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Column 15

column calculation
column number grade of concrete M20 and HYSD 415
axial load
P= 29.6 KN
Ma(Hor.)= 1.127 Mb(Ver.)= 1.2069 KN.m
Length of column= 3.3 m effective length of column= 2.145 m
Column dim.= 0.25 0.25
b(m) d(m)
le/D= 8.58 < 12 short column (cl.-25.1.2) check

ea= 38.0743243 mm eb= 40.77365 mm check

Minimum eccentricities(Cl.-25.4)
ea min= 14.9333333 mm eb min.= 14.93333 mm
eccentricity classification:-
62.5 <ea,eb< 375 check
combined compression and bending-case3
cbc= 7 21)
cc= 5 Mpa
m(modular ratio)= 13.33333333
Taking the minimum reinforcement(code value 0.8% Gross area)(Cl.
take reinforcement= 2 %
Asc= 1250 mm2
effective cover= 0.04 m
Ae= 77916.6667 mm2
Iea= 328758333 mm2 Ieb= 328758333 mm2
direct stress,c c'=P/Ae= 0.379893048 N/mm2
Bending stress due to Ma is (cbc)'a=(Ma*D/2Ia)= 0.42850625 N/mm2
Bending stress due to Mb is (cbc)'b=(Mb*D/2Ia)= 0.45888571 N/mm2
total bending stress= ((cbc)'a+(cbc)'b)= 0.887392 Mpa
design based on un cracked section:-
(cc'/cc)+(cbc'/cbc)= 0.202749 <=1

hence ok

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