tuesday that their ex-client was just what federal prosecutors have called
him for nearly 10 years: a habitual liar.

Philadelphia attorneys Joseph A. Tate and Stephen D. Brown testified in

federal court that Guerin told one lie after another to federal prosecutors
probing criminal wrongdoing within his Lancaster-based defense contracting
firm, International Signal & Control Corp. The attorneys said

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1010 words)

Article 95 of 149, 1998259035

Published on September 16, 1998, Lancaster
New Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - Former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin never
grasped a simple concept, his ex-attorney testified here Tuesday:

Honesty is the best policy. In a remarkable three hours in federal court,

Joseph A. Tate said his one-time client frequently lied not only to
government investigators, but to his own defense attorneys as well.

"Jim and I had a falling out over my view that, very often, Jim would rewrite
history," said Tate.


C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1191 words)

Article 96 of 149, 1998258077

Published on September 15, 1998, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin will be back in federal
court today to try to convince a judge his attorney was ineffective in 1991
when Guerin pleaded guilty to fraud, money laundering and illegal arms

The 68-year-old Guerin, once one of Lancaster County's most prominent

philanthropists and business leaders, is serving a 15-year sentence in
Florida. Guerin was the founder of International Signal & Control Corp.,
which employed 1,800 people in

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (431 words)

Article 97 of 149, 1998258002

Published on September 15, 1998, Lancaster
New Era (PA)


PHILADELPHIA - The last time James H. Guerin appeared in federal court
here, he was dispatched with a 15-year prison sentence.

Today, six years into that sentence, the former Lancaster businessman
came back to argue that his penalty was too harsh. Guerin's request to be
resentenced was getting under way at presstime. He was expected to
testify at length in the courtroom of U.S. Magistrate Judge Diane M. Welsh.

The founder of the now-defunct International Signal &

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (750 words)

Article 98 of 149, 1998248062

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Published on September 5, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Joseph F. Mickoseff, 44, of 6088 Sundra Circle, East Petersburg, died
Thursday afternoon at home after a lengthy illness.

He was an assembler of automatic machines for the last three years at

Synergistech, Lewisberry. From 1983 to 1995, he worked for the former
ISC Corp., Lancaster, as a tool maker. A 1972 graduate of Nativity High
School, Pottsville, he earned an associate's degree in art from Penn State
University and an associate's degree from Williamsport Area

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (194 words)

Article 99 of 149, 1998199066

Published on July 18, 1998, Intelligencer Journal
(Lancaster, PA)


Pauline A. Beam, 79, of 1726 Sammar Road, died Thursday evening at
Lancaster General Hospital of natural causes.

She worked at International Signal Control from 1980 to 1990, when she
retired. She previously worked for the former Schick Inc., Lancaster, for 24
years. She was of the Protestant faith.

Born in West Earl Township, she was the daughter of the late Frank and
Mary Gamber Adams.

She was the wife of Lester J. Beam, who died in 1989.

Surviving are a grandson, Shawn Beam

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (156 words)

Article 100 of 149, 1998199013

Published on July 18, 1998, Lancaster New Era


Pauline A. Beam, 79, of 1726 Sammar Road, died Thursday evening at
Lancaster General Hospital of natural causes.

She worked at International Signal and Control from 1980 to 1990, when she
retired. She previously worked for the former Schick Inc. for 24 years. Born
in West Earl Township, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Mary
Gamber Adams.

She was the wife of Lester J. Beam, who died in 1989.

Surviving are a grandson and a sister, Anna G. Sweigart of Ephrata.

She was

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (144 words)

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Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 10 articles
Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Weather Article 81 of 149, 1998289083
The Bedstead.
Sports Published on October 16, 1998, Intelligencer Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Blogs Journal (Lancaster, PA) Uniform Solutions.


Entertainment PROSECUTIONS Marketplace >>
Thursday marked the end of 10 years of criminal probes and prosecutions of
Health employees of defunct Lancaster defense contractor International Signal &

Control Corp.

La Voz U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois sentenced the last two of six former ISC

Hispana employees who pleaded guilty to helping ISC founder James H. Guerin
smuggle arms to South Africa during the 1980s and/or mastermind a $1.14
Newspapers "American Tradition"
Services billion fraud that destroyed a British defense contractor. Robert Resch, now
Logo Hat Steel Knife Gift Boxed
living in California, was
Classifieds LancasterOnline C o y o t e T r a i l s $7.99
Cars C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (524 words)

Wizard Article 82 of 149, 1998289028
Apartments Published on October 16, 1998, Lancaster New
Shopping Era (PA)
Community Gold Hoop
Sterling Silver Spring
A federal judge explained Thursday why it took so long to give such short Flower Anklet
Visit sentences to six defendants in the International Signal & Control fraud and
Lancaster smuggling case.

My U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois in Philadelphia made the comments while
Headlines sentencing the last of the six to come before him this week - seven years
after their 1991 indicments. Anthony J. Stagg of Fountain Hills, Ariz., was
Talkback sentenced to three months of home confinement, three years probation and
eEditions ordered to pay

Photos C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (589 words)

Article 83 of 149, 1998288093
Obituaries Published on October 15, 1998, Intelligencer
Special Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Interests A Marticville man will spend the next three months confined to his home for
his role in illegal arms sales to South Africa by a former Lancaster defense
Customer contractor.
Subscribe Terrance P. Faulds, a former procurement specialist for International Signal
& Control Corp., was sentenced Wednesday to three months of confinement
Care Center and three years' probation by U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois. Also
Place an Ad sentenced Wednesday was Gerald Schuler of New York, who operated a
Contact Us C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (408 words)

Live Support
Site Article 84 of 149, 1998288029

Site Map Published on October 15, 1998, Lancaster New

Era (PA)
RSS Feeds
Two key players in International Signal & Control's smuggling operation were

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Need a sentenced Wednesday for their roles in the scheme.

Website? Terrance P. Faulds of Pequea was sentenced to three months of home

confinement and three years of probation. Gerald E. Schuler of West Islip,
N.Y., was sentenced to three months in jail and three months of home
confinement. He also was fined $3,500.

Both were sentenced in Philadelphia federal court by U.S. District Judge

Jan E. DuBois,

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (457 words)

Article 85 of 149, 1998287167

Published on October 14, 1998, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Calling him "deceitful," a federal judge has recommended that former
Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin's request for a reduction in his
15-year prison sentence be denied.

Magistrate Judge Diane M. Welsh has forwarded her 25-page opinion,

issued Thursday, to Chief U.S. District Judge Louis C. Bechtel in
Philadelphia for final disposition. It was Bechtel who sentenced Guerin in
1992, after the former Lancaster business icon pleaded guilty to money

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1057 words)

Article 86 of 149, 1998287174

Published on October 14, 1998, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Two former employees of now-defunct International Signal & Control Corp.
were sentenced Tuesday in a Philadelphia federal court room.

Wayne K. Radcliffe of Holtwood was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Jan

E. DuBois to six months in prison, followed by three months of house arrest.
He was also fined $7,500. Robert L. Shireman, a West Virginia resident who
was the Lancaster defense contractor's chief financial officer, was
sentenced to house arrest for six months,

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (602 words)

Article 87 of 149, 1998287023

Published on October 14, 1998, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


Two former executives at International Signal & Control were sentenced
Tuesday for their roles in the company's massive fraud and smuggling

Lancaster resident Wayne K. Radcliffe received six months in prison, three

years probation and a $7,500 fine, a federal prosecutor said. Former
Marietta-area resident Robert L. Shireman received six months of home
confinement, three years probation and a $7,500 fine, according to the

Assistant U.S.

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (615 words)

Article 88 of 149, 1998286072

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Published on October 13, 1998, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


After a seven-year wait, six former employees of the defunct Lancaster
defense contracting firm International Signal & Control Corp. will be
sentenced this week in a Philadelphia federal court room.

All have pleaded guilty to various roles in ISC's elaborate arms-smuggling

operation and/or to aiding ISC founder James H. Guerin in masterminding a
$1.14 billion fraud against former British defense giant Ferranti International
plc. And, according to court documents, all

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (795 words)

Article 89 of 149, 1998270014

Published on September 27, 1998, Sunday News
(Lancaster, PA)


Jim Guerin belongs in jail.

And since the federal judge in charge of his case isn't named Stewart
Dalzell, there's a chance he'll stay there. Mr. Guerin, the fallen angel of the
Lancaster County business community, is busy trying to persuade Judge
Louis Bechtle that his 15-year sentence for fraud, illegal weapons sales and
money laundering ought to be overturned. He was ill-served, Mr. Guerin
argues, by his own lawyers, who were in collusion with federal

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (508 words)

Article 90 of 149, 1998263083

Published on September 20, 1998, Sunday News
(Lancaster, PA)


The following is a look back at local news events during the past week.

SUNDAY Sept. 13 - Fires continued to burn around the Pinnacle Overlook in

southern Lancaster County, but firefighters had them contained. Eight
firefighters were treated for exhaustion. The fires were brought under control

`Police in West Virginia arrested John Dennis Grubb, who is wanted for 27
bank robberies in 10 states, including the Fulton Bank branch on Fruitville
Pike in Manheim Township. The break

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (550 words)

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Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Weather Article 71 of 149, 1999158117
The Bedstead.
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Blogs (Lancaster, PA) Uniform Solutions.

Business 2 LEGENDS HELPED SHAPE COUNTY IN 1930S Visit the Marketplace

Technology DEAL
Health They came to power in the 1930s, and their vision of how business and
Archives government should function played no small role in defining how Lancaster
County viewed itself - not just in those years but for decades afterward.
La Voz
Hispana Henning Webb Prentis built Armstrong Cork Co. into a leading national Willow
industry, then became a crusader for the free enterprise system. Ideas he Flushmount
Services advanced 60 years ago still echo in the speeches of today's political and #78.5
Lancaster Newspapers
Logo Hat
Classifieds business leaders. Olde Mill
L a n c a s t e r O n l i n e $8.15
Cars Guy Graybill Diehm took
Realty C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1839 words)
Article 72 of 149, 1999158118
Shopping Published on June 7, 1999, Intelligencer Journal
Personals (Lancaster, PA)
Community Jeweled Heart 14kt White Gold Over
Visit Dangle Curved Sterling Silver Ring
Lancaster Blue 8
My They came to power in the 1930s, and their vision of how business and $21.99 $18.99

Headlines government should function played no small role in defining how Lancaster
County viewed itself - not just in those years but for decades afterward.
Henning Webb Prentis built Armstrong Cork Co. into a leading national
eEditions industry, then became a crusader for the free enterprise system. Ideas he
Photos advanced 60 years ago still echo in the speeches of today's political and
business leaders.
Celebrations Guy Graybill Diehm tood

Obituaries C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1454 words)

Sections Article 73 of 149, 1999158006
Columns Published on June 7, 1999, Intelligencer Journal
Interests (Lancaster, PA)
Subscribe They came to power in the 1930s, and their vision of how business and
government should function played no small role in defining how Lancaster
Care Center County viewed itself - not just in those years but for decades afterward.
Place an Ad
Henning Webb Prentis built Armstrong Cork Co. into a leading national
Advertising industry, then became a crusader for the free enterprise system. Ideas he
Contact Us advanced 60 years ago still echo in the speeches of today's political and
business leaders.
Live Support
Guy Graybill Diehm took
Site Map C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2765 words)

Index Article 74 of 149, 1999157001
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Need a Published on June 6, 1999, Sunday News

Website? (Lancaster, PA)


The stock market had crashed two months before, but as far as Lancaster
was concerned on New Year's Day 1930, the collapse of prices on Wall
Street had no more significance than a penny nail falling on a stable floor.

Lancaster was growing as fast as it ever had, expanding its links to east
and west, erecting new public buildings, easily taking care of its poor. As the
decade opened, Lancaster County residents had no premonition that the
worst economic period in American history

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (4895 words)

Article 75 of 149, 1999104273

Published on April 14, 1999, Intelligencer Journal
(Lancaster, PA)


The wife of a former employee of defunct Lancaster defense contractor
International Signal & Control Corp. has been sued in county court for
allegedly keeping $1.1 million her late husband was laundering for ISC
founder James H. Guerin.

Helen W. Snyder of McMinnville, Ore., stands accused of helping her

husband, Harley, move money from four Panamanian front companies,
and one U.S. firm, through Swiss banks and Farmers First Bank of Lititz
into accounts controlled by their

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (511 words)

Article 76 of 149, 1999104106

Published on April 14, 1999, Intelligencer Journal
(Lancaster, PA)


The wife of a former employee of defunct Lancaster defense contractor
International Signal & Control Corp. has been sued in county court for
allegedly keeping $1.1 million her late husband was laundering for ISC
founder James H. Guerin.

Helen W. Snyder of McMinnville, Ore., stands accused of helping her

husband, Harley, move money from four Panamanian front companies,
and one U.S. firm, through Swiss banks and Farmers First Bank of Lititz
into accounts controlled by their

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (511 words)

Article 77 of 149, 1999079092

Published on March 20, 1999, Lancaster New Era


Yo, are you stoked? I am. Let me school you about slang.

Check it out, G. By reading this week's column, you'll know the phat 4-1-1
so you won't be 4-0-4. No one will call you old skool. You'll be da bomb! So,
just kick it and chill while I floss. CONFUSED? ME TOO.

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Most people over the age of 25 couldn't decipher my opening paragraphs. I

didn't know what the words meant either - that is, until I asked several of my

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (873 words)

Article 78 of 149, 1999022081

Published on January 22, 1999, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin's bid for freedom or a
reduced sentence has been denied by a federal judge.

Chief U.S. District Judge Louis C. Bechtle Dec. 29 upheld the October
recommendation of a lower court judge who said Guerin's request for some
form of relief should be denied. "This should be the end of litigation with Mr.
Guerin," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert E. Goldman, who prosecuted

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (719 words)

Article 79 of 149, 1999019070

Published on January 19, 1999, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Harold W. McCurdy, 82, of 670 Gentry Drive, died Monday morning at Shady
Grove Adventist Hospital, Gaithersburg, Md., after a lengthy illness.

A graduate of Stevens Trade School, he was a retired machinist with

International Signal and Control Corp. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World
War II.

McCurdy was a member of First United Methodist Church, Lancaster, and

Masonic Lodge 43 Free & Accepted Masons.

Born in Pottstown, he was the son of the late Harry and Bertha Summons

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (175 words)

Article 80 of 149, 1998291062

Published on October 18, 1998, Sunday News
(Lancaster, PA)


The following is a look back at local news events during the past week.

Oct. 11 - A seven-hour standoff with police ended when 18-year-old Shane

Sweigart surrendered in Brownstown. Apparently drunk, Brown had called
911, saying he wanted to kill people. MONDAY Oct. 12 - The shutdown of
Fruitville Pike to remove the eastbound Route 30 bridge was postponed by
PennDOT when the contractor changed demolition plans.

`It was announced that "The Friends of the Rocky Springs

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (526 words)

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Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Weather Article 61 of 149, 1999362111
Uniform Solutions.
Sports Published on December 28, 1999, Lancaster New Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Blogs Era (PA) The Bedstead.

Business A LOOK BACK AT LANCASTER COUNTY Visit the Marketplace

Entertainment A "House of Horrors" in southern Lancaster County? A murderer who blows >>
Technology up his victims or a con-artist who pulls off an international scheme?
Health What are the most sensational crimes that happened in Lancaster County
Archives during the past 100 years? Were they the crimes involving brave
policemen who died fighting murderers, bank robbers or gangsters? Or the
La Voz
Hispana innocent young victims who sparked massive manhunts?
Edward Gibbs, the capital murder case from Franklin Vanity Light
Services #301 Golf Balls
Classifieds C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2211 words) Olde Mill L a n c a s t e r O n l i n e $13.30
Cars $140.00
Realty Article 62 of 149, 1999313086

Wizard Published on November 9, 1999, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)
The saga of International Signal & Control Corp. founder James H. Guerin --
Community his meteoric rise to international prominence and final fall from grace -- Traditional
Visit shocked and polarized people from Pennsylvania to Great Britain and 14-kt. Gold &
beyond as it unfolded in the late 1980s. 3/4-carat TW
Lancaster Princess Diabetic Bruise Relief
My To many, he seemed the American dream incarnate. For more than 10 Diamond $19.99
years, Guerin was lauded internationally for his business success and his Band-Yellow
Headlines philanthropy. He credited his success to old-fashioned American values: Gold Size 8
Talkback risk, hard $549.99

eEditions C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (3030 words)

Article 63 of 149, 1999313118
Celebrations Published on November 9, 1999, Intelligencer
Obituaries Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Columns The saga of International Signal & Control Corp. founder James H. Guerin --
his meteoric rise to international prominence and final fall from grace --
Interests shocked and polarized people from Pennsylvania to Great Britain and
Customer beyond as it unfolded in the late 1980s.
Service To many, he seemed the American dream incarnate. For more than 10
Subscribe years, Guerin was lauded internationally for his business success and his
philanthropy. He credited his success to old-fashioned American values:
Care Center risk, hard
Place an Ad
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (3030 words)
Contact Us
Live Support Article 64 of 149, 1999284057
Published on October 11, 1999, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Site Map
Patsy J. Roschel, 69, of 214 Greyfield Drive, died Saturday morning at
RSS Feeds Lancaster General Hospital following a lengthy illness.

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Need a Mrs. Roschel was employed at the former Schick Inc. for 25 years, where
she had been a group leader in the shipping and receiving department. She
Website? later worked at the former ISC Corp. as a first-class government-certified
solderer, retiring in 1990 after nine years.

She was of the Protestant faith.

Born in Lancaster, she was the daughter of the late Frank K.

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (180 words)

Article 65 of 149, 1999239032

Published on August 27, 1999, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


The last portion of the suburban campus where International Signal & Control
collapsed will be revived by Clipper Magazine Inc.

The magazine's owners have bought the 28-acre property off Donnerville
Road from ISC successor Ferranti International Inc. for $3.5 million.
Following renovations, the local Clipper staff of 250 employees will move in
December to 3725 Electronics Way from its current headquarters at 1650
Manheim Pike.


C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1339 words)

Article 66 of 149, 1999234005

Published on August 22, 1999, Sunday News
(Lancaster, PA)


Seven years after he was convicted of selling military technology to the
South African government, a Manheim Township man must begin serving
his 2-year prison term.

Thomas P. Jasin, of the 2400 block of Butter Road, former president of ISC
Technologies Inc. - part of the the now-defunct International Signal & Control
Corp. - had appealed his 1992 conviction on conspiring to violate the Arms
Export Control Act and the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act. ISC folded
in 1989.

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (737 words)

Article 67 of 149, 1999227028

Published on August 15, 1999, Sunday News
(Lancaster, PA)


Margaret L. Hiepler, 72, of 440 E. Grant St., died Friday afternoon at her
daughter's home in Quarryville after a brief illness.

Born in Lancaster, she was the daughter of the late William and Pearl
Halderman Mentzer. She was the widow of Cornelius F. Hiepler, who died in
December 1992.

She retired from the International Signal Control in Lancaster, where she
worked as a supervisor of inspectors for 15 years.

She was of the Methodist faith.

She was a member of

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (239 words)

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Article 68 of 149, 1999178030

Published on June 27, 1999, Sunday News
(Lancaster, PA)


Jailed Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin filed a new motion for his
release with the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on June 11, reiterating his
claim that his former attorney misled him into pleading guilty.

Guerin, 69, who founded the now-defunct International Signal & Control here,
was sentenced to 15 years in prison in 1992 after he confessed to
masterminding ISC's $1.14 billion fake-contract scheme and $50 million
smuggling operation. Assistant U.S.

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (306 words)

Article 69 of 149, 1999177054

Published on June 26, 1999, Lancaster New Era


Jailed businessman James H. Guerin spent the past two years failing to
convince a federal judge to free him.

Now the former Lancastrian is trying to persuade the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals to let him go, by reiterating his claim that his former attorney
misled him into pleading guilty. Guerin, who founded now-defunct
International Signal & Control here, filed a notice that he was appealing to
the 3rd Circuit on June 11, two days after his 69th birthday.

In 1992,

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (521 words)

Article 70 of 149, 1999159011

Published on June 8, 1999, Intelligencer Journal
(Lancaster, PA)


While most Americans remember the 1930s as the era of the Great
Depression, life in Lancaster or any other U.S. community was far richer
and more complex than the hardships of that economic catastrophe.

Amidst the financial turmoil, Lancaster County residents built the core of
the county's public works - bridges, water and sewer lines, an airport and
bus system. They grappled with legal and moral issues - the return of
drunken driving after the repeal of Prohibition, the

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (3682 words)

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Cars | Jobs | Homes | Customer Care Center LancasterOnline Keyword Go

Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 10 articles
Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Weather Article 51 of 149, 2000071143
The Bedstead.
Sports Published on March 11, 2000, Lancaster New Era Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Blogs (PA) Uniform Solutions.

Business FERRANTI SAYS 'CUT!' TO HOLLYWOOD TIES Visit the Marketplace

Entertainment Ferranti International Inc. has hit the "eject" button on its Los Angeles >>
Technology television and movie studio.
Health Lancaster-based Ferranti agreed Thursday to sell the 36-acre property to a
Archives Dallas-based real estate development firm, Trammell Crow Co., for $23
million. So the place that was graced by Dustin Hoffman, Clint Eastwood,
La Voz
Hispana Robert DeNiro and other stars will become an office and light-industry
park. Penn State
Paw Golf Balls
Services "The studio business is now over," said James Stermer L a n c a s t e r O n l i n e $13.30
Classifieds B r o t h e r s $11.99
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1074 words)
Wizard Article 52 of 149, 2000071047
Published on March 11, 2000, Lancaster New Era
Apartments (PA)
Gold 1/4-ct
Community Ferranti International Inc. has hit the "eject" button on its Los Angeles Diamond
Sterling Silver Skulls
Spinner Ring-Size 12
Visit television and movie studio. Three stone
Lancaster Lancaster-based Ferranti agreed Thursday to sell the 36-acre property to a $113.99
My Dallas-based real estate development firm, Trammell Crow Co., for $23
million. So the place that was graced by Dustin Hoffman, Clint Eastwood,
Headlines Robert DeNiro and other stars will become an office and light-industry
Talkback park.

eEditions "The studio business is now over," said James

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1074 words)
Article 53 of 149, 2000071166
Obituaries Published on March 11, 2000, Lancaster New Era
Special (PA)
Interests Ferranti International Inc. has hit the "eject" button on its Los Angeles
television and movie studio.
Service Lancaster-based Ferranti agreed Thursday to sell the 36-acre property to a
Subscribe Dallas-based real estate development firm, Trammell Crow Co., for $23
million. So the place that was graced by Dustin Hoffman, Clint Eastwood,
Care Center Robert DeNiro and other stars will become an office and light-industry
Place an Ad park.

Advertising "The studio business is now over," said James

Contact Us C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1074 words)

Live Support
Article 54 of 149, 2000007087
Site Map Published on January 7, 2000, Intelligencer
Keyword Journal (Lancaster, PA)
RSS Feeds

Jim Guerin
July 20, 1977
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Need a
Seven years after his conviction, former ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin
Website? has yet to spend a day in prison. Federal prosecutors want that to change.

Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was among 20 individuals and companies
indicted in 1991 for their roles in ISC's $1.14 billion contract fraud and $50
million smuggling scheme. Jasin was convicted in late 1992 of conspiracy
to smuggle weapons to South Africa. By now he could have served his
entire two-year prison sentence 3 times. But

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (564 words)

Article 55 of 149, 2000007133

Published on January 7, 2000, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Seven years after his conviction, former ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin
has yet to spend a day in prison. Federal prosecutors want that to change.

Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was among 20 individuals and companies
indicted in 1991 for their roles in ISC's $1.14 billion contract fraud and $50
million smuggling scheme. Jasin was convicted in late 1992 of conspiracy
to smuggle weapons to South Africa. By now he could have served his
entire two-year prison sentence 3 times. But

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (564 words)

Article 56 of 149, 2000006127

Published on January 6, 2000, Lancaster New Era


By now, former ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin could have served his
entire prison sentence 3 times.

But Jasin, who was convicted in December 1992 of conspiracy to smuggle

weapons to South Africa, has yet to start the two-year sentence he
received in July 1998. Wednesday, in a pair of court filings, federal
prosecutors renewed their efforts to get a federal judge to order the
Lancaster man to report to prison immediately.

"Over seven years since conviction, 17 months after

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (789 words)

Article 57 of 149, 2000006050

Published on January 6, 2000, Lancaster New Era


By now, former ISC executive Thomas P. Jasin could have served his
entire prison sentence 3 times.

But Jasin, who was convicted in December 1992 of conspiracy to smuggle

weapons to South Africa, has yet to start the two-year sentence he
received in July 1998. Wednesday, in a pair of court filings, federal
prosecutors renewed their efforts to get a federal judge to order the
Lancaster man to report to prison immediately.

"Over seven years since conviction, 17 months after

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (789 words)

Article 58 of 149, 2000003093

Jim Guerin
July 20, 1977
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of 968 MondayFriday
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Published on January 3, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


It's been a decade of extremes in Lancaster County's financial arena. A
recession ushered in the 1990s. The economy recovered, and the decade
ended with the longest stretch of prosperity in 30 years. The Internet gained
mainstream acceptance for much more than surfing in cyberspace.

In between the recession and the online boom, we've experienced a new
era of shopping with the opening of "big box" retailers, the transformation of

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1861 words)

Article 59 of 149, 2000003129

Published on January 3, 2000, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


It's been a decade of extremes in Lancaster County's financial arena. A
recession ushered in the 1990s. The economy recovered, and the decade
ended with the longest stretch of prosperity in 30 years. The Internet gained
mainstream acceptance for much more than surfing in cyberspace.

In between the recession and the online boom, we've experienced a new
era of shopping with the opening of "big box" retailers, the transformation of

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1861 words)

Article 60 of 149, 1999362044

Published on December 28, 1999, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


A "House of Horrors" in southern Lancaster County? A murderer who blows
up his victims or a con-artist who pulls off an international scheme?

What are the most sensational crimes that happened in Lancaster County
during the past 100 years? Were they the crimes involving brave
policemen who died fighting murderers, bank robbers or gangsters? Or the
innocent young victims who sparked massive manhunts?

Edward Gibbs, the capital murder case from Franklin

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2198 words)

[ View the previous 10 items ][ View the next 10 items ]

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2004-2007 Lancaster Newspapers

PO Box 1328, Lancaster PA 17608, (717) 291-8811
T e r m s o f S e r v i c e Privacy Policy

Jim Guerin
July 20, 1977
CIA Mind Control
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of 141
of 968 MondayFriday
July 21,
26, 2017
3 of 3 12/25/2007 10:24 AM
STAN J. CATERBONE Archives-search for isc
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Cars | Jobs | Homes | Customer Care Center LancasterOnline Keyword Go

Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 10 articles
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Weather Article 41 of 149, 2000341190
Uniform Solutions.
Sports Published on December 6, 2000, Lancaster New Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Blogs Era (PA) The Bedstead.

Business ISC EXEC ORDERED TO PRISON FOR 2ND TIME Visit the Marketplace
Entertainment After eluding jail for eight years, convicted smuggling conspirator Thomas >>
Technology P. Jasin has been ordered for the second time to begin serving his
Health sentence.

Archives Jasin, the former International Signal & Control executive, was ordered to
report to a yet-to-be-selected federal prison by Tuesday to start his
La Voz
Hispana two-year sentence. The Manheim Township resident has avoided jail longer
than any convicted felon in memory. Minnetonka
Services Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was convicted by a federal court jury in Ankle Boot Zippo Logo Lighters Mpl
Classifieds #3451 S t e r m e r B r o t h e r s $0.00
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (528 words) Coyote Trails
Cars $64.99
Wizard Article 42 of 149, 2000298106
Published on October 24, 2000, Lancaster New
Apartments Era (PA)
Community Ernest J. Schreiber will become editor of the Lancaster New Era effective Swarovski
Columbia Sportswear
Visit Saturday, it was announced by John M. Buckwalter, president of Lancaster Purple Crystal
Crooked Butte Lumbar
Newspapers Inc. Ring-Size 5 -
Lancaster Small
My Schreiber, who is now the New Era staff editor, succeeds Robert J. Kozak, $37.99
who is retiring after a 44-year career at Lancaster Newspapers. Other staff
Headlines promotions include:
Talkback `Peter C. Mekeel will become managing editor of the New Era, a newly
eEditions created position. He is now the paper's news editor.

Photos `Randall L.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1070 words)
Special Article 43 of 149, 2000276105
Published on October 2, 2000, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Customer To the Editor:
So, when is the Lancaster press going to allow Jim Guerin an opportunity to
Subscribe address the spurious claims made in your reports? News flash, y'all -- this
Care Center rotten carcass is now 10 years old and there's nothing left to feed on. All
you are doing is giving false hope to the remaining corporate parasites at
Place an Ad Ferranti/ISC who are squandering remaining stockholder wealth in an
Advertising attempt to justify a rather pointless existence. As a former ISC employee
who felt
Contact Us
Live Support C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (409 words)
Site Map Article 44 of 149, 2000266072
Keyword Published on September 22, 2000, Intelligencer
Index Journal (Lancaster, PA)

Jim Guerin
July 20, 1977
CIA Mind Control
Project MKUltra
of 141
of 968 MondayFriday
July 21,
26, 2017
1 of 3 12/25/2007 10:22 AM
STAN J. CATERBONE Archives-search for isc
A LANDMARK AllAND date(all)
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I Wanted by To
Like Jim Media
- NOWCopyright

Need a
John "Jack" W. Brubaker, 62, of 12 Willis Lane, died Thursday morning at
Website? Essa Flory Hospice Center after a brief illness.

Brubaker was a contract administrator for the former GEC Marconi, the
former Ferranti, the former ISC, Bulova Technologies, the former General
Defense in York and Hamilton Technology. He also was a private pilot, a
former emergency medical technician for East Lampeter Ambulance
Association and a former paramedic for Ephrata Community Hospital.

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (228 words)

Article 45 of 149, 2000238102

Published on August 25, 2000, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


Two decades ago, International Signal & Control's James H. Guerin was
creating his own kind of "friends and family" plan.

But Guerin was not striving to save money on his long-distance bill. He was
sending stolen money long distances, allegedly to save it for his friends,
his family and himself. As the 70-year-old former Lancaster businessman
sits in jail now, however, he denies he "parked" money.

Meanwhile, his

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2710 words)

Article 46 of 149, 2000238037

Published on August 25, 2000, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


Two decades ago, International Signal & Control's James H. Guerin was
creating his own kind of "friends and family" plan.

But Guerin was not striving to save money on his long-distance bill. He was
sending stolen money long distances, allegedly to save it for his friends,
his family and himself. As the 70-year-old former Lancaster businessman
sits in jail now, however, he denies he "parked" money.

Meanwhile, his

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2710 words)

Article 47 of 149, 2000221038

Published on August 8, 2000, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Thomas L. White, 46, of 3229 Maplecrest Terrace, died Sunday at Lancaster
Regional Medical Center. He had been ill with cancer for a year, according
to a family spokesman.

White was a service technician with Terminex International for three years,
until late July. He was a technician for the former ISC/Ferranti Corp. from
1979 to 1995. A U.S. Navy veteran, he served from 1974 to 1978 aboard
the aircraft carrier USS Kennedy as a third class aviation fire control
technician with squadron VA

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (268 words)

Article 48 of 149, 2000216111

Jim Guerin
July 20, 1977
CIA Mind Control
Project MKUltra
of 141
of 968 MondayFriday
July 21,
26, 2017
2 of 3 12/25/2007 10:22 AM
STAN J. CATERBONE Archives-search for isc
A LANDMARK AllAND date(all)
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Like Jim Media
- NOWCopyright

Published on August 3, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA -- Federal prosecutors have seized about $1.2 million in
cash belonging to former Lancaster County businessman James H. Guerin
that was hidden in an off-shore bank account.

According to court documents, the government seized $1,190,930.57 from

an account at Kleinword Benson/Dresdner Bank Group, which is based in
Gurnsay, one of the Channel Islands in the English Channel. The money
was being held by a Guerin associate for the former Lancaster man's use
after he

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (714 words)

Article 49 of 149, 2000216089

Published on August 3, 2000, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA -- Federal prosecutors have seized about $1.2 million in
cash belonging to former Lancaster County businessman James H. Guerin
that was hidden in an off-shore bank account.

According to court documents, the government seized $1,190,930.57 from

an account at Kleinword Benson/Dresdner Bank Group, which is based in
Gurnsay, one of the Channel Islands in the English Channel. The money
was being held by a Guerin associate for the former Lancaster man's use
after he

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (714 words)

Article 50 of 149, 2000172011

Published on June 20, 2000, Lancaster New Era


Tim Mekeel, New Era staff writer, has been appointed business editor of the
New Era, effective June 19.

Mekeel joined the New Era in 1977 as a general assignment and sports
reporter. He became a full-time business reporter in 1979. A graduate of
Hempfield High School and Penn State University, Mekeel is 44 and
resides at 313 Rhoda Drive.

His wife, Alison, is an adjunct instructor of voice at Elizabethtown College

and a music associate at First Presbyterian Church. They have a son,

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (363 words)

[ View the previous 10 items ][ View the next 10 items ]

Content may not be republished without


2004-2007 Lancaster Newspapers

PO Box 1328, Lancaster PA 17608, (717) 291-8811
T e r m s o f S e r v i c e Privacy Policy

Jim Guerin
July 20, 1977
CIA Mind Control
Project MKUltra
of 141
of 968 MondayFriday
July 21,
26, 2017
3 of 3 12/25/2007 10:22 AM
STAN J. CATERBONE Archives-search for isc
A LANDMARK AllAND date(all)
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Cars | Jobs | Homes | Customer Care Center LancasterOnline Keyword Go

Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 10 articles
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Weather Article 41 of 149, 2000341190
Uniform Solutions.
Sports Published on December 6, 2000, Lancaster New Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Blogs Era (PA) The Bedstead.

Business ISC EXEC ORDERED TO PRISON FOR 2ND TIME Visit the Marketplace
Entertainment After eluding jail for eight years, convicted smuggling conspirator Thomas >>
Technology P. Jasin has been ordered for the second time to begin serving his
Health sentence.

Archives Jasin, the former International Signal & Control executive, was ordered to
report to a yet-to-be-selected federal prison by Tuesday to start his
La Voz
Hispana two-year sentence. The Manheim Township resident has avoided jail longer
than any convicted felon in memory. Minnetonka
Services Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was convicted by a federal court jury in Ankle Boot Zippo Logo Lighters Mpl
Classifieds #3451 S t e r m e r B r o t h e r s $0.00
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (528 words) Coyote Trails
Cars $64.99
Wizard Article 42 of 149, 2000298106
Published on October 24, 2000, Lancaster New
Apartments Era (PA)
Community Ernest J. Schreiber will become editor of the Lancaster New Era effective Swarovski
Columbia Sportswear
Visit Saturday, it was announced by John M. Buckwalter, president of Lancaster Purple Crystal
Crooked Butte Lumbar
Newspapers Inc. Ring-Size 5 -
Lancaster Small
My Schreiber, who is now the New Era staff editor, succeeds Robert J. Kozak, $37.99
who is retiring after a 44-year career at Lancaster Newspapers. Other staff
Headlines promotions include:
Talkback `Peter C. Mekeel will become managing editor of the New Era, a newly
eEditions created position. He is now the paper's news editor.

Photos `Randall L.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1070 words)
Special Article 43 of 149, 2000276105
Published on October 2, 2000, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Customer To the Editor:
So, when is the Lancaster press going to allow Jim Guerin an opportunity to
Subscribe address the spurious claims made in your reports? News flash, y'all -- this
Care Center rotten carcass is now 10 years old and there's nothing left to feed on. All
you are doing is giving false hope to the remaining corporate parasites at
Place an Ad Ferranti/ISC who are squandering remaining stockholder wealth in an
Advertising attempt to justify a rather pointless existence. As a former ISC employee
who felt
Contact Us
Live Support C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (409 words)
Site Map Article 44 of 149, 2000266072
Keyword Published on September 22, 2000, Intelligencer
Index Journal (Lancaster, PA)

Jim Guerin
July 20, 1977
CIA Mind Control
Project MKUltra
of 141
of 968 MondayFriday
July 21,
26, 2017
1 of 3 12/25/2007 10:21 AM
STAN J. CATERBONE Archives-search for isc
A LANDMARK AllAND date(all)
I Can
Is That
I Wanted by To
Like Jim Media
- NOWCopyright

Need a
John "Jack" W. Brubaker, 62, of 12 Willis Lane, died Thursday morning at
Website? Essa Flory Hospice Center after a brief illness.

Brubaker was a contract administrator for the former GEC Marconi, the
former Ferranti, the former ISC, Bulova Technologies, the former General
Defense in York and Hamilton Technology. He also was a private pilot, a
former emergency medical technician for East Lampeter Ambulance
Association and a former paramedic for Ephrata Community Hospital.

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (228 words)

Article 45 of 149, 2000238102

Published on August 25, 2000, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


Two decades ago, International Signal & Control's James H. Guerin was
creating his own kind of "friends and family" plan.

But Guerin was not striving to save money on his long-distance bill. He was
sending stolen money long distances, allegedly to save it for his friends,
his family and himself. As the 70-year-old former Lancaster businessman
sits in jail now, however, he denies he "parked" money.

Meanwhile, his

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2710 words)

Article 46 of 149, 2000238037

Published on August 25, 2000, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


Two decades ago, International Signal & Control's James H. Guerin was
creating his own kind of "friends and family" plan.

But Guerin was not striving to save money on his long-distance bill. He was
sending stolen money long distances, allegedly to save it for his friends,
his family and himself. As the 70-year-old former Lancaster businessman
sits in jail now, however, he denies he "parked" money.

Meanwhile, his

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (2710 words)

Article 47 of 149, 2000221038

Published on August 8, 2000, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Thomas L. White, 46, of 3229 Maplecrest Terrace, died Sunday at Lancaster
Regional Medical Center. He had been ill with cancer for a year, according
to a family spokesman.

White was a service technician with Terminex International for three years,
until late July. He was a technician for the former ISC/Ferranti Corp. from
1979 to 1995. A U.S. Navy veteran, he served from 1974 to 1978 aboard
the aircraft carrier USS Kennedy as a third class aviation fire control
technician with squadron VA

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (268 words)

Article 48 of 149, 2000216111

Jim Guerin
July 20, 1977
CIA Mind Control
Project MKUltra
of 141
of 968 MondayFriday
July 21,
26, 2017
2 of 3 12/25/2007 10:21 AM
STAN J. CATERBONE Archives-search for isc
A LANDMARK AllAND date(all)
I Can
Is That
I Wanted by To
Like Jim Media
- NOWCopyright

Published on August 3, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA -- Federal prosecutors have seized about $1.2 million in
cash belonging to former Lancaster County businessman James H. Guerin
that was hidden in an off-shore bank account.

According to court documents, the government seized $1,190,930.57 from

an account at Kleinword Benson/Dresdner Bank Group, which is based in
Gurnsay, one of the Channel Islands in the English Channel. The money
was being held by a Guerin associate for the former Lancaster man's use
after he

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (714 words)

Article 49 of 149, 2000216089

Published on August 3, 2000, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA -- Federal prosecutors have seized about $1.2 million in
cash belonging to former Lancaster County businessman James H. Guerin
that was hidden in an off-shore bank account.

According to court documents, the government seized $1,190,930.57 from

an account at Kleinword Benson/Dresdner Bank Group, which is based in
Gurnsay, one of the Channel Islands in the English Channel. The money
was being held by a Guerin associate for the former Lancaster man's use
after he

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (714 words)

Article 50 of 149, 2000172011

Published on June 20, 2000, Lancaster New Era


Tim Mekeel, New Era staff writer, has been appointed business editor of the
New Era, effective June 19.

Mekeel joined the New Era in 1977 as a general assignment and sports
reporter. He became a full-time business reporter in 1979. A graduate of
Hempfield High School and Penn State University, Mekeel is 44 and
resides at 313 Rhoda Drive.

His wife, Alison, is an adjunct instructor of voice at Elizabethtown College

and a music associate at First Presbyterian Church. They have a son,

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (363 words)

[ View the previous 10 items ][ View the next 10 items ]

Content may not be republished without


2004-2007 Lancaster Newspapers

PO Box 1328, Lancaster PA 17608, (717) 291-8811
T e r m s o f S e r v i c e Privacy Policy

Jim Guerin
July 20, 1977
CIA Mind Control
Project MKUltra
of 141
of 968 MondayFriday
July 21,
26, 2017
3 of 3 12/25/2007 10:21 AM
STAN J. CATERBONE Archives-search for isc
A LANDMARK AllAND date(all)
I Can
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- NOWCopyright

Cars | Jobs | Homes | Customer Care Center LancasterOnline Keyword Go

Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 10 articles
Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Weather Article 31 of 149, 2001154125
The Bedstead.
Sports Published on June 3, 2001, Sunday News Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Blogs (Lancaster, PA) Uniform Solutions.


Entertainment Carl H. Dreyer, 71, of 1061 Stillwood Circle, Lititz, died unexpectedly Friday Marketplace >>
Technology at Lancaster Regional Medical Center.
Health He and his wife, Lucy M. Collins Dreyer, celebrated 45 years of marriage on
Archives May 27. Dreyer retired in 1988 as vice president of ad ministration for
International Signal and Control. Prior to joining ISC, he worked at Hamilton
La Voz
Hispana Watch Co. in the quality control management area. He was a former
member of Lancaster West Rotary Club; the board of directors of the Urban Golf Balls
League of LancasterOnline
Services $13.30
O l d e M i l l H o u s e $0.00

Classifieds C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (450 words)

Realty Article 32 of 149, 2001152059
Wizard Published on June 1, 2001, Intelligencer Journal
Apartments (Lancaster, PA)
Shopping ESTIL VANDAMENT, 62, WAS CONSULTANT Double-jeweled
14-kt White Gold 3/8-ct
Personals Curved
TDW Diamond Ruby
Community Estil L. Vandament, 62, of 1995 Mine Road, Paradise, died unexpectedly of
Blue 7/16
natural causes Tuesday at Lancaster General Hospital. $339.99
Visit $14.99
Vandament was a consultant for various engineering firms, including RCA
Lancaster Corp., Bendix, Burroughs, GE and ISC/Ferranti Inc. He successfully
My implemented many International Standards Organization systems in the
Headlines quality engineering industry. He served four years in the U.S. Navy
aboard USS Des Moines' "Daisy Mae." He completed his
eEditions C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (270 words)

Features Article 33 of 149, 2000350095

Celebrations Published on December 15, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Sections COMING
It can come without ribbons. It can come without tags. It can come without
Interests packages, boxes or bags. And amid all the noise, noise, noise, noise, Tom
Fasnacht still knows that the spirit of Christmas does not have to come
Customer from a store.
Subscribe He and a small army of others are again helping to spread the word. On
Dec. 23, for the 14th time in as many years, hundreds of full hands will
Care Center reach out to even more empty ones and offer food to fill their tables and
Place an Ad good wishes to fill their hearts.

Advertising The

Contact Us C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (809 words)

Live Support
Article 34 of 149, 2000348135
Site Map Published on December 13, 2000, Intelligencer
Keyword Journal (Lancaster, PA)
RSS Feeds

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Need a
Thomas P. Jasin, the last executive from defunct International Signal &
Website? Control Corp. facing a federal prison sentence, is behind bars.

Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, reported to the Federal Correctional

Institution Schuylkill in Minersville about 3 p.m. Tuesday to begin serving a
2-year sentence, Assistant U.S. Attorney David Hall said. "He was, of
course, late," Hall said. "But, in Mr. Jasin's case, better late than

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (588 words)

Article 35 of 149, 2000348184

Published on December 13, 2000, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Thomas P. Jasin, the last executive from defunct International Signal &
Control Corp. facing a federal prison sentence, is behind bars.

Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, reported to the Federal Correctional

Institution Schuylkill in Minersville about 3 p.m. Tuesday to begin serving a
2-year sentence, Assistant U.S. Attorney David Hall said. "He was, of
course, late," Hall said. "But, in Mr. Jasin's case, better late than

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (588 words)

Article 36 of 149, 2000344033

Published on December 9, 2000, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Victor H. Frey, 84, of 106 South Trails End Court, formerly of River Road,
Conestoga, died Friday at Mennonite Home after a brief illness.

Frey was an electronics technician for the former Bendix Co., York, for 20
years. He last worked at ISC, retiring in 1982. He also worked for the
railroad, Armstrong World Industries Inc., and Safe Harbor Power Corp. A
U.S. Army veteran, he served during World War II.

Frey was a member of Green Hill United Methodist Church, Conestoga, the

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (274 words)

Article 37 of 149, 2000341150

Published on December 6, 2000, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Patricia J. Heinley, 63, of 2294 Albern Blvd., died of natural causes Tuesday
at Essa Flory Hospice Center.

Mrs. Heinley was a line supervisor for the former International Signal Corp.
She was a member of Ross Street United Methodist Church.

She enjoyed crocheting, camping, bowling and vacationing in Atlantic City,

Delaware Park and Branson, Mo.

Born in England, she was the daughter of the late William J. and Gwendolyn
Stone White.

She was married 47 years in June to Donald E.

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (210 words)

Article 38 of 149, 2000341222

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Published on December 6, 2000, Intelligencer

Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Thomas P. Jasin, the former International Signal & Control Corp. executive
convicted in 1992 of conspiracy to smuggle missiles to the Republic of
South Africa in the mid-1980s, has a date with the jailer.

Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was ordered to report to a yet-to-be-named

federal prison no later than 2 p.m. on Dec. 12 to begin serving the 2-year
sentence handed down by U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois in July 1998. If
a prison has not been assigned by that date, Jasin

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (692 words)

Article 39 of 149, 2000341176

Published on December 6, 2000, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Thomas P. Jasin, the former International Signal & Control Corp. executive
convicted in 1992 of conspiracy to smuggle missiles to the Republic of
South Africa in the mid-1980s, has a date with the jailer.

Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was ordered to report to a yet-to-be-named

federal prison no later than 2 p.m. on Dec. 12 to begin serving the 2-year
sentence handed down by U.S. District Judge Jan E. DuBois in July 1998. If
a prison has not been assigned by that date, Jasin

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (692 words)

Article 40 of 149, 2000341023

Published on December 6, 2000, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


After eluding jail for eight years, convicted smuggling conspirator Thomas
P. Jasin has been ordered for the second time to begin serving his

Jasin, the former International Signal & Control executive, was ordered to
report to a yet-to-be-selected federal prison by Tuesday to start his
two-year sentence. The Manheim Township resident has avoided jail longer
than any convicted felon in memory.

Jasin, 54, of 2473 Butter Road, was convicted by a federal court jury in

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (528 words)

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Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 10 articles
Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Weather Article 21 of 149, 10149395
The Bedstead.
Sports Published on February 27, 2003, LANCASTER NEW Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Blogs ERA (LANCASTER, PA.) Uniform Solutions.

Business Keith Martin: Poor choice for key post Visit the Marketplace
Entertainment Improving security at home has been the nation's priority since Sept. 11, >>
Technology 2001. To coordinate the effort, President Bush created a new Department of
Health Homeland Security which has undertaken the most extensive
reorganization of the federal government in half a century.
The president chose Tom Ridge to lead that department because, among
La Voz
Hispana other qualifications, Pennsylvania's former governor has military
experience and a strong record of leadership in Congress and the Minnetonka
Sheepskin Pug
Services Real Men Fry Turkeys
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (762 words) Boots 9" & 14"
Classifieds #3571
S t e r m e r B r o t h e r s $0.00
Coyote Trails
Cars $98.99
Article 22 of 149, 10149296
Realty Published on February 26, 2003, LANCASTER NEW
Martin supporter says background is not a problem
Personals The state Senator who first recommended that Gov. Ed Rendell appoint

Community Keith Martin as director of homeland security said he knew beforehand about
14-kt Yellow
the former anchorman's abrupt departure from WGAL-TV in 1990. 14-kt. White Gold 1-ct.
Visit Gold .47-ct
TW Diamond Cultured
And he had no problem with it. Diamond
Lancaster Three Stone
Freshwater Pearl
My "I knew the reason he left WGAL. There was no charge ever filed against Ring-Size 8
him," Senate Minority Leader Robert J. Mellow, a Democrat from $439.99
Headlines Lackawanna County, said in an interview with the New Era today.
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (973 words)
Features Article 23 of 149, 10148931
Published on February 23, 2003, SUNDAY NEWS
Celebrations (LANCASTER, PA.)
Special A tainted nomination
Sections Jim Guerin had a talent for dirtying everything he touched. Especially
Columns reputations.

Interests The Guerin touch is resurfacing now in the oddest way, in the nomination of
Customer former WGAL-TV news anchor Keith Martin to be the state's homeland
security director.
Subscribe Gen. Martin, as the administration calls the retired Army National Guard
brigadier general, got soon-to-be-governor Ed Rendell's attention during a
Care Center campaign debate; Martin was the anchor at northeastern
Place an Ad
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (725 words)
Contact Us
Article 24 of 149, 10148155
Live Support
Published on February 17, 2003, INTELLIGENCER
Site Map
Keyword Good and bad choices
Index As Gov. Ed Rendell goes about filling the major posts in his administration,
RSS Feeds he has made some good selections -- Lancaster schools superintendent
Vicki Phillips to be state secretary of education, for one -- and, well, some

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Need a apparent less-good ones.

Website? In particular, there's Benjamin Ramos, a former state legislator and deputy
mayor of Philadelphia under Rendell. Ramos has been picked to be
Pennsylvania's secretary of state and is currently serving in the post on an

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (598 words)

Article 25 of 149, 10147814

Published on February 14, 2003, INTELLIGENCER

Ex-WGAL anchor gets state post

Keith Martin is new security director

A former news anchor for a Lancaster television station has been named
the state's new homeland security director.

Gov. Ed Rendell on Thursday picked Keith Martin, a former WGAL-TV

newsman, to head the Pennsylvania Department of Homeland Security.

Martin, a retired brigadier general with the 28th Division, Pennsylvania Army
National Guard, has worked as a television news anchor for 30 years,
including 10 years at WGAL, where he was managing editor and senior news

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (723 words)

Article 26 of 149, 10129788

Published on September 13, 2002,

M. Joyce Beaner, 70, ISC assembler

M. Joyce Beaner, 70, of 21 S. Ann St., died unexpectedly of natural causes
Wednesday at Community Hospital of Lancaster.

Mrs. Beaner was an assembler for Sechan Electronics for the last seven
years. She previously was an assembler for the former ISC/Ferranti for 25

She was a graduate of the former Sacred Heart Academy.

Born in Lancaster, she was the daughter of the late Louis Carello and Ada
Witmer Steinruck.

Her husband, Donald C. Beaner, died in

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (215 words)

Article 27 of 149, 2001288116

Published on October 15, 2001, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 has expanded and consolidated
some of its operations by leasing space on Manheim Pike.

IU 13 has leased 41,000 square feet at 1650 Manheim Pike, most recently
home to Clipper Magazine Inc. The remaining 3,000 square feet there
continue to be leased by Gannett Flemming Inc. About 175 IU 13
employees now work in the Manheim Pike building, near Delp Road, said
spokeswoman Marci Davis.

Through its five-year lease, IU 13 has consolidated nearly all of

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (362 words)

Article 28 of 149, 2001288038

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Published on October 15, 2001, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 has expanded andconsolidated
some of its operations by leasing space on ManheimPike. IU 13 has leased
41,000 square feet at 1650 Manheim Pike, most recently home to Clipper
Magazine Inc. The remaining 3,000 square feet there continue to be leased
by Gannett Flemming Inc. About 175 IU 13 employees now work in the
Manheim Pike building, near Delp Road, said spokeswoman Marci Davis.
Through its five-year lease, IU 13 has consolidated nearly all of its

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (354 words)

Article 29 of 149, 2001222084

Published on August 10, 2001, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA -- Thomas P. Jasin, the former International Signal &
Control Corp. executive who eluded prison longer than any convicted felon
in U.S. history, wants a new trial, claiming his attorney was ineffective.

Jasin, 55, was convicted in 1993 of conspiracy to smuggle South

African-made missiles destined for the People's Republic of China. But it
took seven years before Jasin saw the inside of a jail cell as he flooded the
courts with appeals of his conviction,

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (608 words)

Article 30 of 149, 2001222123

Published on August 10, 2001, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


PHILADELPHIA -- Thomas P. Jasin, the former International Signal &
Control Corp. executive who eluded prison longer than any convicted felon
in U.S. history, wants a new trial, claiming his attorney was ineffective.

Jasin, 55, was convicted in 1993 of conspiracy to smuggle South

African-made missiles destined for the People's Republic of China. But it
took seven years before Jasin saw the inside of a jail cell as he flooded the
courts with appeals of his conviction,

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (609 words)

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Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 10 articles
Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Weather Article 1 of 149, 677490000000.961155
Uniform Solutions.
Sports Published on March 9, 2007, Intelligencer Journal Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Blogs (Lancaster, PA) The Bedstead.

Business Robert E. Meck Visit the Marketplace

Entertainment Robert E. Meck, 72, of Manor Twp., passed away Tuesday, March 6, 2007 at >>
Technology Lancaster Regional Medical Center. He was born September 9, 1934 in
Health Lancaster, son of the late Paul and Mae Meck. He was a Navy veteran of
the Korean War and also served in the Air Force. He retired as an engineer
Archives from ISC. He is survived by his loving wife of 20 years, Lillie E. Meck; two

La Voz children, Valerie Shirley and Robert K.; three step-children, Jeff and Frank

Hispana Rietschey, and Susan Perugini; brother, Paul; three

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (137 words) Market Cone Woman's Minnetonka
Services Light #39 Pile-Lined Mule Slipper
Classifieds Olde Mill #3511
Lighting C o y o t e T r a i l s $28.99
Cars Article 2 of 149, 677490000000.904095
Realty Published on October 15, 2006, Sunday News
(Lancaster, PA)
Apartments Robert C. "Clyde" Ivy
Robert C. "Clyde" Ivy, 76, formerly of 3318 Cochran Dr., Lancaster,
Personals passed away Wednesday at Moravian Manor in Lititz. He was the husband of
Community Irene Bundas Ivy, with whom he celebrated 48 years of marriage, this past
Sterling Silver
February 28th. Born in Vicksburg, Mississippi, Clyde was the son of the late Sterling Silver Pipe Cut
Visit William and Wilma Henry Ivy. An electrical engineer, Clyde had worked for
White Satin
Spinner Ring-Size 14
Ring-Size 9
Lancaster ISC- Ferranti PLC of Lancaster, for 12 years, until his retirement in 1989.
Prior to this he had worked in
Headlines C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (297 words)
eEditions Article 3 of 149, 677490000000.877572
Photos Published on August 12, 2006, Intelligencer
Features Journal (Lancaster, PA)
Celebrations Volleyball Kelly Dobosh and Heather Kirkwood (Solanco) played on the
Obituaries team that finished third at the East Zone Beach Volleyball Championship
held at Dorchester State Beach in Ocean City, Md.
Sections Basketball

Columns The following girls captured a bronze medal for the Blue Mountain Scholastic
team at the Keystone Games: Ashley Sharpe (Manheim Township), Danielle
Interests Busansky (Penn Manor), Gabrielle Hondros (Ephrata), Angie Rapchinski
Customer (Lititz Christian), Jes Zimmerman (Cocalico), Lillian Snyder

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (137 words)
Care Center
Article 4 of 149, 677490000000.851561
Place an Ad Published on June 10, 2006, Intelligencer Journal
Advertising (Lancaster, PA)
Contact Us
Herley chairman steps down
Live Support
Site Blatt resigns days after indictment for alleged $3.1 million fraudPATRICK
BURNS Lee N. Blatt has resigned as chairman of Herley Industries Inc., just
Site Map 48 hours after federal prosecutors charged he and the company defrauded
Keyword the U.S. military of millions of dollars, the company reported Friday.
Index The resignation coincided with the Lancaster-based Herley's regularly
RSS Feeds scheduled board of directors meeting Thursday, during which it filed a
quarterly report to the Securities and Exchange

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Need a
C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (887 words)

Article 5 of 149, 783332

Published on January 2, 2006, Lancaster New Era

Eras past This week in Lancaster County history

Summaries of local news stories from the pages of the Lancaster New Era
appear in this space each Monday.

They are researched and compiled by New Era staffer Tim Buckwalter.

Full versions are available on microfilm at the Lancaster County Library,

125 N.

Duke St.

PILOTS RETURN: Two Lancaster County pilots returned to a joyous

welcome at Lancaster Airport after being held for several weeks in the

They had been flying explosives to Malaysia for Lancaster-based

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (928 words)

Article 6 of 149, 780487

Published on December 26, 2005, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)

Who's News
American Home Bank has hired Bradford M. La Salle as senior vice
president of wholesale and correspondent lending. His duties will include
overseeing the newly created correspondent lending division, serving the
construction-to-permanent mortgage market. La Salle, of Buffalo, N.Y.,
previously was employed as an assistant vice president at M&T Mortgage.
He is a graduate of SUNY-Buffalo.

Wachovia has hired Mary Lou Forrey as a vice president and senior
relationship manager in its

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (778 words)

Article 7 of 149, 10230508

Published on February 27, 2005, Sunday News
(Lancaster, PA)

Jasin's new job is out of this world

Former ISC exec heads NASA Lunar Robotics program,
studies ways to make moon surface livable for humans.
Thomas Jasin has gone from legal trouble and public scrutiny into a career
any young explorer would envy.

The former International Signal & Control Corp. executive is now head of
the Lunar Robotic Program for NASA. His directive is to bring science
fiction and reality together for the next generation.

During a telephone conversation last week from his Washington, D.C.,

office, Jasin said his new charge is not only exciting, it's opening the way
for our children

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1048 words)

Article 8 of 149, 10229012

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Published on February 13, 2005, Sunday News

(Lancaster, PA)

He lands on feet in post at NASA

Jailed in ISC scandal, Thomas Jasin saw indictment
dropped. Local ex-congressman said he's well-qualified.
Thomas Jasin worked his way up the corporate ladder to become an
executive with International Signal & Control Corp.

When the company, sinking in a mire of fake contracts and weapons

smuggling, went belly up in 1991, he went with it.

He was convicted in 1992 of conspiracy to smuggle South African-made

missiles destined for the People's Republic of China.

Years of court battles found him incarcerated before he won an appeal from
the federal government in

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1093 words)

Article 9 of 149, 10228971

Published on February 12, 2005, Lancaster New
Era (PA)

Freed from jail, he lands with NASA

Manheim Twp. resident Thomas Jasin, who spent 18
months in prison before a conviction for conspiring to
smuggle weapons was overturned, now has a top job with
From a federal prison to a federal payroll.

From a confined space to outer space.

From fighting a prosecutor's motion to fulfilling a presidential mandate.

The life of Manheim Township resident Thomas P. Jasin has taken an

incredible turn in the past four years.

Jailed in 2000 for conspiring to evade the arms embargo against South
Africa, Jasin's conviction eventually was overturned by the trial judge, who
found that Jasin's attorney provided

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (1014 words)

Article 10 of 149, 10225298

Published on January 9, 2005, Sunday News
(Lancaster, PA)



Jan. 2 - Richard M. Scott, a World War II fighter pilot and a former mayor of
Lancaster, died at 86. Scott was shot down in combat and escaped from a
German prisoner of war camp. He led the move to bring minor-league
baseball back to Lancaster. A memorial service Thursday was attended by


Jan. 3 - James H. Guerin, sentenced in 1992 for his admission that he ran a
$1.14 billion contract scam and $50 million smuggling ring involving his
business, ISC, and its

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (462 words)

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Home 149 articles matching isc AND date(all) were found.
Newspaper Advertisements
News Displaying 9 articles
Santa's Spectacular Christmas Sale At
Weather Article 141 of 149, 1995126035
The Bedstead.
Sports Published on May 6, 1995, Lancaster New Era Katherine Heigl Collection Now At
Blogs (PA) Uniform Solutions.

Business LATEST GUERIN ALLEGATION: SECRET $350,000 Visit the Marketplace

Entertainment KICKBACK >>
James H. Guerin paid a secret $350,000 kickback to the company that sold
Health its Marquardt division to his International Signal & Control, court papers


La Voz A lawsuit filed in California Superior Court alleges that Guerin paid the

Hispana kickback out of a Swiss bank account opened by one of his front companies.
Lancaster Newspapers
The kickback allegedly was sent by wire transfer to the bank account of CCI
Olde Mill Logo Hat
Services Corp. in September 1983, 20 days after CCI sold its Marquardt division to
H o u s e $0.00 L a n c a s t e r O n l i n e $8.15
Cars C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (685 words)

Wizard Article 142 of 149, 1995083055
Apartments Published on March 24, 1995, Lancaster New Era
Shopping (PA)
10-kt. Yellow Gold
Jet Pilot
Freshwater Pearl Lariat
Necklace-10-kt. Yellow
Community Life Vest-Size
Gold Pearl Lariat-style
Editor, New Era: M Blue
Visit $36.99
Lancaster Re: "Sculpture paid for with fraud money removed at Ferranti," New Era,
March 18, p. B-16. Two reactions to the referenced article:
Headlines First, the headline "Sculpture paid for with fraud money..." is based in
questionable logic. ISC's position was the result of fraudulent activities.
Talkback Much of its cash flow was a result of that position. Fraud taints everything,
eEditions so was it all "fraud money"?

Photos C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (428 words)

Celebrations Article 143 of 149, 1995077004
Obituaries Published on March 18, 1995, Lancaster New Era
Special (PA)
When James H. Guerin commissioned a sculpture for his company
Customer headquarters, he wanted it to represent International Signal & Control's
Service evolution.
"It shows where we started and where we're headed," said Guerin in 1988
Care Center when the copper, chrome and stainless-steel artwork was assembled.
Place an Ad Indeed it does, though not the way Guerin envisioned.

Advertising The abstract piece was removed from its granite pedestals Wednesday,
symbolizing the demise
Contact Us
Live Support C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (720 words)

Site Map Article 144 of 149, 1995056010
Keyword Published on February 25, 1995, Lancaster New
Index Era (PA)

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Need a
A federal appeals court has ruled that James H. Guerin, who is paying his
Website? debt to society, also owes a $189.9 million debt to Ferranti International.

The 64-year-old founder of International Signal & Control is serving a

15-year sentence for orchestrating fraud and smuggling schemes at the
company. Ferranti, which acquired Guerin's ISC and became the major
victim of his fraud, sued Guerin in England in 1989.

Ferranti sought $189.9 million because that was the net

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (829 words)

Article 145 of 149, 1995055103

Published on February 24, 1995, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


Federal inmate and former Lancaster industrialist James H. Guerin arrived
in the Philadelphia area this week to testify before a new federal grand
jury, sources said.

The grand jury has reportedly been formed to gather new information for the
government's ongoing investigation of the global financial fraud, money
laundering and arms smuggling scheme carried out within International
Signal & Control Corp. of Lancaster and later Great Britain's Ferranti

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (842 words)

Article 146 of 149, 1995041109

Published on February 10, 1995, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


To the Editor:

In reading your article on the closing of Marconi Technologies, I must say I

was quite dismayed. I have worked for this firm for 17seventeen years. I
have already been through the ISC/Jim Guerin/Ferranti saga. Now at a time
when we find out that our days are numbered we once again have to share
that billing with Jim Guerin and Ferranti. Quite frankly I'm sick of them!
Yes, the "breaking point" for Marconi was loosing the Martin Marietta

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (208 words)

Article 147 of 149, 1995040069

Published on February 9, 1995, Intelligencer
Journal (Lancaster, PA)


The announcement Wednesday that Marconi Technologies Inc. is stopping
military parts production in East Hempfield Township in June means the
story of the rise and fall of former Lancaster businessman James H. Guerin
has finally ended.

Marconi Technologies was the last manufacturing leftover in Lancaster of

the once-robust defense contractor Guerin founded - International Signal &
Control Corp. When Guerin merged ISC with Great Britain's Ferranti
International plc in

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (663 words)

Article 148 of 149, 1995040023

Jim Guerin
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STAN J. CATERBONE Archives-search for isc
A LANDMARK AllAND date(all)
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Published on February 9, 1995, Lancaster New

Era (PA)


Marconi Technologies Inc. said Wednesday it would shut down its printed
circuit board manufacturing here, idling 65 workers.

The announcement signals the demise of what once was the showpiece
business of James H. Guerin's International Signal & Control. Marconi
president Scott Griffiths said the closing was triggered by the loss of a $23
million add-on contract for the U.S. Navy's "vertical launch system."

For nearly 10 years,

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (717 words)

Article 149 of 149, 1995030025

Published on January 30, 1995, Lancaster New
Era (PA)


Emtrol Inc., part of Lancaster city's southeast community for 15 years, is
moving to the suburbs.

Emtrol last week signed a lease-purchase agreement for 3050 Hempland

Road, along the Route 30 Bypass in East Hempfield Township. The building
once was the headquarters of International Signal & Control, when founder
James H. Guerin was launching his fraud and smuggling schemes.

Emtrol, a maker of industrial controls, plans to move from its 123 Locust
St. building in

C l i c k f o r c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e , (560 words)

[ View the previous 10 items ]

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Jim Guerin
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Stan J. Caterbone

Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,
Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

April 20, 2016

Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group Biography

Present - Advanced Media Group, President, Owner, and Founder.

In 1987 I became a federal whistleblower for the case of local defense contractor International Signal
and Control, or ISC. ISC was a black ops program for the NSA and CIA that was convicted in 1992 for
an elaborate scheme to arm Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries with a broad array of weapons,
most notably cluster bombs. It was the third larges fraud in U.S. History at that time. I have been a
victim of organized stalking since 1987 and a victim of electronic and direct energy weapons since 2005.
I had also been telepathic since 2005. In 2005 the U.S. Sponsored Mind Control turned into an all-out
assault of mental telepathy; synthetic telepathy; hacking of all electronic devices; vandilism and thefts
of personal property, extortions, intellectual property violations, obstruction of justice; violations of due
process; thefts and modifications of court documents; and pain and torture through the use of directed
energy devices and weapons that usually fire a low frequency electromagnetic energy at the targeted
victim. This assault was no coincidence in that it began simultaneously with the filing of the federal
action in U.S. District Court, or CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., or 05-cv-2288. This
assault began after the handlers remotely trained/sychronized Stan J. Caterbone with mental telepathy.
The main difference opposed to most other victims of this technology is that I am connected 24/7 with
the same person who declares telepathically she is a known celebrity. Over the course of 10 years I
have been telepathic with at least 20 known persons and have spent 10 years trying to validate and
confirm their identities without success. Most U.S. intelligence agencies refuse to cooperate, and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Attorney's Office refuse to comment and act on the
numerous formal complaints that are filed in their respective offices. Most complaints are focused on
the routine victimization's of a targeted individual including but not limited to stalking, harassment,
threats, vandalism, thefts, extortion, burglaries, false imprisonments, fabricated mental health warrants
or involuntary commitments, pain and torture to the body, and most often the cause of obstruction of
justice is the computer hacking.

I have a very sophisticated and authentic library of evidence of the use of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
technologies on my father and brother that dates back to the 1940's while my father was in the U.S.
Navy after he graduated with honors from Air Gunners School in Florida, including an affidavit motorized
and authenticated by my father in 1996. My brother served in the U.S. Air force and was victim to LSD
experiments of the infamous MKULTRA program in the late 1960's.

In 2015 I filed an amicus curie on behalf of Lisa Michelle Lambert who was convicted in 1992 of the
murder of Laurie Show, both of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I currently am in litigation in the U.S. Third
Circuit Court of Appeals and in February of 2016 Lisa Michelle Lambert published her book titled
Corruption in Lancaster County My Story, which is available in bookstores and on I
am in frequent contact with her co-author, Dave Brown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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to Pennsylvania House of Representative Mike Sturla (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) and City of Lancaster
Mayor Richard Gray in 2009. The draft legislation is the work of Missouri House of Representative Jim
Guest, who has been working on helping victims of these horrendous crimes for years. The bill will
provide protections to individuals who are being harassed, stalked, harmed by surveillance, and
assaulted; as well as protections to keep individuals from becoming human research subjects, tortured,
and killed by electronic frequency devices, directed energy devices, implants, and directed energy
weapons. I again reintroduced the bill to the Pennsylvania General Assembly in 2015 and frequented
the Pennsylvania Capitol trying to find support and a sponsor; which I still do to this day.

In 2006 I began his role as an Activist Shareholder for Fulton Financial, which is listed as "FULT" on the
NASDAQ stock exchange. As a founder of Financial Management Group, Ltd., a full service financial firm,
Stan J. Caterbone has drawn upon the success in developing the strategic vision for his company and
the experience gained in directing the legal affairs and public offering efforts in dealing with Fulton
Financial. I have been in recent discussions with the Fulton Financial Board of Directors with regards to
various complaints dealing with such issues as the Resource Bank acquisition and the subprime failures.
I believe that Fulton Financial needs management to become more aggressive in it's strategic planning
and the performance it expects from it's management team in order to increase shareholder value.
Expanding the footprint of the regional bank has not yielded an increase to the bottom line that is
consistent with the expectations of shareholders. Lancaster County has seen several local banking
institutions acquired by larger regional banks, thus increasing the competition Fulton Financial will see in
it's local marketplace as well as in it's regional footprint.
In 2005 I, as a Pro Se Litigant filed several civil actions as Plaintiffs that are in current litigation in the
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States Third District
Court of Appeals, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, The Pennsylvania Superior Court, the
Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, The Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
These litigations include violations of intellectual property rights, anti-trust violations, and interference
of contracts relating to several business interests. Central to this litigation is the Digital Movie, Digital
Technologies, Financial Management Group, Ltd,/FMG Advisory, Ltd., and its affiliated businesses along
with a Federal False Claims Act or Federal Whistleblowers Act regarding the firm of International Signal
and Control, Plc., (ISC) the $1Billion Dollar Fraud and the Export violations of selling arms to South
Africa and Iraq. This litigation dates back to 1987. Stan J. Caterbone was a shareholder of ISC, and was
solicited by ISC executives for professional services. The Federal False Claims Act is currently part of
RICO Civil Complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and the
Third Circuit Court of Appeals, as docket no. 05-2288.

In 2005 Advanced Media Group/Project Hope filed a Civil Action in the Court of Common Pleas of
Lancaster County against Drew Anthon and the Eden Resort Inn for their attempts to withhold the
Tourism Tax and Hotel Tax that supports the Downtown Lancaster Convention Center & Marriot. We also
proposed an alternative plan to move the Convention Center to the Hotel Brunswick and Lancaster
Square to all of the major stakeholders. The Lancaster County Convention Center is finally under
construction with a March 2009 Opening date.

In 2005 I was selected to attend the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City after submission of
an essay with and application. I received the invitation from Bruce R. Lindsey, Chief Executive Officer of
the William J. Clinton Foundation.

In 2005 I began our philanthropic endeavors by spending our energies and working with such
organizations as;,,, The Clinton Global Initiative,
Lancaster Convention Center Authority, Lancaster Chamber of Commerce, Toms Project Hope, People to
People International,, Contact Lancaster/24 Hour Suicide Hotline, Schreiber Pediatric
Center, and numerous others.

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In 2004 I embarked on our past endeavors in the music and entertainment industries with an emphasis
on assisting for the fair and equitable distribution of artists rights and royalties in the fight against
electronic piracy. We have attempted to assist in developing new business models to address the
convergence of physical and electronic mediums; as it displaces royalties and revenues for those
creating, promoting, and delivering a range of entertainment content via wireless networks.

In 2000 to 2002 I developed an array of marketing and communication tools for wholesalers of the
AIM Investment Group and managed several communication programs for several of the company
wholesalers throughout the United States and Costa Rica. We also began a Day Trading project that
lasted until 2004 with success.

In 1999 I developed a comprehensive business plan to develop the former Sprecher Brewery, known as
the Excelsior Building on E. King Street, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This plan was developed in
conjunction with the Comprehensive Economic Development Plan for the Revitalization of Downtown
Lancaster and the Downtown Lancaster Convention Center for the former Watt & Shand building.

In 1999 I contributed to the debate, research, and implementation of strategies to counter the effects
of the global Y2K threat to the worlds computer technologies. I attended the U.S. Sponsored Y2K
symposium and Conference in Washington, D.C. hosted by the Senate Y2K Subcommittee and Senator
William Bennett.

In 1998 I had began to administer the charity giving of Toms Project Hope, a non-profit organization
promoting education and awareness for mental illness and suicide prevention. We had provided funding
for the Mental Health Alliance of Lancaster County, Contact Lancaster (The 24/7 Suicide Prevention
Hotline), The Schreiber Pediatric Center, and other charitable organizations and faith based charities.
The video "Numbers Don't Lie" have been distributed to schools, non profit organizations, faith based
initiatives, and municipalities to provide educational support for the prevention of suicide and to bring
awareness to mental illness problems.

In 1996 I had done consulting for companies under KAL, Inc., during the time that I was controller of
Pflumm Contractors, Inc., I was retained by Gallo Rosso Restaurant and Bar to computerized their
accounting and records management from top to bottom. I had also provided consulting for the
computerization of accounting and payroll for Lancaster Container, Inc., of Washington Boro. I was
retained to evaluate and develop an action plan to migrate the Informations Technologies of the Jay
Group, formally of Ronks, PA, now relocated to a new $26 Million Dollar headquarters located in West
Hempfield Township of Lancaster County. The Jay Group had been using IBM mainframe technologies
hosted by the AS 400 computer and server. I was consulting on the merits of migrating to a PC based
real time networking system throughout the entire organization. Currently the Jay Group employees
some 500 employees with revenues in excess of $50 Million Dollars per year.

In 1993 I was retained by Pflumm Contractors, Inc., as controller, and was responsible for saving the
company from a potential bankruptcy. At that time, due to several unpaid contracts, the company was
facing extreme pressure from lenders and the bonding insurance company. We were responsible for
implementing computerized accounting, accounting and contract policies and procedures, human
resource policies and procedures, marketing strategies, performance measurement reporting, and
negotiate for the payment of unpaid contracts. The bonding company was especially problematic, since
it was the lifeline to continue work and bidding for public contracts. The Bank of Lancaster County
demanded a complete accounting of the operations in order to stave off a default on the notes and loans
it was holding. We essentially revamped the entire operation. Within 3 years, the company realized an
increase in profits of 3 to 4 times its previous years, and record revenues.

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In 1991 I was elected to People to People International and the Citizen Ambassador Program, which
was founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956. The program was founded to To give
specialists from throughout the world greater opportunities to work together and effectively
communicate with peers, The Citizen Ambassador program administers face-to-face scientific, technical,
and professional exchanges throughout the world. In 1961, under President John F. Kennedy, the State
Department established a non-profit private foundation to administer the program. We were scheduled
to tour the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to discuss printing and publishing technologies with
scientists and technicians around the world.

In 1990 I had worked on developing voice recognition systems for the governments technology think
tank - NIST (National Institute for Standards & Technology). I co-authored the article Escaping the Unix
Tar Pit with a scientist from NIST that was published in the magazine DISC, then one of the leading
publications for the CD-ROM industry. Today, most all call centers deploy that technology whenever you
call an 800 number, and voice recognition is prevalent in all types of applications involving

In 1989 I had founded Advanced Media Group, Ltd., and was one of only 5 or 6 U.S. domestic
companies that had the capability to manufacture CD-ROM's. We did business with commercial
companies, government agencies, educational institutions, and foreign companies. I performed services
and contracts for the Department of Defense, NASA, National Institution of Standards & Technology
(NIST), Department of Defense, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the
Defense Mapping Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, (CIA), IBM, Microsoft, AMP, Commodore
Computers, American Bankers Bond Buyers, and a host of others. I also was working with R.R,
Donnelly's Geo Systems, which was developing various interactive mapping technologies, which is now a
major asset of Map Quest. Map Quest is the premier provider of mapping software and applications for
the internet and is often used in delivering maps and directions for Fortune 500 companies. We had
arranged for High Industries to sell American Helix, the manufacturer of compact discs, to R.R. Donnelly.
We had brokered a deal and the executives from Donnellys Chicago headquarters flew to Lancaster to
discuss the deal and perform due diligence of the manufacturing facility located in the Greenfield
Industrial Park.

In 1987 Power Station Studios of New York and Tony Bongiovi retained me as executive producer
of a motion picture project. The theatrical and video release was to be delivered in a digital format; the
first of its kind. We had originated the marketing for the technology, and created the concept for the
Power Station Digital Movie System (PSDMS), which would follow the copyright and marketing formula
of the DOLBY technology trademark.

We had also created and developed marketing and patent research for the development and
commercialization of equipment that we intended to manufacture and market to the recording industry
featuring the digital technology. Sidel, Gonda, Goldhammer, and Abbot, P.C. of Philadelphia was the lead
patent law firm that We had retained for the project. Power Station Studios was the brainchild of Tony
Bongiovi, a leading engineering genius discovered by Motown when he was 15. Tony and Power Station
Studios was one of the leading recording studios in the country, and were responsible for developing Bon
Jovi, a cousin. Power Station Studios clients included; Bruce Springsteen, Diana Ross, Cyndi Lauper,
Talking Heads, Madonna, The Ramones, Steve Winwood, and many others. Tony and Power Station
Studios had produced the original Sound Track for the original Star Wars motion picture. It was
released for distribution and was the number one Sound Track recording of its time.

Tony Bongiovi was also active in working and researching different aerospace technologies. * We had
developed and authored a Joint Venture Proposal for SONY to partner with us in delivering the Digital
Movie and its related technologies to the marketplace. The venture was to include the commercialization
of technologies, which Tony Bongiovi had developed for the recording industry simultaneously with the
release of the Digital Movie.

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I also created the concept for the PSDMS trademark, which was to be the Trademark logo for the
technology, similar to the DOLBY sound systems trademark. The acronyms stand for the Power Station
Digital Movie System. Today, DVD is the mainstay for delivering digital movies on a portable medium, a
compact disc.

In 1987 I had a created and developed FMG Mortgage Banking, a company that was funded by a major
banking firm in Houston Texas. We had the capability to finance projects from $3 to $100 million dollars.
Our terms and rates were so attractive that we had quickly received solicitations from developers across
the country. We were also very attractive to companies that wanted to raise capital that include both
debt and equity. Through my company, FMG, we could raise equity funding through private placements,
and debt funding through FMG Mortgage Banking. We were retained by Gamillion Studios of Hollywood,
California to secure financing of their postproduction Film Studio that was looking to relocate to North
Carolina. We had secured refinancing packages for Norris Boyd of and the Olde Hickory and were in the
midst of replacing the current loan that was with Commonwealth National Bank. We had meetings and
discussions with Drew Anton of the Eden Resort, for refinancing a portion of his debt portfolio. We were
quickly seeking commitments for real estate deals from New York to California. We also had a number of
other prominent local developers seeking our competitive funding, including Owen Kugal, High
Industries, and the Marty Sponougle a partner of The Fisher Group (owner of the Rt. 30 Outlets). We
were constantly told that our financing packages were more competitive than local institutions.

In 1986 I had founded Financial Management Group, Ltd (FMG); a large financial services organization
comprised of a variety of professionals operating in one location. We had developed a stock purchase
program for where everyone had the opportunity for equity ownership in the new firm. FMG had
financial planners, investment managers, accountants, attorneys, realtors, liability insurance services,
tax preparers, and estate planners operating out of our corporate headquarters in Lancaster. In one
year, we had 24 people on staff, had approximately 12 offices in Pennsylvania, and

several satellite offices in other states. We had in excess of $50 million under management, and our
advisors were generating almost $4 million of commissions, which did not include the fees from the
other professionals. We had acquired our own Broker Dealer firm and were valued at about $3 to $4

In 1985 I developed the Easter Regional Free Agent Camp, the first Free Agent Camp for the
Professional Football industry; which was videotaped for distribution to the teams scouting departments.
(See Washington Post page article of March 24, 1985) Current camps were dependant on the team
scouts to travel from state to state looking for recruits. We had developed a strategy of video taping the
camp and the distributing a copy, free of charge to the teams, to all of the scouting departments for
teams in all three leagues FL, CFL and WFL. My brother was signed at that camp by the Ottawa
Roughriders of the CFL, and went on to be a leading receiver while J.C. Watts was one of the leagues
most prominent quarterbacks. My brother also played 2 years with the Miami Dolphins while Dan Marino
was starting quarterback. We were a Certified Agent for the National Football League Players
Association. Gene Upshaw, the President of the NFLPA had given me some helpful hints for my camp,
while we were at a Conference for agents of the NFL. The Washington Post wrote a full-page article
about our camp and associated it with other camps that were questionable about their practices.
Actually, that was the very reason for our camp. We had attended many other camps around the
country that were not very well organized and attracted few if any scouts. We had about 60 participants,
with one player coming from as far away as Hawaii. We held the camp at Lancaster Catholic, with a
professional production company filming the entire camp, while I did the editing and produced the video.
The well respected and widely acclaimed professional football scout, Gil Brandt, of the Dallas Cowboys,
had given me support for my camp during some conversations We had with him and said he looked
forward to reviewing the tapes for any hopeful recruits.

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In 1985 I was elected Vice President of the Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the International
Association of Financial Planners, and helped build that chapter by increasing membership 3to 4 times.
We had personally retained the nationally acclaimed and nationally syndicated Financial Planner, Ms.
Alexandria Armstrong of Washington D.C.; to host a major fundraiser. More than 150 professionals
attended the dinner event that was held at the Eden Resort & Conference Center. Ms. Armstrong
discussed financial planning and how all of the professions needed to work together in order to be most
effective for their clients. We attracted a wide variety of professionals including; brokers, lawyers,
accountants, realtors, tax specialists, estate planners, bankers, and investment advisors. Today, it has
become evident that financial planning was the way of the future. In 1986 executives approached us
from Blue Ball National Bank to help them develop a Financial Planning department within their bank.

In 1984 I had helped to develop strategic planning for Sandy Weill, former President of Citi Group (the
largest banking entity in the U.S). We were one of several associates asked to help advise on the future
of Financial Planning and how it would impact the brokerage and the investment industry at large. Mr.
Weil was performing due diligence for the merger of American Express and IDS (Investors Diversified
Services). We were at that time a national leader in the company in delivering Fee Based Financial
Planning Services, which was a new concept in the investment community and mainstream investors.
That concept is now widely held by most investment advisers.
Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,
Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603


J.C. No. 03-16-90005 Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Third Circuit Court of
U.S.C.A. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 16-1149;15-3400; 16-1001; 07-4474
U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA Case No. 15-03984; 14-02559; 05-2288; 06-4650
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1561 MDA 2015; 1519 MDA 2015
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No. 08-13373; 15-10167; 06-03349, CI-06-03401
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for The Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case No. 16-10157

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to Jim

Stan J. Caterbone
Freedom From Covert Harassment &

Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

November 21, 2016



As you many of you know I have been visiting your legislative staff over the past 18 months
on many occasions and distributing materials, including my proposed legislation for more effective
and comprehensive ANTI-STALKING laws in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Due to the
severity of the HARASSMENT AND TORTURE PROGRAM that I am forced to experience on a daily
basis, and the continued ESCALATION by Lancaster City Residents, Neighbors, Law Enforcement,
Court Staff, Judges, and those of Elected Office, I find that I must again refresh your office staff
with a renewed sense of urgency to hear my pleas for help, and serve as a voice of others that
are victims of the same said crimes, possibly by the same said perpetrators.

In order to UPDATE YOU WITH THE CURRENT-STATE-OF-AFFAIRS I am providing the following

updated documents via links in an effort to remind you of your responsibility to me as your
constituent and to others like me. Please review the following:


Monday November 14, 2016 -


Agencies November 12, 2016 -


November 12, 2016 -

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of Monday November 7, 2016 -

REQUEST FOR COMMUTATION of the Sentence of Lisa Michell Lambert to
President Obama, November 15, 2016 -


Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,
Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered, defamed, and
publicly discredited since 1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud
within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via
South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our reputation and the
truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally prosecute and expose public
corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our
property, and our business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications
are a means of protecting our rights to continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a
member of the media. Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact List. How long can Lancaster County

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to Jim
and Lancaster City hide me and Continue to Cover-Up my Whistle Blowing of the ISC Scandel (And the Torture
from U.S. Sponsored Mind Control)?


J.C. No. 03-16-90005 Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals -
COMPLAINT OF JUDICIALMISCONDUCT OR DISABILITY re 15-3400 and 16-1149; 03-16-900046 re ALL
U.S. Supreme Court Case No. 16-8822 PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI re Case No. 16-1149
MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert
U.S.C.A. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 16-1149 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert;15-3400
MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert;; 16-1001; 07-4474
U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA Case No. 16-cv-49; 15-03984; 14-02559 MOVANT for Lisa
Michelle Lambert; 05-2288; 06-4650, 08-02982;
U.S. District Court Middle District of PA Case No. 16-cv-1751 PETITION FOR HABEUS CORPUS
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board Case No. 2016-462 Complaint against
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Leonard Brown III
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case No. 353 MT 2016; 354 MT 2016; 108 MM 2016 Amicus for Kathleen
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Summary Appeal Case No. CP-36-SA-0000219-2016, AMICUS for
Kathleen Kane Case No. 1164 EDA 2016; Case No. 1561 MDA 2015; 1519 MDA 2015; 16-1219
Preliminary Injunction Case of 2016
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No. 08-13373; 15-10167; 06-03349, CI-06-03401
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for The Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case No. 16-10157

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to Jim
Federal Whistleblower (Federal False Claims Act Violation in 1987 re ISC)
Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
and Directed Energy Devices and Weapons

copyright 2009

Ya know what, I am beginning to analyze this War on Terror and am having difficulty understanding
it all. To me the most effective fundamental fight against Extreme Terrorism is to reduce the motive; or the
Hatred Against America. No one seems to talk about that subject. How do we reduce that Hatred Towards
America and the West?

See, from my perspective, my situation is very disturbing. I mean we have the United States Torturing Me, a
U.S. Citizen for no good or valid reason. I have warned EVERYONE about using my situation to feed this
HATRED towards America.

Low and behold a week or so ago I have had several Muslims sign up as Followers to my online webspace, which I use to post documents. The following being the most
prominent IKWAN Scope, "The Largest Muslim Brotherhood's Scope on the Web":

There have also been several Muslim individuals who signed up as followers around the same time, a week
or so ago. They have also signed up as followers on my webspace.

You must understand, I am a VERY Patriotic Person and live a very patriotic life - I believe in the
U.S. Constitution and Our Founding Father's vision for America; I support Our Military and our
Troops; I believe in the Rule of Law; I am a Practicing Catholic, and have been my whole life; I
Believe in the TRUTH; I believe in Right v. Wrong; Good v. Evil; and finally I believe in God. What
do you believe in?

Posted on the Yahoo Fulton Bank Stock Message Board, January 7, 2010

Date Updated: October 10, 2015

Date Completed: July 28, 2009
Date Initiated: July 8, 2009

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group

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In 2015 Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group had to again return to local,
state, and federal courts. Again the obstruction of due process, the local gang stalking, torture,
trespass, thefts, and the like began in earnest. From the fabricated Petition for Involuntary
Psychiatric Commitment of April 2010 by Detective Clark Bearinger, until January of 2015, Stan J.
Caterbone and Advanced Media Group had been in seclusion and in a state of rehabilitation and
rest due to the forced medication by Fairmount Behavioral Hospital and Dr. Silvia Gratz. The
psychotropic drugs reduce your motor skills and put you in an extreme state of confusion. By
the end of the summer of 2010 every social media site, including the website was taken off-line due to the intimidation and
coercion by Detective Clark Bearinger.

In May Stan J. Caterbone had again endured the Attacks and Torture from the
employees of the Lancaster County Courthouse, and the Lancaster County Government Building.
Then soon after the Residents of Lancaster County engaged in a massive Organized Stalking
Campaign. In addition an extreme Computer Hacking Campaign was initiated and executed in
an effort to again SILENCE Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group. And Again, the
Lancaster City Police Department took the lead role. As usual Stan J. Caterbone summoned state
and federal authorities for help and assistance, including direct communications with the White
House, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office and
Kathleen Kane, The Pennsylvania State Police, the Pennsylvania General Assembly, several U.S.
Congressmen, and of course the Lancaster County District Attorney's Office. Since August 1,
2015 the Geek Squad had performed diagnostics and repairs six (6) times due to computer
hacking. On at least 2 occasions the entire hard drive had to be wiped clean and restored.

On June 23, 2015 Stan J. Caterbone was named MOVANT in the 2014 Habeus
Corpus Petition by Lisa Michelle Lambert, Case No. 14:02559 in the U.S. District Court
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania after filing an Amicus on the case. Judge Paul
Diamond was presiding since it's filing in 2014. However, the Petition was not able to
be granted and the case was stalled on jurisdictional law based on new and compelling
evidence, or lack there of. The Amicus was filed to cure that deficiency with direct
witness corroboration to the Prosecutorial Misconduct and Innocence of Lisa Michelle
Lambert. In fact a working theory was filed that suggested that the East Lampeter
Police Department engaged in a strategy of Entrapment that lead to the unfortunate
murder in 1991. This, would of course, allow a wrongful death claim to be filed by the
Show family. The case is now before the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, Case No. 15-
3400. There are three (3) questions that the Third Circuit may rule on; whether to free
Lisa Michelle Lambert, or grant her her Habeus Corpus, and whether to grant Summary
Judgment to Stan J. Caterbone in all civil actions in both state and federal courts.
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Two weeks later, on July 9, 2015, Detective Clark Bearinger filed another fabricated
Petition for Involuntary Psychiatric Commitment. And again Stan J. Caterbone endured 7 days in
the Fairmount Behavioral Hospital in Philadelphia. However, this time there was no MANDATORY
Treatment Program Ordered by the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. So Stan J.
Caterbone continued filing in the courts for assistance and resolution. In August, in a desperate
attempt to stop the local torture campaign, another Emergency Injunction was filed in the
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. On August 6, 2015 Stan J. Caterbone went so far as
to undertake a Professional Polygraph Test administered by Bonnie Lee of Polygraph Solutions of
West Chester, Pennsylvania. The test ended up being 4 grueling hours of torture and a scam of

On July 9th , 2015 a Private Criminal Complaint was filed against Detective Clark Bearinger,
Officer Williams, Officer Binderup, and 2 unidentified patrolman. The Complaint contained
allegations of torture and abuse at every moment of contact. The Lancaster City Police
Department were so desperate for retaliation from the Amicus filing in the Lisa Michelle Lambert
case, that they actually broke the door in of 1250 Fremont Street in order to execute the
fabricated 302 petition. The Complaint was denied by the Lancaster County District Attorney on
August 8th . The Complaint is now under a Petition for Review by the Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas.

On August 17, 2015 another Emergency Injunction for Relief was filed in the Lancaster
County Court of Common Pleas, Case No. 15-06985. The Injunction was heard by Judge Jeffrey
Wright, who dismissed it as frivolous. An appeal, MD 1561, is pending in the Superior Court of

In addition, by September 26, 2015 Stan J. Caterbone had been granted Electronic Filing
Privileges in the local, state, and federal courts. This should alleviate the fraud and abuses of the
U.S. Postal Service and the computer hackers.

In 2015 Stan J. Caterbone identifies a trend that suggests that the Lancaster County
community-at-large was subject to either community targeting or community hypnosis. The
community targeting theory is supported by experts Jullianne McKinney, Cheryl Welsh, and Dr.
John Hall. The community hypnosis theory is supported by direct personal relationships with the
Amazing Kreskin, Samuel P. Caterbone and Stan J. Caterbone.

In September of 2015 Stan J. Caterbone begins to digitize a library of approximately 45

audio cassette tapes from his father, Samuel P. Caterbone. The tapes range in date from 1971 to
1996. The tapes prove an identical targeting campaign against both Samuel P. Caterbone and
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Stan J. Caterbone. In addition the tapes confirm that Steven P. Caterbone, brother of Stan J.
Caterbone, was most likely a target dating back to the early 1960's. In addition, the death of
Samuel P. Caterbone on July 20, 2001 was confirmed to be that of murder, not natural causes.

In the early 1990's Dr. Phillip Caterbone, brother, had been solicited by the National
Institute of Health, or NIH in Washington, D.C., for a fellowship to research and catalog a study to
find a genetic marker for depression in the CATERBONE family. Phil interviewed all living
descendants and relatives of my father, Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., and took blood samples. I am
alleging that this was a deliberate act to continue the cover story of mental illness to distract and
provide plausible deniability for any linkage to U.S. Sponsored Mind Control.


In 1987 Stan J. Caterbone went public with allegations of fraud within International Signal
and Control, or ISC as they were commonly referred. After discussions with ISC and United
Chem Con officials (an ISC/James Guerin straw company), and as a shareholder of record since
1983 of ISC, Stan J. Caterbone had a meeting with an ISC executive on June 23, 1987, which
resulted in a 22 year legal odyssey. The discussions involved a joint venture with his company,
Financial Management Group, Ltd., or FMG, Ltd., but ended in disclosure of his recent public
allegations of fraud. Four years later, ISC founder and chairman James Guerin, and other officials
and companies pleaded guilty to a $1 Billion Dollar Fraud and export violations including the
selling of arms through South Africa to Iraq and Sadaam Hussein. However, money, power,
influence and public corruption had been used to cover-up the activities and Federal False Claims
Act violations of Stan J. Caterbone for the next eighteen years. There ensued a total blockade of
all United States Courts for all redress and remedy available in accordance with federal, state, and
local laws. This included recovery of his business interests; intellectual property; real estate;
personal and business real property; his unblemished and impressive reputation; and his most
valuable asset - the ability to produce income. This might be legally referred to as the Right-To-
Work under federal statutes. Notwithstanding, Stan J. Caterbone has never made a bad
investment or developed a business that did not make a profit over the next 22 years. This
includes two real estate properties that were illegally seized through foreclosure proceedings.

Since 1987 Stan J. Caterbone has been a prisoner and enemy of the state. ISC was a
Department of Defense (DOD) Contractor and a partner with United States Intelligence Agencies
since it's beginings in the early 1970's. One of it's first contracts was Project X with the National
Security Agency or NSA of Ft. Meade, Maryland.

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In summary, the following are facts and part of the public record regarding INTERNATIONAL

Once the third (3rd) largest employer in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania,
with over 5,000 employees.

James Guerin, founder and CEO was once the largest philanthropist to
charitable organizations in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

The ISC/Ferranti Scandal was the third (3) largest white-collar fraud within the
United States as of 1992.

The following are some of the public officials and politicians associated with ISC:
George H.W. Bush, former U.S. President, and Director of the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Robert Gates, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and
current Secretary of Defense.

Bobby Ray Inman, former Board of Directors if ISC, former Director of the NSA,
and currently associated and directly involved with Mind Control Research

Alexander Haig, former U.S. Secretary of State, and ISC lobbyist and Board of

Joseph McDade, former Pennsylvania House of Representative and Chair of the

Appropriations Committee who was later investigated for the United Chem Con

Carlos Cardoen/Cardoen Industries, a joint venture partner with ISC and arms
merchant for the cluster bomb who eventually sold to Iraq and other Middle Eastern
Countries under U.S. Sanctions. ISC was credited with the design of the cluster
bomb, and has patents filed in the U.S. Patent Office.In 1987 ISC completed the
merger with the 3rd largest defense contractor of Great Britain, Ferranti
International; who paid $1 billion dollars for ISC and all of it's subsidiaries.

ABC News/Financial Times aired 3 episodes on ABC Nightline with Ted Koppel
regarding the ISC/CIA defense weapons; technologies; and cluster bombs to Iraq
story and lead into the allegations that then nominee for the Director of CIA Robert
Gates was involved with ISC and the selling of arms to Iraq.

ABC News 20/20 aired a story on the ISC/CIA efforts to sell cluster bombs to
Saadam Hussein and Iraq on February 1, 1991 days after the start of the Persian
Gulf War I, with the initial bombing raid destroying a cluster bomb factory built in
Iraq by Carlos Cardoen. On July 1st and 2nd of 1987 Stan J. Caterbone solicited
the legal counsel of Lancaster Attorney Joseph Roda for counsel regarding, FMG,
Ltd., International Signal & Control (ISC); Commonwealth Bank, etc., and was
billed for his services. Joseph Roda did absolutely nothing but refute Stan J.
Caterbone's claims and would not believe him.

In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas),

Lancaster Attorney Joseph Roda represented William Clark, ISC's in-house legal
counsel, and never mentioned any conflict to Stan J. Caterbone in 1987.

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In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas),
James Guerin deposited $1.75 million dollars into an escrow account at Fulton
Bank, Lancaster, County.

In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas),

Christopher Underhill of Harman, Underhill & Brubaker, represented James
Guerin. In 2005 Christopher Underhill represented the Manheim Township Police
Department (05-cv-2288 U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania) CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al.,.

In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas),

Philadelphia Attorney Joseph Tate represented James Guerin and ISC, and in 2007
Joseph Tate represented Scooter Libby during his federal prosecution by U.S.
Special Prosecutor Fitzpatrick.


Not only did the allegations of fraud within ISC have to be silenced at a time when merger
negotiations were ongoing with Ferranti, but all of the fraud; extortion; public corruption;
burglaries; civil rights violations; anti-trust and intellectual property right violations; lender
liability torts; false arrests; false imprisonments; as well as other civil and criminal activities had
to be covered up and buried in bureaucratic red tape. Information and findings are still being
uncovered and discovered to this day. Contrary to popular belief, up until 1996 a grand jury
investigation into ISC was still ongoing. It is not known whether it has closed or not. All of these
activates constitute a RICO crime due to the pattern and organization of the perpetrators. The
pattern and source of the activities can be traced back to 1987, with subgroups changing over
time, but still engaging in the same practices. The following plan of action was followed in order
to perpetrate the cover-up:

Totally discredit Stan(ley) J. Caterbone and any and all allegations in every
way possible.

Fabricate a history of mental illness.

Fabricate a criminal record.

Attach his character and honesty with rumors and propaganda.

Extort and maintain his net worth to $ zero or load him with debts.

Keep him out of any profession and or occupation when and where

Totally isolate him and disenfranchise him from his friends, colleagues, and
family into a life of solitaire.

Somehow persuade the community of Lancaster County to buy into this

plan of action through money, favors, etc.,

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Always keep attorneys and anyone remotely involved with the legal
community away at times when efforts for justice are pursued.

When attempts to enter the U.S. legal system arise, isolate, harass, and
extort any monies and/or possessions of value.

Change the history of events and the truth.


For 18 years, (from 1987 until 2005) it has always been fairly easy to keep these issues
from court dockets and judges. During these years Stan J. Caterbone had solicited at least
twenty attorneys, some from large firms with national recognition in their respective fields of
specialties. Attorneys from New York City to Santa Barbara and San Diego California were visited
and consulted as well as a group of ex FBI agents who specialized in white collar crime that are
now globally recognized. However, the money and influence of persons and entities that wanted
these issues silence always prevailed. The issues were so complex and convoluted, and involved
such high profile politicians and U.S. agencies, it was far easier to state that there was no case, or
their were no claims that would result in remedy or redress. Between the Republican Party and
the Department of Defense, the CIA and the NSA, there was not an attorney that could not be
influenced. The obstruction of justice and due process in this case is most likely unprecedented in
nature and in malice.

However in 2005 that all changed when Stan J. Caterbone appeared as a pro se litigant
representing himself, without any counsel, in the United States District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania in CATERBONE v. The Lancaster County Prison, et. al., or case no. 05-cv-
2288. This case is still not settled and has been withdrawn by plaintiff Stan J.
Caterbone in October of 2008 after a successful ruling in the U.S. Third Circuit Court of
Appeals (07-4474) in September of 2008. The case will be continued upon the security
of evidence and the cease and desist of obstruction of justice and due process. On May
16, 2005 at the Federal Courthouse in Philadelphia, Stan J. Caterbone filed the case under seal.
One week later in the United States Bankruptcy Court for Eastern Pennsylvania in Reading,
Pennsylvania, again appearing as pro se, Stan J. Caterbone filed a petition for protection under
the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Code, in case no. 05-23059.

These acts of entering the United States legal system with these issues triggered yet
another round of attempts to keep these cases from the courts and judges - Organized Stalking
with Directed Energy Devices and Weapons, built on a foundation of mental telepathy or total
Mind Control.

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Organized stalking and harassment began in 1987 following the public allegations of fraud
within ISC. This organized stalking and harassment was enough to drive an ordinary person to
suicide. As far back as the late 1980's Stan J. Caterbone knew that his mind was being read, or
"remotely viewed". This was verified and confirmed when information only known to him, and
never written, spoken, or typed, was repeated by others. In 1998, while soliciting the counsel of
Philadelphia attorney Christina Rainville, (Rainville represented Lisa Michelle Lambert in the Laurie
Show murder case), someone introduced the term remote viewing through an email. That was
the last time it was an issue until 2005. The term was researched, but that was the extent of the
topic. Remote Viewers may have attempted to connect in a more direct and continuous way
without success.

In 2005 the U.S. sponsored mind control turned into an all-out assault of mental
telepathy; synthetic telepathy; and pain and torture through the use of directed energy devices
and weapons that usually fire a low frequency electromagnetic energy at the targeted victim.
This assault was no coincidence in that it began simultaneously with the filing of the federal action
in U.S. District Court, or CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., or 05-cv-2288. This
assault began after the handlers remotely trained Stan J. Caterbone with mental telepathy. The
main difference opposed to most other victims of this technology is that Stan J. Caterbone is
connected 24/7 with a person who declares that she is Interscope recording artist Sheryl Crow of
Kennett Missouri. Stan J. Caterbone has spent 3 years trying to validate and confirm this person
without success. Most U.S. intelligence agencies refuse to cooperate, and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation and the U.S. Attorney's Office refuse to comment. See attached documents for
more information.

In 2006 or the beginning of 2007 Stan J. Caterbone began his extensive research into
mental telepathy; mind control technologies; remote viewing; and the CIA mind control program
labeled MK ULTRA and it's subprograms.

If you listen to the propaganda machine and the community of Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania, including professionals, the family history of Stan J. Caterbone goes something like
the following:

Father, Samuel Caterbone, Jr., Schizophrenic who ran out on his family
because of nervous breakdowns while trying to run a small dry cleaning business.
He traveled the world looking for the Blessed Mother Mary and Space Aliens. He
ended up living in government subsidized housing broke and with a severe mental
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Brother, Samuel A. Caterbone, suffered from the very same illness has
his father, Schizophrenia, who finally killed himself trying to live in California.

Brother, Thomas W. Caterbone, suffered from the very same mental

illness as his brother, Stan J., Bipolar Mood Disorder, who ran a lawn
business and finally committed suicide at an early age.

Stan J. Caterbone, suffered from Bipolar Mood Disorder, or Manic

Depression and had a nervous breakdown in 1987 trying to compete in the
financial services industry. When he has his nervous breakdowns, he always
threatens to sue everyone in court and is deeply paranoid in thinking the
whole world is against him. He always spends all of his money during his fits
of mania and has delusions about his success as a businessman.

The Family History was formulated back in the 1960's when Samuel Caterbone, Jr.,
father of Stan J. Caterbone, became engaged in a black budget mind control program that began
during his service in the United States Navy as a radioman and air gunner. Samuel Caterbone,
Jr., was most likely a direct product of MK ULTRA or one of it's subprograms. His brother, Samuel
A. Caterbone, was most likely part of the LSD experiments of MK ULTRA. Stan J. Caterbone is
most likely part of a program sponsored by the Department of Defense Agencies, such as DARPA
or the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The facts of Stan J. Caterbone's intimate discussions
with both his father and brother over the years before they died, the totality of documents that
were preserved in their estate, including service records; letters; official court papers; high school
documents; and the like - all will prove that they were in fact part of MK ULTRA or one of it's

The following are the facts and the real record of the family history:

Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., (Father) served in the Navy from 1943 to 1946 and
graduated with honors from Air Gunners School in Jacksonville, Florida, which by the
MANUAL depicts a Special Ops type of service recruiting only the most physically and
mentally fit of all of the branches of service. I have secured his ENTIRE NAVY RECORD
WITH JOURNALS AND PHOTO ALBUMS in safety deposit boxes. He was an exceptional
student/athlete while attending Lancaster Catholic High School, participating in the band as well
as sports. He was also his senior class secretary/treasurer. After the Navy, he went on to build a
successful dry cleaning business, which he is credited with inventing a filtration system for the
solvents. He also developed a very good investment in real estate along the Manheim Pike,
owning several properties. By his own writings, A NOTARIZED AFFADAVIT FROM 1996,
and from his personal accounts to me, he was a victim of SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and
possibly a COVERT CARRIER as proven by his 3 PASSPORTS which depict him traveling
the world visiting countries like Hong Kong, Lispin, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Canada,
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is documented to have begun back in the early 1970's. He also suffered from organized stalking,
and was considered an enemy and prisoner of the state. Back in the 1960's, he was a world
traveler, this is documented by his passports. Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., may have been a covert
carrier for someone in intelligence. Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., had his mental health history laced
with electro shock therapy. Electro Shock Therapy Experiments is another subprogram of MK
ULTRA. In addition, and especially disturbing is his criminal record with the Lancaster City Police
Department and the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. In 1973 Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr.
was convicted of forging a 2 checks from the Caterbone Cleaners, Inc., checking account. The
one check to Joe the Motorists Store at the Manor Shopping Center was never entered into
evidence, it was for a total of $70.00. The other check was made out to Lancaster Attorney
James Coho for $200.00 with "divorce proceedings" written in the memo. This was his only
criminal record. Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., was sentenced to one year probation by President
Judge William Johnstone. However, on August 29, 1973 after nine months, Judge Johnstone
wrote an ORDER releasing him from probation and ordering him to "leave the vicinity of the
County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania". The President Judge of Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas literally threw my father out of Lancaster County for forging 2 checks from his own
corporation. In 1987 I was arrested for stealing my own files from my own company, Financial
Management Group, Ltd., You can research the life of Candy Jones and Kate O'Brien to learn more
on this topic. Samuel Caterbone, Jr., has left enough writings and documentation to know that his
life fits the model for targeted individuals, complete with economic ruin, isolation, disenfranchised
from family and friends, and of course a fabricated mental illness history. You can view most of
his record online. On or about May 18, 2001 Samuel P. Caterbone Jr., finally received an
inheritance from his mother's (Mary Caterbone) estate. The check was for some $70,000.00.
The estate was probated in November of 2000. Some two weeks later, on Memorial Day Weekend
of 2001, he had called me to come to New York City to help care for him. He was in perfect
health until this time. In a matter of six (6) weeks he had succumbed to lung cancer. As per
Julianne McKinney, former intelligence officer for the U.S. Army and victim activist of U.S.
Sponsored Mind Control, the weapons are lethal enough to kill and the one thing that I worry
about is that of dying of cancer (paraphrase). There is no doubt now that my father's death was
a murder, not natural.

Samuel A. Caterbone, (Brother) served in the United States Air Force in 1968 to 1970.
In 1991, Stan J. Caterbone accused the United States Government of using his brother, Samuel
A. Caterbone for part of the LSD experiments on mind control, or MK ULTRA. A notarized letter of
October 23, 1991 was sent certified mail to the California Attorney General on the subject matter,
with a return letter from the California Attorney General on January 14, 1992. By his own
admission before his death, Samuel A. Caterbone disclosed to Stan J. Caterbone of the "bad LSD"
trips while in the Air Force. Since his death of December 25, 1984, Stan J. Caterbone and others

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questioned the classification of suicide, and made allegations of foul play that was ultimately
responsible for his death. Finally in a meeting in Santa Barbara, California with the Santa Barbara
Public Guardian's Office, an office admitted that the death was more likely due to foul plan than
suicide. Samuel A. Caterbone was also an exceptional student and athlete while attending
Lancaster Catholic High School. After playing varsity football as a sophomore, he had an
unfortunate accident while deer hunting the following November. While in the woods in
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, his hunting pants caught fire trying to stay warm. It left him in the
Lancaster General Hospital for months, going through painful skin grafts and isolation. The
hunting accident interrupted his athletic career and scared his legs for life. The Schizophrenia
diagnosis was a combination of LSD flashbacks and organized stalking and harassment.

Thomas P. Caterbone, (Brother) had an unfortunate transaction at Fulton Bank that set
a course of action that resulted in a suicide. Although diagnosed with Bipolar Disease and Manic
Depression -- embezzled and extorted monies were most likely the reason for his suicide in 1996.
WHICH SUGGESTS SOME SORT OF ATHEIST THEME. Fulton Bank was involved in a fraud that
took $72,000 from a real estate settlement closing and lead to his total financial ruin and collapse
in June of 1995. The funds were never recovered and Fulton Bank is a defendant for a wrongful
death claim in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in
CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., 05-cv-2288. FULTON BANK triggered a severe
and lethal death blow to Thomas P. Caterbone, and as of this day has refused to acknowledge any
wrongdoing or remorse. Thomas P. Caterbone was also an exceptional athlete. Playing for
Lancaster Catholic High School, Franklin and Marshall College, the Harrisburg Patriots, and even
the Philadelphia Eagles. Tom also coached football at J.P. McCaskey and Franklin and Marshall
College. Thomas P. Caterbone had a very successful lawn and landscaping business before joining
forces with John DePatto of United Financial Services and selling residential mortgages. John
DePatto was the former head of Parent Bank, owned by James Guerin and ISC. Parent Bank,
owned by ISC also foreclosed on 2323 New Danville Pike, Conestoga, Pennsylvania in 1988, which
was owned by Stan J. Caterbone. Thousands of dollars of equity was extorted in the process,
despite still being short sold for a profit to Mr. Keith Kirchner, an executive of Lancaster
Newspapers and former graduate of Lancaster Catholic High School.

Stan J. Caterbone is a remote viewer (at least one way in), is telepathic, and a
federal whistleblower with an exceptional entrepreneurial record in spite of all of his adversaries
and their assaults. In spite of the U.S. Sponsored mind control and torture, he has endured and
will prevail. Legally, Stan J. Caterbone has been able to preserve his claims, and progress his
legal challenges and claims through both the federal and state court system appearing pro se,
without the aid or expense of additional legal counsel. Some of his claims and briefs will most

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likely be landmark decisions in years to come. Stan J. Caterbone was a 2-Sport MVP at Lancaster
Catholic High School, in both football and track. Stan J. Caterbone never received less than a B
grade in his four years of high school and had an 87+ average. Stan J. Caterbone excelled in
computer technologies, taking his first full term course in 1975, while in high school and
continuing into college at Millersville University, graduating with a degree in business
administration in 1980. Stan J. Caterbone excelled profoundly at building his companies, first
beginning with Financial Management Group, Ltd., then working with Tony Bongiovi of Power
Station Studios and the "Digital Movie"; then building Advanced Media Group, Ltd.. Over the
years, despite the illegal seizures and foreclosures, Stan J. Caterbone has amassed a portfolio of
impressive real estate deals that have always paid off in profits, no matter how or when they
were sold. The same was true of his businesses. Financial Management Group, Ltd., was a
$20,000 dollar investment in 1986 and was still sold for approximately $100,000 two years later,
despite the false arrests and the extortion of most of it's real value and equity.

The mental health history and the criminal records were completely fabricated, and a
close review and investigation into the actual court records and hospital records can prove that in
very short fashion. There are TWO (2) ways to quickly dispute the Mental Health History and
One - Review the word "Delusional; delusions; etc.,; every instance of the word
used by mental health professionals, and the false reports by friends and family were associated
with facts, and matters of the official record, the complete opposite of the meaning of the word
"delusional". And they still exist to this very day.
Two - Review the 3 Fabricated Suicide Allegations of the following dates: August
10(?), 1987 at Burdette Tomlin Hospital (Cape May County New Jersey); February 18th(?), 2005
by Kerry Egan and the Southern Regional Police Department; and July 19, 2009 for the 302
Commitment by the Lancaster City Police Department at Lancaster General Hospital.
The Criminal Record is very similar, since 1987 Stanley J. Caterbone has had 31 false
arrests; formal charges and convictions dismissed prior to court proceedings or won on summary
appeals in the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania; most of which Stan J. Caterbone appearing as
pro se (representing himself). These have resulted in civil complaints filed in 2008 in CATERBONE
v. The County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of


The Public Record is comprised of court filings and exhibits in U.S. Federal Courts;
Pennsylvania State Courts; and the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. In all some 40,000
pages of documents are now filed and electronically scanned or microfilmed in prothonotary
offices. In addition in both the U.S. Federal Courts and the Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas there are more than 11 hours of audio recordings; some 3,000 scanned images; and

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by To
to Jim
several video broadcasts of the ISC News broadcasts all stored on a CD-ROM and filed as an
exhibit to some of the law suits filed by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, as
plaintiffs. Stan J. Caterbone has over 100 court docket sheet numbers in federal, state, and local

There are also Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation records; Department of Welfare

and Lancaster County Assistance Office records; Local Real Estate Tax records; Lancaster County
Tax Assessment records; Social Security Administration Benefits records; Lancaster Catholic High
School transcripts; Millersville University transcripts; all for Stan J. Caterbone, in addition to his
court filings.

For Samuel A. Caterbone, my brother, there are United States Air Force service
records; Lancaster Catholic High School transcripts; Millersville University transcripts; Social
Security Administration records; Santa Barbara County Guardian and Public Defender records;
and papers and documents persevered from his estate.

For Samuel P. Caterbone, my father, there are United States Naval records, Lancaster
Catholic High School transcripts; Social Security Administration records; Lancaster County
Assistance Office records; Local Real Estate Tax records; Lancaster County Tax Assessment
records; Samuel Caterbone Cleaners, Inc., corporate records; Real Estate Deeds and Mortgages;
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas civil and criminal records; and of course papers and
documents persevered from his estate



Monday November 14, 2016 -


Agencies November 12, 2016 -


November 12, 2016 -
July 20,
J. Caterbone
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by To
to Jim


of Monday November 7, 2016 -

REQUEST FOR COMMUTATION of the Sentence of Lisa Michell Lambert to
President Obama, November 15, 2016 -

July 20,
J. Caterbone
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by To
to Jim
** It is important to note that as of this writing, Remote Viewing AND the use of
Mind Control for the purpose of controlling everything from prosthetic limbs to cars
with the human mind has recently been commercialized by corporate America, and
certain Fortune 500 companies. For years corporations have been using Remote
Viewers as consultants for trend analysis and market forecasts.. FACEBOOK is even
known to have researched and possibly developed technologies that are intended to
connect it's billions of users, via Mind Control Techniques. This is often the evolution
of most technologies born out of the U.S. Department of Defense. Top Secret
experiments and the resulting technological advancements can stay secretive for so
long. This has recently been used in a NBC story of the Television drama "Medium" this
last season. On July 9, 2008 I had recorded an AM radio live broadcast on WHAN Coast
to Coast with a guest that was one of the leading Physicist turned Remote Viewer and
expert that testified to this same notion.

Dated: November 21, 2016

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
The following are no longer in service:

July 20,
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I Wanted
by To
to Jim
September 7, 2009

Stan J. Caterbone
Advance Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603

Derrick Robinson
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
P.O. Box 9022
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Phone 1-800-571-5618
Fax 1-866-433-4170

Re: Is County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania Ground Zero for Organized Stalking and
Covert Surveillance?


My pleasure. Derrick, I was trying to get group rates at our new Lancaster Convention Center
Marriot Hotel last week, just as a little fact finding mission. I have a theory that I would like to
send your way. I thought it would be very fruitful to bring some TI's together for a conference,
unless you think the exposure would be harmful.

I believe that they try new models for harassment; organized stalking and surveillance on me
here in Lancaster. Remember, Lancaster is now one of the most "Watched Communities" in the
country. "With those cameras, the Safety Coalition will operate and monitor 165 cameras across
Lancaster City making Lancaster the most watched city of its size in the nation." See article
attached, Watching you: City to add 105 more cameras.

I believe that Lancaster may be ground zero for some of the models of organized stalking and
harassment that we TI's experience and wanted to get some reaction from Lancaster. Some
history on the Lancaster Convention Center. Dale High of High Industries is the lead partner in our
new convention center/hotel. It is first class all the way. Now in the late 1980's I was a joint
venture partner with Dale High in American Helix Technology Company/Advanced Media Group.
American Helix was a cd manufacturer and I and my company Advanced Media Group was the
CD-ROM division of American Helix. I was one of a handful of CD-ROM manufacturers in the
domestic United States back then. Also in 2005 I filed a civil action against the lead hotel, the
Eden Resort Inn, for trying to block the development and building of the Hotel/Convention Center,
see attached.

Now, some history about Lancaster and the intelligence community. Back in the 1980's there were
several defense contractors located in Lancaster, the main being International Signal & Control,
which I, of course, blew the whistle on a billion dollar fraud and arms to Iraq.

Click here for an overview of ISC.

Click here to see the Lancaster Newspapers Archives regarding International Signal & Control, or

Click here to view the live video of the WGAL-TV News Broadcast of October 31, 1991 the evening
of the ISC indictments. The U.S. Department of Justice and other U.S. Agencies held a Press
Conference in the Philadelphia Federal Courthouse to announce the indictments and $ Billion
Dollar Fraud.

Click here for Part 2 of the WGAL-TV 8 Broadcast.

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to Jim
Now politically, Lancaster is and has always been predominately Republican. Lancaster is one of
the oldest cities in the country and our courthouse was one of the first in this country. Lancaster
has one of the oldest fraternities of the Masons. Lancaster and the George W.Bush administration
has a close and very "interesting relationship". George H. Bush had a very close relationship with
ISC, and of course the NSA and CIA all had a very "close" relationship with International Signal &
Control, or ISC. The following are some transcripts for Ted Koppel and ABC News Nightline
regarding ISC and Arms to Iraq and the intelligence community. The transcripts are contained in
my Amicus for Case No. 2006-cv-2160 filed in the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division.

Now, Robert Gates, presently the Secretary of the United States Defense Department, and his
relationship to Lancaster. First of all, the attached video is the authentic transcript of Robert
Gates' confirmation hearing in September of 1991 for the Director of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA). If you fast forward to approximately 9:00:00 you will see the back and forth
questions from Senator Murkowski to Robert Gates regarding the allegations by several members
of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding his alleged involvement with ISC
and the Arms deals with Carlos Cardoen and the shipping of cluster bombs through South Africa
and on to Iraq. Of course, he denied all of the allegations.

Robert Gates also has relatives that live in Lancaster County, if fact he attended a wedding here a
few months ago, on May 3, 2009 at St. John Neuman Catholic Church in Manhiem Township,
Lancaster County. His wife has a niece that lives in Manheim Township.

Now, I'll give you the ABC News Nightline May 23, 1991 excerpt regarding ISC and the NSA,
National Security Agency:

"It all started legally, if covertly, back in 1974. That's when the National Security Agency, a super-
secret U.S. Intelligence unit asked ISC to help complete project X, a chain of electronic listening
posts based at South Africa's Simonstown Naval Station. South Africa was using these posts to
follow Soviet submarine traffic off of the Cape of Good Hope. To ensure secrecy, ISC and the NSA
made sure shipments could not be tracked back to them. They created a company called Gamma
Systems Associates. In fact, this company was nothing more than a post office box at John F.
Kennedy Airport. Gamma was a cut-out. ... But this sanctioned covert operation was stopped in
1977 when President Carter, a strong opponent of South Africa's apartheid regime, told U.S. firms
to stop any military-related business with Pretoria. But ISC continue shipping electronics, some
civilian, some military, to South Africa. The in the early 1980's, South Africa began to intensify its
efforts at ballistic missile development. For ISC, that was a golden opportunity because on of its
top executives was a man named Clyde Ivey, an American electronics expert who has been the
father of South Africa's missile program. Ivey had extraordinary contacts in the nations defense
structure. Begining in 1984, federal investigators say, senior ISC exeutives, including Ivey, began
regular contacts with CIA officials." You can read the rest. The entire transcript of the May 23,
1991 ABC News/Nightline broadcast.

Now remember, George H. Bush was director of CIA. "He served in this role for 357 days, from
January 30, 1976 to January 20, 1977.[22] The CIA had been rocked by a series of revelations,
including those based on investigations by Senator Frank Church's Committee regarding illegal
and unauthorized activities by the CIA, and Bush was credited with helping to restore the
agency's morale.[23] In his capacity as DCI, Bush gave national security briefings to Jimmy
Carter both as a Presidential candidate and as President-elect, and discussed the possibility of
remaining in that position in a Carter administration[24] but it was not to be," according to

Now, lets get to Bobby Ray Inman, former Navy, Director of the National Security Agency (NSA),
former Director of International Signal & Control (ISC), and currently part of the Mind Control
industry. The following appears on the Welcome page of my website:

"S.A.I.C. involvement in 1993 American Para psychological Association meeting arrangements, via
their 'Cognitive Sciences Laboratory'. Science Applications International Corporation is a big time
defense contractor, has held the largest number of research contracts of any defense contractor.
Bobby Ray Inman (ISC Board of Directors) is on its board of directors, among others."
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to Jim
by John Porter, CIA Program on Mind Control copyright 1996. In 1994, after Bobby Ray Inman
requested to be withdrawn from consideration as Bill Clinton's first Defense Secretary, his critics
speculated that the decision was motivated by a desire to conceal his links to ISC. Inman was a
member of the so-called "shadow board" of the company which was allegedly either negligent or
approved the exports." by Wikipedia on International Signal and Control, (ISC).

Now, lets list the former Navy personnel:

George H. Bush, former President of the United States, former Director of CIA.
James Guerin, President and Founder of International Signal & Control.
Bobby Ray Inman, former Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and Director of
International Signal & Control, (ISC).
My father, Samuel P. Cateronne, Jr.
His father, Samuel J. Caterbone, Sr.
George Noory, of Coast to Coast Radio (just anecdotal, nothing assumed or alleged).
George W. Bush flew with the Navy.
James Cross
I will Finish later and add more.

Next we get to Jim Guerin's attorney back in 1989 through at least 1992. His name was Joseph
Tate, of Philadelpha. This link will take you to a document regarding Joseph Tate, James Guerin
and Joseph Roda, Esq., of Lancaster, my former attorney who said I fabricated everything back in
1987. The document contains a letter of September 12, 2005 from Special Prosecutor Patrick
Fitzgerald regarding Scooter Libby, Former Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff. the letter
involves Scooter Libby's Grand Jury Indictment for leaking Covert CIA Operative Valerie Plame
and eventually outing her.

Now in Austin Texas in July of 2005 I was detained by 2 Agents from The Defense Intelligence
Agency. I was merely visiting a Military Museum, that had old and vintage helicopters and
airplanes. near where my brother, Dr. Phillip Caterbone lived. I was visiting on my way to
California. While inside the museum 2 Agents from the Department of Defense Defense
Intelligence Agency escorted me outside to my Honda Oddesey and interrogated me making me
confirm that I was visiting and staying with my brother. They caused a problem for my brother's
Medical Practice by shaking up one of his secretaries. The reviewed my court documents for
CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., Case No. 2005-cv-0288 filed in the U.S. District
Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The demanded that I stay off all military bases
before releasing me.

In 2006 I was telepathic with an older NSA executive on many occasions who wanted to meet me
at the Clipper Stadium who told me he wanted to rent a facility in Lancaster for a training
exercise. I told him to to and see Dale High and the High Group for space at the Greenfield
Industrial Park. He said he was retiring and that our discussions were keeping him a few weeks
longer than expected. We had intimate discussions of my history and the Chesapeake Bay Area.
We also discussed Sheryl Crow, and he told me his wife was a fan. I turned him on to her new
album, Wildflower, and he said she liked it. We had to disengage because he was being harassed
by other telepathic assailants.
My former secretary (Susan Bare) at Pflumm Contractors, Inc., where I was controller and was
hired to rescue the company from near bankruptcy in 1993, told me that her husband, Ross Bare,
who grew up just some 10 or so doors from me, worked for the NSA. She disclosed this soon
after I hired her in 1994 or 1995.

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to Jim
I will finish later and add to this allegation. This is a work-in-progress.

Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,
Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

July 20,
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to Jim

BE IT ACKNOWLEDGED, that Stanley J. Caterbone, Advanced Media Group, Advanced

Media Group, Ltd., Global Entertainment Group, Ltd., Power Productions I, Radio Science
Laboratories, Ltd., of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the undersigned deponent, being of legal
age, does hereby depose and say under oath as follows:

I am now convinced that the situation surrounding my litigation and all factors attributed
to my financial and professional demise bore out of the fact that my Father, Samuel P. Caterbone
was a victim of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control, in the truest sense of the words. The
whistleblowing activities of 1987 either were a coincidence or I was set up in the very beginning
by Pennsylvania State Senator Gibson Armstrong (former stock broker) in 1983 when he solicited
me to purchase the ISC stock. The preceding would have been the perfect cover story for my
demise; that I was involved in fraud. Following this analysis would lead one to conclude that the
collateral damage from the activities of my financial ruin always left my fellow businesses in
financial ruin, for example the shareholders and affiliated professionals of Financial Management
Group, Ltd., Tony Bongiovi and Power Station Studios, Cross Microwave Consultants, American
Helix/High Industries, Pflumm Contractors, Inc., Mike Caterbone's AIM Wholesaler's Business,
Sheryl Crow Singer Songwriter, my immediate family, friends, and relatives, and now the
Lancaster County Courthouse.

Following this analysis would lead one to concur that the legal and financial remedies
would only be reconciled by the above named parties enjoining my civil litigation. This AFFIDAVIT
is to be considered a legal and binding document to accomplish that remedy.

And I affirm that the foregoing is true except to statements made upon information and belief,
and as to those I believe them to be true. Witness my hand under the penalties of perjury this
10th day of October, 2015.


Stanley J. Caterbone
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

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to Jim

On before me,________________________personally appeared

, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence)
to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged
to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by
his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the
person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.


Affiant______Known______Produced ID

Type of ID_________________________

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to Jim

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20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
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to Jim

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to Jim

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to Jim

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to Jim

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July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 42
37 42
32 of
41 Tuesday,
Saturday, March
October 2016
21, 2015
26, 2015
10, 2017
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

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July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 43
38 43
33 of
41 Tuesday,
Saturday, March
October 2016
21, 2015
26, 2015
10, 2017
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim
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July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 44
39 44
34 of
41 Tuesday,
Saturday, March
October 2016
21, 2015
26, 2015
10, 2017
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

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July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 45
40 45
35 of
41 Tuesday,
Saturday, March
October 2016
21, 2015
26, 2015
10, 2017
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim
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" Stan J. Caterbone


F " Stan J. Caterbone


1 June 19, 2015




Stan J. Caterbone - I was a notary from '94-'98 F 3 24 Don't Know When

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&, , . . $ / I #

July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 46
41 46
36 of
41 Tuesday,
Saturday, March
October 2016
21, 2015
26, 2015
10, 2017
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 47
42 47
37 of
41 Tuesday,
Saturday, March
October 2016
21, 2015
26, 2015
10, 2017
THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP Page 35 of 41 06/10/2007
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 48
43 48
38 of
41 Tuesday,
Saturday, March
October 2016
21, 2015
26, 2015
10, 2017
THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP Page 36 of 41 06/10/2007
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 49
44 49
39 of
41 Tuesday,
Saturday, March
October 2016
21, 2015
26, 2015
10, 2017
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 50
45 50
40 of
41 Tuesday,
Saturday, March
October 2016
21, 2015
26, 2015
10, 2017
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 51
46 51
41 of
41 Tuesday,
Saturday, March
October 2016
21, 2015
26, 2015
10, 2017
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

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July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
56 968 Tuesday,
Monday March
July 2016
26, 2015
21, 2016
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Group
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 148
133 of
56 968 Tuesday,
Monday March
July 2016
26, 2015
21, 2016
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

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July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 449
56 968 Tuesday,
Monday March
July 2016
26, 2015
21, 2016
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
Page 350
56 968 Tuesday,
Monday March
July 2016
26, 2015
21, 2016
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

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July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
56 968 Tuesday,
Monday March
July 2016
26, 2015
21, 2016
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim
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July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
56 968 Tuesday,
Monday March
July 2016
26, 2015
21, 2016
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

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July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
56 968 Tuesday,
Monday March
July 2016
26, 2015
21, 2016
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim
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July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
56 968 Tuesday,
Monday March
July 2016
26, 2015
21, 2016
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

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July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
56 968 Tuesday,
Monday March
July 2016
26, 2015
21, 2016
All I Can
I Wanted
by To
to Jim

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July J.
J. Caterbone
20, Medi
1977 Grop
CIA Executive
Project MKUltra Page
56 51
968 Tuesday,
Monday March
July 2016
26, 2015
21, 2016

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