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Subject Grammar I Content Verb to be in Past Simple

Teacher Date May 24th, 2017
Instructions -Read every instruction Unit 4 Past Simple
to complete the given
- DO NOT use your cell-
phone in class.
I.- Complete the charts with the right form of Verb to Be in Simple Past Tense.

II.- Read the text and highlight every Verb to be in Simple Past Tense.
III.- Fill in the blanks with Was / Were

1. Mary and Susan were ill yesterday.

2. The weather . very hot last Saturday.
3. The students .. at the theater last night.
4. Betty .. in Germany last summer.
5. My brother and I .. at the football stadium on Saturday.
6. . it cold yesterday?

IV.- Put these sentences into Past Simple. Use past form of verb To Be.


Example: Im at home. .. I was at home

1. Jane and Michael are tired.

2. Shes in the park.
3. Its a sunny day.
4. Youre late.
5. They arent hungry.
6. We arent at work.
7. Im thirsty.
8. You arent at school.

V.- Complete the text with the correct form of To be.

Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were.. two of the

most popular film comedians of all time. They were
born in 1890 and 1892 respectively.
Stan Laurels real name . Arthur
Jefferson. He .. from England. Oliver
Hardy English, he was from Georgia,
Laurel and Hardy in their late 30s
when they met. Their first film together
Putting Pants on Philip (1927). They .
funny because they were so different. Laurel
small and thin. Hardy . big
and fat. Their most famous films . Way
Out West (1937) and Blockheads (1938). They

in any serious films, only comedies.
VI.- Write questions and answers. Use the past tense of to be.

VII.- Write sentences according to the given form. Create sentences about the Super Mario game.



I wasnt
Interrogative important in
Form the past. I still

See you

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