Oftware Evelopment Ethodologies Agile

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In 2009, Agile was making the transition from the latest fad in software development to an
emerging, respectable trend and the business analysis community was beginning to get actively
engaged in the discussion.

As of 2009, the roles of the Agile Business Analyst or Agile Requirements are just beginning to take
shape. Ellen Gottesdiener has published a useful list of resources about Agile Analysis and Agile
Requirements: http://www.ebgconsulting.com/agile-ModernAnalyst.pdf

Note: Variations of agile approaches exist, such as Scrum, Extreme Programming, and Feature-Driven
Development. In addition, Lean Principles provide an even broader classification than agile,
encompassing principles that apply within and outside software development with their roots in the
manufacturing industry. There are significant philosophical and semantic debates over how to define
these terms and processes. Most of the differences revolve around development techniques and not
core principles and have very little direct impact on the business analysis role.

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