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1-1 Surface Program Faculty FAQ

1. What is the expectation for my use of the Surfaces in my classroom?

We recognize that everyone is at a different level and has various skills related to technology use and
technology integration. The use of the surfaces will look different in every classroom. Each faculty
member should be setting technology integration goals after meeting with a member of the technology
team, set action steps, and implement those action steps. Faculty members are expected to try new
things, collaborate with colleagues, and share successes and failures related to technology integration.
Technology is a powerful tool that can engage students in the learning process, differentiate instruction,
inspire creativity, and transform classrooms into environments that are student centered and
2. What should I do if I have a behavioral concern related to the Surface use?
Students are expected to adhere to the Computer and Network Policy distributed and communicated
during orientation. If the schools Computer and Network Policy is violated, the student will receive a
warning. Upon a second offense, the Surface will be confiscated until the end of the day. For a third
offense and thereafter, the Surface will be confiscated and it will be only returned to the students
parents or guardians by the Dean of Students. Connelly School of the Holy Child also reserves the right
to monitor Internet access while the Surface is at the school. The school also reserves the right to access
the students files in the Surface and Office 365 due to students misconduct or the violation of the
schools Computer and Network Policy.
3. Who is financing the 1-1 Surface program?
A technology fee has been added to tuition that covers the cost of the device. The device is the property
of Holy Child until the student graduates at which time the device becomes the property of the
4. What should students do if their Surface is damaged?
Each Surface device is covered by a 2 year Microsoft Complete Care warranty. The warranty will cover
any accidental damage for up to 2 incidents within the first 2 years of use. With a third incident, the
parent will be responsible for any cost associated with the repairs or replacement of the device. If the
Surface is damaged, please contact the Technology Department immediately for support. If the Surface
needs to be shipped back to Microsoft for repair while in warranty, you will receive a provisional Surface
until your device is fixed. If the device is damaged and it is no longer under warranty, please contact the
Technology Department for options available for you to replace the device. If the device is lost while it
was in your possession, your parents will be responsible for any replacing costs of the Surface device.
Parents could also opt to extend the initial 2 year Microsoft Complete Care warranty by another 2 years
in the local Microsoft Store located at Montgomery Mall within the first 45 days of use.
5. Is there a program that allows me to see or limit what students have access to during class?
LanSchool is a program that will be installed on each students' Surface and each faculty members
computer. Check out the LanSchool training during the Speed Innovating Session and further training in
the fall.
6. I don't have freshmen next year, what should I do in the meantime?
The following recommendations are for middle school 8th grade students that will bring their own
device during the 2016-2017 academic year. An email should be sent to parents before classes start.

All Macs or Windows laptops or tablets should have the latest version of Office installed in the
Office for Macs and PCs can be downloaded for free from the school Office 365 site. Students just
need their school email account and password to login to Office 365 to download the software.
Then they can use the same Office 365 account to activate the Office applications. Students can
install Office for free in up to 5 devices.
All iPads and all other tablets users can download the Office applications from the app store and
then connect to Office 365 using their school username and password.
Office apps include Word, Excel, Power Point, OneNote, and OneDrive.
Office apps can also be installed in smart phones. Smart phones should be only used in classroom
when the teacher allows it. Smartphones are not suitable for long assignments.
BYOD laptops and tablets can only connect to theHolyChildGuestnetwork.
Smartphones should not be connected to any Holy Child wireless networks.

7. What should I do if something I'm using (my Surface, projector, printer) isn't working?
The technology department is ready and able to help fix and troubleshoot any issues that might arise.
Send an email to, stop by any of their offices, or call them. There will be some
training next year to help faculty know small troubleshooting techniques to help students as issues
8. What can I anticipate my students knowing when they come to class?
The technology department and committee has planned strategically with the academic and student life
offices to make space for basic training during orientation. This training will be very basic and will need
to be reinforced by faculty in their classrooms throughout the school year. The training plan involves
Microsoft Surface, Office 365, and Veracross log in as well as Basic Training with Windows 10 and Office
365. More detailed descriptions for training will be distributed at the beginning of the school year.
9. Do we have a technology curriculum?
A technology curriculum is being mapped based on the ISTE Standards for Students. Throughout the
next year this curriculum will be mapped and support will be given for implementing these skills into
classroom lessons and curriculum over a wide range of disciplines.

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