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Part I: Boyles Law

Data and Observations:

1. Describe the relationship that you observed between pressure and volume in this
lab. Refer to your data and/or graph to help support your answer.
The data represents that when you increase the volume, the pressure decreases.

2. Do you think there is a point at which volume cannot be decreased any further for
this sealed container of gas? Explain your answer in terms of what you know
about the properties and characteristics of gases.
Because the molecules are so tightly packed, there will be no room between the
two for the molecules to move around. The gas would then turn into a liquid, and
the volume will not be able to be decreased any further.

Part II: Charless Law

Data and Observations:

1. Describe the relationship between volume and temperature, referring to your
data and/or graph to support your answer.
As you can see; as the temperature increases, so does the volume. Charless
law proves this by saying that temperature and volume are directly proportional.

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