Curriculum Vitae Linda Brooks Williams: Education

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Linda Brooks Williams

Department of Development Sociology
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
(607) 255-4609


Ph.D. Sociology, Brown University, Providence, RI - 1987.

M.A. Sociology, Brown University, Providence, RI - 1984.
A.B. English, Colby College, Waterville, ME - 1979.


Development Sociology, Population and Development, Family Sociology, Gender, Asian Studies.


2007- present:
Professor, Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University.

1999 -2007:
Associate Professor, Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University.

1993 - 1999:
Assistant Professor, Department of Rural Sociology, Cornell University.

1992 - 1993:
Assistant Research Scientist funded by the Mellon Foundation through the Population
Studies Center, University of Michigan.

1991 - 1992:
Postdoctoral Fellow funded by the National Institute on Aging through the Population
Studies Center, University of Michigan.

1988 - 1990:
Statistician /Demographer, National Survey of Family Growth.

1987 - 1988:
Research Associate, Brown University

1986 - 1988:
Consultant, International Labour Office


2012 - L. B. Williams and M. P. Guest, editors, Demographic Change in Southeast Asia: Recent
Histories and Future Directions, Cornell Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University:
Ithaca, NY.

1990 - L.B.Williams, Development, Demography, and Family Decision-making: The Status of

Women in Rural Java, Westview Press, Boulder, CO.


2014 - L.B. Williams, W(h)ither State Interest in Intimacy? Singapore through a Comparative
Lens, Sojourn. 29(1).

2012 - L.B. Williams and Marie Joy B. Arguillas, Correlates of Non-Marriage in the
Philippines, Philippine Population Review, 11(1): 1-25.

2010 Marie Joy B. Arguillas and L.B.Williams, The Impact of Parents Overseas
Employment on Educational Outcomes of Filipino Children, International Migration Review,
44(2): 300-319.

2009 L.B.Williams, Attitudes toward Marriage in Northern Vietnam: What Qualitative Data
Reveal about Variations across Gender, Generation, and Geography, Journal of
Population Research, 26(4): 285-304.

2007 - L.B.Williams, Midea Kabamalan, and Nimfa Ogena, Cohabitation in the Philippines:
Attitudes and Behaviors among Teens and Young Adults, Journal of Marriage and Family,
69(5): 1244-1256.

2006 - L.B.Williams , Philip Guest, and Anchalee Varangrat, Early 40s and Still Unmarried: A
Continuing Trend in Thailand, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 47 (2):

2006 - Parfait M. Eloundou-Enyegue and L.B.Williams, Family Size and Schooling in sub-
Saharan African Settings: A Reexamination, Demography, 43(1): 25-52.

2005 - Scott Johnson and L.B.Williams, Deference and Denial: Men Talk about Contraception
and Unplanned Pregnancy, International Journal of Mens Health, 4(3) 223-242.

2005 - Umaporn Pattaravanich, L.B.Williams, Thomas A. Lyson, and Kritaya Archavanitkul,

Inequality and Educational Investment in Thai Children, Rural Sociology, 70(4): 561-
Peer-reviewed journal articles (continued)

2005 - L.B.Williams and Philip Guest, Attitudes toward Marriage among the Urban Middle-
Class in Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines, Journal of Comparative Family
Studies, 36(2): 163-186.

2003 - L.B.Williams and Teresa Sobieszczyk, Couple Attitudes and Agreement Regarding Pregnancy
Wantedness in the Philippines, Journal of Marriage and the Family 65: 1019-1029.

2001 - L.B.Williams, Linda Piccinino, Joyce Abma, and Florio Arguillas, Pregnancy
Wantedness: Attitude Stability Over Time, Social Biology, 48(3-4): 212-233.

2001 - L.B.Williams , Teresa Sobieszczyk, and Aurora Perez, "Consistency between Survey and
Interview Data Concerning Pregnancy Wantedness in the Philippines," Studies in Family
Planning, 32(3): 244-253.

2000 - L.B.Williams and Joyce Abma, "Birth Wantedness Reports: A Look Forward and A
Look Back," Social Biology, 47 (3-4):147-163.

2000 - L.B.Williams, Teresa Sobieszczyk, and Aurora Perez, "Couples' Views about Planning
Fertility in the Philippines," Rural Sociology 65(3): 484-514.

1999 - L.B.Williams, Joyce Abma, and Linda Piccinino, "Childbearing Expectations and
Subsequent Fertility Behavior: An Analysis Using Prospective Reports," Family
Planning Perspectives 31(5): 220-227.

1999 - L.B.Williams, Harvey Lin, and Kalyani Mehta, "Intergenerational Influence in Singapore
and Taiwan: The Role of the Elderly in Family Decisions," Journal of Cross-Cultural
Gerontology, 14: 291-322.

1997 - L.B.Williams and Teresa Sobieszczyk, "Attitudes Surrounding the Continuation of

Female Circumcision in the Sudan: Passing the Tradition to the Next Generation,"
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 59: 966-981.

1997 - L.B. Williams, Kritaya Archavanitkul, and Napaporn Havanon, "Which Children Will Go
to Secondary School? Factors Affecting Parents' Decisions in Rural Thailand," Rural
Sociology, 62(2): 231-261.

1994 - L.B.Williams, "Determinants of Couple Agreement in U.S. Fertility Decisions," Family

Planning Perspectives, 26(4): 169-173.

1994 - L.B.Williams and Kathy London, "Changes in the Planning Status of Births to Ever-
married U.S. Women: 1982-1988," Family Planning Perspectives, 26(3): 121-124.

1993 - L.B.Williams and Lita Domingo, "The Social Status of Elderly Women and Men within
the Household in the Philippines," Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55(2): 415-426.
Peer-reviewed journal articles (continued)

1992 - Mosher, William D.; L.B.Williams; and David P. Johnson, "Religious Affiliation and
Fertility in the United States: New Patterns," Demography, 29(2): 199-214.

1991 - L.B.Williams, "Determinants of Unintended Childbearing among Ever-Married Women

in the United States: 1973-1988," Family Planning Perspectives, 23(5): 212-215.

1990 - L.B.Williams and Basil G. Zimmer. "The Changing Influence of Religion on U.S.
Fertility: Evidence from Rhode Island," Demography, 27(3): 475-481.

1990 - L.B.Williams, "Marriage and Decision-Making: Intergenerational Dynamics in

Indonesia," Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 21(1): 55-66.

1989 - L.B.Williams, "Postnuptial Migration and the Status of Women in Indonesia," Journal of
Marriage and the Family, 51 (4): 895-905.

1986 - Casterline, John B., L.B.Williams, and Peter McDonald, "The Age Difference between
Spouses: Variations among Developing Countries," Population Studies, 40: 353-374.


2012 Preface, L.B. Williams and M. P. Guest in Demographic Change in Southeast Asia:
Recent Histories and Future Direction., in L. B. Williams and M. P. Guest, editors,
Ithaca, NY: Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University: Ithaca, NY.

2012 Conclusions, M.P Guest and L.B. Williams, in Demographic Change in Southeast
Asia: Recent Histories and Future Direction., in L. B. Williams and M. P. Guest, editors,
Ithaca, NY: Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University: Ithaca, NY.

2006 - Shelley Feldman and L.B.Williams, Women, Gender and Development and Family:
Overview, in Suad Joseph (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures.
the Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers

2006 - L.B.Williams and Shelley Feldman, Women, Gender and Development and Family:
Southeast Asia, in Suad Joseph (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic
Cultures. the Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers.

2003 - Kristine Althucher and L.B.Williams, Family Clocks: Timing Parenthood, in Phyllis
Moen (ed.) It's About Time Couples and Careers , Cornell University Press.

1999 - L.B.Williams and Eleanor O. Bell, "The Widening Gap among Children: Family Living
Arrangements in New York State and the U.S.," in T. Hirschl and T. Heaton (eds.) New
York in the 21st Century, Greenwood Press.
1991 - Findley, Sally E. and L.B.Williams, "Women Who Go and Women Who Stay:
Reflections of Family Migration Processes in a Changing World," International Labour
Office Working Paper, 176, Population and Labour Policies Programme, International
Labour Office, Geneva, Switzerland.


2001 - L.B.Williams and Michael Philip Guest. Why Marry? Attitudes of Urban Middle-Class
Respondents in Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines, Working Paper Series,
Population and Development Program, Cornell University.
1999 - L.B.Williams, Book Review: Filipino Peasant Women: Exploitation and Resistance,
Reviewed for the Journal of Asian Studies.

1998 - L.B.Williams, L. Piccinino, and J. Abma, "Pregnancy Wantedness: Attitude Stability

over Time," Working Paper Series, No. 98-06, Working Paper Series, Population and
Development Program, Cornell University.

1997 - L.B.Williams, T. Sobieszczyk, and A. Perez, "Using In-depth Interviews and Survey
Data to Understand Couples' Views about Planning Births in the Philippines," Working
Paper Series, Population and Development Program, Cornell University.

1996 - L.B.Williams, Joyce Abma, and Linda Piccinino. "Fertility Intentions, Subsequent
Behavior, and Wantedness Reports of Births: A Comparison of Prospective and
Retrospective Attitudes," Working Paper Series, Population and Development Program,

1996 - L.B.Williams and Teressa Sobieszczyk, "Attitudes Surrounding the Continuation of

Female Circumcision in the Sudan: Passing the Tradition to the Next Generation,"
Working Paper Series, Population Studies Center, The University of Michigan, Ann

1994 - L.B.Williams, Harvey Lin, and Kalyani Mehta, "Intergenerational Influence in

Singapore and Taiwan: The Role of the Elderly in Family Decisions," Comparative Study
of the Elderly in Asia: Research Reports, No. 94-28, Population Studies Center,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

1991 - Casterline, John B., L.B.Williams, A. Hermalin, M.C. Chang, N. Chayovan, P. Cheung,
L. Domingo, J. Knodel, and M. Ofstedal. "Differences in the Living Arrangements of the
Elderly in Four Asian Countries: The Interplay of Constraints and Preferences,"
Comparative Study of the Elderly in Asia: Research Reports, No. 91-10, The Population
Studies Center, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

1990 - L.B.Williams and William F. Pratt, "Wanted and Unwanted Childbearing in the United
States: 1973-1988," Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics, National Center for
Health Statistics, Hyattsville, MD.
1990 - L.B.Williams, "Variations in Reproductive Goals Among Indonesian Spouses," Working
Papers on Women in International Development, Michigan State University, East
Lansing, MI, July.

1990 - Sperry, Sandra; Kathy London and L.B.Williams, "Telephone Reinterview - Longitudinal
Objectives," in The National Survey of Family Growth--Mission for the 1990s,
Conference Proceedings.


2013 Florio Arguillas, L.B. Williams, and Marie Joy Arguillas, The Rise and Decline of
Skilled Nurses Migration to Ireland. Poster presented at the annual meetings of the
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) in Busan, South
Korea, August 26-31.

2013 - Florio Arguillas, L.B. Williams, and Marie Joy Arguillas, The Consequences of Female
Overseas Employment on Mens Involvement in Housework. Roundtable presentation at
the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, August 10-13, 2013, New
York, NY.

2013 - Katie Rainwater and L.B. Williams, Low Wage Guestworkers and Labor Market
Niches: The Case of Thai Migrant Workers in Taiwan, Paper presented at the annual
meetings of the Rural Sociological Society, August, New York, NY.

2013 - L. B. Williams,W(h)ither State Interest in Intimacy? The Case of Singapore, Keynote

address presented at the annual graduate student conference, Southeast Asia Program,
Cornell University.

2012 - Discussant, Session on Labor Migration, Authors Workshop on Food Security and its
Implications for Global Stability, June 18-19, 2012, Ithaca, NY.

2012 - Florio Arguillas, Marie Joy Arguillas, and L.B. Williams, The Consequences of
Overseas Employment on Parents Who Go and Children Who Stay. Paper presented at
the annual meetings of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, CA.

2011 - Hyunok Lee, L.B. Williams, and Florio Arguillas, Transnational Marriage as a Solution
to a Double Marriage Squeeze? Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the
Population Association of America, Washington, DC, April.

2010 - L.B. Williams and Florio O. Arguillas, Marriage and Non-Marriage in Vietnam: Recent
Patterns and Future Expectations, Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the
Population Association of America, Dallas, TX.

2010 - Midea M. Kabamalan and L.B. Williams, Correlates of Nonmarital Fertility in

the Philippines, Poster presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population
Association of America, Dallas, TX.
2009 - Discussant, Session on Transnational Communities, Social Networks and
International Migration, at the XXVI International Population Conference of
The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Marrakesh,

2009 - L.B.Williams. Session Organizer, Section on Sociology of the Family / Immigrant and
Transnational Families, Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association,
San Francisco, CA, August.

2009 - L.B.Williams and Marie Joy B. Arguillas, Educational Aspirations and Outcomes: Experiences
of Children of Overseas Filipino Workers Paper presented at the annual meetings of the
Rural Sociological Society, Madison, WI, July-August.

2009 - Deladem Kusi-Appouh, Eunice Rodriguez, Jennifer Tiffany, Josephine Allen, and
L.B.Williams, Communicating with Adults about Health: Findings from a Rural Peer
Network. Poster presented at the Population Association of America, Detroit, MI, April.

2008 - L.B.Williams Changing Attitudes toward Marriage in Rural Thailand, Vietnam, and the
Philippines,Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological
Association, August.

2008 - L.B.Williams Kids These Days: Their Changing Attitudes toward Marriage in
Thailand, Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Rural Sociological Society,
Manchester, NH, August.

2008 - L.B.Williams Attitudes Toward Marriage in Vietnam: Rural and Urban Comparisons, Paper
presented at the 20th Annual Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference,
Cedarville, OH, June.

2007 - Alaka M. Basu, L.B.Williams, and Deladem Kusi-Appouh, Religious Differentials in

Child Survival in India: Some unexpected findings, Paper presented at the annual
meetings of the Population Association of America, New York, NY.

2006 - Marie Joy B. Arguillas and L.B.Williams, The Consequences of Overseas Employment
of Parents on the Educational Success of Filipino Children, Paper presented at the
annual meetings of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, CA.

2006 - Attitudes toward Marriage and Cohabitation in the Philippines, L.B.Williams, Maria
Midea M. Kabamalan, and Nimfa B. Ogena, Paper presented at the annual meetings of
the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, CA.

2005 - Organizer and Chair, Session on Population and Development, Population Association
of America, Philadelphia, PA.

2005 - Discussant, Session on Marriage in Developing Countries, Population Association of

America, Philadelphia, PA.
2005 - McNally, James and L.B.Williams, Intergenerational Support and Family Composition
of Elderly Households in Cuba, Paper presented at the annual meetings of the
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.

2004 - Thanh-Huyen Vu, L.B.Williams, and Philip Guest, Marriage Patterns in Vietnam: A
New Look, Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological
Association, San Francisco, CA, August.

2004 - Parfait Eloundou-Enyegue and L.B.Williams, Effects of Family Size on Schooling in

African Settings: A Reassessment, Paper presented at the annual meetings of the
American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, August.

2003 - Rachel Safman, L.B.Williams, and Joy Arguillas, Agreement and Consistency in
Reports of Pregnancy Intendedness, Paper presented at the annual meetings of the
American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA, August.

2003 - Philip Guest, L.B.Williams, and Anchalee Varangrat, Remaining single: A continuing
trend in Thailand, Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association
of America, Minneapolis, MN, May.

2002 - Teresa Sobieszczyk and L.B.Williams, Mens and Womens Attitudes and Couple
Agreement Regarding Pregnancy Wantedness in the Philippines, Paper presented at the
Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Atlanta, GA, May.

2002 - Joy Arguillas, Rachel Safman, and L.B.Williams, Causes and Consequences of
Unintended Childbearing: A Range of Experiences, Paper presented at the Annual
Meetings of the Population Association of America, Atlanta, GA, May.

2001 - L.B.Williams, Midea Kabamalan, and Nimfa Ogena, "Attitudes toward Marriage in the
Philippines," Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological
Association, Anaheim, CA.

2001 - L.B.Williams, Philip Guest, Nimfa Ogena, Anchalee Varangrat, Dang Anh, Vu Thanh
Huyen, "Current Attitudes toward Marriage in the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam:
What is Gained and What is Lost in Today's World," Paper presented at the annual
meetings of the Population Association of America, Washington, D.C., March.

2001 - Discussant: Session on Interactions among Attitudes, Preferences, and Fertility. Annual
meetings of the Population Association of America, Washington, D.C., March.


2012 - GRA award from Cornell Population Center for the study of Migration, Education, and
Inequality in Northern Thailand (To work with Amanda Flaim)
2010 - Seed Grant from Cornell Population Center to study Transnational Marriage Migration.

2009 - Rapid Response Grant, Cornell Population Program, for early development of edited
volume on Southeast Asian Demographic Change, $1833.

2007 - Grant from the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies. The
Consequences of Overseas Employment of Parents on the Educational Success of
Filipino Children, $8,000.

2003 - Grant from the Polson Institute for Global Development, Changing Attitudes toward
Marriage in Rural Southeast Asia, $6,000.

1998 - Grant from the Bronfenbrenner Life Course Center, "Transitions to Marriage and
Partnering: New Patterns in Southeast Asia," $10,000.

1996 - Grant from the Bronfenbrenner Life Course Center, "Unintended Pregnancy in the United
States: In-depth Interviews," $6,500.00.

1995 - Grant from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: "Unintended
Childbearing in the U.S. - A Look Forward and A Look Back."
Year 1- $74,336; Year 2 - $38,621; Total both years - $112,957

1994 - Summer Travel Grant, College of Life Science and Agriculture, Cornell University that
facilitated visit with colleagues in research institutes in Thailand and the Philippines.


2000- 2007 Summer travel and research funding from Cornells Southeast Asia Program.

1992-1993 Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, Population Studies Center, University of

Michigan, Ann Arbor.

1991-1992 National Institute on Aging Postdoctoral Fellowship, Population Studies Center,

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

1985 Ford Foundation Fellowship, Population Studies and Training Center, Department of
Sociology, Brown University.

1982-1986 National Institutes of Health Trainee-ship, Population Studies and Training Center,
Department of Sociology, Brown University.


Development Sociology 6380/4380 Population and Development
Development Sociology 6300/4300 Human Migration: Internal and International
Development Sociology 6150 Qualitative Research Methods
Development Sociology 6120 Population and Development in Asia
Development Sociology 2010 Population Dynamics

Other courses:
Rural Sociology 630 Field Research Methods and Strategies (Graduate Seminar)
Rural Sociology 214 Research Methods for the Social Sciences (Undergraduate
Asian Studies 403 Graduate Reading Course on Women in Indonesia
Development Sociology 480 The Changing Family in Asia (Upper level undergraduate
seminar, co-taught with Stefan Klonner (Economics) as part of
the Institute for Social Sciences Evolving Family Theme



Former Member, Institute for the Social Sciences and its inaugural theme project, The Evolving
Member, Southeast Asia Program Executive Committee
Associate Director, Population and Development Program
Former Steering Committee Member, Polson Institute for Global Development
Former Member, CIIFAD Program Committee
Member, Field of Asian Studies
Member, CIPA
Former Member, Field of Community and Rural Development
Member and former Director of Graduate Studies, Field of Development Sociology
Member, Field of Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Member, Field of International Development


1985 -present Research on family dynamics in Southeast Asia, most recently in the Philippines.

1997 Workshop on Conservation Farming in Tropical Uplands, with Cornell International

Institute for Food, Agriculture, and Development, Bilar Agricultural College, Bohol, The
Philippines, July.

1991-1998 Collaborative research undertaken at the University of the Philippines, Quezon City:
study of unmet need for contraception among rural and urban, female and male, married
and unmarried subgroups of the Filipino population.
1993-1995 Collaborative research with the Institute for Population and Social Research at Mahidol
University and Srinakharinwirot University in Thailand: study of families' decisions
about children's continuation to secondary school in rural communities.

1991-1993 Collaborative research undertaken at the University of the Philippines, Quezon City
regarding the well-being of the elderly.

1993-1995 Involvement in Cornell's portion of Family Health International's Women's Studies

Project: general participation in study review and specific involvement in the Indonesia
component of the project. Conducted a workshop on proposal writing for local
investigators in Indonesia in June of 1995.

1990 Population Institute study tour of Zimbabwe: examination of Zimbabwe's population

program, emphasizing health, environmental, and political issues.

1988 Population Institute study tour of Indonesia: examination of the demographic profile (past
and present), population policies, and goals and objectives. Reviewed in some detail the
information, education, and communications (IEC) campaign central to Indonesia's
family planning program.

1985 Dissertation research: Jakarta and rural Central Java, Indonesia. Dissertation committee:
Frances Kobrin Goldscheider (Chair), Sidney Goldstein, and Alden Speare, Jr. Title:
"Migration, Women's Intra-familial Decision-making Power, and Fertility: The Case of
Rural Central Java."


American Sociological Review

Children and Society
Family Planning Perspectives
International Family Planning Perspectives
International Migration Review
Journal of Comparative Family Studies
Journal of Cross-cultural Gerontology
Journal of Marriage and Family
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Population Research and Policy Review
Population Studies
Rural Sociology (Reviewer and Former Associate Editor)
Sex Roles: A Journal of Research
Social Forces
Social Problems
Social Science and Medicine
Studies in Comparative International Development
Studies in Family Planning
Women and Health
Women and Politics

American Sociological Association Association for Asian Studies
Population Association of America Rural Sociological Society

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